SME Directory as of January 2017
Subject Area
The responsibilities of todays Air Force civil engineers span nearly every discipline of engineering and beyond. Our engineers
frequently are called upon to provide a wide range of expertise to support commanders at the installation, combatant and major
command levels. Because every civil engineer cannot be the authority in every area of engineering, the Air Force Civil Engineer
Center ensures subject matter experts are available to them.
Each of our civilian SMEs oers the unique blend of experience, education and training to be the Air Force’s authority in an area of
expertise. SMEs provide continuity, as well as assurance that our civil engineering “know-how” keeps pace with lessons learned,
changing technology, federal guidance and industry standards. The standards and criteria they publish help Air Force civil engi-
neers work more skillfully and eciently.
Although they might have gone by another name, subject matter experts have served within civil engineering for more than 40
years. Most SMEs have a master’s degree or higher in their functional area, are registered professionals (or the equivalent) and are
recognized as an expert by their peers and industry. Many within the Department of Defense and outside the Air Force benet
from civil engineering’s subject matter expertise. They include joint working groups, industry partners and vendors, professional
organizations and research programs.
On any given day, AFCEC SMEs can be found resolving issues impacting their area of expertise, developing technical guidance,
giving advice to major command or installation engineers, working with national laboratories to advance the art of engineering,
developing and advocating for required technical courses or mentoring technical personnel across the Air Force. Collectively, our
SMEs represent a vast wealth of engineering knowledge and technical expertise. We hope you use the following pages to learn
about the areas of expertise and take every advantage of this valuable resource.
61 Air Base Recovery and Acquisition
Air Base Requirements
Aireld Criteria, Markings, Aircraft Arresting Systems
62 Air Resource Management
Antiterrorism, Security and Small Arms Ranges
63 Construction Criteria
Corrosion Control
Cultural Resources Management
Electrical: Aireld Lighting/Lightning/Grounding Systems
64 Electrical Engineering Power and Lighting
Emergency Management
Energy Conservation
Energy Savings Performance Contracts
65 Energy Surety
Environmental Impact Analysis
Expeditionary Engineering
Explosive Ordnance Disposal
66 Facility Cybersecurity
Fire Emergency Services
Fire Protection Engineering
Fuels Facilities
67 Geotechnical and Structural Engineering
Hazardous Materials, Hazardous Waste
and Pollution Prevention
Installation Planning
68 Life Cycle Cost Engineering
Life Health Safety Engineering
Mechanical Engineering/HVAC
Natural Resources Management
69 Operations Maintenance
Overseas Environmental
Pest Management
70 Project Management
Real Property/Asset Management
Remedial Systems
71 Roong and Asbestos Abatement
Sustainable Design and Development
Toxicology and Risk Management
Utility Rate Management
72 Water Quality
Scope: The Air Base Recovery and Acquisition program
provides guidance related to the formulation of planning and
development policy for worldwide air base recovery and expert
guidance on technology development and acquisition strate-
gies. The SME is the Air Force’s authority in air base recovery
planning for all actions (peacetime, pre-attack actions, trans-at-
tack, post-attack, etc.). The SME leads investigations of opera-
tional deciencies and provides guidance to support research
and development strategies for air base recovery of infrastruc-
ture worldwide to improve design, construction operations and
maintenance criteria and standards, and overall base resiliency.
Furthermore, the SME is the primary interface with the research
development test and evaluation community to assure research
investments and development in support of CE agile combat
support capabilities, including resiliency theories. She also pre-
pares technical articles, engineering technical letters, guidance,
training and other ocial publications and represents the Air
Force on committees and technical working groups while stay-
ing current on policy and technical developments.
Vision: Ensure short- and long-term air base operational ca-
pability through program development and research strategies
toward air base protection, resiliency and recovery technologies
Scope: The Air Force Air Base Requirements SME is responsi-
ble for providing expert advice to the Air Force civil engineer, air
sta, major commands, AFIMSC, AFCEC and base commanders
for air base systems, equipment, technology and data ensuring
agile combat support capabilities are identied for establish-
ment, protection, sustainment and transition of expeditionary,
in-garrison and contingency installations and air bases. He is
Requirements Management Certied at B+. He has authority
and responsibility for air base policy and requirements pro-
cesses relative to worldwide civil engineer mission capabilities
and air base mission capability objectives identied in defense
planning guidance and national military strategy and ow-
down strategic guidance. He is responsible for the CE capability
baseline as related to Air Force task list. He leads CE air base
capability requirements through the Joint Capabilities Inte-
gration and Development System or functional requirements
process and directs air base operational capability requirements
document development. He provides technical information,
programming and budgeting estimates, and high-level capabil-
ity performance objectives to support CE air base requirements
and acquisition.
Vision: Deliver an accurate capabilities baseline to compare
current capabilities and future operational capabilities/gaps
leading to solutions for maintaining air dominance
Scope: The Aireld Criteria, Aireld Markings and Aircraft
Arresting Systems SME provides technical assistance in three
areas. The SME works closely with the Air Force Life Cycle Cost
Management Center at Robins AFB, Georgia, which procures
aircraft arresting systems, and the Air Force Installation and
Mission Support Center, which provides program management.
The SME promotes design and construction excellence, devel-
ops design criteria for Air Force facilities, oers technical consul-
tation and represents the Air Force on the Tri-Service Aviation
Discipline Working Group to develop consolidated DOD engi-
neering standards and criteria. The program is wide ranging,
covering criteria for aireld layout, design, imaginary surfaces
and proper siting clearances. The program also encompasses
guidance for the aireld waiver process. The SME interfaces with
the Air Force Flight Standards Agency, the other services, the
Federal Aviation Administration and NATO to develop common
standards. The SME provides assistance to Air Force engineers,
community planners, foreign military sales program managers
and system program oces.
Vision: Facilitate safe aireld operations through proper
siting criteria for facilities in and around operational aireld
to contact any SME:
850-283-6995 DSN 312-523-6995
888-232-3721 Fax 850-283-6193
Subject Matter Experts
Air Base Recovery
and Acquisition
Alessandra Bianchini, Ph.D., PE, AFCEC/CX
Air Base Requirements
Robert “Ken” Crowe, AFCEC/CX
Aireld Criteria, Markings,
Aircraft Arresting Systems
Barry Mines, Ph.D., PE, AFCEC/CO
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Air Force Civil Engineer Vol. 24 No. 2, Winter 2016 Air Force Civil Engineer Vol. 24 No. 2, Winter 2016
Scope: The Air Resource Management program promotes air
quality compliance excellence, develops execution policy/guid-
ance, oers technical consultation/advice and tracks regulatory
compliance. The program provides the compliance tools, tech-
nical resources, expertise, process ow charts, playbooks and
techniques to achieve regulatory compliance with the Clean Air
Act. In addition, the program assists installations in determining
the most relevant air quality standards and implementing the
most ecient and eective management approaches. ARM aids
in evaluating air quality compliance through annual air emis-
sion inventories, greenhouse gas inventory reports, compliance
certications, training and assistance with the permitting, air
quality impact analysis and general conformity processes. The
program executes an eective and sustainable dual Dem-
ing cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) approach for both long- and
short- term continuous quality improvement in regulatory risk
reduction, personnel prociency and contingency planning.
The program strategically executes guidance/policy interven-
tions that mandated eective permit compliance and record-
keeping procedures. The program also identies new/evolving
air-quality requirements.
Vision: To protect the Air Force mission by enhancing natu-
ral infrastructure resources through regulatory compliance, risk
minimization, professional competency and pursuing emissions
Scope: The Antiterrorism program provides guidance and
criteria on facility security engineering to mitigate the risk from
terrorist attacks and protect Air Force assets. The SME manages
the program; promotes site planning, design and construction
compliance; develops design criteria; oers technical consulta-
tion; provides experience; and represents the Air Force on the
Tri-Service Security Engineering Working Group developing
DOD engineering standards and criteria for facility antiterror-
ism mitigation. The program covers both garrison and expe-
ditionary requirements. Security engineering encompasses a
wide range of threats, including explosive devices, direct- and
indirect-red weapons, airborne hazards, forced entry and
surveillance. The SME also manages Air Force small arms range
design and construction criteria and standard facility drawings.
The small arms range SME works in collaboration with the Air
Force Security Force Center and the Air Force Medical Support
Agency to review the design of all new and rehabilitated ranges
and to maintain safe operations of Air Force ranges.
Vision: Improve protection against terrorism for DOD per-
sonnel and other assets with enhanced planning and design
standards in new and existing facilities
Scope: The Architecture program provides guidance on
facility architecture, interior design, landscape architecture and
sustainability, as well as tools, resources, expertise, processes,
technical information and techniques to achieve design excel-
lence in these areas. The Architecture SME is responsible for
program guidance, policies, promotion and implementation.
The SME develops design criteria for Air Force facilities and
represents the Air Force on DOD and technical panels, such as
the Tri-Service Architecture Discipline Working Group under the
Unied Facility Criteria program. The SME works with the career
eld manager on mentoring, training, education, recruitment,
retention and professional registration opportunities. The SME
also manages design standards, accessibility and design tech-
nology issues.
Vision: To facilitate and advance the conuence of archi-
tects’, interior designers’ and landscape architects’ skills, knowl-
edge, creativity, commitment, vision and resources to promote
and sustain design excellence of Air Force facilities
Scope: The Chemistry program promotes the acquisition
of defensible quality data by providing guidance on chemistry
practices and quality systems and supplementing with training,
consultative expertise and other specialized technical informa-
tion to support environmental restoration goals and objectives.
The Chemistry SME is responsible for the advocacy and imple-
mentation of environmental data acquisition policies and for
oversight of the design, planning, implementation and review
of environmental quality systems, including life-cycle project
planning, data collection and review and technical consultation.
The SME represents the Air Force on tri-service and interagency
workgroups and committees — such as the DOD Environmental
Data Quality Workgroup and the Intergovernmental Data Qual-
ity Task Force — developing standards of chemistry practice
of interest to the Air Force and the DOD. The SME provides Air
Force oversight for the DOD Environmental Laboratory Ac-
creditation Program to ensure analytical testing consistency and
compliance with the DOD Quality Systems Manual.
Vision: Promote good chemistry practices and systematic
project planning in the acquisition of quality data to support
defensible decision-making
Scope: The SME focuses on preventing and mitigating mate-
rial deterioration of facilities and infrastructure by addressing
the four areas of corrosion control: cathodic protection, protec-
tive coatings, industrial water treatment and design/material
selection. The SME represents the Air Force on the Department
of Defense Corrosion Prevention and Control Working Inte-
grated Process Teams, which develop criteria, tools and training
to prevent and mitigate corrosion degradation of DOD assets to
include facilities and infrastructure. The SME is also the Air Force
Facilities and Infrastructure representative on the AF Corrosion
Prevention and Control Working Group, which researches, pre-
dicts and prevents corrosion while managing corrosion-related
strategies for acquisition, construction and maintenance of
equipment, weapons, facilities and infrastructure. The working
group identies pervasive corrosion issues, provides advocacy
within member organizations and monitors corrosion activi-
ties related to safety, cost and system availability. The ultimate
outcomes of the group’s activities are enhanced systems safety,
higher systems availability and lower operating costs.
Vision: Provide new technologies, training, updated policy
and accurate requirements identication to mitigate and pre-
vent corrosion degradation of facilities and infrastructure
Scope: The program comprises three broad categories:
prehistoric and historic archaeology; historic buildings and
structures; and American Indian tribal issues (including those
of Native Alaskans and Hawaiians). The SME is responsible for
program guidance, policies, promotion, assistance and imple-
mentation of and adherence to the National Historic Preserva-
tion Act; the Archaeological Resources Protection Act; and
the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act,
among others. The SME oversees and directs the Air Force CRM
Program, including organizing an annual Air Force CRM work-
shop; chairing the Cultural Resources Panel; developing and
updating AFIs (e.g., 90-2002, “Air Force Interactions With Feder-
ally Recognized Tribes” and AFI 32-7065, “Cultural Resources
Management”); managing the cultural resources eDASH page
and playbook; and collecting, compiling and reporting CRM
and Native American data required by air sta, the Department
of Defense, the Department of Interior and Congress. The SME
represents the Air Force on a variety of DOD and other federal
agency working groups, committees and teams.
Vision: Increase mission capacity on bases and ranges by
creative compliance, accurate inventories, expert planning and
engagement with stakeholders and commanders
Scope: The SME ensures technical references comply with
current National Fire Protection Act, National Electric Code,
DOD, Air Force and other guidance and provides technical
information to installations and commands to assist with system
design. The SME reviews designs within the electronic controls
realm and provides comments. The SME remains current on
new technology and decides when this technology is reliable
enough and maintainable enough for Air Force use. The SME
provides interpretation of all AFIs and UFCs within controls top-
ics and directs the focus of the bases to intent rather than meet-
ing a checklist. The SME is a member of NFPA 780 Lightning
Protection Committee and represents the AF during the three-
year process of developing updates. The SME also represents
the U.S. on several NATO panels and working groups and on the
ASIC Agile Combat Support Working Group, ensuring that NATO
and ASIC bases meet, as closely as possible, the standards of the
Air Force.
Vision: Familiarize Air Force personnel with concepts of
equivalency and intent, and remove focus from checklists that
create unnecessary expense and work
Scope: The Air Force Construction Criteria program encom-
passes technical development, implementation and problem
resolution for programming, design and construction of Air
Force facilities. The SME serves as the Air Force’s nal technical
authority for matters relating to construction criteria. These
criteria include, but are not limited to, government/agency
policies; laws and regulations; Unied Facility Criteria; and vari-
ous building codes. The SME represents Air Force interests on
numerous committees and working groups, including the Co-
ordinating Panel for Unied Facility Criteria and the Board of Di-
rection for the Whole Building Design Guide. The SME provides
implementation guidance on new construction techniques and
technologies, and the introduction of such technologies to the
Air Force. The Construction Criteria SME is responsible for tech-
nical matters concerning overall building construction and how
best to integrate various systems into single projects.
Vision: Increase construction criteria knowledge and main-
tain continuous process improvement to better identify and
evaluate Air Force construction criteria
Air Resource Management
Francisco Castaneda III, PE, AFCEC/CZ
Antiterrorism, Security
and Small Arms Range
Je Nielsen, PE, AFCEC/CO
Randall L. Lierly, RA, AFCEC/CF
G. Cornell Long, AFCEC/CZ
Corrosion Control
Robert J. “Bob” Evans Jr., AFCEC/CO
Cultural Resources Management
James D. Wilde, Ph.D., Registered Professional
Archaeologist, AFCEC/CZ
Electrical: Aireld Lighting/
Lightning/Grounding Systems
Joanie Campbell, PE, AFCEC/CO
Construction Criteria
David M. Duncan, RA, LEED AP, AFCEC/CF
62 63
Air Force Civil Engineer Vol. 24 No. 2, Winter 2016 Air Force Civil Engineer Vol. 24 No. 2, Winter 2016
Scope: The SME delivers guidance on electrical power supply
and distribution; energy security, lighting and controls; station-
ary battery rooms; emergency and standby generators; interior
and exterior electrical systems; and electrical safety. The pro-
gram is wide-ranging, covering many aspects of conventional
facility design, repair, operation, maintenance and electrical
safety. The SME manages the program, promotes design and
construction excellence, develops design criteria for Air Force
facilities, oers electrical technical consultation, provides experi-
ence and represents the Air Force on the Tri-Service Electrical
Working Group. The working group develops unied DOD
engineering standards and criteria for facilities and infrastruc-
ture with authority over electrical code issues in the U.S. Central
Command area of responsibility.
Vision: Facilitate and advance the conuence of electrical
engineering skill, knowledge, creativity and commitment to
promote and sustain facility design excellence
Scope: The Emergency Management program provides
emergency management and chemical, biological, radiologi-
cal, nuclear defense guidance, policy, training products and
logistical support to Air Force installations worldwide. The
main mission of EM and CBRN personnel is saving lives while
minimizing the loss or degradation of resources to continue,
sustain and restore combat support operational capability in an
all-hazards” physical threat environment. The ancillary missions
of the program are to support homeland defense operations
and to provide support to civil and host-nation authorities. The
program incorporates in-garrison and deployed forces’ cross-
functional actions to implement integrated homeland defense,
medical, CBRN, antiterrorism, force protection and crisis and
consequence management operations and requirements.
Vision: Ensure the Air Force has a single, integrated “all-
hazards” program that eectively and eciently protects the
Air Force community and mission capability; leveraging joint,
interagency and civilian capacity as necessary while ensuring
continued operational capability
Scope: As the DOD’s largest energy consumer, the Air Force
has an obligation to taxpayers to proactively manage energy
and water consumption and apply sound engineering prac-
tices to minimize use while assuring mission readiness. The
Energy Conservation SME provides expert engineering solu-
tions, enabling installations to reduce and conserve critical
commodities through promulgation of energy conservation
opportunities and implementing new and innovative technolo-
gies and programs. The SME also provides expert oversight
and management of programs designed to reduce energy and
water consumption, such as resource eciency managers and
deployment of the AF Advance Meter Reading System. The SME
provides expertise for all levels of project and policy implemen-
tation, training and assistance to improve energy performance,
serves on interagency working groups and provides technical
support with energy- and water-ecient products and renew-
able energy technology.
Vision: Ensure Air Force installations worldwide emphasize
energy and water conservation through innovative engineering,
while maintaining mission readiness
Scope: The Air Force is DOD’s largest energy consumer and
has an obligation to reduce energy, water and petroleum use,
as well as greenhouse gas emissions. ESPC/UESCs are a partner-
ship between a federal agency and an energy service company
or utility provider. The ESPC/UESC SME delivers guidance to
Air Force bases on development of third-party nanced en-
ergy savings contracts. These complex projects require energy
conservation measures that will generate sucient energy cost
savings to pay for the project over the term of the contract. This
requires an unbiased adviser who guides the base acquisition
team through the ESPC/UESC process. The SME provides exper-
tise for all levels of project and policy implementation, training
and assistance to ensure compliance with energy performance,
assistance on interagency working groups, technical support
with energy- and water-ecient products and renewable en-
ergy technology. In summary, the SME assists Air Force bases in
meeting energy-related goals and provides energy leadership.
Vision: With a national energy security focus, SMEs ensure
ESPC/UESCs emphasize energy conservation, renewable energy
and deployment of emerging energy technologies.
Scope: Executes and implements established policy on the
use and management of assigned civil engineer forces sup-
porting the total force posture (Air National Guard, Air Force
Reserves and active duty). Participates in broad and extensive
studies in the management, administration and technical and
professional direction of all functions, which include worldwide
readiness training; readiness program policy implementation
and guidance; military mobile force structure, contingency and
wartime operations planning; civil engineer wartime equi-
page; civilian wartime force posture; and exercise, contingency
deployment support and readiness-related asset management
principles. Applies Air Force and joint military combat support
experience to plan, organize and determine the necessary poli-
cies, regulations, directives, programs, doctrines and procedures
for the establishment and maintenance of assigned major Air
Force programs (e.g. Prime BEEF and RED HORSE).
Vision: Provide best tools and practices to organize, train
and equip innovative Airmen engineers to accomplish Air Force
missions in support of our warghters enhancing air, space and
cyberspace operations across the globe
Scope: The Air Force Explosive Ordnance Disposal SME ad-
vises senior leaders on the development, sustainment and stra-
tegic direction of the EOD program, while providing mentorship
to EOD Airmen across the enterprise. Provides executive man-
agement, planning, programming and technical expertise in all
areas of EOD readiness, support to civil authorities, homeland
defense and combat operations, force protection, range activi-
ties and research, development, test and engineering eorts.
The SME is responsible for oversight and development of EOD
tactics, techniques and procedures, and is the nal authority for
technical issue resolution. Advises on requirements to integrate
EOD response to weapons of mass destruction, nuclear, unex-
ploded explosive ordnance and counter-improvised explosive
device emergencies to support installation commanders’ single-
integrated response programs. Represents the Air Force as
adviser to the Department of Defense Operational Environmen-
tal Executive Steering Committee on Munitions, DOD Explosive
Safety Board and other joint and national level committees
developing DOD and industry EOD and unexploded explosive
ordnance standards.
Vision: Enable all-hazard EOD response across the full-spec-
trum of military operations, leveraging innovative technologies
and employing highly trained Airmen
Scope: The Environmental Impact Assessment program
provides enterprisewide guidance, tools and execution support
to ensure adequate evaluation and consideration of environ-
mental impacts during the federal decision-making process.
The subject matter expert is the Air Force’s authority on envi-
ronmental impact assessment for Air Force actions in the U.S.
and abroad. The SME serves as the senior consultant on issues
related to the execution of the environmental impact analysis
process. The SME conducts policy reviews, prepares technical
articles and presentations, develops training and guidance, and
represents the Air Force on committees and technical working
groups while staying current on policy and technical develop-
ments. The SME provides guidance to Air Force personnel and
organizations on EIAP execution in support of critical Air Force
Vision: Ensure timely support of Air Force mission require-
ments and better, more informed decision-making through
focused and disciplined execution of EIAP
Scope: Energy resiliency means the ability to prepare for and
recover from energy disruptions that impact mission assurance
on Air Force installations. As one of three cornerstones to the
Air Force – mission assurance through energy assurance –
energy surety is vital to the launch and recovery of air and space
vehicles and conducting cyber and space operations. The scope
of energy resiliency includes properly reporting, tracking and
maintaining information on Air Force installation utility distribu-
tion system outages; identifying and mitigating single points of
failure and infrastructure maintenance issues within those dis-
tribution systems through a comprehensive Installation Energy
Master Plan; and nally, consulting with the Air Force Oce of
Energy Assurance, which executes resilient energy projects that
leverage clean and cost-eective technologies.
Vision: Enable, maintain and support Air Force missions with
21st century cyber-secure, cost-eective and resilient energy
Electrical Engineering Power
and Lighting
Rexford Belleville, PE, AFCEC/CO
Emergency Management
Mike Connors, AFCEM, AFCEC/CX
Energy Conservation
F. Paul Carnley, PE, AFCEC/CE
Energy Savings
Performance Contracts
Michael Giniger, PE, AFCEC/CN
Gregory A. Cummings, AFCEC/CX
Explosive Ordnance Disposal
John Olive, Ph.D., AFCEC/CX
Expeditionary Engineering
Environmental Impact Analysis
Michael Ackerman, AFCEC/CZ
Energy Surety
Tarone Watley, MBA, PE, Security +, AFCEC/CO
64 65
Air Force Civil Engineer Vol. 24 No. 2, Winter 2016 Air Force Civil Engineer Vol. 24 No. 2, Winter 2016
Scope: Cybersecurity is a requirement for all Air Force infor-
mation technology systems, including control systems and plat-
form IT. The SME provides technical support that bridges the
civil engineer facilities community and its requirements as an IT
service user with the DOD IT community and its requirements
as a service provider. The SME provides guidance to all levels of
Air Force leadership with strategic eorts that enable facility-
related cybersecurity to the DOD, Air Force, and Air Force civil
engineer community; provides technical support to incorporate
facility-related cybersecurity requirements into the products of
AFCEC directorates; inform AFCEC and AF civil engineer squad-
rons of industry best practices, impact of new technologies and
their security vulnerabilities and the current industry eorts to
secure control systems. The SME also supports initiatives and
eorts to secure funding and policy guidance for an enterprise
strategy that brings cybersecurity and its culture into the AF
Vision: Enable cybersecurity within the Air Force civil engi-
neer community through guidance, technical support and the
advocacy of resources
Scope: The Fire Emergency Services SME develops policy
guidance and training products and provides logistical support
with the primary mission of saving lives, property and the envi-
ronment from the eects of res, hazardous materials, weapons
of mass destruction and natural or man-made disasters. In ad-
dition, reghters stabilize and mitigate an incident or event to
sustain and restore combat support operational capability at all
Air Force installations worldwide. The SME serves as the chair-
man of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Crash Fireght-
ing Rescue Panel and as a principal member of the national
consensus code and standard writing committees that develop
National Fire Protection Association standards. The SME helps
manage and execute the re vehicle modernization program
and coordinates with the career eld manager on recruiting,
training, educating and retaining personnel. The SME also man-
ages and maintains program accreditation for the DOD Fire and
Emergency Services Certication System.
Vision: Build America’s premier re and emergency services
capability to save lives, property and protect the environment
Scope: The Fire Protection Engineering SME recommends
policy, provides guidance and coordinates the exchange of
information on all matters related to re protection engineering
management throughout the Air Force. The SME ensures eec-
tive programs to support mission continuity and provides oper-
ational and maintenance guidance. The SME represents the Air
Force on the DOD Fire Protection Engineering Working Group
to develop consolidated technical criteria and on the Technical
Support Working Group subgroup for re protection features.
The SME works closely with contract support activities to ensure
that contract templates adequately address installation needs
and with career eld managers to support expeditionary and
force projection initiatives. The SME is a principal member of the
national consensus code and standard writing committees that
prepare the standards for airport facilities, gaseous re extin-
guishing systems and foam-water re extinguishing systems.
Vision: Air Force will lead the nation in criteria for re alarm
systems, hangar re suppression systems and reghter training
Scope: The Fuel Facilities SME provides tools, technical con-
sultation, information and techniques for storing, distributing
and dispensing aviation and ground fuels. This includes transfer
piping, above- and underground storage tanks, pressurized
hydrant fueling systems and vehicle service stations. The SME
represents the Air Force on the DOD Fuels Facility Engineering
Panel, comprising senior technical engineers of each service and
the Defense Logistics Agency. The panel develops and updates
standardized criteria, construction specications and designs
across the DOD. Additionally, the SME is the head of the U.S. del-
egation to the NATO Petroleum Handling Equipment Working
Group responsible for developing and updating NATO stan-
dardization agreements for fuels infrastructure and equipment.
Additionally, the SME is responsible for natural gas systems,
including on-base pipeline infrastructure and back-up systems,
facility plumbing systems, systems for potable water, venting
and wastewater systems in a facility from the facility entrance
or backow preventer. Finally, the SME is responsible for vertical
transportation equipment including elevators, escalators and
Vision: Provide premier engineering expertise to ensure
excellence in design, construction and maintenance of Air Force
ight and ground fuels facilities
Scope: The Air Force Hazardous Materials Management,
Hazardous Waste and Pollution Prevention programs provide
the capability to identify, authorize and track the full life cycle
of hazardous chemicals across the Air Force to meet regulatory
reporting and achieve environmental risk reduction. Hazard-
ous materials and hazardous waste data are used to support
compliance with Clean Air Act and Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act requirements. The HM program also autho-
rizes and tracks hazardous chemicals to meet executive order
requirements for the Emergency Planning and Community
Right-to-Know Act. The SME guides the HM program, promotes
RCRA compliance excellence, develops implementing crite-
ria/ guidance, oers technical consultation/advice and tracks
compliance and trends necessary to increase eciencies and
enhance mission capability. The SME also represents the Air
Force on industry and DOD and other federal panels, chairs the
Air Force Hazardous Material and Hazardous Waste Panel and
sponsors and advocates for research and development projects
and regulatory/industry partnerships.
Vision: Provide hazardous chemical data supporting the
authorization, use, disposal, treatment and reporting for all haz-
ardous chemicals required to meet mission requirements
Scope: The Hydrogeology program integrates installations’
geological and hydrological natural resources into natural infra-
structure asset management plans. The SME serves as AFCECs
technical authority for remedial investigation, which includes
providing tools, resources, expertise, processes, technical
information and techniques to help remedial project managers
make informed decisions at contaminated Air Force sites. The
SME is responsible for overall program guidance, promotion
and implementation and supports Air Force and DOD leaders
on geology and hydrology matters. The SME also manages the
Conceptual Site Model Program and provides leadership for site
characterization and development of initial exit strategies. The
SME oversees eld activities and background studies for metals
and emerging contaminants, and provides services for fate and
transport, reviews and project validation. The SME mentors,
trains and guides Air Force project managers and asset manage-
ment environmental professionals, and advises the CE career
eld program on education, recruitment, retention and profes-
sional registration opportunities.
Vision: Ensure that asset management divisions have an ef-
fective, ecient and reliable resource to provide critical geologi-
cal and hydrological consultation for an installation’s natural
Scope: The Air Force planning program leverages adaptive
reuse, new development and advanced planning concepts
to enhance infrastructure performance and capability while
maintaining the balance of essential services, reduced resource
consumption and livability. The Installation Planning SME
manages the installation planning program, which provides Air
Force policy, guidance and technical assistance for enterprise
and base comprehensive planning. This includes research and
technical analysis to provide the tools, expertise, policy and
procedures to achieve sustainable and mission-ready instal-
lations. The SME also provides technical support to planners
and various stakeholders at the DOD, Air Sta, AFIMSC and
major command levels; and represents the Air Force with public
agencies, industry and base planning stakeholders. The SME
develops Air Force policies and guidance to implement federal
and DOD regulations. The planning career eld manager and
the SME mentor develop training and professional certication
opportunities. The SME is extensively involved with AFIMSC
transformation and the overall integration of strategic objec-
tives with enterprisewide and base comprehensive planning.
Vision: Guide planning to maintain capabilities and enhance
infrastructure through development and resource conservation
to achieve the vision for right-sized installations
Scope: The Geotechnical and Structural Engineering SME
provides guidance on facility geotechnical and structural
design. The SME interprets and contributes to the development
of design criteria for Air Force facilities, oers geotechnical and
structural engineering technical consultation, provides struc-
tural engineering experience and represents the Air Force on
the tri-service Geotechnical and Structural Discipline working
groups to develop consolidated DOD engineering standards
and criteria. The Geotechnical and Structural engineering pro-
grams are wide-ranging, covering conventional facility design,
seismic engineering and structural hardening. The SME was
recently appointed as the seismic safety coordinator for the Air
Force and assists with the bridge inspection and dam inspec-
tion programs. The SME is a member of the American Concrete
Institute and the Interagency Committee on Seismic Safety in
Vision: Represent the Air Force in all aspects of geotechnical
and structural engineering to promote and sustain design excel-
lence of Air Force facilities
Geotechnical and Structural
Robert Dinan, PhD, PE, AFCEC/CO
Facility Cybersecurity
Timothy Nauman, AFCEC/CO
Fire Emergency Services
Vacant, AFCEC/CX
Fire Protection Engineering
Michael D. Six, PE, AFCEC/CO
Fuels Facilities
Stephen M. Day, PE, AFCEC/CO
Hazardous Materials, Hazardous
Waste and Pollution Prevention
Kevin G. Gabos, CIH, AFCEC/CZ
John Gillespie, AFCEC/CZ
Installation Planning
Vacant, AFCEC/CP
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Air Force Civil Engineer Vol. 24 No. 2, Winter 2016 Air Force Civil Engineer Vol. 24 No. 2, Winter 2016
Scope: The Life Cycle Cost Engineering SME delivers guid-
ance on detailed cost estimating, economic analysis, life-cycle
costing, plant replacement value, area cost factors, requirement
and management plans and cost modeling. The program is
wide-ranging, covering aspects from military construction proj-
ect programming and design and construction cost estimating
to facility sustainment, restoration and modernization forecast-
ing. The SME researches requirements and develops tools for
infrastructure and facility systems; participates in development
of non-Air Force (e.g., DOD or commercial) criteria with potential
impacts to cost engineering programs; and reviews existing
programs for adequate Air Force direction. Additional responsi-
bilities include mission support and eectiveness, the reviews of
new regulatory requirements, as well as the latest technological
developments. The SME represents the Air Force on the Tri-Ser-
vice Cost Engineering Committee to develop area cost factors
and unit cost guidance. The SME is launching the recently CE
Board-approved Cost Estimating Improvement Program, which
has new requirements for training and certication in the use of
cost-estimating tools.
Vision: Facilitate cost-engineering skill, knowledge, creativity
and commitment to promote and leverage current technologies
for facility design and sustainment excellence
Scope: The Life Health Safety Engineering SME serves as the
lead consultant for engineering issues and recommends policy,
provides guidance and coordinates the exchange of information
on all matters related to Life Health Safety engineering man-
agement throughout the Air Force. The SME ensures eective
programs to support mission continuity and provides opera-
tional and maintenance guidance for life, health and safety in
the areas of re protection and facilities, implementation of
public laws, child and youth facilities certication and accredita-
tion, and specialized protection and facility systems, including
nuclear weapons storage areas, water mist re suppression
systems, electronics facility protection, simulators and train-
ing systems, re protection for special electrical systems and
storage batteries, personnel housing, construction safety, fall
protection interfaces, carbon monoxide systems, and mass noti-
cation systems. The SME is a principal member of the national
consensus code and standard-writing committees that prepare
the standards for emergency communication systems, Life
Safety Code, building code, gaseous re extinguishing systems
and water mist re extinguishing systems.
Vision: Air Force will lead the nation in criteria in life, health
and safety for facilities and personnel
Scope: The Mechanical Engineering/HVAC SME is the Air
Force point of contact for all technical issues related to facil-
ity mechanical systems, including air conditioning, heating,
pumping, compressed air and ventilation systems and equip-
ment. The SME crafts/interprets primary design guidance
documents such as the Unied Facilities Criteria and provides
draft language for Air Force Instructions and other Air Force
publications; performs engineering analyses of system perfor-
mance and uses results to adopt applicable design provisions
from industry guidance documents such as ASHRAE and ANSI
Standards; builds software analysis tools to assist mechanical
engineers in the eld; noties higher headquarters of potential
mission impacts due to new/revised regulatory burdens and
nds alternatives to mitigate negative eects; provides technical
guidance to the eld via AFCEC’s Reach-Back Center, or through
articles in AFCEC publications; performs life cycle cost analyses
on new system congurations/products; responds to audits of
Air Force mechanical systems and recommends modications
to applicable guidance documents.
Vision: Provide design guidance to ensure life cycle cost-
eective facility mechanical systems are installed in all new
facilities and major renovations
Scope: The Natural Resources program focuses on devel-
oping Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans that
support installation mission activities while ensuring compli-
ance with environmental laws. The SME ensures those plans
are developed in collaboration with Air Force stakeholders and
coordinated with required federal and state agencies to provide
an installation landscape best suited to sustain military testing
and training activities. The SME tracks legislative and regulatory
activity that may aect federal land management, develops and
disseminates natural resources management guidance, moni-
tors natural resources compliance for the Air Force and provides
technical assistance to the Air Force on all matters related to
land management. The SME supports planning, programming,
budgeting and execution of natural resources management
requirements, to include projects to resolve issues related to en-
dangered species conservation, wildland re management and
protection of sensitive natural resources. The SME also provides
oversight and management of revenue-generating programs
for forest management, agricultural leasing and installation
hunting and shing programs.
Vision: Air Force installation lands support a resilient natural
infrastructure capable of sustaining military mission require-
ments now and in the future
Scope: The Overseas Environmental program provides guid-
ance and direction for sustaining and promoting sound environ-
mental performance in Air Force operations to meet overseas
missions in air, space and cyberspace. The SME provides critical
input in the development of DOD and Air Force overseas envi-
ronmental policy and guides the overseas environmental com-
munity to ensure sustained compliance with applicable regula-
tions. With the proponent and overseas points of contact, the
SME informs ocials of pertinent environmental considerations
when authorizing or approving certain major DOD actions that
do signicant harm to the environment of the global commons,
the environment of a foreign nation or a protected global re-
source. Additionally, the overseas environmental program seeks
to manage nonenduring locations in a manner that sustains
DOD national defense missions and minimizes environmental
Vision: Sustain and promote sound environmental perfor-
mance in Air Force operations to meet our overseas missions
Scope: The SME delivers guidance on design, construction,
evaluation, operation, maintenance, repair and management
of pavements by providing design and management aids, such
as PCASE and PAVER; centralized contracting for and execu-
tion of pavement condition surveys and structural evaluations;
consultation on and research of pavement performance issues;
training on aireld pavement design and project quality control
and assurance; certifying engineers on contingency evaluations;
and orchestrating research among numerous labs and agencies
to develop materials, equipment, methods and guidance. The
SME guides the research, development, testing and evaluation
of aireld damage repair solutions, promotes training opportu-
nities and develops standards, criteria and specications. The
SME works closely with the other services, the Federal Aviation
Administration, Federal Highway Administration, industry rep-
resentatives and NATO to develop common standards. The SME
chairs the tri-service Pavements Design Working Group and the
NATO Aireld Pavement Team and is a member of the Transpor-
tation Research Board.
Vision: Facilitate and advance pavement design, construc-
tion, evaluation, maintenance, repair and management knowl-
edge to cost-eectively sustain the Air Force missions
Scope: The Pest Management SME recommends policy, pro-
vides guidance and coordinates the exchange of information on
all matters related to pest and grounds management through-
out the Air Force. The SME ensures that environmentally sound
and eective programs are present to prevent pests and disease
vectors from adversely aecting operations and that grounds
maintenance contract templates and pest management opera-
tions meet Air Force standards. The SME provides expert aerial
spray consultation for management of disease vectors and pests
that damage natural resources. The SME develops aerial spray
statements of need for control of disease vectors, invasive pests
and weeds that impact health and safety of Air Force personnel.
The SME reviews aerial spray contracts for environmental and
safety requirements. The SME also interacts with the Bird/Wild-
life Aircraft Strike Hazard oce on questions related to vegeta-
tion, insect and vertebrate pest management on airelds. The
SME represents the Air Force on the Armed Forces Pest Manage-
ment Board.
Vision: Provide superior pest and disease vector manage-
ment for the Air Force to meet global mission requirements
Scope: The Operations Maintenance program provides guid-
ance, through standard business processes, governing the full
life cycle of eective infrastructure and facility maintenance
management from work request receipt, prioritization, shop
scheduling and labor reporting, materiel procurement, con-
tracted service delivery and work closeout. The SME interfaces
with Real Property and Cost Accounting program managers
ensuring work task cost accumulation, capitalization and reim-
bursable customer cost accounting complies with CFO, FIAR
and general accounting practices. The SME provides guidance
to the preventive maintenance program and development of
Air Force-unique procedure task lists and uses data analysis to
share best practices, compare to industry trends and inform
sustainment and operations funding. The SME is the operations
functional lead to the FMO for NexGen-related IT programs,
including application functionality and interface development
to other systems using operations data. The SME prepares guid-
ance, training and other ocial publications and represents the
Air Force on committees and technical working groups while
staying current on policy and technical developments.
Vision: Enable enterprisewide operations ight maintenance
management eectiveness through standardized work re-
quests, work execution, materiel support and contract service
Operations Maintenance
Bryan Muller, AFCEC/CO
Life Cycle Cost Engineering
Scott Ward, PE, CCE, AFCEC/CO
Life Health Safety
Raymond N. Hansen, PE, AFCEC/CO
Mechanical Engineering/HVAC
Thomas A. Adams, AFCEC/CO
Natural Resources Management
Kevin Porteck, AFCEC/CZ
Overseas Environmental
Steanie Metzger, PE, AFCEC/CZ
Craig Rutland, Ph.D., PE, AFCEC/CO
Pest Management
Donald A. Tieg, AFCEC/CO
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Air Force Civil Engineer Vol. 24 No. 2, Winter 2016 Air Force Civil Engineer Vol. 24 No. 2, Winter 2016
Scope: The Project Management SME advances Air Force
project management through development of improved
policies and procedures to optimize and standardize project
management practices across the enterprise. The SME works to
continually improve Air Force project management by incorpo-
rating emerging and industrywide standard practices. The SME
is responsible for standardizing work practices; establishing per-
formance metrics; evaluating and implementing, as appropriate,
DOD and industry best practices; developing and executing a
project management training program; and maintaining the Air
Force Design and Construction Project Management Guide. The
SME provides a continuous self-audit of internal AFCEC project
management, and identies root causes of any pervasive per-
formance deciencies across the enterprise in order to develop
and implement corrective action plans. The SME develops,
maintains and serves as manager of an Air Force Project Man-
agement certication program, and partners with the Air Force
Civil Engineer Career Program to provide advice on the recruit-
ment and development of project managers.
Vision: Optimize project management through continuous
evaluation and improvement of practices and adequate training
of Air Force project managers
Scope: The Range Program is divided into two main pro-
grams or focus areas: Operational Range Sustainment and the
Military Munitions Response Program. Both of these programs
are multifaceted; responsibilities include providing tools,
resources, expertise, processes, technical information and
techniques to achieve the diverse goals of both programs. The
Range Program SME is responsible for review and comment
on policies and guidance from the oces of the secretary of
Defense and the secretary of the Air Force and for providing
technical support to air sta, major commands and installations
as required. The SME represents the Air Force on various OSD
working groups. The SME oversees much of the Operational
Range Sustainment Program, including the annual data call
from OSD and the Operational Range Assessment Program, and
provides input to the Air Force Restoration Program Manage-
ment Oce concerning the munitions response program.
Vision: Facilitate/advance sustainability of all Air Force rang-
es, supporting warghter testing and training requirements;
make former ranges safe for future use
Scope: The Real Estate Transactions program provides a
strategically structured approach to acquire, manage and
dispose of Air Force real property land, facilities and leases. The
SME is the real property focal point, responsible for Air Force-
wide accountability and sustainment development, real estate
instruction, policy development, governance oversight, training,
assessments and utilization criteria development, and overall
management of the program to meet Air Force and Depart-
ment of Defense goals and directives. The SME provides expert
consultation and guidance on real property accountability
methods and procedures; coordinates policy and procedures
with the AF auditor general, DOD inspector general, AF general
counsel, General Accounting Oce and other entities; prepares
congressional testimony for senior AF ocials related to real
property matters and attends/briefs as circumstances dictate;
and represents/leads numerous integrated planning teams,
inter-service and interdepartmental committees, task forces and
working groups related to real property management, account-
ability and utilization.
Vision: Maintain mission support while enhancing real
property guidance and training to improve accountability and
sustainment of real property assets
Scope: The SME serves as the Air Force lead technical author-
ity on remedial systems issues. The SME’s expertise, knowledge
and technical advice are focused on remedy selection, imple-
mentation, performance evaluation and optimization within the
Environmental Restoration Program. In addition to providing
consultant and technology-transfer services to the ERP, the SME
develops or recommends criteria, standards and directives to air
sta, major commands, installations and contractors. The SME
also identies technology demonstration, validation and de-
velopment needs of the Air Force civil engineering community
relating to environmental remedial systems. The SME represents
the Air Force with regard to remedial systems issues on commit-
tees and technical forums with other DOD services, federal and
state agencies, and industry.
Vision: Minimize the nancial liabilities and environmental
footprint of the Air Force environmental restoration program
through competent technical leadership and guidance
Scope: The Sustainable Design and Development SME is the
Air Force lead in dening and conceiving programs and proj-
ects to advance the state of the art in sustainable technologies
and methodologies. The SME provides professional consult-
ing services on siting, designing, constructing, maintaining,
operating, re-using and demolishing facilities in a sustainable
manner. These services include coordination with engineers
and architects during all phases of the project delivery process
to ensure compliance with federal, Department of Defense and
Air Force sustainability mandates, policy and goals. The SME
reviews and comments on new regulatory requirements and
keeps abreast of the latest technologies. This allows the SME
to have an active role in refreshing, shaping and implementing
DOD and AF policy, initiatives and guidance. Additionally, the
SME provides gap analyses to guide investment and participa-
tion in demonstration, validation and technology transfer of
emerging and o-the-shelf sustainability solutions to ensure
current and future mission needs are met. Educational activities
include developing programs, directives, instructions, lessons,
articles and other publications.
Vision: Reduce resources consumed by Air Force buildings,
reduce waste generated by them and maximize the benets
buildings provide
Scope: The Toxicology and Risk Assessment Program
provides guidance and consultation and supports technical
contract oversight to achieve excellence in environmental risk
assessment. The program focuses on providing tools, processes,
techniques, technical information resources and training. The
SME is responsible for program guidance, outreach and enact-
ment, and supports planning, implementation and policy de-
velopment. Risk management initiatives develop guidance on
long-term management of complex sites focused on achieving
the Air Force’s environmental program objectives and to inform
acquisition strategy for high-cost, high-risk sites. The SME serves
as AFCEC’s technical authority for toxicology and risk assess-
ment practitioners; supports the environmental restoration pro-
gram review of risk assessments and emerging contaminants;
supports Air Force and DOD leaders on toxicology and risk
assessment matters; coordinates with the career eld manager
on recruiting, mentoring, training and retaining sta; providing
professional registration opportunities; and represents the Air
Force on tri-service and interagency workgroups.
Vision: Implement defensible exposure assessments and tox-
icity values supporting restoration management and optimize
environmental remediation
Scope: The Utility Rate Management SME is an engineering
professional providing expert guidance to installations world-
wide on utility rate issues and specialized contract acquisition
for electric, natural gas, water and wastewater. The Utility
Rate Management team negotiates on behalf of the Air Force
contracting ocer and civil engineer customer to help installa-
tions procure utility service at a fair price with reasonable terms
and conditions. The SME is the principal Air Force liaison to the
federal power authorities (Western Area Power Adminstration,
Southwestern Power Administration and Bonneville Power Ad-
ministration), saving over $25M/year managing federal prefer-
ence hydropower allocations. The team analyzes utility bills to
validate appropriate rates according to contract terms and rep-
resents installations during discussions with utility companies
and state regulatory bodies to identify savings opportunities.
Vision: Identify solutions to planning, engineering and eco-
nomic problems that aect the acquisition and management of
utility services in order to obtain quality, reliable utility service
with fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory rates consistent
with mission requirements, resulting in the lowest total cost to
the Air Force
Project Management
Vacant, AFCEC/CF
Jon Haliscak, AFCEC/CZ
Real Property/Asset
H. LaKenya Sartin, AFCEC/CI
Remedial Systems
Kent C. Glover, Ph.D., AFCEC/CZ
Sustainable Design
and Development
Samuel L. Brock, DVM, MPH, AFCEC/CZ
Utility Rate Management
Nancy M. Coleal, PE, AFCEC/CN
Toxicology and
Risk Management
Scope: The SME delivers guidance on facility roong sys-
tems, facilitating, optimizing and standardizing design, main-
tenance and inspection practices Air Force wide. The SME
manages the Roong program, develops performance criteria
for AF facility roofs, oers technical consultation and represents
the Air Force on tri-service design working groups. The SME is
charged with maintaining technical requirements for facility
systems components. Included are built-up, modied bitumen,
single-ply, metal, protected membranes, vegetative green,
shingle, metal and tile roong systems. The SME develops and
maintains information and guidance on roof system selection
criteria, energy conservation, preferred construction, contract-
ing and inspection, establishing basewide roong maintenance
programs. For asbestos abatement, the SME delivers guidance
on installation management of asbestos containing materials,
including compliance with policy. The SME also consults with
other Air Force disciplines that may be impacted by historical
presence of asbestos-containing materials in older facilities, to
minimize risk of exposure and liability as such facilities reach
their end of service Life.
Vision: Optimize Air Force roof costs to eectively protect
assets and minimize risks to mission
Roong and Asbestos
Clayton Deel, PE, AFCEC/CO
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Air Force Civil Engineer Vol. 24 No. 2, Winter 2016 Air Force Civil Engineer Vol. 24 No. 2, Winter 2016
Scope: The water quality program comprises a wide range
of technical development, consultation and problem resolution
responsibilities for drinking water, wastewater and storm-
water compliance programs and projects. The water quality
SME serves as the lead Air Force expert who identies, develops,
manages, reviews and advocates research and development
within the program. The SME demonstrates knowledge, skill
and application of engineering and water quality technologies,
either in-house or contractual. The SME works with internal and
external customer organizations to develop strategic initiatives
to assure regulatory compliance, technical suciency and clar-
ity of the Air Force’s water quality program. The SME represents
the Air Force with other Department of Defense, regulatory
agency and industry experts to establish joint technical guid-
ance. The SME works with the career eld manager to identify
training requirements for all Air Force water quality technical
experts and assists in the development and maintenance of a
career advancement path within the water quality arena.
Vision: To advance Air Force water quality and asset man-
agement eectiveness through engineering knowledge, skill,
innovation and proactive strategic operational leadership
Scope: The Water and Wastewater SME provides oversight,
consultation and guidance on the water and wastewater sys-
tem’s life cycle to manage and operate these systems eciently
and eectively. The SME develops design criteria; oversees the
application of Department of Defense, Air Force and industry
standards and criteria; provides engineering technical consul-
tation; and represents the Air Force on water and wastewater
issues. The SME coordinates with the career eld manager on
mentoring, training and education of Air Force water and waste-
water engineers and water and plumbing shop personnel. The
SME is a member of the Unied Facilities Criteria Civil Discipline
Working Group, the Water Environment Federation and Ameri-
can Water Works Association.
Vision: Ensure water and wastewater systems are maintained
throughout the Air Force enterprise and provide expertise to
meet industry standards to support mission requirements
Water Quality
Kevin Leachman, PE, AFCEC/CZ
John D. Bishop, PE, AFCEC/CO
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Air Force Civil Engineer Vol. 24 No. 2, Winter 2016 Air Force Civil Engineer Vol. 24 No. 2, Winter 2016