Who we are
The Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability (OPEGA) is an independent, nonpartisan
legislative office established and governed by 3 M.R.S.A. §§991-1001. With a focus on effectiveness, efficiency,
accountability and economical use of resources, OPEGA conducts independent, evidence-based, objective
reviews of state agencies, programs and activities to support the Legislature’s oversight role monitoring and
improving the performance of state government. Within this context, OPEGA also evaluates program
compliance with laws, regulations, policies and best practices. OPEGA serves, and is overseen by, the
Government Oversight Committee (GOC), which reviews and approves the office’s annual work plan, directs
the office to conduct program evaluations and receives reports produced by the office.
What we do
OPEGA strives to provide timely, informative evaluation reports that are of high value to the Legislature and
that support its oversight responsibilities. OPEGA’s primary functions include:
Performance Audits, Program Evaluations, Tax Expenditure Evaluations
At the direction of the GOC, conducting independent and objective performance audits, evaluations
and assessments of state agencies, programs and activities, which may also include other entities
receiving public funds administered by the State or expending private monies for public purposes;
Pursuant to statute, conducting evaluations of tax expenditure programs and economic development
incentives; and
Producing and presenting final written reports of performance reviews and program evaluations with
detailed findings and results.
Government Oversight Committee Staffing
Providing direct staffing to the GOC, with OPEGA’s administrative secretary serving as the GOC
committee clerk;
Coordinating committee meetings, including preparing meeting materials and providing requested
research; and
Providing thorough, public presentations of OPEGA reports.
Review requests
Legislators can call OPEGA directly at 207-287-1901 to discuss submitting a review request to the GOC or visit
OPEGA’s website at http://mainelegislature.org/opega/ and click on the “Request for a review” link on the
left-hand side of the page.
OPEGA’s primary publications include:
Reports and information briefs from OPEGA performance reviews and program evaluations; and
Annual reports on OPEGA activities and performance.
Prepared by OPEGA (December 2020)
Office of Program Evaluation and Government
Mailing Address:
82 State House Station
(207) 287-1901
Augusta, Maine 04333-0082
Physical Location:
Cross Office Building, Room