Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 16:22:16 Eastern Daylight Time
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Subject: PursuITS | Tech news from FSU ITS
Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at 12:45:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Informaon Technology Services
To: Megan Del Debbio
June 2022
ITS News | @FSU | We Are IT | Shout Outs | By The Numbers |
Learn IT | Green IT | Join IT | Calendar
To view this email as a web page, go here.
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ITS Launches Professional Development
ITS recently launched a new professional development website dedicated to providing
opportunities for professional growth to ITS employees. The site includes links to several training
tracks—including customer service, effective communication and equity, diversity and inclusion—
and a printable certificate of completion. Coming soon to the site will be more specialized training
tracks and a calendar of professional development events. A huge shout out to all the ITS
Professional Development Committee members for getting this initiative and valuable resource
off the ground!
Check it Out
ITS News
ITS Diversity Reflection Series
ITS kicked off a new diversity reflection series last week to encourage staff members to
explore and better understand the opportunities and challenges of working in a diverse
organization. Like last year, each session includes facilitated, small-group reflections on
several diversity videos. However, this year the videos are watched as part of the session—no
advance work or prep necessary. Join in for open conversation and a chance to connect with
your colleagues more deeply. The next diversity reflection session will take place virtually on
Friday, June 17 from 1-2:30PM.
Add to Calendar
Service Catalog Updates
It is time for the bi-annual review of the ITS service catalog. Does your team need to make
changes or updates to your services or service offerings? Now is the time to request changes
to the service offerings listed on the ITS website. Watch for an email from the ITSM team next
week with details on how to submit requests for updates to ITS service catalog offerings.
Review the Catalog
ITS Templates
Did you know ITS has branded Word, Excel and PowerPoint templates available for you to
use? You can access the templates on SharePoint or download and
save the templates to
your Custom Office Templates folder so they are available every time you create a new file.
These templates help create a consistent and professional look across ITS files.
Get Templates
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ITS Admin Support Team
Need office supplies? Submitting travel expenses? Onboarding a new employee? The ITS
Administrative Support team assists with everything from new employee office set-up and
building access to outfitting staff with office supplies. If you need assistance, please email
[email protected] or sign in to the myFSU Service Center agent view and create a case
with the following details: Category: Faculty & Staff Services, Type: TSB Admin Support.
Contact Admin Support
Subscribe to StatusHub
When is the last time you checked the ITS Service Status webpage? The page provides up-
to-date information on the availability of ITS services so you can quickly see when a service is
experiencing an outage or scheduled for maintenance. Click the Subscribe button in the top
right corner of the page to sign up for email, Teams or other alerts to get instant updates
delivered directly to you for the services you care about.
Subscribe to StatusHub
Summer UITM Meeting
If you were not able to make it to the Summer 2022 UITM meeting on May 10, you can watch
a recording of the meeting online. The meeting included a special focus on the Research
Computing Center, an update on the One O365 project and recent improvements to the
myFSU HR system. The next semesterly UITM meeting will be held on Tuesday, September
27 at 10AM.
Watch the Recording
FSU Employee Assistance Program
Between global unrest, rising costs and the daily grind, we understand the stress many of us
are facing day-to-day. Please remember the FSU Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is
available free of charge to FSU employees for short-term counseling, debt management
assistance and organizational development training. Do not hesitate to reach out. EAP is a
confidential program that can assist with everything from grief and loss to resolving conflict at
Contact EAP
Working for ITS
From data engineering to cybersecurity, FSU Information Technology Services has a wide
range of employment opportunities. What makes working for ITS different from any other tech
company is the environment it provides. We understand that to provide exceptional service to
the Florida State community we must give our team the resources and professional
development needed to succeed.
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Read More
Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
On April 28, ITS participated in Leon County Schools’ annual “Take Our Daughters and Sons
to Work Day.” ITS had hands-on activities prepared for the kids which included a remote
programming demonstration presented through a miniature train diorama, and the kids had
the opportunity to disassemble a computer and learn about
the components. A tour was
conducted through the Sliger Data Center, and the kids enjoyed ice cream after. Hosting this
event helped spark interest in the next generation for IT and provided a fun learning
opportunity for everyone involved.
InternFSU Applications Due June 12
InternFSU is back, and applications are open for Fall 2022 positions. Every semester since its
inception in 2018, ITS has hosted students as part of the
Career Center’s InternFSU program.
InternFSU provides paid experiential learning opportunities for FSU undergraduate students.
In Spring 2022, ITS hosted its biggest intern cohort yet, with 15 students representing 12
different ITS teams. If you would like to apply for an intern to join your team in Fall 2022,
please complete and submit the
InternFSU Position Submission Form.
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We Are IT
We are IT | Meet
Sherry Staf
According to Sherry Stafford, technology
“adopted me, and I adopted it back.” Sherry
has been at FSU nearly 34 years and
currently works as a network administrator.
During the day, she documents the campus
building networks, but keeps tech to a
minimum outside of work. Instead, look for her
in her greenhouses or tending to her ever-
growing collection of Japanese maple trees.
Meet Sherry
Meet Middleware!
Middleware is a small but mighty team that bridges the gap between the ITS hardware
infrastructure and application developer teams. They oversee several key FSU technologies,
such as the F5 application and CAS, and dream about inventing a non-evil AI “friendlier than
SkyNet in Terminator and more comparable to J.A.R.V.I.S. from Ironman.”
Meet Middleware
Welcome to ITS!
We have several new employees joining the ITS team this month. A huge “Welcome to ITS” to
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Sarah Anderson, Marshall Copeland, Merchelle Davis, Alison Jones, Trey Mansini,
Austin Myers and Melonie White.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy work anniversary to all the ITS employees celebrating milestone anniversaries with
FSU this month.
15 Years
Matthew Stolk
10 Year
James Cox
Robert Gordon
Gina Miller
5 Year
Oliver Begon
Samuel Caines
1 Year
Joshua Crawford
Grace Eunice
Shout Outs
Andy Zimmerman Featured in National Model
Railroad Association Magazine
At work, Andy Zimmerman builds relationships with ITAPP units across campus. Outside of
work, Andy builds intricate model railroad modules complete with lighting, sound, signals and
switching. “I enjoy it. I get to create a lot of cool stuff, and I 3D print a lot of it now too.” Andy’s
work was recently featured in the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) Magazine in
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an article detailing the creation of an all-in-one digital command and control power station he
built for use with T-TRAK N scale modules. You can see Andy’s work in action at the 31st
Annual Tallahassee Model Railroad Show and Sale June 25-26 at the North Florida
Fairgrounds. Kudos to Andy for his immense creativity, skill and hidden talent!
Kerri Pigott Receives Employee Recognition
Congratulations to Kerri Pigott for being selected as the recipient of the 2022 Exemplary
Service Award in the category of Technology Services. Every year, the FSU Office of the
Provost awards stand-out university employees for their laudable service, and Kerri was
specifically recognized for her direction and support in the field of technology.
Nominate Someone!
Hidden talents? Secret hobbies? Do you know an ITS employee with a fascinating pastime
outside of work? Let’s shed some light on the incredible talents of our staff outside of the 8-5
grind. Nominate them to be featured in an upcoming PursuITS Shout Out by emailing Megan
Andy Bucior is an awesome contributor who embodies all our
FSU values. The most recent examples of his willingness to pitch
in are his ongoing contributions to the Boomi integrations and
Power BI deployment projects. His efforts are truly
Jorge Vidal, Data and Analytics Director, ITS
By The Numbers
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total cases submitted via myFSU Service Center in 2022
IT Roundup
Learn IT - Talking about Race at Work
Check out one of the videos featured in the latest ITS Diversity
Reflection sessions. Learn how to open up effective dialogue about
race while avoiding common pitfalls in
Difficult Conversations:
Talking about Race at Work
Green IT - Green Living Positively Impacts our Body
and Mind
Being greener means spending more time in nature—hiking,
walking, biking or kayaking. Nature has so many benefits, it can
even help you sleep better! Spending at least 30 minutes a day in
nature can be very beneficial to your mental health. So get out there
and enjoy some of these
Big Bend Hiking Trails
Join IT
Join our team! Browse IT job openings at FSU.
Network Architect
Web Applications Engineer
Help Desk Support Technician
Windows/Linux System Administrator
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Mark your calendar for these upcoming ITS important dates.
Microsoft 365
ITS Diversity
Independence Day
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