Main TVM functions of a BAII Plus
Financial Calculator
Tutoring and Learning Centre, George Brown College 2014
The BAII Plus calculator can be used to perform calculations for problems involving
compound interest and different types of annuities. (Note: there are many other TVM
functions of this calculator but they will not be discussed here).
One of the advantages of using a BAII Plus calculator is that it can save you lots of time
on tests and exams. However, always make sure that the numbers the calculator gives
you make sense!
The calculator is also a quick method of double checking your formula calculations.
Main TVM Keys:
N – time in years (for compound interest calculations) OR # of payments made during the
term of the annuity (for annuity calculations)
I/Y – nominal annual rate of interest per year (entered as a %; NOT a decimal)
C/Y # of interest compounding periods per year
P/Y # of payment periods per year
PV – present value (the amount of money at the beginning of the transaction.)
PMT payment amount
FVfuture value (money at the end of the transaction.)
Compound Interest Calculations:
1. Set up the payment and interest schedules in the second function (set P/Y and C/Y):
a) Press 2
[I/Y] to get into the P/Y and C/Y mode.
1. If there are payments: input number of payments per year. Press the
number, then [ENTER].
2. If there are no payments: set P/Y equal to C/Y.
b) Press the arrow down
c) Enter the number of compounding periods per year.
Press the number, then [ENTER].
For annually, enter C/Y = 1
For semi-annually, enter C/Y = 2
For quarterly, enter C/Y = 4
For monthly, enter C/Y = 12
d) Press 2
[CPT] (i.e. QUIT) to exit this mode.
Tutoring and Learning Centre, George Brown College 2014
2. Clear out any old information that may be stored by pressing 2
[FV] (i.e. CLR TVM).
3. Input the variables you know. Press the number first and then press the appropriate
TVM key.
For example, to enter a present value of $3,000. Enter 3000, press [PV]. Then, go
on to the next variable.
Important Notes: Since there are no payments, no value is entered for PMT.
Values are entered for all other TVM keys, except the value that is being calculated.
PV is always entered as a negative value to indicate a cash outflow. All other variables
are always positive.
4. Compute the variable you need to find by pressing [CPT] and the variable you are
Find the present value of $3000 due in 5 years and 6 months if money is worth 4.5%
compounded quarterly.
N = 5.5 years
I/Y = 4.5%
C/Y = 4 (P/Y = 4 since there are no payments)
PMT = none
FV = 3000
PV = ?
On your calculator, set P/Y, C/Y = 4.
5.5 N
4.5 I/Y
3000 FV
Press [CPT] PV
PV = − 2,820.9755
Round the answer to the nearest cent.
Therefore, the present value is $2,820.98.
Tutoring and Learning Centre, George Brown College 2014
Annuities Calculations:
For an Ordinary Annuity (payments made at the END of the payment period):
1. Set up the calculator:
a) Check whether the calculator says “BGN” or nothing on the calculator screen.
If there is nothing, the calculator is in “END” mode.
If the calculator is in “BGN” mode, you need to change it to “END” mode.
Press 2
[PMT] to access the [BGN] second function.
Press 2
[ENTER] (i.e. SET) to switch between BGN and END modes.
Press 2
[CPT] to QUIT.
b) Set the P/Y and C/Y functions:
Press 2
[I/Y] to get into the P/Y and C/Y mode.
Enter the # of payments per year (P/Y).
Press Arrow down
Enter # of compounding periods per year (C/Y)
Press 2
[CPT] to QUIT this mode
2. Clear out any old information by pressing 2
[FV] (i.e. CLR TVM)
3. Input the variables you know.
Important Notes:
For annuity calculations usually only one of either the PV or the FV is involved. The value
not involved in the calculations should be entered as 0. If PV is given it should be entered
as a negative amount.
Payments (PMT) are considered to be cash outflows and should be entered as a
negative number.
4. Compute the variable you need to find.
Find the future value of $1000 deposited at the end of every month for ten years if interest
is 3.5% compounded semi-annually.
N = 10 years x 12 = 120 payments
I/Y = 3.5%
C/Y = 2 (since interest is compounded semi-annually)
Tutoring and Learning Centre, George Brown College 2014
P/Y = 12 (since payments are made every month)
PMT = 1000
PV = 0
FV = ?
On your calculator, set P/Y = 12 and C/Y = 2.
120 N
3.5 I/Y
0 PV
1000 PMT
Press [CPT] FV
FV = 143,243.1146
Round the answer to the nearest cent.
Therefore, the future value is $143,243.11.
For an Annuity Due (payments made at the BEGINNING of the payment period):
1. Set up the calculator:
c) Check whether the calculator says “BGN” or nothing on the calculator screen.
If there is nothing, the calculator is in “END” mode and you need to change it
to “BGN” mode.
Press 2
[PMT] to access the [BGN] second function.
Press 2
[ENTER] (i.e. SET) to switch between BGN and END modes.
Press 2
[CPT] to QUIT.
2. Follow same steps as above (1b to 4).
Compute the nominal annual rate of interest compounded monthly at which $200
deposited at the beginning of every three months for five years will amount to $5,000.
N = 5 years x 4 = 20 payments
C/Y = 12 (since interest is compounded monthly)
Tutoring and Learning Centre, George Brown College 2014
P/Y = 4 (since payments are made every three months, which is quarterly)
PMT = 200
PV = 0
FV = 5,000
I/Y = ?
On your calculator, set P/Y = 4 and C/Y = 12.
20 N
0 PV
200 PMT
5000 FV
Press [CPT] I/Y
I/Y = 9.072823406
Let’s round the answer to two decimal places.
The nominal annual rate of interest is 9.07% compounded monthly.