Show your application and essay to another student and compare each of
your special characteristics, experiences, and achievements. Decide
whose essay would be most effective to use for a university application.
Tell your opinion and your reasons to the rest of the class.
230 UNIT 14
Identifying What Makes You Special
When American students apply to colleges and universities,
they often have to write a personal essay about their
individual character and achievements and explain what
makes them different from the other people who are also
applying to the school. Fill out the sample admissions
application on the next page, and write a personal essay that
identifies some of your characteristics, experiences, and
achievements that might be of interest to a university
admissions committee.
To get you started, here are the ideas that Aliona Fernandez used
for her successful application to the North American Institute of
International Studies. (Her personal essay has been reprinted in
Exercise 1 on page 233.) For your essay identify at least one
special characteristic, one experience that helped you develop that
characteristic, and one achievement that this characteristic has
enabled you to do.
Describing Past Events in Relation
to the Present
Use the present perfect
to understand and
express past actions
that are related to the
present moment by
Use the present perfect
to understand and
express past actions
that are related to the
present moment by
logical relationship or
present result
Understand and
express meaning
differences with
present perfect
progressive instead of
present perfect tense
Characteristic flexibility
Experience living overseas as a Peace
Corps volunteer
Achievement she speaks other languages and
understands different cultures
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PRESENT PERFECT Describing Past Events in Relation to the Present 231
Telephone Birthdate
Sex Ethnic Background
Degree Objective: Undergraduate Graduate
Major Minor
Personal Data: Name
Educational Background:
List all secondary and postsecondary schools attended, including language programs.
Name and location of school Dates of attendance Degree granted GPA
All applicants must provide a writing sample. On another sheet of paper, write at least
200 words on the following topic. It must be handwritten, and written only by the applicant.
What are some characteristics that make you different from other people you know?
How have your experiences in life shaped you as a person? What are some
achievements that you have accomplished that you feel particularly proud of?
All applications must be accompanied by official transcripts in English, proof of finances, and a nonrefundable $60
application fee.
Signature Date
North American Institute of International Studies
Application for Admission
Personal Essay / Writing Sample:
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232 UNIT 14
We can use both past time frame and present time frame to talk about things that happened in
the past.
Choosing Past Time Frame or
Present Time Frame
Use past time frame (in the form of the Use a present time frame (in the form of
simple past tense) to show that a past event present perfect tense) to show that a past
has no direct, ongoing relationship to the event is directly related to the present.
present. The event was fully completed in The event happened in the past, but
the past or happened at a specific time in continues to influence the present in
the past. some way.
(a) I lived in Honduras as a very young (b) I have lived in four foreign countries,
child, but I don’t remember much about and as a result I am very aware of how
it now. cultural differences affect how we
perceive reality.
(c) I started to fill out the application for (d) I haven’t finished the application for
the university, but I didn’t finish it, the university yet. I’m still working on the
because I realized I wouldn’t be able to personal essay.
afford the tuition.
Read the following personal essay written by a successful applicant to the North
American Institute of International Studies. Underline the verb phrases and identify the
tenses that are used. Then discuss these questions with a partner.
Why did the author use present time in the first paragraph?
Why did the author use past time in the second paragraph?
Why did the author use present time in the third paragraph?
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Personal Essay
by Aliona Fernandez
(1) One of the characteristics that makes me different
from many people is my adaptability. (2) I am flexible
and comfortable in new or unusual situations. (3) I
think this is because I have had a lot of experience living
in foreign countries. (4) This has given me a lot of
opportunities to face unfamiliar situations and to learn
about unfamiliar customs and beliefs.
(5) My first experience in a foreign country was as a
Peace Corps volunteer. (6) I taught English in a small
town in a rural area. (7) Life in my town was very
simple. (8) Because there was no electricity and rather
little contact with the outside world, my life was a lot
like living in an earlier century.
(9) I have been to other countries since that first
experience, and everywhere that I have traveled has been
interesting and educational. (10) As a result of my
experiences in other countries, I speak other languages and understand other cultures.
(11) I have learned that relationships between people are very much the same, whether
they have modern, busy lives, or old-fashioned, more peaceful lives. (12) I have learned to
understand different ways of doing things and different ways of looking at the world.
(13) Most of all, I have learned that “new” doesn’t necessarily mean “better. (14) My
experiences have made me adaptable, and this adaptability has allowed me to understand
other people and cultures.
PRESENT PERFECT Describing Past Events in Relation to the Present 233
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234 UNIT 14
Past events relate to the present if they are still true at this time.
Choose past tense or present perfect tense for the verbs in parentheses. More than one
answer may be correct, so be prepared to explain why you chose the form you did. The
first one has been done for you.
Bambang Soetomo (1) (come) to the United States last January to get a degree
in mechanical engineering. Since he (2) (be) in the United States, he
(3) (have) many new experiences. At home in Jakarta, servants (4)
(cook) all his food. But here in the United States, Bambang (5) (have) to
prepare food for himself. In Indonesia, a lot of his university classes (6) (require)
the ability to memorize large amounts of information. But here, Bambang (7)
(find) that memorization is not considered to be a very important skill in many of his
classes. Of course, he (8) (be) ready for obvious differences in things like food
and social customs, but he (9) (not/adjust) to the subtle differences. He
(10) (learn) that knowing about differences and dealing with them are two
different things. In fact, he (11) (be) rather homesick. In Jakarta he
(12) (have) a large group of friends, but here in the States he (13)
(meet) only a few other Indonesian students, and none of them are in his department.
When he (14) (be) planning his trip to America, he (15) (plan) to
go home for a vacation after his sophomore year, but he (16) (change) his
mind since he (17) (get) here. He (18) (speak) with his father
about the possibility of coming home during his first summer vacation. His father
(19) (not decide) whether that’s a good idea or not.
Relationship to the Present: Still
True (Present Perfect Tense) Versus
No Longer True (Past Tense)
(a) I have lived in three foreign countries.
I have learned how to adapt to the local
(b) I lived in Honduras for three years.
I ate pupusas every day for lunch.
Present Perfect Tense:
Use the present perfect tense to show that
something is still true now.
Past Tense:
Use the past tense to talk about something
that is no longer true now.
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PRESENT PERFECT Describing Past Events in Relation to the Present 235
(a) I have visited Paris over a dozen times.
(b) I’ve eaten snake meat once, but I’ll never
do it again!
(c) Your teacher has just left her office.
Maybe you can catch her if you hurry to
the parking lot.
(d) We’ve just been talking about your
application. Can we ask you a few
(e) I’ve known Aliona since we were in high
(f) I’ve never eaten snake meat. Have you
ever tried it?
Use present perfect to describe:
the number of times something has
very recent events with just
Use present perfect in sentences:
with ever, never, or since
Present perfect is used to describe things that began in the past but continue up to the present
Work with a partner. Take turns asking each other these questions. Ask at least ten
questions. You can use the suggested topics or make up questions of your own.
1. Have you ever . . . (ridden a horse, been in love, seen a flying saucer . . .)
2. How many times have you . . . (eaten Chinese food, taken the TOEFL
Test*, driven
a motorcycle . . .)
3. Name three things you have never done, but would like to do.
4. Name three things you have done that you don’t want to do again.
Then tell the rest of the class about your partner. The class should decide who has
asked the most interesting or unusual questions.
Relationship to the Present: Until Now
*TOEFL is a registered trademark of the Educational Testing Service (ETS). This publication is not endorsed or approved by ETS.
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Choose past tense or present perfect tense for the verbs in parentheses. More than one
answer may be possible. The first sentence has been done for you as an example.
My friend Bob is a very happy man. He
just (1) (find out) that he
(2) (receive) a full scholarship to North American Institute of
International Studies. He (3) (apply) to several graduate programs
in the last few years, but he never (4) (get) any scholarship offers
until six months ago, when he (5) (be offered) a partial scholarship
to North Dakota State. Since then, apparently, the suggestions I gave him about
improving his personal essay (6) (change) his chances. He
(7) (get) two other offers from his second- and third-choice schools.
Most of the scholarship offers (8) (be) small until last week, when
he (9) (get) the letter from NAIIS offering him free tuition plus
room and board. I wonder if he (10) (think about) doing something
nice for the person who helped him with his essay.
found out
236 UNIT 14
Another common way that past events relate to the present is if the past event continues to
affect the present situation in some way. Use present perfect tense to describe past events
that cause a result in the present.
The present result can be stated directly.
Relationship to the Present: Present
Result (Present Perfect Tense)
(a) I have already seen that movie, so I suggest we go see a different one.
(b) He has been wasting so much money that I don’t think we should give him any more.
(c) I have always felt that teachers were so I think we should suggest that our
underpaid, teacher ought to get a raise.
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The present result can be implied.
The present result can also be the speaker’s/writer’s attitude.
PRESENT PERFECT Describing Past Events in Relation to the Present 237
(d) You have spilled juice all over The tablecloth is dirty.
my new tablecloth!
(e) John has obviously forgotten about He is not at the meeting.
our meeting.
(f) Did you find the article (g) Have you found the The event is connected to the
you were looking for? article you were looking present in the speaker’s mind.
for? Because if not, I think
I know where you can
find it.
(h) The White House released (i) The White House has Reporters often introduce
new figures yesterday released new figures on news stories with the present
concerning the economy. the economy in the last perfect tense to emphasize
quarter. These figures the connection with the
show that imports present.
continue to exceed exports
by more than 20%.
(j) The historian Toynbee (k) The historian Toynbee has A writer may mention a past
often observed that observed that history event that has a connection
history repeats itself. repeats itself, and I to a point she or he is about
believe that he is correct. to make.
Choose the sentence that reflects the most logical continuation of the ideas expressed in
the first sentence, based on the tense used in the first sentence. Both sentences are formed
1. I have told you that I don’t like the color green.
a. My brother didn’t like that color either.
b. So why did you buy me a sweater in that color?
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2. Jeff met Matt at a party.
a. They soon became the best of friends.
b. They share an apartment in San Francisco.
3. Bambang Soetomo arrived in America about eight months ago.
a. He has been adjusting to American life ever since.
b. He is living by himself in an apartment.
4. I have been trying to get in touch with my math professor since last week.
a. I didn’t do well on the last exam.
b. Whenever I go to her office, she isn’t there.
5. I don’t think that Denise likes Peter very much.
a. Have you ever noticed that she avoids looking at him when she speaks?
b. Did she say anything about her feelings to you at the meeting last week?
Discuss these questions about the short passages below with a partner and compare your
ideas with those of other students.
Why do you think the speaker chose to use the present perfect tense instead of simple past
tense in these sentences?
How is the past action related to the present: by time relationship, by present result, or by a
combination of both?
1. Scientists have discovered a number of interesting similarities between the
atmosphere on Earth and on Titan, one of the moons of Jupiter. They have found
significant concentrations of water vapor and other chemicals common on Earth. As
a result, they are hoping to send another space probe to Titan later this year.
2. If I have told you once, I’ve told you a hundred times: I hate broccoli!
3. Guess what? We’ve been invited to Liz’s wedding. What should we get her for a
4. Conservative politicians have often stated that welfare payments to poor families do
not help reduce long-term poverty, but recent statistics show that this may not be
5. Shakespeare’s reputation as a psychologist has grown in recent years. His plays have
always reflected a deep understanding of human motivations.
6. Has Jill found a summer job? I was talking with my aunt, and she said her office
might need a temporary computer programmer.
238 UNIT 14
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PRESENT PERFECT Describing Past Events in Relation to the Present 239
(a) I have been living with my parents, but I
hope to move out once I am accepted to
your university. (temporary)
(b) I have lived with my parents since they
became ill and needed me to help around
the house. (permanent)
(c) I have been talking to everyone about
what to put in my essay, but I don’t have a
good plan yet. Do you have any ideas?
(repeated occurrence)
(d) I have thought about the essay, and I
have a good idea of what to write. (single
(e) I have been working constantly on my
application for the last three hours. I don’t
know when I’ll finish! (continuous)
(f) I have tried several times to work on my
application, but I keep getting
interrupted. (repeated)
(g) I have been writing my personal
statement. I still have to proofread it and
staple it together. (uncompleted)
(h) I have written my personal statement.
Let’s go celebrate! (completed)
(i) Living in foreign countries has required a
lot of flexibility.
(j) NOT: Living in foreign countries has
been requiring a lot of flexibility.
Use the present perfect progressive tense
(have/has been + verb + -ing) instead of present
perfect to describe something that is:
temporary rather than permanent
repeated rather than a single occurrence
continuous rather than repeated or recurring
uncompleted rather than completed
Remember that nonprogressive verbs do not
occur with the progressive aspect even when
they refer to continuous states.
Present Perfect Progressive Tense
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Choose the correct form, present perfect or present perfect progressive, for the verbs.
More than one answer may be possible.
1. I (a) (read) about the development of early forms of
photography, and I (b) (learn) some very interesting facts about
it. I would like to continue my research next semester.
2. That baby (cry) constantly since we got here. I wish its parents
would do something to make it be quiet!
3. Bob’s brother (resent) his getting that full scholarship ever
since he heard the news.
4. I (try) to explain that for ten minutes. Aren’t you listening?
5. I (try) to explain that every way I know how. I give up!
6. I (work) on this problem all afternoon. It’s time for a break.
7. Aliona (expect) the admissions committee to call about her
application. That’s why she wants to stay home this afternoon.
8. Bob (tell) the committee that he doesn’t want to accept the
scholarship unless it includes room and board.
9. The college (a) (try) to contact Bob about his scholarship. They
(b) (call) at least five or six times.
10. Bob (a) (dream) going to NIIS ever since he read an article
about their graduate program in public health. He (b)
(become) an expert on it.
Decide whether the verbs in parentheses should use simple present, present progressive,
present perfect, present perfect progressive, or the past tense. Write the correct verb form
in the blanks. More than one answer may be correct.
Bambang Soetomo (1) (speak) English quite fluently. I wonder
where he (2) (learn) it. He (3) (study)
mechanical engineering. He (4) (plan) to go to graduate school once
he (5) (get) his B.S. degree. Bambang (6)
(live) by himself for the last few months. But he (7) (think) about
getting a roommate. He (8) (miss) his friends back home a great
deal, and this (9) (affect) his studies. He (10)
(hope) that his father will let him come home during the summer, but his father
(11) (not decide) yet.
240 UNIT 14
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PRESENT PERFECT Describing Past Events in Relation to the Present 241
Find out what important changes your classmates have made in their lives.
Interview three classmates. Ask them the following:
Have you changed any habits or routines recently?
What kind of changes did you make?
Why have you made the changes?
How have the changes affected you?
Based on the changes your group has experienced, decide together
whether you agree that changes in life are generally for the better.
Present your group’s ideas and reasons to the rest of the class.
Use Your English
Experts in cross-cultural communication have found that North American culture
tends to value individualism. As a result, many young children are taught to look
for ways that they are different from other people. Most Americans can easily
identify several personal experiences and characteristics that make them unique.
What about people from other cultures?
Interview three or four people from various cultures and ask them
these questions:
What experiences have you had that most other people haven’t?
What things make you different from most other people?
Of the people you interviewed, who was able to think of the
greatest number of individual differences?
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242 UNIT 14
How do North Americans, as a group, compare to the students you interviewed
for Activities 1 and 2?
Work with three different students than those you interviewed in
Activity 1. Two of you should interview three or four North
Americans, asking the questions that you used for Activity 1. The
second pair should ask the questions you used for Activity 2.
Compare the responses of the North Americans to the responses of
the students you interviewed in those activities.
Discuss these questions with your group and summarize your ideas
for the rest of the class.
Were there differences between the answers given by North Americans and
those of your classmates?
Were North Americans able to identify their individual differences more
readily than people from other cultures?
Did North Americans feel differently about change than people from other
What do the similarities and differences between the answers of various
cultural groups tell you about cultural differences?
Which of these two people is most qualified to be accepted for admission to the
North American Institute of International Studies?
Listen to the interviews with each candidate. Using the chart on the
next page, identify what the candidates say about their most
important accomplishment, their background and experience, and
their special abilities.
Compare your chart with another student’s, and listen to the
interviews a second time to make sure you have heard all the
important information.
CD Tracks
20, 21
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You and your partner should decide which student is a better
candidate for admission. Tell your choice and your reasons to the
rest of the class.
PRESENT PERFECT Describing Past Events in Relation to the Present 243
What makes you
different from other
What relevant
experience do you have?
What is an achievement
that you’re proud of?
Use an Internet search engine such as Google
or Yahoo
and enter the
term “personal essay”. You should find listed a number of Web sites of
universities and other institutions that provide advice and guidance on
writing personal essays for college applications. Visit at least three of
these sites and summarize at least five pieces of advice that they provide
to prospective applicants. Present that advice to the rest of the class.
Use the advice you find to revise the personal essay you wrote for
the Opening Task of this unit. What changes did you make?
research on the web
Bring in the front page of a daily newspaper and examine the articles with a
partner or in a group. Find examples of sentences written in present time and
past time. In what tense are headlines usually written? In what tense are the
introductory paragraphs usually written? In what tense is the main part of the
article generally written? Can you find a pattern? Why do you think the reporter
chose one time frame rather than another? Discuss your ideas with your partner or
group, and then present them to the rest of the class.
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