Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
June 13, 2023 (rolling application review begins April 25, 2023)
No later than 5:00 p.m. ET
Prekindergarten Expansion
Grant Program
Prekindergarten Expansion Grant April 11 June 13, 2023
Maryland State Department of Education | 1
Mohammed Choudhury
State Superintendent of Schools
Secretary-Treasurer, Maryland State Board of Education
Deann Collins, Ed. D.
Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
Shayna Cook, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent, Division of Early Childhood
Wes Moore
Clarence C. Crawford
President, Maryland State Board of Education
Susan J. Getty, Ed.D. (Vice President)
Shawn D. Bartley, Esq.
Gail Bates
Chuen-Chin Bianca Chang
Charles R. Dashiell Jr., Esq.
Jean C. Halle
Vermelle Greene, Ph.D.
Dr. Joan Mele-McCarthy
Rachel L. McCusker
Lori Morrow
Brigadier General Warner I. Sumpter (Ret.)
Holly C. Wilcox, Ph.D.
Merin Thomas (Student Member)
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Table of Contents
Program Description .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Use of Funds ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Program Requirements ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Required Components ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Application ................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Application Appendices............................................................................................................................................................ 18
Submission Requirements ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
The Review Process .................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Reporting Requirements .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Non-Discrimination Statement .............................................................................................................................................. 24
The General Education Provisions Act (GEPA), Section 427 ....................................................................................... 25
Customer Service Support Sessions ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Grant Application Timeline ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
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Program Description
The Prekindergarten Expansion Grant is a competitive grant program administered by the Division of Early
Childhood at the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). It provides funding for local education
agencies (LEAs) and private providers to administer high-quality prekindergarten and school readiness
services throughout the State for children and their families in coordination with the Blueprint for
Maryland’s Future.
The Blueprint granted all three- and four-year-old children from families earning incomes at or below
300% Federal Poverty Level access to high-quality full-day Pre-K at no cost. The Prekindergarten
Expansion Grant is part of Maryland’s plan for expanding access to high-quality prekindergarten. The
grant, previously funded through a combination of federal preschool grant funds and funds provided by
the Maryland Prekindergarten Expansion Act of 2014, is now sustained through state funding as a result
of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future.
Name of Grant Program
Prekindergarten Expansion grant
Broaden availability and expand access to high-quality prekindergarten educational programming and
school readiness services for three- year-old and four-year-old students from families with household
incomes up to 300% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL), students with special education needs regardless of
income, students with a home language other than English regardless of income, and students
experiencing homelessness regardless of income.
House Bill 1300/Chapter 36 (2020), as amended House Bill 1372/Chapter 55 the Blueprint for
Maryland’s Future
This Grant Information Guide (GIG) was released on April 11, 2023
Proposals are due no later than 5pm on June 13, 2023, but MSDE will begin reviewing applications on a
rolling basis starting April 25, 2023.
Grant Period
July 1, 2023 June 30, 2024
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Funding Amount Available
Estimated number of Grants
MSDE anticipates awarding sixty (60) grants
Grant Amount
$400,000 (estimated average grant amount)
Submission Instructions
Grant applications must be submitted by 5:00pm June 13, 2023, via email to:
State Responsibilities
The MSDE is responsible for providing required information, data, documentation, and technical assistance
to facilitate the grantee’s performance of the work. MSDE program staff will be available and make every
effort to support on demand additional assistance when requested throughout the grant period. In
addition, MSDE will monitor program implementation throughout the grant performance period to ensure
each site is on progress to meet its goals and fully expend its awarded program resources.
Program Contact
Nykia Washington, Prekindergarten Program Manager
Division of Early Childhood Development
Phone: (410) 767-0088
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This funding opportunity is designed for those who deliver prekindergarten services and are accredited
and participate in the Maryland EXCELS program, including:
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) or qualified vendors (as defined in COMAR (13a.06.02) and private
providers who:
hold a valid license.
have not incurred any serious health or safety violations.
are Head Start programs.
Priority will be given to programs with the following Maryland EXCELS ratings (in order of priority):
Published at Level 5 with a plan to maintain this level;
Publish at level 4 with a plan to publish at Level 5 by the end of the grant period (if you fall into
this criterion, you must include a plan to reach level 5 as part of your application); or
Published at Level 3 with a plan approved by MSDE to achieve Level 5 within five years (if you fall
into this criterion, you must include a plan to reach level 5 as part of your application).
Priority will be given to high-quality programs that:
are seeking renewal or expansion of existing programs with a demonstrable track record of
are in areas of the state that have an unmet need for prekindergarten services; or
include parental/guardian engagement and educational activities beyond the classroom.
The Prekindergarten Expansion Grant Program is a competitive grant opportunity. To expedite the award
process and ensure grantees can move without interruption into the 2023 2024 school year, MSDE will
review applications on a rolling basis beginning April 25, 2023. MSDE encourages timely submission to
increase an applicant’s likelihood of receiving an award.
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Use of Funds
Funds may be used for:
Salaries, wages, and fringe benefits for teaching staff. State certified teachers must be
compensated commensurate with at least the minimum entry salary of the LEA in which the
program is located. For a list of minimum teacher salaries for local education agencies in Maryland,
see table 3 of the Professional Salary Schedules Maryland Public Schools.
Equipment, materials, and supplies (e.g., classroom furniture, instructional materials including
MSDE approved curriculum resources to support the Maryland Early Learning Standards, book
supplies for family literacy or math activities).
Reasonable rental costs are allowable and should be reviewed periodically. Contact the
Prekindergarten Expansion Grant program contact for this grant program for specific conditions
and requirements if property rental costs are included in the budget narrative.
Technology costs (may not exceed 10% of the total fund request).
Costs associated with maintaining Maryland or national accreditation status, or Maryland EXCELS
Costs for contracts to administer screening and intervention services for prekindergarten
Costs associated with evaluation and monitoring of the project (may not exceed 5% of the total
fund request).
Indirect costs (may not exceed 10% of the total fund request).
Costs for at least one meal per day for students.
Costs for academic field trips.
Costs associated with the provision of staff and professional learning activities to support
recertification of qualified teaching staff.
Funds may not be used for:
Supplanting existing services.
Capital Improvements.
Cost(s) incurred prior to the approval of the grant.
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Program Requirements
Grant funds must be used to serve three- and four- year-old children from families with an income at or
below 300 percent of the federal poverty level in full-day settings and meet the definition of high-quality
prekindergarten programs. Furthermore, the grant extends eligibility to students with disabilities
regardless of income, students experiencing homelessness, and students from homes in which English is
not the primary spoken language.
Grant funds must be used to provide an educational program designed to provide high-quality learning
experiences for children in prekindergarten. These educational programs are led by highly qualified
teaching staff and include: curriculum that is evidence-based and aligned with the Maryland’s birth-to-
three years early learning standards and Maryland college and career ready standards, implementation of
formative and summative assessments, and developmentally appropriate lesson plans aligned to the
Standards. Maryland Prekindergarten Programs must have developmentally appropriate classrooms that
are well-equipped to address the needs of all children, including those with disabilities, English and
multilingual learners, and students experiencing homelessness. Programs are committed to ongoing
program evaluation to ensure continuous quality improvement for the children and families they serve.
Coordination with Blueprint funds to local education agencies (LEA)
LEAs that receive Blueprint for Maryland’s Future funds and Prekindergarten Expansion Grants in Fiscal
Year 2024 will be expected to increase the number of three- and four-year-old children served in full-day
prekindergarten as reported in the official September 30, 2022 enrollment count. For example, if the LEA
received Blueprint funding in Fiscal Year 2024 for serving 100 three- and four-year-old children in full-day
prekindergarten the prior year (2022-2023 school year) and is also awarded the Prekindergarten
Expansion Grant to serve 40 three- and four-year-olds, the LEA must serve a minimum of 140 three- and
four-year-olds in full-day prekindergarten in FY24. The September 30, 2023 (School Year 2023-2024)
enrollment data submitted to MSDE must reflect this increase.
Special Considerations
For LEA applicants, local general education, English and multilingual learner education, and special
education leadership are strongly encouraged to collaborate on the development of the grant proposal.
Combining multiple funding streams offers increased opportunities for the inclusion of children with an
Extended Individualized Family Service Plan (Ext IFSP) or Individualized Education Program (IEP) for whom
a regular early childhood program with typically developing peers has been determined by the child’s Ext
IFSP/IEP team to be the appropriate natural and least restrictive environment (LRE). The participation of
children served through an Ext IFSP or an IEP in public prekindergarten programs provides access to the
general early childhood education curriculum and instructional program, further supporting a narrowing of
the school readiness performance gap with typically developing peers. Fully inclusive options have been
shown to work for children across disability groups and levels of severity (children with developmental
delays, mild to severe; children with autism spectrum disorder; children with multiple disabilities; children
with significant social and emotional needs; children with hearing impairment; and children with limited
mobility). Further, the Prekindergarten Expansion Grant Program also supports students who are
experiencing homelessness and students who speak a home language other than English. In addition,
McKinney-Vento funding can be used to support children experiencing homelessness in combination with
these grant funds. For children who speak a language other than English, the Home Language Survey
should be used when children are enrolled in either an LEA school or within a private provider setting.
Professional development should be offered to educators to support all of these populations.
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Required Components
Proposals for funding must contain the following to be considered for funding:
Clear goals and objectives that demonstrate how the program will provide an educational
program and meet the definition of a high-quality prekindergarten program. The definition
can be found on the Maryland Prekindergarten Grant Programs page.
A description of how the income verification forms and family-provided documents will be
collected and maintained on-site. The income eligibility criteria are based on the Federal Poverty
Levels (FPL).
A plan for how the needs of students with disabilities, students experiencing
homelessness, and students who speak a home language other than English will be met.
A description of the program’s family engagement strategies in accordance with the
Maryland Early Childhood Family Engagement Framework.
Verification of published Maryland EXCELS level with a plan in place to maintain or
achieve Level 5 by the identified deadline.
A description of the professional learning activities for instructional staff (teacher and
assistant) that consist of 15 total of hours and support school readiness, including
alignment with the Maryland Early Learning Standards in early language and literacy, the
science of reading, early mathematics and social foundations.
A list of community partners and specific roles as they relate to the program.
A qualified individual in Key Personnel listed as responsible for instructional oversight,
and whose resume demonstrates their qualification to do so.
All lead teachers in prekindergarten classrooms must hold a state certification in Early
Childhood Education or hold a bachelor’s degree and be enrolled in a Maryland-
approved alternative preparation program or Maryland-approved teacher
preparation program leading to P-3 certification.
If a Lead Teacher has not been hired by the date of the proposal submission, a job
announcement must be included that demonstrates certification requirement and
A Director cannot be regarded as the teacher unless he or she is working in the
classroom full-time for the 6.5-hour instructional day.
Lead teachers who have their teaching certificate must be paid a salary commensurate
with the LEA in the respective county.
For prekindergarten classrooms with more than 10 students, there must be an Assistant
Teacher assigned to that classroom.
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Assistant Teachers must hold a Preschool Child Development Associate (CDA)
credential, hold an Associate of Arts (AA) degree, be enrolled in a program to receive a
CDA or AA, or have a written plan to receive a CDA or AA by school year 2025-2026.
Grantees must provide at least one meal per day. It’s recommended that meals served
meet the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) requirements, but not required.
Private providers: a license check will be performed prior to the final awarding of the
grant to ensure a valid childcare license is held and there are no major health and safety
Head Start programs only: applicants must submit a letter of support from the Head
Start Program-funded grantee if the applicant is not the funded grantee.
All grant requirements must be met prior to the start of the grant year, including the certification
requirements for lead teacher, to avoid a disruption in grant funds.
Lead Teacher for full-day prekindergarten classrooms must be hired by July 1, 2023, in order
to avoid a disruption in grant funds.
Invoices will not be paid unless all grant requirements have been met.
Note: Final awarding of the grant will be contingent on the applicant meeting all grant requirements.
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The Prekindergarten Expansion Grant Program is a competitive grant opportunity. As such, MSDE highly
encourages applicants to put their best effort forward in crafting an application. To expedite the award
process and ensure grantees can move without interruption into the 2023 2024 school year, MSDE will
review applications on a rolling basis beginning April 25, 2023. MSDE encourages timely submission to
increase an applicant’s likelihood of receiving an award.
Modified Short Form (Fast Track) Application
All new applicants must complete the application in its entirety. However, applicants seeking renewal or
expansion to an existing approved program may submit a modified short form application if the
applicant’s site(s) has(have) a track record of success. A track record of success means an applicant has
maintained a lead teacher who meets the grant requirements; and met and/or maintained a minimum
Maryland EXCELS Level 4 or above, in compliance with fiscal guidelines.
If an applicant is eligible to and desires to submit the modified, short form application, the applicant need
only complete and submit those application elements below indicated by the following symbol:
Those application elements, listed below, that are required for a complete modified short form submission
Maryland EXCELS and Accreditation
Application Cover Page
Goals and Outcomes
Plan of Operations (only required if different from the previous year)
Staffing, Management, and Key Personnel
Budget and Budget Narrative
For modified short form applications, MSDE will review, evaluate, and issue application scores based only
on the application sections identified above. The modified short form application requires a minimum
score of 35 (Meet Criteria scores range from 4-7) in total compared to the full application minimum of
65. MSDE will return an award determination within 30 days of submission for all modified short form
Memorandum of Understanding
LEAs must submit a signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the MSDE, the LEA, and the
private provider(s). The MOU must outline the roles and responsibilities between the MSDE and the local
education agency, and between the LEA and each eligible private provider who is a grantee in the local
education agency catchment area. Local education agencies and private providers are expected to
collaborate on a plan.
An MOU signed by MSDE, the LEA and any eligible private providers receiving funds is due no later than
July 1, 2023. MSDE will provide the MOU that must be signed and returned to the program contact listed
on this GIG.
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The MOU will include:
A plan for providing services for children with disabilities, regardless of family enrollment
A plan for providing supports for children who speak a language other than English.
A plan for providing support for children experiencing homelessness.
A process by which a parent or guardian is able to indicate a preference for eligible
prekindergarten providers.
A plan to centralize prekindergarten enrollment across the county regardless of family enrollment
The manner for processing the payment of the State share, local share, and family share for each
child who is enrolled with an eligible prekindergarten provider;
Any agreed upon administrative costs to be retained by an agency that is party to this agreement;
A plan to address racial and socioeconomic integration in prekindergarten classrooms;
A plan to avoid, to the extent practicable, a disproportionate concentration of students of the
same race, ethnicity, disability status, and income within an eligible provider; and
Any other provisions necessary to meet the goals of the program.
The Maryland State Department of Education will continue to provide technical assistance sessions to
support eligible entities with the MOU and MOU process.
Maryland accreditation is a process in which licensed childcare and early education programs commit to
continuous quality improvement. Maryland accreditation is a part of the broader Maryland EXCELS
system, in which programs earn quality ratings in targeted areas and commit to continuous quality
improvement for the children they serve. Maryland EXCELS participants receive a rating from 1 to 5. A
rating of 1 is awarded to providers and programs that successfully meet initial requirements, while a rating
of 5 is awarded to those that have achieved the highest quality rated programs that demonstrate
competence in areas such as staffing and professional development, accreditation, developmentally
appropriate practice, compliance with licensing regulations, and administrative policies.
In order to be eligible to receive funding, programs must be participating in the Maryland EXCELS
program. Programs with a rating of 1 or 2 will not be considered. Priority will be given to programs with
the following rating, on a scale of 3-5 (in order of priority):
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Further documentation required
Provide your program’s EXCELS certificate, and a written plan to maintain
level 5 rating
Provide your program’s EXCELS certificate, and a written plan to reach a
rating of 5 by the end of the grant period
Provide your program’s EXCELS certificate, and a written plan approved by
the MSDE to reach a rating of 5 within five years
Proposals must have the Proposal Cover Sheet provided in the application for participation. The cover
page should not contain any graphics nor additional information and must be signed by the head of the
agency. Applications can use the same cover page as the full applications but should clearly indicate on
the cover page if the applicant is submitting a full application or if the applicant is submitting a modified,
short form application as a renewal/expansion of existing program application.
Using the previous program evaluation or a needs assessment, describe how your program can use these
funds to increase access to high-quality, full-day prekindergarten and school readiness services.
Applicants should include the target audience and expected outcomes. New applicants are required to
have completed a needs assessment that clearly identifies areas of attention or barriers to achieving high-
quality, full-day Pre-K. For previous awardees, the existing program evaluation should be analyzed to
address identified areas of growth or attention.
For a quality response, at least one data source must be used for analysis.
Applicants must describe how implementation of the proposed Prekindergarten program will lead to the
desired goal(s). Applicants must include a description of the program’s experience in implementing an
effective Pre-K program or how chosen curricula, materials, and instructional strategies are tied directly to
research with a track record of improving student outcomes. Discuss how this experience or existing
research aligns with the definition of high-quality Pre-K and the impact your proposed activities are likely
to have on the target population(s).
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Applicants are required to identify clear goals and objectives that their program will achieve. Goals
communicate the final impact or outcome the program will bring about. Objectives set standards of
progress towards meeting the overall goal(s) of the program. Applicants submitting a modified short form
application need only submit updated goals for the next school year. A sample goal is below:
Goal 1: By the end of the school year 80% of Pre-K 4 students will demonstrate school readiness as
measured by attaining level 4 on the Early Learning Assessment (ELA).
Outcome: By the end of November 2023 70% of Pre-K 4 students will attain level 2 in at least two
learning progressions in the Language and Literacy domain of the ELA.
Outcome: By the end of March 2024 80% of Pre-K 4 students will attain level 3 in at least two learning
progressions in the mathematics domain of the ELA.
Goal 2: The program will show 20% improvement in positive responses on a parent/guardian and staff
program satisfaction survey by the end of the school year indicating an improvement in family
engagement efforts.
Outcome1: Pre-K staff and at least 80% of parents/guardians will complete a program satisfaction
survey by mid-October 2023 and data will be collected and collated by the end of October.
Outcome 2: Pre-K staff and at least 80% of parents/guardians will complete a program satisfaction
survey by mid-May 2024 and data collected and collated by June 1,2024.
Goal 3: The program will establish a strong collaborative partnership with the LEA by the end of June
Outcome 1: Lead Teachers and teacher assistants will attend Frog Street Curriculum Training in August
2024 and all follow up support sessions hosted by the LEA during the 2024 school year.
Outcome 2: The program will attend at least three Blueprint support sessions and centralized
enrollment training sessions by December 2023.
Outcome 3: Program and LEA will host joint parent/guardian engagement events targeting incoming
kindergarten students and their families/guardians by May 2024.
Goal 4: Lead Teachers and Teachers will confidently manage challenging behaviors of children in their
classroom setting by December 2023.
Outcome 1: Lead Teachers will complete online Pyramid Model training for Preschoolers modules by
December 2023.
Outcome 2: By the end of February 2024, Lead Teachers will complete training, mentoring and
coaching offered by their local Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultants (IECMHC) to support
the social emotional development of their students and parents/guardians.
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The plan of operation provides information about how your program will accomplish its goals and expand
access to high-quality prekindergarten educational programs for 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds in Maryland.
The applicant must respond to specific questions in the application that address required components of
eligible full-day prekindergarten programs including recruitment and eligibility, curriculum implementation,
professional learning, coordinated services, and family engagement. Applicants submitting a modified
short form application need only identify operational plans that differ from the existing/prior year site(s),
if any.
Evaluation is an important part of determining the success of the program. Applicants will be required to
describe in detail what success will look like and the criteria that will be used to determine and measure
success. Applicants must have a program evaluation in place to ensure continuous program improvement.
The evaluation plan must identify the data and instruments that will be used to monitor the quality of the
program, as well as how this information will be used to support continuous quality improvement. The plan
must also include how parents and guardians will be informed and engaged about student progress and
areas of concern to support student learning and growth.
Reporting: Grantees are required to submit interim progress reports and a final report consistent with the
project’s goal and objective(s). Additionally, grantees will be expected to complete an annual program
evaluation report that is to be shared during the Annual Review.
Applicants should complete all site selection information and must list all administrative key personnel
responsible for the successful implementation and monitoring of the grant requirements and provide
resumes. Applicants must also complete the staffing qualification table so MSDE can ensure all staff meet
qualification requirements (be prepared to include supporting documentation). Be sure to include the
personnel responsible for instructional oversight (supporting the teachers) and a resume demonstrating
that they are qualified to do so. Applicants are required to complete a management plan as part of the
proposal. See a sample below.
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Sample Management Plan Worksheet
Title, Organization
Ms. Smith
Grant Manager
Oversee grant program, observations,
complete reports, support director and staff
Mr. Phillips
Oversee grant budget, invoices, supporting
documentation and deadlines
Ms. Waters
Instructional Coach
Mentor and support teachers with
classroom instruction
1. A Director teaching in a classroom full-time cannot serve as instructional oversight person.
2. Teaching staff will be captured in the Staffing and Site Selection portion of the application.
A Project Timeline tells the reviewer when key activities will take place during the grant period. Applicants
should consider all the key tasks or activities that need to be conducted to implement the program
successfully. The key activities should be aligned with the grant goals and objectives and proposed plan. It
should contain the following categories: management, implementation, and evaluation. Management
activities provide oversight and monitor grant requirements. Implementation activities directly support
grant outcomes. Evaluation activities assess program quality and student progress. The project timeline
should cover the entire grant year. See a sample timeline below:
Sample Project Timeline
Key Activities
Time Frame
Management Activity
Disseminate Recruitment flyers to county
agencies that serve EL students and those with
Grant Manager
and Director
March 2023
Recruit and hire certified staff
April -June 2023
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Attend and participate in partner meetings
Grant Manager
and Director
October 2023, January 2024,
March 2024
Implementation Activity
Purchase supplies and materials to support
curriculum, classroom instruction,
accreditation and MD EXCELS
Director, Teachers
July 2023
Staff will attend curriculum training
Director, Teachers
August 2023
Evaluation Activity
Conduct Classroom Assessment Scoring
System (CLASS) observations
CLASS observer
October 2023 and March 2024
Administer Early Learning Assessments
October 2023 May 2024
The project’s budget should detail all related project expenses in a separate itemized budget. It should
demonstrate the extent to which the budget is reasonable, allowable, and cost-effective. All projected
costs should appear in the budget narrative and must be included on the budget form (C-1-25). Reviewers
should be able to see a clear connection between the proposed activities and the budget line items. Clearly
show the requested funds and in-kind contributions for each line item if applicable. Please note in-kind
contributions are not required.
The funding per prekindergarten student will be $13,000 per full-day slot for three-year-olds and four-
year-olds from families earning up to 300% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), and up to $13,000 per
slot for Head Start program applicants. Students with disabilities regardless of income, students
experiencing homelessness and students from homes in which English is not the primary spoken language
are eligible regardless of income.
Each line must be detailed and specific. Budget categories should be broken down into specific line items.
For example, “meeting expenses” can be captured in the “Other” category and the line items can be broken
down into room rental, photocopying and AV equipment. There is no page limit for the budget, so be as
detailed as possible. See a sample below:
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1. Salaries & wages (list separately for each position)
Line item
Project Manager
$50/hour x 40 hours per
week x 52 weeks
Total for Salaries &
2. Contracted Services
Line item
Music Therapy
10 weeks @$65/session
x 2 times a year
Total for Salaries &
Applicants must have a long-term plan for sustainability and community and business partnerships to
support high-quality programming, expand resources, and provide students access to social, health, and
academic support. The plan may include braiding funds and/or matching funds to the extent possible.
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Application Appendices
The following appendices must be included with an application. Applicants submitting a modified short
form application should only submit items associated with required application sections. Include other
appendices as deemed necessary.
Works Cited: A works cited page is required for any sources that are cited in the proposal.
A description of how the income verification forms and family-provided documents will be
collected and maintained on-site. The income eligibility criteria are based on the Federal Poverty
Levels (FPL).
Head Start Program programs only: Applicants must submit a letter of support from the principal
of Head Start Program-funded grantee, if the applicant is not the principal funded grantee.
Resumes of Key Personnel: Include a one-page resume for each person playing a key role in the
project. Only information relevant to the project should be included in the resume. Resumes for
teachers are not necessary. Be sure to include the resume for the individual selected to provide
instructional oversight.
Evidence of Lead Teacher qualifications: a state P-3 certification in Early Childhood Education or
hold a bachelor’s degree and be enrolled in a Maryland-approved alternative preparation
program or Maryland-approved teacher preparation program leading to P-3 certification, or the
job announcement showing certification requirement and salary.
Evidence of assistant teacher credentials: documentation of the Preschool Child Development
Associate Credential (CDA) or Associate of Arts (AA) degree or evidence the assistant is enrolled
in a program to receive CDA or AA, or the written plan to receive a CDA or AA by school year
2025-2026, or job announcement.
Evidence of EXCELS rating and a description of how you will maintain or achieve a rating of 5 in
the prescribed time.
Accreditation certificate (if applicable).
Request for advance payment (optional).
o A 15% advancement of the grant award amount will be issued upon request and all
supporting receipts will be required. Applicants who are approved for funding and meet all
grant requirements are eligible to receive a 15% advance upon request. Applicants
requesting an advance must complete the following Request for Payment Advance and
submit it with the application. Advance requests received after the application has been
submitted will not be considered.
The signed recipient assurances page
A signed C-1-25 MSDE budget form
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Submission Requirements
Proposals for funding must contain the following to be considered for funding:
The grant application form can be downloaded from the Office of Grants Administration and
Compliance website and the MSDE prekindergarten website.
Interested applicants must download the application, attach any supporting documentation as
appendices, and submit the package in its entirety in pdf form.
Applications must be typed and presented in an organized and professional manner.
Applications must be submitted by email to
The cover page must be the first page of the proposal.
The project statement that appears on the cover page must not exceed 100 words.
The original application cover page must be signed in blue ink. Copies of the cover page must
not be color photocopied.
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The Review Process
The Prekindergarten Expansion Grant program is a competitive grant program with limited funds. MSDE
will prioritize existing awardees and, as such, the review of proposals will be a two-part process:
Written applications/project narratives will be pre-screened for submission requirements and inclusion of
all required sections. Applications not meeting all pre-screen requirements will not be reviewed.
a. MSDE will confirm that any applicants submitting a modified short form application are, in
fact, eligible to do so.
b. MSDE will begin to review complete applications beginning on April 25 and rolling
A review committee established by MSDE will evaluate applications using a scoring rubric. The scoring
rubric is tailored to the grant program, its intent, and intended impact on the target population.
Note: MSDE reserves the right to take into consideration geographic distribution and a prior track record
of success when making awards.
Review Committee
The committee will be composed of three (3) representatives from the MSDE. Reviewers will assign
numerical scores to each proposal based on the criteria on the scoring rubric below. Applications must
receive a cut score of 65 in order to be considered for funding. For modified short form applications,
MSDE will issue scores only based on the areas identified that have the corresponding icon, below. The
modified short form application requires a minimum score of 35 (Meet Criteria scores range from 4-7) in
total. MSDE will return an award determination within 30 days of submission for all modified short form
Total Points Allotted 100
Plan Criteria
Level 3 (8-10pts)
Exceeds Criteria
Level 2 (4-7pts)
Meets Criteria
Level 1 (1-3pts)
Does Not Meet Criteria
Maryland EXCELS and
10 points
The program is published at a level 5 and
has provided the certificate and the
current accreditation certificate.
Program describes strategies, and there
are comprehensive processes in place to
allow ratings to be maintained. The
application table is completed as listed.
The program is published at a level 4
and has provided the certificate
along with accreditation certificate
(if applicable). The program
describes how level 5 will be
obtained by the end of the grant
period (June 2024) and completes
the table as listed.
The program is published at a level 3
and has provided the certificate and
is not yet accredited. The program
describes how level 5 will be
attained within 5 years and the table
is completed.
The program is published at a
level 1 or 2.
The program has not published a
rating and is not participating in
Maryland EXCELS.
Extent of Need
10 points
A needs assessment or previous/existing
program evaluation was conducted that
identifies multiple related problems.
Multiple data sources are used, including
both quantitative and qualitative data.
These data are presented and clearly
identify areas of growth that connect to
clear implementation strategies.
A needs assessment or
previous/existing program
evaluation was conducted, and the
application addresses any identified
area of growth or attention.
However, only one data source is
used for analysis.
No needs assessment or
previous/existing program
evaluation was done, or the
applicant provides a problem, but
the data presented does not align
to the problem.
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Evidence of Impact
10 points
The application describes how the
proposed Prekindergarten program
implementation will lead to the desired
goal(s). The application includes a
detailed description of the program’s
experience in implementing an effective
Pre-K program; and how this experience
fully aligns with the definition of high-
quality Pre-K and the impact the
proposed activities are likely to have on
the target population(s). The application
goes further, citing data and research
specific to chosen curricula,
interventions, and strategies to link
planned programming to a likely impact
on student success.
The application describes how the
proposed Prekindergarten program
implementation will lead to the
desired goal(s). The application
includes a description of the
program’s experience in
implementing an effective Pre-K
program; and how this experience
aligns with the definition of high-
quality Pre-K and the impact the
proposed activities are likely to have
on the target population(s).
The application partially describes
how the proposed
Prekindergarten program
implementation will lead to the
desired goal(s) and description of
the program’s experience in
implementing an effective Pre-K
Goals and Objectives
10 points
The application contains more than one
goal and objective that aligns with the
Maryland Early Learning Standards. The
goals are clear, and objectives are
specific, measurable, achievable, realistic,
and timely (S.M.A.R.T.).
The application contains at least one
goal that aligns with the Maryland
Early Learning Standards.
The application’s goals and
objectives are not clearly
identified, not measurable, and/or
not aligned with the Maryland
Early Learning Standards.
Plan of Operation
10 points
The application is comprehensive and
fully addresses each of the seven
questions in describing how all proposed
activities will lead to the successful
implementation of full-day, high-quality
Pre-K for all eligible students.
The application addresses each of
the seven questions with some
details for how each of the
proposed activities will lead to the
successful implementation of full-
day, high-quality Pre-K for all
eligible students.
The application partially describes
how all proposed activities will
lead to the successful
implementation of full-day, high-
quality Pre-K for all eligible
Evaluation and
10 points
The application provides a distinct plan
for program evaluation to ensure
continuous improvement and inform
future decisions.
This includes identifying the data and
instruments, how the information will be
used, and how
families/parents/guardians will be
informed of program and student(s)
progress and areas of concern. The plan
implements multiple data collection
The application provides a plan for
program evaluation to ensure
continuous improvement and inform
future decisions.
The plan includes some details of
how success will be determined. The
plan identifies data and instruments,
how the information will be used,
and how families/parents/guardians
will be informed of student(s)
progress and areas of concern.
The application does not include
a clear plan for program
evaluation and continuous
improvement, and details are
Staffing, Management
Plan and Key
10 points
All the requirements under meets criteria
are met. In addition, a resume including
information relevant to the project is
provided for all personnel.
The staffing qualification table is also
correct and complete, and multiple staff
exceed qualification requirements. All
supporting documentation is provided.
All aspects of this section of the
application are addressed, including
information relevant to all key
The staffing qualification table is
also correct and complete, and staff
meet qualification requirements. All
supporting documentation is
Administrative and key personnel
are not listed in the chart,
responsibilities are vague, or time
devoted is missing. The
instructional oversight person
does not meet the qualifications.
Some or no resumes are
The staffing qualification table is
incomplete or incorrect. The
teacher(s) and/or teacher
assistant(s) do not meet
qualification requirements and/or
partial documentation is
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Project Timeline
10 points
The project timeline chart lists all key
activities, individuals responsible, and
time frame. The key activities are aligned
with the grant goals, objectives, proposed
plan and correspond with the correct
categories. The timeline covers the entire
grant year. In addition, a management
plan has been developed to ensure that
the timeline remains on track.
The project timeline chart lists all
key activities, individuals
responsible, and time frame. The
key activities are aligned with the
grant goals, objectives, proposed
plan and correspond with the
correct categories. The timeline
covers the entire grant year.
The project timeline chart is
missing either key activities, the
individual responsible or time
frame; or contains vague
activities that may not
correspond with the correct
categories. The timeline partially
covers the grant year.
Collaboration and
10 points
The application contains a thorough plan
for sustainability with blending and
braiding federal, state, and local funding
The plan includes extensive community
and business partnerships.
Responsibilities of collaborating partners
are provided in detail. The plan may or
may not include matching funds to the
extent possible.
The application contains a thorough
plan for sustainability with extensive
community and business
partnerships. Responsibilities of
collaborating partners are provided
in detail. The plan may or may not
include matching funds to the
extent possible.
The application contains a vague
plan for sustainability. A list of
partners is included but without
their respective roles.
Budget and Budget
10 points
The application includes a budget and
budget narrative that follows the
prescribed budget categories. Each
line-item is specific and shows
calculations. All line items are
calculated correctly, and budget forms
are free of errors. Items on the budget
narrative are reasonable, allowable,
and allocable with justification. The
budget narrative and C-1-25 are
aligned. The budget narrative aligns
with the proposed activities.
The application includes additional
sources of funding or revenue to
supplement activities in the proposed
budget and budget narrative that tie back
to corresponding community and
business partnerships.
The application includes a budget
and budget narrative that follows
the prescribed budget categories.
Each line-item is specific and
shows calculations. All line items
are calculated correctly, and
budget forms are free of errors.
Items on the budget narrative are
reasonable, allowable, and
allocable with justification. The
budget narrative and C-1-25 are
aligned. The budget narrative
aligns with the proposed
The application includes budget
expenses with limited
justification and/or does not
align with the prescribed
categories or the proposed
activities. Costs may not be
reasonable, allowable, or
allocable. Budget contains
errors and/or missing
Award Notification
Notification of awards will be sent by email on or by 30 days after application submission deadline (June
13). MSDE will be reviewing all applications on a rolling basis beginning April 25, 2023. For any modified
short form applications received on or by April 25, MSDE will begin announcing award decisions prior to
May 1 and will ensure all decisions for short form applications are issued within 30 days of application
submission. Processing of the official Notice of Grant Awards (NOGA) will begin promptly on the first day
of next fiscal year (on July 1
); this process can take 6-8 weeks. An invoice template for billing will be sent
with the official NOGA.
Applicants meeting all grant requirements may be eligible to receive a 15% advance upon request.
Applicants requesting an advance must complete a Request for Payment Advance and submit it with the
application. The Request for Payment Advance form can be found on the MSDE prekindergarten
website. Advance payment requests received after the application has been submitted will not be
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Reporting Requirements
Grantees must comply with the following reporting requirements:
Reporting Requirements for Each Year
Fiscal and program monitoring; all invoices must be accompanied with
supporting documentation.
July 1, 2023
Signed MOU is due to the MSDE program contact. The LEA will meet with
each private provider and share the MOU to be signed.
Sep Oct 2023
Initial site visit will be conducted.
Oct 15, 2023
Submission of student enrollment data (student demographics, enrollment,
and income eligibility) from first day of school through Sept 30.
Jan 30, 2024
First interim report due (the C-125-C form can be found on the MSDE grants
webpage) Submission of student enrollment data (student demographics,
enrollment, and income eligibility) from Oct 1 through Dec 31. Collaboration
check-ins form due.
Mar May, 2024
Monitoring visit will be conducted.
Apr 30, 2024
Second interim report due (the C-125-C form can be found on the MSDE
grants webpage).
Jun 30, 2024
Submission of student enrollment data (student demographics, enrollment,
and income eligibility) from Jan 1 through end of school year.
Jul 31, 2024
Final report due covering the grant period (the C-125-D form can be found
on the MSDE grants webpage).
Oct 30, 2024
Annual financial report (AFR) due within 120 days after the grant period
Any requests for programmatic amendments must be submitted at least 45 days before the grant period
ends and must be submitted using the C-125-B form found in the Grant Budget Forms Workbook on
the MSDE Office of Grants Administration and Compliance webpage. Final invoices must be
submitted no later than 60 days after the grant period ends.
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Non-Discrimination Statement
The Maryland State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of age, ancestry/national
origin, color, disability, gender identity/expression, marital status, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation
in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs and activities and provides equal
access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. For inquiries related to Department policy,
please contact:
Equity Assurance and Compliance Office
Office of the Deputy State Superintendent for Operations
Maryland State Department of Education
200 W. Baltimore Street - 2nd Floor Baltimore, Maryland 21201-2595 410-767-0123 - voice
410-767-0431 - fax
410-333-6442 - TTY/TDD
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Maryland State Department of Education | 25
The General Education Provisions Act (GEPA), Section 427
Each application must develop and describe the steps the applicant proposes to take to ensure equitable
access to, and equitable participation in, the project or activity to be conducted with such assistance, by
addressing the special needs of students, teachers, and other program beneficiaries in order to overcome
barriers to equitable participation.
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Customer Service Support Sessions
The MSDE will hold customer service support sessions for interested applicants. During these sessions,
MSDE personnel will review what applicants need to get started, the program requirements, as well as a
walk-through of the application. To attend a virtual session, please see the dates, times, and registration
links below:
April 18, 2023, from 6:30-8:00 pm (registration required)
April 19, 2023, from 1:00-2:30 pm (registration required)
April 20, 2023, from 1:00-2:00 pm (Office Hours) - Modified Short Form Application (open link, no
registration required)
April 24, 2023, from 1:00-2:00 pm (Office Hours) - Private Providers (open link, no registration
April 25, 2023, from 1:00-2:00 pm (Office Hours) LEAs (open link, no registration required)
May 2, 2023, from 6:30-8:00 pm (registration required)
May 4, from 1:00-2:30 pm (registration required)
May 9, 2023, from 1:00-2:00 pm (Office Hours)- Open to all applicants (open link, no registration
If you have questions about the application or the process, please contact the Program Manager:
Nykia Washington
Prekindergarten Program Manager
Phone: 410-767-0088
A list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) and answers will be posted to the MSDE website following the
customer support sessions.
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Grant Application Timeline
This funding opportunity, including all attachments and updates, are found on the Maryland State
Department of Education Office of Grants Administration and Compliance website.
Program Milestone
April 11, 2023
The grant application period opens
April 18 May 9, 2023
The MSDE will hold a virtual customer service support session for
interested applicants and the review/notification period for modified
short form applications begins
April 25, 2023
MSDE will begin reviewing submitted applications on a rolling basis
June 13, 2023
The grant application period closes
June 27, 2023
The MSDE will complete notifying applicants of the award status
July 1, 2023
The MSDE will begin to process Notices of Grant Awards (NOGAs)
July 1, 2023
The grant period begins
August 2023
Program implementation begins
June 30, 2024
The grant period ends