VII. Unfair, Deceptive, and Abusive Practices - Federal Trade Commission Act/Dodd-Frank Act
FDIC Consumer Compliance Examination Manual — June 2022 VII1.1
Federal Trade Commission Act, Section 5
Dodd-Frank W all Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act, Sections 1031 and 1036
These examination procedures inform examiners about
activities that may constitute unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts
or p ractices and how to evaluate the effectiveness of FDIC-
supervised institutions’ processes for identifying, measuring,
monitoring, and otherwise mitigating the risks associated with
them. In this context, unfair, decep tive, or abusive acts or
practices are legal standards established pursuant to Section 5
of the Federal Trade Commission Act (FTC Act) and the
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
(the Dodd-Frank Act). Throughout these procedures these
standards will be referred to, resp ectively, asFTC UDAPs”
and “Dodd-Frank UDAAPs.
The FDIC utilizes a risk-focused examination approach to
promote, assess, and confirm institutions’ compliance with
FTC UDAPs and/or Dodd-Frank UDAAPs. While FTC
UDAPs and/or Dodd-Frank UDAAPs occur infrequently, they
may result in significant consumer harm and erode consumer
confidence in the financial institution. Heightened risk may be
present in situations involving: changes to a bank’s products or
services; the offering of a complex or atyp ical product; and
marketing and delivery strategies using one or more third party
A FTC UDAP and/or Dodd-Frank UDAAP finding is
dependent on the relevant sp ecific facts and circumstances;
each institution is different and presents distinct p otential
risks. Accordingly, examination staff should apply the
instructions in these procedures consistently as part of their
assessment of institutions. In addition, the FDIC will conduct
app ropriate legal analy sis based on the FTC UDAP and/or
Dodd-Frank UDAAP standards, and consider the p articular
facts and circumstances at each institution to determine
whether a violation has occurred.
Back ground
In 1938, Congress expanded the FTC Act to not only prohibit
unfair methods of competition but to also prohibitunfair or
deceptive acts or practicesin or affecting commerce to allow
The term covered person” means (1) any person who engages in offering or
providing a consumer financial product or service; and (2) any affiliate of a
person described in (1) if such affiliate acts as a service provider to such
person. See 12 U.S.C. § 5481(6).
Information on Dodd-Frank and its standards of unfair, deceptive and
abusive begin on page VII-1.4.
the FTC to directly p rotect consumers. See 15 U.S.C. § 45(a)
(Section 5 of the FTC Act). These procedures provide
information regarding the applicability of Section 5 of the FTC
In 2010, Congress passed t
he Dodd-Frank Act. Section 1036
of the Dodd-Frank Act prohibits a covered person”
engaging in unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices
(Dodd-Frank UDAAP). See 12 U.S.C. § 5536. Section 1031 of
the Dodd-Frank Act provides authority to the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to promulgate rules
identifying such acts or practices as unfair, deceptive, or
abusive in connection with consumer financial products and
services generally. See 12 U.S.C. § 5531. These procedures
also provide information regarding Sections 1031 and 1036 of
the Dodd-Frank Act.
The legal standards for “unfair” and “deceptiveunder Section
5 of the FTC Act and the Dodd-Frank Act are substantially
similar. Further, the legal standards for unfair, deceptive, or
abusive are independent of each other. Depending on the facts,
an act or p ractice may be unfair or deceptive or abusive or any
combination of the three, or not constitute a violation.
Section 5 of the FTC Act
The banking agencies
have authority to enforce Section 5 of
the FTC Act for the institutions they supervise and their
institution affiliated parties (IAPs). The FDIC has provided
notice to state nonmember institutions of its intent to cite them
and their IAPs for violations of Section 5 of the FTC Act, and
of its intent to take appropriate action pursuant to its authority
under Section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (FDI
Act) when a FTC UDAP violation is cited. The FTC has
authority to take action against nonbanks that engage in a FTC
UDAP. If a FTC UDAP involves an entity or entities over
which more than one agency has enforcement authority such
as, for example, the FDIC and the FTC, the agencies may
coordinate their enforcement actions. Unlike many consumer
protection laws, Section 5 of the FTC Act also applies to
transactions that may imp act business customers as well as
individual consumers.
On March 11, 2004, the FDIC and the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System (FRB) issued additional guidance
regarding FTC UDAPs prohibited by Section 5 of the FTC
3 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Reserve Board, and O ffi c e
of the Comptroller of the Currency.
FTC v. IFC Credit Corp., 543 F. Supp. 2d 925, 943 (2008): “The FTC has
construed the termconsumer to include businesses as well as individuals.
Deference must be given to the interpretation of the agency charged by
Congress with the statutes implementation.
VII. Unfair, Deceptive, and Abusive Practices - Federal Trade Commission Act/Dodd-Frank Act
VII1.2 FDIC Consumer Compliance Examination Manual June 2022
Following the release of the guidance, the FDIC issued
examination procedures, which include:
Standards used to assess whether an act or practice is
ir or deceptive
Interplay between the FTC Act and other consumer
protection statutes
Examination procedures for determining compliance with
the FTC Act standards, including risk assessment
procedures that should be followed to determine if
transaction testing is warranted
Best p ractices for documenting a case
Corrective actions that should be considered for violations
of Section 5 of the FTC Act
List of resources
NOTE: In August 2014, the FDIC, FRB, CFPB, the National
Credit Union Administration (NCUA), and the Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) (collectively, the
Agencies) issued guidance regarding certain consumer credit
practices as they relate to Section 5 of the FTC Act. The
authority to issue credit practices rules under Section 5 of the
FTC Act (e.g., Regulation AA, Credit Practices Rule) for
banks, savings associations, and federal credit unions was
repealed as a consequence of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Notwithstanding the repeal of such authority, the guidance
indicated that the Agencies continue to have supervisory and
enforcement authority regarding unfair or deceptive acts or
practices, which could include those practices previously
addressed in the former credit practices rules. Such practices
included: (1) the use of certain provisions in consumer credit
contracts, (2) the misrepresentation of the nature or extent of
cosigner liability, and (3) the pyramiding of late fees.
The guidance clarifies that institutions should not construe the
repeal of these rules to indicate that the unfair or deceptive
practices described in these former regulations are
permissible. The guidance makes clear that these practices
remain subject to Section 5 of the FTC Act and Sections 1031
and 1036 of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Standards for Determining What is Unfair or Deceptive
The legal standard for unfairness is independent of the legal
standard for deception. Depending on the facts, an act or
practice may be unfair, decep tive, both, or neither.
Section 5 of the FTC Act also ap plies to commercial
transactions and businesses. In applying these statutory
factors, the FDIC will identify and take action whenever it
5 See FIL-26-2004, Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Under Section 5 of
the Federal Trade Commission Act (March 11, 2004).
finds conduct that is unfair or deceptive, as such conduct that
falls well below the high standards of business practice
expected of banks and the parties affiliated with them.
FTC UDAPs may also violate other federal or state laws.
However, practices that fully comply with consumer
protection or other laws may still violate Section 5 of the FTC
Act. For additional information, please refer to the
Relationship to Other Laws” section further in this document.
Unfair Acts or Practices
The FDIC applies the same standards as the FTC in
determining whether an act or p ractice is unfair. These
standards were first stated in the FTC Policy Statement on
Unfairness. An act or practice is unfair when it (1) causes or is
likely to cause substantial injury to consumers, (2) cannot be
reasonably avoided by consumers, and (3) is not outweighed
by countervailing benefits to consumers or to competition.
Congress codified the three-part unfairness test in 1994.
Public policy may also be considered in the analysis of
whether a p articular act or p ractice is unfair. All three of the
elements necessary to establish unfairness are discussed
further below.
The act or practice must cause or be likely to cause
substanti al i njury to consumers.
Substantial injury usually involves monetary harm, but
can also include, in certain circumstances, unquantifiable
or non-monetary harm. An act or practice that causes a
small amount of harm to a large number of people, or a
significant amount of harm to a small number of people,
may be deemed to cause substantial injury.
An injury may be substantial if it raises significant risk of
concrete harm. Trivial or merely speculative harms are
typically insufficient for a finding of substantial injury.
Emotional impact and other more subjective types of harm
will not ordinarily make a practice unfair.
Consumers must not be reasonably able to avoid the
An act or practice is not considered unfair if consumers
may reasonably avoid injury. Consumers cannot
reasonably avoid injury from an act or practice if it
interferes with their ability to effectively make decisions
or to take action to avoid injury. This may occur if
material information about a product, such as pricing, is
modified or withheld until after the consumer has
committed to purchasing the product, so that the consumer
cannot reasonably avoid the injury. It also may occur
where testing reveals that disclosures do not effectively
15 U.S.C. § 45(n).
VII. Unfair, Deceptive, and Abusive Practices - Federal Trade Commission Act/Dodd-Frank Act
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exp lain an act or p ractice to consumers.
A practice may
also be unfair where consumers are subject to undue
influence or are coerced into purchasing unwanted
products or services.
Because consumers should be able to survey the available
alternatives, choose those that are most desirable, and
avoid those that are inadequate or unsatisfactory, the
question is whether an act or practice unreasonably
impairs the consumer’s ability to make an informed
decision, not whether the consumer could have made a
wiser decision. In accordance with FTC case law, the
FDIC will not second-guess the wisdom of particular
consumer decisions. Instead, the FDIC will consider
whether an institution’s behavior unreasonably creates an
obstacle that imp airs the free exercise of consumer
The actions that a consumer is expected to take to avoid
injury must be reasonable. While a consumer could
potentially avoid harm by hiring independent experts to
test products in advance or bring legal claims for damages,
these actions generally would be too expensive to be
practical for individual consumers and, therefore, are not
The injury must not be outweighed by countervailing
benefits to consumers or to competition.
To be unfair, the act or practice must be injurious in its net
effects that is, the injury must not be outweighed by
any offsetting consumer or competitive benefits that are
also produced by the act or practice. Offsetting consumer
or competitive benefits may include lower prices or a
wider availability of products and services. Nonetheless,
both consumers and competition benefit from preventing
unfair acts or p ractices because p rices are likely to better
reflect actual transaction costs, and merchants who do not
rely on unfair acts or practices are no longer required to
compete with those who do. Unfair acts or practices injure
both consumers and competitors because consumers who
would otherwise have selected a comp etitor’s product are
wrongly diverted by the unfair act or practice.
Costs that would be incurred for remedies or measures to
prevent the injury are also taken into account in
7 The FRBs testing of certain disclosures concluded that consumers cannot
reasonably avoid certain payment allocation and billing practices because
disclosures fail to adequately explain these practices. See Jeanne M.
Hogarth & Ellen A. Merry, Designing Disclosures to Inform Consumer
Financial Decisionmaking: Lessons Learned from Consumer Testing,
Federal Reserve Bulletin (August 2011),
s2011.pdf (summarizing the outcomes of consumer tests on various
financial product disclosures). The FTC discusses potential ways to make
electronic disclosures clear and understandable in itsDot Com
Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising”
(March 2013), available at
eleases/ftc-s t aff-
determining whether an act or practice is unfair. These
costs may include the costs to the institution in taking
preventive measures and the costs to society as a whole of
any increased burden and similar matters.
Public Policy May be Considered
Public policy, as established by statute, regulation, judicial
decision, or agency determination, may be considered with all
other evidence in determining whether an act or practice is
unfair. Public policy considerations by themselves, however,
will not serve as the primary basis for determining that an act
or practice is unfair. For example, the fact that a particular
lending practice violates a state law or a banking regulation
may be considered as evidence in determining whether the act
or practice is unfair. Conversely, the fact that a particular
practice is permitted by statute or regulation may , under some
circumstances, be considered as evidence that the p ractice is
not unfair. The requirements of the Truth in Lending Act
(TILA), the Truth in Savings Act (TISA), the Fair Credit
Reporting Act (FCRA), or the Fair Debt Collection Practices
Act (FDCPA) are examples of public policy considerations.
However, an institution’s compliance with another statute or
regulation does not insulate the institution from liability for an
unfair act or practice under Section 5 of the FTC Act.
Fiduciary responsibilities under state law may clarify public
policy for actions, especially those involving trusts,
guardianships, unsophisticated consumers, the elderly, or
minors. State statutes and regulations that prohibit FTC
UDAPs are often aimed at making sure that lenders do not
exploit the lack of access to mainstream banking institutions
by low-income individuals, the elderly, and minorities.
Deceptive Acts or Practices
A three-part test is used to determine whether a representation,
omission, or practice is decep tive. This test was first laid out in
the FTC Policy Statement on Deceptive Acts and Practices.
First, the representation, omission, or practice must mislead or
be likely to mislead the consumer. Second, the consumer’s
interpretation of the representation, omission, or practice must
be reasonable under the circumstances. Third, the misleading
representation, omission, or practice must be material.
As a
general matter, the standards for establishing deception are
See FTC Policy Statement on Deceptive Acts and Practices.
9 See FTC Act Policy Statement on Deceptive Acts and Practices.
VII. Unfair, Deceptive, and Abusive Practices - Federal Trade Commission Act/Dodd-Frank Act
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less burdensome than the standards for establishing unfairness
because, under deception, there is no requirement of
substantial injury or the likelihood of substantial injury, or the
other elements of unfairness related to consumer injury. The
following discusses all three of the elements necessary to
establish deception.
There must be a representation, omission, or practice
that misleads or is likely to mislead the consumer.
An act or practice may be found to be deceptive if there is
a representation, omission, or practice that misleads or is
likely to mislead a consumer. Decep tion is not limited to
situations in which a consumer has already been misled.
Instead, an act or practice may be found to be deceptive if
it is likely to mislead consumers. A representation may be
in the form of express or implied claims or promises and
may be written or oral. Omission of information may be
deceptive if disclosure of the omitted information is
necessary to prevent a consumer from being misled. An
individual statement, representation, or omission is not
evaluated in isolation to determine if it is misleading, but
rather in the context of the entire advertisement,
transaction, or course of dealing. Acts or practices that
have the potential to be deceptive include: making
misleading cost or price claims; using bait-and-switch
techniques; offering to provide a product or service that is
not in fact available; omitting material limitations or
conditions from an offer; selling a product unfit for the
purposes for which it is sold; and failing to provide
promised services.
The act or practice must be considered from the
perspective of the reasonable consumer.
In determining whether an act or practice is misleading,
the consumer’s interpretation of or reaction to the
representation, omission, or practice must be reasonable
under the circumstances. In other words, whether an act or
practice is deceptive depends on how a reasonable
member of the target audience would interpret the
marketing material. When representations or marketing
practices are targeted to a sp ecific audience, such as the
elderly or the financially unsophisticated, the
communication is reviewed from the point of view of a
reasonable member of that group.
10 Clear and Conspicuous Disclosures
When evaluating the three-part test for deception, the fourPs should be
considered: prominence, presentation, placement, and proximity. First, is
the statement prominent enough for the consumer to notice? Second, is the
information presented in an easy to understand format that does not
contradict other information in the package and at a time when the
consumers attention is not distracted elsewhere? Third, is the placement of
the information in a location where consumers can be expected to look or
hear? Finally, is the information in close proximity to the claim it qualifies?
More information is available at: t a ff-
If a representation conveys two or more meanings to
reasonable consumers and one meaning is misleading, the
representation may be decep tive. Moreover, a consumer’s
interpretation or reaction may indicate that an act or
practice is deceptive under the circumstances, even if the
consumer’s interpretation is not shared by a majority of
the consumers in the relevant class, so long as a significant
minority of such consumers is misled.
Written disclosures may be insufficient to correct a
misleading statement or representation, particularly where
the consumer is directed away from qualifying limitations
in the text or is counseled that reading the disclosures is
unnecessary. Likewise, oral disclosures or fine print are
generally insufficient to cure a misleading headline or
prominent written representation. Finally , a decep tive act
or practice cannot be cured by subsequent truthful
The representation, omission, or practice must be
A representation, omission, or practice is material if it is
likely to affect a consumer’s decision to purchase or use a
product or service. In general, information about costs,
benefits, or restrictions on the use or availability of a
product or service is material. When exp ress claims are
made with respect to a financial product or service, the
claims will be p resumed to be material. While intent to
deceive is not a required element of proving that an act or
practice is deceptive, the materiality of an imp lied claim
will be presumed if it can be shown that the institution
intended that the consumer draw certain conclusions based
upon the claim.
Claims made with knowledge that they are false will also
be presumed to be material. Omissions will be presumed
to be material when the financial institution knew or
should have known that the consumer needed the omitted
information to make an informed choice about the product
or service.
Sections 1031 and 1036 of the Dodd-Frank Act (Dodd-
Frank UDAAP)
Title X of the Dodd-Frank Act provides exclusive supervisory
VII. Unfair, Deceptive, and Abusive Practices - Federal Trade Commission Act/Dodd-Frank Act
FDIC Consumer Compliance Examination Manual — June 2022 VII1.5
authority and primary enforcement authority to the CFPB for
insured depository institutions with total assets over $10
billion for the Dodd-Frank UDAAP provisions of Sections
1031 and 1036 of the Dodd-Frank Act.
The Dodd-Frank Act
provides the FDIC with supervisory and enforcement
authority for Dodd-Frank UDAAP, as well as other Federal
consumer financial laws, for state, nonmember banks with
total assets of $10 billion or less.
As a result of the
provisions contained in the Dodd-Frank Act and Section 5 of
the FTC Act, the FDIC has supervisory or enforcement
authority that includes both FTC UDAP and Dodd-Frank
UDAAP in certain situations.
The standards for determining whether an act or practice is
unfair or deceptive under the Dodd-Frank Act are
substantially similar to the FTC Act standards.
Section 1036
of the Dodd-Frank Act prohibits unfair, deceptive, or abusive
acts and practices with respect to consumer financial products
and services generally.
An abusive act or p ractice is one
M aterially interferes with the ability of a
consumer to understand a term or condition of
a consumer financial product or service or
Takes unreasonable advantage of:
o A lack of understanding on the part of the
consumer of the material risks, costs, or conditions
of the product or service; or
o The inability of the consumer to protect its interests
in selecting or using a consumer financial product
or service; or
o The reasonable reliance by the consumer on a
covered person
to act in the interests of the
Unlike the standards for unfair or deception under Section 5 of
the FTC Act, where all prongs of the test must be met for there
to be a violation, the abusive standard lays out individual,
stand-alone tests to determine if an act or practice is abusive.
Although abusive acts also may be unfair or deceptive,
examiners should be aware that the legal standards for
abusive, unfair, and deceptive are independent of each other.
The Role of Consumer Complaints in Identifying
Unfai r , Deceptive, or Abus i ve Acts or Practices
Consumer complaints play a key role in the detection of a FTC
UDAPs and Dodd-Frank UDAAPs. Consumer complaints
12 U.S.C. § 5531; 12 U.S.C. § 5536.
The Dodd-Frank Act provided the FDIC backup enforcement authority with
respect to Dodd-Frank UDAAP over FDIC-supervised institutions with
total assets over $10 billion
The FDIC also has the authority to enforcement any federal law or regulation
under the general grant of authority provided by Section 8 of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation Act, 12 U.S.C. § 1818.
have often been an essential source of information for possible
FTC UDAPs and Dodd-Frank UDAAPs and can also be an
indicator of weaknesses in elements of the institution’s
compliance management system, such as training, internal
controls, or monitoring.
While the absence of complaints does not ensure that FTC
UDAPs or Dodd-Frank UDAAPs are not occurring, the
presence of complaints may be a red flag indicating that a
more detailed review is warranted. This is especially the case
when similar complaints are received from several consumers
regarding the same product or service. One of the three tests in
evaluating an app arent decep tive p ractice is: The act or
practice must be considered from the perspective of the
reasonable consumer.” Consumer complaints provide a
window into the perspective of the reasonable consumer.
Complaint Resolution Procedure s
Examiners should interview institution staff about consumer
complaints and the institution’s procedures for resolving and
monitoring consumer complaints. Examiners should determine
whether management has responded promptly and
appropriately to consumer comp laints. The FDIC expects
institutions to be proactive in resolving consumer complaints,
as well as monitoring complaints for trends that indicate
potential FTC UDAP or Dodd-Frank UDAAP concerns.
Institutions should centralize consumer complaint handling
and ensure that all complaints are captured, whether they are
made via telephone, mail, email, in person, the institution’s
regulator, text message, live chat, or other methods. In
addition to resolving individual complaints, an institution
should take action to improve its business practices and
compliance management sy stem, when appropriate. The
institution’s audit and/or monitoring function should also
include a review of consumer complaints.
Sources for Identifying Complaints
Consumer complaints can originate from many different
sources. The primary sources for complaints are those received
directly by the institution and those received by the FDIC
National Center for Consumer and Depositor Assistance
Consumer Response Unit (Consumer Response Unit).
Secondary sources for complaints include State Attorneys
General or Banking Departments, the Better Business Bureau,
the FTC’s Consumer Sentinel database, the CFPB’s Consumer
Comp laint Database, consumer complaint boards, and web
blogs. In many cases, complaints have been identified through
See 12 U.S.C. § 5531.
See 12 U.S.C. § 5536.
The term covered person” means (1) any person who engages in offering
or providing a consumer financial product or service; and (2) any affiliate
o f a person described in (1) if such affiliate acts as a service provider to
such person. See 12 U.S.C. § 5481(6).
See 12 U.S.C. § 5531(d)(1)-(2).
VII. Unfair, Deceptive, and Abusive Practices - Federal Trade Commission Act/Dodd-Frank Act
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simple Internet searches with the institution’s name or
particular product or service that it offers. At times, former
employees may p ost complaints. These can be an important
information source. For institutions that have significant third-
party relationships, complaints may have been directed to the
third party, rather than to the institution. Examiners should
determine if the institution is provided with copies of
complaints received by third parties. If they are not, this would
be a red flag and should be examined further.
Analyzing Complaints
Examiners should consider conducting transaction testing
when consumers repeatedly complain about an institution’s
product or service. However, even a single comp laint may
raise valid concerns that would warrant transaction testing.
Comp laints that allege misleading or false statements, missing
disclosure information, excessive fees, inability to reach
customer service, or previously undisclosed charges may
indicate a p ossible FTC UDAP or Dodd-Frank UDAAP.
If a large volume of complaints exists, examiners should
create a spreadsheet that details the complainant, date, source
(i.e., institution, website, etc.), product or service involved,
summary of the issue, and action taken by the institution. The
spreadsheets can then be used to identify trends by type of
product or issue. The Consumer Response Unit can be of
assistance during this process by creating spreadsheets for
complaints that were received by the FDIC.
When reviewing complaints, examiners should look for trends.
While a large volume of comp laints may indicate an area of
concern, the number of complaints alone is not dispositive of
whether a p otential FTC UDAP or Dodd-Frank UDAAP
exists. Conversely, a small number of complaints does not
undermine the seriousness of the allegations that are raised. If
even a single complaint raises valid concerns relative to a FTC
UDAP or Dodd-Frank UDAAP, a more thorough review may
be warranted. It is important to focus on the issues raised in
the complaints and the institution’s responses, and not just on
the number of complaints.
Note also that high rates of chargebacks or refunds regarding a
product or service can be indicative of potential FTC UDAP or
Dodd-Frank UDAAP violations. This information may not
appear in the consumer complaint process.
When reviewing complaints, also look for any complaints
lodged against subsidiaries, affiliates, third-parties, and
affinity groups regarding activities that involve the institution,
a product offered through the institution, or a product offered
18 See Supervisory Insights FDIC, Supervisory Insights, Winter 2006, Vol. 3,
Issue 2, Chasing the Asterisk: A Field Guide to Caveats, Exceptions,
Material Misrepresentations, and Other Unfair or Deceptive Acts or
using the institution’s name. While the institution may not be
actively involved in the activity, if it is a branded product or
product offered through a third-party relationship, the
institution can be held responsible and face the same risks as if
the activity was housed within the institution. In re Columbus
Bank and Trust Company, First Bank of Delaware, First Bank
and Trust (Brookings, South Dakota), and CompuCredit
is an examp le of where comp laints against a
third-party directly related to the institutions and the
institutions were held accountable for the activities of the
Relationship to Other Laws
Unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or p ractices that violate the
FTC Act or the Dodd-Frank Act may also violate other federal
or state laws. These include, but are not limited to, TILA,
TISA, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), the Fair
Housing Act (FHA), the FDCPA, the FCRA, and laws related
to the privacy of consumer financial information. On the other
hand, certain practices may violate the FTC Act or the Dodd-
Frank Act while complying with the technical requirements of
other consumer protection laws. Examiners should consider
both possibilities. The following laws may warrant p articular
attention in this regard:
Truth in Lending Act (TILA)
Pursuant to TILA, creditors mustclearly and conspicuously
disclose the costs and terms of credit. An act or practice that
does not comply with these provisions of TILA may also
violate the FTC Act or the Dodd-Frank Act. Conversely, a
transaction that is in technical compliance with TILA may
nevertheless violate the FTC Act or the Dodd-Frank Act. For
example, an institution’s credit card advertisement may
contain all the required TILA disclosures, but limitations or
restrictions that are obscured or inadequately disclosed may be
considered a FTC UDAP or Dodd-Frank UDAAP.
Truth in Savings Act (TISA)
TISA requires depository institutions to provide interest and
fee disclosures for deposit accounts so that consumers may
compare deposit products. TISA also provides that
advertisements cannot be misleading or inaccurate or
misrepresent an institution’s deposit contract. As with TILA,
an act or p ractice that does not comp ly with these provisions
may also violate the FTC Act or the Dodd-Frank Act, but
transactions that are in technical compliance with TISA may
still be considered as unfair, deceptive, or abusive. For
example, consumers could be misled by advertisements of
guaranteed” or “lifetime” interest rates when the creditor or
19 Available at
VII. Unfair, Deceptive, and Abusive Practices - Federal Trade Commission Act/Dodd-Frank Act
FDIC Consumer Compliance Examination Manual — June 2022 VII1.7
depository institution intends to change the rates, even if the
disclosures satisfy the technical requirements of TISA.
Equal Credit Opportunity (ECOA) and Fair Housing (FHA)
ECOA prohibits discrimination in any aspect of a credit
transaction against persons on the basis of race, color, religion,
national origin, sex, marital status, age (provided the applicant
has the capacity to contract), the fact that an app licants
income derives from any public assistance program, and the
fact that the applicant has in good faith exercised any right
under the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The FHA prohibits
creditors involved in residential real estate transactions from
discriminating against any person on the basis of race, color,
religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin. FTC
UDAPs and Dodd-Frank UDAAPs that target or have a
disparate impact on consumers in one of these prohibited basis
groups may violate the ECOA or the FHA, as well as the FTC
Act or the Dodd-Frank Act. M oreover, some state and local
laws address discrimination against additional protected
classes, e.g., handicap in non-housing transactions, or sexual
orientation. Such conduct may also violate the FTC Act or the
Dodd-Frank Act.
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)
The FDCPA prohibits unfair, deceptive, and abusive practices
related to the collection of consumer debts. Although this
statute does not apply to institutions that collect their own
debts in their own name, failure to adhere to the standards set
by the FDCPA may violate FTC UDAP.
M oreover,
institutions that either affirmatively or through lack of
oversight permit a third-party debt collector acting on their
behalf to engage in deception, harassment, or threats in the
collection of monies due may be exposed to liability for
particip ating in or p ermitting a FTC UDAP.
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
The FCRA contains significant responsibilities for institutions
that obtain and use information about consumers to determine
the consumer’s eligibility for products, services, or
employment; share such information among affiliates; and
furnish information to consumer reporting agencies. The
FCRA was substantially amended with the passage of the Fair
and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act) in 2003,
which contained many new consumer disclosure requirements
as well as provisions to address identity theft. Violations of the
FCRA may also be considered as a FTC UDAP or Dodd-
Frank UDAAP. For example, obtaining and using unsolicited
medical information (outside of the exceptions provided by the
rule) to make credit decisions may also be considered as
The same conduct could also violate Dodd-Frank UDAAP; however,
interpretive authority for the Dodd-Frank Act rests with the CFPB.
Privacy of Consumer Financial Information
Regulation P (12 CFR Part 1016.12) prohibits an institution or
its affiliates from disclosing a customer’s account number or
similar access code for a credit card, deposit, or transaction
account to a nonaffiliated third party for use in telemarketing,
direct mail marketing, or other marketing through electronic
mail. There are only three exceptions to this prohibition. A
financial institution may disclose its customers’ account
numbers to: (1) a consumer reporting agency; (2) its agent to
market the institution’s own products or services, provided
that the agent is not authorized to directly initiate charges to
the account; or (3) another participant in a private label credit
card or an affinity or similar program involving the institution.
Depending upon the totality of the circumstances, an
institution that does not comply with these requirements may
be also engaging in FTC UDAPs.
Examination Procedures
Examination Objectives
1. To assess the quality of the financial institution’s
compliance management systems, internal controls, and
policies and procedures for avoiding unfair, deceptive, or
abusive acts or practices.
2. To identify products, services, or activities that materially
increase the risk of being unfair, deceptive, or abusive.
3. To gather facts that help determine whether a financial
institution’s products, services, programs, or operations
are likely to be unfair, decep tive, or abusive.
General Guidance
During pre-examination planning, examiners should determine
if transaction-related testing is warranted for one or more of
the institution’s products or services. Also, examiners should
be alert to possible FTC UDAPs and Dodd-Frank UDAAPs
throughout an examination, including when reviewing specific
products or services for compliance with other consumer
compliance regulatory requirements.
The following risk assessment and transaction-related
examination procedures should be used, as appropriate, to
assist examiners in recognizing potential FTC UDAPs and
Dodd-Frank UDAAPs, analyzing potential issues, and
determining an appropriate response.
Risk Assessment Procedures
The risk assessment process should begin during the pre-
examination planning stage, when the institution is first
contacted to discuss the Compliance and Information
Document Request (CIDR). The CIDR can then be customized
to request information that is needed to determine the
The same conduct could also violate Dodd-Frank UDAAP; however,
interpretive authority for the Dodd-Frank Act rests with the CFPB.
VII. Unfair, Deceptive, and Abusive Practices - Federal Trade Commission Act/Dodd-Frank Act
VII1.8 FDIC Consumer Compliance Examination Manual June 2022
institution’s risk profile for potential FTC UDAPs and Dodd-
Frank UDAAPs.
Institutions with increased risk: Institutions may have a higher
risk profile for potential FTC UDAP or Dodd-Frank UDAAP
violations if they introduce new products or services,
especially those targeting individuals who are financially
unsophisticated, vulnerable to financial abuse, or financially
distressed. Risks may increase when an institution introduces a
new delivery channel, a complex product, or a new activity, or
when staff is not sufficiently qualified or trained. As in other
areas, the strength of an institution’s CM S, such as strong
management controls, effective training, and on-going
monitoring, is a mitigating factor.
Institutions with limited risk: M any institutions have low risk
profiles for potential FTC UDAP or the Dodd-Frank UDAAP
violations and would not generally require transaction testing.
These include institutions that do not offer products associated
with increased incidence of complaints, violations,
chargebacks, or risk of consumer harm; have not introduced
any new products; and have no consumer complaints (or a
limited number of consumer comp laints that are unrelated to
FTC UDAP or Dodd-Frank UDAAP). However, examiners
should be alert to possible FTC UDAPs or Dodd-Frank
UDAAPs throughout an examination, including when
reviewing specific products or services for compliance with
other consumer compliance regulatory requirements.
Transaction-Related Examination Procedures
If, upon conclusion of the risk assessment procedures, risks
requiring further investigation are noted, examiners should
conduct transaction testing, as necessary. Use examiner
judgment in deciding whether to sample individual products,
services, or marketing programs. Increase the samp le to
achieve confidence that all aspects of the financial institution’s
products and services are sufficiently reviewed.
An FTC UDAP or Dodd-Frank UDAAP analy sis is fact-
sp ecific and cannot be based on a p articular checklist;
however, transaction-related examination procedures fall into
the following general categories: marketing and disclosures,
availability of credit, availability of advertised terms, repricing
and other changes, servicing, and collections.
The following are examples of items that should be reviewed,
as ap plicable:
Advertisement and marketing documentation
New product development documentation
Documentation of software testing
Procedural manuals, including those for servicing and
Customer disclosures, notices, agreements, and periodic
statements for each product and service reviewed
Account statements
Agreements with third-parties
Compensation programs
Promotional materials
Telemarketing and customer service scripts
Recorded calls for telemarketing or collections
Organization charts and process workflows
Relevant marketing and advertising materials, including
website pages
Relevant disclosures and customer contracts
Collection scripts and notices
Relevant training materials
Relevant software algorithms or p arameters
Consumer complaint files
Collaboration with Others
Regional Examination S pecialists
Examiners should follow field office, regional, and national
consultation procedures, including contacting the ap p rop riate
Regional Examination Specialists for assistance in
determining whether unfair, decep tive, or abusive acts or
practices have occurred.
Legal Division (Legal)
Following ap plicable protocol, examiners are encouraged to
consult with Regional or Washington Office Legal, as
app ropriate, as early as possible when potential violations of
the FTC Act or the Dodd-Frank Act are identified. Legal staff
can provide valuable assistance to examiners during the onsite
examination, including advising examiners on the types of
documentation that should be obtained and developing
interview questions.
Risk Management S upervision
Following regional protocol, examiners should consider if a
potential violation of the FTC Act
or the Dodd-Frank Act
could have an impact on the safety and soundness of the bank
and alert risk management staff accordingly. This may warrant
a joint onsite presence at the institution, request for additional
information or other appropriate supervisory action.
Policy and Research Branch
The Policy and Research Branch can provide assistance in
conducting an analysis of large amounts of customer data.
Examiners should follow regional and Washington
consultation procedures in seeking assistance from Policy and
VII. Unfair, Deceptive, and Abusive Practices - Federal Trade Commission Act/Dodd-Frank Act
FDIC Consumer Compliance Examination Manual — June 2022 VII1.9
Documentation of potential FTC UDAP or Dodd-Frank
UDAAP violations is extremely important. The following
guidance should be used to facilitate review of a potential
1. Create an inventory of documentary evidence gathered
and interviews conducted.
2. Create chronologies or charts to explain complex fact
3. For printed materials (marketing, solicitations,
disclosures), an original, unmarked copy should be
4. For websites, print copies or save the webpages
electronically as soon as p ossible. Websites are easily
altered, so versions of the website that support the case
must be preserved by the examiner. When possible save
webp ages electronically such as a PDF. The electronically
saved copy should be formatted such that the following
information is included: window title, URL, date, time,
page number, total number of pages. In cases where the
website includes links for additional information, notate
the page succession.
5. If consumer complaints are voluminous, create
spreadsheets or summaries. Refer to the Analyzing
Complaints section for additional guidance.
6. Indicate the type of institution reports that are available.
For those documents received, notate why it was obtained,
how it was received, when, and from whom.
7. Maintain a final, typed version of the interview notes. All
examiners that participated in the interview should review
the notes and attest to their accuracy. Consider having the
interviewee review the notes.
8. During the examination, the examiner should consider the
types of corrective actions that may be pursued. For cases
where restitution to consumers may be necessary, the
examiner should obtain information needed to identify and
estimate restitution.
9. If the potential violation involves an affiliate or third
party, obtain the information and documentation needed to
determine whether an affiliate is an IAP. Refer to the IAP
examination procedures for further information and
10. The following includes a list of other documents that are
generally needed:
Income reports
Third-party contracts
Relevant board minutes
Relevant audit reports
Due diligence records
Training materials
Telemarketing and customer service scripts
Software p arameters
Account agreements
Collection scripts and notices
Consumer communications and notifications
Billing Statements
Corrective Actions to be Considered for Violations of
Section 5 FTC Act or Sections 1031 and 1036 of the
Dodd-Frank Act
As with any violation of law or regulation, the response to a
violation of Section 5 of the FTC Act and Sections 1031 and
1036 of the Dodd-Frank Act will depend on a number of
factors, including:
The nature of the violation;
Whether it is a repeat violation or a variation of a
previously cited violation;
The harm, or potential harm, suffered by consumers;
The number of parties affected; and
The institution’s overall compliance posture and history,
both in general and with respect to FTC UDAP and Dodd-
Frank UDAAP.
Level 3 or Level 2 violations may result in a downgrade of the
institution’s compliance and CRA ratings and potentially, the
institution’s risk management rating. In determining the
overall CRA rating for an institution, examiners consider
evidence of discrimination or other illegal acts, including
violations of Section 5 of the FTC Act or Sections 1031 or
1036 of the Dodd-Frank Act.
In addition to determining a violation’s impact on the
institution’s compliance and CRA ratings, examiners must
consider corrective actions that should be taken. These may
include requiring the discontinuance of the act or practice,
restitution to consumer and business customers, informal or
formal enforcement actions, and assessment of a civil money
penalty . Examiners should refer to the Formal and Informal
Enforcement Actions Manual in the references section below
for additional guidance.
List of Resources
This list includes references that are cited in the text, as well as
additional resources that may be useful to examiners.
Agency Issuances
Interagency Guidance: Deposit-Reconciliation
Practices (FIL 35-2016).
Interagency Guidance Regarding Unfair or
Decep tive Credit Practices (FIL 44-2014).
VII. Unfair, Deceptive, and Abusive Practices - Federal Trade Commission Act/Dodd-Frank Act
VII1.10 FDIC Consumer Compliance Examination Manual June 2022
FDIC, Supervisory Insights, Winter 2008, Vol. 5, Issue 2,
From the Examiners Desk: Unfair and Deceptive Acts
and Practices: Recent FDIC Experience
FDIC, Supervisory Insights, Winter 2006, Vol. 3, Issue 2,
Chasing the Asterisk: A Field Guide to Caveats,
Exceptions, Material Misrepresentations, and Other
Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices.
FIL 26-2004: Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices by
State-Chartered Banks.
FTC Policy Statement on Decep tive Acts and Practices.
FTC Policy Statement on Unfairness.
FTC's Dot Com Disclosures: How to Make Effective
Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Joint Guidance on Overdraft Protection Programs, 70 Fed.
Reg. 9127 (Feb. 24, 2005).
CFPB Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices
(UDAAPs) examination procedures
FDIC Formal and Informal Enforcement Actions Manual
FIL-44-2008 Third-Party Risk: Guidance for Managing Third-
Party Risk
CFPB Enforcement Actions Involving Unfair, Deceptive or
Abusive Acts or Practices
FTC Enforcement Actions Involving Unfair or Deceptive
Acts or Practices
FTC’s Subprime Lending Cases
FTC Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Enforcement
Actions: Mortgage Servicing
FTC Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Enforcement
Actions: Collection Practices
Other Regulations with Provisions that Relate to Accurate
Adverti sing
12 CFR Part 1026: Regulation Z Truth in Lending
12 CFR Section 1026.16: Open-end advertising
12 CFR Section 1026.24: Closed-end advertising
12 CFR Part 1030: Regulation DD, Truth in Savings
Advertising: 12 CFR Section 1030.8
12 CFR Section 1030.11: Additional disclosure requirements
for institutions advertising the payment of overdrafts
12 CFR Part 328, Subpart AAdvertisement of Membership
12 CFR Part 328, Subpart B – False Advertising,
Misrepresentation of Insured Status, and Misuse of the FDIC’s
Name or Logo
12 CFR Part 343: Consumer Protection in Sales of Insurance
12 CFR Section 343.40(d): Advertising