The Ohio State University University Policies Page 1 of 7
Disaster Preparedness and
University State of Emergency, 6.17
University Policy
Applies to: Faculty, staff, graduate associates, and student employees, excluding Health System employees
(Staff who are members of a bargaining unit and are covered by a collective bargaining agreement are included in this
policy. However, when this policy conflicts with specific terms in the applicable collective bargaining agreement, the
language in the collective bargaining agreement will prevail.)
Responsible Office Office of Human Resources
Issued: 10/15/2007
Revised: 01/03/2021 (minor revision)
The university recognizes the need to prepare for unexpected catastrophic events such as natural or human made disasters
or the outbreak of pandemic illnesses, as well as the need to return the university as quickly as possible to its normal
operations should such events occur. Our preparation, response, and recovery will be informed by local, state, and federal
agencies and experts. To prepare and support leaders, managers, and employees, this policy provides information related
to human resource practices in the event of a University State of Emergency. All university community members should
familiarize themselves with their unit’s plans (Business Continuity Plan, Building Emergency Action Plan (BEAP),
and/or Department Emergency Operations Plan), as well as the university’s
Comprehensive Emergency Management
Purpose of the Policy
To provide information to the university community about how to prepare for, and procedures to follow during, a
University State of Emergency.
Alternate employee
One who has been designated to serve as a back-up to an essential employee.
Compensatory Time
1. Time off earned by nonexempt staff for hours worked over 40 hours during a given work week;
2. Time/Time off used by nonexempt staff in lieu of being paid for overtime hours.
Faculty, staff, graduate associates, and student employees.
Essential employee
One who has been designated as critical to the operation of the unit, whose presence is required
regardless of the existence of an emergency condition, university and/or building(s) closure, or
canceling of classes and whose absence from duty could endanger the safety and well-being of the
campus population and/or facilities.
Health System
University Hospital, East Hospital, Brain and Spine Hospital, Richard M. Ross Heart Hospital,
Harding Hospital, Dodd Rehabilitation Hospital, Ambulatory Clinics and Services, and Arthur G.
James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute and Outreach Sites.
Overtime compensation
Additional pay to nonexempt staff who work for more than 40 hours, excluding paid time off hours,
in a work week.
Regular base pay
1. Nonexempt employees: the hourly rate of pay for hours worked and/or paid time off.
2. Exempt employees: the normal rate of pay for hours worked and/or paid time off.
Report for work
Refers to time spent engaging in approved university work activities from any approved location.
Standby employee
Any employee not designated as essential or alternate.
Student employee
An individual who meets all of the following requirements:
1. Enrolled, at the university on a full-time or part-time basis;
2. Associated with the university primarily in the pursuit of an academic degree; and
3. Working in a position designated as student employment.
Disaster Preparedness and
University State of Emergency, 6.17
University Policy
Applies to: Faculty, staff, graduate associates, and student employees, excluding Health System employees
The Ohio State University University Policies Page 2 of 7
College or administrative unit.
University State of
When the university president acts to declare such a state under the guidelines set forth in the
university’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. May be Columbus or regional campus
specific, restricted to particular areas of any campus or may be campus or university-wide,
depending on circumstances at the time.
Policy Details
I. When This Policy is in Effect
A. This policy will become active and remain in effect when a University State of Emergency is declared, as
defined in this policy.
B. If a University State of Emergency is not declared, closure of university offices is governed by the
Weather or
Other Short-Term Closing 6.15 policy.
C. Only the university president can declare a University State of Emergency. The president will make the
decision in consultation with, the provost, vice president for human resources and other senior leaders as
appropriate. Units cannot make the decision to declare a University State of Emergency.
D. This policy works in tandem with the Disaster Leave 6.28 policy
II. General Provisions
A. The university will make every effort to communicate broadly and repetitively throughout any University
State of Emergency.
B. Units need to ensure that their business continuity plans are up-to-date and communicated on a regular basis.
See Business Continuity Management policy
C. Units should be as flexible as possible to enable all faculty, staff, graduate associates, and student employees
to work, including facilitating working from home and other remote locations, allowing full-time employees
to work part-time, using flexible work schedules, and other appropriate solutions.
D. Unless directed otherwise, individuals who are able to work should report for work and support the unit or
university in whatever capacity is needed. The university can assign any kind of work to faculty, staff,
graduate associates, or student employees, regardless of regular duties or position descriptions, in accordance
with any applicable collective bargaining agreement.
E. In the event of a pandemic, to minimize the spread of the disease, employees may be directed not to report to
the workplace. If so directed, employees must not report to the workplace.
F. Employees who are engaged in teaching and research, including temporary employees, may have the highest
priority for retention to complete an academic term in progress.
G. Units need to be reasonable and flexible in responding to employee requests, and employees must make their
best effort to comply with this policy.
III. Employee Designations
A. The university has three employee designations for disaster preparedness during a University State of
Emergency: essential employee, alternate employee, and standby employee.
B. Positions not designated as essential or alternate positions are considered to be standby during a University
State of Emergency.
IV. Paid Time Off and Unpaid Leave During A University State of Emergency
A. Disaster leave may be granted at the discretion of university leadership. See Disaster Leave 6.28 policy
B. Faculty and staff may request approval for use of sick time, vacation time, or compensatory time, consistent
with the Paid Time Off 6.27 policy and the Scheduling Work and Overtime Compensation 6.10 policy.
C. When paid time off options have been exhausted, faculty and staff may apply to use unpaid leave, consistent
with the Unpaid Leave 6.45 policy or Disaster Leave 6.28 policy.
Disaster Preparedness and
University State of Emergency, 6.17
University Policy
Applies to: Faculty, staff, graduate associates, and student employees, excluding Health System employees
The Ohio State University University Policies Page 3 of 7
V. Other Human Resources Issues During a University State of Emergency
A. Employees may be mandated to work based upon unit and/or university needs, and their work schedules or
assignments may change during a University State of Emergency.
B. Employees, including bargaining unit staff, may be required to work outside of classification as deemed
necessary by the unit or the university. This includes employees with the necessary skills that are needed to
work outside their units.
C. Employees funded by external grants must be paid according to the specific requirements and limitations of
the grant. Units and principal investigators are encouraged to work with funding agencies to determine how
grant-funded employees will be paid in advance of any University State of Emergency.
D. Graduate associates and student employees should make reasonable efforts to contact their units during a
University State of Emergency and are to report for work as needed.
E. The university reserves the right to award compensatory time off in lieu of overtime to eligible staff during a
University State of Emergency.
F. Probationary periods are extended for the duration of the University State of Emergency or up to 60 work
days, whichever is less.
G. The Office of Human Resources may implement expedited recruitment and selection processes, or suspend
recruitment and selection processes, during a University State of Emergency as needed.
Issued: 10/15/2007
Revised: 01/03/2021 (minor revision)
I. Declaring a University State of Emergency
A. The President is responsible for declaring a University State of Emergency.
II. Communication and Support
A. Communication during a University State of Emergency will be challenging.
B. The President and Provost will set priorities and communicate changes to university standard processes and
C. The Office of Human Resources will assist in communicating changes to university standard processes and
D. Units will establish emergency plans and communicate their business continuity plans as appropriate.
III. Essential, Alternate or Standby Employees
A. Designations of essential and alternate positions must be made by director or chair level appointments or their
designees. The designation must be included in the position description.
B. Employees will receive an annual notification, generated by Workday, of whether they have been designated
as essential, alternate, or standby.
C. Designations can be changed at any time depending on operational necessity.
D. Unless it is an operational necessity, intermittent and student employee positions may not be designated as
essential or alternate. Depending upon the type of emergency, position designations may change during the
emergency. Any position may be designated as essential at any point during a University State of Emergency,
even if not designated essential or alternate to an essential position prior to the University State of
E. Individuals in positions not designated as essential may expect their unit to attempt to contact them, but
should also attempt to contact their unit during a University State of Emergency, according to the unit’s usual
call-in procedures.
F. Essential positions
Disaster Preparedness and
University State of Emergency, 6.17
University Policy
Applies to: Faculty, staff, graduate associates, and student employees, excluding Health System employees
The Ohio State University University Policies Page 4 of 7
1. Essential employees are expected to report for work during a University State of Emergency unless
specifically directed by their unit not to report or if directed by civil emergency or medical authorities not
to report for health and safety reasons.
2. Employees may be designated as essential on a situational basis, e.g., in the event of a snow emergency
only or in the event of a public health crisis. Depending on the nature of their work, essential employees
may be required to report to work on campus or may be allowed to work from home.
G. Alternate positions
1. Employees in positions designated as alternate positions whose designations are changed to essential
during a University State of Emergency must report for work upon notification of their changed
2. Alternate employees must contact their unit for instructions during a University State of Emergency.
H. Standby positions
1. Standby employees should not report to campus during a University State of Emergency.
2. Faculty and staff who can work from home or another location may do so only with prior approval from
the unit or as directed by the university in accordance with the Disaster Leave 6.28 policy
IV. Working Outside of Classification and Home Unit
A. When an employee is required to work outside of their classification or home unit, the university will notify
these employees that they are designated as essential and when and where they must report for work.
B. The unit for which the work is performed is responsible for funding and assuring compensation for this work.
C. Unless other arrangements are approved by the Office of Human Resources, compensation for employees will
be at their regular base pay for their original appointment.
V. Compensation
A. Employees must submit time off and/or leave or timekeeping records as directed by the unit.
B. Employees and units must follow the directions in the table below.
C. At their discretion, university leadership may determine different compensation levels given the specific
circumstances of the University State of Emergency.
D. Individuals who refuse a work assignment will not receive compensation unless the individual demonstrates a
substantial hardship as reason for the refusal.
What to Do Compensation and Leave Time
Working at
any location
Contact unit to ensure where to work (campus
location, home, or other designated location).
Report for work as directed by the unit
If contact with the unit cannot be made, report
for work.
Will receive regular base pay and overtime compensation as
Not working
at any
Contact unit to communicate specific reasons
for inability to work and seek approval for
absence (see
Do not need to report to work if specifically
directed not to report by:
o Unit or
o Civil emergency or medical authorities for
health and safety reasons.
Will not receive regular base pay.
Unless otherwise directed by the president, or president’s
designee, may be granted paid or unpaid time off at the discretion
of their unit, provided that established unit call-off rules and
procedures are followed.
May receive disaster leave at the discretion of university
leadership. See Disaster Leave 6.28 policy.
To essential
Contact unit to inquire as to whether you are
needed and if so, where to report for work
(campus location, home, or other designated
If designated as essential, see essential employee information.
If not designated as essential, see standby employee information.
May receive disaster leave at the discretion of university
leadership. See Disaster Leave 6.28 policy.
Disaster Preparedness and
University State of Emergency, 6.17
University Policy
Applies to: Faculty, staff, graduate associates, and student employees, excluding Health System employees
The Ohio State University University Policies Page 5 of 7
What to Do Compensation and Leave Time
Able to work
Contact unit to determine if you are needed to
If you cannot make contact with your unit, do
not come to work.
Work from home or another location if:
o Pre-approved prior to the University State of
Emergency or
o Upon approval during the University State
of Emergency.
If pre-approved to work by the unit, will be paid according to usual
practice for time worked.
If not pre-approved to work by the unit or if approved to work
fewer than regularly scheduled hours, will be granted paid or
unpaid time off consistent with Human Resources policies.
If working outside of classification, will receive regular base pay
for original appointment unless other arrangements are approved
by the Office of Human Resources.
May receive disaster leave at the discretion of university
leadership. See Disaster Leave 6.28 policy.
Able to work
but not
approved by
unit to work
Contact unit to determine if you are needed to
Will not receive regular base pay.
May be granted sick, vacation, compensatory, or unpaid time off,
consistent with Human Resources policies.
May receive disaster leave at the discretion of university
leadership. See Disaster Leave 6.28 policy.
Not able to
Contact unit to communicate your status.
Will not receive regular base pay.
May be granted sick, vacation, compensatory, or unpaid time off,
consistent with Human Resources policies.
May receive disaster leave at the discretion of university
leadership. See Disaster Leave 6.28 policy.
VI. Graduate Associates and Student Employees
A. Student employees are ineligible for paid time off and will only be paid for hours they have been required to
B. Graduate associates may request approval for paid time off or unpaid leave consistent with Graduate School
leave guidelines.
VII. Unit Responsibilities
A. Determine essential, alternate, and standby designations. Ensure position descriptions reflect designations.
Unless it is an operational necessity, do not designate student employees as essential or alternate.
B. Refer to the unit’s business continuity plan and communicate the plan to employees. See the
Continuity Management policy.
C. Communicate work expectations to faculty, staff, graduate associates, and student employees regularly and
D. Ensure that employees are trained and well informed regarding emergency procedures.
E. Provide timekeeping instructions to employees.
F. Provide workforce with ongoing status updates regarding the emergency and the status of the unit.
G. Facilitate unit support networks to the extent possible and as appropriate (e.g., care for property, family or
pets; sharing rides; sharing jobs; etc.).
H. Maintain confidentiality of emergency contact information to the extent allowed by law.
VIII. Faculty and/or Staff, Graduate Associates and Student Employee Responsibilities
A. Ensure contact information is current.
B. For the duration of the disaster or University State of Emergency, contact unit to determine whether to report
to work, and report to work when able and appropriate.
C. Discuss with your unit whether alternative work arrangements are available, such as working from home or
another location in case of a University State of Emergency.
D. Seek approval from your unit as to meaningful work you can perform during a University State of
Disaster Preparedness and
University State of Emergency, 6.17
University Policy
Applies to: Faculty, staff, graduate associates, and student employees, excluding Health System employees
The Ohio State University University Policies Page 6 of 7
Position or Office
1. Use employee self-service to keep emergency contact information current.
2. Discuss with your unit alternative work arrangements such as working from home or another location in
case of a University State of Emergency.
3. Seek approval from your unit as to whether you can perform meaningful work during a University State of
4. Contact your unit to determine need to report for work.
5. If approved by the unit, report for work when able and appropriate, whether on campus, at home or at
another location.
6. If unable to report for work, update unit as to the reasons you are unable to report to work, and when you
will report to work.
7. Communicate specific requests and needs to unit.
Office of Human
1. Provide guidelines and consultation on human resource issues such as compensation, flexible
scheduling, benefits, job sharing, etc.
2. Provide an emergency employee placement service to match up employees willing and able to work with
units that have a particular need for their skills.
3. Communicate changes to standard processes and procedures.
President, Provost and
Executive Vice
President Shared
1. Declare a University State of Emergency as appropriate.
2. Communicate regularly and repetitively to the campus and neighboring communities.
3. Communicate changes to standard processes and procedures.
4. Ensure that disaster planning and preparedness is a priority within the university community and that
units are prepared to implement their disaster plans and this policy.
5. Ensure, to the extent possible, that units have the resources needed to carry out essential functions.
1. Determine essential, alternate, and standby designations. Ensure position descriptions reflect
2. Refer to the Business Continuity Management policy and communicate the plans to employees.
3. Plan for and provide flexible work arrangements in response to a variety of disturbances and individual
4. Communicate work expectations to faculty, staff, graduate associates, and student employees regularly
and repetitively.
5. Ensure that employees are trained and well informed regarding emergency procedures.
6. Provide timekeeping instructions to employees.
7. Provide workforce with ongoing status updates regarding the emergency and the status of the unit.
8. Provide workforce with regular, repetitive information regarding the emergency, continued business
operations, and the status of the unit.
9. Facilitate unit support networks to the extent possible and as appropriate (e.g. care for property, family or
pets; sharing rides; sharing jobs; etc.)
10. Implement directives from university administrators and civil emergency or medical authorities.
11. Maintain confidentiality of emergency contact information to the extent allowed by law.
Governance Documents
Business Continuity Management policy,
Campus Status and Emergency Information,
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan,
Disaster Leave 6.28 policy,
Graduate School Handbook,
Paid Time Off 6.27 policy,
Scheduling Work and Overtime Compensation 6.10 policy,
Disaster Preparedness and
University State of Emergency, 6.17
University Policy
Applies to: Faculty, staff, graduate associates, and student employees, excluding Health System employees
Page 7 of 7
Unpaid Leave 6.45 policy,
Weather or Other Short-Term Closing 6.15 policy,
Additional Guidance
Benefits Eligibility by position type or appointment,
Counseling and Consultation Service,
Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Leave FAQs,
Ohio State Employee Assistance Program,
U.S. Government Flu Website,
Benefits information
HR Connection
Emergency Updates
Emergency Management
Office of Administration and Planning
Faculty and staff
counseling and support
Ohio State Employee Assistance
Program, The OSU Health Plan
HR Connection
Policy questions
HR Connection
Student counseling and
Counseling and Consultation Service,
Office of Student Life
Issued: 10/15/2007
Revised: 07/01/2013
Edited: 04/15/2014
Revised: 01/03/2021 Minor revision
Edited: 07/29/2024
The Ohio State University University Policies