From: Mellvang-Berg, Trygve
Cc: Mathisen, Gjermund
Subject: RE: Request for access to documents - event no 642007 [BA-HR-Legal.FID526419]
Date: Monday 17 September 2012 11:42:52 AM
Attachments: 642007-Letter_to_DB_Schencker-_Decision_regarding_access+to_the_remainder_of_the_case_file.pdf
Dear Arne,
Further to your request, please find attached the letter from ESA to DB Schenker dated 25
September (event no 642007), including its Annexes 1, 2 and 3 (event nos 645583, 645585 and
In addition, said letter was sent out with a DVD containing documents sent to DB Schenker, as
specified in Annex 3 to the letter. These are all internal Authority documents and we will proceed
to assess your access request as regards these documents under the new Article 4(6) of the
Authority’s revised Rules on public access to documents, of 5 September 2012 (Decision
300/12/COL). We will revert to you on the subject of access to these documents before the expiry
of the deadline laid down in Article 7(2) of the revised Rules, i.e. within 10 working days from the
registration of your application, which was on 14 September 2012.
Best regards,
Trygve Mellvang-Berg
Press and Information Officer
EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA)
tel: +32 2 286 18 66
twitter: @eftasurv
From: Arne Torsten Andersen [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday 14 September 2012 3:05 PM
To: Mathisen, Gjermund
Cc: Beret Sundet
Subject: Request for access to documents - event no 642007 [BA-HR-Legal.FID526419]
Dear Gjermund,
Further to our telephone conversation and pursuant to the EFTA Surveillance Authority's Rules on
public access to documents (established by a Decision of ESA No 407108/COL on 27 June 2008) we
hereby request access to event no 642007 letter from ESA to DB Schenker dated 5 September
2012 including all attached documents to that letter.
Best regards,
Yours sincerely,
for Advokatfirmaet BA-HR DA
Arne Torsten Andersen
Senior Lawyer
Attorney in charge:
Secretary: Tove Anette Pedersen ([email protected]
Telephone: +47 21 00 00 50 | Mobile: +47 97147338| Dir: +47 22 016 720| Fax: +47 21 00 00 51
Postal address: Post Office Box 1524 Vika, NO-0117 Oslo, Norway | Visiting address: Tjuvholmen allé 16, N0-0252 Oslo |
Org. nr: 947 589 997 MVA
August 27, 2012, we moved our office to our new premises on Tjuvholmen, Oslo.
At the same time, the name of the firm changed from Bugge, Arentz-Hansen & Rasmussen
to Advokatfirmaet BA-HR DA.
Our new visiting address is: Tjuvholmen allé 16, NO-0252 Oslo
Our postal address remains unchanged: PO Box 1524 Vika, NO-0117 Oslo
We also changed our phone and fax number to: T: + 47 21 00 00 50 | F: + 47 21 00 00 51
This communication is aimed at the intended addressee(s).
The information it contains is legally privileged and confidential.
Please delete this e-mail and its attachments if received in error, and notify the sender.
Advokatfirmaet BA-HR DA - company nr: NO 947 589 997 MVA
Tjuvholmen allé 16, PO Box 1524 Vika, 0117 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 21 00 00 50 Fax: +47 21 00 00 51