Parent Handbook & Operational Policies | Gan Gani Plano | 2021-2022
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Parent Handbook & Operational Policies | Gan Gani Plano | 2021-2022
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Gani Gani
Core Preschool Day Program
Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.
Extended Day Programs (optional):
Early Care: 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
After Care: 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Late Stay: 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
Dates: August 16, 2021 May 27, 2022
Location: Lang Chabad Center 3904 W. Park Blvd., Plano, Texas 75075
Phone: (972) 596-8270
Preschool Contact: Rivkah Block 214-403-1362 & Jacque Elewitz 214-924-8576
Email: |
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Table of Contents
Program Hours & Contacts ................................................ p. 2
Our Philosophy ........................................................ p. 4
About our Staff
Communications and Notifications
Preschool Clothing & Footwear.............................................. p. 5
Discipline ............................................................ p. 5, p. 11
Biting Policy .......................................................... p. 5-6
Enrollment Policies ......................................................p. 6
Licensing ............................................................ p. 6
Our Preschool Day/Pick up & Drop Off ............................................ p. 7
Security & Safety ....................................................... p. 8
School Closings
Emergency Release of Children
Health & Wellness ...................................................... p. 8-9
Student Illness & Parent Notification
Runny Nose Policy & Other Communicable Illness Topics
Medication Administration
Emergency Medical Care
Food Service .......................................................... p. 9-10
Birthday Celebrations
Additional Information ................................................... p. 10
Addressing Questions & Concerns
Discipline Policy ........................................................ p. 11
Emergency Preparedness ................................................. p. 12
Recognizing & Reporting Child Abuse ......................................... p. 14-16
Community Resources ................................................... p. 17-18
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Our Philosophy
Kavod The respect we feel that each child in our care deserves, is reflected in the relationships cultivated between
teacher and student.
We see each child as an inherently valuable and capable learner who will add to our school community and beyond.
We see children’s thoughts and emotions as a reflection of their inner being thus worthy of our utmost respect and care.
We both model and expect a respectful manner of speech and behavior be extended to everyone in our school
We respect our physical school space by using materials with care and maintaining a clean, orderly environment.
We show respect for G-d, the Torah, and our traditions by learning and praying each day using the Torah as the guide in
our daily lives.
Hatmadah - Effort and Grit - Failure can be our greatest teacher. Failure teaches us to take a step back, re-evaluate our
vision, re-calculate our approach, and galvanize our energy. As teachers guide us through this process we learn tenacity,
stick-to-it-ivness…grit. Failure gives us the opportunity to develop resilience as we persevere through disappointment
and frustration.
Regesh - Empathy is the way emotions of others evoke similar emotions in ourselves. Sharing in another’s emotion
makes us available to accurately view a different perspective and respond in a way that is sensitive, relevant, and
productive. We believe that emotional acuity, can be fostered and developed by example and ongoing conversation. We
believe that empathy lies at the heart of successful relationships with peers, community, and with all whom we interact.
Our Staff
Our teachers have been selected for their nurturing nature, their understanding of children’s development, and
dedication to education. As a community, the teachers of Gan Gani respect every child’s need to express him/herself
and to be heard, to be guided and encouraged, to be directed and redirected, and of course loved. In addition to what
they innately bring to Gan Gani, our teachers are required to undergo at least 24 hours of professional training each
school year plus at least one training hour on recognizing the signs of child abuse and neglect; teachers have First Aid
and CPR certification. For teachers’ and families’ easy reference to information and resources regarding child abuse, our
teacher training materials are included on pages 17-21 of this handbook.
Classroom teachers communicate with parents via Remini. This app is a wonderful way to communicate topics such as:
what is going on in the child’s day
upcoming events & schedules
communication from the directors
what supplies may need replenishing (i.e., diapers & wipes, an extra change clothes)
images of children enjoying time at Gan Gani.
If there is an outbreak of any communicable illness in a specific group of children, parents of that group will be
notified through Remini.
If Gan Gani undergoes policy changes, parents will be notified through Remini.
Diapers & Wipes:
When you receive notice your child needs diapers and/or wipes it is important you send them no later than
three days from the time you receive notice.
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Preschool Student Attire
Children should come to school ready to work and play. Clothing should be both easy for the child to run and climb in
and easily managed by the child him/herself (especially in the bathroom) as a means of fostering self-help skills. An extra
change of weather appropriate clothing (including socks) should remain at school. If your child uses this change of
clothes, please send a new set (including socks and shoes) the next day.
If the temperature is at or above 43 °F children will be allowed outside to play. Please be sure your child has appropriate
outerwear at all times.
Children should wear closed-toe shoes to school to protect their feet, reduce tripping, and keep painful wood chips out
of their shoes on the playground. Please DO NOT send your child to school in sandals, flip flops, Crocs or similarly
designed shoes.
Each child needs a pair of rain boots to keep at school; all age groups will play in water and mudpuddles. Gan Gani will
provide one-piece, waterproof jumpers to keep the children clean and dry. (Google Muddy Buddy Preschool to see
Discipline Policy Also see p. 11 of this handbook
Preschool is a time when young children begin to learn independence, freedom of choice, and the power of the spoken
word. Gan Gani believes our role is to teach children how to deal with frustration and get needs met by making
constructive, acceptable choices. Guiding children through this developmental process is the most effective form of
discipline. Teaching children to develop self-control is an ongoing, lifelong process. Guidance and encouragement build
confidence and teach children how to make positive choices without sacrificing self-esteem. Teachers consider each
individual child’s abilities when creating a discipline plan.
The concept of guidance is not a substitute for boundaries and consequences when called for; productive discipline
requires that children experience the consequences of their behavior. Clear cut boundaries are especially important
when enforcing safety, acceptable social practices, and appropriate use of materials.
If conduct is severely disruptive, hampering the teacher’s ability to teach or the children’s ability to learn, teachers will
consult a director to determine if parents should be called to pick up their child from school. Of course, staff may never
use physical punishment as a form of discipline.
Parents who have suggestions or concerns regarding their child’s behavior are encouraged to speak with the teacher or
Biting is an age-appropriate behavior that usually appears between the ages of one and three years. Though it is
expected, it is important to remember it is unacceptable behavior. Reasons children bite include teething, exploring,
experimenting with cause and effect, seeking attention, frustration, or lacking the language development to express
their needs/feelings. Biting is not something to be blamed on children, parents, or teachers.
There are a variety of techniques we use to prevent and stop biting; among them are:
Getting eye level with the biting child and saying, “Stop biting. Biting hurts” in a firm voice.
The biting child will be removed from the situation.
As little attention as possible will be placed on the biting child, to avoid reinforcing the behavior.
Appropriate first aid and comfort will be provided to the child who was bitten.
An incident report will be completed.
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Teachers will work with parents to gather information about the child’s behavior and begin observations to determine
why that child might be biting. Once triggers are identified, teachers will work on prevention strategies and start
teaching positive behavior skills to replace the biting behavior.
Below are the steps the teacher will take to identify triggers and reduce/extinguish the biting behavior:
1. Look for physical, environmental, and social conditions in which a particular child tends to bite.
2. Anticipate which children are most likely to be bitten and make every effort to keep them clear of any biting
3. Observe the child, to get an idea of why and when they are likely to bite. The teacher will work with the child
who is biting to resolve conflicts and frustrations in more appropriate ways.
If biting continues parents may be asked to consult additional resources to help manage the behavior.
All information is confidential. Names of children involved in the incident are not shared with parents. In addition, biting
is always documented on an Incident/Accident Report which is completed and signed by a teacher and parent. A copy is
provided to the parent and the original is kept in the child’s enrollment file in the office.
A child who bites three times will not be allowed back in school until a plan of action has been determined.
Enrollment Polices
All forms must be completed before the first day school. Children whose registration forms are incomplete or are
missing immunization records will not be admitted to school until such requirements are met.
The administration reserves the right to reconsider the enrollment of any student if we feel the child’s needs, level of
functioning, or behavior cannot be accommodated, or if the child’s conduct limits his or her ability to participate in, or to
benefit fully from the programs and activities at Gan Gani.
Gan Gani is voluntarily licensed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. The most recent licensing
inspections are available to review in the preschool office upon request. A copy of the licensing standards is available for
review in the preschool office and can be found by visiting or by calling Child Care
Licensing 214-951-7902.
Gan Gani is inspected annually by both DFPS and the Fire Department.
For more information on licensing, to view Gani’s most recent inspection report, or to report child abuse, parents may
The Local Licensing Office: 429-229-6900
DFPS Child Abuse Hotline: 800‐252‐5400
DFPS Website:
Immunization Requirements & Documentation
Licensing Standards in the state of Texas require that each child enrolled in our facility be immunized according to the
Center for Disease Control; children are required to be up-to-date on their vaccinations. An updated copy of your child’s
immunization records must be given to Gan Gani. A family may choose to not have their child vaccinated or follow an
alternative vaccination schedule for a medical reason or reason of conscience, including a religious belief. To claim an
exemption, the person applying for the child's admission must meet criteria specified by the Department of State Health
Services (DSHS) rule at 25 TAC §97.62 (relating to Exclusions from Compliance).
Children four years of age and older must have a record of hearing and vision screening.
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Our Preschool School Day
All children will be dropped off and picked up through the carpool door on Chabad’s east side.
Early Care drop off runs from 7:55 8:00 a.m. Late arrivals will have to wait until a teacher is available to come
downstairs and get their child.
Morning carpool runs from 8:55 to 9:15 a.m. Teachers will come outside to help children to their classrooms. Early
arrivals must wait in their vehicle until carpool begins. Late arrivals must message a teacher or director and wait by the
carpool door for a teacher to come out to bring the child to their classroom.
Preschool: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday Friday.
After Care: 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday Friday
Late Stay: 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday Friday
Yoga will be provided by Yogees for Kids each Monday. This class will give our children the benefits of strengthening
their bodies and minds!
Music class is held each Thursday by the much beloved Mr. Taylor. During this class, the children will learn about the
joys and mechanics of music. We were recently gifted a mobile Music Room filled with musical instruments to explore.
Security & Safety
Safety of staff and students is of the utmost importance at Chabad. The following guidelines are in place to help ensure
our security:
DO NOT LET STRANGERS IN THE FRONT DOOR AT ANY TIME. Tell a Chabad or Preschool staff member if
someone you do not know wants into the building. If someone comes in as you are entering the building, let a
staff member know so they can investigate.
Do not share the security code with strangers.
Check to make sure the front door has closed completely before you walk away. The door must be completely
closed to lock.
The upstairs door leading to the preschool should always be closed. Please close it as you walk both in and out.
The upstairs door code is for preschool families only. Please do not share the code with people you do not know
to be affiliated with the preschool.
The only people upstairs should be part of Chabad/preschool. If you see a facilities worker waiting to enter the
building or the preschool, tell a staff member so they can find out if Chabad was expecting someone.
An electronic keypad code operates the elevator.
Emergency Drills
Fire, severe weather, and shelter-in-place drills are conducted throughout the year to make sure that our staff and
children are prepared for an emergency and that the building can be vacated or take cover in a minimum of amount of
time. Protocols for these drills are included at the end of this handbook.
School Closing
In case of inclement weather, Gan Gani’s closure will correspond with the Plano Independent School District or
according to government mandates.
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Policy for Alternate or Emergency Release of Children
By completing a child’s admissions papers, parents have submitted a written list of people to whom Gan Gani Plano is
authorized to release their child/children in case of an emergency or change in the child’s regular transportation. At
least one teacher in each classroom and both directors are pediatric First Aid and CPR certified and can render aid at the
school until family, the emergency contact, or first responders arrive.
If a child is to be released to a person(s) other than those on the established list, parents MUST send a signed and dated
note that includes their child’s name, the full name of person picking them up, and their relationship with the child. If a
change in transportation plans occurs during the day, parents must call to notify a director. People coming to pick up a
child from school must show photo ID for the child to be released. School personnel will not release a child to anyone
without prior authorization from parents.
Health & Wellness
Gan Gani Masking Policy This policy is subject to change as COVID conditions vary
Children are not required to wear masks.
Unvaccinated teachers will wear masks while indoors.
All teachers will wear masks during indoor, school wide gatherings.
Parents must wear masks while anywhere in the building.
Student Illness
It is important to us that each child be healthy and happy at school. Any child who has temperature of 100.0 or higher
will be sent home and cannot return the next day. A student must be symptom free one full day they are home (without
medication) in order to return to school. In addition, if a child continues to have symptoms (severe coughing, sore
throat, infectious runny nose, body aches), that child must remain home until the symptoms improve/subside, even if
fever free.
Children will be sent home if they vomit or have diarrhea (more than one unusually loose stool) and may not return to
school the next day. A student must no longer be vomiting or have diarrhea the day they are home (without symptom
reducing medication) before returning to school.
Children diagnosed with a contagious illness such as pink eye (conjunctivitis), impetigo, strep throat, Fifth’s Disease, or
any undiagnosed rash require a note from the doctor with a diagnosis, treatment plan, and when the child is no longer
contagious. This document is required for the child to be admitted back to school. COVID 19 protocols will be set and
maintained according to childcare licensing standards and CDC guidelines.
If your child exhibits these symptoms at school, we will contact you immediately. You or someone you appoint must pick
up your child within thirty minutes unless discussed with a director.
Runny Noses
A runny nose is an unavoidable fact of life for people with allergies, winter colds and children in preschool. The question
is when a child with a runny nose should stay home or be sent home from preschool. In the absence of other
symptoms, a child with a runny nose should remain home or will be sent home regardless of the color of the nasal
discharge, if the child is unable to participate normally in daily activities, or if tending to the runny nose or keeping the
child and the classroom toys clean compromises the teacher’s ability to supervise the class. More information about
runny noses and children in childcare can be found at the back of this handbook.
In the case of molluscum, all open blisters must be covered with bandages and the area covered by clothing.
In cases of lice, children must be treated for lice, with a repeat treatment one week later, and
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remain home for 24 hours after treatment. In addition, parents should inform the school so the class can be informed of
a lice case. The school will check heads of all children in the affected class and if nits are found, parents will be called to
pick up their child immediately.
We appreciate your cooperation in advance as this helps us keep all our children and staff healthy.
Parent Notification in the Event of Illness
In the event a child becomes ill and needs to go home, either the lead teacher or a director will call to notify parents and
isolate the child (supervised) for a limited period until he/she is picked up.
Administering Medication
All prescription and non‐prescription medication given to a child at school require a written authorization form which
can be downloaded and filled out by the parent. Medication must be handed directly to a teacher. In addition, the
medication must be in the original bottle or container with prescribed instructions on administration, including times,
dosage, and length of time medication is to be given. School staff will only administer medication as it is printed on the
Emergency Medical Care for Students
In the case of accidental injury, we will make every attempt to reach a parent, guardian, or emergency contact. If a
responsible party cannot be reached and emergency care is necessary, an ambulance will be called to transport the child
to the hospital. Until a parent or guardian’s arrival, the Director or designated Director will make all decisions
concerning your child. Families are responsible for incurred medical expenses.
Chabad of Plano/Gan Gani Plano cannot enroll any child whose parents do not sign a written consent form agreeing to
these terms.
Food Service Practices
Gan Gani does not serve breakfast and requires children eat breakfast before the leave the car at drop off. Children are
not permitted to eat or finish breakfast in the preschool. The mid-morning snack is the first food of the day eaten in the
Gan Gani will not be providing snacks of any kind. Parents should provide a morning snack for all children and an
afternoon snack for children enrolled in late stay. Morning snack should be a light snack consisting of one serving of
food. Heavy snacks often curb children’s appetites for eating a full and nutritious lunch. All snacks for all age groups
should be finger food, relatively mess free and the child must be able to manage to snack independently.
Parents may sign up for Shiri’s hot lunch program or send food from home. Lunches from home must be dairy or parve.
The first time a child brings meat to school parents will be called and the child will be able to eat their food from home
that day. Each subsequent time a family sends meat to school, the family will be charged for hot lunch and the food the
child brought will be sent home. We ask all food items to be cooked, cut and packaged so children can feed themselves
independently (only send soups or saucy meals if your child can feed him/herself effectively with a spoon).
Birthday Celebrations
Families who would like to recognize their child’s birthday with a special snack can contact Shiri Gurfinkle to order
homemade cupcakes for the class; only baked goods from Shiri from the Chabad kitchen are permitted. Parents may
purchase parve, frozen treats instead of cupcakes if preferred.
Shiri Gurfinkle: (214) 938-0757
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While the classroom is a fun place for a birthday snack it is not the place for a complete birthday party; parents can send
party plates and one mylar party balloon to brighten the occasion. Parents can join the celebration; additional guests
must be cleared by a director. Absolutely NO birthday gifts or goodie bags are allowed at school for any reason; late
gifts must be given to the family outside of school.
Additional Info:
Nursing Mothers are welcome to use our library downstairs, the Edward S. Kraus Center for Learning and
Reflection, where there is comfortable seating and a shade that can be drawn for privacy.
At no time will students of Gan Gani Preschool be transported off campus or participate in swim activities.
Parents will be notified if or when animals will be present on the premises.
Chabad of Plano is a Gang Free Zone. Under Texas Penal Code, any area within 1000 feet of a child-care center
is a gang-free zone, where criminal offenses related to organized criminal activity are subject to harsher penalty.
Children are not required to be tested for TB prior to attending day care or camps.
Questions or Concerns
We welcome any questions or concerns about policies and/or procedures of our school. Parents are able
to speak, text and email with a director to review and discuss matters at any time. Please call the office or
send us an email to alert us to your thoughts and/or concerns.
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Emergency Preparedness Plans
Each classroom has an evacuation plan posted by the doorway. Each child under 24 months of age, those with visual,
mental or hearing impairments and children with limited mobility (wheel chair, crutches, leg brace, etc.) will each have a
staff member assigned to them during emergencies. Gan Gani will make every effort to keep our children safe.
Gan Gani conducts monthly fire drills in addition to quarterly severe weather and shelter-in-place drills; each classroom
has an evacuation plan posted near the doorway.
In the case of a lockdown, teachers will bring their children into the nearest classroom all of which lock from the
inside requiring a key to enter. Children will be moved out of any window’s line of sight, seated and encouraged
to be quiet.
In the event of any evacuation teachers will conduct a name to face roll call upon children exiting the building
and once again upon reaching the evacuation site to ensure all children are removed from the premises and
arrive at the evacuation site safely.
Evacuation routes and relocation sites correspond with students’ and teachers’ location at the time of the emergency in
addition to the location of the emergency in the building.
Individuals in the east most upstairs classrooms (Early 2’s & Pre-K) will evacuate using the east staircase and the
corresponding door. Students and teachers will walk east using the Willow Bend Learning Center’s sidewalk
closest to their building, continuing until reaching the grassy area near the entrance of the Life Care Center of
Plano. Evacuation Relocation Site: 3800 West Park Blvd, Plano, TX 75075 Life Care Center of Plano
Individuals in the west most upstairs classroom and office (two-year olds) will exit down the front staircase to
the lobby and out the front door. Students and teachers will walk west, through Chabad’s parking lot and
proceeding beyond the gray brick wall on to the sidewalk in front of The Corner Vet. Evacuation Relocation Site:
1820 Coit Road Unit #105 Plano, TX 75075
Persons in the large northwest upstairs classroom (3s) will exit down the outdoor back staircase. Students and
teachers will walk west, through Chabad’s parking lot and proceeding beyond the gray brick wall on to the
sidewalk in front of The Corner Vet. Evacuation Relocation Site: 1820 Coit Road Unit #105 Plano, TX 75075
In the event of severe weather, all classes will exit their classroom and proceed down the main staircase and gather in
their assigned areas:
Early twos will gather in the downstairs women’s bathroom
Twos will gather in the downstairs men’s bathroom
Threes will gather in the storage room located behind the library
Pre-K will gather in the kitchen
Emergency contact phone numbers: Rivkah Block 214-403-1362, Jacque Elewitz 214-924-8576
Emergency contact names numbers, and updated lists of all students will be kept with the director and staff members.
Staff members will conduct headcounts throughout the process. Once children are relocated to safety parents will be
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Teacher Training on Child Abuse
What is Abuse?
Abuse is mental, emotional, physical, or sexual injury to a child or failure to prevent such injury to a child
What is Neglect?
Neglect includes (1) failure to provide a child with food, clothing, shelter and/or medical care; and/or (2)
leaving a child in a situation where the child is at risk of harm.
Recognizing the signs of child abuse
Children deserve to be safe and secure. The best way of helping to achieve this is to know what to look for and
be sensitive to the signs when they occur. Recognizing the symptoms of abuse can be difficult but you should
remember that where minor injuries are inflicted, more serious injuries could follow.
Victims of abuse can be any age and from any social background. The younger the child, the more vulnerable
he or she is and the more serious the damage can be if it is not stopped.
When child abuse is suspected, ask yourself the following questions:
Was this an ordinary accident?
Is the child being properly cared for?
Are the explanations acceptable?
Be curious - if the explanations you hear are inconsistent be keen to get more information.
Symptoms of Child Abuse
There are many signs, some or all of which can suggest that abuse is taking place or in danger of happening.
All these signs may be due to ill treatment.
Watch out for:
Unexplained cuts, fractures or bruises, including black eyes
Burns and swellings
Repeated minor injuries
Children appearing cold, undernourished or unkempt
A change in facial expression or general attitude
Unexplained absences from school, playgroup, or
Lethargy, tiredness or aggressive tendencies.
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You should also look out for family signs which may lead to children being harmed:
A history of domestic violence, or excessive drinking
A mother who shows post-natal depression and may have failed to form the normal mother-child bond
The attitude of parents if they are unfeeling or mechanical in their approach to children
Social or financial difficulties which may lead to family breakdown, or
Failure to seek medical help for an obvious injury.
Remember: The most important thing is to make sure the child is safe and free from danger.
Reporting Child Abuse and/or Neglect
Before reporting any suspected child abuse or neglect, consult with a Director.
Child abuse and neglect are against the law in Texas, and so is failure to report it.
If you suspect a child has been abused or mistreated, you are required to report it to the Texas Department of
Family and Protective Services or to a law enforcement agency. You are required to make a report within 48
hours of the time you suspected the child has been or may be abused or neglected.
What if you are not sure?
If you have reason to suspect child abuse, but are not positive, consult with a Director. If you have any doubts
about whether or not it is abuse, call the hotline; they can advise you on whether the signs you have observed
are abuse. Better to be safe than sorry!
How do you report Child abuse?
1. Meet with a director to discuss the situation.
2. Call the abuse and neglect hotline at 1-800-252-5400.
3. When you make a report, be specific; report facts and observation first. Tell exactly what happened
and when. The investigator will likely want the facts reported separately from impressions and
suspicions. Be sure to record all injuries or incidents you have observed, including dates and time of
day and keep this information secured.
4. Reports should be made as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before bruises and marks start
to fade. It is important for the investigators to be able to see the physical signs.
5. Give the agency person any information you have about the relationship between the child and the
suspected abuser.
6. Please provide at least the following information in your report.
Name, age, and address of the child
Brief description of the child
Current injuries, medical problems, or behavioral problems
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Parents names and names of siblings in the home
Reports by People Who are Hearing Impaired, Speech Disabled
A person who is deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech-disabled and wishes to report abuse, neglect, or
exploitation of a child or to report abuse may use Relay Texas to contact the Abuse Hotline (Statewide
Intake). Relay Texas can be accessed by dialing 711 or 1-800-735-2989. The caller uses a TTY to type
conversations to a relay agent who then reads the typed conversation to a hearing person. The relay
agent transmits the hearing person's spoken words by typing them back to the TTY user. Statewide
Intake's phone number is 1-800-252-5400, or a report may be made by use of the Internet at
Will the person know you have reported him or her?
Your report is confidential and is not subject to public release under the Open Records Act. The law provides
for immunity from civil or criminal liabilities for innocent persons who report even unfounded suspicions, as
long as your report is made in good faith. Your identity is kept confidential.
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