The Scientist’s Conundrum:
CV, Resume or
Something In-Between?
Laura Stark
FAS Office of Career Services
Harvard University
CV? Resume? Hybrid?
Common CV/Resume Mistakes
Academic vs. Industry CVs, with samples
Resumes, with samples
CV/resume hybrid sample
CV? Resume? Hybrid?
Think about:
Your audience
The position
Your strengths, relevant skills & experience
How much detail
Focus on PhD-specific accomplishments?
There is no single correct format
Highlight your strengths, accomplishments, and
Strongest qualities should stand out when skimmed
30 second test
Enough supporting detail to stand up to scrutiny
Organize with CATEGORIES
Arrange categories in order of importance
Reverse chronological order within categories
Place most important
First page
Left side of page
Beginning of sections
In columns
Use highlighting
Use action verbs to
describe experience
Consult job posting, and
include relevant
Avoid pronouns, articles,
Use sentence fragments
Ask a friend to PROOF
Common Mistakes
Don’t use another CV or resume as a TEMPLATE
Don’t include PERSONAL information, e.g.
Marital status Gender
Date of birth Photograph
Citizenship Native country
Be very careful attributing pre-published papers
Don’t get too creative with paper, style, format
Academic CVs Industry CVs
Designed for the human
Highlight research or
Grants & Awards more
Describe research with
more BASIC approach
Designed for the human
eye & keyword searches
Always highlight research
Skills & Techniques more
Describe research with
more APPLIED approach
Academic CVs Industry CVs
Include references &
contact info
Initial screening by PI or
search committee
Exhaustive list of
publications and
Send reference
information if requested
Initial screening usually
by HR or pulled from
Selected publications
and presentations (if
very many)
Identifying information has been changed.
Department of Neuroscience 3400 West Chester Blvd.
Science Center, Room 5480 Apartment 109
18000 San Bernardino Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90620
Los Angeles, CA 90669 (813) 321-1234
(813) 566-4321
University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA
Postdoctoral Fellow 2013-Present
Columbia University New York, NY
PhD, Neuroscience 2013
Dissertation: Development of synaptic plasticity in Aplysia californica
Dartmouth College Hanover, NH
BS, magna cum laude, Biology. Phi Beta Kappa 2005
Ruth L. Kirschstein Post-Doctoral National Research Service Award 2014-2016
National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health
Department of Neuroscience, Emerging Faculty Award 2013
Columbia University
Ruth L. Kirschstein Pre-Doctoral National Research Service Award 2010-2013
National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health
University Excellence in Teaching Award 2010, 2012
Columbia University
University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA
Postdoctoral Fellow; Advisor: Young X. Shen 2013-Present
Developmental regulation of NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in zebra finch brain
Developed single cell PCR method to study developmental changes in NMDA receptors, correlated with
developmental stages of song learning
Analyzed developmental changes in juvenile song using customized LabView software.
Altered development of song with behavioral and circadian manipulations
Columbia University New York, NY
Graduate Researcher; Advisor: Thomas J. Schmidt 2006-2013
Serotonergic modulation of synaptic transmission in developing and adult Aplysia
Used in vitro single cell neurophysiological recording and stimulation to study developmental emergence
of two serotonin-mediated forms of synaptic plasticity
Ellen applied for a tenure-track faculty position as a post-doc. At that point, she emphasized her two NRSA
fellowships, and she placed her publications at the end of the CV, just prior to her references, as is expected
in the life sciences.
It is rare for a PhD in the experimental sciences to successfully land a tenure-track faculty position
immediately out of graduate school. A postdoc is almost always necessary. When Ellen had applied for her
postdoctoral position, she included more detail about her graduate research.
Identifying information has been changed.
Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, MA
Participant, Neural Systems and Behavior course Summer 2008
Columbia University New York, NY
Graduate Research Assistant; Advisor: Emily Chester 2005-2006
Expression of Lupus antigens in fetal rat brain
Characterized developmental changes in expression of numerous lupus antigens using
immunocytochemistry and flourescence microscopy
University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA
Written and Oral Communication Advisor Spring 2014-Present
Guest Lecturer and Consultant, Seminar in Animal Communication Spring 2014
Columbia College New York, NY
Guest Lecturer, Introductory Psychology Summer 2011, 2012
Head Teaching Assistant, Cellular Basis of Behavior Spring 2012
Teaching Assistant, Cellular Basis of Behavior Spring 2010
Teaching Assistant, Neurobiology Fall 2010
Dartmouth College Hanover, NH
Teaching Assistant, Special Topics in Psychology Spring 2004
Teaching Assistant, Introductory Biology Fall 2003, Fall 2004
Columbia Graduate Women in Science (CGWS), Columbia University New York, NY
Co-Founder and President 2011-2013
- Organized and led student representatives from 25 natural science departments to promote issues of
concern to women scientists at Columbia
- Co-chaired Invited Speakers committee. Managed 3 public symposia featuring nationally-renowned
women scientists
Society for Neuroscience
International Association of Electrophysiologists
New York Academy of Sciences
Joseph, E.R. and Shen, Y.X. Synaptic maturation is input-specific and occurs in two phases in nucleus RA of the
zebra finch. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. Poster presentation to be delivered at the Society for
Neuroscience meeting, San Diego, CA., November, 2015.
Joseph, E.R. and Shen, Y.X. Developmental regulation of NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic currents in nucleus
RA of the zebra finch. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 25:191. Poster presentation delivered at the Society for
Neuroscience meeting, Atlanta, GA, November, 2014.
Joseph, E.R. and Schmidt, T.J. Synaptic facilitation is independent of spike duration in sensory neurons of
juvenile Aplysia. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 25:695. Poster presentation delivered at the Society for
Neuroscience meeting, Washington, D.C., November, 2012.
Ellen R. Joseph, pg. 2
Identifying information has been changed.
Joseph, E.R. and Schmidt, T.J. Serotonergic facilitation of synaptic transmission in juvenile Aplysia. Society for
Neuroscience Abstracts. 23:814. Oral presentation delivered at the Society for Neuroscience meeting, New
Orleans, LA, November, 2011.
Joseph, E.R., Kline, N.J., and Schmidt, T.J. Temporal dissociation of 5HT-induced spike broadening and
excitability in Aplysia sensory neurons. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 21:941. Oral presentation delivered
at the Society for Neuroscience meeting, St. Louis, MO, November, 2009.
Joseph, E.R. and Schmidt, T.J. Teaching neuroscience through a laboratory experience: you can't start too young.
Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 20:518. Poster presentation delivered at the Society for Neuroscience
meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2008.
Joseph, E.R., LeBlanc, R., Kline, N.J., Bliss, E.A., and Schmidt, T.J. (2011). Central actions of serotonin across
the life span of Aplysia: Implications for development and learning. In H. Koike, Y. Kidokoro, K. Takahashi,
and T. Kanaseki (Eds.), Basic Neuroscience in Invertebrates (pp. 249-265). Tokyo: Japan Scientific Societies
Kline, N.J., Bliss, E.A., Joseph, E.R., and Schmidt, T.J. (2011). Differential modulatory actions of serotonin in
Aplysia sensory neurons: Implications for development and learning. Seminars in Neuroscience. 9:21-33.
Joseph, E.R. and Shen, Y.X. (2015). Two-stage, input-specific synaptic maturation in a nucleus essential for
vocal production in the zebra finch. Journal of Neuroscience. 22:9107-9116.
Joseph, E.R. and Schmidt, T.J. (2014). Developmental dissociation of serotonin-induced spike broadening and
synaptic facilitation in Aplysia sensory neurons. Journal of Neuroscience. 21:334-346.
Joseph, E.R., Chang, A.R., Kline, N.J., and Schmidt, T.J. (2012). Pharmacological and kinetic characterization
of two functional classes of serotonergic modulation in Aplysia sensory neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology.
Smythe, M.I., Vaidya, A.F., Joseph, E.R., Belema, J.F., and Denny, K.M. (2005). Fetal expression of renin,
angiotensinogen, and atriopeptin genes in chick heart. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. A15:
Young X. Shen, Ph.D. Thomas J. Schmidt, Ph.D. Akaysha M. Lin, Ph.D.
Kim Professor of Neuroethology Professor of Psychology Associate Professor
Department of Neuroscience Department of Neuroscience Department of Psychology
University of California, Los Angeles Columbia University University of California, Los Angeles
Science Center, Room 5485 2649 Washington Blvd. William James Laboratories, Room B18
Los Angeles, CA 90260 New York, NY 12345 Los Angeles, CA 90243
(813) 321-1233 (212) 999-5678 (813) 321-9999
[email protected]a.edu [email protected]lumbia.edu linam@psych.ucla.edu
Ellen R. Joseph, pg. 3
Identifying information has been changed.
Keisha V. Thomas
29B Russell Avenue, Apt. 19 • Brighton, MA 02121 • (617) 123-4567
Harvard University, Division of Medical Sciences Boston, MA
Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Expected March 2015
National Science Foundation Honorable Mention 2010
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA
B.A., Biology 2003
Harvard University Medical School Boston, MA
Graduate Student with Dr. Elias T. Johannson 2010-present
Genetic and genomic studies of ubiquitin-proteasome system activities in S. cerevisiae
Examined potential transcriptional effects of the proteasome using microarray analysis to provide a genome-wide
picture of chromatin binding and gene regulation.
Executed genetic screen for suppressor of a mutant in the proteasome adaptor complex Cdc48Npl4Ufd1.
Characterized one of the isolated suppressors to reveal a function in sporulation, using biochemistry, cell biology and
transcriptional profiling.
Yale University Medical School New Haven, CT
Research Assistant with Dr. Bing Wong 2007-2009
Examined transcriptional regulation of the bile acid transporter Ntcp using reporter assays in cultured hepatocytes.
Managed laboratory functions including organization, ordering and scheduling equipment use.
Trained new students and employees.
University of California San Francisco San Francisco, CA
Research Assistant with Dr. Shona V. Ramapura Summer 2006
Analyzed encapsidation of HIV RNA using cell-free extract.
Université de Paris, Station Zoologique Villefranche sur mer, France
Intern with Dr. Magali Canivet 2005
Used micromanipulation and microscopy to investigate early developmental stages of tunicate embryos.
Yale University Medical School New Haven, CT
Howard Hughes Intern with Dr. Jane P. Angelique Summer 2002
Established method of PCR screening for NOD mice used in diabetes research.
Isolation of RNA and analysis by transcriptional profiling and Northern blot
Chromatin immunoprecipitation and analysis on microarrays and by quantitative PCR
Fluorescence microscopy
Statistical analysis of microarray data
Immunoprecipitation of complexes for identification by Mass Spectrometry
Genetic screening and manipulations in budding yeast
Mammalian cell culture
differences from her academic CV, except that she includes a list of skills and techniques (which is also appropriate
for an academic postdoctoral application). While her thesis work was basic science, she includes references to
Keisha V. Thomas, Page 2
Identifying information has been changed.
Harvard University Medical School Boston, MA
Editor, Biological and Biomedical Sciences Program Bulletin 2012-Present
Participated in planning content; solicited, wrote and edited articles relevant to student life.
Mentor, Mentoring for Science program 2010, 2013
Guided eighth-grade students to understanding of scientific method through molecular biology experiments and case-
based learning.
Swarthmore College Swarthmore, PA
Teaching Assistant Embryology 2006
Assisted in preparation and execution of laboratory section.
Prepared and presented 2 class lectures.
K.V. Thomas, J.M. O’Reilly, S. Kopp, and E.T. Johannson. The Proteasome and its Transcription Factor Substrate Have
Overlapping Specificity in Gene Regulation. Abstracts of the Gordon Symposium on Ubiquitin and Signaling, 2012.
Abstract 106.
K.V. Thomas, S. Gerling, and E.T. Johannson. The Npl4/Ufd1/Cdc48 Complex and Regulation of Membrane
Composition. Abstracts of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2009. Abstract and
Presentation 1615.
K.V. Thomas, A.L. Marcus, S. Gerling, L. Sing, and E.T. Johannson. The Yeast Arr4 Forms a Complex with Functions in
Sporulation. In preparation.
K.V. Thomas, C.R. White, J.M. O’Reilly, S. Kopp, and E.T. Johannson. Genomic Localization of the Proteasome
Demonstrates Multiple Levels of Gene Regulation. Under review.
A.L. Marcus, K.V. Thomas, S.P. Georgios, and E.T. Johannson. A subset of membrane-associated proteins is
ubiquitinated in response to mutations in the endoplasmic reticulum degradation machinery. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences USA 2010; 98(16):12861-66.
L.A. Pittson, K.V. Thomas, D.S. Kerry, M.H. Slater, D.J. Elliot, and B. Wong. Interleukin-1ß Suppresses Retinoid
Transactivation of Two Hepatic Transporter Genes Involved in Bile Formation. Journal of Chemical Biology 2008;
275(12): 8835-8843.
Usually 1-2 pages
Summary or objective statement?
Publications as addendum (if at all)
Emphasize skills/experiences most relevant
to the reader and position
Do not include work/lab address
Do not include references
Resume for venture capital –
Anjan Subramayan
Resume for non-profit consulting –
Maria Arroyo
CV/Resume hybrid for patent law –
Isaac Abraham
Anjan Lo Subramayan
0000 Any Street, Apartment 00 ∙ Boston, MA 02020 ∙ (617) 000-0000 ∙ [email protected]
Ph.D., Biological and Biomedical Sciences expected May 2015
Harvard Business School coursework (Spring 2014): Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital in Healthcare, Commercializing
Science and High Technology.
Harvard Biotechnology Club, Director organize events exploring the business of biotechnology.
National Science Foundation Fellow – 900 recipients/5,500 applicants ($85,000 for three years).
A.B. with Honors, Molecular and Cell Biology May 2008
Haas Scholars ProgramAwarded to 20 students campus-wide for thesis support ($12,500).
Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program – 40 students campus-wide ($2,000 for summer).
InternThree-Day Ph.D. Summer Program July 2015
One of 14 Ph.D. candidates in Boston area selected to participate.
Gained hands-on exposure to management consulting by conducting a simulated case on healthcare.
Worked in a 5-member team to analyze data, conduct consumer research, and present findings.
HARVARD University Boston, MA
Ph.D. Candidate 2008-2015
Doctoral Research: Initiated, designed, and led execution of drug screen with the goal to identify drug candidates for cervical
cancer. Screened 60,000 compounds and identified ~50 initial candidates.
Initiated and led collaborations involving 4 Harvard professors, 4 members of a Harvard drug screen institute, and 2
laboratory colleagues.
Presented research extensively, at conferences attended by 200+ scientists (3 times); to Harvard department of 125
scientists (3 times).
Developed complex protocol involving “robots” and Excel to screen 22,000 compounds daily.
Initiated and led 3-person collaboration at M.I.T. to conduct a different drug screen, using “compounds on a slide
approach (detect protein binding to 40,000 compounds on a slide).
Prepared, presented, and defended novel research proposals on 4 different topics (immunology, drug discovery, HIV,
and rotavirus) to 2-4 experts in each respective field.
Undergraduate Researcher School of Public Health 2006-2008
Senior Honors Thesis – determined rate of action of potential therapeutic RNA-based enzyme.
Led and trained 3-person team of undergraduates in 4-month project to bioengineer DNA.
Summer Intern Save the Elms Program Summer 2006
Recruited and trained 15 city volunteers to monitor beetle infestations of elm trees in community.
Assisted field research to develop novel insecticide-free program to control beetle infestations.
Language: Conversational Mandarin.
Interests: Intramural Basketball, Traveling, and Poker
With this resume, extensive networking, and his leadership position in the GSAS Harvard Biotechnology Club,
Anjan successfully secured a position with a Boston venture capital firm. In the education section, he focuses on
relevant coursework and his leadership position. Take note that he emphasized the novelty and significance of
his PhD research in the experience section, and he does not include publications (though he could have done so
as an addendum, if these were relevant or requested. His interest in poker is especially relevant to VC!
Maria T. Arroyo
000 Main Street (617) 123-4567
Cambridge, MA 02139 [email protected]du
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Ph.D. in Psychology, 2014; M.A. in Social Psychology, 2009
Relevant coursework: Behavioral Approaches to Decision-making & Negotiation and Entrepreneurial Finance
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
B.A., magna cum laude, high honors in Cognitive Science, 2005, Music minor, Phi Beta Kappa
Boston Choral Ensemble, Boston, MA
President, 2010-2014, Treasurer, 2009-2013
Stabilized the organization by substantially reducing costs by 30% through negotiations and barters, securing
501(c)(3) status, and establishing long-term development, marketing, and membership plans.
Nurtured donor relationships and member involvement to increase community involvement.
Restructured board from ad hoc to focused committees through intensive discussions with members.
Managed monthly meetings and day-to-day functioning of 9 member all-volunteer board.
Sensory Spectrum, Chatham, NJ
Statistical Analyst for Sensory Consulting Company, Summer 2010
Contributed to rigorous measurements of sensory qualities of consumer products.
Analyzed descriptive and consumer data with univariate and multivariate techniques to explain consumers’
evaluations of clients’ products from a sensory perspective.
Interpreted consumer data in presentations and advertising claims for Fortune 500 clients.
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Teaching Assistant, 2009-2014
Taught statistics for ~70 psychology graduate students (awarded teaching certificate of distinction)
Lead debates in practice of good psychological science (awarded teaching certificate of distinction)
Taught social psychology for managers and policy analysts to ~30 students (Kennedy School of Government)
Graduate Research in Social and Cognitive Psychology, 2009-2014
Designed and programmed original experiments on the border of social and cognitive psychology.
Analyzed wide range of data: from psychophysical data to studies with over 32,000 respondents.
Interpreted and summarized results for talks, poster presentations, and publication.
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Research Assistant in Social and Cognitive Psychology, 2005-2007
Programmed, ran and analyzed visual attention and decision making experiments.
Edited book chapters, articles, and editorials for Nobel-prize winner John Smith.
Self-taught hardware and software problem solver for both Macintosh and Windows users.
Software: Proficient in SPSS, MS Office, MatLab, internet research. Experience with C++,
ClarisDraw, Dreamweaver, EndNote, HTML, Java, Perl, Photoshop, PsyScope, SAS, and Systat.
Languages: Strong comprehension of French and Italian.
Maria successfully landed a position as an Evaluation Consultant for a consulting firm that serves
foundations and non-profit organizations. She emphasized her leadership role in restructuring a non-profit
choral group while in grad school, and her brief consulting experience. Had she been applying for
positions in arts administration or in market research, she could have used the category headings “Arts
Administration Experience” and “Market Research Experience” instead of the “Non-Profit” and “Consulting”
Harvard University 000 Anywhere Ave.
Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology Marlborough, MA 02000
16 Divinity Ave. 6170000000
Cambridge, MA 02138 itabraham@fas.harvard.edu
Ph.D., Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, expected May 2015
Thesis research with Dr. Thomas White entitled “Novel regulators of the essential tubulinlike bacterial cell
division protein FtsZ.” Completed coursework in gene expression and cell cycle regulation, genomic analysis,
developmental biology, and neurobiology. Earned honorable mention in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s
2004 competition for Predoctoral Fellowships in Biological Sciences.
B.S., Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of California, Los Angeles, 2008
Summa cum laude, member Phi Beta Kappa. Honors thesis research with Dr. Robert Stader entitled “RNA binding
activity of the essential GTPase Era in Escherichia coli.”
Graduate Researcher, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2010-Present
Discovered and characterized peptide inhibitors of an essential bacterial division protein called FtsZ. Utilized
techniques in molecular biology, genetics, recombinant protein expression and purification, biochemistry, and
fluorescence microscopy. Presented work at professional conferences including two Boston Bacterial Meetings, the
2007 New England Spores Conference, and the 2008 Meeting on Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages.
Research Associate, University of California, Los Angeles, 2008 2009
Executed independent research in a bacterial genetics laboratory to examine effectors of start codon discrimination
during translation initiation in the bacterium Escherichia coli. Collaborated closely with graduate students,
postdoctoral associates, and faculty. Maintained daily records in an organized fashion. Mentored undergraduate
students conducting shortterm projects.
Research Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles, 2006
Assisted graduate students and postdoctoral associates studying novel therapeutic agents to treat insulindependent
diabetes mellitus in mice. Performed intraperitoneal injections to deliver experimental compounds and placebos to
test mice over a six month period. Maintained mouse colonies.
CoFounder and Partner: “XCell”, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, June 2014 Present
Developed a gamebased approach to teach science at the undergraduate level to be demonstrated in a core Cell
Biology course during the spring of 2015. Recruited and currently managing a team of over 35 staff who produce
game content, web and multimedia components, and graphic design elements. Conduct interviews with students
and teaching staff, devise questionnaires, and collect data on students’ performance to assess effectiveness of
XCell as a teaching tool.
Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2011 2014
Supervised junior teaching fellows and consulted with senior staff to devise and formulate novel curriculum.
Presented fundamental concepts, methods of data analysis, and testtaking strategies in a required undergraduate
Molecular Biology course. Wrote summaries, outlines, and exam questions. Graded student assignments and
Participant: Business Management Study Group, Harvard University, 2014
Analyzed seminal business case studies in strategic planning, technology & operations management, and
marketing. Explored and assessed each case through weekly discussions led by faculty of the Harvard Business
Member: Harvard Biotechnology Club, Harvard University, 2014 Present
Attended lectures, presentations, and career events focused on business and biotechnology
1. Abraham, I.T. and White, T.J. A novel peptide inhibitor of the tubulinlike bacterial cell division protein FtsZ. In
2. Abraham, I.T., Malavai, V.Y., Robertson, S.A., Guerco, F.J., and Knight, G.F. The solution structure of the
bacterial cell division protein, ZapA, and the identification of amino acid residues essential for its function.
3. Richardson, B.H., Abraham, I.T., Zhang, D.K., Liu, V., Smith, M., Ritai, S.Y., Skylar, E.L., Itarson, P.E., and
Stader, R.W. (2008) The widely conserved Era Gprotein contains an RNAbinding domain required for Era
function in vivo. Molecular Microbiology. 33:111831.
This document is more of a hybrid between an academic CV and a business resume. In applying for
Technology Specialist positions at Patent Law firms, Isaac recognized the importance of presenting his
academic credentials and accomplishments as a scientist. As such, he has maintained the traditional
“Research Experience” section but he presents his teaching experience in a form that may be more relevant
to patent law, emphasizing the leadership components of these experiences. He includes a “Professional
Development” section that he would not have included in an academic CV. Isaac includes his
publications, but chose not to include full citations for his conference presentations, though he certainly
could have done so. References are not included for a nonacademic job.
Isaac T. Abraham, pg. 2