Catherine J. Denial
K-74, 2 E. South Street, Galesburg, IL 61401 | E: [email protected] | Twitter: @cjdenial
Ph.D. History, University of Iowa, 2005.
MA History, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1996.
BA (Hons.) American Studies, University of Nottingham, England, 1994.
Non-degree-seeking student in Anishinaabemowin at University of Northern Michigan,
Spring 2018.
Bright Distinguished Professor of American History, Knox College.
Director, The Bright Institute at Knox College.
Chair, History Department, 2016-2023.
Director, SPARK (summer bridge program), 2016, 2017.
Chair, American Studies Program, 2014-2016.
A Pedagogy of Kindness, University of Oklahoma Press, forthcoming, July 2024.
“For Those Who Do Not Love the Archives,” Rebecca Pope-Ruark and Lee Skallerup
Bassette, eds., Of Many Minds, under contract, Johns Hopkins University Press.
“How I Met My Mother,” updated and revised, R.E. Fulton and Vicky Daniel, eds., in The
Nursing Clio Reader, under contract, Rutgers University Press.
“Wrestling with A.I.,” Beth Buyserie and Travis Thurston, eds., Teaching and Generative AI:
Pedagogical Possibilities and Productive Tensions, under contract, Utah State University Press.
2020 “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” in Jesse Stommel, Chris Friend, and Sean Michael
Morris, Critical Digital Pedagogy: A Collection. Washington, D.C.: Hybrid Pedagogy, Inc,
2020, 212-218.
“Ethics and the Practice of History,” in Ron Iphofen, ed. Handbook of Research Ethics
and Scientific Integrity. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2020.
2019 “‘Mother of all the living’: Motherhood, Religion, and Political Culture at the Ojibwe
Village of Fond du Lac, 1835-1839,” Early American Studies. 17:4 (Fall 2019): 443-473.
“A Pedagogy of Kindness,” Hybrid Pedagogy, August 15, 2019,
“How I Met My Mother: The Tale of an Unexpected Pregnancy,” Nursing Clio,
Wednesday, June 5, 2019,
2018 “The Privilege of Despair,” Nursing Clio, Monday, October 8, 2018,
2016 "The Subjective Self: Teaching Student Historians to ask 'Who Am I?'," Syllabus. 5:2
2013 Making Marriage: Husbands, Wives, and the American State in Dakota and Ojibwe Country.
St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2013.
"Atoms, Honeycombs, and Fabric Scraps: Rethinking Timelines in the
Undergraduate Classroom," The History Teacher, 46:3 (May 2013): 415-434.
2010 "Pelagie Farribault’s Island: Property, Kinship, and the Contested Meaning of
Marriage in Dakota Country," Minnesota History. 62:2 (Summer 2010): 48-59.
2022 Foreword, Designing for Care. Hybrid Pedagogy Inc, 2022.
“After the Great Pivot Should Come the Great Pause,” with Elizabeth Lehfeldt and
Clarissa Sorensen-Unruh, The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 25,
2021 “Everyone in Higher Ed Deserves Better Than They’re Getting Right Now,”
EdSurge, December 2,
“Time to Get Serious: Training Graduate Students in Teaching,” Teaching History: A
Journal of Methods, 46:1 (2021): 29.
“Feminism, Pedagogy, and a Pandemic,” Journal of Women’s History, 33:1 (Spring
2021): 134-139.
“To Tweet or Not To Tweet,” Panorama, February 24.
2020 “Beginning Again: Online Pedagogy Sent My Teaching Back to Square One,”
Eidolon, July 27,
“The Complexities of Certainty,” Guest Post, Just Visiting, Inside Higher Ed, April 26,
2019 “New York,” Disability Acts, October 22,
“My Heart,” in Beside Still Waters: A Journey of Comfort and Renewal. Teaneck, New
Jersey: Ben Yehuda Press.
2018 “How to Actually Build Relationships With Your Professors,” Teen Vogue, October
Cengage Researcher Guide: Gender in British North America. Farmington Hills,
Michigan: Gale, A Cengage Company.
2010 "Ethics for Historians: The Perspective of One Undergraduate Class." Perspectives on
History. January: 28-29.
2022 Principal Investigator, “Pedagogies, Communities, and Practices of Care in the
Academy after COVID-19,” a program officer’s grant from the Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation, Knox College, $150,000.
Contributor, “Abolition for All Time,” a Humanities for All Times grant from the
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Knox College, $1,234,000.
2021 Contributor, Sustaining the Humanities Through the American Rescue Plan Grant,
National Endowment for the Humanities, Knox College, $248,411.
2020 Exceptional Achievement Award, Knox College.
2019 Philip Green Wright/Lombard College Teaching Award Winner for Tenured
Faculty, Knox College.
Faculty Innovation Grant from the Dan J. Logan Peace and Justice Studies Fund,
Knox College, $4000.
2018 American Historical Association, Eugene Asher Distinguished Teaching Award.
Knox College TRIO Program Outstanding Educator of the Year.
Selected for the Society of Historians of the Early American Republic’s Second-
Book Writers’ Workshop, SHEAR Annual Meeting, July 19.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowship, American Philosophical Society, June-
July, Philadelphia, PA, $3000.
2017 Travel support from the Committee on Faculty Resources to attend the Society for
Historians of the Early American Republic annual meeting, July, 2018.
Travel support from the Committee on Faculty Resources and the Park Ethics Fund,
Knox College to attend the American Historical Association annual meeting,
FaCE Grant, with Katherine Tegtmeyer Pak, Adrienne Falcon, Emily A. Bowman,
Eric Popkin, Javier Escandell, “Sharing Expertise in Community-Based Learning &
Research Addressing Immigration,” Associated Colleges of the Midwest, $25,504.
Course development funding for “Trump in Historical Perspective,” from the
Committee on Faculty Resources.
2016 Travel support from Committee on Faculty Research to attend the Digital Pedagogy
Lab Institute, August.
Travel support from the American Historical Association as part of the Workshop
on Undergraduate Teaching, American Historical Association annual meeting,
2015 Research award, with Gabrielle Raley (Sociology), Mellon/FACE Collaborative
Research Grant, Knox College.
Cartier Faculty Excellence Award.
2014 College Faculty Career Enhancement Grant, awarded to Knox College by the
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
2013 The Illinois Humanities Council, funding for "People and Place," the 2014 Museums,
Monuments and Memory class exhibit, $1275.
Course development funding for “American Indian Religious Freedom,” from the
Knight Endowment for Religious Studies, Knox College.
2012 College Faculty Career Enhancement Grant, awarded to Knox College by the
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
2011 College Faculty Career Enhancement Grant, awarded to Knox College by the
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
2007 Council of Independent Colleges / Gilder Lehrman American History Seminar
participant, New York University.
2023 Featured guest, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” Teaching in Higher Ed podcast, May 25.
Featured in “What Really Helps With Burnout? A New Project Investigates,” by
Beckie Supiano, Chronicle of Higher Education, January 19, 2023.
2022 “An Interview with Cate Denial about Teaching History with the Unessay,” by
Jessamyn Neuhaus, Teaching History, 47:1 (2022): 61-66.
Featured in, “A Simple Fix for a Better Marriage Proposal,” by Joe Pinkster, The
Atlantic. July 6,
Featured guest, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” Teacher of the Ear Podcast, June 10,
Featured in, “Closing Out a Trying Semester,” by Beckie Supiano, Chronicle of Higher
Education, May 12, 2022.
Featured guest, “On Kindness and Boundaries,” The Agile Academic Podcast: Episode
3.3, March 29,
2021 Featured guest, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” Tea for Teaching Podcast: Episode 210,
October 28,
Mary Lou Santovec, “Developing and Practicing A Pedagogy of Kindness,” Women
in Higher Education, July 2021, 11, 15.
Featured in “Preparing to Return to the Classroom,” by Beth McMurtrie, Chronicle of
Higher Education Report: The Future of Teaching: How the Classroom is Being Transformed.
Featured in “The Problem With Venting About Your Students,” by Beckie Supiano,
Chronicle of Higher Education, March 18, 2021.
2020 Featured in “The Pandemic is Dragging on. Professors are Burning Out,” by Beth
McMurtrie, Chronicle of Higher Education, November 5, 2020.
Featured guest, “An Online Pedagogy of Kindness,” Think UDL Podcast: Episode 41,
July 21.
Featured in “Five Takeaways from my Covid-19 Remote Teaching,” by Michelle
Miller, Chronicle of Higher Education, May 6. 2020.
Featured in “‘It Shouldn’t Take a Pandemic’: Coronavirus Exposes Internet
Inequality Among U.S. Students as Schools Close Their Doors,” by Tony Romm,
Washington Post, March 16, 2020.
Featured in “Coronavirus exposes digital disparities between students as learning
goes online,” by Mythili Sampathkumar and Maya Shwayder, Digital Trends, March
15, 2020.
2019 Featured guest with Michael Oberg, “Connections: Ungrading” WXXI (NPR)
Rochester, December 30.
Featured in “Grading Smarter, Not Harder,” by Colleen Flaherty, Inside Higher Ed.
January 4.
Featured in “How To Teach a Good First Day of Class,” by James M. Lang, Chronicle
of Higher Education, January 4.
2018 Featured in “The Most Pressing Question of Women’s History Month: What is
Feminism in 2018?” by Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy, Yahoo Lifestyle, March 8.
“Historically, Legal Abortion a Long-Held Practice,” Op-Ed on the history of
abortion, Galesburg Register-Mail, July 15, 2018.
2017 “Wrestling with History,” Op-Ed on Charlottesville and Confederate monuments,
Galesburg Register-Mail, August 19, 2017.
“Local Experts Name their Top Five, Bottom Five Presidents,” Galesburg Register-
Mail, February 20, 2017.
2011 "A Summer's Koan," Guest Contributer, NPR's On Being blog, August 20.
2010 "Reading the Revolution as More Than Just Shorthand," Guest Opinion, Iowa City
Press-Citizen, July 3, 2010. (Also carried in a dozen other newspapers nationwide,
including the Oregon Statesman Journal and the Pennsylvania Pocono Record.)
2021 Review of Jen Gunter, The Menopause Manifesto: Own Your Health with Facts and
Feminism. Citadel Press, 2021, at Nursing Clio;
Review of Kim Haikkila, Booth Girls: Pregnancy, Adoption, and the Secrets We Kept.
Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2021, at Nursing Clio:
Review of Susan Sleeper-Smith, Indigenous Prosperity and American Conquest: Indian
Women of the Ohio River Valley, 1690-792. Omohundro Institute for American History
and Culture and the University of North Carolina Press, 2018, in Environmental
History, 26:2 (April 2021): 381-382.
Review of Sarah S. M. Pearsall, Polygamy: An Early American History. New Haven, Yale
University Press, 2019, in Mormon Studies Review, 8 (2021): 168-174.
2019 Review of Lindy West, The Witches Are Coming. New York: Hachette Book Group,
2019, at Nursing Clio, November 19, 2019,
2017 Review of Ann McGrath, Illicit Love: Interracial Sex & Marriage in the United States &
Australia. University of Nebraska Press, 2015, in the Native American and Indigenous
Studies Journal, 4:1 (2017): 118-119.
2016 Review of Bethel L. Saler, The Settlers Empire: Colonialism and State Formation in
America’s Old Northwest. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014, in The Annals of Iowa,
75:4 (2016): 429-431.
2015 Review of Susan Sleeper-Smith, Juliana Barr, Jean M. O'Brien, Nancy Shoemaker,
and Scott Manning Stevens, eds., Why You Can’t Teach United States History Without
American Indians. University of North Carolina Press, 2015, in Minnesota History, 64:8
(Winter 2015-16): 337.
Review of Linda M. Clemmons, Conflicted Mission: Faith, Disputes, and Deception on the
Dakota Frontier, Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2014, in The Western
Historical Quarterly, 46:3 (Autumn 2015): 368-369.
2013 Review of Saliha Belmessous, ed., Native Claims: Indigenous Law Against Empire, 1500-
1920. Oxford University Press, 2012, in The Historian, 75:2 (Summer 2013): 423-424.
Review of Mary Butler Renville, A Thrilling Narrative of Indian Captivity: Dispatches from
the Dakota War. Edited by Carrie Reber Zeman and Kathryn Zabelle, Derounian-
Stodola. University of Nebraska Press, 2012, in Minnesota History, 63/5 (Spring
2013): 213.
2012 Review of Ann Durkin Keating, Rising Up From Indian Country: The Battle of Fort
Dearborn and the Birth of Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 2012, in Journal of Illinois
History, 15 (Spring 2012): 51-52.
Review of Colette A. Hyman, Dakota Women's Work: Creativity, Culture, and Exile.
Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2012 in The Annals of Iowa, 71:4 (Fall 2012): 357-
Review of James Joseph Buss, Winning the West with Words: Language and Conquest in the
Lower Great Lakes. University of Oklahoma Press, 2011, in Western Historical Quarterly,
43:4 (Autumn 2012): 383-384.
Review of Mary Lethert Wingerd, North Country: The Making of Minnesota.
University of Minnesota Press, 2010, in American Indian Culture and Research Journal,
36:1 (2012): 213-216.
2011 Review of Carl J. Ekberg, Stealing Indian Women: Native Slavery in the Illinois Country.
University of Illinois Press, 2007, in The Annals of Iowa, 70:1 (Winter 2011) 67-69.
2008 Review of Rebecca Kugel and Lucy Eldersveld Murphy, eds., Native Women's History
in Eastern North American before 1900: A Guide to Research and Writing. University of
Nebraska Press, 2007, in American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 32:1 (2008): 143-
2023 Keynote speaker, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” Grinnell College, November 9.
Keynote speaker, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” American University, September 27.
Keynote speaker, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” University of Mississippi, September
Keynote speaker, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” Queens University, August 21.
Keynote speaker, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” University of Tennessee-Chattanooga,
August 14.
Keynote speaker, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” Hollins University, May 22.
Keynote speaker, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” University of Texas Permian Basin,
April 10.
Keynote speaker, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” Western Kentucky University, March
Visiting speaker, “Building a Pedagogy of Kindness,” Georgia State University,
February 17 (virtual).
Plenary speaker, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” AAC&U General Education, Pedagogy,
and Assessment Conference, New Orleans, February 10.
2022 Invited speaker, “Covid as a Mass-Disabling Event: A Pedagogy of Kindness for
Pandemic Times,” University of Nottingham, UK, December 14.
Keynote speaker, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” LaGuardia Community College-
CUNY, September 7.
Session leader, “Rethinking Assignments,” LaGuardia Community College-CUNY,
September 7.
Keynote speaker, “Student Engagement and High-Impact Practices,” Triton College,
Chicago, Illinois, August 19.
Keynote speaker, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” Northern Virginia Community
College, Manassas Campus, August 17. (Virtual)
Workshop leader, “Building Community in the Humanities and Social Sciences,”
Austin Peay State University, Tennessee, August 9.
Keynote speaker with Elizabeth Lehfeldt and Clarissa Sorensen-Unruh, “Pausing in
Community,” Austin Peay State University, Tennessee, August 8.
Keynote speaker, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” Academic Practice and Technology
Conference, co-hosted by University College London, London School of
Economics, and Imperial College, London, UK, June 24. (Virtual)
Keynote Speaker, Spring Faculty Conference, St Mary’s University of Minnesota,
April 9. (Virtual)
Keynote Speaker, “The Origins of a Pedagogy of Kindness,” CUNY (system-wide),
March 9. (Virtual)
Keynote Speaker, “Hands-On Humanities,” St Catherine’s University, Minnesota,
March 8. (Virtual)
Keynote Speaker, Faculty Appreciation Month, National Louis University, February
25. (Virtual)
Invited Speaker, “The Possibilities of Teaching With Kindness,” Center for Research
on Ethnicity in Society Speaker Series, Indiana University-Bloomington, February 24.
Keynote Speaker, “Hands-On Humanities: Critical Thinking and Doing,” University
of Mississippi, February 15. (Virtual)
Keynote Speaker, Northern Illinois University Teaching Effectiveness Institute,
January 13. (Virtual)
Keynote Speaker, Spring Faculty Conference, Juniata College, January 12. (Virtual)
Keynote Speaker, “To Kindly Go Where No One Has Gone Before,” Tarrant
County College Connect Spring Faculty Conference, January 10. (Virtual)
Keynote Speaker, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” Agnes Scott College, Georgia, January
2021 Keynote Speaker, Dallas College, National Distance Learning Week, (Virtual)
November 11.
Guest Speaker, PSY 665: Teaching Practicum, Northern Arizona University
Keynote Speaker, Florida Southwestern Community College Summer Institute
Series, Florida Southwestern Community College, (Virtual), June 21.
“Making the Grade: An Introduction to Ungrading,” LectureBreakers Summer
Conference 2021, (Virtual), June 10.
“Pelagie Faribault’s Island: Marriage, Land, and Resistance in Nineteenth-Century
Mni Sota Makoce,” Mendota After Hours, (Virtual), May 14.
Keynote Speaker, Fourth Biennial Teaching History Conference, University of
California-Davis (Virtual), May 8.
Chair, “From Comics and Quilts to Websites and Poems: The Unessay as a
Unique and Empowering Pedagogical Tool,” Fourth Biennial Teaching History
Conference, University of California-Davis (Virtual), May 8.
Keynote Speaker, “Issues of Equity and Ethics in the Technology-Enhanced
Classroom,” American Historical Association Digital History Workshop (Virtual),
March 31.
“Decolonizing Museum Labels,” Digital Stories for Knowledge Equity, Socially Just
Academia (Virtual), January 26.
Workshop leader, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” Omohundro Institute of Early
American History and Culture (Virtual), January 21.
Keynote Speaker, “A Pedagogy of Kindness,” Teaching and Learning Symposium,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Virtual), January 14.
2020 Workshop leader, “Creating Breathing Room for Our Students and Ourselves,”
Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, December 17.
Fridays at Four, “Five Things I’ve Learned About Online Teaching,” November 13.
Guest Speaker, PSY 665: Teaching Practicum, Northern Arizona University
Lead Co-Facilitator with Gabrielle Raley, Introduction to Intergroup Dialogue
(three-hour workshop) at Lake Forest College’s Diversity Summit, Lake Forest,
Illinois, January 25.
Panelist, “Teaching Students How to Write History,” roundtable at the American
Historical Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, January 6.
2019 Panelist and Panel Organizer, “I Got It!”: Primary Source Analysis and Formative
Assessment in an Introductory-Level Classroom,” for the panel “What Are We
Learning?: Innovative Assessments and Student Learning in College-Level History
Classes.” Co-sponsored by the Teaching Division. American Historical Association
annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois, January 3-6.
2018 Chair, “Seven Weddings and a Funeral: Life, Death, Ritual, and Meaning in the Early
Republic,” Society for Historians of the Early American Republic annual meeting,
Cleveland, OH, July 19-22.
“Conceptions of Motherhood in Early Nineteenth-Century Ojibwe Country,”
American Philosophical Society Brown Bag Lunch Series, Philadelphia, PA, July 3.
Co-organizer, Engage Immigration Conference, June 14-15, St Olaf College,
Northfield, MN.
“An Undergraduate Perspective on Ethics,” Roundtable: Should Ethics Training Be
Part of Historical Pedagogy? American Historical Association Annual Meeting,
Washington, D.C., January 5. Remarks delivered in absentia due to a canceled flight
owing to weather.
2017 “The Iowa Women’s Archives as Virtual Classroom,” Symposium: The Iowa
Women’s Archives at 25: The Feminist Impulse, University of Iowa, Iowa City,
Iowa, November 11.
“Active Learning: A Teaching Workshop,” Department of History, University of
Iowa, Iowa City, November 9.
“How to Develop a New Intergroup Dialogue Course on Gender Beyond the Binary
on your Campus,” With Gabrielle Raley. Second Biennial Intergroup Dialogue
Project Conference, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, June 13-16.
2016 Invited participant, Assignment Charette, American Historical Association Annual
Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, January 8.
2014 Invited Lecturer, "Teaching Women's History," Online Panel, Western Governors
University, Women's History Month Celebration, March 25.
2013 Invited Speaker, "Historical Thinking Skills in the K-16 Classroom," University of
Iowa Department of History, Iowa City, November 21.
Invited Speaker, "Life after Schaeffer Hall," University of Iowa Department of
History, Iowa City, November 21.
Invited Speaker, "Pelagie Faribault's Island: Marriage and the American State in
Early-Nineteenth-Century Dakota and Ojibwe Country." University of Iowa
Department of History, Iowa City, November 20.
Keynote Address: "Primary Sources and Other Useful Tools: The Bringing History
Home Experience of Raising Literacy Across the Curriculum." History and Social
Science Teachers Conference, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois,
October 24.
"Source, Observe, Contextualize, Corroborate: Primary Source Analysis in the K-12
Classroom." History and Social Science Teachers Conference, Eastern Illinois
University, Charleston, Illinois, October 24.
"How Do Historians Do Their Jobs?" Workshop, Class Day 2013, Carl Sandburg
College, Galesburg, Illinois, February 23.
2012 "'Am I a Woman that I Should Hoe Corn?': Marriage as Imperialism, Marriage as
Resistance: Dakota Country, 1835-45," A World of Citizens: Women, History, and
the Vision of Linda K. Kerber," University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, Oct. 5-6.
"SOCC it to 'em: Teaching Historical Thinking Skills in High School and College,"
Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April
"Course Design for Historians," Workshop for Graduate History Instructors,
University of Iowa, Department of History, Iowa City, Iowa, April 14.
"Catherine Denial" at Women Changing Iowa, the History Corps Project, University of
Iowa, February.
2011 "Teaching College-Level History," Workshop for Graduate History Instructors,
University of Iowa, Department of History, Iowa City, Iowa, August 18.
2010 "Strategies for Teaching History at the Undergraduate Level," Presentation at
Graduate History Instructor Workshop, University of Iowa, Department of History,
Iowa City, Iowa, August 19.
"The Digital Early Republic," Roundtable Panelist, Society for Historians of the
Early American Republic Annual Meeting, Rochester, New York, July 22-25.
Commenter, The May Brodbeck Symposium: New Voices in Women's and Gender
History, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, May 9.
"To Calm the Sterner Passions of Man: Women, Politics, and the History of
Marriage in the United States." Women's History Month Guest Speaker, Carl
Sandburg Community College, Galesburg, Illinois, March 18.
2009 "Exhibiting History: Making the Lincoln-Douglas Debate Come Alive."
Professional Development Workshop for Teachers (with Knox students Erin Souza
and Margaret Spiegel), Conference on Illinois History, Springfield, Illinois, October
"Pelagie Farribault’s Island: Property, Kinship, and the Contested Meaning of
Marriage in Dakota Country, Fort Snelling, 1820-1838." Society for Historians of
the Early American Republic Annual Meeting, Springfield, Illinois, July 16-19.
2008 "“Mutually Desirous of Dissolving the Marriage Contract”: Unpacking the Meaning
of an Anglo-American Divorce in Dakota and Ojibwe Country, 1835-1845." The
State We're In: Creative and Critical Approaches to Minnesota History at 150,
Collegeville, Minnesota, May 29.
Panel Chair and Commenter: Minnesota in the Mid-Nineteenth Century. The State
We’re In: Creative and Critical Approaches to Minnesota History at 150, Collegeville,
Minnesota, May 29.
2007 "From Chaos to Citizenship: Revising the American History Survey Course," ACM
FaCE Workshop: Teaching History Survey Courses, Monmouth, Illinois, April 14.
Panel Commenter in absentia: Native Americans and Europeans in Colonial America.
Missouri Valley History Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, March 1-3.
2006 "Bringing History Home: Transforming K-5 Social Studies Education in Five Iowa
School Districts," Illinois Association of Teacher Educators Conference, Knox
College, Galesburg, Illinois, October 27.
2019 Three assignments for the Women’s America 2019 edition website: Looking Back;
Looking Forward; and Why it Matters. (Behind a paywall at Oxford University
2018 “Using DPLA to Teach With Primary Sources,” Webinar, Digital Public Library of
October 2, 2018; archived October 3, 2018.
“Reservations, Resistance, and the Indian Reorganization Act: American Indian Life,
1900-1940,” Digital Public Library of America,
published February 28.
2017 “Powhatan People and the English at Jamestown,” Digital Public Library of
at-jamestown published September 28.
2012 "On a Mission: Junípero Serra in New Spain." Ask a Historian,, an initiative of
the National History Education Clearinghouse at George Mason University,
Washington, D.C.
"Little Wolf and President Grant." Ask a Historian,, an initiative of
the National History Education Clearinghouse at George Mason University,
Washington, D.C.
"Success and Failure in the New World." Ask a Historian,, an initiative of
the National History Education Clearinghouse at George Mason University,
Washington, D.C.
"Manifest Destiny: Creating a New Identity." Ask a Historian,, an initiative of
the National History Education Clearinghouse at George Mason University,
Washington, D.C. .
"Labor and Trade in Colonial America." Beyond the Texbook,, an
initiative of the National History Education Clearinghouse at George Mason
University, Washington, D.C.
"Texas and Mexico: Centers for Cultural Collision." Ask a Historian,, an initiative
of the National History Education Clearinghouse at George Mason University,
Washington, D.C.
2010 "Bringing History Home in the College Classroom: Eight Guides to Teaching
History in the Post-Secondary Educators."
2023 Grinnell College
Higher Ed. Consultant
Workshop on Care in the Academy, November.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Higher Ed. Consultant
Workshop on Care in the Academy for English department, October.
American University
Pedagogical Consultant
Workshops on syllabus design, ungrading, and Care in the Academy, September.
Binghamton University
Pedagogical Consultant
Workshop on trauma-informed education and sexual violence, August.
University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
Pedagogical Consultant
Workshop on rethinking the syllabus; meetings with constituent groups, August.
OneHE Global
Pedagogical Consultant
Webinar on kindness toward the self, February.
2022 OneHE Global
Pedagogical Consultant
Developed an online course on a Pedagogy of Kindness for international
professional development company.
Cornell College
Pedagogical Consultant
Led 1.5-hour workshop on Ungrading, March 3.
New York Historical Society
Historical Consultant
Consulted on curricular unit: “Expansions and Inequalities, 1828-1869,” Women and
the American Story project.
Monash University, Australia
Pedagogical Consultant
Consulted one-on-one with history faculty on assignment design and critical thinking
2021 Northwestern University
Pedagogical Consultant
Led a professional development workshop for faculty and graduate students in the
Department of English, focused on a pedagogy of kindness and its implications for
Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois
Teachers Consortium Seminar Leader
Led a professional development seminar for K-12 teachers on ‘Teaching students
what historians do.’
Online Faculty Development
Webinar Leader
Led a professional development webinar for instructors at all levels interested in
Department of History, Indiana University-Purdue University Indiana
Pedagogical Consultant
Led a professional development workshop for graduate students in the university’s
public history program.
Monash University, Australia
Pedagogical Consultant
Led a professional development workshop on a pedagogy of kindness for historians.
Omohundro Institute for Early American History and Culture
Coffeehouse Facilitator
Facilitated an eight-week writing group for professors from small liberal arts colleges.
SUNY-Plattsburgh, New York
Pedagogical Consultant
Led a professional development workshop on teaching with kindness.
Florida Southwestern State College
Pedagogical Consultant
Led three, once-a-month workshops on kindness as pedagogical practice.
Bard College, New York
Pedagogical Consultant
Led a ninety-minute workshop on Compassionate Teaching in Times of Trauma.
2020 Carleton College, Minnesota
Pedagogical Consultant
Led a ninety-minute workshop on engaging students online, and facilitating
conversations about power and inequity.
Bard College, New York
Pedagogical Consultant
Led a ninety-minute faculty workshop on navigating conflict in the classroom and
rethinking power dynamics between students and instructors.
Williams College, Massachusetts
Pedagogical Consultant
Led a two-hour faculty workshop on Universal Design for Learning in Online
Historical consultant
Worked on original research and writing for the website.
Purdue University, Indiana
Pedagogical Consultant
Advised on a semester-long hybrid learning approach to Fall 2020 classes for
Professor Jennifer Foray.
2019 Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois
Pedagogical Consultant
Ran a 2.5-hour workshop for faculty and graduate students on the effective use of
primary-source analysis in undergraduate classrooms.
New York City School District, Social Studies Division
Commissioned to write two essays on Native history for inclusion in the eleventh-
grade curriculum. The New York City school district serves 1.1 million students.
History for the Twenty-First Century Workshop, San Francisco State
Pedagogical Consultant
Rethinking the world history curriculum in introductory-level classes nationwide.
2018 Gustavus College, Minnesota
Pedagogical Consultant
Built a six-week, public history unit on the Mau-Mau rebellion for Professor
Kathleen Keller.
Designed lesson plans, assignments, and provided key readings.
2017 International Ombudsman Association
Certificate of Completion: Foundations of Organizational Ombudsman Practitioners Course
Completed full three-day introduction to Ombudsman principles, ethics, and
2017 Digital Public Library of America
Member, Educational Advisory Committee
Responsible for advising DPLA on its educational programming via in-person
meetings in Boston, Massachusetts, and teleconferencing throughout academic year.
Co-leader, professional-development out-reach opportunity for K-12 teachers and
faculty at selective liberal arts colleges.
Creator of three primary source sets for use by K-12 teachers.
2017 University of Central Missouri
Pedagogical Consultant
Responsible for a one-hour Skype session on improving history pedagogy with the
twelve-person history department.
Discussed first-day activities, collaborative learning, and historical imagination.
2017 Iowa Native Spaces: A Public Humanities Project
Historical Collaborator and Pedagogical Consultant
Historical Collaborator and Pedagogical Consultant for implementation of a
University of Iowa Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic
Development grant totaling $30,0000, establishing a collaborative mapping and
history project and teacher-training workshop on Iowa’s Native history.
Workshop leader at professional development weekend for teachers, April 1-2, 2017.
Research consultant to both the larger project and teachers engaged in curriculum
Blog participant,
2001- U.S. Department of Education / Bringing History Home and the Grant Wood
2012 History Institute
Lead Historian, K-12 Educators' Professional Development Program.
Lead Historian for implementation of grants totaling more than $3.5 million, serving
over 900 K-12 teachers in Iowa, Alaska, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, New Mexico,
and Wyoming.
Research, technical and pedagogical consultant for curriculum development and
teacher training, K-6.
Workshop leader at summer professional development workshops and school-year
in-services, Washington, Perry, Cedar Rapids, and Prairie school districts, Iowa;
Community Unit School District #205, Galesburg, Illinois.
Pre-service teacher recruitment, Knox College and teacher recruitment, Community
Unit School District 205, Galesburg, Illinois.
Author of website materials on applying BHH practices in the college classroom.
2008 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2008
Project Reviewer, K-6 Social Studies Division
Reviewed prototype technology for grades 2 and 5, Virginia Social Studies package.
Checked the historical accuracy of all content, and made suggestions for revamping
the interactive portions of the student package with an eye to greater attention to
cultural diversity and more hands-on historical analysis.
Professional Boards
Appointed Member, Editorial Board of Commonplace: A Journal of Early American Life,
Appointed Member, Editorial Board of the Western Historical Quarterly, 2020-2022.
Appointed Member, University of Iowa Graduate College External Advisory Board,
Peer Reviewer
Hybrid Pedagogy
Journal of American History
Journal of Canadian History
Journal of Military History
Minnesota History
Western Historical Quarterly
Manuscript Reviewer
Bedford/St. Martins
Westview Press
Palgrave Macmillan
2023 Participant, “Disability Rights v. Disability Justice for Educators,” Sarah Silverman,
September 22. (virtual.
2022 Participant, “Oppression, Microagression, and Equity,” Cross-Atlantic for
Educators, Equity Unbound, September 19. (virtual)
Participant, Ungrading as Emancipation Track, MYFest via Equity Unbound, July.
2021 Participant, Online Professional Development space for instructors through OLT
Faculty Development.
Participant, Spring On Call, an Online Learning Toolkit PD space for instructors
teaching remotely.
2020 Participant, Digital Pedagogy Lab Institute Online: Decolonization and Education
Track, July 27-31.
Participant, Academics for Black Survival and Wellness Workshop, June 19-25.
Participant, Camp Operation Online Learning, June 1-July 10, 2020.
Online Learning Toolkit:
Participant, Strategies for Facilitating Live Online Sessions, Online Learning
Consortium, May 6-8.
2019 Participant, American Historical Association Chairs’ Workshop, Chicago, Illinois,
July 15-16.
2017 Attendee, Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian Symposium, “Art and
Activism,” University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, September 22.
Participant, Digital Pedagogy Lab Institute: Intro Track, University of Mary
Washington, Fredericksburg, Virginia, August 7-11.
Participant, Intergroup Dialogue in Context Conference, Cornell University, Ithaca,
New York, June 13-16.
2016 Member, campus group on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
2015 Participant, Summer Workshop on Dialogic Pedagogy, Knox College, August 11-12.
Participant, Northeastern Conference on Intergroup Relations, Skidmore College,
Saratoga Springs, New York, June 7-10.
2014 Participant, Summer Pedagogy workshop on Diversity and Inclusivity in the
Classroom, August 18-20.
Member of the Knox College delegation, NACUA February Workshop, "Student
Sexual Misconduct: Addressing Institutional Culture and Compliance," Miami,
Florida, February 28-March 1.
2013 Member of the Knox College delegation, National Intergroup Dialogue Institute,
University of Michigan, June 19-22.
Attendee, "Why You Can't Teach U.S. History Without American Indians," a
conference celebrating 40 years of the D'Arcy McNickle Center, Newberry Library,
May 3-4.
Member of Knox College delegation, ACM FaCE Conference on Technology and
the Liberal Arts, Grinnell College, April 14-16.
2007 Member of Knox College delegation, ACM FaCE Conference on Racial and Ethnic
Diversity, Colorado College, September 28-30.
Knox College
Fake News! Past and Present.
First-Year Preceptorial.
Great American Debates: The History of Marriage in the United States.
Great American Debates: The History of Birth Control and Reproduction in the United
Great American Debates: Trump in Historical Perspective.
History Pedagogy for Future Educators.
Introduction to Native and Indigenous History.
Methods: The Historian's Workshop.
Native and Indigenous History since 1871.
Pirates in the Atlantic World.
Power and Inequity in America to 1865.
Seminar: Exploring Native and Indigenous History.
Seminar: Museums, Monuments and Memory.
Seminar: Reproductive Justice in the U.S. since 1973.
Seminar: Women, Gender, and the American Revolution.
The History of Gender and Sexuality in the United States.
Social Justice Dialogues 120: Race and Ethnicity; Gender Beyond Binaries; Religion,
Social Justice Dialogues 220: Facilitation.
Social Justice Dialogues 320: Practicum.
2022 Maggie Cheng, “‘The Land Remembers,’: The Dakota People, Henry Sibley, and
Me,” History.
2019 Joshua Althoff, “Seeing George Rogers Clark: Native American Nations and the
Illinois Campaign.” History.
2017 Sarah Pawlicki, “Mat Nowawtau Hetté Mina: Indigenous and Puritan
Understandings of Mortality, Violence, and the Human Body,” History.
2016 Ai Miller, “Making Yourself Up As You Go Along: A History of Transgender
Transition in the United States.” History.
Sophia Croll, “We Are the Place-Worlds We Imagine: The Construction of
Historical Narratives Through Memorials.” History.
2015 Emily Lobestein, “The Triumph of ‘Domestic Trash’: A Russian Feminism of the
Everyday, and the Influence of U.S. Feminism, 1960-1990.History.
2014 Rebekah Lauer, "Female Political Consciousness at Knox College, 1960-1975."
Gender and Women's Studies.
2010 Margaret Spiegel, " 'They Brought the Railroad With Them': The Irish Immigrant
Experience in Galesburg, 1850-1870.' History.
Committee Member
2022 Olivia Palepoi, “Wikipedia’s Bureaucracy: The Gate-Keeping of Indigenous
Knowledge-Making Through Claims of Policy and Guidelines,” Anthropology-
Phoenix Hassler, “The Public and the Past: The Sociology of Greek Ceramics in
Museums,” Anthropology-Sociology.
2014 Tom Courtright, "China, Africa, and Corruption,'" Integrated International Studies.
Gabrielle Rajerison, English Literature, (project transferred to an independent study,
Winter term.)
2010 Laura Miller, Creative Writing (project transferred to an independent study, Winter
2008 Christopher Guthrie, "Dialoguing Race: Public Debate over U.S. Slavery, 1830-
1860." History, 2008.
2007 Johanna Blume, "Loving Them As Well as Our Selves: Finding Middle Ground
between the Dakota and the Missionaries at Lac Qui Parle, 1835-1845." American
Studies. Primary supervisor of research.
2022 Principles of Dialogue, Faeryn Swift, Winter.
2021 The Failure of Reconstruction, Kaitlyn Kashishian, Fall.
D-Day, Charlie Gibbons, Ean Rau, Hamza Ahktar, Fall.
Slavery and the Origins of the Police State, Kaitlyn Kashishian, Summer.
2020 The Black Hawk War, James Stratton, Fall.
The History of Privacy and Surveillance, Courtney Pletcher, Winter.
2019 French Colonial History in North America, Courtney Pletcher, Fall.
Decolonizing Museums, Janie Sutherd, Fall.
Decolonizing Museums, Kylie Hoang, Spring.
One Hundred Years of the Israel-Palestine Conflict, Angelica Serrano, Spring.
Contemporary Global Terrorism, Angelica Serrano, Spring.
Contextualizing Congressional Internships, Angelica Serrano, Spring.
2018 Spies in the American Revolutionary War, Allie Bird, Winter.
2017 Women, Gender, and the Body in the 1960s and ‘70s, Selina Aviles, Winter.
The School to Prison Pipeline, Nabila Dadar, Winter.
The Queer Choice, Eden Sarkisian, Winter.
2016 Gender and Illinois Socialism, Sarah Pawlicki, Fall.
Socialism in Galesburg, Sarah Pawlicki, Winter.
2015 Reading the Revolution in Children's Literature, Sophie Croll and Ai Miller, Winter.
2014 The Imperial Tightrope [Colonial Congo], Celinda Davis, Fall.
Investigating Monuments, Sophie Croll, Fall.
Soviet Feminism, Emily Lobenstein, Spring.
Hawaiiana Cultural Studies, Tony Foley, Spring.
2013 El Rancho de Las Golondrinas: A Living History Museum, Brynn Cole, Summer.
The History of East Africa, Tom Courtwright, Spring.
Family Life in the Nineteenth-Century United States, Caitlin Harrison, Spring.
2012 Archives Work as Human Rights Work, Laura Crossley, Fall.
Gender and Indigenous Cultures, Sheivy Arguelles, Winter.
2011 Memory, Place, and Memorialization, Kaitlyn Robbins, Winter.
2009 Knox Website: History Page(s) Redesign, Grant Forsberg, Spring.
National Railroad Hall of Fame: The Harvey Girls, Margaret Spiegel, Spring.
Feminist Theory and Female Body Image, Amelia Garcia, Spring.
Women in the U.S. West, Elena Gleason, Winter.
Chinese Immigrants to the U.S. West, Lauren Moody, Winter.
2007 Native American Conversion Experiences, Molly Claverie, Spring.
U.S. Counter-Culture in the 1950s, Sara Eldridge, Elena Gleason, Laura Hapeman,
Karlina Trachsel, Spring.
Readings in the U.S. Civil War, Maurice Harris and Jake Marcet, Winter.
2006 Ojibwe and Dakota History, Johanna Blume, Spring.
2021 “Sex Trafficking in Historical Perspective,” Hero Dahlman, Self-Designed Major in
Sex and Gender: Policy and Organizing.
2019 “The Depiction of Native People in Non-Native Cinema,” Janie Sutherd, Self-
Designed Major in Native Studies.
2011 "Reproductive Freedom: Equality as a Reproductive Issue in Science Fiction and
Fantasy." Samuel Harrison, Gender and Women's Studies, Spring.
2009 "Media Representations of Femininity During the Civil War: The Mary Secort Case."
Erin Souza, American Studies, Fall.
"Colonialism and Domestic Violence on American Indian Reservations." Ashley
Olson, American Studies, Winter.
"A New Direction in U.S.-Latin American Relations?" Jean-Igor Michaux, Integrated
International Studies, Winter.
2008 "Feminist Responses to Hillary Clinton's Presidential Bid." Kathryn Sweet, Gender a
and Women's Studies, Spring.
2009 "Female Body Image and Advertising in Contemporary America." Amelia Garcia.
2021 “Feminism, Indigeneity, and Eve,” Brooklyn Plogger.
2020 “Oral Histories of Education,” Otto Bogner.
“The Blackhawk War,” James Stratton.
2019 “Native Stories in Museums,” Janie Sutherd.
“Native Museum Practices,” Courtney Pletcher.
2017 “Colorblind Casting,” Jordan Hurst.
2016 “Death in Seventeenth Century Native New England,” Sarah Pawlicki.
2015 “Defining Transition: A Transgender Oral History Project,” Ai Miller.
“Memorializing Mass Death in Europe and the United States,” Sophia Croll.
2014 "Britain, Belgium, and the Congo," Celinda Davis.
2013 "Girl Talk: The Importance of Girl Group Music," Laura Pochodylo.
2012 "Race in Science Fiction Film and TV Shows," Sarah Zagotta.
2019 Myla Boyd and Ella McClain, Summer.
2014 Elian Mercado, Winter and Spring.
2022 Eli Scriver and Claudia Basile, The History of Birth Control and Reproduction,
2021 James Stratton, Museums, Monuments, and Memory, Spring.
2020 Otto Bottger, Introduction to the History of Gender and Sexuality in the U.S., Fall.
2019 Janie Sutherd, Introduction to Native and Indigenous History, Fall.
Angelica Serrano, Power and Inequity in American History to 1865, Spring
2018 Eden Sarkisian, First-Year Preceptorial, Fall.
Allie Bird, Mia Rousenolos, and Jarrod Showalter, Museums, Monuments, and
Memory, Spring.
2017 Selina Aviles, Introduction to American Indian History, Fall.
Amy Lentz, The History of Gender and Sexuality in the U.S, Winter.
2016 Ken Bartelt, Race, Sex, and Empire: North America before 1700, Fall.
Ai Miller and Sophie Croll, Museums, Monuments, and Memory, Spring.
2015 Kathryn Suits, The History of Birth Control and Reproduction, Winter.
2014 Celinda Davis, American History to 1865, Spring.
Tyler Oakey and Laura Crossley, Museums, Monuments, and Memory, Spring.
2012 Courtney Tichler and Kaitlyn Robbins, Museums, Monuments, and Memory, Spring.
Timothy Schmeling, Historian’s Workshop, Winter.
2011 Kaitlyn Robbins, Introduction to Latin American History, Fall.
2010 Grant Forssberg, Margaret Spiegel, Erin Souza, Museums, Monuments and Memory,
2009 Tighe Burke, First-Year Preceptorial, Fall.
2007 Evan Holmes, First-Year Preceptorial, Fall.
2021 Kyra Smith, assistant in researching the founders of Knox College.
2014 Sarah Zagotta, assistant in preparing for Museums, Monuments, and Memory.
2012 Kaitlyn Robbins, 175
Anniversary timeline for the Knox College website; assistant
in preparing for Museums, Monuments, and Memory.
2010 Grant Forssberg, 'History of Knox College' project for the Knox College website;
assistant in preparing for Museums, Monuments, and Memory.
Appointed to the Organization of American Historians’ Distinguished Lectureship
Program, 2018-
Appointed to the Louis Pelzer Memorial Award Committee, Organization of American
Historians, 2022-2024.
External Reviewer for department hire, History, University of Illinois Champaign-
Urbana, 2022
Faculty Mentor, Organization of American Historians, 2022
Knox College
Elected positions
Faculty Representative on the Board of Trustees, 2016-2017.
Executive Committee of the Faculty, 2013-2016.
o Chair, Faculty Affairs Subcommittee, 2014-2015.
Observer to the Board of Trustees, 2011-2013.
Faculty Committees and Appointments
Ombudsperson, 2017-2022.
Academic Standing Committee, 2012-2013.
Cultural Events Committee, 2012.
Curriculum Committee, 2007-2010.
Other Knox Committees
Ford Fellowship/ASSET Committee, 2010-2018.
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Task Force, 2014.
Alumni Hall and Old Main Museums Exhibits Committee, 2007-2014.
Knox College 175
Anniversary Celebration committee, 2010-2011.
Education Liaison Committee, 2006, 2010.
Appointed Faculty Member, Trustee Committee on Alumni Hall, 2009-2010.
First Year Preceptorial Steering Committee, 2006-2008; 2009-2010.
Honorary Degrees Subcommittee, 2007-2010.
Teacher Education Committee, 2007.
Old Main 150
Anniversary Committee, 2007.
Other Knox Service
Presidential Search, Faculty Committee, 2020.
Faculty Mentor to Deirdre Dougherty, 2019-2020.
Faculty Mentor to Jennifer Foubert, 2017-2018.
Faculty Mentor to Joan Huguet, 2016-2017.
Grievance Committee Panelist, 2017.
AAUW campus rep, 2013 to 2019.
Title IX Deputy Coordinator, 2014.
Department Service
Chair, History Department, 2016-2023.
Chair, American Studies, 2015-2016.
American Historical Association Tuning Project liaison (with Danielle Fatkin), 2016.
Coordinator of Assessment, 2010-2014.
2023 Data-Collection Volunteer, For the People Project
2020- Board Member
2023 Family Planning Service of Western Illinois.
2017- Board Member
2019 Safe Harbor Family Crisis Center, Galesburg, IL.