2022 - 2023 School Year
Elementary Information
To assist families with questions and concerns, the Transportation Call Center will be open the following
dates and times:
August 5
, 8
, and 9
from 8:00 AM – 4:30 pm.
During the first week of school, August 10
, 11
, and 12
from 6:00 -10:00 AM & from 2:00-6:00 PM.
Call 813-794-2500, 727-774-2500, or 352-524-2500.
Be Ready for the Bus
It is important to be standing at the bus stop at least 5 minutes prior to the pick-
up time on your bus pass. Please follow these directions especially if you drive
your student to the stop in the morning. Routes will likely run a little late until
everyone gets back in the school routine again. Please be early and be ready. It is
important to keep in mind that school bus drivers are not able to engage in
lengthy discussion with parents or guardians at the bus stop as we strive to
maintain our bus stop schedule. Please contact Transportation bus compound or
call center should you have questions or concerns you would like to discuss.
Elementary Wristbands
The District utilizes wristbands with colors and designs to help ensure elementary
students board the correct bus and are released at the correct stop during the
first two weeks of school. Please make sure that the wristband you receive is
attached to the top of your student’s backpack. Your school can provide you a
replacement wristband should it become lost or damaged. This safety measure
does result in longer take-home times and we appreciate your patience.
Transportation Eligibility
Florida State Statute outlines student eligibility for school transportation. In general, students that live within 2 miles of their
zoned school are not eligible for basic student transportation. It would be the family’s responsibility to coordinate how their
student gets to and from school. Transportation as a related service for special education students is coordinated on a student
IEP or 504 documentation.
Ridership Consistency
We certainly understand the excitement of returning to school and families driving their elementary student in the first few
days (or more)! Please consider transitioning your student to the bus as soon as possible. We want our students (and you) to
be comfortable and confident when using District transportation. Ridership will be monitored and those students with bus
passes that do not ride the bus will receive notification of their pass being ended. The deactivation of passes will begin in October
for students not actively riding the bus.
Bus Passes
Transportation relies on information in MyStudent to issue bus passes for students. It is important for you to ensure your
student’s address information is accurate and updated, as needed, directly with their school. Updated bus passes will be
Bus Compound Contact Info:
Bus routes each have an alpha-
numeric identifier. The beginning
letter identifies the servicing bus
compound you should call if needed.
C Routes (Central) 727-774-0520
D Routes (East) 813-794-0560
N Routes (Northwest) 727-774-0540
S Routes (South) 727-774-4410
W Routes (West) 727-774-0400
Z Routes (Southeast) 813-794-0500
2022 - 2023 School Year
available in your MyStudent portal. Bus passes for students with an IEP or 504 can take up to 7 days to coordinate
transportation. Parent Portal set-up information can be found here https://tinyurl.com/y6nyn8b8
School Choice
Transportation is not provided for students that have elected to attend a school other than their zoned school. Students
participating in some academic programs (e.g., Cambridge, IB, Magnet) may have alternative transportation options. This
information can be provided by your student’s school or by contacting Transportation.
Single Bus Pass
Transportation eligible students may only be issued one bus pass based on the student’s address of record. This pass is for
consistent transportation; Monday-Friday; morning and afternoon; to the same stop location. The District is unable to
accommodate requests for bus stops to multiple addresses.
Our Beginning Years Students
We highly encourage that an adult meet their Kindergarten student at the bus stop in the afternoon. Any student visibly unsure
or afraid to get off the bus will be returned to their school where their family or an emergency contact will have to pick them
Two Week Route Consistency
It is District practice to restrict route changes for the first two weeks of school (e.g., adding stops, changing stop times). This
allows students and families to build a consistent back to school routine. While there are situations that require some limited,
specific changes to occur, we will work to minimize the impact as much as possible. Route changes will begin to be processed
beginning the third week of school.
Late Buses
If a bus is running at least 15 minutes late, an automated phone message will be sent to the identified contact for the students
who are assigned to that bus; using the primary phone number listed in my student. If the bus arrives late to the school,
Transportation notifies the school office of their late arrival. Students will not be marked tardy due to their bus arriving late to
Messages of this nature will not be sent out during the first two weeks of school.
Maintaining Your Student’s Emergency Contacts
The information recorded in MyStudent will be used to communicate with you or your designated emergency contacts in the
event of an emergency at school or on the bus. It is vital that you check periodically and update this information with the school.
This information can be verified through your MyStudent portal.
Student Health and Wellness
Masks are optional in Pasco County Schools and on school buses. Please do not send your student to school if they are not
feeling well.
General Bus Safety and General Information
Buses are equipped with lap belts and students are expected to wear them at all times.
Band Instruments or Large Projects: Students may bring these items on the bus as long as they can be held in their lap or
between their legs. Also, they shall not protrude into the aisle or another student’s space. Large projects cannot contain
materials that could be harmful to other students such as hazardous liquids, glass, or other sharp items, etc.
Any item left on a school bus will be collected by their bus driver and held for your student on the next school day. Students
should check with their driver first for any lost items. Items of obvious monetary value are turned in to the bus compound at
the end of the day. We are not able to have a bus return to a stop for items left on the bus. Contact the transportation compound
should assistance be needed.