CIPC | NILC June 2021
Sponsored Immigrants & Benefits in California
What is a sponsor?
A sponsor is a person who has helped an immigrant become a lawful permanent
resident (a person with a “green card”) by signing an “affidavit of support.”
What is an affidavit of support?
An affidavit of support is a contract signed by the sponsor to show that the
immigrant applying for a green card is not likely to become a “public charge.” “Public
charge” is a term that has been used for many years to describe persons who are
primarily dependent on the government for income maintenance. During the Trump
administration, the Departments of State and Homeland Security published
regulations that changed the definition of “public charge” and the test used to
determine whether a person is likely to become a public charge in the future. The
Department of Homeland Security has withdrawn the Trump administration’s public
charge rule and indicated that it will publish an Advance Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking related to new public charge regulations. The State Department
regulations and associated forms have been placed on hold by a court, and the
agency has instructed its personnel to process applications subject to public charge
under the rules in effect prior to 2017.
For updates, see
Are affidavits of support enforceable contracts?
It depends on which type of affidavit the sponsor signed. There are two major types
of affidavits. The “enforceable” affidavit of support (USCIS Form I-864) went into
use on December 19, 1997. It is a binding contract by the sponsor for support of the
immigrant and for repayment of certain benefits received by the immigrant. The
nonenforceable” affidavit of support (USCIS Form I-134), which was the main
form used before December 19, 1997, is still used by some immigrants and cannot
be enforced.
Which immigrants must use an enforceab le affidavit of support?
Most immigrants who apply for a green card through a family member after
December 19, 1997
Most immigrants who apply for a green card through an employer after
December 19, 1997, if the employer is a relative or if a relative owns more than
5 percent of the business
Persons with credit for 40 quarters of work history in the United States
(including work performed by a spouse during marriage and parents while the
immigrant was under 18 years old) and
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children who will automatically become U.S. citizens when they immigrate under
the Child Citizenship Act
do not need to file an “enforceable” affidavit of support.
Which immigrants do not need to use an affidavit of support?
Many categories of immigrants do not need to have sponsors, including:
Refugees and asylees applying for a green card
Persons applying for a green card through:
registry (residence in the U.S. since before January 1, 1972)
Nicaraguan Adjustment and Cuban American Relief Act
Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act
Cuban Adjustment Act
certain Indochinese, Polish, and Hungarian parolees
self-petitioners under the Violence Against Women Act
survivors of trafficking and other serious crimes
people applying as special immigrant juveniles
Are there income requirements for sponsors who sign the enforceable
affidavits of support?
Yes. Sponsors who sign enforceable affidavits must show that they earn enough to
support a household at 125 percent of the federal poverty level.
The household
the immigrant;
family members joining the immigrant;
the sponsor, sponsor’s spouse, and children under 21;
dependents; and
other immigrants sponsored under the I-864.
Sponsors who don’t earn enough money can show that their assets (such as a house,
car, or bank account) are worth 5 times the difference between 125 percent of the
federal poverty level and their income (or 3 times this difference, if a U.S. citizen is
petitioning for their spouse or child).
Sponsors who can’t meet these requirements may find a joint sponsor or cosponsor,
who also must sign an affidavit of support promising to support the immigrant.
Can immigrants whose sponsor signed an enforceable affidavit get
Yes. In California, immigrants whose sponsors sign enforceable affidavits can get
benefits. However, their sponsor’s income may be added to theirs (“deemed” as
theirs) when they apply for certain benefits, such as CalWORKs, CAPI, CalFresh, or
See Form I-864P, 2021 HHS Poverty Guidelines for Affidavit of Support.
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the California Food Assistance Program (CFAP). See “Major Benefits Programs
Available to Immigrants in California,
Does the sponsor’s income count when the immigrant applies for public
Sometimes. Under “immigrant sponsor deeming,” the income and resources of the
immigrant’s sponsor are considered, or “deemed,” to be available to the sponsored
immigrant when the immigrant applies for certain public benefits. Deeming rules
usually make the immigrant ineligible for benefits because adding the sponsor’s
income and resources renders the immigrant “over-income.” There are exceptions to
the deeming rules for example, for domestic violence survivors or immigrants who
would go hungry or homeless without assistance.
Will the sponsor need to repay benefits used by the sponsored
It depends. Sponsors who sign the enforceable affidavit of support (Form I-864) may
be required to repay the government for “means-tested” benefits that were used by
the immigrant after the individual became a lawful permanent resident. Sponsors
who signed the nonenforceable affidavits (Form I-134) are not required to repay
benefits used by the immigrant.
Which public benefits will a sponsor need to repay?
The only federal benefits a sponsor may be liable to repay are:
Supplemental Security Income (SSI),
CalWORKs, and
Medi-Cal (nonemergency).
Many immigrants whose sponsors signed enforceable affidavits of support are not
eligible for these federally funded programs, because there is a five-year (or longer)
waiting period for these services. California provides benefits to some of these
immigrants using state funds. But California has not decided which state-funded
benefits a sponsor may need to repay and cannot ask sponsors to repay benefits
used before it makes and announces this decision. States are not required to pursue
sponsors, and, to our knowledge, California agencies have not sought reimbursement
from sponsors.
In 2019, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services issued guidance to states indicating that
they were required to deem sponsors’ income in Medicaid (Medi-Cal). This guidance was posted
pursuant to President Trump’s Memorandum on “Enforcing the Responsibilities of Sponsors.”
President Biden rescinded the Trump memorandum through an executive order (EO) issued on
February 2, 2021. That EO directed federal agencies to review all agency actions issued under the
Trump memorandum.
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Do sponsors who sign enforceable affidavits need to repay every
No. Sponsors will not need to repay the cost of emergency Medi-Cal or other
emergency medical care, immunizations, or testing and treatment for communicable
disease symptoms (outside of Medi-Cal), short-term noncash emergency aid, school
breakfast or school lunch, Head Start, Student Financial Aid, job-training programs,
certain noncash services that are available regardless of income, or many other
programs that have not been named as “means-tested” benefits. In addition,
sponsors who are receiving CalFresh do not need to repay the cost of CalFresh
received by the sponsored immigrant.
Are sponsors responsible for benefits used by the immigrant’s U.S.
citizen children?
No. Sponsors are not responsible for benefits used by the sponsored immigrant’s
U.S. citizen children or by any other “nonsponsored” family members.
When does the sponsor’s responsibility begin?
When the immigrant becomes a lawful permanent resident (a person with a “green
When does the sponsor’s responsibility end?
Sponsors who signed “enforceable” affidavits are not responsible for benefits used
after the immigrant:
becomes a U.S. citizen; or
earns credit for 40 quarters (about 10 years) of work history in the U.S.,
according to the Social Security Administration, either through their own work or
the work of a spouse or parent;
leaves the U.S. permanently; or
Where can I find more information on affidavits of support, deeming,
and public charge?
“I-864 Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA” (U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration Services webpage),
“I-864 Affidavit of Support (FAQs)” (U.S. Department of State webpage),
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Guidance on Non-Citizen Eligibility
(USDA, June 2011),
TANF-ACF-PI-2003-03 (Deeming of Sponsor's Income and Resources to a Non-
Citizen)” (publication date: April 17, 2003) (Office of Family Assistance