Legal Entity Identifier India Limited
Accredited by GLEIF
Frequently Asked
June 2017
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General questions
Q: What is an LEI?
A: The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) initiative is designed to create a global reference data
system that uniquely identifies every legal entity, in any jurisdiction, that is party to a
financial transaction. More specifically, LEI is a unique 20 digit code that is assigned to a
legal entity.
Q: What is the purpose of an LEI?
A: The global LEI system (GLEIS) has been set up by regulatory authorities [including G20 and
the Financial Stability Board (FSB)] to address the global financial crisis. The LEI is
designed to enable the identification and linking of parties to financial transactions in order
to manage counterparty risk. Its goal is to help improve the measuring and monitoring of
systemic risk and support more cost-effective compliance with regulatory reporting
Q: How can I find out more about the global LEI system?
A: The websites of the Financial Stability Board (FSB), Regulatory Oversight
Committee and Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation provide general information on
the current status of the global LEI system.
Q: What is the LEI structure?
A: The LEI is a 20 character alphanumeric code created using ISO 17442:2012 standard and
has the following structure:
Characters 1-4, a four-character prefix assigned by the ROC Secretariat, unique to each
LOU (for LEIL3358)
Characters 5-6, 2 reserved characters 00
Characters 7-18, 12 characters generated and assigned to an entity by the LOU
according to transparent and sound allocation policies
Characters 19-20, 2 check digits under ISO 17442.
Every eligible legal entity will be assigned unique LEI for use globally. The LEI itself will
contain no embedded intelligence
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LEI Eligibility
Q: How to register for LEI codes?
A: A legal entity seeking an LEI will be required to register as a user on our LEI website (i.e. The authorized official will select the option “Create An Account”
and fill in the required details. The officials will receive a confirmation e-mail to activate and
verify his/her account. The official may then click on the link provided in the e-mail to
activate the account.
Post successful login, on LEI service tab, the official may register and fill in necessary details.
Q: What happens if I do not receive the confirmation email?
A: If you have not received the confirmation e-mail to your inbox, we recommend that you
check your spam/bulk e-mail folder. To avoid issues in receiving further e-mail from
[email protected], please mark the e-mail as not being spam or alternatively you can
request your I.T. department/ISP e-mail provider to white list all e-mails coming from
If you have checked your spam folder/junk folder and have still not received our e-mail
then please contact our systems support team at [email protected].
Q: Who is an Authorized Person for particular LEI?
A: Every legal entity applying for LEI and operating the portal to modify, update or renew is
required to do so through officials authorized for this purpose. Authorized persons include:
a) Main user or primary user who is submitting the online application form for issuance of
b) Authorized user Name and email id of authorized officials named in the LEI online
application form
c) Secondary user Name and email id of Secondary authorized officials named in the LEI
online application form
A duly authorized person,
1. For companies, is the one authorized by the Board Resolution,
2. For Trusts, is the one authorized by the Board of Trustees Resolution,
3. For Societies, is the one authorized by the Resolution of the Committee of Members,
4. For sole proprietorship concerns, is the proprietor himself or a duly authorized person
appointed through a power of attorney,
5. For partnership firms and limited liability partnerships, is the partners themselves or
an authorized person appointed through a power of attorney
6. For mutual fund/mutual fund sub-schemes/AIF/AIF Sub-Scheme, is the official
authorized to submit a Letter of Authority in terms of the Board Resolution of the AMC.
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Q: How to link an authorized person?
A: A legal entity is expected to maintain updated details with LEIL LOU. Any change in main or
primary officials should be communicated to LEIL LOU to link the user. LEIL LOU, post due
diligence, will make necessary changes. Similarly, changes can be made for authorized or
secondary user by raising a modification request on the web-portal.
Q: Who needs to apply for LEI codes?
A: An entity registered in India needs to apply for LEI code from time to time. The list of
entities eligible to apply for LEI codes are Sole Proprietorships, Limited Liability
Partnerships, Partnership Firms, Trusts, Private Limited Companies, Public Limited
Companies, Government Companies, One Person Company, Insurance Companies, Housing
Finance Companies, Non-Banking Finance Companies, Non profit companies, Special
Purpose Vehicles Trusts, Special Purpose Vehicles Companies, SPV - Partnership Firms,
SPV Co-operative Societies or Multistate Co-operative Societies Mutual Fund, Mutual
Funds-Sub Scheme, Alternative Investment Fund (AIF), AIF- Sub Scheme, Nationalised
Banks, Scheduled Urban Cooperative Bank, Banking Companies Others, Stand Alone
Primary Dealers, Public Financial Institutions, Unlimited Companies, Cooperative Societies
or Multistate Cooperative Societies, Government Organizations, Companies Limited by
Guarantee etc. Other entities as may be specified from time to time.
The Reserve Bank of India has mandated the implementation of the LEI system for all
participants in the Over-the-Counter (OTC) markets for Rupee Interest Rate derivatives,
foreign currency derivatives and credit derivatives in India, in a phased manner. Entities
without an LEI code would not be eligible to participate in the OTC derivative markets, after
the date specified in the schedule.
Date by which
the LEI code is to
be obtained
Phase I
Entities regulated by RBI / SEBI / IRDA / PFRDA and
Corporates With Net Worth above Rs 10000 mn
August 1, 2017
Phase II
Corporates With Net Worth between Rs 2000 mn and Rs
10000 mn
October 1, 2017
Phase III
Corporates With Net Worth between Rs 700 mn and Rs 2000
December 1, 2017
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Phase IV
Corporates With Net Worth of Rs 700 mn and below
March 31, 2018
Q: Can an individual apply for LEI?
A: No, an individual acting in natural capacity is currently out of scope to apply for LEI.
Q: Can I apply on behalf of another entity as an authorised intermediary?
A: LEIL accepts only self-registration.
Q: My company headquarters is moving abroad. Do I need to apply for new LEI?
A: No, an issued LEI retains its validity even if the entity moves into the area of responsibility of
a different issuing agency as long as the legal entity remains the same.
Q: Sub-Schemes of Mutual Fund/Alternative Investment Fund LEI applications.
A: Each scheme of Mutual Fund/Alternative Investment Fund may apply for LEI code. When
applying for a sub-scheme under an umbrella, ensure that the legal entity name is
submitted in your application as follows: Mutual Fund Scheme Name.
For example, SAS Capital Protection Fund Series 200 of SAS Mutual Fund, the Mutual Fund
Scheme is to be entered as "SAS Mutual Fund Capital Protection Fund Series 200".
Business registration name and Business registration ID for scheme should be same as that
Mutual Fund itself.
LEI Registration Process
Q: What are the documents required to be submitted to LOU for processing LEI
A: The legal entity after creating an account will go to “Information” Tab and select “Legal Doc
Download”. The list of documents for each legal form is available for download. The legal
entity will have to submit the documents which include but are not limited to:
Certificate of Incorporation/Registration Certificate
PAN Card proof
Undertaking cum-Indemnity as per the format specified by LEIL
Audited Financial Statements
Board Resolution as per the format specified by LEIL
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Power of Attorney as per the format specified by LEIL
Statutory Auditor’s Certificate as per the format specified by LEIL.
Q: What validation will be done against my submission?
A: All LEI requests will be independently validated with the identified source. The below is the
list of Registration Authority for the respective legal forms.
Name of Registration Authority
Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Securities Exchange Board of India
National Securities Depository Limited
and /or Central Depository Services
National Housing Bank
Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee
Gazette Notification / Act of
Parliament / Presidential order
Q: What information is saved with the LEI?
A: Each LEI code references data about the legal entity itself. The following information can be
viewed on the LEIL portal.
The official name of the legal entity;
The address of the headquarters of the legal entity;
The address of legal formation;
The date of the first LEI assignment;
The date of last update of the LEI;
The date of expiry, if applicable;
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For entities with a date of expiry, the reason for the expiry should be recorded, and if
applicable, the LEI of the entity that acquired the expired entity;
The official Registration Authority where the foundation of the legal entity is mandated
to be recorded on formation of the entity, where applicable;
The reference in the official Registration Authority to the Legal entity, where applicable.
Permanent Account Number (PAN) Referred to as “Tax Id” in the Application form
available online, this is mandatory for all legal entities. However, for the purposes of
publication, PAN number will not be published. For certain types of Sovereign
agencies/Indian Government offices, PAN number may not be available and may be
waived for the purposes of LEI issuance.
LEI Code (if issued)
LEI Registration Status
Successor LEI (if applicable)
LEI Next Renewal Date
Direct Parent Relationship Details
Ultimate Parent Relationship Details
The collection of further information and fields for the global LEI system is currently under
Q: What is to be entered in Registration Authority Name / Type field? (Page 9-1)
A: The Registration Authority Name / Type field will be capture as per the legal form of the
Please select the respective Registration Authority Name/Type as per waterfall approach
Companies/Limited Liability Partnerships/One Person Company/AMCs Ministry of
Corporate Affairs (MCA)
Nationalized Bank If CIN Number is available then Ministry of Corporate Affairs
(MCA), If CIN is not available then select Gazette Notification”
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For legal forms which are not registered with MCA, such as Partnerships, Scheduled Co
operative Banks, Public Financial Institutions, Proprietorships, Trusts, etc. the entity must
enter Registration Authority Name/Type as follows:
Type of Legal Form
Name of Registration Authority
Mutual Funds (MFs), Alternative
Investment Funds (AIFs) and AMCs
SEBI Registration Number
MF Sub Schemes and AIF Sub
National Securities Depository Limited and
/or Central Depository Services Limited
(ISIN of the “Regular Growth Option” of the
respective fund sub schemes to be inputted)
Scheduled Co-operative Bank
DICGC Bank Code
Public Financial Institution
Gazette Notification Number
If any one of the above Registration Authority Name/Type is not available or not applicable for
your legal entity, then select NSDL (ITD).
Q: Will my Registration Authority Identifier Number be published?
A: The Registration Authority Identifier Number will only be published as permitted by the
Q: I applied for an LEI through the portal, why can’t I see it as “issued” through the
search in the public area?
A: Your record is published as soon as your application is processed and LEI is assigned.
Depending on the number of LEI applications and the volume of public sources that need to
be checked, the validation may take a while. We will notify you by email when your LEI is
issued and published. Normally if all documents have been submitted, LEI should be issued
within 3 days of your having made the payment for the issuance fee.
Q: What is the validity period of an LEI?
A: An LEI is valid for one year from the date of issuance/last renewal date.
Q: What happens if I don’t renew my LEI?
A: LEI shall be valid for a term of one year after assignment or renewal. It shall be the duty of
the entity to apply for renewal of LEI before expiry of the validity of the LEI. The status of
your LEI will change to ‘LAPSED’ on the next renewal date.
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Q: I already applied for and received LEI. Now the LEI is displayed with the "Lapsed"
status. What does that mean?
A: An LEI is valid for one year. After that, the entire record needs to be validated again in order
to ensure the actuality and accuracy of the information. This validation is done only if the
entity requests the Renewal certification. If not, the pre- LEI status is set to "Lapsed ". It
remains published, but the information might be out of date and no longer correct. Any use
of LAPSED LEI shall be deemed to be without the approval of LEIL LOU, and LEIL shall not
be responsible for any liability arising out of LEI that has “LAPSED” status. No cause of
action shall lie against LEIL for use of LEI with a LAPSED status. Kindly refer to the LEIL
“Rules for Pre LOU/LOU Services” Chapter XI “Renewing LEIs”.
Q: Where can I find out the renewal date for my existing LEI?
A: The legal entity has to search the LEI in search tab. The user shall click on “View Details”
which provide the “LEI Next Renewal Date”.
Q: What is the difference between legal address and the address of headquarter?
A: For legal entities other than funds, the legal address shall be the physical address to which
communications with respect to LEI would need to be addressed; this address shall be
available on business official registries or documents submitted by the legal entity. Where
no such formal headquartered address exists, the entity will input address at which it might
be contacted most usefully. The headquartered address can be similar to that of legal
In case of the legal address for funds, LEIL will validate using the following “waterfall”
approach: (1) where the fund’s Prospectus identifies a registered address, that address is to
be entered by the legal entity (2) failing (1), if the incorporation (foundational) documents
identify an address for the service of legal documents, that address is to be entered by the
legal entity; (3) failing (1) and (2), if there is a management company responsible for the
legal affairs of the entity, the address of the management company is to be entered by the
legal entity.
In case of the headquartered address for funds, LEIL will validate using the following
“waterfall” approach: (1) where the fund’s Prospectus identifies a headquartered address,
that address is to be entered by the legal entity (2) failing (1), if there is a management
company responsible for the legal affairs of the entity, the address of the management
company is to be entered by the legal entity, (3) failing (1) and (2), the headquartered
address can be the same as the legal address.
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Q: My application for LEI was rejected, what happened?
A: Usually, this happens if our validation team finds your requested pre-LEI/LEI either to be a
duplicate or to have inaccurate information included in your record. In both cases, no LEI
will be published and you would receive an email or phone call from the LEI team
explaining the reason for the refusal.
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Relationship Record
General Information
Q. What is a Relationship Record?
Relationship Data means collection and reporting of data on Direct and Ultimate Accounting
Parent. Data on parent entities is a part of the information that must be provided in order for
LEI to be issued or renewed that have or acquire LEI.
Q. Define Parent Entity.
A Parent is defined as an entity that controls one or more entities and a ‘subsidiary as an entity
that is controlled by another entity.
Q. Define Direct and Ultimate Parent?
“Ultimate Parent” defined as the highest level legal entity preparing consolidated financial
statements, as well as their “direct accounting consolidating parent”.
“Direct Parent” defined as the lowest level legal entity that prepares consolidated financial
statements that consolidate the entity
In both cases, the identification of the parent would be based on the accounting definition of
consolidation applying to this parent.
Q. What is the purpose of Relationship Data?
The LEI reference data on ownership and corporate hierarchies are essential to achieve one of
the key objectives of risk aggregation for the global LEI system. The aim is to have sufficient
data to construct a map of the financial network and the complex entity groups which
participate in it. By providing information on Parent Entities, it would be possible to construct
shareholdings and voting control through the financial group.
Examples of uses of the financial network are banking supervision (large exposures; data
aggregation and risk reporting), securities regulation (aggregation of OTC derivatives data),
licensing (banking, insurance and securities sectors), and resolution of failing financial
institutions, financial stability, antimony laundering and countering the financing of terrorism.
Issue of New LEI
Q. Who will report the Relationship data on Direct and Ultimate Parent?
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Legal entities (Child Entity) will be obliged to provide data of its direct and ultimate parent to
the LEIL. Information on parents will be part of the information that must be provided in order
for LEI to be issued or renewed. The self registration principle holds also for the Relationship
Q. Can the Parent and Child Managing LOU be different and need not be the same?
Yes, 2 related entities may have LEIs managed by two different LOUs.
Q. When should the Relationship data be provided?
Legal Entities (child) are required to provide Relationship Data either at the time of LEI
Issuance, LEI Renewal or LEI Transfer whichever happens first.
Q. Is Relationship Data reporting mandatory?
Yes, it is mandatory for all Legal Entities to report data alongwith LEI of Direct and Ultimate
Parent (If the LEI is available for the parent) or if the LEI is not available, the basic business
card information of the Direct and Ultimate Parent of the entity.
Q. What happens if an Entity does not want to report data on Direct and Ultimate
The collection of data on Parent Entity is mandatory for all Legal Entity. Nevertheless, if the
Legal Entity declines to report the data on Relationship, the entity has to specify opt out reason
for the same which is recorded by the LOU as an Exception. The opt out reason is thus
collected as part of the LEI record of the reporting entity. Thus, all Legal Entities shall have
minimum 2 records. The Legal Entities are required to provide LEIs of both Direct and Ultimate
Parent. These records could be a direct parent relationship record, an ultimate parent
relationship record or an exception report. The possible combinations of Direct and Ultimate
parent are as given below:
Q. What are the Exception Scenarios?
Under following circumstances the Legal Entities may opt for Exception Reporting:
1. No LEI of Direct/Ultimate Parent: Direct/Ultimate Parent who do not have LEI or the
parent does not consent to have an LEI.
Direct Parent
Ultimate Parent
Relationship Record
Relationship Record
Relationship Record
Exception Record
Exception Record
Relationship Record
Exception Record
Exception Record
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2. Legal_Obstacles: Obstacles in the laws or regulations of a jurisdiction prevent providing or
publishing this information
3. Consent_Not_Obtained: the consent of the parent is necessary under the applicable legal
framework and the parent did not consent or could not be contacted.
4. Binding_Legal_Commitments: Binding legal commitments (other than the laws or
regulations of a jurisdiction, such as articles governing the legal entity or a contract,
prevent providing or publishing this information)
4. Detriment_Not_Excluded: This reason may be used only when all following cumulative
circumstances apply:
i) The parent could not be informed and have the possibility to correct the relationship
information before publication.
ii) the relationship is not already in the public domain information being in the public domain
assumes here that the way the information came into the public domain did not infringe
the applicable legal framework.
iii) The child entity has reasons to believe that the parent may consider disclosure to be
iv) The child entity has sought to consult the parent entity of the reporting of the parent
information to the GLEIS but could not confirm the absence of detriment in a way that can
appropriately prevent liability risks for the child entity (or those acting on its behalf)
under the applicable legal framework.
5. Disclosure_Detrimental: The disclosure of this information would be detrimental to the
legal entity or the relevant parent. You are required to substantiate with a
proof/declaration for the exception reason selected.
Q. What is to be reported if there is no direct/ultimate parent?
Exceptions such as:
a. Natural Persons There is no Parent according to the definition used, because the entity is
controlled by natural persons without any intermediate legal entity meeting the definition of
accounting consolidating parent.
b. Non Consolidating There is no parent according to the definition used because the entity
is controlled by legal entities not subject to preparing consolidated financial statements.
c. No known Person There is no parent according to the definition used because there is no
known person controlling the entity.
Q. In case of the ultimate and direct parent is the same legal entity, in such cases does
the Legal entity have to input the same legal entity, in such cases does the child have to
input the same entity twice in direct and ultimate parent?
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Yes, as a Relationship record is created for each ultimate and direct parent, the legal entity will
have to choose ultimate parent same as direct parent while filling the relationship data on LEIL
Q. What happens if the Direct/Ultimate Parent does not have LEI?
Direct/Ultimate Parent who do not have LEI or the parent does not consent to have an LEI may
choose exception reporting No LEI and provide other details such as Legal Name, Legal
Address etc of the Parent.
Q. What happens once non- LEI Direct/Ultimate Parent procures LEI either from LEIL or
some other LOU?
The Child Entity/Legal Entity is responsible to update the Relationship Record of the
Direct/Ultimate Parent reference data as and when the Parent Entity procures LEI or at the
time of renewal.
Q. What are the Validation Documents to be submitted by Legal Entities?
1. Consolidated financial statements to validate parent relationship or
2. Regulatory filings (Reports to a securities regulator or a bank supervisor) or
3. Other types of documents/sources supporting the preparation of consolidated financial
statements, contract and other official documents such as Statutory Auditor’s certificate.
Q. What do each validation sources for a Relationship Record mean?
FULLY CORROBORATED: The consolidated financial statements/other documents
supporting the preparation of consolidated financial statements are confirmed by the auditor,
regulatory filing or the documents provided establish the consolidation relationship and
mention the name of both related entities.
PARTIALLY CORROBORATED: The definition of parent used in regulatory filings differs from
the accounting consolidation definition, but filings assist in corroborating the information
provided by the registrant that the conditions of consolidation are met. LOU will verify from
the regulatory sources and accounting standard or official documents such as regulatory
filings or contracts that make it likely that the conditions of accounting consolidation are met
or have ceased to be met when consolidated accounts reflecting the new situation have not
been established yet.
ENTITY SUPPLIED: The validation documents are none of the sources admitted for FULLY
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REGULATORY FILING: The validation reference element must be present and contain, if
available, the filing URL (including name and full path). The filing URL MAY contain other
standard identifiers.
Q. What is a Relationship Period?
The Relationship period indicates the duration of validity of the relationship. The Start date
indicates the earliest date at which the relationship existed or the first date it is known and
recorded in the LEIL system.
Q. Explain Document Filing and Accounting Period?
Document Filing is the date of document filing or publication. This only applies where the
validation documents are filed or publicly available. The Start date is the date of document
filing or publication.
Accounting period is the date reflected in the source document and indicates the accounting
period covered in the recent validation document.
Q. Will Relationship record have their own renewal cycle meaning independent from the
renewal cycle of the related child entity?
The renewal of the relationship record is dependent on the child entity’s registration status. If
the Child entity renews its LEI record and if the Relationship Status is “ACTIVE” the
relationship data also gets renewed at the same time.
Q Does LEIL re-validates the Relationship Record at the time of Renewal?
At the time of renewal of the child entity record LEIL shall re-validate the relationship record.
Q. What will be the registration status in case the relationship is not renewed?
In case the relationship record is not renewed the registration status is changed from “ISSUED”
to “LAPSED”.
Q. Can a relationship be renewed given the parent has the Registration Status of
It is not possible to renew the relationship in case of registration status is MERGED or
Transfer of Relationship Record
Q. What happens to the relationship record if the LEI of the Child?
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If the LEI of the Child entity are transferred to another LOU, the relationship record of the child
entity also gets transferred.
Q. Incase of “INACTIVE” relationship record, will the relationship record be transferred
from another LOU to LEIL?
Yes, all relationship record irrespective of whether active or inactive shall be transferred from
other LOU to LEIL.
Parent/Child Entity Merged/Retired or Change of Control
Q. Explain what happens if a Child Entity merges, retires or is acquired.
If the Legal entity merges or retires, LEIL shall update the relationship status of the Legal
Entity as “INACTIVE” and registration status as “RETIRED”.
Q. What happens when a relationship ceases to exist?
The parent entity could be dissolved/ceased to operate. Thus, the Registration status has to be
updated by the Legal Entity as RETIRED”. Accordingly, the end date of the Relationship Period
has to be updated.
Q. What happens in case of Change of Control?
The current Relationship status shall be updated as “RETIRED” and the Registration status as
“INACTIVE” and a new Relationship record connecting the new entity is created.
Q. What happens incase the Legal entity reports that the Relationship does not exist and
LEIL is aware of information that the Relationship exists?
LEIL shall notify the Legal Entity or about the relationship reporting and accordingly update
the Relationship Record.
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LEI Charges
Q: What are the charges for registering for LEI?
A: LEI issuance fee of Rs.7,000/- (plus Service Tax @14%, Swachh Bharat Cess (SBC) @
0.5%, and Krishi Kalyan Cess @ 0.5% as applicable) i.e. Rs.8, 050/- is payable on issuance
of LEI code. The annual fee for maintenance and renewal of LEI is Rs.3,650/- (plus Service
Tax @ 14%, Swachh Bharat Cess (SBC) @ 0.5% and Krishi Kalyan Cess @ 0.5%, as
applicable) i.e. Rs.4,198/-.
Q: What forms of payment are accepted?
A: The payment can be made by way of NEFT/ Demand Draft payable at Mumbai.
For NEFT payment, the details of account are as under:
Account Holder Name
Legal Entity Identifier India Limited
Account number
Bank Name
HDFC Bank Ltd.
Bank Branch Name
Kamala Mills Compound, Lower Parel
Demand Drafts may be made in favour of Legal Entity Identifier India Limited payable at
Mumbai. The reference number of your application should be mentioned on the reverse of
the demand draft. Please send such draft to:
Legal Entity Identifier India Limited
Finance and Accounts Department
CCIL Bhavan, Fifth Floor,
S. K. Bole Road,
Dadar (West), Mumbai 400 028
Tel. No. 91-22-61546565 / 64
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LEI Statuses
Q: What does the Request Verification Status specifications for a LEI mean?
A: A user can at any point in time view status of his request for LEI on the LEI web portal’s
Home Page. The status may be:
Request generated / pending documentation: Request to assign LEI has been
generated and user needs to send all relevant documents to LEIL for verification of
Documents verified, awaiting payment: Verification of documents has been
completed, and user needs to pay the fees to LEIL.
Payment cleared, processing request: Payment has been credited and now request to
generate new LEI code is being processed.
Issued: A unique LEI code has been issued to applicant entity.
Request Rejected: An Application to assign LEI has been rejected by LEIL. Reason for
rejection will be communicated on a separate mail to user.
Payment details rejected: Payment details entered by the user is not matching with
payment made. User needs to input correct payment details on the web portal.
Duplicate found: An LEI Registration that has been determined to be a duplicate
registration of the same legal entity as another LEI Registration assigned to the LEI.
Updated: All the relevant information for a particular legal entity who has been
assigned LEI by LEIL has been updated based on request received from user of legal
Q: What does the Registration Status for a LEI mean?
A: The Registration Status of an LEI record indicates the status of the applicant or the status of
the LEI of the legal entity. The various types of Registration statuses are as follows:
PENDING: An application for an LEI that has been submitted and which is being
processed and validated.
ISSUED: A unique LEI code has been issued to applicant entity.
LAPSED: An LEI registration that has not been renewed.
MERGED: An LEI registration for an entity that has been merged into another legal entity
such that this legal entity no longer exists as an operating entity.
RETIRED: A company, fund, or corporation of public law that held the LEI no longer exist.
TRANSFERRED: An LEI registration that has been transferred to a different LOU as the
managing LOU.
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PENDING_TRANSFER: An LEI registration that has been requested to be transferred to
another LOU.
PENDING_ARCHIVAL: When the receiving LOU is ready, the status will be changed to
PENDING_ARCHIVAL by the sending LOU prior to completion of the transfer. It serves to
inform recipients of LOU-provided data files that an LEI record will be removed from that
LOU’s published file after the transfer is complete.
Q: What does the Entity Status for a LEI mean?
A: The Entity Status of an LEI record indicates status of the legal entity itself. The various types
of Entity statuses are as follows:
ACTIVE: As of the last report or update, the legal entity reported that it was legally
registered and operating.
INACTIVE: It has been determined that the entity that was assigned the LEI is no longer
legally registered and/or operating, whether as a result of:
1. Business closure
2. Acquisition by or merger with another (or new) entity
3. Determination of illegitimacy
Q: What do the Validation Sources for a LEI mean?
A: Each LEI request is validated against public or/and private sources. The different validation
statuses include:
PENDING: The validation of the reference data provided by the registrant has not yet
ENTITY_SUPPLIED_ONLY: The LOU has validated the entity reference data based on the
private documents submitted by the entity.
PARTIALLY_CORROBORATED: The LOU has validated the entity reference data
partially corroborated by public authoritative sources, while some of the record is
dependent upon the information that the registrant has submitted.
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FULLY_CORROBORATED: There is sufficient information contained in authoritative
public sources to corroborate the information that the entity has provided for the record.
LEI Other Services
(Modify/Update, Challenge, Transfer LEI, Corporate Events)
Q: How to update your existing LEI submission?
A: Using the LEIL’s LEI web link on enter the email and
password that you registered with and login.
Select “LEI Service”, click on modify and input the LEI to update and make changes to the
desired fields.
An auto-generated mail is sent confirming receipt of your request and for supporting
documents. Post successful validation of request, changes will be accepted and the same
will be reflected for the legal entity.
Q: I discovered an error in the data. What can I do?
A: You can challenge duplicates or data errors for any LEI. You are requested to send the
challenge request on [email protected]. You are required to provide the following details in
the email:
Full Name:
Company Name:
Contact Email Address:
Contact Number:
Reason for Challenge: In your Comments please mention the information that you are
challenging and the publicly available source details from where it can be verified.
Q: Who can challenge an entity?
A: Any user can challenge any entity via the Challenge process. These requests will be reviewed
for validity from publicly available authoritative sources which should be noted in the
comments of the challenge if possible.
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Q: How should I indicate in case of any corporate events of your legal entity to LEIL?
A: The corporate events include:
Mergers, Acquisition, Takeover
Entity ceases to exist, dissolution
Spin offs
Change in legal form
Others as suggested by regulator from time to time
You are requested to send the events request on [email protected] or contact LOU team for
further assistance.
In case of formation of a new legal entity due to new incorporation, merger or amalgamation
or any other form of corporate restructuring, you will have to request for a new LEI.
Legal entities surviving as a result of merger, acquisition, amalgamation, split or demerger
will be required to have an LEI or shall continue using their existing LEIs.
In case of a change in the legal form of the entity, you are requested to send the events
request on [email protected] followed with a set of documents as advised by LEIL. The
newly formed legal entity will have to request for a new LEI.
Q: What if I wish to move my LEI from an existing operational LOU to LEIL?
A: An Indian entity that has obtained its LEI from another LOU may raise a portability request
for transfer of record to LEIL by logging in the LEI portal. For more information on the
process for portability, please refer to LOU Rules and User Manual available under FAQs
and Documents”. For further clarifications, please contact LEI team on 022
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Public Access
Q: What does searching for and downloading LEI information cost? Is there a licence fee
for using that information?
A: Access to LEI information through the public area of this website is free of charge. The LEI is
a public good and there are no licence fees for using the information.
Q: Where can I find information on LEI issued by other LOUs?
A: You can find the information of LEIs on LEIL web portal in Search Screen. Additionally, the
websites of the GLEIF i.e. also provide information on LEI issued by all LOUs.
LEI records managed by other LOU can be found on the website of the respective LOU.
Q: What files are available for download?
A: Two files are published by LEIL for each day. One file includes the entire LEI’s managed by
LEIL (“Full” file), while the other is a "delta" file that is limited to records that have been
updated since the previously published delta file. You are requested to Log in and download
the two files from download Tab free of cost in XML format. Since LEI is a public good, it is
available for download and the records are accessible to the public. In addition, LEIL also
publishes relationship data, Relationship Record (Full & Delta) and Exception Reporting file
(Full File).