©2021 American Physical Therapy Association. All rights reserved.
Since early 2020, the ability of physical therapists to treat patients via telehealth has expanded rapidly, fueled
by the necessity of providing continuity of care to patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Before the public
health emergency, many states laws and regulations were silent on whether PTs could treat patients via
telehealth. As states began implementing shutdowns in spring 2020, many states issued emergency orders
and guidance explicitly permitting PTs to provide services via telehealth and mandating insurance
reimbursement for those services. Some states, including Colorado and New Hampshire, codified into statute
the emergency expansions in their states last year, recognizing that telehealth should permanently be part of
their state’s health care delivery system, given its success during the pandemic.
Numerous states introduced bills to codify the expanded use of telehealth during the 2021 legislative session
and H.R. 2168, the Expanded Telehealth Act of 2021, has been introduced in the U.S. House of
Representatives to make permanent the Medicare rules expanding telehealth that were issued in April 2020.
Below is a state-by-state chart that links to current state laws, regulations, executive orders, policies, and
guidance governing telehealth for physical therapy The information and links for each state are current to the
best of APTA’s knowledge as of the “Last updated” date at the bottom of the document. States can put
different conditions on the delivery of physical therapy services via telehealth, so it is important to follow any
protocols and limitations specific to your state. It is also important to know that physical therapists and physical
therapist assistants, where allowed, are able to maintain necessary standards of care for any treatment
provided through telehealth.
Note: APTA cannot provide legal advice, so if you have questions about your state’s rules governing
telehealth, you are advised to seek the latest guidance from your licensing board and insurance carriers before
providing physical therapy services via telehealth.
PTs Permitted
to Practice
Alabama Yes Alabama PT board telehealth guidance
Alaska Yes
Standards for the practice of telerehabilitation by Physical
Arizona Yes
HB 2454 (Enacted 2021) includes physical therapists as eligible
providers (see pgs. 46-51)
Arkansas Yes AR PT Telehealth Rule
California Yes
California Business and Professions Code 2290.5 includes all
licensed healthcare providers as eligible to provide telehealth
Colorado Yes
Colorado PT Board guidelines on the appropriate use of
Connecticut Yes
Connecticut Telehealth Statute includes physical therapists as
eligible providers
State Telehealth Laws,
Regulations, Policies, and
American Physical Therapy Association / 2
Delaware Yes Delaware PT Practice Act explicitly allows telehealth
District of
Guidance on Telehealth in the District of Columbia includes
physical therapists as eligible providers (During COVID-19)
Florida Yes
Florida Statute on Telehealth provides that all licensed
healthcare providers may use telehealth
Georgia Yes Georgia PT Board Telehealth Policysee page 9
Hawaii Silent No reference found
Idaho Yes
Idaho Telehealth Access Act includes physical therapists as
eligible providers
Illinois Yes
Executive Order to Expand Telehealth Services includes
physical therapists as eligible providers (During COVID-19)
Indiana Yes
SB 3 includes physical therapists (but not PTAs) as eligible
Iowa Yes Iowa Administrative Code on Physical Therapy Telehealth
Kansas Silent No reference found
Kentucky Yes Kentucky Statute on Telehealth for Physical Therapy
Louisiana Yes Louisiana PT Board Guidance on Telehealth
Maine Yes
L.D. 791 (Enacted 2021) includes physical therapists as eligible
Maryland Yes
Maryland Board of Physical Therapy Examiners position on
Massachusetts Yes
Executive Order Expanding Access to Telehealth Services
includes physical therapists as eligible providers (During COVID-
19, thru 10/31/2021 or until rescinded)
Michigan Yes
SB 753 (Enacted 2016) includes physical therapists as eligible
Minnesota Silent No reference found
Mississippi Yes Mississippi Board of PT Telehealth Rules
Missouri Yes
Revised Missouri Statutes §191.1145 includes physical
therapists as eligible providers
Montana Yes Montana statutory definition of PT includes Telehealth
Nebraska Yes
Nebraska Telehealth Act includes physical therapists as eligible
Nevada Yes
Nevada Telehealth Statute includes physical therapists as
eligible providerssee NRS 629.510 and NRS 629-515
New Hampshire Yes New Hampshire Code Title XXXVII §415J:2
New Jersey Yes
New Jersey Telemedicine and Telehealth Act includes physical
therapists as eligible providers
American Physical Therapy Association / 3
New Mexico Yes
New Mexico HB 581 includes physical therapists as eligible
New York Yes New York Telehealth Guidelines for Physical Therapists
North Carolina Yes North Carolina Board of PT Telehealth Statement
North Dakota Yes North Dakota PT Practice Act includes telehealth in definitions
Ohio Yes Ohio Board of PT Statement on Telehealth
Oklahoma Yes Physical Therapy Telehealth Act
Oregon Yes Oregon Board of PT Telehealth Standards
Pennsylvania Silent No reference found
Rhode Island Yes
Rhode Island Telemedicine Coverage Act includes physical
therapists as eligible providers
South Carolina Silent No reference found
South Dakota Silent No reference found
Tennessee Yes
HB 8002 allows telehealth or telemedicine services to be
provided by any provider licensed under Title 63 or Title68
Texas Yes Texas Board of PT Examiners Telehealth Rule
Utah Yes
Utah Telehealth Act includes physical therapists as eligible
Vermont Yes
OPR’s Telehealth and COVID-19 Guidance On March 30, 2020,
Governor Scott signed emergency legislation that allows
individuals who are licensed in another state to provide
telehealth to Vermonters without a license.
Virginia Yes Virginia Board of PT Guidance on Telehealth
Washington Yes
Washington Administrative Code on the Use of Telehealth in
Physical Therapy
West Virginia Yes
West Virginia Board of PT Telehealth Regulations (see pages
Wisconsin Yes
Wisconsin Telehealth Guidance includes physical therapists as
eligible providers
Wyoming Yes
Wyoming Board of PT Guidance on the Practice of Telehealth by
PTs (Thru 12/31/2021)
Last Updated: 08/17/2021
Contact: advocacy@apta.org