Oklahoma State Department of Education
Oklahoma Educator Credentialing System
Educator Certification User Guide
Online Educator Credentialing System
Educator Certification User Guide
Oklahoma State Department of Education
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Table of Contents
Getting Started .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Creating a New User Account ....................................................................................................................... 2
Logging into the system .............................................................................................................................. 11
Home Single Sign On menu ......................................................................................................................... 11
Your Account ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Help Page ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Sign Out ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Recovering your Username or Password .................................................................................................... 17
OECS ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
Applying for College Recommendations View ........................................................................................ 21
Applying for Oklahoma Career Tech Credentials View ........................................................................... 21
Applying for Teach for America Credentials View .................................................................................. 22
Renewing Educator Credentials View ..................................................................................................... 22
Help with Wizard steps ............................................................................................................................... 23
Requesting Duplicate Copies ....................................................................................................................... 29
Adding an Area ............................................................................................................................................ 34
Educators Options Menu............................................................................................................................. 41
Updating Information ................................................................................................................................. 43
Task Menus ................................................................................................................................................. 43
Online Educator Credentialing System
Educator Certification User Guide
Oklahoma State Department of Education
Page 2
Getting Started
Begin by accessing the Oklahoma State Department of Education website.
From the home page click on the link in blue labeled Single Sign On to access your account
Creating a New User Account
If you have never created an account to manage various school or state reports or your own
teacher records you will need to create a user account.
Click, Are you a new user? Click here to create an account
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Educator Certification User Guide
Oklahoma State Department of Education
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Create a New Us r Account Wizard Steps
Step 1
F ll in the blanks with the required information
Use the drop down menus to fill in your Date of Birth
Click Next
The username and email address must be unique. Only one email address can be tied to an account for if
you ever forget your password the system will send you an email to reset your password. The username
can only be tied to one account as it is a searchable option when locating accounts in the SSO system.
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Step 2
Select a Secret Question from the drop down menu
Enter your answer to each question
Click Next
Here is an example of the Secret Question bank
Once you choose a question it will not appear
on next question selection bank
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Step 3
On this step you will indicate whether the Oklahoma State Department of Education holds an educator
file for you or if you are just beginning the certification process.
If you currently hold an Oklahoma teaching certificate, are needing to complete a college
recommendation, Career Tech recommendation, or a Teach for America recommendation you
will highlight the bubble, I DO want to access my Oklahoma certification records. Enter your
teacher number if you have one and know it, or you can use your social security number to
verify your identity and link your Single Sign On (SSO) account with your Oklahoma teacher
If you are working on getting your Oklahoma teacher certification but have not submitted
paperwork you will highlight the bubble, I do NOT want access to my Oklahoma certification
records. You can continue creating your account but you will not have access to the Oklahoma
Educator Credentialing System until paperwork has been submitted.
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Step 4
Once the system finds your teacher file it will link your Single Sign On account with your Oklahoma
online teacher file. This last step is a summary of your Single Sign On account. Once you click Submit it
will bring you back to the log in page.
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Step 4
If you do not have an xisting Oklahoma educator record with the Oklahoma State Department of
Education this is an example of what you will see for step 4.
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After you have created your account and later you need access to your Oklahoma educator record you
may do so by clicking n the link, Your Account.
Click on the link, Edit Account
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Enter you Teacher Number or Social Security Number
Click Submit
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Logging into th system
Enter your username and password to log into the system.
Home Single Sign On menu
The menu for the SSO system gives links to
This tab takes you to the Single Sign On home page
Your Account
This tab is where your login information is held. If you need to make changes you would
do so here.
About this site
This tab gives information about the Single Sign On system
Helpful Links
Located in this tab are links to the SDE service desk. Should you have issues regarding
the system you would notify them and someone from the help desk could walk you
through the system. Also located is a link to the Oklahoma State Department of
Education home page, Accountability at a Glance, and the Wise Tool Online.
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S gn Out
This is the link you would use to log out of the system.
Your Account
From here you can manage your Single Sign On profile. Below your profile information are tabs to make
updates to each section.
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When you click on the first tab this edits your account information.
Make your ch
Click Submit
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The second tab allows you to make changes to your username
Update your username
Click Submit
The third tab allows you to update your password information
Create a new password
Click Submit
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The fourth tab allows you to make changes to your security questions
Select a new Secret Question from the drop down menu
Enter your new answer in the box below
Click Submit
At any time if you decide to cancel any of the update wizards the system will ask to confirm before it
exits the wizard without saving your changes. B low is an example of the pop up conformation.
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Help Page
Should you have questions regarding the Single Sign On system or an application within the system you
can send these to the help desk.
Click on the SDE Service Desk link.
From here you can either
Call the Service Desk number
Send an email to the Service Desk
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Sign Out
The Sign Out tab logs you out of the system. By clicking on this link it takes you back to the log in page.
ring your Username or Password
If you forget your login information you can use the links below to have the system send you a link to
reset your information.
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By clicking on either link depending on what inf rmation you are needing to reset you will need to enter
your email address. This address must match the email address listed in your profile.
Enter your email address
Click Submit
The system will send an email to you with a link to reset your profile information
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Once you have received the email to reset your login you will click on the provided link.
Note: Based on your email provider the image below might not appear exactly as shown.
Click on the highlighted link
You will have 3 attempts to answer your security questions correctly
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Once you have successfully answered the questions you will be prompted to create a new
Click Submit
The Single Sign On home page will pop up
After successfully logging in or creating your account, the System Listing screen is displayed.
By clicking the Educator link you will be navigated to the educator’s home page.
The Home Page welcomes the educator with informational news bulletins, as well as a link to view their
credentials and if applicable, a link to apply for recommendations, renew credentials and/or adding
additional credential areas.
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Applying for College Recommendations View
Renewing Educator Credentials View
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Help with Wizard steps
After clicking apply or renew the 7 step wizard is
Step 1
Fill in the information that is required marked with
the * sign as well as any other applicable information
that pertains to you.
If you are a US citizen click the Yes bubble and click
Next. If you are not a US citizen you will click the No
bubble and fill in your work expiration date and click
Next to continue to step 2 in the wizard.
Note: Gender, Birth Date, and Ethnicity do not have
the * sign but they are required to be filled out to
continue to step 2.
Step 2
Update the required boxes and click Next.
If your address has not changed continue to step 3.
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Step 3
Fill in the applicable information and click Next.
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Step 4
Answer the Criminal History Disclosure questions and
click the check box confirming you are the person
that holds the credential being renewed. Checking
the box is your electronic signature for the
Note: When answering these questions mark the
bubbles correctly. If you mark a bubble Yes in error
you will need to send in an information update form
which is found on the SDE website, and this may
delay your application/renewal process.
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Step 5
Here you will enter in your credit/debit card
information for online payment.
Fill in the required information boxes noted by
the * sign.
Verification code is the 3 or 4 digit code located
on the back of your card under the magnetic
strip to the right of the signature box.
Credit Card Street is the billing address where
the statement is mailed.
Note: Fee type, amount, processing fee, and
total renewal fee are grayed out because those
are the only options for those boxes.
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Step 6
This step is to review your
information to make sure it is all
By clicking Next you will be
submitting your information to
our database and your
credit/debit card will be
processed by clicking the Next
If you discover a change you
need to make click the (edit)
button next to the information
type to make the update.
You will not receive a eceipt
along with your certificate. You
can print this page and this can
act at your receipt if you need
verification for billing or
reimbursement purposes or you
can contact OSF Helpdesk and
they will be able to email you a
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Step 7
This last step is to verify your information was
sent and is being processed.
Click Submit and your credentials page will come
up and you will see your certificate.
The highlighted purple row shows the certificate you just applied for or renewed. The status column is if
your file needs to be sent to a specialist to review before it can be renewed if you had requirements that
needed to be met in order to renew. The application date is the date you did the online renewal. The
process can take up to a few weeks depending on the volume of renewals and applications the office
receives. You can check periodically to see if your certificate has been printed. When it is printed in the
Printed? column it will have the date it was printed. Once they are printed you will receive your
within a week of the print date.
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Requesting Duplicate Copies
After your certificate has been issued you are able to request a duplicate copy online.
Log into the OECS system
Click My Cred ntials or View My Credentials
Click Request Duplicate next to the valid certificate
Step 1
Verify or update your profile
Click Next
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Step 2
Verify or update your address
Click Next
Step 3
Verify or update your contact
Click Next
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Step 4
Select the number of copies you
would like to have
Click Next
Step 5
Here you will enter in your credit/debit card
information for online payment.
Fill in the required information boxes noted
by the * sign.
Verification code is the 3 or 4 digit code
located on the back of your card under the
magnetic strip to the right of the signature
Credit Card Street is the billing address where
the statement is mailed.
Note: Fee type, amount, processing fee, and
total renewal fee are grayed out because
those are the only options for those boxes.
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Step 6
This step is to review your information to
make sure it is all correct.
By clicking Duplicate Request you will be
submitting your information to our
database and your credit/debit card will be
processed by clicking the Duplicate
Request button.
If you discover a change you need to make
click the (edit) button next to the
information type to make the update.
You will not receive a eceipt along with
your certificate. You can print this page and
this can act at your receipt if you need
verification for billing or reimbursement
purposes or you can contact OSF Helpdesk
and they will be able to email you a receipt.
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Step 7
This last step is to verify your
information was sent and is being
Click Submit and your credentials page
will come up and you will see your
certificat .
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Adding an Area
If you have taken a subject area test there will be a link for you to have the area added to your
certificat .
If you have taken more than one test they will be automatically checked to have them added to your
credentials using one add area application. If you don’t want a test added simply uncheck the box for
that test.
Once you have selected the tests you would like to have added to your credentials follow the link Click
Here to Add the Selected Areas to launch the Add Area From Test Application wizard.
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Step 1
Verify or update your profile
Click Next
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Step 2
Verify or update your address information
Click Next
Step 3
Verify or update your contact information
Click Next
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Step 4
Answer the Criminal History Disclosure
questions and click the check box
confirming you are the person that holds
the credential being renewed. Checking
the box is your electronic signature for the
Note: When answering these questions
mark the bubbles correctly. If you mark a
bubble Yes in error you will need to send
in an information update form which is
found on the SDE website, and this may
delay your application/renewal process.
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Step 5
Here you will enter in your credit/debit
card information for online payment.
Fill in the required information boxes
noted by the * sign.
Verification code is the 3 or 4 digit code
located on the back of your card under
the magnetic strip to the right of the
signature box.
Credit Card Street is the billing address
where the statement is mailed.
Note: Fee type, amount, processing fee,
and total renewal fee are grayed out
because those are the only options for
those boxes.
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Step 6
This step is to review your information to
make sure it is all correct.
By clicking Next you will be submitting
your information to our database and
your credit/debit card will be processed
by clicking the Next button.
If you discover a change you need to
make click the (edit) button next to the
information type to make the update.
You will not receive a eceipt along with
your certificate. You can print this page
and this can act at your receipt if you
need verification for billing or
reimbursement purposes or you can
contact OSF Helpdesk and they will be
able to email you a receipt.
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Step 7
This last step is to verify your information was
sent and is being processed.
Click Submit and your credentials page will come
up and you will see your areas have been added
to your certificate.
After you have finished the wizard the system will take you to your credentials page. If you look under
the Areas for selected certificate you will see the area(s) that you just added with that day’s date as the
application date, issued date, and effective date. Under certificates in the Printed? column it will say
Queued. Once it is reprinted with the added areas it will have the date it was printed and you will
receive it in the mail within 5 business days.
Note: If you have areas that you decide not to add, when you log into the OECS system again the option
to add your tested areas will be there if you later decide to add them to your credentials.
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Educators Options Menu
In the Educators Options menu you can navigate through your file to view your degrees, background
submissions, passed tests, and mailed in applications. Listed below are examples of each.
Viewing Degrees
In the Degrees tab you can view the degrees the State Department has on file for you. From here you
can view the degree type, date, when it was entered in the system, and if and when it was updated.
Viewing Background
In the Background tab you can view the dates your fingerprints were submitted, the dates they were
cleared by OSBI and F I, and the dates they were scanned into your file.
Viewing Tests
In the Tests tab you are able to view the test(s)
date of the test.
he State Department has on file of you passing and the
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Viewing Images
In the Images tab you can view the date in which the State Department received and scanned in your
applications to your file.
Viewing Assignments
Under the Educator Options menu you can click on Assignments and view your teaching assignments,
coteacher assignments, and HQT application statuses.
Other Credentials
In the Other Credentials tab you can view your specialty credentials such as National Board, Speech
Pathology or ASHA credentials.
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Updating Information
In the Credentials view at the top of the screen in the three boxes is your primary information. If you
ever need to update this information click the link under the boxes labeled Click Here to Edit
If you change your email address you will also need to change it in your myOKDOE profile. When you
first log in click My Profile, then Edit Profile.
Note: If you have your name legally changed you will need to fill out a name change request form
and fax it in along with a copy of your new social security card with your new name on it.
Task Menus
Under the Location menu you can click on home and it will
bring you back to your home page or to your credentials page.
The Help menu allows access to the educator user manual and
a shortcut to contact the OESC support email if you have any
questions the user manual could not answer. Screen Help will
give you a short cut to forms that you may need for the page
you are v ewing. The DOE Home tab takes you to the
Oklahoma State Department of Education main webpage.
The Logout tab logs you out of the OECS system.