3.2 Overview of Risks of Misidentification
A. Nature of the Problem
Research and studies. Eyewitness identifications play a major role in the charging and
conviction of criminal defendants, providing the basis for criminal charges against
approximately 77,000 people each year. Gary L. Wells & Elizabeth A. Olson, Eyewitness
Identification: Information Gain from Incriminating and Exonerating Behaviors, 8 J.
Scientific research, academic literature, and overturned convictions, however, have raised
concerns about the reliability of eyewitness identifications in general and cross-racial
identifications in particular. See also infra “State guarantee of due process” in § 3.4A,
Due Process (discussing recent cases from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth
Circuit and state supreme courts reviewing research raising concerns about eyewitness
identification evidence). The U.S. Supreme Court has observed that “the annals of
criminal law are rife with instances of mistaken identification.” United States v. Wade,
388 U.S. 218, 228 (1967); see also Perry v. New Hampshire, 565 U.S. __, 132 S. Ct. 716,
738–39 (2012) (Sotomayor, J., dissenting) (“[A] staggering 76% of the first 250
convictions overturned due to DNA evidence since 1989 involved eyewitness
misidentification.”). Experts believe that “eyewitness error is the leading contributing
factor in wrongful convictions in the United States.” See ELIZABETH F. LOFTUS ET AL.,
EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY: CIVIL AND CRIMINAL § 1-2 (5th ed. 2013) [hereinafter
Guilty Until Proved Innocent, 32 CRIME & DELINQUENCY 518 (1986); Innocence
Project, Facts on Post-Conviction DNA Exonerations, INNOCENCEPROJECT.ORG (last
visited Sept. 25, 2014).
A review of post-conviction DNA exonerations found that at least 40% of cases in which
the defendant was exonerated as a result of DNA evidence involved cross-racial
eyewitness identifications. Innocence Project,
Facts on Post-Conviction DNA
Exonerations, INNOCENCEPROJECT.ORG (last visited Sept. 25, 2014). As discussed in
greater detail below, researchers have found that White eyewitnesses are more likely than
Black eyewitnesses to make erroneous cross-racial identifications and that most cross-
racial identification errors made by White eyewitnesses are false positivesthat is, the
erroneous identification of a person as the perpetrator. Christian A. Meissner & John C.
Brigham, Thirty Years of Investigating the Own-Race Bias in Memory for Faces: A Meta-
Analytic Review, 7 PSYCHOL. PUB. POLY & L. 3 (2001); see infra § 3.3, Cross-Racial
Case study: The role of race in the Shawn Massey case. Below are the reflections of
Duke University School of Law John S. Bradway Professor of Law and Wrongful
Convictions Clinic Co-Director James E. Coleman on the Shawn Massey case:
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Shawn Massey spent twelve years in prison for crimes he did not commit, and the hard truth is that
race played a role in this miscarriage of justice. In 1999, a jury wrongfully convicted him of
kidnapping, armed robbery, and breaking and entering based on allegations that in May 1998 he
forced a woman and her children at gunpoint into their Charlotte apartment and took $60 from
them. The adult victim in this case, a White woman, described the perpetrator of the crime as a 5-
foot-9, 180-pound African American male who wore his hair “pulled back from his face and four
braids on the back of his head.” At trial, the victim clarified that she meant to describe cornrows.
However, the White police officers and prosecutors handling the case did not understand the
cornrow hairstyle, and this misunderstanding caused them to focus on the wrong suspect, create a
photo lineup with inappropriate fillers, and prosecute an innocent man. If the police officers
investigating the case had been familiar with the cornrow hairstyle or had focused on Mr. Massey’s
appearance before concluding that he was the assailant, they would have discovered that he was
both shorter and slimmer than the perpetrator, did not wear his hair in cornrows, did not have
enough hair for that hairstyle, and should have been excluded as a suspect.
At the time of the offense, Mr. Massey was 26 years-old, working a construction job, and living with
his grandmother. He had been charged with petty offenses, but had never been to prison. I became
involved with his case through my work in Duke Law School’s Wrongful Conviction Clinic. We decided
to investigate his claim of innocence because the only evidence in the case was the victim’s
eyewitness identification of Mr. Massey, and her identification was always conditioned on the
assailant having the cornrow hairstyle. Because of the general unreliability of eyewitness
identification evidence, we believe that any prosecution based entirely on eyewitness identification
evidence merits an innocence investigation.
In this case, the misidentification problem arose when the victim was shown a photo lineup including
Mr. Massey and a number of fillers. Neither Mr. Massey nor the fillers wore their hair in cornrows. In
the photo shown to the victim, Mr. Massey’s hair was very short. Asked if she saw the assailant in
the six- photograph lineup, the victim told police that Mr. Massey looked most like the man, except
that Mr. Massey did not have braids and the assailant’s hair was longer. This kind of relative
judgment is typical in cases of misidentification. Because Mr. Massey’s hair was not in cornrows,
however, the victim stated that she couldn’t be sure of her identification unless she saw Mr. Massey
in person.
The first time the victim saw Mr. Massey in person was in court. Just before the trial started, she told
the prosecutor that she had doubts about her identification, both because the defendant’s hair was
not in cornrows and because he appeared smaller than her attacker. Mr. Massey’s trial attorney was
not informed of the victim’s eleventh-hour doubts; we uncovered this Brady violation during our
innocence investigation. The only person who consistently maintained that Mr. Massey was the
perpetrator was the investigating officer, a White detective who relied exclusively upon an alleged
statement by Mr. Massey’s friend that Mr. Massey wore his hair “pulled back and 4 or 5 braids on
the back of his head.” At trial, however, this friend denied making such a statement, and denied that
Mr. Massey wore braids or that his hair was long enough to braid. Mr. Massey’s friends and family
members uniformly testified that he had never worn his hair in cornrows or long enough to braid,
but the statements did not persuade the jury.
While investigating the case, we discovered seven photographs of Mr. Massey in the District
Attorney’s files, one of which was taken in March 1998, nine weeks before the crime. The seven
photographs were taken over a nine-year period. In all of the photos, including the one taken in
March 1998, Mr. Massey’s hair was very short. We showed these photographs to professional
barbers familiar with African American hairstyles, who all agreed that Mr. Massey could not have
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grown his hair long enough to wear cornrows by the time of the offense. At the time of Mr. Massey’s
prosecution, police and prosecutors did not appreciate the significance of these photographs
because they were not familiar with the cornrow hairstyle; as a result, they did not disclose the
photographs to the defense. Until the victim testified at trial, the police and prosecutor assumed
that cornrows were worn only on the back of the head and neck, and therefore concluded that
photographs showing only the front of Mr. Massey’s head did not exclude him as a suspect.
At the conclusion of our investigation, we sent a letter to the Mecklenburg County District Attorney
laying out the evidentiary basis of Mr. Massey’s claim of innocence, along with a description of the
Brady violations we uncovered. We included the photograph of Mr. Massey with short hair taken in
March 1998, prior to the offense, along with the opinions of professional barbers familiar with
African American hairstyles. In response to this evidence, District Attorney Peter Gilchrist filed an ex
parte motion to vacate the conviction and dismiss the charges, which was granted by a superior
court judge. Mr. Massey was released in 2010, approximately two years before the expiration of his
This was a case of cross-racial identification, and race played an important role in the wrongful
conviction of Shawn Massey, beginning with the police and prosecutor’s misinterpretation of the
witness’s description of the perpetrator. This misinterpretation illustrates the importance of
obtaining an accurate description of the assailant from the very outset and making sure one
understands what is being described. Prompt investigation of identification procedures also provides
counsel with an opportunity to clarify any confusion or misunderstanding on the part of the police or
prosecutor, or to litigate pretrial the admissibility of a questionable identification. If the issue is not
raised until trial, jurors likely will see the dispute as one involving only the credibility of witnesses,
and, as some studies have shown, the race of a witness may affect jurors’ perceptions of whether
the witness is telling the truth. In Mr. Massey’s case, the jurors chose to believe the White police
officers and not the Black witnesses who all testified Mr. Massey did not wear braids and did not
have hair long enough to braid.
When the introduction of a flawed identification can’t be avoided, defenders should emphasize not
only the problems with cross-racial identification, but also specific contextual factors that may make
the witness identification less reliable. For example, in this case, opinions from professional barbers
familiar with African American hairstyles could have been introduced as evidence supporting Mr.
Massey’s claim that his hair could not have been worn in cornrows at the time of the offense.
Without such information, jurors are often misled by the common but mistaken belief that a victim
never forgets the face of his or her attacker.
Mr. Massey’s experience also underscores the recommendation of scholar Elizabeth Loftus, that
whenever possible, officers of the same race as the suspect should be involved in identification
procedures. If an African American police officer had constructed the lineup in this case or been part
of the investigation, he or she probably would have been familiar with the cornrow hairstyle and Mr.
Massey might never have been wrongfully convicted. If the White police officers or prosecutor had
queried the victim about her description, Mr. Massey also might never have been convicted. These
are flaws that can be fixed or, at a minimum, raised early in the case by the defense attorney.
B. Factors Affecting Eyewitness Identifications
Assuming that witnesses for the most part are earnestly trying to construct an accurate
account of a past event, why do eyewitness errors occur and why do they lead to
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wrongful convictions? This section discusses the causes of eyewitness errors, while
subsection C, below, discusses jury perceptions of eyewitness testimony.
Generally. Researchers have concluded that eyewitness mistakes generally result from
the “normal and natural processes that occur whenever human beings attempt to acquire,
retain, and retrieve information.” EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY at § 2-1. Some studies suggest
that because of these natural processes eyewitnesses make correct identifications only
(1995) [hereinafter MISTAKEN IDENTIFICATION].
Factors affecting the accuracy of eyewitness identification fall into three broad
categories: problems of acquisition, problems of retention, and problems of retrieval.
EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY at § 2-2. Familiarity with these factors may assist counsel in
assessing the possibility of a misidentification and preparing for discussions with expert
witnesses. See infra § 3.6D, Expert Testimony.
Acquisition stage. In the acquisition stage, when an eyewitness memory is formed, the
accuracy of the witness’s perception may be affected by factors such as lighting
conditions, the duration of the event at issue, violence, stress, fear, age, sex, race, and
expectations. EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY at § 2-2. Research has found that cross-racial
eyewitness identifications are particularly susceptible to error at this stage. See infra §
3.3, Cross-Racial Impairment.
Retention stage. The retention stage encompasses the time between when the witness’s
memory was formed and when the witness describes the memory. Memory is malleable.
The accuracy of a memory during the retention stage is influenced by the length of the
retention interval and post-event experiences. For example, a suggestive pretrial
identification procedure, especially one involving cross-racial identification, could distort
an eyewitness’s memory of the actual event. “An eyewitness who is told that it is very
important for her to view a photoarray or lineup immediately is more likely to infer that
the investigators have identified the perpetrator than is an eyewitness who is told that she
could drop by the station whenever it is convenient for her to do so,” and this inference
may exert subtle pressure on the witness to provide a positive identification. MISTAKEN
IDENTIFICATION at 113–14. Similarly, the memory of an eyewitness who is given positive
feedback after participating in an identification procedure may be influenced by such
feedback. Id. at 186–90. One study concluded that in the trials of offenders exonerated by
DNA evidence between 1989 and 2010 that involved eyewitness testimony, 57% of the
eyewitnesses were initially uncertain of their eyewitness identifications, an indicator of
unreliability at the retention stage. BRANDON L. GARRETT, CONVICTING THE INNOCENT:
Retrieval stage. In the context of a criminal trial, the retrieval stage refers to the moment
when the witness testifies about the identification. When retrieving events from memory,
eyewitnesses are susceptible to the manner in which information is solicited. Frequent
review of the event, through questioning, identification procedures, and preparation to
testify, may artificially increase witness confidence when retrieving the memory at trial.
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MISTAKEN IDENTIFICATION at 186–87. Witness confidence exerts a powerful influence on
jurors, but researchers have found that “eyewitness confidence is not a great or consistent
indicator of eyewitness accuracy.” EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY at § 3-12; see also
MISTAKEN IDENTIFICATION at 95; Siegfried Ludwig Sporer et al., Choosing, Confidence,
and Accuracy: A Meta-Analysis of the Confidence/Accuracy Relation in Eyewitness
Identification Studies, 118 PSYCHOL. BULL. 315 (1995); Neil Vidmar et al., Rethinking
Reliance on Eyewitness Confidence, 94 JUDICATURE 16 (2010).
Illustration: The wrongful conviction of Ronald Cotton illustrates the problems that may
arise with the acquisition, retention, and retrieval stages of eyewitness identifications.
Ronald Cotton was convicted of the rape of Jennifer Thompson in Burlington, North
Carolina and sentenced to life plus 54 years based on Thompson’s eyewitness
identification. Ronald Cotton served 10.5 years in prison before he was exonerated by
DNA evidence. Jennifer Thompson, a White woman, made a cross-racial identification of
Ronald Cotton, a Black man. Ms. Thompson later observed that she “studied every single
detail on the rapist’s face . . . [and] was going to make sure he was put in prison.”
Jennifer Thompson, I Was Certain, But I Was Wrong, N.Y.
TIMES, June 18, 2000. In the
time between the crime and the trial of Mr. Cotton, Ms. Thompson grew more and more
confident in her mistaken identification. She reflected that, when she saw Ronald Cotton
in a photo array, she was “completely confident” that he was the assailant; and when she
picked him out of a lineup, she was “sure . . . [she] had picked the right guy.” Id.
However, her confidence did not correspond with accuracy. “From description, to
creating an Identikit, to reviewing a photo array, to identifying the wrong man in a lineup
and in court—each step unconsciously became a process of picking the individual most
resembling the prior step, not most resembling the perpetrator.Joseph F. Savage Jr. &
James P. Devendorf, Conviction After Misidentification: Are Jury Instructions a
Solution?, THE CHAMPION, June 2011, at 30, n.7 (discussing factors contributing to
Jennifer Thompson’s misidentification of Ronald Cotton).
Estimator and system variables. Variables that affect eyewitness identifications can be
categorized as either “estimator” or “system” variables. See Gary L. Wells, Applied
Eyewitness Testimony Research: System Variables and Estimator Variables, 36 J.
PERSONALITY & SOC. PSYCHOL. 1546 (1978) (using these categories for the first time).
Familiarity with these variables may assist counsel in assessing the identification and
discussing it with an expert. Additionally, counsel may use these variables to structure
cross-examination in order to show how a given variable, such as the presence of a gun,
affected the reliability of eyewitness testimony.
Some variables that bear on the accuracy of eyewitness identifications are within the
control of the criminal justice system while others are not. Estimator variables occur
before the case enters the criminal justice system and include factors such as: the lighting
at the time of the event, the duration of the witness’s exposure to the perpetrator, and the
race of the witness and perpetrator. In contrast, system variables are or may be within the
control of the criminal justice system, such as the construction of a lineup, the
questioning of the eyewitness, and the method in which the lineup is presented. Examples
of system and estimator variables are as follows. (The list is reproduced verbatim from
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Joseph F. Savage & James P. Devendorf, Conviction After Misidentification: Are Jury
Instructions a Solution?, THE CHAMPION, June 2011, at 30, 31, except that examples of
variables that have been added are set off in brackets.)
1. Wording of questions: The wording of questions posed to an eyewitness can affect the
witness’s testimony about an event. [For example, if an eyewitness is asked how
many minutes she was able to observe the assailant, she may be more likely to
estimate that the event took a matter of minutes, rather than seconds.]
2. Lineup instructions: The instructions given to the witness at a lineup can affect the
witnesss willingness to make an identification. [For example, studies have shown
that instructions implying that the suspect is in fact in the photo array “increas[e] the
likelihood that the eyewitness will make a positive—though not necessarily correct—
identification.MISTAKEN IDENTIFICATION at 115–23.]
3. Confidence malleability: Factors unrelated to identification accuracy can influence a
witness’s confidence. [For example, a witness’s confidence may rise when she is told
that another witness has identified the same person. MISTAKEN IDENTIFICATION at
4. Mugshot-induced bias: Exposure to mugshots of a suspect increases the likelihood
that the witness will later choose that suspect in a lineup.
5. Post-event information: Testimony of eyewitnesses about an event often reflects not
only what they actually saw but information they obtained after the event.
6. Child witness suggestibility: Young children are more vulnerable than adults to
interviewer suggestion, peer pressures, and other social influences.
7. Attitudes and expectations: A witness’s perception and memory of an event may be
affected by his or her attitudes and expectations. [For example, if a person is attacked
in the dark in an area primarily frequented by Latinos, he or she may be more likely
to believe that his or her attacker was Latino.]
8. Hypnotic suggestibility: Hypnosis increases suggestibility to leading and misleading
9. Alcohol intoxication: Alcohol intoxication impairs an eyewitnesss later ability to
recall persons and events.
10. Cross-race bias: Eyewitnesses are more accurate when identifying members of their
own race than members of other races.
11. Weapon focus: The presence of a weapon impairs an eyewitnesss ability to
accurately identify the perpetrators face.
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12. Accuracy-confidence correlation: A witness’s confidence is not a good predictor of
his or her identification accuracy.
13. Forgetting curve: The rate of memory loss for an event is greatest right after the
event and then levels off over time.
14. Exposure time: The less time an eyewitness has to observe an event, the less well he
or she will remember it.
15. Presentation format: Witnesses are more likely to misidentify someone by making a
relative judgment when presented with a simultaneous (as opposed to sequential)
16. Unconscious transference: Eyewitnesses sometimes identify as a culprit someone
they have seen in another situation or context.
Defense attorneys can attempt to mitigate the influence of system variables by, for
example, ensuring that law enforcement officers present individuals or photographs to
witnesses sequentially rather than simultaneously. See infra § 3.5, Eyewitness
Identification Reform Act. Additionally, counsel can educate jurors about the impact of
system and estimator variables on the reliability of eyewitness testimony through expert
testimony, cross-examination of eyewitnesses, and jury instructions concerning factors
influencing eyewitness reliability. See infra § 3.6, Procedures for Challenging Eyewitness
Identification Evidence.
C. Jurors’ Perceptions of Eyewitness Identification
Concerns about eyewitness identification, discussed in the preceding section, are
compounded by the weight jurors may give such testimony. Studies have concluded that
jurors tend to overestimate the reliability of eyewitness testimony. See, e.g., Tanja Rapus
Benton et al., Eyewitness Memory is Still Not Common Sense: Comparing Jurors, Judges
and Law Enforcement to Eyewitness Experts, 20
(2006); Richard S. Schmechel et al., Beyond the Ken? Testing Jurors’ Understanding of
Eyewitness Reliability Evidence, 46 J
URIMETRICS 177 (2006); Perry v. New Hampshire,
___ U.S. ___, ___, 132 S. Ct. 716, 739 (2012) (Sotomayor, J., dissenting) (observing that
“jurors routinely overestimate the accuracy of eyewitness identifications”). In 2004, the
Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia surveyed nearly 1,000 potential
jurors about eyewitness identification. The researchers concluded that the survey
members often underestimated the difficulties eyewitnesses experience in making cross-
racial identifications, the impact of stress on memory, and the ways in which police
procedures may undermine eyewitness accuracy. Timothy P. O’Toole et al., District of
Columbia Public Defender Survey, THE CHAMPION, Apr. 2005, at 28; see also, Richard S.
Schmechel et al., Beyond the Ken? Testing Jurors’ Understanding of Eyewitness
Reliability Evidence, 46 JURIMETRICS 177 (2006); EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY at § 6-6.
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One reason that lay people misunderstand the reliability of eyewitness identification is
that much of what experts now know about memory and eyewitness testimony is counter-
intuitive. For example, even though experts now recognize that eyewitness confidence is
not reliably correlated with accuracy, “it would seem logical that a more certain witness
would be a more accurate one, [and therefore] it would be surprising if jurors understood
the relationship between confidence and accuracy as a matter of common sense.”
Timothy P. O’Toole et al., District of Columbia Public Defender Survey, THE CHAMPION,
Apr. 2005, at 28, 29. As one court observed, “while science has firmly established the
inherent unreliability of human perception and memory, this reality is outside the jury’s
common knowledge, and often contradicts jurors’ commonsense understandings. To a
jury, there is almost nothing more convincing than a live human being who takes the
stand, points a finger at the defendant, and says, ‘That's the one!’” United States v.
Brownlee, 454 F.3d 131, 142 (3d Cir. 2006) (quotations and citations omitted). See also
Phillips v. Allen, 668 F.3d 912, 916 (7th Cir. 2012) (stating that “nothing is obvious about
the psychology of eyewitness identification” and “most people’s intuitions on the subject
of identification are wrong”).
Practice note: Counsel may file a motion in limine requesting the court to preclude the
prosecutor from drawing a correlation between witness confidence and witness accuracy.
See Lisa Steele, Trying Identification Cases: An Outline For Raising Eyewitness ID
Issues, THE CHAMPION, Nov. 2004, at 8.
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