PIR Formal Noise Complaints Recorded 2022
Nearby Cross Streets or Neighborhood
Total Number of
Complaints by
N Willis and N Exeter 1
N Hunt and N Wayland 17 *
Arbor Lodge Resident 1
N Emerald and N Halleck 1
N Houghton and N Hamlin 15 *
North Portland Resident for over 20 years 1
N Chase and N Winchell 1
Kenton Resident 1
N Delaware and N Kilpatrick 4
N Argyle and N Washburne 15 *
North Portland 1
ST John's Resident 1
N Russet and N Wabash 1
N Burrage and N Willis 1
No Address Provided 1
Portsmouth Resident 1
N Foss and N Foss Court 1
*3 Addressess with high volume complaints
47 73% Of total complaints received
N Willis and N Exeter N Hunt and N Wayland Arbor Lodge Resident
N Emerald and N Halleck N Houghton and N Hamlin North Portland Resident for over 20 years
N Chase and N Winchell Kenton Resident N Delaware and N Kilpatrick
N Argyle and N Washburne North Portland ST John's Resident
N Russet and N Wabash N Burrage and N Willis No Address Provided
Portsmouth Resident N Foss and N Foss Court
Date Day Time Format
Nearby Cross
Streets or
Complaint Description at Intake
6/8/2022 WEDNESDAY 8:41 a.m. TrackIT N Willis and N Exeter Complainant called 311, operator wrote "complaint against Portland Raceway noise" from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. on June 4th
6/8/2022 WEDNESDAY 8:46 a.m. TrackIT N Hunt and N
Complainant called 311, operator wrote "complaint against Portland Raceway noise" from 3:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on June 4th
7/8/2022 FRIDAY 10:27
email Arbor Lodge Resident COMMENT: "PIR is too loud. I live up in Arbor Lodge and it sounds like a hive of bees is buzzing around my house. It limits my ability to enjoy the peace of my garden. Please close the raceway
immediately and turn it into something else. Also it must be a fools race to burn fossil fuels at that level for recreation when we are facing climate catastrophe."
7/11/2022 MONDAY 8:00 a.m. email N Hunt and N
COMMENT: "Here are some resources about the PIR. That the city thinks PIR by products are acceptable for North Portland residents, especially elders and children, is unconscionable, though in line
with how the city has historically treated residents who live on the peninsula. As with recent complaints, I am charging the city for the noise and air pollution I and my neighbors were subjected to
this weekend—Saturday, Sunday. $150. Recently protesters at the British Grand Prix got onto the race track to protest. I'm too old for that but I would be
interested in working on a class action suit. Leaded fuel was banned in 1996 except in aircraft, racing cars, farm equipment, and marine engines. I'll just keep repeating this as the city doesn't seem to
7/13/2022 WEDNESDAY 2:10 p.m. TrackiT N Emerald and N
COMMENT: "Loud racetrack noises; several occurrences over this weekend that exceeded the neighborhood db limits. Very disruptive to backyard activities (gardening; grilling; having family/friends
visit)" From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on July 9 and 10, 2022
7/15/2022 FRIDAY 10:11
email N Houghton and N
COMMENT: "Not so good morning from kenton neighborhood. Sure hope the rest of this 8 hour event will not continue with rediculous noise. Is this a varienced approved race event? Seems like it."
7/15/2022 FRIDAY 11:09
email N Houghton and N
COMMENT: "High levels at track continues."
7/17/2022 SUNDAY 12:33
email North Portland
Resident for over 20
COMMENT was made In the Subject Une: "We have lived in North Portland for 22 years. PIR while inconvenient has never been so loud that I couldn't sit on my patio in Kenton. Today It is so loud I
need to raise my voice to have a conversation with someone sitting right next to me. They ha..."
7/17/2022 SUNDAY 12:44
TrackiT N Chase and N
COMMENT: "We live near the Portland International Raceway and it is EXTRA loud this weekend. It makes it hard for us to enjoy time in our yard. We live more than a mile away and it's still so loud we
have to raise our voices to talk to each other outdoors." July 16 and 17 from 9 a.m.
7/17/2022 SUNDAY 12:50
email N Houghton and N
COMMENT: "Would like to share what three days in a row of variance races sounds like. Thank you city leaders (in 1960's) for putting a raceway in the city limits in one of the poorest areas In north
Portland. When was the noise code last looked at? 1989?
I've documented since 2010 a rediculous amount of noise codes issues. It's time for you all to address these issues of noise and leaded fuel use. Please look into the data from track side monitor. I
think you will see how often this really is and that it's not just the summer months."
7/17/2022 SUNDAY 1:12 p.m. email Kenton Resident COMMENT: "Hello, I am writing again in regards to the noise level of PIR this weekend. It is day three of this excessive noise. I am aware of the variances that were approved for this event but I want
you all to know what the residents of Kenton are forced to deal with. The sound of these races is unbearable. On a nice sunny weekend we are again trapped in our homes with no open windows or
forced to leave the house to visit other parts of Portland to escaped the sound. I would like to know what actions you plan to take to give us a reprieve from this? I could see one day of this excessive
sound, but to put us through 3 days is really Just a big f-you to all of us. Not to mention that as of the 2019 race logs (2022 is somehow not available) this event also allows leaded gasoline. So not only
are we being Inundated with noise pollution, I also get to sit in my yard watching my kids swim in their pool lit is their summer break as you know) and know that they are inhaling leaded fuel fumes.
Shame on you for putting it out there that we are an inclusive, accepting city but then continuing to ignore the residents of Kenton. I wish for a response to this complaint even once from just one of you
and would love to know what @tinakotek will do for us as being a Kenton resident themselves."
9/1/2022 THURSDAY 9:21 a.m. email N Houghton and N
COMMENT "Wonder when we finally do what should have been done decades ago" Community member offers a link to a story titled ACOUSTIBLOK PROVIDES
9/1/2022 THURSDAY 9:42 a.m. TrackIT N Delaware and N
Complainant describes PIR Noise as being weekly and lists the date for the Complaint as Thursday July 1, 2022 from 9 AM to 5 PM. No other specifics offered.
9/1/2022 THURSDAY 10:04
email N Houghton and N
COMMENT "Wonder when we finally do what should have been done decades ago" Community member offers a link to a story titled ACOUSTIBLOK PROVIDES
9/1/2022 THURSDAY 10:22
TrackiT N Argyle and N
Complainant describes PIR Noise as being weekly and lists the date for the Complaint as Thursday July 1, 2022, from 9 AM to LATE. COMMENT: Once again I was woken up from deep, restorative
sleep that I desperately need for my health by the racetrack. Even with all my windows and doors closed, thermal curtains which block noise, and the AC running it is so loud in my bedroom that it feels
like a cruel torture device. Not that I am awake, it is so loud that I have difficulty concentrating. Even with music playing, I hear the racetrack. This is insane and unacceptable. I cannot enjoy my yard
and I cannot enjoy my home. I have put in a lot of work to make both comfortable, healing havens. The torture of the racetrack is unacceptable and I am going to sell my home as soon as I am healthy
enough to do so.
9/1/2022 THURSDAY 11:39
email N Hunt and N
It's 9am and the attack begins--the raging roar of Portland International Raceway. I have to close windows and my balcony door which I like to leave open to let cool air circulate before the heat socks
in. I put down my book to write another complaint letter--not how I wanted to begin my day.
Today's invoice I'm subutting to the city is for $1000. Besides the ill ease and stress I now feel in my body, I'm charging for the time I'm taking to write this and to try and educate city, county, state
officials about this egregious source of pollution that North Portland gets to shoulder every summer, along with all of the other sources of pollution we deal with here: trains, planes, industry, freeway,
superfund site and PIR, giving us the distinction of having some of the dirtiest air in the nation.
Last week in a peak of pain I spoke with Mr. Ron Huegli, (503-823-5899) Portland parks and recreation's PIR General Manager, It was somewhat informative. The gist: What you're complaining about is
one of our big races--and you should have been notified of this. Yes, I was, but it doesn't make it any more bearable as I can't get in a car (don't own one) and drive away from it. I said Portland parks
and rec.'s PIR is exceeding legal decibel levels which I understand to be 65 (it's 40 in the WHO article below). He explained that the city gave itself a variance to run these cars at 102 (maybe he said
112?) decibel levels--so that's that. I complained about the leaded fuel emissions. His response--EPA sanctioned this pollution (in 1970?).and supposedly leaded fuel was only used during the vintage
car races. My response, but you're dumping that in an already challenged and unhealthy airshed inhabited by residents. He also said that the Kenton neighborhood loves the PIR!
Hmm, that's not what I hear. Experts say children and elders (me) are the most vulnerable to the noise and air pollution. This attack lasts from 9/2 - 9/4. The next
and hopefully last is 9/9 - 9/11--classic cars--leaded fuel pollution. What a way to commemorate 9-11!
I expect better leadership from officials--not the "look the other way" response, or "pretend it's not a risk" which the city excels at. The city could start by reimbursing us for this mental and physical
health risk--some ideas--people living near the track don't have to pay property taxes, or, before someone buys a home on the peninsula they have to read and sign a disclaimer that they are moving
into a very toxic watershed. I know this may sound crazy to you but moving further nto the climate nightmare with no meaningful leadership is so very crazy!
I've taken my time to do some cursory research for you, please take the time to click on the links below and read some of it.
I am stressed out by all that's going on, globally and locally. Would that PIR would be one of the city's Park and Rec's parks that provided refuge and increased contact with the the Columbia Slough.
Now that's crazy!
Part 2 of COMMENTS from complaint above of 9/1/2022 at 1:54 p.m. with the folllowing noted web links:https://www.who.int/europe/news-room/fact-sheets/item/noise
Noise in Parks: ( no link found to share)
From the results obtained here, it can be proposed: a) That urban parks should be so planned as to exist sufficiently away from main city roads of intense traffic of vehicles, as these are the main
source of urban noise for parks. There should be urban planning strategies preserving the areas surrounding the parks from receiving undesirable noise sources. b) That street signals indicating the
proximity to green areas should be placed near the parks, with indication of speed limits and not allowing the use of horns. c) That the population visiting the parks should be informed about the sound
limits allowed in the parks, as well as about the meaning of measured sound levels and the potential risk they represent to their health.
9/1/2022 THURSDAY 1:54 p.m. email North Portland My experience as a 20+ year neighborhood activist is that this incredibly ill-conceived facility has been and continues to stir controversy in the north Portland community including Kenton. Negative
issues with it have come up regularly at the North Portland Chairs meetings over the years.
The noise pollution travels. Often the track can be heard as far away as St. Johns, and even on Sauvie Island where I work part time!
PIR doesn't belong anywhere near a residential neighborhood. It should never have been approved and it's shocking that Portland Parks would even be involved in such an unsustainable activity that
creates such intense noise and air pollution. It should be removed.
9/1/2022 THURSDAY 2:30 p.m. email N Houghton and N
There may possibly be other screen shots sent which do not properly show at our end.
9/2/2022 FRIDAY 4:44 p.m. TrackIT N Argyle and N
Complainant describes PIR Noise as being weekly and lists the date for the Complaint as Friday July 2, 2022, from 9 AM to LATE. COMMENT: Ah, the sweet torture of others profiting from my pain.
The justification I often hear for having a loud, polluting racetrack disrupting residential areas is "it is an economic benefit." The racetrack noise limits my ability to heal from a costly and time-consuming
illness, prolonging my pain and costing me more money. No "economic benefit" is worth that. I can't enjoy things in my life because I don't feel well enough to. I am bone tired of others profiting at my
expense. The racetrack also harms people's health with noise and lead pollution. This is not acceptable.
9/3/2022 SATURDAY 9:53 a.m. TracklT N Argyle and N
Complainant describes PIR Noise as being weekly and lists the date for the Complaint as Friday July 3, 2022, from 9 AM to LATE.
COMMENT: The misery of the racetrack continues... Because I got a condescending response to a sacred variance race day complaint,
to be clear, I am not saying that I think the noise exceeds this weekend's variance; I am saying that the experience of having to be unwillingly subjected to this continuous noise is unacceptable. Having
a racetrack in a residential area is short-sighted and cruel. Not to mention the short-sightedness of driving around and around in circles, burning fossil fuels, increasing atmospheric carbon, and
speeding the extinction of life on the planet for entertainment while we are dealing with the effects of a climate crisis (and fuel crisis, and economic crisis, and health crisis). Is this the best you can do,
9/3/2022 SATURDAY 7:12 p.m. email N Houghton and N
COMMENT: Yes this is a variance race however the website says 9-6pm. It is now after 7pm and clearly the race is still going. Does this count as a violation of the
agreement or application for the variance?
Also the neighborhood meter is down. (Community member included a screen capture of the Trackside meter at 103.3 dBA)
9/3/2022 SATURDAY 7:34 p.m. TracklT N Houghton and N
Complainant describes PIR noise is happening from 6 PM to 7:15 PM from the Indy Car Races
9/10/2022 SATURDAY 9:14 a.m. email ST John's Resident Hi there
Writing simply to say it's 9:05 am Saturday. I'm in St. John's on N Charleston, about 5 miles from the track
The awful noise from PIR is incredible - just started within the past few minutes, as always, when a big event occurs
I am so relieved I didn't get asked to join the taskforce b/c, as anticipated, it accomplishes nothing for those of us directly affected
I wish someone - anyone! - involved in the track would come stand in my backyard to hear the endless roar that unfolds for hours during these large events. At
9:00. On a weekend.
It's unconscionable
I learned years ago the city has no intention of actually doing anything to minimize this. Still, if any of you could just experience the impact once - JUST ONCE! - it would at least bypass the endless
circuitous arguments about decibel level, track improvements to reduce noise, etc. and allow you to see firsthand what residents experience.
Gonna go get my earplugs...thanks for ruining yet another weekend
9/10/2022 SATURDAY 9:33 a.m. TracklT N Argyle and N
9 am is reliably announced by the torturous roar of the racetrack — like church bells in a European village, only without the community care and pleasant ring. The sound is penetrating, deafening, and
absurd. Hearing the cars buzzing around and around, burning fossil fuels under orange skies, is depressing. Every buzz yells, "We don't care about the climate, we don't care about the well-being of the
people in this neighborhood, we don't care about anything but ourselves. Me! Me! Me! Now! F everyone else. Me! Me! Me!"
9/10/2022 SATURDAY 4:42 p.m. Email N Hunt and N
AIR POLLUTION RELATED COMMENTS: COMMENT: Due to the fires burning around Oregon, air quality in Portland became untenable for me yesterday. I experienced and have been experiencing
dizziness, sore throat and a tightness in my chest, symptoms described below. I haven't been able to leave my apartment. To top it all off , the PIR classics (old cars using leaded fuel) races kicked off
today. So on top of feeling physically uncomfortable and fearful, not just about my well. being but that of my community, and the Earth, I'm forced to listen to the threatening roar of the raceway which, I
cannot make sense of in this historical moment
of global warming--wildfires in Central, Northeast, and Southwest Oregon, glacier's melting, nuclear power plants being weaponized, etc.. Is this part of the city's
Climate Unaction Plan I wonder.
4/6/2022 9:41 a.m. email N Houghton and N
The drag racing that's on Wednesdays was extremely loud. I took my kid to soccer practice at kenton park and could hear it there. Then went home and could still hear every single car that drove down
that track for hours with my house windows closed. What other park/ industrial area gets to do this from March until October, 5-6 days a week, for 5-12 hours per day? This city really needs to do
something for the health of the people in this northern section of north Portland. I've recently learned how noise can cause health issues that are up there with radon, second hand smoke, even lead.
Which by the way is being also used (in fuel) at the raceway. (Includes Screen shots of meter)
4/9/2022 1:16 p.m. email N Houghton and N
From 9am until 10pm we only get 1.5 hours off of loud engine noises. Maybe parks and rec can look into not holding events back to back like this? Give us more than 1.5 hours of silence. ( Includes a
snapshot of the calendar with Daytime "Hooked on Driving " event and also the "Night time Drags"
4/23/2022 11:14
email N Hunt and N
PIR in honor of Earth day, today and yesterday, spewing toxic racing fuel into the sunny Earth Day sky with the roar of pointless engines as if we don't get enough of that every day on the peninsula. I
want to be reimbursed for having to leave my neighborhood today to escape the noise.
Complaints 1, 2 and 3 this spring = S1,500.00.
5/21/2022 1:25 p.m. TracklTs #
N Russet and N
loud burst of sound coming from the Oregon Trail Rally. I was watching the track side and Kenton neighborhood monitor and there were will in excess of a dozen+ of more readings of over 65 db. I
would suggest the Kenton monitor lags a few seconds behind the monitor at the PIR. This disrupted my plans for an early bedtime and a peaceful evening. The weather was cloudless sky following a
dry day. It was obvious the sound decreased once the racing event ended. ( Oregon Trail Rally noted as source)
5/24/2022 3:26 p.m. email N Houghton and N
Todays 7 hour races are extremely noisy. I have my triple pane windows closed and still hear the sounds from 2500 feet away from the trackside. (ProDrive High performance school noted as source)
6/13/2022 1:01 p.m. email N Houghton and N
Drag races last Wednesday. Hope this helps you enforce the noise codes. (Includes Screen shots of meter) Noted two 104.7 readings trackside and one 105 reading trackside
6/14/2022 5:31 p.m. email N Houghton and N
Tonight's even is longer and louder than nascar was. Could we get the normal non varience events to be like nascar? Shorter racing times and quieter. The neighborhood monitor is hitting higher than
let me know how many times after 4pm to 9pm that the neighborhood hit over 65db tonight please. (Motorcorsa track day offered as source with calender provided ) ( Includes Screen Shots) Email
included a 64.5 dBA
6/15/2022 8:27 a.m. email N Delaware and N
Hello, Last night PIR had a motorcycle event that ran form 4-9pm. It's was loud. They consistently exceeded the 65db in the neighborhood. I have attached a screen shot showing the exceedance. (
Screen shot attached) Email included a 67.8 dBA
6/15/2022 1:21 p.m. TracklTs #
N Burrage and N
PIR was very loud and it sounded like there was a hornets nest from their home (this was this past weekend) and yesterday night they had motorcycles that were at PIR that were extremely loud (
Dates 06/14, 06/11-06/12 )
6/23/2022 10:14
email N Houghton and N
These type event that go non stop for 7 hours are rediculous. Already seeing few times the neighhood monitor go over 65db. just like last request (unanswered). How many over 65d hbas this event
produced? (Hooked On Driving Track Day listed as source)
6/23/2022 11:14
email N Hunt and N
9 am in the morning the dirty roar cranks up--will this go on all day?
What is their schedule?
The city is ridiculous in allow this unleaded fuel dump into the air of an already comprised part of town.
We are full; bore into a climate disaster--city has a climate action plan so to speak, end this blatant disregard
for the reality we are living in!!!
6/24/2022 11:30
email N Hunt and N
Friday morning the roar begins at 9am again.
My body feels the stress of it. Can't be good for one's health.
I have to close up my space to partially close it out so I can eat breakfast,
work in peace.
I give up and leave the neighborhood, trying to find a place to work until their done
driving around and around in a circle, releasing how many pounds of unleaded fuel
emission into the air in a neighborhood already struggling with bad air.
I would be happy to come to the city and give a presentation on the climate crisis, and how shutting down PIR
would be a huge step in reducing Portlan's carbon emissions.
Isn't there something about that in the city's climate action plan?
I so understand why people have moved out of this area: why they leave for the summer if they can.
As one angry neighbor said—they need to pay us for this sacrifice. Needless to say, I agree.
6/25/2022 10:42
email N Houghton and N
Todays event at raceway is so loud I can hear them with my windows closed and tv on. I get to enjoy 8 hours of this and
then another 4 hours of drag racing.
We really need to consider how many consecutive hours in a row we should be allowing of this noise. (Lucky Dog Racing )
Hello, I am writing again in regards to the noise level of PHI this weekend. It is day three of this excessive noise. I am aware of the variances that were approved for this event but I want you all to know
what the residents of Kenton are forced to deal with. The sound of these races is unbearable. On a nice sunny weekend we are again trapped in our homes with no open windows or forced to leave the
house to visit other parts of Portland to escaped the sound. I would like to know what actions you plan to take to give us a reprieve from this? I could see one day of this excessive sound, but to put us
through 3 days is really just a big f-you to all of us. Not to mention that as of the 2019 race logs (2022 is somehow not
8/5/2022 10:18
email N Hunt and N
Here's the update of the monetary cost I'm tracking for myself living next to this pollution pit. Hopefully other residents will start doing this.
As of today it's $1000.00 in damages:
--not being able to open my windows in the coolness of the morning before the heat socks in because the roar and my panicked awareness of leaded air pollution is already ramping up and being
added to the already compromised air in this area which I have to walk and ride through to get anywhere.
--not being able to sit out on my balcony in the cool morning before the heat socks in because of the roar and its leaded air pollution ramping up
--knowing that as a senior I, along with children, am one of the most impacted populations by this pollution, adding to the rest of the industrial pollution on the peninsula
I have to say I'm amazed that the city who fails to support the Frog Ferry, an actual climate emergency solution, thinks it's fine to run this pollution pit during a heat wave--dumping leaded fuel emissions
into the air accompanied by the noxious sound of pointless race cars, reminding me, and I'm sure other residents in this area, how we are failing to deal with this climate emergency! The city can't even
do doable things to address this nightmare we're sending our children into, let alone the hard, seemingly impossible things that will take strong leadership, foresight and creativity.
The city and its parks and rec have no credibility anymore as it seems unable to understand or address the Climate Emergency. So much more is needed right now.
I can only hope that the tarmac melts from the heat (this has actually happened at airports) making it impossible for this insanity to continue.
8/13/2022 8:36 p.m. TracklTs #
N Argyle and N
I cannot enjoy my yard or have friends over in the summer because of the noise from the racetrack. It even disturbs me in the house with all the windows closed and music playing to cover it. I am
going to sell my home because of the racetrack disturbance. ( Dates listed 6/01/20 to 8/13/22)
8/14/2022 9:21 a.m. TracklTs #
N Argyle and N
The PIR racetrack is so loud that even with all my windows and doors closed, I cannot concentrate in my own home. Also, I am on medical leave and need A LOT of sleep and the noise woke me up.
(Dates listed 8/14/2022)
8/14/2022 9:42 a.m. email N Hunt and N
This weekend very loud PIE. It's Sunday morning with race cars roaring down the street.
Impossible to sit out on the balcony and read or even stay inside--the decibel level to my ear, the piercing whine, surely
over the
65 mandated level. I'll have to go out of the neighborhood to find someplace to "relax." And I have a sprained ankle and
no car.
The amount owed to me now --$1,500.00.
We've had no public swimming pool in this area for the past three years, but the constant roar and lead pollution of the
This is a good WW article the city's refusal to deal with the environmentally unjust PIR problem.
This article refers to the "trust fund" for North Portland and neighborhoods? How much? Which neighborhoods?
If this exists, maybe this money could be used to renovate our Columbia pool? Or maybe even help fund the Frog Ferry
which the city doesn't think this sacrifical landscape deserves.
Angry and disappointed,
8/17/2022 11:35
TracklTs #
N Argyle and N
The PIR racetrack is so loud that even with all my windows and doors closed, I cannot concentrate in my own home. It is exhausting to deal with this all summer long.
8/26/2022 9:49 a.m. email N Hunt and N
Noise pollution from the PIR so loud this morning. Started at 9am and even with windows closed it hurts my ears..
I'm adding $500 for today's damage.
Just a tip: city shouldn't make rules, speed limits, ordinances, climate action plans, etc. it has no intention of enforcing.
8/26/2022 2:11 p.m. TracklTs #
N Argyle and N
Even with the doors and windows closed, thick thermal curtains that block noise, and the AC running, the noise from the racetrack is so loud I cannot concentrate in my home. It is even worse outside. I
cannot entertain friends in my yard (and I have created a beautiful garden) because the noise is so annoying.
8/28/2022 9:36 a.m. email N Delaware and N
Hello,PIR continues to break the law. This morning the track has consistently been well I've 65db in the neighborhood as seen in the screen shots I've included in the email.
Of course, this email will fall on deaf ears (pun intended) since the city or the noise office really doesn't care about the impact MR has on North Portlanders. It's truly a shame. ( Includes screen shots of
the Kenton Meter at 66.3 dB, 72.4 dB and 72.3 dB)
8/28/2022 10:44
TracklTs #
N Argyle and N
We finally had a cool enough night so that I could sleep with my windows open. Unfortunately, that meant that at 9am this morning when the racetrack started up it sounded like a buzzing swarm of
mosquitos, wasps and hornets swirled around me. This was not a pleasant way to start my day. I am on medical leave and need a lot of rest and starting the day with this disturbing noise is not helping
9/16/2022 10:46
email N Hunt and N
Yesterday, during an early zoom class on Gender and Radiation the PIR roar started up. It became, though not as piercingly
loud as the nascar races, loud enough to add stress to my body, my morning. It became difficult to focus on the class. I
left my space as soon as I could escape. Returning for another meeting about the River cleanup around 1:30, again
assaulted by the noise.
This morning's roar has begun.
2 days of stress and emissions - $1000.
9/18/2022 10:01
TracklTs #
N Argyle and N
The number one thing I need to improve my health is deep, restorative rest. Despite my herculean efforts, from creating a quiet, cool place to sleep, setting myself up for the best sleep with various
practices, and taking appropriate supplements, the raceway consistently damages my health. It delays my healing by rudely interrupting the rest I need to recover. My medical expenses are more than
$2k/mo + double that in lost wages. I can guarantee that any "economic benefit" from the racetrack does not make up for that. The noise from the racetrack costs me time, money, health, and well-
being and is unacceptable. Unfortunately, lam not yet well enough to go through the stress of selling my house and moving, so I am stuck in this destructive spiral. I am so tired of this.
9/18/22 and seemingly all the time 9am /late
9/24/2022 9:26 a.m. TracklTs #
N Argyle and N
I would like to be able to concentrate and/or rest in my home. Is that really too much to ask? Noise disturbance is schedule for more than 12 hours today! This is insane and unacceptable. 9/24/22 and
9/24/2022 1:30 p.m. email N Hunt and N
PordandlnternationalRaceway, the racetrack that the city owns and operates in North Portland, hosts several events each summer that allow the use of leaded racing fuel. The track sells around 3,000
gallons of leaded racing fuel per year, accounting for emissions of 25 lbs of lead — a quantity that makes PIR one of the top 2-3 lead polluters in the city. Kenton Nh'd fact sheet
Does the PiR season ever end?
Can't believe I'm having to wear ear plugs in my work space on a Thursday rainy afternoon.
What the" ?
City of Portland you are becoming so useless and unbelievable. Try doing some thing right! No more leaded gas emissions
in North Portland! Take it to your neighborhoods for a change.
$1000 over the top noise pollution fine for today.
9/29/2022 11:43
TracklTs #
N Argyle and N
When will this end? The PIR schedule says people have the "time of their lives" (at the expense of people trying to live, heal, and work in this neighborhood. Again, there are events scheduled until 10
pm tonight, starting again at 9am tomorrow until 10 pm tomorrow night and again Saturday at 9am and 7 am on Sunday!!! This is torture. 9/29/22 and any day the weather is tolerable
9/29/2022 8:19 p.m. email N Hunt and N
I second this as Laura's neighbor.
I add $1000 more on top of my legal claim against the city as a single mom to two children growing up in this toxicity.
What a perfect autumn day stolen from us.
Please forward all of our claims to your risk management department.
9/30/2022 9:07 a.m. TracklTs #
N Argyle and N
I am working on a grant application and the racetrack sound is too loud for me to concentrate. This is the opposite of providing a financial benefit. It hinders me from being able to do work. THIS IS
UNACCEPTABLE in a residential neighborhood.
9/30/2022 and again and again.
9/30/2022 10:28
email N Hunt and N
Congratsl city parks and rec!!! News of the fourth leak in the Nordstream fossil fuel pipeline under the Baltic Sea today, the largest in history and its spewing methane out into an already fraught global
climate! By abusing the use of fossil fuels in Portland the city adds its support to this crisis enabling the climate disaster beyond our imagination.
As PIR roared on today at 9am, as the raging race cars spew their leaded fuel into already heavily polluted air into my neighborhood, and as my jaw and body tenses, my attention scatters, I mourn for
this Earth tragedy and all of the clueless leaders that enable things like PIRs pointless lust for fuel and noise.
I don't look forward to a weekend of stink and roar and searching for a place to work, so I'll just fine you for it now, added to today's fine, $1,500.
10/15/2022 9:53 a.m. email N Hunt and N
Those of us living in North Portland closest to PIR had a couple of "quiet" weekends at the end of last month and the first weekend of October. And though I heard vague racing during the week I tried
to pretend it wasn't PIR pollution. Today, Saturday, the roar started around 9am and now I have raging race cars blasting through my space, despite ear plugs. There is no way I will be able to stay in
my place today with today at this decibel level. My body registers an attack, and that it surely is. When I went out to listen I saw a neighbor do the same thing—it's frighteningly loud.
I received no notice of a noise variance going into October or for late September for that matter. This week the air quality has been poor, heavy smog from wildfires. To try and stay inside out of that air
only to be blasted by PIR (leaded gas)
inside--well, it's torture plain and simple. Our fears about the changing weather due to global warming, no real fall this year to speak of, and the city in all of its ignorance allowing racing, dumping yet
more carbon unnecessarily into the air-are not allayed. While going around to community meetings of late cheerleading its "climate action plan" and its interest in renewable diesel which allows the
Zenith oil terminal to continue moving crude through Portland for five more years....the city embarasses itself.
The fine has gone up because there's obviously no peace or protection from these race attacks in sight. as long as the climate weather allows: $1000.
10/15/2022 10:16
email N Delaware and N
PIR has consistently been well over city code in the Kenton Neighborhood all morning, and this race runs until 10pm tonight. Enough with the lawlessness. (includes screen shots of decibel levels)
10/15/2022 11:50
email Portsmouth Resident Dear Representatives and Elected Leaders:
Please help us in Kenton. I second everything Laura Feldman just wrote.
$1000.00 liability claim. Please forward to your insurance agent/risk department and let me know what else you need for
this claim.
Thank you,
Resident of Portsmouth Neighborhood
In a city that is not by any stretch of the imagination
green, clean or sustainable
10/15/2022 3:58 p.m. TracklTs #
N Foss and N Foss
race cars from PIR 9/15/2022 9am - 6pm
10/15/2022 7:40 p.m. email N Hunt and N
As I moved out of my neighborhood today to try and find a quiet place to be, I talked with different folks, store clerks,
acquaintances outside of my neighborhood and all seemed to know about the horrible PIR noise.
When I got home around 5pm it was still roaring. I blasted my music for a couple of hours to drown it out and now I want
to relax, but the PIR roar is as loud as it was this morning at 9am!
As I emailed Noise control earlier, I need to know how much carbon the city has allowed PIR to dump in the air today, how
much leaded fuel was used.
Please provide this info to me. If I need to research it, I will charge you for the time I spend doing it.
This noise and air pollution is simply not acceptable. The city needs to keep its climate action plan promises to itself until
it knows what climate disaster actually is!
10/15/2022 7:52 p.m. TracklTs #
N Argyle and N
This is miserable. lam losing my mind because of the noise. lam crawling out of my skin and feel nauseous from not getting the sleep I need. The city's basic contract with its residents is to not harm
them. The City of Portland has violated that. Ya Basta. Enough. 10/15/22 and for fing ever
10/16/2022 10:06
TracklTs #
N Argyle and N
Exterior Industrial Sounds. Will this torture ever end? 10/16/22 and always
10/29/2022 4:55 p.m. email N Hunt and N
October 29th, 9am, and the PIR racing season endlessly roars into life. The dump of carbon and leaded fuel into the air along with the unacceptable noise pollution, rages down on us, those of us close
enough to live on or near the North Portland Peninsula. This sacrificial landscape that has shouldered and still shoulders many industrial contaminants and health risks is still being asked to do
Portland's heavy lifting, while paying obscene property taxes for the privilege of doing so.
My morning has for all intents and purposes ended. I put in my ear plugs to mute the roaring and whining of race cars going around and around in a circle, and make plans to leave my apartment for the
day, to find some place else where I can work without feeling this anxiety that the noise provokes.
The cost of today's damages and yesterday's, $1,000. I called the city's noise complaint office or its
Office of Community & Civic Life's Noise Program supports the city's lively spirit, safety, and health by reviewing requests for City Noise Code variances ...
to complain about the noise, furious that it's still going on, in the rain! and well as during wildfire smoke! to the end of the world I guess, and am told again, there's nothing they or I can do. Nothing we
can do about this addition to climate breakdown, and its harmful health impacts on nearby children and seniors— nothing.
Then there is nothing that makes me take the city's climate emergency plan seriously. The city's cover up of what it is actually (not) doing to address climate breakdown has become garingly apparent:
allowing the Zenith Oil terminal to continue to move dangerous crude and tar sands oil through the city for five more years; running the PIR for profit, I've been told the city needs (?); and continuing to
ignore the Central Energy Infrastructure Hub on the lower Willamette, the apocalypse waiting to happen in the event of the long-expected Cascadia subduction zone earthquake
I wholeheartedly support proposed ballot measure 26-228, to re-invent the city's old-fashioned, commissioner-based form of power, so that we might have a chance of lurching towards addthe climate
crisis in some meaningful way.