U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ID
I-327 U.S. Permit to Re-enter Travel
I-551 Permanent Resident Card
I-571 U.S. Refugee Travel Document
I-766 Employment Authorization
U.S. passport card
U.S. passport (not an emergency passport)
Verication letter from Washington State
Department of Children, Youth, and Families
for foster youth
Driver license, photo instruction permit, ID card
issued by U.S. state or territory expired 1 - 6
U.S. Certicate of Citizenship or Naturalization
(when bearers signature and photo are not
readily identiable)
U.S. passport (book or card) expired not more
than 1 year. An emergency passport is not
U.S. Visa
Electronic verication letter if you are under
supervision by one of these agencies:
WA Dept. of Corrections (DOC)
U.S. Federal Corrections
DCYF Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration
WA DOC oender ID badge
Federally recognized Indian tribal enrollment
card or U.S. Bureau of Indian Aairs ID card with
signature and photo
Foreign passport with one of the following:
Valid U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(USCBP) entry form I-94/I-94W
Valid temporary I-551 ADIT stamp
Valid U.S. Visa with the text “upon
endorsement serves as temporary I-551
evidencing permanent residence for one
year” and a valid DHS admission stamp
With I-551 annotation that is expired on
the visa, but less than 1 year since date of
admission on the DHS admission stamp
El Salvador ID card
Guatemala Consulate ID card
Guatemala Identity card
Honduras Matricula Consular ID card
Honduras ID card
Peru National ID Document
Japan Driver License
Mexico Matricula Consular ID card
Mexico Federal Electoral card issued 1991 or
later with identiable photo
Documents that establish name and date of birth
Birth certicate, U.S. or foreign, certied (Puerto
Rico birth certicates must have an issue date of
July 1, 2010, or later to be accepted)
Birth registration card, certied
Consular report of birth abroad
Court-issued adoption papers
Ward of the court decree/Order of dependency
Driver license, photo instruction permit, ID card
issued by U.S. state or territory expired more
than 6 years
Veriable foreign driver license or ID card,
expired not more than 6 years
U.S. passport (book or card), expired more than
1 year
Proof of identity
To prove identity, show us any of the following:
One choice from the Stand-Alone List of
Two documents from the A-List
One A-List document and two documents from
the B-List
At least four B-List documents, including:
One document must establish name and
date of birth
Document acceptance criteria
We accept only original documents or certied
copies. Documents are certied by the issuing
authority with an original embossed or ink seal.
The documents listed may change without
notice. Unless otherwise noted, all documents
must be valid. A document is invalid if it is
expired, invalidated, voided, or in a condition
that obscures information or security features
Stand-Alone List
Driver license, photo instruction permit, or ID
card issued by U.S. state or territory, valid or
expired not more than 1 year
Refugee verication packet
U.S. armed services/military ID card
U.S. B1/B2 Visa Border Crossing card
U.S. Certicate of Citizenship or Naturalization
(bearers signature and photo are readily
Foreign passport, valid or expired not more than
6 years
WA concealed weapons permit
NEXUS, SENTRI, or FAST Border Crossing
U.S. Merchant Mariners card, valid or expired
not more than 6 years
Military DD-214
Documents that show name and date of birth or
signature or photo
School yearbook or copy certied by the school
School transcript or record with date of birth,
school biographical data sheet with photo, or
forms I-20 or DS-2019 for foreign exchange
Mexican school record with seal and photo at
age when issued
Clearance letter/ADR from another state’s DMV
issued within the last 30 days
Marriage license or certicate, certied by the
issuing government authority
Divorce decree with name and signature,
certied by the issuing government authority
Medicare card with name and signature (Not
DSHS medical card)
Professional license (nursing, physician,
engineer, etc.)
Police Employee ID card issued by WA state,
city or county
Transportation worker ID credential (TWIC)
Veteran Administration ID card
Federal or state agency employee ID card with
signature and photo
Selective Service card
Social Security card, signed
This brochure will assist you in meeting the requirements to obtain a standard driver license,
identication (ID) card, or instruction permit. Additional documents are required to get an
enhanced driver license (EDL) or enhanced identication card (EID), original commercial learners
permit (CLP) or commercial driver license (CDL). For more information about these requirements
visit our website at www.dol.wa.gov
When you go to the driver licensing oce, you will need to present proof of identity, and provide
your Social Security number if you are applying for a driver license. You must provide your current
Washington residential address and mailing address, if dierent.
Persons needing access to DOL programs and services
should contact (360) 902-3900, or 711 relay for persons
who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Or contact us by
DLE-520-451 (R/3/23)
Applicants age 25 and younger may meet ID
requirements by providing:
Parent or guardian with proof of identity from
Stand-Alone list
A document from the A-List, or a document from
the B-List that establishes name and date of
birth of the applicant
Relationship document connecting the parent
or guardian to the applicant such as a birth
certicate or adoption papers
Customers 18 years of age or older who have been
assigned court guardians due to mental or physical
impairment may meet ID requirements by providing:
Court assigned guardian with proof of identity
from Stand-Alone list
Court document assigning guardianship
A document from the A-List, or a document from
the B-List that establishes name and date of
birth of the applicant
Customers enrolled in Job Corps may meet ID
requirements by providing:
A document from the A-List, or a document from
the B-List that establishes name and date of
birth of the applicant
Job Corps ID card of the applicant
Social Security Number
You must provide your Social Security number when
you apply for a driver license. If you have not been
issued one, you may sign a declaration form when
you visit our oce.
We will verify your number with the Social Security
It will not appear on your driver license. We cannot
issue a commercial driver license if you don’t have a
Social Security number.
42 USC 405 and 666(a) (13), RCW 26.23.150,
49 CFR 383.153, RCW 46.25.070
Your Photograph
Your new photo document will show a full front view
of your face. Before we take your picture, we will ask
you to remove anything covering your face or head
(like a hat or sunglasses). If you choose not to, your
license will be marked “Not Valid for Identication.”
Exceptions will be made for medical and religious
Foreign Documents
We will make every eort to translate them. If
no bilingual sta is available, we may ask you to
provide a certied English translation provided by
a certied translator with the original documents.
Some examples of a certied translator include
DSHS certied translators, Washington State Court
certied translators, Federal Court Translators, foreign
government entity, consulate or embassy, etc. For
more information, visit our website at www.dol.wa.gov
ID Review
If you’re unable to provide identifying documentation
as specied in this ID brochure, you may request that
the department review other available documentation
in order to conrm identity. The department may waive
the requirement if it nds that other documentation
clearly establishes your identity. Advise DOL sta of
your lack of required documentation, and request an
ID review be discussed as an option.
If you’re under 18, have parental permission, and
are applying for a driver license, you must also have
completed an approved trac safety education
course. Your trac safety education school will send
us proof. For more information, visit our website at
Change of Name or Address
If your name has changed, you must come to a
driver licensing oce within 10 days and get a new
license. Bring your current license or ID card and any
Stand- Alone documents or a marriage certicate/
license certied by the issuing government authority,
court order, divorce decree, or evidence of other legal
action changing your name.
If your address has changed, you must update your
record within 10 days. Visit our website at www.dol.
wa.gov to update online, or visit a driver licensing
Washington State complies with the federal REAL
ID Act by oering U.S. citizens an Enhanced Driver
License (EDL) or Enhanced ID card (EID). Not only
is it a REAL ID compliant document, it is a federally
approved alternate travel document to a passport
for reentry into the U.S. from land and seaports
in Canada, Mexico, Bermuda and the Caribbean.
It provides an easy and convenient document for
Washington State residents who are U.S. citizens
traveling across our borders by land or sea.
In order for WA to fully comply with the federal
REAL ID Act, all standard (non-enhanced) WA driver
licenses, ID cards, and instruction permits will be
marked with “Federal Limits Apply” to indicate they
are not valid for federal identication. You may
continue to use your marked or unmarked card for
boarding airplanes and accessing secure federal
facilities that do not require a REAL ID compliant
document until May 7, 2025.
Additional documents are required to get an EDL or
EID. For more information, visit our website at: