When you need
support for you
and your family
2323 Grand Bouleva rd
Kansas City, MO 64108-2670
T 816.474.2345
F 816.881.8996
w w w. a s s u r a n t e m p l oye e b e n e f i t s . c o m
©2005 Assurant
KC3330A (8/2005)
Assurant Employee
Benefits has arranged
with New Directions
to offer support for
you and your family
with EssentialAssist
and EssentialAssist
Assurant Employee
Benefits has arranged
with New Directions
to offer support for
you and your family
with EssentialAssist
and EssentialAssist
Making an appointment
Call the New Directions Employee
Assistance Program to arrange a
confidential appointment.
913.982.8398 • 800.624.5544
KC3330A Assurant 8/12/05 9:15 AM Page 1
Services are
easy to access
With EssentialAssist
and EssentialAssist
, you have access to:
24-hour Clinical Referral Center, via a toll-free
Telephone assessments, consultations and
referrals to local resources and services.
24-hour website feature, Personal Directions,
with a dedicated log in code for online infor-
mation that addresses work/life issues.
Services are
Neither your employer nor co-workers have
knowledge of your request for help.
Your confidentiality is protected by federal law.
Services are cost-free
The EAP is part of your employee benefit
There is no charge to you for this service.
New Directions
Since 1978, New Directions has been helping
employees and family members. Their
counselors have years of clinical experience in
assisting people with issues they face at work
and at home, such as:
Marital and relationship issues
Family concerns
Stress, anxiety and depression
Drug and alcohol concerns
Work-related issues
Legal referrals
Financial referrals
Other personal problems
Help with
personal issues
Sometimes life throws you a curve ball; you
and your family may have trouble coping at
times due to troubled relationships, family
concerns, stress anxiety and depression, drug
and alcohol concerns, legal and financial
referrals, work-related issues and other
personal issues. EssentialAssist
EssentialAssist Plus
are employee assistance
programs* included with your coverage from
Assurant Employee Benefits that can help.
What is an Employee
Assistance Program?
An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is
a free and confidential counseling service
available to employees and their families.
The EAP service offers caring, professional
help for a broad range of concerns from
routine problems to serious life issues.
Professional services
provided by New
Assurant Employee Benefits is pleased to have
selected New Directions to provide you and
your family members with a benefit to help
you with a variety of life’s challenges. New
Directions has provided EAP services for our
insureds, nationwide since 1992 and has been
our own EAP provider since 1983.
How to access
EssentialAssist Plus
The New Directions website, accessed at
www.ndbh.com, provides confidential access
to online information about your company’s
EAP and behavioral health issues. Content
More than 5,000 articles, videos and tools
such as assessments and calculators are
included in the online work-life program.
Information is organized into six cate-
gories: Life Balance, Financial, Legal,
Health, Mental Health and Training.
Sign up for e-Directions, a weekly email
tips program.
Depression screening.
Online newsletter, Balanced Life.
To speak to a counselor or to learn
more about your EssentialAssist
EssentialAssist Plus
plan, simply call
1-800-624-5544 or go to
To assist you with life challenges!
913.982.8398 800.624.5544
* S e r vices provided by New Dire c t i o n s
B e h a v i o r al Health. This service does not
constitute insura n c e .
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