Updated December 5
, 2018
Relationship to other Nature Research journals ................. 1
Content Types .................................................................... 1
Editorial and Publishing Policies ......................................... 1
Initial Submission ................................................................ 1
Formatting .......................................................................... 2
Resubmission ..................................................................... 5
Peer Review and Publication .............................................. 6
Post-Acceptance ................................................................ 7
This document will help you when preparing your
manuscript for initial submission and resubmission to a
Nature Partner Journal. Please ensure that you
familiarise yourself with our editorial policies as outlined
in this section before submitting your work. An overview
of key information on submitting primary research is also
available in our brief guide to manuscript submission in
PDF format.
Once you have prepared your manuscript, the Initial
Submission section will provide you with information on
the submission system, while our editorial criteria and
processes are described in the Peer review and
publication section.
For information on the journal aims & scope, as well as
content types, please refer to the About the Journal
section on the individual journal website.
Relationship to other Nature Research journals
The Nature Partner Journals are open access, online-only,
Nature Research journals published by Springer Nature in
collaboration with internationally renowned partners.
Each Nature Partner Journal is editorially independent. The
editors make their own decisions, independently of the
other Nature Research journals.
If a paper is rejected from one Nature Research journal,
the authors can use an automated manuscript transfer
service to submit the paper to another journal via a link
sent to them by the editor handling the manuscript.
For more information, please consult the following:
Details of the manuscript transfer service
Listing of all Nature journals
A general explanation of the relationship between Nature
Research titles
Content Types
Please refer to the About the Journal section on the
individual journal website for details on what content
types are considered.
Editorial and Publishing Policies
As part of Nature Research, the Nature Partner Journals
follow a number of common policies as detailed in our
authors and referees site and we request that our
authors and prospective authors abide by them.
In particular, when you submit a manuscript to the Nature
Partner Journals its content must not significantly overlap
with any other papers from you or your co-authors
groups that are under consideration or in press at other
journals, with the exception of conference abstracts. We
do, however, support the posting of the pre-review
version of the manuscript on preprint servers.
If you submit a related manuscript to any other journal
while the submission to a Nature Partner Journal is
under consideration, you must send us a copy of the
related manuscript and details of its progress towards
publication. We reserve the right to decline publication of
a paper even after it has been accepted if it becomes
apparent that there are serious problems with the
scientific content or violations of our publishing policies.
Some of our policies you need to familiarise yourself with
are listed below:
Author responsibilities
Duplicate publication
Confidentiality and pre-publicity
Plagiarism and fabrication
Competing interests
Licence agreement and author copyright
Embargo policy and press releases
Availability of materials and data
Digital image integrity and standards
Refutations, complaints and corrections
Compliance with open access mandates
Security concerns
Correction and retraction
Use of experimental animals and human
Initial Submission
We do not request manuscripts to be formatted in Nature
Partner Journals style for initial submissions, as long as
the study is described in a fashion that is suitable for
editorial assessment and peer review.
You can submit either a single PDF file that includes the
manuscript text and any display items, or separate files
for text, figures and tables. Besides the manuscript files,
you should also provide a cover letter addressed to the
editors and any supplementary information.
Presubmission inquiries
If you are unsure whether your paper is in scope for a
Nature Partner Journal, you can submit a pre-submission
enquiry, providing at least an abstract of your work.
Updated December 5
, 2018
Manuscript files
The manuscript file must contain the following essential
Names and affiliations of all co-authors. The
primary affiliation for each author should be the
institution where the majority of their work was
done. If an author has subsequently moved, the
current address may also be stated. The
corresponding author should be identified with an
A detailed description of the findings of the work
(by means of text and display items), including
sufficient information on methods and materials
which would enable replication of the study by a
fellow expert. As a guideline, the text should be
structured in broad sections (abstract,
introduction, results, discussion, methods).
References to previous works.
If the manuscript includes personal communications,
please provide a written statement of permission from any
person who is quoted. E-mail permission messages are
Our formatting requirements are detailed below, and
information on sections, length limits and figure limits are
detailed in the About the Journal page on each journal
website according to content type. While we do not ask
you to comply with these requirements for initial
submissions, they will be enforced prior to acceptance of
the work. We accept manuscripts in PDF, Word or
TeX/LaTeX formats; if you are using TeX/LaTeX, we
prefer that you submit compiled PDFs up until the pre-
acceptance stage. All textual content should be provided
in a single file; figures should be provided in individual
files (see below).
Supplementary information
Any information (including display items) not directly
related to the description of the main findings, but needed
to properly understand and replicate the study, should be
included in a supplementary information file, which can be
submitted as a PDF, Word or TeX/LaTeX document. The
supplementary information document will be sent to peer
reviewers alongside the manuscript file.
Papers submitted to the Nature Partner Journals should
be accessible to non-specialists; you should ensure that
your findings are communicated clearly. Although a
shared basic knowledge of scientific language may be
assumed, please bear in mind that the language and
concepts that are standard in one subfield may be
unfamiliar to colleagues working in another area. Thus,
technical jargon should be avoided as far as possible and
clearly explained where its use is unavoidable.
Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and should be
defined at their first occurrence. The background,
rationale and main conclusions of the study should be
clearly explained. Titles and abstracts in particular should
be written in language that will be readily intelligible to any
No paper will be rejected for poor language. However, if
you would like assistance with writing your manuscript,
you can consider asking colleagues for their input and/or
use a professional editing service such as those provided
by our affiliates Nature Research Editing Service or
American Journal Experts. The use of a language editing
service has no bearing on editorial decisions and is not a
requirement for publication.
Cover letter
Providing a cover letter can help you convey the work's
importance to the editors and explain why you consider it
appropriate for the readership of a particular Nature
Partner Journal. You must disclose details of any related
manuscripts that you have under consideration or in press
elsewhere, and you can provide suggested reviewers to
include, or ask individuals to be excluded from peer
review (explaining why). Finally, you should indicate
whether you have had any prior discussions with a Nature
Partner Journal editor about the work described in the
manuscript. The cover letter is not transmitted to peer
Life sciences reporting guidelines
To improve the transparency of reporting and the
reproducibility of published results, authors of life sciences
research articles must provide a completed reporting
summary that will be made available to editors and
reviewers during manuscript assessment. The reporting
summary will be published with all accepted manuscripts.
All authors must also complete an editorial policy checklist
to ensure compliance with Nature Research editorial
Please note: because of the advanced features used in
these forms, you must use Adobe Reader to open the
documents and fill them out.
Guidance and resources related to the use and reporting
of statistics for life sciences are available here.
The manuscript text file should include the following parts,
in order: a title page with author names, affiliations and
contact information (the corresponding author should be
identified with an asterisk); the sections required for each
content type, then Acknowledgements (optional), Author
Contributions, Competing Interests statement,
References, Figure Legends, and Tables.
The Nature Partner Journals do not use a manuscript
template for Word documents. The manuscript file should
be formatted as double-spaced, single-column text without
justification. Pages should be numbered using an Arabic
numeral in the footer of each page. Standard fonts are
recommended and the 'symbols' font should be used for
representing Greek characters.
To submit a TeX/LaTeX file, please use any of the
standard class files such as article.cls, revtex.cls or
amsart.cls. All textual material should be provided as a
single file in default Computer Modern fonts. Please avoid
Updated December 5
, 2018
non-standard fonts and packages and remove all
personal macros before submitting. For graphics, we
recommend graphicx.sty. Please use numerical
references only for citations, and include the references
within the manuscript file itself. If you wish to use BibTeX,
please copy the reference list from the .bbl file, paste it
into the main manuscript .tex file, and delete the
associated \bibliography and \bibliographystyle
commands. Before submission, please ensure that the
complete .tex file compiles successfully on your own
system with no errors or warnings. There is no need to
spend time visually formatting the manuscript: our style
will be imposed automatically when the paper is prepared
for publication.
The Methods section should be written as concisely as
possible but should contain all elements necessary to
allow interpretation and replication of the results.
Authors can deposit the step-by-step protocols used in
their study to Protocol Exchange, an open resource
maintained by Nature Research. Protocols deposited by
the authors will be linked to the Online Methods section
upon publication.
The Methods section should be subdivided by short bold
headings referring to methods used and we encourage
the inclusion of specific subsections for statistics,
reagents and animal models.
New structures
Manuscripts reporting new structures should contain a
table summarizing structural and refinement statistics. To
facilitate assessment of the quality of the structural data,
a stereo image of a portion of the electron density map
(for crystallography papers) or of the superimposed
lowest energy structures (>10; for NMR papers) should be
provided with the submitted manuscript. If the reported
structure represents a novel overall fold, a stereo image
of the entire structure (as a backbone trace) should also
be provided.
Acknowledgements should be brief, and should not
include thanks to anonymous referees and editors, or
effusive comments. Grant or contribution numbers may be
Author contributions
Nature Partner Journals require an Author Contribution
statement as described in the Authorship section of our
Editorial policies.
Competing interests
Submission of a signed Competing Interests Statement is
required for all content of the journal. This statement will
be published at the end of all articles, whether or not a
competing interest is reported.
References are numbered sequentially as they appear in
the text, methods, tables, figure legends. Only one
publication is given for each number. Only papers that
have been published or accepted by a named publication
or recognized preprint server should be in the numbered
list. Meeting abstracts that are not published and papers
in preparation should be mentioned in the text with a list
of authors (or initials if any of the authors are co-authors
of the present contribution). Published conference
abstracts, numbered patents and research datasets that
have been assigned a digital object identifier may be
included in the reference list. URLs for web sites should
be cited parenthetically in the text, not in the reference
list; articles in formal, peer-reviewed online journals
should be included in the reference list. Grant details and
acknowledgments are not permitted as numbered
references. Footnotes are not used.
The Nature Partner Journals use standard Nature
referencing style. All authors should be included in
reference lists unless there are more than five, in which
case only the first author should be given, followed by 'et
al.'. Authors should be listed last name first, followed by a
comma and initials (followed by full stops) of given names.
Article titles should be in Roman text, the first word of the
title should be capitalized and the title written exactly as it
appears in the work cited, ending with a full stop. Book
titles should be given in italics and all words in the title
should have initial capitals. Journal names are italicized
and abbreviated (with full stops) according to common
usage. Volume numbers and the subsequent comma
appear in bold.
Titles of cited articles are required for all articles.
Example: Eigler, D. M. & Schweizer, E. K. Positioning
single atoms with a scanning tunnelling microscope.
Nature 344, 524-526 (1990).
For book citations, the publisher and city of publication are
required. Example: Jones, R. A. L. Soft Machines:
Nanotechnology and Life Ch. 3 (Oxford Univ. Press,
Oxford, 2004).
Research datasets may be cited in the reference list if
they have been assigned digital object identifiers (DOIs)
and include authors, title, publisher (repository name),
identifier (DOI expressed as a URL). Example:
Hao, Z., AghaKouchak, A., Nakhjiri, N. & Farahmand, A.
Global Integrated Drought Monitoring and Prediction
System (GIDMaPS) data sets. Figshare
http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.853801 (2014).
To cite a preprint, please follow this style: Babichev, S. A.,
Ries, J. & Lvovsky, A. I. Quantum scissors: teleportation
of single-mode optical states by means of a nonlocal
single photon. Preprint at http://arXiv.org/quant-
ph/0208066 (2002).
Figure legends
Figure legends begin with a brief title for the whole figure
and continue with a short description of each panel and
the symbols used, focusing on describing what is shown
in the figure and de-emphasizing methodological details.
The meaning of all error bars and how they were
calculated should be described. Each legend should total
no more than 250 words.
Please submit tables at the end of your text document (in
Word or TeX/LaTeX, as appropriate). Tables that include
statistical analysis of data should describe their standards
of error analysis and ranges in a table legend.
Updated December 5
, 2018
Figures should be numbered separately with Arabic
numerals in the order of occurrence in the text of the
manuscript. One- or two-column format figures are
preferred. When appropriate, figures should include error
bars. A description of the statistical treatment of error
analysis should be included in the figure or scheme
Figure lettering should be in a clear, sans-serif typeface
(for example, Helvetica); if possible, the same typeface in
approximately the same font size should be used for all
figures in a paper. Use symbol font for Greek letters. All
display items should be on a white background, and
should avoid excessive boxing, unnecessary colour,
spurious decorative effects (such as three-dimensional
'skyscraper' histograms) and highly pixelated computer
drawings. The vertical axis of histograms should not be
truncated to exaggerate small differences. Labelling must
be of sufficient size and contrast to be readable, even
after appropriate reduction. The thinnest lines in the final
figure should be no smaller than one point wide.
Reasonable requests to enlarge figures will be
considered, but editors will make the final decision on
figure size. Authors will see a proof of figures.
Figures divided into parts should be labelled with a lower-
case bold a, b, and so on, in the same type size as used
elsewhere in the figure. Lettering in figures should be in
lower-case type, with only the first letter of each label
capitalized. Units should have a single space between the
number and the unit, and follow SI nomenclature (for
example, ms rather than msec) or the nomenclature
common to a particular field. Thousands should be
separated by commas (1,000). Unusual units or
abbreviations should be spelled out in full or defined in
the legend. Scale bars should be used rather than
magnification factors, with the length of the bar defined in
the legend rather than on the bar itself. In legends, please
use visual cues rather than verbal explanations, such as
"open red triangles".
Authors are encouraged to consider the needs of
colourblind readers (a substantial minority of the male
population) when choosing colours for figures. Many
colourblind readers cannot interpret visuals that rely on
discrimination of green and red, for example. Thus, we
ask authors to recolor green-and-red heatmaps, graphs
and schematics for which colours are chosen arbitrarily.
Recoloring primary data, such as fluorescence or rainbow
pseudo-coloured images, to colour-safe combinations
such as green and magenta, turquoise and red, yellow
and blue or other accessible colour palettes is strongly
Unnecessary figures should be avoided: data presented
in small tables or histograms, for instance, can generally
be stated briefly in the text instead. Figures should not
contain more than one panel unless the parts are logically
connected; each panel of a multipart figure should be
sized so that the whole figure can be reduced by the
same amount and reproduced on the printed page at the
smallest size at which essential details are visible.
When a manuscript is accepted for publication, we will
ask for high-resolution figure files, possibly in a different
electronic format. This information will be included in the
acceptance letter. See below for details of digital image
production and submission.
Gene nomenclature
Authors should use approved nomenclature for gene
symbols, and use symbols rather than italicized full names
(Ttn, not titin). Please consult the appropriate
nomenclature databases for correct gene names and
symbols. A useful resource is Entrez Gene. Approved
human gene symbols are provided by HUGO Gene
Nomenclature Committee (HGNC). Approved mouse
symbols are provided by The Jackson Laboratory.
For proposed gene names that are not already approved,
please submit the gene symbols to the appropriate
nomenclature committees as soon as possible, as these
must be deposited and approved before publication of an
Avoid listing multiple names of genes (or proteins)
separated by a slash, as in 'Oct4/Pou5f1', as this is
ambiguous (it could mean a ratio, a complex, alternative
names or different subunits). Use one name throughout
and include the other at first mention: 'Oct4 (also known
as Pou5f1)'.
Supplementary information
Supplementary information should be submitted with the
manuscript and will be sent to referees during peer
review. Supplementary information is not copy-edited, so
authors should ensure that it is clearly and succinctly
presented, and that the style and terminology conform
with the rest of the paper. The following guidelines detail
the creation, citation and submission of supplementary
information. Please note that modification of
supplementary information after the paper is published
requires a formal correction, so authors are encouraged to
check their supplementary information carefully before
submitting the final version.
Designate each item as Supplementary Table, Figure,
Video, Audio, Notes, Data, Discussion or Equations.
Number Supplementary Tables and Figures as, for
example, "Supplementary Table 1". This numbering
should be separate from that used in tables and figures
appearing in the main printed article. Supplementary
Notes should not be numbered and can have an optional
title. Please provide a title for Supplementary Tables and
a title and a caption for Supplementary Figures,
Supplementary Video and Supplementary Notes. The
latter should only be used in consultation with the editors
for specific elements best presented in Supplementary
Information, such as standalone descriptions related to
methods (for example algorithm description, compound
synthesis and characterization). Please note that
Supplementary Methods will no longer be allowed.
Refer to each piece of supplementary information at least
once within the text of the main article, at the appropriate
point(s). Be sure to include the word "Supplementary"
each time one is mentioned. Please do not refer to
individual panels of supplementary figures.
Please also ensure that, where relevant, the appropriate
reporting guidance checklist (e.g. CONSORT for
randomised controlled trials, PRISMA for systematic
Updated December 5
, 2018
reviews, and STROBE for cohort, case-control and cross-
sectional studies) has been completed and submitted as a
supplementary file. These can be obtained from
Figure files should be submitted as web-ready files
through the online submission system. With the exception
of spreadsheet, audio and video files, please submit the
supplementary information as a single combined PDF, if
possible. If necessary, we can accept any of these
.txt | Plain ASCII text
.gif | GIF image
.htm, .html | HTML document
.doc, .docx | MS Word document
.jpg | JPEG image
.swf | Flash movie
.xls, .xlsx | MS Excel spreadsheet
.pdf | Adobe Acrobat file
.mov | QuickTime movie
.ppt, .pptx | MS Power Point slide
.wav | Audio file
Compressed Archive File (.zip),
Encapsulated Postcript (.eps),
MPEG animation (.mpg),
PostScript (.ps),
Rich Text Format (.rtf),
Systems Biology Markup Language (.sbml, .xml,
TAR archive file (.tar),
TIFF image (.tif),
WordPerfect document (.wpd).
File sizes should be as small as possible, with a maximum
size of 30 MB, so that they can be downloaded quickly.
The combined total size of all files must not exceed 150
MB. The combined total size of all files must not exceed
150 MB. Video files should use a frame size no larger
than 320 x 240 pixels.
All panels of a figure or table (for example, Fig. 1a, b and
c) should be combined into one file; please do not send as
separate files. Image files should be just large enough to
view when the screen resolution is set to 640 x 480 pixels.
Remember to include a brief title and legend (preferably
incorporated into the image file to appear near the image)
as part of every electronic figure submitted, and a title as
part of every table.
Audio and video files should use a frame size no larger
than 320 x 240 pixels. The file size of each should not
exceed 30 MB.
If you have been invited to revise and resubmit your
paper, you should follow the instructions provided by the
editor in their decision email. You will be expected to
provide: a revised version of the manuscript that
addresses the issues raised by the peer reviewers; a
response to each of the reviewers, replying to their
comments in a point-by-point fashion; a cover letter that
provides any additional confidential information or
concern for the editors.
In addition, if your paper has been accepted, in principle,
for publication, the revised manuscript must comply with
the formatting requirements as specified by the editor and
detailed above, with the length and figure limits
appropriate to the content type, and with the following
As part of our efforts to improve transparency in
authorship, we request that all corresponding authors of
published papers provide their Open Researcher and
Contributor Identifier (ORCID) ID, before resubmitting the
final version of the manuscript. ORCID helps the scientific
community achieve unambiguous attribution of all
scholarly contributions.
Authors can link their ORCID to their account in the
manuscript tracking system (MTS). From the MTS
homepage, click Modify my Springer Nature account
and then ORCID Create/link an Open Researcher
Contributor ID (ORCID) in the Personal Profile tab. This
will re-direct you to the ORCID website. If you already
have an ORCID account, enter your ORCID email and
password and click on Authorize. If you don’t have one,
you can create one at this stage. Linking ORCID and MTS
accounts can be done at any time prior to acceptance.
For more information please visit ORCID at Springer
Nature. If you experience technical issues please contact
the Platform Support Helpdesk.
As the Nature Partner Journals are is read by scientists
from diverse backgrounds, many of whom are not native
English speakers, it is essential that the findings are
reported in an accessible language. Manuscripts can be
subject to editing, in consultation with the authors, to
achieve this goal. You are welcome to discuss proposed
changes with the editors, but the Nature Partner Journal
editors reserve the right to make the final decision about
matters of style and the size of figures.
After acceptance, a copy editor may make changes so
that the text and figures are readable and clear to those
outside the field, and so that papers conform to our style.
Preparing production quality figures
Please read the digital images integrity and standards
policy. When possible, we prefer to use original digital
figures to ensure the highest-quality reproduction in the
journal. For optimal results, prepare figures at actual size
for the journal. Figures that do not meet these standards
will not reproduce well and publication may be delayed
until we receive high-resolution images. We cannot offer
to provide corrected reprints with higher image quality if
only poor quality images were supplied at accept stage.
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to
publish any figures or illustrations that are protected by
copyright, including figures published elsewhere and
pictures taken by professional photographers. The journal
cannot publish images downloaded from the internet
without appropriate permission.
Updated December 5
, 2018
When creating and submitting digital files, please follow
the guidelines found here.
Chemical structures
Chemical structures should be produced using
ChemDraw or a similar program. All chemical compounds
must be assigned a bold, Arabic numeral in the order in
which the compounds are presented in the manuscript
text. Figures containing chemical structures should be
submitted in a size appropriate for direct incorporation
into the printed journal. Authors using ChemDraw should
make use of our journal template or use the preferences
below, submitting the final files at 100% as .cdx files.
Creating molecules within or copying them into the
template will ensure that most of our journal style points
are followed. For more information, please also review our
Chemical Style Guide.
Drawing settings: chain angle, 120° bond spacing, 18% of
width; fixed length, 14.4 pt; bold width, 2.0 pt; line width,
0.6 pt; margin width 1.6 pt; hash spacing 2.5 pt.
Atom Label settings: font, Arial; size, 8 pt. "Show labels on
Terminal Carbons" and "Hide Implicit Hydrogens" should
be unchecked.
Stereo images
Stereo diagrams should be presented for divergent 'wall-
eyed' viewing, with the two panels separated by 5.5 cm.
In the final accepted version of the manuscript, the stereo
images should be submitted at their final print size.
Peer Review and Publication
This section explains the editorial processes at the
Nature Partner Journals, which can be outlined in the
following steps:
1. The author submits a manuscript and it receives
a tracking number.
2. An editor is assigned to the manuscript.
3. The editorial team decides whether to send the
manuscript out to review. If the decision is not to
send the manuscript for review, the editor
contacts the author with the decision.
4. The editor assigns potential reviewers to the
manuscript and the author is notified.
5. Reviewers agree to review the manuscript.
6. Reviewers submit their reports to the editor.
7. The editorial team discusses the reports and the
editor makes the final decision. This process
may involve further consultation with the
reviewers and editor-mediated communications
between the reviewers.
8. The editor contacts the author with the decision.
9. If the decision is negative, the author can
choose to transfer their manuscript to another
journal. If the manuscript was peer reviewed the
referee comments are also transferred. Please
see our Manuscript Transfer FAQ for more
information about this service.
First editorial decision
When a new submission is received, it is assigned to an
Editor in Chief, who reads the paper, and decides
whether to assign it to an Associate Editor. The
Associate Editor can then consult with other editors
(including in-house Managing Editors), and decide
whether it should be sent for peer review based on the
editorial criteria of the journal of novelty and significance.
The novelty of a submitted paper might be considered to
be compromised if it has significant conceptual overlap
with a published paper. Preprint archives do not
compromise novelty.
If a paper was previously reviewed at a Nature journal,
the authors can use an automated manuscript transfer
service to transfer the referees' reports to a Nature
Partner Journal via a link sent by the editor who handled
the manuscript. The reviewer identities will not be
transferred, and although the journal editors will take the
previous reviews into account when making their
decision, the editors will likely choose to take advice from
additional or alternative referees. Alternatively, authors
may choose to request a fresh review, in which case they
should not use the automated transfer link, and the
editors will evaluate the paper without reference to the
previous review process. However, this decision must be
made at the time of initial submission and cannot be
changed later.
If the authors ask the editors to consider the previous
reviews, they should include a note explaining the
relationship between the submitted manuscript and the
previous submission and (assuming it has been revised
in light of the referees' criticisms) giving a point-by-point
response to the referees. In cases where the work was
felt to be of high quality, papers can sometimes be
accepted without further review, but if there were serious
criticisms, the editors will consider them in making the
decision. In the event of publication, the received date is
the date of submission to the Nature Partner Journal.
When the editors have reached a first decision on the
paper, they notify the corresponding author by email.
Peer review
If the editor decides to send the paper to external peer
reviewers, they will contact researchers with relevant
expertise. Referee selection is critical to the review
process, and we base our choice on many factors,
including expertise, reputation, specific
recommendations and our own previous experience of a
referee’s characteristics. For instance, we avoid using
referees who are chronically slow, careless, too harsh or
too lenient. Authors may suggest referees; these
suggestions are often helpful, although they are not
always followed. By policy, referees are not identified to
the authors, except at the request of the referee.
Conceptually similar manuscripts are held to the same
editorial standards as far as possible, and so they are
often sent to the same referees. However, each of the
co-submitted manuscripts must meet the criteria for
publication without reference to the other paper. Thus if
one paper is substantially less complete or convincing
than the other, it may be rejected, even if the papers
reach the same conclusion.
Updated December 5
, 2018
Decision after review and revision
When all the referee reports are received, the editors
then make a decision based on the reviewers’ advice,
from among several possibilities:
Accept, with or without editorial revisions
Invite the authors to revise their manuscript to
address specific concerns before a final decision
is reached
Decline publication, typically on grounds of
specialist interest, lack of novelty, insufficient
conceptual advance or major technical and/or
interpretational problems
Editors consider not only how good the paper is now, but
also how good it might become after revision. In cases
where the referees have requested well-defined changes
to the manuscript that do not appear to require extensive
further experiments, editors may request a revised
manuscript that addresses the referees' concerns. The
revised version is normally sent back to some or all of
the original referees for re-review. The decision letter will
specify a deadline, and revisions that are returned within
this period will retain their original submission date.
In cases where the referees' concerns are more wide-
ranging, editors will normally decline publication of the
An invited revision should be submitted via the revision
link to the online submission system provided in the
decision letter, not as a new manuscript. The revised
manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter that
includes a point-by-point response to referees' comments
and an explanation of how the manuscript has been
Acceptance and publication
If the authors have successfully addressed all the
comments of the reviewers and the editors, the editors
will deem the paper acceptable for publication in the
Nature Partner Journal. They will send a request for final
submission possibly requiring some text changes but
usually no revisions to the data or conclusions. These
letters are accompanied by detailed comments on the
paper's format compiled by the Managing Editors. At this
stage, authors may receive an edited manuscript from
the editor indicating editorial concerns that must be
addressed in the revision. A priority of the Nature Partner
Journals is that all papers be accessible to non-
specialists. After acceptance, a copy editor may make
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Updated December 5
, 2018
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