Guaranteed Incoming Freshman Academic Scholarships
For students starting in summer or fall only
Incoming freshmen who plan to enroll at MTSU must have ALL of
the following on le in the Admissions Ofce by December 1, 2023, to be
considered for a scholarship:
Application for admission as a new incoming freshman
Admission application fee paid
Qualifying ofcial ACT and/or SAT test score
Only ACT/SAT scores on le with MTSU as of the Dec. 1 deadline will be
considered. MTSU will not consider writing test subscores or accept test
superscores in regard to scholarship consideration.
Qualifying ofcial sixth-semester high school transcript with cumulative
GPA requirement (transcript must reect GPA through end of junior year)
Proof of status as U.S. citizen or permanent resident
No scholarship application is required for guaranteed academic
scholarships. Student will receive notification of the scholarship
award offer by February. To take advantage of the scholarship
offer, students must accept the scholarship!
Students can receive this scholarship for up to four years (or eight semesters)
as long as the scholarship renewal eligibility requirements are met.
ACT GPA Per Year
Centennial Scholarship
34–36 3.5 $8,000
Trustee Scholarship
30–33 3.5 $5,000
Presidential Scholarship
25–29 3.5 $4,500
True Blue Scholarship
22–24 3.5 $3,500
Competitive Incoming Freshman Scholarships
For students starting in summer or fall only
National Merit, National Achievement, and
National Hispanic Achievement Scholarships
$6,000 per year for four years
Students must submit the letter from the National Merit Scholarship
Corporation verifying seminalist status, or from the College Board for
National Hispanic Recognition Program based on PSAT scores, to MT
One Stop. No separate scholarship application is required.
Buchanan Fellowship
This is the highest award given to an entering freshman in the University
Honors College. A minimum ACT score of 30 (or SAT of 1360) and a
minimum 3.5 GPA are required for consideration. Buchanan Fellows
will receive (1) an amount equal to 16 hours of in- or out-of-state tuition
and fees, (2) a $1,000 book allowance, and (3) consideration for study
abroad scholarships. Up to 20 fellowships may be awarded per year.
For more information and an application, please visit
MTSU Freshman DREAM Scholarship
Diverse Representation and Educational Access at MTSU
Middle Tennessee State University values the richness of learning
opportunities brought through diversity in our student body and
faculty. Please refer to the Freshman DREAM Scholarship section on
the First-Time Incoming Freshman webpage atnancial-
aid/scholarships/ for the current criteria used in the determination of
diversity for scholarships. Recipients of the DREAM Scholarship may
receive $2,000 per year for four years.
DREAM Scholarship eligibility requirements:
An incoming freshman joining the University in the summer
or fall semester
A Tennessee resident and U.S. citizen or permanent resident
A graduate of a Tennessee high school or Tennessee home school
In addition, you must:
Meet current academic and other eligibility requirements for the
Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship.
Have a Student Aid Index (SAI) of 12,000 or less on 2024–25 FAFSA.
Enroll full time for every fall and spring semester.
Meet diversity requirements.
Complete the online scholarship application through the MTSU
Scholarships website by the February 15, 2024, deadline.
Foundation and Departmental Scholarships
For additional information on these scholarships, see page 7.
Can you go tuition free?
Let’s nd out.
An incoming transfer student is someone who has not attended MTSU previously
(except through a dual enrollment arrangement while still in high school).
Academic Scholarships
Students who plan to transfer to MTSU for the summer or fall term and are interested in these transfer
scholarships must have ALL of the following materials on le in the Admissions Ofce by February 15, 2024:
Admission application
Application fee
Ofcial college transcript(s) through the fall semester
Ofcial high school transcript if applicable
Proof of status as U.S. citizen or permanent resident
Guaranteed Academic Scholarships for Incoming Transfer Students
For students starting in summer or fall only
MTSU Transfer Promise Scholarships
$3,000 per year for two years
• 3.0 cumulative college GPA
• 60 earned hours prior to starting enrollment at MTSU
• Application for admission and all scholarship requirements listed above MUST be completed by the Feb. 15 deadline
No separate scholarship application is required for the Transfer Promise Scholarship. Students will receive notification of
scholarship offer ONCE they have met all of the requirements, including GPA and earned hours, IF they submitted all of the
necessary paperwork by the Feb. 15 deadline.
Competitive Scholarships for Incoming Transfer Students
For students starting in summer or fall only
Honors Buchanan Transfer Fellowship
The highest award given to a transfer student, this fellowship is awarded by
the University Honors College. Buchanan Transfer Fellows will receive $7,000 per
year for two years; a limited number of recipients incurring out-of-state tuition
may receive $14,000 per year. For more information and an application,
please visit the Honors College website at
Requirements: a minimum of 60 earned hours with at least a 3.5 college GPA
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Scholarship
The Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Scholarship is available to transfer students who
are members of PTK and who will be enrolling at MTSU for the rst time in the
summer or fall semester. Priority is given to transfer students who have been
selected as members of the All-Tennessee Academic Team. Recipients will be
awarded $4,000 per year for two years. For consideration, both the online General
Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application
must be submitted via the MTSU Scholarship website by March 1, 2024 (see page
10 for more info).
Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Recipients cannot receive
a MTSU Transfer Promise Scholarship or an Honors Buchanan Transfer Fellowship
if they are receiving the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship. The student will be awarded
the higher-dollar scholarship. Applicants will be notied in April regarding the
scholarship award offer decision.
Foundation and Departmental Scholarships
For additional information on these scholarships, see page 7.
Transferring a
Lottery Scholarship
Students currently receiving a
Tennessee Education Lottery
Scholarship (TELS) and expecting
to transfer to MTSU may be eligible
to receive the award at MTSU;
students transferring from an out-
of-state institution may qualify if
they were initially eligible at the
time of high school graduation.
Initial and continuing eligibility
must be veried before the award
can be applied.
If you believe you may be eligible
for a Lottery Scholarship, complete
the following steps.
Inform your current school’s
nancial aid ofce so your Lottery
Scholarship can be canceled (if
If you did not list MTSU as the
rst school when you initially led
your FAFSA, you need to change
your school of record with the
Tennessee Student Assistance
Corp. (TSAC). Log in to the TSAC
Student Portal and complete the
Institution Transfer Request.
Submit all required admission
documents to the MTSU
Admissions Ofce, including
ofcial high school transcripts
and ACT/SAT scores. We are
required to verify initial eligibility
even if you have already received
the scholarship at another school.
Submit an ofcial full transcript
(through your nal semester
at your previous school) to the
MTSU Admissions Ofce.
When you see all of your transfer
hours showing on your MTSU
transcript in PipelineMT, submit
a TELS Transfer Form to request
that your account be reviewed.
The following one-year scholarships are available for current
MTSU students. A current MTSU student is a student who
was enrolled in at least 6 credit hours for the previous spring
semester. To be considered, a student must submit an
online scholarship application through the MTSU Scholarship
website (see page 10) by the February 15, 2024, deadline and
must meet GPA requirements as of the Feb. 15 deadline.
MT Diversity Scholarship
MT Diversity Scholarships are awarded based on academic
achievement, diversity, and nancial need. Awards are
typically $500$2,000 for one year. Award amounts will vary
depending on academic achievement and level of nancial
need and will be prorated based on enrollment. Currently
enrolled undergraduates must have a cumulative college GPA
of at least 2.5, must le a FAFSA by Feb. 15, and must meet
diversity requirements. Award amounts and criteria may vary
depending on funding and the number of eligible applicants.
Diversity. MTSU has a rich blend of students from a variety
of racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds that bring
with them a diverse array of life experiences. Please refer
to the MT Diversity Scholarship section on the Scholarships
for Currently Enrolled Students webpage at
nancial-aid/scholarships/ for the current criteria used in the
determination of diversity for scholarships.
Scholarships for nontraditional students and
veterans are available!
Visit and
Departmental Scholarships
Several MTSU departments offer scholarships to students participating in certain
courses or activities. Students may or may not be required to major in a particular area
to qualify for such scholarships. Students are encouraged to contact departments
of interest to ask about scholarship opportunities. See a complete listing of MTSU
departments at
Foundation Scholarships
MTSU academic and administrative departments offer approximately 700 endowed
scholarships to hundreds of students each year. Application processes and deadlines
vary; many scholarships require online applications or paper applications, while others
are awarded based on academic achievement or other factors and do not require an
application. Most 2024-2025 scholarship application deadlines are on or before
February 15, 2024.
The Financial Aid and Scholarship Ofce awards approximately 80 Foundation
Scholarships. These awards require an online scholarship application through
the MTSU Scholarship website (see page 10) by Feb. 15.
Private Scholarship Opportunities
Millions of scholarships are offered by private companies, clubs, civic groups, and
other organizations. For more information, please visit
FAFSA Information MTSU’s School Code: 003510
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the federal application for
grants, loans, and other programs available through the federal government. However,
the FAFSA is also used in determining eligibility for most state aid programs and many
MTSU scholarships. Visit
As a result of the 2020 FAFSA Simplication Act changes that go into effect for the
2024–25 academic year, the 2024–25 FAFSA will not be available to complete until
sometime in December 2023. File the FAFSA as soon as possible to be considered for
limited need-based funding. For more information regarding FAFSA availability, please
Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship (TELS)
Visit for more information about Lottery
Scholarships and other state scholarship and grant programs.
Initial Eligibility
Tennessee residents with a 21 ACT or 1060 SAT (without
writing test scores) OR a 3.0 GPA* at an eligible high school
may qualify for a Lottery Scholarship. A lottery recipient will
receive a base Hope award of $2,250$2,850 per semester for
full-time enrollment, depending on grade level. An additional
$500$750 per semester may be awarded through a high-need
or high-academic supplement. Students who are enrolled
part time and otherwise eligible will receive a prorated award
amount. Graduates of a home-school program or ineligible
Tennessee high school (such as a nonaccredited private
school), nontraditional students, and GED graduates may also
be eligible. Please contact the MT One Stop for assistance in
determining eligibility. For all lottery types, the student
must submit a FAFSA as the scholarship application.
* Please note: The Lottery GPA is calculated based on the state’s Uniform Grading
Policy and may differ from the high school’s weighted or unweighted GPA. Most
students will have a Lottery GPA lower than the GPA listed on the high school
transcript. We recommend that students check with their high school guidance
ofce for information about the Lottery GPA formula.
Meeting Lottery Scholarship Requirements
How can you keep your Lottery Scholarship? Aim for a 3.0
TELS GPA and maintain it! We’ll check your GPA after 24
attempted hours, then again every 24 hours attempted
after that (48, 72, 96, etc.). Remember that the Lottery GPA
formula is different than MTSUs GPA formula, and your Lottery
GPA may be lower than your MTSU GPA.
Enroll in at least one class every fall and spring semester;
don’t skip any semesters except summer. However, in order to
receive lottery funds for any semester, student must be enrolled
in at least 6 hours of Coursework toward Program of Study
(CPoS). Be careful about dropping classes. Don’t drop a class if
it will cause you to fall below 12 hours for the semester. If you
started the semester as part-time (6 to 11 hours), don’t drop a
class if it will cause you to fall below 6 hours for that semester.
If you otherwise maintain eligibility for the Lottery
Scholarship(s), you can receive the scholarship(s) until
the earliest of:
1) 5 years have passed after starting college, or 2) earning an
advanced degree (i.e., masters).
Check your TELS GPA and attempted hours (on the Financial Aid
tab in PipelineMT) frequently to know how you’re doing.
If you lose your Lottery Scholarship, can you get it back?
You may be able to appeal if you lost your Lottery Scholarship
because you didn’t meet the enrollment requirements due to
extenuating circumstances. You may be able to regain eligibility
later by raising your GPA at a future 24-hour benchmark if
you lost your scholarship because you didn’t meet the GPA
requirements. You can use your one-time-only Repeat Option
to help you reach the GPA requirement.
Meeting MTSU Scholarship Requirements
Any student receiving a renewable academic or
endowed scholarship from MTSU must meet continuing
eligibility requirements. Your scholarship award
agreement will include information about online
requirements to retain the scholarship.
How can you keep your MTSU scholarship?
An important factor is GPA. Most scholarships require
a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0; some may require a
higher GPA. If you drop below the GPA requirement,
you may be able to regain eligibility by bringing your
GPA back up.
A second factor is enrollment. Most scholarships
require full-time enrollment in courses that are
applicable toward your major program. If you will not
enroll in at least 12 hours or if you must withdraw for a
semester, discuss your situation with the department
that offered the scholarship before making any changes
to your enrollment.
A nal factor is time limit. Most scholarships are limited
to four or eight semesters. Review your scholarship
award agreement on your PipelineMT account to
determine how long you can receive the scholarship.
When you approach that limit, be sure to look for other
scholarships to replace the award.
You may be able to appeal if you lost your scholarship
because you didn’t meet continuing eligibility
requirements. For scholarships awarded by the Financial
Aid and Scholarship Ofce, visit
aid/appeals.php for information about appeal options.
For scholarships awarded by other MTSU departments,
contact the awarding department to ask whether an
appeal process is offered.
MTSU Scholarships:
The Fine Print
To receive scholarship offer, a student must be starting at
MTSU in either the summer or fall semester. Spring semester
start scholarships are not offered.
In most cases, a student is required to accept scholarship offer
by deadline.
Most scholarships require full-time (12+ hours) enrollment
in CPoS (Coursework toward Program of Study) eligible
coursework to receive funds.
Recipients must meet GPA and enrollment requirements after
every fall and spring semester to maintain continuing eligibility.
A students nancial aid, including scholarships and grants,
may be reduced based on specic nancial aid sources that
are restricted to Cost of Attendance (COA) limitations. In most
cases, if a student is receiving federal and/or state aid, their
total nancial aid can NOT exceed COA.
In the event that MTSU offers multiple scholarships to a
student, such as Guaranteed Freshman/Transfer Scholarships,
Honors Scholarships, PTK Scholarship, and Freshman DREAM
Scholarship, only one scholarship can be accepted. The student
will be offered the higher dollar scholarship. A student can
receive an MTSU scholarship in addition to the Tennessee
Education Lottery Scholarship.
The awarding of scholarships is based on the availability of
funds and the criteria set forth by the appropriate governing
bodies and is subject to change.
Search for MTSU Competitive and Foundation Scholarships
• Go to
• Click on Scholarship Search.
• You can view the scholarship opportunities listed (in alphabetical
order), or you can search for scholarship opportunities by using a
keyword (i.e., Business, Rutherford County).
• Each scholarship opportunity will include the criteria, award amount,
and deadline for applying.
MTSU’s online scholarship application allows students to search and
apply for Competitive and Foundation Scholarship opportunities.
This does not contain all of the scholarships offered by MTSU.
Please contact your academic department (based on your major) for
scholarships that may be offered by your academic department. Visit
the scholarship application at
Apply for Scholarships
The scholarship application opens October 1, 2023.
To complete, log into
using your PipelineMT username and password. You will need
to be at least tentatively admitted in order to complete the
scholarship application.
You will then be directed to the Task page to complete the
General Scholarship Application. After, you will be shown
other scholarship application(s) available for you to complete.
At any time, you can log back into
opportunities and check the status of your application.
Complete your FAFSA for the upcoming academic year. The
majority of the scholarships contain criteria which are based
on nancial need determined by the FAFSA. You will not be
considered for need-based scholarships if no FAFSA is on le
for the upcoming academic year.
Online Scholarship Applications
The 2024–25 scholarship application(s)
must be submitted by February 15, 2024.
MTSU’s online scholarship application is used to select
recipients for most Competitive and Foundation Scholarships
awarded through the Financial Aid and Scholarship Ofce.
To submit an online scholarship application, follow the
instructions in the Apply for Scholarships section.
MTSU Financial Aid and Scholarship Office
Mailing Address:
Student Services and Admissions Center, Room 260
1301 E. Main St.
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
For assistance, contact MT One Stop in the
Student Services and Admissions Center, Room 210.
0623-2156 / Middle Tennessee State University does not
discriminate against students, employees, or applicants for
admission or employment on the basis of race, color, religion,
creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/
expression, disability, age, status as a protected veteran,
genetic information, or any other legally protected class
with respect to all employment, programs, and activities
sponsored by MTSU. The Interim Assistant to the President
for Institutional Equity and Compliance has been designated to
handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and
can be reached at Cope Administration Building 116, 1301 East
Main Street, Murfreesboro, TN 37132; Christy.Sigler@mtsu.
edu; or 615-898-2185. The MTSU policy on non-discrimination
can be found at
Discover a passion for subjects
you never knew you loved.
College of Basic
and Applied Sciences
College of Behavioral
and Health Sciences
Jennings A. Jones
College of Business
College of Education
College of Liberal Arts
College of Media
and Entertainment
University College
Actuarial Science
Advertising (and Public Relations)
Africana Studies
Animal Science
Apparel Design
Applied Leadership
Art Education
Art History
Audio Production
Business Administration
Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Community and Public Health
Computer Science
Concrete Industry Management
Construction Management
Criminal Justice
Culture and Social Inuence (Communication)
Data Science
Dietetics (Nutrition and Food Science)
Digital Marketing
Early Childhood Education
Elementary Education, K–5
Engineering Technology
Environmental Science
Event Planning (Tourism and Hospitality Management)
Exercise Science
Fashion Merchandising
Fermentation Science
Forensic Science
French and Francophone Studies
Global Studies and Human Geography
Graphic Design (Art)
Health Administration
Health Communication
Horse Science
Human Development and Family Science
Human Resource Management
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Information Systems
Information Technology
Integrated Studies
Interactive Media
Interior Design
International Organizational Leadership
International Relations
Leisure and Sport Management
Management and Leadership
Mechatronics Engineering
Media Management
Media Studies
Middle Level Education, 68
Motion Design
Music Industry
Music, Instrumental Music Education
Music, Instrumental Performance
Music, Theory-Composition
Music, Vocal/General Music Education
Music, Voice Performance
Nutrition and Food Science
Organizational Communication
Organizational Leadership
Physical Education
Plant and Soil Science
Political Science
Pre-Chiropractic (Allied Health Science)
Pre-Cytotechnology (Allied Health Science)
Pre-Diagnostic Med. Sonography (Allied Health Tech.)
Pre-Medical Technology (Allied Health Science)
Pre-Nuclear Medicine Technology (Allied Health Tech.)
Pre-Pharmacy (Allied Health Science)
Pre-Radiation Therapy Technology (Allied Health Tech.)
Pre-Veterinary Medicine
NOTE: Students interested in pre-dental, pre-medical
pre-occupational therapy, and pre-physical therapy should
choose a major while completing coursework needed to
be accepted to professional school for these programs.
Professional Pilot (Aerospace)
Professional Selling
Professional Studies
Public Policy and Management
Public Relations (and Advertising)
Public Safety (Integrated Studies)
Public Writing and Rhetoric
Real Estate
Recording Industry, Commercial Songwriting
Recording Industry, Music Business
Religious Studies
Risk Management and Insurance
Social Work
Special Education
Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Sport Pedagogy (Physical Education)
Sports Media
Supply Chain Management
Tourism and Hospitality Management
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations (Aerospace)
Video and Film Production
Visual Communication
For a complete program
list, scan the QR code or
go to