Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project: Final report to Congress, vol. II, Assessments and scientific basis for management options. Davis: University of California, Centers for
Water and Wildland Resources, 1996.
Conservation and
Controversy: National
Forest Management, 1960–95
In the period 1960 to 1995, policies affecting national forest manage-
ment generated a variety of directions for the planning, management,
conservation, and preservation of national forest lands and resources
in the Sierra Nevada. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
forced better disclosure of information utilized by the U.S. Forest
Service, enhanced public awareness of management issues, and
led to increased public involvement in agency decision making. As a
result, efforts to increase timber production in Sierra Nevada national
forests met with increased public scrutiny as well as political and
legal opposition. The National Forest Management Act (NFMA) of
1976 mandated extensive planning to promote effective and efficient
conservation of forest resources and to resolve forest management
controversies. Demand for increased public timber supplies, how-
ever, conflicted with demands for increased recreation and wilder-
ness preservation. Contestation over national forest policies did not
begin with NFMA, but the broad scope of land-management plan-
ning generated remarkable public attention and controversy. Public
opposition to potential impacts on wildlife habitat and other aspects
of forest ecosystems and to the increased use of clear-cutting as a
timber harvest method led to legal action challenging national forest
plans. At present, implementation and interpretation of law and ad-
ministrative policies have forced the Forest Service to revise forest
plans in the Sierra to better incorporate species and habitat require-
ments as part of its ecosystem-management strategy.
The origin of this research is an invitation by the Sierra Ne-
vada Ecosystem Project (SNEP) to participate in a workshop
to assist in determining the role that public policies have
played in shaping the ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada. Spe-
cifically, several researchers have been asked to respond to
the question “Which public policies have been most signifi-
cant in shaping the ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada as they
exist today?” These individuals have been asked to concen-
trate on the period from 1960 to the present, with the inten-
tion that a range of policies and their impacts will be analyzed.
I believe that the exercise is a useful one and am delighted to
contribute to this inquiry.
My effort to respond to this question will be primarily to
address policies and issues associated with national forest
management in the Sierra Nevada during the last thirty-five
years. While I am aware that public policies have had a mul-
titude of significant effects in many other areas of the Sierra,
this chapter will not attempt to address them directly. My
approach will concentrate on developing the context for policy
implementation in the national forests during this period and
discussing the effects and implications of these policies. As a
social scientist, I will leave an authoritative determination of
impacts and their significance on ecosystems to my colleagues
on the SNEP Science Team. As part of the effort to organize
thinking about institutional aspects of natural resource
sustainability in the Sierra, I offer some thoughts on ancillary
issues pertaining to policy implementation. This excursus may
prove useful as the Science Team seeks to answer the ques-
Department of Environmental Science,
Policy, and Management
University of California
Berkeley, California
Back to CD-ROM Table of Contents
tion posed and to consider its implications. Where feasible, I
will refer to other policies that have had significant impacts
on the Sierra. Generally, this will be limited to suggesting ar-
eas for further research or discussion by others. Discussion
pertaining to the impact of policy in the national forests of
the Sierra Nevada will focus on forces that shaped the ad-
ministration of the national forests, the response to public
activism surrounding national forest management, and the
further implications for conservation and management of the
national forests in the Sierra Nevada.
This workshop represents an initial effort to discuss with
some precision the role that public policies have played in
influencing the conditions of Sierra Nevada ecosystems.
Ultimately, statements about policies and their effects on the
ecosystem, particularly regarding the current era, must be
answered by further study. This analysis should be under-
taken in light of the results of the completed SNEP
assessments. This point cannot be emphasized too strongly.
The social scientists engaged in policy review and analysis
are going to present research on various public policies and
their environmental effects and impacts. This work will
necessarily be based on a general knowledge of conditions at
the ecosystem level, as it is presently understood. I also hasten
to point out that research to date is based on an understanding
of environmental conditions that is clearly imperfect and
incomplete. If it were not, SNEP would not be engaged in an
assessment, and we might leave to the administrative or
legislative process the task of defining a policy that would be
consistent with the state of scientific knowledge. After all, it
was public and congressional concern about the lack of
scientific knowledge, understanding, and consensus as to the
ecological health of the Sierra Nevada that led to the articu-
lation of SNEP’s research mission. One may naturally
anticipate that SNEP’s assessments will result in better, more
accessible knowledge about the ecological conditions of the
Sierra. New information that may be presented in the assess-
ments may change the key points about policy that we glean
from our present discussion. Thus, it would prove of
substantial value to renew the discussion of policies and their
impacts in the Sierra in light of the information to be made
available once the assessments are completed. Only then will
it be possible to answer the question “Which public policies
have been most significant in shaping the ecosystems of the
Sierra Nevada as they exist today?” with any degree of
accuracy or precision.
Understanding the influence of policy is an important com-
ponent of SNEP’s assessment of the status of the ecosystems
of the Sierra Nevada. Before discussing specific policies, I
would like to express some concerns relating to the consider-
ation of policies and their effects. I believe the limits of this
kind of enterprise should be understood by the participants
in this workshop. Several fundamental issues occur to me.
These bear not only on the discussion about policies and their
ecological effects and implications but also on the effort to
discuss the broader implications of public policy in the Si-
erra. Ideally, an inquiry into the impact of policies will also
consider the influence of social and economic dynamics on
policy implementation. Describing these interactions is prob-
ably beyond the scope of this workshop. Nevertheless, full
comprehension of the policy context depends on an under-
standing of both formal and informal social and administra-
tive dimensions relating to policy implementation. For this
reason, I particularly appreciate the inclusion of social scien-
tists and others with practical experience in policy implemen-
tation as part of the SNEP Science Team.
A primary concern regarding the question we are asked to
tackle in the policy workshop relates to the ability of indi-
vidual research projects to adequately assess the role of a par-
ticular policy in shaping the ecosystem. Public policies,
defined as the sum of law, regulation, administrative pro-
grams, and public projects together with their funding and
implementation, affect virtually all of the land area and natu-
ral resources in the Sierra Nevada. The effect of public poli-
cies extends across both time and space, with the results of
prior policies exerting an influence on the present status of
resources and ecosystems. Equally, effects and implications
of environmental policies may extend beyond the specific
areas, issues, or programs that they were designed to affect
directly. The breadth and depth of policies, and their effects
on ecosystems, therefore, are likely to be substantial. As a re-
sult, the full extent to which policies have affected and influ-
enced both the current state of the ecosystem and the present
fabric of natural resource institutions will be difficult to es-
tablish. Given the task and its scope, this exercise will neces-
sarily produce an eclectic and incomplete view of the role that
policy has played in shaping ecosystems.
Another cause for concern pertains to difficulties in em-
pirical method. The effects of public policy may appear to be
the result of specific policies. Correlation of the operation of
a specific policy to a particular effect may appear to be intu-
itively obvious, but attempting to go beyond this is a difficult
task. In reality, attribution of specific causation to policies or
establishing their effect with certainty is a difficult task,
complicated by the operation of multiple policies and other
forces that influence the same resources or ecosystems. In
addition, for policy effects for which one hypothesis may be
constructed, other possible explanations generally exist—
some more or less likely. Specific attribution of the effects of
laws, statutes, plans, programs, and projects can thus be a
complicated and error-prone enterprise. Observed effects may
be the indirect results of obscure policies or unintended by-
products of various policy instruments. Precise attribution of
effects is therefore a controversial and contentious exercise,
Conservation and Controversy: National Forest Management, 1960–95
and one that may exceed the capacities of any research de-
sign or the capability of even the most zealous researcher.
A variety of public policies that have had significant ef-
fects on the environment generally are not characterized by a
specific relation to ecosystems, natural resources, or the envi-
ronment. Examples of this kind pertaining to the Sierra in the
last thirty-five years include the development and expansion
of Interstate 80, the state highway systems, and the national
forest road system. These dramatically improved access to
the entire Sierra Nevada and contributed to the concentra-
tion of urban, commercial, recreational, and commodity-
related development and associated environmental impacts
in particular areas of the range. Individually, all of these de-
velopments have had significant environmental impacts on
the ecosystems in these locations. Another example is the in-
fluence of national and state policies related to air quality and
pollution control. Although evidence suggests that aerial pol-
lutants are beginning to have profound impacts on the Si-
erra, the relationship between policies and these impacts is
complicated (Cahill et al. 1996) and may be isolated and ana-
lyzed only with difficulty.
Additionally, attribution and discussion of public policies
and their effects may be complicated by a number of factors.
Several ostensibly separate policies may together contribute
impacts on a resource or areas, resulting in cumulative ef-
fects that are difficult to attribute to a specific policy instru-
ment. In other cases, funding for one of a number of interactive
policies may be uneven or irregular, affecting implementa-
tion and making it difficult to draw any conclusion as to the
success or failure of impact of particular public policies. Fi-
nally, in some cases the absence of policy may have implica-
tions for the state of the ecosystem that are as significant as or
greater than those from policies that we can more easily de-
fine and observe. SNEP Science Team members, I believe, have
already explored many individual impacts. I am hopeful that
individual assessments will capture some of the effects that
may be traceable to the presence or absence of certain policy
National forest management and its ecological implications
in the Sierra Nevada are obvious and important sources of
information regarding the impact of public policies on eco-
systems in the region. Several reasons compel attention to the
role of policy in the management of these lands. A large pro-
portion of the land area of the Sierra Nevada, especially at
middle to upper elevations, is national forest land. Policies
and planning specifically pertaining to national forest man-
agement are the product of a number of laws and adminis-
trative policies, including the National Forest Management
Act of 1976 (NFMA), U.S. Code, vol. 16, secs. 1600–1614 (1976);
the Organic Act of 1897, U.S. Code, vol. 16, secs. 473–482, 551;
the Multiple Use–Sustained Yield Act of 1960 (MUSY), U.S.
Code, vol. 16, sec. 528 et seq.; the Wilderness Act of 1964; the
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), U.S. Code,
vol. 42, sec. 4321 et seq.; the Endangered Species Act (ESA),
U.S. Code, vol. 16, secs. 1531–43 (as amended in 1989); as well
as other environmental laws, annual appropriations legisla-
tion, and a range of administrative policies relating to fire
suppression and fuel management. These policies guide a
range of activities, which necessarily are likely to have sig-
nificant environmental effects. The impact of these activities
is likely to be felt in the national forests, on adjacent lands,
and in ecosystems beyond national forest boundaries. Another
reason that national forest management policies are worth
special attention pertains to the valuable information that may
be obtained by reviewing the impacts and implications of
policies explicitly designed to guide the conservation and
management for large areas of the Sierra Nevada.
In the Sierra Nevada, national forests fulfill several impor-
tant varied functions. These forests serve uses representing a
wide range of natural resource–related values, including the
use of forest resources to produce commodities, such as tim-
ber and forage for grazing. The national forests also contain
other resources, including water, fish, wildlife, minerals, rec-
reational opportunities, and others. Often these uses conflict
or appear to conflict with one another. Natural resource man-
agement in the national forests of the Sierra Nevada has been
the subject of a great deal of scrutiny and continuing contro-
versy during the past thirty-five years. Concern and contes-
tation regarding Forest Service resource policies did not begin
with the enactment of NFMA. It is undeniable, however, that
the NFMA land-management planning process, especially at
certain key decision points over the last fifteen years, has gen-
erated remarkable public interest and caused considerable
controversy. The reason for the intense interest in NFMA and
its effects has to do with several aspects of the statutory man-
date. The law’s provisions were intended to reorder national
forest management to develop coordinated plans for multiple
use and to promote effective and efficient conservation of for-
est resources. The scope of the law, combined with increased
demands on public timber supplies, suggested that NFMA
had the potential to propose and implement management
activities that would have widespread effects on management
of the national forests, including those of the Sierra Nevada.
Before analyzing these elements and the impact of NFMA,
several earlier policies will be discussed in order to explain
the culture of Forest Service administration and to provide a
context for the discussion of recent forest policies and their
impact on the national forests.
During and after World War II, the Forest Service began to
focus on increased timber harvesting and other commodity
considerations in its overall administration of the national
forests. A housing boom had created an unprecedented de-
mand for timber. As private timber was harvested and these
supplies declined, industry pressed for expanded timber sales
in the national forest to fulfill the demand (Clary 1986). The
Forest Service increased timber sales, and as a result, conflicts
between timber harvesting and recreation also increased,
somewhat tarnishing the agency’s reputation.
In the postwar era, Congress recognized that the Forest
Service and other land-management agencies were being pres-
sured to meet the needs of a diverse set of recreation users.
During this period, land-management policy was still primar-
ily guided by the Organic Act of 1897, which offered little
guidance on how to reconcile administration of the national
forests with changing public needs. This act stated that the
forest reserves, as they were originally known, were to be
managed “for the purpose of securing favorable conditions
for water flows and to furnish a continuous supply of timber
for the use and necessity of the citizens of the United States.”
In 1958, Congress created the Outdoor Recreation Resources
Review Commission (ORRRC) to review the situation and
to make recommendations for meeting recreation needs in
1976 and 2000. The Forest Service supported the work of the
ORRRC, because the agency had always encouraged recre-
ational enjoyment in national forests as an adjunct to timber,
range, and other uses. The ORRRC made recommendations
to Congress that called for increased governmental funding
for recreational development and for coordinated planning
within agencies to provide better recreational opportunities.
The Multiple Use–Sustained Yield Act of 1960
Throughout the postwar period, the Forest Service was con-
fident of its ability to manage the forest for many different
uses, including wilderness. The agency sought legislation that
would confirm its authority to manage the expanding array
of uses, enabling it to reconcile timber production and other
commodity uses with public demands for more recreation op-
portunities and for wilderness preservation (U.S. Forest Ser-
vice 1960). The Forest Service recognized that additional
support for a range of other uses and activities, including the
recreational goals of the ORRRC, would bring additional ap-
propriations, allowing for development of uses that were al-
ready present in the national forests. The Sierra Club opposed
this initiative, arguing that the Forest Service commitment to
timber meant that the agency would not make balanced deci-
sions that recognized the importance of other forest resources
(Dana and Fairfax 1980, 203–4). It is also likely that increased
friction between the Forest Service and environmentalists over
legislation proposed to designate areas of federal land, in-
cluding some in the national forest, as “wilderness,” contrib-
uted to this opposition. Despite the opposition, Congress
enacted the Multiple Use–Sustained Yield Act in 1960. This
law stated that the national forests were to be managed for
“the achievement and maintenance in perpetuity of a high-
level annual output or regular annual output of the various
renewable resources of the national forest without impairment
of the productivity of the land.” The Forest Service expanded
its utilization of planning in order to coordinate various for-
est uses, or at least to rationalize conflicting uses (Wilson 1978).
A Regional Multiple Use Planning Guide was prepared for
each region to guide local planning. Forest Land Use Plans
were developed for each national forest to guide multiple-
use integration and development (Forest Service 1973, sec.
8213). Unit Plans were then completed to tailor management
specifically to the conditions of watersheds or large drainage
areas ranging in size from fifty thousand acres to several hun-
dred thousand acres. This system essentially ratified Forest
Service determinations of the “greatest good for the great-
est number.” Planning permitted continued timber sales
while also allowing the agency to claim that it had become
the nation’s premier provider of outdoor recreation opportu-
The Multiple Use–Sustained Yield Act (1960, secs. 528, 529)
recognized the importance of a spectrum of resource uses,
including “outdoor recreation, range, timber, watershed, and
wildlife and fish.” The statute also recognized the value and
place of wilderness in the national forests. Legislative ac-
knowledgment of these uses permitted the Forest Service to
serve the public interest by developing a variety of forest
resources and activities appropriate to meet the needs of vari-
ous uses and groups. Even so, the Forest Service, an organi-
zation built on compromise, began to shift its administration
in response to the needs of the public. When opposition to
Forest Service projects occurred in this era, it could be coun-
tered, if not diffused, by locating potentially conflicting uses
in another forest area. Culhane (1981, 388–94) argued that the
many different interest groups involved tended to counter-
act each other’s power, enabling the Forest Service to pursue
a middle course. Timber harvesting could take place in one
area, while fishing, hiking, and other recreation uses could
be located in another. Compromises allowed resource devel-
opment activities to continue, with either the support or the
acquiescence of interested parties and interest groups.
Forest Service policies in this period were not without crit-
ics. Congressional appropriations were primarily oriented
toward timber. To some, however, Forest Service adminis-
tration remained primarily attuned to the most powerful
constituencies in the regions it served. Timber and other com-
Conservation and Controversy: National Forest Management, 1960–95
modity interests proved to be powerful enough to compel
attention. Agency policies therefore often appeared to reflect
a bias toward timber production rather than attempting to
serve some broader conception of the public interest
(McConnell 1966) or one more closely tied to a growing con-
stituency of national forest visitors whose interest centered
on recreation. Professional foresters, who made up the bulk
of agency personnel and its management, had motivations
and goals different from those of the timber industry. Despite
these tensions, established working relationships between
forester and logger, and between the Forest Service and the
timber industry, appeared to lend credence to conservation-
ist claims that timber considerations dominated the agency’s
agenda. In fairness to the Forest Service, however, Congress
made continuing budget appropriations in order to expand
the agency’s timber program. This strongly suggested that
Congress believed that Forest Service timber management was
consistent with the purpose of furnishing “a continuous sup-
ply of timber for the use and necessity of the citizens of the
United States” and thus squarely served the public interest.
After MUSY was enacted, the Forest Service slowly began
to expand its staff to bring in new kinds of professional ex-
pertise. Even so, the preponderance of foresters in the Forest
Service and the agency’s role in supplying timber to private
industry provoked doubt about the “multiple-use” orienta-
tion of the agency. The multiple-use philosophy allowed the
agency to avoid many management controversies, but as the
following discussion indicates, this approach never satisfied
important segments of the public.
The Wilderness Act of 1964
Advocates in support of the idea that separate areas should
be set aside for wilderness preservation had always opposed
the idea of multiple use as the guiding principle for all forest
lands. They believed that if wilderness was accorded a status
only equivalent to any other use of forest resources, wilder-
ness would necessarily be subservient to timber and other
commodity uses when the agency made determinations. Al-
though the Forest Service had already designated many wil-
derness areas in the national forests,
many conservationists
did not believe that the agency valued wilderness enough to
ensure that the existing “primitive area” designations would
survive the timber industry’s preference for increased timber
harvest levels in national forest lands. The Forest Service
claimed this designation was sufficient to ensure that these
lands would be managed as wilderness. Some wilderness
proponents were unconvinced and sought legislation to make
it impossible for the status of these lands to be altered admin-
istratively (McCloskey 1966). Some of these lands, located in
national forests, national parks, and other federal lands, were
to be reserved as wilderness, and the status of additional ar-
eas was to be reviewed in the following ten years.
Agency efforts to deflect attention from the wilderness is-
sue failed to divert wilderness supporters from their goal of
securing legislative protection for wilderness designations.
In 1964 Congress passed the Wilderness Act, despite the op-
position of the Forest Service. This statute established a Na-
tional Wilderness System. Certain lands administered by the
federal land-management agencies, including 2.1 million acres
of land that previously had been administratively protected
by the Forest Service, were designated as “wilderness” or
“pristine” areas, with the status of other areas to be reviewed
during the following decade. In the Sierra Nevada, a number
of areas in national forests, prized for their scenic beauty and
recreational value, were reserved. These areas were located
mainly in the alpine and subalpine zones. The agencies re-
tained control over wilderness areas under their administra-
tion, but the new designation limited uses on these lands.
Ironically, the designation permitted no timber harvest on
these lands but, subject to presidential review, continued to
permit other development, including mining, grazing, and
water development. Loss of the range of options that the For-
est Service formerly controlled on these lands was something
of a blow to agency prestige, because it implied that the agency
could not be trusted to preserve this land on its own (Dana
and Fairfax, 1980, 227–29).
The National Environmental Policy Act
Enactment of the National Environmental Policy Act (1969)
represented a major watershed in public policy. The expres-
sion of public concern for environmental values reflected the
concern of many individuals in this era. NEPA was intended
to ensure that environmental factors would be considered as
part of the decision-making process. A major element in the
law is the requirement that an environmental impact state-
ment (EIS) be prepared for federal actions having a “signifi-
cant effect on the environment (National Environmental
Policy Act 1969, sec. 102 (2)(c), U.S. Code, vol. 42, sec. 4332).”
NEPA, however, did not require that environmentally ques-
tionable projects be abandoned, so there was no expectation
that preparation of an EIS would lead to dramatic changes in
Forest Service proposals or in the policy of multiple use. The
EIS, however, requires that the public be provided an oppor-
tunity to comment on agency proposals. This element of the
law has had a profound impact, both on the decision-making
processes of all federal agencies and on the relations of these
agencies with the public. Public disclosure of information also
provides citizens with an opportunity to challenge these de-
cisions in the political process and in court. Additionally, in
some cases, the time required to prepare and to complete the
documents required by NEPA has provided another obstacle
that has deterred some project proponents. In this way, the
procedural aspects of NEPA have exerted a significant influ-
ence on a wide range of Forest Service land-management ac-
tivities and programs.
An early example of the procedural aspects of NEPA re-
quirements and their far-reaching effects is amply illustrated
in a celebrated controversy in the Sierra Nevada, where the
proposed development of a ski resort in Mineral King (a rela-
tively undeveloped area, then a part of the Sequoia National
Forest) by Walt Disney was ultimately derailed. Although the
ski resort had been approved prior to the enactment of NEPA,
the Forest Service was faced with a lawsuit challenging its
decision. The agency elected to prepare an EIS for the pro-
posed ski resort. The Sierra Club sued, inter alia, to force con-
sideration of the environmental effects on national park
resources due to the expansion of the access road (Sierra Club
v Morton, 405 US 727 [1972]). Although the lawsuit was later
dropped, delays created by the lengthy administrative and
legal process ultimately caused the developer to lose interest
in the project (Ecology Law Quarterly, 1972, 1976). The demise
of the proposed ski resort project meant that Mineral King
would remain largely undeveloped. After several years, this
area was transferred to Sequoia National Park. The ecologi-
cal significance of this result was perhaps limited to the pres-
ervation of one valley and its environs. Nevertheless, it was
perceived as no small victory for conservationists, who were
encouraged in their struggle against what they regarded as
the tendency of the Forest Service to abandon too quickly its
conservation precepts as it sought some compromise in search
of the public interest. In contrast, subsequent efforts by
conservationists to challenge an EIS prepared for Kirkwood,
another ski area in the Sierra, were unsuccessful, and the area
was successfully developed.
The Forest Service, in many respects, pioneered the imple-
mentation of NEPA, but its experience has not been without
some difficulties. Among other early innovations, the agency
developed an environmental assessment (EA), a preliminary
report used to ascertain probable environmental effects and
thereby ␣ determine whether preparation of an EIS was re-
quired. Nevertheless, in the years immediately after NEPA’s
enactment, the Forest Service had considerable difficulty in
adjusting to the law’s requirements. In the first years of
NEPA’s existence, the early 1970s, seasoned agency manag-
ers, almost all of them foresters, generally were not fully aware
of the scope and intricacies of EIS requirements, nor were they
prepared to supervise a comprehensive consideration of en-
vironmental impacts (Taylor 1984, 208). Consequently, on
many occasions, the agency concluded that an EA was suffi-
cient and did not insist on preparation of an EIS for certain
projects. In some of these cases, the agency’s analysis estab-
lished that some projects, including timber harvests (espe-
cially those where clear-cutting was employed), were unlikely
to have a “significant impact” on the environment. Addition-
ally, agency determinations of which projects required an EIS
tended to exclude many projects from this requirement. Prepa-
ration of an EIS entailed an opportunity for public comment
but also allowed the Forest Service opportunities to revise
the project and to respond to its critics before reaching a final
decision. Even when the Forest Service began its early efforts
to produce environmental impact statements, several years
were required to develop the skills to conduct a full analysis
of environmental impacts and to produce an adequate EIS.
Reasons for the agency’s inability were due in part to initial
uncertainty about what preparation of an EIS entailed and
also in part to lack of expertise in analyzing environmental
impacts. Despite the presence of an array of forestry profes-
sionals and other interdisciplinary scientific experts in the
Forest Service, the agency could not immediately deploy and
utilize professionals who possessed skills appropriate for the
preparation of the EIS. As a result, lawsuits successfully chal-
lenged agency decisions regarding the preparation of an EIS
(Kleppe v Sierra Club, 427 US 390 [1976]).
After suffering losses in court, Forest Service managers rec-
ognized that the agency had to learn more about environmen-
tal impact analysis and how to prepare an EIS. It took time to
recruit and to cross-train experts in disciplines not previously
mastered to any significant degree by the Forest Service per-
sonnel. Resistance to formal public participation waned as
the agency became more familiar with the process. As the
agency developed greater interdisciplinary environmental ex-
pertise, it was gradually able to handle sensitive projects and
to prepare an EIS in a professional and more defensible man-
ner (Taylor 1984).
The forest products industry was also concerned over Forest
Service timber sale policies. The struggle to ensure a reliable
future timber supply is essential to the stability of the indus-
try. As the demand for timber grew in the concluding years
of World War II and in the postwar years, increased cutting
on private lands, particularly in the Northwest, led to short-
ages in the supply of mature timber on these lands. As pri-
vate timber inventories were logged, some harvested lands
were replanted. While these trees were growing, however, the
supply of mature timber on private lands declined. In many
areas, including California, a portion of the cutover lands were
sold or exchanged to the Forest Service to avoid paying for
replanting, fire protection, and taxes. The rotational sequence
caused other operators to become dependent on the national
forests for timber supplies in the middle 1970s. To accommo-
date this need, the forest products industry pressed for in-
creased timber sales on the national forests (Clawson 1975;
Dowdle and Hanke 1985, 85–88). Many foresters and indi-
viduals, both inside and outside of the timber industry, ar-
gued that harvest levels for the national forests have been
and continue to be set substantially below what the national
forests can produce on a sustained yield level (Rey n.d.; John
Zivnuska, Berkeley, California, personal communication,
April 4, 1986).
Industry and its supporters were frustrated by the lack of
any national strategy to respond to the demand for timber. In
addition to frustration over the low timber volume offered
Conservation and Controversy: National Forest Management, 1960–95
for sale, the timber industry was also somewhat concerned
about the variability in sales levels from year to year. The in-
dustry was perplexed by the uncertainties of the political pro-
cess that necessitates appropriations for Forest Service timber
sales. The amount of timber that would be available for har-
vest in any one year could not be reliably predicted in ad-
vance. This was due to the time required to prepare any sizable
timber sales. These efforts generally required a sustained bud-
get that would permit an effort to continue over several years,
something that was difficult to ensure in advance. Accord-
ingly, varying levels from year to year meant that it was
equally difficult for timber interests to plan capital invest-
ments to meet market demands.
Several timber supply strategies have been proposed to
solve these difficulties. One idea promoted dominant uses and
called for zoning public land areas that were primarily suited
to a certain commodity use (such as timber, grazing, or
mining). Other uses of those areas would be discouraged. This
idea surfaced several times, but it never attracted the neces-
sary support to bring it to fruition. The Public Land Law
Review Commission (PLLRC), which undertook a compre-
hensive review of the management of public lands in 1968,
recommended, among other things, that areas especially
suited for timber production should be established “to man-
age for the dominant use (United States Public Land Law
Review Commission 1970).” This was echoed in 1973 by the
President’s Advisory Panel on Timber and the Environment
(PAPTE). The proposals were made in an earnest attempt to
improve the efficiency of management of public lands. How-
ever, the emphasis of the proposals on commodities develop-
ment and production was out of step with the burgeoning
environmentalist sympathies that began to color public opin-
ion at the time. As a result, no action was taken, and timber
supply remained a central, if unpredictable, aspect of national
forest management (Dana and Fairfax 1980, 235). Industry’s
needs for supplies were largely met from year to year, but
its pleas for stability remained unanswered to this point. In
California, in the 1970s and 1980s, the Forest Service’s Re-
gion 5 harvested about 69% of the biological growth from the
available timbered national forest lands. The level was higher
than in other Forest Service regions. This harvesting was ac-
complished largely, although not entirely, through selection
A lack of willingness on the part of the Forest Service man-
agement to respond more forcefully to public concerns about
clear-cutting, overcutting, and other silvicultural practices
represented a significant miscalculation. In the Sierra Nevada,
timber harvesting was largely accomplished by selection
logging of mature trees or groups, unlike in the Pacific North-
west. Precisely because conservationists and outdoor recre-
ation enthusiasts in other regions found themselves without
recourse in the agency, they sought other means to influence
agency decisions. Ultimately, a coalition of interests unhappy
over plans to clear-cut an area of the Monongahela National
Forest favored for hunting, fishing, and other recreational uses
brought suit to enjoin further clear-cutting in the national for-
est. As a result of the court decision in West Virginia Division
of Izaak Walton League of America v Butz (367 FSupp 422 [1973]),
Forest Service authority to manage timber was severely im-
paired. This case centered around the interpretation of the
Organic Act of 1897 (codified as amended at U.S. Code, vol.
16, secs. 473–82 and 551, in 1982). The Forest Service argued
that these statutes supported its timber harvest practices. The
trial court held that the Organic Act prohibited timber har-
vesting unless the trees were “mature” and individually “des-
ignated” and “marked” for harvest. Since the Forest Service
was employing silvicultural management methods in direct
contravention to this, the agency’s system of timber manage-
ment was effectively halted. This stunned both the Forest Ser-
vice and the timber industry. It was clearly unacceptable to
the timber industry, which depended on the national forests
as part of their available supply. The Forest Service appealed
the ruling, but the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld
the District Court’s opinion (West Virginia Division of Izaak
Walton League of America v Butz, 522 F2d 945 [4th Cir 1975]).
Although the effect of the ruling was confined to the Fourth
Circuit, the implication was that the timber-harvesting pro-
gram in the national forests, especially in its increasing reli-
ance on clear-cutting, was in jeopardy.
Scientific and technical arguments cited by the Forest Ser-
vice in support of clear-cutting as part of a properly conducted
silvicultural system were of no avail in the face of public op-
position and legal challenges. Finally, the Forest Service was
unable to ignore or to parry the thrusts of its opponents. In
the wake of the Monongahela decision, environmentalists
brought similar cases in district courts in South Carolina,
Texas, Tennessee, Georgia, Alaska, and Oregon (Dana and
Fairfax 1980, 317). The Forest Service faced the prospect of
defeat in all of these cases and, as a consequence, the depri-
vation of management methods on which it had come to rely.
Forest Service personnel believed that these practices were
essential tools for forest management and did not intend to
manage the forests without them. Ultimately, congressional
action was required to restore Forest Service authority to use
clear-cutting to harvest stands that included immature trees
(National Forest Management Act 1976).
As the legal challenge in the Monongahela National Forest
worked its way through the legal system, earlier efforts to
provide for an economically stable management environment
resurfaced in connection with proposals for the establishment
of a strategic planning program for the nation’s forest re-
sources. This culminated in enactment of the Forest and
Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act (RPA) in 1974
(Public Law 93-378; Statutes at Large 80 (1974): 476), as
amended by the National Forest Management Act in 1976
(Public Law 94-588; Statutes at Large 90 (1976): 2949), codified
at U.S. Code, vol. 16, secs. 1600–1614 (1982).
The RPA represents an attempt to institute a rational sys-
tem of strategic planning for public and private natural re-
sources in the United States. The statute provided a strategic
framework for economic and physical planning for all forest
resources and uses. These included timber, range, minerals,
development, wilderness, and a host of other commodities
and recreational needs. The statute directed the Forest Ser-
vice to determine the aggregate national demand for all for-
est products. Every ten years, the agency was to inventory
forest resources and public needs and to produce an “assess-
ment” of the state of public and private forest resources in
the United States.
The agency was also to develop a “program” every five
years to meet those needs. Using information obtained from
the national census along with other economic projections, it
projects the future demand for forest resources in the United
States. The program outlines the levels of commodities and
other goods that can be can be supplied by the nation’s for-
ests and allocates a share of national goals to the national for-
est system. To meet these goals, it proposes a budget for the
Forest Service for the next five years. Its recommendations
are submitted to the president, who may use them as a guide
for appropriation requests for the Forest Service that are sub-
mitted to Congress. The budget would reinforce the results
of the program by mandating public expenditures designed
to reach those goals. However, RPA was intended only to
develop a strategic plan. The statute contained no explicit au-
thority to implement the results of the RPA program, deliber-
ately leaving this to the prerogatives of Congress and the
Implementation of these results remained subject to exist-
ing legislation and other political and administrative forces.
Considerable agency resources were devoted to this initia-
tive, which culminated in published reports containing RPA
targets and regional disaggregation, showing how much re-
gions such as California were expected to contribute toward
achieving national goals established for various categories of
forest uses and resources. During the appropriations process,
congressional attention often initially focused on the RPA
documents, the assessment, and the program but was gener-
ally diverted from this focus by the politics of the budget pro-
cess. As a result, the goals of the RPA were only partially
realized over the years. Additionally, enactment in 1976 of
the National Forest Management Act amended RPA, estab-
lishing a separate land-management planning process. This
further complicated strategic planning and budgeting for the
Forest Service.
As part of the review of the Forest Service land-manage-
ment plans (LMPs) (discussed infra), many interested public
and private parties commented on the LMPs. Remarks by the
state of California and others requested that the Forest Ser-
vice more strongly consider RPA goals and that the final plans
for the Sierra Nevada national forests adopt as regional policy
a management strategy that set timber harvest levels closer
to the RPA targets. The state of California’s comments on the
plans for national forests in the Sierra and elsewhere in Cali-
fornia went beyond simply discussing timber targets and
sought to force the Forest Service to employ an approach that
would have led to more careful consideration of a panoply of
issues related to national forest planning. These comments
were intended to reorient agency planning to employ more
integrated views, considering the national forests and their
contribution to part of a larger landscape and region. On the
question of timber, for example, the state suggested that sus-
tained yield calculations for timber should employ a regional
timber inventory, using the stock of timber on both public
and private land as the starting point for sustained yield cal-
culations as opposed to that of a single national forest. State
concerns also extended to a variety of noncommodity issues,
seeking to draw the Forest Service more deeply into plan-
ning for watersheds and regions consisting of multiple na-
tional forests.
Sympathetic to the tenor of these comments, the Forest Ser-
vice considered the requests, featuring them prominently in
its response to public comment on the plans. Ultimately, how-
ever, other criteria contained in NFMA’s provisions (discussed
infra) and neither RPA’s strategic thrust nor its targets con-
trolled land-management planning. Without apparent irony,
the final decisions of forest supervisors and other agency
managers contained little more than an acknowledgment that
RPA’s targets called for higher harvest levels that were ap-
parently not to be achieved under NFMA planning.
RPA’s impact clearly has been decidedly less than the one
intended by its sponsors. Nevertheless, it bears restating that
RPA’s strategic approach offered the Forest Service and oth-
ers concerned with forest resources and ecosystems several
valuable integrative mechanisms. The RPA related to all three
Forest Service functions—the national forest system, research,
and state and private forestry. While these tools were not ex-
ploited, a strategic planning approach could still prove use-
ful in helping to realize shared goals for the conservation and
management of the nation’s public and private natural re-
sources. RPA provided a broader planning authority than
NFMA and is of potential relevance to emerging regional en-
Conservation and Controversy: National Forest Management, 1960–95
vironmental planning and management initiatives. This is
particularly the case in regions such as the Sierra Nevada,
where significant ecological issues extend well beyond the
national forests.
An RPA program designed to achieve ecological and other
goals inherent in NFMA, carefully thought out and sensibly
implemented, may have offered something of considerable
value in the present context. This type of strategic plan might
have laid the groundwork and enabled more active integra-
tion of federal and nonfederal lands in a range of cooperative
ventures between different public and private landowners
designed to achieve an entire spectrum of forest-related goals,
not simply RPA timber targets. These ventures might include
watershed and/or multiple national forest planning and re-
gional planning. It is instructive to note that many current
initiatives sponsored by the Forest Service and other groups
to foster ecologically sensitive management suggest that a
cooperative approach is critical, both to the success of these
efforts and to the solution of a variety of national forest policy
Under the Wilderness Act of 1964, the Forest Service was re-
quired to study certain areas to evaluate their potential for
inclusion into the wilderness system or for multiple use
(“primitive” areas had originally been set aside under the
prior “U” regulations established by the Department of Agri-
culture). The agency undertook this study in 1967, projecting
that the study would be completed within ten years. Of its
own volition, once the initial study of these lands had been
completed, the agency expanded the study to examine the
larger remaining roadless areas within the national forests.
The progress of this review, known as the Roadless Area Re-
view and Evaluation (RARE), provides another example of
an environmentalist challenge to agency initiatives. Conser-
vation groups wanted the agency to pay more attention to
recreation and preservation opportunities on the remaining
forest land as well.
Upon the completion of the review, which indicated that
approximately twelve of fifty-six million acres studied had
wilderness potential, these groups remained unsatisfied. They
wanted the Forest Service to increase the number of areas and
the acreage recommended for wilderness. The Sierra Club
immediately sued to enjoin the agency from adopting the re-
sults of the study, on the grounds that it was not accompa-
nied by an adequate EIS (Sierra Club v Butz, 3 ELR 20071 [ND
Cal 1972]). An out-of-court settlement restricted timber har-
vest in all roadless areas pending the completion of the EIS.
The EIS was released in 1973, but it did not lead to legislative
action. The Forest Service subsequently abandoned the first
study and embarked on a new study in 1977. This study,
known as “RARE II,” was released by the president in 1979.
Although 65.7 million acres were recommended as potential
wilderness, many areas for which the environmentalists
sought protection were not included. The adequacy of the
RARE II EIS was also challenged, this time by the state of
California as well as the Sierra Club and other environmental
groups (California v Block, 483 FSupp 465 [ED Cal 1980] 690
F2d 753 [9th Cir 1982]).
To end the policy stalemate, after an interagency review of
RARE II, Congress took up the question of the disposition of
these roadless areas. The result was a state-by-state review of
the wilderness recommendations by Congress. A new series
of wilderness bills proposed wilderness designations for ad-
ditional acreage located in the national forests, in the national
parks, and in other public land. In 1979 the first California
wilderness bill was introduced by Representative Philip Bur-
ton and was subjected to five years of debate before passage
in 1984. In a pattern repeated in a number of other western
states, this legislation also returned other national forest lands
to multiple use and reserved certain other areas for further
evaluation as to their suitability as wilderness. Congress con-
sidered the Forest Service recommendations and the views
of various interest groups and dealt with the decision as a
political issue. Although the environmentalists compromised
in Congress, accepting less acreage than they had originally
sought, the bills that were passed represented further victo-
ries by the environmentalists in their struggle to force the
government to permanently manage additional acreage as
wilderness. This strategy worked much better for the envi-
ronmentalists than did the administrative process, where they
made little headway in persuading the agency to adopt their
vision in either RARE or RARE II.
The timber industry, in contrast, was concerned that this
initiative would result in the removal of more productive tim-
ber lands from the commercial timber base of the national
forests. Industry was wary of further diminution of the tim-
ber base (Rey n.d.). The timber industry recognized that the
national forests must support recreation wilderness and other
nonconsumptive uses. Their position was that enough land
was already preserved as wilderness, that the remaining tim-
ber should be managed as a renewable resource, and that the
timberlands in question should be made available for har-
vest. Industry wanted to prevent more timber from being re-
moved from the national forest’s available timber base to
ensure that as much timber as possible would remain avail-
able for commercial operations.
The wilderness legislation of 1984 led to additional national
forest land being removed from the full spectrum of multiple
uses. As before, grazing, mining (where already established),
water resource development (as permitted by executive or-
der), recreation, and other interventions such as the planting
of fish were allowed to continue. In the Sierra Nevada, an
additional 1.8 million acres of land in national forest were
reserved by the 1984 legislation, again mainly at high eleva-
tion. Notwithstanding this victory, environmentalists re-
mained determined to protect other roadless areas that were
not reserved in this round of wilderness legislation. The new
wilderness areas, along with the areas reserved by the earlier
Wilderness Act of 1964, joined the national parks Yosemite,
Sequoia, and Kings Canyon as the largest areas of contiguous
forest land in the Sierra not subject to human intervention,
save those activities associated with fire suppression.
Natural resource management policy for the national forests
of the United States has been dramatically restructured over
the last twenty years. Environmentalism, public interest liti-
gation, and internal agency and congressional initiatives to-
gether worked to force the federal government to respond to
public pressure to change traditional management practices
of the federal resource management agencies, including the
Forest Service.
Background to New Legislation
After the Monongahela decision, Congress considered sev-
eral measures to restore national forest management author-
ity. Legislative debates reflected a continuing competition in
the legislative process between two different visions of forest
management. Several bills were introduced in Congress to
counter the effects of the legal obstacle to the method of tim-
ber sale and harvesting that had been in use by the Forest
Service. S. 2926, introduced by Senator W. Jennings Randolph
of West Virginia, would have allowed timber harvesting in
the national forests only with stringent prescriptions, includ-
ing provisions that would have limited the size of clear-cuts
to a maximum of twenty-five acres and required a 200- to 300-
year “rotation,” or growth period, for all trees (U.S. Forest
Service 1976, 17). A competing bill, S. 3091, presented a man-
agement model more deferential to agency expertise. Spon-
sored by Senator Hubert Humphrey, this bill sought to restore
discretionary authority to the Forest Service to employ a broad
range of management practices. The bill directed the agency
to develop plans that would respond to the diverse condi-
tions encountered in each national forest and provide for man-
agement within certain limitations designed to protect the
environment. This bill, far more than the others, continued
reliance on agency expertise to make management decisions.
After considerable debate, this version, modified by certain
amendments, was adopted as the National Forest Manage-
ment Act.
The National Forest Management Act called for the imple-
mentation of natural resource planning that would attempt
to reconcile public demands relating to resource management
and conservation with the need for timber production and
other natural resource development. Designed to resolve con-
tinuing disputes over national forest management, the new
statute, together with other contemporaneous changes in the
legal environment, sought to increase Forest Service respon-
siveness, especially to environmentalism, but also to economic
efficiency criteria, through greater legalization of agency pro-
cedures. The law’s emphasis on planning was intended to
modify existing agency resource management policies by
developing competence in a variety of scientific disciplines.
Interdisciplinary analysis, once fully developed by the agency,
was to provide reliable scientific information to assist in reso-
lution of the controversies surrounding national forest man-
Under NFMA, “multiple use and sustained yield” of for-
est resources remained the focus of national forest manage-
ment (National Forest Management Act 1976, sec. 2952, sec.
6e1, codified at U.S. Code, vol. 16, sec. 1604e1 [1982]). The
premise of the planning process was that agency decisions
would respond to natural conditions in the forest and to de-
mands on the natural resources to produce fair and balanced
plans. The plans were to be circulated for public comment to
permit the agency to respond to public comment and to
modify its decisions. Planning contemplated a range of for-
est management activities and land uses that was substan-
tially the same as had existed prior to the Monongahela
decision. Clear-cutting and other harvesting methods that per-
mitted even-aged management were allowed if they could
be shown to be the “optimum” silvicultural method. In this
respect, the statute did not appear to represent a radical de-
parture from prior management of the national forests.
NFMA, however, did incorporate environmental protection
into multiple-use planning of public natural resources.
different in NFMA were the procedures it established requir-
ing the coordination of forest planning, environmental assess-
ment, and public comment on management proposals prior
to the initiation of management actions.
Several aspects of NFMA restructured public land man-
agement to produce more balanced plans and to reduce the
likelihood of legal battles relating to management actions.
First, planning was undertaken pursuant to detailed statu-
tory instructions to ensure that adequate consideration was
given both to resource protection and to development. Sec-
ond, building on an idea of interdisciplinary expertise already
in use by the Forest Service, the statute directed the agency to
develop forest plans using an “interdisciplinary team” con-
sisting of a group of agency scientists and resource profes-
sionals with diverse scientific and professional skills. By
requiring input from new kinds of “experts,” NFMA intended
to make certain that the sustainability of forest resources was
given full consideration during agency decision making.
Third, the law expanded opportunities for public involvement
in the planning process, seeking to permit an unprecedented
level of public participation in management decisions. These
features all promoted new avenues of decision making within
Conservation and Controversy: National Forest Management, 1960–95
the agency and distinguished NFMA land-management plan-
ning from earlier Forest Service management. The impact of
these provisions is worth considering because they have
shaped the course of national forest management from the
enactment of NFMA to the present time.
The origins of NFMA’s administrative reforms have to do
with the administrative culture of the Forest Service itself.
The Forest Service was regarded as an example of the effort
to promote expert management in administration (Clarke and
McCool 1984, 41–44) and an able player in national politics
(Hays 1969). Despite controversies over national forest man-
agement, the agency enjoyed an excellent reputation among
politicians and social scientists as a model of effectiveness in
bureaucratic management (Clarke and McCool 1984, 41–44).
After World War II, many aspects of national forest manage-
ment became controversial. As support for Forest Service man-
agement decisions steadily eroded, these decisions were
increasingly subject to challenge. Consequently, support for
management authority itself also eroded significantly. This
legacy makes it particularly intriguing to study administra-
tive change in an agency so rich in tradition and in expertise.
Understanding how the reform affected the Forest Service re-
sponse to NFMA’s objectives also provides insights as to the
difficulties in ensuring the attainment of any complex set of
objectives through legislation and implementation.
NFMA accurately reflected wider political conflicts and
uncertainty over goals for public land use. The statute’s pro-
visions for management reform contain less than definitive
direction and emphasize planning to achieve balanced land-
management plans. The implication of this arrangement is
that controversies over national forest management that Con-
gress could not resolve would remain. Land-management
planning conducted pursuant to NFMA anticipated these
conflicts. Planning was intended not to eliminate national
forest management controversies but to provide procedures
for land and resource planning that would enable conflict reso-
lution and progress toward better management in light of
conflict. Three ideas central to administrative reform are
contained in NFMA’s direction to the Forest Service. First,
the relationship between law and administrative behavior is
specified in the statutory elaboration of the planning process.
Regulations further emphasized full assessment of the for-
ests’ capabilities for diverse uses and decision making con-
sistent with that information. The law recognized that Forest
Service administrators were charged with more than manag-
ing a planning process and that they were policy makers
whose decisions could have a significant impact on the con-
dition of the national forests. The statute gave the adminis-
trators general guidance in decision making but delegated to
agency managers discretion to reach a decision within a range
of possible outcomes that would achieve the greatest “net
public benefit” (NFMA Regulations). Of course, there were
other constraints on administrators. Land-management plan-
ning, like many other public programs, is conducted in a
highly charged political environment. The political implica-
tions of these “administrative” decisions were closely fol-
lowed by successive executive branch appointees. The Forest
Service, therefore, was expected to act with both technical
proficiency and sensitivity to public and political opinion.
The procedural reforms associated with planning and the
NEPA process forced consideration of information that pre-
viously might easily have been undervalued or ignored. Re-
sponding to land-management planning requirements for
analysis was intended to allow the agency to develop local
plans in accord with the statute’s substantive goals for re-
source development and preservation. The new procedures
led to considerable changes in agency operation.
The National Forest Management Act implicitly promoted
a second principle of administrative reform to ensure a stable
management environment that would be responsive to chang-
ing public priorities. Even at the time of its enactment, there
was considerable skepticism among scholars of public land
policy concerning the power of the new law to do so. NFMA,
in seeking to promote this goal, fought against an already
strong tide of activism. Several concerns are worth mention-
ing here. First of all, establishing a comprehensive land-use
planning system, as done under NFMA, which standardizes
analysis and planning direction of natural resources over a
very large area, represents a conceptual challenge. On top of
this ambitious goal, the expectation that this system would
retain flexibility sufficient to permit managers to respond to
varying local needs and conditions was perhaps a forlorn
hope. Early in the planning process, some doubt was ex-
pressed that any Forest Service management policy requir-
ing assent of the public could succeed, as long as those who
opposed it could find a method to block implementation of
agency plans (Behan 1981, 802, 805). This statement later
proved to be fairly prophetic.
Second, the National Forest Management Act explicitly rec-
ognized the continuing validity of multiple-use management.
The Forest Service sought to employ this philosophy to sat-
isfy the needs of timber and other commodity interests while
also attempting to satisfy environmentalist concerns. At the
same time, NFMA implicitly acknowledged that prior
multiple-use management did not sufficiently accomplish this
objective. The newly constructed procedures in national for-
est planning intended to respond to environmental constitu-
encies without sacrificing the virtues of the established
management system. To those familiar with recent public land
management in the United States, who had come to view con-
troversy as the normal condition for public land policy mak-
ing, the effort to blend these conflicting aims was a formula
that would achieve only added conflict and inefficient use of
publicly owned natural resources (O’Toole 1988; Stroup and
Baden 1983; Rosenbaum 1984). Nevertheless, the ambiguity
inherent in NFMA’s mission made land-management plan-
ning the subject of continuing scrutiny by public land schol-
ars, activists, and others.
A third idea inherent in the administrative reform of the
era focused on demands to increase representation and par-
ticipation in government is well illustrated on NFMA’s em-
phasis on public participation in planning. Public involve-
ment was intended to reorient administrative decision making
from a strict reliance on expert management toward decision
making that resembled a political dialogue between the ad-
ministrator and the public (Reich 1985; Handler 1988;
Friedmann 1987). Efforts to draw the public into the plan-
ning process resulted from a tacit recognition that forest-plan-
ning decision making, although dependent on Forest Service
expertise, had political implications. Out of necessity, plan-
ning required agency consideration of public opinion during
all stages of the process. NFMA land-management planning
employed various types of public participation so that wher-
ever possible disagreements over administrative decisions
would be settled expeditiously. Public participation allowed
the public and interest groups to comment on agency pro-
posals. The Forest Service experimented with innovative tech-
niques, such as negotiation, that blurred distinctions between
public involvement and conflict resolution in order to resolve
specific policy disputes (Wondolleck 1988), drawing on col-
laborative approaches to settling policy questions utilized in
public land management, and in other administrative and
regulatory settings (Fiorino 1988; Sullivan 1984; Burton 1991).
NFMA: Impact of Land-Management Planning
in the Sierra Nevada
In the middle to late 1980s, the Forest Service produced land-
management plans (LMPs) calling for expanded utilization
of practices, such as even-aged management, that had already
generated considerable controversy. Armed with statutory
language that allowed what remained to be a controversial
practice, the plans clearly laid out the future of every area
within the national forest. Several important elements in the
plans in the Sierra illustrate some significant differences from
the policies previously guiding national forest management.
Forest Service land-management planning proposed to
greatly accelerate clear-cutting in many regions, including the
Sierra Nevada. Overall, this reflected an apparent emphasis
on enhanced productivity on national forest lands devoted
to timber production. This included some related silvicultural
methods, such as seed tree cutting and overstory removal. As
a result of this policy, the new plans proposed significant in-
creases in clear-cutting in the Sierra during the middle 1980s.
Data from national forest timber sales reflects this increase
(Verner et al. 1992, 240–41). The rationale for this increase was
that many forest stands were mainly composed of mature or
overmature trees, well past their peak growth period. Plan-
ning documents presented to the public suggested that as
these stands were cleared and replanted, growth would in-
crease, allowing the forest to supply more timber. Some
conversion of forest types were proposed. Mixed stands, con-
taining conifer and hardwood, were to be logged and re-
planted as conifer (generally pine) stands. This was apparently
part of an effort to improve timber yield. Similarly, other
stands, in which white fir had increased due to the effects of
earlier timber harvests and fire suppression, were to be har-
vested and replanted to resemble more closely the mix of spe-
cies that had occurred before human intervention.
Many foresters were sympathetic to the goals of the Forest
Service. Where a natural mix of species had been or was be-
ing eclipsed by the growth of white fir and the harvesting of
older stands, they regarded the initiative as an effort to re-
store the forest landscape. This group viewed the LMPs as
moving the national forests much closer to the model of a
regulated forest, an ideal of scientific forestry that allows both
greater productivity of forest lands and better modeling of
timber growth. Environmental critics of land-management
plans viewed these arguments as insufficient either to justify
the increased use of clear-cutting or to increase harvest lev-
els. Prior to the adoption of the LMPs, these practices had
already been introduced in many areas in the Sierra Nevada.
In the years immediately following the approval of the LMPs,
utilization of these practices significantly increased.
Exceptions may be seen in the way this practice was
adapted and applied to clear-cut areas around the giant se-
quoia trees located in Sequoia National Forest. Ironically, al-
though justified in part by Forest Service managers as a
method to leave the giant sequoias intact while promoting
sequoia regeneration, these timber sales were regarded by
some as proof of irresponsible stewardship in these relatively
rare areas. They became one of the single most visible aspects
of the changes actually implemented as a result of land-man-
agement planning. This controversy, one of apparent ecologi-
cal significance, sparked appeals and lawsuits and led
eventually to the mediated settlement agreement (MSA),
which is being explored in greater depth elsewhere by SNEP.
Chiefly, the changes in national forest management in the
Sierra had to do with increased intensity of management ac-
tivities, such as clear-cutting, rather than the wholesale adop-
tion of new forest practices. However, when the scope and
intensity of these actions were laid out in the plans, it became
clear that the character of many areas would change drasti-
cally under the hand of management. Predictably, some of
the same individuals and organizations that the Forest Ser-
vice faced in earlier struggles over clear-cutting and wilder-
ness resurfaced to battle the Forest Service again.
During this period, several other newly enacted statutes also
significantly modified the Forest Service prerogatives. Al-
though the implications of these laws in the national forests
of the Sierra Nevada will not be examined here in any depth,
it is important to understand that these laws dramatically al-
tered federal prerogatives with respect to natural resource
Conservation and Controversy: National Forest Management, 1960–95
planning and management. The Federal Land Policy and
Management Act, as amended (U.S. Code, vol. 43, secs. 1701–
84 [1976]) (FLPMA), directed the Bureau of Land Manage-
ment (BLM) to undertake comprehensive land and resource
planning for the public lands similar in scope to what NFMA
required for the national forests. At the same time FLPMA
revised and modified authorities related to the entire Forest
Service lands program, altering management of rights of way,
acquisition, small tracts of noncontiguous land, etc. The law
also revised the administration of the minerals programs of
the Forest Service and BLM.
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act (U.S. Code, vol.
33, sec. 1251 et seq. [Clean Water Act]) and the Clean Air Act
transferred to the states the authority to regulate practices on
federal lands, provided the state had obtained approval for
its own program to enforce these laws. For the first time, air-
and water-quality standards, as well as the authority to issue
permits for a range of regulated activities, applied to federal
lands, limiting federal prerogatives on public land. Forest
Service discretionary authority in planning is also subject to
the operation of other laws with which public forest manage-
ment must also comply. The Clean Water Act requires that
the activities likely to affect the quality of certain water sys-
tems must be conducted under approved procedures, or “best
management practices.” The Forest Service’s interpretation
of its responsibility in California under this law was chal-
lenged in court, resulting in the modification of certain man-
agement actions (Northwest Cemetery Protective Association v
Peterson [764 F2d 581 (9th Cir 1985)]).
The Federal Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (U.S. Code, vol. 16,
secs. 1271–87) is another statute with specific mandates
and established standards that the Forest Service was required
to take into account in the preparation of its land-manage-
ment plans.
Reshaping Resource Planning and
Management in the Sierra Nevada
The present legal environment for resource management in
the national forests is principally comprised of three statutes,
NFMA (1976), NEPA (1969), and the Endangered Species Act
(1989) (ESA). The legal requirements for protection for plant
and animal species contained within these laws is significant
enough to have played an important role in the evolution of
federal and state resource management. More precisely, it is
clear that procedural requirements for national forest plan-
ning have substantive effects. Legal protections for sensitive
species contained within these laws, and their regulatory
progeny, operate to modify any Forest Service land-manage-
ment plan that fails to take account of the needs of the species
or to provide for its habitat requirements. Scientific analysis
intended to help administrators make decisions consistent
with the law may effectively dictate policy choices that have
profound effects for forest management.
The California spotted owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis),
one of three subspecies of spotted owls, is related to the north-
ern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) and the Mexican
spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) (American Ornitholo-
gists’ Union 1983). The California spotted owl’s range extends
from the Pit River (at the northern end of the Sierra Nevada)
southerly through the Sierra Nevada, along the central Coast
Range south of the Golden Gate, and throughout the forested
areas of southern California, including the higher montane
regions. The majority of California spotted owl habitat in the
Sierra Nevada is within national forests, entirely within the
Pacific Southwest Region (Region 5) of the Forest Service (the
range of the northern spotted owl lies mostly in the Cascade
Mountain system and includes part of both the Pacific North-
west Region and the Pacific Southwest Region of the Forest
Service). In the late 1980s, Forest Service management prac-
tices for both the northern and California spotted owls sought
to preserve small areas of owl habitat, known as Spotted Owl
Habitat Areas (SOHAs). The SOHA strategy permitted par-
tial timber harvesting in parts of SOHAs not immediately
adjacent to nest trees. Lands outside of SOHAs also were uti-
lized for nesting, roosting, and foraging by the owls, but the
SOHA policy did not affect timber harvests on the remainder
of forest lands. A more complete explanation of the SOHA
strategy can be found in U.S. Forest Service 1993a, III-1-2.
Research conducted on the northern spotted owl raised the
possibility that the SOHA strategy did not sufficiently pro-
tect owl habitat and that the continued use of clear-cutting
was detrimental to the spotted owl. As the Interagency Sci-
entific Committee study on the northern spotted owl was
nearing completion in 1989, research indicated that the exist-
ing management strategy would not sufficiently ensure the
survival of the northern spotted owl and that its continued
use would lead to further decline in northern spotted owl
numbers (Thomas et al. 1990, 427). The Fish and Wildlife Ser-
vice (FWS) listed the northern spotted owl as a “threatened”
species under the ESA in June 1990. The Mexican spotted owl
was also listed under the ESA (Federal Register 58, no. 49 [16
March 1993]: 14248–71). The research suggested that the
SOHA policy and subsequent administrative actions em-
ployed to protect the habitat of the California subspecies also
were inadequate and were as vulnerable to legal challenge
as those employed for the conservation of the northern spot-
ted owl.
The Forest Service had already designated the California
spotted owl as a “sensitive species.” This required an inter-
nal evaluation of any plans or projects to determine their ef-
fects on the spotted owl. Yet there were few demographic or
ecological studies specific to the California subspecies. Ac-
cordingly, the lack of biological information made it difficult
to justify any change in management guidelines or to offer
guidance as to what type of habitat management should be
adopted. This uncertainty caused some concern among re-
source managers and the public. NFMA and its regulations
require that the Forest Service maintain viable populations of
native and select non-native wildlife species (Code of Federal
Regulations, vol. 36, sec. 219.19 [1988]). The Forest Service in-
stituted a new policy, known as cumulative effects analysis
(CEA), to supplement the SOHA strategy. CEA called for spe-
cific consideration as to how individual projects would affect
owl habitat in relation to habitat conservation measures gen-
erally required for known or probable owl sites for pairs or
resident single owls (Verner et al. 1992). Environmental groups
continued to express concerns about the adequacy of the con-
servation measures and challenged Forest Service decisions
to continue using the SOHA strategy for management of owl
habitats. Eventually, environmental groups filed a number of
administrative appeals challenging a number of timber sales
in the region (e.g., “Appeal of the Tahoe National Forest Land
Management Plan,” Natural Resources Defense Council, 15
March 1991).
The decision of the Forest Service was to attempt to resolve
the controversy by pursuing a remedy without waiting for
the results of the administrative and legal process. This de-
velopment may be regarded as the clearest signal that the land-
management plans were not going to be fully implemented.
The new policy precluded any large-scale use of clear-cut-
ting or other methods intended to achieve even-aged man-
agement strategies for the Sierra. The law’s mandates,
especially the element of the regulations requiring the Forest
Service to ensure that its plans would provide a “minimum
viable population” of forest species, ultimately worked to
ensure that NFMA’s implementation did not lead to the
wholesale changes in the forest that the Forest Service had
Developing a New Management Strategy
In June 1991, in response to growing public concern about
the status of the California spotted owl, state and federal agen-
cies convened the “California Spotted Owl Assessment and
Planning Team (‘Steering Committee’).” The goal of this group
was to assess the status of the owl and explore alternative
management strategies that would conserve the subspecies
and its habitat. The steering committee, co-chaired by Ron
Stewart, then regional forester for the Pacific Southwest Re-
gion, and Douglas Wheeler, secretary of the Resources Agency
of California, included representatives from the Resources
Agency, the Forest Service, the California Department of For-
estry and Fire Protection (CDF), the National Park Service
(NPS), the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM), the Board of Forestry (BOF), and the
Department of Fish and Game (DFG). Observers from county
government, and nongovernmental observers from environ-
mental groups, timber and forest products industries, and sev-
eral other organizations were also invited to attend. Agency
representatives agreed to plan the implementation of conser-
vation measures, especially those required if the subspecies
were to be listed under the ESA. The charter for this project
directed federal and state natural resource agencies to
work cooperatively . . . to assess local research, inven-
tory and monitoring information for the . . . spotted owl
[and that as] more information becomes available . . .
agencies will continue to work cooperatively to incor-
porate other species and habitat needs into a long-term
ecosystem planning strategy for the Sierra and South-
ern California ecosystems (“California Spotted Owl As-
sessment and Planning Team,” ms., 14 May 1991).
The steering committee immediately created two teams, a
“technical team” to provide expertise in avian biology and
ecology and a “policy implementation planning (PIP) team”
to provide policy and economic analysis. The project was to
produce several results:
a review by the technical team of the status of the Califor-
nia spotted owl, to be published as a technical report
recommendations by the technical team for a management
strategy to maintain viable populations of the owl, includ-
ing an assessment of alternative measures considered
analysis by the PIP team of socioeconomic effects resulting
from the implementation of the management recommen-
dations of the technical team, including an “evaluation of
alternative institutional strategies” and regulatory appli-
cations to be considered for adoption by state and federal
The technical team evaluated several alternative manage-
ment strategies for the owl. The team analyzed the status of
the owl and offered a set of recommendations, known as the
“CASPO report,” to the steering committee in May 1992. Fol-
lowing a period of review and comment, the report, “The
California Spotted Owl: A Technical Assessment of Its Cur-
rent Status,” was published in late 1992 (Verner et al. 1992). A
review of the impacts of this policy may be found in Ruth
and Standiford (1994). The scientific analysis suggested that
existing policy measures used to protect the spotted owl and
its habitat were inadequate. The technical team investigated
the loss of suitable habitat in the Sierra Nevada. The team
noted that suitable owl habitat probably was once more ex-
tensive and concluded that habitat loss has been caused by
even-aged silvicultural practices and catastrophic fire. Their
research attributed further diminution in habitat to the ac-
tivities of miners and sheepherders in the nineteenth century
(Verner et al. 1992, 10–11, 225, 232–33, 240–41, 248–53). The
team noted that in the present era current land-management
policy called for increased clear-cutting and other forms of
regeneration harvests. The emphasis within the plans on har-
vesting large-diameter trees was also viewed as detrimental
Conservation and Controversy: National Forest Management, 1960–95
by the technical team (J. K. Verner, project leader, Wildlife
Monitoring and Range Research, USFS, Pacific Southwest
Research Station, personal conversation with the author, July
22, 1993). These harvests removed forest structures upon
which the owl was dependent. Under the LMPs for the Sierra
Nevada national forests, the technical team estimated that the
amount of suitable habitat would further decline at a rate of
229,000 acres per decade (Verner et al. 1992, 11 and chap. 13).
The team also emphasized that suppression of fire had accel-
erated the accumulation of fuels and significantly increased
the likelihood of fires that would destroy timber stands, in-
cluding those essential to the spotted owl. The technical team
concluded that these management actions had detrimental
effects on spotted owl habitat and proposed an interim strat-
egy of thinning and fuel management to begin to address these
problems (Verner et al. 1992, chap. 1).
To adopt the CASPO recommendations as management policy,
the agency complied with planning and public participation
requirements of NFMA (1976) and NEPA that must be com-
pleted prior to making changes in management direction.
Pursuant to NEPA, the Forest Service prepared the “Califor-
nia Spotted Owl Sierran Province Interim Guidelines Envi-
ronmental Assessment” (EA) (U.S. Forest Service 1993a,
III-1-2). The EA incorporated substantially all of the CASPO
management recommendations into an interim management
plan for the Sierra Nevada national forests. The regional
forester’s decision amended the regional guidelines for land
management in the seven Sierra Nevada national forests. This
procedure satisfied the requirements of NEPA, as these
amendments were judged to be nonsignificant actions (U.S.
Forest Service 1993b, DN-13-15) (Cal. Owl NOI). On January
13, 1993, the regional forester formally adopted the plan as
management direction for these national forests.
This decision was not immediately accepted by the entire
steering committee. A number of administrative appeals filed
by timber interests, and others brought by affected counties,
challenged the adequacy of the EA. In addition, members of
the steering committee representing state and federal agen-
cies alleged that the Forest Service decision to change policy
abrogated the interagency agreement and departed from the
exercise of shared authority they believed to be implicit in
the owl assessment process. The Forest Service argued that
there was no breach of this agreement, maintaining that it
was clear that the long-term survival of the population of the
owl could not be assured if existing policy permitting exten-
sive clear-cutting and other forms of regeneration harvests
remained in force. The Forest Service noted that the data sub-
mitted in the technical team’s report left no choice: The agency
was legally required to revise its management policy. The
agency maintained that the steering committee’s involvement
in the development of policy pertaining to national forests
was strictly advisory. At the same time, the agency agreed to
remain part of the interagency process as it continued the
preparation of the EIS.
Members of the steering committee representing the state
of California found themselves in an awkward position. They
fully understood and accepted the Forest Service’s desire to
avoid a legal challenge to its management policies. Never-
theless, state support for the California Spotted Owl Assess-
ment had always been conditioned on the principle that in
this process, the federal government had an obligation to con-
sider the implications of conservation planning and manage-
ment for national forest lands on the larger region in which
they were situated. Ten years earlier, similar concerns moti-
vated the state to comment on Forest Service plans, suggest-
ing that the land-management plans needed to more fully
consider regional effects and a more cooperative regional
approach to planning. For their part, state officials had recog-
nized the dramatic changes in theories pertaining to natural
resource conservation and management. Evidence of the
state’s support for a more ecologically integrated, regional
approach to management is reflected in the state’s strong sup-
port in the drafting, adoption, and implementation of the
“Memorandum of Understanding on Biological Diversity”
(The Resources Agency 1992). Accordingly, state officials
sought to better integrate measures to conserve habitats for
multiple species while maintaining the viability of local
economies into Forest Service planning and decision making.
Although the state’s views of how these goals should be ac-
complished have provoked criticism, from both environmen-
tal groups and commodity groups, the state continues to
articulate these same concerns. It may be argued that the For-
est Service’s failure to pay heed to state concerns regarding
the land-management planning process of the prior decade
led to increased state support for initiatives to focus more lo-
cal and regional attention on Forest Service planning. These
initiatives include the California Spotted Owl Assessment, the
Council on Biological Diversity, Sierra Nevada Research Plan-
ning (SNRP), and the Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project itself.
At the present time, early in 1996, the Forest Service con-
tinues to revise the “Draft EIS: Managing California Spotted
Owl Habitat in the Sierra Nevada National Forests of Califor-
nia” (U.S. Forest Service 1995) (DEIS). The DEIS will more
fully address conservation planning for the broader suite of
species living in the Sierra Nevada (Cal. Owl NOI), eventu-
ally permitting the Forest Service to revise its management
policies. Currently, forest management activities in the na-
tional forests of the Sierra must continue to conform to the
CASPO policies as articulated in the Cal. Owl NOI. These are
subject to change upon adoption of the final EIS.
Until quite recently, environmental and natural resource–
related policies operated without explicitly considering the
ecosystem as a point of reference for policy formation, imple-
mentation, or evaluation. It is certainly true that some poli-
cies implemented in the Sierra Nevada by the Forest Service
have had profound effects upon the landscape and, most prob-
ably, the state of Sierran ecosystems. As mentioned above,
other policies—some of them largely or entirely unrelated to
natural resources—have also had significant impacts on the
ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada. The point of this retrospec-
tive policy analysis is not solely to establish that certain pub-
lic policies positively or negatively affected ecosystems in the
Sierra Nevada. Nor is it just an opportunity to call attention
to those policies that the SNEP Science Team believes should
be favored or avoided in the future. This retrospective, and
indeed, the Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project itself, provides
a larger opportunity to review the operation of environmen-
tal and natural resource–related policies and should help to
reflect on the complexity of the institutional setting surround-
ing the implementation of these policies. This approach will
materially assist the SNEP Science Team, public officials, and
the public in understanding and evaluating existing and pro-
posed policies.
Implementation of bold land-management initiatives pro-
posed by the Forest Service, such as even-aged management,
upon a landscape where almost any large-scale activity ap-
parently has the potential to cause substantial environmental
impacts, was unsuccessful. Examination of Forest Service
policy, of the operation of NFMA, and of recent extraordi-
nary efforts to resolve continuing controversies over natural
resource management demonstrates that much of the oppo-
sition to Forest Service plans has been due to the inability of
the agency to satisfy the ecological protection provisions of
federal law and policy. Despite the mandate of national for-
est management policies to implement an ecological approach
to natural resource planning, conservation, and management,
the Forest Service has generally not been able to do so. Until
comparatively recently, most successful agency policy initia-
tives tended to be responses to single-purpose functional de-
mands, such as timber, range, or recreation. Implementation
of NFMA, despite explicit requirements for the protection of
ecosystem attributes and functions, has had only limited suc-
cess in incorporating an ecological approach into its general
land and resource planning. Forest Service efforts to comply
with these requirements continue to face political and bud-
getary directives that complicate resource management. Con-
flicting directions often appear to be supported by elements
within NFMA itself.
Political and social activism related to dissatisfaction with
national forest management activities remains another impor-
tant force, leading to political challenges and to heightened
legal scrutiny of Forest Service decisions. In many instances,
activists are able to draw on elements of NFMA that tend to
support a particular position. The agency, in contrast, gener-
ally must try to balance the operation of a particular provi-
sion with that of other goals within NFMA. In many instances
it has done so only to find that a decision will not meet with
legal or regulatory approval. Scientific and technical knowl-
edge are essential components of decision making, but this
expertise has not solved the riddle of how to meet either the
demands of NFMA’s several conflicting forest management
goals or the conflicting demands of the public. Satisfying these
objectives, especially habitat conservation and commodities
production, has forced the Forest Service to promulgate poli-
cies that are effectively compromises intended to arrive at a
decision that reconciles several conflicting objectives. Forest
Service actions continue to face certain scrutiny, which quickly
translates into opposition if the agency displays a lack of at-
tention to legal or administrative mandates pertaining to en-
vironmental protection. The outcome—unintended by the
Forest Service—is that implementation of plans and manage-
ment activities poised to have a substantial impact on the eco-
system were prevented from being fully implemented.
The intense public attention focused on NFMA has been
an understandable source of frustration to many Forest Ser-
vice managers. Public involvement in resource planning trans-
lated into administrative and legal mechanisms to influence
national forest planning, however, represents a self-correct-
ing mechanism for policies that do not comply with the in-
tent of the law and its attendant regulations. Imperfect and
unsatisfactory as it may appear, the ongoing Forest Service’s
effort to conserve the California spotted owl is an example of
the process at work. Simultaneously, however, experience
during the recent decades with the transient nature of Forest
Service policies strongly suggests that policies established to
provide for management of the Sierran national forests have
not yet successfully ensured long-term sustainability for the
natural resources and ecosystems. Irrespective of an ongoing
search for solutions, the Forest Service has been unable to
implement either broad policies or land-management plans
that survive longer than a few years (Yaffee 1994; Ruth 1990).
No proposal for managing the national forests of the Sierra
Nevada thus far has elucidated a strategy that will demon-
strably satisfy the ecological, socioeconomic, legal, and po-
litical criteria by which these policies are judged. Producing
land-management plans that respond to current national for-
est management priorities in the Sierra Nevada—providing
for habitat and species conservation while promoting fuel
Conservation and Controversy: National Forest Management, 1960–95
management and commodities production—continues to be
a difficult technical problem. Achieving solutions, of course,
is complicated by various conflicting views among key pub-
lic actors, both individuals and groups, as to what methods
will best accomplish particular goals. Recognition of the dif-
ficulty in integrating ecological, technical, and social concerns
into a successful management plan is part of the motivation
for the Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project. Public concerns re-
garding the management and conservation of national forest
ecosystems will not be resolved by the SNEP Science Team or
by direct application of its final report. The fruits of the project,
the scientific assessment and the scenarios developed by the
Science Team, however, should provide a useful step in the
search for solutions.
The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the staff
of the Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project (SNEP), members of
the SNEP Science Team, and many other individuals con-
nected with this endeavor. In particular, Professor Harrison
Dunning, organizer of the SNEP Policy Retrospective, held
on May 17, 1995, deserves special thanks and recognition. All
those who reviewed and commented on an earlier version of
this chapter provided invaluable and constructive criticism.
1. As early as 1929, at the instigation of foresters within the agency,
areas in the national forests had already been removed from har-
vesting and other management activities. This practice originated
with the “L-20” regulation in 1929, which allowed the Forest Ser-
vice to protect certain “primitive areas.” This authority was ex-
panded and more precisely defined in 1939 with the “U”
regulations. Over the objections of commodity users, additional
land was removed at this time. Three different types of designa-
tions were established. Regulation U-1 defined “wilderness” as
unroaded, undeveloped tracts 100,000 acres or more. These ar-
eas were to be designated by the secretary of agriculture. Areas
that had similar characteristics but were smaller in size could be
set aside as “wild” areas by the chief forester. A third category
allowed tracts of 100,000 acres or more to be designated by the
chief forester as roadless areas to be managed for recreation “sub-
stantially in their natural condition.” See Dana and Fairfax (1980,
2. Senator Humphrey’s original bill was amended to provide legis-
lative assurances to conservation interests that required the For-
est Service to eschew certain extractive resource policies. One
provision required the use of a sustained yield forestry practice
known as “nondeclining even flow.” This provision mandated
that timber sales from each forest were to be “equal to or less
than a quantity which can be removed from such forest on a sus-
tained yield basis: Provided, That, in order to meet overall mul-
tiple use objectives, the Secretary may establish an allowable sale
quantity for any decade which departs from the projected
long-term average sale quantity that would otherwise be estab-
lished. . . . [S]uch planned departures must be consistent with
the multiple-use management objectives of the land management
plan” (sec. 11). Although this practice had already been adopted
by the Forest Service in 1973 (see earlier discussion), the amend-
ment committed the agency to plan timber harvest levels on each
forest at a rate that was sustainable indefinitely.
The timber industry and many economists opposed this pro-
vision. In their view, nondeclining even flow was too restrictive
because it prevented major variations in the allowable cut on a
national forest that could increase economic returns while still
meeting sustained timber yield goals. To accommodate this ob-
jection, the final version of the bill allowed for exceptions from
the “non-declining even flow” policy in order to achieve mul-
tiple-use goals. This arrangement was emblematic of the design
for national forest planning. This compromise enabled Congress
to delegate discretionary authority to the Forest Service to oper-
ate within certain limits. This also allowed Congress to defer re-
sponsibility to the Forest Service for many controversial decisions
regarding the determination of management priorities, land al-
locations, and levels of commodity development and other re-
source uses.
3. As a precursor to new national forest planning, NFMA contained
several provisions intended to remove the threat of delays re-
sulting from legal challenges to new planning. The statute pro-
vided that existing plans for an area would remain in force until
a new land-management plan was adopted. Primarily, this meant
the unit plans and timber management plans and other special
use plans developed under the auspices of the Multiple Use–
Sustained Yield Act of 1960. This allowed the Forest Service to
continue to manage the national forests as it had before the Na-
tional Forest Management Act, pending the completion of the
new plans. Notwithstanding the decision in the Monongahela
case, this provision tacitly permitted the use of clear-cutting on
the forests, pending the release and final approval of the National
Forest Management Act plans, including the period during which
a new plan might be appealed. In order to remove any further
doubt as to whether clear-cutting was permitted, section 11 of
the statute explicitly repealed the language of the 1897 Organic
Act, which had stipulated that trees could not be harvested un-
less the trees were “mature” and individually “designated” and
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