Piano Syllabus / 2022 Edition
2022 Edition
Message from the President
e mission of e Royal Conservatory—to develop human potential through leadership in
music and the arts—is based on the conviction that music and the arts are humanity’s greatest
means to achieve personal growth and social cohesion. Since 1886 e Royal Conservatory
has realized this mission by developing a structured system consisting of curriculum and
assessment that fosters participation in music making and creative expression by millions
of people. We believe that the curriculum at the core of our system is the nest in the
world today.
In order to ensure the quality, relevance, and eectiveness of our curriculum, we engage in an
ongoing process of revitalization, which elicits the input of hundreds of leading teachers. e
award-winning publications that support the use of the curriculum oer the widest selection of
carefully selected and graded materials at all levels. Certicates and Diplomas from e Royal
Conservatory of Music attained through examinations represent the gold standard in music
e strength of the curriculum and assessment structure is reinforced by the distinguished
College of Examiners—a group of outstanding musicians and teachers from Canada, the United
States, and abroad who have been chosen for their experience, skill, and professionalism. An
acclaimed adjudicator certication program, combined with regular evaluation procedures,
ensures consistency and an examination experience of the highest quality for candidates.
As you pursue your studies or teach others, you become an important partner with e Royal
Conservatory in helping all people to open critical windows for reection, to unleash their
creativity, and to make deeper connections with others.
Dr. Peter C. Simon
Michael and Sonja Koerner President & CEO
e Royal Conservatory
Stuart Lowe
What’s New? 4 Piano Examination Requirements 4
Repertoire 4
Technical Requirements 7
Musicianship 7
Level-by-Level Requirements
Elementary Certicates 8
Preparatory A 8
Preparatory B 13
Level 1 18
Level 2 24
Level 3 30
Level 4 37
Intermediate Certicates 44
Level 5 44
Level 6 52
Level 7 60
Level 8 68
Advanced Certicates 78
Level 9 78
Level 10 89
Diplomas 100
Associate Diploma (ARCT) in Piano, Performer 100
Associate Diploma (ARCT) in Piano, Pedagogy 109
Licentiate Diploma (LRCM) in Piano, Performer 109
Table of Marks 118
Classication of Marks 119
Split Level 10 Practical Examinations 119
Supplemental Examinations 119
Technical Tests Examples 120
Musicianship Examples 124
Resources 131
For an introduction to e RCM Certicate Program, including
such information as registration for examinations, prerequisites
and corequisites, examination regulations, and procedures, please
see the Practical Examinations Syllabus at rcmusic.com/syllabi.
Whats New?
• Repertoire lists have been updated and expanded to include
new works written in the last ten years.
• Musicianship requirements include new optional alternatives to
broaden and expand aural and reading skills.
• Memory marks will be awarded at Level 8.
• Students may now substitute a popular selection for one etude
at Level 10.
• The Associate Diploma (ARCT) in Piano, Pedagogy
requirements have been updated, and are available in a separate
document at rcmusic.com/syllabi.
• The Licentiate Diploma (LRCM) in Piano, Performer has been
added to this document.
Piano Examination
At each level, students are encouraged to choose a balanced
examination program that includes a variety of musical styles,
genres, and tonalities. For Preparatory A to Level 10, students
may select repertoire from Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition (RCM
Publishing) or repertoire from other published resources, as listed
in the “Complete Repertoire” section for each level in the Syllabus.
Please see Abbreviations at rcmusic.com/syllabi for a list of
publishers with their abbreviations.
Repertoire Lists
e repertoire for Levels 1 to 10 and the Associate Diploma
(ARCT) in Piano, Performer is divided into lists, according to
genre or stylistic period.
Levels 1 and 2
List A: Baroque and Classical Repertoire
List B: Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
List C: Inventions
Levels 3 to 7
List A: Baroque Repertoire
List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire
List C: Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
Levels 8 and 9
List A: Baroque Repertoire
List B: Classical Repertoire
List C: Romantic Repertoire
List D: Post-Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
Level 10
List A: Works by J.S. Bach
List B: Classical Repertoire
List C: Romantic Repertoire
List D: Post-Romantic, Impressionist, and Early 20th-century
List E: 20th- and 21st-century Repertoire
Associate Diploma (ARCT) in Piano, Performer
List A: Works by J.S. Bach
List B: Classical Sonatas
List C: Romantic Repertoire
List D: Post-Romantic, Impressionist, and Early 20th-century
List E: 20th- and 21st-century Repertoire
List F: Concert Etudes
For the examination repertoire requirements for Preparatory A,
please see p. 8; for Preparatory B, please see p. 13; for the Licentiate
Diploma (LRCM) in Piano, Performer, please see p.109.
Da Capo Signs and Repeats
• When performing repertoire in an examination, students
should observe da capo and dal segno signs, unless stated
otherwise in the Piano Syllabus, 2022 Edition.
• Repeat signs should ordinarily be ignored. However, repeat
signs should be observed if indicated in the Piano Syllabus,
2022 Edition or in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition.
• At the Associate Diploma (ARCT) and Licentiate Diploma
(LRCM) levels, repeats may be observed at the candidates
discretion, within the allotted time.
To support secure and condent performances, students are
encouraged to memorize repertoire selections.
• In Preparatory A, Preparatory B, and Levels 1 to 8, memory
marks are awarded for each repertoire selection performed by
memory, for a total of 6 marks.
• In Levels 9 and 10, one mark will be deducted for each
repertoire selection that is played with the music.
• For the Associate Diploma (ARCT) in Piano, Performer,
and the Licentiate Diploma (LRCM) in Piano, Performer,
memorization is compulsory. Candidates not performing from
memory will receive comments only. Any selection played with
the music will receive a mark of zero.
Students have the option of substituting selections at each
examination with alternatives of their own choice. Ocial approval
of most substitute selections is not required. Substitute selections
fall into four categories: Syllabus substitutions, Teacher’s Choice
substitutions, Student’s Choice substitutions, and Popular Selection
List substitutions. Students must comply with the following
regulations regarding repertoire substitutions. A substantial mark
deduction may be applied for substitute selections that do not
comply with the following regulations. (See the “Substitutions
Summary” table on the next page.)
Syllabus Substitutions
Students in Preparatory A may substitute one repertoire selection
from Preparatory B. Students in Preparatory B may substitute one
repertoire selection from Level 1 List A or List B.
Students in Levels 1 to 10 may substitute one repertoire selection
and/or one etude from the corresponding list of the level
immediately above their examination level. For example, a Level
5 List A selection may be performed in place of a Level 4 List A
selection, or a Level 7 etude in place of a Level 6 etude.
• Official approval is not required prior to the examination.
• Students must ensure that the substitute piece complies with
the genre or stylistic period intended for the list in the level to
be examined (see “Repertoire Lists” on p. 4). For example, a
Level 9 List D selection may be replaced with a selection from
Level 10 List D or List E.
• Syllabus substitutions must be performed according to the
syllabus requirements of the higher level and will be evaluated
at the standard of the higher level.
• Syllabus substitutions are not permitted for Level 2 List C:
For the Associate Diploma (ARCT), one repertoire selection may
be substituted from the corresponding repertoire category of the
Licentiate Diploma (LRCM).
Teacher’s Choice Substitutions
Students in Preparatory A and Preparatory B may substitute one
repertoire selection with a work not listed in the Piano Syllabus,
2022 Edition that is of comparable length, diculty, and musical
quality to selections listed in the syllabus.
Students in Levels 1 to 10 may substitute one repertoire selection
and/or one etude with a work not listed in the Piano Syllabus, 2022
Edition that is of comparable length, diculty, style category, and
musical quality to selections in the specied list.
Teacher’s Choice substitutions may be made for the following
repertoire lists only: List B in Levels 1 and 2; List C in Levels 3 to
7; List C or D in Levels 8 and 9; and List C, D, or E in Level 10.
Teacher’s Choice substitutions for repertoire must be of comparable
stylistic idiom to the corresponding list for which they are performed.
• Teacher’s Choice substitutions for etudes may be freely chosen
from any stylistic period.
• The mark for the performance of a Teacher’s Choice substitute
selection will include an assessment of the appropriateness of
the choice.
• Students performing a Teacher’s Choice selection that exceeds
the expected length of a repertoire selection or etude for
the student’s level may be stopped by the examiner once an
assessment has been reached.
• It is the responsibility of the teacher to provide guidance
regarding Teacher’s Choice substitutions to ensure that the
chosen repertoire complies with the syllabus requirements.
For the Associate Diploma (ARCT), one List C, D, or E selection
may be substituted with a work not listed in the Piano Syllabus,
2022 Edition that is of comparable length, diculty, style category,
and musical quality to the selections in the specied list.
Students Choice Substitutions
One Student’s Choice substitution may be made at the Licentiate
Diploma (LRCM) level.
Candidates may include either one extended Student’s Choice
selection or up to three brief Student’s Choice selections (with a
total playing time of up to 15 minutes) from any historical period.
• The substitute repertoire selection(s) must be equal in
difficulty and musical quality to the works listed in the
LRCM repertoire lists.
• The mark for the examination will include an assessment
of the appropriateness of any Student’s Choice selection(s).
Candidates should indicate the Students Choice selection(s) on
the Examination Program Form.
Popular Selection List Substitutions
Students in Levels 1 to 10 may replace one etude with a work
included in any edition of the Popular Selection List. e Popular
Selection List is an addendum to the Piano Syllabus, 2022 Edition
and is available online. It includes a compilation of contemporary
arrangements that have been categorized by level, from Level 1 to
10. Popular Selection List substitutions must be chosen from the
student’s examination level or the level immediately above.
Substitutions Summary
Level Repertoire Substitution Etude Substitution
Prep APrep B one Syllabus substitution from the next higher level
one Teacher’s Choice substitution
not applicable
Levels 1–2 one Syllabus substitution from the next higher level (except
Level 2 List C: Inventions)
one Teacher’s Choice substitution for List B
one Syllabus substitution from the next higher level
one Teacher’s Choice substitution
Popular Selection List
Levels 37 one Syllabus substitution from the next higher level
one Teacher’s Choice substitution for List C
one Syllabus substitution from the next higher level
one Teacher’s Choice substitution
Popular Selection List
Levels 8–9 one Syllabus substitution from the next higher level
one Teacher’s Choice substitution for List C or D
one Syllabus substitution from the next higher level
one Teacher’s Choice substitution
Popular Selection List
Level 10 one Syllabus substitution from ARCT
one Teacher’s Choice substitution for List C, D, or E
one Syllabus substitution from ARCT List F
one Teacher’s Choice substitution
Popular Selection List
ARCT Performer one Syllabus substitution from LRCM
one Teacher’s Choice substitution for List C, D, or E
not applicable
LRCM Performer one Student’s Choice substitution (prior approval required) not applicable
For any substitute selections falling outside these categories, and
any substitutions for the Associate Diploma (ARCT), students
must complete an Examination Substitute Piece Request Form
(available online) in advance of the examination registration
deadline. Students are advised to prepare an alternate work in case
the request is denied.
For the Licentiate Diploma (LRCM), candidates must complete
the Licentiate Registration form (available online) and submit it
along with their complete Examination Program Form (included
in the registration package) to e Royal Conservatory in advance
of the examination registration deadline. e substitute selection(s)
will be evaluated as part of the overall program. An Examination
Substitute Piece Request Form is not required.
Technical Requirements
Complete etudes for Levels 1 to 10 are published in Celebration
Series®, Sixth Edition: Piano Etudes (RCM Publishing).
• Etudes do not need to be memorized. No extra marks
will be awarded for memorizing etudes, although stronger
performances often result.
• Concert Etudes in List F for the Associate Diploma (ARCT) in
Piano, Performer must be performed by memory.
• See the “Substitutions Summary” table on p. 6 for permitted
etude substitutions.
For further details on examination requirements for etudes, please
consult the listings for each level.
Technica l Tests
Complete technical tests for Preparatory through Level 8 are
published in Technical Requirements for Piano (RCM Publishing).
• The examiner will choose a representative sampling of items
from the technical tests list at each level.
• Technical tests (scales, chords, and arpeggios) must be played
from memory.
• Metronome speeds are intended as a guideline for the
minimum tempo of each requirement.
For further details on examination requirements for technical tests,
please consult the listings for each level.
Samples of ear-training exercises and sight reading for examination
preparation are published in Four Star® Sight Reading and Ear Tests
(RCM Publishing) and are available in RCM Online Ear Training
and RCM Online Sight Reading.
Ear Tests
Ear tests include melody clapback, melody playback, and ident-
ication of intervals, chords, and chord progressions.
For further details on examination requirements for ear tests, please
consult the requirements for each level.
Sight Reading
Sight-reading tests consist of rhythm reading and sight playing of
short passages.
• Students are required to tap one measure of the beat before
performing the sight-rhythm excerpt to establish a sense of
pulse and to set the tempo for their performance. Students may
choose to tap the beat with one hand or foot, or to clap the beat
with both hands if they are speaking the rhythm.
• To perform the sight-rhythm excerpt, students may speak the
rhythm using the syllable of their choice (“la,” “ta,” Kodály
syllables, etc.), clap the rhythm, or tap the rhythm with one
• For remote examinations, the sight-reading excerpts will be
provided 22 hours in advance of the examination for student
preparation. Prepared sight-reading excerpts may be slightly
longer than examples provided for in-person examinations but
will conform to all other requirements listed for each level.
• Students are encouraged to review sight-reading excerpts to
prepare for their remote examination but are not permitted to
add markings (such as note names or numbers for counting).
For further details on examination requirements for sight-reading
tests, please consult the requirements for each level.
eory Examinations
For Levels 5 and up
See the current Theory Syllabus (available online) for further
information regarding theory examination prerequisites and
Level-by-Level Requirements
Preparatory A
Preparatory A Requirements Marks
three selections from the Syllabus List
Memory (2 marks per repertoire selection)
Technical Requirements
Technical Tests
Ear Tests
– Clapback
– Chords
– Playback
Sight Reading
– Rhythm
– Playing
Total possible marks (pass = 60) 100
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections. Two memory
marks are awarded for each repertoire selection that is performed
by memory.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®,
Sixth Edition: Preparatory A Piano Repertoire on the
pages indicated.
Title Composer Page
Allegro in C Major, op. 1,
no. 4
Reinagle 4
Melody in G Major, op. 101,
no. 39
Beyer 5
e Juggler Faber 6
On the Trampoline Niamath 7
Bluebottle Norton 8
Girae Richert 9
Ladybug Waltz Ogilvy 10
Owl in the Night Rollin 11
Bumper Cars Olson 12
e Haunted Mouse Faber 14
Criss Cross Price 15
A Skating Waltz Berlin 16
Sleigh Bells Donkin 17
Barefoot on the Beach Crosby Gaudet 18
Panda Blues Jiang 19
e Haunted Harp Donkin 20
Rock Climbing Konecsni 21
What’s at Noise? Mier 22
Around a Roundabout Gerou 24
Prickly Pear Rag Alexander 26
e Wandering Ogre Mrozinski 28
Sleepy Head Duncan 29
Baby Kangaroo Crosby Gaudet 30
Curious Cat Richert 31
Smooth and Crunchy Milne 32
For a complete list of repertoire from additional sources, see
“Complete Repertoire” on p. 10.
Technical Requirements
Please see “Technical Requirements” on p. 7 and “Technical Tests
Examples” on p. 120 for important information regarding this
section of the examination.
Preparatory A
Technica l Tests
Students must play all patterns from memory.
Keys Played Tempo Note Values
Legato Pentascales
(ve-nger patterns)
C, G, D major
A minor
tonic to dominant, ascending and descending
(ending with solid/blocked root-position triad)
= 100
Triad Sequence
• broken
C major HS
1 octave, ascending
= 60
• solid/blocked
= 72
Please see “Musicianship” on p. 7 and “Musicianship Examples”
on p. 124 for important information regarding this section of the
Ear Tests
Students will choose to clap, tap, or sing the rhythm of a short
melody after the examiner has played it twice. e examiner
will identify the time signature and count one measure before
Time Signatures Note Values Approximate Length
two measures
Students will be asked to identify the quality (major or minor) of a
triad after the examiner has played the rst ve notes of a major or
minor scale followed by the tonic triad in solid/blocked form once.
Chords Position
major and minor triads root position
Students will be asked to play back a melody based on the rst
three notes of a major scale. e examiner will identify the key,
play the tonic triad once, and play the melody twice.
Beginning Note Keys Approximate Length
tonic, mediant C, G major four notes
Sight Reading
For a given rhythm, students will be asked to:
• Tap a steady beat with their hand or foot for one measure.
• Continue tapping while speaking, tapping, or clapping the
given rhythm.
A steady pulse and metric accentuation are expected.
Time Signature Note Values Approximate Length
two measures
Students will be asked to play two four-note melodies written on
the grand sta starting on any of these notes with the given ngers:
• One melody will be in the treble clef, to be played with the
right hand alone.
• One melody will be in the bass clef, to be played with the left
hand alone.
e melodies will move by step in one direction only and may
contain a repeated note. Fingering will be indicated for the rst
note only.
Time Signature Note Values
Preparatory A
Preparatory A
Complete Repertoire
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections from the
following list. Two memory marks are awarded for each repertoire
selection that is performed by memory.
Bullets used to denote selections for examination purposes:
l one selection
uone selection, found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition:
Preparatory A Piano Repertoire
e ABC of Piano Playing FHM
Book 2
l The Cuckoo
l On Parade
l We Play Hockey
Book 3
l The Ballerina
l Cradle Song
uA Skating Waltz
Adair, Yvonne
Little Dog Tales B&H
l Boots
Alexander, Dennis
Dennis Alexander’s Favorite Solos, 1 ALF
l March King
Five-Star Solos ALF
uPrickly Pear Rag
Alfred’s Premier Piano Course ALF
Lesson 1B
l I Asked My Mother
l The Joke
Lesson 2A
l Qwerty
l Shadows
Performance 1B
l As Morning Dawns
l My Dog
l Pogo Stick
Armand, George
l Echo (in The Russian Piano School,  SIK)
Beckwith, John
The Cheese Stands Still CMS
l Blue
l Brie
l Cheddar
l Cream
l Goat
Beyer, Ferdinand
Vorschule im Klavierspiel, op. 101
uMelody in G Major (no. 39)
Celebrate Piano! STP
Lesson and Musicianship 1B
l Aura Lee
l Lazy Summer Day
l The Sad Dragon
Lesson and Musicianship 2A
l Easy Day
Solos 1
uLadybug Waltz
l The Teeter-totter
l Trumpet Parade
Solos 2
l Clowns
Chatman, Stephen
Amusements, 1 CMC
l Foolin’ Around
l Monkey Business
Escapades, 1 ECS
l The Mouse in the Grandfather Clock
Costley, Kevin
Year ’Round Fun, 1 FJH
l It’s Raining Again
Crosby Gaudet, Anne
uBaby Kangaroo MDC
uBarefoot on the Beach MDC
Donkin, Christine
l Black and White Boogie DKN
Jumping in the Mud DKN
ue Haunted Harp
uSleigh Bells
Duncan, Martha Hill
If Dogs Could Talk MHD
uSleepy Head
Garrow, Louise
l Calliope ALF
Gerou, Tom
uAround a Roundabout GRO
Gieck, Janet
When I Grow Up RLP
l Artist
l Trucker
Goolkasian Rahbee, Dianne
Pictures and Beyond, 1 FJH
l Thunderstorm
Hal Leonard Student Piano Library HAL
Piano Lessons 2
l Circle Dance
l First Light
Piano Solos 2
l Goofy Gadget
l The Stream
l Those Creepy Crawly Things on the Cellar Floor
Preparatory A
Jiang, Edward Han
uPanda Blues EHJ
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
24 Pieces for Children, op. 39 SCH
l Melody (no. )
l Marching (no. )
Children’s Adventures, op. 89 SCH
l The Trumpeter and the Echo (no. )
Konecsni, Sarah
uRock Climbing SKP
Mier, Martha
l Bright Painted Ponies (in Belwin Contest Winners, 
Musical Impressions ALF
uWhat’s at Noise?
Milne, Elissa
Very Easy Little Peppers FAB
uSmooth and Crunchy
Mrozinski, Mark
Enchanted Forest MMR
ue Wandering Ogre
Music for Young Children MYC
Moonbeams 1
l Hurrah
l Melody for Alphorn
l Music Signs
l Wake Up!
Moonbeams 2
l Frère Jacques
l Lady Bug
l Pixie Waltz
Sunbeams 2
l Go to Sleep
e Music Tree ALF
Student’s Book 1
l First Boogie
l Forest Echoes
Student’s Book 2A
l Knights at the Ball
l Morning Has Broken
Niamath, Linda
In My Garden NIA
l Spider’s Web
Marching Mice and Other Pieces ALF
uOn the Trampoline
Norton, Christopher
Christopher Norton Connections for Piano, Preparatory DAY
Olson, Kevin
Imaginations, 1 FJH
uBumper Cars
My Kind of Music, 1 FJH
l Making Faces
l Spider vs. Fly
l Stepping on the Cracks
Papp, Lajos
Starting the Piano EMB
l Lydian Melody
Perry, Zenobia Powell
l Vignette No.  JGM
Piano Adventures (2nd ed.) FPA
Lesson Book 1
l Grumpy Old Troll
ue Haunted Mouse
ue Juggler
l Song for a Scarecrow
Lesson Book 2A
l Jazz Blast
l Snake Charmer
l Storms on Saturn
Performance Book 1
l Painting with Pastels
Piano Town KJO
Lessons 1
l Candlelight
l Feeling Sneaky
l The Flashlight
l Simple Gifts
Lessons 2
l Butterfly Camouflage
l The Ladybug
Poe, John Robert
l Clown Serenade (in Myklas Contest Winners,  ALF)
Simon Says KJO
l Walk Like a Duck
Price, Florence B.
uCriss Cross (in A Collection of Florence Price’s Piano
Teaching Music, 2 CVR)
Reinagle, Alexander
24 Short and Easy Pieces, op. 1
uAllegro in C Major (no. 4)
Richert, Teresa
Copycat Copycat RCT
uCurious Cat
Jungle Jingles RCT
Preparatory A
Rollin, Catherine
The Bean Bag Zoo Collector’s Series, 1 ALF
uOwl in the Night
l Rainbow Fish
Succeeding at the Piano FJH
Lesson and Technique 2A
l Canyon Crossing
l Creepy Noises
l Folk Dancers
Recital Book 2A
l The Brook in the Woods
Sonatina of the City
l one movement
Tales of a Musical Journey GOR
Book 2
l A Dance
l Playing Ball
l The Rain
Türk, Daniel Gottlob
Handstücke für angehende Klavierspieler, 1 ABR
l The Lively Boy
Preparatory B
Preparatory B Requirements Marks
three selections from the Syllabus List
Memory (2 marks per repertoire selection)
Technical Requirements
Technical Tests
Ear Tests
– Clapback
– Chords
– Playback
Sight Reading
– Rhythm
– Playing
Total possible marks (pass = 60) 100
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections. Two memory
marks are awarded for each repertoire selection that is performed
by memory.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®,
Sixth Edition: Preparatory B Piano Repertoire on the
pages indicated.
Title Composer Page
e Calico Cat Marlais 4
A Gorilla Named Chee Alexander 5
e Sneaky Tiger Costley 6
Minuetto in C Major,
op. 37, lesson 2
Hook 8
Minuet in F Major attr. L. Mozart 9
e Rising Sun Telfer 10
Starsh at Night Crosby Gaudet 11
Raptors Olson 12
Oranges and Lemons arr. Berlin 14
Pumpkin Boogie Faber 15
Boat of Tai Lake arr. Lin 16
e irsty Frog Athparia 18
Swoop, Peck and Fly Mathews 19
Sneaky Sam Bober 20
Carillon McIntyre 22
New Shoes Niamath 23
Shadow Puppets Jiang 24
Paswewe Assiginaak 25
Looking-Glass River Faber 26
Leaping the Waves with
Arens 27
Roda Fernández 28
Playing, op. 39, no. 5 Kabalevsky 30
Bouncing Ball Richert 31
Steampunk Hidy 32
For a complete list of repertoire from additional sources, see
“Complete Repertoire” on p. 14.
Technical Requirements
Please see “Technical Requirements” on p. 7 and “Technical Tests
Examples” on p. 120 for important information regarding this
section of the examination.
Technica l Tests
Students must play all patterns from memory.
Keys Played Tempo Note Values
Legato Pentascales
(ve-nger patterns)
D, A, F major
E, D minor
tonic to dominant, ascending and descending
(ending with solid/blocked root-position triad)
= 60
Staccato Pentascales
One-octave Scales
C, G major
A minor (natural)
1 octave
= 60
Contrary Motion Scale
C major HT
1 octave
= 60
Tonic Triads
• broken
C, G major
A minor
1 octave (root position and inversions)
= 50
Please see “Musicianship” on p. 7 and “Musicianship Examples”
on p. 124 for important information regarding this section of the
Ear Tests
Students will choose to clap, tap, or sing the rhythm of a short
melody after the examiner has played it twice. e examiner
will identify the time signature and count one measure before
Time Signatures Note Values Approximate Length
two measures
Students will be asked to identify the quality (major or minor) of a
triad after the examiner has played the rst ve notes of a major or
minor scale followed by the tonic triad in solid/blocked form once.
Chords Position
major and minor triads root position
Students will be asked to play back a melody based on the rst
three notes of a major or minor scale. e examiner will identify
the key, play the tonic triad once, and play the melody twice.
Beginning Note Keys Approximate Length
tonic, mediant C, G major
A minor
four notes
Sight Reading
For a given rhythm, students will be asked to:
• Tap a steady beat with their hand or foot for one measure.
• Continue tapping while speaking, tapping, or clapping the
given rhythm.
A steady pulse and metric accentuation are expected.
Time Signature Note Values Approximate Length
two measures
Students will be asked to play a short melody written on the grand
sta, divided between the hands, and starting on any of these notes
in the following positions.
Fingering will be indicated for the rst note of each hand only.
Time Signature Note Values
Complete Repertoire
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections from the
following list. Two memory marks are awarded for each repertoire
selection that is performed by memory.
Preparatory B
Preparatory B
Bullets used to denote selections for examination purposes:
l one selection
uone selection, found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition:
Preparatory B Piano Repertoire
e ABC of Piano Playing FHM
Book 3
l A Canoe Trip
l Hallowe’en Pranks
l Hop Scotch
l Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Adult Piano Method HAL
Lessons, Solos, Technique & Theory 2
l All the Pretty Little Horses
l Blues for a Count
l Band on the Beach
l Lullaby Angel
l Ribbons
l Wade in the Water
Alexander, Dennis
uA Gorilla Named Chee AXR
Finger Paintings, 3 ALF
l A Summer Morning
l Sun Fun
Just for You, 1 ALF
l Celebration
The Magic of Music, 1 ALF
l Right Uptown!
Alfred’s Premier Piano Course ALF
Lesson 2A
l King Arthur’s Adventure
l Tilt-a-W hirl
Lesson 2B
l Quiet Thoughts
Performance 2A
l Boom, Boom!
l Butterfly World
Archer, Violet
Here and Now PAL
l The Haunted Cave
Arens, Barbara
The Mermaid Challenge ARN
uLeaping the Waves with Dolphins
Assiginaak, Barbara
uPaswewe (It Echoes) AGK
Athparia, Colleen
ue irsty Frog ATH
Barratt, Carol
l Cruising (in Chester’s Easiest Piano Course,  CHS)
Bartók, Béla
The First Term at the Piano EMB
l Dialogue (no. )
Berlin, Boris, arr.
uOranges and Lemons FHM
Berr, Bruce
Imaginations in Style HAL
l Fanfare
Bober, Melody
Grand Solos for Piano, 2 ALF
uSneaky Sam
Bolcom, William
Monsterpieces and Others EBM
l The Sad Monster
Bowman, Jennifer
Modern Mosaics DAY
l Squirrels
Celebrate Piano! STP
Lesson and Musicianship 2A
l The Boogie Bugler
Lesson and Musicianship 2B
l Alouette
l Last Train to Bluesville
l Rhythm Ace
Lesson and Musicianship 3
l Erie Canal
l Tarantella
Lesson and Musicianship 4
l Takin’ It Easy
Chatman, Stephen
Amusements, 2 CMC
l Broken Music Box
Away! CMC
l Birding
l Foggy Beach
Escapades, 1 ECS
l A Forgotten Promise
Sports CMC
l Olie the Goalie
Chrétien, Hedwige
Six petits préludes récréatifs
l Bébé s’endort
Clementi, Muzio
Introduction to the Art of Playing the Piano Forte, op. 42
(11th ed.)
l Arietta in C Major (lesson )
Costley, Kevin
At the Zoo, 2 FJH
ue Sneaky Tiger
Crosby Gaudet, Anne
l Floating in Space MDC
l Freddie the Frog MDC
l Ocean Spray MDC
uStarsh at Night MDC
l To Fly Like an Eagle MDC
Preparatory B
Donkin, Christine
l Taking Turns DKN
Comics & Card Tricks DKN
l The Path of the Ping Pong Ball
l The Tired Turtle Express
Jumping in the Mud DKN
l Mystery
l Something’s Ticking
l The Swans Reflection
Evans, Lee
Color Me Jazz, 1 FJH
l Time for Jazz
Fernández, Oscar Lorenzo
Suíte das cinco notas
uRoda (no. 4)
Gallant, Pierre
Clowning Around PGA
l March of the nds and rds
l The Rhythm Machine
l Teasing
Garścia, Janina
Winter Fun PWM
l The Leveret
Gedike, Aleksandr
60 Easy Piano Pieces, op. 36 SCH
l A Song (no. )
George, Jon
l Strolling in the Park (in Supplementary Solos,  ALF)
l Turtle Talk (in Belwin Contest Winners,  ALF)
Gillock, William
Accent on Solos, 2 WIL
l Stars on a Summer Night
Classic Piano Repertoire: Elementary WIL
l Rocking Chair Blues
Glover, David Carr
l The Golden Harp (in Belwin Contest Winners,  ALF)
Hal Leonard Student Piano Library HAL
Piano Lessons 3 (rev. ed.)
l Chorale
Piano Solos 3 (rev. ed.)
l The Clockwork Ballerina
l Leap Frog
l Porcupine Pizzicato
l The Winter Wind
Hook, James
uMinuetto in C Major, op. 37, lesson 2
Humbert, Georges Frank
Zauberstunden OTT
l Tarantella (in Piano Piccolo OTT)
l Waltz in B flat Major (in Piano Piccolo OTT)
Jiang, Edward Han
uShadow Puppets EHJ
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
24 Pieces for Children, op. 39 SCH
l Polka (no. )
uPlaying (no. 5)
l A Little Joke (no.)
l Funny Incident (no. )
Children’s Adventures, op. 89 SCH
l First Waltz (no. )
hler, Christian Louis Heinrich
l Children’s Song (in Everybody’s Perfect Masterpieces, 
Leaf, Mary
A Leaf Collection, 2 FJH
l Starship Galileo
Lin, Emilie, arr.
uBoat of Tai Lake (in Gifts of Asia: Folk Music from
China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan FJH)
Mathews, Alison
Into the Garden MAT
uSwoop, Peck and Fly
McIntyre, David L.
Tucy Tunes RSM
uCarillon (no. 1)
McLean, Edwin
Vignettes, 1 FJH
l Jalopy Town
Mozart, Leopold, attr.
Notebook for Nannerl
uMinuet in F Major
Music for Young Children MYC
Sunbeams 3
l Hello to Spring
l Ketchup
l ’Tis a Gift to Be Simple
l Waltz of the Sunbeams
e Music Tree ALF
Student’s Book 2A
l Brisk March
l The Modern Dragon
Student’s Book 2B
l Old Brass Wagon
l Relay Race
Student’s Book 3
l Country Fiddler
l Mountain Ballad
l Pop Goes the Weasel
l Stomp Dance
Students’ Choice: Recreational Solos 3
l Distant Chimes
→ with repeat
Preparatory B
Niamath, Linda
In My Garden NIA
l Swinging
Marching Mice and Other Pieces ALF
l Balloons
Soda Pop and Other Delights ALF
l Playful Puppy
l Sleepy Little Kitten
Surprises NIA
uNew Shoes
l Party Hats
Norton, Christopher
Christopher Norton Connections for Piano, Preparatory DAY
l  x 
l Feeling Lonely
The Microjazz Collection, 1 B&H
l After the Battle
l Struttin
Olson, Kevin
Imaginations, 1 FJH
Piano Adventures (2nd ed.) FPA
Lesson Book 2A
l Whirling Leaves
Lesson Book 2B
l Canoeing in the Moonlight
l Jumpin’ Jazz Cat
uPumpkin Boogie
→ with repeat
l Riding the Wind
Lesson Book 3A
uLooking-Glass River
Piano Safari (2nd ed.) PSF
Repertoire 3
l Nightingale
Piano Town KJO
Attention Grabbers 2
→ with repeat
Lessons 2
l The Comic Book Shop
l The Lily Pond
l School’s Out
l The Time Machine
Performance 2
l Around the World
l Beehive Dance
Porter, Beverly
Lady Bug and Friends RLP
l Humbug’s Hoedown
Reinagle, Alexander
l Allegretto in C Major, op. , no.  (in Piano Piccolo
l Allegretto in C Major, op. , no.  (in Piano Piccolo
Richert, Teresa
Imagination RLP
l Pixies on Parade
Toy Collection RCT
uBouncing Ball
Roth Roubos, Valerie
Four Miniature Suites FJH
l Catnip Crazy, from Cat Tales
Schoenmehl, Mike
Fun with Jazz Piano, 2 OTT
l Sherlock Holmes
Skarecky, Jana
Birds in the Hickory Tree CMC
l Blackbirds
Succeeding at the Piano FJH
Lesson and Technique 2A
l Riding the Subway
Lesson and Technique 2B
l Boogie, Man!
ue Calico Cat
l On the Cable Car
Lesson and Technique 3
l Cool Groove
l Elfin Tarantella
Recital Book 2A
l Beanbag Rag
Recital Book 2B
l Spring Festival
Tan, Chee-Hwa
Through the Windowpane PSF
l The Swing
Tales of a Musical Journey GOR
Book 2
l Jump Rope
Telfer, Nancy
The Galaxy Series, 1 WAN
ue Rising Sun
Türk, Daniel Gottlob
Handstücke für angehende Klavierspieler, 1 ABR
l A Carefree Fellow
l Children’s Ballad
l Sad Feelings
l Youthful Happiness
Handstücke für angehende Klavierspieler, 2 ABR
l Phrase Endings
Level 1
Level 1 Requirements Marks
one selection from List A
one selection from List B
one selection from List C
Memory (2 marks per repertoire selection)
Technical Requirements
Etudes: one etude from the Syllabus list
Technical Tests
Ear Tests
– Clapback
– Intervals
– Chords
– Playback
Sight Reading
– Rhythm
– Playing
Total possible marks (pass = 60) 100
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, and List C. Two memory marks are awarded for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®,
Sixth Edition: Piano Repertoire 1 on the pages indicated.
List A
Baroque and Classical Repertoire
Title Composer Page
Minuet in C Major, op. 38, no. 4 Hässler 4
Bourrée in D Minor Graupner 5
Burlesque in G Major Anonymous 6
Andante in G Minor Telemann 7
German Dance in D Major,
Hob. IX:22, no. 2
Haydn 8
Gavotte in G Major Dunhill 9
Minuet in D Major L. Mozart 10
Minuet in D Minor Anonymous 11
High Spirits rk 12
Ukrainian Folk Song, op. 107, no. 3 Beethoven 13
List B
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
Early One Morning arr. Silvester 14
e Swiss Cuckoo arr. Berlin 15
Sweet Jasmine Alexander 16
Niimi Aandeg Assiginaak 18
is Guy’s Disguised Sowash 20
Lunar Eclipse Faber 21
March of the Terrible Trolls Niamath 22
Mist Poole 23
Clear Mountain Sky Springer 24
Angelsh Crosby Gaudet 26
A Simple Waltz Burge 28
Amber Moon Olson 30
Waltz, op. 39, no. 13 Kabalevsky 32
Song of the Dark Woods Siegmeister 33
Reminiscence McLean 34
Uptown News Gerou 36
List C
Cranky Cat Richert 38
Mary Had a Little Lamb arr. Goolkasian
Young Ludwig Exploring Kinney 40
e Playful Parrot omas 40
e Snake Christopher 41
Invention on a Latvian Folk Tune Kenins 42
Conversation No. 3 Bartók 42
Teapot Invention Markow 43
Follow My Leader Swinstead 44
For a complete list of repertoire from additional sources, see
“Complete Repertoire” on p. 20.
Technical Requirements
Please see “Technical Requirements” on p. 7 and “Technical Tests Examples” on p. 120 for important information regarding this section
of the examination.
Students must prepare one etude from the following list.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition: Piano Etudes 1 on the pages indicated.
Title Composer Page
Celebration Crosby Gaudet 4
Etude in C Major, op. 125, no. 3 Diabelli 5
Heavenly Blue Gerou 6
Clockwork McIntyre 8
Beaver Boogie Chatman 9
Morning Greeting, op. 117,
no. 13
Gurlitt 10
Morning Fanfare Fernández 11
Etude in C Major Le Couppey 12
Both Ways Tansman 13
Tricky Trac Garrow 14
Title Composer Page
Speedy Comet Mathews 16
Far Away Richert 17
Answering Diemer 18
Jump Pop Hop Brown 19
Melodie in F Major, op. 218,
no. 36
Köhler 20
Into the Waves Niamath 21
Detectives Donkin 22
Scherzo, op. 39, no. 12 Kabalevsky 23
Four-Wheel Drive Norton 24
Students may substitute a popular selection for the etude. See p. 5
for details.
Level 1
Technica l Tests
Students must play all patterns from memory.
Keys Played Tempo Note Values
C, G, F major
A, E, D minor (natural and harmonic)
2 octaves
= 69
Contrary Motion C major
2 octaves
= 69
Chromatic Starting on C
1 octave
= 69
Tonic Triads
• broken
C, G, F major
A, E, D minor
1 octave
(root position and inversions)
= 50
• solid/blocked
= 100
All scales are to be played legato.
Level 1
Please see “Musicianship” on p. 7 and “Musicianship Examples”
on p. 124 for important information regarding this section of the
Ear Tests
Students will choose to clap, tap, or sing the rhythm of a short
melody after the examiner has played it twice. e examiner
will identify the time signature and count one measure before
Time Signatures Note Values Approximate Length
two to three measures
Students will be asked to identify any of the following intervals.
e examiner will play each interval in melodic form (ascending
and descending) once.
Students may choose to sing or hum any of the following intervals
(ascending and descending). e examiner will play the rst note
Intervals (ascending and descending)
minor 3rd
major 3rd
Students will be asked to identify the quality (major or minor) of
a triad after the examiner has played it in broken and then solid/
blocked form once.
Chords Position
major and minor triads root position
Students will be asked to play back a melody based on the rst ve
notes of a major or minor scale. e examiner will identify the key,
play the tonic triad once, and play the melody twice.
Beginning Note Keys Approximate Length
tonic, dominant C, G major
A minor
ve notes
Sight Reading
For a given rhythm, students will be asked to:
• Tap a steady beat with their hand or foot for one measure.
• Continue tapping while speaking, tapping, or clapping the
given rhythm.
A steady pulse and metric accentuation are expected.
Time Signature Note Values Approximate Length
two measures
Students will be asked to play a four-measure melody, written on
the grand sta and divided between the hands. Fingering will be
indicated for the rst note of each hand only.
Keys Time Signature Note Values
C, G, F major
A minor
Complete Repertoire
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, and List C. Two memory marks are awarded for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
Bullets used to denote selections for examination purposes:
l one selection
uone selection, found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition:
Piano Repertoire 1
List A
Baroque and Classical Repertoire
uBurlesque in G Major (in Notebook for Wolfgang)
uMinuet in D Minor (in Notebook for Wolfgang)
Bach, Johann Christian
l Aria in F Major, BWV Anh.  (in Notenbuch der
Anna Magdalena Bach)
Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich
Musikalische Nebenstunden
l Minuet in C Major
l Schwäbisch in D Major
Bach, Johann Sebastian
l Chorale, BWV  (in Notenbuch der Anna Magdalena
Bach BAR; WIE)
Level 1
Beethoven, Ludwig van
l Écossaise in E flat Major, WoO 
uUkrainian Folk Song, op. 107, no. 3 [theme]
Clarke, Jeremiah
The Third Book of the Harpsichord Master
l Minuet in D Major, T 
Clementi, Muzio
Introduction to the Art of Playing the Piano Forte, op. 42
(11th ed.)
l Pyrenese Melody (lesson)
Duncombe, William
Progressive Lessons for the Harpsichord and Pianoforte
l Sonatina in C Major
Dunhill, omas
First Year Pieces ABR
uGavotte in G Major
Graupner, Christoph
uBourrée in D Minor (in Notebook for Wolfgang)
ssler, Johann Wilhelm
50 pièces à l’usage des commençans, op. 38 ABR
uMinuet in C Major (no. 4)
Haydn, Franz Joseph
uGerman Dance in D Major, Hob. IX:22, no. 2
→ with repeat
l German Dance in G Major, Hob. IX:, no. 
Hook, James
New Guida di Musica, op. 81
l Allegretto in C Major (no. ) (in A James Hook Album
Krieger, Johann
Sechs musikalische Partien
l Minuet in A Minor, from Partita No.  in B flat
Mozart, Leopold
Notebook for Nannerl
uMinuet in D Major
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
l Allegro in B flat Major, K 
l Minuet in F Major, K 
Müller, August Eberhard
Instructive Übungsstücke für das Pianoforte
l Andantino in F Major (no. ) (in Piano Piccolo OTT)
l Andante in A Minor (no. ) (in Piano Piccolo OTT)
Ryba, Jakub Jan
Zwei kleine Inventionen
l Invention No.  in C Major (in Piano Piccolo OTT)
l Invention No.  in A Minor (in Piano Piccolo OTT)
Telemann, Georg Philipp
uAndante in G Minor, from Fantasia in G Minor,
TW V 33:17
→ observe rst repeat only
Türk, Daniel Gottlob
12 Handstücke
l Arioso in F Major
Handstücke für angehende Klavierspieler, 1 ABR
l The Ballet
l The Hunting Horns and the Echo
Handstücke für angehende Klavierspieler, 2 ABR
uHigh Spirits
List B
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
Alexander, Dennis
Especially in Romantic Style, 1 ALF
uSweet Jasmine
Just for You, 1 ALF
l Cinnamon Popcorn
Archer, Violet
Shorter Pieces for Shorter Fingers CMC
l Waltz (no. )
Assiginaak, Barbara
uNiimi Aandeg (Crow Dances) AGK
Badings, Henk
l Country Dance in G Major (in Piano Piccolo OTT)
Berlin, Boris, arr.
ue Swiss Cuckoo FHM
Bonis, Mel.
Album pour les tout-petites COM
l La puce
Boyd, Bill
Jazz Starters, 3 HAL
l Too Blue
Burge, John
Sprouts RLP
uA Simple Waltz
Chatman, Stephen
Away! CMC
l Clear Lake
l Spring Light
Crosby Gaudet, Anne
uAngelsh MDC
l Risser’s Romp MDC
l Robots MDC
Dello Joio, Norman
Suite for the Young EBM
l Mountain Melody (no. )
l Little Sister (no. )
Level 1
Donkin, Christine
Comics & Card Tricks DKN
l Crafty Card Tricks
Legends & Lore DKN
l Dream Journey
l Heroes of the Galaxy
Duke, David Gordon
l March (Lydian Mode) (in Music of Our Time,  WAT)
Evans, Lee
Color Me Jazz, 1 FJH
l Awesome
l Portrait
Faber, Nancy and Randall Faber
uLunar Eclipse (in Piano Adventures (2nd ed.): Lesson
Book 3A FPA)
Gedike, Aleksandr
20 Little Pieces for Beginners, op. 6 SCH
l A Little Piece (no. )
60 Easy Piano Pieces, op. 36 SCH
l A Happy Tale (no. )
l A Sad Song (no.)
Gerou, Tom
The Best of Tom Gerou, 2 ALF
uUptown News
Gieck, Janet
Dances, Daydreams & Dinosaurs RLP
l Chromatisaurus
Gillock, William
Classic Piano Repertoire: Elementary WIL
l Spooky Footsteps
l Stormy Weather
Glover, David Carr
l Blinky the Robot (in Belwin Contest Winners,  ALF)
Goolkasian Rahbee, Dianne
Modern Miniatures for Piano, 1 FJH
l Toy Soldiers March
Grechaninov, Aleksandr
Children’s Album, op. 98 OTT
l Fairy Tale (no. )
Gurlitt, Cornelius
The First Lessons, op. 117 KAL
l The Hunt (no. )
l Rocking (no.)
Horvat, Frank
The Isle of Loobienox HOR
l Grouchie Loobie’s Song
l Loobie Dance
l Loobie Working Song
l Tiny Loobie Song
Humbert, Georges Frank
Allerlei Spielzeug OTT
l The Chocolate Automat (in Piano Piccolo OTT)
Jinga, Naina
l Popcorn JIN
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
24 Pieces for Children, op. 39 SCH
l March (no. )
uWaltz (no. 13)
Karp, David
Naturescape WIL
l Whirligig Beetle
Kraehenbuehl, David
Contemporary Piano Literature, 1 ALF
l Daydreaming
McCain, Artina, arr.
African American Folk Songs Collection HAL
l By and By
McLean, Edwin
Miniatures, 2 FJH
l Valse triste
Mier, Martha
Alfred’s Premier Piano Course: Jazz, Rags, & Blues 2B ALF
l Red Satin Jazz
Jazz, Rags & Blues, 1 ALF
l Hallelujah!
l Sneaky Business
Milne, Elissa
Little Peppers FAB
l Lost
Morlock, Jocelyn
Four Piano Pieces MOR
l Fizz (no. )
Niamath, Linda
Soda Pop and Other Delights ALF
l Big Teddy, Little Teddy
l Hide and Seek
uMarch of the Terrible Trolls
A Zoo for You ALF
l Bears
Norton, Christopher
Christopher Norton Connections for Piano, 1 DAY
l Merry-Go-Round
l No Worries
Olson, Kevin
Imaginations, 2 FJH
uAmber Moon
Perry, Zenobia Powell
l Orrin and Echo JGM
Level 1
Poole, Cliord
uMist FHM
Richert, Teresa
Toy Collection RCT
l Teddy Bear
l Video Game Adventure
Schnittke, Alfred
Eight Pieces for Piano SIK
l Folk Song
Schoenmehl, Mike
Little Stories in Jazz OTT
l Dance of the Martians
Setli, Carolyn C.
Changing Leaves WIL
l Seaside Reverie
Shostakovich, Dmitri
Childhood Notebook, op. 69 DSC
l Waltz (no. ) (in Piano Piccolo OTT)
Siegmeister, Elie
American Kaleidoscope ALF
uSong of the Dark Woods
Silvester, Frederick, arr.
uEarly One Morning FHM
Smith, Hale
l My Scarf Is Yellow (in Piano Music of Africa and the
African Diaspora,  OUP)
Sowash, Bradley
That’s Jazz Performance, 1 KJO
uis Guy’s Disguised
→ with repeat
Springer, Mike
Lyrical Landscapes ALF
uClear Mountain Sky
Stravinsky, Soulima
Piano Music for Children, 1 PET
l For the Kid Next Door
l Stepping Stones
Tan, Chee-Hwa
A Child’s Garden of Verses PSF
l My Shadow
l Pirate Story
l Where Go the Boats?
Telfer, Nancy, arr.
The Galaxy Series, 1 WAN
l Climb up on an Elephant (Monté sur un elephant)
Vandall, Robert D.
Celebrated Jazzy Solos, 2 ALF
l Feeling Great!
List C
Bartók, Béla
The First Term at the Piano
uConversation No. 3
Christopher, Renée
ue Snake FHM
Duke, David Gordon, arr.
l She’s Like the Swallow (in Music of Our Time, 
Elliott, Carleton
17 Canons WAT
l Canon (no. )
Goolkasian Rahbee, Dianne, arr.
Modern Miniatures for Piano Solo, 1 FJH
uMary Had a Little Lamb
Kenins, George Juris, arr.
uInvention on a Latvian Folk Tune KNS
Keveren, Phillip
Mouse on a Mirror HAL
l Mouse on a Mirror
Kinney, Forrest
uYoung Ludwig Exploring FHM
Markow, Andrew
uTeapot Invention FHM
McKinnon, Gordon A.
l Swirling Leaves
Norton, Christopher
Christopher Norton Connections for Piano, 1 DAY
l Carol in Canon
Richert, Teresa
Copycat Copycat RCT
uCranky Cat
Swinstead, Felix
Work and Play ABR
uFollow My Leader
omas, Gary K.
ue Playful Parrot GKT
Level 2
Level 2 Requirements Marks
one selection from List A
one selection from List B
one selection from List C
Memory (2 marks per repertoire selection)
Technical Requirements
Etudes: one etude from the Syllabus list
Technical Tests
Ear Tests
– Clapback
– Intervals
– Chords
– Playback
Sight Reading
– Rhythm
– Playing
Total possible marks (pass = 60) 100
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, and List C. Two memory marks are awarded for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®,
Sixth Edition: Piano Repertoire 2 on the pages indicated.
List A
Baroque and Classical Repertoire
Title Composer Page
Entrée in A Minor Anonymous 4
Menuet en rondeau Rameau 5
Minuet in G Major J.S. Bach 6
Impertinence, HWV 494 Handel 7
Minuet in A Minor, Z 649 Purcell 8
A Cheerful Spirit rk 9
Minuet in G Major, K 1e W.A. Mozart 10
German Dance in G Major,
Hob. IX:12, no. 1
Haydn 11
Allegretto in C Major Neefe 12
Écossaise in G Major, WoO 23 Beethoven 13
List B
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
Soldier’s March, op. 68, no. 2 R. Schumann 14
Prelude VI Arens 15
eme and Variations, op. 300,
no. 39
Köhler 16
Slovakian Folk Tune in E Minor Bartók 17
Crocodile Tears Donkin 18
Crocodile Teeth Telfer 19
I Spy Bober 20
Atacama Desert Rossi 22
e Merry-Go-Round Berlin 24
e Waltz at Floated Away McIntyre 26
Make Believe Kay 27
e Skating Carnival Poole 28
4th Street Rag Alexander 30
Nightingale Hidy 32
Rhyme Time Milne 34
Dreams of a Mermaid Arens 36
Periwinkle Twinkle Crosby Gaudet 38
Shadow Waltz Case 39
Presto in 5/8 McLean 40
Farewell, op. 98, no. 4 Grechaninov 42
List C
Invention in C Major Christopher 43
Canon in A Minor Gurlitt 43
A Ditty of Yimeng Mountain arr. Jiang 44
Breezy Norton 45
Courageous Cat Richert 46
Monkey See, Monkey Do Ho 47
In a Canoe Gallant 48
For a complete list of repertoire from additional sources, see
“Complete Repertoire” on p. 26.
Technical Requirements
Please see “Technical Requirements” on p. 7 and “Technical Tests Examples” on p. 120 for important information regarding this section
of the examination.
Students must prepare one etude from the following list.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition: Piano Etudes 2 on the pages indicated.
Title Composer Page
Etude in F Major, op. 190, no. 27 Köhler 4
Allegro in C Major, op. 38, no. 8 ssler 5
Etude in D Major, op. 139, no. 33 Czerny 6
Etude in D Minor, op. 82, no. 65 Gurlitt 7
Pierrot Skipping Chrétien 8
e Little Juggler, op. 89, no. 21 Kabalevsky 9
Bird in the Bebop Rossi 10
Arcade Game Gieck 12
Crazy Comics Donkin 13
Trumpet Blues Norton 14
Title Composer Page
e Wind Tan 16
Autumn Leaves Niamath 17
Rustic Dance Strecke 18
e Lonely Shepherd Alexander 19
Razzle Dazzle McDonagh 20
Playing Doolittle 22
Etude in G Major, op. 166, no. 6 Bertini 23
Peking Opera on Black Keys Jiang 24
Students may substitute a popular selection for the etude. See p. 5
for details.
Technica l Tests
Students must play all patterns from memory.
Keys Played Tempo Note Values
G, F, B major
E, D, G minor (harmonic and melodic)
2 octaves
= 80
Formula Pattern C, G major
2 octaves
= 80
Chromatic Starting on G
1 octave
= 80
Tonic Triads
• broken
G, F, B
E, D, G minor
1 octave
(root position and inversions)
= 60
• solid/blocked
= 112
Level 2
Please see “Musicianship” on p. 7 and “Musicianship Examples”
on p. 124 for important information regarding this section of the
Ear Tests
Students will choose to clap, tap, or sing the rhythm of a short
melody after the examiner has played it twice. e examiner
will identify the time signature and count one measure before
Time Signatures Note Values Approximate Length
two to three measures
Students will be asked to identify any of the following intervals.
e examiner will play each interval in melodic form (ascending
and descending) once.
Students may choose to sing or hum any of the following intervals
(ascending and descending). e examiner will play the rst note
Intervals (ascending and descending)
minor 3rd
major 3rd
perfect 5th
Students will be asked to identify the quality (major or minor) of
a triad after the examiner has played it in solid/blocked form once.
Chords Position
major and minor triads root position
Students will be asked to play back a melody based on the rst ve
notes of a major or minor scale. e examiner will identify the key,
play the tonic triad once, and play the melody twice.
Beginning Note Keys Approximate Length
tonic, dominant G, F major
D minor
ve notes
Sight Reading
For a given rhythm, students will be asked to:
• Tap a steady beat with their hand or foot for one measure.
• Continue tapping while speaking, tapping, or clapping the
given rhythm.
A steady pulse and metric accentuation are expected.
Time Signatures Note and Rest Values Approximate Length
two to four measures
Students will be asked to play a four-measure melody, written on
the grand sta and divided between the hands. Melodies may
move beyond the ve-nger position.
Keys Time Signature Note Values
C, G, F major
A, D minor
Complete Repertoire
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, and List C. Two memory marks are awarded for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
Bullets used to denote selections for examination purposes:
l one selection
uone selection, found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition:
Piano Repertoire 2
List A
Baroque and Classical Repertoire
uEntrée in A Minor (in Notebook for Wolfgang)
Arnold, Samuel
l Gavotte in C Major, op. , no. 
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
l Minuet in E flat Major, H 
l Minuetto II in F Minor, H /
Bach, Johann Sebastian
l Aria in D Minor, BWV  (in Notenbuch der Anna
Magdalena Bach BAR; WIE)
uMinuet in G Major, from Suite in G Minor,
BWV 822
Level 2
Level 2
Beethoven, Ludwig van
uÉcossaise in G Major, WoO 23
l German Dance in C Major, WoO , no.  (in Piano
Piccolo OTT)
Diabelli, Anton
Sonatina in C Major, op. 151, no. 2
l nd movement
Handel, George Frideric
uImpertinence, HWV 494
l Menuet, from Partita in G Major, HWV 
ssler, Johann Wilhelm
50 pièces à l’usage des commençans, op. 38 ABR
l Ecossaise in G Major (no.)
Haydn, Franz Joseph
uGerman Dance in G Major, Hob. IX:12, no. 1
l German Dance in G Major, Hob. IX:, no. 
l German Dance in B flat Major, Hob. IX:, no. 
Five Contradances and One Quadrille, Hob. IX:29 (in Il Mio
Primo Haydn RIC)
l Quadrille
Hook, James
New Guida di musica, op. 81
l Gavotta in D Major (no. ) (in A James Hook Album
Hüllmandel, Nicolas-Joseph
Petits airs d’une difficulté graduelle, op. 5
l Minuetto in C Major, op. , no.  (in Piano Piccolo
Krebs, Johann Ludwig
l Minuet in B Minor, from Suite No.  in B Minor
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
l Allegro in F Major, K c
uMinuet in G Major, K 1e
l Minuet in C Major, from Sonata in C Major, K 
Neefe, Christian Gottlob
uAllegretto in C Major
Purcell, Henry
l Air in D Minor, ZT 
l Hornpipe, ZT  (in Essential Keyboard Repertoire, 
uMinuet in A Minor, Z 649 (in Musick’s Hand-Maid,
second part)
Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Pièces de clavecin (1724)
uMenuet en rondeau (Minuet in Rondo Form)
Scarlatti, Domenico
l Sonata in C Major, K b
Schubert, Franz
l Écossaise, D , no. 
Telemann, Georg Philipp
Fantasia in D Major, TWV 33:16
l rd section
Türk, Daniel Gottlob
Handstücke für angehende Klavierspieler, 1 ABR
uA Cheerful Spirit
l Contentment
Handstücke für angehende Klavierspieler, 2 ABR
l Double Appoggiaturas
Wohlfahrt, Heinrich
l Moderato in A Minor (in Piano Piccolo OTT)
List B
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
Alexander, Dennis
u4th Street Rag AXR
Archer, Violet
Shorter Pieces for Shorter Fingers CMC
l Hop, Skip, Glide (no. )
Arens, Barbara
21 Amazingly Easy Pieces for Piano BRH
uPrelude VI
The Mermaid Challenge ARN
uDreams of a Mermaid
Bartók, Béla
For Children, 1 (rev. ed.) B&H
l Children at Play (no. )
l Children’s Song (no. )
For Children, 2 (rev. ed.) B&H
l Allegretto (no. )
uSlovakian Folk Tune in E Minor (no. 17)
Bender, Joanne
Creatures Great and Small RLP
l When the Rain Comes
Berlin, Boris
ue Merry-Go-Round FHM
Berr, Bruce
l Venetian Boat Song (in Hal Leonard Student Piano
Library: Piano Solos  HAL)
Bober, Melody
Grand Solos for Piano, 4 ALF
uI Spy
Bonis, Mel.
Album pour les tout-petites COM
l Madrigal
Bowman, Jennifer
Modern Mosaics DAY
l Mysterious Mosaic
Carroll, Walter
The Countryside FOR
l The Wood Fairies (no. )
Case, Maria
Bagatelles PLA
uShadow Waltz
Level 2
Chatman, Stephen
Away! CMC
l Making Memories
Coulthard, Jean
l Alexas Bell Song (in Music of Our Time,  WAT)
l First Little Dance (Lavender’s Blue) (in Music of Our
Time,  WAT)
Crosby Gaudet, Anne
l Cant Catch Me! MDC
uPeriwinkle Twinkle MDC
Donkin, Christine
Legends & Lore DKN
uCrocodile Tears
l The Dragon’s Story
Duke, David Gordon
l Butterflies (in Music of Our Time,  WAT)
George, Jon
The Music Tree: Students’ Choice 4 ALF
l Quiet Lagoon
Gieck, Janet
Dances, Daydreams & Dinosaurs RLP
l Outdoor Skating Rink
Sundae Soup, 1 RLP
l Lazy Sunday
Gillock, William
Accent on Majors WIL
l On a Quiet Lake
Goldston, Margaret
The Virtuosic Performer, 1 ALF
l The Sparkling Brook
Grechaninov, Aleksandr
Children’s Album, op. 98 OTT
uFarewell (no. 4)
Glass Beads, op. 123 OTT
l Little Beggar (no. )
Hidy, Diane
uNightingale (in Piano Town: Attention Grabbers 2
Ho, Vincent
The Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals, 1 PME
l The Happy Foal
l The Wandering Puppy
Horvat, Frank
The Isle of Loobienox HOR
l Loobie Lullaby
Ikeda, Naoko
l Evening Melody WIL
Miyabi WIL
l Raft of Flowers (Hana-Ikada)
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
30 Children’s Pieces, op. 27 SCH
l Valse (no. )
l A Little Song (no. )
Karp, David
Naturescape WIL
l Circling Hawks
Kay, Ulysses
Ten Short Essays HAL
uMake Believe (no. 6)
Khachaturian, Aram
Children’s Album, 2 SIK
l An Evening Tale
hler, Christian Louis Heinrich
Praktische Klavierschule, op. 300, 1
ueme and Variations (no. 39)
Kraehenbuehl, David
l March of the Trolls (in Contemporary Piano
Literature,  ALF)
Labenske, Victor
Piano Miniatures ALF
l Player Piano
Linn, Jennifer
Showstoppers, 1 HAL
l Bluebird Lullaby
McIntyre, David L.
Pip Squeaks RSM
ue Waltz at Floated Away
McLean, Edwin
Miniatures, 2 FJH
uPresto in 5/8
Milne, Elissa
Little Peppers FAB
uRhyme Time
Morlock, Jocelyn
Four Piano Pieces MOR
l And then... (no.)
Nakada, Yoshinao
Piano Pieces for Children (Japanese Festival) OGT
l A Short Story
Niamath, Linda
Here We Go! NIA
l Rollerblading
A Zoo for You ALF
l Penguins
Norton, Christopher
Christopher Norton Connections for Piano, 2 DAY
l Half Asleep
l Sidewalk Ca
l Toronto Tango
Paterson, Lorna
Contemporary Piano Collection, 1 PSN
l Clown Fish
Level 2
Perry, Zenobia Powell
l Childhood Capers JGM
l Vignette No.  JGM
Persichetti, Vincent
Little Piano Book, op. 60 PRE
l Fanfare (no. )
Pinto, Octavio
Children’s Festival (Festa de Crianças) SCH
l Prelude (no. )
Poole, Cliord
ue Skating Carnival FHM
Reinecke, Carl
Serenade in G Major, op. 183, no. 2
l Elegie (in Piano Piccolo OTT)
Richert, Teresa
Just Kidding! RCT
l Daydreaming
Toy Collection RCT
l Doll House
l Little Red Wagon
l Toy Train
Rossi, Wynn-Anne
Música Latina, 2 ALF
uAtacama Desert
Schumann, Robert
Album für die Jugend, op. 68
uSoldier’s March (no. 2)
Shostakovich, Dmitri
Childhood Notebook, op. 69 DSC
l March in C Major (no. ) (in Piano Piccolo OTT)
Skarecky, Jana
Water Colours CMC
l Rain
Stravinsky, Soulima
Piano Music for Children, 1 PET
l Tag
Szelényi, István
Musical Picture-Book OTT
l Faraway Regions
Tajčević, Marko
Songs from Mur Island HEN
l Little Piece No. 
Tansman, Alexandre
Happy Time (On s’amuse au piano), 1 HAL
l Waltzing (En valsant)
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il’yich
Album for the Young, op. 39
l The Sick Doll (no.)
Telfer, Nancy
The Galaxy Series, 1 WAN
uCrocodile Teeth
l Donkey Riding
l The Silent Moon
l Skeleton Dance
List C
Bartók, Béla
Mikrokosmos, 1 B&H
l Little Dance in Canon Form
Champagne, Claude
l Petit Canon No.  (in Performing Our Musical
Heritage,  CFP; CMC)
Christopher, Renée
uInvention in C Major FHM
Dello Joio, Norman
Suite for the Young EBM
l Invention (no. )
Gallant, Pierre
uIn a Canoe GNT
l Jazz Invention No.  GNT
Gedike, Aleksandr
60 Easy Piano Pieces, op. 36 SCH
l Fugato (no.)
Gurlitt, Cornelius
uCanon in A Minor
ssler, Johann Wilhelm
50 pièces à l’usage des commençans, op. 38 ABR
l Moderato in C Major (no. )
Ho, Vincent
The Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals, 1 PME
uMonkey See, Monkey Do (no. 9)
Jiang, Edward Han, arr.
uA Ditty of Yimeng Mountain EHJ
Kunz, Konrad M.
200 petits canons, op. 14
l Canon in F Major (no.)
Niamath, Linda
Watermelon and Friends NIA
l Banana
Norton, Christopher
uBreezy 3 DAY
Richert, Teresa
Copycat Copycat RCT
uCourageous Cat
Level 3
Level 3 Requirements Marks
one selection from List A
one selection from List B
one selection from List C
Memory (2 marks per repertoire selection)
Technical Requirements
Etudes: two etudes from the Syllabus list
Technical Tests
Ear Tests
– Clapback
– Intervals
– Chords
– Playback
Sight Reading
– Rhythm
– Playing
Total possible marks (pass = 60) 100
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, and List C. Two memory marks are awarded for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®,
Sixth Edition: Piano Repertoire 3 on the pages indicated.
List A
Baroque Repertoire
Title Composer Page
Bourée in A Minor Krieger 4
Harlequinade Krebs 5
Minuet in G Major,
BWV Anh. 114
Petzold 6
Minuet in G Minor,
BWV Anh. 115
Petzold 7
Musette in D Major,
BWV Anh. 126
attr. J.S. Bach 8
Polonaise in G Minor,
BWV Anh. 119
attr. J.S. Bach 9
Gavot in C Major Blow 10
A New Irish Tune Purcell 11
List B
Classical and Classical-style Repertoire
Viennese Sonatina in
B Flat Major: I
W.A. Mozart 12
Sonatina in G Major,
Anh. 5, no. 1: I or II
attr. Beethoven 13
Sonatina in C Major, op. 36,
no. 1: I
Clementi 16
Sonatina in A Minor,
op. 94, no. 4: I
Biehl 18
Sonatina in F Major,
op. 257, no. 2: IV
Lack 20
Andantino in A Major,
op. 38, no. 31
ssler 22
List C
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
At Night on the River,
op. 27, no. 4
Kabalevsky 23
Play Bartók 24
Tender ought Kay 25
Variations on a Russian Folk
Berkovich 26
e Stormy Sea Crosby Gaudet 28
e Elegant Toreador Bernstein 30
Gentle Breezes Alexander 32
Tarantelle Poole 34
Twilight Prelude Springer 36
Lemon Sherbet Rag Arens 38
Walk the Talk Sowash 39
Icicles Duncan 40
Arctic Voices Griesdale 41
Ragtime Cha-Cha Bober 42
Danse Vanier 44
For a complete list of repertoire from additional sources, see
“Complete Repertoire” on p. 32.
Technical Requirements
Please see “Technical Requirements” on p. 7 and “Technical Tests Examples” on p. 120 for important information regarding this section
of the examination.
Students must prepare two technically contrasting etudes from the following list.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition: Piano Etudes 3 on the pages indicated.
Title Composer Page
Etude in D Major, op. 37, no. 17 Lemoine 4
Etude in G Major, op. 108,
no. 19
Schytte 5
Arabesque, op. 100, no. 2 Burgller 6
Left Alone
→ play with LH only
Grill 7
Wild Rose Richert 8
Dance in Bulgarian Rhythm
→ with repeat
arr. Emonts 10
Trumpet March, op. 36, no. 53 Gedike 11
Prelude No. 4 in F Major Pearce 12
Witches and Wizards Donkin 14
Title Composer Page
Ripple Eect Bender 15
Zigzag Evans 16
Wasps Noble 18
Playful Snakelets Ho 19
Prelude VII Arens 20
On Horseback, op. 98, no. 5 Grechaninov 21
Mouse Dance
→ with repeat
Metelka 22
Clockwork Chimes Glennie 23
Computer Chatter Donkin 24
Students may substitute a popular selection for one of the etudes. See
p. 5 for details.
Level 3
Technica l Tests
Students must play all patterns from memory.
Keys Played Tempo Note Values
D, F, B major
B, D, G minor (harmonic and melodic)
2 octaves
= 80
Formula Pattern D major
2 octaves
= 80
Chromatic Starting on D
1 octave
= 80
Tonic Triads
• broken
D, F, B
B, D, G minor
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
= 69
• solid/blocked
= 120
Level 3
Please see “Musicianship” on p. 4 and “Musicianship Examples”
on p. 124 for important information regarding this section of the
Ear Tests
Students will choose to clap, tap, or sing the rhythm of a short
melody after the examiner has played it twice. e examiner
will identify the time signature and count one measure before
Time Signatures Note Values Approximate Length
three to four measures
Students will be asked to identify any of the following intervals.
e examiner will play each interval in melodic form (ascending
and descending) once.
Students may choose to sing or hum any of the following intervals
(ascending and descending). e examiner will play the rst note
Intervals (ascending and descending)
minor 3rd
major 3rd
perfect 4th
perfect 5th
Students will be asked to identify the quality (major or minor) of
a triad after the examiner has played it in solid/blocked form once.
Students will be asked to identify a single note as the root, third,
or fth of a major or minor triad after the examiner has played the
triad in broken form once.
Chords Position
major and minor triads root position
Students will be asked to play back a melody based on the rst ve
notes of a major or minor scale. e examiner will identify the key,
play the tonic triad once, and play the melody twice.
Beginning Note Keys Approximate Length
tonic, mediant,
D, F major
D, G minor
ve to six notes
Sight Reading
For a given rhythm, students will be asked to:
• Tap a steady beat with their hand or foot for one measure.
• Continue tapping while speaking, tapping, or clapping the
given rhythm.
A steady pulse and metric accentuation are expected.
Time Signatures Note and Rest Values Approximate Length
four measures
Students will be asked to play a four-measure passage, hands
Keys Time Signatures Note Values
C, G, D, F major
A, D minor
Complete Repertoire
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, and List C. Two memory marks are awarded for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
Bullets used to denote selections for examination purposes:
l one selection
uone selection, found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition:
Piano Repertoire 3
List A
Baroque Repertoire
l Minuet in A Minor (in Notebook for Wolfgang OTT)
Bach, Johann Sebastian, attr.
uMusette in D Major, BWV Anh. 126 (in Notenbuch
der Anna Magdalena Bach BAR; WIE)
uPolonaise in G Minor, BWV Anh. 119 (in Notenbuch
der Anna Magdalena Bach BAR; WIE)
Blow, John
uGavot in C Major (in Musick’s Hand-Maid, second
Böhm, Georg
l Menuet fait par Mons. Böhm (in Notenbuch der Anna
Magdalena Bach BAR; WIE)
Level 3
Graupner, Christoph
l Bourrée in E Minor, GWV  (in Piano Piccolo
Handel, George Frideric
l Gavotte in G Major, HWV 
l Minuet in F Major, HWV a
l Passepied in C Major, HWV  (in Piano Piccolo
Kirnberger, Johann Philipp
Recueil dairs de danse caractéristiques
l Bourrée in D Major (no. )
Krebs, Johann Ludwig
uHarlequinade, from Suite No. 3 in E at Major
Krieger, Johann
Sechs musikalische Partien
uBourée in A Minor
Mattheson, Johann
Pièces de clavecin en deux volumes
l Menuet in E flat Major, from Suite No. 
Petzold, Christian
uMinuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114 (in Notenbuch
der Anna Magdalena Bach BAR; WIE)
uMinuet in G Minor, BWV Anh. 115 (in Notenbuch
der Anna Magdalena Bach BAR; WIE)
Purcell, Henry
l Hornpipe in B flat Major, ZT 
uA New Irish Tune (in Musick’s Hand-Maid, second
Reinagle, Alexander
l Allegretto in G Major, op. , no.  (in Piano Piccolo
Telemann, Georg Philipp
l Gigue à langloise, from Partita à cembalo solo,
TWV :
List B
Classical and Classical-style Repertoire
Attwood, omas
Easy Progressive Lessons
Sonatina in G Major
l st movement
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Zwei Klaviersonatinen, Anh. 5
Sonatina in G Major (no. 1)
u1st movement
u2nd movement: Romanze
Biehl, Albert
Sonatina in C Major, op. 57, no. 1
l nd movement
Sonatina in G Major, op. 57, no. 4
l st movement
l nd movement
Sonatina in A Minor, op. 94, no. 4
u1st movement
Clementi, Muzio
Six Progressive Sonatinas for the Piano Forte, op. 36
Sonatina in C Major (no. 1)
u1st movement
l nd movement
l rd movement
Gedike, Aleksandr
60 Easy Piano Pieces, op. 36 SCH
l Sonatina in C Major (no.)
Gurlitt, Cornelius
Six Sonatinas, op. 76
Sonatina in A Minor (no. 5) (in Joy of Sonatinas YOR)
l rd movement
ssler, Johann Wilhelm
50 pièces à l’usage des commençans, op. 38
uAndantino in A Major (no. 31)
Hüllmandel, Nicolas-Joseph
l Allegro in G Major, op. , no.  (in Piano Piccolo
Lack, éodore
Sonatina in F Major, op. 257, no. 2
u4th movement: Finale
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
l Menuetto II in F Major, from Sonata in C Major, K 
l Minuet in D Major, K 
Viennese Sonatinas (arr. from Five Divertimenti, K 439b)
Viennese Sonatina in B at Major (no. 4)
u1st movement
Reinecke, Carl
Sonatina in C Major, op. 136, no. 1
l st movement
Türk, Daniel Gottlob
Handstücke für angehende Klavierspieler, 1 ABR
l Carefree Happiness
List C
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
Alexander, Dennis
Especially in Romantic Style, 1 ALF
uGentle Breezes
A Splash of Color, 2 ALF
l Zinc Pink
Level 3
Arens, Barbara
Piano Vivace BRH
uLemon Sherbet Rag
Archer, Violet
11 Short Pieces PAL
l Little Canon (no. )
Austin, Glenda
Lyric Waltzes WIL
l Carousel Waltz
Bartók, Béla
For Children, 1 (rev. ed.) B&H
uPlay (no. 5)
l Allegro moderato (no. )
For Children, 2 (rev. ed.) B&H
l Sorrow (no.)
Bennett, Rhonda
l Holiday Parade (in Myklas Contest Winners,  ALF)
Berkovich, Isaak
uVariations on a Russian Folksong SCH
Bernstein, Seymour
Moodscapes MAN
ue Elegant Toreador
Bober, Melody
uRagtime Cha-Cha BOB
Bonis, Mel.
Album pour les tout-petites COM
l Compliment a grandmaman
l Douce amie
Cornick, Mike
Blues in Two and More for Piano UNI
l Blues in Two
Coulthard, Jean
l Clear Waters (in Music of Our Time,  WAT)
l A Little Joke (in Music of Our Time,  WAT)
Crosby Gaudet, Anne
l Funny Puppy MDC
l In My Dreams MDC
ue Stormy Sea MDC
Donkin, Christine
Comics & Card Tricks DKN
l Monster Trucks
Duncan, Martha Hill
uIcicles MHD
Fine, Irving
Music of Irving Fine B&H
l Lullaby for a Baby Panda B&H
Gedike, Aleksandr
20 Little Pieces for Beginners, op. 6 SCH
l A Little Piece (no. )
George, Jon
A Day in the Forest ALF
l Rain... and the Rainbow
Gieck, Janet
l Summer Drought GIE
Dances, Daydreams & Dinosaurs RLP
l Before Dawn
l Promenade
Sundae Soup, 1 RLP
l Sweet Dream
Gonzales, Chilly
Re-Introduction Etudes EBR
l Tarantula
Grechaninov, Aleksandr
Children’s Album, op. 98 SCH
l In Camp (no. )
l In the Woodland Glade (no.)
l After the Ball (no.)
Glass Beads, op. 123 OTT
l Morning Walk (no. )
Griesdale, Susan
Arctic Voices RLP
uArctic Voices
Gurlitt, Cornelius
Kleine Blumen, op. 205 ABR
l Wild Mignonette (no. )
Hidy, Diane
l Flyover (in Piano Town: Attention Grabbers  KJO)
Ho, Vincent
The Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals, 1 PME
l The Dancing Cockerel
l Gentle Piglet
l Sleepy Lamb
Huang, An-Lun
A Chinese Festival, 1 BEL
l Pastures
Ikeda, Naoko
Miyabi WIL
l Peonies (Shakuyaku)
Jinga, Naina
l Circus Waltz JIN
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
24 Pieces for Children, op. 39 SCH
l Clowns (no.)
30 Children’s Pieces, op. 27 SCH
uAt Night on the River (no. 4)
Kay, Ulysses
Ten Short Essays HAL
uTender ought (no. 2)
Klose, Carol
Watercolor Miniatures HAL
l Dreaming in Watercolors
Level 3
Liebermann, Lowell
Album for the Young, op. 43 PRE
l Song (no. )
l Ghost Waltz (no. )
Linn, Jennifer
l Tarantella HAL
Les petites images HAL
l Loiseau-mouche (Hummingbird)
Louie, Alexina
Small Beautiful Things ALX
l Little Grey Bird
Maxner, Rebekah
Madge’s Notebook RLP
l Deep in the Meadow
Mier, Martha
Martha Mier’s Favorite Solos, 3 ALF
l Winter Starlight
Romantic Sketches, 2 ALF
l Interlude
Milhaud, Darius
L’enfant aime (A Child Loves), op. 289 UNI
l Les fleurs (Flowers) (no. )
Milne, Elissa
More Little Peppers FAB
l Violets Are Blue
Pepperbox Jazz, 1 FAB
l Gone Too Soon
Nakada, Yoshinao
Piano Pieces for Children (Japanese Festival) OGT
l A Green Caterpillar and a Butterfly
l The Song of Twilight
→ with repeat
Niamath, Linda
Here We Go! NIA
l All Aboard
l Carousel
l In My Kayak
Norton, Christopher
Christopher Norton Connections for Piano, 3 DAY
l Up and Away
l White Sand
Olson, Kevin
Showcase Solos, 2 FJH
l Medieval Festival
Olson, Lynn Freeman
l Night Clouds (in Belwin Contest Winners,  ALF)
Papp, Lajos
The Stonecutter EMB
l The Happy Stonecutter’s Song
Paterson, Lorna
Contemporary Piano Collection, 1 PSN
l Doves
l Waltzing Pandas
l Whale’s Lament
Persichetti, Vincent
Little Piano Book, op. 60 ELV; PRE
l Dialogue (no. )
Pettigrew, Laura
l Colours PTW; CMC
Poole, Cliord
uTarantelle FHM
Porter, Beverly
Lady Bug and Friends RLP
l Lady Bug Sings the Blues
Rudzik, Peter
Truly Astonishing Animals RLP
l Orange Striped Zebra
Schumann, Robert
Album für die Jugend, op. 68
l Melody (no. )
Scott, Cyril
For My Young Friends
l Seesaw
Setli, Carolyn C.
Changing Leaves WIL
l Summer Breeze
Shostakovich, Dmitri
Childhood Notebook, op. 69 DSC
l Merry Tale (no. )
Siegmeister, Elie
l Street Games (in Contemporary Piano Literature, 
Southam, Ann
l Cool Blue/Red Hot STU
Sowash, Bradley
That’s Jazz Performance, 2 KJO
uWalk the Talk
Springer, Mike
l Detective Belvedere (in Myklas Contest Winners, 
uTwilight Prelude SGR
l Undercover Spy ALF
Still, William Grant
Piano Works for Children WGS
l Ring Play
Stravinsky, Soulima
Piano Music for Children, 2 PET
l Cops and Robbers
Level 3
Tansman, Alexandre
Pour les enfants, 1 ESC
l The Dancing Bear (Le petit ours en peluche)
l Dresden China Figures (Figurines de Sèvres)
Taranta, Italo
l Folk Dance (in Hal Leonard Student Piano Library:
Piano Solos  HAL)
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il’yich
Album for the Young, op. 39
l Morning Prayer (no. )
Telfer, Nancy
The Galaxy Series, 2 WAN
l À la claire fontaine
l The Sleeping Dragon
l Star Cluster
Tse, Roydon
l Etude No. : Spiral TSE
Vandall, Robert D.
Robert D. Vandalls Favorite Solos, 2 ALF
l Summer Toccatina
Vanier, Jeannine
Cinq pièces pour enfants
uDanse (no. 4)
Level 4
Level 4 Requirements Marks
one selection from List A
one selection from List B
one selection from List C
Memory (2 marks per repertoire selection)
Technical Requirements
Etudes: two etudes from the Syllabus list
Technical Tests
Ear Tests
– Clapback
– Intervals
– Chords
– Playback
Sight Reading
– Rhythm
– Playing
Total possible marks (pass = 60) 100
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, and List C. Two memory marks are awarded for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®,
Sixth Edition: Piano Repertoire 4 on the pages indicated.
List A
Baroque Repertoire
Title Composer Page
Minuet in D Minor,
BWV Anh. 132
attr. J.S. Bach 4
Air in B at Major, HWV 471 Handel 5
March in D Major,
BWV Anh. 122
C.P.E. Bach 6
Sonata in C Minor, K 40 Scarlatti 7
Gavotte in F Major Graupner 8
Allegretto in E Minor, op. 38,
no. 24
ssler 9
Rigadoon in A Minor Babell 10
List B
Classical and Classical-style Repertoire
Sonatina in C Major, op. 4, no. 1 Wesley 11
Sonata in D Minor, C 17 Cimarosa 12
Sonatina in F Major, op. 168,
no. 1: I
Diabelli 14
Sonatina in G Major, op. 66,
no. 3: I
Lichner 16
Sonatina in B at Major, op. 29: I Schmitt 18
Sonatina in G Major, op. 36,
no. 2: III
Clementi 20
List C
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
e Happy Farmer, op. 68, no. 10 R. Schumann 23
Dreamcatcher Crosby Gaudet 24
Waltz Bartók 25
Barcarolle, op. 123, no. 8 Chaminade 26
Cool Cat Waltz Pine 28
Window Shopping Arens 30
Eagle Rays Richert 32
e Little Wanderer, op. 81, no. 2 Kullak 34
Happy Grasshopper Rudzik 36
Nighttime in the City Springer 37
Yayá sonhando Fernández 38
Squirrels at Play Berlin 40
Sunset at the Beach Olson 42
Flowing Stream Beneath a
Little Bridge
Jiang 44
For a complete list of repertoire from additional sources, see
“Complete Repertoire” on p. 39.
Level 4
Technical Requirements
Please see “Technical Requirements” on p. 7 and “Technical Tests Examples” on p. 120 for important information regarding this section
of the examination.
Students must prepare two technically contrasting etudes from the following list.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition: Piano Etudes 4 on the pages indicated.
Title Composer Page
Etude in E Minor, op. 65, no. 42 Loeschhorn 4
Chastushka, op. 89, no. 25 Kabalevsky 5
Masquerade Niamath 6
e Lonely Traveller Glennie 8
Etude in C Major, op. 65, no. 5 Kirchner 9
A Frightening Experience, op. 98,
no. 11
Grechaninov 10
Dewdrops, op. 33, no. 12 Maykapar 11
e Somersault King Schoenmehl 12
Title Composer Page
Parade of the Penguins Previn 13
Ballade, op. 100, no. 15 Burgller 14
Cloud Dance Case 16
→ play with RH only
Grill 17
e Avalanche, op. 45, no. 2 Heller 18
e Spies Coulthard 20
Firecrackers Olson 22
When the Planets Are Aligned Telfer 24
Students may substitute a popular selection for one of the etudes. See
p. 5 for details.
Technica l Tests
Students must play all patterns from memory.
Keys Played Tempo Note Values
D, A, B , E major
B, G, C minor (harmonic and melodic)
2 octaves
= 92
Formula Pattern C minor (harmonic)
2 octaves
= 92
Chromatic Starting on C
1 octave
= 104
Tonic Triads
• broken
D, A, B , E major
B, G, C minor
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
= 60
• solid/blocked
= 120
D, A, B , E major
B, G, C minor
2 octaves
(root position only)
= 72
Level 4
Please see “Musicianship” on p. 7 and “Musicianship Examples”
on p. 124 for important information regarding this section of the
Ear Tests
Students will choose to clap, tap, or sing the rhythm of a short
melody after the examiner has played it twice. e examiner
will identify the time signature and count one measure before
Time Signatures Note Values Approximate Length
two to four measures
Students will be asked to identify any of the following intervals.
e examiner will play each interval in melodic form (ascending
and descending) once.
Students may choose to sing or hum any of the following intervals
(ascending and descending). e examiner will play the rst note
Intervals (ascending and descending)
minor 3rd
major 3rd
perfect 4th
perfect 5th
perfect octave
Students will be asked to identify the quality (major or minor) of
a triad after the examiner has played it in solid/blocked form once.
Students will be asked to identify a single note as the root, third,
or fth of a major or minor triad after the examiner has played the
triad in broken form once.
Chords Position
major and minor triads root position
Students will be asked to play back a melody based on the rst ve
notes of a major or minor scale. e examiner will identify the key,
play the tonic triad once, and play the melody twice.
Beginning Note Keys Approximate Length
tonic, mediant,
D, A major
G, C minor
six to eight notes
Sight Reading
For a given melody, students will be asked to:
• Tap a steady beat with their hand or foot for one measure.
• Continue tapping while speaking, tapping, or clapping the
rhythm of the given melody.
A steady pulse and metric accentuation are expected.
Time Signatures Note and Rest Values Approximate Length
four measures
Students will be asked to play a four-measure passage, hands
Keys Time Signatures Note Values
C, G, D, F major
A, E, D minor
Complete Repertoire
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, and List C. Two memory marks are awarded for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
Bullets used to denote selections for examination purposes:
l one selection
uone selection, found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition:
Piano Repertoire 4
Level 4
List A
Baroque Repertoire
Babell, William
uRigadoon in A Minor
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
uMarch in D Major, BWV Anh. 122 (in Notenbuch der
Anna Magdalena Bach)
Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich
Musical Leisure Hours ABR
l Angloise in A Major
Bach, Johann Sebastian
l Musette, from English Suite No.  in G Minor,
BWV 
Notenbuch der Anna Magdalena Bach BAR; WIE
l Minuet in F Major, BWV Anh. 
l Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 
l Minuet in A Minor, BWV Anh. 
l Minuet in C Minor, BWV Anh. 
l Polonaise in D Minor, BWV Anh. 
uMinuet in D Minor, BWV Anh. 132
→ with repeats
Graupner, Christoph
Monatliche Clavier Früchte
uGavotte in F Major
l Menuett in A Major
Handel, George Frideric
l Air in D Minor, HWV 
uAir in B at Major, HWV 471
Sonata in G Major, op. 1, no. 5, HWV 363b
l Bourrée
ssler, Johann Wilhelm
50 pièces à l’usage des commençans, op. 38
uAllegretto in E Minor (no. 24)
Scarlatti, Domenico
l Sonata in D Minor, K 
uSonata in C Minor, K 40
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich
l Italian Air, from Partita in G Minor (in
Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann Bach BAR)
Telemann, Georg Philipp
Fantasia in G Major, TWV 33:7
l nd section
List B
Classical and Classical-style Repertoire
André, Johann Anton
Six sonates progressives, op. 34
Sonatina in C Major (no. 1)
l nd movement: Rondo
Sonatina in F Major (no. 5)
l rd movement: Rondo
Beethoven, Ludwig van
12 German Dances, WoO 13 OTT; SCH
l German Dance in E flat Major (no. )
Cimarosa, Domenico
l Sonata in D Minor, C  (in Haydn-Mozart-Cimarosa:
Leichte Klavierstücke WIE)
uSonata in D Minor, C 17
Clementi, Muzio
Six Progressive Sonatinas for the Piano Forte, op. 36
Sonatina in G Major (no. 2)
l nd movement
u3rd movement
Diabelli, Anton
Sonatina in G Major, op. 151, no. 1
l st movement
l nd movement
l rd movement: Rondo
Sonatina in F Major, op. 168, no. 1
u1st movement
Haydn, Franz Joseph
Sonata in F Major, Hob. XVI: 9
l rd movement
Hook, James
Sonatina in B at Major, op. 12, no. 5
l st movement
Lichner, Heinrich
Sonatina in G Major, op. 66, no. 3
u1st movement
Mozart, Leopold
Notebook for Nannerl
l Menuett in A Major (no. )
l Menuett in D Major (no. )
l Menuett in A Major (no.)
Reinecke, Carl
Sonatina in A Minor, op. 136, no. 4
l st movement
Schmitt, Jacob
Sontina in B at Major, op. 29
u1st movement
Sonatina in A Major, op. 207, no. 2
l st movement
Level 4
Türk, Daniel Gottlob
Handstücke für angehende Klavierspieler, 1 ABR
l German Song
Wesley, Samuel
uSonatina in C Major, op. 4, no. 1
l Sonatina in B flat Major, op. , no.  ABR
List C
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
Alexander, Dennis
Especially for Adults, 1 ALF
l Reflections
Archer, Violet
l Waltzing Along (in Rainbows PAL)
11 Short Pieces PAL
l Wide Open Spaces (no.)
Arens, Barbara
Piano Tranquillo BRH
l Sailing on a Lake
Piano Vivace BRH
uWindow Shopping
Bartók, Béla
First Term at the Piano
For Children, 1 (rev. ed.) B&H
l Children’s Game (no. )
l Allegretto (no.)
l Allegro non troppo (no.)
For Children, 2 (rev. ed.) B&H
l Dance (no. )
l Andante, molto rubato (no.)
l Farewell (no.)
Bender, Joanne
Things Bright and Beautiful RLP
l After the Rain
Berlin, Boris
uSquirrels at Play FHM
Bober, Melody
Best of Melody Bober, 1 ALF
l Setting Sail
Bonis, Mel.
Scènes enfantines, op. 92
l Carillon (no. )
Boyd, Bill
Bill Boyd: Jazz Sketches HAL
l Home Fried Potatoes
Chaminade, Cécile
Album des enfants, 1, op. 123
l Prélude (no. )
l Canzonetta (no. )
uBarcarolle (no. 8)
Champagne, Claude
l Petit scherzo (in Meet Canadian Composers at the
Piano,  ALF)
Chatman, Stephen
Amusements, 3 CMC
l Game of Hypnosis
British Columbia Suite CMC
l Echoes of November
Escapades, 2 ECS
l Jazzberry Jump
Preludes for Piano, 3 CMC
l Hotshot
Chouinard, Diane
l Ballerina Doll CMC
Coulthard, Jean
Four Piano Pieces BER
l Little Song of Long Ago
Crosby Gaudet, Anne
uDreamcatcher MDC
Dello Joio, Norman
Suite for the Young EBM
l Little Brother (no.)
l Small Fry (no. )
Diemer, Emma Lou
Reaching Out FJH
l Chatter
l Surprises
Donkin, Christine
l Good Times DKN
l Quintessential Swing DKN
Imprints DKN
l Evening on the Lake
l Snow Falling in Lamplight
Duke, David Gordon
l Barcarole (in Music of Our Time,  WAT)
Duncan, Martha Hill
Cottage Days RLP
l Rowboat at the Dock
Evans, Lee
l Spooky Spirits HAL
Fernández, Oscar Lorenzo
Suíte da boneca Yayá
uYayá sonhando (Yayá Dreaming) (no. 2)
→ with repeat
Gerou, Tom
Piece by Piece, 2 ALF
l White Orchid
Gillock, William
l Valse triste WIL
Lyric Preludes in Romantic Style ALF
l Interlude
Level 4
Grechaninov, Aleksandr
Grandfather’s Album, op. 119 OTT
l An Old Romance (no. )
l On the Meadow (no.)
l Happy Meeting (no. )
l Returning Home (no. )
Grieg, Edvard
23 Short Pieces for Piano
l Prelude in G Minor (no. )
Griesdale, Susan
Arctic Voices RLP
l Arctic Fox
Gurlitt, Cornelius
Albumblätter für die Jugend, op. 101
l Song Without Words (no. )
Der erste Vortrag, op. 210
l Dancing on the Green
Ikeda, Naoko
Miyabi WIL
l Aoi (Japanese Festival)
l Soft Rain (Azisai)
Jiang, Edward Han
uFlowing Stream Beneath a Little Bridge EHJ
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
30 Children’s Pieces, op. 27 SCH
l A Sad Story (no.)
l Dance on the Lawn (no. )
Keveren, Phillip
l Way Cool! (in Piano Recital Showcase: Festival
Favorites,  HAL)
Kirchner, eodor
Neue Kinderszenen, op. 55
l Andantino (no. )
Kullak, eodor
Kinderleben, op. 81
ue Little Wanderer (Der kleine, rüstige
Wandersmann) (no. 2)
Louie, Alexina
Small Beautiful Things ALX
l That Darn Worm
Lutosławski, Witold
Folk Melodies (in Most Beautiful Lutosławski PWM)
l The Shepherd Girl
Maykapar, Samuel
Bagatelles, op. 28
l In the Garden (no. )
McIntyre, David L.
l A Small Band of Smart Rodents RSM
Milhaud, Darius
L’enfant aime (A Child Loves), op. 289 UNI
l Les bonbons (Candy) (no. )
Muczynski, Robert
Fables, op. 21 SCH
l Allegro molto (no. )
Norton, Christopher
Christopher Norton Connections for Piano, 4 DAY
l Deep in Thought
l Open Window
l Positively Swinging
Olson, Kevin
What I Did Last Summer FJH
uSunset at the Beach
Olson, Lynn Freeman
Audience Pleasers, 3 ALF
l Whirligig
Papp, Lajos
Images LEM
l The Rooster Crows
Paterson, Lorna
Contemporary Piano Collection, 2 PSN
l The Loon
l Lullaby
Pearce, Elvina
Seven Preludes in Seven Keys, 1 BEL
l Prelude No.  in D Minor
Pentland, Barbara
Music of Now, 3 AVO
l Aubade
Pettigrew, Laura
l Pack Ice PTW
Pine, Katya
Images PIN
uCool Cat Waltz
Porter, Beverly
Lady Bug and Friends RLP
l Jitterbug
Pozzoli, Ettore
Piccole scintille RIC
l The Cuckoo (no.)
l Before the Crib (no.)
l Soldier’s March (no.)
Rebikov, Vladimir
Silhouettes, op. 31 ALF; SCH
l Children Skating (no. )
l The Little Shepherd (no. )
Richert, Teresa
uEagle Rays RCT
Rocherolle, Eugenie
Pages from a Scrapbook KJO
l Old Lace
Rollin, Catherine
l Jazz Cat ALF
Preludes for Piano, 1 ALF
l Prelude No.  in C Major
Rudzik, Peter
Truly Astonishing Animals RLP
uHappy Grasshopper
Schoenmehl, Mike
Little Stories in Jazz for Piano OTT
l Big Band Tune
Schubert, Franz
l German Dance in A Major, D , no. 
l Ländler in B flat Major, D , no.  (in Piano
Piccolo OTT)
Schumann, Robert
Album für die Jugend, op. 68
l The Wild Horseman (no. )
ue Happy Farmer (no. 10)
l Little Study (no. )
l The First Loss (no. )
Sgroi, Laura
l Little Hebrew Prayer SOI
Sheftel, Paul
Interludes: Mood Studies for Piano FIS
l Nocturne
Shostakovich, Dmitri
Childhood Notebook, op. 69 DSC
l Sad Tale (no. )
Springer, Mike
uNighttime in the City SGR
→ with repeat
Not Just Another Jazz Book, 1 ALF
l Foggy Day Blues
Szelényi, István
40 kleine Klavierstücke für Anfänger, 2 EMB
l Changing Bars
Tansman, Alexandre
Happy Time (On samuse au piano), 1 HAL
l Little Prelude (Petit prélude)
l Melody (Mélodie)
Pour les enfants, 1 ESC
l Vacation Is Over (Fin de vacances)
Pour les enfants, 2 ESC
l Solemn Occasion (Petite solemnité)
Pour les enfants, 3 ESC
l Awakening (Réveil)
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il’yich
Album for the Young, op. 39
l The Dolls Funeral (no. )
l Italian Song (no. )
l Old French Song (no. )
Telfer, Nancy
The Galaxy Series, 2 WAN
l Giant Insects
The Galaxy Series, 3 WAN
l Feller from Fortune (arr.)
Vandall, Robert D.
Bagatelles, 1 MYK
l Bagatelle No. 
Preludes, 1 ALF
l Prelude No.  in G Major
Level 4
Level 5
Level 5 Requirements Marks
one selection from List A
one selection from List B
one selection from List C
Memory (2 marks per repertoire selection)
Technical Requirements
Etudes: two etudes from the Syllabus list
Technical Tests
Ear Tests
– Intervals
– Chords
– Chord Progressions
– Playback (traditional or improvised)
Sight Reading
– Rhythm
– Playing (traditional or lead sheet reading)
Total possible marks (pass = 60) 100
Theory Examination Corequisite
Level 5 Theory
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, and List C. Two memory marks are awarded for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®,
Sixth Edition: Piano Repertoire 5 on the pages indicated.
List A
Baroque Repertoire
Title Composer Page
Little Prelude in C Major,
BWV 939
J.S. Bach 4
Fantasia in E at Major,
TWV 33:35: 2nd section
Telemann 5
Deux rigaudons Rameau 6
Angloise in D Major J.C.F. Bach 8
Sonata in D Minor, K 34 Scarlatti 9
Allegro in C Minor Seixas 10
Fuga (Sonatina) in G Major,
HWV 582
Handel 11
List B
Classical and Classical-style Repertoire
Allegro moderato in F Major L. Mozart 12
Sonatina in G Major, op. 168,
no. 2: I
Diabelli 14
Sonatina in F Major, Anh. 5,
no. 2: I
attr. Beethoven 16
Minuet in C Major, Hob. IX:8,
no. 1
Haydn 18
Sonatina in C Major, op. 36,
no. 3: III
Clementi 20
Sonatina in G Major: III Latour 23
List C
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
Harvest Song, op. 68, no. 24 R. Schumann 26
Polka, op. 39, no. 10 Tchaikovsky 27
Pierrot and Pierrette, op. 25, no. 4 Beach 28
Dusk Okoye 30
Lyric Piece, op. 27, no. 16 Kabalevsky 32
Petite pièce pour piano no. 2 Boulanger 34
Quietude Alexander 35
Sidewalk Chalk Donkin 38
e Spice of Life Gerou 40
Little Sparrows Louie 42
Melancholy Reections Schoenmehl 44
Winter Rose McDonagh 45
Sunset in Rio Springer 46
Little March Kenins 48
For a complete list of repertoire from additional sources, see
“Complete Repertoire” on p. 47.
Level 5
Technical Requirements
Please see “Technical Requirements” on p. 7 and “Technical Tests Examples” on p. 120 for important information regarding this section
of the examination.
Students must prepare two technically contrasting etudes from the following list.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition: Piano Etudes 5 on the pages indicated.
Title Composer Page
Prelude, op. 39, no. 19 Kabalevsky 4
Little Piece No. 13 Tajčev 5
Etude in C Major, op. 718, no. 7 Czerny 6
Dance of the Dragonies,
op. 76, no. 7
Rohde 8
Dragony Scherzo Crosby Gaudet 9
Harmony of the Angels,
op. 100, no. 21
Burgller 10
Joyous Etude Bober 12
Title Composer Page
Little Dragon Ho 14
Etude on a Pentatonic Scale Jiang 15
Elves Bloch 16
Staccatoville! Alexander 18
A Summer Day Norton 20
Chromatic Monochrome Ikeda 22
e Black Pony Papp
Students may substitute a popular selection for one of the etudes.
See p. 5 for details.
Technica l Tests
Students must play all patterns from memory.
Keys Played Tempo Note Values
A, E, F, A major
A, E, F minor (harmonic and melodic)
2 octaves
= 104
Formula Pattern
A major
A minor (harmonic)
2 octaves
= 104
Chromatic Starting on A, F
1 octave
= 104
Tonic Triads
• broken A, E, F, A major
A, E, F minor
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
ending with I–VI progression
= 66
• solid/blocked
= 66
Dominant 7th Chords
• broken
A, E, F, A major
1 octave
(root position and inversions)
= 72
• solid/blocked
= 60
A, E, F, A major
A, E, F minor
2 octaves
(root position only)
= 80
Level 5
Please see “Musicianship” on p. 7 and “Musicianship Examples”
on p. 124 for important information regarding this section of the
Ear Tests
Students will be asked to identify any of the following intervals.
e examiner will play each interval in melodic form (ascending or
descending) followed by harmonic form once.
Students may choose to sing or hum any of the following intervals
(ascending or descending). e examiner will play the rst note
Intervals (ascending or descending)
minor 3rd, major 3rd
perfect 4th
perfect 5th
minor 6th, major 6th
perfect octave
Students will be asked to identify the quality of the following
chords after the examiner has played the chord in solid/blocked
form, close position once.
Chords Position
major and minor triads root position
dominant 7th (major–minor 7th) root position
Chord Progressions
Students will be asked to identify chord progressions in major keys
as I–IV–I or I–V–I after the examiner has played the progression
twice. e progression will be played in keyboard style, and the
bass line will ascend from the tonic.
Chord Progressions
Students will be asked to play back a melody based on the rst ve
notes and upper tonic of a major or minor scale. e examiner will
identify the key and time signature, play the tonic chord once, and
play the melody three times.
• Before the first playing, the examiner will count one measure.
• After the second playing, the student will clap the rhythm or
sing the melody.
• After the third playing, the student will play the melody.
Beginning Note Keys Time
tonic, mediant,
dominant, upper
A, E major
A, E minor
up to eight notes
Students may choose to play back a given four-measure question
phrase and improvise an answer phrase to create an eight-measure
parallel period. e examiner will identify the key and time
signature, play the tonic chord once, and play the question phrase
three times.
Beginning Note Keys Time
Total Length
tonic, mediant,
dominant, upper
C, G, F
eight measures
Sight Reading
For a given melody, students will be asked to:
• Tap a steady beat with their hand or foot for one measure.
• Continue tapping while speaking, tapping, or clapping the
rhythm of the given melody.
A steady pulse and metric accentuation are expected.
Time Signatures Approximate Length
four measures
Students will be asked to play a passage of music comparable to
Level 2 repertoire.
Keys Time Signatures Approximate Length
major and minor keys,
up to two sharps or
eight measures
Students may choose to read a lead sheet (with a melody and root/
quality chord symbols) and realize an accompaniment based on
the chord symbols provided. Harmonic vocabulary will be aligned
with the chords presented for study in Level 5 eory in the eory
Keys Time Signatures Approximate Length
major and minor keys,
up to two sharps or
eight measures
Level 5
Complete Repertoire
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, and List C. Two memory marks are awarded for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
Bullets used to denote selections for examination purposes:
l one selection
uone selection, found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition:
Piano Repertoire 5
List A
Baroque Repertoire
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
l March in G Major, BWV Anh.  (in Notenbuch der
Anna Magdalena Bach BAR; WIE)
Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich
Musikalische Nebenstunden
uAngloise in D Major
Bach, Johann Sebastian
l Allemande in G Minor, BWV 
uLittle Prelude in C Major, BWV 939
l Menuet in E Major, from French Suite No.  in E
Major, BWV 
l Minuet in G Minor, BWV  (in Klavierbüchlein für
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach)
Dieupart, Charles
Six suites de clavecin (1701)
l Passepied, from Suite No.  in D Major
Graupner, Christoph
l Intrada in C Major (in Baroque Piano ALF)
Handel, George Frideric
uFuga (Sonatina) in G Major, HWV 582
l Sonatina in B flat Major, HWV 
Jones, Richard
Suites or Setts of Lessons for the Harpsichord
l Boree in B flat Major, from Suite No.  (in Keyboard
Dances ABR)
Kirnberger, Johann Philipp
l Gigue in D Major (no. ) (in A Miscellany of Dances
Krebs, Johann Ludwig
Clavier-Übung, 2
l Scherzo in C Major, from Suite in C Major
Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Pièces de clavecin (1724)
uDeux rigaudons, from Suite No. 1
Scarlatti, Domenico
uSonata in D Minor, K 34
l Sonata in B flat Major, K 
l Sonata in G Major, K 
Seixas, José António Carlos de
uAllegro in C Minor, from Sonata No. 12 in C Minor
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich
l Bourrée, from Partita in G Minor (in Klavierbüchlein
r Wilhelm Friedemann Bach BAR)
Telemann, Georg Philipp
Fantasia in C Major, TWV 33:14
l nd section
Fantasia in E at Major, TWV 33:35
u2nd section (in C Minor)
Zipoli, Domenico
Sonate dintavolatura per organo e cimbalo, 1, op. 1
l Quattro versi in E Minor
List B
Classical and Classical-style Repertoire
Beethoven, Ludwig van
l Minuet in G Major, WoO , no.
12 German Dances, WoO 13 OTT; SCH
l no.  or no. 
Zwei Klaviersonatinen, Anh. 5
Sonatina in F Major (no. 2)
u1st movement
l nd movement
Cimarosa, Domenico
l Sonata in G Minor, C  (in Haydn-Mozart-
Cimarosa: Leichte Klavierstücke WIE)
Clementi, Muzio
Six Progressive Sonatinas for the Piano Forte, op. 36
Sonatina in G Major (no. 2)
l st movement
Sonatina in C Major (no. 3)
u3rd movement
Sonatina in G Major (no. 5)
l rd movement: Rondo
Diabelli, Anton
Seven Sonatinas, op. 168
Sonatina in F Major (no. 1)
l nd movement
Sonatina in G Major (no. 2)
u1st movement
Sonatina in C Major (no. 3)
l st movement
l rd movement
Level 5
Haydn, Franz Joseph
12 Minuets, Hob. IX:8
uMinuet in C Major (no. 1)
Sonata in G Major, Hob. XVI:8
l st movement
l rd and th movements
Sonata in C Major, Hob. XVI:10
l st movement
Hook, James
Sonatina in F Major, op. 12, no. 9
l st movement
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk
Six pièces très faciles, op. 52
l Romance in G Major (no.)
Kuhlau, Friedrich
Sonatina in C Major, op. 55, no. 1
l st movement
l nd movement
Latour, Jean éodore
Four Progressive Sonatinas
Sonatina in G Major
u3rd movement
Lichner, Heinrich
Sonatina in F Major, op. 4, no. 2 KJO; SCH
l st movement
Mozart, Leopold
Notebook for Nannerl
uAllegro moderato in F Major
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
The London Sketchbook
l Rondo in F Major, K hh
Viennese Sonatinas (arr. from Five Divertimenti, K 439b)
Viennese Sonatina in C Major (no. 1)
l nd movement: Minuetto and Trio
Spindler, Fritz
Sonatina in C Major, op. 157, no. 4
l nd movement
List C
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
Alexander, Dennis
uQuietude AXR
Aperans, Dace
l Sarabande BAL
Archer, Violet
Three Scenes (Habitant Sketches) BER
l Jig (no. )
Bartók, Béla
For Children, 1 (rev. ed.) B&H
l Children’s Dance (no. )
l Moderato (no.)
l Jest (no.)
For Children, 2 (rev. ed.) B&H
l Lento (no. )
l Teasing Song (no. )
l Romance (no. )
l Game of Tag (no.)
Beach, Amy
Children’s Carnival, op. 25 HIL
uPierrot and Pierrette (no. 4)
Bober, Melody
The Best of Melody Bober, 1 ALF
l Raspberry Rag
Bonis, Mel.
Scènes enfantines, op. 92
l Bébé s’endort (no.)
Bortkiewicz, Sergei
Andersens Fairy Tales, op. 30 SIM
l The Hardy Tin Soldier (no. )
Boulanger, Nadia
Petites pièces pour piano LED
uPetite pièce pour piano no. 2
Carroll, Walter
Sea Idylls FOR
l From the Cliffs (no. )
l Sea-Nymphs (no. )
l Moon Beams (no.)
l Alone at Sunset (no. )
Chatman, Stephen
British Columbia Suite CMC
l Maple Bay at Twilight
Preludes for Piano, 3 CMC
l Poltergeist
Copland, Aaron
l Sunday Afternoon Music (in Masters of Our Day, 
Cornick, Mike
l Film Noir ABR
Coulthard, Jean
l The Rocking Chair (in Music of Our Time,  WAT)
l Star Gazing (in Music of Our Time,  WAT)
Creston, Paul
Five Little Dances, op. 24 SCH
l Rustic Dance (no. )
Diemer, Emma Lou
Reaching Out FJH
l Minor Serenade
Donkin, Christine
l Above the Clouds DKN
Sunny Days DKN
uSidewalk Chalk
Duncan, Martha Hill
Cottage Days RLP
l Water Lilies
Fiala, George
Australian Suite, op. 2 BER
l Black Swan
l Koala
l Lyre Bird
l Platypus
Finney, Ross Lee
24 Inventions PET
l Holiday
Gardiner, Mary
Turnabout STU; CMC
l Turnabout No. 
Gerou, Tom
ue Spice of Life GRO
Piece by Piece, 2 ALF
l You and I
Gillock, William
Accent on Gillock, 7 WIL
l Blue Mood
New Orleans Jazz Styles WIL
l The Constant Bass
l New Orleans Nightfall
Lyric Preludes in Romantic Style ALF
l Legend
l Serenade
Gonzales, Chilly
Re-Introduction Etudes EBR
l Sunday Unsung
Granados, Enrique
Cuentos de la juventud, op. 1
l Dedication (no.)
Grechaninov, Aleksandr
Glass Beads, op. 123 OTT
l Waltz (no.)
Grieg, Edvard
Lyric Pieces, op. 12
l Waltz (no. )
Griesdale, Susan
Piano Mime RLP
l Sleepwalking
Hansen, Joan
l Traffic (in Music of Our Time,  WAT)
Huang, An-Lun
A Chinese Festival, 1 BEL
l Cradle Song
Ibert, Jacques
Petite suite en 15 images FOE
l Berceuse aux étoiles (no. )
l Danse du cocher (no. )
Jaque, Rhe
l Fête champêtre (Rustic Dance) BER; CMC
Johnson, Alexander
11 Piano Pieces for Children SET
l Cradle Song
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
30 Children’s Pieces, op. 27 SCH
l Cradle Song (no. )
uLyric Piece (no. 16)
l Sonatina in A Minor (no.)
24 Pieces for Children, op. 39 SCH
l A Slow Waltz (no.)
Easy Variations on Folk Themes, op. 51 SCH
l Five Happy Variations on a Russian Folk Song (no. )
Karganov, Génari
12 Arabesques, op. 6
l Arabesque (no. )
Jugend-Album, op. 25
l March of the Tin Soldiers
Kenins, Talivaldis
Two Little Pieces ALF
uLittle March
Kirchner, eodor
Miniaturen, op. 62 ABR
l Miniature in C Minor (no. )
Kuzmenko, Larysa
l Romance PLA
Linn, Jennifer
Les petites impressions HAL
l Les papillons a la lumiere du soleil (Butterflies in
the Sunlight)
Louie, Alexina
Small Beautiful Things ALX
l In the Moonlight
uLittle Sparrows
l A Little Water Music
l A Walk in the Park
Maykapar, Samuel
Bagatelles, op. 28
l Waltz (no. )
McCain, Artina, arr.
African American Folk Songs Collection HAL
l The Bamboula
Level 5
Level 5
McDonagh, Ailbhe
It’s a Piano Thing, 2 B&H
uWinter Rose
McIntyre, David L.
l Moonlight RSM
l Tiptoe RSM
Dreams of Jeanie RSM
l He Said – She Said!
Two Short Pieces RSM
l Trail Ride
McLean, Edwin
Impressions on Rock, Bone, Wood, Earth FJH
l Bird Whistle (Bone)
Merath, Siegfried
Tanz-Typen, 1 OTT
l Cha-Cha
Mier, Martha
Jazz, Rags & Blues, 2 ALF
l Jelly Bean Rag
l Red Rose Rendezvous
Musical Snapshots, 2 ALF
l Hawaiian Getaway
Milne, Elissa
Even More Little Peppers FAB
l No Worries
Mompou, Federico
Impresiones intimas UNM
l Secreto (no.)
Muczynski, Robert
Fables, op. 21 SCH
l Allegro (no. )
Niemann, Walter
Im Kinderland, op. 46 PET
l Cradle Song (for Dolly Dora)
Norton, Christopher
Christopher Norton Connections for Piano, 5 DAY
l Boxcar Blues
l Moonscapes
l Scamp
Okoye, Nkeiru
African Sketches OYE
Papineau-Couture, Jean
l Aria BER
Papp, Lajos
Petite suite EMB
l Lilac Minuet
Petot, Ross
Moods and Impressions, 2 KJO
l Going Home
Pinto, Octavio
Childrens Festival (Festa de Crianças) SCH
l Little March (no. )
l Serenade (no. )
Previn, And
Impressions for Piano HAL
l Trees at Twilight
Reinecke, Carl
Hausmusik, op. 77
l Romanza (no. )
Rejino, Mona
l Time Travel HAL
Portraits in Style HAL
l Nocturne
Rocherolle, Eugenie
Treasures HAL
l Chatterbox
Rollin, Catherine
The Best of Catherine Rollin, 2 ALF
l Stars and Wind
Roux, Isak
African Miniatures
l Kwela No.  (in Piano Music of Africa and the African
Diaspora,  OUP)
Schoenmehl, Mike
Piano Studies in Pop OTT
uMelancholy Reections
Schumann, Robert
Album für die Jugend, op. 68
l Hunting Song (no.)
l Little Folk Song (no. )
l Siciliano (no. )
l A Little Romance (no. )
uHarvest Song (Ernteliedchen) (no. 24)
Shostakovich, Dmitri
l The Barrel-Organ Waltz, from The Gadfly, op. 
(in Easier Works for Piano SCH)
Childhood Notebook, op. 69 DSC
l Clockwork Doll
Seven Doll’s Dances B&H; SCH; SIK
l Hurdy-Gurdy (no.)
Springer, Mike
Not Just Another Jazz Book, 2 ALF
l Keepin’ Cool
uSunset in Rio
Starer, Robert
Sketches in Color, 1 HAL
l Shades of Blue (no. )
l Black and White (no. )
Stevens, Everett
Six Modal Miniatures for Piano PRE
l Country Fair
Level 5
Takács, Jenő
Klänge und farben, op. 95 DOB
l Sounding the Accordion (Ziehharmonika)
Tansman, Alexandre
Happy Time (On samuse au piano), 1 HAL
l Little Stroll (Petite promenade)
Happy Time (On samuse au piano), 2 HAL
l Slow Waltz (Valse–Boston)
Happy Time (On samuse au piano), 3 HAL
l In Memory of George Gershwin “”
Pour les enfants, 3 ESC
l Petite rêverie
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il’yich
Album for the Young, op. 39
uPolka (no. 10)
l Mazurka (no. )
l Sweet Dreams (no.)
Telfer, Nancy
The Galaxy Series, 3 WAN
l When Rivers Flowed on Mars
Weinzweig, John
Diversions PLA
l Gathering Clouds (no. )
Level 6
Level 6 Requirements Marks
one selection from List A
one selection from List B
one selection from List C
Memory (2 marks per repertoire selection)
Technical Requirements
Etudes: two etudes from the Syllabus list
Technical Tests
Ear Tests
– Intervals
– Chords
– Chord Progressions
– Playback (traditional or improvised)
Sight Reading
– Rhythm
– Playing (traditional or lead sheet reading)
Total possible marks (pass = 60) 100
Theory Examination Corequisite
Level 6 Theory
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, and List C. Two memory marks are awarded for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®,
Sixth Edition: Piano Repertoire 6 on the pages indicated.
List A
Baroque Repertoire
Title Composer Page
Little Prelude in D Minor,
BWV 926
J.S. Bach 4
Lindiérente Rameau 6
Giga in G Major
→ with repeats
Gambarini 8
Polonaise in B at Major J.C. Bach 10
Aria in G Major Telemann 11
Sarabande in D Minor Handel 12
Sonata in B at Major, K 440 Scarlatti 14
List B
Classical and Classical-style Repertoire
Viennese Sonatina in C Major: IV W.A. Mozart 16
Sonatina in E at Major, op. 4,
no. 7
Wesley 20
Sonatina in G Major, op. 19/20,
no. 1: I
Dussek 22
Sonata in F Major, Wq. 55/5: III C.P.E. Bach 24
Sonatina in A Minor Benda 26
Sonata in G Major, Hob. XVI:
G1: I
Haydn 28
As Swift as a Deer rk 31
List C
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
Waltz in A Minor, op. posth.,
B 150
Chopin 32
Spanish, op. 55, no. 5 Backer Grøndahl 34
Of Foreign Lands and Peoples,
op. 15, no. 1
R. Schumann 37
Fairy Tale, op. 27, no. 20 Kabalevsky 38
Dance of the Tiger Cubs Ho 40
Running for the Bus Louie 42
Air de ballet, op. 123, no. 11 Chaminade 44
Miimii Assiginaak 46
Jasmine Flower arr. Jiang 47
Sweet Mister Jelly Roll Capers 48
Gentle Breeze Bender 50
Happy Time Jazz Mier 52
Whirlwind Alexander 54
Little Nocturne Metelka 56
For a complete list of repertoire from additional sources, see
“Complete Repertoire” on p. 55.
Technical Requirements
Please see “Technical Requirements” on p. 7 and “Technical Tests
Examples” on p. 120 for important information regarding this
section of the examination.
Level 6
Students must prepare two technically contrasting etudes from the following list.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition: Piano Etudes 6 on the pages indicated.
Title Composer Page
Etude in A at Major, op. 139,
no. 51
Czerny 4
Solfeggio in D Major J.C.F. Bach 5
e Goblin and the Mosquito Price 6
River City Blues Mier 8
Heartache, op. 32, no. 2 Fuchs 10
Miniature, op. 62, no. 6
→ with repeats
Kirchner 11
Moto perpetuo Gerou 12
Moonbeams Louie 14
Title Composer Page
Dancing Scales Burge 16
Courting Counting Glennie 18
Etude in F Major, op. 88, no. 18 Berens 20
Math Whiz Sowash 22
Jazz Piece No. 2 Peterson 24
Etude in E Minor, op. 29, no. 14 Bertini 25
Malfunction! Malfunction! Telfer 26
Game of Patience, op. 25, no. 2 Karganov 28
Students may substitute a popular selection for one of the etudes. See
p. 5 for details.
Technica l Tests
Students must play all patterns from memory.
Keys Played Tempo Note Values
G, E, B, D major
G, E, B, C minor (harmonic and melodic)
2 octaves
= 60
Formula Pattern
E major
E minor (harmonic)
2 octaves
= 60
Chromatic Starting on E, D
2 octaves
= 60
Tonic Triads
• broken G, E, B, D major
G, E, B, C minor
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
ending with I–VI progression
= 80
• solid/blocked
= 80
Dominant 7th Chords
• broken
G, E, B, D major
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
= 88
• solid/blocked
= 72
Leading-tone Diminished 7th Chords
• broken
G, E, B, C
= 88
• solid/blocked
= 72
G, E, B, D major
G, E, B, C minor
2 octaves
(root position only)
= 92
Dominant 7th G, E, B, D major
Leading-tone Diminished 7th
G, E, B, C
Level 6
Please see “Musicianship” on p. 7 and “Musicianship Examples”
on p. 120 for important information regarding this section of the
Ear Tests
Students will be asked to identify any of the following intervals.
e examiner will play each interval in melodic form (ascending or
descending) followed by harmonic form once.
Students may choose to sing or hum any of the following intervals
(ascending or descending). e examiner will play the rst note once.
Intervals (ascending or descending)
minor 2nd, major 2nd
minor 3rd, major 3rd
perfect 4th
perfect 5th
minor 6th, major 6th
perfect octave
Students will be asked to identify the quality of the following
chords after the examiner has played the chord in solid/blocked
form, close position once.
Chords Position
major and minor triads root position
dominant 7th (major–minor 7th) root position
diminished 7th root position
Chord Progressions
Students will be asked to identify chord progressions in major
or minor keys as listed below, after the examiner has played the
progression twice. e progression will be played in keyboard style,
and the bass line will ascend from the tonic.
Major Minor
I–IV–I i–iv–i
I–V–I i–V–i
Students will be asked to play back a melody based on the complete
scale (from tonic to tonic or dominant to dominant). e examiner
will identify the key and time signature, play the tonic chord once,
and play the melody three times.
• Before the first playing, the examiner will count one measure.
• After the second playing, the student will clap the rhythm or
sing the melody.
• After the third playing, the student will play the melody.
Beginning Note Keys Time
tonic, mediant,
dominant, upper
G, E major
G, E minor
up to nine notes
Students may choose to play back a given four-measure question
phrase and improvise an answer phrase to create an eight-measure
parallel period. e examiner will identify the key and time
signature, play the tonic chord once, and play the question phrase
three times.
Beginning Note Keys Time
Total Length
tonic, mediant,
dominant, upper
C, G, F
eight measures
Sight Reading
For a given melody, students will be asked to:
• Tap a steady beat with their hand or foot for one measure.
• Continue tapping while speaking, tapping, or clapping the
rhythm of the given melody.
A steady pulse and metric accentuation are expected.
Time Signatures Approximate Length
four measures
Students will be asked to play a passage of music comparable to
Level 3 repertoire.
Keys Time Signatures Approximate
major and minor keys, up to
three sharps or ats
eight measures
Students may choose to read a lead sheet (with a melody and root/
quality chord symbols) and realize an accompaniment based on
the chord symbols provided. Harmonic vocabulary will be aligned
with the chords presented for study in Level 6 eory in the eory
Keys Time Signatures Approximate
major and minor keys, up to
two sharps or ats
eight measures
Level 6
Complete Repertoire
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, and List C. Two memory marks are awarded for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
Bullets used to denote selections for examination purposes:
l one selection
uone selection, found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition:
Piano Repertoire 6
List A
Baroque Repertoire
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
l Polonaise in G Minor, BWV Anh.  (in Notenbuch
der Anna Magdalena Bach BAR; WIE)
l Polonaise in G Minor, BWV Anh.  (in Notenbuch
der Anna Magdalena Bach BAR; WIE)
Bach, Johann Christian
uPolonaise in B at Major
Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich
Musikalische Nebenstunden
l Angloise in A Major
l Scherzo in C Major
Bach, Johann Sebastian
uLittle Prelude in D Minor, BWV 926
l Little Prelude in C Minor, BWV 
l Little Prelude in E Minor, BWV 
l Prelude in C Minor, BWV 
l Sarabande, from French Suite No.  in D Minor,
Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann Bach BAR
l Minuet in G Major, BWV 
Notenbuch der Anna Magdalena Bach BAR; WIE
l March in E flat Major, BWV Anh. 
l Polonaise in G Major, BWV Anh. 
Couperin, François
Pièces de clavecin, premier livre BAR
Premier ordre
l Gavotte in G Minor
Deuxme ordre
l Passepied
l Rigaudon
Gambarini, Elisabetta de
Six Sets of Lessons for the Harpsichord, op. 1
uGiga in G Major, from Sonata No. 1
Handel, George Frideric
l Allemande in A Minor, HWV 
Suite No. 4 in D Minor, HWV 437
uSarabande in D Minor
l Gigue
Suite No. 9 in G Major, HWV 442
l Prelude
Kirnberger, Johann Philipp
Klavierübungen, erste Sammlung
l Minuet in E Major
Recueil dairs de danse caractéristiques
l Les carillons (no.)
Krebs, Johann Ludwig
l Burlesca in D Major, from Suite No.  in D Major
l Toccata in E flat Major (in Essential Keyboard
Repertoire,  ALF)
Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Nouvelles suites de pièces de clavecin
Scarlatti, Domenico
l Sonata in G Major, K 
l Sonata in A Major, K b
uSonata in B at Major, K 440
Seixas, José Antonio Carlos de
l Toccata in C Minor (no.  in Old Portuguese Keyboard
Music,  OTT)
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich
l Minuet, from Partita in G Minor (in Klavierbüchlein
r Wilhelm Friedemann Bach BAR)
Telemann, Georg Philipp
uAria in G Major, from Overture in G Major,
TWV 32:13
l Fantasia in C Minor, TWV :
List B
Classical and Classical-style Repertoire
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
Sechs Sonaten für Kenner und Liebhaber
Sonata in F Major, Wq. 55/5
u3rd movement
Beethoven, Ludwig van
11 Bagatelles, op. 119
l Bagatelle in A Major (no. )
Benda, Georg Anton
34 Sonatinas
uSonatina in A Minor (no. 3)
l Sonatina in D Minor (no.)
Cimarosa, Domenico
l Sonata in A Minor, F 
l Sonata in C Minor, C  (in Haydn-Mozart-
Cimarosa: Leichte Klavierstücke WIE)
Clementi, Muzio
Six Progressive Sonatinas for the Piano Forte, op. 36
Sonatina in F Major (no. 4)
l st movement
l nd movement
l rd movement: Rondo
Diabelli, Anton
Seven Sonatinas, op. 168
Sonatina in F Major (no. 1)
l rd movement: Rondo
Sonatina in G Major (no. 6)
l rd movement: Rondo
Dussek, Jan Ladislav
Sechs Sonatinen, op. 19/20
Sonatina in G Major (no. 1)
u1st movement
l nd movement: Rondo
Haydn, Franz Joseph
Sonata in C Major, Hob. XVI:3
l rd movement: Minuetto and Trio
Sonata in D Major, Hob. XVI:4
l nd movement: Minuet and Trio
Sonata in G Major, Hob. XVI:G1
ust movement
Hook, James
Sonatina in D Major, op. 12, no. 1
l st movement
Kuhlau, Friedrich
Sonatina in C Major, op. 20, no. 1
l st movement
Sonatina in G Major, op. 55, no. 2
l st movement
Sonatina in G Major, op. 88, no. 2
l st movement
Lichner, Heinrich
Sonatina in G Major, op. 4, no. 3 KJO; SCH
l last movement: Rondo
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
l Andantino in E flat Major, K /b
Viennese Sonatinas (arr. from Five Divertimenti, K 439b)
Viennese Sonatina in C Major (no. 6)
u4th movement: Finale
Rosetti, Antonio
Vier Klaviersonaten AMA
Sonata in G Major, RWV E2
l nd movement: Romanze
Türk, Daniel Gottlob
Handstücke für angehende Klavierspieler, 2
uAs Swift as a Deer
Wesley, Samuel
uSonatina in E at Major, op. 4, no. 7
List C
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
Alexander, Dennis
24 Character Preludes ALF
l Zigzag
Especially in Jazzy Style, 2 ALF
l Cool Dude!
A Splash of Color, 3 ALF
l Black and White
l Lemon Zest
Archer, Violet
Three Scenes (Habitant Sketches) BER
l Church Scene (no. )
Assiginaak, Barbara
uMiimii (Mourning Dove) AGK
Backer Grøndahl, Agathe
12 Small Fantasy Pieces, op. 55
uSpanish (no. 5)
Bartók, Béla
For Children, 1 (rev. ed.) B&H
l Allegretto (no.)
l Jeering Song (no.)
l Andante (no.)
For Children, 2 (rev. ed.) B&H
l Variations (no. )
l Bagpipe  (no.)
Mikrokosmos, 3 B&H
l Merriment (no.)
Ten Easy Pieces EMB
l Dawn
Beach, Amy
Children’s Carnival, op. 25 HIL
l Secrets (no. )
Bender, Joanne
Things Bright and Beautiful RLP
uGentle Breeze
l Rainforest
Bernstein, Leonard
Five Anniversaries B&H
l For Susanna Kyle
Bloch, Ernest
Enfantines FIS
l Melody (no.)
l Pastorale (no.)
l Teasing (no. )
Bouchard, Rémi
l Au jour de lan WAN
Boyd, Bill
Jazz Sketches HAL
l Oh So Blue
Level 6
Brown, Timothy
l Meditation in the Rain (in Best of In Recital Solos, 
Bravisimo! 4 FJH
l Flannagans Cove
Capers, Valerie
Portraits in Jazz OUP
uSweet Mister Jelly Roll (in Piano Music of Africa and
the African Diaspora, 1 OUP)
→ with repeats
Carroll, Walter
Sea Idylls FOR
l Early Morning (no. )
l Ebb Tide (no.)
Chaminade, Cécile
Album des enfants, 1, op. 123
uAir de ballet (no. 11)
Chatman, Stephen
British Columbia Suite CMC
l Douglas Firs
l Red-tailed Pursuit
Preludes for Piano, 3 CMC
l Prairie Sky
l Rose-cheek’d Tara
Chopin, Frédéric
uWaltz in A Minor, op. posth., B 150
Copland, Aaron
l The Young Pioneers (in Masters of Our Day,  FIS)
Coulthard, Jean
l Winter’s Northern Scene (in Music of Our Time, 
Pieces for the Present WAT
l Where the Trade Winds Blow
Dello Joio, Norman
Lyric Pieces for the Young EBM
l Street Cries
Dolin, Samuel
l A Slightly Square Round Dance BER
Donkin, Christine
Imprints DKN
l Farewell to an Old Friend
Duke, David Gordon
l Cape Breton Lullaby (in Music of Our Time,  WAT)
Dunhill, omas
l The Irish Boy LEG
Evans, Lee
l Ragamuffin (in Best of In Recital Solos,  FJH)
Fiala, George
Australian Suite, op. 2 BER
l Kangaroo (no. )
Finney, Ross Lee
24 Piano Inventions PET
l Playing Ball
Fleming, Robert
Bag-O-Tricks WAT
l Bright-Dancy (no. )
l Quiet Mood (no. )
Fol, Alexandra
l Childrens Suite CMC
Gardiner, Mary
Turnabout STU; CMC
l Turnabout No. 
Gieck, Janet
Sundae Soup, 2 RLP
l Judiths Waltz
l Long Weekend
Gillock, William
Lyric Preludes in Romantic Style ALF
l Winter Scene
Glick, Srul Irving
Four Preludes GVT
l Prelude No. 
Glière, Reinhold
Huit pièces faciles pour piano, op. 43
l Prière (no. )
Gounod, Charles
l Prelude in C Minor
Grieg, Edvard
Lyric Pieces, op. 12
l Arietta (no. )
l Watchman’s Song (no. )
l Folksong (no.)
Griesdale, Susan
Arctic Voices RLP
l Dancing Skies
l Lament for the Polar Bear
Henderson, Ruth Watson
Six Miniatures for Piano CMC
l Toccatina
Ho, Vincent
The Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals, 1 PME
uDance of the Tiger Cubs (no. 3)
Hofmann, Heinrich
Skizzen, op. 77
l On the Lake (Auf dem See) (no. )
l Little Wood-bird (Waldvöglein) (no. )
Horvat, Frank
l Desolate Heart HOR
Level 6
Level 6
Ibert, Jacques
Petite suite en 15 images FOE
l Parade (no.)
Jaque, Rhe
l Jesting (Badinerie) BER
Jiang, Edward Han, arr.
uJasmine Flower EHJ
Johnson, Alexander
11 Piano Pieces for Children SET
l A Snowy Afternoon
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
30 Children’s Pieces, op. 27 SCH
l Warrior’s Dance (no.)
uFairy Tale (no. 20)
l Song of the Cavalry (no.)
Khachaturian, Aram
Adventures of Ivan (in Selected Piano Works SCH; Children’s
Album, 1 SIK)
l Ivan Sings
Kwami, Robert Mawuena
Six Piano Pieces
l Piano Piece No.  (Call and Response) (in Piano
Music of Africa and the African Diaspora,  OUP)
Liebermann, Lowell
Album for the Young, op. 43 PRE
l The Little Baby Rhino (no. )
l Rainy Day (no. )
Louie, Alexina
Small Beautiful Things ALX
l Little Balinese Dancer
uRunning for the Bus
Star Light, Star Bright ALX
l Distant Star
Lutosławski, Witold
Folk Melodies (in Most Beautiful Lutosławski PWM)
l Master Michael
Maxner, Rebekah
The Color Collection RLP
l Green Shade
McIntyre, David L.
l Sweet Sorrow RSM
Pro Motion Suite RSM
l Bounce (no. )
McKiver, Beverley
Canadian Floral Emblems MCK
l Lady Slipper
l Trillium
Mendelssohn, Felix
l Song without Words, op. b, no. 
Sechs Kinderstücke, op. 72
l Allegro non troppo (no. )
Menotti, Gian Carlo
Poemetti per Maria Rosa ALF
l Lullaby (Ninna-nanna)
l The Shepherd (Il pastore)
Metelka, Jakub
Modern Piano Studies BAR
uLittle Nocturne
Mier, Martha
Musical Snapshots, 3 ALF
uHappy Time Jazz, from Jazzy American Suite
Morlock, Jocelyn
Four Piano Pieces MOR
l Tango-ostinato (no. )
Muczynski, Robert
Fables, op. 21 SCH
l Presto (no.)
Norton, Christopher
Christopher Norton Connections for Piano, 6 DAY
l Bahama Beach
l In Between
l Mississauga Rag
Pachulski, Henryk
Six Preludes, op. 8
l Prelude in C Minor (no. ) (in A Romantic Sketchbook
for Piano,  ABR)
Papp, Lajos
Images LEM
l Hungarian Dance
Persichetti, Vincent
Serenade No. 7, op. 55 PRE
l Chase (no. )
Pinto, Octavio
Children’s Festival (Festa de Crianças) SCH
l Playing Marbles (no. )
Previn, And
Impressions for Piano HAL
l By a Quiet Stream (no.)
l Roundup (no. )
Prokoev, Sergei
Music for Children, op. 65 SCH
l Promenade (no. )
Rebikov, Vladimir
Mood Sketches, op. 10
l Valse miniature (no. )
Reinecke, Carl
Serenade in G Major, op. 183, no. 2
l Pastorale
Richert, Teresa
Northern Menagerie RLP
l The Fawn
Level 6
Rorem, Ned
A Quiet Afternoon PER
l A New Game
Roth Roubos, Valerie
Modern Expressions for Piano FJH
l Contradanza
Rowell, Karen
An Emotional Roller Coaster RUS
l Heartbeat
Rudzik, Peter
Truly Astounding Animals RLP
l Boastful Kangaroo
Sawatsky, Lynette
Crimson Maple SWY
l February Blessing
Schubert, Franz
Valses sentimentales, op. 50, D 779
l Sentimental Waltz (no.)
Schumann, Robert
Album für die Jungend, op. 68
l Trällerliedchen (no. )
Albumblätter, op. 124
l Walzer (no. )
Kinderszenen, op. 15
uOf Foreign Lands and Peoples (Von fremden Ländern
und Menschen) (no. 1)
Southam, Ann
l Sea Flea BER
Starer, Robert
Sketches in Color, 1 HAL
l Purple (no. )
l Bright Orange (no. )
Tansman, Alexandre
Ten Diversions for the Young Pianist DUR
l Prayer
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il’yich
Album for the Young, op. 39
l Waltz (no. )
Telfer, Nancy
l Fantasy CMC
The Galaxy Series, 3 WAN
l J’entends le moulin (arr.)
The Galaxy Series, 4 WAN
l She’s Like the Swallow (arr.)
l Space Station Party
l Vive la canadienne! (arr.)
Tsitsaros, Christos
l Song of the Fisherman (in Hal Leonard Student Piano
Library: Piano Solos,  HAL)
Vandall, Robert D.
Celebrated Jazzy Solos, 3 ALF
l Stay Cool
Level 7
Level 7 Requirements Marks
one selection from List A
one selection from List B
one selection from List C
Memory (2 marks per repertoire selection)
Technical Requirements
Etudes: two etudes from the Syllabus list
Technical Tests
Ear Tests
– Intervals
– Chords
– Chord Progressions
– Playback (traditional or improvised)
Sight Reading
– Rhythm
– Playing (traditional or lead sheet reading)
Total possible marks (pass = 60) 100
Theory Examination Corequisite
Level 7 Theory
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, and List C. Two memory marks are awarded for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®,
Sixth Edition: Piano Repertoire 7 on the pages indicated.
List A
Baroque Repertoire
Title Composer Page
Invention No. 8 in F Major,
BWV 779
J.S. Bach 4
Rondeau Guerre 6
Allegro in E Minor Seixas 8
Bourrée in F Major Telemann 10
La joyeuse Rameau 12
Allemande in E at Major J.S. Bach 14
Sonata in A Major, K 208 Scarlatti 16
Gigue in G Minor Handel 18
List B
Classical and Classical-style Repertoire
Sonata in G Minor, op. 2,
no. 1: I
Bon 19
Sonata in C Major, Hob. XVI:1: I Haydn 22
Für Elise, WoO 59 Beethoven 25
Sonata in C Minor, op. 17,
no. 2: III
J.C. Bach 28
Scherzo in A Major Hummel 34
Sonata in D Major, op. 4, no. 1: I Clementi 36
Sonatina in A Minor, op. 88,
no. 3: I
Kuhlau 40
List C
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
RondoToccata, op. 60, no. 4 Kabalevsky 43
Mazurka in A at Major, op. 24,
no. 3
Chopin 46
March, op. 65, no. 10 Prokoev 48
Album Leaf, op. 12, no. 7 Grieg 50
Consolation, op. 30, no. 3 Mendelssohn 52
Allegro Bartók 54
Waltz in B Minor, op. 18, D 145,
no. 6
Schubert 56
Biidaaban Assiginaak 57
Streams of Yang River Huang 58
Canoeing, op. 119, no. 3 Beach 60
Fantasy Bossa Norton 62
e Ringtone Waltz Hamelin 64
Banana Sorbet omas 66
Peace Country Hoedown Donkin 68
Tick lin Toes Price 70
For a complete list of repertoire from additional sources, see
“Complete Repertoire” on p. 63.
Level 7
Technical Requirements
Please see “Technical Requirements” on p. 7 and “Technical Tests Examples” on p. 120 for important information regarding this section
of the examination.
Students must prepare two technically contrasting etudes from the following list.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition: Piano Etudes 7 on the pages indicated.
Title Composer Page
Toccatina, op. 8, no. 1 Maykapar 4
Tambourin, op. 2, no. 7 Gambarini 6
Halley’s Comet Telfer 7
Etude in G Minor, op. 24, no. 15 Concone 8
Leafy Sea Dragon Dykstra 10
Etude in C sharp Minor, op. 125,
no. 19
Heller 12
Chickadees Richert 14
Dancing Barefoot in the Rain Okoye 16
Title Composer Page
Running Around, op. 105, no. 4 Goolkasian
Lullaby, op. 109, no. 7 Burgller 20
White Noon Ikeda 22
Mischievous Mouse Ho 24
White Sands, Blue Seas omas 26
Zephyr Donkin 28
Students may substitute a popular selection for one of the etudes. See
p. 5 for details.
Technica l Tests
Students must play all patterns from memory.
Keys Played Tempo Note Values
C, D, F, A , G major
C, D, F, G , F minor (harmonic
and melodic)
2 octaves
= 76
Formula Pattern
D major
D minor (harmonic)
2 octaves
= 76
Chromatic Starting on D, G
2 octaves
= 76
Tonic Four-Note
• broken only
C, D, F, A
, G major
C, D, F, G , F minor
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
ending with I–IV–V–I progression
= 60
Dominant 7th Chords
• broken
C, D, F, A , G major
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
= 60
• solid/blocked
= 80
Leading-tone Diminished 7th Chords
• broken
C, D, F, G
, F minor
= 60
• solid/blocked
= 80
C, D, F, A , G major
C, D, F, G , F minor
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
= 60
Dominant 7th
C, D, F, A , G major
2 octaves
(root position only)
= 60
Leading-tone Diminished 7th
C, D, F, G
, F minor
Level 7
Please see “Musicianship” on p. 7 and “Musicianship Examples”
on p. 120 for important information regarding this section of the
Ear Tests
Students will be asked to identify any of the following intervals.
e examiner will play each interval in melodic form (ascending or
descending) followed by harmonic form once.
Students may choose to sing or hum any of the following intervals
(ascending or descending). e examiner will play the rst note
Intervals (ascending or descending)
minor 2nd, major 2nd
minor 3rd, major 3rd
perfect 4th
perfect 5th
minor 6th, major 6th
minor 7th, major 7th
perfect octave
Students will be asked to identify the quality of the following
chords after the examiner has played the chord in solid/blocked
form, close position once.
Chords Position
major, minor, and augmented triads root position
dominant 7th (major–minor 7th) root position
diminished 7th root position
Chord Progressions
Students will be asked to identify chord progressions in major
or minor keys as listed below, after the examiner has played the
progression twice. e progression will be played in keyboard style,
and the bass line will ascend from the tonic.
Major Minor
I–IV–I i–iv–i
I–V–I i–V–i
I–IV–V i–iv–V
Students will be asked to play back a melody based on the complete
scale (from tonic to tonic or dominant to dominant). e examiner
will identify the key and time signature, play the tonic chord once,
and play the melody three times.
• Before the first playing, the examiner will count one measure.
• After the second playing, the student will clap the rhythm or
sing the melody.
• After the third playing, the student will play the melody.
Beginning Note Keys Time
tonic, mediant,
dominant, upper
D, F major
D, F minor
up to ten notes
Students may choose to play back a given four-measure question
phrase and improvise an answer phrase to create an eight-measure
contrasting period. e examiner will identify the key and time
signature, play the tonic chord once, and play the question phrase
three times.
Beginning Note Keys Time
Total Length
tonic, mediant,
dominant, upper
C, G, F
eight measures
Sight Reading
For a given melody, students will be asked to:
• Tap a steady beat with their hand or foot for one measure.
• Continue tapping while speaking, tapping, or clapping the
rhythm of the given melody.
A steady pulse and metric accentuation are expected.
Time Signatures Approximate Length
four measures
Students will be asked to play a passage of music comparable to
Level 4 repertoire.
Keys Time Signatures Approximate Length
major and minor keys, up
to three sharps or ats
eight to twelve
Students may choose to read a lead sheet (with a melody and
root/quality chord symbols) and realize an accompaniment based
on the chord symbols provided. Harmonic vocabulary will be
aligned with the chords presented for study in Level 7 eory in
the eory Syllabus. Students are encouraged to provide creative
accompaniments appropriate to the style of the given melody.
Keys Time Signatures Approximate Length
major and minor keys, up
to three sharps or ats
eight to twelve
Level 7
Complete Repertoire
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare three contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, and List C. Two memory marks are awarded for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
Bullets used to denote selections for examination purposes:
l one selection
uone selection, found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition:
Piano Repertoire 7
List A
Baroque Repertoire
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
Sonata in E Minor, Wq 62/12, H 66
l rd movement: Sarabande
Bach, Johann Sebastian
uAllemande, from French Suite No. 4 in E at Major,
BW V 815
l Bourrée I, from Overture in the French Style in
B Minor, BWV 
l Gavotte, from French Suite No.  in G Major,
l Polonaise in E Major, from French Suite No.  in
E Major, BWV 
l Little Prelude in F Major, BWV 
l Little Prelude in C Major, BWV 
l Little Prelude in D Minor, BWV 
l Little Prelude in A Minor, BWV 
Two-part Inventions
l Invention No.  in C Major, BWV 
l Invention No.  in D Minor, BWV 
uInvention No. 8 in F Major, BWV 779
Couperin, François
L’art de toucher le clavecin
l Allemande in D Minor
Pièces de clavecin, premier livre BAR
Premier ordre
l La milordine (Gigue)
l Les sentiments (Sarabande)
Deuxme ordre
l La babet
l Les papillons
Guerre, Elisabeth Jacquet de la
Pièces de clavecin qui peuvent se jouer sur le viollon
Suite No. 2 in G Major
Handel, George Frideric
l Air in G Minor, HWV  BAR
l Courante, from Suite No.  in D Minor, HWV 
Suite No. 7 in G Minor, HWV 432
l Allegro
Suite No. 8 in G Major, HWV 441
l Allemande
l Allegro
l Aria
Kirnberger, Johann Philipp
Recueil dairs de danse caractéristiques
l Passepied in D Major (no. )
Krebs, Johann Ludwig
Sonatina No. 4 in B at Major
l rd movement
Pescetti, Giovanni Battista
Sonata in C Minor (in e Baroque Spirit, 1 ALF)
l rd movement
Sonata No. 9 in G Minor (in 12 Sonate per clavicembalo RIC)
l nd movement
Platti, Giovanni Benedetto
Sonata in C Major, op. 1, no. 2
l nd movement
Sonata No. 2 in C Minor (in 12 Sonate per clavicembalo
l nd movement
Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Pièces de clavecin (1724)
uLa joyeuse
Scarlatti, Domenico
l Sonata in A Minor, K 
uSonata in A Major, K 208
l Sonata in F Major, K 
l Sonata in A Major, K 
Seixas, José António Carlos de
uAllegro in E Minor, from Sonata No. 37 in E Minor
l Allegro in B flat Major, from Sonata No.  in
B flat Major
Telemann, Georg Philipp
Fantasia in B at Major, TWV 33:18
l nd section
Fantasia in B at Major, TWV 33:36
l st section
Fantasia in G Minor, TWV 33:29
l st section
Essercizii Musici
uBourrée in F Major, from Solo in F Major, TWV 32:4
List B
Classical and Classical-style Repertoire
Albéniz, Mateo
l Sonata in D Major
Bach, Johann Christian
Sonata in C Minor, op. 17, no. 2
u3rd movement: Finale
Beethoven, Ludwig van
l Bagatelle in D Major, op. , no. 
l Bagatelle in G Minor, op. , no. 
uFür Elise, WoO 59
Bon, Anna
Sonata in G Minor, op. 2, no. 1
u1st movement
Clementi, Muzio
Six Progressive Sonatinas for the Piano Forte, op. 36
Sonatina in C Major (no. 3)
l st movement
Sonatina in D Major (no. 6)
l st movement
l nd movement: Rondo
Six Sonatas, op. 4
Sonata in D Major (no. 1)
u1st movement
Diabelli, Anton
Sonatina in C Major, op. 151, no. 2
l st movement
Sonatina in B at Major, op. 168, no. 4
l st movement
Haydn, Franz Joseph
Sonata in C Major, Hob. XVI:1
u1st movement
l nd movement
Sonata in G Major, Hob. XVI:27
l nd movement: Minuet and Trio
Sonata in E at Major, Hob. XVI:28
l rd movement
Sonata in G Major, Hob. XVI:G1
l rd movement: Finale
Sonata in D Major, Hob. XVII:D1
l rd movement: Finale
Hook, James
Sonatina in E Major, op. 12, no. 12
l nd movement: Rondo
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk
Anweisung zum Piano-Forte-Spiel
uScherzo in A Major (no. 45)
Kuhlau, Friedrich
Sonatina in G Major, op. 20, no. 2
l nd movement
Sonatina in C Major, op. 55, no. 3
l st movement
Sonatina in C Major, op. 88, no. 1
l st movement
Sonatina in A Minor, op. 88, no. 3
u1st movement
l rd movement
Martínez, Marianne von
Sonata in A Major (in Three Sonatas for Keyboard HIL)
l rd movement
Sonata in E Major (in Three Sonatas for Keyboard HIL)
l st movement
l rd movement
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Viennese Sonatinas (arr. from Five Divertimenti, K 439b)
Viennese Sonatina in C Major (no. 1)
l th movement
Viennese Sonatina in A Major (no. 2)
l st movement
Viennese Sonatina in F Major (no. 5)
l st movement
Viennese Sonatina in C Major (no. 6)
l st movement
Storace, Stephen
Six Easy and Progressive Sonatinas
Sonata in D Major (no. 5)
l st movement
Voříšek, Jan Václav
l Rondo in G Major, op. , no. 
List C
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire
Alexander, Dennis
24 Character Preludes ALF
l Longing
A Splash of Color, 3 ALF
l Fields of Lavender
Especially in Jazzy Style, 2 ALF
l Jazz Nocturne in B flat Major
Alkan, Charles-Valentin
Receuill de chants, op. 65
l Barcarolle in G Minor (no.)
Andronikou, Michalis
Harmony Within PAL
l Waltz of Memories (no. )
Assiginaak, Barbara
uBiidaaban (First Light of Dawn) AGK
Level 7
Level 7
Bartók, Béla
For Children, 1 (rev. ed.) B&H
uAllegro (no. 12)
l Pentatonic Tune (no.)
l Andante tranquillo (no. )
l Winter Solstice Song (no.)
For Children, 2 (rev. ed.) B&H
l Ballad (no. )
Beach, Amy
From Six to Twelve, op. 119
uCanoeing (no. 3)
Bender, Joanne
Alive and Growing RLP
l Metamorphosis
Bernstein, Seymour
Birds, 1 MAN
l The Purple Finch (no. ) and The Hummingbird
(no. )
Bloch, Ernest
Enfantines FIS
l Dream (no.)
Bober, Melody
Cyclone FJH
l Whirling Winds
Bonsor, Brian
Jazzy Piano, 2 UNI
l Feelin’ Good
Bouchard, Rémi
Consolations and Nocturnes MAY
l Noctune (no. )
Brown, Timothy
l Daydreaming (in Succeeding at the Piano: Festival
Collection,  FJH)
Chatman, Stephen
Amusements, 3 CMC
l Earthquake
Fantasies CMC
l Katherine
l Night Sounds
Preludes for Piano, 3 CMC
l Ginger Snaps
Chopin, Frédéric
uMazurka in A at Major, op. 24, no. 3
l Polonaise in G Minor, op. posth., B 
l Polonaise in B flat Major, op. posth., B 
l Prelude in E Minor, op. , no. 
Coulthard, Jean
Pieces for the Present WAT
l Far Above the Clouds
Dello Joio, Norman
Lyric Pieces for the Young EBM
l Night Song
l Prayer of the Matador
Donkin, Christine
Imprints DKN
l A Kittens Agenda
Sunny Days DKN
uPeace Country Hoedown
Duncan, Martha Hill
Angular Measures RLP
l Triangle
Isla Vista Suite RLP
l Eucalyptus Grove
Precipitations RLP
l Sundog
Eckhardt-Gramatté, Sophie-Carmen
From My Childhood, 1 WAT
l “P”: Poissarde
Falla, Manuel de
l Romance del pescador (The Fisherman’s Story), from
El amor brujo CHS
Gardiner, Mary
l Night Sounds CMC
Gerou, Tom
Piece by Piece, 2 ALF
l A Hint of Jazz
Gieck, Janet
Taking Chances RLP
l Frantic
Gillock, William
l Arabesque sentimentale WIL
l Goldfish WIL
Lyric Preludes in Romantic Style ALF
l Moonlight Mood
Ginastera, Alberto
Dos canciones, op. 3 RIC
l Milonga
Glière, Reinhold
12 Pièces enfantines, op. 31
l Cradle Song (no. )
l Romance (no.)
Huit pièces faciles pour piano, op. 43
l Arietta (no. )
Granados, Enrique
Cuentos de la juventud, op. 1
l La huérfana (The Little Orphan Girl) (no. )
Grieg, Edvard
Lyric Pieces, op. 12
uAlbum Leaf (no. 7)
l Elfin Dance (no.)
Lyric Pieces, op. 43
l Solitary Traveler (no. )
Level 7
Griesdale, Susan
Arctic Voices RLP
l Toques and Parkas
Hamelin, Marc-And
ue Ringtone Waltz PRE
Huang, An-Lun
A Chinese Festival, 1 BEL
uStreams of Yang River
Ibert, Jacques
Petite suite en 15 images FOE
l Le cavalier sans-souci (no. )
l Romance (no. )
l Sérénade sur leau (no. )
Jaque, Rhe
l Lutin CMC
Suite pour piano, op. 11 CVI; CMC
l Lheure dangoisse
Jinga, Naina
l Toccatina JIN
Johnson, Alexander
11 Piano Pieces for Children SET
l Elegy
Jordan, Jeremy Ajani
Childrens Songs JAJ
l Nocturne (no. )
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
Four Rondos, op. 60 SCH
l Rondo–March (no. )
l RondoDance (no. )
l RondoSong (no. )
uRondoToccata (no. 4)
Khachaturian, Aram
Adventures of Ivan (in Selected Piano Works SCH; Children’s
Album, 1 SIK)
l Ivan Is Very Busy
Kosenko, Viktor
24 Pianoforte Pieces for Children
l Waltz (no.)
Liebermann, Lowell
Album for the Young, op. 43 PRE
l Lullaby (no. )
Louie, Alexina
Star Light, Star Bright ALX
l Blue Sky II
l Shooting Stars
Lutosławski, Witold
Bucolics PWM
l th movement
Martinů, Bohuslav
Spring in the Garden BAR
l It Isn’t Bad, Is It, to Pick a Few Flowers?
Maykapar, Samuel
Bagatelles, op. 28
l Romance
McIntyre, David L.
l Tickled Pink RSM
Tasha Suite RSM
l High Jinks
Mendelssohn, Felix
Songs without Words, op. 30
uConsolation (no. 3)
l Venetian Boat Song (no.)
Milne, Elissa
Pepperbox Jazz, 2 FAB
l Dreamtime
l Foreign Correspondent
l Indigo Moon
Mompou, Federico
Impresiones intimas UNM
l Parajo Triste (Sad Bird) (no. )
Muczynski, Robert
Diversions, op. 23 SCH
l Allegro molto (no. )
Mussorgsky, Modest
l Une larme (A Tear)
Niemann, Walter
Im Kinderland, op. 46 PET
l The Little Mermaid in the Shell (no. )
Norton, Christopher
Bright and Bluesy DAY
l Sliding Home
Christopher Norton Connections for Piano, 7 DAY
uFantasy Bossa
l Hanging Gardens
Olson, Kevin
l Time Traveler (in In Recital for the Advancing Pianist:
Original Solos,  FJH)
Onyeji, Christian
l Ufie III (in Piano Music of Africa and the African
Diaspora,  OUP)
Paine, John Knowles
In the Country, op. 26
l Village Dance (no. )
Papp, Lajos
Images LEM
l Song and Dance
Petite Suite EMB
l Alpine Horn and Chamois
Pentland, Barbara
Hands Across the C AVO
l Sparks (no. )
l Seashore (no. )
Level 7
Petot, Ross
Moods and Impressions, 2 KJO
l Illusion
Pine, Katya
Images PIN
l Jazz at the Bistro
Pinto, Octavio
Scenas infantis SCH
l Dorme nenem (Sleeping Time)
Poulenc, Francis
Villageoises SAL
l Valse tyrolienne (no. )
l Staccato (no. )
Price, Florence B.
uTicklin’ Toes ELV
Prokoev, Sergei
Music for Children, op. 65 SCH
l Tarantella (no. )
l Regrets (no. )
l Waltz (no.)
l March of the Grasshoppers (no.)
uMarch (no. 10)
l Evening (no. )
Rebikov, Vladimir
Album of Easy Pieces
l Waltz in F sharp Minor (no. ) (in Russian Piano
Music,  PET; Quiet Classics KJO)
Rollin, Catherine
Lyric Moments, 3 ALF
l Sweet Elegy
Spotlight on Impressionist Style ALF
l Water Lilies
Rossi, Wynn-Anne
An Alaska Tour FJH
l Arctic Moon
Rudzik, Peter
Truly Astounding Animals RLP
l Hedgehog at Night
l Thoughtful Rhino
Schubert, Franz
Walzer, Ländler, und Ecossaisen, op. 18, D 145
uWaltz in B Minor (no. 6)
→ with repeat
Schumann, Robert
Album für die Jugend, op. 68
l Mignon (no. )
Albumblätter, op. 124
l Fantasietanz (Fantastic Dance) (no. )
l Wiegenliedchen (Little Cradle Song) (no. )
Shahi, Saman
l Mingling Leaves SSH
Southam, Ann
Three in Blue: Jazz Preludes BER
l Three in Blue No. 
Springer, Mike
Not Just Another Jazz Book, 3 ALF
l Ballroom Big Band
Still, William Grant
Seven Traceries WGS
l Woven Silver
Stone, Court
l Ottawa Valley Song CST
Sunabacka, Karen
l A Canoe On a Lake CMC
Takács, Jenő
From Far Away Places, op. 111 UNI
l Song and Alborada (no. )
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il’yich
Album for the Young, op. 39
l Song of the Lark (no.)
Telfer, Nancy, arr.
The Galaxy Series, 4 WAN
l The Morning Dew
omas, Gary K.
uBanana Sorbet GKT
Vandall, Robert D.
Celebrated Jazzy Solos, 4 ALF
l Rock Zone
Vindu, André Bangambula
l Lullaby (in Piano Music of Africa and the African
Diaspora,  OUP)
Level 8
Level 8 Requirements Marks
one selection from List A
one selection from List B
one selection from List C
one selection from List D
Memory (1.5 marks per repertoire selection)
Technical Requirements
Etudes: two etudes from the Syllabus list
Technical Tests
Ear Tests
– Intervals
– Chords
– Chord Progressions
– Playback (traditional or improvised)
Sight Reading
– Rhythm
– Playing (traditional or lead sheet reading)
Total possible marks (pass = 60) 100
Theory Examination Corequisite
Level 8 Theory
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare four contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, List C, and List D. Award 1.5 memory marks for
each repertoire selection that is performed by memory.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®,
Sixth Edition: Piano Repertoire 8 on the pages indicated.
List A
Baroque Repertoire
Title Composer Page
Invention No. 14 in B at Major,
BWV 785
J.S. Bach 4
Little Prelude in E Major,
BWV 937
J.S. Bach 6
Fantasia in D Minor, TWV 33:2 Telemann 8
Courante in G Major attr. Handel 11
Sonata in F Minor, K 185 Scarlatti 14
Solfeggio in C Minor, Wq 117/2,
H 220
C.P.E. Bach 16
Gigue en rondeau Rameau 18
List B
Classical Repertoire
Sonata in D Major,
Hob. XVI: 4: I
Haydn 20
Sonatina in G Major, op. 55,
no. 2: III
Kuhlau 23
Sonata in C Major, K 545: I W.A. Mozart 28
Sonata in G Minor, op. 49,
no. 1: I
Beethoven 32
Sonata in B at Major, C 27 Cimarosa 36
Level 8
List C
Romantic Repertoire
Mélodie, op. 4, no. 2 Hensel 40
Song without Words, op. 38,
no. 4
Mendelssohn 42
Polonaise in C Major, op. 1, no. 2 C. Schumann 44
Waltz in B Minor, op. posth. 69,
no. 2
Chopin 46
Prelude in E at Major, op. 31,
no. 1
Glière 50
Knecht Ruprecht, op. 68, no. 12 R. Schumann 52
Arabeske Lang 55
Nocturne in B at Major, H 37 Field 58
List D
Post-Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century
e Spruce, op. 75, no. 5 Sibelius 61
e Little Shepherd Debussy 64
Seven Good-humored Variations
on a Ukrainian Folk Song,
op. 51, no. 4
Kabalevsky 66
rough Moanin’ Pines Burleigh 70
Prelude No. 3 Valenti 72
Incognito Siord 74
Mysterious Summer’s Night Kuzmenko 77
Blue Angel Chatman 78
Catching Butteries Ding 80
Tango callejero Springer 82
Prelude, op. 69 Goolkasian
Sunshower Duncan 86
For a complete list of repertoire from additional sources, see
“Complete Repertoire” on p. 71.
Technical Requirements
Please see “Technical Requirements” on p. 7 and “Technical Tests Examples” on p. 120 for important information regarding this section
of the examination.
Students must prepare two technically contrasting etudes from the following list.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition: Piano Etudes 8 on the pages indicated.
Title Composer Page
e Storm, op. 109, no. 13 Burgller 4
Village Joke Bartók 6
Romanza, op. 57, no. 4 Gade 8
Open Gieck 10
Murmures du ruisseau Jaëll 12
Sieste caniculaire, op. 82, no. 3 Laurin 14
Bolero, op. 35, no. 4 Casella 16
Title Composer Page
Flip Flops omas 18
e Woodpecker Lu 20
Etude in C Major, op. 46, no. 24 Heller 22
Etude in A Major, op. 27, no. 26 Kabalevsky 24
Etude in C Major, op. 299, no. 3 Czerny 28
Dance of the Elves, op. 21, no. 3 Karganov 30
Students may substitute a popular selection for one of the etudes. See
p. 5 for details.
Technica l Tests
Students must play all patterns from memory.
Keys Played Tempo Note Values
C, D, E, B
, E , G major
C, D, E, B , E , F minor
(harmonic and melodic)
4 octaves
= 88
Formula Pattern
E major
E minor (harmonic)
4 octaves
= 88
Chromatic Starting on E , E
2 octaves
= 88
Tonic Four-note
• broken only
C, D, E, B
, E , G major
C, D, E, B , E , F minor
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
ending with IIV–V
I progression
= 80
Dominant 7th Chords
• broken
C, D, E, B , E , G major
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
= 80
• solid/blocked
= 100
Leading-tone Diminished 7th Chords
• broken
C, D, E, B
, E , F minor
= 80
• solid/blocked
= 100
C, D, E, B , E , G major
C, D, E, B , E , F minor
4 octaves
(root position and inversions)
= 69
Dominant 7th C, D, E, B , E , G major
4 octaves
(root position only)
= 69
Leading-tone Diminished 7th
C, D, E, B
, E , F minor
Level 8
Level 8
Please see “Musicianship” on p. 7 and “Musicianship Examples”
on p. 124 for important information regarding this section of the
Ear Tests
Students will be asked to identify any of the following intervals.
e examiner will play each interval in melodic form (ascending or
descending) followed by harmonic form once.
Students may choose to sing or hum any of the following intervals
(ascending or descending). e examiner will play the rst note once.
Intervals (ascending or descending)
minor 2nd, major 2nd perfect 5th
minor 3rd, major 3rd minor 6th, major 6th
perfect 4th minor 7th, major 7th
augmented 4th/diminished 5th perfect octave
Students will be asked to identify the quality of the following
chords after the examiner has played the chord in solid/blocked
form, close position once.
Chords Position
major, minor, and augmented triads root position
dominant 7th (major–minor 7th) root position
diminished 7th root position
Chord Progressions
Students will be asked to identify each chord in a four-chord
progression in a major or minor key as listed below, after the
examiner has played the progression twice. In the second playing,
the examiner will pause on each chord for the student to identify
it. e progression will be played in keyboard style.
Major Minor
I–IV–V–I i–iv–V–i
IIV–V–vi i–iv–V–VI
I–vi–IV–V i–VIiv–V
I–vi–IV–I i–VI–iv–i
Students will be asked to play back a melody based on the complete
scale (from tonic to tonic or dominant to dominant). e examiner
will identify the key and time signature, play the tonic chord once,
and play the melody three times.
• Before the first playing, the examiner will count one measure.
• After the second playing, the student will clap the rhythm or
sing the melody.
• After the third playing, the student will play the melody.
Beginning Note Keys Time
tonic, mediant,
dominant, upper
B , E major
C, E minor
(may include
an upbeat)
up to eleven
Students may choose to play back a given four-measure question
phrase and improvise an answer phrase to create an eight-measure
contrasting period. e examiner will identify the key and time
signature, play the tonic chord once, and play the question phrase
three times.
Beginning Note Keys Time
Total Length
tonic, mediant,
dominant, upper
C, G, F major
A, E, D, minor
(may include
an upbeat)
eight measures
Sight Reading
For a given melody, students will be asked to:
• Tap a steady beat with their hand or foot for one measure.
• Continue tapping while speaking, tapping, or clapping the
rhythm of the given melody.
A steady pulse and metric accentuation are expected.
Time Signatures Approximate Length
four measures
Students will be asked to play a passage of music comparable to
Level 5 repertoire.
Keys Time Signatures Approximate Length
major and minor
keys, up to four
sharps or ats
(may include an upbeat)
eight to twelve
Students may choose to read a lead sheet (with a melody and
root/quality chord symbols) and realize an accompaniment based
on the chord symbols provided. Harmonic vocabulary will be
aligned with the chords presented for study in Level 8 eory in
the eory Syllabus. Students are encouraged to provide creative
accompaniments appropriate to the style of the given melody.
Keys Time Signatures Approximate Length
major and minor
keys, up to three
sharps or ats
(may include an upbeat)
eight to twelve
Level 8
Complete Repertoire
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare four contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, List C, and List D. Repertoire selections must
be memorized. Memory marks will be deducted for any repertoire
selections not performed by memory.
Bullets used to denote selections for examination purposes:
l one selection
uone selection, found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition:
Piano Repertoire 8
List A
Baroque Repertoire
Alberti, Domenico
Sonata in G Minor, op. 1, no. 4 (in 12 Sonate per
cavicembalo RIC)
l nd movement
Arne, omas
Eight Sonatas or Lessons for the Harpsichord
l Presto (Gigue), from Sonata No. 
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
uSolfeggio in C Minor, Wq 117/2, H 220
Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich
Musikalische Nebenstunden
l Allegro in G Major
Bach, Johann Sebastian
l Duetto in E Minor, BWV 
l Duetto in F Major, BWV 
l Duetto in G Major, BWV 
l Duetto in A Minor, BWV 
l Air, from French Suite No.  in C Minor, BWV 
l Menuet and Trio in B Minor, from French Suite
No.  in B Minor, BWV 
l Little Prelude in D Major, BWV  (in
Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann Bach BAR)
l Little Prelude in F Major, BWV 
l Little Prelude in D Major, BWV 
uLittle Prelude in E Major, BWV 937
l Little Prelude in E Minor, BWV 
Two-part Inventions
l Invention No.  in C Minor, BWV
l Invention No.  in D Major, BWV
l Invention No.  in E flat Major, BWV
l Invention No.  in E Major, BWV 
l Invention No.  in E Minor, BWV
l Invention No.  in F Minor, BWV 
l Invention No.  in G Major, BWV 
l Invention No.  in G Minor, BWV 
Bach, Johann Sebastian (continued)
l Invention No.  in A Major, BWV 
l Invention No.  in A Minor, BWV 
uInvention No. 14 in B at Major, BWV 785
l Invention No.  in B Minor, BWV 
Couperin, François
Pièces de clavecin, premier livre BAR
Troisième ordre
l Les pélerines
Quartième ordre
l La pateline
Cinquième ordre
l La flore
Galuppi, Baldassare
l Sonata in D Major, op. , no.  (Adagio)
Handel, George Frideric
l Allemande, from Suite No.  in D Minor, HWV 
l Allemande, from Suite No.  in E Minor, HWV 
uCourante in G Major, from Suite No. 8 in G Major,
HWV 441 (attr.)
l Sonatina in D Minor, HWV 
Jacinto do Sacramento, Frei
l Toccata in D Minor
Krebs, Johann Ludwig
l Air, from Suite No.  in B Minor CAR
l Gigue, from Suite No.  in D Major CAR
Pescetti, Giovanni Battista
Sonata IX in G Minor (in 12 Sonate per clavicembalo RIC)
l st movement
Purcell, Henry
l Prelude, from Suite No.  in C Major, Z 
Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Pièces de clavecin (1724)
uGigue en rondeau
Scarlatti, Domenico
uSonata in F Minor, K 185
l Sonata in C Major, K 
Seixas, José António Carlos de
l Toccata in D Minor (in Alte portugiesische
Klaviermusik,  OTT)
Telemann, Georg Philipp
uFantasia in D Minor, TWV 33:2
l Fantasia in G Minor, TWV :
Fuga prima in G Minor, TWV 30:21
l st section
Zipoli, Domenico
Sonate dintavolatura per organo e cembalo, 2, op. 1
Sonata in B Minor (in 12 Sonate per clavicembalo RIC)
l st movement: Preludio
l nd movement: Corrente
Level 8
List B
Classical Repertoire
Arnold, Samuel
A Set of Progressive Lessons, op. 12, 2
Sonata in D Major (no. 3)
l st movement
l rd movement: Rondo
Auenbrugger, Marianne
Sonata in E at Major
l st movement
Beethoven, Ludwig van
l Bagatelle in F Major, op. , no. 
l Six Variations on a Swiss Folk Song, WoO 
Sonata in G Minor, op. 49, no. 1
u1st movement
l nd movement
Sonata in G Major, op. 49, no. 2
l st movement
l nd movement
Sonatina in E at Major, WoO 47, no. 1
l st movement
Cimarosa, Domenico
l Sonata in A Major (no.  in Sonatas,  ZAN)
uSonata in B at Major, C 27
Clementi, Muzio
Sonata in B at Major, op. 4, no. 5 (op. 38, no. 2)
l st movement
Sonatina in G Major, op. 36, no. 5
l st movement
Dussek, Jan Ladislav
Sechs Sonatinen, op. 19/20
Sonatina in E at Major (no. 6)
l st movement
l nd movement
Haydn, Franz Joseph
Sonata in D Major, Hob. XVI:4
u1st movement
Sonata in G Major, Hob. XVI:27
l rd movement: Finale
Sonata in G Major, Hob. XVI:39
l st movement
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk
Six pièces très faciles, op. 52
l Rondo in C Major (no.)
Kuhlau, Friedrich
Sonatina in G Major, op. 20, no. 2
l st movement
Sonatina in F Major, op. 20, no. 3
l st movement
Kuhlau, Friedrich (continued)
Sonatina in G Major, op. 55, no. 2
u3rd movement
Sonatina in C Major, op. 55, no. 6
l st movement
Sonata in A Major, op. 59, no. 1
l st movement
l nd movement
Sonatina in A Major, op. 60, no. 2
l st movement
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Sonata in C Major, K 545
u1st movement
Viennese Sonatinas (arr. from Five Divertimenti, K 439b)
Viennese Sonatina in A Major (no. 2)
l th movement: Rondo
Park, Maria Hester
Sonata in F Major, op. 4, no. 1
l st movement
List C
Romantic Repertoire
Brahms, Johannes
l Albumblatt in A Minor BAR
l Waltz in B Minor, op. , no. 
Chopin, Frédéric
l Mazurka in A Minor, op. , no. 
l Mazurka in G Minor, op. posth. , no. 
l Mazurka in A Minor, op. posth. , no. 
l Nocturne in G Minor, op. , no. 
l Polonaise in A flat Major, op. posth., B 
l Prelude in B Minor, op. , no. 
l Prelude in E Major, op. , no. 
l Waltz in A flat Major, op. posth. , no.  (“Ladieu”)
uWaltz in B Minor, op. posth. 69, no. 2
→ with repeats
Dvořák, Antonín
Silhouettes, op. 8
l Silhouette in D flat Major (no. )
Field, John
18 Nocturnes
uNocturne in B at Major, H 37
Fuchs, Robert
Jugendklänge, op. 32
l Lieb’ Schwesterlein (Dear Little Sister) (no. )
Gade, Niels
Album Leaves
l Capriccio (in More Romantic Pieces for Piano,  ABR)
Level 8
Glière, Reinhold
12 pièces enfantines, op. 31
uPrelude in E at Major (no. 1)
24 pièces caractéristiques pour la jeunesse, op. 34
l Melody (no.)
Huit pièces faciles pour piano, op. 43
l Prélude (no. )
Grieg, Edvard
Four Humoreskes, op. 6 PET
l Humoreske in C Major (no. )
Lyric Pieces, op. 71
l Puck (no. )
Poetic Tone Pictures, op. 3
l Allegro, ma non troppo (no. )
l Allegro cantabile (no. )
l Andante con sentimento (no.)
Hensel, Fanny
Trois mélodies, op. 4
uMélodie (no. 2)
Hofmann, Heinrich
Stimmungsbilder, op. 88
l Nocturne (no. )
Kalinnikov, Vasili
l Chanson triste
Karganov, Génari
Miniatures, op. 10
l Souvenir (no. ) (in Slavic Miniatures EMB)
Lang, Josephine
Drei Klavierstücke
LeBeau, Luise Adolphe
Acht Präludien, op. 12
l Prelude in D Major (no. )
Drei Klavierstücke, op. 1
l Lied (no. )
Liszt, Franz
Consolations, S 172
l Consolation No. 
Lyadov, Anatoli
l Prelude in B flat Minor, op. , no. 
MacDowell, Edward
New England Idyls, op. 62
l With Sweet Lavender (no.)
Mason, William
l Lullaby, op. 
Massenet, Jules
10 pièces de genre, op. 10
l Carillon (no. )
Mendelssohn, Felix
l Gondellied (Barcarole) in A Major
l Song without Words, op. b, no. 
l Song without Words, op. b, no. 
uSong without Words, op. 38, no. 4
l Song without Words, op. , no. 
l Song without Words, op. , no. 
Sechs Kinderstücke, op. 72
l Andante sostenuto (no. )
Rebikov, Vladimir
l Valse mélancolique, op. , no.  (op. , no.  in Piano
Repertoire: Romantic & th Century,  KJO)
Ricketts, Estelle
l Rippling Spring Waltz (in Black Women Composers
Schubert, Franz
Zwei Scherzi, D 593
l Scherzo in B flat Major (no. )
Schumann, Clara
Quatre polonaises, op. 1
uPolonaise in C Major (no. 2)
Schumann, Robert
Album für die Jugend, op. 68
uKnecht Ruprecht (no. 12)
l Reiterstück (no.)
l Erinnerung (no.)
l Fremder Mann (no.)
Kinderszenen, op. 15
l Wichtige Begebenheit (no.)
Smetana, Bedřich
Sechs Albumblätter, op. 2 BAR
l Song (no. )
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il’yich
The Seasons, op. 37b
l March (Song of the Lark)
Wiggins, omas
l Water in the Moonlight
Level 8
List D
Post-Romantic, 20th-,
and 21st-century Repertoire
Albéniz, Isaac
España, op. 165
l Prelude (no. )
l Tango (no. )
Alexander, Dennis
Especially in Jazzy Style, 3 ALF
l In My Own Space
Especially in Romantic Style, 3 ALF
l Serenity
A Splash of Color ALF
l Titanium Toccata
Austin, Glenda
Jazz Suite No. 2 WIL
l rd movement
Bailey, Mable
l Prankster (in Black Women Composers HIL)
Bartók, Béla
For Children, 1 (rev. ed.) B&H
l Allegro moderato (no.)
l Swineherds Dance (no.)
For Children, 2 (rev. ed.) B&H
l Revelry (no.)
l Canon (no.)
Ten Easy Pieces EMB
l Evening at the Village
Benjamin, Arthur
Fantasies, 2 B&H
l Silent and Soft and Slow Descends the Snow
Bernstein, Seymour
Birds, 2 MAN
l The Nightingale (no.)
Bonsor, Brian
Jazzy Piano, 2 UNI
l Dreamy
Boulanger, Nadia
Petites pièces pour piano LED
l Petite pièce pour piano no. 
Burge, John
Parking an Octatonic Truck RLP
l Cluster Blues
Burleigh, Harry T.
From the Southland
urough Moanin’ Pines (no. 1)
l The Frolic (no. )
Capers, Valerie
Portraits in Jazz OUP
l Blue-Bird
Chatman, Stephen
Amusements, 3 CMC
l Sneaky
Fantasies CMC
uBlue Angel
Preludes for Piano, 4 ECS
l Tara
Chee, Connor
The Navajo Piano CHE
l Navajo Vocable No. 
Copland, Aaron
l In Evening Air B&H
Costley, Kevin
l Fantasia Appassionata (in In Recital for the Advancing
Pianist: Original Solos,  FJH)
Coulthard, Jean
Early Pieces for Piano PAL
l The Rider on the Plain (no. )
Debussy, Claude
l Page d’album
Children’s Corner
l Jimbo’s Lullaby (no. )
ue Little Shepherd (no. 5)
Dello Joio, Norman
Lyric Pieces for the Young EBM
l Russian Dancer
Dett, R. Nathaniel
Magnolia Suite
l The Deserted Cabin (no. )
l My Lady Love (no. )
Ding, Shande
Suite for Children (in Chinese Piano Music for Children
OTT; Tempo! Tempo! OTT)
uCatching Butteries (no. 3)
Donkin, Christine
l Showing Off DKN
Duncan, Martha Hill
Precipitations MHD
Elie, Justin
l Tropical Dance No.  FIS
Evans, Lee
Fiesta! FJH
l Son cubano
Gardiner, Mary
Short Circuits STU; CMC
l Currents
l Luminescence
Gillock, William
l Fountain in the Rain WIL
Level 8
Goolkasian Rahbee, Dianne
Five Toccatinas (in Modern Minatures, 2 FJH)
l Toccatina No. 
Preludes, 2 FJH
uPrelude (Twilight), op. 69
Granados, Enrique
Cuentos de la juventud, op. 1
l La mendiga (The Beggar Woman) (no. )
Grovlez, Gabriel
L’almanach aux images S&B
l Berceuse de la poupée
l Les marionnettes
l Petites litanies de Jésus
Höstman, Anna
l Late Winter CMC
Ibert, Jacques
Petite suite en 15 images FOE
l Les crocus
Ikeda, Naoko
Celestial Dreams WIL
l Shooting Stars in Summer
Jaque, Rhe
l Caprice CMC
l Toccata sur touches blanches CVI; CMC
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
24 Preludes, op. 38 SCH
l Prelude No. 
Easy Variations on Folk Themes, op. 51 SCH
uSeven Good-humoured Variations on a Ukrainian
Folk Song (no. 4)
Kodály, Zoltán
Childrens Dances (Gyermektáncok) B&H
l Vivace (no. ) and Moderato cantabile (no. )
Kuzmenko, Larysa
uMysterious Summer’s Night PLA
Lamothe, Ludovic
l La dangereuse (in Piano Music of Africa and the
African Diaspora,  OUP)
Lau, Kevin
12 Scenes from Childhood CMC
l Leaving Pok Fu Lam (no. )
l Aria (no. )
Liebermann, Lowell
Album for the Young, op. 43 PRE
l Starry Night (no. )
Louie, Alexina
Star Light, Star Bright ALX
l Blue Sky I
l O Moon
l Rings of Saturn
l Star Gazing
McLean, Edwin
Jazz Nocturnes, 1 FJH
l Shadows in the Rain
Nightworks FJH
l Moonlight Tonight
Mier, Martha
Jazz, Rags, & Blues, 5 ALF
l Blue Interlude
Mompou, Federico
Suburbis SAL
l Gitanes I
Nakada, Yoshinao
Piano Pieces for Children (Japanese Festival) OGT
l Etude allegro
Nobles, Jordan
Selene Suite NLE
l Mare Cognitum
l Lacus Temporis
Norton, Christopher
Christopher Norton Connections for Piano, 8 DAY
l Celtic Lament
l Hot Day
l Jane’s Song
Olson, Kevin
l Seven of Hearts FJH
Perry, Julia
l Prelude (in Black Women Composers HIL)
Peterson, Oscar
l The Gentle Waltz (in Oscar Peterson Originals HAL)
Jazz Exercises, Minuets, Etudes and Pieces for Piano HAL
l Jazz Exercise No.  (p. )
l Jazz Exercise No.  (p. )
Petot, Ross
Moods and Impressions, 2 KJO
l Heartache
Pettigrew, Laura
l Sereniteit PTW; CMC
Piazzolla, Astor
Serie del ángel MED
l Milonga del ángel
Pine, Katya
Images PIN
l The Goodbye
Pinto, Octavio
Scenas infantis SCH
l Marcha, soldadinho! (March, Little Soldier!)
l Roda-roda! (Ring around the Rosy)
Richert, Teresa
Seasons RLP
l The Ice Dancers (no. )
Rollin, Catherine
Catherine Rollin’s Favorite Solos, 3 ALF
l Big City Blues
Roth Roubos, Valerie
l Barcarolle (in In Recital for the Advancing Pianist:
Original Solos,  FJH)
Satie, Eric
l Gnossienne No. 
Scriabin, Alexander
24 Preludes, op. 11
l Prelude No. 
Sherkin, Adam
Northern Frames, op. 15 SHE
l Ursa Minor (no. )
Sibelius, Jean
Cinq morceaux, op. 75
ue Spruce (no. 5)
Siord, Jason
uIncognito (in In Recital for the Advancing Pianist:
Original Solos, 2 FJH)
Southam, Ann
Three in Blue: Jazz Preludes BER
l Three in Blue No. 
Springer, Mike
uTango callejero SGR
Not Just Another Jazz Book, 3 ALF
l Far Away Friend
Starer, Robert
Sketches in Color, 1 HAL
l Pink (no. ) and Crimson (no.)
Still, William Grant
Seven Traceries WGS
l Muted Laughter
urgood, George
l Fissure THU
Torjussen, Trygve
l To the Rising Sun, op. , no.  ALF
Tsitsaros, Christos
Songs without Words HAL
l Mirage
Turina, Joaquín
Miniaturas, op. 52 OTT
l Fiesta (no.)
Valenti, Michael
Piano Preludes AMP
uPrelude No. 3
Vandall, Robert D.
Robert D. Vandalls Favorite Solos, 3 ALF
l Flying Fingers
Wuensch, Gerhard
12 Glimpses into 20th Century Idioms, op. 37 B&H
l Oliver’s Twist
Level 8
Level 9
Level 9 Requirements Marks
one selection from List A
one selection from List B
one selection from List C
one selection from List D
14 (1)
16 (1)
14 (1)
12 (1)
Technical Requirements
Etudes: two etudes from the Syllabus list
Technical Tests
Ear Tests
– Intervals
– Chords
– Chord Progressions
– Playback (traditional or improvised)
Sight Reading
– Rhythm
– Playing (traditional or lead sheet reading)
Total possible marks (pass = 60) 100
Theory Examination Corequisites
Level 8 Theory
Level 9 Harmony (or Keyboard Harmony)
Level 9 History
e gures in parentheses in the repertoire section indicate
the marks that will be deducted for any selections that are not
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare four contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, List C, and List D. Repertoire selections must
be memorized. Memory marks will be deducted for any repertoire
selections not performed by memory. e program selected should
not exceed 15 minutes in length
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®,
Sixth Edition: Piano Repertoire 9 on the pages indicated.
List A
Baroque Repertoire
Title Composer Page
Fugue in C Major, BWV 952 J.S. Bach 4
Sinfonia No. 10 in G Major,
BWV 796
J.S. Bach 6
Sinfonia No. 2 in C Minor,
BWV 788
J.S. Bach 8
L’Eg yptienne Rameau 10
Suite in B at Major, HWV 434:
Aria con variazioni
Handel 14
Sonata in E Major, K 380 Scarlatti 18
Sonata in C Major, K 132 Scarlatti 22
Sonata in D Minor Soler 26
List B
Classical Repertoire
Sonata in F Major, Hob. XVI:23
Haydn 30
Sonata in C Major, K 330: I or II W.A. Mozart 44
Sonata in F Minor, WoO 47,
no. 2: I
Beethoven 52
Six Variations on Nel cor più non
mi sento, WoO 70
Beethoven 56
Level 9
List C
Romantic Repertoire
Nocturne in E at Major, op. 9,
no. 2
Chopin 62
October, op. 37b, no. 10 Tchaikovsky 66
Song without Words, op. 85,
no. 4
Mendelssohn 70
Humoreske Reger 72
Moment musical, op. 94, D 780,
no. 6
Schubert 75
Grillen, op. 12, no. 4 R. Schumann 78
Notturno, op. 6, no. 2 C. Schumann 82
Intermezzo, op. 116, no. 2 Brahms 86
Consolation No. 2 Liszt 89
Tarentelle, op. 77, no. 6 Moszkowski 92
Canción de mayo, op. 1, no. 3 Granados 98
List D
Post-Romantic, 20th-, and
21st-century Repertoire
Valse romantique Debussy 101
Reverie in F Minor Alexander 106
ree Hungarian Folk Songs
from Ck
Bartók 109
Six Variations on a Ukrainian
Folk Song, op. 51, no. 5
Kabalevsky 112
e Lake at Evening, op. 5, no. 1 Gries 116
e Cat and Mouse Tango omas 118
Intermezzo No. 1 Ponce 122
e Easy Winners Joplin 124
A Moonlit Night on the
Spring River
arr. Jiang 128
Buenos días Konecsni 130
For a complete list of repertoire from additional sources, see
“Complete Repertoire” on p. 82.
Technical Requirements
Please see “Technical Requirements” on p. 7 and “Technical Tests Examples” on p. 120 for important information regarding this section
of the examination.
Students must prepare two technically contrasting etudes from the following list.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition: Piano Etudes 9 on the pages indicated.
Title Composer Page
Etude in C Minor, op. 32, no. 34 Bertini 4
Prelude in G Major, op. 17, no. 3 Blumenfeld 6
Etude in B at Major, op. 30,
no. 37
Cramer 8
Barcarole, op. 19, no. 5 Gade 10
Etude in C Major Adams 13
→ with D.S. al Coda repeat only
Gonzaga 16
Prelude for the Left Hand, op. 9,
no. 1
→ play with LH only
Scriabin 18
Title Composer Page
Etude in A Major, op. 636, no. 6 Czerny 20
Idylle, op. 24, no. 6 Backer Grøndahl 22
Prelude No. 10 in C sharp Minor Burge 24
Träumerei, op. 9, no. 4 Strauss 26
Syncopated Etude No. 6 Schulho 28
Vivace in F Major, op. 72, no. 6 Mendelssohn 30
Students may substitute a popular selection for one of the etudes. See
p. 5 for details.
Level 9
Technica l Tests
Students must play all patterns from memory.
Keys Played Tempo Note Values
C, D , D, E , E, F major
C, C , D, E , E, F minor
(harmonic and melodic)
4 octaves
= 104
Formula Pattern
F, D major
F, C minor (harmonic)
4 octaves
= 104
Chromatic starting on any note from CF
4 octaves
= 104
In Octaves
• solid/blocked
F, D major
F, C minor (harmonic and melodic)
2 octaves
= 60
• broken
= 72
Tonic Four-note
• broken
C, D , D, E , E, F major
C, C , D, E , E, F minor
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
ending with
I progression
= 104
• solid/blocked
= 80
• broken alternate-note
= 80
Dominant 7th
• broken
C, D , D, E , E, F major
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
= 104
• solid/blocked
= 104
Leading-tone Diminished 7th
C, C
, D, E , E, F minor
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
= 104
• solid/blocked
= 104
C, D , D, E , E, F major
C, C , D, E , E, F minor
4 octaves
(root position and inversions)
= 84
Dominant 7th C, D , D, E , E, F major
Leading-tone Diminished 7th
C, C
, D, E , E, F minor
* Broken legato octaves may be substituted for solid/blocked octaves for candidates with small hands.
** Broken alternate-note pattern may be substituted for solid/blocked chords for candidates with small hands.
Level 9
Please see “Musicianship” on p. 7 and “Musicianship Examples”
on p. 124 for important information regarding this section of the
Ear Tests
Students will be asked to identify any of the following intervals.
e examiner will play each interval in melodic form (ascending or
descending) followed by harmonic form once.
Students may choose to sing or hum any of the following intervals
(ascending or descending). e examiner will play the rst note
Intervals (ascending or descending)
minor 2nd, major 2nd
minor 3rd, major 3rd
perfect 4th
augmented 4th/diminished 5th
perfect 5th
minor 6th, major 6th
minor 7th, major 7th
perfect octave
Students will be asked to identify the quality of the following
chords after the examiner has played the chord in solid/blocked
form, close position once.
Chords Positions
major and minor four-note chords root position, 1st inversion
augmented triad root position
dominant 7th (major–minor 7th) root position
diminished 7th root position
Chord Progressions
Students will be asked to identify each chord in a four-chord
progression in a major or minor key after the examiner has played
the progression twice. In the second playing, the examiner will
pause on each chord for the student to identify it. e progression
will be played in keyboard style, beginning on the tonic chord, and
may include any of the following chords.
Major Minor
I, IV, V, vi (root position only) i, iv, V, VI (root position only)
Students will be asked to play back the upper part of a two-part
phrase. e examiner will identify the key and time signature, play
the tonic chord once, and play the phrase three times.
• Before the first playing, the examiner will count one measure.
• After the second playing, the student will clap the rhythm or
sing the upper part of the phrase.
• After the third playing, the student will play the upper part of
the phrase.
Beginning Note Keys Time
tonic, mediant,
upper tonic
any major or
minor key, up to
four sharps or
up to nine
Students may choose to play back a two-measure opening,
complete the question (antecedent) phrase, and improvise an
answer (consequent) phrase to create an eight-measure constrasting
period. e examiner will identify the key and time signature,
play the tonic chord once, and play the two-measure opening three
Beginning Note Keys Time
Total Length
tonic, mediant,
upper tonic
any major or
minor key up to
two sharps or
Sight Reading
For a given melody, students will be asked to:
• Tap a steady beat with their hand or foot for one measure.
• Continue tapping while speaking, tapping, or clapping the
rhythm of the given melody.
A steady pulse and metric accentuation are expected.
Time Signatures Approximate Length
four to six measures
Students will be asked to play a passage of music comparable to
Level 6 repertoire.
Keys Time
Approximate Length
major and minor keys up
to ve sharps or ats
any up to sixteen measures
Students may choose to read a lead sheet (with a melody and
root/quality chord symbols) and realize an accompaniment based
on the chord symbols provided. Harmonic vocabulary will be
aligned with the chords presented for study in Level 9 Harmony
in the eory Syllabus. Students are expected to provide creative
accompaniments appropriate to the style of the given melody.
Keys Time
Approximate Length
major and minor keys,
up to four sharps or ats
any up to sixteen measures
Complete Repertoire
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare four contrasting selections: one from each
of List A, List B, List C, and List D. Repertoire selections must
be memorized. Memory marks will be deducted for any repertoire
selections not performed by memory. e program selected should
not exceed 15 minutes in length
Bullets used to denote selections for examination purposes:
l one selection
uone selection, found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition:
Piano Repertoire 9
List A
Baroque Repertoire
Bach, Johann Sebastian
uFugue in C Major, BWV 952
l Fugue in C Major, BWV  (in Klavierbüchlein für
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach BAR)
Capriccio sopra la lontananza del fratello dilettissimo,
BWV 992
l rd movement
Sinfonias (Three-part Inventions)
l Sinfonia No.  in C Major, BWV 
uSinfonia No. 2 in C Minor, BWV 788
l Sinfonia No.  in D Major, BWV 
l Sinfonia No.  in D Minor, BWV 
l Sinfonia No.  in E flat Major, BWV 
l Sinfonia No.  in E Major, BWV 
Bach, Johann Sebastian (continued)
l Sinfonia No.  in E Minor, BWV 
l Sinfonia No.  in F Major, BWV 
l Sinfonia No.  in F Minor, BWV 
uSinfonia No. 10 in G Major, BWV 796
l Sinfonia No.  in G Minor, BWV 
l Sinfonia No.  in A Major, BWV 
l Sinfonia No.  in A Minor, BWV 
l Sinfonia No.  in B flat Major, BWV 
l Sinfonia No.  in B Minor, BWV 
The Well-Tempered Clavier, 1
l Prelude and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 
Bach, Willhelm Friedemann
l Fantasia in C Major, Fk 
l Prelude in C Minor, Fk 
Daquin, Louis-Claude
Premier livre de pièces de clavecin, 3e suite
l Le coucou (Rondeau)
Handel, George Frideric
Suite No. 1 in B at Major, HWV 434
uAria con variazioni
Suite No. 4 in E Minor, HWV 429
l Allemande
l Courante
l Sarabande
l Gigue
Krebs, Johann Ludwig
Suite No. 3 in E at Major
l Gigue
Platti, Giovanni Benedetto
Sonata in C Minor, op. 4, no. 2
l st movement (Fantasia)
l rd movement
Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Nouvelles suites de pièces de clavecin
uL’Eg yptienne
Scarlatti, Domenico
l Sonata in D Minor, K 
l Sonata in E Major, K 
uSonata in C Major, K 132
l Sonata in C Major, K 
l Sonata in E Major, K 
l Sonata in A Major, K 
l Sonata in E Minor, K 
uSonata in E Major, K 380
l Sonata in G Minor, K 
l Sonata in D Major, K 
l Sonata in F Minor, K 
l Sonata in E Major, K 
Soler, Antonio
uSonata in D Minor, R 360
Level 9
Level 9
List B
Classical Repertoire
Auenbrugger, Marianne
Sonata in E at Major
l nd movement
l rd movement
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
Sonata in B Minor, Wq 62/22, H 132
l st movement
l nd and rd movements
Clavier-Sonatenbebst einegen Rondos
Sonata in F Minor, Wq 57/6, H 173
l st movement
Sei sonate per cembalo (Prussian Sonatas)
Sonata in C Minor, Wq 48/4, H 27
l rd movement
Bach, Johann Christian
Sonata in D Major, op. 5, no. 2
l st movement
Sonata in G Major, op. 17, no. 4
l st movement
Beethoven, Ludwig van
l Nine Variations on Quant’ è più bello, WoO
l Six Easy Variations on an Original theme, WoO 
uSix Variations on Nel cor più non mi sento, WoO 70
Sonata in F Minor, WoO 47, no. 2
u1st movement
Sonata in C Major, WoO 51
l st movement
Sonata in G Major, op. 79
l st movement
l nd and rd movements
Haydn, Franz Joseph
Sonata in B at Major, Hob. XVI:2
l st movement
Sonata in A Major, Hob. XVI:5
l st movement
Sonata in A Major, Hob. XVI:12
l st movement
l nd and rd movements
Sonata in F Major, Hob. XVI:23
u1st movement
u2nd movement
u3rd movement
Sonata in E Minor, Hob. XVI:34
l st movement
l nd movement
l rd movement
Sonata in D Major, Hob. XVI:37
l st movement
l nd and rd movements
Martínez, Marianne von
Sonata in G Major (in Three Sonatas for Keyboard HIL)
l rd movement
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
l Fantasia in D Minor, K  (g)
Sonata in G Major, K 283 (189h)
l st movement
l nd movement
l rd movement
Sonata in C Major, K 330 (300h)
u1st movement
u2nd movement
Sonata in B at Major, K 570
l st movement
Park, Maria Hester
Sonata in E at Major, op. 4, no. 2
l st movement
l rd movement
Sonata in C Major, op. 7
l st movement
l rd movement
List C
Romantic Repertoire
Alkan, Charles-Valentin
Esquisses, op. 63
Première suite
l La vision (no. )
Backer Grøndahl, Agathe
Six idylles, op. 24
l Idylle (no. )
Beach, Amy
l Gavotte Fantastique, op. , no. 
Brahms, Johannes
l Intermezzo in B flat Major, op. , no. 
l Intermezzo in A Minor, op. , no. 
uIntermezzo in A Minor, op. 116, no. 2
l Intermezzo in B Minor, op. , no. 
Chabrier, Emmanuel
l Feuillet d’album
Chopin, Frédéric
l Mazurka in F sharp Minor, op. , no. 
l Mazurka in A Minor, op. posth. , no. 
l Mazurka in C Major, op. posth. , no. 
uNocturne in E at Major, op. 9, no. 2
l Nocturne in B Major, op. , no. 
l Nocturne in G Minor, op. , no. 
l Nocturne in F Minor, op. , no. 
l Nocturne in C sharp Minor, op. posth., B 
l Prelude in F sharp Major, op. , no. 
l Prelude in D flat Major, op. , no. 
Level 9
Chopin, Frédéric (continued)
l Waltz in D flat Major, op. , no.  (“Minute”)
l Waltz in C sharp Minor, op. , no. 
l Waltz in A flat Major, op. , no. 
l Waltz in G flat Major, op. posth. , no. 
l Waltz in F Minor, op. posth. , no. 
l Waltz in D flat Major, op. posth. , no. 
Dvořák, Antonín
Silhouettes, op. 8
l Silhouette in B Minor (no. )
l Silhouette in A Major (no. )
Farrenc, Louise
l Impromptu pour piano, op.  (in Women Composers
in History HAL)
Field, John
18 Nocturnes
l Nocturne No.  in E flat Major
l Nocturne No.  in C Minor
Glinka, Mikhail
l La séparation (Nocturne)
l Variations on a Russian Folk Song (Among the
Gentle Valleys)
Granados, Enrique
Cuentos de la juventud, op. 1
uCanción de mayo (no. 3)
Grieg, Edvard
Lyric Pieces, op. 43
l Butterfly (no. )
l To Spring (no.)
Lyric Pieces, op. 54
l Notturno (no. )
Hensel, Fanny
Lieder für Klavier, op. 8
l Andante con espressione (no. )
l Larghetto (no. )
Janáček, Leoš
On the Overgrown Path, 1
l In Tears (no. )
LeBeau, Luise Adolphe
Acht Präludien, op. 12
l Prelude in B flat Major (no. )
l Prelude in B Minor (no. )
l Prelude in A flat Major (no. )
Liszt, Franz
l En rêve, S 
Consolations, S 172
uConsolation No. 2
l Consolation No. 
l Consolation No. 
MacDowell, Edward
Six Poems after Heine, op. 31
l Scotch Poem (no. )
Woodland Sketches, op. 51
l Will o’ the Wisp (no. )
l By a Meadow Brook (no. )
New England Idyls, op. 62
l To an Old White Pine (no.)
Mendelssohn, Felix
l Song without Words, op. , no. 
l Song without Words, op. , no. 
l Song without Words, op. , no. 
l Song without Words, op. , no. 
l Song without Words, op. , no.  (Duetto)
l Song without Words, op. , no. 
l Song without Words, op. , no. 
l Song without Words, op. , no. 
uSong without Words, op. 85, no. 4
l Song without Words, op. , no. 
Moszkowski, Moritz
Dix pièces mignonnes, op. 77
uTarentelle (no. 6)
Four Piano Pieces, op. 10
l Mazurka (no. )
Mussorgsky, Modest
l Meditation (Album Leaf)
Pieczonka, Albert
Danses de salon
l Tarantella in A Minor (no. )
Reger, Max
Blätter und Blüten, op. 58
uHumoreske (no. 2)
Schubert, Franz
Moments musicaux, op. 94, D 780
l Allegro moderato (no. )
uMoment musical (no. 6)
Vier Impromptus für Klavier, op. 142, D 935
l Impromptu in A flat Major (no. )
Schumann, Clara
l Impromptu in E Major
l Romance in F Major, op. , no. 
Quatre pièces fugitives, op. 15
l Larghetto (no. )
Soirées musicales, op. 6
uNotturno (no. 2)
Schumann, Robert
l Romance in F sharp Major, op. , no. 
Albumblätter, op. 124
l Schlummerlied (no. )
Fantasiestücke, op. 12
uGrillen (no. 4)
Waldszenen: neun Klavierstücke, op. 82
l Herberge (no.)
Level 9
Smetana, Bedřich
l Toccatina in B flat Major
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il’yich
12 morceaux, op. 40
l Chanson triste (no. )
l Chant sans paroles (no.)
The Seasons, op. 37b
l April (Snowdrop) (no.)
l May (May Night) (no. )
l June (Barcarolle) (no.)
uOctober (Autumn Song) (no. 10)
Six morceaux, op. 19
l Nocturne in C sharp Minor (no.)
List D
Post-Romantic, 20th-, and
21st-century Repertoire
Alexander, Dennis
Dennis Alexander’s Favorite Solos, 3 ALF
uReverie in F Minor
l Toccata Spirito
Archer, Violet
Four Bagatelles WAT
l Capricious (no. )
l Introspective (no. )
l Festive (no.)
Arlen, Harold
l Over the Rainbow (arr. George Shearing) ALF
Arteaga, Edward
l Intermezzo CMC
Bartók, Béla
Ten Easy Pieces EMB
l Bear Dance
Three Hungarian Folk Songs from Csík
Beach, Amy
l Scottish Legend, op. , no.  (in Music for Piano, 
Improvisations, op. 148 (in Music for Piano, 2 HIL)
l Improvisation No.
Bernstein, Leonard
Seven Anniversaries (in The Boosey & Hawkes Piano
Anthology B&H)
l For Aaron Copland (no. ) and For My Sister, Shirley
(no. )
Bilotti, Anton
l The Firefly FIS
Bland, Ed
l Cell Phone Blues (in Piano Music of Africa and the
African Diaspora,  OUP)
Bonds, Margaret
Spiritual Suite ALF; CVR
l The Valley of the Bones
Boulanger, Lili
l Prelude in D flat Major
Trois morceaux
l D’un vieux jardin (no. )
Brown, Timothy
In Style!, 3 FJH
l El Albaicín
Burleigh, Harry T.
From the Southland
l In de Col’ Moonlight (no. )
l A Jubilee (no. )
l On Bended Knees (no. )
Capers, Valerie
Portraits in Jazz OUP
l The Monk
l Blues for “The Duke” (in Black Women Composers
Chaminade, Cécile
l Pas des écharpes (Scarf Dance), op. , no. 
l Sérénade, op. 
Coulthard, Jean
l White Caps BER
Debussy, Claude
l Mazurka
l verie
uValse romantique
Children’s Corner
l Serenade for the Doll (no. )
Préludes, 1
l La fille aux cheveux de lin (no. )
Préludes, 2
l Canope (no. )
Dello Joio, Norman
Suite for Piano SCH
l st and nd movements
Dett, R. Nathaniel
Cinnamon Grove Suite
l nd movement
Magnolia Suite
l Mammy (no. )
Dolin, Samuel
l Prelude for John Weinzweig CMC
Donkin, Christine
l Wind and Sand DKN
Duncan, Martha Hill
l Kingston Mills Locks RLP
Isla Vista Suite RLP
l Monarchs
l Santa Ana Winds
l Tidepools
Precipitations RLP
l Racing the Storm
Fauré, Gabriel
l Romance sans paroles, op. , no. 
Fleming, Robert
l Toccatina WAT
Gardiner, Mary
l Footloose ALK
Two for D CMC
l no.  or no. 
Gershwin, George
l Prelude (Melody No. ) ALF
Ginastera, Alberto
12 American Preludes FIS
l Danza criolla (no. )
Gonzales, Chilly
Solo Piano EBR
l Carnivalse
Goolkasian Rahbee, Dianne
Three Preludes, op. 5 FJH
l Prelude No. 
Granados, Enrique
Danzas españolas
l Andaluza (Playera) (no. ) ALF; SAL
Gries, Charles T.
Three Tone Pictures, op. 5 SCH
ue Lake at Evening (no. 1)
Grovlez, Gabriel
L’almanach aux images S&B
l Les ânes
l Chanson de l’escarpolette
l La sarabande
Gurney, Ivor
Five Preludes B&H
l Prelude No.  in D flat Major
Henderson, Ruth Watson
l Ocean Vista
Hovhaness, Alan
l Mystic Flute PET
Ibert, Jacques
Histoires pour piano LED
l La cage de cristal (no. )
l Le petit âne blanc (no. )
Ireland, John
l The Darkened Valley S&B
Jiang, Edward Han, arr.
uA Moonlit Night on the Spring River EHJ
Joplin, Scott
ue Easy Winners
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
l Variations in D Major, op. , no.  SCH
24 Preludes, op. 38 SCH
l Prelude No.  and Prelude No. 
l Prelude No. 
Children’s Dreams, op. 88 SCH
l Dreams (no. )
Easy Variations on Folk Themes, op. 51 SCH
uSix Variations on a Ukrainian Folk Song (no. 5)
Sonatina in C Major, op. 13, no. 1
l st movement
Kaprálo, Vítězslava
April Preludes, op. 13
l Prelude No. 
Kenins, Talivaldis
Diversities CMC
l two of nos. , , 
Khachaturian, Aram
Sonatina SCH
l st movement
l rd movement
Konecsni, Sarah
uBuenos días SKP
Louie, Alexina
Music for Piano ALF
l Changes
l Distant Memories
l The Enchanted Bells
l Once Upon a Time
Star Light, Star Bright ALX
l Moonlight Toccata
Martinů, Bohuslav
Loutky (Puppets), 1 BAR
l The New Puppet (no. )
McIntyre, David L.
l Better Days RSM
l Catwalk RSM
l Finding Evelyn RSM
l Sizzle RSM
l Stealing a March RSM
McLin, Lena Johnson
l A Summer Day (in Black Women Composers HIL)
Mier, Martha
Romantic Impressions, 4 ALF
l Silhouette Moon
Level 9
Level 9
Milne, Elissa
Pepperbox Jazz, 2 FAB
l Bittersweet
Mompou, Federico
Impresiones intimas UNM
l La cuna
Morawetz, Oskar
l Scherzino CMC
Muczynski, Robert
Six Preludes, op. 6 (in Muczynski: Collected Piano Pieces
l Prelude No.  and Prelude No. 
Nobles, Jordan
Trois morceaux en forme de Satie NLE
l any two
Norton, Christopher
Bright and Bluesy DAY
l Takin’ it in Stride
Idaho Suite DAY
l Aerie 
The Microjazz Collection, 5 B&H
l Frankly Speaking
l Graceful Living
Palmgren, Selim
l May Night, op. , no.  ALF; SCH
Pejačević, Dora
l Erinnerung (Remembrance), op. 
Pépin, Clermont
Three Short Pieces for the Piano CMC
l Le nez
Perry, Zenobia Powell
l Homage (to William Levi Dawson) (in Black Women
Composers HIL)
Persichetti, Vincent
Three Toccatinas, op. 142 PRE
l no.  or no. 
Peterson, Oscar
Canadiana Suite HAL
l Laurentide Waltz (no. )
Piazzolla, Astor
l El viaje B&H
Pine, Katya
Images PIN
l Ghost Town
Pinto, Octavio
Scenas infantis SCH
l Corre, corre! (Run, Run!)
l Salta, salta (Hobby-horse)
Ponce, Manuel
uIntermezzo No. 1
Poulenc, Francis
l Valse (in Album des six ESC; MAS)
Huit Nocturnes HEU
l Nocturne in C Minor (Bal fantôme) (no.)
Price, Florence B.
l Memory Mist (in Florence B. Price: An Album of Piano
Pieces CVR)
Dances in the Canebrakes
l Silk Hat and Walking Cane (no. ) (in Piano Music of
Africa and the African Diaspora,  OUP)
Prokoev, Sergei
Four Pieces, op. 32
l Gavotte (no. )
Tales of the Old Grandmother, op. 31
l Sostenuto (no. )
Rachmanino, Sergei
13 Preludes, op. 32
l Prelude in B Major (no. )
Ravel, Maurice
Le tombeau de Couperin DUR; PET
l Menuet
Russell, Oswald
l Jamaican Dance No.  (in Piano Music of Africa and
the African Diaspora,  OUP)
Sabet, Parisa
l In Memory of Mansour SAB
Schafer, R. Murray
l Polytonality ARC; CMC
Schmidt, Heather
l Serenity ENP
Scott, Cyril
Pastoral Suite NOV
l Courante
l Rondo
Summerland, op. 54 NOV
l Playtime (no. )
Scriabin, Alexander
24 Preludes, op. 11
l two of nos. , , 
Shahi, Saman
Nine Miniatures Based on the Radif CMC
l any three (except Daramad)
Shchedrin, Rodion
l Humoreske
Shostakovich, Dmitri
24 Preludes, op. 34
l Prelude No. 
Sibelius, Jean
Ten Pieces, op. 24 B&H
l Romance (no. )
Level 9
Somers, Harry
l Strangeness of Heart BER
Southam, Ann
Three in Blue: Jazz Preludes BER
l Three in Blue No. 
Starer, Robert
Five Preludes (in Robert Starer: Album for Piano HAL)
l Prelude No.  and Prelude No. 
Stevens, Halsey
l Notturno (in  x : Piano Music in th Century
America ALF)
Still, William Grant
Seven Traceries WGS
l Cloud Cradles
l Mystic Pool
Szymanowski, Karol
Nine Preludes, op. 1 UNI
l Prelude No. 
Takács, Jenő
l Kleine Sonate, op.  DOB
Wenn der Frosch auf Reisen geht DOB
l Paprika Jancsi (Merry Andrew)
Tanaka, Karen
Water Dance OTT
l rd movement
Tcherepnin, Alexander
Bagatelles, op. 5 ALF; HEU; SCH
l no.  and no. 
l no.  and no. 
l no. 
l no. 
omas, Gary K.
ue Cat and Mouse Tango GKT
urgood, George
l Saturday Night THU
Tse, Roydon
l Moments of Rain TSE
Tsitsaros, Christos
Lyric Ballads HAL
l Sea Breezes
Turina, Joaquín
Cinco danzas gitanas I, op. 55 SAL
l Sacro-Monte (no. )
El circo (The Circus) OTT
l Trapeze Artists (no. )
Cuentos d’España, op. 20
l In the Garden of Murcia (no. ) SAL
Niñeras (Petite suite), op. 21
l Procession of the Tin Soldiers (no. ) SAL
Villa-Lobos, Heitor
l O Polichinelo (Punch) (no. )
Work III, John Wesley
l Take Me Back (no. ) (in Piano Music of Africa and the
African Diaspora,  OUP)
Level 10
Level 10 Requirements Marks
one selection from List A
one selection from List B
one selection from List C
one selection from List D
one selection from List E
56 (39)
12 (1)
14 (1)
10 (1)
10 (1)
10 (1)
Technical Requirements
Etudes: two etudes from the Syllabus list
Technical Tests
24 (17)
Ear Tests
– Intervals
– Chords
– Chord Progressions
– Playback (traditional or improvised)
Sight Reading
– Rhythm
– Playing (traditional or lead sheet reading)
10 (7)
10 (7)
Total possible marks (pass = 60) 100
Theory Examination Corequisites
Level 8 Theory
Level 9 Harmony (or Keyboard Harmony)
Level 9 History
Level 10 Harmony & Counterpoint (or Keyboard Harmony)
Level 10 History
e gures in parentheses in the repertoire section indicate
the marks that will be deducted for any selections that are not
Level 10 students who wish to pursue an Associate Diploma
(ARCT) must achieve either an overall mark of 75 or a minimum
of 70 percent in each section of the Level 10 examination. Figures
in bold parentheses indicate the minimum number of marks
required to receive 70 percent.
Please see “Classication of Marks” on p. 119 and “Supplemental
Examinations” on p. 119 for important details regarding Level
10 standing for an Associate Diploma (ARCT) examination
For information on taking the Level 10 Piano examination in two
separate segments, see “Split Level 10 Practical Examinations” on
p. 119.
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare ve contrasting selections: one from each of
List A, List B, List C, List D, and List E. Repertoire selections must
be memorized. Memory marks will be deducted for any repertoire
selections not performed by memory. e program selected should
not exceed 30 minutes in length.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®,
Sixth Edition: Piano Repertoire 10 on the pages
List A
Works by J.S. Bach
Title Composer Page
Prelude and Fugue in G sharp
Minor, BWV 863
J.S. Bach 4
Prelude and Fugue in G Major,
BWV 884
J.S. Bach 8
Overture in the French Style,
BWV 831: Sarabande and Echo
J.S. Bach 12
English Suite No. 4 in F Major,
BWV 809: Allemande
and Gigue
J.S. Bach 15
List B
Classical Repertoire
Sonata in F Major, op. 10,
no. 2: I and II
Beethoven 20
Sonata in E Major, Hob. XVI:31
Haydn 30
Fantasia in C Minor, K 475 W.A. Mozart 40
Level 10
List C
Romantic Repertoire
Andante espressivo, op. 15, no. 3 C. Schumann 50
Prelude in C sharp Minor, op. 45 Chopin 54
Bridal Procession, op. 19, no. 2 Grieg 58
Romance, op. 118, no. 5 Brahms 63
Consolation No. 3 Liszt 66
Impromptu in G at Major,
op. 90, D 899, no. 3
Schubert 70
Aufschwung, op. 12, no. 2 R. Schumann 77
List D
Post-Romantic, Impressionist,
and Early 20th-century Repertoire
Cádiz, op. 47, no. 4 Albéniz 84
Barcarolle, op. 28, no. 1 Beach 88
General Lavineeccentric Debussy 94
Rialto Ripples Gershwin and
Prélude, op. 3, no. 2 Rachmanino 104
Mazurka, op. 50, no. 1 Szymanowski 108
List E
20th- and 21st-century Repertoire
Cassandras Dream Domine 110
Nocturne Eckhardt-
Dance Dett 120
Solace Joplin 124
Prélude Dela 128
Shimmer Schmidt 132
Reective Rag Zaimont 136
Ricochet Larsen 140
Pas de deux Barber 144
Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm:
No. 2 and No. 4
Bartók 148
Rag-Caprice, op. 78 no. 1 Milhaud 154
Troubled Water Bonds 158
March, op. 12, no. 1 Prokoev 166
Land of the Misty Giants Peterson 170
For a complete list of repertoire from additional sources, see
“Complete Repertoire” on p. 93.
Technical Requirements
Please see “Technical Requirements” on p. 7 and “Technical Tests Examples” on p. 120 for important information regarding this section
of the examination.
Students must prepare two technically contrasting etudes from the following list.
ue following selections are found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition: Piano Etudes 10 on the pages indicated.
Title Composer Page
Spring Celebration Chatman 4
Periwinkle Gounod 7
Etude in E at Major, S 136,
no. 7
Liszt 10
Hungarian, op. 39, no. 12 MacDowell 12
Prelude No. 18 in E Major Szymanowska 16
Toccata–Etude Dichler 20
Title Composer Page
Toccatina No. 3 Persichetti 22
Prelude No. 1 in C Major Burge 26
Nouvelle étude no. 1 Chopin 28
Postludium, op. 13, no. 10 Dohnányi 31
Alla reminiscenza, op. 38, no. 8 Medtner 34
A Little Whimsy Moore 36
Students may substitute a popular selection for one of the etudes. See
p. 5 for details.
Level 10
Technica l Tests
Students must play all patterns from memory.
Keys Played Tempo Note Values
G , G, A , A, B , B major
F , G, G , A, B , B minor
(harmonic and melodic)
4 octaves
= 120
Separated by a 3rd G , G, A major
4 octaves
= 104
Separated by a 6th A, B , B major
4 octaves
= 104
In Octaves
B , B major
B , B minor (harmonic and melodic)
2 octaves
= 80
= 92
Chromatic in Octaves
starting on any note from F
to B
2 octaves
= 80
Tonic Four-note
•broken alternate-note pattern
G , G, A , A, B , B major
F , G, A , A, B , B minor
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
ending with
I progression
= 96
= 120
Dominant 7th
•broken alternate-note pattern
G , G, A , A, B , B major
2 octaves
(root position and inversions)
= 96
= 120
Leading-tone Diminished 7th
•broken alternate-note pattern
, G, A , A, B , B minor
= 96
= 120
G , G, A , A, B , B major
F , G, A , A, B , B minor
4 octaves
(root position and inversions,
either individually or in sequence
starting with root position or any
= 92
Dominant 7th G , G, A , A, B , B major
Leading-tone Diminished 7th
, G, A , A, B , B minor
* Broken legato octaves may be substituted for solid/blocked octaves for students with small hands.
Level 10
Please see “Musicianship” on p. 7 and “Musicianship Examples”
on p. 124 for important information regarding this section of the
Ear Tests
Students will be asked to identify any of the following intervals.
e examiner will play each interval in either melodic form
(ascending or descending) or harmonic form once.
Students may choose to sing or hum any of the following intervals
(ascending or descending). e examiner will play the rst note
Intervals (ascending or descending)
minor 2nd, major 2nd
minor 3rd, major 3rd
perfect 4th
augmented 4th/diminished 5th
perfect 5th
minor 6th, major 6th
minor 7th, major 7th
perfect octave
minor 9th, major 9th
Students will be asked to identify the quality of the following
chords after the examiner has played the chord in solid/blocked
form, close position once.
Chords Positions
major and minor four-note chords root position, 1st inversion
augmented triad root position
dominant 7th (major–minor 7th) root position
diminished 7th root position
major–major 7th root position
minorminor 7th root position
Chord Progressions
Students will be asked to identify each chord in a ve-chord
progression in a major or minor key as I, IV, V, VI, or cadential
after the examiner has played the progression twice. In the second
playing, the examiner will pause on each chord for the student to
identify it. e progression will be played in keyboard style and
will begin on the tonic chord.
Major Minor
I, IV, V, vi (root position only) i, iv, V, VI (root position only)
Students will be asked to play back a diatonic melody and
harmonize it, using basic harmonic progressions (I, IV, and V) in
solid/blocked chords with the left hand. e examiner will identify
the key and time signature, play the tonic chord once, and play the
melody three times.
Beginning Note Keys Time
tonic, mediant,
upper tonic
any major or
minor key, up to
four sharps or ats
four measures
Students may choose to play back a two-measure opening, complete
the question (antecedent) phrase, and improvise an answer
(consequent) phrase to create an eight-measure contrasting period.
e examiner will identify the key and time signature, play the
tonic chord once, and play the two-measure opening three times.
Beginning Note Keys Time
Total Length
tonic, mediant,
upper tonic
any major or minor
key up to three
sharps or ats
Sight Reading
For a given melody, students will be asked to:
• Tap a steady beat with their hand or foot for one measure.
• Continue tapping while speaking, tapping, or clapping the
rhythm of the given melody.
A steady pulse and metric accentuation are expected.
Time Signatures Approximate Length
four to six measures
Level 10
Students will be asked to play a passage of music comparable to
Level 7 repertoire.
Keys Time Signatures Approximate Length
major and minor
keys, up to ve
sharps or ats
any up to sixteen measures
Students may choose to read a lead sheet (with a melody and
root/quality chord symbols) and realize an accompaniment based
on the chord symbols provided. Harmonic vocabulary will be
aligned with the chords presented for study in Level 10 Harmony
in the eory Syllabus. Students are expected to provide creative
accompaniments appropriate to the style of the given melody.
Keys Time Signatures Approximate Length
major and minor
keys, up to four
sharps or ats
any up to sixteen measures
Complete Repertoire
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Students must prepare ve contrasting selections: one from each of
List A, List B, List C, List D, and List E. Repertoire selections must
be memorized. Memory marks will be deducted for any repertoire
selections not performed by memory. e program selected should
not exceed 30 minutes in length.
Bullets used to denote selections for examination purposes:
l one selection
uone selection, found in Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition:
Piano Repertoire 10
List A
Works by J.S. Bach
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Capriccio sopra la lontananza del fratello dilettissimo,
BWV 992
l th, th, and th movements
English Suite No. 2 in A Minor, BWV 807
l Allemande and Gigue
English Suite No. 4 in F Major, BWV 809
uAllemande and Gigue
Fantasia and Fugue (fragment) in C Minor, BWV 906
l Fantasia in C Minor
French Suite No. 3 in B Minor, BWV 814
l Allemande and Gigue
French Suite No. 5 in G Major, BWV 816
l Allemande and Gigue
Bach, Johann Sebastian (continued)
French Suite No. 6 in E Major, BWV 817
l Allemande and Gigue
Overture in the French Style, BWV 831
uSarabande and Echo
The Well-Tempered Clavier, 1
l Prelude and Fugue in C Major, BWV
l Prelude and Fugue in D Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in E Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in E Minor, BWV
l Prelude and Fugue in F Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in F sharp Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in F sharp Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in G Minor, BWV
l Prelude and Fugue in A flat Major, BWV 
uPrelude and Fugue in G sharp Minor, BWV 863
l Prelude and Fugue in B flat Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in B Major, BWV
The Well-Tempered Clavier, 2
l Prelude and Fugue in C Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in C sharp Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in D Minor, BWV
l Prelude and Fugue in E flat Major, BWV
l Prelude and Fugue in D sharp Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in E Major, BWV
l Prelude and Fugue in E Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in F Minor, BWV 
uPrelude and Fugue in G Major, BWV 884
l Prelude and Fugue in A Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in B Minor, BWV 
List B
Classical Repertoire
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Sonata in F Minor, op. 2, no. 1
l st and nd movements
l rd and th movements
Sonata in C Minor, op. 10, no. 1
l st and nd movements
l nd and rd movements
Sonata in F Major, op. 10, no. 2
u1st and 2nd movements
l nd and rd movements
Sonata in E Major, op. 14, no. 1
l st and nd movements
l nd and rd movements
Sonata in G Major, op. 14, no. 2
l st and nd movements
l nd and rd movements
Clementi, Muzio
Sonata in B at Major, op. 47, no. 2 (op. 24, no. 2 PET)
l st and nd movements
l nd and rd movements
Level 10
Haydn, Franz Joseph
uSonata in E Major, Hob. XVI:31
l Sonata in B Minor, Hob. XVI:
l Sonata in D Major, Hob. XVI:
l Sonata in C Major, Hob. XVI:
l Sonata in C sharp Minor, Hob. XVI:
l Sonata in G Minor, Hob. XVI:
l Sonata in C Major, Hob. XVI:
l Sonata in D Major, Hob. XVI:
Sonata in D Major, Hob. XVI:19
l st and nd movements
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
uFantasia in C Minor, K 475
Sonata in F Major, K 280 (189e)
l st and nd movements
l nd and rd movements
Sonata in B at Major, K 281
l st and nd movements
l nd and rd movements
Sonata in E at Major, K 282 (189g)
l complete
Sonata in C Major, K 309
l st and nd movements
l nd and rd movements
Sonata in F Major, K 332
l st and nd movements
l nd and rd movements
Sonata in B at Major, K 570
l nd and rd movements
List C
Romantic Repertoire
Alkan, Charles-Valentin
Esquisses, op. 63
Première suite
l Confidence (no. )
Brahms, Johannes
l Ballade in D Minor, op. , no. 
l Ballade in B Major, op. , no. 
l Intermezzo in A Major, op. , no. 
l Intermezzo in E Major, op. , no. 
l Intermezzo in E flat Major, op. , no. 
l Intermezzo in B flat Minor, op. , no. 
l Intermezzo in C sharp Minor, op. , no. 
l Intermezzo in F Minor, op. , no. 
l Intermezzo in E Minor, op. , no. 
l Intermezzo in C Major, op. , no. 
uRomance in F Major, op. 118, no. 5
Carreño, Teresa
l Le sommeil de lenfant (Berceuse), op. 
Chabrier, Emmanuel
10 Pièces pittoresques
l Idylle (no.)
l Scherzo-Valse (no. )
Chopin, Frédéric
l Mazurka in A Minor, op. , no. 
l Mazurka in B flat Minor, op. , no. 
l Mazurka in C Major, op. , no.  and Mazurka in
B Minor, op. , no. 
l Mazurka in B Major, op. , no. 
l Nocturne in B flat Minor, op. , no. 
l Nocturne in F Major, op. , no. 
l Nocturne in F sharp Major, op. , no. 
l Nocturne in A flat Major, op. , no. 
l Nocturne in E Minor, op. posth. , no. 
l Polonaise in C sharp Minor, op. , no. 
l Polonaise in A Major, op. , no. 
l Polonaise in G sharp Minor, op. posth., B 
l Prelude in A flat Major, op. , no. 
uPrelude in C sharp Minor, op. 45
l Waltz in A flat Major, op. , no. 
l Waltz in E Minor, op. posth., B 
Trois écossaises, op. posth. 72, no. 3
l complete
Dvořák, Antonín
Zwei Klavierstücke
l Capriccio in G Minor (no. )
Gottschalk, Louis Moreau
l Ojos criollos, op. 
l Pasquinade (Caprice), op. 
Grieg, Edvard
Lyric Pieces, op. 57
l Vanished Days (no. )
Lyric Pieces, op. 65
l Wedding Day at Troldhaugen (no.)
Scenes of Country Life, op. 19
uBridal Procession (no. 2)
→ with repeat
Hensel, Fanny
Lieder für Klavier, op. 8
l Allegro moderato (no. )
l Wanderlied (no.)
Vier Lieder, op. 6
l Andante cantabile (no. )
Jaëll, Marie
Six esquisses romantiques
l Les ombres (no. )
l Contraste (no.)
Lang, Josephine
Lied ohne Worte, op. 35
l Lied ohne Worte (no. )
Liszt, Franz
l Liebestraum No. , S /
Années de pèlerinage, 2, S 161
l Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa
Consolations, S 172
uConsolation No. 3
l Consolation No. 
Level 10
Liszt, Franz (continued)
Kleine Klavierstücke, S 192
l Klavierstücke No. 
Valses oubliées, S 215
l Valses oubliée No. 
MacDowell, Edward
Woodland Sketches, op. 51
l To a Water Lily (no.)
Mendelssohn, Felix
l Allegro in E Minor, op. 
l Song without Words, op. , no. 
l Spinning Song, op. , no. 
Schubert, Franz
Moments musicaux, op. 94, D 780
l Andantino (no. )
l Moderato (no. )
Vier Impromptus für Klavier, op. 90, D 899
l Impromptu in E flat Major (no. )
uImpromptu in G at Major (no. 3)
l Impromptu in A flat Major (no. )
Vier Impromptus für Klavier, op. 142, D 935
l Impromptu in B flat Major (no. )
l Impromptu in F Minor (no.)
Schumann, Clara
l Romance in E flat Minor, op. , no. 
Quatre pièces fugitives, op. 15
uAndante espressivo (no. 3)
Schumann, Robert
l Arabeske, op. 
l Intermezzo, op. , no. 
Fantasiestücke, op. 12
uAufschwung (no. 2)
Faschingsschwank aus Wien, op. 26
l Intermezzo (no.)
Novelletten, op. 21
l no.  or no. 
Waldszenen, op. 82
l Vogels als Prophet (no.)
Szymanowska, Maria
l Nocturne in B flat Major
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il’yich
12 morceaux, op. 40
l Mazurka in C Major (no.)
l Au village (no.)
l Valse in A flat Major (no. )
l Danse russe (no. )
l verie interrompue (no.)
18 morceaux, op. 72
l Passé lointain (no. )
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il’yich (continued)
The Seasons, op. 37b
l February (The Carnival) (no. )
l July (The Reaper’s Song) (no. )
l August (The Harvest) (no. )
l November (In the Troika) (no. )
l December (Christmas) (no. )
Six morceaux, op. 19
l Capriccioso in B flat Major (no. )
List D
Post-Romantic, Impressionist,
and Early 20th-century Repertoire
Albéniz, Isaac
Cantos de España, op. 232
l Córdoba (no.)
Suite española, op. 47
uCádiz (no. 4)
Alférak, Achille
l Sérénade levantine, op. , no. 
Beach, Amy
l A Hermit Thrush at Eve, op. , no.  (in Music for
Piano,  HIL)
Four Sketches, op. 15
l In Autumn (no. )
Trois morceaux caractéristiques, op. 28
uBarcarolle (no. 1) (in Music for Piano, 1 HIL)
Bonis, Mel.
Cinq pièces pour piano
l Desdémona, op. 
l Mélisande, op. 
l Viviane, op. 
Boulanger, Lili
Trois morceaux
l Corge (no. )
Chaminade, Cécile
l Nocturne in B Major, op.
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel
l The Bamboula, op. , no.  (in Piano Music of Africa
and the African Diaspora,  OUP)
Debussy, Claude
l La plus que lente
Deux arabesques
l Arabesque No. 
l Arabesque No. 
Children’s Corner
l Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum (no. )
l The Snow is Dancing (no.)
Pour le piano
l Sarabande
Level 10
Debussy, Claude (continued)
Préludes, 1
l Danseuses de Delphes (no. )
l Des pas sur la neige (no.)
l La sérénade interrompue (no. )
Préludes, 2
l Feuilles mortes (no. )
l Bruyères (no. )
uGeneral Lavineeccentric (no. 6)
l Hommage à S. Pickwick, Esq. (no. )
Suite bergamasque
l Prélude (no. )
l Menuet (no. )
l Clair de lune (no. )
l Passepied (no.)
Dett, R. Nathaniel
Magnolia Suite
l Magnolias (no. )
l The Place Where the Rainbow Ends (no. )
Falla, Manuel de
l Danza del molinero (Dance of the Miller), from El
sombrero de tres picos CHS
l Danza ritual del fuego (Ritual Fire Dance), from El
amor brujo CHS
Fauré, Gabriel
l Barcarolle No.  in A minor, op. 
l Barcarolle No.  in A flat Major, op. 
Préludes, op. 103
l one of nos. , 
Gershwin, George, and Will Donaldson
uRialto Ripples
→ with repeats
Gries, Charles T.
Roman Sketches, op. 7 SCH
l Clouds (no.)
Howe, Mary
l Nocturne SCH
Ibert, Jacques
l Le vent dans les ruines LED
Janáček, Leoš
V mlhách (In the Mists) BAR
l any two
Melnyk, John
Preludes for Piano, op. 3 MRZ
l Prelude No. 
Palmgren, Selim
24 Preludes, op. 17
l The Sea (no. ) MSL
Poulenc, Francis
l Pastourelle, from L’éventail de Jeanne HEU
l Trois mouvements perpétuels CHS; MAS
Cinq impromptus CHS; MAS
l any two
Poulenc, Francis (continued)
Huit Nocturnes HEU
l Nocturne in C Major (Sans traîner) (no. )
l Nocturne in E flat Major (no.)
Trois novelettes CHS
l no.  or no. 
Rachmanino, Sergei
10 Preludes, op. 23
l Prelude in F sharp Minor (no. )
l Prelude in A flat Major (no. )
l Prelude in G flat Major (no.)
13 Preludes, op. 32
l Prelude in F Major (no.)
l Prelude in A Minor (no. )
Morceaux de fantaisie, op. 3
l Elégie (no. )
uPrélude (no. 2)
l Mélodie (no. )
l Sérénade (no. )
Morceaux de salon, op. 10
l Humoresque (no.)
Ravel, Maurice
Le tombeau de Couperin DUR; PET
l Prélude
Scriabin, Alexander
24 Preludes, op. 11
l Prelude No.  and Prelude No. 
l Prelude No.  and Prelude No. 
Deux poèmes, op. 32
l Poème in F sharp Major (no. )
l Poème in D Major (no. )
Szymanowski, Karol
Mazurkas, op. 50 UNI
uMazurka (no. 1)
l no.  or no. 
Toch, Ernest
Burlesken, op. 31 OTT
l Der Jongleur (no. )
List E
20th- and 21st-century Repertoire
Alberga, Eleanor
l Fizz ALB
l If the Silver Bird Could Speak ALB
Alston, Lettie Beckon
Four Rhapsodies for Solo Piano HBC
l Dream Waltz (no. )
Aperans, Dace
Dos Suenos BAL
l Cantiga
Baiocchi, Regina Harris
l Azuretta BAI
Level 10
Balter, Marcos
l Dreamcatcher BLT
Barber, Samuel
Souvenirs: Ballet Suite, op. 28 SCH
l Waltz (no. )
uPas de deux (no. 3)
Bartók, Béla
14 Bagatelles, op. 6 EMB
l Bagatelle No. 
15 Hungarian Peasant Songs UNI
l nos. –
Mikrokosmos, 6
Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm
uDance No. 2 (no. 149) and Dance No. 4 (no. 151)
l two of nos. , , , 
Romanian Folk Dances, Sz 56
l complete
Three Rondos on Slovak Folk Tunes, op. 84 B&H
l Rondo No. 
Behrens, Jack
l Hommage à Chopin CMC
l Léger CMC
Bissell, Keith
l Variations on a Folk Song WAT
Bolcom, William
The Garden of Eden (in Complete Rags for Piano EBM)
l Old Adam (no. )
Three Ghost Rags EBM
l Graceful Ghost Rag
Bonds, Margaret
Spiritual Suite ALF
uTroubled Water
Two Works for Solo Piano HIL
l Fugal Dance
Burleigh, Harry T.
From the Southland
l A New Hidin’ Place (no. )
Chatman, Stephen
Preludes for Piano, 4 ECS
l Nocturne
l Shimmering Wings
Cheatham, Wallace McClain
Three Preludes for Piano, op. 3
l Didn’t it Rain (no. ) (in Piano Music of Africa and the
African Diaspora,  OUP)
Copland, Aaron
l The Cat and the Mouse (Scherzo humoristique) ALF;
Four Piano Blues B&H
l any two
Del Tredici, David
Three Gymnopedies B&H
l My Goldberg (no. )
Dela, Maurice
l Hommage BER
La vieille capitale BER
uPrélude: Veille sous la porte Saint-Jean
Dello Joio, Norman
Suite for Piano SCH
l th movement
Deshavov, Vladimir
l The Rails, op. 
Dett, R. Nathaniel
In the Bottoms
uDance (Juba)
Domine, James
Suite No. 2 for Piano Solo EAP
uCassandras Dream
l Scherzo: The Music Lesson
Donkin, Christine
Peace Country CMC
l In Summer
Dun, Tan
Eight Memories in Watercolor SCH
l three of Staccato Beans, Blue Nun, Red Wilderness,
Floating Clouds
Duncan, Martha Hill
The Sunken Garden RLP
l The River
l The Theatre
Dutilleux, Henri
Au gré des ondes LED
l th movement: Mouvement perpétual
Eckhardt-Gramatté, Sophie-Carmen
From My Childhood, 1 WAT
l “V: Valse chromatique
From My Childhood, 2 WAT
Gardiner, Mary
l Synergy CMC
Ginastera, Alberto
l Malambo, op.  RIC
l Rondo sobre temas infantiles argentinos, op.  B&H
Danzas argentinas, op. 2
l Danza de la moza donosa (no. )
Höstman, Anna
l Low Tide CMC
l Nocturne for E.S. CMC
Hovhaness, Alan
l Macedonian Mountain Dance, op. , no.  PET
Level 10
Johnson, Alexander
Two Jazz Impromptus SET
l Jazz Impromptu 
Jones II, Arlington J.
Jazz Expressions KJO
l Falsely Accused
l My Garden in the Countryside
l Ya’ Childhood Days
Joplin, Scott
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
l Variations in A Minor, op. , no.  SCH
24 Preludes, op. 38 SCH
l no. 
l no.  and no. 
l no.  and no. 
Sonatina in C Major, op. 13, no. 1 B&H; SCH
l nd and rd movements
Kafui, Kenneth
l Pentanata No.  VNM
Kaprálo, Vítězslava
April Preludes, op. 13
l Prelude No. 
l Prelude No. 
l Prelude No. 
Kay, Ulysses
Two Impromptus FIS
l Impromptu No. 
Khachaturian, Aram
l Toccata SCH
Masquerade Suite HAL
l Waltz (no. )
King, Betty Jackson
l Spring Intermezzo (in Black Women Composers HIL)
Kinney, L. Viola
l Mother’s Sacrifice (in Black Women Composers HIL)
La Montaine, John
l Toccata, op.  BRD
Larsen, Libby
uRicochet LAR
Lemay, Robert
Six Ushebtis CMC
l nos. –
León, Tania
Two Preludes (in Black Women Composers HIL)
l Sorpresa (Surprise) (no. )
l Pecera (Aquarium) (no. )
Liebermann, Lowell
l Nocturne No., op.  PRE
Mansouri, Afarin
Abstracts CMC
l Impressions (no. )
McIntyre, David L.
l En forme RSM
l Pickled Pink RSM
l Three Preludes RSM
l Toccata RSM
Messiaen, Olivier
Huit préludes pour piano DUR
l La colombe (no. ) and Plainte calme (no.)
Milhaud, Darius
Three Rag Caprices, op. 78
uRag-Caprice (no. 1)
Mompou, Federico
Cancións y danzas EBM
l Canción y danza VI
Suburbis SAL
l El carrer, el guitarrista, i el vell cavall (no. )
Morel, Fraois
Deux études de sonorité BER
l Étude No. 
Morlock, Jocelyn
l The Jack Pine CMC
Muczynski, Robert
Six Preludes, op. 6 (in Muczynski: Collected Piano Pieces
l Prelude No.  and Prelude No. 
Nobles, Jordan
l Zephyrus CMC
Papineau-Couture, Jean
l Idée DOM
Payette, Alain
Deux petites ballades pour piano CMC
l Petite ballade No. 
Pentland, Barbara
l Shadows (Ombres) AVO
Pépin, Clermont
l Trois pièces pour la légende dorée CMC
Peterson, Oscar
Canadiana Suite HAL
l Hogtown Blues (no. )
uLand of the Misty Giants (no. 8)
Picker, Tobias
l Old and Lost Rivers OTT
Price, Florence B.
Dances in the Canebrakes
l Nimble Feet (in Piano Music of Africa and the African
Diaspora,  OUP)
Level 10
Prokoev, Sergei
l March, from The Love for Three Oranges, op. ,
no.  B&H
Sonatina, op. 54, no. 2 B&H
l st movement
l rd movement
Ten Pieces, op. 12
uMarch (no. 1)
l Prelude in C Major (no.)
Schmidt, Heather
uShimmer ENP; CMC
Schoenberg, Arnold
l Six Little Piano Pieces, op.  BMP
Siegmeister, Elie
Sonata No. 1 (American”) FIS
l st movement
Shostakovich, Dmitri
24 Preludes, op. 34
l two of nos. , , , , , 
Three Fantastic Dances, op. 5
l complete
Smith, Hale
l Evocation PET
Smith, Linda Catlin
l The View from Here CMC
Southam, Ann
Four Bagatelles BER
l no.  and no. 
Rivers (second set) CMC
l one of Rivers I–VIII
Stone, Court
l Mist CST
l Old Country Suite CST
Sunabacka, Karen
l Hiding CMC
Takács, Jenő
l Toccata, op.  DOB
Wadsworth, Zachary
Three Fantasies ZRW
l Intermezzo (Two by Two) (no. )
Zaimont, Judith Lang
Two Rags for Solo Piano HBC
uReective Rag (no. 1)
Associate Diploma (ARCT) in Piano, Performer
e Associate Diploma (ARCT) in Piano, Performer is the
culmination of e RCM Certicate Program in piano
performance. e practical examination is evaluated as a concert
performance. Candidates are expected to perform with condence,
communicating the essence of the music while demonstrating a
command of the instrument. A deep understanding of the stylistic
and structural elements of each repertoire selection is expected.
ARCT in Piano, Performer Requirements Marks
one selection from List A
one selection from List B
one selection from List C
one selection from List D
one selection from List E
one selection from List F
Total possible marks (pass = 70) 100
Level 10 Piano comprehensive certificate
Theory Examination Prerequisites
Level 8 Theory
Level 9 Harmony (or Keyboard Harmony)
Level 9 History
Level 10 Harmony & Counterpoint (or Keyboard Harmony)
Level 10 History
Theory Examination Corequisites
ARCT Harmony & Counterpoint (or Keyboard Harmony)
ARCT Analysis
ARCT History
Candidates are strongly recommended to study for at least two
years after passing the Level 10 examination.
Candidates must achieve an Honors standing (70 percent) in order
to be awarded an Associate Diploma (ARCT) in Piano, Performer.
For descriptions of performance marks, please see “Classication
of Marks” on p. 119.
Please see “Repertoire” on p. 4 for important information regarding
this section of the examination.
Candidates must prepare six contrasting selections by memory: one
from each of List A, List B, List C, List D, List E, and List F. Any
selections not performed by memory will receive a mark of zero.
Each bulleted item (l) represents one selection for examination
purposes. Unless otherwise indicated, candidates should prepare
the complete work.
e examiner may stop the performance if it exceeds the allotted
time of 60 minutes.
List A
Works by J.S. Bach
Bach, Johann Sebastian
l Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D Minor,
BWV 
l Fantasia and Fugue in A Minor, BWV 
l French Suite No.  in C Minor, BWV 
l French Suite No.  in E flat Major, BWV 
l Italian Concerto, BWV 
l Suite in A Minor, BWV 
l Toccata in F sharp Minor, BWV 
l Toccata in C Minor, BWV 
l Toccata in D Major, BWV 
l Toccata in D Minor, BWV 
l Toccata in E Minor, BWV 
l Toccata in G Minor, BWV 
l Toccata in G Major, BWV 
English Suite No. 1 in A Major, BWV 806
l Prelude, Sarabande, and Gigue
English Suite No. 2 in A Minor, BWV 807
l Prelude, Sarabande, and Gigue
English Suite No. 3 in G Minor, BWV 808
l Prelude, Sarabande, and Gigue
English Suite No. 5 in E Minor, BWV 810
l Prelude, Sarabande, and Gigue
English Suite No. 6 in D Minor, BWV 811
l Prelude, Sarabande, and Gigue
Partita No. 1 in B at Major, BWV 825
l Praeludium, Sarabande, and Gigue
Partita No. 2 in C Minor, BWV 826
l Sinfonia
l Allemande, Sarabande, and Capriccio
Partita No. 3 in A Minor, BWV 827
l Fantasia, Sarabande, and Gigue
Partita No. 4 in D Major, BWV 828
l Overture and one additional movement
Partita No. 5 in G Major, BWV 829
l Praeambulum, Sarabande, and Gigue
Partita No. 6 in E Minor, BWV 830
l Toccata
The Well-Tempered Clavier, 1
l Prelude and Fugue in C sharp Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in C sharp Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in E flat Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in E flat Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in F Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in G Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in A Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in B flat Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in B Minor, BWV 
ARCT in Piano, Performer
ARCT in Piano, Performer
Bach, Johann Sebastian (continued)
The Well-Tempered Clavier, 2
l Prelude and Fugue in C sharp Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in D Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in F Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in F sharp Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in F sharp Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in G Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in A flat Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in G sharp Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in B flat Major, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in B flat Minor, BWV 
l Prelude and Fugue in B Major, BWV 
List B
Classical Sonatas
Beethoven, Ludwig van
l Sonata in A Major, op. , no. 
l Sonata in C Major, op. , no. 
l Sonata in D Major, op. , no. 
l Sonata in C Minor, op.  (“Pathétique”)
l Sonata in B flat Major, op. 
l Sonata in A flat Major, op. 
l Sonata in C sharp Minor, op. , no.  (“Moonlight”)
l Sonata in D Major, op. 
l Sonata in G Major, op. , no. 
l Sonata in D Minor, op. , no.  (“Tempest”)
l Sonata in E flat Major, op. , no. 
l Sonata in C Major, op.  (“Waldstein”)
l Sonata in F Major, op. 
l Sonata in F Minor, op.  (Appassionata”)
l Sonata in F sharp Major, op. 
l Sonata in E flat Major, op. a (“Les adieux”)
l Sonata in E Minor, op. 
l Sonata in A Major, op. 
l Sonata in E Major, op. 
l Sonata in A flat Major, op. 
Clementi, Muzio
l Sonata in B Minor, op. , no. 
Haydn, Franz Joseph
l Sonata in C Minor, Hob. XVI:
l Sonata in A flat Major, Hob. XVI:
l Sonata in E flat Major, Hob. XVI:
l Sonata in C Major, Hob. XVI:
l Sonata in E flat Major, Hob. XVI:
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
l Sonata in D Major, K 
l Sonata in A Minor, K 
l Sonata in D Major, K 
l Sonata in A Major, K 
l Sonata in B flat Major, K 
l Sonata in C Minor, K 
l Sonata in F Major, K 
Schubert, Franz
l Sonata in A Minor, op. , D 
l Sonata in G Major, op. , D 
l Sonata in A Major, op. , D 
l Sonata in A Minor, op. , D 
l Sonata in A Minor, op. , D 
l Sonata in B flat Major, op. posth., D 
List C
Romantic Repertoire
Alkan, Charles-Valentin
l Le festin d’Ésope, op. , no. 
l Le tambour bat aux champs, op. bis
Balakirev, Mily
l The Lark, transc. from Mikhail Glinka
Brahms, Johannes
l Ballade in D Major, op. , no. 
l Ballade in G Minor, op. , no. 
l Capriccio in F sharp Minor, op. , no.  and
Capriccio in B Minor, op. , no. 
l Capriccio in C sharp Minor, op. , no. 
l Intermezzo in A Minor, op. , no.  and
Intermezzo in A Major, op. , no. 
l Intermezzo in E flat Minor, op. , no. 
l Rhapsody in B Minor, op. , no. 
l Rhapsody in G Minor, op. , no. 
l Rhapsody in E flat Major, op. , no. 
l Scherzo in E flat Minor, op. 
Chopin, Frédéric
l Ballade in G Minor, op. 
l Ballade in F Major, op. 
l Ballade in A flat Major, op. 
l Ballade in F Minor, op. 
l Barcarolle in F sharp Major, op. 
l Berceuse in D flat Major, op. 
l Fantaisie in F Minor, op. 
l Fantaisie-Impromptu in C sharp Minor, op. 
l Impromptu in F sharp Major, op. 
l Nocturne in C sharp Minor, op. , no. 
l Nocturne in D flat Major, op. , no. 
l Nocturne in G Major, op. , no. 
l Nocturne in C Minor, op. , no. 
l Nocturne in E flat Major, op. , no. 
l Nocturne in B Major, op. , no. 
l Polonaise in F sharp Minor, op. 
l Polonaise in A flat Major, op. 
l Rondo in E flat Major, op. 
l Scherzo in B Minor, op. 
l Scherzo in B flat Minor, op. 
l Scherzo in C sharp Minor, op. 
l Scherzo in E Major, op. 
l Waltz in E flat Major, op. 
ARCT in Piano, Performer
Dédé, Edmond
l Méphisto masqué
Franck, César
l Prélude, choral, et fugue
Glinka, Mikhail
l Variations on Alyabyev’s Romance “The
Liszt, Franz
l Ballade No.  in B Minor, S 
l Liebestraum No. , S /
l Mephisto Waltz No.  (Episode from Lenaus poem
“Faust”), S 
l Polonaise No.  in E Major, S /
l Le rossignol, S / (transc. from Alexandre
Années de pèlerinage, 1, S 160
l Au bord dune source
Années de pèlerinage, 2, S 161
l Sonetto  del Petrarca
l Sonetto  del Petrarca
l Sonetto  del Petrarca
l Sposalizio
Harmonies poétiques et religieuses, S 173
l Funérailles (no.)
Hungarian Rhapsodies, S 244
l any one (except nos. , , )
Mendelssohn, Felix
l Andante con variazioni, op. 
l Rondo capriccioso, op. 
l Prelude and Fugue in E Minor, op. , no. 
l Scherzo in E Minor, op. , no. 
l Variations sérieuses, op. 
Schubert, Franz
Drei Klavierstücke, D 946
l no.  or no. 
Vier Impromptus für Klavier, op. 90, D 899
l Impromptu in C Minor (no. )
Vier Impromptus für Klavier, op. 142, D 935
l Impromptu in F Minor (no. )
Schumann, Clara
l Romance in G Minor, op. , no. 
l Romance in A flat Major, op. , no. 
l Romance in G Minor, op. , no. 
Schumann, Robert
l Abegg Variations, op. 
l Papillons, op. 
Fantasiestücke, op. 12
l In der Nacht (no. )
l Traumes-Wirren (no.)
Fantasiestücke, op. 111
l no.  or no. 
Novelletten, op. 21
l no.  or no. 
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il’yich
l Dumka, op. 
18 morceaux, op. 72
l Tendres reproches (no. )
l Danse caractéristique (no. )
l Scherzo-fantaisie (no. )
List D
Post-Romantic, Impressionist,
and Early 20th-century Repertoire
Albéniz, Isaac
Asturias HEN
l Leyenda
Cantos de España, op. 232 HEN
l Seguidillas
Iberia Suite, 1 HEN
l El Puerto
Iberia Suite, 2 HEN
l Triana
Iberia Suite, 3 HEN
l El Albaicín
Beach, Amy
l Ballade, op.  (in Music for Piano,  HIL)
Bonis, Mel.
l Omphale, op.
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel
l Moorish Dance, op. 
Debussy, Claude
l Ballade
l L’isle joyeuse
l Pagodes (no. )
l La soirée dans Grenade (no. )
l Jardins sous la pluie (no. )
Images, 1
l Reflets dans leau (no. )
l Hommage à Rameau (no. )
l Mouvement (no. )
Images, 2
l Cloches à travers les feuilles (no. )
l Et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut (no. )
l Poissons dor (no. )
Pour le piano
l Prélude (no. )
l Toccata (no. )
Préludes, 1
l Le vent dans la plaine (no. )
l Les collines dAnacapri (no. )
l Ce qu’a vu le vent douest (no.)
l La cathédrale engloutie (no.)
l La danse de Puck (no. )
ARCT in Piano, Performer
Debussy, Claude (continued)
Préludes, 2
l Brouillards (no. )
l La puerta del vino (no. )
l Les fées sont dexquises danseuses (no. )
l La terrasse des audiences du clair de lune (no.)
l Feux dartifice (no.)
Decaux, Abel
Clairs de lune
l La cimetière (no. )
Dohnányi, Ernő
Four Pieces, op. 2 DOB; KAL
l Capriccio in B Minor (no.)
Four Rhapsodies, op. 11 DOB; KAL
l Rhapsody in F sharp Minor (no. )
l Rhapsody in C Major (no. )
l Rhapsody in E flat Minor (no. )
Fauré, Gabriel
l Barcarolle No.  in F sharp Minor, op. 
l Barcarolle No.  in E flat Major, op. 
l Barcarolle No.  in D flat Major, op. 
l Impromptu No.  in F Minor, op. 
l Impromptu No.  in A flat Major, op. 
l Nocturne No.  in E flat Minor, op. 
l Nocturne No.  in E flat Major, op. 
l Nocturne No.  in B flat Major, op. 
l Nocturne No.  in D flat Major, op. 
l Valse caprice No.  in A Major, op. 
l Valse caprice No.  in D flat Major, op. 
l Valse caprice No.  in G flat Major, op. 
l Valse caprice No.  in A flat Major, op. 
Gershwin, George
l Three Preludes ALF
Granados, Enrique
Escenas románticas SAL; SCH
l no.  or no. 
Goyescas KAL; SAL
l El fandango de candil (no. )
l La maja y el ruiseñor (no. )
Gries, Charles T.
Fantasy Pieces, op. 6 MAS
l Barcarolle (no. )
l Notturno (no. )
l Scherzo (no. )
Roman Sketches, op. 7 SCH
l The White Peacock (no. )
l The Fountain of the Acqua Paola (no. )
Honegger, Arthur
Trois pièces SAL
l Hommage à Ravel (no. ) and Danse (no. )
Hopekirk, Helen
l Romance in A Minor
MacDowell, Edward
l Witches’ Dance, op. , no. 
Medtner, Nikolai
l Fairy Tale, op. , no.  B&H
Poulenc, Francis
l Intermezzo in A flat Major DUR
l Presto en si-bémol SAL
l Suite in C Major () CHS
Napoli SAL
l rd movement: Caprice italien
Promenades (1921) CHS
l any four
Trois pièces HEU
l Toccata (no. )
Rachmanino, Sergei
13 Preludes, op. 32
l one of nos. , , , , 
Morceaux de fantasie, op. 3
l Polichinelle (no. )
Ten Preludes, op. 23
l one of nos. , –
Ravel, Maurice
l Jeux deau DUR; PET
l Sonatine DUR; PET
l Valses nobles et sentimentales
Gaspard de la nuit DUR
l Ondine
Miroirs DUR: PET
l Noctuelles (no. )
l Oiseaux tristes (no. )
l Une barque sur locéan (no. )
l Alborada del gracioso (no. )
l La vallée des cloches (no. )
Le tombeau de Couperin DUR; PET
l Toccata
Rodrigo, Joaquín
l Suite for Piano () OTT
Scott, Cyril
l Notturno, op. , no. 
l Rainbow Trout OTT
Scriabin, Alexander
Deux poèmes, op. 32
l Poème No.  and No.
vérac, Déodat de
l Baigneuses au soleil SAL
List E
20th- and 21st-century Repertoire
Abels, Michael
l Iconoclasm SUB
Adams, John
l China Gates SCH
ARCT in Piano, Performer
Agócs, Kati
l Ambrosiana AGO
Alberga, Eleanor
l Jamaican Medley ALB
Alston, Lettie Beckon
Four Rhapsodies for Piano VIV
l Toccata (no.)
Anhalt, István
l Fantasia BER
Babajanian, Arno
l Poem MUZ
Baiocchi, Regina Harris
l Tightrope BAI
Barber, Samuel
l Ballade, op.  SCH
l Nocturne (Homage to John Field), op.  SCH
Excursions, op. 20 SCH
l any two
Bartók, Béla
l Allegro barbaro B&H; UNI
l Sonatina ALF; EMB
Mikrokosmos, 6 B&H
l two of nos. , , 
l Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm (nos.)
Out of Doors, BB 89 UNI
l two movements
Suite, op. 14 UNI
l three movements
Three Burlesques, op. 8c EMB
l two burlesques
Two Elegies, op. 8b EMB
l no.  or no. 
Two Roumanian Dances, op. 8a B&H
l no.  or no. 
Berg, Alban
l Sonata, op.  HEN; UNI
Berio, Luciano
Six Encores UNI
l any two
Binkerd, Gordon
Essays for Piano B&H
l any two
Bolcom, William
Nine Bagatelles (1996) EBM
l five consecutive bagatelles
Bresnick, Martin
l Ishi’s Song FIS
Buczynski, Walter
l Aria and Toccata PLA
Burge, John
l Everything Waits for the Lilacs CMC
24 Preludes for Solo Piano BUR
l Prelude No.  in B flat Minor (The Hummingbird)
Camilleri, Charles
l Sonatina No.  RBT
Cardy, Patrick
l Silver and Shadow CMC
Champagne, Claude
l Quadrilha brasileira BER
Chatman, Stephen
Preludes for Piano, 4 ECS
l Mountain Spirit
Copland, Aaron
l Passacaglia B&H
Coulthard, Jean
l Image astrale AVO
l Image terrestre () AVO
Creston, Paul
l Prelude and Dance No. , op.  SHA
Crumb, George
l Processional PET
Cunningham, Arthur
l Engrams PRE
Current, Brian
l Sungods CMC
Danielpour, Richard
The Enchanted Garden (Preludes, 1) SCH
l any two
Daugherty, Michael
l Monk in the Kitchen B&H
Davis, Anthony
l Middle Passage SCH
Dun, Tan
Eight Memories in Watercolor SCH
l Missing Moon, Herdboy’s Song, Ancient Burial, and
Dutilleux, Henri
Trois préludes LED
l Le jeu des contraires
Ferguson, Howard
l Five Bagatelles, op.  B&H
Finney, Ross Lee
l Sonata No.  in D Minor () PRE
Fol, Alexandra
l Preludes, op.  CMC
Fox, Donal
l Three Chords from T.J.s Intermezzi DFX
ARCT in Piano, Performer
Gardiner, Mary
l Polarities CMC
Garland, Peter
Walk in Beauty FPM
l two of: Walk in Beauty, Turquoise Trail, Lightning
Flash, Calling Home My Shadow
Ginastera, Alberto
l Danzas argentinas, op.  DUR
l Suite de danzas criollas, op.  B&H
Goddard, Chris
l Prelude () GOD
Gougeon, Denis
Six thèmes solaires MGP; CMC
l Piano-Soleil
Green, Brittany J.
l Portraits GRN
Guida, Massimo
l Fantasia sopra sei temi di Puccini CMC
l Invenzione per pianoforte CMC
Hailstork, Adolphus
l Eight variations on “Shalom ChevarimTTP
Harman, Chris Paul
l After Schumann HMN
l After Schumann II HMN
l After Schumann III HMN
Hemphill, Julius
l Parchment SUB
tu, Jacques
l Ballade, op.  DOM
l Variations pour piano, op.  BER
Higdon, Jennifer
l Secret & Glass Gardens LDN
13 Ways of Looking at The Goldberg PET
l The Gilmore Variation
Hindemith, Paul
Suite 1922, op. 26 OTT
l th movement
Ho, Vincent
Three Scenes of Childhood PME; CMC
l any two
Ireland, John
Decorations S&B
l Island Spell (no. )
Jaque, Rhe
l Deuxième suite BER
Joachim, Otto
l Leclosion BER
Johnson, Alexander
Two Jazz Impromptus SET
l Jazz Impromptu 
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
l Sonata No.  in F Major, op.  INT; SCH
24 Preludes, op. 38 SCH
l two of nos. , , , , 
Kay, Ulysses
Two Impromptus FIS
l Impromptu No. 
Kendall, Hannah
l Processional KDL
Kennan, Kent
l Three Preludes SCH
Kernis, Aaron Jay
Before Sleep and Dreams SCH
l nd movement: Play Before Sleep
l th movement: Before Sleep and Dreams
Kuzmenko, Larysa
l In Memoriam to Victims of Chernobyl PLA
Lambro, Phillip
l Toccata for Piano TRG
Night Pieces for Piano TRG
l two of nos. –
Lau, Kevin
12 Scenes from Childhood CMC
l Varley and Robie (no.)
l Nicobobinus (no.)
l Climbing the Dragons Back (no. )
León, Tania
l Momentum PER
Liebermann, Lowell
Gargoyles, op. 29 PRE
l any two
Louie, Alexina
l Fastforward CMC
l I leap through the sky with stars ALF
Scenes from a Jade Terrace (1996) CMC
l Southern Sky
l Warrior
Mathieu, And
12 pièces pour piano seul EOB
l Été canadien
Matton, Roger
l Trois préludes DOM
McIntyre, David L.
l Butterflies & Bobcats PAL
l Chasing Nathaniel RSM
l Transmissions RSM; CMC
l A Wild Innocence RSM
ARCT in Piano, Performer
Messiaen, Olivier
Huit préludes pour piano DUR
l Chant dextase dans un paysage triste (no. )
l Le nombre léger (no. )
l Les sons impalpables du rêve (no. )
l Cloches dangoisse et larmes dadieu (no.)
l Un reflet dans le vent (no. )
Vingt regards sur l’enfant-Jésus DUR
l Regard de la vierge (no.)
l Regard du silence (no. )
Mompou, Federico
l Scènes denfants SAL
Moore, Undine Smith
l Before I’d be a Slave (in Black Women Composers HIL)
Morawetz, Oskar
l Scherzo B&H
l Toccata
Mozetich, Marjan
Three Pieces for Piano Solo (2012) CMC
l any one
Muczynski, Robert
l Desperate Measures (Paganini Variations), op. 
Nancarrow, Conlon
l Prelude and Blues
l Sonatina PET
Ndodana-Breen, Bongani
Flowers in the Sand (in Piano Music of Africa and the African
Diaspora, 4 OUP)
l part  and part 
Papineau-Couture, Jean
Suite pour piano BER
l th movement: Rondo
Pentland, Barbara
l Studies in Line BER
l Toccata BER
Pépin, Clermont
l one movement
Suite pour piano CMC
l one movement
Perkinson, Coleridge-Taylor
l Toccata LKM (in Piano Music of Africa and the
African Diaspora,  OUP)
Persichetti, Vincent
Poems for Piano, 2, op. 5 PRE
l no. , no. , and no. 
Price, Florence B.
l Clouds SCH
Prokoev, Sergei
l Sonata No.  in A Minor, op.  B&H
l Toccata, op.  MAS
Four Pieces, op. 4 MAS
l Diabolical Suggestion
l two of Elan, Despair, Reminiscences
Sarcasms, op. 17 MAS
l two consecutive movements
Ten Pieces, op. 12
l Scherzo (no.)
Visions fugitives, op. 22 B&H; SCH
l five consecutive movements
Psathas, John
l Jettatura PME
Ran, Shulamit
l Ballade PRE
Rao, Huang
l Red Rain RIC
Rival, Robert
Six Pieces CMC
l Scherzo, March, and one additional piece
Rochberg, George
l Nach Bach PRE
Rorem, Ned
l Barcarolles PET
Roumain, Daniel Bernard
l Jam! SUB
Sancan, Pierre
l Toccata DUR
Say, Fazil
l Paganini Jazz OTT
Schmidt, Heather
l Night Rainbow ENP; CMC
l Solus ENP; CMC
Sgroi, Laura
l Up and Down Dubstep CMC
→ for solo piano
Shchedrin, Rodion
Ten Piano Pieces SCH
l Basso Ostinato
Shostakovich, Dmitri
24 Preludes and Fugues, op. 87 PET
l one Prelude and Fugue (except nos. , , )
Skarecky, Jana
l Tekarra CMC
Smith, Linda Catlin
l Zart CMC
Somers, Harry
l Sonata No.  (“Testament of Youth”) BER
l Three Sonnets BER
ARCT in Piano, Performer
Still, William Grant
Three Visions WGS
l Summerland (no. )
l Radiant Pinnacle (no. )
Stravinsky, Igor
l Piano-Rag-Music CHS
Sunabacka, Karen
l our inner lives were entwined…embroidered with
the same pattern SKA
Tajčević, Marko
Balkantanze OTT
l five consecutive movements
Tse, Roydon
l Circus Varations TSE
l Nocturnal TSE
Vladigerov, Pancho
Trois pièces, op. 15 UNI
l any one
Wadsworth, Zachary
Three Fantasies ZRW
l Capriccio (Three by Three) (no. )
Walker, George
l Prelude and Caprice LKM
Wallen, Errollyn
l Louis’ Loops PET
l More Light WAL
Webern, Anton
l Variations, op.  UNI
Yi, Chen
l Bamboo Song PRE
l Plum Blossom PRE
List F
Concert Etudes
Adams, H. Leslie
26 Etudes for Solo Piano, 1 ACA
l Etude in C sharp Minor (no. )
Alkan, Charles-Valentin
l Étude de vélocité, op. , no. 
l Toccatina in C Minor, op. 
12 études dans tous les tons majeurs, op. 35
l one of nos. , , , 
Arensky, Anton
l Esquisses, op. , no. 
12 Etudes, op. 74
l one of nos. , , , , , 
Baiocchi, Regina Harris
Two Piano Etudes
l Etude No.  (in Black Women Composers HIL)
Bartók, Béla
Three Etudes, op. 18 B&H
l any one
Beach, Amy
Four Sketches, op. 15
l Fireflies (no. ) (in Music for Piano,  HIL)
Bowen, York
l Toccata, op.  JWL
Chaminade, Cécile
l Toccata, op.  ENO
Études de concert, op. 35
l any one
Chin, Unsuk
12 Piano Etudes B&H
l Toccata (no.)
Chopin, Frédéric
Études, op. 10
l any one
Études, op. 25
l any one (except no. )
Coulthard, Jean
Four Etudes for Piano BER
l any one
Debussy, Claude
12 études DUR
l any one
Diemer, Emma Lou
l Toccata HIL
Dohnányi, Ernő
Six Concert Etudes, op. 28 EMB
l no.  and no. 
Eckhardt-Gramatté, Sophie-Carmen
From My Childhood, 2 WAT
l Étude de concert
Gilmore, Leila Adu
Colour Wheel GIL
l four of: Clear Stream, Rags, Quip, Mirage, Woods,
Danse, Hope and Fear
Ho, Vincent
The Supervillain Etudes PME
l any one
Jaëll, Marie
Six esquisses romantiques
l Toccata (no. )
Jaque, Rhe
l Étude et fantaisie CMC
Kapustin, Nikolai
Eight Concert Etudes, op. 40 ARM; PRH
l any one
ARCT in Piano, Performer
Lavallée, Calixa
l Le papillon (The Butterfly) WIL
Ligeti, György
Études pour piano, 1 OTT
l any one
Liszt, Franz
Études dexécution transcendante, S 139
l any one
Études dexécution transcendante d’après Paganini, S 140
l any one (except no. : “La Chasse”)
Grandes études de Paganini, S 141
l Étude No.  in G sharp Minor (“La campanella”)
Trois études de concert, S 144
l any one
Zwei Konzertetüden, S 145
l Waldesrauschen (no. )
l Gnomenreigen (no. )
Lutosławski, Witold
Two studios for Piano CHS
l no.  or no. 
MacDowell, Edward
l Étude de concert, op.  OTT
Mendelssohn, Felix
l Étude in F Minor
l Perpetuum mobile, op. 
Three Preludes, op. 104a
l any one
Three Etudes, op. 104b
l any one
Morel, Fraois
Deux études de sonorité BER
l Étude No. 
Moscheles, Ignaz
Charakteristische Studien, op. 95 KAL
l one of nos. , , 
Moszkowski, Moritz
15 études de virtuosité, op. 72 (“Per aspera”) ALF; SCH
l any one (except nos. , , –)
Drei Koncert-Etuden, op. 24
l no. 
Huit morceaux caractéristiques, op. 36
l Etincelles (no.)
Sechs Phantasiestücke, op. 52
l La jongleuse (no.)
Muczynski, Robert
l Toccata, op. 
Onovwerosuoke, Fred
24 Studies in African Rhythms AFR
l one of nos. , , 
Prokoev, Sergei
Four Etudes, op. 2
l any one
Rachmanino, Sergei
Études-tableaux, op. 33 B&H
l any one (except no. )
Études-tableaux, op. 39 B&H
l any one
Saint-Saëns, Camille
Six études, op. 52
l one of nos. –, , 
Six études, op. 111
l any one
Schumann, Robert
Six Etudes daprès des caprices de Paganini, op. 10
l any one
Scriabin, Alexander
12 Etudes, op. 8
l any one
Eight Etudes, op. 42
l one of nos. , , , , 
Four Pieces, op. 56
l Étude (no.)
Three Pieces, op. 49
l Étude (no. )
Shahi, Saman
l Etude No.  CMC
Sokolov, Ana
l Trois études B&H
Stravinsky, Igor
Four Etudes, op. 7
l any one
Szymanowski, Karol
Four Etudes, op. 4 UNI
l one of nos. –
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il’yich
l Etude in G Major, op. , no. 
Weber, Carl Maria von
l Momento capriccioso in B flat Major, op. 
Associate Diploma (ARCT) in Piano, Pedagogy
For current information on the Associate Diploma (ARCT) in Piano, Pedagogy requirements, please visit rcmusic.com/syllabi.
Licentiate Diploma (LRCM) in Piano, Performer
e Licentiate Diploma (LRCM) in Piano, Performer is intended
for candidates who wish to further rene their artistry and seek
additional performance and evaluation opportunities beyond
the Associate Diploma (ARCT). e examination is evaluated
as a professional concert performance. Candidates are expected
to demonstrate a masterful command of the instrument and
communicate an understanding of the stylistic and structural
elements of each repertoire selection with interpretive insight and a
mature musical personality.
LRCM in Piano, Performer Requirements Marks
no mark breakdown
Total possible marks (pass = 70) 100
Associate Diploma (ARCT) in Piano, Performer
Theory Examination Corequisite
Candidates must achieve an Honors standing (at least 70 percent)
in order to be awarded the Licentiate Diploma. (LRCM) in Piano,
For descriptions of performance marks, please see “Classication
of Marks” on p. 119.
Candidates wishing to complete the Licentiate Diploma (LRCM)
in Piano, Performer must have completed the Associate Diploma
(ARCT) in Piano, Performer, including the theory examination
corequisites, prior to registering for the LRCM examination.
Registration Process
Candidates for the Licentiate Diploma (LRCM) in Piano,
Performer examination must complete the Licentiate Registration
Form (available online) and submit it along with their Examination
Program Form (included in the registration package) to e Royal
Conservatory by the examination registration deadline. Candidates
should present the approved program form to the examiners.
Licentiate examinations will be evaluated by two senior members
of the College of Examiners. Candidates will receive a written
critique of their performance along with an overall mark.
e nal grade for this examination will be a mark out of 100.
Candidates must achieve an Honors standing (70 percent) in order
to be awarded a Licentiate Diploma (LRCM) in Piano, Performer.
ree general areas, approximately equal in importance, will be
taken into account in the assessment: technique, artistry, and
Examination Program
Candidates must prepare a program that includes at least three
contrasting musical styles, one of which must be from the Baroque
or Classical era (including Beethoven). Other style designations
include: Romantic Repertoire; Late 19th- and Early 20th-century
Repertoire; and 20th- and 21st-century Repertoire. Note that
several works are listed by genre rather than by style period in the
Repertoire Lists. Candidates who choose to perform a concerto
must play a complete concerto chosen from the Repertoire
Lists. All concertos must be played with piano accompaniment.
Candidates must provide their own collaborative pianist. Recorded
accompaniments are not permitted. Longer tutti passages must be
e artistic balance of the program will be considered in the nal
Examination Program Time Limit
e maximum length of the examination is 75 minutes. Candidates
will be expected to perform a program that is at least 60 minutes in
length. e examiner may stop the performance if the time exceeds
75 minutes.
Students Choice Selections
Candidates may include one extended Student’s Choice selection
or up to three brief Student’s Choice selections (with a total playing
time of up to 15 minutes) from any historical style period. e
substitute repertoire selection(s) must be equal in diculty and
musical quality to the works listed in the Repertoire Lists.
e mark for the examination will include an assessment of the
appropriateness of any Student’s Choice selection(s). Candidates
should indicate the Student’s Choice selection(s) on the Examination
Program Form.
LRCM in Piano, Performer
LRCM in Piano, Performer
Memorization of repertoire is compulsory. Exceptions may
be made for complex 20th- and 21st-century works in either
traditional or non-traditional notation. Candidates must use their
own judgement in deciding whether to perform such works with
the score.
Da Capo Signs and Repeats
When performing repertoire at a Licentiate Diploma (LRCM)
examination, candidates should observe da capo and dal segno signs.
At the Licentiate Diploma (LRCM) level, repeats may be observed
at the candidate’s discretion, within the allotted time.
Candidates are required to present a formal typed program at the
examination. Five marks will be deducted for candidates who do
not present a typed program.
For more information on applying for the Licentiate Diploma (LRCM) in
Piano, Performer examination, visit rcmusic.com.
Repertoire Lists
Each bulleted item (l) represents one selection for examination
purposes. Unless otherwise indicated, candidates should prepare
the complete work.
Baroque Repertoire
Bach, Johann Sebastian
l English Suite No.  in A Major, BWV 
l English Suite No.  in A Minor, BWV
l English Suite No.  in G Minor, BWV
l English Suite No.  in E Minor, BWV 
l English Suite No.  in D Minor, BWV 
l Overture in the French Manner, BWV 
l Partita No.  in B flat Major, BWV 
l Partita No.  in C Minor, BWV 
l Partita No.  in A Minor, BWV 
l Partita No.  in D Major, BWV 
l Partita No.  in G Major, BWV 
l Partita No.  in E Minor, BWV 
l Toccata in F sharp Minor, BWV 
l Toccata in C Minor, BWV 
l Toccata in D Major, BWV 
l Toccata in D Minor, BWV 
Handel, George Frideric
l Suite in D Minor, HWV 
l Suite in E Minor, HWV 
l Suite in E Major, HWV 
l Suite in G Minor, HWV
l Suite in G Minor, HWV
Alkan, Charles-Valentin
l Sonatine, op. 
Barber, Samuel
l Sonata, op.  SCH
Bartók, Béla
l Sonata, BB  B&H
Beethoven, Ludwig van
l Sonata in E flat Major, op. 
l Sonata in C Major, op.  (“Waldstein”)
l Sonata in F Minor, op.  (“Appassionata”)
l Sonata in E flat Major, op. a (“Les adieux”)
l Sonata in A Major, op. 
l Sonata in E Major, op. 
l Sonata in A flat Major, op. 
l Sonata in C Minor, op. 
Berg, Alban
l Sonata, op.  HEN
Boulez, Pierre
l Sonata No.  UNI
l Sonata No.  DUR
Brahms, Johannes
l Sonata No.  in F sharp Minor, op. 
l Sonata No.  in F Minor, op. 
Buczynski, Walter
l Sonata No.  (Dźwięki”) CMC
Carter, Elliott
l Sonata (rev. ) MEC
Chaminade, Cécile
l Sonata in C Minor, op. 
Chopin, Frédéric
l Sonata in B flat Minor, op. 
l Sonata in B Minor, op. 
Copland, Aaron
l Sonata B&H
Coulthard, Jean
l Sonata No.  CMC
Dello Joio, Norman
l Sonata No.  FIS
Dutilleux, Henri
l Sonata, op.  DUR
Finney, Ross Lee
l Sonata No.  in E Major PET
Ginastera, Alberto
l Sonata No., op.  B&H
Goodyear, Stewart
l Piano Sonata GYR
LRCM in Piano, Performer
Grieg, Edvard
l Sonata in E Minor, op.
Hailstork, Adolphus
l Sonata No.  LKM
l Sonata No.  PRE
l Sonata No.  PRE
Harbison, John
l Sonata No.  SCH
Haydn, Franz Joseph
l Sonata in E flat Major, Hob. XVI:
tu, Jacques
l Sonata, op.  DOM
Hindemith, Paul
l Sonata No.  in A Major OTT
l Sonata No.  in G Major
l Sonata No.  in B flat Major OTT
Ives, Charles
l Sonata No.  PER
Sonata No. 2 (“Concord, Mass., 18401860”) SCH
l complete or one of st, nd, th movements
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
l Sonata No.  in F Major, op. 
Kenins, Talivaldis
l Sonata No.  CMC
l Sonata No.  CMC
Kirchner, Leon
l Sonata OTT
Krenek, Ernst
l Sonata No., op.  UNI
Liebermann, Lowell
l Sonata No., op.  PRE
Liszt, Franz
l Sonata in B Minor, S 
McIntyre, David L.
l Sonata No.  RSM
Miller, Michael R.
l Sonata “To a Hero Now” CMC
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
l Sonata in D Major, K 
l Sonata in C Minor, K 
→ with or without Fantasia in C Minor, K 475
l Sonata in D Major, K 
Persichetti, Vincent
l Sonata No.  ELV
Price, Florence B.
l Sonata in E Minor SCH
Prokoev, Sergei
l Sonata No.  in D Minor, op. 
l Sonata No.  in C Minor, op. 
l Sonata No.  in A Major, op. 
l Sonata No.  in B flat Major, op. 
l Sonata No.  in B flat Major, op.
Schnittke, Alfred
l Sonata No.  SIK
Schubert, Franz
l Sonata in C Minor, D 
l Sonata in A Major, D 
l Sonata in B flat Major, D 
l Sonata in E flat Major, op. posth. , D 
Schumann, Clara
l Sonata in G Minor
Schumann, Robert
l Sonata No.  in F sharp Minor, op. 
l Sonata No.  in G Minor, op. 
Scriabin, Alexander
l Sonata No., op. 
l Sonata No., op. 
l Sonata No., op.  (“White Mass”)
l Sonata No., op.  (“Black Mass”)
Sessions, Roger
l Sonata No.  EDW
l Sonata No.  EDW
Shchedrin, Rodion
l Sonata No.  OTT
Shostakovich, Dmitri
l Sonata No.  in B Minor, op.  SIK
Stravinsky, Igor
l Sonata B&H
Tippett, Michael
l Sonata No.  OTT
l Sonata No.  OTT
Vine, Carl
l Sonata No.  CHS
Walker, George
l Sonata No.  LKM
l Sonata No.  LKM
l Sonata No.  LKM
Weinzweig, John
l Sonata CMC
Wuorinen, Charles
l Sonata No.  PET
LRCM in Piano, Performer
Variations and Fantasies
Bach, Johann Sebastian
l Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D Minor,
BWV 
l Goldberg Variations, BWV 
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann
l Fantasia in D Major, Fk 
l Fantasia in D Minor, Fk 
l Fantasia in E Minor, Fk 
Beethoven, Ludwig van
l Fifteen Variations and Fugue on an Original Theme
(“Eroica Variations”), op. 
l Thirty-two Variations on an Original Theme,
Brahms, Johannes
l Variations and Fugue on a Theme by G.F. Handel,
op. 
l Variations on a Theme by R. Schumann, op. 
Carter, Elliott
l Night Fantasies SCH
Chatman, Stephen
l Black and White Fantasy CMC
Chopin, Frédéric
l Fantaisie in F Minor, op. 
l Polonaise-Fantasie in A flat Major, op. 
Copland, Aaron
l Piano Fantasy B&H
l Piano Variations B&H
Corigliano, John
l Etude Fantasy SCH
l Fantasia on an Ostinato SCH
Crumb, George
l Gnomic Variations PET
Fauré, Gabriel
l Thème et variations, op.  HEN
Gellman, Steven
l Fantasia on a Theme of Robert Schumann CMC
Grieg, Edvard
l Ballade in Form von Variationen über eine
norwegische Melodie, op.  HEN
Gubaidulina, Soa
l Chaconne SIK
Haydn, Franz Joseph
l Variations in F Minor, Hob. XVII:
tu, Jacques
l Variations pour piano, op.  CMC
Lesage, Jean
l Fantasia stravagante CMC
Liszt, Franz
Années de pèlerinage, 1, S 161
l Fantasia quasi sonata (“Dante Sonata”), no. 
Martino, Donald
l Fantasies and Impromptus DAT
l Piano Fantasy DAT
Mendelssohn, Felix
l Variations sérieuses, op. 
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
l Adagio in B Minor, K 
l Rondo in A Minor, K 
l Variations on a Menuett by Jean Pierre Duport,
K 
Rachmanino, Sergei
l Variations on a Theme of Corelli, op. 
Schubert, Franz
l Fantasy in C Major (“Wanderer-fantasie”), op. ,
D 
Schumann, Clara
l Variations on a Theme of Robert Schumann, op. 
Schumann, Robert
l Fantasie on C Major, op. 
l Variations on An Original Theme (Ghost variations),
Szymanowski, Karol
l Variations on a Polish Folk Theme, op.  UNI
Weber, Carl Maria von
l Fantasia (Variations), op.  EDW
Romantic Repertoire
Balakirev, Mily
l Islamey HEN
Brahms, Johannes
l Vier Klavierscke, op. 
Chopin, Frédéric
l Allegro de concert, op. 
l Andante spianato et grand polonaise brillante, op. 
l Ballade in G Minor, op. 
l Ballade in F Minor, op. 
l Ballade in F Minor, op. 
l Barcarolle in F sharp Major, op. 
l Polonaise in A flat Major, op. 
l Polonaise in F sharp Minor, op. 
l Scherzo in C sharp Minor, op. 
l Scherzo in E Major, op. 
24 Préludes, op. 28
l complete
Franck, César
l Prélude, aria, et final, M  HEN
l Prélude, choral, et fugue, M  HEN
LRCM in Piano, Performer
Liszt, Franz
l Die Lorelei, S  (transc.)
l Mephisto Waltz No. , S 
l Oh, quand je dors, S  (transc.)
l Rhapsodie espagnole, S 
l Widmung, S  (transc. from Robert Schumann)
Années de pèlerinage, 1 S 160
l Vallée dObermann, no. 
Grandes études de Paganini, S 141
l Étude No.  in G sharp Minor (“La campanella”)
Légendes, S 175
l St. François dAssise: La prédication aux oiseaux
l St. François de Paule marchant sur les flots
Mussorgsky, Modest
l Pictures at an Exhibition
Schumann, Robert
l Carnaval, op.
l Davidsbündlertänze, op.
l Faschingsschwank aus Wien, op. 
l Humoresque, op. 
l Kinderszenen, op. 
l Kreisleriana, op. 
l Papillons, op.
l Symphonic Etudes, op. 
l Toccata in C Major, op. 
Novelletten, op. 21
l Novelette in F sharp Minor (no. )
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il’yich
l Dumka, op. 
Post-Romantic, Impressionist, and
Early 20th-century Repertoire
Albéniz, Isaac
Iberia Suite, 3 HEN
l El polo
l Lavapiés
Iberia Suite, 4 HEN
l Eritaña
l Jerez
l laga
Debussy, Claude
l L’isle joyeuse
l complete
Images, 1
l complete
Images, 2
l complete
Pour le piano
l complete
Decaux, Abel
Clairs de lune
l La ruelle (no. )
Fauré, Gabriel
l Ballade in F sharp Major, op. 
l Barcarolle No.  in F sharp Minor, op. 
Granados, Enrique
l Allegro de concierto SAL; UNM
Goyescas KAL; SAL
l Los requiebros (no. )
l El pelele (no.)
Rachmanino, Sergei
Études-tableaux, op. 33 B&H
l no.  or no. 
Ravel, Maurice
Gaspard de la nuit DUR
l complete
Miroirs DUR: PET
l complete or Une barque sur locéan or Alborada
del gracioso
Le tombeau de Couperin DUR; PET
l complete or Toccata
l Valses nobles et sentimentales
Scriabin, Alexander
l Allegro de concert, op.  MPB
l Three Etudes, op. 
l Valse, op.  MPB
l Vers la flamme, op.  HEN
vérac, Déodat de
l Baigneuses au soleil SAL
Szymanowski, Karol
12 Etudes, op. 33
l complete
Four Etudes, op. 4 UNI
l two or more etudes
Masques, op. 34 UNI
l one or more
20th- and 21st-century Repertoire
Adams, John
l Phrygian Gates
Adams, John Luther
l Tuk iliit CHS
Agócs, Kati
l Ambrosiana AGO
Anderson, T.J.
l Boogie Woogie Fantasy ACA
Aperans, Dace
l Cimbalom BAL
Babbitt, Milton
l Partitions and/or Post-Partitions
l Tableaux PET
LRCM in Piano, Performer
Bartók, Béla
l Eight Improvisations on Hungarian Peasant Songs,
op.  B&H
l Out of Doors, BB  UNI
Three Etudes, op. 18 B&H
l two or more etudes
Behrens, Jack
l The Feast of Life CMC
Bell, Allan Gordon
l Orion or Helix
Berio, Luciano
l Cinque variazoni ZRB
l Petite suite pour piano (in Berio Family Album UNI)
l Sequenza IV UNI
Boulez, Pierre
l Douze notations UNI
Cage, John
Music of Changes PET
l one or two of books –
Carter, Elliott
l Two Diversions B&H
Chan, Ka Nin
l In Search ofCMC
Chin, Unsuk
12 Piano Etudes B&H
l nos. –
Crumb, George
l Five Pieces for Piano PET
l Processional PET
Current, Brian
l Piano Piece No.  (Leaps of Faith) CRR
l Far Beyond Things Finite CRR
Dallapiccola, Luigi
l Quaderno musicale di Annalibera ZRB
DiCastri, Zosha
l Dux CMC
l The Thinking Eye CMC
Dutilleux, Henri
l Trois préludes LED
Evangelista, José
l Nuevas monodias españolas CMC
Feldman, Morton
l Last Pieces PET
l Piano () UNI
Ferguson, Sean
l Marées CMC
Fol, Alexandra
l Piano Etudes CMC
Forsyth, Malcolm
Tre toccate per pianoforte
l Chopi (no. ) CMC
Fox, Donal
l Four Chords from T.J.s Intermezzi DFX
Garant, Serge
l Pièce pour piano no.  (“Cage doiseau”) BER
Goddard, Chris
l Nocturne GOD
l Elegy GOD
Hall, Emily
l From Stillness CMC
Harley, James
l Flung Loose Into the Stars CMC
Helps, Robert
l Trois Hommages PET
tu, Jacques
l Petite suite, op.  DOM
Hindemith, Paul
l Sonata No.  OTT
Ho, Alice Ping Yee
l Aeon CMC
l Garage CMC
l Solus CMC
Ho, Vincent
l Reflections in the Water ALK
Ives, Charles
l Three-Page Sonata PRE
Jolivet, André
l Mana: Six pièces pour piano JOB
Kapustin, Nikolai
Three Impromptus for Piano, op. 66
l complete or any one
Kenins, Talivaldis
l Schumann Paraphrases and Fugue CMC
Kernis, Aaron Jay
l Superstar Etudes No.  and No.  SCH
Kocsár, Miklós
l Improvisations EMB
Kondo, Jo
l Metaphonesis UYM
Koprowski, Peter Paul
l Rhapsody on a Theme of Brahms CMC
Kulesha, Gary
Four Fantastic Landscapes CMC
l one or more
LRCM in Piano, Performer
Lee III, James
l Fantasía rítmica SUB
León, Tania
l Going... Gone HAL
l Mistica PER
l Rituál PER
Liebermann, Lowell
l Gargoyles, op.  PRE
Ligeti, György
l Musica ricercata OTT
Études pour piano OTT
l one or two of books –
Lokumbe, Hannibal
l John Brown and Blue (in The Carnegie Hall
Millenium Piano Book B&H)
Louie, Alexina
l Put on Your Running Shoes CMC
l Scenes from a Jade Terrace CMC
l Starstruck CMC
Martin, Frank
Huit préludes pour le piano UNI
l three or more
Martirano, Salvatore
l Cocktail Music LIN
McIntyre, David L.
l Butterflies & Bobcats PAL
l Slam Dunk Dancing RSM
Messiaen, Olivier
Quatre études de rhythme DUR
l complete or any one
Vingt regards sur l’enfant-Jésus DUR
l one of nos. , , , , , , 
Miyoshi, Akira
Chaînes ZEN
l any one
Moore, Dorothy Rudd
l Dream and Variations ACA
Morawetz, Oskar
l Fantasy, Elegy and Toccata CMC
Morlock, Jocelyn
l Corybantic CMC
Mozetich, Marjan
Three Pieces for Piano CMC
l complete or any one
Muczynski, Robert
l Masks, op.  PRE
Mumford, Jerey
l Fragments from the Surrounding Evening PRE
Murphy, Kelly-Marie
l Let Hands Speak CMC
Aural Techtonics CMC
l rd movement: Jagged Little Pieces
Nancarrow, Conlon
l Two Cannons for Ursula B&H
Palej, Norbert
l For All That We Have Lost CMC
Seven River-Views (in Ten Pieces for Piano CMC)
l any two
Three Caprices (“Matisse’s Jazz”) (in Ten Pieces for Piano
l any two
Papineau-Couture, Jean
l Nuit DOM
l Suite pour piano DOM
Payette, Alain
Trois Ballades CMC
l La passionnée (no. )
Pentland, Barbara
l Horizons CMC
l Small Pieces for a Shrinking Planet CMC
Perle, George
l Ballade PET
Six Etudes GAL
l complete or any one
Six New Etudes GAL
l complete or any one
Poulenc, Francis
l Le soirées de Nazelles DUR
Pousseur, Henri
l Caractères I UNI
Prokoev, Sergei
l Sarcasms, op.  MAS
Rasul-Hakim, Talib
l Sound-gone B&B
Ricketts, Matthew
l Melodia CMC
Ritz, Liam
l Drei Klavierstucke CMC
Rival, Robert
l Six Pieces CMC
Rochberg, George
12 Bagatelles PRE
l six or more
LRCM in Piano, Performer
Rzewski, Frederic
l The Days Fly By (in the Carnegie Hall Millenium
Piano Book B&H)
Four Piano Pieces ZEN
l one or more
l The Turtle and the Crane SPM; IMSLP
Schmidt, Heather
l Nebula CMC
l Sprint CMC
Schoenberg, Arnold
l Five Pieces, op.  HAN
l Suite for Piano, op.  BMP
Sessions, Roger
Five Pieces for Piano PRE
l three or more
Sheng, Bright
l My Song SCH
Singleton, Alvin
l Cinque OTT
l In My Own Skin OTT
Sokolov, Ana
l Danses et interludes B&H
l Prelude and Fugue for GG B&H
Southam, Ann
l Rivers VII (third set) CMC
Glass Houses CMC
l any one
Stravinsky, Igor
l Serenade in A B&H
l Trois movements de Pétrouchka B&H
Sunabacka, Karen
l Curlicue CMC
l Falling Water CMC
Takemitsu, Tōru
l For Away SAL
l Rain Tree Sketch OTT
l Rain Tree Sketch II OTT
l Les yeux clos SAL
l Les yeux clos II OTT
Tower, Joan
No Longer Very Clear AMP
l one or more movements
Vasks, Pēteris
Fantasia: Landscapes of the Burnt-out Earth OTT
l one or more movements
Vivier, Claude
l Pianoforte CMC
l Shiraz CMC
Wallen, Errollyn
l Greenwich Variations WAL
l Lines WAL
Widmann, Jörg
l Idyll and Abyss OTT
Wijeratne, Dinuk
l Colour Study in Rupak Taal WIJ
Wolpe, Stefan
l Form TON
Xenakis, Iannis
l Herma B&H
l Mists SAL
Yun, Isang
l Fünf Stücke für Klavier B&B
Barber, Samuel
l Piano Concerto, op.  SCH
Bartók, Béla
l Piano Concerto No.  UNI
l Piano Concerto No.  UNI
Beethoven, Ludwig van
l Piano Concerto No.  in C Major, op. 
l Piano Concerto No.  in C Minor, op. 
l Piano Concerto No.  in G Major, op. 
Carter, Elliott
l Piano Concerto AMP
Chopin, Frédéric
l Piano Concerto No.  in E Minor, op. 
l Piano Concerto No.  in F Minor, op. 
l Rondo à la Krakowiak, op. 
Copland, Aaron
l Piano Concerto B&H
Debussy, Claude
l Fantasie pour piano et orchestre JOB
Franck, César
l Variations symphoniques SCH
Gershwin, George
l Concerto in F Major ALF
l Rhapsody in Blue ALF
Ginastera, Alberto
l Piano Concerto No. , op.  B&H
Goodyear, Stewart
l Callaloo Suite GYR
Grieg, Edvard
l Piano Concerto in A Minor, op. 
Liszt, Franz
l Hungarian Fantasy, S 
l Piano Concerto No.  in E flat Major, S 
l Piano Concerto No.  in A Major, S 
l Totentanz, S 
LRCM in Piano, Performer
MacDowell, Edward
l Piano Concerto No.  in D Minor, op. 
Mendelssohn, Felix
l Capriccio Brillant, op.
l Piano Concerto No.  in G Minor, op. 
l Piano Concerto No.  in D Minor, op. 
Menotti, Gian Carlo
l Piano Concerto in F Major RIC
Morawetz, Oskar
l Piano Concerto No.  CMC
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
l Piano Concerto in D Minor, K 
l Piano Concerto in C Minor, K 
l Piano Concerto in C Major, K 
Poulenc, Francis
l Concerto pour piano et orchestre SAL
Prokoev, Sergei
l Piano Concerto No.  in D flat Major, op. 
l Piano Concerto No.  in G Minor, op. 
l Piano Concerto No.  in C Major, op. 
l Piano Concerto No.  in G Major, op. 
Rachmanino, Sergei
l Piano Concerto No.  in F sharp Minor, op. 
l Piano Concerto No.  in C Minor, op. 
l Piano Concerto No.  in D Minor, op. 
l Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, op. 
Ravel, Maurice
l Concerto pour la main gauche
l Piano Concerto in G Major
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai
l Piano Concerto in C sharp Minor, op.  MPB
Saint-Saëns, Camille
l Piano Concerto No.  in G Minor, op. 
l Piano Concerto No.  in C Minor, op. 
l Piano Concerto No.  in F Major, op. 
Schumann, Robert
l Introduction and Allegro Appassionato, op. 
l Piano Concerto in A Minor, op.
Scriabin, Alexander
l Piano Concerto in F sharp Minor, op.  MPB
Shostakovich, Dmitri
l Piano Concerto No.  in C Minor, op. 
l Piano Concerto No.  in F Major, op. 
Strauss, Richard
l Burleske in D Minor
Stravinsky, Igor
l Capriccio for Piano and Orchestra
l Concerto for Piano and Wind Instruments
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il’yich
l Piano Concerto No.  in B flat Minor, op. 
Weber, Carl Maria von
l Concert Piece in F Minor, op. 
Table of Marks
Elementary Intermediate Advanced Diploma
Prep AB Levels 1–4 Levels 5–7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 ARCT
Repertoire 66 56 56 56 56 56 (39) 100 100
selections 60
(20 x 3)
no mark
List A 16 16 12 14 (1) 12 (1) 20
List B 18 18 14 16 (1) 14 (1) 25
List C 16 16 12 14 (1) 10 (1) 15
List D 12 12 (1) 10 (1) 15
List E 10 (1) 15
Concert Etudes 10
Memory 6 (2 x 3) 6 (2 x 3) 6 (2 x 3) 6 (1.5 x 4)
14 24 24 24 24 24 (17)
Etudes 12 12 12 12 12
Technical Tests 14 12 12 12 12 12
Ear Tests 10 10 10 10 10 10 (7)
Intervals 2 2 2 2 2
Chords 2 2 2 2 2 2
Chord Progressions 2 2 2 2
Clapback 4 2
Playback 4 4 4 4 4 4
Sight Reading 10 10 10 10 10 10 (7)
Rhythm 5 3 3 3 3 3
Playing 5 7 7 7 7 7
TOTALS 100 (pass = 60) 100 (pass = 70)
• In Levels 9 and 10, the figures in parentheses in the repertoire section indicate the marks that will be deducted for any selections that
are not memorized.
• To qualify for the Associate Diploma (ARCT) examination, Level 10 students must achieve either an overall mark of 75 or a minimum
of 70 percent in each section of the examination. (In the Table of Marks, 70-percent figures are given in bold parentheses.)
• Candidates for the Associate Diploma (ARCT) and Licentiate Diploma (LRCM) in Piano, Performer must achieve an overall mark of
70 in order to pass.
Classication of Marks
First Class Honors with Distinction 90–100
First Class Honors 8089
Honors 70–79
Pass (Levels 1–10) 6069
Insucient to Pass 50–59
Marking Criteria for Performance
of Repertoire
First Class Honors with Distinction: 90–100
is standing is awarded for exceptional performances that are
condent and communicative, while demonstrating technical
command, insightful awareness of style, and convincing musical
First Class Honors: 8089
is standing is awarded for performances that are musically
engaging, show thoughtful preparation, and demonstrate technical
security, stylistic understanding, and musical awareness. ere is
quick recovery from any minor slips or brief lapses.
Honors: 70–79
is standing is awarded for performances that are generally secure
and uent, indicate careful preparation, and reect some awareness
of style and musical understanding. ere may be occasional slips
or lapses, with room for further development of technical control
and attention to musical details.
Pass: 6069
is standing is awarded for performances that exhibit a basic level
of preparation. ere may be slips or lapses, loss of continuity,
unresolved technical issues, and a lack of attention to musical
details. e examiner’s report will identify areas that require
further study and exploration.
Insucient to Pass: 50–59
e performance is a work in progress. ere are many errors, slips,
and stumbles disturbing the continuity. Although some aspects
of the performance may show basic preparation, a satisfactory
performance requires more consistent uency and attention to
both musical elements and markings in the score.
Please note: in cases where the total mark would be under 50, no
mark is assigned. e student receives the examiner’s comments
only: further preparation is deemed necessary for assessment.
Split Level 10
Practical Examinations
Students may choose to take the Level 10 practical examination
in two separate segments: one consisting entirely of repertoire; the
other consisting of technical requirements (including etudes), ear
tests, and sight reading.
• The division of material in the split Level 10 examination
cannot be altered.
• The two segments may be completed in any order.
• Both segments of the split Level 10 examination must
be completed before registering for any supplemental
• Both segments of the split Level 10 examination and any
supplemental examinations must be completed within two
years of the initial examination segment.
Students must complete the corequisite theory examinations
within ve years of the initial practical examination segment.
Students who have taken a complete Level 10 examination and
have achieved 70 percent in the repertoire section are permitted
to register for a split Level 10 examination in order to improve
their mark in the technical requirements, ear tests, and sight-
reading sections. e repertoire mark from the complete Level 10
examination will count towards the student’s ocial mark.
Only students who take the complete Level 10 examination
(without the split) will be eligible to receive awards.
Supplemental Examinations
Students seeking to improve their ocial mark for Level 10 may
take up to three supplemental examinations.
• Supplemental examinations must be completed within two
years of the original examination.
• Supplemental examinations are available during regular in-
person examination sessions or remotely at any time.
• Students in Level 10 may repeat any three sections of a practical
examination: repertoire, technical requirements (including
etudes), or musicianship (ear tests and sight reading).
• To be eligible for a supplemental examination in Level 10,
students must have achieved a minimum mark of 65 overall.
Students must complete the corequisite theory examinations
within ve years of the original practical examination.
Technical Tests Examples
All scale, chord, and arpeggio patterns required for Preparatory to Level 8 are provided in Technical Requirements for Piano (RCM
Publishing). All patterns must be performed by memory, ascending and descending, with good tone and logical ngering, at a steady
tempo. All scales are to be played legato unless otherwise indicated.
Two-octave formula pattern
Four-octave formula pattern
Scale in broken legato octaves
Triad sequence (Preparatory)
Broken triads
Solid/blocked triads with rests (Levels 14)
Solid/blocked triads without rests (Levels 56)
Dominant 7th chords of major keys, broken and solid/blocked
Leading-tone diminished 7th chords of minor keys, broken and solid/blocked
Four-note chords, broken alternate-note pattern
Dominant 7th and leading-tone diminished 7th chords, broken alternate-note pattern
Tonic arpeggios
Dominant 7th and leading-tone diminished 7th arpeggios
Chord Progressions
e following chord progressions are examples only. Other versions using appropriate voice leading are acceptable. Chord progressions in
minor keys should be based on the harmonic minor scale. For example, in Levels 56, the minor progression is iV–i.
I–V–I chord progression (Levels 56)
I–IVVI chord progression (Level 7)
I–IVV I chord progression (Level 8)
I–vi–IVV –V
–I chord progression (Levels 910)
Musicianship Examples
Sample ear tests and sight-reading tests for Preparatory A to Level 10 are published in Four Star® Sight Reading and Ear Tests
(RCM Publishing).
Ear Tests: Clapback (examples only)
Preparatory A
Preparatory B
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Ear Tests: Intervals (examples only)
Levels 1–4
Intervals played ascending and descending. Refer to each level for specic intervals.
Levels 5–9
Intervals played in melodic form (ascending or descending) followed by harmonic form. Refer to each level for specic intervals.
Level 10
Intervals played melodic form (ascending or descending) or harmonic form.
Ear Tests: Chords (example only)
Ear Tests: Playback (examples only)
Preparatory A Preparatory B
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Ear Tests: PlaybackMelodic Improvisation (examples only)
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Ear Tests: Chord Progression (examples only)
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Sight Reading: Rhythm (examples only)
Preparatory A
Preparatory B
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Sight Reading: Playing—Lead Sheet Reading (examples only)
Level 5
Level 6
G D Em Bm
C G Am D7 G
Level 7
E A Dm Gm
Cm F Gm Cm F E B
Level 8
Gm F 7
Gm Cm/E Gm Cm/E D7 D7/C
Gm/B F B Cm G m/D D7 Gm
Level 9
E B /D
Cm Gm/B A E /G F B 7
Cm Gm A E F B 7 E
A B A E F B 7 E
Level 10
Tempo di valse
Bm7 E7 A F m Bm7 E7
AA/G F 7 Bm7 E7 A Dmaj7 G 7
C 7 F mE7 A Bm7 E7 A
Resources for Examination Preparation
Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition
In order to ensure the ready availability of high-quality examination
materials, RCM Publishing has published the Celebration Series®,
Sixth Edition. is series includes:
• twelve volumes of Repertoire (Preparatory A through Level 10)
with recordings (accessible online)
ten volumes of Etudes (Levels 110)
Visit rcmusic.com/piano for more information.
Technical Tests
e Royal Conservatory of Music Piano Technique Book, 2008
Edition: “e Red Scale Book.Toronto, ON: e Frederick
Harris Music Co., Limited.
Scales, Chords, and Arpeggios for Piano: “e Brown Scale Book.
Toronto, ON: e Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, 2002.
First published 1948.
Technical Requirements for Piano, 2015 Edition. 9 vols.
(Preparatory A–Level 8). Toronto, ON: e Frederick Harris
Music Co., Limited, 2015.
Musicianship (Ear Tests and Sight Reading)
Berlin, Boris, and Andrew Markow. Four Star® Sight Reading and
Ear Tests, 2015 Edition. Rev. Laura Beauchamp-Williamson.
12 vols. (Preparatory A−Level 10). Toronto, ON: e Frederick
Harris Music Co., Limited, 2015.
RCM Online Ear Training. rcmusic.com/digital-learning
RCM Online Sight Reading. rcmusic.com/digital-learning
Reference Books
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel. Essay on the True Art of Playing
Keyboard Instruments. Trans. William J. Mitchell. New York:
Norton, 1949.
Ferguson, Howard. Keyboard Interpretation from the 14th to the
19th century: An Introduction. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1975.
Gillespie, John. Five Centuries of Keyboard Music: An Historical
Survey of Music for Harpsichord and Piano. New York: Dover,
Gordon, Stewart. A History of Keyboard Literature: Music for the
Piano and Its Forerunners. New York: Schirmer, 1996.
Hinson, Maurice. Guide to the Pianist’s Repertoire. 4th ed.
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2014.
. e Pianist’s Dictionary. 2nd ed. Bloomington, IN:
Indiana University Press, 2020.
Ilie, Francis. Bach’s Forty-eight Preludes and Fugues Analysed for
Students. 2 vols. London: Novello, [n.d.].
Lloyd-Watts, Valery, Carole L. Bigler, and Willard A. Palmer.
Ornamentation: A Question and Answer Manual. Van Nuys,
CA: Alfred Publishing Co., Inc., 1995.
Magrath, Dorothy Jane. e Pianist’s Guide to Standard Teaching
and Performance Literature. Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Publishing
Co., Inc., 1995.
. Piano Literature for Teaching & Performance: A Graded
Guide and Annotated Bibliography. Kingston, NJ: e Frances
Clark Center, 2021.
Rosenblum, Sandra P. Performance Practices in Classic Piano
Music: eir Principles and Applications. Bloomington, IN:
Indiana University Press, 1988.
Tovey, Donald Francis. A Companion to the Beethoven Pianoforte
Sonatas. Rev. ed. London: Associated Board of the Royal
Schools of Music, 2005.
Technique and Musicianship
Burnam, Edna Mae. Dozen a Day. Cincinnati, OH: Willis Music,
Cisler, Valerie, and Maurice Hinson. Technique for the Advancing
Pianist. Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Publishing Co., Inc., 2004.
Clark, Frances, Louise Goss, and Sam Holland. Musical Fingers. 3
vols. Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Publishing Co., Inc., 1983.
Czerny, Carl. Selected Piano Studies Arranged in Systematic Order.
Ed. Heinrich Germer. 2 vols. Boston: Boston Music, 1944.
Dohnányi, Ernő. Essential Finger Exercises for Obtaining a Sure
Piano Technique. Budapest: Editio Musica Budapest, 1929.
Hanon, Charles-Louis. e New Hanon/Le nouveau Hanon. Ed.
Boris Berlin. Rev. ed. Toronto, ON: e Frederick Harris
Music Co., Limited, 1995.
. e Virtuoso Pianist/Le pianiste virtuose. Ed. Healey
Willan. Toronto, ON: e Frederick Harris Music Co.,
Limited, 1980.
Harris, Paul. Improve your Sight-reading! A Workbook for
Examinations. London: Faber, 1994.
Hindemith, Paul. Elementary Training for Musicians. 2nd ed.
London: Schott, 1974.
Hutcheson, Ernest. e Elements of Piano Technique. Cincinnati,
OH: Willis Music, 1967.
Loth, John Ferris. Beginners Scales and Chords for Piano. Pacic,
MO: Mel Bay Publications, 1991.
Mark, omas, Roberta Gary, and om Miles. What Every
Pianist Needs to Know about the Body. Chicago, IL: GIA
Publications, 2003.
Ortmann, Otto. e Physiological Mechanics of Piano Technique.
New York: Da Capo, 1981. Reprint of 1929 edition.
Palmer, Willard, Morton Manus, and Amanda Vick Lethco. e
Complete Book of Scales, Chords, Arpeggios and Cadences. Van
Nuys, CA: Alfred Publishing Co., Inc., 1994.
Schultz, Robert, and Tina Faigen. Accelerando. 7 vols. Fort
Lauderdale, FL: FJH Music, 2003.
Banowetz, Joseph. e Pianist’s Guide to Pedaling. Bloomington,
IN: Indiana University Press, 1992.
Bernstein, Seymour. Twenty Lessons in Keyboard Choreography:
e Basics of Physical Movements at the Piano. New York:
Seymour Bernstein Music, 1991.
Bruser, Madeline. e Art of Practicing: A Guide to Making Music
from the Heart. New York: ree Rivers Press, 1999.
Fink, Seymour. Mastering Piano Technique: A Guide for Students,
Teachers and Performers. Portland, OR: Amadeus, 2003.
Newman, William S. e Pianist’s Problems. 4th ed. New York:
Da Capo Press, 1984.
Lampl, Hans. Turning Notes into Music: An Introduction to
Musical Interpretation. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1996.
Leimer, Karl, and Walter Gieseking. Piano Technique. New York:
Dover, 1972.
ndor, György. On Piano Playing: Motion, Sound and Expression.
New York: Schirmer; London: Collier Macmillan, 1981.
Schnabel, Karl Ulrich. Modern Technique of the Pedal. Milan:
Edizioni Curci, 1954.
Síki, Béla. Piano Repertoire: A Guide to Interpretation and
Performance. New York: Schirmer, 1990.
Taylor, Kendall. Principles of Piano Technique and Interpretation.
3rd ed. Kent, England: Novello, 1993.
Westney, William. e Perfect Wrong Note: Learning to Trust Your
Musical Self. Pompton Plains, NJ: Amadeus Press, 2003.
Whiteside, Abby. Indispensables of Piano Playing. 2nd ed. New
York: Coleman-Ross, 1961.
Baker-Jordan, Martha. Practical Piano Pedagogy: e Denitive
Text for Piano Teachers and Pedagogy Students. Miami, FL:
Warner Bros., 2003.
Bastien, James W., and E. Gregory Nagode. How to Teach Piano
Successfully. 3rd ed. San Diego, CA: Neil A. Kjos Music
Company, 1988.
Bernstein, Seymour. With Your Own Two Hands: Self-Discovery
through Music. London: Collier Macmillan; New York:
Schirmer, 1981.
Bloom, Benjamin S., ed. Developing Talent in Young People. New
York: Ballantine, 1985.
Camp, Max W. Teaching Piano: e Synthesis of Mind, Ear and
Body. Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Publishing Co., Inc., 1992.
Chronister, Richard. A Piano Teacher’s Legacy: Selected Writings by
Richard Chronister. Ed. Edward Darling. Rev. ed. Kingston,
NJ: e Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy, 2015.
Clark, Frances. Questions and Answers: Practical Solutions and
Suggestions Given to Questions Commonly Asked by Piano
Teachers. Northeld, IL: Instrumentalist Publishing, 1992.
Coats, Sylvia. inking as You Play: Teaching Piano in Individual
and Group Lessons. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press,
Comeau, Gilles. Piano Pedagogy: A Research and Information
Guide. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Crappell, Courtney. Teaching Piano Pedagogy: A Guidebook for
Training Eective Teachers. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2019.
Duke, Robert. Intelligent Music Teaching: Essays on the Core
Principles of Eective Instruction. Austin, TX: Learning and
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Fisher, Christopher. Teaching Piano in Groups. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2010.
Golay, Keith. Learning Patterns and Temperament Styles. Newport
Beach, CA: Manas-Systems, 1982.
Jacobsen, Jeanine Mae. Professional Piano Teaching: A
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Johnston, Philip. e Practice Revolution: Getting Great Results
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Haroutounian, Joanne. Fourth Finger on B-at: Eective Strategies
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Krop, Kris, ed. A Symposium for Pianists and Teachers: Strategies
to Develop the Mind and Body for Optimal Performance.
Dayton, OH: Heritage Music Press, 2002.
Last, Joan. e Young Pianist: A New Approach for Teachers and
Students. 2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1972.
Lyke, James, Georey Haydon, and Catherine Rollin. Creative
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Rubinstein, Beryl. e Pianist’s Approach to Sight Reading and
Memorizing. New York: Carl Fischer, 1950.
Shockley, Rebecca Payne. Mapping Music for Faster Learning and
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ed. Madison, WI: A-R Editions, 2001.
Uszler, Marienne. Play It Again, Sam: What, Why and When to
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. at’s a Good Question: How to Teach by Asking
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Uszler, Marienne, Stewart Gordon, and Scott McBride Smith.
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Waterman, Fanny. On Piano Teaching and Performing. Rev. ed.
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Alexander, Dennis, Gayle Kowalchyk, E.L. Lancaster, Victoria
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Balodis, Frances. Music for Young Children®. Kanata, ON: Music
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Bastien, James. Bastien Piano Basics. San Diego, CA: Neil A. Kjos
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Bastien, Jane, Lisa Bastien, and Lori Bastien. Bastien New
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Bates, Leon, and Janet Vogt. Piano Discoveries: Discovering the
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Berlin, Boris. e ABC of Piano Playing. Rev. ed. Toronto, ON:
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Bianchi, Louise, Marvin Blickensta, and Lynn Freeman Olson.
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Clark, Frances, Louise Goss, and Sam Holland. e Music Tree:
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Faber, Nancy, and Randall Faber. Piano Adventures: A Basic Piano
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Kaplan, Leigh. Teaching Little Fingers to Play More. Florence, KY:
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Kreader, Barbara, Fred Kern, and Phillip Keveren. Hal Leonard
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Marlais, Helen. Succeeding at the Piano. Fort Lauderdale, FL: e
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Snell, Keith, and Diane Hidy. Piano Town. San Diego, CA: Neil
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Suzuki, Shinichi. Suzuki Piano School. Rev. ed. Miami, FL:
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