Plymouth Rock Assurance
Road Rewards Program
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are answers to some common questions
about Plymouth Rock’s Road Rewards Program.
Who is eligible for Road Rewards?
If you are a personal auto insurance policyholder of a Plymouth
Rock company in the States of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania, and you bought your
policy through an independent agent, or you are listed as a driver
on such a policy (defined in these FAQs as “customers”) you
may enroll in the program and receive rewards and tips for safe
driving. Enrollment in the program is strictly voluntary. All licensed
New York residents are eligible to participate in the program and
earn rewards without buying a policy. Anyone not eligible to
earn rewards can still download and use the Road Rewards app
and receive feedback on their driving. Individuals eligible to earn
Rewards are defined in these FAQ’s as “eligible drivers.
What is Road Rewards?
Road Rewards is Plymouth Rock’s safe driving program that allows
eligible drivers to earn rewards on everyday items like coee
and discounted gas simply by driving safely. The Road Rewards
smartphone app for iOS and Android measures driving behaviors,
helping shape safe driving habits and leading to safer roads.
How does Road Rewards work?
Enrollment in the program is strictly voluntary. Participation requires
the use of Plymouth Rock’s Road Rewards mobile app. If you are a
personal auto insurance policyholder of a Plymouth Rock company
in the States of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut,
New Jersey, or Pennsylvania, and you bought your policy through
an independent agent, or you are listed as a driver on such a policy
(defined in these FAQs as “customers”) you may enroll in the
program and receive rewards and tips for safe driving. All licensed
New York residents are eligible to participate in the program and
earn rewards without buying a policy (defined in these FAQs as
“New York Members”). Anyone not eligible to earn rewards can still
download and use the Road Rewards app and receive feedback on
their driving.
When a customer earns enough reward points they can
choose to redeem those points for discounts on gas from
Shell (through the Fuel Rewards program), a complimentary
treat from Starbucks, movie tickets from Showcase Cinemas,
Amazon gift cards, Spotify gift cards, iTunes® gift cards, and
Spa and Wellness Week gift cards.
What is the benefit of enrolling in Road Rewards?
Road Rewards encourages safe driving by educating drivers
about their driving habits and providing rewards to incentivize
eligible drivers to drive more safely. It’s also a fun way to see how
your driving compares with others.
Are there costs for participating?
There is no charge for downloading the Road Rewards app and
participating in the program, but to earn rewards you must have
access to a smartphone and be a licensed New York resident or a
Plymouth Rock Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New
Jersey, or Pennsylvania personal auto insurance customer under a
policy that was bought through an independent agent, or be listed
as a driver on such a policy.
What if I have multiple vehicles on my policy?
Road Rewards will track your phone and whatever vehicle
the phone is in. Having multiple vehicles will not affect your
driving score. This question does not apply to New York
Members, as they are not required to buy a Plymouth Rock
policy to earn rewards.
Road Rewards App
When do I start using the app?
You can start using the app as soon as you enroll (on the portal),
download (on the App Store or get it from Google Play), and
register (in the app, using the activation code). You will start
earning rewards points 24-48 hours after your policy eective
date. New York Members can begin earning rewards immediately
upon registering within the app.
What driving activities does the app
observe and measure?
The app observes and measures the following activities, but not
all of these activities are used to determine your driving score or
the rewards you can earn:
Trip time Acceleration intensity
Hard braking Hard cornering
Speed Distance travelled
Location Phone usage while driving
For more information on how the driving score is determined, see
the “Driving with the App” and “Earning Points and Your Score”
sections below.
How is my personal information protected?
Plymouth Rock values and respects your privacy. Although we
will not be collecting sensitive personal information as part of this
program, considerable data security measures will be in place
to protect the privacy and confidentiality of all participants. The
data collected will be subject to Plymouth Rock’s Privacy Policy
(available at More information is
available in the Terms and Conditions contained within the app.
Will Plymouth Rock be able to track vehicle
location using the device?
Yes. We need to track location in order to monitor driving and
adherence to local speed limits. Tracking location also allows the
app to show you a map of each trip so that you can confirm the
accuracy of the feedback you are receiving and the location of
events such as hard braking, speeding, etc.
What if I don’t drive my vehicle every day?
You are not required to drive your vehicle every day. Scores are
measured on a two week rolling basis so you should continue to
drive as you normally do.
What does “not driving” mean?
Some recorded trips that are short or don’t involve much driving
are suppressed by the app. Others may be shown but are flagged
as “not driving” based on our classification algorithms.
Do I need to open the app for each trip so
it can collect my data?
No, the app works in the background and will collect your data
any time a drive is detected. However, you will need to make
sure the app is turned on and app location services are turned on
during your trips.
Should I turn o the app when another driver
uses my vehicle?
This is not necessary, as the app provides you the ability to
indicate if you are the driver or if someone else is driving during
a particular trip. You need to exercise this option within 30 days
after the trip.
If I change a trip to indicate that I’m the passenger or
that someone else is driving will that impact my score?
It won’t impact your score right away but it will be accounted for
in the next measurement period.
Can the results of Road Rewards cause my
premium to increase?
No. Your Road Rewards score has no eect on your premium.
This question does not apply for New York Members, as they are
not required to buy a Plymouth Rock policy to earn rewards.
How can I view the data that my Road Rewards
app collected?
The app displays your driving data in the Trips section – you can
see each trip you have taken with detail on where there were
areas for improvement.
What happens if I downloaded the app but I had to
change phones?
If you change phones or have to reinstall the app, you simply
login under “existing users.” A PIN code will be sent to the email
address you provided during initial registration.
What if I get in an accident while the Road Rewards
app is turned on?
There is no specific penalty for getting into an accident while
the app is turned on. However, the accident will be recorded.
Your score is higher the smoother you drive. If an accident
disrupts smooth driving then your score will be impacted but
it will only count as a lower scored trip, nothing more. Road
Rewards uses a rolling two week score. Once the drive where
the accident occurred is more than two weeks old, it will no
longer aect your score.
Can I stop using the Road Rewards app at any time?
Yes. Your participation is completely optional. You can
delete the app at any time.
Does the app use my phone battery?
Yes. Road Rewards should have a limited eect on your phone’s
battery. The eect varies from one smartphone model to
another, and on the age of the phone, but battery consumption
is highest when the app uses the GPS. In some Apple phones
the app consumes additional battery resources when interacting
with the phone’s Fitness and Motion sensor. To reduce battery
consumption in such cases, remove Road Rewards permission to
use the Fitness and Motion sensor. See this article for details on
how to do so:
Driving with the App
Does being stuck in a trac jam impact my score?
Will an accident impact my score?
These are the driving behaviors that impact your score:
Hard acceleration
Hard braking
Hard cornering
Phone usage while driving
Your accident will be recorded but will not directly impact your
score. Your score is higher the smoother you drive. If an accident
disrupts smooth driving then your score will be impacted but it
will only count as a lower scored trip, nothing more.
Road Rewards uses a rolling two week score. Once the drive
where the accident occurred is more than two weeks old, it will
no longer aect your score.
If I get a phone call or text while driving, and I
don’t respond, does it impact my score?
There is no impact on your score for incoming calls or texts, but
using your phone to field a call or respond to a text when driving
will impact your score. In order for Road Rewards to record a
phone distraction event, you need to be actively handling your
unlocked phone while the car is moving.
Can I use my phone hands-free and not impact my score?
If I drive on a bumpy road will it impact my score?
Is my score impacted by the time of day I drive?
Is my score impacted by where I drive?
Do all trips count the same towards my score?
No, longer trips have a higher impact — both positively
and negatively — on your score than shorter trips.
How is speeding measured?
While the app allows a “buer” above the speed limit before it
records a speeding event, we encourage you to obey all local limits.
The app has the wrong speed limit. How can I get it fixed?
Sometimes the app may have the wrong limit, as speed limits
can be changed by state and local authorities from time to
time, and we don’t generally know about those changes right
away. If the app has the wrong speed limit please contact
Does using my GPS/NAV or streaming music
impact my score?
The fact that your phone is on and active does not impact your
score. In order for Road Rewards to record a phone distraction
event, you need to be actively handling your unlocked phone
while the car is moving.
If I slam on the brakes to avoid an accident, does
this hurt my score?
Unfortunately, yes. We do recognize that sometimes no matter
how carefully and safely you drive you might have to brake hard,
accelerate, or swerve to avoid a crash. But the app does not have
the ability to distinguish appropriate evasive action from unsafe
driving habits. That said, a single event will never contribute
significantly to your overall two-week score. We are trying to
measure your general driving safety.
Earning Points and Your Score
How do I earn points?
The app displays a rolling two-week driving score based on how
safely you drive. We use the score to rank eligible drivers and
then award points to each eligible driver based on their standing
relative to other eligible drivers using the app. The safer you
drive, the better your score; the better your score, the better your
ranking; the better your ranking, more points you earn!
We only rank eligible drivers – non-customers, aside from
eligible New York Members, do not factor into the score used to
calculate points in Road Rewards.
How do you compute my score?
The score is a weighted average of your trip scores. Individual
trips are scored on a variety of driving measures, including
acceleration, speeding, hard braking, phone handling while
driving, and hard cornering/turning. Although these factors
aren’t counted equally, each contributes to your final score.
When will I receive points?
Points are awarded Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The
points update includes drives up to two days before points are
awarded (i.e. if someone starts driving on a Saturday they might
not see points until Wednesday night.)
How do I improve my driving score?
Take a look at the “Driving Tips” section within the app as well as
individual trip feedback. As a general rule, smooth driving within the
speed limit and without phone usage will earn the highest scores.
Why did my scored distance/scored trips go down?
Road Rewards calculates your score based on the last two weeks
of your drives, so the scored distance and number of scored trips
is just the amount driven in the past two weeks.
My app shows I have earned enough points to redeem a
reward but the reward never appeared. What do I do?
Click on your points to see a list of the rewards. Click on the
rewards you’d like to redeem and see if you are eligible.
I have scored trips but haven’t accumulated any points or
rewards. What do I do?
If you have scored trips but don’t see a point balance you are
likely using the “try before you buy” version. In order to get
points and redeem for rewards you need to use the policyholder
version. Visit and enter
your information. Once you do that you will get an activation
code to download the app. If you are a New York Member, you
are eligible to earn rewards without buying a Plymouth Rock
policy by visiting
Location services also need to be turned on to receive points to
redeem for rewards.
How do I redeem my reward?
Each retailer has a dierent process for redemption. When you
earn enough points to redeem a reward, you will be notified in
the app in the Rewards section. You can also check your points
balance in the Rewards section to see how many points you will
need to earn until your next reward. You may need to create an
account with a participating retailer to redeem rewards from that
retailer, in which case you will be subject to that retailer’s own
terms and conditions and privacy policy.
| Starbucks
If you choose the Starbuck card as a reward you will receive an
email from Plymouth Rock. Click on “redeem” in that email and
you will be directed to a webpage. The webpage will have a bar
code that you can scan at your local Starbucks or you can print
the page and present it to the cashier.
| Showcase Cinemas
You will receive an email from Plymouth Rock with a link to
your Showcase Cinemas “Starpass” account to redeem your
free movie ticket. If you are not already a Starpass member,
the email will direct you to sign up. Showcase Cinemas does
not operate in New Jersey or Pennsylvania.
| Fuel Rewards
You will receive an email from Plymouth Rock with a link to
create a Fuel Rewards account where your discount on gas can
be redeemed. If you are already a Fuel Rewards member, the
email will direct you to log in to your account to redeem your
discount. Your savings at the pump will expire on the last day
of the month, one month following the day you redeemed the
reward (e.g. If you received the redemption email on January
15, your savings will expire on February 28).
| Amazon
If you choose the Gift Card as a reward you will
receive an email from Plymouth Rock. Click on “redeem” in
that email and you will be directed to a webpage. The webpage
will have a code that can be used on
| Spotify
If you choose the Spotify Gift Card as a reward you will receive
an email from Plymouth Rock. Click on “redeem” in that email
and you will be directed to a webpage. The webpage will have
a code that you use on or the Spotify App.
| App Store & iTunes
If you choose the App Store & iTunes Gift Card as a reward you
will receive an email from Plymouth Rock. Click on “redeem” in
that email and you will be directed to a webpage. The webpage
will have a code that you use on or the iTunes App.
| Spa and Wellness Week
If you choose the Spa and Wellness Week Gift Card as a reward
you will receive an email from Plymouth Rock. Click on “redeem”
in that email and you will be directed to a webpage. The
webpage will have a bar code that you can scan at your local spa
or you can print the page and present it to the front desk.
Can points be exchanged for cash?
Points have no monetary value and cannot be exchanged for cash.
Do my rewards expire?
Your points don’t expire; however Plymouth Rock reserves the
right to terminate this program at any time and for any reason,
in which case your points will be forfeited. You will forfeit points
under other circumstances, for example, if you stop being a
Plymouth Rock customer (except in New York). See below for
more details.
Some rewards are subject to the terms and conditions of third-
party rewards providers. Those rewards are subject to the terms
and conditions of the third-parties, which may include their own
expiration periods.
Will I lose my points if I uninstall the application?
If you uninstall the application you will not lose your earned
points, but you will not be able to earn additional points.
Earned points may be forfeited for the following reasons:
Cancellation or non-renewal of your Plymouth Rock auto
insurance policy for any reason (not applicable to New York
You disable the app and/or delete it from your smartphone
for ninety (90) days (the term “disable” includes your
turning o location services or otherwise rendering the App
unable to capture trip data)
There is no activity on the app for twelve (12) months
You attempt to manipulate your rewards earned through
either falsely reporting your operator status, repetitively
disabling GPS for the purpose of concealing trips, or other
actions you take designed to improve your driving score
through manipulation of the app
You violate other terms and conditions contained in the app
Plymouth Rock discontinues the program for any reason
I was a passenger in a car and this impacted my score.
How do I remove this trip from my history?
In certain circumstances, the app may record you as a driver
when you are actually a passenger. To make this correction, you
can go into the app and change the designation so that it shows
you were a passenger.
Will I lose my points if I cancel my policy?
How do I transfer my rewards to a new phone?
You will need to download the Road Rewards app on your new
phone and log-in as a returning user.
I redeemed a reward, but I no longer have the email
confirmation, and it doesn’t show in the Fuel Rewards or
Starpass apps. How can I get a duplicate copy?
You may contact Plymouth Rock Customer Service at
866-353-6292 and speak with a Customer Service
Representative for assistance with lost rewards.
I drive 350 miles per week and I am a good driver, yet my
score at 70% seems too low. What is it based on?
Look at the tips section in the app to see where you can improve.
I went to ______ (participating vendors) and they would
not redeem my points. How do I get my money?
Sorry for your inconvenience. Please send us an email at and we will help you
resolve this.
(not applicable for New York Members)
Will I lose my points if I cancel my policy?
What happens if my policy gets canceled and then reinstated?
When a policy is cancelled and then reinstated, with the same
policy number, for any reason, the Rewards Points are not
aected and the existing earned points will be in the account.
No new points would have accrued for the period the policy was
in canceled status, even if the reinstating is backdated. New
points will start accruing once the reinstatement is processed.
My policy was rewritten to a new policy number. Do I
need to make any changes to the app to continue in the
Yes. You will need to re-enroll with your new policy number.
However it is important to note that if you make changes to
your policy that result in Plymouth Rock needing to issue you
a replacement policy number, you will lose any accrued points
under your prior policy number.
How do I add listed drivers to Road Rewards?
You can only have one driver per app. Each driver listed on the
policy can download the Road Rewards app and create their own
account as long as they have a smartphone. To add listed drivers
follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to and
enter policy number & zip code, select the driver
you want to add.
Step 2: You will receive an activation code, on screen and in
the e-mail. (Code does not expire. Next step can be
done at any time.)
Step 3: Download the app (on the new driver phone)
Step 4: Activate the code in the app
I bought a policy, downloaded and activated the app but
don’t have any points. Why?
Points are rewarded only after your policy becomes eective and
only if your score is high enough to accumulate points.
I have multiple drivers in my household, can I combine
points to redeem a reward?
Will my policy be aected by my driving score?
No. Your policy will not be non-renewed or cancelled based on
your participation or lack of participation in Road Rewards.
Who should a customer contact with questions?
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