Choose The Bi-Weekly
Mortgage Payment Plan
Never mail a check again.
Pay off your mortgage faster with The Bi-Weekly
Mortgage Payment Plan
Would you like to pay off your mortgage earlier or build equity faster?* The Bi-Weekly
Mortgage Payment Plan with
Truist helps to make this possible.
How it works
Make a half payment once every two weeks (Bi-Weekly) throughout the year. This will typically result in 26 half
payments over the course of a year (instead of 24 half payments or 12 whole payments), so you make the equivalent
of one extra monthly payment per year.** Extra payments apply to your principal balance at the next monthly due
Bi-Weekly payments are collected in the month prior to when they are applied to your monthly payment due. To
avoid a gap in your payment history as you transition to the payment structure of The Bi-Weekly Mortgage
Payment Plan, during your first month of enrollment you will pay both your regular monthly payment plus
Bi-Weekly half payments.
If this additional payment at enrollment is not possible, Truist offers a program that may allow you to accomplish a
similar goal: Truist Recurring Payments program provides you with automated monthly drafting with the option of
adding additional principal to your payment, enabling you to pay off your mortgage earlier or build equity faster
without the advance payment requirement. Additional information about the Truist Recurring Payments program can
be found at or by calling us at 800.634.7928, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m.
to 3 p.m. E.T.
Frequently Asked Questions
How are my payments automatically deducted from my account and when are they applied to my account?
The Bi-Weekly Mortgage Payment Plan is an automated program where your chosen account is debited every other week,
or Bi Weekly. When the
two halves of your monthly mortgage payment are received, they are applied to the following
month's payment.
For example, if you request your first debit to be made on the 1st and 3rd Monday of May, once these funds have been
automatically debited from your account, they will be applied to your June payment.
We suggest that you confirm with your financial institution that automated debiting is permitted on your account or
whether your account has a limitation on the number of drafts permitted on your account.
Can I choose the day my account is debited on?
Yes, you can choose the weekday your account will be debited on. The only limitation is that the first day your account is
debited must be within
the first two weeks of a given month. This ensures that you have sufficient funds to make your
standard monthly mortgage payment by the 1st day of the following month and your payment is not considered late.
What happens to the first half of my monthly payment when it is debited?
When Truist receives the first half of your monthly mortgage payment, the funds are held in your account but are not
posted until the second
half of your payment is received. Once both halves have been received, they are applied to your
next mortgage payment.
In two months of the year**, you will make three bi-weekly payments instead of two, due to the way the dates fall in the
calendar. At each instance,
this third half-payment will apply to the principal balance of your account at your next
monthly payment due date.
What happens if my monthly payment amount changes?
Changes to your monthly payment amount may occur for a number of reasons, the most common of which are in the
course of adjusting the
rate of your loan (ARM loans only) or in the course of reanalyzing your escrow needs. The
automated debiting of your chosen account is calculated as half of your payment of record. As such, any payment changes
are automatically reflected in your Bi-Weekly
debit. You will be alerted to any changes to your monthly payment
amount thirty (30) days in advance of said change.
*Disclaimer: Benefit to the consumer in the form of building equity is through extra payments applied to principal only.
Equity gains assume property values remain stable. Amount of interest saved and the number of months of early
repayment achieved by enrolling in this program depends on the overall length of time remaining on your mortgage term,
with longer remaining terms generating greater benefit. Consult with a professional financial advisor when considering
switching to a bi-weekly mortgage payment schedule.
**Every 11 years (approximately), this payment schedule will result in 27 half payments instead of 26; this additional half
payment will be applied to principal in the same manner as other extra payments.
Choose The Bi-Weekly
Mortgage Payment Plan
Never mail a check again.
You have a mortgage loan ("Loan") with Truist Bank that is evidenced by a promissory note ("Note"), repayment for which
is secured by a deed of trust or mortgage ("Security Instrument"). The Note and Security Instrument require that you make
twelve (12) monthly payments of principal and interest (and possibly escrow for taxes and insurance, which can vary)
("Monthly Payments") each year during the term of the Note.
The Bi-Weekly
Mortgage Payment Plan is a payment arrangement whereby pre-authorized transfers from your checking
or savings account are held by Lender until such time as a full Monthly Payment can be automatically applied toward your
Loan. This arrangement results in your making the equivalent of thirteen (13) Monthly Payments in most years.**
The Bi-Weekly
Mortgage Payment Plan Agreement and Authorization
To enroll in The Bi-Weekly Mortgage Payment Plan, borrower(s) (hereafter, "I," whether singular or plural) agree to the
following (the "Authorization"):
1. To authorize Lender and its third party vendors and service providers to initiate automatic transfers every other week
("Bi-Weekly Payments") in amounts equal to one-half of one scheduled Monthly Payment from a checking or savings
account ("My Payment Account") on a day specified below ("My Payment Day"); and, to hold the Bi-Weekly Payments
until such time that a full Monthly Payment can be applied toward the Loan. Funds held will not earn interest for me
except as required by law.
2. After receipt of two consecutive Bi-Weekly Payments, an amount equal to one scheduled Monthly Payment will be
applied automatically
to the Loan and any related escrow items prior to the late payment date established by the
Note. Interest will accrue on the Note until the Monthly Payment is made.
3. Twenty-four (24) of the Bi-Weekly Payments that occur during each 12-month period will be applied to make Monthly
The Bi-Weekly Payments over and above these required Monthly Payments will be applied to the principal
balance of the Loan ("Bi-Weekly Principal Payments"). Bi-Weekly Principal Payments will be made twice a year in most
years** and will be applied directly to the principal balance of the Note before the 15th day of the month following
each month in which three (3) Bi-Weekly Payments occur.
4. To
start this program you must provide funds equal to one Monthly Payment at the time this Authorization is executed
(i.e., the first scheduled Monthly Payment). This payment should be mailed to Truist Bank, P.O. Box 79041,
Baltimore, MD 21279-0041.
5. To avoid a gap in your payment history as you transition to the payment structure of the Bi-Weekly Mortgage
Payment Plan,
during your first month of enrollment, you will pay both your regular monthly payment plus
Bi-Weekly half payments. The Bi-Weekly Payments will start on the first or second occurrence of My Payment Day (as
selected by me below) in the same month as the first scheduled Monthly Payment and will continue every two weeks
thereafter. This enables Lender to hold at least an entire Monthly Payment to apply to the loan at the start of each
6. To be responsible for all fees and charges (if any) assessed by the financial institution holding My Payment Account in
connection with the Bi-Weekly Payments.
7. To notify Lender in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to changing My Payment Account and to arrange for a new
account from
which the Bi-Weekly Payments can be drafted. Such notice must be sent to the following address (or as
updated from time-to-time) Truist Bank, Attn: Bi-Weekly P.O. Box 1868 Greenville, SC 29602-1868 .
8. That if Monthly Payments cannot be made because of insufficient available funds in My Payment Account, I shall
remain fully
liable to make all payments required by the Note and Security Instrument directly to Lender. Lender's
obligation shall be limited to those duties expressly provided for herein.
9. That the Bi-Weekly Payments and the Extra Bi-Weekly Payments will be made only if, on the scheduled dates, My
Payment Account
contains sufficient available funds to make the transfer or payment. If the Bi-Weekly Payments
cannot be made because there are insufficient available funds in My Payment Account, Lender will send written
notice to me, and I agree:
a. to pay directly to Lender within fifteen (15) days after My Payment Date the amount of the Bi-Weekly
Payments missed; and
b. to be liable to Lender for its standard charge for returned checks. Such amounts will not be applied to the
Loan until
I pay the deficiency directly to Lender. I remain fully responsible for the Bi-Weekly Payments in
the future at their scheduled time notwithstanding any direct payments made to Lender to remedy past
Choose The Bi-Weekly
Mortgage Payment Plan
Never mail a check again.
10. If Lender, its third party vendors and service providers, or the financial institution holding My Payment Account is
closed on the day any transaction contemplated herein is to occur, such transaction will be completed on the next
business day which permits the occurrence of such transaction.
11. That I may terminate this authorization at any time upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to Lender. Such notice
be sent to the following address (or as updated from time-to-time) Truist Bank, Attn: Bi-Weekly P.O. Box 1868
Greenville, SC 29602-1868. I understand that Lender's authority to make automatic transfers from My Payment
Account is to remain in effect until I have notified Lender of my authorization termination. If My Payment Account is
jointly held, either account holder may provide such authorization. Upon termination of my authorization, Lender will
apply all monies held in suspense to the amounts owed under the Note.
12. Lender may terminate this Authorization and its responsibilities hereunder at any time if (i) I fail to comply with the
contained herein; (ii) Lender ceases to service the Note; (iii) any regulatory or statutory change occurs, or a
determination is made by any applicable regulatory body that, in any way limits or detrimentally affects Lender's or
its third party vendors' and service providers' ability to initiate or make the Bi-Weekly Payments or the Extra
Bi-Weekly Payments; (iv) any of the transactions contemplated herein become unlawful or otherwise impermissible;
or (v) there are insufficient funds available in My Payment Account necessary to make the Bi-Weekly Payments on
more than one occasion in any 12-month period; or(vi) Lender is unable to offer The Bi-Weekly as a result of me or
any co borrower being a debtor or co-debtor in an active or discharged bankruptcy that includes or affects my
mortgage. Upon termination, Lender shall cause any of my funds held in suspense to be paid to me or to be applied to
the amounts owed under the Note at Lender's sole discretion. Delay or failure by Lender to terminate this
Authorization upon the occurrence of any of the events specified above shall not constitute a waiver of or in any way
effect Lender's right to terminate this Authorization upon any further occurrence of such event.
13. I acknowledge that this arrangement is designed solely to facilitate the automatic payment of the Note and the
under the Security Instrument. No amendments to these documents are intended by executing this
14. If a payment is erroneously withdrawn from My Payment Account, I have the right to have the withdrawal reversed by
financial institution holding My Payment Account up to fifteen (15) days from the date it sends me my account
statement or forty-five (45) days after the date the withdrawal was made, whichever occurs first. Beyond these
dates, I agree to contact Lender to have any erroneous withdrawals reversed.
I understand that this Authorization and Lender's obligations herein are expressly conditioned on (i) the due execution of
Authorization and all other documents deemed necessary by Lender; (ii) Lender's agreement hereto; and (iii) my
making the first Monthly Payment as described in Paragraph 5 above. In the event that I make this payment and any of the
above conditions are not met, Lender shall apply all monies held to the amounts owed under the Note.
Choose The Bi-Weekly
Mortgage Payment Plan
Never mail a check again.
My Payment Bank / financial institution name
Account number
Bank routing number
Account type
(please select one)
checking savings
Credit Union members: To ensure prompt processing of your Authorization, please verify your account and
routing number with your Credit Union since the correct numbers may be different than those appearing on
your check.
My Payment Day (please select one)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Bi-Weekly Payments will occur every other week on the day selected or the first business day thereafter.
Preferred start of Bi-Weekl y
Payments (please select one)
First week of month Second week of month
The Bi-Weekly Payments will start on the first or second occurrence of My Payment Day in the same month as
the first scheduled Monthly Payment and will continue every two weeks thereafter. This enables Truist Bank
(“Lender”) to hold at least an entire Monthly Payment to apply to the loan at the start of each month
You may add ADDITIONAL amounts that will be applied to EACH DRAFT - Please specify the
ADDITIONAL AMOUNT if any you would like drafted. Please deduct the following additional
principal payment amount out of the account provided above each time my account is drafted:
$ ____________________________
The additional amount stated above will be drafted every two weeks at the same time as your
Borrower Signature Date Borrower home phone number
Borrower Name (please print) Borrower work phone number
Co-Borrower Signature Date Co- Borrower home phone number
Co-Borrower Name (please print) Co-Borrower work phone number
After processing this Authorization, Lender will send you a confirmation letter. Please remember that The
Mortgage Payment Plan starts with your second scheduled Monthly Payment, and that you must mail
your first Monthly Payment to Truist Bank, P.O. Box 79041, Baltimore, MD 21279-0041.