The Economic Consequences of Mergers Between
Real Estate Agencies and Mortgage Lenders
Rebecca A. Jorgensen
November 15, 2023
(Click Here for Latest Version)
This paper studies the consequences of joint ownership between real estate agencies
and mortgage lenders for consumers, lenders, and mortgage market structure. I con-
struct a novel data set which matches home buyers’ real estate agencies, lenders, and
loan characteristics while tracking ownership of lenders and agencies over time. Using
hand-collected data for over 100 mergers involving real estate agencies or lenders, I
implement a staggered differences-in-differences strategy that compares lender-agency
pairs which are jointly owned due to horizontal mergers between real estate agencies to
lender-agency pairs that are never jointly owned. After merging, lenders double their
loan shares within jointly owned real estate agencies with little impact on a lender’s
CBSA market share. Buyers who use a lender jointly owned with their real estate
agency pay interest rates 9 basis points higher, amounting to 225 in additional in-
terest per year on the average loan. However, I find no evidence that home buyers’
credit characteristics, delinquency rates, or transaction speed change following these
mergers. Finally, I develop a structural model of the mortgage market to study the
welfare implications of mergers under counterfactual policies. I find that completely
banning mergers harms consumers, while allowing mergers that promote competition
can improve consumer welfare.
I would like to thank my committee, Ben Keys, Maisy Wong, and Fernando Ferreira for their advice
on this project. I would also like to thank Sasha Indarte, Lu Liu, Jessie Handbury, James Vickery, Bryan
Stuart, Ryan Goodstein, You Suk Kim, Charles Taragin, David Benson, and seminar participants at the
Wharton Urban Lunch, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the FDIC, and the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System for their insights.
Disclaimer: The opinions and analyses contained herein are solely of the users/authors of any data
analyses or papers, and the FHFA cannot and does not attest to nor vouch for the quality, accuracy,
or timeliness of the data, or analyses derived from these data after the data has been retrieved from This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate
Research Fellowship Program under Grant No. DGE-1845298. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views
of the National Science Foundation. The author received a travel grant from the IAAE to present this paper
in June 2023.
1 Introduction
The increasing sophistication of technology has led to its integration in all aspects of life,
including finance. Such “FinTech” advances have led to online-only banking, investing, and
lending. With respect to mortgages, Buchak et al. (2018) documents that non-banks, includ-
ing technology-rich online-only lenders, have gained significant market share in the post-crisis
period. These non-banks lack the pre-existing customer base of traditional banks and thus
must find a different way to reach customers. As a solution, some of these non-bank lenders
have merged with real estate agencies. However, very little is known about how these merg-
ers affect mortgage markets.
This paper studies the consequences of joint ownership between real estate agencies and
mortgage lenders. For many households, a mortgage represents the largest debt and debt
financing obligation they will face. When a real estate agency and a lender share a common
parent company, understanding how this joint ownership affects how consumers access loan
products and the ensuing competitive effects in the mortgage market will be crucial given
the size and scope of the mortgage market. However, determining the consequences of joint
ownership in this market is challenging due to identification and data issues. Beginning with
data, the main challenge is that there is no single data set that contains all the information
necessary to analyze the potential consequences of joint ownership. In terms of identifica-
tion, simply comparing outcomes before and after a lender and agency are jointly owned is
not sufficient, because the firms that decide to merge are likely to be selected.
First, to address the data issue, I construct a novel data set that matches loans to the
originating lenders, the underlying home purchase, and the buyers’ real estate agencies by
merging four CoreLogic data sets. I then hand-match mergers involving real estate agencies
and/or lenders into this data set to obtain the ownership structure over time. By construct-
ing this data set, I am able to identify whether the lender and agency were jointly owned at
any point in time in my data, including at the time of the home purchase and loan origina-
tion. I observe more than 100 mergers over the span of my data, and more than one million
home purchases matched to the loan origination funding the purchase.
Second, to solve the identification issue, I exploit the fact that horizontal mergers between
real estate agencies occur frequently, and that these horizontal mergers indirectly change
which lenders are jointly owned with which real estate agencies, what I will call “indirect in-
tegration”. If these mergers between agencies occur to consolidate the involved firms’ agency
businesses and the lender’s books are not the primary concern, then these mergers create
quasi-random variation in joint ownership from the perspective of the lender. Of the mergers
I identify, 87 mergers fit these criteria. This large number of mergers and observations allow
me to include rich fixed effects (over 50,000 total) to control for lender, agency, time, or
geographic factors which could bias my results.
I use this data set and research design in a staggered difference-in-differences model to ana-
lyze the consequences of joint ownership between real estate agencies and mortgage lenders
for market shares, prices, speed of transactions, characteristics of borrowers, and ex-post
loan performance. Lender-agency pairs impacted by indirect integration are treated, while
other lender-agency pairs that are never jointly owned function as a control group. To the
best of my knowledge, this paper is the first to study this important class of mergers in a
comprehensive manner.
Beginning with the market structure effects, I find that lenders jointly owned with a real
estate agency more than double their loan share at that agency upon integration, consistent
with the theory that jointly owned agencies direct buyers to their sibling lender. Doubling
their loan share is a significant change for the lender’s portfolio, and suggests that agencies
direct buyers to the in-house lender when it exists, giving the lender market power over those
consumers. When looking instead at the lender’s market share in the core-based statisti-
cal area (CBSA), lenders jointly owned with a real estate agency gain only 0.54 percentage
points higher market share. While this represents a 16% increase in the average lender
market share, making it significant for the lender, the overall market structure is nearly
unaffected due to the fragmented nature of the mortgage market.
With respect to interest rates, I find that buyers using a lender jointly owned with their
real estate agency pay 9 basis points more on average, which is consistent with the theory
that joint ownership allows lenders to “capture” some borrowers and charge these borrow-
ers higher interest rates that dominate any cost reductions from joint ownership passed on
to borrowers. This result holds even after accounting for the relationship between search
behavior and interest rates, as documented by Bhutta et al. (2020). I argue that 9 basis
points is a large effect in the context of mortgage rates; it is similar to the 7 basis point
premium that minority buyers pay as found by Bartlett et al. (2021), more that 15% of the
total interest rate dispersion documented by Bhutta et al. (2020), and amounts to an addi-
tional 225 in interest payments per year on the average loan. In sum, joint ownership has
important market share consequences for lenders and leads to higher interest rates for buyers.
While buyers pay more when going to a merged lender-agency pair, doing so does not change
how fast they can close on their mortgage or the credit profile they need to get a loan. I
find no evidence of the possibility suggested by theory that lenders are cream-skimming the
best credit profiles from their jointly owned agency. The lack of change in borrower charac-
teristics also suggests that lenders are not receiving additional information from the agency
which the lender then uses to lend to riskier buyers, which is another possibility suggested
by theory. I also find no effect on ex-post loan performance. This result contrasts with the
findings in Stroebel (2016), where home buyers using a builder’s lender were less likely to
default on their mortgages.
I further enrich these reduced form results with a structural model of the mortgage mar-
ket which allows me to test for marginal cost efficiencies from joint ownership and to run
regulatory policy counterfactuals. I construct a logit demand model for loans with consumer-
specific choice sets. To estimate the demand model, I first use maximum likelihood to recover
mean utility for each loan product. I then use two stage least squares to recover the con-
tribution of each product characteristic to a product’s overall mean utility. The parameter
estimates from this structural model are consistent with my reduced form findings that con-
sumers value jointly owned agency-lender pairs, pre-existing relationships with lenders, and
faster closing times. I pair this demand model with a supply model of profit-maximizing
lenders offering differentiated mortgage products under Bertrand competition.
Using the estimates from my structural model, I study three different counterfactual reg-
ulatory policies the government could enact. All of these policies regulate lender behavior
and consequently influence borrowers’ access to loan products. In the first two, joint own-
ership between real estate agencies and mortgage lenders is banned, but the two differ in
the choices available to buyers previously choosing the jointly owned products. In the third,
joint ownership is permitted, but lenders are forbidden from offering different products to
consumers based on what real estate agency they use. I find that banning mergers slightly
decreases consumer welfare in both of the first two counterfactuals, but that welfare gains
come from permitting mergers but requiring that lenders offer all products to all consumers.
In short, a simple ban on mergers reduces welfare, while more nuanced regulatory policy can
promote competition and thus improve welfare.
This paper contributes to several literatures within household finance and banking: First, I
contribute to the literature on mortgage price dispersion and the role of steering in finan-
cial markets. This paper offers a novel channel to explain the dispersion in mortgage rates
documented and partially explained in prior papers such as Bhutta et al. (2020), Bartlett
et al. (2021), and Bhutta and Hizmo (2021). It also complements studies on other forms
of steering in mortgage and home sales [Guiso et al. (2021), Agarwal et al. (2016), Barwick
et al. (2017), Woodward and Hall (2012)]. I connect steering across mortgages and home
purchases, and examine a particular kind of steering: bringing another good in-house. To the
best of my knowledge, only one other paper looks at steering linking lenders and real estate
agencies, that of Lopez et al. (2019). Relative to this earlier paper, I look at the buyer’s
agent (who buyers are more likely to trust) instead of the seller’s agent, while including a
much larger geography, additional outcomes, a different identification strategy that utilizes
variation at a level above the transaction, and a structural model to estimate policy counter-
factuals. Joint ownership is also common between car dealerships and auto lenders, another
large household financing decision. Grunewald et al. (2020) find that the discretion given
to dealers in these arrangements incentivizes them to increase the rate over the minimum
specified by the lender. While the settings are not identical, the results in this paper on the
mortgage market can provide insight into consequences in the auto lending market as well.
Lastly, this paper contributes to the literature on industrial organization and banking and
to the debate on whether, and how, policy makers should regulate mergers involving banks
and non-banks, as well as the consequences of the rise of non-banks and integration. Prior
literature has shown that mergers in financial industries can have costs and benefits and
influence pricing behavior [Berger et al. (1999), Stroebel (2016), Robles-Garcia (2019)]. Re-
lated papers, such as Buchak et al. (2018), have documented the rise of non-banks in spheres
traditionally occupied by banks. Here, I offer a rich study of the consequences of mergers
in one particular financial market while studying a broad set of potential consequences with
more mergers and richer outcomes than the current literature.
For a more general discussion of complementary goods mergers among non-financial products see Akg¨un
et al. (2020), Choi (2008), and Ershov et al. (2018).
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides institutional background
for the setting of my paper. Section 3 presents survey evidence exploring the interaction
between real estate agents, mortgage lenders, and borrower search behavior. Section 4 dis-
cusses a merger case study. Section 5 discusses my data; Section 6 presents the reduced form
identification strategy, and Section 7 presents the results. Section 8 presents and estimates
my structural model, and Section 9 concludes.
2 Institutional Background
This paper requires institutional background on real estate agencies, mortgage lenders, and
the mortgage market. Beginning with real estate agencies, real estate agencies employ real
estate agents to work with home buyers and sellers. In the United States, 86% of buyers
used a real estate agent in 2020.
In general, buyers are satisfied with the quality of the
service they receive from their real estate agent, with 89% saying they would use the same
agent again or recommend the agent to others.
Buyer’s agents are paid out of the seller’s
agent’s commission when the clients find a home. Thus, agents are not paid until after the
client closes on a home. Besides helping buyers find homes and negotiate the purchase price
of their home, real estate agents will recommend providers of related services to their clients,
such as title companies and lenders.
Real estate agents cannot receive kickbacks from the firms they recommend to their clients
under the Real Estate Settlements Procedure Act (RESPA), but they are allowed to share
costs if the firms share things such as advertising or office space. Companies have violated
this; in August 2023 the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fined Freedom Mortgage for
violating this and paying more than cost sharing to Revolve Realty. Similarly, ReMax has
been fined in the past for oversharing with mortgage lenders.
Moving to mortgage lenders, mortgage lenders can attract consumers directly through their
retail channel, but they can also use mortgage brokers. Mortgage brokers are third party
agencies which lenders can contract with to help them find more borrowers. Mortgage bro-
kers contract with several lenders, and receive a commission from the lender when a buyer
chooses that lender. Thus, borrowers going to a mortgage broker receive loan terms from
several lenders while borrowers going through a lender’s retail channel will see only loans
from that lender.
When buying a home, 87% of buyers financed with a mortgage in 2021.
. The vast ma-
jority of mortgages in the United States are fixed rate mortgages, meaning that the rate on
the mortgage will remain constant for the duration of the loan.
Loans in the United States can either be originated through banks or non-bank lenders.
Non-bank lenders originate the loans through lines of credit they hold with traditional banks
(called warehouse lines), which they then securitize and sell. Most loans are backed by the
FHA or government sponsored entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These agencies pro-
vide detailed guidance on what the maximum value of the loan can be depending on the
average home price in the area. In addition, the agencies give lenders a matrix of ”Loan-Level
Pricing Adjustments”, which are increases to the interest rate lenders must charge based on
the borrower’s loan-to-value ratio (LTV) and credit (FICO) score.
Prior to the 2008 financial crisis, mortgage brokers originated over half of loans in the
See: ut-us/newsroom/cfpb-penalizes-freedom-mortgag
e-and-rea lty-connect-fo r-illegal-kickbacks/ and
See: ro
United States. Following federal regulations which made mortgage brokers less profitable,
many mortgage brokers went out of business, and in 2019, mortgage brokers originated only
19% of loans in the United States. Thus, for lenders looking for borrowers, they cannot rely
on mortgage brokers to find them. Now, lenders must find another channel through which
to find borrowers.
At the same time the share of borrowers finding loans through mortgage brokers is de-
clining, residential real estate agencies are merging with lenders and related services. Home
purchases and mortgages are complementary goods; as the majority of buyers finance their
home purchase with a mortgage, these two goods go hand in hand. Thus, mergers between
residential real estate agencies and lenders can be profitable for both parties. Residential real
estate agencies provide a set of customers for lenders who can no longer rely on mortgage
brokers, and bringing a lender in house could simplify the loan search process for buyers,
allowing them to close on a home, and the agent to get paid, more quickly.
While this paper focuses on mergers between lenders and residential real estate agencies,
these agencies are also merging with other parts of the home buying process, such as title
insurance. Gino Blefari, CEO of HomeServices of America, which owns multiple lenders, real
estate agencies, and title insurance companies, said that ”[c]reating a seamless all-inclusive
shopping experience for a consumer’s real estate transaction agency, mortgage, title &
homeowners insurance is critical for both the best consumer experience and the best path to
profitability,” suggesting that merging firms see the complementarities between these goods
and that merging them improves overall performance.
Figures 1a, 1b, and 1c show how the market has evolved over time. Beginning with Figure
1a, this shows what share of home purchases are made using an agency that has a jointly
owned lender, also referred to as a sibling lender. Since 2014, this share has increased by
nearly 25%, such that in 2019 almost half of home purchases used an agency with a sibling
lender. That is, the agencies which lenders are able to use as a distribution channel are a
large fraction of the market and thus come with a large pool of buyers these lenders could
The story is similar when looking at lenders. In Figure 1b, we can see that the share of
loans originated by lenders merged with agencies has increased from 3.5% in 2014 to 6% by
2019. Although my data end in 2019, this trend has not stopped in the intervening years.
While the agencies are large players in the market, the lenders have considerably smaller
market share. This is consistent with the state-level licensing to originate mortgages being
a high barrier to entry for lenders. Most lenders are geographically concentrated in at most
a handful of states.
Lastly, in Figure 1c, I show the share of home purchases using a merged agency-lender
Notes: Figure shows share of home purchases which use a real estate agency that has a sibling lender at
time of home purchase, regardless if lender originated the mortgage for that purchase or not.
Figure 1a: Share of Home Purchases with Conglomerate Agency
pair. These are the purchases and loan originations which I am most interested in studying.
The share of home purchases which are using a merged agency-lender pair is still small at
2% of my data, but given the growth of merged agencies and lenders in the previous fig-
ures as well as the continued addition of new joint firms, this share is likely to grow over
Notes: Figure shows share of purchase loan originations which use a lender that has a sibling real estate
agency at time of home purchase, regardless if agency was involved in the transaction or not.
Figure 1b: Share of Loans Originated by Conglomerate Lender
Notes: Figure shows share of home purchases which use a jointly owned agency-lender pair for home
purchase and mortgage financing.
Figure 1c: Share of Purchases using Conglomerate Agency - Lender Pair
time. Furthermore, while 2% of all buyers is a small fraction, that is 33% of the market share
of merged lenders, indicating that this is an important distribution channel for these lenders.
3 National Survey of Mortgage Originations
The National Survey of Mortgage Originations (NSMO) is a quarterly survey conducted by
the FHFA and the CFPB asking recent home buyers a variety of questions about their home
purchase and mortgage acquisition process. Questions include topics such as their under-
standing of mortgage terms, house price expectations, and how the buyer chose a lender. It
is the questions on this last topic which are relevant for this paper and which I discuss in
this section.
When asked to select which features were not at all, somewhat, or very important to them,
34% of buyers said that the recommendation of their real estate agent was somewhat or very
Moreover, 17% of buyers were introduced to their lender by an interested third
party such as their builder or real estate agent. In addition, nearly half (49%) of buyers
report only seriously considering one lender.
When restricting the survey data to first-time home buyers, 58% valued their real estate
agent’s recommendation, and 33% were directly introduced to their lender through an in-
terested third party. Similar to the general population, 47% of buyers only seriously look at
one lender.
Similarly, when looking at low credit score borrowers, even more, 64% of borrowers found
their agent’s recommendation somewhat or very important, 18% were introduced by an in-
Other options include: rate (98%), lender reputation (71%), prior relationship with the lender (57%),
local lender (50%), used lender before (39%), recommendation of a friend (36%), and lender is a friend (14%).
terested third party, and 51% only seriously consider one lender.
Taken together, these survey results indicate that, especially for low credit score and first-
time home buyers, the recommendation of the real estate agent influences the lender they
ultimately choose. Thus, lenders and real estate agencies merging has the potential to lead
agents to recommend their sibling lender, which has bearing on the lender chosen by buyers.
Thus, a real estate agency merging with a lender will likely increase the number of buyers
coming to the lender from that agency. However, the effects on overall lender market share
are unclear. If the lender treats these borrowers as perfect substitutes for other borrowers
coming from non-merged real estate agencies, then overall market share will not go up, only
the market share coming from the sibling firm. However, if the lender treats the sibling bor-
rowers as additional customers, without completely substituting away from buyers coming
from agencies with whom they are not merged, then both the lender’s market share within
their sibling agency and their overall market share will increase.
Similarly, this survey data provides no evidence on price effects as interest rates are not
available in the public use version of the NSMO. However, the lack of search by approx-
imately half of borrowers leaves borrowers open to unknowingly paying supracompetitive
prices as a result of the integration and lack of search as previously discussed.
4 Data
The data to complete this analysis are difficult to compile. No pre-existing data set contains
all the necessary pieces: lender, real estate agency, and loan characteristics. Furthermore,
corporate ownership structure plays a vital role in this project but is not readily matched to
the other pieces. Thus assembling the data explained below is no small feat and represents a
contribution to the field as this data set is useful for projects beyond this one. In all files, I
restrict my sample to 2011-2019 so as to avoid contamination from either the 2008 financial
crisis or the COVID-19 pandemic.
CoreLogic Deeds Data The CoreLogic Deeds data include details on residential prop-
erties at the time of sale. This includes characteristics of the property, the deed transfer,
and most notably for this project, the mortgage used to purchase the home. The mortgage
details include such fields as the amount, the start date, loan term, interest rate, loan pur-
pose and type, borrower name, and lender. While these variables all appear at least once
in the data set, some, most notably interest rate, are missing the vast majority of the time.
Lender name, however, is well populated, allowing me to see the lender who issued the loan.
I will also restrict this analysis to purchase loans, since purchases are when borrowers are
most directly involved with a real estate agent, and when the influence coming from mergers
between lenders and agencies are likely to be strongest. In comparison, at the point of refi-
nancing, borrowers are not working directly with a real estate agent, and while the decision
of a refinancing lender may be correlated with the the original choice of lender, the actual
link is less clear and I leave to future research.
CoreLogic MLS Data CoreLogic provides a second data product, the MLS data. This
data set covers the MLS feeds for 138 MLSes across the United States. Similar to Zillow,
this contains all fields from the listing of a home: list price, transaction price, date sold, date
listed, home characteristics such as number of bedrooms and bathrooms, address, square
footage, etc. It also contains additional fields, including information on the buyer’s real
estate agent, including their name and agency at the time of sale.
I will use the term agent
and agency interchangeably.
For this project, I utilize the agency as opposed to the individual agent. In cases of mergers, directives
to recommend a given lender are likely to come from the parent company and affect all agents. Second, in
cases where a team of agents work with a buyer, it is not clear who the purchase should be attributed to
from the team. It is far more obvious which agency is responsible.
CoreLogic LLMA Originations Data The CoreLogic LLMA Originations data, or Loan-
Level Market Analytics Originations data come from a large loan servicer. This data contain
individual loan characteristics at origination, including the interest rate, amount, origination
month and year, property type, loan type, loan term, location, FICO score of borrower at
origination, and loan-to-value-ratio at origination. From here, the key variables I use are
interest rate, FICO score, and LTV ratio.
CoreLogic LLMA Events Data The CoreLogic LLMA Events data track the major
performance events of a loan including the first day of 30, 60, and 90 day delinquency, the
first date of a bankruptcy filing, and the first date of foreclosure filing. I use these data to
compare the performance of loans by merged lender-agent pairs and those by other lenders
who may have less soft information to base their lending decision on.
CompuStat Transactions Data To identify mergers and back out ownership, I use the
CompuStat Transactions Data. This data set records all mergers and acquisitions back to
2000, the target, the acquirer, the transaction date, and additional details. I have gone
through this data and identified all relevant transactions by hand.
Due to the large number
of real estate offices in the country, not all mergers are going to be widely publicized. To the
best of my knowledge, my data set is the most comprehensive which tracks solely real estate
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) pub-
lic use data are redacted loan-level data originally provided to the federal government in
order to ensure fair lending practices. Across all years of data, this includes borrower char-
acteristics such as race and gender. For the last two years of my sample, this also includes
The similar nature of many real estate company names makes a fuzzy match or other algorithmic
approach impossible.
loan fees and discount points.
Loan fees are fees paid at origination to the lender, and are
a function of the loan amount in most cases. Discount points are an additional fee paid
at origination in order to reduce the interest rate on the loan. While two years of data
is a limited time to view either of these, it does provide some insight into other monetary
considerations for borrowers beyond the interest rate, and the possible points-fees tradeoff
as documented in Bhutta and Hizmo (2021).
Summary statistics can be found in Table 1. Due to outliers, I winsorize loan amount,
time to close, and interest rate at the 5 and 95th percentiles. Just over half of my data come
from purchases made with real estate agencies that ever have a sibling lender. This occurs
because the largest real estate firms in the United States are the ones that tend to have
lending arms. However, only 5% of my sample uses a lender which ever merges with a real
estate agency. I believe this is due to three things: first, lenders obtain licenses to originate
mortgages in each state separately, and so not every lender is licensed in every state even
if their eventual parent company has real estate agents in that state, secondly because the
large bank lenders do not have real estate agent arms; lenders with real estate agent arms
are primarily non-bank lenders, and third because lenders which merge later in the sample
period are going to get less benefit from the merger that I observe. 2% of purhcases use a
lender and agent pair that are ever merged, even if they were not merged at the time of the
purchase and origination.
Looking at the ownership structure at the time of origination, 32% of buyers use a real
estate agency which has a sibling lending arm, while 5% use a lender who has a real estate
agency sibling company. Again, 1.4% of borrowers use a merged pair. Similar concerns about
the fact that these number are not conditional on licensing apply. Nearly 40% of loans in
my sample are classified as coming from an agent preferred lender, a definition I will explain
This change is due to a 2015 change in the reporting requirements which required reporting the additional
variable beginning in 2018.
in Section 6.2. The average interest rate is 4.08%, reflecting the fact that interest rates were
generally low in the post-crisis period I study. The average FICO score in my sample is 736,
with an average loan-to-value ratio (LTV) of 87%.
Table 1: Summary Statistics
Mean Std. Dev Min Max
Agent Ever Merged 0.5 0.5 0 1
Lender Ever Merged 0.05 0.21 0 1
Agent/Lender Ever Merged 0.02 0.12 0 1
Agent Merged 0.44 0.5 0 1
Agent/Lender Merged 0.01 0.12 0 1
Lender Merged 0.05 0.21 0 1
Agent Preferred Lender 0.37 0.48 0 1
Interest Rate 4.08 0.45 3.25 5.00
FICO Score 735 55 300 900
LTV Ratio 87 14 1 200
Time to Close 41 16 7 88
Notes: Real estate Office/Lender Ever Merged equals one if a buyer’s real estate agent and mortgage
lender are ever merged, regardless of if they were at the time of the buyer’s purchase and origination.
Real estate office preferred lender equals one if the lender meets the criteria I define for likely being a
lender recommended by the buyer’s real estate agent.
4.1 Breakdown of Mergers
Here, I present a breakdown of the mergers I observe in my data set involving real estate
agencies. I observe a total of 137 mergers involving at least one real estate agency. Of those,
87, or the majority occur between two agencies where at least one agency has a lending arm.
These are the mergers which result in what I call “indirect integration.” As a result of the
merger that was consolidating agency business, the agency which previously did not have
a sibling lender now does. Another 48 of the mergers are between two real estate agencies
when neither one has a lending arm at the time of the merger. Thus, these do not cause
indirect integration. Finally, I observe 2 cases where a lender and an agency merge directly.
Comparing the two types of agency-agency merger, the lender-less agency involved in merg-
ers which include a lending are are approximately the same size as the agencies involved in
the mergers without a lending arm. On average the lender-less agencies have a 3-4% market
Table 2: Merger Breakdown Statistics
N Avg. Mkt Share Std. Dev of Mkt. Share
Agency-Agency with Lender 87 0.04 0.06
Agency-Agency No Lender 48 0.03 0.03
Agency-Lender 2 0.001 0.0001
Notes: Agency-Agency with Lender mergers are those where one of the two real estate agencies merging
has a sibling lender. Agency-Lender mergers are those where a lender and agency merge directly (ie:
there is no second agency engaged in a horizontal merger). The average market share represents the
average market share of the acquired firm.
5 Case Studies
I will now present a case study to examine one merger more closely and see if there are ad-
ditional implications beyond those I can analyze in the reduced form and structural analysis.
In July 20XX, the real estate services subsidiary of a large conglomerate, BigFirm acquired
This merger gave BigFirm significant market share in portions of the United
States. At the time of the merger, LenderA, a mortgage company was a subsidiary of
AgencyA, and was acquired in this merger by BigFirm. Popular press and the company an-
nouncements of the merger suggest that the main reason for the merger was BigFirm gaining
market share in the residential real estate market. Indeed, if the acquisition of LenderA is
mentioned at all, it is later in the article, often seeming like an afterthought.
Following the merger, BigFirm and it’s subsidiary real estate agencies are jointly owned
with LenderA. Prior to the merger, BigFirm owned LenderB, another mortgage lender fol-
Identifying details have been removed.
lowing a merger with AgencyB in August 2013.
For the purposes of this case study, I will
ignore LenderB.
I begin by plotting the share of buyers who use LenderA to originate their mortgage, split
by AgencyA, all other BigFirm buyers, and all other buyers in Figure 2. As can be seen
here, prior to the merger, LenderA originated very few loans for purchases made with any
agencies other than AgencyA, consistent with the idea that AgencyA buyers were already
directed to LenderA as they were already jointly owned. Following the merger, we see no
change in the number of buyers from agencies that are not owned by BigFirm, while the
BigFirm share increases significantly. This graph also does not show the geographic expan-
sion of LenderA following the merger. I have restricted this graph to only states in which
LenderA is licensed before the merger, but following it’s acquisition by BigFirm LenderA
obtains licenses in many new states.
In Figure 3a, I map the market shares of BigFirm’s real estate agencies in 20XX, the
year it acquires AgencyA and LenderA. BigFirm had real estate agencies in most states in
this year, with significant market shares in the Mid-Atlantic states as well as Minnesota,
Missouri, and Kansas.
For comparison, Figure 3b shows the market share of LenderA in each state in 20XX, the
year of the merger. LenderA has non-zero market share in only five states: Texas, Pennsyl-
vania, Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware, reflecting the fact that lenders must be licensed in
BigFirm has several subsidiary real estate agencies. For the purposes of this case study, I will use
BigFirm to refer to all residential real estate agencies which were a subsidiary of BigFirm real estate services
subsidiary in a given year.
This is not a major issue; LenderB was a very geographically concentrated lender, with 80% of loans
coming from the Philadelphia Metro area between 2015 and 2017 according to the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau.
. Furthermore, LenderB stopped originating new loans in late 2020, and the patterns
in my data suggest that they were winding down their origination business before this. Lastly, Lender2 has
been fined for discriminatory lending practices, making it a poor choice for a case study.
Notes: Figure shows LenderA loan share at BigFirm agencies, AgencyA agencies, and all other agencies.
Years are relative to merger year, denoted at 0 and with red line.
Figure 2: LenderA Loan Share by Real Estate Agency Owner
each state and LenderA was not licensed in most states in the year of the merger.
However, in Figure 3c, I report the market shares of LenderA in each state two years after
the merger. Now, LenderA is lending in considerably more states, and has gained market
share in some states that is sizable given the relatively small market share of most lenders.
These figures suggest that LenderA expanded into the states where BigFirm had a substan-
tial presence already. Thus, bringing a lender in-house with a real estate agency influences
the geographic expansion of the lender.
Notes: Figure shows BigFirm’s market share in each state immediately prior to acquiring AgencyA and
LenderA. Darker states have higher market shares for BigFirm.
Figure 3a: BigFirm Agency Market Shares in Merger-Year by State
Notes: Figure shows LenderA’s market share in each state immediately prior to being acquired by
BigFirm. Darker states have higher market shares for LenderA.
Figure 3b: LenderA Market Shares in Merger-Year by State
Figure 3c: LenderA Market Shares Two Years Post-Merger by State
Notes: Figure shows LenderA’s market share in each state two years after acquisition by BigFirm. Darker
states have higher market shares for LenderA.
6 Reduced Form Specification
6.1 Identification
In this section I will discuss how I intend to estimate the causal effects of mergers between
mortgage lenders and real estate agencies. I will begin with a discussion of the identification
strategy before moving into estimating the equations. I present the results in the next section.
The ideal experiment to estimate the effects of mergers would to randomly assign agen-
cies and lenders to be jointly owned for a period of time and then randomly reallocate them.
This is not a feasible research design. Thus, I will exploit natural variations in the ownership
structure of firms stemming from mergers and acquisitions.
As mergers occur at different points and not all firms merge, this creates a treatment group
of lenders that are ever merged with real estate agents to compare with lenders who never
merge, as well as the buyers who use a given agent and lender pair. To fix ideas, when
Berkshire Hathaway (a large real estate agency that acquired a real estate firm with a
lender, Prosperity) merges with another real estate agency, is Prosperity more likely to find
borrowers through this link with the new agency? How does this affect the characteristics
of the buyers coming to Prosperity from this agency as well as the loans these buyers obtain?
The identifying assumption is that the merger is motivated by Berkshire’s desire to ex-
pand its real estate agency business, and not because Berkshire was interested in acquiring
Prosperity specifically. In this case, the merger is exogenous as far as the lender is con-
cerned, simply changing how it acquires customers and where it expands, as is seen in the
case study. To further control for lender or agent-specific effects, I include fixed effects in all
my specifications.
The main threat to causality is that buyers who use merged agency-lender pairs are dis-
tinct from others, even after controlling for observables, and that it is not joint ownership
leading to the effects I find but rather these unobservable characteristics. To fix this, I pro-
pose the following solution. First, I assume that buyers select a real estate agent and then
a mortgage lender. Given that all real estate agents offer buyers a list of suggested lenders,
and anecdotal evidence indicates that only lenders on that list will return buyer calls, this
is a reasonable assumption. Even if this direction does not hold, it does not invalidate the
effects I find, merely changes the interpretation. Now, instead of the agent referring buyers
to a lender, it is the lender referring buyers to an agent. Either way, the channel which
allows this is joint ownership.
Then, assuming that buyers first chose an agent, I assume that they pick this agent based
on characteristics of the agency/agent, not due to a merger set up. Agents provide a list
of recommended services to buyers, including recommended mortgage lenders, regardless
of merger status. Furthermore, many merged firms do not share common names, making
it unlikely that buyers would be aware of the relationship.
Thus, buyers are selecting
agents on criteria other than sibling lenders, and the change in status would not influence
the type of buyers choosing to use a given real estate agency. I will further validate this
assumption by showing that borrowers do not change on most observables following a merger.
The second threat I face is misattributing the mechanism. Buyers who use a merged lender-
agent pair are implicitly not searching while buyers who go to a merged firm and do not
use the sibling lender may be shopping around. The prior literature demonstrates that price
dispersion is prevalent in consumer financial markets, and that search mitigates this. Thus,
The set-up of my model does require that buyers choose an agent first, but the reduced form results do
Merged firms will often advertise for each other on their websites. However, they refer to each other as
”partner” or ”preferred,” the text stating the nature of the relationship is fine print at the bottom, which is
likely to be ignored by most buyers.
failing to control for search behavior could lead me to mistakenly attribute a price effect to
a merger when in fact it is a result of lack of search, which is not the goal of this paper. To
remedy this, I construct a proxy for lack of search, which I will discuss below.
6.2 Proxy for Search (or Lack Thereof)
No matter which real estate agency buyers go to, they will receive a list of recommended
lenders. I do not have access to this list, but I can proxy for it based on outcomes. Since
agent recommendations are something buyers pay attention to, the lenders agents suggest
will comprise a larger share of the loans matched with purchases from those real estate
agencies than agencies where they are not on the list of recommended lenders. Thus, I
construct the following measure to determine if a lender is likely to be recommended by an
1. Within a real estate agency-year, calculate what share of loans each lender originates,
conditional on originating at least one purchase loan. That is, lenders who do not
originate any loans at an agency are not considered.
2. Withing a CBSA-year, calculate lender market shares, conditional on a lender having
a non-zero market share in that CBSA-year.
3. Define a lender as recommended by an agency if the lender’s loan share within the
agency is more than two standard deviations above the lender’s loan share within the
county, and the lender originated at least eight loans in the CBSA-year.
In other words, I define a lender as recommended by an agency if I can reject the null hy-
pothesis that the lender’s share of loans within the CBSA-year and agency-CBSA-year are
the same at the 95% confidence level. Using this criterion, 39% of loans in my sample are
from agency recommended lenders, and 92% of loans which come from jointly owned pairs
Eight represents the bottom decile of lender-CBSA-year loan counts in my data. I have experimented
with adjusting this threshold and the results are robust.
meet this criteria.
With this set up, I will look at four outcomes: lender market shares at the CBSA level
and within a agency, total number of loans originated in a county, borrower characteristics,
and prices (interest rates). To estimate all of these outcomes, I will use one specification for
the CBSA market shares, and another for everything else.
7 Results
7.1 Lender Market Shares: Within Agency
The first outcome of interest is lender market shares within a real estate agency. If mergers
lead agencies to direct clients to their sibling company in a way that is not true without
mergers, and this recommendation is influential, then we expect that the within-agency
share for the merged lender to increase post merger. This leads to the specification:
= β
+ β
T reat P ost
+ β
T reat
+ γX
+ ϵ
Here, Share
is the share of purchases at agency i made with loans from lender j in CBSA
k at time t. T reat P ost
is equal to one if agency i and lender j are merged at time
t. T reat
takes the value one if agency i and lender j are ever merged. X
is a vector of
controls depending on the exact column in the table..
The results for this specification can be found in Table 3. Before controlling for lender
and agent fixed effects, the T reat coefficient is negative and highly significant, but after
controlling for lender and agent fixed effects in column (2), the magnitude drops and is sta-
tistically insignificant. This suggests that the firms which merge have lower within agency
market shares merge, however, following the merger that these relationships are stronger.
This suggests that there is some strategy in which firms decide to merge; namely, firms
which have less of a relationship strengthen that relationship by bringing it ”in house.” The
coefficient on T reat P ost is 0.15 in column (2), which indicates that following a merger,
the share of loans originated by the sibling lender of a real estate agency increases by 15
percentage points above the already existing relationship.
Merged lenders obtaining a larger market share from their sibling real estate agency post-
merger is consistent with the idea that mergers change the referral pattern of real estate
agencies. Now, agencies are referring more clients to their sibling lender, which results in
additional originations from the real estate agency for the lender.
Recent literature has shown that staggered difference in difference with two-way fixed ef-
fects are subject to unequal weighting of treatment cohorts and traditional two way fixed
effects models do not recover the average treatment effect. Thus, I employ the method
suggested by Sun and Abraham (2021) as well. This method reports a coefficient for each
relative time dummy included in the regression, which I have aggregated up to an average
treatment effect. In the last row of the table, I report the average coefficient on the event
study coefficients. This result is robust to the method suggested by Sun and Abraham
(2021); in fact the results are stronger. Now the coefficient on T reat P ost is 0.28, or 28
percentage points. This is consistent with the event study plot found in Figure 4.
While the effect on within-agency shares is interesting in its own right, it also provides
the first stage result for later loan-level analysis. It demonstrates that mergers change the
referral pattern of agents in a way that affects the lenders buyers choose. First, as agents
now have an ”inside track” to the lender, they may use this to help borrowers who otherwise
struggle to get a loan; however, they may instead use this to ”cream skim” and send only
the best borrowers to their sibling lender. Second, the lender may price loans to this group
of home buyers higher as they have a form of market power over the home buyer stemming
from the lack of search and the merger.
I will investigate the consequences of mergers on the characteristics of borrowers and the
interest rate in subsequent sections.
Table 3: Within-Agency Lender Shares
(1) (2)
Treat*Post 0.15*** 0.15***
(0.014) (0.012)
Treat -0.10*** -0.0094
(0.011) (0.0095)
Sun & Abraham (2020) 0.29*** 0.28***
(0.04) (0.04)
FE CBSA, Year CBSA, Year,
R-squared 0.11 0.61
N 3,176,993 3,176,993
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Dependent variable is a lender’s loan share within a CBSA-year-real estate agency. Unit of
observation is a lender-agency-CBSA-year. Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and equals
one if the lender and agency are a merged pair. Treat equals one for all lender-agency pairs which merge
at any point in time. Standard errors are clustered at the agency level.
7.2 Lender Market Shares: CBSA Level
In addition to market share effects at the company level, mergers may have effects on over-
all market shares for lenders. If, for example, mergers make companies more efficient, this
may allow them to process more loans in the same amount of time and thus attract more
customers. Then, their market share overall may increase.
To test this possibility, I use the below specification:
= β
+ β
T reat P ost
+ β
T reat
+ γX
+ ϵ
Notes: Dependent variable is a lender’s loan share within a CBSA-year-real estate agency. Unit of
observation is a lender-agency-CBSA-year. Treat*Post coefficients are plotted. Treat*Post represents the
coefficient of interest and equals one if the lender and agency are a merged pair. Standard errors are
clustered at the agency level.
Figure 4: Lender Agency Market Shares Event Study Plot
Now, the left-hand side is the lender market share in a given CBSA-year, while T reat
P ost
and T reat
turn on if the lender is merged with any real estate agency at time t or
at any point in time, respectively. This way, I am comparing lender market shares when
a lender is always merged to lenders who merge at some point in my sample. The results
for this can be found in Table 4. Here, after controlling for CBSA trends, there are no
significant differences in lender market shares following a merger, until I add in lender fixed
effects. With the addition of lender fixed effects, merging results in a market share increase
of 0.54 percentage points. While the absolute value of this number is quite small, the aver-
age lender market share in my sample is 3.3% overall, meaning that a 0.54 percentage point
increase in market share represents a 16% increase in market share.
The fact that this is
only significant after the introduction of lender fixed effects represents the fact that lenders
expand following mergers, as seen in the case study.
The event study plot version can be found in Figure 5. The results here are considerably
noisier. This is in large part due to the relatively sparse data, especially after fixed effects
The market share for lenders who are ever jointly owned is 3.8% on average, so 0.54 percentage points
represents a 14% increase in market share.
are incorporated. However, the general pattern of the results match the results in the tables,
and there are not obvious pre-trends. My results are even stronger after correcting for the
biases of the two way fixed effects estimator, the effect on lender market share increases to
0.7 percentage points (21% of average lender market share and 18% of the average market
share for lenders who are ever merged with a residential real estate agency.)
This increase in market share is significant for the lender, but has relatively little impact
on the overall market structure. While the jointly owned lender gains significant market
share with respect to where it started, this is not making them dominant in the market.
The broader market implications of this increase in market share are unclear. On the one
hand, this could represent loans that would otherwise be provided by other lenders, and thus
be business stealing. Alternatively, if merging makes the lender more efficient so that it is
profitable to originate more loans, they could gain market share without taking clients from
other lenders. In this case, the overall access to credit in the market will increase.
Table 4: CBSA Lender Market Shares
(1) (2)
Treat*Post -0.0012 0.0054*
(0.0021) (0.0029)
Treat 0.0051***
Sun & Abraham (2020) -0.001 0.007*
(0.003) (0.004)
FE CBSA,Year CBSA,Year,Lender
R-squared 0.63 0.64
N 415,764 415,764
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Dependent variable is a lender’s market share within a CBSA-year. Unit of observation is a lender-
CBSA-year. Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and equals one if the lender is merged with
any agency at that point in time. Treat equals one for all lenders which are merged with an agency at
any point in time. Standard errors are clustered at the lender level.
Notes: Dependent variable is a lender’s market share within a CBSA-year. Unit of observation is a
lender-CBSA-year. Treat*Post coefficients are plotted. Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and
equals one if the lender is merged with any agency at that point in time. Standard errors are clustered at
the lender level.
Figure 5: Lender CBSA Market Shares Event Study Plot
7.3 Interest Rate
For mortgages, interest rates are analogous to prices, and thus could be manipulated by
lenders if joint ownership with a real estate agency confers market power on them that does
not exist otherwise. Studying interest rates is additionally complicated because prior work
by Bhutta et al. (2020) documents that borrowers who apply to more than one lender pay
7 basis points less on average, and that “seriously considering” 3 or more lenders reduces
rates by 9.5 basis points on average. I want to ensure that the effect I find is not caused
by this lack of search, but rather the ownership structure of the firms selected. Thus, I
restrict my sample to only loans I flag as agent recommended as discussed earlier in Section
6.2. Furthermore, in my main analysis, I restrict to loans coming from the lender’s retail
channel, as theory suggests those are the buyers affected by joint ownership. Full sample
results are available in the appendix.
The results for this variable can be found in Table 5. All columns include lender, agency,
CBSA, state, and year fixed effects, and I report the T reat P ost coefficient from the Sun
and Abraham (2021) methodology at the bottom of each column. The results are robust
to this, and the event study plot can be found in Figure 6. the coefficient on T reat P ost
is positive and highly significant. This means that buyers who use a merged lender-agency
pair and go directly to the lender pay 8 basis points more on average for their loan. This
is consistent with the idea that buyers going to the retail lender who don’t search are most
likely to be affected by the merger. When including FICO score and LTV in column (2),
this increases to 9 basis points.
Table 5: Interest Rate
(1) (2)
Treat*Post 0.079*** 0.092***
(0.019) (0.015)
Treat -0.054*** -0.070***
(0.019) (0.016)
FICO*LTV 0.00042***
FICO Score -0.005***
LTV -0.030***
Sun&Abraham(2020) 0.122** 0.138***
(0.036) (0.036)
Lender,Agency Lender,Agency
R-squared 0.43 0.45
N 813,284 813,284
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Dependent variable is the loan interest rate. Unit of observation is a loan matched to a home
purchase. Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and equals one if the lender and agent are a
merged pair. Treat equals one for any lender-agent pairs which ever merge. Standard errors are clustered
at the agency level.
An interest rate effect of 8-9 basis points is quite large in the context of the literature. This
is similar to the effect found by Bartlett et al. (2021) for the premium paid by black borrowers
over white borrowers. It is also approximately 15% of the interest rate dispersion found by
Bhutta et al. (2020) between the 10th and 90th percentile of rates. While their difference is
significantly larger, they further document that search reduces this dispersion substantially.
Notes: Dependent variable is the loan interest rate. Unit of observation is a loan matched to a home
purchase. Treat*Post coefficients are plotted. Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and equals
one if the lender and agent are a merged pair. Standard errors are clustered at the agency level.
Figure 6: Interest Rate Event Study Plot
In the case of my finding, I am analyzing a subset of consumers who I believe did not search.
Thus, the effect I find is not due to changes in shopping behavior of consumers, but solely
the legal structure of the company they happen to choose. As most real estate agents will
offer lender recommendations to consumers, this is not a the fee for the convenience of not
having to find a lender, any effect from that is already included.
This effect is due purely
to the organizational structure of the firms in question. Furthermore, for affected buyers,
this is not a small effect. On the average loan in my sample, it represents an extra 225 per
year in interest payments. In high cost of living areas, such as the Washington, DC metro,
where loan amounts are higher, this rises to 289 per year. As home prices continue to rise,
these numbers will grow.
7.4 Time to Close
One feature borrowers might be willing to pay for in the form of higher rates is a loan which
they believe will close more quickly. In particular, in hot housing markets, the ability to
receive financing quickly can be the difference between having an offer accepted and not.
Merged firms might be able to originate loans more quickly due to the easier communication
The way in which agents recommend lenders to buyers is interesting in its own right, but I leave that
analysis for a future paper.
between lenders and agents.
I cannot directly observe the time it takes for a borrower to receive financing; however,
I am able to proxy for it. I observe both the date a property was under contract, that is on
the day that the home had an offer accepted and was no longer up for sale, and the close
date, the date on which the paperwork for the sale was signed and the home formally trans-
fers from one owner to the next. I take the difference between these two values to obtain the
length of time it takes for the property to move from under contract to closed. The results
of this analysis can be found in Table 6. In column (1), I use time to close directly. In
column (2), I use the probability that a purchase takes more than 45 days to close, 60 days
in (3), and 75 days in column (4). In column, I use only loans flagged as agent referred and
obtained through the lender’s retail channel, which is the sample that accounts for search
intensity and which is most likely to be affected by a merger. I trim time to close at the 5
and 95 percentiles before calculating each variable.
Beginning with column (1), using a merged pair reduces the time to close by 1.4 days or 3%
of the mean. However, buyers may be less concerned with small changes in the level of the
time to close but far more concerned with avoiding a lengthy delay. Thus, I in columns (2)
through (4) I put a dummy variable equal to one if the time to close is more than X days
on the left hand side, making this a linear probability model. There is a 2.3% reduction
in the probability that it takes more than 45 for a purchase to close when using a merged
lender-agent pair, but this is not statistically significant. Moving to columns (3) the effect
for buyers going through the retail channel is statistically significant at 2.1% reduction in
the probability it takes more than 60 days to close. In column (4), there is no significant
change in the probability it takes more than 75 days to close. This is due in part because
less than 10% of transactions take more than 75 days to close.
Two days on a mean of 41 days is not a large effect, nor are any of the probabilistic re-
sults large. Thus, if there is any efficiency gain for buyers from choosing a lender merged
with their real estate agency, it is not through faster closing times.
Table 6: Time to Close
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Days 45+ Days 60+ Days 75+ Days
Mean 42.0 0.35 0.16 0.09
Treat*Post -1.4** -0.025 -0.023 -0.021**
(0.59) (0.020) (0.019) (0.0088)
Treat 0.97 0.034 0.020 -0.0037
(0.68) (0.021) (0.022) (0.012)
Lender,Agency Lender,Agency Lender,Agency Lender,Agency
R-squared 0.31 0.23 0.24 0.22
N 793,231 793,231 793,231 793,231
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Dependent variable is the number of days between a home under contract and the home closing
(column (1)), or indicator for if it took more than 45 days (column (2)), 60 days (column (3)), or 75 days
(column (4)) to close. Unit of observation is a loan matched to a home purchase where loan is originated
through the retail channel. Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and equals one if the lender
and agency are a merged pair. Treat equals one for any lender-agency pairs which ever merge. Standard
errors are clustered at the agency level. ALl columns include CBSA, Year, Lender, and Agency fixed
7.5 Borrower Characteristics
Real estate agents and the agencies they work for have a considerable amount of informa-
tion about their clients and their ability to repay a loan. Thus, they can act as conduits
of information between lenders and borrowers. Following the merger, this channel is legally
codified, making the exchange even easier. There are to two possible uses for this channel:
assisting marginal borrowers or cream skimming. In the first case, suppose the agency has
soft information about applicants which lead it to believe that they are a ”better” risk than
their credit information may suggest. They can communicate this to the lender and help
them get a loan. In the second case, the agency could selectively decide to refer only the
best clients to its sibling lender.
While both of the above cases could be true for agencies and lenders who have a rela-
tionship that is not legally codified, its existence is more plausible following a merger. Now
the agency and lender are working for the same parent company, and as such their incentives
are aligned. Without the merger, the agency is primarily interested in getting a loan for its
clients, not necessarily how well they will be able to repay, and likewise the lender is not
interested in how easy it is for the agency to make a sale, so is unlikely to want to “go the
extra mile” to originate a loan. With the merger, both have reason to care about the others’
goals, making one or both channels possible. I will now discuss results for three ex-ante
characteristics of borrowers: loan amount, FICO score at origination, loan-to-value ratio. In
addition, I have results for loan performance, to check if there are some unobservables which
are influencing interest rates as found by Stroebel (2016). For these, I test the share of loans
which are ultimately 30, 60, and 90 days delinquent.
Borrower characteristics are the second set of results that may be correlated with search
behavior. That is, borrower characteristics may be correlated with the propensity to shop
around. As such, I report the specifications keeping only loans which I flag as agent referred
and from the retail channel as discussed in the beginning of the empirical specification dis-
cussion. The full sample results are available in the appendix.
These results can be found in Table 7. All six columns are insignificant, suggesting that
neither the ex-ante borrower characteristics, nor ex-post loan performance are different be-
fore and after merger. Thus, I find no evidence of cream-skimming or soft information
helping marginal borrowers. If there were cream-skimming, I would expect an improvement
in the borrower characteristics after merger. In reverse, if there were soft information helping
marginal borrowers get loans who would otherwise be denied, I would expect the quality of
borrower to decline following the merger.
Looking at Table 7, neither story appears to hold. The coefficient on loan amount is small
in magnitude and statistically insignificant. The coefficient on LTV is similarly small and
insignificant, at 2.2, or just under a 3% change. Similarly, the average FICO score in my
data set is 735, but the coefficient on T reat P ost is 10 points. While this is marginally
significant, it does not represent a large change in the credit score of borrowers.
Moving to the loan performance results in columns (4) through (6), I again find no sig-
nificant difference coming from merger. This suggests that the performance of loans does
not change with merger status. This is further evidence that the merger does not lead to soft
information changing loans. It also helps put the eventual interest rate results in context;
the higher rates are not due to information leading to expected worse loan performance (at
least not that is realized).
Table 7: Borrower Characteristics
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Amount LTV FICO 30 Days 60 Days 90 Days
Mean 254,484 87.00 735 14.2% 7.8% 5.8%
Treat*Post 402 -2.2 10* -0.012 -0.0048 0.0013
(7,118) (1.5) (5.5) (0.011) (0.0075) (0.0051)
Treat -14,694* 2.5* -11* 0.023* 0.0065 -0.0044
(8,318) (1.5) (5.7) (0.013) (0.0095) (0.0070)
FICO*LTV -0.000025*** -0.000021*** -0.000019***
(6.3e-07) (4.9e-07) (4.3e-07)
FICO Score 0.00054*** 0.00081*** 0.00080***
(0.000056) (0.000043) (0.000037)
LTV 0.020*** 0.017*** 0.015***
(0.00049) (0.00038) (0.00033)
Lender,Agency Lender,Agency Lender,Agency Lender,Agency Lender,Agency Lender,Agency
R-squared 0.54 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.13
N 606,238 830,385 824,923 824,821 824,821 824,821
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Dependent variable is loan amount (column (1)), loan-to-value ratio (column (2)), FICO (credit)
score at origination (column (3)), or indicator for if loan is ever 30 days delinquent (column (4)), 60 days
delinquent (column (5)), or 90 days delinquent (column (6)). Unit of observation is a loan matched to a
home purchase where loan is originated through the retail channel. Treat*Post represents the coefficient
of interest and equals one if the lender and agency are a merged pair. Treat equals one for any lender-
agency pairs which ever merge. Standard errors are clustered at the agency level.
8 Model
While the reduced form results above discuss the implications of mergers between agencies
and lenders for consumers, mortgage market structure, and lender market shares, they are
unable to examine any potential cost savings for the lender, as well as unable to test policy
counterfactual scenarios. Thus, I have constructed a logit demand model for mortgages as
well as Bertrand differentiated product competition supply so as to recover marginal cost
and estimate counterfactuals.
8.1 Household
Each household i in market t has a choice set C
from which they select one loan, j. For a
given product j, the indirect utility household i receives can be written as:
= αr
+ βx
+ ξ
+ ϵ
where r
represents the rate paid by the household, and x
is a vector of product charac-
teristics observed by the econometrician. ξ
is the characteristics of the product which are
observable to the household, but unobservable to the econometrician. ϵ
is the error term.
Then, household i chooses the product in their choice set C
which maximizes their indirect
8.2 Lender
A given lender l offers products j. I assume that if a lender is jointly owned, it offers two
product in a given market: one to buyers from its sibling agency and another to all other
buyers in the market.
For a given product j which is sold in market t, the lender has profit:
= (r
where r
is the interest rate, and κ
is the marginal cost of selling that product. Thus,
each product the lender offers is allowed to have a different rate and a different cost in every
market. s
represents the choice probability for product j. Thus, the overall profit for firm
l in market t is:
) (5)
where s
is the market share for product j. Then, the lender chooses the interest rate r
for each product to maximize their profit function. The first order condition for the optimal
rate on good j from lender l in market t, r
= κ
9 Model Estimation
9.1 Household Demand
Each household i belongs to a market t. I define a market as a CBSA-year-above/below me-
dian credit score-above/below median loan-to-value ratio-loan type (Non-conforming, con-
forming, or jumbo). In standard logit demand, households in the same market have the
same choice set. However, in this case, not all households in a given market have access to
the same products. Household-specific choice sets mean that the standard logit-estimation
strategy using market shares will not work, and instead I will exploit the micro data.
I do not observe the options in a household’s choice set, so I will construct it. First, I
separate all loans into above and below median credit score, and then above and below
median loan-to-value-ratio. Then, I define a product as a combination of lender, and if the
loan went to buyers from vertically integrated broker-lender pairs. That is, even with the
same credit score, loan-to-value ratio, and lender, I consider a loan a different product if the
household i came from the lender’s sibling residential real estate agency or not.
Now, I assume that buyers in market t have access to loans issued in market t that required
the same credit score bin (as defined by above/below median), loan type, and loan-to-value
ratios (above/below median) from all lenders operating in market t. However, if the lender is
jointly owned with the buyer’s real estate agency, they will only have access to that lender’s
vertically integrated product for a given credit score x loan to value ratio, and vice versa.
I construct the outside option, j = 0, by setting it to all lenders who have a 0.05% market
share or less, and normalize it to have mean utility of zero.
This specification for the choice set does not take into account heterogeneity in search costs.
For example, large firms may advertise more aggressively, and gain larger market shares
as a result. To account for this, I will include lender fixed effects. Then, assuming that
conditional on observables borrower composition is not correlated with product attributes,
including the dummy for being a linked lender, not accounting for search costs is unlikely to
drive my results. In the reduced form I find little effect of mergers on borrower characteris-
tics, making this assumption plausible.
Then, recall that a household i’s indirect utility from product j in market t can be written
as :
= αr
+ βx
+ ξ
+ ϵ
where r
is the average rate, and x
are the observable product characteristics: vertical
integration and lender fixed effects, and ξ
are unobservables. I assume that ϵ
is distributed
Extreme Value Type-I. Then, a consumer i chooses the product j from their choice set C
which maximizes their indirect utility. That is, if household i chooses product j, then:
1. Product j C
2. V
> V
k C
Among all products in its choice set, C
, the household will choose the product which
maximizes its indirect utility. That is, if household i choose product j from lender l in
market t, that implies that:
1. Product j is in the household’s choice set C
2. V
> V
k C
Then, the conditional choice probability of household i in market t choosing product j is:
= P r(j|C
) =
Where δ
can be written as:
= αr
+ βX
+ ξ
In other words, δ
is the indirect utility with the ϵ
integrated out. δ
is normalized to zero.
Then, then household i’s likelihood function is:
(product j chosen)
This gives the log-likelihood for household i as:
ln (L
) =
ln (s
) (product j chosen) (11)
I estimate this in two steps. First, I use a non-linear optimization to find the δ
which max-
imizes the likelihood for all households. Then, I use two stage least squares to decompose
into each of its pieces. This cannot be done with standard OLS because it is possible
, ξ
) ̸= 0. For example, one element of ξ
could be quality. Then, it makes sense
that higher quality products would have higher prices, so cov(r
, ξ
) > 0. Thus, failing to
account for the endogeneity between r
and ξ
will lead to biased estimates.
To deal with the endogeneity of ξ
, the unobservables which may be correlated with price,
I use the 10-year Treasury bond rate interacted with the number of lenders in the market.
The intuition behind this IV is that mortgage rates are often tied to the treasury rate. How-
ever, the degree to which lenders can pass on changes in the federal funds rate to buyers is
dependent on the degree of competition in the market. With rate increases, in more com-
petitive markets lenders cannot pass as much of the treasury rate increase on to borrowers.
I have plotted the 10-year Treasury rate in each year in Figure 7. The rate varies over time,
lending time variation to my IV. Furthermore, the number of lenders in a market varies year
over year; only 11% of my markets have the same number of lenders from one year to the
next, providing additional time variation. There is also significant variation in the number
of lenders in a market within a given year, providing geographic variation. A histogram with
the distribution of number of lenders can be found in Figure 8.
1.5 2 2.5 3
10-Year T-Bill
2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
10Yr Treasury Rate Over Time
Notes: Figure shows the annual average of the 10-year Treasury rate over sample period (2011-2019).
Figure 7: 10-Year Treasury Rate over Sample Period
0 .02 .04 .06 .08 .1
0 10 20 30 40 50
Number of Lenders
Distribution of Number of Lenders
Notes: Figure is histogram of number of lenders in market year over sample period (2011-2019).
Figure 8: Histogram of Number of Lenders in Market-Year
The first stage results can be found in the appendix in Table 11. The coefficients on
the product characteristics can be seen in Table 10. The coefficient on interest rate is -8.26.
This is consistent with the idea that borrowers prefer to pay less interest, all else equal. The
coefficient on Merged Pair is positive. This is consistent with the reduced form results in
Table 3. When a lender is merged with the borrower’s real estate agent, the borrower is more
likely to choose that lender. This can be thought of as the additional ”brand premium” that
a lender receives when they are jointly owned with a real estate agent. However, the lender
fixed effects are considerably larger, on the order of 40. Thus, the premium for being jointly
owned is not large in comparison. This matches the reduced form results where the effect
on CBSA market share is relatively small.
The coefficient on time to close is negative. This suggests that borrowers prefer to close
quickly, which is again consistent with theory.
Table 8: Mean Utility Parameters
Rate 8.26
Merged Pair 2.20
Time to Close 0.020
Observations 16,024
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Mean utility parameters recovered from nested logit run on a 25% random sample of data. Unit
of observation is a given loan product j in a market t. Merged Pair is a dummy variable equal to 1 if
the residential real estate agency and lender are part of the same conglomerate. Time to close is the
number of days between contract and close. Standard errors bootstrapped on 500 random samples at
market level.
9.2 Supply
Using the first order condition for optimal pricing, I can solve for the marginal cost of prod-
uct k in market t, κ
. Then, using the results from the demand estimation, I can compute
conditional choice probabilities s
for all products, as well as the partial derivatives. Then,
in every market, I am left with a system of J
equations with J
unknowns, so the system is
just identified, and a unique set of marginal costs exists.
Summary statistics for marginal cost can be found in Table 9. The average marginal cost
on non-merged loans is 4.00%, while that on merged loans is 3.98%. I cannot reject that
these two are the same, but it is suggestive that merged loans are cheaper to originate than
non-merged loans. The magnitude of the marginal cost on these loans is qualitatively similar
to those found in the UK mortgage market by Robles-Garcia (2019).
Table 9: Marginal Cost
Marginal Cost Markup
Non-Merged 4.00 0.018
(0.03) (0.07)
Merged 3.98 0.02
(0.06) (0.011)
Notes: Average marginal cost and markups over marginal cost calculated from model. Unit of observation
is a product j in market t. Non-Merged products are those available to buyers not coming from the
sibling residential real estate agency of a lender while merged products are only available to buyers
coming from the lender’s sibling agency. Results calculated using a 25% random sample of markets.
Standard errors bootstrapped on 500 random samples at market level.
10 Counterfactual
Now that I have recovered the demand parameters and marginal cost for each type of loan,
I can run counterfactuals. I run a total of three counterfactuals. In the first, I estimate a
counterfactual equivalent to breaking up the merged agencies and lenders, but not allowing
borrowers to choose new loan products other than the outside option. All merged products
are removed from the market so only the unmerged products are left; borrowers who previ-
ously chose merged products now choose the outside option. Keeping the utility parameters
from the demand estimation and the recovered marginal cost, I solve for the optimal interest
rate for each product using the lender’s pricing equation:
= κ
In the second counterfactual, I again assume that the government has banned joint own-
ership, but now I allow the affected buyers to choose any product, instead of just the outside
option. Again, I hold the mean utility parameters and all product characteristics other than
rate fixed and re-solve the lender’s problem. These first two counterfactuals, the main change
is the composition of the consumer’s choice sets, but the size is fairly constant.
In the third counterfactual, I assume the government has allowed joint ownership, but
now the lender cannot offer different products to consumers based on which real estate agency
they chose, they must offer both products to all consumers. Thus, this counterfactual can be
thought of as increasing the size of the choice set but all consumers keep the product they
chose in the status quo in their choice set.
The results of these counterfactuals can be seen in Table 10. In each column, I report the
weighted average of each product characteristics in that counterfactual as well as the utility
implied. These values are weighted by the product market shares in that simulation. I also
report the status quo for comparison.
Beginning with the first counterfactual, banning mergers but sending all affected consumers
to the outside option decreases rates by 1 basis point on average. However, because con-
sumers now choose products without the brand premium boost from joint ownership and
with slightly lower unobservable quality, overall utility decreases slightly.
Moving to the last counterfactual, banning mergers but allowing consumers to pick be-
tween all options in the market and the outside option results in higher interests rates on
average, increasing from 4.09% to 4.14%. However, buyers compensate for this by choosing
products which close slightly faster, with higher unobservable characteristics (ξ increases
from an average of 0.99 to 1.32), and from lenders which provide a higher brand premium.
However, these positive characteristics are not enough to offset the disutility from a higher
There are a handful of markets where the choice set does change size because the jointly owned lender
does not offer both a jointly owned and a non-jointly owned product in that market, but correcting for this
does not substantively change the results.
rate, so welfare decreases. The welfare decrease is equivalent to that from an interest rate
increase of 0.3 basis points, or welfare loss 9 at the mean loan amount.
In the second counterfactual, consumers now have access to two products from jointly owned
lenders: the one previously offered to customers coming from the lender’s sibling agency and
the one offered to all other customers. In this instance, rates do not change relative to the
status quo, but buyers substitute to different products. Fewer consumers choose the jointly
owned product, 1% instead of 2%, but choose products with higher quality, faster closing,
and more preferred lenders. This means that consumer welfare increases by 18 on average.
Taken together these counterfactuals suggest that regulating the product offerings of lenders
jointly owned with real estate agents would increase consumer welfare if it is done carefully.
Simply banning mergers would harm consumers, but requiring all consumers be offered the
same products rather than banning joint ownership increases consumer welfare on average.
Table 10: Counterfactual Results
Status Quo Merger Ban, Merger Ban Competition
No Re-Sort
Interest Rate 4.09 4.08 4.14 4.11
(0.01) (0.01) (0.01)
Time to Close 39.99 39.95 39.79 39.64
(0.19) (0.23) (0.33)
Jointly Owned 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01
(0.00) (0.00) (0.001)
ξ 0.99 0.96 1.32 1.21
(0.19) (0.16) (0.18)
Lender FE 44.65 44.68 44.73 44.69
(0.03) (0.05) (0.04)
Utility 11.09 11.05 11.06 11.15
(0.19) (0.21) (0.18)
Equivalent Rate Change(bp) 0.5 0.3 -0.7
(0.34) (0.29) (0.69)
Utility Change (Dollars) -12 -9 18
(23) (16) (35)
Notes: Results of counterfactual simulation on a 25% random sample of markets. Unit of observation is
a product j in a market t. Dollar utility calculated by computing the change in the interest rate which
corresponds to the same change in utility and then multiplying that by the average loan amount. Results
are weighted by the product market share in the counterfactual. Standard errors bootstrapped on 150
random samples at market level
11 Conclusion
In this paper, I construct a novel data set of home purchases matched to the loans which
funded them, and exploit the 100+ mergers I hand-matched to examine the consequences
of jointly owned real estate agencies and mortgage lenders which has been previously un-
studied in the literature. Of these more than 100 mergers, 87 occur between real estate
agencies and indirectly integrate a lender with one of the two agencies. I use this indi-
rect integration in a staggered difference-in-differences design to analyze the consequences of
joint ownership between real estate agencies and mortgage lenders for lenders and borrowers.
Beginning with the effects on market share, I find that joint ownership has a small im-
pacts on a lender’s market share in a CBSA, and larger effects on their market share within
sibling residential real estate agencies. This suggests that when an agency and a lender
share a parent company, the agent directs clients to her sibling lender, and this increases the
lender’s market share. While this increase in market share represents a significant increase
in market share for the lender, the effect on overall market competition is small.
Third, after documenting that mergers change the lender chosen by buyers using a merged
real estate agency, I investigate if interest rates change as a result of using a jointly owned
agency-lender pair, and I find that borrowers going directly to a lender pay 9 basis points
more in interest than borrowers with similar characteristics did before the merger, even when
the lender was recommended by the agency in both cases, so search intensity has not changed.
Fourth, I examine if mergers facilitate easier communication between agencies and lenders,
leading buyers close on their mortgage faster, which buyers may be willing to pay for. While
I find a two day reduction in the time to close, this is small relative to the average time to
close. Furthermore, there is only slight evidence that joint ownership decreases the proba-
bility of an unusually long time to close. I therefore conclude that joint ownership does not
get home buyers into their homes faster.
Fifth, I examine how mergers change borrower characteristics. By strengthening the ties
between lenders and agencies, mergers could facilitate information exchanges which benefit
marginally qualified borrowers or result in jointly owned lenders taking only the best bor-
rowers (“cream-skimming”). When looking at FICO score, LTV, and loan amount, I find
no large significant effects. The fact that lenders do not change behavior with respect to
FICO and LTV scores is consistent with the fact that these are GSE-insured loans where
little of the riskiness of the borrower is borne by the lender. Similarly, I find no evidence of
differential loan performance after origination.
Finally, I supplement my reduced form findings of higher market shares for lenders and
higher interest rates for buyers with a structural model of supply and demand for loans.
Using a logit demand model for mortgages, I estimate mean utility parameters for prod-
uct characteristics which confirm my reduced form results that buyers prefer jointly owned
agency-lender pairs, faster closing time, and that there is a significant ”known brand” pre-
mium. I couple this demand model with a supply model where lenders are profit maximizing,
face exogenous marginal cost, and must choose an interest rate for each loan product. From
this supply model paired with my demand model results, I recover marginal costs. I fail to
reject that marginal cost is identical for merged and non-merged loans. Using this model, I
next estimate three policy counterfactuals for what could happen if joint ownership between
real estate agencies and mortgage lenders were further regulated.
In the first counterfactual, I assume that joint ownership is banned and force all of the
buyers choosing jointly owned loan products to choose the outside option. In this case,
interest rates fall, but so does average utility. In the second counterfactual, I again assume
joint ownership is banned, but now consumers can re-sort among all products, not just con-
sumers who previously chose jointly owned products, and not just to the outside option.
In this case, the decrease in competition increases interest rates, but consumers are able to
choose products that have other desirable characteristics, so while utility falls, it falls by
less than in the first counterfactual. In the third and final counterfactual, I assume that
joint ownership is permitted, but that jointly owned lenders must offer all their products to
consumers, regardless of real estate agency chosen. In this case, prices go up very slightly,
but consumers choose products with other characteristics, that overall utility and welfare go
up by 18 per person on average.
These results open several avenues of future research. First, there could be heterogeneous
effects by borrower characteristics; perhaps first-time, minority, and/or female borrowers
are impacted differently than other borrowers. Second, understanding how agencies recom-
mend lenders, independent of common ownership is important to understanding this market.
Third, local market conditions may make change the ability of conglomerate lenders to ad-
just their prices, and thus change the penalty impacted borrowers pay. Extensions to the
model would incorporate limited consideration sets for buyers, or more complex or dynamic
pricing decisions by lenders. I leave these analyses to future papers. Finally, the data set I
constructed for this project are useful for other projects which may want to link loans and
the associated home purchase, or which want to exploit variation in corporate ownership
structure of real estate firms over time.
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A Matching the Data
A.1 MLS to CoreLogic Property Data
I begin by matching the CoreLogic MLS data to the CoreLogic Property data. I first merge
on APN and county FIPS code. However, there are a number of properties in the MLS
which do not have APN numbers. Thus, I take all unmerged properties in both data sets,
and attempt to mere them on address.
This gives me a data set of basic property characteristics merged to the MLS data. Now,
I can merge the data to the CoreLogic Mortgage data. This merge is an imperfect merge
on APN number, FIPS, and tax account number. However, as this is not a unique match, I
restrict this sample to cases where the ownership data match.
Now, I have a data set of MLS listings matched to property records, including the mortgage
provider. I now clean the names of the real estate agencies and lenders. This is a nontrivial
process, requiring much hand checking. However, without this, it is not possible to have
consistent firm names.
A.2 Merging in the LLMA Data
There are very few unique identifiers in the LLMA data that are shared with my MLS-
CoreLogic Property data set. Thus, this is a very inexact match. I merge first on origination
year-month, loan amount, and zip code. Then, I use a random number generator to keep
one observation of each of the observations matched on these three variables.
I next take the unmatched LLMA and MLS-CoreLogic Property data, and merge on just
year-month and zip code. Again, I use a random number generator to keep a unique obser-
vation from each match.
After merging in the LLMA Originations data, it is easy to merge in the events data. There
is a unique loan-level identifier which can be matched.
A.3 Merging in the HMDA Data
Similar to the other inexact matching steps, this process is an iterative match. Data are first
matched between the CoreLogic Property Records and HMDA on tract, exact loan amount,
and lender name. Then, a random number generator is used to keep one observation from
each match. Next, the data are matched just on tract and exact loan amount, and a unique
observation from each match is kept. Next, the loan amount is allowed to vary sequentially
more each iteration from ±$1, 000 up to ±$10, 000 in increments of 1,000. At each iteration,
the previous two steps are repeated. That is, first tract, loan amount, and lender name are
used. Then, after a unique observation is kept lender name is dropped and the process is
repeated with just tract and loan amount before moving on to the next iteration with a
higher loan range.
B Model Results
Below are the first stage results for the instrumental variables in the logit demand. I use one
instruments: the 10-year Treasury Rate interacted with the number of lenders in the market.
The results of this estimation are reported below. The coefficient on Merged Pair is positive
but insignificant, which is consistent with the reduced form results. Furthermore, the
Table 11: First Stage
Interest Rate
Treasury Rate * Num. Lenders 0.004
Jointly Owned Pair 0.016
Time to Close 0.001
FE Lender
F-Statistic 40
Observations 162,667
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Results of first stage regressions on a 25% random sample of data. Unit of observation is a loan
product j in a market t. Standard errors calculated on 500 bootstraps of random sample at market level.
C Results for All Agent Preferred Loans
Below, I report the same borrower and loan-level outcomes I report in the main paper, but
keeping all loans I flag as agent preferred. In general, the results are robust to this change in
specification: there is little to no impact on time to close, ex-ante borrower characteristics,
or ex-post loan performance.
The one set of results which do substantively change are those on interest rate in Table
C. Here, the coefficient on T reat P ost
is positive and significant in my main sample, but
not when looking at all loans. This is consistent with the fact that the full sample includes
distribution channels that are unlikely to be subject to price effects from the merger, such
as mortgage brokers.
Table 12: Time to Close
Days 30+ Days 45+ Days 60+ Days
Mean 42.0 0.72 0.35 0.16
Treat*Post -2.0*** -0.034*** -0.032* -0.014
(0.54) (0.013) (0.019) (0.011)
Treat 1.6** 0.035** 0.025 -0.0012
(0.61) (0.014) (0.022) (0.013)
Lender,Agency Lender,Agency Lender,Agency Lender,Agency
R-squared 0.29 0.22 0.22 0.20
N 1,132,834 1,132,834 1,132,834 1,132,834
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Dependent variable is the number of days between a home under contract and the home closing
(column (1)), or indicator for if it took more than 45 days (column (2)), 60 days (column (3)), or 75 days
(column (4)) to close. Unit of observation is a loan matched to a home purchase. Treat*Post represents
the coefficient of interest and equals one if the lender and agency are a merged pair. Treat equals one
for any lender-agency pairs which ever merge. Standard errors are clustered at the agency level. ALl
columns include CBSA, Year, Lender, and Agency fixed effects.
Table 13: Borrower Characteristics
Amount LTV FICO 30 Days 60 Days 90 Days
Mean 254,484 87.00 736 14.2% 7.8% 5.8%
Treat*Post -8,213 -0.55 3.1* -0.0072 0.0051 0.0012
(5,923) (0.71) (1.8) (0.011) (0.0062) (0.0043)
Treat 2,692 0.28 -2.1 0.016 -0.0067 -0.0076
(6,431) (0.74) (2.1) (0.013) (0.0084) (0.0062)
FICO*LTV -0.000025*** -0.000022*** -0.000019***
(5.3e-07) (4.1e-07) (3.6e-07)
FICO Score 0.00053*** 0.00087*** 0.00083***
(0.000047) (0.000036) (0.000031)
LTV 0.020*** 0.017*** 0.015***
(0.00041) (0.00032) (0.00028)
Lender,Agency Lender,Agency Lender,Agency Lender,Agency Lender,Agency Lender,Agency
R-squared 0.52 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.13
N 846,338 1,189,050 1,096,155 1,095,983 1,095,983 1,095,983
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Dependent variable is loan amount (column (1)), loan-to-value ratio (column (2)), FICO (credit)
score at origination (column (3)), or indicator for if loan is ever 30 days delinquent (column (4)), 60 days
delinquent (column (5)), or 90 days delinquent (column (6)). Unit of observation is a loan matched to a
home purchase. Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and equals one if the lender and agency
are a merged pair. Treat equals one for any lender-agency pairs which ever merge. Standard errors are
clustered at the agency level.
Table 14: Interest Rate (Mean = 4.09%)
(1) (2)
Treat*Post 0.026 0.054*
(0.032) (0.030)
Treat -0.021 -0.041*
(0.033) (0.025)
FICO*LTV 0.000042***
FICO Score -0.005***
LTV -0.030***
Sun&Abraham(2020) 0.067*** -0.032
(0.009) (0.034)
Sample All All
Lender,Agency Lender,Agency
R-squared 0.41 0.43
N 1,162,386 1,162,386
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Dependent variable is loan interest rate. Unit of observation is a loan matched to a home purchase
where loan is originated through the retail channel. Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and
equals one if the lender and agency are a merged pair. Treat equals one for any lender-agency pairs
which ever merge. Standard errors are clustered at the agency level.
D Robustness Checks
D.1 Placebo Test
In Table 5, I show that the effect is statistically significant for buyers who use the retail dis-
tribution channel. This is consistent with the story that buyers who use the retail channel
are most captured by the one-stop shopping model and thus charged the higher rate.
By similar logic, buyers who use a mortgage broker should be the least captured by a merged
pair, and thus, I would not expect to see an effect on the interest rate. To that end, running
my specification on buyers who use the mortgage broker distribution channel is a placebo
test for my results.
I report that specification in Table 15. As can be seen, the result is insignificant. Even
if it were significant, the point estimate is negative, suggesting that buyers who use mort-
gage brokers pay less after the merger. These results are consistent with the story I have
put forth.
D.2 Points Paid
One way that my identifying assumption would be violated is if borrowers not exposed to
a merged lender-agent pair behave differently than the borrowers not exposed to a merged
lender-agent pair. I have shown in Section 7.5 that on observable borrower characteristics
that are plausibly determined prior to the loan contract (namely, loan amount, FICO score,
and loan-to-value ratio), borrowers do not differ substantially in most respects. However,
it is possible that borrowers change their behavior within the loan contract. Specifically, in
deciding to pay discount points. Borrowers can decide to pay points at origination, where
they trade an upfront fee (called ”points”) in exchange for lowering the interest rate on the
Table 15: Interest Rate for Mortgage Broker Intermediated Loans
Treat*Post -0.144
Treat -0.211
Sun&Abraham(2020) -0.44
Sample Mtg.Broker
R-squared 0.63
N 7,032
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Dependent variable is the loan interest rate. Unit of observation is a loan matched to home
purchase. Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and equals one if the lender and agent are a
merged pair. Treat equals one for any lender-agent pairs which ever merge. Standard errors are clustered
at the agency level.
loan. Bhutta and Hizmo (2021) document that the apparent gap in interest rates paid by
white vs. minority borrowers can be explained by the fact that white borrowers tend to pay
more points in exchange for a lower interest rate.
If borrowers who use merged lender-agent pairs after merger are paying fewer points than
their pre-merger counterparts, that would appear as higher interest rates post-merger, which
is not truly a consequence of the joint ownership.
Unfortunately, the LLMA data do not include points paid. However, due to a rule change,
points paid are reported in HMDA data beginning in 2018. Thus, for the last two years of my
data, I can merge in HMDA and observe both the interest rate and points paid. Due to the
small nature of this sample, I am not able to restrict to just agent referred buyers, however
earlier versions of my results were robust to either sample, so that is not driving these results.
In Table 16, I make points paid the dependent variable in columns (1) through (3). The
first two columns are for all loans, while the third column restricts to just retail channel
loans. Beginning with the first column, we see that the coefficient on T reat P ost is both
very small in magnitude and insignificant. This holds with the inclusion of credit metrics in
column (2), and when restricting the sample to just retail loans in column (3). All in all,
points paid cannot explain my main results.
Table 16: Discount Points
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Treat*Post 1.2e-08 1.4e-08 -2.3e-09 -6.0e-09
(4.8e-08) (5.6e-08) (5.8e-08) (5.8e-08)
Treat -1.9e-08 -2.3e-08 -7.4e-09 -2.4e-09
(4.7e-08) (5.5e-08) (5.8e-08) (5.8e-08)
FICO*LTV 6.4e-12*** 9.3e-12***
(5.7e-13) (6.5e-13)
FICO -7.6e-10*** -9.4e-10***
(5.1e-11) (5.8e-11)
LTV -6.0e-09*** -8.1e-09***
(4.3e-10) (5.0e-10)
Sample All All Retail Retail
FE CBSA, Year, CBSA, Year, CBSA, Year, CBSA, Year,
Lender, Agency Lender, Agency Lender, Agency Lender, Agency
R-squared 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.14
N 690,167 651,645 469,841 469,293
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Dependent variable is the amount of discount points paid at origination. Unit of observation is
a loan matched to home purchase. Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and equals one if the
lender and agent are a merged pair. Treat equals one for all lender-agency pairs which merge at any
point in time. Standard errors are clustered at the agency level.
D.3 Total Origination Costs
Similarly to the discussion above, it is possible that after the merger, buyers pay lower orig-
ination costs in exchange for higher interest rates. While the LLMA data do not include
origination costs, the same rule change which required lenders to report any discount points
paid also required lenders to report total origination costs. Thus, for the last two years of my
data I can test for differences in total origination costs by merged and unmerged lender-agent
I report these results in Table 17. In columns (1) and (2) I include all loans while column
(3) considers only retail channel loans. Beginning with column (1), there is no relationship
between origination costs and merged status. This continues to be true when including credit
score, loan-to-value ratio, and their interaction in column (2) and subsetting to retail channel
loans in column (3). In all three specifications the coefficient on T reat P ost is insignificant.
Furthermore, the coefficient on T reat is also insignificant, suggesting that even before the
merger buyers using eventually merged lender-agent pairs were not paying different origina-
tion costs. In short, origination costs do not explain the interest rate effects I find in Table 5.
Table 17: Total Origination Costs
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Treat*Post 251 84 185 39
(317) (379) (459) (455)
Treat -223 -82 -204 -94
(308) (364) (440) (433)
FICO*LTV -0.19*** -0.22***
(0.0049) (0.0057)
FICO 12*** 16***
(0.42) (0.48)
LTV 165*** 188***
(3.7) (4.3)
Sample All All Retail Retail
FE CBSA, Year, CBSA, Year, CBSA, Year, CBSA, Year,
Lender, Agency Lender, Agency Lender, Agency Lender, Agency
R-squared 0.29 0.33 0.33 0.35
N 714,475 674,194 481,761 481,177
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Dependent variable is the total origination costs. Unit of observation is a loan matched to home
purchase. Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and equals one if the lender and agent are a
merged pair. Treat equals one for all lender-agency pairs which merge at any point in time. Standard
errors are clustered at the agency level.
D.4 Only Agency-Agency Mergers
One concern about my identification strategy is that mergers are not exogenous. Specifically,
residential real estate agencies and mortgage lenders will strategically decide to merge. In
other words, mergers not occur randomly.
First, I do not believe this is a major issue, as more than half of the mergers in my data
set are actually horizontal between two residential real estate agencies where one happens
to have a lending arm. Thus, it seems that the exposure to the lender is occurring quasi-
randomly. However, to be sure, I re-run my main analysis keeping only those mergers which
are agency-agency, removing all observations which are affected by an agency-lender merger.
These results can be found in Table 18. As can be seen, if anything the results are stronger
than my main specification. Thus, this cannot explain the results.
Table 18: Only Exogenous Mergers
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Lender CBSA Share Within Agency Share Interest Rate Interest Rate, Retail Only
Treat*Post 0.0072** 0.14*** 0.086*** 0.089***
(0.0013) (0.011) (0.0091) (0.014)
Treat -0.0096 -0.093*** -0.090***
(0.0082) (0.014) (0.016)
FICO*LTV 0.000041*** 0.000041***
(6.7e-07) (7.5e-07)
FICO -0.0049*** -0.0049***
(0.000059) (0.000067)
LTV -0.030*** -0.030***
(0.00052) (0.00058)
Sample All Retail
FE CBSA, Year, CBSA, Year, CBSA, Year, CBSA, Year,
Lender Lender, Agency Lender, Agency Lender, Agency
R-squared 0.62 0.61 0.43 0.45
N 414,265 3,175,875 1,056,558 796,412
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and equals one if the lender is merged (column
(1)) or if a lender and agent are a merged pair (columns (2) through (4). Treat equals one for any
lender-agent pairs which ever merge. Standard errors are clustered at the lender level in column (1) and
at the agency level in columns (2) through (4).
D.5 Stacked Event Study
A common way to study mergers retrospectively is to construct a control group for each
merger, generate a merger-specific ID, and then stack each of these mergers in an event
study using the merger-IDs as fixed effects. This way, each merger is considered individu-
ally, and the issues about staggered DiD do not apply. This is similar to the approach taken
in prior merger retrospective papers. Because I observe over 100 mergers, I can exploit a
similar approach in my data, and I include it as a robustness test.
For each merger, I construct a control group of all unmerged lender-agent pairs at time
t, and who come from a county where I also observe the merging lender-agent pair. In other
words, for each merger, my sample for that merger consists of all observations for a given
merger as well as all observations from that county that are never treated. In this way, each
merger-ID compares the effects of that merger to observations never treated by a merger that
creates sibling lender-agent pairs. This specification avoids the issues of staggered difference-
in-difference by giving each merger its own control group. I report the results of this for each
of my main regression specifications in Table 19. Due to sample size, I omit the mortgage
broker results.
As can be seen below, the results are largely consistent with the main specification, with
the exception of the lender’s CBSA market share. Now, this specification finds that lenders
that merge with residential real estate agencies lose 0.53 percentage points of market share
after merging, in contrast to the 0.54 percentage point gain found in my main specification.
However, the result in column (2) that a lender’s within-agency market share increases by
0.20 percentage points when they merge with a residential real estate agency is consistent
with the main finding of 0.15 percentage points. Likewise, the positive but insignificant 5
basis point effect from using a merged lender-agent pair in column (3) and the significant
effect of 11 basis points when restricting to only buyers going directly to the lender in column
(4) mirror the results in the main section of the paper.
With the exception of the lender CBSA market shares, the results in Table 19 are stronger
than my main results. However, as this is dependent on the particular control group used, I
choose to keep this as a robustness check instead of as the main specification.
Table 19: Stacked Event Study
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Dependent Variable CBSA Share Agency Share Rate Rate
Treat*Post -0.0053* 0.20*** 0.055 0.11***
(0.0030) (0.013) (0.047) (0.031)
Treat 0.015** -0.047 -0.091***
(0.0069) (0.046) (0.026)
FICO*LTV 0.000043***
FICO -0.0050***
LTV -0.030***
Sample All All All Retail
FE CBSA, Year, CBSA, Year, CBSA, Year, CBSA, Year,
Lender Lender, Agent Lender, Agent Lender, Agent
R-squared 0.41 0.72 0.45 0.47
N 2,465,198 24,701,215 14,777,831 11,301,873
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and equals one if the lender is merged (column
(1)) or if a lender and agent are a merged pair (columns (2) through (4). Treat equals one for any
lender-agent pairs which ever merge. Standard errors are clustered at the lender level in column (1) and
at the agency level in columns (2) through (4).
D.6 Additional Fixed Effects
Below, I report the interest rate result using CBSAxYear fixed effects, FIPSxYear fixed
effects, and Zip-Year fixed effects. In general, the results are robust to the fixed effects
specification I choose, and of similar magnitude.
Table 20: FIPS-Year Fixed Effects
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Treat*Post 0.021 0.037 0.069** 0.079***
(0.039) (0.036) (0.028) (0.025)
Treat -0.0085 -0.019 -0.040 -0.052**
(0.039) (0.037) (0.029) (0.026)
FICO*LTV -0.000012*** 0.00004***
(1.5e-06) (7.4e-07)
FICO 0.00018 -0.0049***
(0.00013) (0.00007)
LTV 0.011*** -0.030***
(0.0011) (0.0006)
Sample All All Retail Retail
R-squared 0.42 0.47 0.44 0.46
N 1,188,913 1,095,474 829,938 824,220
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Dependent variable is the loan interest rate. Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and
equals one if the lender and agent are a merged pair. Treat equals one for any lender-agent pairs which
ever merge. Standard errors are clustered at the agency level. Fixed effects included in all columns are
FIPSxYear, FIPS, Year, Lender, Agency.
Table 21: CBSAxYear Fixed Effects
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Treat*Post 0.020 0.044 0.071** 0.081***
(0.040) (0.034) (0.028) (0.024)
Treat -0.0088 -0.024 -0.041 -0.053**
(0.040) (0.035) (0.029) (0.026)
FICO*LTV 0.000041*** 0.000042***
(6.5e-07) (7.4e-07)
FICO -0.0049*** -0.0049***
(0.000057) (0.000066)
LTV -0.030*** -0.030***
(0.00050) (0.00057)
Sample All All Retail Retail
R-squared 0.41 0.44 0.44 0.46
N 1,189,092 1,095,646 830,157 824,442
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Dependent variable is the loan interest rate. Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest
and equals one if the lender and agent are a merged pair. Treat equals one for any lender-agent pairs
which ever merge. Standard errors are clustered at the agency level. CBSAxYear, CBSA, Year, Lender,
Table 22: ZipxYear Fixed Effects
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Treat*Post 0.036 0.053* 0.074*** 0.087***
(0.042) (0.031) (0.019) (0.015)
Treat -0.033 -0.050 -0.056** -0.067***
(0.044) (0.034) (0.028) (0.025)
FICO*LTV 0.000039*** 0.000039***
(9.2e-07) (1.0e-06)
FICO -0.0047*** -0.0047***
(0.000081) (0.000091)
LTV -0.028*** -0.028***
(0.00070) (0.00078)
Sample All All Retail Retail
R-squared 0.44 0.46 0.46 0.48
N 622,278 572,097 428,953 425,511
* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01
Notes: Dependent variable is the loan interest rate. Treat*Post represents the coefficient of interest and
equals one if the lender and agent are a merged pair. Treat equals one for any lender-agent pairs which
ever merge. Standard errors are clustered at the agency level. ZIPxYear, ZIP, Year, Lender, Agency.