Update on
Learning and
December 2020
Ensuring the safety of our students and
Maintaining high quality teaching and
Being responsive to the needs of our
Alum Rock Community
Supporting staff in being proficient in
Distance Learning to ensure student
Providing necessary interventions to
address learning loss
Supporting students’ Social and
Emotional needs
for our
Topic Presentor
Distance Learning /Professional Learning /Tech Jason Sorich, Barbara Campbell
English Language Learners Brittany Rykels, Barbara Campbell
Early Learning Dr. Dianna Ballesteros
Music / Art / P.E. Danelle Finnen
Supports / Interventions Sandra Garcia
Students with Disabilities Tony Colonna
Social Emotional Learning Dr. Imee Almazan, Dr. Annya Artigas
Family Support Norma Flores, Jesus Araujo
Tonights presentation will include
Student Device Allocations:
TK & kindergarten students received
ipads, as requested
1st-8th grade students received
chromebooks, as requested
TK-8th grade students received hotspots,
as requested
Technology Support:
District helpline established at
Extended support provided:
Weekdays: 4:30-7:30pm
Weekends: 10:00-4:00pm
Support provided in English, Spanish, &
District supported educational technology
programs & platforms include:
MobyMax (K-8th/ Multiple Subjects)
Seesaw (K-8th/ Multiple Subjects)
Nearpod (K-8th/ Multiple Subjects)
RAZ+ (TK-5th/ Reading)
Levered Math (3rd-5th/math)
Studies Weekly (K-5th/Social Studies)
BookNook (K-5th/Reading)
STEMScopes (6th-8th/Science)
BrainPOP EL (TK-8th/EL Support)
Listenwise (6th-8th/EL Support)
Imagine Learning! (K-8th/EL Support)
Distance Learning
Key features of Distance Learning in 2020-2021:
Use of Zoom, Seesaw, and Google Classroom
as our main Instructional delivery methods
Instructional minutes can include both
synchronous and asynchronous learning.
Morning Meeting for all to support students
Social Emotional Learning
CCSS adopted core curriculum
Additional student paced technology
platforms to support learning have been
Combination of large group and small group
instruction in “ virtual classrooms”
Assessments to monitor learning loss and
Professional Learning
Through the edtech coaching program, teachers proficient with
educational technology tenets are connected with those seeking
assistance for 1:1 training sessions.
Topics, identified through survey input, are delivered virtually to
teachers, substitutes, paraprofessionals, and community
liaisons. Sessions are recorded for 24/7 access.
Virtual Learning
The DL Hub houses all professional development resources,
including recorded trainings, handbooks, youtube tutorials, and
additional resources.
Distance Learning
The curriculum support document houses all login information
and is accessible to all teachers, students, and families.
English Language Learners
English Language Development training for teachers each site (review of basic understanding,
scaffolds to support learning at each proficiency level, data analysis, and useful classroom
Supplemental programs purchased that support English Language Learners
BrainPop ELL (all)
ELL Edition Resources Raz Plus (Elementary)
Listenwise (Middle Schools - K-8)
Continue newcomer support with Imagine Learning Language and LIteracy
Each school site has set schedules for designated ELD in their day
Use of Integrated ELD strategies in core subjects
4 cycles of EL Toolkit of Strategies PD by Santa Clara County of Ed for K-3 and 4-8 teachers (each a 4
week series)
EL Achieve Constructing Meaning professional Development ( 5 full day training -Saturdays)
English Language Learners
Newcomer Interventions
Invitation to participate went out to Grade 2- 8 students that are:
newcomers to the country ( less than 12 months)
have been in the country over 12 months scoring proficiency level 1 on ELPAC
recommended by the teacher or site leader
Supports in Spanish/English and Vietnamese/English
Parent orientations meeting at the beginning
Focus for interventions:
Speaking / Listening
Everyday vocabulary
Day to day to academic communication to support in class learning
English Language Learners - Testing
Initial ELPAC Testing is used to determine EL status
number of students - 431
one-on-one testing
remote optional
Summative ELPAC beginning in February 1
Music Programs
Band Programs at all Schools
Elementary 4th & 5th
Middle School - Beginning &
General Music at all Elementary
Schools - 4th & 5th
Choir at Joseph George, Linda Vista,
Cureton and Lyndale
Jazz Band
After School T, W, TH
After School M-F
Art / Theater / PE
Visual Arts classes at Joseph
George, Renaissance I & II,
Sheppard and Lyndale
Media Arts at Hubbard
Physical Education (P.E.) at
All Schools
Theater at Cureton & Joseph
After school visual arts at
Mathson & more schools soon
Early Learning
We are currently serving 1257 children.
Three, Four, Five, Six-year-olds.
Preschool Dual Immersion Adelante I and
Adelante II and Painter Cooperative.
Early Educators: 65 Teachers, Preschool,
Pre-K, T4TK, Kindergarten, Special Day
Classes-TKK, Kindergarten.
Collaborative monthly meetings: planning,
instruction, curriculum, supporting the
Early Learning
What are the children Learning?
Our youngest students are learning, self regulation,
focus attention, listen, social emotionally how to get
along with others.
Why are the children Learning?
Our youngest students access to high-quality education
provides scientific proven opportunity. Early learning
experiences is fundamental and makes a difference.
They are learning to think, behave, and cooperate.
To Be Ready for Kindergarten, and successful
academic career.
Early Learning
How will we know they are learning?
We know they are learning through observation, assessment,
evaluation and representation of their work. Social emotional
understanding, relation to other peers and adults,
responsiveness to language & literacy, communicative
expression, math, and exploring science.
Care Pods
Care Pods opened at every Alum Rock school
33 pods open district-wide
Each pod serves up to 10 students
Programs run Monday - Thursday; 8:30 - 3 pm (TK/K
8:30 - 1 pm)
Staffed by our ASES partners (YMCA, Think Together,
City Year, Citizen Schools)
Support provided to:
Connect students to their on-line classes
Assist with asynchronous assignments
Provide homework support
Provide movement activities
Provide enrichment activities
Tutoring &
learning support programs
Agency Grade Levels
# of students being
TutorWorks 1st - 8th grade
Sylvan Learning 1st - 8th grade
Paper 4th - 8th grade
Reading Partners 2nd - 4th grade
Beginning January 2021
Bay Area Tutoring
Silicon Valley Education Foundation
ASES Distance learning support
(During and after school)
ASES providers (YMCA, Think Together, City Year, Citizen Schools, City of San Jose)
Providing virtual support to students and teachers during on-line classes
Manage the chat box
Re-directing students
Providing small group tutoring support
Providing enrichment activities
Outreach to parents
Providing virtual support to students after school
Homework support
SEL activities
Teambuilding activities
Other support
Parent trainings
Tech support for parents
Material/Tech distribution
Students with Disabilities
Currently servicing 1200+ students with IEPs
IEP teams, including parents and guardians, are designing individualized
Distance Equivalency Plans to address student needs during school
Synchronous and Asynchronous Instruction
All related services as per a student’s IEP: speech, occupational therapy,
adapted physical education, counseling, and ABA are being oered.
With the passage of AB98, all future IEPs will now contain an Emergency IEP
Plan should schools be required to close for any reason for 10 days or
Students with Disabilities: Assessments
We continue to assess students for special education
139 Students are pending assessments including 44 preschool
students being assessed by our Preschool Assessment Center.
Assessments are being completed through:
Record Reviews
In-Person Assessments
Virtual Assessments
Timeline Waivers
Next Steps:
Monitor Progress on Goals to determine if there is any learning loss
Looking at opening Learning Pods for some of our special education
Behavior Specialists will continue to oer professional development for
Social Emotional Learning
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an integral part of education
and human development. SEL is the process through which all young
people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal
and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and
maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring
SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic
school-family-community partnerships to establish learning
environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative
relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and
ongoing evaluation. SEL can help address various forms of inequity and
empower young people and adults to co-create thriving schools and
contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities.
(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, 2020)
Social Emotional Learning District Wide
Morning Meetings
(Every morning at 9am)
Kimochis (“Feelings” in Japanese) - Early Learning & Elementary
Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS)
Restorative Practices
MS Pilot SEL Curriculum
Boldly Me @ George
Second Step @ Sheppard
Transformational SEL Professional Development (District Management
SEL Resource Page
Mental Health & Wellness Support
Site-Based School Counselor Internship (SCI) Program
Centralized and divided by Quadrant to ensure seamless service
Deploying December 2019 prepared to provide telecounseling
Developing guidance lessons for SCIs to provide at elementary &
middle schools ranging in topics from:
grief & loss
locus of control
recognizing & strengthening existing coping skills
introduction of additional coping skills
Mental Health & Wellness Support
Crisis Counseling
School Hours
Been providing crisis support at respective sites impacted by loss via
1:1 counseling for students
Small group or classroom guidance support
grief support for faculty & staff
support for administration in coordination of organizations providing crisis
service referral/brokering
Providing support for school administrators who have students in crisis after the
school day has ended
Focused support to assess student safety (i.e. ideation, self-harm)
development of safety plan
service referral for low risk
contact mobile crisis for high risk
Family / Community Support
School Linked Services Coordinators
Support with communication & resource linkages for Mckinney Vento families.
Referrals and coordination for all incoming district wide SLS referrals for the
following linkages: Behavioral health, housing/rental assistance, access to food,
immigration, health screenings and other contracted and non contracted
community partners,
Coordination of SLS sponsored events such as food distributions, pro-social events
and health screenings with community partners.
High level coordination for high need/in crisis families.
School Counselors
Support with coordination of pro-social student/family events
Distribution of community resources information/ events
Family / Community Support
Behavioral Health programs
Prevention Early Intervention
Individual and family Counseling
Substance use prevention
Truancy and mentorship support
Mentoring programs
Case management
Home visits
Intense support for high need/in crisis families
TCPP has provided COVID impacted families with
financial support
Benevolence support
Family Resources Centers
Diaper, wipes, calming kits distribution
pro-social events
Parent Engagement
Universal Access Point
Case Management of high need families
ARUSD has established various meal distribution methods for student access
throughout the re-opening phases.
Curbside Grab and Go Meal Pick
Mobile Meal Deliveries
On-site Grab and go/ Meals in the classroom
Our meal distribution methods accommodate and adhere to all public health
safety protocols and food regulations.
Our menus provide safe, healthy, and nutritious meals while meeting all USDA
federal guidelines.
We offer FREE breakfast, lunch, and supper Monday - Friday to all children 18
and younger for everyday of the week.
Meal Distribution
Curbside Grab
and Go Meal
Pick Up
Grab and Go/
Meals in the
Child Nutrition Services
Child Nutrition Services
Breakfast and Lunches
Total Number of Meals Served to children 18
and younger since
March 16, 2020 through November 30, 2020
Student Engagement
Monitoring engagement during online learning
Asynchronous learning has provided more flexible and equitable opportunities for students to learn
ARUSD has provided access to the internet and one to one devices for all students
Synchronous instruction has provided wellness checks, small group instruction, office hours
with teachers and one to one peer engagement
ARUSD is preparing several contingency plans to align with public health guidance
Measuring attendance in online or remote settings
Tracking student attendance during live instruction
Tracking student completion and submission of
Prioritizing wellness, social and emotional
learning in remote learning
Scheduling a touchpoint with students as a
wellness and attendance check
Safety & Health
Immunization & Tuberculosis Requirements
To promote the adherence to state guidelines, families are providing proof of student’s immunization records & Tuberculosis
screening/testing, including during distance learning & care pod attendance. If these records are incomplete, education is
provided on the importance of immunizations & reminders are sent home.
Health Training
For teachers/staff who have students with health conditions, such as seizures & diabetes, training is provided specifically for
the needs of their student(s).
Health Monitoring
For students with conditions that require regular monitoring, such as diabetes or blood pressure, daily contact is made with
families to ensure that student is adhering to doctor’s orders & maintaining highest level of possible health. This information is
then shared with the student’s physician at regular intervals, typically every two weeks.
Healthcare Plans
For students with medical conditions, health care plans are written based upon their doctor’s orders. These health care plans
are shared with teachers, principals, office staff & health assistants. These health care plans are approved & signed by the
parent/guardian, as well as, a district nurse. A copy of the health care plan is available on the student’s eSchool profile (soft
copy), in the health office (hard copy), as well as, in each teacher’s substitute folder (hard copy).
COVID-19 Safety
COVID-19 safety protocols are written & edited according to current state & county guidelines. District nurses meet with the
county weekly for the most up-to-date information, plus additional weekly COVID-19 designee training. COVID-19 cases are
carefully monitored & close contacts of cases are identified. This information is reported to the public health department.
Staff is trained and updated with the new guidelines and protocols in accordance with SCCPHD.
Q & A
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