1/18 Policy Info Sheet
Policy Analyst: Karen Everhart
Phone Number: n/a
Initial Public Comment Final
Brief description of policy:
The purpose of this policy is to modify MMP 23-23, which informed providers that the Michigan
Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) will
rescind flexibilities described in the
Health Link (MHL) 1915c Appendix K effective on dates as indicated in the bulletin. This
policy modifies the Waiving Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) settings
requirements termination date from November 11, 2023 to June 12, 2023.
Reason for policy (problem being addressed):
To modify MMP 23-
23 to change the termination date for HCBS settings requirements
authorized under the MI Health Link Appendix K in policy.
Budget implication:
budget neutral
will cost MDHHS $ , and (select one) budgeted in current appropriation
will save MDHHS $
Is this policy change mandated per federal requirements?
Does policy have operational implications on other parts of MDHHS?
Does policy have operational implications on other departments?
Summary of input:
acceptable to most/all groups
limited public interest/comment
Supporting Documentation:
State Plan Amendment Required: Yes No
If Yes, please provide status:
Public Notice Required: Yes No
If yes,
Submission Date:
Michigan Department of
Health and Human Services
Project Number: 2334-MHL
Date: June 9, 2023
Comments Due:
July 14, 2023
Proposed Effective Date:
As Indicated
Direct Comments To:
Karen Everhart
E-Mail Address:
Policy Subject: Update to Reversal of Temporary COVID-19 MI Health Link (MHL) 1915c
Waiver Appendix K Policies
Affected Programs: MI Health Link Home and Community-Based Services Waiver
Distribution: Integrated Care Organizations
Summary: The purpose of this policy is to modify MMP 23-23, which informed providers that
the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) will rescind flexibilities
described in the MI Health Link (MHL) 1915c Appendix K effective on dates as indicated in the
bulletin. This policy modifies the Waiving Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
settings requirements termination date from November 11, 2023 to June 12, 2023.
Purpose: To modify MMP 23-23 to change the termination date for HCBS settings
requirements authorized under the MI Health Link Appendix K in policy.
Cost Implications: Budget neutral
Potential Hearings & Appeal Issues: N/A
State Plan Amendment Required: Yes No
If yes, date submitted:
Public Notice Required: Yes No
Submitted date:
Tribal Notification: Yes
Approved No Comments
See Comments Below
Disapproved See Comments in Text
Phone Number
Signature Printed:
Bureau/Administration (please print)
Comment001 Revised 6/16
Bulletin Number: MMP 23-40
Distribution: Integrated Care Organizations
Issued: June 9, 2023
Subject: Update to Reversal of Temporary COVID-19 MI Health Link (MHL)
1915c Waiver Appendix K Policies
Effective: As Indicated
Programs Affected: MI Health Link Home and Community-Based Services Waiver
NOTE: Portions of this bulletin are contingent upon Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) approval of a 1915c waiver amendment.
This policy modifies bulletin MMP 23-23, which notified providers of the intent by the Michigan
Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) to implement permanently, implement
permanently with revisions, or terminate each of the temporary flexibilities authorized under the
MI Health Link (MHL) 1915c waiver, Appendix K. Effective dates of these changes were
indicated in the bulletin.
The purpose of the temporary flexibilities was to protect and maintain the health and welfare of
enrollees and providers during the COVID-19 federal Public Health Emergency (PHE).
MDHHS intends to end portions of the temporary policies prior to the current end date of the
authorized MHL Appendix K. When flexibilities are terminated, the related requirements as
described in the 1915c waiver application would be restored.
The termination date of one category of flexibilities has been adjusted as noted below.
Waiving Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) settings requirements was
previously scheduled to end six months following the termination of the Public Health
Emergency (November 11, 2023). The termination date of the flexibilities in this category
has been changed to June 12, 2023.
Enrollee Notice of Termination of Temporary Flexibilities
Advance notices will be provided by MDHHS, or the ICO at the direction of MDHHS, to
enrollees in the MI Health Link 1915c waiver ahead of the effective date of the termination of
temporary flexibilities that have direct impact on enrollees.
MMP 23-40
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Public Comment
The public comment portion of the policy promulgation process is being conducted
concurrently with the implementation of the change noted in this bulletin. Any interested party
wishing to comment on the change may do so by submitting comments to Karen Everhart at
Please include “Update to Reversal of Temporary COVID-19 MI Health Link (MHL) 1915c
Waiver Appendix K Policies in the subject line.
Comments received will be considered for revisions to the change implemented by this
Manual Maintenance
Information is time-limited and will not be incorporated into any policy or procedure manuals.
Any questions regarding this bulletin should be directed to Provider Inquiry, Department of
Health and Human Services, P.O. Box 30731, Lansing, Michigan 48909-8231, or e-mailed to When you submit an e-mail, be sure to include your name,
affiliation, NPI number, and phone number so you may be contacted if necessary. Typical
Providers may phone toll-free 800-292-2550. Atypical Providers may phone toll-free
An electronic copy of this document is available at >>
Policy, Letters & Forms.
Meghan E. Groen, Director
Behavioral and Physical Health and Aging Services Administration