Page Numbers and Page Breaks vs. Section Breaks
Demonstrating use of page numbering, breaks, and
tables of contents in Microsoft Word
Student will be able to demonstrate this on their own
computer or the student desktop
The Page Numbers, Page Breaks, Section Breaks, and
Table of Contents Learning Lab Module
List relevant items (e.g. additional competencies,
modules, tests, websites)
Ask Otago - Student IT
18/11/2019 by Steve Dunn
STUDENT IT TRAINING MODULE: Page Numbers and Page Breaks vs. Section Breaks - 2
Word formatting is a useful skill to enhance the structure and clarity of your
document. This module has 2 parts:
Part 1 will teach you how to insert page numbers, page breaks and
section breaks; and
Part 2 will teach you how to create a table of content.
Show/Hide Button
Before you get started, it is a good idea to have this show/hide button
turned on while formatting your document as it makes it easier to locate
formatting errors. Most people find it easier to have it turned off while
While it is turned on you are able to see all of the “invisible” characters on
your document (page breaks, spaces, paragraph markers where you have
pressed enter/return, etc).
These “invisible” characters will not print if you leave the show/hide button
Part 1: Page Numbers and Page Breaks vs Section
Add Basic Page Numbering to your Document:
1. Click on the Insert tab.
2. Click on the page number drop down menu.
3. Hover your mouse over one of the first four options in this menu.
4. Select the exact location from the new menu that opens up, page
numbers will be added throughout your document starting from 1.
STUDENT IT TRAINING MODULE: Page Numbers and Page Breaks vs. Section Breaks - 3
To exit the header and footer menu press the big red Close header & footer
button or double click into the main part of your document.
Page Breaks vs. Section Breaks
In some cases, you may require more
complex page numbering where you
need to have Roman numerals in the
first part of the document and then
standard numbering for the
remainder. E.g. table of contents
To create this kind of page numbering
in our document, we will need to use
section breaks and also format our
page numbers.
Page Breaks
A title page and table of contents need to be on their own page and each
chapter should always start at the top of a new page.
To simply move anything that is not required on a page to the top of the
next page, use a page break. (click where you want the page break then, ctrl
+ enter or insert tab, page break).
Use a page break to:
Move the Table of Contents page to the top of next page (click in front of the
Table of Contents heading and apply the page break).
Move the Table of Figures page to the top of the next page.
STUDENT IT TRAINING MODULE: Page Numbers and Page Breaks vs. Section Breaks - 4
Section Breaks
A section break needs to be applied at the point where you want your
document to make a major change.
On the demo doc, we are adding a section break after the Table of Figures
as we want the first section of this document to have roman numerals and
the remainder of the document (from Chapter 1 onwards) needs to have
normal page numbering.
It is important to understand the difference between a page break and a
section break. A page break simply pushes any information after that page
break onto the next page; a section break essentially splits your document
into different parts to allow you to apply complex formatting to your
document. A section break should not be used instead of a page break in
your document.
To apply a section break, go to page layout > breaks drop down menu >
choose Next Page under the Section Breaks heading.
Advanced Page Numbering
To format the numbering to Roman numerals you
need to:
Click on your document where you need the
numbering to be Roman numerals.
Go to Insert > Page Number > choose Location of
page number.
Go back into the page number menu and choose
the Format page numbers option.
In the menu that opens, use the drop down menu at the top to change the
numbering to roman numerals then press ok.
No Page Number on the Title Page
If you have a title page, you will need to change the numbering in the first
section so that the first page has no number. It is still secretly counted as
STUDENT IT TRAINING MODULE: Page Numbers and Page Breaks vs. Section Breaks - 5
having a number (i.e. the next page would still need to be ii), but it must not
be displayed.
The quickest way to do this is to double click into the footer section of the
first page of the document. You will now have a header/footer menu along
the top of your screen. In the options section simply place a tick inside the
box beside Different First Page. This should make the number in the footer
of the first page disappear.
To exit the header and footer menu press the big red Close Header & Footer
button or double click into the main part of your document.
STUDENT IT TRAINING MODULE: Page Numbers and Page Breaks vs. Section Breaks - 6
Part 2: Table of Contents
After inserting page numbers, page breaks and section breaks, you can
create a table of contents for your document.
To create a table of contents you need to use the heading styles located in
the home tab.
It is important to understand how to use heading styles for your table of
contents to be successful.
Heading 1 is for your main chapter headings
Heading 2 is for any sub heading within that chapter
Heading 3 is for any sub headings within the sub heading that was
applied with Heading 2
And so on
To apply to text, simply click in the middle of your heading text then click on
the heading style required.
If you have accidently applied a heading style where it shouldn’t be, simply
click inside that paragraph then select “Normal” from the styles menu.
Insert Table of Contents
Now that we have our headings (and page numbers, etc) set up, we can
insert our table of contents.
1. Click under the table of contents header, you need your cursor placed
where you want the table of contents to go.
2. Go to the References tab.
STUDENT IT TRAINING MODULE: Page Numbers and Page Breaks vs. Section Breaks - 7
3. Click on the Table of Contents drop down menu at the very left of the
References menu.
Choose a built-in table of contents if your headings
are simple/minimal throughout your document.
Choose Custom Table of Contents… option near the
bottom of this menu if you have many/complex
4. To remove a table of contents, click on the table of contents then choose
the Remove Table of Contents… from the drop down menu.