SCAO: Revised June 2023
Firearms. Firearms records may only be accessed and disclosed by a
peace officer or authorized system user for the purposes specified.
Maximum fine $500.
Firearms. Purchaser failing to distribute copies of pistol sales record
as required. Maximum fine $250.00.
Firearms. Purchaser failing to distribute copies of pistol sale record
as required (exempts purchasers who are MCOLES certified).
Maximum fine $250.
Concealed Pistol. Licensed individual failing to carry concealed
weapon license and state issued identification in his/her possession at
all times s/he is carrying the pistol or a portable device that uses
electro-muscular disruption technology. Maximum fine $100.
Concealed Pistol. Licensed individual failing to show required
documents upon request by a peace officer when s/he is carrying a
concealed weapon pistol or a portable device that uses electro-
muscular disruption technology. Maximum fine $100.
Concealed Pistol. Licensed individual who is carrying a concealed
pistol or a portable device that uses electro-muscular disruption
technology and stopped by a peace officer failing to immediately
disclose that fact. Maximum fine: 1st violation - $500 and 6 months
suspension of license; subsequent violation within 3 years - $1,000
and revocation of license.
Concealed Pistol. Having a BAC .02-.08 while carrying a concealed
pistol or a portable device that uses electro-muscular disruption
technology. Maximum fine $100. License shall be suspended for 1
year by county clerk.
Concealed Pistol. Carrying a concealed pistol or a portable device
that uses electro-muscular disruption technology in a prohibited
place, first offense. Maximum fine $500. 6 months suspension of
Fireworks. Using consumer fireworks on public property or private
property of another without permission. Maximum fine $500.
Fireworks. Discharge, ignition, or use of consumer fireworks or low-
impact fireworks while under the influence of alcoholic liquor, a
controlled substance, or a combination of the alcoholic liquor and a
controlled substance is a state civil infraction with a maximum
penalty of $1,000.
28.519 Concealed Weapon. Carrying a concealed firearm while under the
influence of alcoholic liquor or a controlled substance. Maximum fine
29.477 Hazardous Waste. Transporting hazardous waste without a permit.
Maximum fine $2,500.
35.442 Veteran’s License to Sell Goods. Violating license requirements and
includes new definition of “veteran.” Maximum fine $1,000.
35.831 Flag Holders & United States Flags for Veterans. Upon a petition,
the city, village, municipality, or township shall procure for and
furnish a suitable flag holder and U.S. flag for the grave of each
veteran. Flags must be purchased within the U.S. or the city, village,
municipality, or township must post on their website that
competitively priced and comparable quality flag holders and U.S.
flags made in the U.S. were not available. Maximum fine $500.
35.831a Flag Holders & United States Flags for Veterans. Upon a petition,
the county may procure for and furnish a suitable flag holder and U.S.
flag for the grave of each veteran. Flags and holders must be
purchased within the U.S. or the county must post on their website
that competitively priced and comparable quality flag holders and
U.S. flags made in the U.S. were not available. Maximum fine $500.
141.876 Community Convention or Tourism Marketing Act. Assessment
revenues collected under this Act shall not be state funds and
convention or tourism bureau must provide copies of audited
financial statements. Maximum fine $10,000.
141.1436 Regional Convention and Tourism Promotion Act. Assessment
revenues collected under this Act shall not be state funds and
convention or tourism bureau must provide copies of audited
financial statements. Maximum fine $10,000.
205.428 Tobacco Products Tax Act. Unlicensed person selling or possessing
180 or more but no more than 599 cigarettes or tobacco products
contrary to this Act. Maximum fine $100.
257.732b Motor Vehicle Code. Falsely verifying workforce training or falsely
requesting verification of workforce training for driver responsibility
fees. Maximum fine $200.
257.1873 Pupil Transportation Act. Violating standards/requirements in act,
unless otherwise designated. [MCL 257.1801 – 257.1877] Maximum
fine $500.
259.179 Aeronautics Code. Hunting while on aircraft. Maximum fine $500,
1-year prohibition of hunting license. [Penalty in MCL 259.176].
259.182 Aeronautics Code. Allowing domestic animals or fowl on airport
facility. Maximum fine $500. [Penalty in MCL 259.176].
286.218(b) Insect Pest and Plant Disease Act. Failing to obtain permit, unless
violation is knowing or intentional. Fine not less than $1,000 or more
than $10,000 plus damages, unless violation voluntarily reported,
then maximum fine $500 plus damages. [Penalty in MCL 286.228].
286.220 Insect Pest and Plant Disease Act. Failing to eradicate nuisance.
Maximum fine $1,000 plus expenses incurred by Department to abate
the nuisance. [Penalty in MCL 286.228].
286.223 Insect Pest and Plant Disease Act. Violating quarantine
requirements, unless violation is knowing or intentional. Fine not less
than $1,000 or more than $10,000 plus damages, unless violation
voluntarily reported, then maximum fine $500 plus damages. [Penalty
in MCL 286.228].
286.260(1) Insect Pests and Plant Diseases. Violating a rule or order that
requires destruction of plant. Maximum fine $1,000 plus expenses
incurred by the department in destroying the plants.
286.260(2) Insect Pests and Plant Diseases. Violating a rule or order that
requires quarantine of plant, unless violation is knowing or
intentional. Fine not less than $1,000 or more than $10,000 plus
damages, unless violation voluntarily reported, then maximum fine
$500 plus damages.
324.504 Department of Natural Resources. Violating a rule or order
promulgated for protection of state lands. [R299.292; R299.921 –
R299.933] Maximum fine $500.
324.8512b Fertilizers. Fertilizer containing phosphate. Maximum fine not more
than $1,000, unless as provided in subdivision (b). [Penalty in MCL
324.8512f Fertilizers. Release of fertilizer on impervious turf, application of
fertilizer on frozen or saturated turf. Maximum fine not more than
$1,000, unless as provided in subdivision (b). [Penalty in MCL
324.8902 Littering. Littering on public or private property. Fine based on
volume or type of litter. Definition of “litter” amended to include an
abandoned vessel as defined in section 80130f, an ORV that is
considered abandoned under section 80130f as made applicable in
section 81151, and a snowmobile that is considered abandoned under
section 80130f as made applicable in section 82161. [See MCL
324.8901, 324.8905a].
324.9121 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control. Violating control
measures. In general, maximum fine $2,500. Maximum fine $10,000
per day for knowingly violating or making false statement in an
application or permit or in soil erosion and sedimentation control
plan. Fine of not less than $2,500 or more than $25,000 per day for a
person who knowingly violates after receiving a notice of
determination. [See statute for direction on distribution of fine to state
or local unit of government, depending upon who filed the action;
distribution of costs follows MCL 600.8379]. Court may order
respondent to restore areas damaged to their condition prior to the
324.11569 Solid Waste Management. Open burning of yard waste or leaves
and certain household waste by individual. 1st offense within 3 years
- warning. Maximum fine for 2nd offense within 3 years - $75; 3rd
violation within 3 years - $150; 4th or subsequent offense within 3
years - $300.
324.16903c Scrap Tires. Maintenance limiting mosquito breeding. Maximum
fine $400 plus costs.
324.41325 Transgenic and Nonnative Organisms. Placing boat, boating
equipment, or boat trailer in Michigan waters if aquatic plant attached
(except for wild rice). Maximum fine $100.
324.43516(3) Hunting and Fishing Licensing. Failing to provide a hunting, fur
harvester’s or fishing license to a conservation officer, law
enforcement officer, or tribal conservation officer. Maximum fine
$150 for first offense. [Penalty in MCL 324.43558].
324.46502 Fishing Shanties. Placing a fishing shanty on ice in waters over
which the state has jurisdiction without information identifying the
owner affixed to each side of the outside of the fishing shanty.
Maximum fine $150. [Penalty in MCL 324.46509].
324.48703 Licenses and Permits. Failing to attach the individual’s name and
address to tip-ups or fishing with more than the authorized number of
lines. Maximum fine $150. [Penalty in MCL 324.48738].
324.74116 State Parks System. Entering state park without recreation passport
fee being paid or without a valid park permit affixed, exceptions
notated. Maximum fine $100. [Penalty in MCL 324.74122(2)]
324.74201(1) Camping. Camping on state-owned land without having first posted a
camp registration card. Maximum fine $500, and liability for any
costs incurred in cleaning up the campsite, which shall be
recoverable. [Penalty in MCL 324.74206].
324.74202 Camping. Camp registration card shall be prominently and
conspicuously posted before the camp is made and left posted upon
departure. Maximum fine $500, and liability for any costs incurred in
cleaning up the campsite, which shall be recoverable [Penalty in
MCL 324.74206].
324.74203 Camping. Disposal of all rubbish, papers, cans, containers, or other
article or thing of any nature brought into or built upon the premises
by the camping party. Maximum fine $500, and liability for any costs
incurred in cleaning up the campsite, which shall be recoverable
[Penalty in MCL 324.74206].
324.76901 Mackinac Island State Park Rules. Violating a rule promulgated by
the Mackinac Island State Park Commission under the Natural
Resources and Environmental Protection Act. Maximum fine $500.
324.78119 Michigan State Waterways Commission. Entering state-operated
public boating access site without recreation passport fee being paid
or without a valid pass affixed. Maximum fine $100.
324.80114 Marine Safety. Violating a rule promulgated to establish
performance or other safety standards relating to boat construction or
the installation, use or carriage of associated equipment. [R281.1231 -
R281.1252] Maximum fine $500.
324.80122(1) Marine Safety. No certificate on board that is in full force and effect,
or decal or number displayed inappropriately on a vessel (including
violating a rule promulgated to implement this section [R281.1201 –
R281.1209]). Maximum fine $500.
324.80124(15) Marine Safety. Improper decal display (including violating a rule
promulgated to implement this subsection [R281.1206 &
R281.1208]). Maximum fine $500.
324.80124(17) Marine Safety. No decal issued for a vessel or expired decal.
Maximum fine $500.
324.80130f Marine Safety. Abandoned vessel. Violation as provided for in MCL
324.80142 Marine Safety. Persons under 6 years of age not wearing a personal
floatation device. Maximum fine $100.
324.80143a Marine Safety. Persons not carrying, storing, maintaining, or using
required marine safety equipment onboard. Maximum fine $100.
324.80144 Marine Safety. Violating enumerated operation rules when there is
risk of collision, 1st violation (2nd and subsequent violations remain
misdemeanors). Maximum fine $500.
Marine Safety. Basic speed law violation. Maximum fine $500.
324.80146(2)&(3) Marine Safety. Exceeding 55 mph speed limit or violating no-wake
speed zone that does not constitute reckless operation (unless waived
for authorized marine events). Maximum fine $500. Exceptions
324.80146(4) Marine Safety. Violation of a temporary speed limit during high
water conditions. Maximum fine shall not be greater than $100 for a
first offense and shall not be greater than $500 for a second or
subsequent offense.
324.80149 Marine Safety. Counterclockwise operation violation or 100-foot
rule violation on any of the Great Lakes, Lake St. Clair, or the St.
Clair River (violations on other bodies of water remain
misdemeanors). Maximum fine $500.
Marine Safety. Towing a skier after dark. Maximum fine $500.
324.80152(1)(a) Marine Safety. Failing to have a properly positioned observer
onboard when towing a person. Maximum fine $100.
324.80152(1)(b) Marine Safety. Failing to have a person being towed wear a proper
personal flotation device. Maximum fine $100.
324.80152(3)&(4) Marine Safety. A person who is 16 years of age or older failing to
wear a proper personal flotation device while being towed. Maximum
fine $100.
324.80156 Marine Safety. Muffler violations. Maximum fine $150 (for first
violation, second or subsequent violation is misdemeanor with
maximum fine of $500).
Marine Safety. Refusing PBT. Maximum fine $500.
324.80198b(1) Marine Safety. Buoys on outlining a public beach. Maximum fine
324.80198b(2) Marine Safety. Swimming outside a buoyed swimming area.
Maximum fine $500.
Personal Watercraft. 150-foot rule violation. Maximum fine $500.
Personal Watercraft. 2-foot rule violation. Maximum fine $500.
324.80206 Personal Watercraft. Operating outside channel or where aquatic
rooted vegetation visible above surface. Fine $25.
324.80217 Personal Watercraft. Dealer failing to advise customers of boating
safety courses in area. Fine $100.
324.80218 Personal Watercraft. Dealer failing to provide customers with DNR
documents containing PWC laws and safety features. Fine $100.
324.81105 Off-Road Vehicles. Failing to deliver or obtain certificate of title
upon sale or assignment to person. Maximum fine $500. [Penalty in
MCL 324.81147].
324.81107 Off-Road Vehicles. Failing to deliver or obtain manufacturer’s
certificate of origin upon sale or transfer to dealer. Maximum fine
$500. [Penalty in MCL 324.81147].
324.81109 Off-Road Vehicles. Failing to apply for certificate of title. Maximum
fine $100.
324.81115 Off-Road Vehicles. Operating unlicensed ORV. Maximum fine
$500. [Penalty in MCL 324.81147].
324.81116(1) Off-Road Vehicles. Providing false information on application for
license. Maximum fine $500. [Penalty in MCL 324.81147].
324.81116(4) Off-Road Vehicles. Improper license display for a 2-wheel vehicle
on rear fender or front suspension fork. Maximum fine $500. [Penalty
in MCL 324.81147].
324.81121 Off-Road Vehicles. Violating dealer rental regulations. Maximum
fine $500. [Penalty in MCL 324.81147].
324.81130 Off-Road Vehicles. Failing to complete ORV safety education
course. Maximum fine $500. [Penalty in MCL 324.81147].
324.81131 Off-Road Vehicles. Violating an ordinance issued by a local unit of
government to operate ORVs on a highway, other than an interstate
highway. Maximum fine $500.
324.81133(1)&(2) Off-Road Vehicles. (1) Operating: (b)without tail and head lights as
required; (c)without adequate braking system, brake lights, or throttle
that does not idle when released; (e)on a frozen surface in violation of
100-foot rule; (f)without adequate muffler; (g)within 100 feet of a
dwelling at prohibited speed; (i)at designated times on land open to
hunting during firearm deer season, with exceptions; (k)on or across
cemetery, burial ground or land used as airport; or (l) within 100 feet
of slide, ski, or skating area, with exceptions. (2) Operating without
approved helmet and protective eye wear. Maximum fine $500.
[Penalty in MCL 324.81147].
Off-Road Vehicles. Refusing PBT. Maximum fine $500.
324.81151 Off-Road Vehicles. Abandoned ORV. Violation as provided for in
MCL 324.8905a.
Snowmobiles. Improper decal display. Maximum fine $150. [Penalty
in MCL 324.82133].
324.82114(1) Snowmobiles. Failing to notify department if snowmobile is
destroyed, abandoned, or sold. Maximum fine $150. [Penalty in MCL
324.82118 Snowmobiles. Failing to obtain snowmobile trail permit sticker or
affix properly. Department must designate 1 weekend per season
when trail permit sticker is not required. Maximum fine $100.
324.82126(2) Snowmobiles. Muffler violations. Fine not less than $100 or more
than $250.
Snowmobiles. Careless or negligent operation. No fine listed.
324.82136 Snowmobiles. Refusal to submit to preliminary chemical breath
analysis. Maximum fine $500.
324.82161 Snowmobiles. Abandoned snowmobile. Violation as provided for in
MCL 324.8905a.
324.83109 State Forest Recreation. Violating state forest use regulation.
Maximum fine $500.
333.2854 Remains. Failing to dispose of fetal remains from an abortion or
failing to obtain the proper disposition of a dead body. Maximum fine
333.13110 Body Art Facilities. Giving/selling body piercing kit or device to
minor. Maximum fine $500.
333.17766e Public Health Code. Violating requirements for retail sale of
ephedrine or pseudoephedrine. Maximum fine $500.
333.17766f Public Health Code. Sales of products that contain compound,
mixture or preparation containing detectable quantity of ephedrine or
pseudoephedrine. Maximum fine $500 per violation.
333.17766g(1) Public Health Code. Sale, trade, or purchase of dextromethorphan to
a minor. Fine of not more than $100 for each violation.
333.17766g(3) Public Health Code. Sale, trade or purchase of dextromethorphan to
a minor. Fine of not more than $50 for each violation.
333.26312 Medical Emergencies in Health Clubs. Failing to employ person
trained in basic first aid, basic CPR, and AED use, failure to have
accessible AED, and failure to develop and implement emergency
plan. [Penalty in MCL 333.26314.] Maximum fine: 1st violation -
$250; 2nd violation - $500; 3rd or subsequent violation - $1,000.
388.852 Construction of School Buildings. Architect or engineer failing to
provide for sufficient structural strength and fire resistance, unless
otherwise designated. Maximum fine $10,000.
408.684 Playground Equipment Safety. Violating safety standards. [Penalty
in MCL 408.685.] Manufacture: maximum fine $10,000. Assembly:
maximum fine $1,000. Civil fine designated for Children's Trust
Fund, MCL 21.171. (This is contrary to MCL 600.8831 establishing
state civil infraction fines for support of libraries)
436.1701(1) Michigan Liquor Control Code. Selling/furnishing alcohol to a
minor as part of a “sting” operation. Maximum fine $100.
436.1703(1) Michigan Liquor Control Code. Purchase/attempt purchase,
consume/attempt consume, possess/attempt possess alcoholic liquor,
by a minor (MIP); or, minor having any bodily alcohol content,
except as provided in this section. First offense: maximum fine $100.
A court may also order in addition to the fine, that the defendant
participate in substance use disorder services as defined in section
6320 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.6320, and
designated by the administrator of the office of substance abuse
services, and may order the minor to perform community service and
to undergo substance abuse screening and assessment at his or her
own expense as described in subsection (5). A minor may be found
responsible or admit responsibility only once under this subdivision;
second or subsequent offenses become misdemeanors.
436.1909(4) Michigan Liquor Control Code. Selling, delivering, importing
spirits in violation of section 901(4) in the mount of less than 8,000
milliliters. Maximum fine $1,000.
436.1909(5) Michigan Liquor Control Code. Selling, delivering, importing beer
or wine in violation of section 203(1) in the amount of less than
45,000 milliliters. Maximum fine $500.00.
445.426 Nonferrous Metal Regulatory Act. Failing to subscribe to the
database or failing to electronically report the purchase of the item to
the database by noon of the next business day after a purchase
transaction. [Penalty in MCL 445.435(2)] Maximum fine $500.
445.435(1) Nonferrous Metal Regulatory Act. Violating the act except for a
violation of MCL 445.426(2). Maximum fine $5,000.
445.2083 Plastic Bulk Merchandise Container Act. Violating dealer purchase
or seller requirements. Maximum fine $5,000.
446.72 Restroom Access for Persons with Medical Conditions. Violation
by establishment or employee of establishment. [MCL 446.74]
Maximum fine $100.
474.134 Motor Bus Transportation Act. Motor carrier, or officer or agent of
motor carrier requiring or permitting a driver/operator to
drive/operate a bus in violation of this act. Maximum fine $500.
480.17 Motor Carrier Safety Act. Any person, driver, or motor carrier (as
defined by 49 CFR 390.5) in violation of the act or a rule
promulgated under the act unless otherwise designated. Maximum
fine $250.
480.17b Motor Carrier Safety Act. Any person, driver, or motor carrier (as
defined by 49 CFR 390.5) who operates with a serious safety defect
in violation of the act. Maximum fine $500.
480.17c Motor Carrier Safety Act. Operating or requiring/permitting a
person to operate a commercial motor vehicle in violation of the act
or a rule promulgated under the act if the vehicle is transporting a
package required to be marked or labeled under 49 CFR parts 100 to
180, unless otherwise designated. Maximum fine $500.
600.586 Court Officers. Sheriff, deputy sheriff or medical examiner licensed
to practice law violating limits on their practice of law. Maximum
fine $500.
600.2964 Provisions Concerning Specific Actions. Shall not require a SSN or
credit card number be written on a check as a condition of acceptance
of that check. Maximum fine $500.
722.642 Youth Tobacco Act. A minor shall not purchase/attempt purchase,
possess/attempt possess, or use (in a public place), a vapor product or
alternative nicotine product. A minor shall not present or offer to an
individual proof of age that is false, fraudulent, or not actually his/her
proof of age for the purpose of purchasing/attempting to purchase,
possessing/attempting to possess a vapor or alternative nicotine
product. First and second offense are state civil infractions, maximum
fine of $50. The court may order the individual to participate in a
health promotion and risk reduction assessment program, if available,
as well as community service (first offense up to 16 hours, second
offense up to 32 hours).
722.642c Youth Tobacco Act. Failing to store vapor product or alternative
nicotine product items for sale behind a counter in an area accessible
only to employees or within a locked case so that a customer wanting
access to the vapor product must ask an employee for assistance.
Maximum fine $500.
722.687 Ultra-Violent Explicit Video Games. Knowing dissemination to
minor of ultra-violent explicit video game harmful to minors.
Maximum fine: 1st violation - $5,000; 2nd violation - $15,000; 3rd or
subsequent violation - $40,000.
Removal of Collar. Removal of collar or microchip from a dog with
the intent to remove traceable evidence of the dog’s ownership by
those unauthorized. Fine not less than $1,000 and not more than
750.143a Penal Code Children. Failing to prominently post video game
rating system sign (or notify consumers that a rating system is
available) and make information available to consumers upon request.
Maximum fine $1,000.
750.224b Short-barreled shotgun or rifle. Failing to present federal
registration of the short-barreled shotgun or rifle (greater than 26
inches) during transportation or use. Maximum fine $100.
801.4b County Jails. Failing to pay $12 fee to county sheriff. Fine $100.
801.10(2) County Jails. Sheriff misusing prisoner labor. Maximum fine $500.
801.10(3) County Jails. A sheriff shall not derive any private benefit or
financial gain from provision of food to prisoners in the jail.
Maximum fine $500.
State civil infractions are no longer eligible to be reported to SOS for Failure to Appear or Comply
with Judgment because that section of MCL 600.8827 was repealed. State civil infraction MIP
(MCL 436.1703(1)) is reported using SOS code 1360.