LLWR Policy
Policy 050
Issue 1 12/2019
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Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
LLWR Commits to: We will achieve this by:
The Purpose of our Mental Health and Wellbeing policy
This policy sets out the framework for our organisation to provide an environment that promotes and supports a positive state of mental
health and wellbeing for our employees and those we work with. The policy also aims to ensure those who are experiencing mental
health issues are supported and treated with respect, confidentiality and without discrimination.
Policy statement
LLWR recognises our workforce’s mental health and wellbeing is key to organisational success and providing a positive work
environment is a cornerstone to employees’ mental health and wellbeing. LLWR is committed to providing a positive working
environment alongside and in support of the requirements of the Equality Act and the Health and Safety at Work Act.
Build and maintain a workplace
environment and culture that
supports positive mental health
and wellbeing and prevents
discrimination (including
bullying and harassment).
Providing effective training to aid understanding and eliminate stigma relating to mental health issues.
Implementing measures at all levels of the organisation that provide a workplace and culture that promotes
good mental health and wellbeing.
Establishing a Mental Health & Wellbeing Steering Group, including Senior Management and workforce
representatives, to oversee the implementation of this policy.
Listening to our staff and implementing and/or adapting workplace and recreational health policies to support
our Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy and evaluating their effectiveness.
Increasing employee knowledge
and awareness of mental health
and wellbeing issues and
providing opportunities to
practice techniques to improve
physical and mental health.
Communications and training to promote understanding of the importance of mental health and physical and
mental wellbeing to all employees.
Ensuring that all employees receive a copy of this policy during the induction process and have continued
access to the policy throughout the length of their employment.
Providing training to managers on recognising mental health issues and supporting employees.
Providing regular wellbeing van visits, ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions and other physical and mental health
promotion campaigns through the year.
Regularly assess the
effectiveness of this policy and
its implementation
Providing proactive support for
staff who are experiencing
mental health problems, inside
and outside the workplace, in a
positive manner.
Ensuring our Management
arrangements reflect HSE good
practice in stress management,
recognising that managing
stress in the workplace is a key
component of supporting
employee mental health and
Implementing effective arrangements for identifying workplace stressors and conduct risk assessments to
minimise stress.
Providing training for all managers and supervisory staff in good stress management practices.
Promoting an environment where staff are encouraged to feedback any factors in their job roles that
adversely affect their mental health.
Ensuring that managers and supervisors are aware of their responsibilities towards their staff, including
setting and managing performance in a manner that is consistent with this policy.
Ensuring we provide appropriate support services for employees experiencing mental health problems.
Ensuring that any employee suffering from mental illness is treated fairly, with respect and confidentiality and
without discrimination.
Provide training to line managers and employees in the range of support available and how to access it.
Training mental health first aiders to support the goals of this policy.
Effectiveness of the policy will be assessed through feedback from employees, workforce representatives,
the Mental Health Steering group and periodic employee surveys.
This policy will be reviewed periodically by the Management team considering recommendations and
feedback from the Mental Health Steering Group.