Document Name:
Ref No:
Date of
Mental Health &
Wellbeing Policy
CP 10250
Jan 2020
Jan 2021
Breheny Civil Engineering Ltd recognises that mental ill health and stress are associated with many of
the leading causes of disease and disability in our society. Promoting and protecting the mental
wellbeing of our workforce is important for individuals’ physical health, social wellbeing and productivity.
Mental wellbeing in the workplace is relevant to all employees and everyone can contribute to improved
mental wellbeing at work. Addressing workplace mental wellbeing can help strengthen the positive,
protective factors of employment, reduce risk factors for mental ill health and improve general health. It
can also help promote the employment of people who have experienced mental health problems, and
support them once they are at work.
The purpose of this policy is to provide direction and guidance to employees and line managers on the
management of mental health and wellbeing concerns.
Mental Health is defined as a state of wellbeing in which an individual can cope with the normal
stresses of life and can work productively. However, when a person is suffering from mental ill
health their emotional wellbeing has been affected.
Stress is defined as the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of
demand placed on them”.
Health is defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as “...a state of complete physical,
mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
Wellbeing: “...a state of being with others, where human needs are met, where one can act
meaningfully to pursue one’s goals, and where one enjoys a satisfactory quality of life”
(Economic and Social Research Council)
Policy Statement
Breheny Civil Engineering Ltd. is committed to the protection and promotion of the mental health and
wellbeing of its employees and those who may be affected by its operations. .
We shall continuously strive to improve the mental health environment and culture of the Company by
identifying, eliminating, or minimising all harmful processes, procedures and behaviours that may cause
psychological harm or illness to our employees.
Breheny shall continuously strive, as far as is reasonably practicable, to promote mental health
throughout the Company by establishing and maintaining processes that enhance mental health and
Policy Aim
To provide a working environment that promotes and supports the mental health and wellbeing of all
This policy will comply with Health and Safety legislation and best practice guidelines.
The relevant legislation includes:
o The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
o The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
o The Equality Act 2010
This policy will be developed in accordance with existing organisational policies and procedures.
This policy will be owned at all levels of the company, developed and implemented across all
departments, evaluated and reviewed as appropriate.
To tackle workplace factors that may negatively affect mental wellbeing, and to develop management
skills to promote mental wellbeing and manage mental health problems effectively.
To develop a culture based on trust, support and mutual respect within the workplace.
Document Name:
Ref No:
Date of
Mental Health &
Wellbeing Policy
CP 10250
Jan 2020
Jan 2021
As an employer we aim to create and promote a workplace environment that supports and promotes
the mental wellbeing of all employees. We acknowledge that certain working conditions and practices
can negatively affect employees’ mental wellbeing, including aspects of work organisation and
management, and environmental and social conditions that have the potential for psychological as well
as physical harm
Policy actions:
To build and maintain a workplace environment and culture that supports mental health and
wellbeing and prevents discrimination (including bullying, harassment and racism);
To increase employee knowledge and awareness of mental health and wellbeing issues and
To reduce stigma around depression and anxiety in the workplace.
To facilitate employees active participation in a range of initiatives that support mental health
and wellbeing;
Give employees information on and increase their awareness of mental wellbeing;
Include information about the mental health and wellbeing policy in the employee induction
Provide systems that encourage predictable working hours, reasonable workloads and flexible
working practices where appropriate;
Ensure all staff have clearly defined job descriptions, objectives and responsibilities and provide
them with good management support, appropriate training and adequate resources to do their
Establish effective two-way communication to ensure staff involvement, particularly during
periods of organisational change;
Ensure that employees have a clearly defined role within the organisation and a sense of control
over the way their work is organised;
Ensure that job design is appropriate to the individual, with relevant training, supervision and
support provided as required;
Ensure a physical environment that is supportive of mental health and wellbeing including a
sound, ergonomically designed workstation or working situation with appropriate lighting, noise
levels, heating, ventilation and adequate facilities for rest breaks;
Promote and support opportunities to enhance professional development, identified through
the appraisal;
Provide training for designated staff in the early identification, causes and appropriate
management of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, stress and change
To provide support for employees experiencing mental health difficulties.
Policy actions:
Ensure individuals suffering from mental health problems are treated fairly and consistently and
are not made to feel guilty about their problems;
Manage return to work for those who have experienced mental health problems and in cases
of long-term sickness absence, put in place, where possible, a phased return to work;
offering assistance, advice and support to people who experience a mental health problem
while in employment;
Ensure employees are aware of the support that can be offered through occupational health
provision, Employee Assistance Programme or alternatively their own GP, or a counsellor;
Make every effort to identify suitable alternative employment, in consultation with the employee,
where a return to the same job is not possible due to identified risks or other factors;
Treat all matters relating to individual employees and their mental health problems in the
strictest confidence and share on a ‘need to know’ basis only with consent from the individual
Document Name:
Ref No:
Date of
Mental Health &
Wellbeing Policy
CP 10250
Jan 2020
Jan 2021
To encourage the employment of people who have experienced mental health problems.
Policy actions:
Show a positive and enabling attitude to employees and job applicants with mental health
issues. This includes having positive statements in recruitment literature.
Ensure that all staff involved in recruitment and selection are briefed on mental health issues
and the Disability Discrimination Act, and are trained in appropriate interview skills.
Ensure all line managers have information and training about managing mental health in the
To recognise and understand that a mental health condition can be considered a disability
A mental health condition is considered a disability if it has a long-term effect on normal day-to-day
activity. A long term effect is considered to be one which lasts, or is likely to last, 12 months.
Where a long-term mental health condition could affect an employee’s health, safety or welfare,
reasonable adjustments will be made to their role.
We ensure that the needs of disabled staff are covered by our risk assessments and if necessary,
undertake an individual risk assessment for the work of the particular employee, taking into account
their abilities and disabilities.
To recognise, and understand that workplace stress is a health and safety issue and
acknowledge the importance of identifying and reducing workplace stressors.
Policy actions:
Adopt the principles of the HSE Stress Management Standards for employees or groups of
employees that it is felt may be affected by stress;
Identify all workplace stressors and conduct risk assessments to eliminate stress or control the
risks from stress. These risk assessments will be regularly reviewed.
Consult with employee representatives on all proposed action relating to the prevention of
workplace stress;
Provide training in good management practices, including those related to health and safety
and stress management;
Provide confidential counselling and adequate resources;
Align with other relevant Company policies and procedure such as physical activity, alcohol and
absence management.
Everyone has a responsibility to contribute to making the workplace mental wellbeing policy effective.
Managers have a responsibility to:
Monitor the workplace, identify hazards and risks and take steps to eliminate or reduce these
as far as is reasonably practicable.
Ensure good communication between management and staff, particularly where there are
organisational and procedural changes.
Assist and support employees who are known to have mental health problems or are
experiencing stress outside work for example due to bereavement or separation.
Ensure staff are provided with the resources and training required to carry out their job.
Monitor workloads to ensure that people are not overloaded.
Monitor working hours and overtime to ensure that staff are not overworking, and monitor
holidays to ensure that staff are taking their full entitlement.
Ensure staff are provided with meaningful developmental opportunities.
Document Name:
Ref No:
Date of
Mental Health &
Wellbeing Policy
CP 10250
Jan 2020
Jan 2021
In addition, senior management will ensure that staff performing a management or supervisory
function have sufficient competence to discharge that function in a manner consistent with the
maintenance of mental health in the workplace.
Human Resources Department have a responsibility to:
Organise training and awareness courses on workplace mental wellbeing in conjunction with
suitable experts.
Provide advice and support to employees and managers in relation to this policy.
Monitor and report on levels of sickness absence which relate to mental health problems
including stress-related illness (in conjunction with the occupational health service and
departmental managers).
Employees have a responsibility to:
Raise issues of concern and seek help from their safety representative, line manager, human
resources or occupational health department, or use the Employee Assistance Programme..
Accept opportunities for counselling when recommended.
All employees will be made aware of the mental health and wellbeing policy and the facilities available.
This will be part of a health at work policy, which will be included in the employee handbook and
employee information or induction packs.
Regular updates will be provided to all employees via their line management.
Monitoring and Review
Employees participating in any of the mental wellbeing activities will be regularly asked for feedback.
The policy, status updates and evaluation reports will be circulated to management and be available on
request through the workplace health champion.
The Human Resources Department (or an individual as appropriate) will be responsible for reviewing
the mental wellbeing policy and for monitoring how effectively the policy meets its aims and objectives
This policy will be reviewed at least annually.
John Breheny Chairman
January 2021