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Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
Aaron Chal9n
University of Pennsylvania
Justin McCrary
Columbia Law School
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Aaron Chal9n & Justin McCrary,
Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
, 55 J. ECON. LIT. 5 (2017).
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Journal of Economic Literature 2017, 55(1), 5–48
1. Introduction
he day-to-day work of individuals
employed in law enforcement, correc-
tions, and other parts of the criminal-jus-
tice system involves identifying, capturing,
prosecuting, sentencing, and incarcerating
offenders. Perhaps the central function of
these activities, however, is deterring indi-
viduals from participating in illegal activity
in the rst place. Deterrence is important
not only because it results in lower crime
but also because, relative to incapacitation,
it is cheap. Offenders who are deterred from
committing crime in the rst place do not
have to be identied, captured, prosecuted,
sentenced, or incarcerated. For this rea-
son, assessing the degree to which poten-
tial offenders are deterred by either carrots
(better employment opportunities) or sticks
(more intensive policing or harsher sanc-
tions) is a rst-order policy issue.
The standard economic model of criminal
behavior draws on a simple expected utility
model introduced in a seminal contribution
by the late Gary Becker. This model envi-
sions crime as a gamble undertaken by a
rational individual. According to this frame-
work, the aggregate supply of offenses will
depend on social investments in police and
prisons as well as on labor-market opportu-
nities that increase the relative cost of time
spent in illegal activities.
Using Becker’s work as a guide, a large
empirical literature has developed to test
the degree to which potential offenders are
deterred. The papers in this literature fall
into three general categories. First, a num-
ber of papers consider the responsiveness
of crime to the probability that an individ-
ual is apprehended. This concept has typi-
cally been operationalized as the study of the
sensitivity of crime to police, in particular
Criminal Deterrence:
A Review of the Literature
A C  J MC
We review economics research regarding the effect of police, punishments, and work
on crime, with a particular focus on papers from the last twenty years. Evidence in
favor of deterrence effects is mixed. While there is considerable evidence that crime is
responsive to police and to the existence of attractive legitimate labor-market oppor-
tunities, there is far less evidence that crime responds to the severity of criminal sanc-
tions. We discuss fruitful directions for future work and implications for public policy.
( JEL J64, K42)
Chaln: University of Pennsylvania. McCrary: Univer-
sity of California, Berkeley and NBER.
Go to to visit the
article page and view author disclosure statement(s).
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
police manpower or policing intensity. A sec-
ond group of papers studies the sensitivity of
crime to changes in the severity of criminal
sanctions. This literature assesses the respon-
siveness of crime to sentence enhancements,
three strikes laws, capital-punishment
regimes, and policy-induced discontinuities
in the severity of sanctions faced by partic-
ular individuals. The third group of papers
examines the responsiveness of crime to
local labor-market conditions, generationally
operationalized using either the unemploy-
ment rate or a relevant market wage. This
literature seeks to determine whether crime
can be deterred through the use of positive
incentives rather than punishments.
The papers in each of these literatures
can be viewed as measuring the degree to
which individuals can be deterred from par-
ticipation in criminal activity. Each of the
literatures is vast and it is not unreasonable
to suggest that each could merit a separate
review. A challenge remains to characterize
the pattern of the empirical ndings and
explain why individuals appear to be more
responsive (and thus more deterrable) along
certain margins than along others. In this
article, we provide a brief review of each of
the three literatures introduced above with
the intention of rationalizing several appar-
ently divergent ndings.
We are not the rst to review the deter-
rence literature. Indeed, in last decade we
count a number of comprehensive reviews
on the subject including, but not limited
to, Levitt and Miles (2006), Tonry (2008),
Durlauf and Nagin (2011), Nagin (2013),
and Chaln and Tahamont (forthcoming).
We attempt to differentiate our review in
several ways. First, we have tried to synthe-
size research carried out by economists, as
well as criminologists. In this goal, we are
not alone. However, we are hopeful that by
highlighting in the JEL research from crim-
inology that is typically unknown to econo-
mists, we will help to further integrate the
two disciplines. Second, interest in deter-
rence research has multiplied rapidly over
the last few years, with a number of import-
ant studies having been published in the last
year or two alone. Accordingly, we have done
our best to include references to the new-
est and most cutting-edge research. Finally,
in this review, we cover a topic that is often
omitted from reviews of the deterrence liter-
ature—the role of labor markets in deterring
crime via “carrots” rather than “sticks.” The
remainder of the paper is laid out as follows:
section 2 considers research on the effect
of police on crime, section 3 considers the
effect of prison and/or sanctions on crime,
and Section 4 considers the responsiveness
of crime to local labor-market conditions.
Section 5 concludes.
2. Theories of Deterrence
Deterrence is an old idea and has been
discussed in academic writing at least as far
back as eighteenth-century treatises by Adam
Smith (1776), Jeremy Bentham (1789), and
Cesare Beccaria (1764). There are three core
concepts embedded in theories of deter-
rence—that individuals respond to changes in
the certainty, severity, and celerity (or imme-
diacy) of punishment. Interestingly, in the
criminological tradition, deterrence is often
characterized as being either general or spe-
cic, with general deterrence referring to the
idea that individuals respond to the threat of
punishment and specic deterrence referring
to the idea that individuals are responsive to the
actual experience of punishment. Economics
prefers different terminology, reserving the
term deterrence for what the criminologist
calls general deterrence and describing spe-
cic deterrence as a change in information or,
perhaps more exotically, a change in prefer-
ences themselves. In this section, we briey
characterize the way economists have formal-
ized these concepts. In general, economic
theories of deterrence have focused more
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
heavily on certainty and severity. However,
recent writing has increasingly characterized
deterrence as part of a dynamic framework in
which offender behavior is sensitive to their
time preferences (Polinsky and Shavell 1999
and Lee and McCrary forthcoming).
2.1 Economic Models of Crime
The earliest formal model of criminal
offending in economics can be found in
Becker’s seminal 1968 paper, “Crime and
Punishment: An Economic Approach.” The
crux of Becker’s model is the idea that a ratio-
nal offender faces a gamble. He can either
choose to commit a crime and thus receive a
criminal benet (albeit with an associated risk
of apprehension and subsequent punishment)
or not to commit a crime (which yields no
criminal benet but is risk free). The expected
cost of committing a crime is a function of
the offender’s probability of apprehension, p ,
and the severity of the sanction that he will
face upon apprehension, f . To be more spe-
cic, the individual can be said to face three
potential outcomes, each of which delivers a
different level of utility: (1) the utility associ-
ated with the choice to abstain from crime,
; (2) the utility associated with choosing
to commit a crime that does not result in an
apprehension, U
; and (3) the utility associ-
ated with choosing to commit a crime that
results in apprehension and punishment,
. In such a formulation, the individual
chooses to commit a crime if, and only if, the
following condition holds:
(1) (1 p) U
+ p U
> U
That is, crime is worthwhile so long as its
expected utility exceeds the utility from
The “if and only if ” holds if we maintain that the case of
(1 p) U
+ p U
= U
implies no crime, an unimportant
assumption we make henceforth to simplify discussion.
In addition to the clear role played in this
model by the probability of apprehension, p ,
the formulation also suggests the importance
of two additional exogenous factors that
could inuence U
and U
. Crime becomes
more attractive when the disutility of appre-
hension is slight (e.g., less unpleasant prison
conditions) and it becomes less attractive
when the utility of work is high (e.g., a low
unemployment rate or a high wage). Becker
operationalizes the disutility associated with
capture using a single exogenous variable,
f , which he refers to as the severity of the
criminal sanction upon capture. Typically, f
is assumed to refer to something like a ne,
the probability of conviction, or the length of
a prison sentence.
To a large degree, then,
government maintains control over U
The utility associated with abstaining
from crime, U
, is principally a function of
the individual’s ability to derive utility from
non-illicit activities. In practice, this is typ-
ically thought of as the wage that can be
earned in the legal labor market. When the
legal wage rises, U
rises, thus reducing the
relative benet of criminal activity. It is fair
to say that while government maintains some
control over U
, it does so to a lesser extent
than it does over the utility of punishment,
Using these ideas, Becker rewrites (see
footnote 16) the expected utility confronting
an individual contemplating crime as
(2) EU = pU(Y f ) + (1 p) U(Y) ,
where Y represents the income associ-
ated with getting away with crime.
In this
In principle, f can be a function of many different
characteristics of the sanction including the length of the
sentence, the conditions under which the sentence will be
served, and the degree of social stigma that is attached to a
term of incarceration, all of which are likely heterogeneous
among the population.
As Becker is careful to say, income “monetary and
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
formulation, crime occurs if and only if
EU > U
. Equivalently, we can dene
an indifference point, Y
, such that crime
occurs if and only if Y > Y
. It is easy to see
U( Y
) U
|U( Y
f ) U
1 p
Several important ideas are embedded
in (3). First, for the individual to elect to
engage in crime, the gain relative to its loss
must exceed the odds of capture. Dividing
the numerator and denominator of the left
side by U
yields a natural interpretation,
in terms of percentages. Consider a crim-
inal opportunity where capture is n times
as likely as not. Crime occurs if the antici-
pated percent improvement in utility associ-
ated with getting away with it is more than
n times as large as the anticipated percent
reduction in utility associated with appre-
hension. Second, an increase in p unambigu-
ously reduces the likelihood of crime, as this
increases the right-hand side of (3). Third,
an increase in f unambiguously reduces the
likelihood of crime as long as U( ) > 0 , as
this decreases the left-hand side of (3).
Under risk neutrality, the equation (3)
simplies. Dene a as the income associated
with abstaining from crime, i.e., U(a) = U
dene c = f b > 0 as the effective cost
of punishment. Further dene income,
Y = a + b and Y
= a + b
, where b is the
criminal benet and b
is the criminal ben-
et at which the individual is indifferent
between crime and abstention. Then equa-
tion (3) reduces to
= c
1 − p
This simplied version of the Becker model
is the starting point of the dynamic analysis
in Lee and McCrary (forthcoming).
A somewhat different focus can be found
in Ehrlich (1973), where the notion of the
opportunity cost of engaging in crime is
front and center. Perhaps unsurprisingly,
labor economists have found it particularly
attractive to view crime as a time-alloca-
tion choice, and this type of formulation is
found in several prominent papers includ-
ing Lemieux, Fortin, and Frechette (1994);
Grogger (1998); Williams and Sickles (2002);
and Burdett, Lagos, and Wright (2004),
among others.
The typical time-allocation model of crime
considers a consumer facing a constant mar-
ket wage and diminishing marginal returns
to participation in crime. This consumer
maximizes a utility function that increases in
both leisure ( L ) and consumption ( C ), where
consumption is nanced by time spent
engaged in either legitimate employment
( h
) at a market wage ( w ) or time spent
in crime ( h
) with a net hourly payoff of r .
The consumer’s constrained optimization
problem is to maximize his utility function,
U(C, L) , subject to the consumption and
time constraints:
(4) C = w h
+ r h
+ I
(5) L = T h
In (4), consumption is shown to be equal
to an offender’s legitimate income plus his
non-legitimate income.
In (5), T is the indi-
vidual’s time endowment and leisure is the
remaining time after market work and time
spent in crime is accounted for.
The param-
eter r reects the criminal benet but it
For further details, see Gronau (1980).
I represents nonlabor income.
Grogger assumes that the returns to crime dimin-
ish as the amount of time devoted to criminal activity
increases—i.e., there is a concave function r ( ) that
translates hours spent participating in crime into income.
Diminishing returns implies that those engaging in crimi-
nal activity rst commit crimes with the highest expected
payoffs (lowest probability of getting caught and high-
est stakes) before exploring less lucrative opportunities.
However, this need not be true.
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
also reects the costs of committing crime,
namely the risk of capture and the expected
criminal sanction if captured. In other words,
r can be thought of as the wage rate of crime,
net of the expected costs associated with the
criminal-justice system. In this way, criminal
sanctions drive a wedge between the con-
sumer’s productivity in offending and his
market wage, in turn, incentivizing market
work over crime.
An interesting question in both Becker’s
model and Ehrlich’s model is whether indi-
viduals are more deterred by increases in p
or f . Becker addresses this in a straightfor-
ward way by asking whether the expected
utility of crime is decreased more by a small
percent increase in p or an equivalent per-
cent increase in f . This makes sense because
participation in crime should be monotonic
in its expected utility. Becker’s analysis
shows that p is more effective if and only if
U( ) > 0 , i.e., if and only if individuals were
risk preferring.
If individuals are averse
to risk, increasing f is more effective than
increasing p , and if individuals are risk neu-
tral, then f and p are equally effective. Becker
notes (footnote 12) that this conclusion is the
opposite of that given by Beccaria regarding
the effectiveness of punishment versus cap-
ture, and that the conclusion is similarly at
odds with contemporaneous views of judges.
In order for an individual to commit any crime at all,
there are two necessary and sufcient conditions. First,
the marginal return to the rst instant of time supplied to
crime must exceed the individual’s valuation of time (in
terms of how much consumption the person would be will-
ing to forgo for more time) when all time is devoted to non-
market, noncrime activities. Second, the marginal return to
crime for the rst crime committed must exceed the indi-
vidual’s market wage. Thus, those who can command high
wages or those who place very high value on time devoted
to nonmarket/noncriminal uses will be the least likely to
engage in criminal activity.
Note, however, the observant criticism of Brown and
Reynolds (1973), showing that this clean conclusion is the
result of the modeling assumption that the baseline utility
is that of getting away with crime.
The model of Lee and McCrary (forth-
coming) emphasizes the dependence of this
conclusion on the time preferences of the
Intuitively, it seems like it would
be hard to deter an impatient individual
using a prison sentence, since most of the
disutility of a prison sentence is borne in the
future. Lee and McCrary propose modeling
crime using a modication of the basic job
search model in discrete time with an innite
horizon. Risk-neutrality is assumed, yet indi-
viduals in this model have very different
responses to the capture and punishment.
In their model, criminal opportunities are
independent draws from an identical “crim-
inal benet” distribution with distribution
function F(b) . The individual learns of an
opportunity each period and must decide
whether to take advantage of it. If the indi-
vidual engages in crime and is caught, she
is imprisoned for S periods, where S is an
independent draw from an identical sen-
tence-length distribution. As in the Becker
model, capture occurs with probability p .
If the individual abstains from crime, she
obtains ow utility a and faces the same
problem the next period. If she commits
crime and is not caught, she obtains ow util-
ity a + b and faces the same problem next
period. Finally, if she commits crime and is
caught, she obtains ow utility a c for S
periods, before confronting the same prob-
lem at the conclusion of her sentence.
The criminal benet at which the individ-
ual is indifferent between crime and absten-
tion is given by
(6) b
= c
1 − p
+ ν
1 p
+ p
(1 F(z)) dz
Further details regarding the Lee and McCrary model
are given in McCrary (2010).
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
where ν = E
is a summary param-
eter governing how the distribution of
sentences affects decision making and δ is
the discount factor.
As in Becker’s static model, crime is
reduced by increases in p and increases in c .
The added feature of this model, however,
is that crime is also reduced by increases in
sentence lengths, and this behavioral mech-
anism is modulated by time preferences.
As is intuitive, patient individuals are quite
responsive to increases to sentence lengths,
but impatient individuals show much more
muted responses. In the limit as the dis-
count factor approaches zero, the individ-
ual is arbitrarily more responsive to capture
than to punishment. The Lee and McCrary
model thus provides a simple way to reintro-
duce older ideas regarding the importance of
celerity into a Becker model.
Ultimately, the models proposed by Becker
and Ehrlich yield three main behavioral pre-
dictions: (1) the supply of offenses will fall as
the probability of apprehension rises, (2) the
supply of offenses will fall as the severity of
the criminal sanction increases, and (3) the
supply of offenses will fall as the opportunity
cost of crime rises. In other words, behav-
ioral changes can be brought about either
using carrots (better employment opportu-
nities) or sticks (criminal-justice inputs). The
following section connects these core pre-
dictions to the empirical literatures that have
For example, if we take S to be geometric, i.e., S has
support 1, 2, … , and P(S = s) = q (1 q)
, where q is
the per period release probability, then standard results
using innite series show that ν = (1 q) δ / (1 (1 q)δ) .
Interestingly, this shows that under a geometric distri-
bution for sentence lengths, reducing the probability of
release is equivalent to increasing the individual’s patience.
Equation (6) is not an explicit equation for b
, but it
can be viewed as dening an implicit function. We can use
numerical methods to solve for b
(e.g., Newton’s method
works well), and comparative statics are straightforward
using the implicit function theorem.
For related modeling ideas from criminology, see
Nagin and Pogarsky (2001), for example.
sought to test whether these predictions hold
in the real world.
2.2 Perceptions and Deterrence
Because economic models of offending
are microeconomic models that make pre-
dictions about individual behavior, our dis-
cussion of deterrence would be incomplete
without a discussion of how individuals
perceive risks and, especially, whether risk
perceptions mirror reality. Given the scope
of this review, our discussion of perceptions
is necessarily brief. We direct the reader to
an excellent review of this literature by Apel
(2013) for a more detailed accounting of the
perceptual-deterrence literature.
Perceptual deterrence is important because
the vast majority of the empirical-deterrence
literature operationalizes Becker’s model
of crime by studying the responsiveness of
crime to particular policy variables, such as
the number or productivity of police or the
punitiveness of sanctions. This approach
was initially borne out of the inadequacy of
data needed to test the microfoundations of
the Becker model, but has the advantage of
having generated a dense literature that is
practical and policy-relevant. Given that the
literature studies the effect of policy variables,
an important intermediate outcome and
indeed a precursor to identifying deterrence
is the extent to which potential offenders are
aware that policy has changed (Waldo and
Chiricos 1972, Nagin 1998, and Apel 2013).
Apel (2013) characterizes the link between
actual and perceived deterrence as involving
a series of considerations that include both
threat communication, the degree to which
a change in the certainty or the severity of a
sanction is communicated or advertised, and
risk perceptions, the individual’s perceived
risk of being apprehended and punished.
Crucially, risk perception is not assumed to
be stable and indeed an important litera-
ture has arisen that seeks to understand how
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
offenders update risk perceptions in response
to experience (see Apel and Nagin 2011 for a
comprehensive review on the subject).
Ultimately, one of the most import-
ant questions for perceptual-deterrence
research is the degree of correspondence
between actual and perceived risks. If per-
ceptions closely mirror reality, then using
policy shocks to learn about the magnitude
of deterrence is straightforward. However,
to the extent that changes in policy often
go unnoticed by potential offenders, the
outcomes of policy research will tend to
be of limited value in studying deterrence.
Consider, for example, a policy that increases
the number of undercover police ofcers
who are assigned to patrol a city’s transit sys-
tem. Assuming that policy is unannounced
and, even if it is announced, that the news
does not easily trickle down to potential
offenders, it is difcult to imagine how
deterrence will accrue. It may well be that
the policy begins to be noticed by offenders
as they hear about cases in which undercover
ofcers have made arrests or if they have an
acquaintance who has been arrested in this
way. However, it seems likely that such infor-
mation will generate deterrence only via a
substantial temporal lag. Indeed, it seems
likely that a highly visible change in the num-
ber of uniformed ofcers or, alternatively, a
well-advertised policy to increase the num-
ber of undercover ofcers, will generate a
greater deterrence effect, even if the actual
intervention is no different.
The recent literature that links actual and
perceived risks is relatively small. Important
recent work includes that of Kleck et al.
(2005) and Kleck and Barnes (2013), who
conducted a telephone survey of 1,500 adults
in fty-four large urban counties in the
United States. They asked each individual to
estimate case clearance rates, the probability
of serving time in prison, and maximum sen-
tence for several different serious felonies.
Comparing perceived risks to actual risks,
they found little evidence of any correlations,
a nding that extends to police manpower
as well. Research by Lochner (2007) using
the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
(NLSY) comes to a qualitatively similar con-
clusion reporting evidence of a signicant,
albeit weak, relationship between actual and
perceived risks of apprehension. Likewise, in
an application to drug use, a very common
crime resulting in arrest, MacCoun et al.
(2009) report that individuals living in states
that have decriminalized marijuana often do
not have any awareness of this and continue
to believe that they can be jailed for mari-
juana possession. These studies are charac-
terized by Apel (2013) as being discouraging
for deterrence research. However, as each
of the studies surveyed the general popula-
tion, most of whom are uninvolved in crime,
such research may have poor external valid-
ity. The best evidence on perceptions among
a sample of active offenders comes from
Lochner (2007), who reports that NLSY
youth who self-report criminal involvement
do, on average, have more accurate percep-
tions about arrest risks than noncriminally
involved youth.
A second strain of research considers
whether offenders change their risk percep-
tions in response to a past arrest. One avor of
this research has compared risk perceptions
among individuals who reported more fre-
quent arrest conditional upon offending (i.e.,
less successful offenders) to individuals who
reported fewer arrests per offense (i.e., more
successful offenders). This literature tends to
nd robust evidence of an association between
more frequent arrest and a higher perceived
probability of capture (Paternoster and
Piquero 1995, Piquero and Pogarsky 2002,
Pogarsky and Piquero 2003, and Carmichael
and Piquero 2006). A parallel literature has
found that risk perceptions are also informed
by the experience of acquaintances (Piquero
and Pogarsky 2002). Unfortunately, there are
a number of conceptual issues that make this
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
literature difcult to interpret. Most notably,
since these associations arise from cross-sec-
tional data, it is not possible to discern cause
from correlation. In particular, it is plausible
that more successful offenders have lower
perceived arrest probabilities for reasons that
are a function of personality and largely unre-
lated to experience. In response to this con-
cern, a more recent literature uses panel data
to measure “updating”—the idea that indi-
viduals change their prior risk perceptions on
the basis of whether or not they are appre-
hended in an earlier period. This literature
has also tended to nd robust evidence that
risk perceptions are sensitive to actual expe-
rience (Pogarsky, Piquero, and Paternoster
2004; Pogarsky, Kim, and Paternoster 2005;
Matsueda, Kreager, and Huizinga 2006; and
Anwar and Loughran 2011). Several more
specic ndings from this literature are
worth noting. First, while perceptions are
responsive to experience, offending is not
always responsive to perceptions, implying
that at least a portion of offending may be
idiosyncratic and perhaps undeterrable in
a stable policy regime. Second, less experi-
enced offenders are especially sensitive to
the experiences of peers, which is sensible
as they may not have sufcient history upon
which to draw conclusions. Third, there is
evidence that the general public, along with
less frequent offenders, tend to overestimate
their arrest risk and adjust their risk percep-
tions downward as they offend and recognize
that the risk of apprehension is lower than
they previously believed. An important cor-
ollary to this is that risk perceptions are more
sensitive to experience early in one’s crim-
inal career, with the deterrence value of an
arrest declining with experience (Anwar and
Loughran 2011).
Broadly speaking, the perceptual-deter-
rence literature provides several reasons to
be optimistic that meaningful deterrence
effects can exist and can be particularly
salient among younger offenders who have
yet to commit to a criminal career. The
best available evidence suggests that the
experience of arrest does lead to an increase
in the perceived likelihood of being appre-
hended for a future crime. What is less
clear is whether perceived risks change in
response to policy inputs that have more dif-
fuse impacts and whether advertising sanc-
tions can be a sufciently credible threat—a
proposition we discuss in further detail in the
subsequent empirical section of this paper.
2.3 Deterrence versus Incapacitation
Generally speaking, there are two mecha-
nisms through which criminal-justice policy
reduces crime: deterrence and incapacita-
tion. When by virtue of a policy change indi-
viduals elect not to engage in crime they
otherwise would have in the absence of the
change, we speak of the policy deterring
crime. On the other hand, a policy change
may also take offenders out of circulation as,
for example, with pretrial detention or incar-
ceration, preventing crime by incapacitating
individuals. The incapacitation effect can be
thought of as the mechanical response of
crime to changes in criminal-justice inputs.
While deterrence can arise in response to
any policy that changes the costs or benets
of offending, incapacitation arises only when
the probability of capture or the expected
length of detention increases.
The existence of incapacitation effects
has profound implications for the study of
deterrence. In particular, while research that
considers the effect of a change in the prob-
ability of capture will, generally speaking,
identify a mixture of deterrence and inca-
pacitation effects, research that considers
changes in the opportunity cost of crime is
more likely to isolate deterrence. Likewise,
while research on the effect of sanctions typ-
ically results in a treatment effect that is a
function of both deterrence and incapacita-
tion, clever research designs have been used
to identify the effect of an increase in the
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
severity of a sanction that is unlikely to result
in an immediate increase in incapacitation.
For each literature discussed in this paper,
we provide a discussion of the degree to
which empirical estimates can be inter-
preted as providing evidence of deterrence
as distinct from incapacitation and, in some
cases, other behavioral effects. However, it is
important to note that deterrence is itself a
black box. In order to empirically observe a
behavioral response of crime to a particular
policy level, it must be the case that poten-
tial offenders perceive that the cost of com-
mitting a crime has changed (Nagin 1998,
Durlauf and Nagin 2011, and Nagin 2013).
Moreover, the behavioral response of crime
will depend on the accuracy of those percep-
tions. To wit, an intervention that success-
fully convinces potential offenders that the
expected cost of crime has increased, regard-
less of whether this is actually the case, will
likely reduce crime. The challenge for cost-ef-
fective public policy is to optimally trade off
between police and prisons so as to maximize
perceptual and, as such, actual deterrence.
3. Police and Crime
Becker’s prediction that the aggregate
supply of crime will be sensitive to society’s
investment in police arises from the idea that
an increase in police presence, whether it
is operationalized through increased man-
power or increased productivity, raises the
probability that an individual is apprehended
for having committed a particular offense. To
the extent that potential offenders are able to
observe an increase in police resources and
perceive a correspondingly higher risk to
criminal participation, crime is expected to
decline through the deterrence channel.
Empirically, the challenge for this litera-
ture is that changes in the intensity of polic-
ing are generally not random. As a result, it is
difcult to identify a causal effect of police on
crime using natural variation in policing. An
additional, more conceptual issue is that the
responsiveness of crime to police may also
reect an important role for incapacitation.
This arises from the idea that police tend
to reduce crime mechanically, even in the
absence of a behavioral response, by arrest-
ing offenders who are subsequently incar-
cerated and incapacitated.
The extent to
which investments in police are cost effective
depends, in large part, on the degree to which
police deter rather than simply incapacitate
offenders. In this section, we consider the
responsiveness of crime to both police man-
power and police tactics, broadly dened. For
each literature, we discuss the challenges with
respect to both econometric identication as
well as interpretation of the resulting parame-
ters as evidence in favor of deterrence.
3.1 Police Manpower
A large literature has used city- or state-
level panel data and, recently, a variety of
quasi-experimental designs to estimate the
elasticity of crime with respect to police
This literature is ably summa-
rized by Cameron (1988), Nagin (1998),
Eck and Maguire (2000), Skogan and Frydl
(2004), and Levitt and Miles (2006), all of
whom provide extensive references.
The early panel-data literature tended to
report small elasticity estimates that were
rarely distinguishable from zero and some-
times even positive, suggesting perversely
that police increase crime.
The ensuing
In this context, deterrence can arise either from a
general decrease in offending or from a shift towards less
productive but correspondingly less risky modes of offend-
ing—for example, a shift from robbery to larceny.
This elasticity can be thought of as a reduced-form
parameter that captures both deterrence effects as sug-
gested by neoclassical economic theory, as well as incapac-
itation effects that arise when offenders are incarcerated
and thus constrained in their ability to offend.
Papers in this literature employ a wide variety of
econometric approaches. Early empirical papers such as
Ehrlich (1973) and Wilson and Boland (1978) focused on
the cross-sectional association between police and crime.
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
discussion in the literature was whether police
reduce crime at all. Beginning with Levitt
(1997), an emerging quasi-experimental liter-
ature has argued that simultaneity bias is the
culprit for the small elasticities in the panel-
data literature.
The specic concern articu-
lated is that if police are hired in anticipation
of an upswing in crime, then there will be a
positive bias associated with regression-based
strategies, masking a true negative elasticity.
The recent literature has therefore generally
focused instead on instrumental variables (IV)
strategies designed to overcome this bias.
The rst plausible instrumental vari-
able to study the effect of police manpower
on crime was proposed by Levitt (1997).
Leveraging data on the timing of mayoral
and gubernatorial elections, Levitt provides
evidence that in the year prior to a munici-
pal or state election, police manpower tends
to increase, presumably due to the desire
of elected ofcials to appear to be “tough
on crime.” The exclusion restriction is that,
but for increases in police manpower, crime
does not vary cyclically with respect to the
election cycle. Using data from fty-seven
cities spanning 1972–97, Levitt reports very
small least-squares estimates of the effect
of police and crime that are consistent with
the prior literature. However, IV estimates
are large and economically important, with
elasticities ranging from moderate in magni-
tude for property crimes (0.55 for burglary
and 0.44 for motor vehicle theft) to large in
magnitude for violent crimes such as robbery
(1.3) and murder (3). Ultimately, follow-
ing a reanalysis of the data by McCrary (2002),
the IV coefcients reported by Levitt were
found to be insignicant after a problem with
weighting was addressed. The insignicance
of the coefcients is ultimately driven by the
Some of the leading examples of quasi-experimental
papers are Levitt (2002), Di Tella and Schargrodsky (2004),
Klick and Tabarrok (2005), Evans and Owens (2007), Lin
(2009), and Machin and Marie (2011).
fact that the rst-stage relationship between
election cycles and police hiring is weak,
complicating both estimation and inference.
Levitt (1997) has given rise to a series of
related papers that seek to identify a national
effect of police manpower on crime by isolat-
ing conditionally exogenous within-city vari-
ation in police stafng levels. These papers
include Levitt (2002), which uses variation
in reghter numbers as an instrument for
police manpower; Evans and Owens (2007),
who instrument for police manpower using
the size of federal Community Oriented
Policing Services (COPS) grants awarded
to cities to promote police hiring; and Lin
(2009), who instruments for changes in police
manpower using the idea that US states
have differential exposure to exchange-rate
shocks depending on the export intensity
of local industry. These strategies consistently
demonstrate that police do reduce crime.
However, the estimated elasticities display a
wide range, roughly 0.1 to 2, depending
on the study and the type of crime. Moreover,
relatively few of the estimated elasticities are
signicant at conventional levels of condence,
reecting a great deal of sampling variability
and the use of relatively weak instruments. In
many cases, extremely large elasticities (i.e.,
those larger than one in magnitude) cannot
be differentiated from zero. Overall, Chaln
and McCrary (forthcoming) characterize
the pattern of the cross-crime elasticities as,
in general, favoring a larger effect of police
on violent crimes than on property crimes,
with especially large effects of police on
murder, robbery, and motor vehicle theft.
Notably, Worrall and Kovandzic (2007) report no
reduced-form relationship between COPS grants and
crime. However, their analysis is based on a smaller sample
of cities than the analysis of Evans and Owens (2007).
This pattern is found in several prominent panel
data papers, in particular Levitt (1997), Evans and Owens
(2007), and Chaln and McCrary (forthcoming), each of
which report especially large elasticity estimates for mur-
der (0.6 to 0.8) and robbery (0.5 to 1.4).
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
A second noteworthy contribution to the
modern police manpower literature is that of
Marvell and Moody (1996), who leverage the
concept of Granger causality to explore the
extent to which police manpower is, in fact,
responsive to changes in crime. The motiva-
tion behind such an approach is that if crime
is responsive to lagged police but police staff-
ing is not responsive to lagged crime, then
the case for instrumental variables is weak-
ened considerably. Finding no evidence of
a link between lagged crime rates and cur-
rent police stafng levels at either the state
or city level, Marvell and Moody estimate
the responsiveness of crime to police using
a standard two-way xed-effects model and
report elasticities that are fairly small in mag-
nitude (ranging from 0.15 for burglary to
0.30 for motor vehicle theft) and are more
consistent with the early least-squares litera-
ture than the IV literature that has prolifer-
ated in recent years.
Ultimately, the Granger causality exer-
cise is subject to the same omitted variables
bias concerns that plague any least squares
regression model, and is therefore of dubious
value in establishing causality. Nevertheless,
the weak evidence of a link between lagged
crime and current police stafng presented
in Marvell and Moody is, in our view, under-
appreciated. Given the large discrepancy
between Marvell and Moody’s estimates and
those in Levitt (1997), which use the same
underlying data, one of two propositions
must be true: (1) Marvell and Moody’s esti-
mates of the effect of lagged crime on police
manpower are biased due to the exclusion of
important omitted variables, or (2) There is no
simultaneity bias between police and crime—
discrepancies between least squares and IV
estimates are instead driven by measurement
errors in either police stafng or measures of
UCR index crimes. This is an idea that is dealt
with in detail in Chaln and McCrary (forth-
coming). Leveraging two potentially inde-
pendent measures of police manpower (one
from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports and
another from the US Census’s Annual Survey
of Government Employment) for a sample of
242 US cities over a fty-one-year time period,
Chaln and McCrary construct measurement
error corrected IV models using one measure
of police as an instrument for the other. Their
principal nding is that elasticities reported in
the recent IV literature can be replicated by
simply correcting for measurement errors in
police data and without explicitly addressing
the possibility of simultaneity bias. The result-
ing implication is that Marvell and Moody’s
basic inference regarding the lack of causality
running from crime to police manpower may
be correct. A related contribution in Chaln
and McCrary is to estimate police elasticities
with remarkable precision, reporting elastici-
ties of 0.67 ± 0.48 for murder, 0.56 ± 0.24
for robbery, 0.34 ± 0.20 for motor vehicle
theft, and 0.23 ± 0.18 for burglary.
While the majority of the police manpower
literature uses aggregate data, there is a cor-
responding literature that assesses the impact
of police on crime using natural experiments
in a particular jurisdiction. An early account
of such a natural experiment is found in
Andenaes (1974), who documents a large
increase in crime in Nazi-occupied Denmark
after German soldiers dissolved the entire
Danish police force (Durlauf and Nagin
2011 and Nagin 2013). Modern literature
has found similarly large effects. In particu-
lar, DeAngelo and Hansen (2014) document
an increase in trafc fatalities that occurred
in the aftermath of a budget cut in Oregon
that resulted in a mass layoff of state troop-
ers. Similarly, Shi (2009) reports an increase
in crime in Cincinnati, OH, in the aftermath
of an incident in which police used deadly
force against an unarmed African American
As Shi (2009) notes, the police response to the riot was
to reduce productivity disproportionately in riot-affected
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
3.2 Police Deployment and Tactics
The police manpower literature is informa-
tive with respect to the aggregate response of
crime to increases in police stafng. However,
the aggregate manpower literature leaves
many interesting and important questions
unanswered. In particular, to what extent do
the estimated elasticities reect deterrence?
Likewise, what is the specic mechanism
that leads to deterrence? If the mechanism
is based on perceptual deterrence—the idea
that offenders observe an increase in police
presence and adjust their behavior accord-
ingly—then it should be the case that offend-
ing is especially sensitive to large and easily
observed changes in police deployment and
tactics. To address these questions, a related
literature that is found mostly in criminol-
ogy has studied the effect of changes in the
intensity of policing on crime with a distinct
focus on the crime-reducing effect of vari-
ous “best practices.” In particular, declines in
crime that are not attributable to spatial dis-
placement have been linked to the adoption
of “hot spots” policing (Sherman and Rogan
1995, Sherman and Weisburd 1995, Braga
2001, Braga 2005, Weisburd 2005, Braga
and Bond 2008, and Berk and MacDonald
2010), “problem-oriented” policing (Braga
et al. 1999; Braga et al. 2001; and Weisburd
et al. 2010), and a variety of other proactive
approaches. Similarly, a large research lit-
erature that has examined the local impact
of police crackdowns has consistently found
large and immediate (but typically not last-
ing) reductions in crime in the aftermath of
hyper-intensive policing (Sherman 1990).
Such ndings are further supported by
evidence from several informative natural
experiments that have identied plausibly
exogenous variation in the intensity of polic-
ing. Three prominent examples are Klick
and Tabarrok (2005), who study the effect
of police redeployments in Washington, DC,
that result from shifts in terror alert levels;
Di Tella and Schargrodsky (2004), who study
the effect of a shift in the intensity of policing
in certain areas of Buenos Aires after a 1994
synagogue bombing; and Draca, Machin,
and Witt (2011), who study police redeploy-
ments in the aftermath of the 2005 London
tube bombings.
The literature on police deployments and
tactics has focused predominantly on three
types of interventions. The rst is an inno-
vation commonly referred to as “hot-spots”
policing. As the moniker suggests, hot-
spots policing describes a strategy in which
police are disproportionately deployed to
areas in a city that appear to attract dispro-
portionate levels of crime.
The second
type of intervention is often referred to as
problem-oriented” policing. This term
is used broadly and refers to a collection
of focused deterrence strategies that are
designed to change the behavior of specic
types of offenders or to be successful in spe-
cic jurisdictions. A nal intervention that
has received attention in the literature is that
of “proactive” policing. Proactive policing
refers to strategies that are deigned to make
policing more intensive, holding resources
xed. The idea can be traced back to the
concept of “broken windows,” or disorder
policing introduced by Wilson and Kelling
(1982) and refers to the notion that, just like
xing a broken window sends a message to
would-be vandals that the community cares
about maintaining social order, arresting
individuals for relatively minor infractions
sends a message to potential offenders that
the police are watchful.
The idea that crime hot spots might exist is immedi-
ately obvious to many and can be found in the academic
literature at least as far back as Shaw and McKay (1942).
Modern research has linked criminal activity to specic
types of places such as bars (Roman and Reid 2012) and
apartment buildings, as well as to places that lack formal or
informal guardians (Eck and Weisburd 1995).
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
3.2.1 Hot-Spots Policing
We begin with a discussion of hot-spots
policing, which we distinguish from aggre-
gate police manpower research for several
reasons. First, as the manpower literature
largely uses city-level variation, it identies
the effect of adding police at the expense of
some other type of public input. In contrast,
hot-spots policing involves a reallocation of
existing resources. Such a strategy is advan-
tageous, as it does not require a change in
current outlays. However, it also leaves open
the possibility that moving police around
merely shifts, rather than reduces, crime.
In order for hot-spots policing to be a
viable crime reduction strategy, two condi-
tions must be met. First, given resource con-
straints, the feasibility of such a deployment
strategy relies on crime being sufciently
concentrated in a relatively small number of
hot spots. Second, hot spots must be suf-
ciently stable such that the spatial distribu-
tion of crime in the absence of a change in
police deployment can be predicted with a
reasonable degree of accuracy. Hence, the
adoption of hot-spots policing must begin
with an accounting of the geographic con-
centration of crime, as well as an assessment
of the extent to which hot spots are per-
manent as opposed to transitory. Sherman
(1995) captures both of these ideas, charac-
terizing crime hot spots as “small places in
which the occurrence of crime is so frequent
that it is highly predictable, at least over a
one-year period.”
A seminal paper by Sherman, Gartin, and
Buerger (1989) is the rst to provide descrip-
tive data on the degree to which crime is
spatially concentrated. Using data from
Minneapolis, Sherman and coauthors found
that just 3 percent of addresses and inter-
sections in Minneapolis produced 50 per-
cent of all calls for service to the police. This
nding is echoed by Weisburd, Maher, and
Sherman (1992) and in more recent papers by
Weisburd et al. (2004) and Weisburd, Morris,
and Groff (2009), which report that a very
small percentage of street segments in Seattle
accounted for 50 percent of crime incidents
for each year over a fourteen-year period.
With respect to predictability, Weisburd et al.
(2004), using the same data from Seattle, used
trajectory analysis to establish that hot spots
tended to be highly persistent, often persist-
ing for many years.
Naturally, the observation that crime is
so highly concentrated in a very small num-
ber of places has led to efforts to inten-
sify the focus of police resources on these
places. These interventions have, in turn,
led to a corresponding experimental and
quasi-experimental research literature that
seeks to evaluate the efcacy of such strat-
egies. The rst-order question that the hot-
spots policing literature seeks to address
involves the degree to which highly local-
ized crime is responsive to a change in the
intensity of policing. By responsive, crim-
inologists generally refer to the idea that
crime declines in local areas that have been
exposed to more intensive patrol without
merely inducing equivalent spillovers to
untreated adjacent areas. However, we note
that while spillovers undermine the viability
of hot-spots policing as a crime-reduction
strategy, they nevertheless constitute evi-
dence of responsiveness and, as such, are
useful in identifying deterrence. Moreover,
a particular feature of this research makes it
especially salient for the study of deterrence
(Nagin 2013). Notably, while the literature
tends to nd that intensive policing reduces
crime, elements of intensive policing such
as rapid response times do not appear to
increase the likelihood of an arrest (Spelman
An excellent review of this literature may be found in
Weisburd, Bruinsma, and Bernasco (2009).
Hot spots can, of course, also be temporary. An excel-
lent accounting of efforts to predict temporary hot spots in
Pittsburgh can be found in Gorr and Lee (2015).
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
and Brown 1981). Such a pattern in the data
tends to be consistent with deterrence but
not with incapacitation.
The rst test of policing crime hot spots
may be found in a 1995 randomized experi-
ment conducted by Sherman and Weisburd
in Minneapolis. The experiment tested
whether doubling the intensity of police
patrols in crime hot spots resulted in a
decrease in crime and found that crime
declined by approximately 10 percent in
experimental places relative to control places.
No evidence of crime displacement—that is,
spillovers—was found. Findings in Sherman
and Weisburd (1995) have, to a large extent,
been replicated in other places and contexts
including the presence of open-air drug
markets and “crack houses” (Hope 1994,
Weisburd and Green 1995, and Sherman et
al. 1995), violent crime hot spots (Sherman
and Rogan 1995, Braga et al. 1999, and Caeti
1999), and places associated with substan-
tial social disorder (Braga and Bond 2008
and Berk and MacDonald 2010). Indeed, a
review of the literature by Braga (2001) iden-
tied nine experiments or quasi-experiments
involving hot-spots policing and noted that
seven of the nine studies, including a majority
of the randomized experiments, found evi-
dence of signicant and large crime reduc-
tions. Notably, a majority of the literature
nds no evidence of displacement of crime
to adjacent neighborhoods (Weisburd et al.
2006), while a number of studies have found
that the opposite is true—that there tends
to be a diffusion of benets to nontreated
adjacent places (Sherman and Rogan 1995,
Braga et al. 1999, and Caeti 1999).
Both of
these ndings are perfectly consistent with
our conceptualization of deterrence.
An excellent review of the theory and empirical nd-
ings regarding displacement in this literature can be found
in Weisburd et al. (2006).
3.2.2 Problem-Oriented Policing
Intensive policing of hot spots is one way
that police potentially deter crime. Another
broad deterrence-based strategy is that of
problem-oriented policing. Broadly speak-
ing, this strategy entails engaging with
community residents to identify the most
salient local crime problems and designing
strategies to deter unwanted behavior. The
specics are highly variable by design and
are intended to leverage local resources
to address highly local concerns. What
these strategies have in common and why
they are frequently referred to as “focused
deterrence” strategies is that each of them
attempts to generate deterrence through
advertising (Zimring and Hawkins 1973).
The idea is to create deterrence by making
potential offenders explicitly aware of the
risks of serious criminal involvement.
Undoubtedly the most well-known evalua-
tion of a problem-oriented policing approach
is that of Boston’s Operation Ceasere by
Kennedy et al. (2001). The stated purpose
of Ceasere was to reduce youth gun vio-
lence in Boston. The intervention involved a
multifaceted approach and included efforts
to disrupt the supply of illegal weapons to
Massachusetts. It also included messages
communicated by police directly to gang
members that authorities would use every
available “lever” to punish gangs collectively
for violent acts committed by individual gang
members. In particular, police indicated that
the stringency of drug enforcement would
hinge on the degree to which gangs used vio-
lence to settle business disputes. The result of
the intervention was that youth violence fell
considerably in Boston relative to other US
cities included in the study.
Indeed, the perception of Ceasere
has been overwhelmingly positive and
accordingly it has given rise to a number
of similarly motivated strategies that are
collectively referred to as “pulling levers.”
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
Prominent evaluations of pulling-levers
interventions include research carried out
in Richmond, VA (Raphael and Ludwig
2003), Indianapolis (McGarrell et al. 2006),
Chicago (Papachristos, Meares, and Fagan
2007), Stockton, CA (Braga 2008b), Lowell,
MA (Braga et al. 2008), High Point, NC
(Corsaro et al. 2012), Nashville (Corsaro
and McGarrell 2010), Cincinnati (Engel,
Corsaro, and Tillyer 2010), and Rockford,
IL (Corsaro, Brunson, and McGarrell 2010).
Researchers have also evaluated a multi-
city pulling-levers strategy known as Project
Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), which enlisted
the cooperation of federal prosecutors to
crack down on gun violence. A 2012 review
of the literature by Braga and Weisburd
suggests that pulling-levers strategies have
been effective in reducing serious violent
crime, with all reviewed studies nding neg-
ative point estimates, the majority of which
were signicant. With respect to individual
evaluations, reductions in crime have been
found in High Point, Chicago, Indianapolis,
Stockton, Lowell, Nashville, and Rockford
and null ndings have been found in
Richmond and Cincinnati.
With respect to
Project Safe Neighborhoods, the research is
promising but not denitive. McGarrell et
al. (2010) report that declines in crime were
greater in PSN cities than in non-PSN cities.
However, there is a great deal of heterogene-
ity among cities, making it difcult to draw
clear inferences.
On the whole, evaluations of pulling-
levers strategies produce promising results,
though inference is invariably complicated
by a lack of randomized experiments and
the inherent difculty in identifying appro-
priate comparison cities. Identication
problems are additionally compounded by
the difculty in identifying mechanisms, as
Braga and Weisburd (2012) provided an excel-
lent review of the literature including a comprehensive
meta-analysis of the research ndings.
each pulling-levers strategy is complex, mul-
tifaceted, and situation dependent, often
involving changes in both the intensity of
law enforcement as well as sentencing (e.g.,
Project Exile in Richmond, VA, as well as
Project Safe Neighborhoods). Accordingly,
it is easy to imagine that as additional
resources are brought to bear, some of the
effects of pulling-levers strategies might
accrue via incapacitation effects. Concerns
regarding identication have led Skogan and
Frydl (2004) to conclude that such research
is “descriptive rather than evaluative.” Given
the relatively large effect sizes reported in
the literature, our reading of these papers
is more optimistic than that of Skogan and
Frydl. However, caution is warranted in char-
acterizing this literature as having detected
unassailable evidence of deterrence.
3.2.3 Proactive and Disorder Policing
A nal strand of the police tactics litera-
ture in criminology investigates the respon-
siveness of crime to the intensity of policing,
holding resources constant, an idea that is
generally referred to as “proactive” policing.
As there is no standardized way to assess the
extent to which individual police departments
engage in police work that is proactive, in
practice, this literature seeks to understand
if the intensity of arrests for minor infrac-
tions has an effect on the incidence of more
serious crimes. Building on a proposition in
Wilson and Kelling (1982), such an empiri-
cal operationalization was rst proposed by
Sampson and Cohen (1988) and has been
replicated to various degrees by MacDonald
(2002) and Kubrin et al. (2010). The general
strategy is to regress crime rates on a mea-
sure of policing intensity. In practice, polic-
ing intensity has been operationalized using
the number of driving under the inuence
(DUI) and disorderly conduct arrests made
per police ofcer. Using this approach has,
in some cases, led to ndings that are con-
sistent with a deterrence effect of proactive
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
policing. However, in the best controlled
models, coefcients on the proactive policing
proxy become small and insignicant. More
importantly, these models are plagued by
problems of simultaneity bias, omitted vari-
ables, and the inevitable difculty involved
in nding a credible proxy for the concept of
proactive policing, as opposed to simply an
environment that is rich in opportunities for
police ofcers to make arrests.
A second focus of the literature has been
on the advent of broken-windows policing
(also known as “order maintenance” or “dis-
order” policing, a policy innovation proposed
by Wilson and Kelling 1982). The idea behind
broken-windows policing is that police can
affect crime through tough enforcement of
laws governing relatively minor infractions
such as vandalism and turnstile jumping.
Broken-windows policing, in theory, operates
primarily through perceptual deterrence—if
offenders observe that police are especially
watchful, they may update their perceived
probability of apprehension for a more serious
crime and accordingly will decrease their par-
ticipation in crime. In the popular media, bro-
ken-windows policing is an idea that is heavily
associated with Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and
New York Police Commissioner William J.
Bratton, who has attributed the dramatic
decline in crime in New York City after 1990
to its rollout (Kelling and Bratton 2015).
A corresponding research literature
has arisen to evaluate the effectiveness of
broken-windows policing—in practice, this
literature has focused disproportionately
on the experience of New York City, which
experienced the largest decline in crime
among major US cities. This literature pro-
duces mixed ndings. On the one hand, time
series analyses by Kelling and Sousa (2001)
and Corman and Mocan (2005) nd that
misdemeanor arrests are negatively asso-
ciated with future arrests for more serious
crimes such as robbery and motor vehicle
theft. On the other hand, later research has
pointed out that these studies omit a con-
trol group and has tended to focus on the
fact that New York’s aggregate crime trends,
while steeper, are broadly similar to those of
other cities that did not institute a policy of
broken-windows policing (Eck and Maguire
2000; Rosenfeld, Fornango, and Baumer
2005; and Harcourt and Ludwig 2006).
The two most credible analyses, those of
Harcourt and Ludwig (2006) and Rosenfeld,
Fornango, and Rengifo (2007), use
precinct-level data on misdemeanor arrests
and violations and nd either no effect or
very small effects. More fundamentally, there
are a number of alternative explanations for
New York’s dramatic reduction in crime
including the receding of the crack epidemic
(Blumstein 1995), changes in demographics
that are poorly measured at lower levels of
geographic granularity, general strategies
to address disorder such as boarding aban-
doned buildings, and the implementation of
the data-driven Compstat system (Weisburd
et al. 2003). Accordingly, even if identica-
tion problems can be set aside, it is unclear
that this literature can isolate the impact of
disorder policing from other changes that
drove crime down in New York City. Given
the dramatic rollback of the New York City
Police Department’s “stop-and-frisk” policy
in 2014 and the continued decline in serious
crime, as well as the failure of the most care-
ful studies to nd evidence of large effects,
we are skeptical that disorder policing has
played a large role in the decline in crime
in New York City.
Overall, our reading of
this literature is that the evidence in favor of
an important effect of proactive policing on
crime is weak.
Broken-windows policing and the associated stop-
and-frisk policy implemented by the New York City police
department has generated substantial public controversy.
A 2009 paper by Fagan et al. (2009) provides evidence of
the demographic burden of such policies that is dispropor-
tionately borne by African Americans.
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
Of course, New York City is not the only
municipality to experiment with disorder
policing and, in our view, some of the stron-
gest evidence can be found in research
from other cities. Three papers that employ
especially strong research designs are worth
mentioning. Braga et al. (1999) provides the
rst experimental evaluation of a strategy
designed explicitly to address disorder. In
Jersey City, NJ, twelve of twenty-four crime
hot spots were randomly assigned to receive
an intervention that involved disorder polic-
ing as well as other place-specic treat-
ments that were intended to reduce crime.
Such treatments include clearing vacant
lots, requiring store owners to clean store
fronts, and facilitating more frequent trash
removal. Treated places experienced large
declines in both crime and calls for service.
In a follow-up study in Lowell, MA, Braga
and Bond (2008) attempted to further isolate
disorder policing from other types of disor-
der reduction, randomly assigning seventeen
Lowell hot spots to receive a general disor-
der policing strategy. This study also showed
strong reductions in crime in treated areas.
However, the greatest gains were found in
areas with an especially heavy focus on sit-
uational crime prevention, as opposed to
arresting larger numbers of low-level offend-
ers. Evidence in favor of an effect of misde-
meanor arrests is far more limited. Finally,
a particularly careful paper by Caetano and
Maheshri (2014) nds no evidence of an
effect of “zero tolerance” law enforcement
policies on crime using microdata from
police precincts in Dallas. Taken as a whole,
the evidence suggests that reducing disorder
is a promising strategy for controlling crime.
However, it is difcult to characterize these
reductions as deterrence. In particular, disor-
der reduction may simply help people to feel
better about their neighborhoods, thus rep-
resenting a shift in preferences, rather than
movement along the curve that is induced
by an increase in the perceived probability
of capture by police. We remain skeptical
that disorder policing provides evidence of
3.2.4 Changes in City-Wide Police
The ubiquity of the hot spots, problem-
oriented and proactive policing literatures
in criminology has spawned a parallel liter-
ature in economics that seeks to learn from
natural experiments in police deployments.
This literature is conceptually similar to the
hot-spots literature with two exceptions.
First, the identifying variation is naturally
occurring in contrast to experimental manip-
ulation, which may be excessively contrived.
Second, several of the natural experiments
identify the impact of a diffuse reduction
in resources, rather than a concentration of
resources at particular hot spots.
Three prominent studies are those of
DiTella and Schargrodsky (2004); Klick and
Tabarrok (2005); and Draca, Machin, and
Witt (2011). Each of these studies lever-
ages a redeployment of police in response
to a perceived terrorist threat. The appeal
of these studies is that terrorist threats are
plausibly exogenous with respect to trends
in city-level crime and therefore represent
a unique opportunity to learn about the
response of crime to changes in normal rou-
tines of policing. Di Tella and Schargrodsky
study the response of police in Buenos Aires
to the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community
center. In the aftermath of the bombing,
Argentine police engaged in a strategy of
“target hardening” synagogues by deploy-
ing disproportionate numbers of ofcers to
blocks with synagogues or other buildings
housing Jewish organizations. Di Tella and
Schargordsky report that the intervention
led to a large decline in motor vehicle thefts
on the blocks that received additional police
patrols though the effects. Notably, this result
has been called into question by Donohue,
Ho, and Leahy (2013), who reanalyzed
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
the original data and report evidence that
is more consistent with spatial displace-
ment of crime rather than crime reduction.
However, with respect to identifying behav-
ioral changes among offenders, both stories
are equally consistent with deterrence. In
a similar study, Klick and Tabarrok (2005)
utilize the fact that when terror alert levels
set by the US Department of Homeland
Security rise, property crime (but not violent
crime) tends to fall in Washington DC, with
especially large declines in areas that receive
the largest redeployments of police protec-
tion. With respect to the United Kingdom,
Draca, Machin, and Witt (2011) study the
2005 London tube bombings which resulted
in sizable shifts in the deployments of police
from the suburbs to central London and
nd that “street crimes” such as robbery and
theft are reduced considerably in areas that
received additional ofcers.
With respect to studying variation in the
spatial concentration of police, two additional
papers are worth noting. Cohen and Ludwig
(2003) exploit short-term variation in the
intensity of police patrols by day of the week
in several different Pittsburgh patrol areas.
They found that shootings were consider-
ably lower in areas and on days that received
more intensive police patrols. With respect
to the long-term consequences of patterns of
police deployments, MacDonald, Klick, and
Grunwald (2016) use a spatial regression dis-
continuity (RD) design to study the impact
of especially intensive policing around the
University of Pennsylvania, a large urban uni-
versity campus. In particular, areas directly
adjacent to the university received police
patrols from both the university and munic-
ipal police. Areas slightly further away from
the campus received only municipal police
patrols. The nding is that street crimes are
substantially higher in the blocks just outside
the area patrolled by the university police
relative to the blocks just inside the univer-
sity patrol area.
3.3 Deterrence versus Incapacitation
The literature has reached a consensus
that increases in police manpower reduce
crime, at least for a population-weighted
average of US cities. With respect to police
deployments and tactics, the literature sup-
ports the idea that crime is responsive to a
visible police presence in hot spots and pull-
ing-levers strategies that advertise deter-
rence, while evidence in favor of an effect
of proactive policing strategies such as bro-
ken windows and disorder policing is more
suspect. A remaining issue is to address the
degree to which each of these literatures is
informative with respect to disentangling
deterrence from incapacitation.
With respect to the aggregate manpower
literature, Levitt (1998) provides the rst
attempt to systematically unpack the rela-
tionship between deterrence and incapac-
itation by empirically examining the link
between arrest rates and crime, a rela-
tionship that is negative. Levitt posits that
this negative relationship can be explained
either by deterrence, incapacitation, or
measurement errors in crime. Ruling out
measurement errors as a likely culprit, he
differentiates between deterrence and
incapacitation using the effect of changes
in the arrest rate for one crime on the rate
of other crimes.
As Levitt notes, “in con-
trast to the effect of increased arrests for
one crime on the commission of that crime,
where deterrence and incapacitation are
indistinguishable, it is demonstrated that
these two forces act in opposite directions
when looking across crimes. Incapacitation
suggests that an increase in the arrest rate
for one crime will reduce all crime rates;
Utilizing an insight from Grilliches and Hausman
(1986)—that measurement errors should yield the greatest
bias in short-differenced regressions—Levitt (1998) com-
pares regression estimates of the relationship between
crime and arrest rates using short- and long-differences,
nding similar effects.
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
deterrence predicts that an increase in the
arrest rate for one crime will lead to a rise
in other crimes as criminals substitute away
from the rst crime.” Levitt concludes that
deterrence appears to be the more import-
ant factor, particularly for property crimes.
Owens (2013) reports a similar nding,
examining whether variation in police staff-
ing resulting from the COPS hiring pro-
gram led to increased arrests. Despite the
fact that the program, which provided fund-
ing to increase the number of patrol ofcers
in US cities, appears to have led to a decline
in crime, no signicant effect is found on
arrests. As a result, Owens concludes that
there is little evidence in favor of incapac-
itation, which necessarily must operate
through arrests, thus implying a large role
for deterrence.
While analyses by Levitt (1998) and
Owens (2013) are suggestive of a meaning-
ful role for manpower-induced deterrence,
it is nevertheless difcult to disentangle
deterrence from incapacitation in this way.
In particular, a null relationship between
police and arrests is also consistent with
the idea that police productivity decreases
when there are fewer crimes to investi-
gate. Moreover, the imprecise parameter
estimates on arrest along with standard
errors that are not trivial in size in Owens
(2013) render it difcult to make strong
claims regarding the null effect of police
on arrests. For this reason, while the aggre-
gate-data literature is ideal for understand-
ing the overall relationship between police
and crime, it is only somewhat informative
with respect to the magnitude of deter-
rence. This point is further compounded
by the observation that research has yet to
document the degree to which offenders
perceive or are aware of increases in police
manpower (Nagin 1998).
We suspect that the literature on police
tactics is considerably more informative
with respect to identifying deterrence. In
particular, offenders are more likely to be
aware of an enhanced police presence in
small, local areas than relatively small changes
in the number of police in a city spread out
over a large geographic area. Likewise, while
offenders tend to commit crimes locally, in
order for incapacitation to explain the large
declines in crime that occur in hot spots, it
would have to be the case that offending
is so local so as to be specic to a group of
one or two blocks. The large drops in crime
that occur in crime hot spots after they are
more aggressively policed is more consistent
with deterrence than with incapacitation.
Focused deterrence strategies are also par-
ticularly informative in that declines in crime
have been shown to be specic to the focus
of the intervention. To the extent that at least
some offenders are generalists, rather than
specialists who commit only a certain type
of offense, such a pattern is more consistent
with deterrence than with incapacitation.
In sum, while it remains possible that an
increased police presence lowers crime by
situating police ofcers in locations where
they are more likely to arrest and incapac-
itate potential offenders, on the whole, the
high degree of visibility around police crack-
downs or hot spots policing suggests a poten-
tially greater role for deterrence.
4. Sanctions and Crime
A second idea in Becker’s neoclassical
model of offending is that crime will be
responsive to the certainty and severity
An important exception to this intuition, however,
can be found in Mastrobuoni (2013), who studies the
responsiveness of crime to regular shift changes among
the various police forces in Milan. Matsrobuoni nds that
despite large temporal discontinuities in clearance rates
during shift changes, robbers do not appear to exploit these
opportunities and concludes that there is only limited evi-
dence of deterrence. A remaining question is the extent to
which the result depends on the ability of potential offend-
ers to accurately perceive these discontinuities.
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
of punishment.
Accordingly, a parallel
literature considers the responsiveness of
crime to the harshness of criminal sanctions,
along both the intensive and extensive mar-
gin. Three literatures, in particular, are worth
mentioning. First, a series of papers consid-
ers the effect of sentencing policy generally
or, alternatively, sentence enhancements on
crime, to test the prediction that crime will
decrease in response to a sanction regime
that either raises the probability of a prison
sentence or raises the length of a prison sen-
tence, if given. In practice, this literature
focuses primarily on the intensive margin,
that is, the severity of punishment rather than
the probability that a custodial punishment
is given conditional upon being arrested. A
corresponding literature considers the effect
of laws that govern the age of criminal major-
ity and, as such, generate large and pervasive
discontinuities in the sanctions that individ-
ual offenders face. Since adult sanctions are
more intensive along both the intensive and
extensive margins, such studies identify a
reduced-form deterrence effect that does not
explicitly differentiate between the certainty
and the severity of punishment. Finally, a
particularly prominent literature considers
the effect of a capital-punishment regime or
the incidence of executions on murder. Since
executions enhance the expected severity of
the sanction without directly affecting an
offender’s probability of capture, this liter-
ature is potentially compelling with respect
to understanding deterrence as, subject to
satisfying the standards of econometric iden-
tication, it allows for the isolation of a pure
The term “certainty of punishment” is often used in
the literature to refer either to the probability that an indi-
vidual is apprehended or to the overall probability that an
individual is punished conditional upon offending. In this
section, in referring to the certainty of punishment, we are
focusing more specically on the probability that a pun-
ishment is handed out conditional upon arrest. This refers
to the severity of punishment along the extensive margin.
deterrence effect operationalized along the
intensive margin.
4.1 Sentencing
One of the most basic tests of the Becker
model of crime concerns the responsive-
ness of crime to the harshness of criminal
sanctions. Over the past few decades, a lit-
erature has arisen to document the sensitiv-
ity of crime to various sentencing schemes,
sentence enhancements, clemency policies,
“three strikes” laws, and other legislative
actions that change the expected cost of a
criminal sanction. A corresponding literature
measures the responsiveness of crime to the
size of the prison population. With respect
to identication, two challenges are particu-
larly pressing. First, it is difcult to discern
the effect of sentencing policies (which, in
the United States, are generally enacted at
the state level) from other crime reduction
interventions, as well as time-varying factors
that inform the supply of crime more gen-
erally. Attempts to isolate the causal effects
of a change in state-level sentencing policy
invariably encounter the inevitably difcult
issues of choosing an appropriate compari-
son group and selecting from among many
competing and equally plausible models of
aggregate offending. Durlauf and Nagin
(2011) refer to the latter of these issues as
the problem of ad hoc model specication,
referring specically to the under-theorized
manner in which individual-level mental
processes are modeled and the arbitrary
choice of control variables in regressions.
Second, just as prison populations may
affect crime, crime may have a reciprocal
effect on prison populations, creating the
potential for simultaneity bias.
With respect
to identifying deterrence, the chief difculty
is that harsher sanctions may lead to deter-
rence, but typically also to incapacitation.
For a comprehensive review of identication issues in
this literature, see Durlauf and Nagin (2011).
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
This section reviews the literature that seeks
to understand the relationship between sanc-
tions and offending with a particular interest
in discerning the effect that sanctions have
on deterrence.
4.1.1 Prison Populations and Crime
While identifying the elasticity of crime
with respect to a sanction, in principle,
requires an exogenous shock to the sanctions
regime, a natural starting point in unraveling
the crime–sanctions relationship is to con-
sider the elasticity of crime with respect to
the size of the prison population. Studies of
the crime–prison population elasticity gener-
ally utilize state-level panel data and regress
the growth rate in crime on the rst lag of
the growth rate in a state’s share of prisoners.
Marvell and Moody (1994) provide the rst
credible empirical investigation of the elas-
ticity of crime with respect to prison popu-
lations, estimating an elasticity of 0.16. As
in their police paper, they use the concept of
Granger causality in an attempt to rule out a
causal relationship that runs from crime to
prison populations. As discussed in section2,
the approach, while useful, does not offer
compelling reasons to believe in the ignora-
bility of selection bias.
A genuine breakthrough in this literature
is found in Levitt (1996) who, using similar
data, exploits exogenous variation in state
incarceration rates induced by court orders
to reduce prison populations. The intuition
behind the approach is that the timing of
discrete reductions in a state’s prison popula-
tion owing to a court order should be as good
as random. This may not be strictly true, as
the necessity of court orders to reduce over-
crowding may itself be a function of rising
crime rates. However, the strategy relies more
specically on the randomness of the precise
timing of the order and, in our judgment,
represents a plausible strategy for identify-
ing a causal estimate of the effect of prison
populations on crime. Levitt’s estimated
elasticities are considerably larger than those
in Marvell and Moody: 0.4 for violent
crimes and 0.3 for property crimes, while
the largest elasticity reported is for robbery
An alternative identication strat-
egy can be found in Johnson and Raphael
(2012), who develop an instrumental vari-
able to predict future changes in incarcera-
tion rates. The instrument is constructed by
computing a theoretically predicted dynamic
adjustment path of the aggregate incarcer-
ation rate in response to a given shock to
prison entrance and exit transition proba-
bilities. Given that incarceration rates adjust
to permanent changes in behavior with a
dynamic lag, the authors identify variation in
incarceration that is not due to contempora-
neous criminal offending. Using state-level
panel data covering 1978–2004, Johnson
and Raphael (2012) estimate the elasticity
of crime with respect to prison populations
of approximately 0.1 for violent crimes and
0.2 for property crimes. Notably, the esti-
mated elasticities in Johnson and Raphael for
earlier time periods were considerably larger
and closer in magnitude to those estimated
by Levitt (1996). Johnson and Raphael con-
clude that the criminal productivity of the
marginal offender has changed considerably
over time as incarceration rates have risen, a
conclusion that is echoed by Liedka, Piehl,
and Useem (2006). With respect to juveniles,
Levitt (1998) studies the response of juvenile
crime to the punitiveness of state-level juve-
nile sentencing along the extensive margin
(the number of juveniles in custody per
capita), concluding that changes in juvenile
sentencing explain approximately 60 per-
cent of the growth in juvenile crime during
the 1970s and 1980s. Using Levitt’s results,
Lee and McCrary (forthcoming) compute an
implied elasticity for violent crimes of 0.4.
Levitt’s analysis is replicated by Spelman (2000) who
reports qualitatively similar ndings.
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
In sum, estimates of the elasticity of crime
with respect to prison are generally modest
in comparison to police elasticities and fall
between 0.1 and 0.7. The most recent
estimates fall in the low end of that range.
Estimates for violent and property crimes are
of approximately equal magnitude and there
is evidence that the elasticity has diminished
considerably over time as prison populations
have grown. Our best guess is that the current
elasticity of crime with respect to prison pop-
ulations is approximately 0.2, as reported
by Johnson and Raphael (2012).
This nd-
ing is further bolstered by a recent evalua-
tion of “realignment,” a policy implemented
in California to reduce prison overcrowding
by sending additional inmates to county jails,
where they tend to serve shorter sentences.
Lofstrom and Raphael (2013) report that,
with the exception of motor vehicle theft,
there is no evidence of an increase in crime
despite the fact that 18,000 offenders who
would have been incarcerated are on the
street due to the realignment policy. The
magnitude of this elasticity leaves open the
possibility for nontrivial deterrence effects
of prison but, given that prison generates
sizable incapacitation effects, the magnitude
of deterrence is likely small.
4.1.2 Shocks to the Sanctions Regime
A related literature considers the effect of
a discrete change in a jurisdiction’s sanctions
regime that is plausibly not a function of
crime trends more generally. The general
approach is to utilize a differences-in-dif-
ferences design to compare the time-path of
crimes covered by a sentence enhancement
to that of uncovered crimes. The earliest lit-
erature (Loftin and McDowall 1981; Loftin,
Heumann, and McDowall 1983; Loftin and
McDowall 1984; and McDowall, Loftin,
A 2009 review of the literature by Donohue reaches
a similar conclusion.
and Wiersma 1992) considered the effects
of sentence enhancements for specic
crimes—particularly gun crimes—generally
nding little evidence in favor of deterrence.
A more recent paper studies the impact of
changes in sentencing in the aftermath of
London’s 2011 riots. Leveraging the fact that
judges in the United Kingdom handed down
harsher sentences for “riot offenses” in the
six months following the riots, Bell, Jaitman,
and Machin (2014) nd evidence of sizable
declines in riot offenses relative to nonriot
offenses which, in the absence of identiable
changes in policing, they attribute to the
advent of a harsher sanctions regime. This
claim is bolstered by the fact that there was
a relative decline in riot offenses in sectors
that experienced the brunt of the 2011 riots,
as well as sectors that saw no riot activity.
A second class of studies has examined the
impact of changes in the sanctions regime
that have heterogeneous impacts on differ-
ent groups of offenders. For example, Drago,
Galbiati, and Vertova (2009) study the effect
of a 2006 collective clemency of incarcer-
ated prisoners in Italy. Prisoners incarcer-
ated prior to May 2006 were released from
prison with the remainder of their sentences
suspended, while prisoners incarcerated
after May 2006 were ineligible for the clem-
ency. Released prisoners, however, were
subject to a sentence enhancement for any
future crimes committed that were serious
enough to merit a sentence of at least two
years. For such crimes, the sentence would
be augmented by adding the amount of time
the prisoner was sentenced to serve prior to
his pardon to his new sentence. Thus, the
intervention created a situation in which
otherwise similar individuals convicted of
the same crime faced dramatically different
sanctions regimes. The results of this natural
Sentencing did change along both the intensive and
extensive margins, indicating the incapacitation cannot be
ruled out.
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
experiment suggest an elasticity of crime
with respect to sentence length of approxi-
mately 0.5 at one year follow-up. Utilizing
the same natural experiment, Buonanno and
Raphael (2013) report evidence that inca-
pacitation effects forgone as a result of the
collective clemency were large, thus con-
straining the magnitude of the deterrence
Similar ndings are reported for the
United States by Helland and Tabarrok
(2007). Using data from California’s three-
strikes regime, Helland and Tabarrok (2007)
compare the criminal behavior of individuals
convicted of a second “strikeable” offense to
those tried for a second strikeable offense
but who were ultimately convicted of a lesser
offense. As Durlauf and Nagin (2011) note,
individuals with one strike may not be an
ideal comparison group for a variety of rea-
sons—in particular, it may be the case that
the individuals with two strikes had poorer
legal representation or that the precise nature
of their potential second-strike offense was
qualitatively less serious. Nevertheless, the
authors demonstrate that comparing two-
strike to one-strike individuals is sufcient
to remove a great deal of the selection bias
that exists in comparing individuals with
two strikes to the remainder of the charged
population. The authors nd evidence of
an appreciable deterrent effect, calculat-
ing that California’s three-strikes legislation
reduced felony arrest rates by approximately
20 percent among criminals with two strike-
able offenses against them. Similarly, while
Zimring, Hawkins, and Kamin (2001) nd
little evidence of an overall effect of three-
strikes legislation, they do nd evidence that
individual offenders with two strikes are less
likely to be arrested. Given that the deter-
rence margin is most salient at two strikes,
these studies stand out as especially import-
ant with respect to identifying a meaning-
ful deterrence effect of sentencing. On the
other hand, the magnitude of the response
is actually quite small once one considers
the increase in sentence lengths associated
with three strikes. Helland and Tabarrok’s
estimates suggest an elasticity of crime with
respect to sentence length of 0.06.
Last but not least, we survey a completely
different idea with respect to changing the
sanctions regime. While sentence enhance-
ments and three-strikes laws are designed
specically to increase sanction severity
across either the intensive or the extensive
margin or both, it is possible to imagine
simultaneously making one margin harsher
and the other one less harsh. This is the
premise underlying swift-and-certain sanc-
tions regimes (Hawken and Kleiman 2009
and Kleiman 2009). The idea of swift-and-
certain sanctions arises from the notion that
myopic individuals are unlikely to be respon-
sive to long sentences but may be highly
responsive to short sentences if they are
issued with near certainty. In recent prac-
tice, Hawaii’s Opportunity Probation with
Enforcement (HOPE) program is the canon-
ical example of swift-and-certain sanctioning
in action. In an effort to address chronic
recidivism among probationers, Hawaii First
Circuit Court Judge Steven Alm recognized
that punishments for violating the terms of
probation were fairly unlikely and, if meted
out, tended to occur in the distant future.
Moreover, the sanctions were typically
harsh and, as such, costly. Judge Alm and
his collaborators put into practice a program
that addressed probation violations with
immediate but light sanctions—typically
ranging from warnings to spending up to a
week in jail. Probationers were intensively
monitored, with any violations resulting in
a sanction. In a banner nding, Hawken
and Kleiman (2009) nd that individuals
assigned at random to HOPE, as opposed to
business as usual, were 55 percent less likely
to be arrested for a new crime, 72 percent
less likely to use drugs, and 53 percent less
likely to have their probation revoked than
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
those on regular probation. In a similarly
promising related study, Kilmer et al. (2013)
found that a swift-and-certain program in
South Dakota targeted towards persistent
alcohol-involved offenders appears to have
had extraordinarily large effects in counties
that received the program.
4.2 Capital Punishment Regimes
Variation in the presence or intensity of
capital punishment generates a potentially
excellent source of variation with which
to test for the magnitude of general deter-
rence. In particular, to the extent that vari-
ation in a state’s capital-punishment regime
is unrelated to changes in the intensity of
policing, the effect of capital punishment
represents a pure measure of deterrence
with any response of murder to the presence
or intensity of capital punishment not plausi-
bly attributable to incapacitation.
There have been two primary approaches
to identifying deterrence effects of capital
punishment. One approach considers the
use of granular time-series data or event
studies to identify the effect of the timing of
executions on murder. Time-series studies
typically use vector autoregression to assess
whether murder rates appear to decline in
the immediate aftermath of an execution.
Prominent examples include Stolzenberg and
D’Alessio (2004), which nds no evidence
of deterrence, and Land, Teske, and Zheng
(2009), which nds evidence of short-run
deterrence. Event studies such as those of
Grogger (1991) and Hjalmarsson (2009a)
examine the daily incidence of homicides
before and after executions. Both Grogger
(1991) and Hjalmarsson (2009a) nd little
evidence of deterrence effects though, as
The argument is that in the absence of a capital pun-
ishment regime or a death sentence, a convicted offender
would nevertheless be sentenced to a lengthy prison sen-
tence (such as a life sentence) without the possibility of
Charles and Durlauf (2013) and Hjalmarsson
(2012) note, with a limited time horizon, it is
not possible to distinguish between what we
typically think of as deterrence and tempo-
ral displacement. A related study, Cochran,
Chamlin, and Seth (1994), considers the
effect of Oklahoma’s rst execution in more
than twenty years and nds evidence that the
execution appears to have increased murder
among strangers, an effect they attribute
to a “brutalization” hypothesis, though it is
attributed with equal ease to statistical noise.
A nal study worth noting is that of Zimring,
Fagan, and Johnson (2010), who compare
homicide rates between Singapore, which
uses the death penalty with variable inten-
sity, and Hong Kong, which does not use the
death penalty. The paper nds no evidence
in favor of deterrence, as both countries
experience similar homicide trends over the
thirty-ve-year time period studied.
Broadly speaking, the time-series and
event-studies literatures offer little support
in favor of deterrence though, as noted by
Charles and Durlauf (2013), the literature is
plagued by several conceptual problems that
compromise the interpretability of estimated
treatment effects. In particular, the focus of
the time-series literature on executions, as
opposed to the sanctions regime more gener-
ally, marks a divergence from the neoclassi-
cal model of crime insofar as the occurrence
of an execution does not per se change the
expected severity of a criminal sanction for
Indeed the research design is
often motivated by the assumption that an
execution affects an offender’s perceived
An important exception to this general point can be
found in Chen (2013), which studies the effect of execu-
tions for desertion among British soldiers during World
War I and nds evidence that executions deter desertion,
but actually encourage desertion when the execution was
for an offense other than desertion or if the executed sol-
dier was Irish. The reason this study stands as an exception
to the rule proposed by Charles and Durlauf is that during
a time of war, the sanction regime is likely to be in constant
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
sanction. However, there is little evidence,
empirical or otherwise, to support this
assumption. Second, Charles and Durlauf
note that the underlying logic of time-series
analyses of executions and murder opera-
tionalize as deterrence the dynamic correla-
tions between a shock to one time series and
the levels of another. As the authors note,
this is an arbitrary conceptualization of what
is meant by deterrence.
A second literature studies the deterrent
effect of capital punishment utilizing panel
data on US states to identify the effect of
a capital-punishment statute or the fre-
quency of executions on murder among the
public at large. In particular, these studies
have exploited the fact that in addition to
cross-state differences in sentencing policy,
there is also variation over time for individ-
ual states in the ofcial sentencing regime,
the propensity to seek the death penalty in
practice, and the application of the ultimate
punishment (Chaln, Haviland, and Raphael
2013). This literature has generated mixed
ndings with several prominent papers (e.g.,
Dezhbakhsh, Rubin, and Shepherd 2003;
Mocan and Gittings 2003; Zimmerman
2004, 2006; and Dezhbakhsh and Shepherd
2006) nding large and signicant deter-
rence effects, and several equally promi-
nent papers (Katz, Levitt, and Shustorovich
2003; Berk 2005; Donohue and Wolfers
2005, 2009; and Kovandzic, Vieraitis, and
Paquette-Boots 2009) nding little evidence
in favor of deterrence.
While evidence in favor of deterrence
is mixed, recent reviews by Donohue and
Wolfers (2005, 2009) and Chaln, Haviland,
and Raphael (2013), as well as a 2011 report
commissioned by the National Academy of
Sciences, point to substantial problems in a
The debate continues with recent responses to
critiques by Donohue and Wolfers (2005) offered by
Zimmerman (2009), Dezhbakhsh and Rubin (2011), and
Mocan and Gittings (2010).
number of papers that purport to nd deter-
rence effects of capital punishment. These
problems include the use of weak and/or
inappropriate instruments (Dezhbakhsh,
Rubin, and Shepherd 2003; and Zimmerman
2004), failure to report standard errors that
are robust to within-state dependence
(Dezhbakhsh and Shepherd 2006 and
Zimmerman 2009), and sensitivity of esti-
mates to different conceptions of perceived
execution risk (Mocan and Gittings 2003).
More generally, the panel-data literature
suffers from the threat of policy endogene-
ity, failure to include accurate controls, and
a lack of knowledge regarding how potential
offenders perceive execution risk. Finally,
as noted by Berk (2005) and Donohue and
Wolfers (2005), results are highly sensitive
to the inclusion of certain states and even
certain inuential data points (i.e., Texas in
1997). The most careful paper to date is that
of Kovandzic, Vieraitis, and Paquette-Boots
(2009), who use a dataset spanning a longer
period of time, employ an expanded set of
control variables, and explore a wide variety
of operationalizations of the effect of capital
punishment and execution risk. The authors
nd no evidence of a deterrent effect.
4.3 Sanction Nonlinearities
An additional literature that seeks to esti-
mate the magnitude of deterrence effects
does so by exploiting nonlinearities in the
severity of sanctions faced by certain offend-
ers. Typically, these studies estimate the inci-
dence of arrest rates for young offenders who
are either just below or just above the age
of criminal majority—generally either sev-
enteen or eighteen years of age, depending
While Mocan and Gittings (2010) provide an extensive
summary of the robustness of results reported in Mocan
and Gittings (2003), Chaln, Haviland, and Raphael (2013)
point out that the responsiveness of murder to execution
risk relies on the assumption that individuals are executed
fairly soon (within six years) of a conviction.
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
on the state. While offenders below a given
state’s age cutoff are adjudicated as juveniles
and face relatively low sanctions risk, offend-
ers who are just above the age of majority
are adjudicated as adults and are subject to
considerably more severe sanctions. Given
that the conditional probability of an arrest is
smooth as a function of age around the age of
criminal majority, any behavioral response of
offenders to the threshold is assumed to be
the result of deterrence.
The canonical paper in this literature is
that of Lee and McCrary (forthcoming).
Using data from Florida, Lee and McCrary
document a sizable discontinuity in the prob-
ability that a young offender is sentenced to
prison depending upon whether the arrest
occurred prior to or after the offender’s
eighteenth birthday. Despite the fact that
the expected sentence length for an adult
arrestee is over twice as great as that faced
by a juvenile offender, Lee and McCrary nd
little evidence of deterrence. Their estimates
suggest an elasticity of crime with respect to
sentence lengths of approximately 0.05,
an estimate that is far smaller than that of
Drago, Galbiati, and Vertova (2009), who
estimated an elasticity for Italian adults.
Findings in Lee and McCrary are perhaps
surprising, but are supported by results
reported in Hjalmarsson (2009b), who docu-
ments that perceived increases in the sever-
ity of sanctions at the age of criminal majority
among juvenile offenders are smaller than
the actual changes, thus suggesting a mech-
anism underlying these small effects. The
implication is that deterrence is not opera-
tional because perceptions do not match the
incentives created by public policy.
Lee and McCrary’s research design has
now been replicated to varying degrees.
Most recently, Hansen and Waddell (2014)
study the effect of Oregon’s age of major-
ity on juvenile offending and report some
evidence of a decline in crime upon reach-
ing the age of majority for covered crimes.
However, results that utilize an appropriately
small bandwidth are not signicant at con-
ventional levels indicating, at best, weak evi-
dence in favor of deterrence effects. Finally,
in a reduced-form analysis using national-
level data in the NLSY, Hjalmarsson (2009b)
nds little evidence of deterrence around
state-specic ages of majority using self-re-
ported data on offending.
A nal paper worth mentioning is that
of Hjalmarsson (2009b), which studies the
effect of serving time in prison on subse-
quent arrest among juvenile offenders in
Washington State. Exploiting a disconti-
nuity in the state’s sentencing guidelines,
Hjalmarsson reports that incarcerated juve-
niles have lower propensities to be recon-
victed of a crime. This deterrent effect is also
observed for older and more criminally expe-
rienced offenders. The differential ndings
in Hjalmarsson (2008), on the one hand, and
Hjalmarsson (2009b) and Lee and McCrary
(forthcoming), on the other hand can poten-
tially be rationalized by the fact that while
the latter studies considered the behavioral
response to a general threat of punishment,
the former study measures the behavioral
response to actual punishment that has
already been experienced.
On the whole, the RD literature around
the age of criminal majority produces little
evidence of deterrence among young offend-
ers. The available evidence suggests that this
may, in part, be due to a lack of awareness of
the size of the sanctions discontinuity, leav-
ing open the possibility that deterrence may
be found if the discontinuity is “advertised”
as in pulling-levers-type focused-deterrence
strategies. A remaining issue concerns the
focus of the literature on arrests, which are
an imperfect proxy for offending. In partic-
ular, if police ofcers are less likely to arrest
an individual just below the age of majority
relative to an individual just above the age
of majority for a given crime, the resulting
RD estimates will be attenuated with respect
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
to the actual change in offending, which may
well have been positive. While no direct
evidence suggests that this type of ofcer
behavior is widely employed, the concern is
worth noting.
4.4 Deterrence versus Incapacitation
As with the literature examining the
response of crime to the certainty of appre-
hension, the primary conceptual challenge to
interpreting the empirical literature on sanc-
tions is that it is difcult to discern between
deterrence and incapacitation. With respect
to studies of the crime–prison population
elasticity, two issues merit discussion. First,
the size of a state’s prison population is only
a proxy for the punitiveness of the sanctions
regime. In practice, the size of the prison
population is a function of many things: the
underlying rate of offending, the certainty of
punishment (in part due to the probability of
apprehension), and the criminal propensity of
the marginal offender when the prison popu-
lation changes. Prison population is a stock,
not a ow, and accordingly when the prison
population declines it can be due to either
an increase in the contemporary probabil-
ity of a custodial sentence or to ows out of
prison (Durlauf and Nagin 2011). Likewise,
deterrence is only one of the mechanisms by
which prisons affect crime, the other being
incapacitation. For these reasons, the litera-
ture that examines the crime–prison popula-
tion elasticity, while important with respect
to public policy, is not particularly informa-
tive with respect to deterrence.
In our view, research that studies the
instantaneous impact of shocks to the sanc-
tions regime are considerably more infor-
mative. Indeed, identifying the sensitivity of
crime to a shock to the sanctions regime is
conceptually close to testing Becker’s pre-
diction that behavior will respond to the
severity of a sanction. However, even with
perfect identication, attributing a change
in offending that occurs in the aftermath of
a sanctions shock to deterrence requires a
logical leap. In particular, the logical leap is
greatest when the sanctions regime becomes
more punitive along both the intensive and
extensive margin. To the extent that a cus-
todial sentence becomes both longer and
more likely, tougher sentencing generates
both deterrence and incapacitation effects.
This is an issue in interpreting much of the
literature on sentence enhancements. Such
a concern is addressed in Kessler and Levitt
(1999), which studies the effect of California
Proposition 8, a 1982 ballot amendment that
enhanced the length of sentences for certain
felonies, but not for others. Because prior to
Proposition 8, each of the felonies already
required mandatory prison time, any instan-
taneous response of crime to Proposition 8
would have to be attributable to deterrence.
Kessler and Levitt nd that crimes that
were eligible for the enhancement fell by
between 4 and 8 percent in the aftermath of
Proposition 8, relative to a control group of
crimes not eligible for the enhancement. The
implication of these ndings is that increased
sanctions promote substantial deterrence.
However, while the logic is, in general, per-
suasive, the validity of Kessler and Levitt’s
results have been called into question by
Webster, Doob, and Zimring (2006), who
argue that overall crime did not fall in the
aftermath of Proposition 8, and by Raphael
(2006), who argues that crimes ineligible
for sentence enhancements do not form an
appropriate control group for crimes eligible
for the enhancement.
Changes in a state’s use of capital pun-
ishment, in theory, offers a more appropri-
ate means of identifying deterrence. This is
because capital murder is sufciently serious
as to warrant a long prison sentence regard-
less of the specics of a state’s sentencing
regime. Hence, when an offender is sen-
tenced to death (as opposed to a sentence of
life without the possibility of parole), there is
no instantaneous incapacitation effect. With
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
respect to capital punishment, the evidence
of deterrence is, at best, mixed with the most
rigorous studies failing to nd evidence of
deterrence. Moreover, the identication
problems in the literature are considerable,
as it is difcult to identify a shock to a state’s
capital-punishment regime that is plausibly
exogenous. Overall, we do not believe this
literature offers any credible evidence of
deterrence, though it is not clear that varia-
tion in capital-punishment regimes will ever
be sufciently random and that murder rates
will ever be sufciently dense to allow us to
credibly detect a treatment effect.
Undoubtedly the best tests for deterrence
may be found in research that follows individ-
ual offenders who, upon being apprehended,
face different sanctions for a given crime.
To the extent that differential treatment is
driven by arbitrary distinctions within the
criminal-justice system, research can iden-
tify deterrence by comparing the behavior of
offenders who are otherwise similar but are
treated differently. Such a research design
is truly quasi-experimental in the sense that
treatment effects can be interpreted using
the language of the Rubin causal model.
Moreover, individual-level studies track
the behavior of individuals who are not in
prison and accordingly are not incapacitated.
Hence, any behavioral shift is plausibly attrib-
utable to deterrence. These individual-level
studies produce mixed evidence. On the one
hand, studies of three-strikes laws establish
that offenders with two strikes are less likely
to reoffend than offenders with one strike
(Zimring, Hawkins, and Kamin 2001 and
Helland and Tabarrok 2007). Likewise, in
Drago, Galbiati, and Vertova’s study of Italy’s
clemency bill, prisoners who faced harsher
sanctions upon being rearrested were less
likely to be rearrested. On the other hand,
studies of sanction nonlinearities in which
offenders of slightly different ages receive
differential treatment report little evidence
of a large deterrence effect. Of course, these
results might be rationalized by differences
in the responsiveness to a sanction among
offenders of different ages.
To date, the degree to which offenders
are deterred by harsher sanctions remains
an open question. Undoubtedly, deterrence
can exist in extreme circumstances in which
the punishment is immediate and harsh.
Likewise, evidence of deterrence is found
when punishment severity faced by individ-
ual offenders is both extraordinarily severe
and known. However, within the range of
typical changes to sanctions in contempo-
rary criminal-justice systems, the evidence
suggests that the magnitude of deterrence
owing to more severe sentencing is not large
and is likely to be smaller than the magnitude
of deterrence induced by changes in the cer-
tainty of capture. What is less well understood
is the extent to which changing sentencing
severity along the extensive margin induces
deterrence. Since this increases the severity
of punishment in the near rather than the
distant future, one might think that deter-
rence effects will be more easily observed.
5. Work and Crime
The nal pillar of the neoclassical model of
crime considers the responsiveness of crime
to a carrot (better employment opportuni-
ties) rather than a stick (certainty or sever-
ity of punishment). In particular, since the
benet of a criminal act must be weighed
against the value of the offender’s time
spent in an alternative activity, an increase
in the opportunity cost of an offender’s time
can be thought of as a deterrent to crime.
Indeed, this principle has generated consid-
erable public support for a variety of policies
designed to reduce recidivism among offend-
ers returning from prison—for example, the
provision of job training, employment coun-
seling, and transitional jobs.
The empirical literature examining the
impact of local labor-market conditions on
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
crime can be divided into two related but dis-
tinct research literatures. The rst literature
examines the relationship between unem-
ployment and crime. A second literature
examines the impact of the responsiveness
of crime to wages.
With respect to both
literatures, approaches to study the effect
of labor markets on crime are varied and
include papers that use individual micro-
data, as well as state- or county-level vari-
ation. Taken as a whole, the literature that
uses aggregate data to disentangle the effect
of economic conditions on crime presents a
mixed picture. In general, results are sensi-
tive to the time period studied, the popula-
tion under consideration, the type of wage or
unemployment rate that is employed, as well
as the criminal offenses analyzed. However,
more recent and carefully identied papers
tend to nd evidence of a fairly robust rela-
tionship between both unemployment and
wages and crime. There is also a literature
that examines the relationship between
crime, unemployment, and wages using indi-
vidual data. We discuss the implications of
this literature for the study of deterrence in
the nal part of this section.
5.1 Unemployment
Periods of unemployment are thought to
generate incentives to engage in criminal
activity, either as a means of income sup-
plementation or consumption smoothing or,
more generally, due to the effect of psycho-
logical strain (Chaln and Raphael 2011). To
the extent that a decline in unemployment
raises the opportunity cost of crime with-
out generating a subsequent increase in the
probability of apprehension or the severity of
the expected sanction, the response of crime
There is also a large and growing experimental litera-
ture that evaluates how at-risk individuals have responded
to the provision of job coaching, employment counseling,
career placement, and other employment-based services.
to changes in the unemployment rate can
be thought of as capturing, among a host of
behavioral responses, deterrence.
In general, the early literature linking
unemployment and crime has produced
mixed and frequently contradictory results,
leading Chiricos (1987) to characterize schol-
arly opinion on the topic as a “ consensus of
doubt.” In particular, Chiricos found that,
among the studies he reviewed, fewer than
half found signicant positive effects of
aggregate unemployment rates on crime
This conclusion is echoed in reviews
by Freeman (1983), Piehl (1998), Mustard
(2010), and Chaln and Raphael (2011).
Recent literature on the topic of unem-
ployment and crime has beneted from
several methodological advances—in partic-
ular, the use of panel data as opposed to a
cross-sectional data or national time series.
Examples of panel-data research include
Entorf and Spengler (2000) for Germany,
Papps and Winkelmann (2000) for New
Zealand, Machin and Meghir (2004) for
the United Kingdom, Andresen (2013) for
Canada, and Arvanites and Dena (2006),
Ihlanfeldt (2007), Rosenfeld and Fornango
(2007), and Phillips and Land (2012) for the
United States. With the exception of Papps
and Winkelmann (2000), each of these
papers nds at least some evidence in favor
of a link between unemployment and crime,
in particular, property crime.
Nonetheless, Chiricos’s review also found that the
unemployment–crime relationship was three times more
likely to be positive than negative and fteen times more
likely to be positive and signicant than negative and sig-
nicant, indicating a basis for further research. The results
were especially strong for property crimes—in particu-
lar, larceny and burglary. Chiricos suggests that research
results are generally consistent by level of aggregation,
though they tend to be more consistently positive and sig-
nicant at lower levels of aggregation. This hypothesis is
echoed by Levitt (2001), who likewise argues that national-
level time-series analyses obscure the unemployment–
crime relationship by failing to account for rich variation
across space.
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
A second innovation in the recent litera-
ture has been to employ instrumental vari-
ables to address the potential endogeneity
between labor-market conditions and crime.
The rst such study is that of Raphael and
Winter-Ebmer (2001), who use a state-level
panel data set covering 1979–98 to study
the effect of unemployment rates on various
types of crime employing two instruments for
the unemployment rate—the value of mili-
tary contracts with the federal government,
as well as the regional impact of shocks to
the price of oil. For property-crime rates, the
results consistently indicate a positive effect
of unemployment on crime with a 1 percent-
age point increase in the unemployment rate
predicting a 3–5 percent increase in prop-
erty crime. For violent crime, however, the
results are mixed. Gould, Weinberg, and
Mustard (2002) provide a similar analysis
at the county level, using a county’s initial
industry mix and measures of skill-biased
technical change as an instrument for unem-
ployment. They too nd evidence of a pos-
itive relationship between unemployment
and crime, particularly property crime. Taken
as a whole, results reported in Raphael and
Winter-Ebmer (2001) and Gould, Weinberg,
and Mustard (2002) imply that variation in
unemployment rates explained between
12percent and 40 percent of the decline in
property crime during parts of the 1990s. In
a more recent paper, Lin (2008) builds on
these approaches using exchange-rate shocks
to isolate exogenous variation in unemploy-
ment rates. Lin reports that a 1 percentage
point increase in unemployment leads to a
4 to 6 percent decline in property crime and
would explain roughly one-third of the crime
drop during the 1990s.
On the whole, the preponderance of the
evidence suggests that there is an important
Fougere, Kramarz, and Pouget (2009) provide a sim-
ilar analysis for France, nding effects that are similar in
relationship between unemployment rates
and property crime, but little impact of
unemployment on violent crime, a con-
clusion echoed in a recent review by Cook
(2010). In the recent literature, which is
more careful with respect to addressing
omitted variables bias and simultaneity, the
relationship between unemployment and
property crime is found regardless of the
level of aggregation (counties or states).
The relationship between unemployment
and property crime is empirically meaning-
ful, as property crime would be predicted to
rise by between 9 and 18 percent during a
serious recession in which unemployment
increased by 3 percentage points. Moreover,
this, if anything, may understate the magni-
tude of the relationship, as crime appears to
be particularly sensitive to the existence of
employment opportunities for low-skilled
men (Schnepel 2013). Nevertheless, the
estimates remain sensitive to the time period
studied. To wit, property crime has gener-
ally continued to decline through the recent
Great Recession, which increased unem-
ployment rates nationally by as many as
4percentage points.
5.2 Wages
A second and related research literature
considers the impact of wage levels on crime
rates. There are several a priori reasons to
expect a stronger relationship between
Prominent IV papers, including Raphael and
Winter-Ebmer (2001); Gould, Weinberg, and Mustard
(2002); and Lin (2008) do not uniformly nd that instru-
menting results in a more positive relationship between
unemployment and crime as would be predicted by the
omission of procyclical control variables or simultane-
ity bias. Another explanation for slippage between least
squares and IV estimates of the effect of unemployment
on crime is measurement errors in the unemployment rate.
To the extent that such errors are classical, attenuation bias
will mean that 2SLS estimates will exceed ordinary least
squares (OLS) estimates. To the extent that this pattern
is not found, there is the possibility that OLS estimates
are actually upward biased due to simultaneity or omitted
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
crime and wages than between crime and
unemployment. First, as noted by Gould,
Weinberg, and Mustard (2002), since crim-
inal participation is associated with a set of
xed costs, crime may well be more respon-
sive to long-term labor-market measures
such as levels of human capital or wages than
unemployment spells, which are typically
ephemeral. Second, at any given time, the
number of individuals who are employed in
low-wage jobs vastly outnumbers the num-
ber of unemployed and, as such, wages for
unskilled men may play a proportionally
greater role than unemployment in encour-
aging crime (Hansen and Machin 2002). In
fact, among individuals who reported engag-
ing in crime during the past year, a large
majority reported wage earnings (Grogger
1998) and three-quarters were employed at
the time of their arrest, indicating that the
behavior of a majority of offenders should be
sensitive to changes in the wage.
The literature linking wages to crime has,
in general, generated more consensus than
the unemployment literature. Prominent
panel-data papers include Doyle, Ahmed,
and Horn (1999), who analyze state-level
panels for 1984–93 and nd that higher aver-
age wages reduce both property and violent
crime (elasticity estimates vary between
0.3 and 0.9), and Gould, Weinberg, and
Mustard (2002), who restrict their analysis
to the wages of relatively low-skilled men
and nd, using a county-level panel span-
ning 1979 to 1997, that the falling wages
of unskilled men in this period led to an
18percent increase in robbery, a 14 percent
increase in burglary, and a 7 percent increase
in larceny. These ndings are striking in that
they indicate that wage trends explain more
than half of the increase in both violent and
property crimes over the entire period.
In a similar analysis for the United
Kingdom, Machin and Meghir (2004)
examine changes in regional crime rates
in relation to changes in the tenth and
twenty-fth percentiles of the region’s wage
distribution and focus on the retail sector,
an industry where low-skilled workers have
the ability to manipulate their hours of work.
They nd that crime rates are higher in areas
where the bottom of the wage distribution
is low. With regard to microdata, Grogger
(1998), leveraging data from the NLSY, nds
that youth wages account for approximately
three-quarters of the variation in youth
crime. Finally, a related literature consid-
ers the responsiveness of crime to minimum
wages and consistently nds evidence in
favor of a negative relationship between the
two variables (Corman and Mocan 2005 and
Fernandez, Holman, and Pepper 2014).
5.3 Individual-Level Studies
In addition to aggregate-level studies
that examine the impact of macroeconomic
uctuations on crime, there is a parallel
literature that studies the effect of wage
shifts and job loss—mainly job loss—over
the life course. This literature uses natu-
ral variation to examine whether offending
rises when individuals nd themselves out
of work. An early example of such research
is that of Crutcheld and Pitchford (1997),
who, using data from the 1979 NLSY79,
nd that the approximately 8,000 adults
who responded to the rst wave of the sur-
vey were more likely to engage in crime
when they are out of the labor force and
when they expect their current job to be of
short duration. A host of similar cohort stud-
ies have found similar correlations among
males in London, as well as individuals born
in Philadelphia in 1945 (Thornberry and
Christenson 1984 and Witte and Tauchen
1993). For several reasons, we do not believe
this literature has great value in uncovering
deterrence effects. First, even conditioning
on xed effects, individual-level models do
not plausibly account for omitted variation
that may be related to both unemployment
and offending. In particular, a change in an
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
important unobserved factor may drive both
spells out of work and criminal activity. For
example, illegal drug use may simultane-
ously cause both an unemployment spell as
well as participation in crime. Alternatively,
other life stresses, problems with personal
relationships, mental health problems, etc.
may cause the simultaneous co-occurrence
of unemployment (or underemployment)
and criminal activity (Chaln and Raphael
2011). To be sure, such issues of causal iden-
tication pose a challenge in all micro-level
social science research using observational
data. Nonetheless, absent a clear source of
exogenous variation in employment status or
employment prospects, one should probably
consider these sorts of longitudinal estimates
as providing an upper bound on the likely
effect sizes.
A second individual-level literature is, in
our view, more useful. This literature con-
siders the impact of providing employment
services, or, in some cases, transitional jobs
to former prisoners—in particular assessing
whether such programs reduce recidivism.
The research is predominantly comprised
of randomized experiments and is, as such,
highly credible. Experimental interventions
of this nature tend to include programs that
provide income, employment-based ser-
vices, or skills-building social services. There
are over a dozen experimental evaluations of
such efforts in the United States, in which
treatment group members are randomly
assigned. A key advantage of these studies
is that the treatment is clearly exogenous,
and, as such, any observed impacts plausibly
represent true causal effects. However, the
reader should be careful in interpreting the
results of these programmatic interventions,
as it is often the case that many members of
the randomized control group receive sim-
ilar services elsewhere. Often, it is difcult
to document such contamination and it is
not always self-evident that the interven-
tion has a large marginal impact on service
delivery. Second, since these interventions
are targeted at particular groups with offense
histories that cross fairly stringent severity
levels (former prisoners, for example), they
tend to treat individuals who may not be par-
ticularly responsive to positive incentives.
Community-based employment interven-
tions became popular in the United States
beginning in the 1970s. Under authority
of the 1962 Manpower Development and
Training Act, the US Department of Labor
launched a number of programs aimed at
former prisoners beginning with the Living
Insurance for Ex-Prisoners program, which
provided a living stipend and job-placement
assistance to prisoners returning to Balti-
more between 1972 and 1974, and the
Transitional Aid Research Project (TARP),
which provided various combinations of
cash assistance and job-placement services
to ve different experimental groups of
ex-offenders in Georgia and Texas. The ear-
lier demonstration evaluated by Mallar and
Thorton (1978) found signicant impacts of
the income-support program, with consider-
ably lower offending rates among the treat-
ment group. However, the evaluation of the
larger-scale TARP program (Rossi, Berk, and
Lenihan 1980) found little effect. The latter
evaluation also found a large negative effect
of the transitional cash assistance on the
labor supply of released inmates. In fact, the
authors speculate that the lack of an overall
impact on recidivism reected the offsetting
effects of the reduction in recidivism due to
the cash assistance and the increased crimi-
nal activity associated with being idle (Rossi,
Berk, and Lenihan 1980).
There have also been several high-quality
evaluations of the impact of providing tran-
sitional employment to former inmates.
The National Supported Work (NSW) pro-
gram (recently reanalyzed by Uggen 2000)
and the New York Center for Employment
Opportunities currently under evaluation
by the Manpower Development Research
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
Corporation (MDRC) (Bloom et al. 2007)
nd some evidence that providing prison
releases with transitional employment
forestalls recidivism during the two years
post-release. However, these programs
found considerable heterogeneity in pro-
gram impacts with the NSW, nding sig-
nicant effects for older releases and the
CEO evaluation reporting signicant effects
for only those most recently released from
prison. Moreover, the majority of the liter-
ature reports little evidence of an effect of
employment status on recidivism among
reentering prisoners (Visher, Wintereld,
and Coggeshall 2005). It may well be that
employment deters crime among individuals
without prison experience, a mechanism that
plausibly underlies relationships between
measures of macroeconomic performance
and crime. However, among individuals with
serious criminal records, the evidence of
deterrence is difcult to nd.
5.4 Identifying Deterrence
A rst-order issue in interpreting research
on the effect of police and prisons on crime
concerns the extent to which deterrence
can be disentangled from incapacitation.
This issue is not relevant in considering the
responsiveness of crime to changes in wages
or employment conditions. Nevertheless, it is
worth considering whether a signicant coef-
cient on the wage or unemployment rate
in a crime regression necessarily identies
deterrence. In particular, for several reasons,
crime and unemployment may be related
due to factors other than deterrence. First,
a relationship between macroeconomic con-
ditions and crime may exist due to the rela-
tionship between macroeconomic conditions
and criminal opportunities (Cook and Zarkin
1985). For example, during a recession, auto
thefts tend to decline presumably because
fewer people are employed and therefore
drive their cars less frequently (Cook 2010).
Second, employment conditions and crime
may be linked through behavioral changes
that cannot be properly characterized as
deterrence. For example, a displaced worker
may well develop feelings of anger or loss of
control that subsequently manifest in violent
behavior. In such a case, the job may not be
protective against crime through any deter-
rence mechanism per se. Nevertheless, a
robust relationship between economic con-
ditions and crime is potentially consistent
with the idea that individuals respond to
incentives, at least at the margin.
6. Conclusion
We reviewed three large literatures
regarding the responsiveness of crime to
police, sanctions, and local labor-market
opportunities. Three key conclusions are
worth noting. First, there is robust evidence
that crime responds to increases in police
manpower and to many varieties of police
redeployments. With respect to manpower,
our best guess is that the elasticity of vio-
lent crime and property crime with respect
to police are approximately 0.4 and 0.2,
respectively. The degree to which these
effects can be attributed to deterrence as
opposed to incapacitation remains an open
question, though analyses of arrest rates sug-
gests a role for deterrence (Levitt 1998 and
Owens 2013). With respect to deployments,
experimental research on hot-spots policing
and focused deterrence efforts have, in some
cases, led to remarkably large decreases in
offending, a fact that may be attributable to
the visibility of such policies.
Second, while the evidence in favor of a
crime–sanction link generally favors rela-
tively small deterrence effects, there does
appear to be some evidence of more mean-
ingful deterrence induced by policies that
target specic offenders with sentence
enhancements. This is seen in the effect of
California’s three-strikes law on the behav-
ior of offenders with two strikes (see Helland
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
and Tabarrok 2007) and in the behavior of
pardoned Italian offenders (Drago, Galbiati,
and Vertova 2009). On the other hand,
while the elasticity of crime with respect to
sentence lengths appears to be large in the
Italian case, it is quite small in the California
Finally, there is fairly strong evidence, in
general, of a link between local labor-mar-
ket conditions, proxied using the unem-
ployment rate or the wage, on crime. While
these effects are unlikely to be appreciably
contaminated by incapacitation effects, they
may reect behavioral responses aside from
deterrence. Moreover, it is not clear that sup-
plying employment deters offending among
the most criminally productive individuals.
Overall, the evidence suggests that indi-
viduals respond to the incentives that are the
most immediate and salient. While police
and local labor-market conditions inuence
costs that are borne immediately, the cost
of a prison sentence, if experienced at all, is
experienced sometime in the future. To the
extent that offenders are myopic or have a
high discount rate, deterrence effects will be
less likely. Moreover, given that an empirical
nding of deterrence depends on the exis-
tence of perceptual deterrence, it may be
the case that potential offenders are more
aware of changes in policing and local labor-
market conditions than they are of changes
in incarceration policy, with the exception
of specic sentence enhancements that are
individually targeted. In the nal section of
this article, we return to Becker’s economic
model of crime in an attempt to rationalize
the empirical literature with the theory that
precipitated it. We close with a couple of
concrete recommendations for future work.
6.1 Rationalizing Theory and Empirics
A natural starting place in reconciling the
empirics with the theory is to consider that
Becker’s model does not explicitly predict
that offending will be more responsive to
changes in p as opposed to f . This is because
while the model allows for varying degrees
of risk aversion, there is no other mechanism
within the model that can lead to a differ-
ential response of crime to p and f that we
tend to observe in the empirical literature.
However, using more recent theoretical
work that builds upon Becker as a guide, we
note that there are at least three strong the-
oretically motivated reasons to expect that
crime will be more responsive to p than to
f . This is not to say that the Becker model
is incorrect—on the contrary, our reading
of the empirical literature is that it provides
support for the model. Instead, we prefer to
characterize the model as a useful starting
point for thinking about some of the more
nuanced aspects of deterrence.
Perhaps the most enduring criticism of the
original neoclassical model is that it is static
and, accordingly, does not explicitly allow
for individuals to differ in their time prefer-
ences, a fact that is inspired by a generation
of behavioral economics research and was
noted in early work by Block and Heineke
(1975) and Cook (1980). Dynamic exten-
sions of Becker can be found in Polinsky and
Shavell (1999), Lee and McCrary (forthcom-
ing), and McCrary (2011), among others.
An abbreviated version of such a dynamic
model was presented in section 1 of this
article. The most important insight arising
from the dynamic corollary of Becker is that
individuals who are myopic and engage in
hyperbolic discounting will be more strongly
deterred by changes in p , which affect util-
ity immediately, than by changes in f , which,
for the most part, affect utility in the distant
future. To the extent that offenders tend to
be hyperbolic discounters and there is ample
evidence that many are, we should not expect
long sentences to deter to nearly the same
degree as changes in the probability of either
arrest or some type of punishment.
In recent years, the Becker model has
also been augmented to allow for the fact
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
that sanctions do not necessarily follow
from apprehension. Indeed, many offend-
ers are arrested but do not suffer anything
more than a trivial criminal sanction, either
because charges are not led or are dis-
missed or because a custodial sentence is
not handed down or is considered already
served at the time of sentencing. Likewise,
behavioral scientists have incorporated
the notion that individuals suffer both
legal and nonlegal sanctions when they are
arrested for committing a crime (Nagin and
Paternoster 1994, Nagin and Pogarsky 2003,
and Williams and Hawkins 1986). While the
effect of legal sanctions has been well under-
stood since Becker, the extent to which indi-
viduals suffer social stigma and other social
costs as a result of an arrest remains less well
understood. Nagin (2013) formalizes these
related concepts within the framework of
the Becker model, conceptualizing p as the
product of the probability of apprehension,
, and the conditional probability of a sanc-
tion given apprehension, P
. With these
additions, it can be shown that if individuals
are more sensitive to changes in the prob-
ability of apprehension than to changes in
the sanction, it is easy to see that changes
in utility (and thus crime) can potentially be
explained by informal sanction costs alone
(Nagin 2013). A related and arguably more
important insight is that in the event that
informal sanctions costs are very high, it is
considerably more likely that deterrence will
accrue via the probability of apprehension
( p
) than via f .
Related to this is the issue of hetero-
geneity in individual utility over the legal
sanction. In the event that the stigma of a
custodial sentence declines, the disutility
derived from punishment will fall as a func-
tion of the length of an individual’s criminal
history (Durlauf and Nagin 2011 and Nagin,
Cullen, and Jonson 2009). That is, as indi-
viduals accumulate a longer criminal record,
the stigma from being labeled a “criminal”
may lose its effectiveness and thus no longer
represent an important component of the
cost of committing a crime. Likewise, the
disutility of punishment may decline due to
the presence of informal social networks that
develop as a result of an individual’s prison
experience. Hence, to the extent that a large
proportion of crime is committed by repeat
offenders, crime should be more sensitive to
the probability of apprehension than to the
severity of sanction, because repeat offend-
ers have already paid the informal costs asso-
ciated with being labeled a criminal.
A nal extension that merits discussion can
be found in Durlauf and Nagin (2011) who
consider that, in addition to exhibiting strong
time preferences, individuals may have a
great deal of trouble accurately estimating
the risk of apprehension even after updat-
ing in response to new information (Anwar
and Loughran 2011). Durlauf and Nagin
develop a model in which p is probabilistic
and show that for a xed sanction, when p
is perceived to be arbitrarily close to either
zero or one (i.e., the probability of apprehen-
sion is thought to be either extremely low or
extremely high), the effect of certainty will
be greatest. This follows from the tendency
of individuals to systematically overestimate
the likelihood of rare events (e.g., a terrorist
attack) and underestimate the likelihood of
more common events (e.g., a car accident).
As Durlauf and Nagin note, in a world in
which the perceived probability of detection
is very low, even small changes in that per-
ceived probability can have correspondingly
large effects, thus potentially rationalizing
large behavioral responses to hot-spots polic-
ing and deterrence advertising.
The implication that the response of crime
to p might be systematically greater than to
f has far-reaching implications with respect
to public policy. First, given that deterrence
is cheap relative to incapacitation, ef-
cient resource allocation demands a shift in
resources toward more deterrence-intensive
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (March 2017)
inputs. Hence, in deciding how to allocate
criminal-justice resources between police
ofcers and prisons, the available evidence
suggests that money is best spent on police
ofcers, as well as perhaps on jails that might
be used to detain individuals who receive
short sentences. Second, it may be possible to
reduce the size of the US prison population,
which has grown six-fold over the course of
a generation, without compromising public
safety. Such an idea is strongly supported by
the small crime–prison population elastici-
ties reported by Liedka, Piehl, and Useem
(2006) and Johnson and Raphael (2012), as
well as Lofstrom and Raphael’s recent eval-
uation of the effects of California’s realign-
ment policy. It is also articulated anecdotally
by the experience of New York State, which
has both reduced its prison population as
well as its crime rate in recent years.
These points are underscored in Kleiman
(2009) and Durlauf and Nagin (2011), among
others, who ask the provocative question as
to whether both imprisonment and crime
can be simultaneously reduced. The answer
to this question lies in the magnitude of the
relevant deterrence elasticities, the specics
of which are cleverly illustrated in Durlauf
and Nagin, who ask us to consider a world
in which there are two types of criminal
opportunities: desirable opportunities with
corresponding probability of arrest, p
, and
undesirable opportunities with probability of
arrest, p
. Initially, individuals who encoun-
ter a criminal opportunity that is assigned
probabilistically elect to commit a crime
if p > p
, where p
> p
> p
. Hence,
all available opportunities are acted upon.
Durlauf and Nagin next ask us to consider
that p
and p
are each increased by a fac-
tor g such that g p
< p
< g p
. In this
world, only the desirable opportunities will
be acted upon. The obvious result is that
crime declines as all of the opportunities
are no longer attractive. What is less obvi-
ous is that clearance rates fall by construc-
tion and, accordingly, so do the number of
arrests and subsequent incarcerations. As
shown in Blumstein and Nagin (1978), if the
magnitude of either the elasticity of crime
with respect to p or f is less than 1, then the
decline in the crime rate associated with an
increase in p and f will not be sufciently
large to avoid an increase in the incarceration
rate. The key then is to determine whether
there are policies that satisfy this inequality
or, in the absence of such policies, identify
policies that decrease severity but have large
elasticities with respect to p . In our view,
swift-and-certain sanctions regimes such as
that motivated by HOPE and visible police
presence are two such policies that seem
especially promising.
6.2 Directions for Future Research
As each of the deterrence literatures has
matured, researchers can begin to focus
less attention on standard identication
problems and more attention on identifying
mechanisms. This is not to say that causal
identication is unimportant. On the con-
trary—we believe it is as important as it
ever was. However, in the past decade, great
strides have been made in selecting strategies
that credibly identify the causal effects of a
variety of policies which has, in turn, gener-
ated a consensus on the range of effects that
can be expected to accrue from a given type
of intervention. For several literatures that
have generated no such consensus (e.g., cap-
ital punishment), we strongly suspect that
there is little progress to be made in rehash-
ing the same state-level data. Accordingly,
we provide three recommendations to guide
future work.
First, there is a large and growing liter-
ature that supports the deterrence value
of hot-spots policing and, in particular, the
importance of a visible police presence.
However, the evidence on the effects of
disorder policing is more mixed and the
idea remains highly controversial. The best
Chaln and McCrary: Criminal Deterrence: A Review of the Literature
evidence suggests that cleaning up physi-
cal disorder is important, but it is not clear
whether broken-windows policing is a nec-
essary ingredient to this strategy. Given the
inherent risks of broken-windows policing
that accrue to both ofcers and citizens and
the civil-rights concerns that are intrinsic in
such a strategy, future research is needed
to identify the extent to which broken win-
dows reduces crime and, if so, whether those
reductions are due to deterrence or inca-
pacitation. There continues to be substan-
tial disagreement on this topic and, while
we are skeptical of the deterrence value of
broken windows, our reading of the research
literature is that we do not yet have suf-
cient information to make an informed
Second, while evidence is building that
swift-and-certain sanctions can deter offend-
ing at dramatically lower costs for both society
and offenders, the idea requires additional
testing. In particular, the conditions under
which such programs work and the degree
to which they are replicable and scalable
remains unknown. It has been suggested that
the success of such programs often depends
on the existence of effective leaders and an
unusual degree of cooperation among local
policy makers. Moreover, swift-and-certain
sanctioning only works if offending can be
reliably detected in the rst place.
A third area that, in our view, will benet
from greater research, concerns the deter-
rence value of investments in private pre-
cautions by potential victims. Evaluations
of LoJack (Ayres and Levitt 1998) and
business improvement districts (Cook and
MacDonald 2011) establish that private
investments can deter (after all, they can-
not incapacitate). However, we know rela-
tively little about the effects of other types
of private behavior, such as investments in
burglary alarm systems, the emergence of
various smart phone apps that provide infor-
mation, as well as other types of technology.
In closing, we note that Gary Becker’s
recent passing prompts us to acknowledge
yet again the decisive impact of his landmark
1968 paper. As his ubiquity in this review
makes clear, his insights launched an entire
literature—one that has had and contin-
ues to have profound implications for, and
impact on, public policy and safety.
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