Business License Application
BLS 700 028 (4/29/24) Page 1
Business License Application
Form BLS 700 028
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Business Licensing Service
PO Box 9034
Olympia WA 98507-9034
Legal Enty/Owner Name:
Unied Business Idener (UBI):
For faster service apply online at
Online applicaons are typically processed within ten business days.
It may take up to three weeks if you le by paper.
If you have city, county or state endorsements, it may take an addional 2-3 weeks to receive your business
license due to approval me.
Processing fee instrucons:
A Business License Applicaon processing fee is required for each applicaon received in addion to applicable
endorsement or trade name fees. See below to determine the processing fee.
Open/reopen a business - $50 (non-refundable)
If you are opening the rst locaon of a new business/UBI or re-opening a business/UBI that has no acve
locaons, enter $50 in the Processing fee box in the Endorsement and fee secon. No other processing fee is
Adding an addional locaon - $0
If you are adding an addional locaon to your current business, enter $0 in the Processing fee box in the
Endorsement and fee secon. No processing fee is required.
Adding a city or county Non-Resident Business endorsement to an exisng locaon - $0
If your business is not physically located inside the city limits or in unincorporated areas of a county but you
will be traveling into or doing business with the citys limits or unincorporated areas of a county, a city or
county Non-Resident Business endorsement is required. (Unincorporated areas are not in the city limits of
any city in the county.) If you are adding a city or county’s Non-Resident Business endorsement to an exisng
locaon account, enter $0 in the Processing fee box in the Endorsement and fee secon. No processing fee is
Any other purpose - $10 (non-refundable)
If you are ling for any purpose other than those listed above, enter $10 in the Processing fee box in the
Endorsement and fee secon. No other processing fee is required.
Examples: Hiring employees, registering a trade name, adding addional endorsements to an exisng
locaon, Domesc Employer, etc.
For Validation - Oce Use Only
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Business License Application
BLS 700 028 (4/29/24) Page 2
1 Purpose of applicaon (check all that apply)
Open/reopen business
Open addional locaon
Add endorsement to exisng locaon
Change ownership
Register trade name
Change trade name
Business has or will have employees
Business has or will have employees under age 18
If ONLY requesng to add a minor work permit to your account, and this
business locaon has an acve Workers Compensaon account with
L&I, and there were no business changes since the last Business License
Applicaon was led, complete only secons 2, 3a, 3c, 3d (and 3f for sole
proprietors), 5c and 6.
Hire persons to work in or around your home
Name(s) to be cancelled:
Change locaon
Old address to be changed:
2 Endorsements and fees
(use the State Endorsement Fee Sheet, city webpage, and county webpage for the informaon needed to complete this list)”
Mark registraons needed (fees are listed on the right)
Tax Registraon (DOR) $0.00
Do you want a separate tax return for each business? Yes No
Industrial Insurance (Worker’s Compensaon) - Required if you will have employees $0.00
Unemployment Insurance -
Required if you will have employees $0.00
Minor Work Permit -
Required if you will have employees under age 18 $0.00
New trade name (doing business as):
List addional trade names ($5 each name) or other endorsements (such as addional state, city or county endorsements):
Trade names and endorsements Fee
Processing fee: $
Total amount due: $
How to pay: Enclose check for total amount due, including the non-refundable processing fee, which must be
submied with this form. Make check payable to Department of Revenue.
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3 Owner informaon
a. Federal Employee Idencaon Number (FEIN):
*Select an ownership structure (choose one):
Sole Proprietorship - If married, should spouse’s name appear on license? Yes No
(If you answer no, you must sll enter the spouse informaon in secon 3f below)
Corporaon* Nonprot Corporaon* (educaonal, religious, charitable)
Limited Liability Company* Partnership (# of partners: )
Limited Partnership* Limited Liability Partnership*
Limited Liability Limited Partnership* Joint Venture
*These ownership structures must contact the Secretary of State oce for addional ling requirements.
Name of Corp., LLC, Partnership, LLP, LLLP, or Joint Venture:
State incorporated/formed: Year incorporated/formed:
Associaon Trust Municipality Tribal Government
Name of Organizaon
*Business open date (MM/DD/YY):
This is the ownership structure’s rst date of business at this locaon. Out-of-state businesses should use the rst
date of operaon in WA. If unknown, please esmate date.
d. *Primary business name:
Is this locaon inside city limits? Yes No
*Business mailing address:
State: Zip:
*Business physical locaon address.
Do not use PO Box or PMB:
City: State: Zip:
f. Business phone number: Email:
g. List all owners and spouses:
This includes any Sole Proprietor, partners, ocers, or LLC members (aach addional pages if needed)
*Name (last, rst, middle):
Title: Home phone: % Owned*:
Social Security Number*: Date of birth:
Home address:
City: State: Zip:
Are you married? Yes No If yes, enter spouse informaon below.
Spouse name (last, rst, middle):
Spouse Social Security Number: Spouse date of birth:
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Owners and spouses connued...
Name (last, rst, middle):
Title: Home phone: % Owned*:
Social Security Number*: Date of birth:
Home address:
State: Zip:
Are you married? Yes No If yes, enter spouse informaon below.
Spouse name (last, rst, middle):
Spouse Social Security Number: Spouse date of birth:
Name (last, rst, middle):
Title: Home phone: % Owned*:
Social Security Number*: Date of birth:
Home address:
State: Zip:
Are you married? Yes No If yes, enter spouse informaon below.
Spouse name (last, rst, middle):
Spouse Social Security Number: Spouse date of birth:
*The Social Security Number, home phone number and percentage owned are required for Sole Proprietors, partners,
corporate ocers, and LLC members of businesses that will have employees.
(WAC 192-310-010) Not fully compleng secon “f” will result in applicaon delays.
4 Locaon/business informaon
a. Are you an out of state business with no Washington locaon and have employees or representaves
working in Washington?
Employees: Yes No Representaves: Yes No
If yes, provide one of their Washington addresses (we will not use this address for mailing purposes):
Business street address:
City: State: Zip:
b. Do you plan to hire independent contractors or people you will report on a 1099 form?
Yes No
Check “Independent Contractors” denion at
c. *Provide the esmated gross annual income in Washington (check one):
$0 - $12,000 $12,001 - $28,000 $28,001 - $60,000 $60,001 - $100,000 $100,001 and above
d. Mark the business acvies in Washington State (check all that apply):
Wholesale Retail Manufacturing Services
*Describe in detail the principal products or services you provide in Washington State:
f. Did you buy, lease, or acquire all or part of an exisng business? All Part None
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Date bought/leased/acquired (MM/DD/YY): Prior business name:
Prior owners name: Phone:
g. Did you purchase/lease any xtures or equipment on which you have not paid sales or use tax?
No If yes, indicate purchase or lease price: $
h. If this business is owned by, controlled by, or aliated with any other business enty, provide that
business entys name and UBI number.
Enty name: UBI number:
Enty name: UBI number:
i. If you are changing your business structure (such as changing from Sole Proprietorship to Corporaon) and want the
old account closed, provide the UBI number to be closed:
Do you wish to cancel all the trade names registered under the old UBI number? Yes No
You must re-register all trade names you use under the new business structure.
j. Have you ever owned another business? Yes No
If yes, business name: UBI number:
k. Your bank’s name: Branch:
5 Employment/elecve coverage
5a and 5c are required if hiring employees and/or minors.
Employment accounts cannot be established unless you plan to employ persons within the next 90 days
. If
accounts are established, Employment Security and Labor and Industries reports will be required quarterly even
if you have not hired.
*Date of rst employment or planned employment at this locaon (MM/DD/YY):
First date wages paid (MM/DD/YY):
b. Number of persons you employ or plan to employ at this locaon (do not include owners):
*Esmate the number of persons under age 18 (minors) you will employ in the next 12 months and dues
they will perform:
Number of
Dues to be performed by minors
Under 14
Before checking under age 14, please complete required documents. See publicaon F700-118-000 atons/F700-118-000.pdf
d. Check the box that best describes the major operaon of your business (choose one):
(01) Drywall Operaons
(05) Marime/Vessels/Longshore
(09) VehicleSvcs/Transportaon
(13) Retail/Whlsl: Stores & Warehsing
(02) Logging/Forestry
(06) Electronics/Ulies/Vending Mch
(10) Mfg - Chem/Texles/Paper
(14) Food Svcs/Chore/Asst Lvg/Janitor
(03) Construcon/Engrg/Property Mgmt
(07) Wood Prod/Stone/Glass & Mining
(11) Mfg - Food/Ice/Beverages
(15) Media/Entertainment/Lodging
(04) Temp Help Co/Employee Leasing
(08) Mfg - Metal/Mach Shops/Millwright
(12) Agriculture/Farming
(16) I.T./Prof Svcs/Med/Salon/Schools
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e. Describe in detail the acvies of your workers. Then esmate the total workers’ hours for a 3-month period.
(One full-me worker = 480 total hours for 3 months)
Posion and acvies
No. of
Worker hours
(include minors)
Example: Oce Sta - recepon accounng, data entry 2 960
f. If you have more than one Washington locaon, how do you wish to receive the following quarterly reports?
Unemployment Insurance: All locaons combined Each locaon separately (mulple reports)
Worker’s Compensaon: All locaons combined Each locaon separately (mulple reports)
Addional Coverage is available as noted below. (See Business Endorsement Fee Sheet for more informaon.)
g. If you are a Prot Corporaon, do you want Unemployment Insurance coverage for corporate ocers?
Yes – Go to to obtain a Voluntary Elecon form. This form is required for coverage.
No – The Corporaon must inform ocers in wring that they are not covered for Unemployment Insurance.
h. Do you want Workers’ Compensaon coverage for owners (Sole Proprietor, partners, corporate ocers, LLC members/
managers)? (In an LLC with managers, you may elect to cover those persons who are both members (owners) and
managers. In an LLC with members only, you may elect to cover those members.)
Yes – Prior to coverage, Form F21
3-042-000 is required. This form will be sent to you by the Dept. of Labor &
i. Do you want elecve Workers’ Compensaon coverage for excluded employment?
(See Business Endorsement Fee Sheet for descripons.)
Yes – Prior to coverage, Form F213-112-000 is required. This form will be sent to you by the Dept. of Labor &
6 Signature (Signature of Sole Proprietor or spouse, partner, corporate ocer, or LLC member/manager)
I declare under the penales of perjury that:
I am a governing person or authorized representave of this business making this change; and
The answers contained, including any accompanying informaon, have been examined by me and are true,
correct, and complete.
I cerfy that I understand a misrepresentaon of fact is cause for rejecon of this applicaon or revocaon of any license issued.
Signature: Date:
Applicaon prepared by:
Title: Phone:
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What language?