Money Laundering
Introduction.................................................... 1
By Richard Weber
Suspicious Activity Reports Disclosure and Protection. ................ 2
By Lester Joseph
Money Laundering Trends . ..................................... 1 4
By Emery Kobor
The Money Laundering Statutes (18 U.S.C. §§ 1956 and 1957). ........ 2 1
By Stefan D. Cassella
One-Hour Money Laundering: Prosecuting Unlicensed Money
Transmitting Businesses Using Section 1960......................... 3 4
By Courtney J. Linn
Bulk Cash Smuggling. .......................................... 4 1
By Rita Elizabeth Foley
Sources of Information in a Financial Investigation................... 4 8
By Alan Hampton
Criminal Prosecution of Banks Under the Bank Secrecy Act........... 5 4
By Lester Joseph and John Roth
Volume 55
Number 5
United States
Department of Justice
Executive Office for
United States Attorneys
Washington, DC
Kenneth E. Melson
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EOUSA for any policy, program,
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The United States Attorneys'
Bulletin is published pursuant to
28 CFR § 0.22(b).
The United States Attorneys'
Bulletin is published bimonthly by
the Executive Office for United
States Attorneys, Office of Legal
Education, 1620 Pendleton Street,
Columbia, South Carolina 29201.
Managing Editor
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Program Manager
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In This Issue
Intr oduction
Richard Weber
Chief, Asset Forfeiture and Money
Laundering Section
Criminal Division
Money laundering constitutes a significant
threat to the safety of our communities, the
integrity of our financial institutions, and our
national security. In order to effectively address
this serious threat, the best efforts to apply and
coordinate all of the available resources of the
federal government, along with those of state and
local authorities, as well as our foreign
counterparts, must be used. The United States
Department of Justice is fully committed to using
the money laundering and asset forfeiture statutes
to the fullest extent possible. They will be used to
identify, investigate, and prosecute those who
launder the illegal proceeds of terrorists, drug
traffickers, fraud perpetrators, organized crime
organizations, and other criminals, and to seize
and forfeit their ill-gotten assets.
In recent years, crime has become
increasingly international in scope, and the
financial aspects of crime have become more
complex. This is due to the rapid advances in
technology and the globalization of the financial
services industry. Modern financial systems
permit criminals to transfer millions of dollars
instantly though personal computers and satellite
dishes. Money is laundered through currency
exchange houses, stock brokerage houses, gold
dealers, casinos, automobile dealerships,
insurance companies, trading companies, and
other sophisticated systems. Private banking
facilities, offshore banking, shell corporations,
free trade zones, wire systems, and trade financing
all have the ability to mask illegal activities. The
criminal's choice of money laundering vehicles is
limited only by his or her creativity. Ultimately,
this laundered money flows into global financial
systems where it can undermine national
economies and currencies.
Organized criminal groups transcend national
borders and extend their influence to areas of the
world far-removed from their countries of origin.
The gradual erosion of border controls in the
countries of Europe not only contributes to the
free flow of trade and commerce, but also
increases the threat of transborder financial
crimes. This internationalization of crime makes
the sharing, collating, and analysis of information,
among and within governments, essential.
Organized criminals are motivated by one
thing—profit. Greed drives the criminal. Huge
sums of money are generated through drug
trafficking, arms smuggling, white collar crime,
human trafficking, terrorism, and corruption. The
end result is that organized crime moves billions
of illegally-gained dollars into our nation's
legitimate financial systems. The success of
organized crime is based upon its ability to
launder money.
The challenges facing law enforcement in this
environment make it necessary for investigators
and prosecutors to have all the legal and
regulatory tools, as well as international legal
assistance mechanisms available to them, to keep
up with, and ahead of, those who launder the
proceeds of crime. To effectively combat such
criminal activity, law enforcement must have the
means that are at least as sophisticated, if not
more so, than the criminals.
The money laundering statutes Congress
provided, both in the Bank Secrecy Act and the
Criminal Code, are major weapons in the war
against the laundering of drug trafficking proceeds
and other serious crimes. These weapons gut the
economic base that these criminals need to operate
and stops them from continuing business as usual,
which is integral to the fight against terrorism. It
also prevents replacement of members who have
been incarcerated. Another tangential benefit is
the deterrence of crime. Greed is one of the
primary reasons for criminal activity. Asset
forfeiture removes this incentive by denying
criminals the assets illegally acquired. Not only
will they go to jail, but they will not realize any
economic gain from the crime.
Investigating and prosecuting money
laundering and forfeiting criminal assets can be a
long, arduous, and complex process. It is critical
to bear in mind, however, that it is more than a
bloodless exercise in accounting. When the crime
of money laundering is fought, organized crime is
fought. The fight against money laundering
accomplishes the following goals, among many
Keeps drugs out of playgrounds and away
from children.
Safeguards the human dignity of women and
children trafficked into forced labor and
Most importantly, keeps funding out of the
hands of terrorists.
The Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering
Section (AFMLS) releases several publications,
including the monthly Asset Forfeiture Quick
Release (new forfeiture case law) and the bi-
monthly Asset Forfeiture News. This edition of
the United States Attorneys' Bulletin supplements
those publications and is intended to provide an
overview of the money laundering statutes and a
survey of some of the tools that can be used in
financial investigations. A future edition of the
Bulletin will focus on asset forfeiture and provide
a series of articles on that topic.
The articles in this edition of the Bulletin
cover several topics, including those listed below.
An overview of the statutes used to combat
money laundering, including the primary
money laundering statutes (18 U.S.C. §§ 1956
and 1957), the Bulk Cash Smuggling statute
(31 U.S.C. § 5332), and the Unlicensed
Money Remitting Statute (18 U.S.C. § 1960).
Money laundering trends and techniques.
Tools to use in financial investigations.
The use and disclosure of Suspicious Activity
Reports in investigations.
Criminal enforcement actions against banks
for the failure to file Suspicious Activity
Reports or to have effective Anti-Money
Laundering programs.
The AFMLS is committed to using the money
laundering statutes to the fullest extent possible
and stands ready to give whatever support and
advice is needed in prosecuting money laundering
and asset forfeiture cases.
Richard Weber has served as the Chief of the
Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section
since March 2005. Prior to that, he was an
Assistant United States Attorney in the Eastern
District of New York, serving as Deputy Chief of
the Civil Division and Chief of the Asset
Forfeiture Unit. Rich first joined the Department
under the Attorney General's Honor Program. His
expertise in asset forfeiture and money laundering
has developed from prosecuting over 100 complex
international and domestic money laundering and
asset forfeiture cases. Among many others, he
prosecuted U.S. v. Blarek/Pellecchia, 166 F.3d
1202 (2d Cir. 1998) (interior decorators were
convicted of laundering millions of dollars of drug
proceeds for the leader of the Cali cartel and
forfeited $7 million dollars); U.S. v. Jordan
Belfort and Daniel Porush, 98-cr-00859-JG (E.D.
N.Y. Oct. 14, 2003) (where an international
securities fraud money laundering investigation
resulted in the forfeiture of $15 million dollars);
and U.S. v. Palm View Corp, 99-cr-00702-ILG
(E.D. N.Y. July 21, 2000) (which involved
gambling proceeds and the forfeiture of $6 million
Suspicious Activity Reports Disclosure
and Protection
Lester Joseph
Principal Deputy Chief
Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering
Criminal Division
I. Introduction
Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) have
become one of law enforcement's most valuable
tools for detecting and investigating criminal
activity. Banks have been notifying law
enforcement of suspected criminal activity for
many years, either by submitting Criminal
Referral Forms or by checking the "suspicious"
box on the old Currency Transaction Reports
(CTRs). The modern SAR program came into
effect on April 1, 1996, when the Treasury
Department regulations requiring banks to file
SARs became effective. See 31 C.F.R. § 103.18.
Other types of financial institutions have
subsequently been required to file SARs as of the
dates shown in Figure 1. As of 2006, the financial
institutions shown in Figure 2 have filed more
than four million SARs.
The SAR system is designed to assist the law
enforcement community by requiring financial
institutions to report transactions that are
indicative of possible violations of law or
regulation. The required threshold for filing is
easily triggered, simply by suspicions, not proof,
of illegal activity. The information contained in
SARs constitutes raw allegations of the most
sensitive kind, precisely because the reported
"suspicions" are unsubstantiated and unproven.
Financial institutions file SARs with the
expectation that they will be accorded sensitive
treatment. Unnecessary disclosure of SARs could
frustrate that expectation and have a chilling
effect on both the quantity and the quality of
future SAR filings. Moreover, SARs may contain
information concerning the methods by which an
institution learned of or uncovered suspicious
activity, possibly allowing other potential
wrongdoers to take action to avoid those methods
of detection. Therefore, it is essential that law
enforcement agencies and prosecutors take
measures to ensure that the existence of a SAR or
its contents are not disclosed unless absolutely
necessary or required by law.
II. Protection and disclosure by
financial institutions
Financial institutions have a significant
interest in protecting SARs from disclosure.
Institutions are generally reluctant to publicize the
fact that they have filed SARs on their customers,
and certainly do not want their customers to know
that they have reported their activity to the
government. This reluctance is based upon both
business and safety concerns. Institutions know
that their customers would not be pleased to have
their suspicious transactions reported to the
government, and are also concerned about
retaliation from customers whose transactions
have been reported. This is especially true in
small communities where it would be obvious
which institution or employee filed the SAR.
However, to ensure that complicit or corrupt bank
officers do not tip off a customer concerning the
filing of a SAR, 31 U.S.C. § 5318(g) includes the
following provision.
(A) IN GENERAL.--If a financial institution
or any director, officer, employee, or agent of
any financial institution, voluntarily or
pursuant to this section or any other authority,
reports a suspicious transaction to a
government agency--
(i) the financial institution, director, officer,
employee, or agent may not notify any person
involved in the transaction that the transaction
has been reported....
The SAR statutory scheme also contains a
"safe harbor" provision that protects financial
institutions from civil liability resulting from the
reporting of suspicious transactions.
(A) IN GENERAL.--Any financial institution
that makes a voluntary disclosure of any
possible violation of law or regulation to a
government agency or makes a disclosure
pursuant to this subsection or any other
authority, and any director, officer, employee,
or agent of such institution who makes, or
requires another to make any such disclosure,
shall not be liable to any person under any law
or regulation of the United States, any
constitution, law, or regulation of any State or
political subdivision of any State, or under
any contract or other legally enforceable
agreement (including any arbitration
agreement), for such disclosure or for any
failure to provide notice of such disclosure to
the person who is the subject of such
disclosure or any other person identified in the
31 U.S.C. § 5318(g)(3).
The major issue that courts have disagreed on
is whether the safe harbor provision is an
unqualified privilege or whether there is a good
faith belief requirement in the language of the
statute. In Lopez v. First Union Nat'l Bank, 129
F.3d 1186 (11th Cir. 1997), an account holder
filed a lawsuit against the bank alleging inter alia
violations of the Right to Financial Privacy Act
after the bank notified law enforcement that there
were unusual movements of money in certain
accounts at the bank. The court dismissed the
complaint based on its conclusion that § 5318(g)
immunized the bank from liability. The Eleventh
Circuit reversed the dismissal, finding that "there
must be some good faith basis for believing [that]
there is a nexus between the suspicion of illegal
activity and the account or accounts from which
information was disclosed." Id. at 1195. The court
was concerned because the bank disclosed
information about 1,100 accounts based on
"unusual movements of money at the bank," but
may not have had a good faith basis for believing
that there was suspicious activity in each of the
1,100 accounts. Id.
The Second Circuit ruled differently two
years later in Lee v. Bankers Trust Co., 166 F.3d
540 (2d Cir. 1999), holding that there is no good
faith requirement in §5318(g). Lee, a former
managing director for Bankers Trust, brought an
action alleging that the bank defamed him through
its conduct in investigating wrongdoing with
respect to the transfer of unclaimed accounts and
through the alleged filing of a SAR after he was
asked to resign. In affirming the District Court's
granting of a motion to dismiss, the Second
Circuit stated, "The plain language of the safe
harbor provision describes an unqualified
privilege, never mentioning good faith or any
suggestive analogue thereof." Id. at 544. The court
also noted that a good faith requirement made no
sense because, if the bank sought summary
judgment, it would have to establish that the
statements in the SAR were made in good faith,
but it would be prohibited by law both from
disclosing the filing or the contents of a SAR.
Further, the court noted that an earlier draft of the
safe harbor provision included an explicit good
faith requirement, but that the requirement was
not included in the bill that was finally enacted.
Id. Note, however, that one state court has ruled
that a bank may lose its safe harbor protection if a
SAR is filed maliciously. See Bank of Eureka
Springs v. Evans, 109 S.W.3d 672 (Ark. 2003).
In addition to prohibiting institutions from
disclosing SARs to persons involved in a reported
transaction and protecting financial institutions
from civil liability resulting from filing SARs,
FinCEN has issued regulations to prevent SARs
from being disclosed during the course of
(e) Confidentiality of reports; limitation of
liability.... [A]ny person subpoenaed or
otherwise requested to disclose a SAR or the
information contained in a SAR, except where
such disclosure is requested by FinCEN or an
appropriate law enforcement or bank
supervisory agency, shall decline to produce
the SAR or to provide any information that
would disclose that a SAR has been prepared
or filed, citing this paragraph (e) and 31
U.S.C. 5318(g)(2), and shall notify FinCEN
of any such request and its response thereto.
31 C.F.R § 103.18(e). The Federal Reserve Board
(12 C.F.R. § 208.62(j) (2006)), the Office of
Thrift Supervision (12 C.F.R. § 563.180(d)(12)
(2005)), and the Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency (12 C.F.R. § 21.11(k)) have issued
essentially identical regulations that apply
specifically to the institutions under their
respective jurisdictions. SARs have been sought
by litigants in a variety of civil cases. In many of
these cases, the government has intervened or
filed briefs to prevent the disclosure of the SARs,
and courts have generally been very supportive of
the government's efforts to protect SARs from
Courts have noted that the disclosure of a
SAR could compromise an ongoing law
enforcement investigation, provide information to
a criminal wishing to evade detection, or reveal
the methods by which banks are able to detect
suspicious activity. See, e.g., Cotton v.
PrivateBank and Trust Co., 235 F. Supp. 2d 809,
815 (N.D. Ill. 2002); Youngblood v. Comm'r,
2000 WL 852449, *11-12 (C.D. Cal. Mar. 6,
2000). Courts have also observed that a bank may
be reluctant to prepare a SAR if it believed that its
cooperation may cause customers to retaliate. See,
e.g., Cotton, 235 F. Supp. 2d at 815. Courts have
also expressed concern that the disclosure of a
SAR could harm the privacy interests of innocent
people whose names may be mentioned. See, e.g.,
id.; Weil v. Long Island Sav. Bank, 195 F. Supp.
2d 383, 388 (E.D.N.Y.2001) ("the production of
SARs by a bank in response to a subpoena would
invariably increase the likelihood that the person
involved in the transaction would discover or be
notified that the SARs had been filed") (internal
citations and quotations omitted); Whitney Nat'l
Bank v. Karam, 306 F. Supp. 2d 678, 680-81
(S.D. Texas 2004).
For example, in Weil v. Long Island Sav.
Bank, 195 F. Supp. 2d 383 (E.D.N.Y. 2001),
borrowers sued the defendant bank in connection
with a purported illegal kickback scheme
involving the CEO. The plaintiffs moved to
compel production of any SAR regarding the
CEO that had been filed with the Office of Thrift
Supervision. The court held that 12 C.F.R.
§ 563.180(d)(12) "prohibit[ed] the disclosure of
SARs or their content, even in the context of
discovery in a civil lawsuit, and that the enabling
legislation... [was] specific enough to support that
purpose." The court further found that the statute
created an unqualified discovery and evidentiary
privilege that could not be waived by the
reporting financial institution. Id. at 389.
In Gregory v. Bank One, Indiana, N.A., 200 F.
Supp. 2d 1000 (S.D. Ind. 2002), a bank that was a
defendant in a civil lawsuit sought to disclose its
own filing of a SAR. The plaintiff was a bank
employee who asserted defamation and related
claims arising from accusations of theft. The bank
sought leave of court to submit, under seal for in
camera review, any information that it might have
reported pursuant to 31 U.S.C. § 5318(g)(2) in
support of an affirmative safe harbor immunity
defense. While the court initially granted the
request, upon reconsideration, it vacated its order
and returned the materials produced. The court
There is no provision in the Act or the Rule
allowing a court-order exception to the
unqualified privilege. [citation omitted] Thus,
the Court is not authorized to order or to
permit Bank One to make any disclosure,
sealed or unsealed, of any information which
is privileged under the Act or the Rule,
whether in the form of a copy of an SAR or
other report.... Quite the opposite: under the
clear, unambiguous terms of the Act and the
Rule, courts have an obligation to prevent
disclosures of privileged information.
Id. at 1003.
Although the regulations issued by the federal
regulators are broader in their prohibitions against
disclosure of the existence or the content of a
SAR than is the statute, the regulations have been
held to be consistent and in harmony with the
enabling statute. In Cotton v. PrivateBank & Trust
Co., 235 F. Supp. 2d 809 (N.D. Ill. 2002), during
the course of civil litigation concerning an estate,
PrivateBank sought the disclosure of certain
SARs from CIBC World Market Corp (CIBC).
PrivateBank argued that disclosure of the SARs
by CIBC would not violate the statutory scheme
because 31 U.S.C. § 5318(g) prohibits disclosure
of a SAR only to any person involved in the
transaction. PrivateBank contended that the
regulations are inconsistent with the statute and,
therefore, unenforceable. The court, citing
Gregory and Weil, disagreed, and held that the
regulations were consistent with the statute and
should be enforced. Id. at 815.
III. Disclosure of supporting documents
Courts have, however, made a distinction
between disclosure of SARs and disclosure of the
supporting documents underlying the SAR. Under
the regulations, the supporting documents
underlying the SAR are not to be filed with the
SAR, but are to be retained by the financial
institution and treated as if they were filed with
the SAR.
(d) Retention of records. A bank shall
maintain a copy of any SAR filed and the
original or business record equivalent of any
supporting documentation for a period of five
years from the date of filing the SAR.
Supporting documentation shall be identified,
and maintained by the bank as such, and shall
be deemed to have been filed with the SAR. A
bank shall make all supporting documentation
available to FinCEN and any appropriate law
enforcement agencies or bank supervisory
agencies upon request.
31 C.F.R. § 103.18(d).
The courts have generally held that the
prohibition against a bank's disclosure of the
existence or contents of a SAR does not apply to
disclosure of any supporting documents. See, e.g.,
Weil v. Long Island Sav. Bank, 195 F. Supp. 2d
383, 389 (E.D.N.Y. 2001). "Nothing in the Act or
regulations prohibits the disclosure of the
underlying factual documents which may cause a
bank to submit a SAR." Cotton, 235 F. Supp. 2d
at 814. Furthermore, those underlying documents
do not become confidential by reason of being
attached or described in a SAR. For example, if a
wire transfer of funds is described in a SAR as a
suspicious activity, the wire transfer transaction
remains subject to discovery. Therefore, the court
in Cotton held that "the better approach prohibits
disclosure of the SAR while making clear that the
underlying transaction such as wire transfers,
checks, deposits, etc., are disclosed as part of the
normal discovery process." Id.
The Cotton court, however, distinguished
between two types of supporting documents.
The first category represents the factual
documents which give rise to suspicious
conduct. These are to be produced in the
ordinary course of business because they are
business records made in the ordinary course
of business. The second category is
documents representing drafts of SARs or
other work product or privileged
communications that relate to the SAR itself.
These are not to be produced because they
would disclose whether a SAR has been
prepared or filed.
Id. at 815. In United States v. Holihan, 248 F.
Supp. 2d 179 (W.D.N.Y. 2003), the defendant
bank employee was charged with embezzlement.
As part of her defense, the defendant served a
subpoena on the bank for production of complete
personnel files of the bank's investigator and other
bank employees. The bank opposed the request of
personnel files insofar as it would require the
production of any SARs filed against any other
bank employee working at the branch during the
relevant time period. The court, citing Gregory
and Cotton, ordered the disclosure of any
supporting documents relating to a SAR in the
personnel file of any relevant bank employee at
the time of the embezzlement, provided that such
documentation did not disclose either the
existence or contents of a SAR. Id. at 187.
The case of Union Bank of California v.
Superior Court of Alameda County, 130 Cal. App.
4th 378 (2005), further opined on the term
"supporting documentation." Union Bank was
sued by several investors who lost money in a
Ponzi scheme. The fraud victims alleged that
Union Bank was complicit in the operation of the
scheme by allowing the perpetrators to set up a
sham trust account that was used to transfer
millions of dollars to offshore accounts. During
the course of the litigation, the victims sought
permission from the Office of the Comptroller of
the Currency (OCC) to allow Union Bank to
produce certain SARs it had filed during the
relevant time frame. The OCC denied this request.
During discovery, the victims learned that Union
Bank had in place certain internal procedures and
forms to identify, register, and describe what
might constitute suspicious activity, particularly
an internal form (Form 244) which is filled out by
bank personnel to report suspicious activity. The
victims requested the Forms 244 filed within the
bank. The trial court ordered production of all
such Forms 244, whereupon Union Bank filed a
petition seeking a writ of mandate with the
appellate court.
The California Appellate Court noted that "a
draft SAR or internal memorandum prepared as
part of a financial institution's process for
complying with federal reporting requirements is
generated for the specific purpose of fulfilling the
institution's reporting obligation." The court found
that "[t]hese types of documents fall within the
scope of the SAR privilege because they may
reveal the contents of a SAR and disclose whether
a SAR has been prepared or filed." (Citation
omitted). Unlike transactional documents, which
are evidence of suspicious conduct, draft SARs
and other internal memoranda or forms that are
part of the process of filing SARs are created to
report suspicious conduct. Id. at 391. This led the
court to find that the Forms 244 are privileged
documents that should not be disclosed.
A bank's internal procedures may include the
development and use of preliminary reports
subject to various quality control checks
before the bank prepares the final SAR that
will be filed. Revealing these preliminary
reports, the equivalent of draft SAR's would
disclose whether a SAR had been prepared.
Id. at 392. Accordingly, the court held that the
SAR privilege extends to documents prepared by
a bank "for the purpose of investigating or
drafting a possible SAR." Id. at 394.
IV. Disclosure by regulators
The Union Bank case referred to the fact that
the fraud victims initially sought permission from
the OCC to allow Union Bank to produce the
SARs. The OCC's regulations prohibit financial
institutions under its jurisdiction from disclosing
SARs, and require that persons seeking disclosure
of nonpublic documents, such as SARs, submit a
request to the Director of the OCC's Litigation
Division in Washington, D.C. See 12 C.F.R.
§ 4.34(a). The request must provide sufficient
detail to apprise the OCC of the nature of the
litigation, and the request must evidence that "the
information is relevant to the purpose for which it
is sought," that "other evidence reasonably suited
to the requestor's needs is not available from any
other source," and that "the need for the
information outweighs the public interest
considerations in maintaining the confidentiality
of the OCC information and outweighs the burden
on the OCC to produce the information." 12
C.F.R. § 4.33(a)(iii)(A)-(C). Finally, the OCC,
alone, has discretion to deny these requests "based
on its weighing of all appropriate factors
including the requestor's fulfilling of the
requirements enumerated in § 4.33." 12 C.F.R.
§ 4.35(a).
Litigants, in some cases, have alleged that the
OCC's denials of their requests for SAR
information were arbitrary and capricious because
they were not analyzed in conjunction with the
regulatory requirements outlined above. One such
complaint arose in the case of Wuliger v. Office of
the Comptroller of Currency, 394 F. Supp. 2d
1009 (N.D. Ohio 2005). In Wuliger, an escrow
agent used investors' money to fund several bank
and brokerage accounts. After the investors
suffered monetary losses, plaintiff was appointed
as Receiver. In conjunction with his role, plaintiff
submitted a request to the OCC for the release of
SARs, all supporting documentation, and all
correspondence, memos, or other documents
pertaining to the investment of these funds. The
OCC responded to the request by outlining the
public policy in favor of maintaining SAR
confidentiality, relying on the regulations
requiring confidentiality, and citing to cases
denying disclosure of SARs in the course of
discovery proceedings. The court ruled that the
OCC acted properly and that its decision could not
be deemed arbitrary or capricious, even though
the OCC did not conduct any analysis as to
whether the plaintiff satisfied the burden
established by its regulations. Id. at 1018.
The Eastern District of Louisiana, however,
reached a contrary result in the case of BizCapital
Bus. & Indus. Dev. Corp. v. OCC, 406 F. Supp.
2d 688 (E.D. La. 2005). BizCapital involved a
SAR disclosure request and OCC response that
were virtually identical to those analyzed in the
Wuliger case. When the OCC denied BizCapital's
request for disclosure, BizCapital filed suit in
federal district court, seeking review of the OCC's
final administrative decision. The district court
granted BizCapital's cross-motion for summary
judgment, rejecting the OCC's argument that it
was absolutely prohibited from revealing SARs to
third parties and determining that the OCC
improperly failed to weigh the factors outlined in
its own regulations prior to denying BizCapital's
request. Id. at 692-93. The court ordered the OCC
to submit any responsive SAR to the court for an
in camera review so that a determination could be
made regarding the appropriate extent of
disclosure. Id. at 697-98. The OCC appealed the
decision on the ground that the district court
should have remanded the case to the OCC for
further consideration, rather than ordering the
disclosure of the SAR. The Fifth Circuit agreed
and remanded the case to the district court.
BizCapital Bus. & Indus. Dev. Corp. v. OCC, 467
F.3d 871 (5th Cir. 2006). This case leaves open
the possibility that, at least in some cases, a civil
litigant may be able to obtain disclosure of a SAR
through a federal regulator during the course of
civil litigation.
V. Disclosure by the government
Section 5318(g)(2)(A)(ii) addresses the
disclosure of SARs by government employees.
(ii) no officer or employee of the Federal
Government or of any State, local, tribal or
territorial government within the
United States, who has any knowledge that
such report was made may disclose to any
person involved in the transaction that the
transaction has been reported, other than as
necessary to fulfill the official duties of such
officer or employee.
While this provision further expresses the notion
that SARs are confidential and should not be
disclosed without authority or good cause, it does
not begin to address the myriad of situations that
prosecutors and investigators encounter during the
course of a criminal investigation and prosecution.
On its face, the restriction is limited to disclosure
of the SAR or information related to the subject of
the SAR, and excludes situations that are
necessary to fulfill the employee's official duties.
This leaves open numerous questions, such as the
How should prosecutors deal with SARs
during the course of carrying out their
discovery obligations?
How can investigators and prosecutors use
SARs to support applications for search
warrants and seizure warrants?
How can investigators and prosecutors share
SARs with other agents during the course of
an investigation?
While there are no statutes or regulations that
directly address these questions, the short answer
is that every effort should be made by
investigators and prosecutors to protect SARs
from disclosure. As mentioned above, release of a
SAR may jeopardize an ongoing investigation,
alert criminals, disclose bank methods to detect
suspicious activity, or alienate customers. Cotton
v. PrivateBank and Trust Co., 235 F. Supp. 2d
809, 815 (N.D. Ill. 2002).
Financial institutions are prohibited from
disclosing SARs, and the financial regulators
rigorously seek to protect SARs from being
disclosed. It is only fairand consistent with the
spirit of the SAR program—that law enforcement
does everything within its power to protect SARs
from being disclosed. Therefore, the existence or
contents of a SAR should only be disclosed when
absolutely necessary, and only after there has been
discussion with supervisors in the U.S. Attorneys'
Offices or with the Criminal Division.
In 2003, the Department of Justice's
(Department) Criminal Division issued guidance
on the "Disclosure of Suspicious Activity
Reports." This guidance is reproduced in Figure 3.
The premise of the guidance is that "[l]aw
enforcement agencies and prosecutors should
consider SARs similar to confidential source
information that, when further investigated, may
produce evidence of criminal activity," and that,
"[c]onsistent with the treatment accorded
confidential source information, the existence of
SARs... should not normally be disclosed to
persons outside of the law enforcement
community." The guidance also notes the
distinction between SARs and the records
underlying the SAR, and states, "[b]ecause the
underlying documents prove the transaction, and
the SAR does not, it should rarely be necessary to
use a SAR in the prosecution's case."
In accordance with this premise, these general
guidelines should be followed.
SARs should not be referenced in affidavits
for search warrants, Title IIIs, or seizure
warrants. The underlying bank records should
be sufficient to establish the basis for the
search, seizure, or electronic surveillance.
SARs should not be referenced in motions or
responses to motions.
SARs should not be referenced in indictments,
informations, or any other charging
SARs should not be shown to subjects or
witnesses during the course of interrogations.
SARs should not be referenced in press
There are certain situations where a
prosecutor may have an obligation to disclose a
SAR, or more likely, information included within
a SAR, such as the following.
[The SAR] contains exculpatory or potential
impeachment information that a prosecutor is
constitutionally obligated to disclose.
[The SAR] is a document, or contains
information, required to be disclosed under
Rule 16 of the Federal Rules of Criminal
Procedure or under the Jencks Act, 18 U.S.C.
§ 3500.
However, even in these situations, it should
not be necessary to disclose the SAR, itself. The
SAR is not the critical information. It is the
information in the SAR that is relevant. Thus, if a
SAR contains potential exculpatory information,
the relevant information can, for example, be
provided to defense counsel in a letter. In any
case, prosecutors should not disclose a SAR,
either in its entirety or in redacted form, before
consulting with their supervisors, the Criminal
Division, and FinCEN's Office of General
Counsel. The disclosure of a SAR in any
particular case can have consequences beyond the
scope of that case.
VI. Sharing of SARs with other
government personnel
The Department encourages the development
of interagency SAR teams to review SARs and
coordinate resulting investigations. There are
restrictions, however, on the sharing of SARs and
SAR information among law enforcement
personnel, pursuant to applicable law and policy,
aimed at protecting the integrity of these sensitive
reports. There are significant privacy issues that
arise from the use and disclosure of SARs.
FinCEN, in its role as the administrator of the
Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), is the central point of
dissemination of BSA information. In this role,
FinCEN is responsible for ensuring that SARs are
used appropriately and in a manner designed to
respect the significant privacy interests that are at
stake. In furtherance of this mission, in June 2004,
FinCEN issued "Re-Dissemination Guidelines for
Bank Secrecy Act Information" which established
the procedures for the re-dissemination of BSA
information by appropriate users of the data.
These Re-Dissemination Guidelines were revised
and reissued in December 2006.
The December 2006 Re-Dissemination
Guidelines state that, subject to certain conditions,
a federal, state, or local government agency may
re-disseminate BSA information to another
government agency in the following situations,
without obtaining the approval of FinCEN.
In support of a financial institution examination,
law enforcement investigation, or prosecution.
• In the conduct of intelligence or
counterintelligence activities, including analysis,
to protect against international terrorism.
The conditions to this rule, in part, include the
The disclosing federal, state, or local
government agency must obtain a written
acknowledgment of the receiving agency,
reflecting its understanding that further
dissemination of the BSA information is
prohibited without the prior approval of
The disclosing federal, state, or local
government agency must ensure that each
item of BSA information shared contains a
specific warning statement which states that
the information cannot be further released
without prior approval from FinCEN.
The disclosing federal, state, or local
government agency must keep a record of
each disclosure of BSA information.
The December 2006 Re-Dissemination
Guidelines further state that BSA information can
be re-disseminated, without first obtaining the
approval of FinCEN, in the following specific
In limited circumstances, a federal prosecutor
may disclose BSA information in the course
of a judicial proceeding without first
obtaining the approval of FinCEN. (See the
discussion of the Department SAR Guidance,
The federal bank supervisory agencies each
have concurrent authority to re-disseminate a
SAR that is filed with FinCEN by a bank or a
banking organization.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement have
concurrent authority to re-disseminate a
Currency and Monetary Instrument Report.
As the above is a brief synthesis of the Re-
Dissemination Guidelines, it is imperative that the
guidelines be reviewed prior to the sharing of any
BSA information among law enforcement
personnel. It is important that prosecutors and law
enforcement agents be familiar with, and
understand, these guidelines. The SAR Re-
Dissemination Guidelines are available from
FinCEN, or from the Asset Forfeiture and Money
Laundering Section, or the Fraud Section, of the
Criminal Division.
VII. Conclusion
SARs are one of the most valuable tools to
proactive law enforcement. They allow the
government to identify targets, trends, and related
criminal schemes. They allow law enforcement
agencies to coordinate and prioritize
investigations, thereby allowing the government
to use its limited resources more efficiently. In
addition, they provide a partnership between law
enforcement and the financial services industry.
In order to foster and develop this partnership,
prosecutors and investigators must safeguard
these sensitive tools and protect them from
disclosure. Financial institutions also value
feedback from law enforcement on the utility of
the SARs they file. Financial institutions spend a
considerable amount of resources on systems to
identify and report suspicious activity. They are
obligated to do this under the law, but most
institutions are eager to support law enforcement's
efforts in fighting crime. When they provide
substantial assistance, their efforts should be
recognized. Prosecutors and agents are
encouraged to reach out to the financial
community to explain the government's mission,
discuss recent law enforcement trends and cases,
and encourage the efforts of the financial
community in fighting crime and terrorism.
Lester M. Joseph is the Principal Deputy Chief
in the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering
Section (AFMLS). He has been a Deputy Chief
since the Money Laundering Section was created
in 1991. He became Principal Deputy Chief in
January 2002. Mr. Joseph joined the Department
in 1984 as a Trial Attorney in the Organized
Crime and Racketeering Section. From 1981 to
1984, he was an Assistant State's Attorney in
Cook County (Chicago), Illinois.a
Type of Financial Institution Date of SAR Requirement 31 C.F.R. Cite
Banks April 1, 1996 103.18
Money Service Business January 1, 2002 103.20
Broker-Dealers December 30, 2002 103.19
Casinos March 25, 2003 103.21
Futures Commission
May 18, 2004 103.17
Insurance Companies May 3, 2006 103.16
Mutual Funds Nov. 1, 2006 103.15
Figure 1
Number of Suspicious Activity Report Filings by Year
Form 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
62,388 81,197 96,521 120,505 162,720 203,538 273,823 288,343 381,671 522,655 567,080
Money Services
- - - - - - 5,723 209,512 296,284 383,567 496,400
Casinos and Card
85 45 557 436 464 1,377 1,827 5,095 5,754 6,072 7,285
Securities &
Futures Industries
- - - - - - - 4,267 5,705 6,936 8,129
62,473 81,242 97,078 120,941 163,184 204,915 281,373 507,217 689,414 919,230 1,078,894
Total 4,205,961
Figure 2
12 United States Attorneys' Bulletin
Disclosure of Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)
From: Joshua R. Hochberg
Chief, Fraud Section
Criminal Division
U.S. Department of Justice
July 8, 2003
Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) provide valuable information that can accelerate the
investigation and development of cases for prosecution and provide significant leads for
investigations and intelligence. The routine or unnecessary disclosure of SARs or even of
their existence undermines the confidentiality surrounding their filing.
Certain financial institutions operating in the United States are required to file reports of known
or suspected criminal conduct that takes place at or was perpetrated against the financial
institutions. These reports, known as Suspicious Activity Reports or SARs, are filed with the
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the United States Department of
the Treasury. SARs are made available to the law enforcement community for use in
investigations, prosecutions and related law enforcement activities.
The SAR system was designed to assist the law enforcement community by requiring financial
institutions to report transactions that are indicative of possible criminal activity. The required
threshold for filing is easily triggered, simply by suspicion, not proof, of criminal activity. The
information contained in SARs constitutes raw allegations of the most sensitive kind, precisely
because the reported suspicions are unsubstantiated and unproved.
Because financial institutions file SARs with the expectation that they will be accorded sensitive
treatment, unnecessary disclosure of SARs could frustrate that expectation and have a chilling
effect on both the quantity and the quality of future SAR filings. Moreover, SARs may contain
information concerning the methods by which an institution learned of or uncovered suspicious
activity, possibly allowing other potential wrongdoers to take action to avoid those methods of
detection. Law enforcement agencies and prosecutors should consider SARs similar to
confidential source information that, when further investigated, may produce evidence of
criminal activity.
Consistent with the treatment accorded confidential source information, the existence of SARs
relating to conduct being investigated, as well as the content of SARs, should not normally be
disclosed to persons outside the law enforcement community. Disclosure of a SAR should be
distinguished from disclosure of the records constituting the transactions discussed in a SAR,
such as a wire transfer record, which can be treated as an ordinary piece of evidence. Because
the underlying documents prove the transaction, and the SAR does not, it should rarely be
necessary to use a SAR in the prosecution's case.
Figure 3
Special Note—Disclosure of SARs and SAR Information to Subjects
Given the nature of the information contained in SARs and the purposes for which such
information is collected, there are strict statutory restrictions governing disclosures of SARs, or
the fact that SARs have been filed, when these disclosures are made to persons involved in the
reported transactions. These provisions recognize that there will be instances in which the
disclosure of SARs or their contents is unavoidable due to constitutional or statutory discovery
obligations placed on prosecutors.
As amended by the USA PATRIOT ACT (Pub. L. 107-56), 31 U.S.C. 53 18(g) states in relevant
(A) IN GENERAL --If a financial institution or any director, officer, employee, or agent of
any financial institution, voluntarily or pursuant to this section or any other authority, reports
a suspicious transaction to a government agency
(i) the financial institution, director, officer, employee, or agent may not notify any person
involved in the transaction that the transaction has been reported; and
(ii) no officer or employee of the Federal Government or of any State, local, tribal, or
territorial government within the United States, who has any knowledge that such report was
made may disclose to any person involved in the transaction that the transaction has been
reported, other than as necessary to fulfill the official duties of such officer or employee.
Under 31 U.S.C. 53l8(g)(2), no government official may disclose a SAR to a person involved in
the transaction "other than as necessary to fulfill the official duties of such officer or employee."
For example. it may be necessary for a prosecutor to disclose a SAR in situations in which the
contains exculpatory or potential impeachment information that a prosecutor is
constitutionally obligated to disclose; or
is a document or contains information required to be disclosed under Fed. R. Crim. P. 16
or the Jencks Act, 18 U.S.C. 3500.
In these and other instances in which a prosecutor believes that disclosure of a SAR to the
defense may be compelled by constitutional, statutory or regulatory authority, the prosecutor
should consult with supervisory personnel in the office to consider whether the SAR or the
material included within the report must be disclosed to the defense, or whether it may be
withheld, redacted, limited by protective order or otherwise protected from disclosure.
Attorneys in the Criminal Division's Fraud Section, John Arterberry, Barry Goldman and Jack
Patrick (202-514-0890), and Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, Lester Joseph
(202-616-0593), are available for consultation on SAR disclosure issues. Because disclosure of a
SAR may affect other investigations or cases and because FinCEN is charged with responsibility
for enforcing the SAR laws and regulations, FinCEN's Office of Chief Counsel, 703-905-3590,
should be given notice if an office decides to disclose a SAR.
Figure 3 Cont'd
Money Laundering Trends
Emery Kobor
Policy Advisor
Office of Terrorist Financing and Financial
Department of the Treasury
I. Introduction
Combating money laundering is a massive
and evolving challenge which requires a clear and
thorough understanding of the various trends and
techniques being used by criminals to launder
their illicit funds. These trends range from well-
established techniques for integrating dirty money
into the financial system to modern innovations
that exploit global payment networks, as well as
the Internet. New and innovative methods for
electronic cross-border funds transfer are
emerging globally. These new payment tools
include extensions of established payment
systems, and new payment methods that are
substantially different from traditional
transactions. New payment methods raise
concerns about money laundering and terrorist
financing because criminals can adjust quickly to
exploit new opportunities that often allow
anonymous high value transactions with little or
no paper trail or legal accountability. This article
is a digest of thirteen different methodologies
which were identified in the 2005 Money
Laundering Threat Assessment as being used by
criminals to launder money in the United States,
available at
II. Banks and other depository financial
In the United States, only banks and other
depository financial institutions are allowed to
hold financial deposits and provide direct access
to those deposits through the use of paper checks
and various bank-to-bank electronic payment
networks. Although Money Services Businesses
(MSBs) offer an alternative to banks for many
financial services, they have to use a depository
financial institution to hold their deposits, clear
checks, and settle transactions.
Once illicit funds are in a bank, the money
can be transferred quickly from account to
account, leading to a tangled web of transactions
that make it difficult to trace the path or identify
the ultimate owner of the money. Criminals open
both consumer and business accounts to move
illicit cash into the banking system. One technique
to avoid a Currency Transaction Report (CTR)
being filed is to use "smurfs,"—students,
travelers, or other accomplices—to open accounts
in a number of banks, then "structure" cash
deposits into the accounts by keeping each deposit
below the $10,000 CTR threshold. The money
launderer will periodically draw down the
accounts, transferring funds to other accounts or
money laundering vehicles, domestically and
Bank accounts opened in the name of a
business or other legal entity can be useful to
disguise the beneficial owner of the account and
the true nature of the funds that move through the
account. Retail businesses that ring up cash
transactions and make nightly deposits can be
used as a front to disguise illicit cash added to the
day's deposit. Bank accounts held by shell
companies and trusts often do not require the
disclosure of beneficial ownership and can mask
illicit money movement as trade or investment
III. Correspondent banking
Despite rapid developments in banking
technology, domestic bank payment networks
around the world generally do not connect with
one another. To move money across borders, a
U.S. bank often has to hold an account with a
bank overseas, a relationship known as
correspondent banking. When a U.S. bank
customer wants to send a cross-border wire
transfer, the bank transfers funds from the
correspondent account it holds in the recipient
Correspondent accounts and "payable
through" accounts create opportunities to use a
U.S. or foreign bank without the bank always
knowing the true payment originator. A "payable
through" account at a U.S. bank involves a foreign
bank holding a checking account at the U.S.
institution. The foreign bank can issue checks to
its customers, allowing them to make payments
from the U.S. account. A variation on the
"payable through" account is "nesting," in which
foreign banks open correspondent accounts at
U.S. banks, but then solicit other foreign banks to
use the account. This results in an exponential
increase in the number of individuals with access
to a single account at a U.S. banking institution.
As cross-border wire transfers come under
increased scrutiny and regulation, criminals are
using paper checks, money orders, and cashier's
checks, as an effective alternative. These more
traditional payment instruments take longer to
clear when traveling outside the United States, but
often receive less scrutiny.
Money launderers can transfer large dollar
amounts by writing a number of checks or buying
a number of money orders at various U.S.
locations, with each payment below the CTR
reporting threshold. The dollar-denominated
payments are mailed or transported to
accomplices overseas who deposit the checks and
money orders in foreign bank accounts. Because
these are dollar-denominated payments, the
foreign banks that receive them have to send them
back to the United States for deposit in their U.S.
correspondent accounts. Some banks handle as
many as five to seven million checks a day.
Processing is done as efficiently as possible,
making it difficult to aggregate related payments
or scrutinize individual payments for evidence of
money laundering.
IV. Money services businesses
MSBs provide an alternative to the banking
system, offering a full range of financial products
and services without the same level of regulation
and supervision imposed on banks and other
depository financial institutions. Under the Bank
Secrecy Act (BSA), 12 U.S.C. §§ 1251-1259,
MSBs include the following.
Currency exchangers.
Check cashers.
Issuers of traveler's checks, money orders, or
stored value.
Sellers or redeemers of traveler's checks,
money orders, or stored value.
Money transmitters.
Unlike banks, which are obligated to verify
customer identification at account opening, MSBs
do not hold customer accounts and are currently
obligated, under federal law, to verify and record
customer identification only when selling $3,000
or more of money orders or travelers' checks, or
conducting a money transfer of $3,000 or more.
Most MSBs are required to report suspicious
activity, however, excluded from that requirement
are check cashers and sellers and redeemers of
stored value.
Many MSBs, including the vast majority of
money transmitters in the United States, operate
through a system of agents. Agents are not
required to register with the Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network (FinCEN), but are required
to establish anti-money laundering (AML)
programs and to comply with certain record
keeping and reporting requirements.
A. Currency exchangers
Currency exchangers, also referred to as
currency dealers, money exchangers, casas de
cambio, and bureaux de changes, exchange bank
notes of one country for that of another. Less than
ten states currently regulate this activity, which
makes it the least regulated MSB category.
Casas de cambio are currency exchange
houses specializing in Latin American currencies.
In the United States, more than 1,000 casas de
cambio are located along the border from
California to Texas. Some casas de cambio exist
primarily for money laundering. They take in
illicit cash from many clients and then deposit the
money under the name of the exchange house.
Seized documents in raids conducted by the
Venezuelan Guardia Nacional in the state of
Tachiria revealed that a number of casas de
cambio were laundering drug proceeds from the
United States and routing them through Venezuela
to Colombia to avoid the relatively high tariff on
U.S. currency in Colombia. Many of the casas de
cambio involved in the money laundering process
have access to U.S. dollar checking accounts
through correspondent accounts held by major
banks in Venezuela.
B. Check cashers
Money launderers use check-cashing
businesses to cash checks that were written to
small businesses, but which the launderer
purchased with illicit cash. Small businesses
benefit by receiving immediate cash, avoiding
fees, passing on the risk of bad checks, and
potentially evading income taxes. Money
launderers sometimes purchase check-cashing
businesses outright so that checks can be
deposited directly into the launderer's bank
account. The lack of record keeping or suspicious
activity report (SAR) filing requirements may
hinder law enforcement attempts to trace illicit
proceeds through this channel.
C. Money orders
Money orders are attractive to money
launderers because they can be issued in large
dollar denominations, are less bulky than cash,
and are issued anonymously for amounts under
$3,000. A common money laundering technique is
to structure multiple money order purchases just
under the $3,000 customer-identification
threshold. It is estimated that more than 830
million money orders, worth more than $100
billion, are issued annually, with 80% issued by
the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), Western Union,
and MoneyGram International. The remainder are
issued by small regional companies.
Money order issuers, other than USPS, rely
largely on licensed agents, rather than employees.
While the parent firm is responsible for activity
across their agent network, it is not required to
review individual SARs, and some firms
specifically discourage their agents from
submitting SARs to the parent firm. Western
Union and MoneyGram agents issue more than 50
percent of all money orders in the United States,
yet filed only 1 percent of the SARs from October
1, 2002 through December 31, 2004 that involved
money orders and money laundering. During the
same period USPS, which issues approximately
one-quarter of all money orders in the
United States, filed 93 percent of the SARs related
to money laundering via money orders.
D. Stored value
Stored value, or prepaid cards, operate within
either an "open" or "closed" system. Open system
cards can be used to make purchases from
merchants or to get cash at ATMs that connect to
the global payment networks, specifically those
operated by Visa and MasterCard. Open system
card programs, although issued through banks and
other depository institutions, generally do not
require a bank account or face-to-face verification
of the cardholder's identity. Funds can be prepaid
by one person, with someone else in another
country accessing the cash via ATM. Open system
prepaid cards typically can have additional funds
added on an ongoing basis. There are no
regulatory guidelines that address customer
identification, record keeping, or reporting
requirements, regarding open system prepaid card
Closed system cards can only be used to buy
goods or services from the merchant or service
provider issuing the card. Examples of closed
system cards include store-specific retail gift cards
and mass transit system cards. These cards may be
limited to the initial value posted to the card or
may allow the card holder to add value.
The target markets for prepaid cards include
teenagers, people without bank accounts, adults
unable to qualify for a credit card, and immigrants
sending cash to family outside the United States.
Depending on the safeguards employed by the
card-issuing bank and its support network, open
system prepaid cards may provide an anonymous
way to store, transport, and access, illicit cash
globally. Closed system cards, primarily store gift
cards, present more limited opportunities and a
correspondingly lower risk as a means to move
monetary value out of the country. Nevertheless,
federal law enforcement agencies report both
categories of stored value cards are used as
alternatives to smuggling physical cash.
E. Money transmitters
The volume and accessibility of money
transmitters makes them attractive vehicles to
money launderers. Western Union runs the largest
nonbank money transmitter network, with more
than 245,000 agent locations in 195 countries and
Money transmitters are obligated to verify and
record customer identification only when sending
a wire of more than $3,000. To evade that
threshold, customers can divide up their funds
transfers among several wires and several
different money transmitters.
Online payment services, including dealers in
digital precious metals, are another option for
cross-border funds transfers. These intermediaries
operate via the Internet and facilitate funds
transfers for individuals and businesses by using a
variety of payment methods. The forms of
payment a service provider accepts and uses to
pay out to recipients varies by service provider.
Those willing to accept and pay out using
anonymous forms of payment (cash, money
orders, nonbank wires, and some prepaid cards)
create a potential money laundering threat.
U.S. citizens can access payment services
online that are based outside of the United States
and transfer funds either electronically or by mail.
Some online payment services exist to facilitate
transactions for online gambling and adult content
that U.S.-based money transmitters typically will
not service. Online payment services that offer
immediate final settlement with no recourse are
often used for illegal transactions and are popular
with fraudulent investment schemes.
V. Casinos
As high-volume cash businesses, casinos are
susceptible to money laundering, as well as many
other financial crimes, and were the first nonbank
financial institutions required to develop AML
compliance programs. In addition to gaming,
casinos offer a variety of financial services
including credit, funds transfers, check cashing,
and currency exchange.
Tribal casinos are moving rapidly from
relative obscurity within the U.S. casino industry
to a position of prominence. Collectively, tribal
casinos took in $18.5 billion in revenue in
2004—twice the amount generated by Nevada
casinos. There are 567 federally recognized
American Indian tribes (half are in Alaska), with
gaming facilities in twenty-eight states.
Money laundering schemes involving casinos
usually start with the purchase of casino chips
using illicit cash. The chips then can be used in
the following ways.
Cashed in for a casino check or wire transfer
for deposit into a bank account.
Used as a form of currency for goods and
services, particularly illegal narcotics, so that
others ultimately cash in the chips.
Used for gambling in the hope of generating
certifiable winnings.
While criminals will structure transactions at
banks and MSBs to avoid transaction records or
reports that draw attention to them, they use
casinos for the opposite purpose. Having a CTR
filed on a casino payout has the effect of making
the money appear legitimate. Criminals also use
casinos to launder counterfeit money, as well as
large currency notes that would be conspicuous
and difficult to use elsewhere, and which may be
marked by undercover law enforcement officers.
VI. Bulk cash smuggling
Increasingly effective AML policies and
procedures at U.S. financial institutions may be
responsible for money launderers moving illicit
cash out of the country to jurisdictions with lax or
complicit financial institutions, or to fund criminal
enterprises. Smugglers conceal cash in aircraft,
boats, vehicles, commercial shipments, express
packages, on their person, and in their luggage.
Cash associated with illicit narcotics typically
flows out of the United States across the
southwest border into Mexico, retracing the route
that illegal drugs follow when entering the
United States. The cash may stay in Mexico,
continue on to a number of other countries, or
head back into the United States as a deposit by a
bank or casa de cambio. Illicit funds leaving the
United States also flow into Canada, which also is
a source of illegal narcotics.
Cash can be smuggled out of the
United States through the 317 official land, sea,
and air ports of entry, and any number of
unofficial routes along the Canadian and Mexican
borders. The United States shares a 3,987 mile
border with Canada and a 1,933 mile border with
Mexico. In addition to individuals carrying cash
over the border, or hiding it in vehicles, it can be
hidden in any of the thousands of shipping
containers involved in commercial trade with the
top two U.S. trading partners (Mexico and
The extent to which cash smuggled out of the
United States is derived from criminal activity
other than the sale of illegal drugs is not known.
Other cash-intensive sources of illicit income
include alien smuggling, bribery, contraband
smuggling, extortion, fraud, illegal gambling,
kidnapping, prostitution, and tax evasion.
VII. Shell companies and trusts
The United Nations noted, in a 1998 report,
that "the principal forms of abuse of secrecy have
shifted from individual bank accounts to corporate
bank accounts and then to trust and other
corporate forms…." OFFICE FOR DRUG CONTROL
MONEY LAUNDERING 57 (1998). Legal entities,
such as shell companies and trusts, can use bearer
shares and nominee shareholders and directors to
hide ownership and mask financial transactions.
Legal jurisdictions, whether states within the
United States or entities elsewhere, that offer strict
secrecy laws, lax regulatory and supervisory
regimes, and corporate registries that safeguard
anonymity, are obvious targets for money
launderers. A handful of U.S. states offer
company registrations with secrecy
features—such as minimal information
requirements and limited oversight—that rival
those offered by offshore financial centers.
Delaware, Nevada, and Wyoming, are often cited
as the most accommodating jurisdictions in the
United States for the organization of these legal
Intermediaries, called nominee incorporation
services, establish U.S. shell companies and bank
accounts on behalf of foreign clients. By hiring a
firm to serve as an intermediary, the true owners
of a shell company, or other legal entity, may
avoid disclosing their identities in state corporate
filings and in the documentation used to open
corporate bank accounts.
Several options are available in the formation
of legal entities that allow beneficial owners even
greater anonymity. Bearer shares are negotiable
instruments that accord ownership of a company
to the person who possesses the share certificate.
Bearer share certificates do not contain the name
of the shareholder and are not registered, with the
possible exception of their serial numbers.
Accordingly, these shares provide for a high level
of anonymity and are easily negotiable.
Nominee shareholders can be used in
privately-held companies as stand-ins to shield
beneficial ownership information. Where nominee
shareholders are allowed, the usefulness of the
shareholder register is undermined because the
shareholder of record may not be the ultimate
beneficial owner. Similarly, nominee directors
and companies serving as directors of a legal
entity may conceal who really controls the
Trusts separate legal ownership from
beneficial ownership and are useful when assets
are given to minors or individuals who are
incapacitated. The trust creator transfers legal
ownership of the assets to a trustee, which can be
an individual or a corporation. The trustee
manages the assets on behalf of the beneficiary,
based on the terms of the trust deed. Although
trusts have many legitimate applications, they can
also be misused. Trusts enjoy a greater degree of
privacy and autonomy than other corporate
vehicles, as virtually all jurisdictions recognizing
trusts do not require registration or central
registries and there are few authorities charged
with overseeing trusts. In most jurisdictions, no
disclosure of the identity of the beneficiary or the
creator of the trust is made to authorities.
VIII. Trade-based money laundering
Money launderers use fraudulent foreign trade
transactions as a way to provide cover for, and
legitimize, funds transfers using illicit proceeds.
Trade-based money laundering encompasses a
variety of schemes that involve over- and under-
invoicing, double invoicing, and misclassification
of the goods shipped.
The most common method of trade-based
money laundering in the Western Hemisphere is
the Black Market Peso Exchange (BMPE), which
is responsible for moving an estimated $5 billion
worth of drug proceeds per year from the
United States to Colombia. The scheme allows
drug traffickers to exchange their illicit dollars in
the United States for clean pesos in Colombia,
without physically moving funds from one
country to the other. See David Marshall Nissman,
The Columbia Black Market Peso Exchange,
1999, at 31.
Money brokers act as intermediaries between
the drug traffickers in the United States who hold
dollars, but want pesos, and Colombian
businessmen who hold pesos, but want dollars to
purchase goods for import. The money brokers
buy the illicit dollars in the United States and
enlist smurfs to buy money orders or deposit the
cash in U.S. bank accounts. The money is then
used to purchase U.S. products which are
exported to Colombia and elsewhere. The
Colombian importers complete the money
laundering cycle by paying the money broker for
the U.S. merchandise with pesos, which are
transferred to the drug dealers.
Access to U.S. dollars is regulated by the
Colombian government. Before pesos can be
exchanged for dollars, the importer has to
demonstrate that government import permits have
been obtained, thereby insuring that the applicable
Colombian duties and taxes will be collected.
Colombian businesses bypass the government
levies by dealing with BMPE brokers. See Figure
1, page 20.
A similar scheme to evade Colombian taxes
involves reintegro, which means "reintegrate
papers." When goods are exported from
Colombia, the shipper must obtain official
documents that clear the goods for export and
allow payment to be received into the shipper's
bank account. After the initial use of the export
documents, these papers are often sold for others
to use, creating an opportunity to repatriate drug
proceeds disguised as payments for exports.
In addition to the import and export of
conventional goods, precious gems and metals can
be used as an alternative to cash to transfer value
across borders. Like gold and other precious
metals, diamonds are attractive to money
launderers because they are easily concealed and
transported, and because they are mined in remote
areas of the world and are virtually untraceable to
their original source. Even when diamonds are
transported openly, it is relatively easy to mislabel
their value for money laundering purposes.
IX. Life insurance and investments
Life, health, and accident insurance, generate
more than half a trillion dollars in premiums and
contract revenue annually for U.S. insurers. Much
of this revenue stream actually comes from the
sale of annuities, contracts that guarantee a fixed
or variable payment over a given period of time.
While whole and term life insurance policies
remain an important part of the business,
insurance agents and brokers are now often
investment advisers selling a variety of financial
products. The expansion from insurance policies
to investment products has substantially increased
the money laundering threat posed by the
insurance industry.
Life insurance policies that can be cashed in
are an inviting money laundering vehicle because
criminals are able to put "dirty" money in and take
"clean" money out in the form of an insurance
company check. An alternative money laundering
vehicle is to purchase life insurance with illegal
proceeds and then borrow against the policy.
Similarly, annuity contracts allow a money
launderer to exchange illicit funds for an
immediate or deferred "clean" income stream.
These vulnerabilities generally do not exist in
products offered by property and casualty
insurers, or by title or health insurers.
Money launderers exploit the fact that
insurance products are often sold by independent
brokers and agents who do not work directly for
the insurance companies. These intermediaries
may have little know-how or incentive to screen
clients or question payment methods. In some
cases, agents take advantage of their intermediary
status to collude with criminals against insurers to
perpetrate fraud or facilitate money laundering.
X. Conclusion
The United States has a robust and aggressive
AML program. As it becomes more difficult to
move illicit funds using a particular money
laundering method, there is a clear migration to
other channels. The Financial Action Task Force
recognized the effectiveness of the United States.
AML enforcement regime in its Report on the
Third Mutual Evaluation of the United States,
adopted in June 2006, available at
6.pdf. The Report's summary states: "The U.S.
Authorities are committed to identifying,
disrupting, and dismantling money laundering and
terrorist financing networks. They seek to combat
money laundering and terrorist financing on all
fronts, including by aggressively pursuing
financial investigations. These efforts have
produced impressive results in terms of
prosecutions, convictions, seizures, asset freezing,
confiscation and regulatory enforcement
Emery Kobor advises Treasury policymakers
on a range of issues, but focuses primarily on
identifying emerging money laundering and
terrorist financing threats associated with global
payment and communications networks. Emery
chaired the intergovernmental working group that
produced the 2007 National Money Laundering
Strategy and was the principal author of the first
U.S. Money Laundering Threat Assessment,
published in 2005. He served as co-chair of the
international Financial Action Task Force
working group that produced the Report on New
Payment Methods, published in October 2006.
Prior to joining the Department of the Treasury in
2004, Emery worked as a consultant, advising
corporate treasurers on payment and risk
management strategies and was a senior research
analyst for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago's
Payments Studies Group.a
Figure 1
The Money Laundering Statutes (18
U.S.C. §§ 1956 and 1957)
Stefan D. Cassella
Deputy Chief for Legal Policy
Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering
Criminal Division
I. Introduction
The principal money laundering statutes are
18 U.S.C. §§ 1956 and 1957. Section 1956
consists of three provisions dealing with domestic
money laundering, international money
laundering, and undercover "sting" cases,
respectively. See 18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(1), (a)(2),
and (a)(3). Section 1957 makes it an offense
simply to conduct any monetary transaction in
criminal proceeds involving more than $10,000.
This article will focus first on the elements of the
domestic money laundering statute, § 1956(a)(1),
and then will point out the similarities and
differences between this statute and the other
II. Section 1956(a)(1)
A domestic money laundering offense under
Section 1956(a)(1) is committed if the defendant:
Knowing that certain property represents the
proceeds of some form of unlawful activity;
Intending to
a. promote the carrying on of the specified
unlawful activity, or
b. engage in conduct that violates 26
U.S.C. §§7201 or 7206, or
c. conceal or disguise the nature, location,
source, ownership, or control of the
proceeds of the specified unlawful
activity, or
d. avoid a transaction reporting
Uses the property, which is in fact the
proceeds of a specified unlawful activity
To conduct or attempt to conduct a financial
transaction affecting interstate commerce.
The actus reus of the crime is the financial
transaction. The remaining elements are mental
states (knowledge and intent) or factual predicates
(the property must be SUA proceeds; the
transaction must affect interstate commerce) that
must be present at the time of the financial
transaction. Thus, in any money laundering case,
it is best for the prosecutor to focus first on which
financial transaction will serve as the basis for the
money laundering. See Figure 1, page 32.
A. Financial transaction
The terms "transaction" and "financial
transaction" are defined in § 1956(c)(3) and (4). In
short, virtually anything that can be done with
money is a financial transactionwhether it
involves a financial institution, another kind of
business, or even private individuals. Thus, the
simple transfer of cash from one person to another
may constitute a money laundering offense. See
United States v. Otis, 127 F.3d 829 (9th Cir. 1997)
(drug dealer's delivery of cash to a money
launderer is a financial transaction). Other
examples abound in the case law. See
United States v. Herron, 97 F.3d 234, 237 (8th
Cir. 1996) (wire transfer through Western Union
is a financial transaction); United States v.
Rounsavall, 115 F.3d 561 (8th Cir. 1997) (writing
check to purchase cashier's checks is financial
transaction); United States v. Brown, 31 F.3d 484,
489 n.4 (7th Cir. 1994) (processing credit card
charges involves "payment, transfer, or delivery
by, through, or to a financial institution").
Note that the transaction does not need to
involve money or other monetary instruments.
Simply transferring title to certain kinds of
property, such as land or vehicles, falls within the
statutory definition of a financial transaction. See
United States v. Hall, 434 F.3d 42, 52 (1st Cir.
2006) (recording a mortgage is a financial
transaction); United States v. Carrell, 252 F.3d
1193, 1207 n.14 (11th Cir. 2001) (transfer of title
to real property is a financial transaction under
section 1956(c)(4)); United States v. Westbrook,
119 F.3d 1176 (5th Cir. 1997) (purchase of a
vehicle is a financial transaction because it
involves transfer of title); 18 U.S.C.
§ 1956(c)(4)(A)(iii).
The only serious limitation, in the case law, is
that the simple transportation of cash from point A
to point B by a single individual may not be a
financial transaction. There has to be a transfer or
disposition of the cash between two people. See
United States v. Puig-Infante, 19 F.3d 929 (5th
Cir. 1994) (transporting drug proceeds from
Florida to Texas was not a "transaction," absent
evidence of disposition once cash arrived at a
destination). But see United States v. Elso, 422
F.3d 1305, 1310 n.7 (11th Cir. 2005) (defendant
who retrieves third party's money from third
party's house, puts it in his car, and drives away,
conducts a "transaction").
This limitation aside, finding a financial
transaction that will satisfy the statutory definition
is generally not difficult for the prosecutor.
Indeed, the typical crime, conducted for profit,
will involve a whole series of financial
transactions. The issue for the prosecutor,
therefore, is choosing which financial transaction
to use as the basis for the criminal charge.
This choice is critical for many reasons. First,
most courts hold that each financial transaction is
a separate offense. Because the unit of prosecution
is the financial transaction, and because charging
multiple transactions as a continuing course of
conduct in a single count is duplicitous, the
prosecutor is forced to choose one financial
transaction for each count in the indictment. See
United States v. Prescott, 42 F.3d 1165, 1166 (8th
Cir. 1994) (charging multiple financial
transactions as a continuing course of conduct in a
single count is duplicitous); United States v.
Huber, 2002 WL 257851, *1 (D.N.D. Jan. 3,
2002) (Congress intended each financial
transaction to constitute a separate offense,
"[t]hus, there is no doubt that the Government
must charge a specific financial transaction for
each substantive money laundering count," citing
legislative history). But see United States v.
Moloney, 287 F.3d 236, 241 (2d Cir. 2002) ("a
single money laundering count can encompass
multiple acts provided that each act is part of a
unified scheme"); United States v. Gordon, 990 F.
Supp. 171 (E.D.N.Y. 1998) (single money
laundering count charging multiple financial
transactions not duplicitous where all transactions
were part of single continuous scheme).
Moreover, the choice of the financial
transaction fixes the time at which the other
elements apply. That is, the defendant must have
the requisite knowledge and intent, and the
property must represent SUA proceeds, at the time
the financial transaction takes place. See
United States v. Hughes, 230 F.3d 815, 820-21
(5th Cir. 2000) (defendant must know money was
criminal proceeds at the time he conducts the
money laundering transaction); United States v.
Puig-Infante, 19 F.3d 929, 938-39 (5th Cir. 1994)
(drug deal is not a money laundering offense
because money exchanged for drugs is not
proceeds at the time the financial transaction takes
The financial transaction also determines
venue, see United States v. Cabrales, 524 U.S. 1
(1998) (venue for money laundering lies where
the financial transaction occurred), and it
determines the timing of the money laundering
offense for statute of limitations purposes. See
United States v. Blackwell, 954 F. Supp. 944, 956
(D.N.J. 1997) (statute of limitations begins to run
when the financial transaction is initiated),
following United States v. Li, 55 F.3d 325, 330
(7th Cir. 1995). Finally, the choice of the financial
transaction determines what property is going to
be subject to forfeiture. See 18 U.S.C. §§ 981 and
982 (only property "involved in" the financial
transaction is subject to forfeiture).
B. Interstate commerce
After some debate, the courts have concluded
that the effect on interstate commerce is an
element of the offense that the government must
allege in the indictment and prove beyond a
reasonable doubt. See United States v. Evans, 272
F.3d 1069, 1081 (8th Cir. 2001) ("[a]n effect on
interstate commerce is an essential element of
money laundering."); United States v. Ladum, 141
F.3d 1328 (9th Cir. 1998) (interstate commerce is
both jurisdictional and an essential element of the
offense); United States v. Allen, 129 F.3d 1159
(10th Cir. 1997) (in a section 1957 case, the
interstate commerce requirement is both
jurisdictional and an essential element of the
offense and must be decided by a jury).
Showing a small impact is, however,
sufficient. Very frequently, the government will
simply show that the transaction involved an
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)-
insured bank or was commercial in nature. See
United States v. Peay, 972 F.2d 71 (4th Cir. 1992)
(transaction involving funds on deposit at a
financial institution insured by FDIC affects
interstate commerce); United States v. Kunzman,
54 F.3d 1522 (10th Cir. 1995) (same);
United States v. Trammell, 133 F.3d 1343 (10th
Cir. 1998) (depositing checks drawn on FDIC-
insured bank and wiring money from bank in one
state to bank in another affects interstate
commerce); United States v. Jackson, 935 F.2d
832 (7th Cir. 1991) (transaction involving check
drawn on a bank implicates interstate commerce);
United States v. Ripinsky, 109 F.3d 1436, opinion
amended on denial of reh'g, 129 F.3d 518 (9th
Cir. 1997) (if the transaction is commercial in
nature, government need only prove that it had a
minimal effect on interstate commerce that,
through repetition by others, could have a
substantial effect).
C. Knowledge
The government must show that, at the time
the financial transaction occurred, the money
launderer knew that the property in the financial
transaction was dirty money. Specifically, he must
know that the property represented the proceeds
of "some form" of unlawful activity, but he does
not need to know precisely what the unlawful
activity was. See 18 U.S.C. § 1956(c)(1). In other
words, it is not a defense for the defendant to say,
"I did not know it was drug money, I thought it
was the proceeds of insurance fraud." See
United States v. Turner, 400 F.3d 491, 496 (7th
Cir. 2005) (defendant need not know actual source
of the money, but only that it came from some
"illegal activity"); United States v. Rivera-
Rodriguez, 318 F.3d 268, 271 (1st Cir. 2003)
("defendant is not required to know what type of
felony spawned the proceeds but only that some
felony did so."); United States v. Reiss, 186 F.3d
149, 154 (2d Cir. 1999) (defendant need only
know money is criminally derived; he does not
need to know it is drug proceeds); United States v.
Marzano, 160 F.3d 399, 400 (7th Cir. 1998) (if
defendant thought he was laundering drug money,
the fact that he actually laundered embezzlement
proceeds would not be a defense).
The question most prosecutors face is how to
prove a defendant knew the money he was
laundering for someone else was illegally
derived? As with other issues involving a mental
state, the proof is usually circumstantial and the
case law provides many examples.
For instance, in United States v. Golb, 69 F.3d
1417 (9th Cir. 1995), the court held that the jury
could infer that the defendant, who brokered an
airplane sale, (1) knew that the purchase money
was illegally derived because the money came as
multiple, anonymous wire transfers and bundles
of checks, (2) made statements about the
purchaser's involvement in drug trafficking, and
(3) made threats of violence, showing he knew he
was not representing a legitimate business person.
See United States v. Otis, 127 F.3d 829, 835 (9th
Cir. 1997) (defendant's "pager contacts,
associations, and criminal history" sufficient to
show that defendant knew the $60,000 he turned
over to third-party in parking lot was criminal
proceeds); United States v. Hurley, 63 F.3d 1 (1st
Cir. 1995) (even underlings who never dealt with
drug dealers knew that money they were
laundering was drug proceeds because no other
cash-generating business would require the
laundering of such huge quantities of cash);
United States v. Campbell, 977 F.2d 854 (4th Cir.
1992) (real estate agent willfully blind to client's
use of drug proceeds to purchase house).
Similarly, in United States v. Bornfield, 145
F.3d 1123 (10th Cir. 1998), the Tenth Circuit held
that an accountant had actual knowledge that his
client's cash came from drug dealing because the
accountant (1) prepared the drug dealer's tax
returns, (2) knew he sold drugs, and (3) knew he
had insufficient legitimate income.
D. Proceeds
The third element of money laundering under
Section 1956(a)(1) is that the property in the
financial transaction was, in fact, the proceeds of
an offense constituting "specified unlawful
activity." The offenses listed in § 1956(c)(7), and
all of the RICO predicates listed in 18 U.S.C.
§ 1961(1), qualify as SUAs. In addition, certain
violations of foreign law, including offenses
against a foreign country involving drug
trafficking, kidnapping, robbery, extortion, bank
fraud, murder, and destruction of property by
means of explosives or fire, are SUAs. See
§ 1956(c)(7)(B).
Proving the property is SUA proceeds is easy,
if the prosecutor can trace the money to a
particular offense. It is not, however, necessary to
do this. The courts unanimously hold that
showing the SUA generated the money or other
property, without identifying the date and place of
the offense, is sufficient. For example, in
United States v. Golb, 69 F.3d 1417 (9th Cir.
1995), evidence that the money came from an
account used by professional money launderers to
launder drug proceeds was sufficient to establish
the "proceeds" element. Similarly, in
United States v. Blackman, 904 F.2d 1250, 1257
(8th Cir. 1990), the government proved that the
property in the financial transaction was drug
proceeds by showing that the defendant was
engaged in the drug business and was using wire
services to move a lot of cash. The government
also called an expert witness to testify that these
transactions were typical of what drug dealers do
with drug money. See also United States v.
Hardwell, 80 F.3d 1471 (10th Cir. 1996)
(evidence that the defendant was engaged in drug
trafficking and had insufficient legitimate income
to produce the money used in the financial
transaction was sufficient); United States v.
Herron, 97 F.3d 234, 237 (8th Cir. 1996) (same);
United States v. Eastman, 149 F.3d 802 (8th Cir.
1998) (following Blackman; no need to trace
proceeds to particular drug sale; government may
rely on defendant's involvement in drug trade and
lack of legitimate income to prove wired money
was drug proceeds).
As these cases illustrate, prosecutors
commonly prove that the property is SUA
proceeds with circumstantial evidence. See
United States v. Gotti, 459 F.3d 296, 337 (2d Cir.
2006) (multitude of illegal activities of organized
crime family provided sufficient circumstantial
evidence that the money they laundered was SUA
proceeds); United States v. Pizano, 421 F.3d 707,
723 (8th Cir. 2005) (defendant's lack of legitimate
income, cash deposits into her account, and
conduct of transactions on behalf of brother who
is a drug dealer, sufficient to establish that funds
defendant used to purchase real property were
brother's drug proceeds); United States v. Misher,
99 F.3d 664 (5th Cir. 1996) (when defendant, who
is connected to drug trafficking, pays for a car
with suitcase full of cash, there is sufficient
evidence that the money is SUA proceeds).
Note that only part of the money involved in
the financial transaction needs to be SUA
proceeds; proving "that the funds in question
came from an account in which tainted proceeds
were commingled with other funds is sufficient."
United States v. Garcia, 37 F.3d 1359, 1365 (9th
Cir. 1994). See United States v. Huber, 404 F.3d
1047, 1058 (8th Cir. 2005) (the presence of
legitimate funds does not make a money
laundering transaction lawful; it is only necessary
to show that the transaction involves criminal
proceeds); United States v. Bieganowski, 313 F.3d
264, 279-80 (5th Cir. 2002) (even if some of
health care provider's income was legitimate,
transfer of commingled funds would satisfy the
proceeds element of § 1956(a)(1)); United States
v. Rodriguez, 278 F.3d 486, 491 (5th Cir. 2002)
(jury was free to convict alien smuggler of money
laundering despite evidence that he used
commingled funds to conduct his financial
E. Merger issue
The most troublesome issue involving the
proceeds element is the requirement that the
property be SUA proceeds at the time the
financial transaction takes place. If the financial
transaction constituting the underlying crime and
the money laundering offense take place
simultaneously, the two offenses are said to
"merge." In this instance, the money laundering
prosecution fails because no separate money
laundering offense occurred.
For example, if a drug sale takes place on a
street corner, there is clearly a financial
transaction, but the transaction does not involve
SUA proceeds at the time it takes place because
the seller does not receive proceeds until the sale
is complete. For there to be a money laundering
offense, a subsequent, "downstream" transaction,
such as the deposit of the sale proceeds into a
bank account, must occur. See United States v.
Butler, 211 F.3d 826, 830 (4th Cir. 2000) ("the
laundering of funds cannot occur in the same
transaction through which those funds first
become tainted by crime"); United States v.
Richard, 234 F.3d 763, 769 (1st Cir. 2000) (same;
quoting Butler); United States v. Mankarious, 151
F.3d 694, 706 (7th Cir. 1998) (the acts that
produce the proceeds being laundered must be
distinct from the conduct that constitutes money
laundering); United States v. Carucci, 364 F.3d
339, 345-46 (1st Cir. 2004) (conviction reversed
because evidence did not establish that the SUA
offense occurred before the money laundering
transaction); United States v. Howard, 271 F.
Supp. 2d 79, 84-90 (D.D.C. 2002) (the money
laundering statutes criminalize transactions in
proceeds, not the transactions that create the
proceeds; extended discussion of merger cases).
The merger of the money laundering
transaction and the underlying SUA is a big
problem in fraud cases where it is often unclear
whether the transaction is simply part of the fraud,
or is a downstream transaction constituting a
separate money laundering offense. As a general
principle, prosecutors should only charge money
laundering where the fraud scheme has matured to
the point where it has yielded proceeds that fall,
directly or indirectly, within the defendant's
control, and the defendant then conducts a
separate downstream transaction. See
United States v. Johnson, 971 F.2d 562 (10th Cir.
1992) (where a defendant fraudulently induces a
victim to wire transfer funds directly to the
defendant's account, such transfer does not
constitute money laundering, because funds were
not "criminally derived" at the time the transfer
took place; if, however, the transaction involved
two steps—with defendant first obtaining money
from victim and then making deposit—the second
step would be a § 1957 violation); United States v.
Savage, 67 F.3d 1435 (9th Cir. 1995) (wire
transfer out of bank account constitutes § 1957
violation where defendant had control over the
account at the time the transfer was made, even
though it was not in his name; distinguishing
Johnson where defendant did not have control
over victim's money until the transfer was
complete); United States v. Estacio, 64 F.3d 477
(9th Cir. 1995) (no violation of merger rule where
proceeds of earlier phase of check kiting scheme
were used to continue the scheme). But see
United States v. Christo, 129 F.3d 578 (11th Cir.
1997) (distinguishing Estacio; if transaction is the
first and only step in a check kiting scheme, it
does not involve SUA proceeds because no bank
has yet lost any money).
It is not necessary that the fraud scheme be
complete. The money laundering offense may
constitute one step in the scheme, but the scheme
must have reached a point where it has yielded
proceeds before the defendant can be guilty of
committing a money laundering offense. See
United States v. Thomas, 451 F.3d 543, 548-49
(8th Cir. 2006) (checks that defendant obtained
from victims were "proceeds obtained from
ongoing fraudulent activities" when he cashed
them or deposited them into a bank account; it is
not necessary for the underlying fraud to be
complete; distinguishing Johnson and following
Mankarious); United States v. Richard, 234 F.3d
763, 770 (1st Cir. 2000) (checks that defendant
received from investors and intended to conceal
from bankruptcy court were proceeds of
completed phase of bankruptcy scheme, and
subsequent transactions were money laundering
offenses even though the bankruptcy fraud was
not yet complete; following Mankarious);
United States v. Castellini, 392 F.3d 35, 49 (1st
Cir. 2004) (SUA need not be complete for it to
yield proceeds; money becomes proceeds of § 152
bankruptcy fraud as soon as debtor gives it to
third party to hide for him, even though no
bankruptcy petition has yet been filed; what third
party does with the money is a money laundering
F. Inconsistent verdicts; acquittal on the
There have been a number of cases where the
defendant was acquitted on the underlying SUA
offense but convicted of money laundering. Of
course, nothing is wrong with this if the defendant
is convicted of laundering the proceeds of an
offense committed by someone else. Nevertheless,
if the government charges the defendant with
laundering the proceeds of his own illegal
conduct, whether such inconsistent verdicts will
be upheld depends on how the indictment is
If the indictment charges the defendant with
laundering the proceeds of a particular crime but
does not refer to specific counts in the indictment,
the defendant may be convicted of money
laundering, even though he is acquitted on the
counts charging the underlying crime. In this
instance, the jury could have found that the
property being laundered was the proceeds of
crimes other than those alleged in the indictment,
or that the crimes alleged in the indictment were
committed by someone other than the defendant.
See United States v. Magluta, 418 F.3d 1166,
1174 (11th Cir. 2005) (defendant's acquittal in
separate drug prosecution does not estop
government from using same drug offenses to
prove the proceeds element of money laundering;
jurors may have acquitted defendant because they
believed someone else committed the drug
offenses); United States v. Whatley, 133 F.3d 601
(8th Cir. 1998) (money laundering conviction
affirmed notwithstanding jury's acquittal on
underlying fraud SUA, as long as there was
sufficient evidence to support finding that
laundered funds were SUA proceeds).
Where, however, the money laundering count
alleges that the defendant laundered the proceeds
of specific counts in the indictment, and the
conviction on those counts is reversed, the money
laundering conviction must be vacated as well.
United States v. Adkinson, 135 F.3d 1363 (11th
Cir. 1998). Therefore, prosecutors should be
careful to draft money laundering counts charging
the defendant with laundering the proceeds of an
offense or scheme generally, e.g., the property
was the proceeds of SUA, to wit: a scheme to
defraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1343—and not
the proceeds of specific counts.
G. Specific intent
At the time of the financial transaction, the
defendant must act with one of four specific
intents. These are alternative mental intents that
the government may allege in the conjunctive in
the indictment and in the disjunctive in the jury
instructions. See United States v. Navarro, 145
F.3d 580 (3d Cir. 1998) (alternative intents should
be charged in the conjunctive and the jury
instructed in the disjunctive; no unanimity
instruction required); United States v. Holmes, 44
F.3d 1150 (2d Cir. 1995) (it is multiplicitous to
charge defendant in multiple counts with
violations of different subsections of § 1956(a)(1)
based on same financial transaction).
Intent to promote. The defendant violates the
money laundering statute if he conducts a
financial transaction with the intent to promote
any SUA. See 18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(1)(A)(i). This
is called "promotion money laundering."
Commonly, prosecutors prove promotion
money laundering by showing that the defendant
reinvested the proceeds of his offense to keep the
scheme going. The case law is filled with
examples of this so-called "plowing back" of the
proceeds. See United States v. Lawrence, 405 F.3d
888, 901 (10th Cir. 2005) (using proceeds of
Medicare fraud scheme to pay doctor whose
participation was essential to the scheme and keep
"the doors of the clinic open" promoted the
scheme and was not use of ordinary business
expenses); United States v. Grasso, 381 F.3d 160,
168-69 (3d Cir. 2004) (reinvesting proceeds of
fraudulent scheme to cover advertising, printing,
and mailing expenses, was promotion money
laundering), cert. granted and judgment vac'd,
544 U.S. 945 (2005) (remanded for consideration
in light of Booker decision); United States v.
Marbella, 73 F.3d 1508 (9th Cir. 1996) (using
fraud proceeds to pay commissions to persons
who brought in more victims promoted SUA).
Courts have also found the "promotion"
element satisfied where the defendant used SUA
proceeds to lull new victims into his scheme or to
avoid detection. See United States v. Ismoila, 100
F.3d 380 (5th Cir. 1996) (defendant promoted
scheme to defraud credit card issuers by
depositing credit card receipts into business bank
account because it gave appearance that defendant
was operating a legitimate business that accepted
credit card payments for merchandise);
United States v. Hand, 76 F.3d 393 (10th Cir.
1995) (unpublished) (using proceeds to create
"aura of legitimacy" for benefit of victims
promotes fraud scheme); United States v. Savage,
67 F.3d 1435 (9th Cir. 1995) (transferring money
to Europe lent "aura of legitimacy" to defendant's
fraudulent claim that he was investing victim's
money in European investment business). Of
course, it is also an offense to use the proceeds of
one crime to commit an entirely separate crime.
Intent to evade income taxes. The second intent
alternative is to prove that the defendant
laundered the SUA proceeds with the intent to
evade income taxes. See 18 U.S.C.
§ 1956(a)(1)(A)(ii); United States v. Suba, 132
F.3d 662 (11th Cir. 1998) (defendant's failure to
report three checks on his income tax return is
evidence that he laundered them with intent to
evade taxes). In these cases, Tax Division
authorization is required for any prosecution
under § 1956(a)(1)(A)(ii) where the purpose of
the financial transaction was to evade paying
Intent to conceal or disguise. The most commonly
alleged money laundering offense is the one that
involves a financial transaction conducted with
the intent to conceal or disguise the nature, source,
location, ownership, or control, of the SUA
proceeds. See 18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(1)(B)(i). This
is called "concealment money laundering."
Almost always, the prosecutor will have to prove
intent to conceal or disguise by circumstantial
One way this is done is to show that the
defendant engaged in unusual or convoluted
transactions that would make no sense unless his
purpose was to conceal or disguise. For example,
in United States v. Tencer, 107 F.3d 1120 (5th
Cir. 1997), the Fifth Circuit held that depositing
proceeds into geographically distant bank
accounts, sending the proceeds (commingled with
untainted funds) to a mail drop address, and trying
to convert all of the proceeds to cash as
investigators closed in, all indicated an intent to
conceal, although the defendant conducted the
transactions in his own name. See also
United States v. Morales-Rodriguez, 467 F.3d 1,
13 (1st Cir. 2006) (monthly secretive transfers of
funds between three separate bank accounts was
an attempt to conceal the nature, location, source,
ownership, and control, of proceeds);
United States v. Magluta, 418 F.3d 1166, 1177
(11th Cir. 2005) (moving cash from Miami to
New York to Israel, where it was deposited in an
account in a false name, was sufficient to show
that when defendant paid his lawyer with check
drawn on that account, he intended to conceal the
source of the money); United States v. Turner,
400 F.3d 491, 496-98 (7th Cir. 2005) (use of
interest-free loans, putting property in name of
third party, structuring deposits, and traveling to
out-of-town banks to conduct transactions
involving cashier's checks all show intent to
conceal or disguise).
Intent to conceal or disguise can also be
shown by evidence that the defendant conducted
the transaction in the name of a third-party or
legitimate business. See United States v. Hall, 434
F.3d 42, 53 (1st Cir. 2006) (having sister purchase
a money order in her name was evidence of intent
to conceal the source of money used to purchase a
vehicle); United States v. Cruzado-Laureano, 404
F.3d 470, 483 (1st Cir. 2005) (corrupt mayor who
deposited extortion checks payable to wife's
dental practice into her account had intent to
conceal; that he was well-known in the bank is no
defense); United States v. Shepard, 396 F.3d
1116, 1122-23 (10th Cir. 2005) (depositing fraud
proceeds in bank account of family member
shows intent to conceal); United States v. Ladum,
141 F.3d 1328 (9th Cir. 1998) (having tenants pay
rent checks to nominee conceals true ownership of
property on which rent is paid); United States v.
Suba, 132 F.3d 662 (11th Cir. 1998) (defendant
invested fraud proceeds in securities and real
estate through children's trust fund after forging
trustee's name).
Likewise, intent to conceal or disguise can be
shown by evidence that the defendant
intentionally commingled the SUA proceeds with
other funds. See United States v. Griffith, 85 F.3d
284 (7th Cir. 1996) (commingling funds from
legitimate and illegal businesses and funneling
proceeds of illegal activities through legitimate
financial channels shows intent to conceal);
United States v. Posters N Things Ltd., 969 F.2d
652, 661 (8th Cir. 1992), aff'd on other grounds,
114 S. Ct. 1747 (1994) (commingling dirty money
with revenue from legitimate business in common
account); United States v. Rutgard, 108 F.3d 1041
(9th Cir. 1997) (dicta) (commingling criminally
derived cash with innocently derived funds can
show intent to conceal or disguise identity of
tainted money).
In some cases, courts have held that simply
converting SUA proceeds into goods and services
violated the "conceal or disguise" prong of the
statute. For example, in United States v. Norman,
143 F.3d 375 (8th Cir. 1998), the Eighth Circuit
held that the purchase of a car constituted a
violation of § 1956(a)(1)(B)(i), because it
concealed what happened to the SUA proceeds. In
other words, converting the money from one form
to another, e.g., bank deposits into consumer
goods, may constitute a money laundering
offense, if the transaction is designed to conceal
or disguise the SUA proceeds. See United States
v. Martinez-Medina, 279 F.3d 105, 115-16 (1st
Cir. 2002) (purchasing consumer items through
third parties with cash from drug sales supports
inference of intent to conceal); United States v.
Heater, 63 F.3d 311 (4th Cir. 1995) (use of large
quantities of cash to buy vehicles and real
property, using third-party names and addresses,
showed intent to conceal or disguise drug
proceeds by purchasing merchandise);
United States v. Wynn, 61 F.3d 921 (D.C. Cir.
1995) (drug dealer who spent hundreds of
thousands of dollars on expensive clothes with
cooperation of merchant who recorded sales in
false names intended to conceal or disguise drug
money by converting it to goods).
In other cases, however, where the defendant
simply spent the SUA proceeds and made no
effort to conceal or disguise either his identity or
the source of the funds, the evidence was
insufficient to establish a violation of this prong
of § 1956(a)(1)(B)(i). See United States v.
Sanders, 929 F.2d 1466, 1472 (10th Cir. 1991)
(buying a car in own name or daughter's name
with drug proceeds is not violation of (a)(1)(B)(i);
§ 1956 is not a "money spending" statute);
United States v. Garcia-Emanuel, 14 F.3d 1469
(10th Cir. 1994) (simply buying horse and watch
with drug proceeds and using drug proceeds to
make mortgage payments insufficient to show
intent to conceal or disguise); United States v.
Dobbs, 63 F.3d 391 (5th Cir. 1995) (where SUA
proceeds were deposited into wife's bank account
and used for family expenses, there was
insufficient evidence of intent to conceal or
disguise); United States v. Rockelman, 49 F.3d
418, 422 (8th Cir. 1995) (defendant purchased
cabin with cash and titled it in name of business,
but made no attempt to hide his identity or the
source of the funds). The government should
prosecute transactions in which the defendant
simply spends the illegally obtained proceeds as
violations of § 1957.
Intent to avoid transaction reporting requirement.
Finally, it is an offense to conduct a financial
transaction involving SUA proceeds if the purpose
is to evade a currency transaction reporting
requirement. See 18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(1)(B)(ii). If,
for example, a defendant evades both the
Currency Transaction Report (CTR) requirement
(involving $10,000 cash transactions at financial
institutions) and the IRS Form 8300 requirement
(involving reports that a trade or business
receiving more than $10,000 in cash must file) by
using a $9,000 cashier's check and $9,000 in cash
to buy a car, he commits a violation of
§ 1956(a)(1)(B)(ii). See United States v. Nelson,
66 F.3d 1036 (9th Cir. 1995) (car dealer's
suggestion that customer buy another car to trade-
in to avoid paying more than $10,000 cash for
new car shows intent to evade Form 8300);
United States v. Patino-Rojas, 974 F.2d 94 (8th
Cir. 1992) (buying cashiers' checks for $9,000 and
$6,000 and giving checks and cash to dealer for
$20,000 boat).
III. Section 1956(a)(2)
The elements of § 1956(a)(2)the
international money laundering statute—are the
same as the elements of subsection (a)(1), with
two important exceptions. First, instead of a
"financial transaction," the government must show
that the defendant engaged in the transportation,
transfer, or transmission, of property into or out of
the United States. Second, § 1956(a)(2)(A) does
not contain a "proceeds" element.
A defendant violates § 1956(a)(2)(A) if he
sends money into or out of the United States to
promote an SUA offense, regardless of whether
the money, itself, is the proceeds of any unlawful
activity. For example, it is an offense under
subsection (a)(2)(A) to send money into or out of
the United States to commit bank fraud or to
violate the Arms Export/Import Act or to support
terrorism, even if the money is not traceable to
any predicate offense. See United States v.
Piervinanzi, 23 F.3d 670 (2d Cir. 1994) (because
§ 1956(a)(2)(A) contains no proceeds
requirement, there is no "merger" problem when
the defendant wires money out of the
United States to promote fraud against a bank, and
the wire transfer constitutes both the money
laundering offense and the bank fraud);
United States v. Hamilton, 931 F.2d 1046, 1052
(5th Cir. 1991) (dicta) (foreign drug cartel could
violate § 1956(a)(2)(A) by sending proceeds of
legitimate business into the United States for the
purpose of providing necessary capital to expand
cartel's United States-based drug business);
United States v. O'Connor, 158 F. Supp. 2d 697,
726 n.52 (E.D. Va. 2001) (following Piervinanzi;
no merger problem when defendant sends money
to Bahamas and brings it back to make it appear to
be new funds in furtherance of fraud scheme).
Typically, the government will establish the
knowledge, proceeds, and intent elements of the
offense in the same way that it would establish
those elements under § 1956(a)(1). The leading
case on this statute is United States v. Cuellar,
478 F.3d 282 (5th Cir. 2007) (en banc), in which a
courier crossing the border into Mexico with drug
proceeds concealed in his vehicle was convicted
of transporting the proceeds with the intent to
conceal or disguise. The court held that the
concealment element in § 1956(a)(1)(B)(i) is the
same as in § 1956(a)(2)(B)(i) (evidence that
money was being transported by a low-level
courier who intended to cross the border with
$83,000 in currency wrapped in duct tape bundles
in a hidden compartment in his vehicle was
sufficient to establish that the transportation was
designed to conceal; expert witness may testify
that the evidence was consistent with the practice
of criminals transporting illegal funds to Mexico;
it was not necessary for the government to show
that there was a further intent to conceal once the
money arrived in Mexico); United States v.
Johnson, 440 F.3d 1286, 1291 n.4 (11th Cir.
2006) (same). Accordingly, the same
circumstantial evidence of concealment will
support a conviction. See Figure 2, page 32.
IV. Section 1956(a)(3)
Section 1956(a)(3) was added to the money
laundering statute in 1988, to make it possible to
prosecute persons who engage in the laundering
of "sting money," i.e., money that is not really
criminal proceeds but is represented as such by a
law enforcement officer, or a person acting at his
or her direction. In § 1956(a)(3) cases, the law
enforcement officer's "representation" replaces the
knowledge and proceeds elements.
Most of the litigation in sting cases involves
the nature of the representation. The courts hold
that what the undercover agent says to the target
must convey enough information to make a
reasonable person aware that the property was
criminal proceeds. See United States v. Kaufmann,
985 F.2d 884, 892 (7th Cir. 1993) (the
representation is sufficient if the law enforcement
officer makes defendant "aware of circumstances
from which a reasonable person would infer that
the property was drug proceeds"); United States v.
Castaneda-Cantu, 20 F.3d 1325 (5th Cir. 1994);
United States v. Starke, 62 F.3d 1374 (11th Cir.
1995) (same); United States v. McLamb, 985 F.2d
1284, 1291 (4th Cir. 1993) (representation made
to car dealer sufficient where "any person of
ordinary intelligence would have recognized it").
In other words, the agent does not have to
come right out and say, "I'm giving you drug
money to launder for me." Instead, he can imply
that the money was derived from an illegal source
in the vernacular of the drug trade. For example,
in United States v. Leslie, 103 F.3d 1093, 1103
(2d Cir. 1997), the Second Circuit held that the
undercover agent's statement—the cash he was
giving the target was "powder-type money" that
should not be brought over the border—was
sufficient to allow the government to convict the
target of laundering the sting money. See also
United States v. Fuller, 974 F.2d 1474 (5th Cir.
1992) (recorded conversation in which agent
describes consequences from "Colombians" if
money is lost was sufficient to establish necessary
representation; deliberate ignorance may satisfy
knowledge requirement); United States v.
Wydermyer, 51 F.3d 319 (2d Cir. 1995) (statement
that funds to be laundered came from sale of arms
smuggled into the country was sufficient to
represent that property was the proceeds of a
violation of the Arms Export Control Act). See
Figure 3, page 33.
V. Section 1957
Section 1957 makes it an offense for any
person to conduct any monetary transaction
involving more than $10,000 in "criminally
derived property." Its purpose is to make it
difficult for wrongdoers to spend their ill-gotten
gains, or to place them in the banking system, by
making it a criminal offense for a third-party to do
business with them. See United States v. Rutgard,
108 F.3d 1041, 1062 (9th Cir. 1997) (Section
1957 is designed to freeze criminal proceeds out
of the banking system); United States v. Allen,
129 F.3d 1159, 1165 (10th Cir. 1997) (Congress's
primary concern in enacting § 1957 may have
been with third-parties who give criminals the
opportunity to spend ill-gotten gains.
Nevertheless, the statute reaches the conduct of
wrongdoers who conduct transactions with the
fruits of their own criminal acts.).
The government must show that more than
$10,000 in SUA proceeds was involved in the
transaction and that the defendant knew that the
property represented the proceeds of some form of
criminal activity. The government does not have
to prove that the defendant acted with any specific
intent. See United States v. Abboud, 438 F.3d 554,
594-95 (6th Cir. 2006) (unlike § 1956, § 1957
does not require proof that the transaction was
intended to conceal or disguise); United States v.
Ghilarduci, 480 F.3d 542, 551 (7th Cir. 2007)
(rejecting as frivolous defendant's argument that
§ 1957 conviction should be reversed because
there was no concealment; concealment is not an
element); United States v. Huber, 404 F.3d 1047,
1057 (8th Cir. 2005) (§ 1956 differs from § 1957
with respect to the specific intent element; "no
intent to promote or knowledge of a design to
conceal is required, but the transaction must
consist of property with a value greater than
$10,000"); United States v. Allen, 129 F.3d 1159,
1165 (10th Cir. 1997) (Section 1957 proscribes a
wider range of conduct than § 1956 and contains
no conceal or disguise element. Thus, § 1957
applies to the most open, above-board
Section 1957 may be used to prosecute
someone for using SUA proceeds to buy a car, to
invest in securities, or simply to make a deposit
into a bank. See United States v. Curry, 461 F.3d
452, 457-58 (4th Cir. 2006) (engaging in any
monetary transaction with more than $10,000 in
fraud proceeds violates § 1957); United States v.
Hawkey, 148 F.3d 920, 924 (8th Cir. 1998) (use of
funds misappropriated from charitable
organization to buy vehicles for personal use
constituted § 1957 violation); United States v.
Kelley, 929 F.2d 582, 585 (10th Cir. 1991)
(defendant used proceeds of fraudulently obtained
loan to buy car); United States v. Taylor, 984 F.2d
298 (9th Cir. 1993) (defendant pleads guilty to
spending proceeds of wire fraud); United States v.
Cole, 988 F.2d 681, 682 (7th Cir. 1993)
(withdrawals from account containing proceeds of
investment fraud scheme for personal expenses
exceeding $10,000); United States v. Hollis, 971
F.2d 1441, 1446-47 (10th Cir. 1992) (deposit of
checks representing proceeds of insurance fraud
scheme is a § 1957 violation); United States v.
One 1987 Mercedes Benz 300E, 820 F. Supp. 248
(E.D. Va. 1993) (purchase of car with check
drawn on account into which extortion proceeds
had previously been deposited).
Despite some difference in wording, the
knowledge element in § 1957 is the same as it is
for a § 1956 offense: the defendant must know
that the property was derived from some form of
unlawful activity. See United States v. Turman,
122 F.3d 1167 (9th Cir. 1997) (government must
prove the defendant knew property was criminally
derived, but does not have to prove the defendant
knew money laundering itself was illegal);
United States v. Sokolow, 81 F.3d 397 (3d Cir.
1996) (defendant does not need to know that the
monetary transaction constitutes a criminal
offense); United States v. Smith, 44 F.3d 1259
(4th Cir. 1995) (knowledge that the property is
criminally derived is all that is required; defendant
need not know that the transaction was part of a
larger scheme to conceal or disguise anything);
United States v. Campbell, 977 F.2d 854 (4th Cir.
1992) (real estate agent doing business with drug
dealer can be convicted under § 1957, if the agent
knows of, or is willfully blind to, customer's
source of funds); United States v. Wynn, 61 F.3d
921, 927 (D.C. Cir. 1995) (same for merchant
selling clothes to drug dealer).
In § 1957, the phrase "criminally derived
property" means the same thing as § 1956's
"proceeds of specified unlawful activity": the
property must be the proceeds of an SUA at the
time the transaction takes place. See United States
v. Savage, 67 F.3d 1435 (9th Cir. 1995). The
important limitations in § 1957 are that the
transaction must be conducted by, to, or through,
a financial institution, and it must involve more
than $10,000 in SUA proceeds.
In most cases, the financial institution
requirement is easily met because the term
"financial institution" includes not only banks and
other traditional institutions, but also any other
type of entity listed in 31 U.S.C. § 5312, or the
regulations promulgated thereunder. Thus, the
definition of "financial institution" is very broad
and includes car dealers, jewelers, attorneys
handling real estate closings, and even
individuals, if they handle currency on a regular
basis to provide services to others. See
United States v. Pizano, 421 F.3d 707, 713 (8th
Cir. 2005) (down payments on real property made
with check and wire transfer were monetary
transactions); United States v. Dazey, 403 F.3d
1147, 1163 (10th Cir. 2005) (cashing a check is a
monetary transaction); United States v. Huber,
404 F.3d 1047, 1060 n.8 (8th Cir. 2005) (using a
check is monetary transaction; transaction must be
"by, through or to a financial institution");
United States v. Tannenbaum, 934 F.2d 8 (2d Cir.
1991) (an individual can be a financial
The key issue in most § 1957 cases is the
$10,000 threshold requirement. Because each
monetary transaction is a separate offense, it is
generally not possible to aggregate separate
transactions to reach the $10,000 threshold.
Multiple purchases from the same vendor on the
same day, or installment payments on the same
item, may, however, constitute a single
transaction in some circumstances. See
United States v. George, 363 F.3d 666, 674-75
(7th Cir. 2004) (purchasing car with cash in two
installments of $6,000 and $9,000 satisfies the
$10,000 requirement). The question seems to be
one for the jury to decide. See United States v.
Caldwell, 302 F.3d 399, 406 (5th Cir. 2002)
(noting that district court set aside jury's verdict
on one § 1957 count on ground that the amount
could not be aggregated; no government appeal);
United States v. Brown, 139 F.3d 893 (4th Cir.
1998) (Table Case) (whether purchase of several
automobiles on same day from same vendor
constituted single monetary transaction exceeding
$10,000 was question for jury).
A related issue arises when the defendant
commingles the SUA proceeds in a bank account
and then makes a withdrawal that the government
wants to charge as a violation of § 1957. The
government generally takes the view that, as long
as more than $10,000 in SUA proceeds was
deposited into the account, any subsequent
withdrawal of more than $10,000 may be said to
involve the requisite amount of tainted funds. In
United States v. Rutgard, 108 F.3d 1041, 1063
(9th Cir. 1997), however, the court held that the
defendant is entitled to a presumption that the
tainted money remains in a bank account until the
last withdrawal. Thus, if the defendant puts
$50,000 in illegal proceeds into a bank account
containing $10,000 in "clean" money, and then
makes a $15,000 withdrawal, the Ninth Circuit
would likely hold that this does not satisfy the
threshold requirement for § 1957. Because of the
"last out" rule, courts in the Ninth Circuit must
presume that the $15,000 withdrawal consisted
primarily of the clean money, while the "dirty"
money remained in the bank account. The courts
are generally split on this issue. See United States
v. Davis, 226 F.3d 346, 357 (5th Cir. 2000)
("when the aggregate amount withdrawn from an
account containing commingled funds exceeds the
clean funds, [any] individual withdrawal[s] may
be said to be of tainted money, even if a particular
withdrawal was less than the amount of clean
money in the account"); United States v. Haddad,
462 F.3d 783, 792 (7th Cir. 2006) (where the
"vast majority" of funds in a commingled account
containing $18,000 is fraud proceeds, the
evidence is sufficient to prove that more than
$10,000 of a $16,000 withdrawal was fraud
proceeds; rejecting Rutgard); United States v.
Mooney, 401 F.3d 940, 946 (8th Cir. 2005)
(deposit of five checks drawn on an account
containing commingled funds was a § 1957
offense even though there was enough clean
money in the account to cover the checks; "the
government need not trace each dollar to a
criminal source to prove a violation of 18 U.S.C.
§ 1957"); United States v. Johnson, 971 F.2d 562,
570 (10th Cir. 1992) (in the context of a with-
drawal, the government is not required to prove
that no untainted funds were commingled with the
unlawful proceeds for § 1957 purposes). See
Figure 4, page 33.
VI. Comparison of Sections 1956 and
Section 1956 Section 1957
Twenty year felony Ten year felony
Financial transaction
(interstate commerce)
Monetary transaction
(requires use of
financial institution)
Knows some form
of felonious conduct
Knows criminally
derived property
No $ threshold Greater than $10,000
Sting provision No sting provision
Specific intent No specific intent
No Sixth Amendment
Excludes transaction
necessary to protect
Sixth Amendment
VII. Conspiracy
Section 1956 and 1957 offenses may be
alleged as objects of a conspiracy under 18 U.S.C.
§ 371. This is useful where the government wants
to charge money laundering, along with other
offenses, in a multiobject conspiracy. Keep in
mind that the court must instruct the jury that it
must be unanimous as to which offense(s) were
the object of the conspiracy. See United States v.
Nattier, 127 F.3d 655 (8th Cir. 1997).
Most money laundering conspiracies are
charged under 18 U.S.C. § 1956(h), however.
This is the preferred method of charging for
several reasons. First, unlike § 371, there is no
overt act requirement under § 1956(h). See
Whitfield v. United States, 543 U.S. 209, 211
(2005). Second, the maximum penalty for a
§ 1956(h) conspiracy is the same as the penalty
for the offense that is the object of the conspiracy,
i.e., twenty years for a § 1956 offense, and ten
years for a § 1957 offense. See United States v.
Abrego, 141 F.3d 142 (5th Cir. 1998) (higher
penalty under § 1956(h) applies to "straddle"
conspiracies; no violation of ex post facto clause).
This contrasts with the five-year maximum
penalty for § 371 conspiracies outside of the Fifth
Circuit. Lastly, unlike § 371 prosecutions,
property involved in a § 1956(h) conspiracy is
subject to forfeiture under 18 U.S.C. § 982(a)(1).
VIII. Resources
The Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering
Section (AFMLS) publishes an annual collection
of all relevant federal cases in a bound volume
entitled "Federal Money Laundering Cases."
Copies are available to United States Attorneys'
offices. Call the AFMLS at (202) 514-1263, to
request copies. Finally, AFMLS maintains AF
Online, a computer-based legal resource from
which we can access a collection of cases, form
indictments and jury instructions, and other
materials. Contact Beliue Gebeyehou at (202)
307-0265, for help accessing AF Online.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 4
Figure 3
Stefan D. Cassella is the Deputy Chief for
Legal Policy in the Asset Forfeiture and Money
Laundering Section. He has been a prosecutor
since 1979. He came to the Department of Justice
in 1985 and has been involved in forfeiture and
money laundering issues since 1989. He handles
civil and criminal forfeiture cases, lectures at
training conferences on many aspects of money
laundering and forfeiture law, and is responsible
for legal advice, policy, and legislative issues for
the Department. He has published numerous law
review articles on forfeiture, a treatise entitled
Asset Forfeiture Law in the United States, and is
the editor of Quick Release, the Department's
forfeiture newsletter. From 1987-89, he served as
Senior Counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary
One-Hour Money Laundering:
Prosecuting Unlicensed Money
Transmitting Businesses Using Section
Courtney J. Linn
Assistant United States Attorney
Eastern District of California
I. Introduction
Section 1960 of Title 18 makes it a crime to
conduct an unlicensed money transmitting
business. Congress enacted the statute fifteen
years ago amid concerns that money transmitting
businesses facilitated money laundering. These
concerns persist. According to the 2005 National
Money Laundering Threat Assessment and the
2007 National Drug Threat Assessment, money
transmitters continue to provide a conduit for
money launderers, particularly those linked to
narcotics trafficking. These assessments led to the
call, in the 2007 National Money Laundering
Strategy, for the law enforcement community to
continue to "work aggressively to identify and
prosecute [money transmitting businesses] that
facilitate money laundering." Available at
Given these threats, it is somewhat surprising
to learn that prior to the passage of the USA
PATRIOT Act, there was only one reported
§ 1960 case. See United States v. Velastegui, 199
F.3d 590, 593 (2d Cir. 1999). With the benefit of
hindsight, it is easy to understand why prosecutors
so seldom used § 1960. First, in its original form,
§ 1960 made it a crime to conduct a money
transmitting business in a state that imposed a
licensing requirement, and punished the lack of a
license as either a misdemeanor or a felony.
Unfortunately, during the 1990s, many states were
just beginning to impose a licensing requirement
on money transmitters and/or enacting criminal
penalties. Second, in 1994, Congress amended
§ 1960 to add a second prong. This added prong
made it a crime to conduct a money transmitting
business that failed to register with the Financial
Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau
of the Department of Treasury. However, the
provision required the drafting of implementing
regulations. Third, prior to amendments to the
statute in the USA PATRIOT Act, questions
existed about the statute's mens rea element,
particularly under the state licensing prong. If, as
one district court held, the state licensing prong
required proof that the person conducting the
business knew of the state licensing requirement,
and knew the state punished the operation of the
unlicensed business as a crime, it would prove
difficult indeed to obtain a § 1960 conviction.
By late 2001, all three of these issues had
been resolved. A large number of states enacted
licensing requirements enforced by felony or
misdemeanor punishments in the years between
1992 and 2001, and regulations that gave effect to
the 1994 federal registration requirement became
operative in 1999. See 31 C.F.R. 103.41 (effective
August 20, 1999). In the USA PATRIOT Act,
Congress clarified the statute's mens rea
Following these legislative and regulatory
changes, we have seen a sharp increase in the
number of § 1960 prosecutions and convictions.
In Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 (which ended just prior
to the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act),
prosecutors filed § 1960 charges against ten
defendants. In FY 2006, in contrast, prosecutors
filed § 1960 charges against 107 defendants.
Reported judicial decisions mirror this trend.
Since 2001, there have been approximately thirty-
five reported judicial decisions.
In short, § 1960 is only now emerging as an
effective tool to address the money laundering
threats posed by money transmitting businesses.
The statute's increased use makes this a good time
to examine it.
II. Legislative history
There is remarkably little legislative history
supporting the enactment of § 1960. The
Annunzio-Wylie Money Laundering Act, Pub. L.
No. 102-550, 106 Stat. 4044 (1992) (of which
§ 1960 was part) was a last-minute conference
addition to the Housing and Community
Development Act of 1992, Pub. L. No. 102-550,
106 Stat. 3672 (1992). Nonetheless, a more
complete explanation of the purpose of the statute
appears in the report of the Senate Banking
Committee in the prior session of Congress. See S.
REP. NO. 101-460 (1990). Though legislative
history issued in connection with an unenacted
version of a statute is not a secure indicator of
congressional intent (Ratzlaf v. United States, 510
U.S. 135, 148 n.18 (1994)), it nonetheless sheds
some light on the statute's intended scope and
First, the legislative history indicates that
Congress modeled the statute after the illegal
gambling business statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1955. S.
REP. NO. 101-460, at 14 (1990). Prior to § 1960's
enactment, the Supreme Court had definitively
interpreted § 1955. See Sanabria v. United States,
437 U.S. 54 (1978). Thus, the construction that
the Supreme Court placed on § 1955 should guide
courts when construing the nearly identical
language in § 1960. See United States v. Wells,
519 U.S. 482, 495 (1997) (if the Supreme Court
has already provided a definitive interpretation of
the language in one statute, and Congress then
uses nearly identical language in another statute, a
court should give the language in the latter statute
an identical interpretation, unless there is a clear
indication in the text or legislative history that it
should not do so).
Second, Congress seems to have intended
§ 1960 to reach only a comparatively small
segment of the nonbank financial services
industry. In congressional hearings in the session
preceding the enactment of § 1960, Congress
heard testimony about the threats posed by
different kinds of nonbank financial services
activity, including money transmitting, currency
exchanging, and check cashing. But its attention
was particularly drawn to money transmitters. See,
e.g., S. REP. NO. 101-460, at 14 (1990).
As banks became more sophisticated in
reporting currency transactions, drug dealers
became more creative and began to rely
increasingly on unlicensed and illegal money
transmitters, on check cashers, and on money
order vendors, all users and sources of high
amounts of cash * * * It is primarily the
unlicensed money transmitter that provides
the best means of laundering money and is
most often used to structure illegal
transactions) (emphasis added).
See also United States v. Velastegui, 199 F.3d 590
(2d Cir. 1999). As discussed below, this
legislative history, coupled with the somewhat
narrow definition of "money transmitting" in
§ 1960(b)(2), may indicate that check cashers and
currency exchangers fall outside of § 1960's
Finally, the legislative history reveals that
when Congress amended § 1960 in the USA
PATRIOT Act, it understood the statute to reach
not just storefront money transmitters, but also
informal value transfer systems through which
criminals transmit money, such as hawalas and the
cash courier operations of drug traffickers. See
H.R. REP. NO. 107-250, at 54 (2001) ("Thus, a
person who agrees to transmit or to transport drug
proceeds for a drug dealer, or funds from any
source for a terrorist, knowing such funds are to
be used to commit a terrorist act, would be
engaged in the operation of an unlicensed money
transmitting business.") Here, we need to be
cautious about giving too much weight to the
legislative history because these statements
occurred years after § 1960's passage. Oscar
Mayer & Co. v. Evans, 441 U.S. 750, 758 (1979).
That said, the statements provide some support for
the conclusion that § 1960's definition of "money
transmitting" is flexible and expansive enough to
encompass at least some nonbank financial
services activity, such as web-based value transfer
III. Elements of the statute
Section 1960 makes it illegal to knowingly
conduct, control, manage, supervise, direct, or
own all or part of an unlicensed money
transmitting business. 18 U.S.C. § 1960. The
statute defines three alternative forms of an
"unlicensed money transmitting business." A
money transmitting business is unlicensed if it
affects interstate or foreign commerce and: (1)
operates without an appropriate money
transmitting license in a state where such
operation is punishable as a misdemeanor or
felony, § 1960(b)(1)(A); (2) fails to comply with
the money transmitting business registration
requirements under section 5330 of Title 31 and
the implementing regulations, § 1960(b)(1)(B); or
(3) involves the transportation or transmission of
funds that are known to the defendant to have
been derived from a criminal offense or are
intended to be used to promote or support
unlawful activity, § 1960(b)(1)(C).
The state licensing and federal registration
prongs have comparable elements. The
government must prove: (1) the defendant
knowingly conducted a money transmitting
business; (2) the business affected interstate or
foreign commerce; (3) the business was
unlicensed under state law [or failed to register
under federal law]; (4) the state [or federal
government] required a license [or registration];
and (5) in the case of the state licensing prong,
state law punished the lack of a license as a
misdemeanor or felony.
To date, virtually all known § 1960
prosecutions have been brought under either the
state licensing or federal registration prong, and
thus the elements of those prongs are discussed in
greater detail below. The third prong—what might
be termed the "money laundering/reverse money
laundering prong" because it resembles a money
laundering statute–has not received much
A. Defendant knowingly conducts, controls,
manages, supervises, directs, or owns a
money transmitting business
Knowingly. In the wake of the Supreme
Court's 1994 decision in United States v. Ratzlaf,
510 U.S. 135 (1994), a concern arose that courts
would construe the former "intent" element in the
state licensing prong of § 1960 to require proof
that defendant knew of the state licensing
requirement and that state law punished it as a
misdemeanor or felony. In the USA PATRIOT
Act, Congress addressed this concern. It amended
the state licensing prong of § 1960 to eliminate
the "intent" element. As if to put an exclamation
point on this deletion, Congress added language in
the statute making it clear that the state licensing
prong is violated "whether or not the defendant
knew that the operation was required to be
licensed or that the operation was so punishable."
18 U.S.C. § 1960(b)(1)(A). Judicial decisions
have now confirmed that neither the state
licensing prong nor the federal registration prong
of § 1960 requires proof that the defendant knew
of the licensing or registration requirements or
knew of the consequences of the failure to license
or register. See, e.g., United States v. Talebnejad,
460 F.3d 563, 568-70 (4th Cir. 2006), cert.
denied, 127 S. Ct. 1313 (2007); United States v.
Keleta, 441 F. Supp. 2d 1 (D.D.C. June 28, 2006);
United States v. Uddin, 365 F. Supp. 2d 825 (E.D.
Mich. 2005).
Conducts, controls, manages, supervises,
directs, or owns. The statute's licensing and
registration prongs do not punish "money
transmitting" per se, and they do not punish the
existence of an unlicensed money transmitting
business. Instead, § 1960 makes it a crime to
conduct, control, manage, supervise, direct, or
own an unlicensed money transmitting business.
Sanabria v. United States, 437 U.S. 54, 70 (1978)
(allowable unit of prosecution under § 1955 is
participation in a single illegal gambling business;
Congress did not define discrete acts of gambling
as independent federal offenses). Significantly,
the Supreme Court explained in Sanabria that
§ 1955 proscribes any degree of participation in
the illegal gambling business (except by mere
bettors). See Sanabria, 437 U.S. at 70-71 and
n.26. Thus, we would have expected courts to
construe § 1960 similarly to reach all participants
in the business, except customers. However,
without addressing Sanabria, the Fourth Circuit in
Talebnejad, construed the language "conducts,
controls, manages, supervises, directs, or owns" to
mean that "[c]riminal liability is... directed toward
those who are, in some substantial degree, in
charge of the operation; the statute does not reach
mere employees." 460 F.3d at 272. This
construction of § 1960 is difficult to reconcile
with Sanabria, which construed the almost
identical terminology much more broadly,
especially given that Congress modeled § 1960
after the very statute the Supreme Court construed
in Sanabria. Nonetheless, unless overruled, the
Talebnejad decision may restrict the government's
ability in the Fourth Circuit to charge culpable
employees (and perhaps even passive owners) of
the money transmitting business under the state
licensing and federal registration prongs.
Money transmitting. As discussed above,
§ 1960(b)(2) defines "money transmitting" to
include transfers of funds on behalf of the public
by any and all means, including, but not limited
to, transfers within this country or to locations
abroad by wire, check, draft, facsimile or courier.
In an ordinary sense, the term "transfer" means to
move or send money to a different location. See
Webster's Third New Int'l Dictionary 2427 (1993).
This definition–considered in the context of the
legislative history discussed above–gives reason
to doubt whether check cashing, currency
exchanging, and similar activities come within the
ambit of § 1960. Neither a check cashing business
nor a currency exchange business moves or sends
money from one location to another, so much as
they exchange one form of currency for another,
or exchange a check for currency. That said, the
term "transfer" in § 1960(b)(2) appears to be
broad enough to encompass hawala and other
alternative-value type transfer activities in which
funds do not physically, or even electronically,
move in the transaction. Cf. United States v.
Dinero Express, Inc., 313 F.3d 803, 806 (2d Cir.
2002) ("Because money is inherently fungible, a
person is sensibly considered to have engaged in a
'transfer' of money whenever he accepts money in
one location and, pursuant to an overall course of
conduct, causes the delivery of related money to
another location."); see also Stefan D. Cassella,
Application of Section 1960 to Informal Money
Services Businesses, Criminal Law Bulletin 590
(West, Sept.-Oct. 2003).
Business. The statute requires proof of an
unlicensed money transmitting business. The
business requirement ensures that persons cannot
be convicted for a single, isolated instance of
improper transmittal of money not shown to be
part of a business. United States v. Velastegui, 199
F.3d 590, 595 n.4 (2d Cir. 1999). Embedded in
the definition of "money transmitting" is a similar
restriction. That definition specifies that money
transmitting includes transfers conducted "on
behalf of the public," suggesting that the
remittance activity must be conducted on behalf
of a third person or persons. These two
requirements, i.e., the requirement that the
government prove the existence of a business, and
prove that the funds were transferred on behalf of
the public, may therefore preclude prosecution of
an isolated instance of money transmitting and of
transmissions conducted on behalf of oneself.
Proof of the existence of a business may take
many forms. Proof may come in the form of
ledgers and receipts documenting money
transmission on behalf of third persons. It may
also take the form of representations made
through advertisements, through applications for
general business permits, and through
representations made in account opening
documents maintained by banks handling the
money transmitter's transactions.
B. Affects interstate or foreign commerce
The second element of the statute requires
proof that the business affects interstate or foreign
commerce in any manner or degree. In most cases,
the money transmitting business either directly
transmits funds in interstate or foreign commerce,
or uses a financial intermediary, e.g., a federally-
insured bank, to do so. In either case, proof that
the business engages in transactions in interstate
or foreign commerce will satisfy the interstate
commerce element. See, e.g., United States v.
Oliveros, 275 F.3d 1299, 1304 (11th Cir. 2001)
(handing over a check implicates interstate
commerce if subsequently the check is deposited
in a bank; bank's involvement can be incidental
and need not be integral to the particular
transaction charged as money laundering). In the
case of a hawala-type transfer system that operates
entirely outside the financial system, proof may
take the form of interstate or transnational
communications between hawaladars.
C. The business is unlicensed under state
law [or fails to register under federal law]
The Talebnejad decision tells us that the
statute's mental state requirement (knowledge)
applies to the first three elements of the offense,
that is, the factual elements. The knowledge
requirement does not apply to the last two
elements, the legal elements. This means that the
government must prove that the defendant
charged with conducting the unlicensed money
transmitting business knew that the business
lacked the requisite license and/or registration,
even though the government does not have to
prove that the defendant knew about the licensing
and/or registration requirement. Apart from
raising an interesting metaphysical question–can
someone know that he or she lacks a license
without knowing of the licensing requirement–the
knowledge requirement may leave room for a
defendant to offer an objective mistake-of-fact
defense. Arguably, for example, it is a defense to
a § 1960 charge if the defendant establishes an
objectively reasonable, but mistaken belief that
his or her business partner had secured the
requisite license and/or registration. It is not,
however, a defense that the defendant
subjectively, but unreasonably believed, for
example, that a business permit sufficed to operate
a money transmitting business, or mistook the
law, or received bad legal advice. See, e.g.,
United States v. Cross, 113 F. Supp. 2d 1253,
1256, 1262 (S.D. Ind. 2000) (because offense of
operating an illegal gambling business was a
general intent crime, advice of counsel was
unavailable as a defense to that crime).
D. The state [or federal government]
requires a license [or registration]
State licensing requirements. FinCEN
maintains a list of states that have enacted some
form of licensing requirement for money
transmitting businesses. See
pdf/msbstatecontactsfinal.pdf. Care should be
taken in reading these state licensing provisions.
Some states, for example, impose licensing
requirements, but only for businesses engaged in
international money transmitting. See, e.g., Cal.
Fin. Code § 1800.5; see also Mass. Gen. L. Ch.
169, § 16; N.J. Rev. Stat. § 17:15C-2. Other states
may define the licensing requirement in terms that
reach only money transmission activities that
occur within the state. See, e.g., United v. Bah,
2007 WL 1032260 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 30, 2007)
(collecting money in New York for transmission,
where transmission activity itself occurs in New
Jersey, does not implicate New York's money
transmitter licensing requirement).
The federal registration requirements. Law
enforcement agents and prosecutors should
exercise special caution when investigating and
prosecuting a case under the federal registration
prong of § 1960. The federal registration
regulations contain ambiguities and exceptions.
See FinCEN and IRS Need to Improve and Better
Coordinate Compliance and Data management
Efforts, GAO-07-212 at 12 (Dec. 2006)
(characterizing the regulations as "confusing and
easily misinterpreted"). To begin, the regulations
do not use the term "money transmitting
business," even though that is the term Congress
used in both § 1960 and in 31 U.S.C. § 5330, the
statute creating the federal registration
requirement. The regulations instead introduce a
term alien to the statutory scheme, "money
services business." In addition, the regulations
carve up the registration requirement with
numerous exceptions. For example, money
transmitters that merely act as an agent of a
registered money transmitter do not have to
register with FinCEN. See 31 C.F.R.
§ 103.41(a)(2) (2006). These exceptions,
particularly the agency exception, have made it
difficult for law enforcement agencies, money
transmitting business examiners, and banks, to
identify whether a money transmitter is subject to
the registration requirement.
If § 1960 applied to other forms of money
services businesses other than money transmitters,
e.g., check cashers, then the regulatory framework
becomes even more complicated. Some money
services businesses (i.e., issuers and redeemers of
stored value) have been completely exempted
from the registration requirement (31 C.F.R.
§ 103.41(a)(2)), while others (e.g., check cashers)
qualify as a money services business only if they
handle more than a $1,000 on behalf of a single
customer in a single day. See 31 C.F.R.
§ 103.11(uu)(1)-(4).
E. State law punishes the lack of a license
as a misdemeanor or felony
The requirement that the state punish the
offense as either a misdemeanor or felony may
raise legal issues in at least two contexts. The first
context is where the state attaches misdemeanor or
felony penalties only upon proof that a defendant
"willfully" or "intentionally" violated the state
statute, i.e., proof that the defendant knew of the
licensing requirement. The Talebnejad court ruled
that Congress expressly rejected any mens rea
requirement with respect to the legal elements of
the state licensing prong of § 1960. 460 F.3d at
The other context in which this element may
give rise to a legal issue is where the state statute
proscribes misdemeanor or felony penalties, but
only if a statutory precondition has been met. In
California, for example, unlicensed check cashers
are subject to misdemeanor penalties, but only if
they have first been cited for infractions. See Cal.
Civ. Code § 1789.37 (West 2006). If state law
provided for such a precondition to misdemeanor
or felony punishment, it is likely the government
would have to prove the precondition to satisfy
this element of the statute, because otherwise the
operation of the money transmitting business
would not be "punishable" as a misdemeanor or
felony under state law.
IV. Constitutional challenges and
The courts have, thus far, addressed numerous
constitutional challenges to § 1960, and rejected
them. Some defendants have raised equal
protection challenges to the state licensing prong.
They have challenged § 1960 on the ground that it
violates the Equal Protection Clause because it
assimilates the laws of some states, but not others.
These challenges have been uniformly rejected.
See, e.g., United States v. Barre, 324 F. Supp. 2d
1173, 1175-76 (D. Colo. 2004). Other challenges,
premised on fair notice, vagueness, and the rule of
lenity, have similarly been rejected.
Perhaps the most serious constitutional
challenge is the one raised in Talebnejad, 460
F.3d 563, 570. There, the defendants argued that
§ 1960's comparatively low mental state
requirement violated due process, citing
United States v. Lambert, 355 U.S. 225 (1957)
(striking down municipal ordinance that required
a convicted felon to register with the city, and
subjected the felon to criminal penalties, even if
he or she was unaware of the registration
requirement). The Talebnejad Court distinguished
Lambert. Unlike the situation in Lambert, which
involved wholly passive conduct, § 1960
criminalizes affirmative conduct, e.g., the conduct
or operation of an unlicensed money transmitting
business. Judge Gregory, in his partial dissent, left
room for the possibility that § 1960 might be
susceptible to an as-applied constitutional
challenge if the government used § 1960 to
prosecute, for example, a passive or minority
stakeholder in a money transmitting business.
Such facts would, in Judge Gregory's view,
resemble those in Lambert, and thus raise
concerns about whether the statute provided
constitutionally sufficient notice of possible
regulation. 460 F.3d at 576.
V. Sentencing and forfeiture
Sentencing. The Sentencing Commission has
placed § 1960 violations in two different sections
of the Guidelines, depending on which prong
forms the basis for the conviction. The
Commission analogized violations of the state
licensing and federal registration prongs of § 1960
to currency reporting offenses, and thus classified
those offenses under USSG § 2S1.3. See
Appendix C, amendment 634. However, the
Sentencing Commission analogized violations of
the proceeds/reverse money laundering prong of
§ 1960 to a money laundering offense, and
assigned it to USSG § 2S1.1. See Appendix C,
Amendment 655.
The Sentencing Commission's bifurcated
treatment of § 1960 may lead to sentencing
anomalies. A money transmitter that violates the
state licensing or registration prongs will be
sentenced based on the total amount of funds
transmitted, without regard to whether those funds
derived from a criminal source or were intended
for a criminal purpose. See United States v.
Bariek, 2005 WL 2334682 at *2 (E.D. Va. Sept.
23, 2005) (because § 1960 was enacted to prevent
terrorists, money launderers and other criminals
from exploiting unregulated banking systems, the
more money transmitted by an unlicensed
business, the more likely that some of that money
will find its way into criminal hands, and the
greater harm caused; it is thus appropriate to reach
a sentencing range determination based on the
amount transmitted). However, a defendant
sentenced under the money laundering/reverse
money laundering prong of § 1960 will be
sentenced based only on the total amount of the
funds involved in the particular money
laundering/reverse money laundering
transactions–a figure that may represent just a
small fraction of the total amount transmitted
through the business.
In the case of violations of the licensing and
registration prongs, defendants have variously
argued that USSG § 2S1.3(a) overstates the
seriousness of the § 1960 offense, and some of
these arguments have begun to gain traction in the
courts. For example, one defendant has
successfully argued, in a case based on a § 1960
violation of Virginia's state licensing requirement,
that the sentencing judge should take into account
the sentence that the defendant likely would have
received for the state law violation had he been
prosecuted in Virginia state court. See
United States v. Habbal, 2005 WL 2674999 at *4
(E.D. Va. Oct. 17, 2005) (in case where defendant
violated Virginia state licensing requirement, but
complied with federal registration requirement,
court took into account sentence defendant would
have faced if prosecuted in state court for
licensing offense); United States v. Clark, 434
F.3d 684 (4th Cir. 2006) (Motz, J., dissenting).
Defense attempts to qualify for a reduced
advisory guideline range under the § 2S1.3(b)(2)
safe harbor provision have been less successful.
To qualify, money transmitters would have to
show, among other things, that the funds they
transmitted on behalf of their customers derived
from a lawful source and were intended for a
lawful purpose. In most cases with a probable or
even possible money laundering nexus, the money
transmitters will be unable to make that showing
because he or she will not be able to establish that
the customers of the money transmitter derived
their funds from legitimate sources. United States
v. Abdi, 342 F.3d 313 (4th Cir. 2003).
Forfeiture. Federal law subjects all property,
real or personal, involved in a transaction or
attempted transaction in violation of § 1960, or
any property traceable to such property, to civil
and criminal forfeiture. This means that the
forfeiture may include all property involved in the
operation of the money transmitting business
itself, including its business assets. See Stefan D.
Cassella, Asset Forfeiture Law in the
United States, § 27-5 (JurisNet 2007). It also
means that the forfeiture may include the funds
being transmitted by a money transmitter who is
acting in violation of the statute. Id.
The potential breadth of forfeiture under
§ 1960 may give rise to two issues. First, an issue
may arise whether customers of an unlicensed
money transmitting business have standing to
contest the forfeiture of funds seized from the
business, when those funds are linked to
transactions the customers initiated through the
business. See, e.g., United States v. 47-10-Ounce
Gold Bars, No. CV 03-955-MA, 2005 WL
221259 (D. Ore. Jan. 28, 2005). Second, in cases
prosecuted under the state licensing and federal
registration prongs, claimants and defendants may
raise an excessive fines defense comparable to
that which was raised in United States v.
Bajakajian, 524 U.S. 321, 326 (1998). Bajakajian
is distinguishable. Unlike Bajakajian, which
involved a one-time failure to file a report, a
violation of the state licensing and registration
prongs necessarily involves at least an ongoing
failure to act. Cf. United States v. Wallace, 389
F.3d 483, 487 (5th Cir. 2004) ("Obviously, he was
operating an unregistered airplane on an ongoing
basis, as opposed to the one time violation in
Bajakajian"). Moreover, cases prosecuted under
the money laundering/reverse money laundering
prong of § 1960 are even less likely to raise
Excessive Fines Clause issues because the
Excessive Fines Clause has no application to the
forfeiture of crime proceeds.
VI. Conclusion
Section 1960 is an extraordinarily powerful
statuteone that greatly enhances the
government's ability to combat drug money
laundering and terrorist financing. However,
because of the interplay between the statute, state
law, and federal regulations, § 1960 can be a
difficult statute to use in practice. Prosecutors are
encouraged to contact the Asset Forfeiture and
Money Laundering Section when considering a
prosecution or forfeiture under this statute.
Courtney J. Linn is an Assistant U.S. Attorney
in the Eastern District of California, and wrote
this article while on detail this past year to the
Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section
of the Criminal Division. A longer version of this
article will appear later this year in the UC Davis
Business Law Journal. See
The author and the Office of Legal Education
thank the UC Davis Business Law Journal for
allowing this digest version of the article to be
made available to prosecutors prior to the article's
Bulk Cash Smuggling
Rita Elizabeth Foley
Assistant United States Attorney
Eastern District of Michigan
I. Introduction
Google the phrase "bulk cash smuggling" and,
in less than one second, more than 11,000 search
results will pop up. Many of those hits will, in
some way, reference Title 31 of the United States
Code, specifically Section 5332, which is often
referred to as the Bulk Cash Smuggling Act of
2001. The criminalization of bulk cash smuggling
clearly gained sudden impetus following 9/11.
The Bulk Cash Smuggling Act was reintroduced
in the House of Representatives as a bill, H.R.
2920, 107th Cong. (2001), on September 20,
2001. Section 5332 of Title 31 of the
United States Code was enacted on October 26,
2001 as part of the USA PATRIOT ACT (Uniting
and Strengthening America by Providing
Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and
Obstruct Terrorism Act [USA PATRIOT ACT] of
2001), USA PATRIOT ACT, Pub. L. No. 107-56,
Tit. III, § 371, 115 Stat. 272 (2001).
The initial push to heighten awareness of bulk
cash smuggling as a serious offense, however,
came in 1998, as the government responded to the
decision of the United States Supreme Court in
U.S. v. Bajakajian, 524 U.S. 321 (1998). The
Bajakajian decision has been reviewed and
discussed at length since its issue. In short, the
Supreme Court held that forfeiture of the entire
amount of $357,144 in U.S. currency seized from
Mr. Bajakajian was excessive. The Court reasoned
that, since the wrongful act was a mere failure to
file a report in violation of 31 U.S.C. § 5316,
forfeiture of the entire amount of the seized
currency was grossly disproportional to the
gravity of the offense, and violated Mr.
Bajakajian's Eighth Amendment right to be
protected from excessive fines. Ultimately, the
Court ruled that Mr. Bajakajian only had to forfeit
$15,000 of the $357,144 in currency.
II. Legislative history
In 1998, following the Bajakajian decision,
the United States Department of Justice
(Department) submitted a proposal to Congress, to
amend Title 31 of the United States Code. The
Department's proposal suggested that the act of
bulk cash smuggling should be made a criminal
offense, and that the United States should be
empowered to seize and forfeit smuggled currency
in accordance with the forfeiture provisions of
Title 18 of the United States Code. The
Congressional Record clearly states the legislative
intent behind what would eventually become the
Bulk Cash Smuggling Act of 2001, 31 U.S.C.
§ 5332.
Confiscation of the smuggled currency is, of
course, the most effective weapon that can be
employed against these smugglers.
Accordingly, in response to the Bajakajian
decision, the Department of Justice proposed
making the act of bulk cash smuggling itself a
criminal offense, and to authorize the
imposition of the full range of civil and
criminal sanctions when the offense is
discovered. Because the act of concealing
currency for the purpose of smuggling it out
of the United States is inherently more serious
than simply failing to file a Customs report,
strong and meaningful sanctions, such as
confiscation of the smuggled currency, are
likely to withstand Eighth Amendment
challenges to the new statute.
144 Cong. Reg. H9478 (1998).
Citation to the legislative history describing
the intent of 31 U.S.C. § 5332 may be useful in
explaining to a court why Bajakajian should no
longer be the applicable standard in determining
the proportionality of the forfeiture in bulk cash
smuggling cases.
III. Elements of the criminal offense
The following four items must be proved
beyond a reasonable doubt, to establish a criminal
violation of 31 U.S.C. § 5332.
Intent to evade a § 5316 currency reporting
Knowing concealment of more than $10,000
(in currency or other monetary instruments).
On a person, or in a conveyance, luggage or
Transport or transfer (or attempt to transport
or transfer) from inside U.S. to outside U.S.
See Figure 1, page 47.
The first hurdle is to prove that the defendant
intended to evade the currency reporting
requirement. Here, the prosecutor's knowledge of
the type, extent, and nature of the defendant's
contact with the border patrol officer or agent at
the port of exit becomes crucial. Was the
defendant made aware of the § 5316 reporting
requirement? Was the defendant a frequent
international traveler? Had the defendant
completed Currency and Monetary Instrument
Reports (CMIRs) on previous travels? Was the
defendant offered the opportunity to complete (or
to amend) his or her CMIR? What was the
defendant's ability to speak, read, and understand
spoken or written English? Was the CMIR offered
in an alternative language? If the prosecutor
cannot establish this threshold element of intent to
evade the currency reporting requirement, the
criminal prosecution under § 5332 will fail.
The second element, that of "knowing
concealment," may be an easier picture to paint
for the judge or jury. The familiar proverb—"a
picture is worth a thousand words"rings true in
bulk cash smuggling. The prosecutor who is
fortunate enough to work with law enforcement
officers who have the foresight to take
photographs of the concealed currency, at the time
of the encounter with the traveler or his luggage,
vehicle, or package, is blessed with an easier task
of proving the knowing concealment of the
currency. Cash, even large sums, which are
merely carried in a coat pocket, a wallet or purse,
or even packed in luggage, without evidence of
some effort to conceal it within the lining of the
suitcase, trap, compartment, or hidden pocket, will
generally not be sufficient to demonstrate that the
defendant "knowingly concealed" the currency.
Proving that the crime involved "currency or
monetary instruments" requires familiarity with
the applicable definition of "monetary
instruments." With respect to bulk cash smuggling
offenses, the Code of Federal Regulations, at 31
C.F.R. § 103.11(u)(1)(i)-(v), defines "monetary
instruments" as follows.
Traveler's checks in any form.
All negotiable instruments (including personal
checks, business checks, official bank checks,
cashier's checks, third-party checks,
promissory notes (as that term is defined in
the Uniform Commercial Code), and money
orders)) that are either in bearer form,
endorsed without restriction, made out to a
fictitious payee (for the purposes of § 103.23),
or otherwise in such form that title thereto
passes upon delivery.
Incomplete instruments (including personal
checks, business checks, official bank checks,
cashier's checks, third-party checks,
promissory notes (as that term is defined in
the Uniform Commercial Code), and money
orders)) signed but with the payee's name
Securities or stock, in bearer form or
otherwise, in such form that title thereto
passes upon delivery.
"Monetary instruments do not include warehouse
receipts or bills of lading." 31 C.F.R.
§ 103.11(u)(2).
One emerging problem in bulk cash
smuggling, from a law enforcement perspective, is
the "stored value card." Currently, the definition
of "monetary instruments," for purposes of
prosecuting bulk cash smugglers or forfeiting
seized assets pursuant to § 5332, does not include
the stored value cards. According to the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York:
There are two main categories of stored value
cards in the marketplace. The first prepaid
cards made available to the marketplace were
single-purpose or "closed-loop" cards. Gift
cards, which can only be used to purchase
goods at particular retailers, and prepaid
telephone cards, which can only be used to
make telephone calls, are examples of single-
purpose cards. The second type of card to
emerge was a multipurpose or "open-loop"
card, which can be used to make debit
transactions at a wide variety of retail
locations, as well as for other purposes, such
as receiving direct deposits and withdrawing
cash from ATMs. Some multi-purpose cards
are branded by Visa or MasterCard and can be
used wherever those brands are accepted.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Stored Value
Cards: An Alternative for the Unbanked? (July
2004), available at
Border agents and officers do not yet have a
consistent capability to check the available
balances of stored value cards, to determine
whether the card's available value exceeds the
$10,000 threshold element set forth in 31 U.S.C.
§ 5332. Even if federal law enforcement agents
had the ability to check the balances of these
cards, the "open-loop" typed cards do not fall
within the definition of monetary instruments for
bulk cash smuggling prosecutorial or forfeiture
Another noteworthy facet of the Bulk Cash
Smuggling Act is the requirement that the
United States prove the transportation or transfer,
or attempted transportation or transfer, of the
currency or monetary instruments from a point
inside the United States to a point outside the
United States, or from a point outside the
United States to a point inside the United States.
The transportation or transfer element assumes
that a border has been crossed. The "attempt"
language, however, permits the government to
charge § 5332 where the investigation is able to
establish a border crossing was intended and/or
was imminent. This unique language of § 5332
allows prosecutors to charge bulk cash smuggling
and/or to bring civil forfeiture actions against
currency or monetary instruments seized during
"pipeline" stops. In U.S. v One 1988 Chevrolet
Cheyenne Half-Ton Pickup Truck, 357 F. Supp.
2d 1321 (S.D. Ala. 2005), the government
successfully filed a civil forfeiture action against
$313,030 in U.S. currency, and against the pick-
up truck which was fitted with two traps that
contained the $313,030 in currency. The district
court held that the volume of money hidden in the
truck, along with a canine alert and the manner of
packaging, was probative of illegal drug activity.
However, with respect to forfeiture under 31
U.S.C. § 5332, the court stated:
The argument in favor of civil forfeiture under
the Bulk Cash Smuggling Act may be even
more compelling. If the Court understands
Aguila's position properly, he contends that he
brought the truck, laden with several hundred
thousand dollars in concealed U.S. currency
in small bills, across the Mexico-U.S. border
more than a week prior to its seizure. There is
no evidence that Aguila ever reported such a
massive quantity of cash to U.S. officials
before bringing it across the border, as
required by the currency reporting
requirements of 31 U.S.C. § 5316. Indeed,
Aguila's having concealed the currency in
secret compartments is compelling evidence
that he "with the intent to evade a currency
requirement under section 5316, knowingly
conceal[ed] more than $10,000 in currency"
in the truck, in violation of the Bulk Cash
Smuggling Act, 31 U.S.C. § 5332(a)(1). Such
a violation would in turn subject the cash and
the vehicle to the civil forfeiture provisions of
that Act, under § 5332(c)(1)-(3).
Id. at 1331 n.18.
The civil forfeiture action was filed in
Alabama, which does not share a land border with
a foreign country. Thus, even judicial districts
which do not see a high volume of the traditional
border nexus cases may see cash seizures develop
into bulk cash smuggling cases.
IV. Asset forfeiture
Title 31 provides for both criminal and civil
forfeiture of currency and monetary instruments
involved in bulk cash smuggling. In fact, criminal
forfeiture is fairly broad and mandates the
forfeiture of any property, real or personal,
involved in, or traceable to, the bulk cash
smuggling offense. Many experts agree that bulk
cash smuggling may now be the most common
form of money laundering. Thus, it is appropriate
that the forfeiture provisions of the bulk cash
smuggling statutes mirror the "involved in or
traceable to" language of the forfeiture provisions
governing money laundering. "[T]he court, in
imposing sentence [for bulk cash smuggling under
31 U.S.C. § 5332(a)(1)]..., shall order that the
defendant forfeit to the United States, any
property, real or personal, involved in the offense,
and any property traceable to such property." 31
U.S.C. § 5332(b)(2).
Prior to December 17, 2004, the statute
contained the language "subject to subsection
(d)." However, subsection (d) was never enacted
by Congress. Subsection (d) would have set forth
the mitigating factors to be considered by the
courts in determining whether the amount to be
forfeited should be reduced. However, this error
was corrected when Pub. L. No. 108-458, 118
Stat. 3638, Title VI, § 6203(h), December 17,
2004, amended the statute, where § 6203(h)(1)
struck, "subject to subsection (d) of this section"
following "property" and § 6203(h)(2) struck,
"subject to subsection (d) of this section,"
following "may be seized and." Thus, claimants
no longer may argue that the statute is
"unconstitutionally vague" because of the absence
of subsection (d). See U.S. v Hansen, No. 2:04-
CR-00091, Order Denying Defendant's Motion to
Dismiss Count Two of the Indictment as to Erik
Hansen (Docket No. 65, S.D. Ohio Oct. 20,
Title 31 also provides that, "[a]ny property
involved in a violation of [31 U.S.C. § 5332(a)]...,
or a conspiracy to commit such violation, and any
property traceable to such violation or conspiracy,
may be seized and forfeited to the United States."
31 U.S.C. § 5332(c). Civil forfeiture proceedings
may be brought against any property "involved
in" the bulk cash smuggling offense, including:
any currency or other monetary instrument
that is concealed or intended to be concealed
in violation of subsection (a) or a conspiracy
to commit such violation, any article,
container, or conveyance used, or intended to
be used, to conceal or transport the currency
or other monetary instrument, and any other
property used, or intended to be used, to
facilitate the offense....
31 U.S.C. § 5332(c)(3).
Prosecutors may wish to proceed with civil
forfeiture proceedings parallel to any criminal
prosecution, or may elect to proceed with civil
forfeiture alone. The evidence, in some instances,
may not be sufficient to meet the "beyond a
reasonable doubt" burden of proof inherent in a
criminal case. That same evidence, however, may
be more than adequate to prove forfeitability of
the asset by a preponderance of the evidence, in a
civil case.
Assets seized in conjunction with a violation
of 31 U.S.C. § 5332 may also be administratively
forfeited. In general, all property subject to
forfeiture may be forfeited administratively
real property (see 18 U.S.C. § 985);
personal property having a value > $500,000,
unless it is:
a. merchandise, the importation of which is
b. a vessel, vehicle or aircraft used to import,
export, transport or store controlled
substance, or
c. a monetary instrument (as defined by 31
U.S.C. § 5312(a)(3) - but NOT bank
accounts! (see 19 U.S.C. § 1607); and
property forfeitable under a statute that does
not incorporate Customs laws (see, e.g. 18
U.S.C. § 492, related to counterfeiting).
Asset Forfeiture Policy Manual (Jan. 2007) Chap.
2 Sec. I.A.
V. Sentencing
According to the United States Sentencing
Commission, Guidelines Manual § 2S1.3 (Nov.
2006), a bulk cash smuggling conviction, in
violation of 31 U.S.C. § 5332, will result in a base
offense level of 6. The offense level must then be
adjusted according to the amount of the currency
or monetary instruments which were smuggled,
utilizing the Theft and Fraud Table set forth in
§ 2B1.1. USSG § 2S1.3. The minimum amount
that must be added to the base offense level for
bulk cash smuggling offenses is 4 levels for "more
than $10,000." (Any amount less than $10,000
would not satisfy the threshold element of
§ 5332.) The maximum amount that may be added
to the base offense level for bulk cash smuggling,
from the Theft and Fraud Table in § 2B1.1, is 30
levels (for an amount more than $400 million).
After adjusting the base offense level
according to the amount of the smuggled currency
or monetary instruments, 2 levels should also be
added if the conviction is for bulk cash
smuggling. USSG § 2S1.3(b)(1). This two-level
increase for bulk cash smuggling has been upheld,
over the defendant's objection that the
enhancement constituted "double counting." See
U.S. v. Meza-Quinones, 2006 WL 504282 (W.D.
Tex. Feb. 15, 2006).
For purposes of illustration, assume that the
traveler is convicted of bulk cash smuggling in
violation of 31 U.S.C. § 5332, and that he had
smuggled $350,000 in cash. According to the
Guidelines Manual, the base offense level would
be 6. USSG § 2S1.3. Because the amount
involved is more than $200,000 but less than
$400,000, the traveler would receive a 12 level
increase based on the Theft and Fraud Table.
USSG §2 B1.1. Additionally, because the traveler
was convicted of bulk cash smuggling, two
additional levels are added pursuant to
§ 2S1.3(b)(1). Thus, the traveler's adjusted offense
level is 6+12+2=20. If the traveler's criminal
history falls within Category I (zero or one
criminal history points), the recommended
sentencing range under the Guidelines Manual is
33-41 months of imprisonment. USSG § 5A. This
represents a significant increase from the
sentencing guidelines antecedent to the Bulk Cash
Smuggling Act where, based on an application of
the November 2000 Sentencing Guidelines,
smuggling $350,000 (a violation of 31 U.S.C.
§ 5316) would have resulted in a sentence
recommendation of only 15-21 months.
VI. Mitigation
If the evidence establishes that the bulk cash
smuggler was not engaged in any other criminal
endeavor, it may be necessary to balance the
criminal act(s) versus the amount of the seizure.
The mitigation was originally addressed in the
draft version of 31 U.S.C. § 5332 as subsection
(d). However, since the statute is now silent as to
the mitigating factors, the courts must consider
whether mitigation is appropriate on a case-by-
case basis. To seek mitigation, the smuggler has
the burden of proving that the currency was from
a legitimate source, and was not intended for any
unlawful purpose.
Tax evasion is one such "unlawful purpose"
that a court may find weighs against mitigation of
the forfeiture. Courts may justify full forfeiture of
currency or monetary instruments in "clean
money" cases. Many outbound CMIR and bulk
cash smuggling violations may involve situations
where the funds were earned legally, but the
smuggler wanted to evade tax consequences.
Thus, although the funds may be from a legitimate
source, if they are intended for an unlawful
purposetax evasion—the claimant should not be
entitled to mitigation of the forfeiture.
In U.S. v. Six Negotiable Checks in Various
Denominations Totaling One Hundred Ninety-
One Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-One Dollars
and Sixty-Nine Cents, 389 F. Supp. 2d 813, (E.D.
Mich. 2005), a traveler was about to embark on a
flight outbound from Detroit to Tel Aviv. The
traveler declared that he was carrying $9,000, but
he actually had $8,500 in currency, and thirteen
checks (six of which were negotiable) totaling
$250,671.69. The government argued that the
traveler's purpose for the CMIR violation was tax
evasion. The court held both that forfeiture was
proper and that forfeiture of the full amount of the
seized monies was not excessive. The court based
its decision on the following rationale: (1) tax
evasion is not a lawful purpose; (2) fines for tax
evasion, willful failure to file a tax return, and
CMIR violations ranged from $25,000-$250,000;
and (3) while the amount of forfeiture was
somewhat greater than the $250,000 maximum
fine, it was not so much greater that it constituted
a "gross disproportionality." Id. at 826.
VII. Law enforcement: why do we need
§ 5332?
The effective enforcement of the Bank
Secrecy Act forces drug dealers, and other
criminals engaged in cash-based businesses, to
avoid use of domestic banks and legitimate money
transmitting businesses. A drug dealer who wires
millions to his account in some island banking
destination creates the risk of a financial
institution generating a Currency Transaction
Report, or a Suspicious Activity Report. Thus, in
order to avoid banks, the criminals are forced to
move large quantities of currency in bulk from, to,
and through, airports, border crossings, and ports
of entry, in order to eventually deposit their ill-
gotten gains into foreign bank accounts.
While narcotics trafficking accounts for a
substantial portion of currency smuggling, not all
bulk cash smuggling involves narcotics proceeds.
Alien smuggling and the smuggling of firearms
and weapons are two of the fastest growing
criminal enterprises, in terms of the amount of
cash proceeds generated by the crime. Human
trafficking is largely a cash-based business where
the cash generated in the United States finds its
way back to the country from whence the victims
are kidnaped or indentured. Bulk cash smuggling
is also an easy way to funnel monies in material
support of terrorism. Border cash seizures may
also represent the proceeds from the sale of
imported counterfeit merchandise, or may even be
monies wrongdoers are carrying across the border
for the purpose of bribing foreign officials, and
ultimately continuing to smuggle illegal imports
or exports.
The transportation and smuggling of cash
across our borders may now be the most common
form of money laundering. Even the courts have
recognized that, in the end, legitimate businesses
simply do not smuggle loads of currency across
the border to bring their transactions to fruition.
A common sense reality of everyday life is
that legitimate businesses do not transport
large quantities of cash rubber-banded into
bundles and stuffed into packages in a
backpack. They don't, because there are
better, safer means of transporting cash if one
is not trying to hide it from the authorities....
U.S. v. $242,484, 389 F.3d 1149, 1161 (11th Cir.
In sum, the Bulk Cash Smuggling Act, 31
U.S.C. § 5332, despite its relative youth, is an
effective law enforcement tool that assists the
efforts of the United States to stem the flow of
unreported cash into and out of the country.
Interestingly, the necessity for the statute may, in
some ways, be attributed to law enforcement
itself. Strict implementation and monitoring of
financial institutions' compliance with the Bank
Secrecy Act effectively shifted the movement of
criminal proceeds out of the channels of
mainstream commerce, and into the underground
bulk cash movement. It is an exciting period as
new developments in case law continue to emerge
and shape the practice of both prosecutors and
those on the front line of our borders.
VIII. Acknowledgment
Much of what the author has learned of bulk
cash smuggling is directly attributable to the
expertise of Stefan D. Cassella, Bulk Cash
Smuggling and the Globalization of Crime:
Overcoming Constitutional Challenges to
Forfeiture under 31 U.S.C. § 5332, 22 BERKELEY
J. INT' L L. 98 (2004). Mr. Cassella is the Deputy
Chief of the Legal Policy Unit, Asset Forfeiture
and Money Laundering Section, Criminal
Division, United States Department of Justice.
Rita Elizabeth Foley is an Assistant
United States Attorney in the Asset Forfeiture
Unit of the U.S. Attorney's Office in Detroit.
Before joining the U.S. Attorney's Office in 2002,
she served as Associate Counsel for the State of
Michigan Attorney Discipline Board.a
The viewpoints expressed in this article are those
of the author and do not in any way represent the
official position of the United States Department
of Justice.
Figure 1
Sources of Information in a Financial
Alan Hampton
Special Agent
Internal Revenue Service
Criminal Investigation
I. Introduction
Financial investigations are critical to almost
every investigation undertaken by federal law
enforcement agencies. The profits which drive the
criminal organization, and the financial tools
which criminals use to protect those profits, are
the main points of vulnerability. Money motivates
the crime; money keeps the organization going;
protecting the money is the criminal's chief
concern. A financial investigation follows the
money in order to take down the criminal, as well
as the whole enterprise that supports the criminal
activity. In focusing on the economic organization
and motivation of the criminal enterprises,
financial investigations emerge as a powerful tool
in the law enforcement arsenal.
The author, while working in the New
Orleans and Dallas field offices for the past fifteen
years, has investigated cases involving legitimate
enterprises from commercial fishermen to
politicians and illegal ones from alien smuggling
to terrorism. Developing the financial side of
cases involves knowing where to look for large
transactions involving the movement of money
and acquisition of assets. Once the information is
gathered, it needs to be presented in a format
understandable to the audience. A threshold
challenge is mastering the financial investigative
tools available to most federal law enforcement
agencies, and learning how to extract information
from them.
The past few years have seen an explosion of
information available to law enforcement. The
following case example is illustrative of the
information needed to investigate the case, and the
steps required to get that information in usable
form for prosecution.
II. Case scenario
Gunvant Shah operated an unlicensed money
transmitting business, primarily in New Jersey
and Boston. He had a network of coconspirators
who funneled money through the bank accounts
of legitimate companies, into foreign countries, by
the use of a hawala system, thereby evading any
country's reporting requirements. See, David
Marshall Nissman, Hawala, UNITED STATES
ATTORNEYS' BULLETIN, May 2002, at 13. This
network allowed Shah to transfer illegal alien
smuggling fees from the United States back to the
alien smugglers in India and around the world.
Shah eventually cooperated and was sentenced for
his role in the scheme. United States v. Singh, No.
3:98-cr-00363-3 (N.D. Tex. July 22, 1999).
A. First steps
The subject(s) must be identified, the source
of the money must be ascertained, and the person
to whom the money is being sent must be located,
in order to obtain convictions and make full use of
asset forfeiture. Physical surveillance in the Shah
case showed the subject mailing envelope-sized
packages nearly every day, and trash runs
garnered phone records, bank statements, and
utility bills, among other things. From that
information, the subject was confirmed.
After identifying the subject, requests for
financial information were sent to the Financial
Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) lead development
centers (LDC) to find any financial trends that
would shed light on Shah's activities. The FBI has
a unit in Savannah, Georgia, that provides the
same information as the IRS LDC, less tax return
information. Most federal agencies have a liaison
to FinCEN through whom FinCEN requests can
be sent.
At the same time these investigative avenues
were pursued, a mail cover was placed on the
subject's residence. It showed an inordinate
amount of incoming mail from an unusually high
number of individuals. Mail covers are obtained
by organizational requests to the U.S. Postal
Inspection Service. Mail covers record the
addressee and addressor of incoming mail to a
designated address for a specified period of time.
Grand jury subpoenas were issued to banks,
phone companies, and mail delivery services, such
as Federal Express (FedEx) and United Parcel
Service (UPS). It is important to get account
opening documents when subpoenaing bank
records, including the signature card and the
initial application. They can be used to show
ownership or control of the account, and link a
subject to other associated individuals.
Review of the data and information revealed
that the subject did not use traditional banking
methods exclusively. Search warrants for
packages that the subject mailed were obtained
and revealed that checks, money orders, and cash,
was being sent to various destinations around the
world. The details of the investigation were
relayed to FinCEN analysts, and they suggested
that the subject might be using an underground
money transfer system. Contact was made with a
FinCEN underground banking expert, and he
confirmed that the subject appeared to be using
the hawala system of money transfer.
"Hawala" is a term that describes an
alternative banking system that operates outside
of, or parallel to, "traditional" banking or financial
channels. The hawala transfer system emerged in
India and Southeast Asia, and predates the
introduction of western banking practices. The
individuals conducting the hawala transactions are
called hawaladars. It is currently a major
remittance system used around the world. It is but
one of several such systems; another well-known
example is the "chop," "chit," or "flying money"
system indigenous to China. Although these
systems are often referred to as "underground
banking," they often operate in the open with
complete legitimacy, and are often heavily and
effectively advertised.
In 1999 (effective in 2001), the Secretary of
the Treasury promulgated regulatory definitions
of certain nonbank financial institutions for
purposes of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), and
grouped the definitions into a separate category of
financial institutions called "money services
businesses" (MSBs). These businesses must
license with the state in which they do business (if
the state has a licensing requirement) and must
register with FinCEN, unless an exception to the
registration requirement applies. Forms for
registration are available on the FinCEN Web site
at Failure to license and register
the business may result in prosecution under Title
18 U.S.C. § 1960, which makes it an offense to
conduct an unlicensed money transmitting
business. Importantly, proof that the funds
involved in the business derived from crime (or
were intended to promote crime) is not required to
obtain a § 1960 conviction. Numerous cases have
been prosecuted under § 1960 in recent years.
FinCEN also administers the BSA, our
nation's first and most comprehensive anti-money
laundering statute. The BSA requires depository
institutions, other financial institutions, and trades
vulnerable to money laundering, to take a number
of precautions against financial crime. These
precautions include filing and reporting certain
data about financial transactions possibly
indicative of money laundering, such as cash
transactions over $10,000 and suspicious
transactions. Over 15,000,000 BSA reports are
filed each year by thousands of U.S. financial
institutions, providing a wealth of potentially
useful information to agencies whose mission it is
to detect and prevent money laundering, other
financial crimes, and terrorism.
Accordingly, FinCEN makes available to
appropriate federal, state, and local law
enforcement, and regulatory agencies, the
following databases.
Currency and Banking Retrieval System
(CBRS): This financial database consists of
reports that are required to be filed under the
BSA, such as data on large currency
transactions conducted at financial institutions
or casinos, suspicious transactions, and
international movements of currency or
negotiable monetary instruments. This
information often provides invaluable
assistance for investigators because it is not
readily available from any other source and it
preserves a financial paper trail for
investigators to track criminals' proceeds and
their assets. In general, CBRS data includes:
Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)
(filed by Depository Institutions,
Casinos, MSBs, Securities & Futures
Industries, Insurance Businesses).
Currency and Monetary Instruments
Reports (CMIRs).
Currency Transaction Reports
Casino CTRs.
Reports of Over $10,000 Received in
a Trade or Business (Form 8300).
Registration of Money Services
Business (RMSB).
Foreign Bank Account Reports
Commercial Databases: Information from
commercially available sources plays an
increasingly vital role in criminal
investigations. Commercial databases include
information such as state corporations,
property, and people locator records, as well
as professional licenses, and vehicle
Law Enforcement Databases: FinCEN is
able to access various law enforcement
databases through written agreements with
each agency. FinCEN requests could also
include a USA PATRIOT Act § 314(a)
information request. A Section 314(a) form is
a request to FinCEN from a federal law
enforcement agent, and can be used in a
terrorism or major money laundering related
investigation. Once FinCEN receives the
request, FinCEN sends a notice for
information to financial institutions across the
country via a secure Internet Web site. The
request contains subject and business names,
addresses, and as much identifying data as
possible, to assist the financial industry in
searching their records. The financial
institutions must query their records for data
matches, including accounts maintained by
the named subjects during the preceding
twelve months and transactions conducted
with the subjects within the last six months.
Financial institutions have two weeks from
the transmission date of the request to respond
to the § 314(a) information request. If the
search uncovers any matching accounts or
transactions, the bank notifies FinCEN.
FinCEN prepares a report of "hits" and replies
to the agent within two weeks. The agent
determines whether or not to subpoena the
aforementioned records.
C. Next steps
A Title III wire telephone interception (phone
tap) was used during the Shah investigation,
which allowed the government to intercept
telephone calls in which Shah and coconspirators
discussed their plans. The phone tap also allowed
the government to intercept faxed items, which
included ledger sheets detailing the balances for
each of the hawaladars.
Shah collected currency and monetary
instruments used to pay for alien smuggling,
including cash, cashier's checks, money orders,
and personal checks, in New Jersey and Boston,
and typically sent money to India in three
different ways. The first system was a true direct
hawala transfer with hawaladars in India. Shah
called his connections in India and they
transferred the money to its destination. In return,
Shah sent money around the United States on
behalf of the hawaladars in India.
The second system was the transfer of
monetary instruments by FedEx to another
hawaladar who operated a Canadian company in
Toronto, Canada. The Canadian company then
wired money to companies through its network of
other hawaladars and eventually to India.
The third system utilized an international
metal brokerage company in New York with its
own network of money movement around the
world. Since all three avenues involved the
transfer of proceeds of a specified unlawful
activity (SUA), as defined in 18 U.S.C.
§ 1956(c)(7), all three avenues involved possible
money laundering violations, and the funds
involved in those transactions were, therefore,
subject to civil forfeiture under 18 U.S.C.
§ 981(a)(1)(A) & (C) and 28 U.S.C. § 2461(c).
III. Asset forfeiture
Title 18 U.S.C. § 981 allows for the civil
seizure and forfeiture of assets relating to 18
U.S.C. §§ 1956, 1957 (money laundering), 1960
(unlicensed money transmitting business), foreign
crimes, proceeds from other criminal violations
including offenses constituting an SUA,
automobile theft and car jacking, and assets of a
domestic or international terrorist. Section 982 is
the analog to § 981 that is used for criminal
forfeiture. In the case of some BSA violations,
(structuring and Currency and Monetary
Instrument Report (CMIR) violations)), 31 U.S.C.
§ 5317 provides for civil and criminal forfeiture.
Title 18 U.S.C. § 984 provides a statutory
exception to the usual rule regarding strict tracing
that would otherwise apply in civil forfeiture
cases brought under 18 U.S.C. § 981(a)(1)(A) or
31 U.S.C. § 5317(c)(2). Title 18 U.S.C. § 984
applies in any civil forfeiture action in which the
subject property is cash, monetary instruments in
bearer form, funds deposited in an account in a
financial institution, or precious metals. Any
identical property found in the same place or
account as the property involved in the offense
that is the basis for the forfeiture is subject to
forfeiture under 18 U.S.C. § 984.
For example, suppose a person placed
$10,000 in laundered funds in a bank account on
Monday and the account is seized for civil
forfeiture on Friday. Suppose also that, at the time
of the seizure, the balance in the account is
$10,000, but that in between these dates, on
Wednesday, the balance dropped to zero and
subsequently $10,000 in unlaundered funds are
deposited. Consequently, the $10,000 in funds
that remain on Friday cannot be strictly traced
back to the money laundering offense. In general,
the $10,000 seized on Friday is not the same
money as the laundered funds that were placed in
the account on Monday. Under a traditional
tracing analysis, the government would not be
able to forfeit the $10,000. Under 18 U.S.C.
§ 984, however, the government may forfeit the
$10,000 from the account, without regard to
fluctuations in the balance in the account. Any
action that utilizes § 984 to forfeit property, not
traceable directly to the offense that is the basis
for the forfeiture, must be commenced not more
than one year from the date of the offense.
IV. Information from foreign countries
Some of the information needed in the
example case scenario was in foreign countries.
The investigating agent had to determine the best
way to get usable information from them. Contact
with the agencies' attachés (IRS, FBI, ICE) can
sometimes yield quick, but nonevidentiary,
information. The Office of International Affairs
(OIA) in the Criminal Division of the Department
of Justice (Department) can advise regarding the
various foreign treaties and requests available
with foreign countries. The United States also has
tax treaties with certain countries.
Records requested through a tax treaty can
only be used for tax administration purposes, and
not other criminal charges. If a grand jury tax
investigation includes the investigation of money
laundering and other Title 18 charges, the records
obtained through the tax treaty are useable to
support the tax charges, but the jury would have
to be advised to ignore this evidence when
considering the other nontax charges. To avoid
this dilemma, consider using a different legal
method to obtain the records, such as Mutual
Legal Assistance Treaties (MLATs).
Generally speaking, there are two nontreaty
methods for obtaining foreign bank records. First,
the Bank of Nova Scotia subpoena can be used to
subpoena records, in overseas branches, from
banks that have branches in the United States. For
example, if the subject has an account with HSBC
in Hong Kong, the branch in the United States
may be served. However, prior to issuing such a
subpoena, a prosecutor must first obtain OIA
approval pursuant to guidelines set forth in the
Criminal Resource Manual. See United States
Attorneys' Manual § 9-13.525.
A second method to obtain foreign bank
records involves the use of 31 U.S.C. § 5318(k), a
provision added in the USA PATRIOT Act.
Section 5318(k) allows law enforcement agents to
get bank records from a foreign bank that has a
correspondent bank account in the United States.
Almost all the banks in the world have a
relationship with a bank in the United States,
therefore, most bank records are theoretically
within reach. The way it works is that the
§ 5318(k) subpoena is served on the
correspondent bank in the United States. The
foreign bank is then required to supply the records
or the U.S. correspondent bank may face fines of
up to $10,000 per day or until they terminate their
correspondent banking relationship. These
subpoenas are administrative and can only be
issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, the
Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal
Division, or the U.S. Attorney. Before any
§ 5318(k) subpoena can be issued, it must first be
approved by the Director of the OIA, who will
consult with the Chief of the Asset Forfeiture and
Money Laundering Section (AFMLS), as well as
the Treasury and State Departments. Approval for
such subpoenas has been granted only in a handful
of cases because the preferred method of
obtaining information concerning foreign bank
accounts is through the MLAT process.
FinCEN is also a member of the Egmont
Group, an international organization of Financial
Investigative Units (FIU). FinCEN, for example,
is the FIU for the United States. The Egmont
group maintains a Web site at The goal of the group is
to create a global network by fostering
cooperation between countries by sharing
information. Requests can be made through
FinCEN for additional information. Information
obtained through the FIU process is lead
information only and cannot be used as evidence
in judicial proceedings.
In the Shah investigation, an MLAT request
with Canada yielded bank records and an
interview with the Canadian hawaladar. Since
money laundering and informal banking in
Canada is legal and he did not know the source of
the funds, the witness answered all questions and
laid out the entire path of his financial network.
V. Internal Revenue Service Lead
Development Centers
Another excellent source of information is the
IRS Reveal system. The Reveal system provides
IRS criminal investigation (CI) agents and
analysts with the capacity to access, analyze, and
interpret data from a spectrum of sources
uploaded in a single stand-alone system. Reveal
provides users with the capability to search
multiple data sources at one time on a single set of
criteria. Those data sources are public record
databases, as well as the financial data contained
in the CBRS. Reveal can provide data
visualization by linking identifying factors such as
subjects, accounts, and identification numbers,
and provides clear representation of networks.
The Reveal system is used by investigative
analysts at CI's LDCs and within the SAR Review
Teams in each CI field office. Access to this
information must be requested through an IRS
Special Agent since there are tax return disclosure
aspects. If an IRS agent is assigned to the case and
tax charges are being pursued, a grand jury
expansion to include tax charges should be
If tax charges are not included in the
prosecution, the tax return information gained
from the investigation may not be usable in court
proceedings. An alternate method of getting and
using tax return information is by ex parte
application and order. These requests are signed
by a District Judge and forwarded to the IRS
Disclosure Office for processing. Tax returns are
useful in almost every financial investigation, and
can be used to see if the subject is reporting the
income from an illegal activity or if the subject is
using a legitimate business to launder illegally-
derived funds. If there are no plans to pursue tax
charges, it is strongly advisable to acquire any
related tax returns through the ex parte process.
In the example investigation, results from
FinCEN showed numerous cash transactions, as
well as postal money order purchases. The cashed
portion of the money orders were obtained, which
revealed where and how they had been redeemed.
The money orders had been deposited into a bank
account of an international metals broker with
offices in New York. Subpoenas were issued for
that account, which showed enormous amounts of
cash and cash equivalent being deposited, and
corresponding wires being sent all over the world.
Since the payments for alien smuggling fees from
Shah were proceeds of an SUA, they were subject
to forfeiture. The civil statute, 18 U.S.C. § 981,
was used to forfeit those proceeds.
Bank records were subpoenaed and all
relevant databases checked. The only place left
with unknown information was the subject's
residence. It is much easier to get a search warrant
for a business than a residence, but articulation for
a financial search warrant of a residence is also
relatively easy. Since financial documents are
generally stored for a long period of time,
probable cause can usually be maintained for up
to six months, as long as all circumstances
remained the same. See. e.g., United States v.
Hanton, 2006 WL 1920358 (4th Cir. July 12,
2006) (unpublished) (search warrant for
documents relating to money laundering upheld
even though events identified in the affidavit
occurred three years before the search warrant was
issued). The other advantage of a financial search
warrant is that it allows access to, and permission
to search, all areas of the property.
The information gathered was used to obtain
the search warrant of the residence. The FinCEN
hawala expert informed the investigative team that
safe deposit boxes are commonly used by
hawaladars to store gold and jewelry, which is
sometimes used for payment instead of cash.
Warrants were executed and hawala ledgers
detailing all of the subject's transactions, cash, and
cash equivalents, were found.
VI. Selecting the charges against Shah
The prosecutor knew that he planned to indict
Shah for alien smuggling, but were there other
charges to consider? Aliens were smuggled from
India to the United States and payments were
made to the smugglers. A majority of the
payments were made in the United States to Shah.
Shah then transferred the money from the
United States to India. Primarily, Shah was an
illegal money transmitter, in violation of 18
U.S.C. § 1960.
He was not licensed by the state or registered
with FinCEN and yet he transmitted money, or
acted as a bank. Shah knew the money he received
was "black" money, or proceeds of an SUA. Had
he participated in a transaction that affected
interstate commerce with more than $10,000 of
that money, he could have been charged with
money laundering in violation of 18 U.S.C.
§ 1957. However, Shah usually dealt in smaller
amounts and did not "spend" any of the money, so
he did not violate this statute.
It could be argued that Shah, by sending
money through his network, promoted the
scheme, or disguised the source and nature of the
proceeds. Shah had money in the United States
(could have been clean money) and sent money
outside the United States to promote the SUA, in
this case alien smuggling, which is a violation of
18 U.S.C. § 1956 (a)(2)(A). This statute is the
only money laundering statute that does not
require the proceeds of an SUA to have a money
laundering transaction.
Shah's purchase of postal money orders was
designed to stay under the $3,000 record keeping
requirement outlined in 31 U.S.C. § 5325. He was
also guilty of structuring to avoid the $3,000
threshold, a violation of 31 U.S.C. § 5324(a). The
reports generated by FinCEN or by the IRS
Reveal system showed, in spreadsheet format, the
postal money orders purchased by time and date.
The spreadsheet would also show other
transactions, such as deposits of cash to avoid the
$10,000 reporting requirement, or transactions of
$10,000 or more by financial institutions, wire
remitters, or businesses. Violations of both
statutes could lead to civil or criminal forfeiture.
VII. Other sources of information
The more information the prosecutor has, the
easier it is to make a decision on how to charge a
case. Additional sources of information are listed
below, and there are obviously numerous other
sources. Access to information will continue to
expand with more powerful tools, but they are no
good unless the team knows where to find them
and how to use them.
SAR Review Teams are typically comprised
of agents from IRS, DEA, ICE, FBI, and
various other federal, state, and local law
enforcement agencies. There are
approximately eighty SAR Review Teams
throughout the United States. The teams
review all suspicious activity reports
submitted by the various financial entities
including banks, MSBs, casinos, and others
within their respective geographical areas.
The teams look for patterns and possible
violations for further investigation.
Instances where a SAR has merited further
investigation include those where an
individual or business deposited a significant
amount of cash in structured transactions. In
the case of businesses handling large sums of
cash, for example a car dealership, SAR
Review Teams also examine the transactions
to determine if the business filed Forms 8300
on the large cash transactions. Businesses are
required to file Forms 8300 if they receive
more than $10,000 in cash in a single
transaction or related transactions from an
individual sale or customer. Car and boat
dealers are the most likely candidates for this
type of requirement. Individuals with large
amounts of cash tend to buy boats and cars,
but know the sellers have to file the Forms
8300, so the buyers or sellers attempt to find
ways around the reporting requirement. The
IRS has successfully prosecuted entities
subject to Form 8300 requirements using
undercover techniques. During these
investigations, undercover agents attempt to
buy items with purported proceeds of an SUA
to see if the dealer attempts to avoid reporting
requirements. If the dealers knowingly take
proceeds of an SUA or "sting" money, the
"sting" money, the luxury item purchased, and
possibly the entire business, is subject to
The Fedwire system is a system owned and
operated by the Reserve Banks that enables
financial institutions to electronically transfer
funds between its approximately 9,000
participants. The database contains
information for the vast majority of wire
transfers over the last five years, in which at
least one party is a U.S. bank customer. These
records can be accessed through the Federal
Reserve Board.
Investigative Data Warehouse (IDW) is an
FBI research tool that can access information
from a variety of sources, including FBI
Forms 302, bank and telephone records that
have been subpoenaed from other cases
around the country, and related analytical
The Dun and Bradstreet Internet site at, contains more than
77,000,000 global business entities.
Information available includes business
names, addresses, phone and fax numbers,
employee information, trade and assumed
names, indictments, fraud charges, other legal
events, officers and directors and their
backgrounds, bankruptcies, suits, liens and
judgments, financial information, and
corporate affiliations and linkages to other
VIII. Terrorism cases
Terrorism cases allow for the use of all of the
above mentioned techniques, including the
FinCEN 314(a) requests, which are used to access
financial institutions for accounts held in the name
of subjects of interest in money laundering and
terrorism investigations. Other sources of
information include the following.
Airline Reporting Corporation (ARC) has
records on approximately half of all airline
ticketing done in the United States. These
records contain domestic flight and credit
information for airline ticket purchases from
U.S. travel agencies.
The National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC
Online) is the central and shared knowledge
bank on terrorism information, and provides
source intelligence support to government-
wide counterterrorism activities by the FBI,
CIA, Departments of State, Defense, Energy,
Health and Human Services, Homeland
Security, Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
and the U.S. Capitol Hill Police.
The FBI's Terrorism Financing Operations
Section (TFOS) can request the CIA to search
for various items, but the information has to
suggest a "nexus to terrorism." Information
need not be conclusive, but should have either
source information or relationships with other
international terrorism subjects. This
information is usually for intelligence
purposes only, and not for legal proceedings.
IX. Conclusion
As the discussion above indicates, there are
numerous sources of financial information
available to investigators. If you need further
information about any of these sources or have
any questions, contact your local IRS agent or the
Department's AFMLS at (202) 514-1263.
Note: The Organized Crime and Drug
Enforcement Task Force and AFMLS conduct
several intensive one-week Financial Investigation
seminars around the country each year for
investigators and prosecutors. For information
about these seminars, contact AFMLS.
Alan Hampton has been a Special Agent with
IRS Criminal Investigation since 1991 and has
worked in the New Orleans and Dallas field
offices. He has been assigned to the Joint
Terrorism Task Force in Dallas since 2001. He
has been a member of the IRS Money Laundering
Expert Witness Cadre since 2004.a
Criminal Prosecution of Banks Under
the Bank Secrecy Act
Lester Joseph
Principal Deputy Chief
Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering
Criminal Division
John Roth
Chief of the Fraud and Public Corruption
U.S. Attorney's Office
District of Columbia
I. Introduction
Since it was enacted in 1970, the Bank
Secrecy Act (BSA) has provided for civil and
criminal penalties against individuals or banks
that violate its provisions. Prior to 1996, the
primary BSA requirement for financial
institutions was to file Currency Transaction
Reports (CTRs). There have been a handful of
prosecutions of financial institutions over the
years for the failure to properly file CTRs. Since
that time, however, several new statutory and
regulatory requirements were enacted that
imposed new antimoney laundering (AML)
compliance responsibilities on banks. In 1996,
Treasury Department regulations required banks
to file Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs). See 31
C.F.R. § 103.18. In 2001, the USA PATRIOT Act
required banks to establish AML programs that
included the following.
The development of internal policies,
procedures, and controls.
The designation of a compliance officer.
An ongoing employee training program.
An independent audit function to test
31 U.S.C. § 5318(h). In short, the BSA imposes a
legal obligation on banks to know their customer's
business, the source of the customer's money, and
the type of transactions that are typical for the
customer. Banks have an obligation to report, or,
in some cases, to refuse to conduct transactions
they find suspicious—ones that appear to be from
an illegitimate source, have no legitimate business
purpose, or are out of character with what they
understand their customer's business to be.
Prior to 2002, there were no criminal
enforcement actions, or even serious regulatory
penalties, for the failure of financial institutions to
file SARs or comply with the requirements of
§ 5318(h). The first civil penalty against a bank
for failing to file SARs was imposed on Great
Eastern Bank of Miami, Florida, in September
2002. Beginning in November 2002, the
Department of Justice (Department) has
conducted a series of criminal investigations into
financial institutions, resulting in either significant
criminal convictions or deferred prosecutions of
several institutions.
Some have alleged that prosecutors are
criminalizing what was designed to be a purely
regulatory matter, and that such actions impose
criminal sanctions on what is essentially a
discretionary act. While such allegations may
have some appeal in the abstract, the reality is far
different. A close examination of each of these
cases shows compelling evidence of willful
criminal conduct or a systemic failure of the
institution involved to live up to its statutory
obligations to have an effective AML program
under the BSA. This is true for each of the cases
that were brought, and there are a number of solid
legal reasons why this will continue to be true in
the future.
This article will discuss each of the criminal
enforcement actions against banks for BSA/AML
violations, the rationale for the outcome in each
case, and the role criminal prosecution of banks
and other financial institutions plays in
compliance with the BSA and the U.S. AML
program generally.
II. Broadway National Bank
In November 2002, Broadway National Bank
(Broadway), in the Southern District of New
York, was the first bank to be prosecuted for
failing to file SARs. Broadway was used by
several drug trafficking organizations to launder
drug money. The bank was also used by several
businesses with offices located within a few
blocks of the bank branch. A minimal amount of
due diligence would have disclosed that the small
businesses whose accounts were used to launder
the money could not have generated legitimate
business in the amounts of money deposited into
the accounts. After the investigation and
prosecution of the drug trafficking organizations
was completed, authorities turned their attention
to Broadway to determine why so much
laundering was going on there. Their curiosity and
persistence disclosed an institution with serious
compliance problems and only the shell of an
AML program.
Despite being provided with numerous
warnings about its legal obligations under the
BSA, by both banking regulators and its own
consultants, Broadway failed to establish and
maintain even a minimally effective AML
program. As a result, Broadway failed to report
suspicious financial transactions that occurred
over a two-year period, including hundreds of
bulk cash deposits totaling more than $46 million,
and thousands of structured deposits of more than
$76 million in cash in over 100 separate accounts.
Once these enormous, and highly suspicious,
amounts of cash were deposited, the money was
promptly wired, on the authorization of Broadway
branch managers, to bank accounts located in
Latin America and the Middle East, including
several well known money laundering havens.
For example, from January 1996 to March
1998, a money launderer named Alfred Dauber
deposited approximately $46 million in suspicious
cash deposits into nine accounts at Broadway.
Dauber opened the accounts claiming to be in the
electronics business. In fact, during this period,
Dauber participated in large-scale laundering of
narcotics proceeds on behalf of a Colombian drug
cartel. Typically, Dauber arranged for a runner to
deliver more than $150,000 in cash—once as
much as $660,645—in a single day, to a teller
window for deposit into Dauber's personal bank
accounts. These almost daily cash deposits were
brought to Broadway in duffel bags and other
containers filled with hundred of thousands of
dollars in small bills, wrapped in rubber bands.
After bringing a bag of cash to a bank teller, the
runner typically left the bank while the cash was
being counted, and picked up the emptied bag on
his next visit, often the next day, when he
delivered another bag containing tens of
thousands of dollars for deposit.
There was so much cash brought to the bank
for deposit on behalf of Dauber that the tellers
often had to count all the cash during their lunch
hour. They complained to senior bank officers
about the time it took to count these enormous
cash deposits. Often, the dollar amounts reflected
on the deposit slips left in the duffel bag did not
match the amount of cash in the duffel bag to be
deposited into Dauber's accounts. Eventually,
Dauber arranged for the tellers to complete the
deposit slips. On the day of a deposit, or within a
few days of a deposit, senior bank officers signed
forms, at the direction of Dauber, authorizing the
wiring of a significant portion of this recently-
deposited cash to bank accounts in Colombia,
Panama, and Miami, Florida. Broadway
employees were directly involved in all the
Dauber transactions, yet never made any inquiry
to determine if there were business reasons for
this suspicious activity. They also failed to file
Criminal Referrral Forms (the predecessor to the
SAR) or SARs for any of these transactions.
As a result of its criminal conduct, according
to the Government's Sentencing Memorandum,
Broadway became a bank of choice for narcotics
money launderers and other individuals who
wished to shield their financial activities from the
government. Several narcotics money launderers
who banked at Broadway informed the
government that they chose to launder their illegal
narcotics proceeds there on the recommendation
of other launderers and because Broadway
personnel rarely asked questions. Broadway pled
guilty to a three-count Information alleging the
failure to file SARs, the failure to file accurate
CTRs, and the failure to have an effective AML
compliance program. The guilty plea resulted in a
$4 million fine. United States v. Broadway
National Bank, No. 02 Cr.1507 (TPG) (S.D.N.Y.
Nov. 27, 2002).
III. Banco Popular
Banco Popular de Puerto Rico (BPPR), one of
the thirty-six largest financial institutions in the
United States and the largest financial institution
in Puerto Rico, was the first bank to enter into a
Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA) for
failing to file SARs, in January 2003. The bank
provides complete financial services in Puerto
Rico, the continental United States, and the
Caribbean. As in the Broadway National Bank
case, law enforcement attention focused on BPPR
as a result of the investigation of several drug
trafficking organizations and money laundering
First, Ferrario Pozzi used an account at BPPR
to launder approximately $32 million of narcotics
proceeds. Suspicious activity that went unreported
by the bank included huge cash deposits (at times
over $500,000 a day) that consumed hours of
tellers' time to process. An investigation by the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Customs
Service (now Immigration and Customs
Enforcement) revealed that false CTRs were filed
and no SAR was filed until February 1998, after
approximately $21 million of narcotics proceeds
was laundered through the account at one branch.
The investigation revealed that the $32
million deposited into the Ferrario account
consisted of cash from numerous drug trafficking
organizations. Large cash deposits, made up of
small denominations, numbering as many as
fifteen in the course of a day, were made on a
regular basis into the Ferrario account. In June
1997, the operations of the Old San Juan branch
were disrupted as a result of the time it took to
count Ferrario's cash. At one point, employees of
the bank told Ferrario to make his deposits
through the night depository to avoid tying up the
teller lines. Ferrario's cash deposits required
significantly more armored car pickups to transfer
the money. The need for the additional trips was
reported to the regional manager and the
operations officer to justify the extra expense.
In October 1995, the branch manager at the
Old San Juan Branch was informed by an
employee that Ferrario's transactions were
significant and suspicious. As early as May 1997,
memoranda were sent from the Old San Juan
Branch to the San Juan Regional Manager
concerning the increased daily, branch cash-levels
caused by Ferrario's deposits.
From June 1995 to March 1998, hundreds of
wire transfers were made from the Ferrario
account to over 300 locations around the world.
The wire transfers occurred almost immediately
after the deposits. Often, Ferrario would fax his
wire instructions to BPPR from his base of
operations in Colombia. Wire transfers numbered
between forty to eighty a month and amounted to
approximately 25 percent of the branch's daily
wire activity. The wire transfers were inconsistent
with Ferrario's purported business and consistent
with the laundering of drug proceeds.
Between July 1995 and March 1998, BPPR
filed 416 CTRs reporting Ferrario's cash
transactions. Three hundred eighty four of these
stated that the funds were derived from a gas
station. In a single week in 1995, the same branch
employee filed three CTRs listing three different
sources of fundsoverseas calls, a gas station,
and money transfers— as the source of the cash
deposits. BPPR's ability to catch this discrepancy
was hampered by a lack of staffing in its money
laundering compliance program.
Ferrario's business was located only two
blocks from the Old San Juan Branch. Many of
the branch employees walked by the business
every day, and not only were they aware that the
business was not a gas station, but they also rarely
saw customers at the business. Tellers at the Old
San Juan Branch felt that Ferrario's deposits were
suspicious, and frequent comments were made
among branch personnel that the money deposited
by Ferrario was from illegal sources and that
Ferrario was using his account to launder money.
In one instance, after an argument with a teller
who refused to exchange $100 bills for $20 bills,
Ferarrio asked to speak to a branch manager, who
then instructed the teller to find as many $100
bills as possible. Concerns about the huge volume
of cash deposits and the disruption it caused at the
branch were discussed at monthly branch
Despite two years of suspicious activity in the
Ferrario account, the service of a subpoena on the
account in August 1997, and hundreds of high-
risk transactions, the bank failed to investigate
Ferrario or his business until December 1997.
BPPR failed to file a SAR on the Ferrario account
activity until March 19, 1998, two and one-half
years after the account was opened and after over
$20 million of narcotics proceeds had been
laundered through the account. The SAR
understated the actual amount of cash deposited
and the time period of the deposits, and
incorrectly reported the name of the Ferrario
account as "Puerto Rico Net Yellow." The
reported account was an additional account
maintained by Ferrario at BPPR, but it was not the
account into which the cash deposits were made
or from which the wire transfers were made. The
SAR was virtually of no use to law enforcement.
In April 1998, the Ferrario SAR was presented to
the Auditing Committee of the Board of Directors
of BPPR. Although this was by far the largest
SAR ever presented to the Board of Directors in
terms of suspected dollar amount, they took no
action and asked no questions.
The second scenario involved an IRS
investigation targeting Jairo de Jesus Vallejo-
Jurado (Vallejo). This investigation revealed that,
from late 1998 through 2000 (post-Ferrario),
Vallejo used two accounts at BPPR to launder
nearly $2 million of narcotics proceeds by
structuring cash deposits. While the bank's Large
Cash Reporting System did pick up and aggregate
structured transactions and file CTRs, BPPR
failed to file SARs on the activity of Vallejo's
accounts until November 1999, at least one year
after the account activity changed dramatically.
Over $1 million of narcotics proceeds had been
laundered through the accounts, and three law
enforcement subpoenas had been served. BPPR
understated the dollar amounts for both accounts
involved in the suspicious activity. Subsequent to
the filing of the initial SARs, BPPR conducted its
first "Know Your Customer" (KYC) visit to
Vallejo. Following this visit, supplemental SARs
were filed in December 1999, noting that the
account activity reported on the SARs filed in
November was inconsistent with the nature of
Vallejo's purported business.
BPPR continued to permit Vallejo to structure
deposits into 2000, even after branch managers
reported that there was no justification for the
deposit of cash into the accounts. Bank
documentation reflects that in December 1999,
BPPR contemplated closing the accounts, but
decided against it. Shortly thereafter, in February
2000, the IRS asked the bank to keep the account
open to facilitate the investigation of Vallejo.
Finally, from 1997 through June 2000, BPPR,
through its International Banking Entity (IBE),
provided banking services to foreign businesses in
the Dominican Republic purportedly operating as
money service businesses (MSBs). In 1997, MSBs
were considered high-risk businesses for money
laundering, and the Dominican Republic was
considered to be a high-risk geographic area for
narcotics-related money laundering.
Although BPPR knew the general purpose of
the businesses in question, the bank failed to
document adequately the basis for this knowledge.
For example, BPPR failed to document whether
any customer visits were made to these businesses
prior to 1999, and the customer files relating to
these accounts contained inadequate
documentation as to the nature of the client's
business. Although BPPR conducted KYC visits
in 1999, the visitation documentation contains no
information about the expected volume and type
of account activity for the purported business.
From at least as early as 1997, BPPR received
these businesses' checks and other items in bulk
for purposes of processing, and processed the
items without reviewing them. There was activity
through certain of these accounts which was
indicative of money laundering by the businesses
or their customers, yet no SARs were filed.
In one case, BPPR failed to investigate and
allowed transactions to continue even after being
put on notice by law enforcement that the account
might have involved criminal activity.
Specifically, BPPR was served with a Drug
Enforcement Administration seizure warrant
relating to an account opened at BPPR that had
received $275,000 from Comercial Importadora
SMA, a Dominican Republic business that had
also opened an account at the bank. Although the
branch manager informed the account holder of
Comercial Importadora that his account had to be
closed, after consultation with the account holder
and his lawyer, the branch manager allowed the
account holder's brother to open an account on the
same day the seizure warrant was received, and
the account opening documentation noted that the
account was a substitute for the Comercial
Importadora SMA account.
In January 2003, BPPR entered into a DPA
with the Department, based on its failure to detect
and report money laundering activity through the
bank. Per the terms of the Agreement, a one-count
Information was filed charging the bank with
failure to file SARs. The Information, however,
would be dismissed if the bank fully complied
with its obligations under the Agreement to
develop and maintain an effective AML
compliance program. The Information was
subsequently dismissed after the one-year period.
In addition, BPPR agreed to forfeit $21.6 million.
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
assessed a $20 million civil penalty against the
bank, but this was deemed satisfied by the
payment of the $21.6 million forfeiture.
United States v. Banco Popular De Puerto Rico,
No. Cr 03-317 (PG)(D.P.R. Jan. 16, 2003).
The decision to pursue a criminal prosecution
of BPPR was based on the bank's repeated failures
to file SARs or to take remedial action when faced
with a massive and extended inflow of cash that
had every earmark of being drug proceeds. The
nature of these transactions became public
through the prosecution of Ferrario on federal
money laundering charges, after BPPR allowed
this cash to flow through its bank. These events
led to some efforts at reform. Shortly after the
prosecution of Ferrario, BPPR still accepted the
structured Vallejo deposits, and even recognized
the structuring, while failing to take any timely
action. Ferrario and Vallejo were convicted of
money laundering, and sentenced to 97 months
and 27 months, respectively. Even as the
investigation of the bank proceeded, BPPR
serviced the high-risk Dominican MSB accounts.
However, in light of the remedial actions taken by
the bank, its cooperation with the government's
investigation, and its willingness to acknowledge
responsibility for its actions, the government
agreed to enter into a DPA instead of pursuing a
criminal conviction.
IV. Delta National Bank
In October 2003, Delta Bank, a Miami-based
investment bank that was owned by a Brazilian
national, was the third bank to be the subject of a
criminal enforcement action for the failure to file
SARs. Delta Bank came to the attention of agents
and prosecutors in the District of Maryland during
the course of an undercover operation entitled
"Operation Laundry Chute." The vast majority of
the bank's customers were Brazilian or
Colombian. A Colombian national, who operated
an independent foreign currency exchange
business in Colombia, opened three accounts at
Delta Bank in 1998. The purpose of foreign
exchange businesses, such as that operated by the
customer, was to act as a broker between
customers who had United States dollars and
wished to purchase Colombian pesos, or vice
versa. Foreign currency exchange businesses in
Colombia had been identified by the bank's
regulator, the Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency (OCC), and other federal agencies, as
high-risk for money laundering the proceeds of
narcotics trafficking and other criminal activity.
During this period, the bank and its officers were
aware of these risks, and that the customer was
operating such a business.
During the period of time covered in the
Information, the customer assisted other
Colombian customers of the bank with
transactions that were conducted as part of the
foreign currency exchange business. The bank
was aware of this assistance. The total amount
involved in the customers' foreign currency
exchange transactions was between $5 million and
$10 million. The bank acknowledged that a SAR
was required to be filed concerning the customer's
use of the account for foreign currency exchange
business, but the bank incorrectly concluded that
no SAR was required, and thus willfully failed to
Delta Bank is an unusual case in that it
involved the failure to file a SAR in transactions
involving a single customer. This was not a failure
of the bank's compliance program, but rather an
intentional decision by the bank to allow these
type transactions. Bank officers were aware of the
possibility that the customer might be engaging in
Black Market Peso Exchange (BMPE)
transactions (a trade-based money laundering
system through which South American money
brokers facilitate a nonregulated currency
exchange of United States dollars for local South
American currency) and chose not to report the
transactions as suspicious. As a result of the
bank's awareness of the suspicious transactions,
its failure to report them, and the fact that drug
money in fact moved through the bank, the
decision was made to pursue a criminal charge.
In October 2003, Delta Bank pled guilty in the
District of Maryland to a one-count Information
charging the bank with the failure to file a SAR on
one of the transactions through the customer's
account. The bank also agreed to the
administrative forfeiture of $950,000. United
States v. Delta National Bank and Trust
Company, Criminal No. JFM-03-0416 (D. Md.
Oct. 1, 2003).
V. AmSouth
AmSouth Bank (AmSouth) was the second
institution to enter into a DPA for failing to file
SARs. This was the first case involving white
collar crime, rather than drug trafficking. In
contrast to the previous cases, however, AmSouth
attracted special scrutiny from the prosecutors
because of its slow and incomplete response to
grand jury subpoenas.
In the spring of 2002, the United States
Attorney's Office for the Southern District of
Mississippi, along with a number of federal and
state agencies, began an investigation of a
fraudulent promissory note scheme. The scheme
was perpetrated by Louis D. Hamric, II, a licensed
attorney; Victor G. Nance, a registered investment
adviser employed by MONY; and various other
individuals. Hamric issued the investors a
promissory note assuring them of a very high
interest rate for one year. Hamric had little, if any,
contact with the actual investors. Various
promoters of the scheme, including Nance,
brought investors to Hamric and received a
commission for their services. Hamric told Nance
that he needed a "block" of $10 million to
participate in a "trading program" that would
provide returns through the promissory notes of
up to 25 percent annually. Nance convinced over
forty of his clients to invest in Hamric's program
by making numerous misrepresentations to them
about the nature and risk of the investment.
During the two year course of the "Ponzi"
scheme, AmSouth officers and employees, at
seven branches in four states, had contacts with
Nance or Hamric that should have alerted the
bank to the criminal activity. One of these
employees suspected involvement in an illegal
"Ponzi" scheme and reported concerns to
AmSouth's Legal Department and Corporate
Security. AmSouth provided a copy of each
custodial account holder's bank statement to
Hamric and Nance on a quarterly basis, without
the knowledge or consent of the custodial account
holders. Further, when the customer chose to
reinvest, AmSouth agreed, without the knowledge
of any of the account holders, to offset the
proceeds of the old note against the new one, and
send Hamric the difference.
Beginning in early 2001, several different
promoters brought a second wave of investors into
the Hamric scheme. AmSouth held promissory
notes assuring these new investors as much as 25
percent interest monthly. Although a note
promising such interest is suspicious on its face,
AmSouth did not question the terms or nature of
any of these promissory notes. Hamric and Nance
attracted a total of approximately $20 million in
fraud proceeds, caused the proceeds to be
deposited into AmSouth accounts, and transferred
the proceeds among, and out of those accounts.
They would not have succeeded in their schemes
without AmSouth's participation.
At some point, Hamric stopped paying
interest owed to the investors, and the fraudulent
promissory note scheme fell apart. This triggered
a number of civil lawsuits against individuals
(Hamric, Nance, and others) and institutions,
including AmSouth. The scheme also became the
subject of several investigations by state and
federal authorities, including a federal grand jury
investigation in the Southern District of
Between April 2002 and June 2003, eight
federal grand jury subpoenas were issued to
AmSouth requesting the following information.
All documents relating to the Hamric and
Nance promissory note scheme, including all
documents for any custodial trust accounts
opened by either Hamric or Nance on behalf
of an account holder.
All documents for any bank accounts held by
Hamric or Nance and various others
associated with the scheme.
All internal and external communications
between any AmSouth employee and Hamric,
Nance, or any custodial trust account holder.
In responding to the grand jury subpoenas,
AmSouth (1) failed to timely produce certain
documents called for by the subpoenas; (2) failed
to produce certain documents in the manner in
which they were kept in the regular course of
business, as required by the subpoenas; and (3)
failed to locate and produce certain documents
called for by the subpoenas until AmSouth was
targeted in this criminal investigation.
After being notified of concerns by AmSouth
employees, AmSouth's Legal and Corporate
Security Departments, in conjunction with
AmSouth's management, had a legal obligation to
report that Hamric might be operating an illegal
scheme. AmSouth did not file a SAR on the
accounts used by Nance and Hamric until nearly
two years after the date that the suspicious activity
should have been detected, and several months
after AmSouth learned that law enforcement was
investigating Hamric. By characterizing the
suspicious activity as check fraud and
understating the amount involved, the SAR failed
to fully and accurately describe the criminal
activities of Hamric. AmSouth's Legal
Department, including its then-General Counsel,
had reviewed the Hamric SAR after it was filed
and found it sufficient.
While the Hamric activity was the
predominant basis for the AmSouth prosecution,
prosecutors pointed to several other instances
where AmSouth should have filed SARs, but
failed to do so. The failure to file SARs was
indicative of serious deficiencies in AmSouth's
AML program. In October 2004, AmSouth
entered into a DPA and agreed to forfeit $40
million. The Information that was filed, charging
one count of failing to file SARs, was dismissed
in October 2005 pursuant to the DPA v. AmSouth
Bancorporation and AmSouth Bank, No. 3:04-cr-
167LSu (S.D. Miss. Oct. 12, 2004).
VI. Riggs Bank
Riggs Bank (Riggs) was convicted, pursuant
to a guilty plea, of criminal violations of the BSA
and ordered to pay a $16 million criminal fine, in
addition to the $25 million civil penalty that had
been previously imposed by FinCEN and the
banking regulators. Riggs came to the attention of
prosecutors in 2003 as a result of an investigation
conducted by the Senate Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations into international
political corruption and money laundering. The
prosecutors found that Riggs failed to engage in
even the most cursory due diligence review of
accounts held by two particular
customersaccounts known as "Politically
Exposed Persons"—that Riggs knew posed a high
risk of money laundering. Riggs allowed the
accounts to be used to transfer large sums of
money in a highly suspicious manner and failed to
report such transactions to the proper authorities,
as required by law. Moreover, the bank was aware
of numerous obviously suspicious
transactions—and in some cases executives at the
bank even affirmatively assisted in conducting
those transactions—yet failed to report them.
Riggs' failures involved, for the most part,
banking relationships with Augusto Pinochet, the
former Chilean dictator, and the ruling family of
Equatorial Guinea.
A. Pinochet accounts
Augusto Pinochet was the de facto leader or
president of Chile from 1973 to 1990, the
Commander-in-Chief of its armed forces, and
sitting senator from 1990 to 1998. His rule was
marked by allegations of significant human rights
abuses and political corruption. In 1998, a Spanish
magistrate issued an arrest warrant for Pinochet
for crimes of genocide, terrorism, and torture, and
issued a restraining order against all his assets. In
November 1998, newspapers reported that U.S.
authorities were discussing whether to seek the
extradition of Pinochet in connection with the
murder of two of his political opponents, by the
Chilean secret police, in Washington, D.C. On
January 29, 2001, Pinochet was placed under
house arrest in Chile. By May of 2001, Pinochet's
assets, held in various offshore accounts and
investment vehicles, were being seized or frozen.
From 1985 to 2002, Pinochet and his wife,
Lucia Hiriart Rodriguez, maintained multiple
bank accounts, investments, and certificates of
deposit at Riggs (collectively, the "Pinochet
Accounts"). The Pinochet Accounts were located
at Riggs in the United States and Riggs Bank
Europe, Ltd., London, United Kingdom.
Additionally, in 1996 and 1998, Riggs assisted
Pinochet in the establishment of two offshore
shell corporations in the Bahamas—Ashburton
Company Ltd. and Althorp Investment Co., Ltd.
Both were listed as nominal owners of bank
accounts and certificates of deposit maintained by
During this time period, Pinochet deposited
more than $10 million into his accounts at Riggs.
Little due diligence was conducted on the source
of Pinochet's wealth, and no attempt was made to
reconcile his stated wealth with the subsequent
deposits. Riggs employees and officers avoided
using Pinochet's last name, even in routine
internal communications, referring to him as "our
prominent client in Chile," "the Washington
client," or other aliases, including his wife's
maiden name or his maternal family name.
Over the course of the history of the Pinochet
Accounts, a number of suspect transactions were
conducted by, or directed by, Pinochet. Riggs
employees structured financial transactions in
order to avoid the scrutiny of law enforcement and
others who would seek to discover Pinochet's
wealth. These transactions were highly unusual,
suspicious, and appeared to be structured in a way
to prevent their discovery by the OCC, law
enforcement authorities, or others who may have
been attempting to attach Pinochet's assets. Riggs
Bank failed to conduct sufficient due diligence as
to the source of the funds and failed to report any
transactions that it knew, or had reason to know,
were suspicious.
B. Equatorial Guinea
Equatorial Guinea (EG) is a country on the
west coast of Africa that is approximately the size
of Maryland. In 1995, billions of dollars of oil
reserves were discovered within EG territorial
waters, resulting in a significant influx of capital.
Its President, Teodoro Obiang Nguema, came to
power in 1979 in a military coup. His reelections
in February 1996 and December 2002 were
largely viewed by the United States government
and international observers as tainted by fraud and
intimidation. Public corruption had long been
considered a significant problem in his
From 1996 to 2004, Riggs maintained
numerous accounts for EG. Over the course of
this period, Riggs opened over sixty-two accounts
and certificates of deposit for the EG Government,
numerous senior government officials, and their
family members. Riggs opened multiple personal
accounts for the President and his relatives and
assisted in establishing offshore shell corporations
for the President and his sons (known collectively
as the EG Accounts). By 2003, the accounts had
become Riggs's largest single relationship, with
balances and outstanding loans that totaled nearly
$700 million.
In September 1999, Riggs assisted the EG
President in the establishment of Otong S.A., an
offshore shell corporation, incorporated in the
Bahamas. The Bahamas was a bank secrecy
jurisdiction at the time of incorporation and held a
money market account for the corporation. Over
the course of the history of the EG Accounts, the
following transactions took place through an
account in the name of Otong S.A (the Otong
April 20, 2000: $1 million deposit of U.S.
March 8, 2001: $1.5 million deposit of U.S.
April 20, 2001: $1 million deposit of U.S.
September 5, 2001: $2 million deposit of U.S.
Riggs failed to determine the background and
possible purpose of these highly suspicious
transactions. The bank also failed to file a SAR
until after the OCC and Congressional
investigators brought the transactions to the bank's
attention. These transactions were suspicious
because of the cash nature of the deposits, the lack
of understanding as to the source or destination of
the money, and the transactions were not the sort
in which the particular customer would normally
be expected to engage.
From April 2000 to April 2002, Riggs filed
false CTRs on cash deposits that totaled $11.5
million made into one of the EG Accounts. These
CTRs listed the Otong Account as an exporter of
timber, rather than an offshore corporation
controlled by the EG President. Certain Riggs
employees knew this representation to be
In January 2005, Riggs pleaded guilty to
failing to file an SAR in violation of 31 U.S.C.
§ 5318 and agreed to a fine of $16 million. Riggs
was purchased by PNC Bank in May 2005, ending
more than 160 years of Riggs' history in the
District of Columbia. United States v. Riggs Bank,
NA, No. Cr-05-35 (RMU) (D.D.C. Jan. 27, 2005).
VII. Bank of New York
In November 2005, the Bank of New York
(BNY) entered into a nonprosecution agreement
with the United States to resolve two separate
investigations that were conducted in the Eastern
and Southern Districts of New York. BNY
admitted its criminal conduct and agreed to forfeit
$26 million to the United States and pay $12
million in restitution to its victims. The bank also
agreed to make sweeping internal reforms to
ensure compliance with its antifraud and money
laundering obligations, and be monitored by an
independent examiner. BNY will not be
prosecuted for the unlawful practices of its
officers and employees for the following reasons.
BNY's acceptance of responsibility.
Its cooperation in the investigations.
Its willingness to make restitution and take
significant remedial action.
The bank must fully comply with the terms of its
cooperation agreement with the government for a
period of three years.
A. The Southern District of New York
The investigation uncovered a scheme
involving the unlicensed transmission of billions
of dollars, originating in Russia, through BNY
accounts in the United States, to third-party
transferees. The investigation focused on
misconduct related to the 1996 opening of
accounts at a retail branch of BNY in the names of
Benex International Co., Inc. (Benex) and BECS
International LLC (BECS). These accounts were
opened by Peter Berlin, a Russian émigré, with
the assistance of his wife, Lucy Edwards, also a
Russian émigré, who was a BNY vice president.
During the next three and one-half years,
approximately $7 billion flowed through the
Benex and BECS accounts to third-party
transferees around the world.
The Benex and BECS accounts were part of
an underground money transfer business that was
operated by a bank located in Moscow and a
company located in Queens, New York. From an
office in Queens, company employees executed
hundreds of wire transfers each day from the
Benex and BECS accounts, using electronic
banking software provided by BNY. The
instructions were provided by the Moscow bank.
Despite the obvious money laundering risks
associated with such an operation, BNY failed to
conduct adequate due diligence or make "KYC"
inquiries with regard to Berlin or the Benex and
BECS accounts. Some executives in the Retail
Banking Division believed, incorrectly, that
Berlin was in the import/export business, but no
employee ever sought to verify that belief. Other
executives in the Cash Management Division
correctly understood that Benex and BECS
essentially acted as payment brokers or money
transmitters, whose businesses consisted solely of
transferring funds on behalf of other parties.
Those executives, however, did not make any
inquiry as to whether Benex and BECS were
properly licensed as money transmitters.
BNY also failed to adequately monitor the
activity in the Benex and BECS accounts, which
were the highest fee-producing accounts in the
One Wall Street Branch. On the two occasions
that Cash Management Division employees
sought to conduct a money laundering review of
Benex and BECS accounts, they were advised by
the Funds Transfer Division that BNY did not
have an automated system for reviewing account
activity. The manager further advised that it
would be impractical to conduct a manual review
of the accounts, given the tremendous volume of
activity. A number of highly suspicious
circumstances that should have raised flags about
money laundering went undetected because of the
failure to monitor the activity in these accounts.
In February 2000, Berlin and Edwards pled
guilty to, among other crimes, conspiring to
conduct unauthorized and unregulated banking
activities, operate an illegal money transmitting
business, and launder money to promote wire
fraud. Berlin and Edwards acknowledged that the
illegal banking network of which the Benex and
BECS accounts were a part, was designed, in part,
to allow Russian individuals and businesses to
wire transfer funds in and out of Russia in
violation of Russian currency controls, and
thereby to defraud the Russian government of
customs duties and tax revenues. United States v.
Peter Berlin and Lucy Edwards, No. S1 99 Cr.
914 (SWK) (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 16, 2000).
B. The Eastern District of New York
This investigation uncovered a scheme
involving the submission of fraudulent loan
applications, by a commercial customer, that were
supported by sham escrow agreements executed
by a corrupt BNY branch manager. This scheme
resulted in millions of dollars in losses to victim
banks throughout the United States. To date, at
least nine individuals, including a former BNY
vice president and a former BNY branch manager,
have been convicted. The investigation disclosed
that, from approximately 1991 to 2002, BNY
branch managers and employees working at a
retail branch in Island Park, New York, executed
unauthorized and materially false and misleading
escrow agreements for a BNY commercial
customer, RW Professional Leasing Services
Corp. (PLS). PLS was engaged in the business of
arranging financing for medical providers,
ostensibly for the leasing of medical equipment.
Although the escrow agreements obligated BNY
to act as an escrow agent for other banks that were
financing the medical equipment leases, the bank
deliberately failed to establish any escrow
accounts or perform any terms of the escrow
agreements. The financing banks relied on the
escrow agreements in approving loan requests
totaling tens of millions of dollars.
The scheme proceeded undetected for more
than a decade and continued during the period that
BNY was bound by the enhanced due diligence
and reporting requirements of an agreement with
federal and state banking regulators signed in
February 2000. In early 2002, BNY executives
learned of the illegal conduct at the Island Park
branch. BNY's general counsel and managing
counsel continued to ignore the bank's reporting
obligations under the BSA and intentionally failed
to take steps to file a SAR and notify law
enforcement authorities in a timely manner.
In admitting responsibility, BNY
acknowledged the following, among other things.
It failed to have an effective AML program.
It intentionally failed to take steps to report
known evidence of suspected criminal
conduct by a bank customer and BNY
employees, as required under the mandatory
reporting obligations of the BSA, even after
that evidence came to the attention of senior
BNY executives.
The bank's general counsel, managing
counsel, and other senior executives,
repeatedly ignored the bank's legal obligations
to file the required SARs.
It filed SARs only after the principals of a
BNY customer were arrested months later by
federal authorities.
The SAR that was ultimately filed was both
inaccurate and incomplete. It failed to make any
reference to the misconduct of BNY personnel
relating to the escrow agreements, or how the
escrow agreements were used to defraud other
banks. During this period, BNY was already
under compulsion to correct problems in its AML
program as a result of the Southern District of
New York investigation, pursuant to an agreement
between BNY, the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York, and the New York State Banking
Department. The agreement placed the bank under
heightened regulatory scrutiny and required
enhanced due diligence and suspicious activity
reporting procedures by the bank. BNY's failures
allowed the fraudulent activities to continue,
resulting in at least $18 million in losses to
VIII. BankAtlantic
In April 2006, Florida-based BankAtlantic
entered into a DPA with the government and
agreed to forfeit $10 million to resolve charges of
failing to maintain an AML program.
Concurrently, the Office of Thrift Supervision
(OTS) and FinCEN each assessed a $10 million
civil penalty against BankAtlantic for violations
of the BSA, which was deemed satisfied by the
payment of the $10 million forfeiture.
The charge filed against BankAtlantic arose
out of transactions conducted by and through
BankAtlantic between July 1997 and April 2004.
During this time, more than $50 million in
suspicious transactions were conducted through
certain accounts, including transactions involving
more than $10 million of identified drug proceeds.
BankAtlantic failed to detect, identify, and report
the suspicious transactions, as required by the
An undercover operation by the Drug
Enforcement Administration into the laundering
of drug proceeds found that $7 million of
suspected drug money was being wire transferred
to accounts at BankAtlantic. Further investigation
led to the discovery of other accounts that were
suspected of being used to launder drug money.
These were accounts that either had received
suspected drug proceeds or were related to those
accounts or other accounts managed by the
suspect who was the account manager.
These targeted accounts included the
following characteristics which should have raised
red flags at BankAtlantic.
Accounts controlled by nonresident aliens, but
held in the name of offshore shell
corporations, particularly "bearer share"
corporations, which are easily incorporated in
such jurisdictions as the British Virgin
Accounts controlled by domestic businesses
that sell or export goods to South American
customers, but generally receive payment
from United States sources.
Foreign MSBs that were determined to be
Individual accounts held by nonresident aliens
and U.S. residents being used to transmit
funds for unrelated persons. These accounts
are easily identified by numerous unrelated
sources of incoming and outgoing transfers by
check and wire.
Licensed foreign MSBs that are operating by
and through offshore shell corporations.
The targeted accounts were characterized by
two types of activity that should have been readily
identified as suspicious and reported by
Most of the accounts showed a high volume
of incoming and outgoing wire transfers from
various domestic and international accounts
held in the names of unrelated individuals and
The accounts showed a high volume of check
structuring activity.
Although the account manager personally
handled most of the suspicious transactions,
including the receipt of hundreds of pouch
deposits containing sequential and structured
checks, the account manager failed to take any
action to report the suspicious activity, as required
by the BSA.
The account manager not only failed to report
the suspicious activity in the targeted accounts,
but also concealed facts from bank management.
The bank failed to maintain the required and
necessary procedures and systems to
independently identify and report suspicious
activity. Serious and systemic AML and BSA
compliance failures continued uncorrected at
BankAtlantic for several years, some of which had
previously come to the attention of law
enforcement. Consequently, BankAtlantic
admitted that it did not identify and report the
suspicious activity occurring in these accounts, as
required by the BSA. United States v.
BankAtlantic, NO. 06-60126-CR-COHN (S.D.
Fla. Apr. 26, 2006).
IX. American Express Bank
In August 2007, American Express Bank
International (AEBI), an Edge Act corporation
headquartered in Miami, Florida, entered into a
DPA with the Department and agreed to forfeit
$55 million to resolve charges of failing to
maintain an effective AML program. FinCEN
assessed a $25 million civil money penalty and
the Federal Reserve assessed a $2 million penalty
(but the Federal Reserve penalty and $15 million
of the FinCEN penalty were deemed satisfied by
the Department forfeiture).
The charge filed against AEBI arose from the
same DEA investigation that resulted in the DPA
against BankAtlantic. During this investigation,
which took place between December 1999 and
April 2004, investigators identified specific
accounts (targeted accounts) at AEBI that they
believed were used to launder more than $55
million of drug proceeds through the BMPE, a
trade-based money laundering system through
which South American money brokers facilitate a
nonregulated currency exchange of United States
dollars for local South American currency. The
investigation disclosed that AEBI knowingly
allowed South American customers to use
accounts at the bank to process parallel currency
exchange market transactions, many of which
turned out to be BMPE transactions. These
accounts were characterized by many suspicious
incoming funds (typically wire transfers) from
persons and entities completely unrelated to the
account holder. In many cases, the financial
transactions were inconsistent with the nature of
the account holder's business, as understood by
bank personnel. A large amount of funds was
deposited into the accounts under circumstances
suggesting that they were drug proceeds. In
addition, hundreds of thousands of dollars of drug
proceeds were transferred to these accounts
directly from law enforcement agents, who in an
undercover capacity, were "working for"
Colombian money brokers and drug traffickers.
AEBI's particular risk to money laundering
through parallel currency exchange transactions
and the BMPE was heightened (1) because many
of its clients were high net-worth residents in high
risk countries in Latin America, such as
Colombia, who often derived their wealth from
commercial activities; (2) due to its character as
an Edge Act bank engaged in providing private
banking services to nonresident aliens; and (3) as
a private bank. As early as November 1999,
private banking was identified as a high-risk area
in the fight against money laundering.
AEBI's compliance personnel were well
aware of the prevalent use of the BMPE by
Colombian businessmen and the nature of
transactions which may be associated with the
BMPE. Bank personnel demonstrated
sophisticated knowledge and understanding of
parallel currency exchange markets, in particular
the BMPE. High-level bank officers were aware
that South American parallel currency exchange
markets had evolved into a system used to launder
illicit proceeds and to bypass the government as
the primary source of dollars to launder.
Relationship Managers (RM) knew that it was
common knowledge in South America,
particularly Colombia, that the parallel exchange
markets were funded, at least in part, with drug
money and that there were two main reasons to
use the parallel markets: 1) tax avoidance; and 2)
a better exchange rate. At the same time, these
AEBI RM's and supervisors considered the
parallel exchange market a "fact of life" in South
America—not something to be prevented or
reported—but something that any financial
institution providing banking services to wealthy
South Americans would have to accommodate in
the ordinary course of business.
The investigation of AEBI's compliance
program determined that the primary cause of
AEBI's failure to identify, prevent, and report this
activity was that AEBI's AML program contained
serious and systemic deficiencies in critical areas,
as outlined below, which were uncovered during
the investigation.
AEBI failed to exercise sufficient control over
accounts held in the names of offshore bearer
share corporations, and until 2004 had no
policy or procedure requiring beneficial
owners of such accounts to certify in writing
their continued ownership of the bearer
AEBI failed to conduct a risk assessment of
its operations until 2002, and consequently
was unable to, and did not, identify and
monitor its highest-risk banking products and
AEBI failed to develop and maintain an
account monitoring program that was
adequately designed to identify, detect, report,
and prevent suspicious activities.
AEBI failed to monitor adequately the source
of funds sent to customer accounts to identify
suspicious activities.
AEBI failed to independently verify
information on clients provided by private
bank RMs.
AEBI failed to provide compliance personnel
with authority to identify and prevent
suspicious and high-risk banking activities.
AEBI failed to maintain an audit program
reasonably designed to ensure the bank's
compliance with BSA/AML laws and
A. Know your customer deficiencies
Almost all of the targeted accounts of AEBI
shared the characteristic of being held in the
names of "bearer share corporations" incorporated
in offshore jurisdictions, such as the British Virgin
Islands (BVI). Bearer share corporations are
owned by the person or entity holding, or
"bearing," the unregistered corporate common
stock. There are no formal procedures for
transferring ownership of a bearer share
corporation's stock certificates, and linking any
person to such a corporation is difficult.
Accordingly, professional money launderers and
other criminals frequently use such corporations
to open offshore and domestic bank accounts to
deposit illicit money. Bearer share structures make
it extremely difficult for banks (and law
enforcement) to determine the actual owners of
accounts and to satisfy the KYC requirements.
One example among the targeted accounts at
AEBI was an account controlled by a Colombian
national, but held in the name of an offshore
(BVI) bearer share corporation. This corporation
was controlled by three other bearer share
corporations, which had given the Colombian
national a power of attorney, authorizing him to
control the financial affairs and bank accounts of
the original bearer share corporation. This
individual processed millions of dollars in BMPE
transactions through AEBI accounts.
In addition to the targeted accounts, the bank
had numerous other accounts held in the names of
offshore shell corporations, many controlled
through bearer shares. Many of these accounts
were beneficially owned and controlled by
supposedly legitimate corporations in South
America. There are few, if any, legitimate reasons
why an established business concern would need
or want to conduct financial transactions through
secret accounts held in the names of offshore shell
corporations. Yet, law enforcement has found that
the presence of such accounts is endemic to
international private banking in the United States,
including AEBI.
B. AML risk assessment
AEBI was considered to be operating under a
high risk of money laundering because of its
location in south Florida, a designated High
Intensity Drug Trafficking Area. Its provision of
private banking services to high net-worth
individuals living in Central and South America, a
region known as a source for illegal narcotics,
also put it at risk of money laundering. Yet no
bank of substantial size can possibly monitor
every single transaction and every single account.
Thus, most banks conduct a formal and detailed
risk assessment of each of its products,
transactions, services, geographic locations, etc.,
and then tailor their limited AML and BSA
resources to specifically monitor and control those
areas identified as the highest risk. Prior to May
2002, AEBI did not conduct a risk assessment of
its operations and products, and consequently
failed to identify high-risk areas for enhanced
C. Activity monitoring
The investigation also disclosed weaknesses
in AEBI's account monitoring practices. AEBI
relied upon a proprietary software system to
monitor accounts for suspicious activity. This
system, however, was only capable of identifying
accounts that had breached preset parameters for
external debits and total holdings, not for
identifying suspicious activity patterns. The
bank's written KYC policies and procedures set
out a clear expectation that bank employees assess
their client's transactions and ensure that those
transactions remain consistent with the client's
usual business and activities and make economic
sense, based on their knowledge of the client's
source of wealth and use of funds. To that end,
AEBI RM's were tasked with conducting a
monthly review of the activity occurring in all
transaction accounts under their management,
using Activity Analysis Reports and Activity Detail
Reports distributed by Compliance, with the goal
of identifying any activity which appeared to be
out of pattern for the client or which required
additional investigation. Law enforcement,
however, identified a number of examples of red
flag activity or suspicious activity that was
unmonitored and unquestioned by AEBI,
particularly with respect to the questionable
source of funds from South American parallel
currency exchange market activity. The primary
cause of this failure is that AEBI's account
monitoring system and the detail reports provided
to the RM did not identify the country of origin or
the source of incoming funds. This failure
contributed significantly to the RM's failure to
identify the massive amounts of parallel market
transactions occurring in AEBI accounts.
Even in situations where accounts breached
parameters and were flagged for review by the
RM, the bank failed to effectively investigate the
account activity. In general, the RM's were not
given reports with sufficient transaction
information to allow them to effectively review
the activity in the account. On a number of
occasions, instead of conducting further
investigation, RM's simply informed Compliance
that the activity in the account was consistent with
the RM's knowledge of the client's business. No
real review was conducted by the RM, and worse,
Compliance did not independently look at the
account activity to corroborate what the RM was
reporting. Numerous similar examples were found
at AEBI where RM's simply "explained away"
parameter breaches, frequently requesting that
Compliance increase the parameters on the
accounts (apparently to avoid having to keep
addressing the compliance issue each month).
The "Rules Based," as opposed to a "Risk
Based," approach of monitoring activity, coupled
with reliance on the RM to provide the assessment
of the quality of account flows, without
independent review and corroboration, was
ineffective and caused AEBI to fail to identify,
report, and prevent suspicious activity. Given that
the account monitoring at AEBI was not a risk-
based program, it was even more critical for
AEBI's compliance personnel to independently
review the account activity. Yet, the limited
"independent reviews" conducted by Compliance
were confined to those accounts that had exceeded
external debit parameters. To the extent no
exceptions were noted, all activity was deemed to
be appropriate.
D. Independent review process
The situation at AEBI was further exacerbated
by deficiencies in AEBI's independent review
process. As part of AEBI's policies and
procedures for account activity monitoring,
Compliance personnel were supposed to perform
spot checks or independent reviews of accounts
that breached parameters. AEBI's compliance
personnel maintained a log of the accounts
reviewed and the results. This log recorded the
name of the responsible RM, the account name,
the parameter breached (holdings, activity-
external debits, or both), and the comments or
explanations of the activity causing the breach. A
review of this log showed significant deficiencies
in AEBI's "independent review" process.
AEBI's local compliance officer was
permitted to exempt accounts from activity
monitoring based only on the judgment of the
compliance officer. Of the total number of
accounts reviewed, the compliance officer had
exempted 35.6 percent from the review process,
many of which were commercial accounts held in
offshore corporate names. There were some
instances of accounts that had consistently
breached parameters for over 21 months and went
without review by Compliance for that same time.
Compliance frequently justified the exemption
based on the fact that the account was commercial
in nature.
E. Prior enforcement activity
The compliance shortcomings at AEBI were
especially disturbing because AEBI had
previously been involved in a significant money
laundering case and, consequently, was operating
under the background of a Department of Justice
Settlement Agreement. The Agreement relating to
the Bank's compliance with the BSA and anti-
money laundering regulations and statutes was
entered into on November 18, 1994. The
settlement grew out of a related indictment and
conviction, in June 1994, of two of AEBI's
employees, as a result of a U.S. Customs Service
investigation into cartel leader Juan Garcia
Abrego. See United States v. Giraldi, 86 F.3d
1368 (5th Cir. 1996); United States v. Castaneda-
Cantu, 20 F.3d 1325 (5th Cir. 1994). This
Settlement Agreement also followed a Cease and
Desist Order and Civil Penalty between AEBI and
the Federal Reserve dated November 1, 1993. As
part of the Settlement, the Department withdrew
and dismissed a civil money laundering complaint
it had filed against AEBI and did not file criminal
charges against the bank. AEBI also agreed to the
A substantial monetary penalty, comprised of
the withdrawal of AEBI's claim to a $30
million client account that served as collateral
for $19 million in AEBI loans.
The forfeiture of $7 million.
A $7 million penalty.
The bank agreed to spend no less than $3
million on the development and
implementation of policies, procedures, and
training, in order to assure compliance with
the government's BSA/AML regulations and
Since the recent violations were disclosed at
AEBI, the bank has devoted considerable
resources to correct the identified BSA and AML
deficiencies. Employees who failed to take
vigorous action to support compliance efforts
have either left AEBI or left their positions. AEBI
has also identified, reported, and ultimately closed
accounts used to process suspicious transactions,
including each of the Targeted Accounts. AEBI
has fully cooperated with the investigation and
acknowledged responsibility for its actions.
Consequently, the decision was made to resolve
this case with a Deferred Prosecution Agreement
(DPA). On August 6, 2007, a one-count
Information was filed charging AEBI with failing
to establish an AML program in violation of 31
U.S.C. § 5318(h). If AEBI is in full compliance
with all of its obligations after one year, the
government will move to dismiss the Information
with prejudice.
X. Prosecutorial considerations
A. The Department's role
Why should prosecutors and investigators
pursue an investigation of a financial institution
for compliance shortcomings? These
investigations are generally very complex, time
consuming, and resource intensive. Should not the
enforcement of an institution's AML compliance
responsibilities be left to the financial regulators?
AFMLS prosecutors are frequently asked these
questions by the financial community and,
occasionally, by the federal bank regulators.
Money laundering enforcement, perhaps
uniquely, relies on many different entities to
contribute. Each entityprosecutors, law
enforcement agencies, federal banking regulators,
state banking regulators, the Treasury
Department's FinCEN, and the industry
itself—brings to the table unique knowledge,
skills, and authorities to try to close off the U.S.
financial system from money launderers. The
system works when all cooperate toward the
common goal.
The Department has an important role to play.
In every one of the cases cited above, money
laundering activity—potentially prosecutable
under 18 U.S.C.§ 1957—took place through these
institutions. This activity is very serious—so
serious that, if a bank is convicted of a violation
of § 1957, its federal regulator is required to hold
a hearing to determine whether the bank should
lose its license. While each of the cases discussed
was resolved by a guilty plea, Deferred
Prosecution Agreement, or Non-prosecution
Agreement involving BSA charges, pursuant to
the Principles of Federal Prosecution of Business
Organizations (referred to as the McNulty
Memorandum issued in December 2006),
available at
foia_reading_room/usam/title9/crm00162.htm, the
fact that there were potential money laundering
charges in these cases made these cases significant
and worthy of criminal enforcement actions.
Moreover, a bank's failure to understand the
source of its client's money often makes it difficult
to show the specified unlawful activity necessary
for a money laundering charge, or that the bank
knew that the money was from some felonious
source. Nevertheless, Congress felt sufficiently
strongly about the issue that it provided for
significant criminal penalties for willful violations
of the BSA, itself.
The seriousness of the offense is due to the
fact that significant harm can result from a bank's
failure to live up to its responsibilities. As shown
in these cases, a single lax branch of a bank, or
even a single employee, can be responsible for
millions in criminal proceeds being laundered
quickly, safely, and cheaply. Underscoring the
bank's obligations in this area, under threat of
criminal sanction, ensures that banks will take
seriously the need to be vigilant. Moreover, the
threat of criminal prosecutions assists the bank
regulators in their job. In that way, BSA
enforcement is similar to other areas of the law
where regulators and criminal prosecutors work in
parallel, such as securities enforcement, with great
effectiveness. Bank regulators have a number of
sanctions available to them, and generally tailor
the remedy to the seriousness of the problem.
Some institutions, however, fail to correct their
conduct, notwithstanding repeated warnings and
penalties from the regulators. The OCC cited
AML deficiencies in Riggs Bank, in over twenty-
six different reports, but were unable to change
the bank's practices in significant ways. In those
circumstances, the Department steps in, as the
regulator of last resort, with criminal sanctions.
B. Proving knowledge
Obviously, millions of dollars of criminal
proceeds move through financial institutions
every day. A bank cannot be held responsible for
every transaction. An institution is criminally
liable for money laundering charges under § 1957
only if it knowingly engages in a monetary
transaction involving more that $10,000 in
criminally-derived property. Under the principles
of corporate criminal liability, the knowledge
element for a corporation can be established either
by showing a specific individual at a high enough
level within the bank knew of, and furthered, the
money laundering, or by showing the
corporation's collective knowledge.
The concept of collective knowledge permits
the government to prove knowledge of a corporate
entity by offering evidence of the aggregate
knowledge of the corporation's employees. Bank
of New England, 821 F.2d 844, 855 (1st Cir.
1987) ("[Y]ou have to look at the bank as an
institution. As such, its knowledge is the sum of
the knowledge of all... [its] employees. That is,...
the totality of what all the employees know..."). In
the context of large corporations, which typically
have highly compartmentalized structures, use of
the collective knowledge doctrine is "not only
proper but necessary." Id. at 856.
A corporation may be held criminally liable
for conduct even though no single agent intended
to commit the offense, or even knew the operative
facts that constituted the violation. The intent and
knowledge of various agents may be collectively
attributed to the corporation, thereby giving rise to
corporate liability where no individual criminal
liability would exist. The court, in Bank of New
England, instructed the jury that it could find that
the corporation had knowledge of its filing
obligations if any one of its individual employees
had the requisite knowledge, or it could be
inferred from the collective knowledge of all of its
The concept of willful blindness allows the
government to satisfy the knowledge requirement
of a federal criminal statute by demonstrating that
a defendant willfully, consciously, and/or
deliberately avoided knowledge of certain facts
essential to proof of a criminal violation. The First
Circuit has approved the concept of willful
blindness against a corporate defendant in a BSA
prosecution. In this context, the government may
prove corporate mens rea by demonstrating
organizational indifference to wrongdoing by
corporate employees. "Flagrant organizational
indifference," id. at 855, can satisfy the wilfulness
requirements. The court, in Bank of New England,
held that it was proper for the district court to
instruct the jury that it could infer culpable
knowledge if it found that the bank had
consciously avoided learning about the currency
transaction reporting requirements as a result of
some "flagrant organizational indifference." Id.
The government may show "flagrant
organizational indifference" to the requirements of
the law by the following evidence.
The bank's failure to adequately inform its
employees of the legal duty to report.
The bank's failure to implement an effective
compliance program.
The bank's failure to properly respond to
information it received relating to the
reporting requirements.
The bank's own stated policies or its failure to
implement those policies.
The bank's response to various bits of
information it received
If this information adds up to flagrant
organizational indifference to the reporting
requirements, it supports a finding of willfulness
as well. Id.
C. Factors to consider in prosecutions
The Department does not target specific
financial institutions for prosecution. In every one
of the cases cited above, the bank's conduct
aroused the attention of prosecutors and
investigators who were investigating other
criminal activity. Attention turned to the bank
during the course of the investigation as a result of
the bank's conduct within the scope of the
criminal activity under investigation, or as a result
of the bank's conduct during the course of the
investigation. When initial scrutiny of the bank's
conduct raised serious concerns about its activity
and compliance shortcomings, the investigations
proceeded into full criminal investigations.
Once a criminal investigation begins, several
factors are considered in assessing whether an
institution's violation of the BSA warrants
criminal remedies. Each of these factors is
reflected in the investigations described above,
and there is every reason to believe that these are
the factors that prosecutors will continue to look
to in evaluating cases in the future.
The violation must be willful. A criminal
violation of the BSA must involve evidence
(beyond a reasonable doubt) that a decision
was "willful," that is, the bank understood its
obligations under the BSA and, nevertheless,
deliberately decided to violate the law. This is
the highest burden the law allows and, as
prosecutors, we are mindful that the criminal
law is not a law of negligence.
The decision whether to file a SAR is a
judgment call. Under the BSA, a financial
institution is required to file a SAR where it
"knows, suspects, or has reason to suspect one
of the following."
That after an appropriate investigation,
the financial institution determined that it
is a transaction with no apparent business
purpose, or is not the sort that the
customer would be expected to engage in.
That it is derived from illegal funds or
designed to hide the origin of the funds.
Since this is not a clearly objective standard,
the government would need strong and
compelling evidence that the transactions in
question were suspicious, and that the institution,
in fact, knew they were suspicious, in order to
prove a criminal violation.
There must be evidence of a systemic failure.
The government will look closely at whether
the financial institution has a healthy and
effective AML program. If the bank has a
program to find potentially suspicious
activity, and after researching the transactions
involved determines that no SAR need be
filed, it would be extremely rare for the
government to second-guess that decision,
even if the decision was clearly wrong.
However, where the bank fails to even know
about the transaction as a result of a poor
AML program, the government will be far
less sympathetic. Most prosecutions of
institutions for BSA violations have centered
on this factor.
What does an effective compliance program
look like? In the Department's view, the U.S.
Sentencing Commission has put forth the best
description of an effective compliance program in
section 8B2.1 of the United States Sentencing
Guidelines. Some of the operative factors include
the involvement of high-level personnel in the
operation of the program, appropriate incentives
to employees to ensure effective compliance, as
well as education and independent testing of the
effectiveness of the program. The mere existence
of a paper program is insufficient. Prosecutors
will not hesitate to investigate whether a
compliance program has any teeth.
The bank has a duty independent of its
regulator. While regulators periodically
assess an institution's AML program, the BSA
makes clear that the responsibility for
determining whether the program is effective
rests on the institution, not the regulator.
Prosecutors will consider whether an
institution received favorable reports from its
regulator, but will also look behind those
reports to determine whether such clean bills
of health were reasonable. In a number of
instances, prosecutors have found no
justification for a regulator's conclusion of a
satisfactory AML program and, as such, have
given it little weight.
As a result of this analysis, financial
institutions that take their obligations seriously,
and that fund and maintain a real AML program,
are well positioned to avoid criminal scrutiny for a
BSA violation. Institutions that do not take their
obligations seriously may face a criminal
enforcement action if their conduct should come
within the scope of a criminal investigation.
XI. Conclusion
Banks are the principal gateway into the U.S.
financial system and have been given major
responsibilities for safeguarding that gateway and
trying to detect and prevent criminal proceeds, or
terrorism funds, from entering the financial
system. These responsibilities are imposed by law,
and there must be sanctions for failing to fulfill
these responsibilities. Whenever it is determined
that a significant amount of criminal proceeds are
flowing into or through a financial system, it
should be examined to determine if it has effective
AML policies and practices, or whether the
institution is shirking its duties. If it is the latter,
then the seriousness of the violations should be
considered to determine whether a civil or
criminal enforcement action is warranted.
Pursuant to § 9-105.300 of the United States
Attorneys' Manual, in any criminal case under 18
U.S.C. §§ 1956 or 1957 or 31 U.S.C 5322, in
which a financial institution, as defined in 18
U.S.C. § 20 and 31 C.F.R. § 103.11, would be
named as a defendant, or in which a financial
institution would be named as an unindicted
coconspirator or allowed to enter into a Deferred
Prosecution Agreement, Criminal Division
approval through AFMLS is required before any
indictment, complaint, information, or Deferred
Prosecution Agreement is filed. The attorneys in
AFMLS should be consulted when such
investigations are initiated. They can be reached at
Lester M. Joseph is the Principal Deputy Chief
in the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering
Section (AFMLS). He has been a Deputy Chief
since the Money Laundering Section was created
in 1991. He became Principal Deputy Chief in
January 2002. Mr. Joseph joined the Department
in 1984 as a Trial Attorney in the Organized
Crime and Racketeering Section. From 1981 to
1984, he was an Assistant State's Attorney in
Cook County (Chicago), Illinois.
John Roth is the Chief of the Fraud and Public
Corruption Section for the U.S. Attorney's Office
in the District of Columbia. He is the former Chief
of the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering
Section, as well as the Narcotic and Dangerous
Drug Section of the Department's Criminal
Division. Mr. Roth joined the Department in 1987
as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Eastern
District of Michigan. He then served in the
Southern District of Florida, as Chief of the
Narcotics Section. He is currently detailed to the
Criminal Division as an acting Deputy Assistant
Attorney General, responsible for narcotics and
money laundering enforcement.a
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