JUNE 9, 2021
The Town Council convened via Zoom Meeting, a virtual meeting platform, pursuant to the Town’s
Electronic Participation Policy, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. The Council was present in its entirety with
Councilors Beck, Ferrelli, Grambley, Lakin, Schuyler, Mayor Pro Tem Meyer and Mayor Clark in
1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 12, 2021.
2. Register of Demands for June 2021.
3. Renewal of Hotel/Restaurant Liquor License for the Chipeta Sun Lodge.
4. Renewal of Restaurant Liquor License for Panny’s Pizza.
It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Meyer, seconded by Councilmember Grambley and unanimously
carried by a roll call vote to approve the consent agenda.
5. Acknowledging the 25
anniversary of Pam Kraft as the Town Clerk/Treasurer
The Mayor read a proclamation honoring Pam Kraft for 25 years of service to the Town as the
Clerk and Treasurer, and proclaiming June 26
as Pam Kraft Day.
It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Meyer, seconded by Councilor Grambley and approved by a
unanimous roll call vote to adopt the proclamation honoring Pam Kraft for 25 years of service to
the Town.
6. Proclamation declaring June as Immigrant Heritage Month
Robyn Cascade presented a proposed proclamation declaring June as Immigrant Heritage
Month, Mayor Clark read the proclamation.
Speaking from the audience in support, Giovanni Mendoza, Justin Perry and Robyn
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June 9, 2021
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Mayor Pro Tem Meyer moved to declare June as Immigrant Heritage Month. Councilor Lakin
seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
7. Request for use of rights of ways during the Old West Fest for wagon rides and horse parade
Eve Becker Doyle requested use of rights of way during the Old West Fest in September for
wagon rides pulled by draft horses which will load and unload at the post office and travel
along N. Lena, Charles, Fredrick and N. Railroad Streets; and a horse parade which will have
a precession around Hartwell Park along the four streets which border it.
There were questions from the Council.
Councilor Lakin moved to approve the application for use of rights of ways for the Old West Fest
wagon rides and horse parade, Councilor Grambley seconded, and the motion carried
unanimously on a roll call vote.
8. Application for Transfer of Restaurant Liquor License for Lazy Dog Saloon; Applicant: Lazy
Dog Saloon LLC; Owner: Denise Ransford; to operate at 153 Highway 550
Staff Report from the Town Clerk dated June 4, 2021 presenting an application to transfer
the restaurant liquor license for Lazy Dog Saloon.
The Clerk explained the application filed on May 13, 2021 will transfer the license from Buddy
Young to Denise Ransford, to hold the restaurant liquor license for Lazy Dog Saloon at 153
Highway 550. The license will include the restaurant, existing patio to the south side of the
building and a new patio to the west side of the building.
It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Meyer to approve transfer of the restaurant liquor license for
Lazy Dog Saloon to Denise Ransford, seconded by Councilmember Schuyler, and carried on a
roll call vote.
9. Adoption of Ordinance No. 04-2021 Amending Section 3-2 “Sales Tax” of the Ridgway
Municipal Code to Adopt Uniform Definitions to Address Sellers with No Physical Presence
in the Town
Staff Report from the Town Clerk/Treasurer dated May 4, 2021 presenting an ordinance for
adoption pertaining to economic nexus and marketplace facilitators.
The Town Clerk noted the ordinance was introduced at the previous meeting and will provide
uniformity with Town definitions pertaining to sales tax remitters, to align with statewide
language to assist out of state sales tax remitters.
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June 9, 2021
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Mayor Pro Tem Meyer moved to adopt Ordinance No. 04-2021 Amending Section 3-2 Sales Tax
of the Ridgway Municipal Code to Adopt Uniform Definitions to Address Sellers with No Physical
Presence in the Town, seconded by Councilor Grambley the motion carried unanimously on a roll
call vote.
10. Revocable encroachment permit application for use of Town property at 1015 Clinton Street
Staff Report from the Town Manager dated June 3, 2021 presenting application from Cheryl
and Kevin O’Brien for use of right-of-way at 1015 Clinton Street.
Manager Neill explained the encroachment permit will allow the continuation of placement of
an existing 27x8 foot shed which has been located on the right of way for 35 years.
Applicant Cheryl O’Brian stated the application is being made “due to a complaint by a
There were questions from Council, and discussion with the Town Attorney. It was noted the
permit is not transferable and if the property is conveyed it would not transfer to a new owner.
Joanne Mularz stated the shed blocks the whole road” and “doesn’t allow anyone else to
use the road”. She further stated “they are asking to continue to use this to run a business
out of there”; noting “its an entire half of a street”, “not an alleyway”.
It was noted by the Council the permit is only for encroachment of the shed, not for use of
the alley. The Mayor noted “historically undeveloped rights of ways have been used” by
Moved by Councilor Lakin to approve the revocable encroachment permit for the O’Briens,
seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Meyer, and carried on a roll call vote with Councilmember Grambley
voting no.
11. Weed management practices on Town property
Town Manager Staff Report dated June 4, 2021 requesting discussion regarding staff working
in conjunction with the Ouray County Vegetation Manager to address various weed issues,
in relation to the Town’s policy prohibiting the use of herbicide applications on public property.
Ouray County Vegetation Manager Julie Kolb gave a presentation on the types of noxious
weeds in the county. She noted the growth of the weeds “reduce biodiversity”, alter nesting
and foraging for wildlife, decrease water resources, and some are hazardous to grazing
horses and cattle. She displayed a map of the Town depicting areas infested with three
species leafy spurge, hoary cress or white top and russian knapweed. She noted the
County’s priority is to eliminate and eradicate the species, and stated as Weed Manager I’ve
made many manners of eradication control available”, “but it’s getting out of control in the
Town’, “its getting away from us” noting some of the species have a caustic sap and 30 foot
tap roots.
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There were questions from the Council. The Council directed staff to work with Ms. Kolb to
update the weed policy; educate the public on the need for changes; approve the use of
herbicides in certain applications after notifying chemically sensitive residents; and continue
to try and use natural removal as much as possible.
12. Professional Services Agreement with Logic Compensation Group for development of a
Classification and Compensation Study
Staff Report dated June 4, 2021 from the Town Manager presenting an agreement with Logic
Compensation Group for development of a classification and compensation study.
The Manager reported the project will survey the current municipal government salary market
in comparison to the Town, review existing classification and compensation plans, and make
recommendations to ensure positions are internally equitable and externally competitive. A
request for proposals yielded four bids for the project, which is contained in the fiscal year
budget. Staff is recommending retaining Logic Compensation Group for development of the
study at a rate of $21,000.
Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Meyer, seconded by Councilor Grambley and unanimously carried by
a roll call vote to authorize the Town Manager to execute the Professional Services Agreement
between the Town and Logic Compensation Group for the development of a Classification and
Compensation Study.
13. Discussion regarding alignment of Railroad Street
Town Manager Staff Report dated June 4, 2021 presenting an update on the alignment of
Railroad Street.
The Town Manager reported the realignment of north and south Railroad Streets has been a
priority for decades, and was addressed during the RAMP Project but was prevented due
to an existing federal grant for parks improvements. In 2018 Council received options for the
re-alignment through development planning for the co-housing project. Council expressed
concerns with the proposed price and requested staff to obtain an appraisal of the property
and contact the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) regarding the alignment.
There were comments and discussion by the Council. It was agreed to pursue the alignment,
a long term solution being installation of a round about instead of a traffic signal. Staff was
directed to pursue alignment; look into available transportation funds to correct hazards at
the intersection; begin discussions with CDOT regarding placement of a round about; work
to place the project as a priority in State planning; and research grant funds through the Main
Street Revitalization Program.
There were comments and questions from the public with Tom McKenney and members of
the co-housing project addressing the Council.
14. Order declaring a local disaster related to the COVID-19 pandemic
Staff Report dated June 3, 2021 from the Town Manager presenting the declaration of local
disaster implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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The Town Manager reported the current emergency declaration is slated to expire on June
. There were questions from Council, and it was agreed there is no reason to continue to
extend the order, and to let it expire.
15. Modified to Electronic Participation Policy for Regular and Special Meetings
Staff Report from Town Manager dated June 9, 2021 presenting a proposed amendment to
the Electronic Participation Policy.
Manager Neill stated on March 19, 2020 the Mayor adopted the Electronic Participation
Policy to allow conducting meetings by telephone or other electronic means of participation
during the pandemic. The policy was amended in April and June of 2020, and current
modifications will allow use at times when a local disaster emergency has not been declared.
Councilor Schuyler moved to adopt the Town of Ridgway Modified Electronic Participation Policy
for Regular and Special Meetings, seconded by Councilor Grambley the motion carried
unanimously on a roll call vote.
16. Emergency Ordinance No. 05-2021 Extending Temporary Amendments to the Zoning
Regulations Related to Temporary Signage
Staff Report dated June 3, 2021 from the Town Manager presenting the background on a
temporary amendment to sign regulations to allow use of portable signs by businesses.
Manager Neill noted in May of 2020 Council adopted a temporary amendment to sign
regulations which relaxed signage for businesses and allowed the use of portable signs.
There was discussion by Council, and it was agreed to extend the regulations through
August; staff was directed to work with the Planning Commission and discuss possible
permanent amendments to the sign code.
Mayor Pro Tem Meyer moved to approve Emergency Ordinance No. 05-2021 Extending
Temporary Amendments to the Town’s Sign Regulations as written. This would extend the
temporary amendments to August 31
. Staff is directed to work the with Planning Commission
to amend the sign regulations. The motion was seconded by Councilor Schuyler and carried
unanimously on a roll call vote.
17. Letter of support for Ouray County Historical Society’s funding request to the State Historic
The Mayor presented a proposed letter requested by the Ouray County Historical Society to
support a funding request made to the State Historic Fund for rehabilitation of the museum.
Moved by Councilor Lakin, with a second by Mayor Pro Tem Meyer, the motion to approve signing
the letter supporting the Ouray County Historical Society funding request to the State Historic
Fund was adopted on a roll call vote.
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18. Letter of support for Ouray County’s funding application to launch the Ouray Recreation and
Conservation Alliance
The Town Manager reported Ouray County is applying for funds to create a Recreation and
Conservation Alliance through Colorado Parks and Wildlife grant funds. If formed, he
announced, the Town would become a member of the Ouray Recreation and Conservation
Alliance (ORCA) to address tourism, conservation, wildlife and agricultural needs.
It was moved by Councilor Lakin, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Meyer and unanimously carried
on a roll call vote to authorize the Mayor to sign the letter to support Ouray County’s funding
application to launch the Ouray Recreation and Conservation Alliance.
19. Letter of support for Ouray County Food Pantry
Mayor Clark presented a request from the Ouray County Food Pantry for a letter of support
to use during fund raising.
Councilor Lakin moved to sign the letter of support for the Ouray County Food Pantry. Councilor
Grambley seconded the motion which carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
20. Approval of special event in Hartwell Park for the Voyager Youth Program
The Town Clerk presented an application from the Voyager Youth Program to hold a special
event in Hartwell Park, and use of the stage, on July 25
from 2:00 to 8:00 pm.
Councilmember Lakin moved to approve use of the stage and Hartwell Park for the Voyager Pride
Event on July 25th. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Meyer and the motion carried
unanimously on a roll call vote.
Councilor Lakin asked the Council to consider adopting Stage 1 Fire Restrictions, to be in
conformity with the County. The Council agreed and directed the Town Manager to enact
the fire restrictions.
Mayor Pro Tem Meyer questioned the use of Laura Street for construction of the Space to
Create Project, and noted line of sight to stop signs is being obstructed. There was
discussion and the Town Manager was directed to contact the contractor and find a solution.
Councilor Lakin presented an update on the CC4A committee.
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June 9, 2021
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The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pam Kraft, MMC
Town Clerk