Western Technical College- Employee Handbook
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The Mission of Western Technical College is to:
Provide quality training and education in a caring, professional environment
that prepares new students and working adults
with the skills they need to succeed, and advance in their chosen careers.
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Code of Professional Conduct
Acknowledgement of Code of Professional Conduct
Section I Introduction
15 Ways to Succeed at Your Job
A Brief History
Business Practices
The WTC Image
Name Tags
Employee Candidates Interviews
Beginning/Ending Classes on Time
Class Size
Student Surveys
Book & Tool List
Student Retention
Section II Employment and Pay Policies
Employee Classifications
Official Transcripts
Employment at Will
Equal Opportunity Employment
Harassment and Discrimination
Americans with Disabilities Act
Lunch and Break Periods
Introductory Period for New Employees
New Hire Reporting
Work Eligibility Records
Pay Schedule
Time and Attendance
Payroll Advances
Payroll Error Resolution
Personnel Files
Employment Verification
Pre-Employment Testing
Reference/Background Checks
Resignation and Discharge
Appeal of Termination from Employment
Performance Evaluations
Transfers and Promotions
Outside Employment
Employment of Relatives
Employee Complaint or Grievance Procedure
Handling a Student Grievance
Bulletin Boards
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Section III Employee Benefits
Social Security
Unemployment Insurance.
Workers Compensation Insurance
Eligibility for Benefits
Major Medical Health Coverage
PTO/ Sick Leave
Bereavement Leave
Jury Duty
Time Off to Vote
Life Insurance
401(K) Retirement Plan
Leaves of Absence
WTC Tuition Awards for Employees’ Immediate Family
Continuing Education
Training Seminars
Training Courses for New Employees
Service Awards
Mileage Reimbursement
Cellular Phone Reimbursement
Employee Referral Program
Section IV Standards of Conduct
Standards of Conduct
Concealed Weapons in the Workplace
Attendance and Punctuality
No Solicitation / No Distribution Policy
Dealing with the Media
Media Release
Student/Prospective Student Fraternization
Employee Fraternization
Conflict of Interest
Personal Property
College Property
Employee Key Control Policy
Workplace Violence
Drug Free Workplace Policy
Use of Tobacco Products
Employee Dress Code
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Proper Disposal of Sensitive Documents
Reporting Violations of Laws, Regulations, Ethics or Safety
WTC Purchasing Policy
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Section V Employee Communications
Computer and Electronic Information Policy
Expectation of Privacy
Audio Video Surveillance System
Electronic Mail (E-Mail)
Software Use
Telephone Use
Cellular Phones
Voice Mail
Internet Use and Creation of Web Pages
Personal Mail
Social Media and Social Networking
Services and Assumption of Risks
Equipment Purchase Policy
Issuance of USB Flash Drives to New/Existing Employees
Section VI Safety Policies and Procedures
Safety and Fire Protection
Accidents - What to Do
Cardiac Arrest
Hazardous Materials
Back Owners Guide
Incident Report Form
Injury Report Form
Emergency Procedures
Section VII Crime Awareness Program and Campus Security
Crime Awareness Program and Campus Security
Employee Handbook Receipt and Acknowledgement
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Dear Western Tech Employees,
Western Technical College (WTC) is proud of its reputation as a College that strongly values Integrity,
Respect, and Truthfulness. This reputation enables us to produce successful graduates, maintain the
confidence of the employers that hire them, and retain the highest quality employees.
WTCs Code of Professional Conduct and the Employee Code of Ethics and Conduct outline the
general ethical standards that all our employees are expected to live by. While these Codes do not
address all ethical concerns that you may face during your employment, I hope they will give you the
information you need to make ethical decisions daily. And, you are encouraged to ask for guidance
whenever you need help.
When you face an ethical dilemma, I trust you will always do what is fair and legal. You can apply two
1) The “front page” test. If you would not want your family or friends to see an article on the front page
of your newspaper describing an action you took or failed to take, let that be one guide.
2) Apply the “golden rule. Treat others the way you would want to be treated under the
circumstances. We can all sleep better at night knowing that we all act ethically during the day.
Thank you for helping WTC continue with its commitment to be the College that sets a positive
example for our Students and Community.
Brad Kuykendall
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Western Technical College and all employees are proud to abide by the following standards of
professional conduct:
1. To provide educational services according to standards of honesty and fairness and to render
those services to students in a manner that, in the same circumstance, we would want for
2. To provide recruiting material that is clear, accurate and unambiguous as to content and purpose.
3. To provide each prospective student with financial aid information concerning the total cost of
their education and the repayment requirements of their student loans.
4. To provide prospective students with accurate information about educational programs,
services and outcomes in a manner that:
a. Provides clear information regarding institutional accreditation and programmatic
accreditation if applicable;
b. Provides information about the institutions refund policies;
c. Does not promise, guarantee, or mislead regarding transferability of credits to or from
another institution; and
d. Provides information on graduate employment and completion rates and does not promise
or guarantee employment or income level after graduation.
1. To safeguard the public trust by providing educational and related services in a manner that
meets or exceeds minimum requirements under applicable federal and state laws and
regulations and accrediting agency standards.
2. To provide a method for school employees and students to inform senior management of
potential violations of laws, regulations, accrediting agency standards and the institutions
policies and procedures.
3. To provide a procedure for expeditious and fair handling of student complaints and disputes.
1. To provide a quality academic experience by:
a. Maintaining strong, ethical leadership;
b. Providing qualified faculty;
c. Developing, structuring and offering outcomes-focused program curricula;
d. Periodically reviewing faculty, curricula, facilities, training equipment, programs and staff;
e. Allowing the students, through surveys, to regularly evaluate our performance;
f. Providing appropriate resources to support the teaching and learning process;
g. Providing physical facilities conducive to learning;
2. To assist graduates interested in finding full-time employment in jobs related to their program
of study, without guaranteeing employment.
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I. Introduction
This Employee Code of Ethics and Conduct (“Code”) details WTCs policies for employees. WTC is
committed to a quality business and reputation that values integrity, respect and truthfulness, and a
strong commitment to the highest ethical standards. These principles apply to employee interactions with
students, the employers that hire them, coworkers, vendors, government and regulatory agencies and
the public. This Code applies to WTC and all WTC employees. WTC employees must be familiar with
this Code and adhere to its guidelines.
This Code is not a comprehensive guide of all ethical issues that employees may face, but merely
highlights specific issues. In dealing with ethical problems not detailed in this code, employees are
expected to use common sense, their best moral judgment, consult the employee handbook which
contains more details on specific College policies, and request guidance from their supervisor or higher
authority. This policy may be modified or updated at any time. WTC welcomes employee suggestions
on changes to this code.
II. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations
It is WTCs policy to observe all laws, rules, and regulations of government agencies and authorities. This
specifically includes requirements under the Higher Education Act, as amended, regulations of the
United States Department of Education, the policies of accrediting agencies, as well as other state and
federal laws. If federal, state or local law exists that is either contradictory or stricter than this policy,
Employees must apply the law.
III. Conflicts of Interest
Employees must avoid having a personal, business, financial, or other interest, activity or relationship,
outside WTC that has or may conflict with the College or its students. Any material transaction or
relationship that may give rise to an actual or perceived conflict of interest should be discussed with
your supervisor.
Conflicts of interest may include, but are not limited to, the following situations:
Outside Employment- Employees should not perform work or render direct consulting or managerial
services for an organization that competes or does business with WTC without appropriate approval
from management.
Having a personal, social, or romantic relationship with a student or prospective student.
Managers or supervisors may not engage in a sexual, romantic, or dating relationship with
subordinate employees.
Accepting loans or gifts valued at $20 or more from students, subordinate employees, regulatory
agencies or their personnel, vendors, or any outside concern that does or seeks to do business with or
is a competitor to WTC.
Having a personal financial interest in any business transaction with WTC or on behalf of WTC.
Performing services for students outside those consistent with WTCs mission of providing higher
education and career training programs.
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Using or disclosing any confidential information gained during employment for an employees
personal benefit or the benefit of others, including a future employer.
IV. Employment Practices
For a comprehensive description of employment practices and policies please refer to relevant section(s)
of the Employee Handbook.
A. Discrimination and Harassment
WTC prohibits discrimination and harassment of students, employees, customers or vendors,
whether the incidents occur on College premises and whether the incidents occur during
business hours.
WTC follows Federal, State, and Local law to ensure equal recruitment, employment,
compensation, development and advancement opportunity for all qualified individuals, and
prohibits discrimination or harassment based on protected categories of race, color, religion,
sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, military or veteran status, sexual orientation,
or gender identity.
B. Workplace Violence- WTC does not tolerate workplace violence including threats, threatening
behavior, harassment, intimidation, assaults or similar conduct.
C. Weapons Policy- WTC employees may not have open carry or concealed firearms or other
weapons on College premises.
D. Illegal Drugs and Alcohol Policy - WTC employees must not distribute, possess or use
illegal or unauthorized drugs or alcohol on WTC property, or in relation with College business.
V. Books and Records
A. Accurate and Complete Business Records - Employees must act in good faith not to misrepresent
material facts in WTCs books and records or in any internal or external correspondence,
memoranda, or communication of any type, including telephone or electronic communications.
B. Financial Reporting- All WTC funds, assets, liabilities and receipts must be recorded in
accordance with generally acceptable accounting principles. There cannot be any “off the books
accounts or receipt books.
C. Proper Maintenance of Records- WTC maintains documents in accordance with all applicable
laws and regulations. If the College employees receive a subpoena, a request for records or other
legal papers or if we have reason to believe that such a request or demand is likely, the law
requires WTC to retain all relevant records and contact the College CEO.
D. Cooperation with Auditors- WTC employees must cooperate fully with internal and outside
auditors during examination of the Colleges books, records, and operations.
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VI. Public Disclosures
A. Business Communications- Employees must not make public statements regarding issues or
matters of WTC about which they are not authorized spokespersons.
B. Advertising and Marketing- WTCs policy takes necessary steps to assure that all advertised
products or services in any of its literature, exhibits or other public statements is true, supported
by documentation, and is not misleading.
VII. Use of Company Resources
For a comprehensive description of WTC policy on use of company resources, please see the
employee handbook.
A. Internet and Electronic Mail Policy
Employees may use Internet and send and receive electronic mail solely for business purposes.
WTC electronic mail system is a company resource, and WTC reserves the right to read, view and
copy any email communications.
Employees must take reasonable care not to disclose confidential information, or acquire or
download unauthorized information or programs over the Internet or any other form of media.
B. Equipment and Supplies- All equipment and supplies purchased by WTC remain College property,
including but not limited to office supplies, office furniture, fax machines, computers, software,
hardware, supplies and equipment, and may not be used by employees for personal reasons.
C. Political Activity- WTC encourages employees to participate in the political process on their
own time. Employees may not use College resources, reputation or assets to support a political
D. Non-Work-Related Interests- WTC employees may not use College facilities to promote non-
WTC or non-work-related interests of the employee or of third parties without prior consent of
their supervisor.
E. Proper Use of Organizational Assets- WTC employees may only use, transfer, or dispose of
funds or assets for the lawful and legitimate business purposes for which they were intended
and approved.
F. Off Duty Use of Company Resources- WTC employees are expected to use good judgment and
exercise discretion when using Company resources when off duty. Employees wearing WTC
uniforms, clothing with WTC logos or other identification or operating WTC vehicles should not
engage in any conduct that would interfere with the employee’s work or adversely impact the
image WTC strives to promote. Conduct that interferes with the employee’s position at WTC or
which adversely affects the image or reputation of WTC can, under certain circumstances,
subject the employee to discipline up to and including termination of employment.
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VIII. Privacy and Confidentiality
A. Confidential Information- WTC employees must exercise care to avoid disclosing non-public,
internal, secret, or proprietary information related to WTC or its students to unauthorized
persons, either within or outside WTC during employment or afterwards, except as such
disclosure is legally mandated or approved by the College.
B. Employee Access to Confidential Information- Only WTC employees that truly need to know
confidential information to conduct their business have access to confidential information and
must take necessary steps to keep this information private and confidential.
C. Confidential Information of Employees- Employment and medical records of WTC employees
are confidential and private. Medical records may only be disclosed if the employee provides a
written release or required by applicable law.
D. Financial Information of Current and Former Students must be protected as required by privacy
laws and regulations.
E. Requirements under The Family and Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as
amended (“FERPA”)- FERPA includes limitations on student educational records that institutions can
disclose without the students prior written consent or written consent of the parent if the
student is under 18 years of age. FERPA requirements apply to current and former students of
WTC. For further explanation of FERPA policy, please refer to the student handbook and the
employee handbook.
IX. Resources
Questions or comments regarding this code or any other WTC student or employee policies may be
directed to the Campus Director and/or the CEO.
X. Compliance with the Code
All WTC employees must know this code and adhere to its guidelines. If questions arise please contact
your campus director or CEO.
Supervisors- Supervisors must take reasonable care to assure that subordinate employees are
complying with these guidelines. Supervisors are responsible for misconduct by employees if the
supervisor orders misconduct; ratifies the conduct, even by inaction; the supervisor has direct authority
and knows of the conduct but fails to act appropriately; or should have known with reasonable diligence
that the actions occurred.
XI. Reporting Actual or Suspected Violations of the Code
A. Requirement to Report Actual or Suspected Violations of the Code: Employees must
immediately report any actual or suspected violations of this code to their supervisor or next
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higher authority. Failure to report any actual or suspected violations of the code is a violation of
this code.
B. Non-Retaliation Policy: Employees will not be retaliated against or subject to any form of
reprisal for raising a good faith concern under this policy or participating in an investigation into
any such concerns. Retaliation is a serious violation of this code and should be reported
C. Investigation of Alleged Violations of the Code: All inquiries, complaints, and reports will be
promptly investigated. Employees are expected to cooperate in the investigation. Reasonable
measures will be taken to preserve confidentiality of the claim and the identity of anyone who
reports a suspected violation or participated in the investigation. If you are unsure whether a
violation has occurred, WTC encourages you to seek advice from your supervisor or next higher
authority before acting.
XII. Policy toward violations of this Code and all Other College Policies
Employees who violate this code, or other College policies, fail to report actual or suspected violations
of same, or retaliate against whistleblowers will face disciplinary action up to and including termination
of employment according to the nature and severity of the violation.
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Acknowledgement Form for the Code of Conduct and Ethics
I have read and am familiar with WTCs Employee Code of Ethics and Conduct. I will comply with and
enforce the policies in this Code in its entirety.
I understand my responsibility to promptly report any incident of misconduct or perceived misconduct
that I may experience, become aware of, or witness. I further understand that violations of this Code
and other College policies or retaliation against whistleblowers will result in disciplinary action including
termination of employment.
By signing this acknowledgement, I am indicating that I have read and will abide by WTCs Employee
Code of Ethics and Conduct, and all other WTC Policies.
Printed Name Signature
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Employee Handbook
Dear Employee:
We welcome your decision to join Western Technical College (WTC). We are confident
that you can contribute to the Students success and that you will find that WTC is
a place where you can pursue your career productively and enjoyably.
Should you have any questions concerning this handbook, your employment, or
benefits, please feel free to discuss them with your supervisor or next higher
Again, welcome!
(This handbook replaces all previous handbooks and supersedes all earlier oral and written materials about College policies and
procedures. The College reserves the right to change, add or delete benefits and policies as necessary.)
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“The following is an example of things you can do to help you succeed at your job. These suggestions come directly from the
Texas Workforce Commission.”
1. Be on time, whether it is with showing up for work, returning from breaks, going to meetings or turning in assignments.
2. Call in if you know you will be tardy or absent. Most companies treat absences or tardiness without prior notice much
more seriously.
3. Try your best; finish an assignment, no matter how much you would rather be doing something else. It is always good to
have something to show for the time you have spent.
4. Anticipate problems and needs of management - your bosses will be grateful, even if they do not show it.
5. Show a positive attitude - no one wants to be around someone who is a “downer.”
6. Avoid backstabbing, office gossip, and spreading rumors - remember, what goes around comes around. Joining in the
office gossip may seem like the easy thing to do, but almost everyone has much more respect - and trust - for people who
do not spread stories around.
7. Follow the rules. The rules are there to give the greatest number of people the best chance of working together well and
getting the job done.
8. Look for opportunities to serve customers and help coworkers. Those who would be leaders must learn how to serve.
9. Avoid the impulse to criticize your boss or the company. It is easy to find things wrong with others - it is much harder,
but more rewarding, to find constructive ways to deal with problems. Employees who are known for their good attitude
and helpful suggestions are the ones most often remembered at performance evaluation and raise review time.
10. Volunteer for training and new assignments. Take a close look at people in your organization who are “moving up” -
chances are they are the ones who have shown themselves to be willing to do undesirable assignments or take on new
11. Avoid the temptation to criticize your coworkers or customers on the Internet. Social networking sites like Facebook,
MySpace, Twitter, and blogs offer many opportunities to spout off - remember that anyone in the world can find what
you put online and that employers might act against an employee whose online behavior is improper and not
otherwise protected by law.
12. Be a good team member. Constantly focusing on what makes you different from others, instead of how you fit into the
company team, makes you look like someone who puts themselves first, instead of the customer, the team, or the
13. Try to avoid ever saying “that’s not my job.” Many, if not most, managers earned their positions by doing work turned
down by coworkers who were in the habit of saying that, and they appreciate Employees who help get the job done,
whatever it is.
14. Show pride in yourself. Never let yourself be heard uttering minority-related slurs or other derogatory terms about
yourself or to others. Use of such terms perpetuates undesirable stereotypes and inevitably disturbs others. It also
tends to make others doubt your maturity and competence. The best way to respect is to show respect toward
yourself and others.
15. Distinguish yourself. Pick out one or more things in your job to do better than anyone else. Become known as the “go
to” person for such things. That will help managers remember you favorably at times when you really need to be
William T. Simmons
Legal Counsel
Texas Workforce Commission
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Purpose of this Handbook
This handbook has been prepared to inform employees of the policies and procedures of the College and to establish the
Colleges expectations. The employee handbook can’t possibly address every contingency; therefore, it is neither all-
inclusive nor intended to provide strict interpretations of our policies; rather it offers an overview of the work environment.
This handbook is not a contract, expressed or implied, guaranteeing employment of any length of time and is not intended to
induce an Employee to accept employment with the College. Employment at WTC is at-will.” An at-will” employment
relationship can be terminated at any time, with or without reason or notice by either the employer or the employee.
The College reserves the right to, unilaterally revise, suspend, revoke, terminate or change any of its policies, in whole or in
part, at its sole discretion. No one other than the College CEO has authority to approve changes to policies. If any
discrepancy between this handbook and current company policy arises, the provisions of the handbook govern, but you may call
the discrepancy to the attention of your supervisor or higher authority to have the discrepancy clarified. Every effort will be
made to keep you informed of the Colleges policies, however we cannot guarantee that notice of revisions will be
provided. Feel free to ask questions about any of the information within this handbook.
This handbook supersedes and replaces all personnel policies and manuals previously distributed, made available or
applicable to employees.
Western Technical College (WTC) (formerly El Paso Trade School and Western Technical Institute) started operation on January
1, 1970 and since that time it has expanded in size and enrollment.
Starting with a basic Welding curriculum, new certificate, Associate of Occupational Studies, and Associate of Applied
Science degree programs had been added to include Refrigeration/HVAC in 1971, Automotive Technology in 1975,
Electronics Engineering Technology in 1980, Information Systems and Security in 1983, Medical/Clinical Assisting in 1984,
Health Information Technology in 1994, Massage Therapy in 2001, Pipe Welding, Diesel and Performance Tuner in 2006, and
Physical Therapist Assistant in 2007, Diesel Technology and Performance Tuner in 2008, Light Duty Diesel in 2013,and the
latest Business Degree programs in 2014. Upon expert advice from employer advisory boards, the courses and programs at
WTC are constantly updated to conform to industry standards.
WTC is licensed and regulated by the Texas Workforce Commission, less the Massage Therapy Program, which is licensed
and regulated by the Texas Department of State Health Services. On January of 1979, WTC became accredited by the
Accrediting Commission of Career Schools & Colleges which is listed by the U.S. Office of Education as a nationally
recognized accrediting agency under the provision of Chapter 33, Title 38, U.S. Code, and subsequent legislation.
In June of 1986 the school underwent a name change. The name El Paso Trade School no longer accurately reflected the
“high tech” courses taught at the school, therefore, the name was changed to Western Technical Institute.
By March of 2005, there were more students enrolled in degree programs than certificate programs, so WTI had another
name change to Western Technical College (WTC) which is a better reflection of the careers and degrees offered by the
In January, 2006, WTC moved its main campus from the 48,000-square foot Texas Avenue location to the new 150,000
super campus at 9624 Plaza Circle. In addition to the new programs added, the facility was designed to provide students
with a Learning Resource Center, on-site restaurant, day care facility, outdoor park with picnic tables, canopys, a conference
center, and a Career Service Center.
The Branch Campus, also referred to as the “Diana Campus,” located at 9451 Diana Drive is approximately 50,000 square feet
under roof with an additional 2,000 square feet of outside student break area. The administrative office area, conference
center, customized training room, student library, and student lounge approximate 9,000 square feet.
WTCs aggregate measurements between both campuses are approximately 200,000 square feet under roof plus convenient
free parking.
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WTC has been a family owned corporation since it opened. Today, Bill Terrell and Randy Kuykendall are the third generation
of same family owners of WTC.
1.4 BUSINESS PRACTICES - Open Door Policy
It is the policy of this College to provide the means for an employee to seek answers to questions, and to communicate
ideas. It is also the policy of the College to provide a way for employees to bring problems or concerns about work to the
attention of management. You are encouraged to contact your supervisor or next higher authority if appropriate, to express
opinions, discuss any complaints, and misunderstandings, and to seek information on matters affecting your working
relationship. Communication is a two-way street. Our management is dedicated to being available and listening attentively to
employees concerns. The open-door policy should be utilized without fear of retaliation.
You have been asked to join the Western Technical College (WTC) family because we believe that your personality, abilities and
experience are compatible with our goals as an educational service organization. We realize that our customers (students) are
#1 and we should strive to meet their needs always. You ARE Western Technical College to our customers (students). What
the customers (students) think of you and your service becomes their impression of the entire school.
The student is . . .
The most important person on the campus. Without them there would be no need for this College.
Not a cold enrollment statistic, but a flesh and blood human being with feelings and emotions like our own.
Not someone to be tolerated so that we can do our thing: they are our thing.
Not dependent on us; rather we are dependent on them.
Not an interruption of our work; they are the purpose of it. We are not doing them a favor by serving them; they
are doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so.
As an employee of Western Technical College, you are a personal representative and we trust that your goal will be to
conduct yourself in a manner that will represent the College well. We are very conscious of our reputation in the
community and our association with our students. We expect that you will strive to maintain that image.
Western Technical College will provide you with an identification name tag at no cost soon after employment. The badge is to
be worn always during working hours. This enables the students, and outside visitors to readily identify who they are
speaking with. Should you lose your badge, contact your supervisor for a replacement. You will be charged the cost of
In the process of interviewing candidates for employment at WTC, no employee shall interview any candidate if candidate
has not submitted a complete and signed copy of the WTC employment application. A resume does not replace the
-------------------------------FACULTY ONLY-------------------------------
Instructors are required to be prepared to begin, and end class on-time, including lunch and break times, without exception.
In the event an instructor is running behind, it is the responsibility of the instructor to contact his/her program director and
inform him/her of such, and to provide lesson plan information to get the class started. Students are required to adhere to
the strict attendance policy, therefore attendance must be taken twice a day. Attendance must never be pre-posted.
Lunch and break times for instructors/faculty support is to be the same as for students, according to scheduled classes.
Employees who fail to follow protocol may be subject to reprimand, which may include termination of employment.
The number of students per class or per instructor varies depending on the course of study. Generally, lecture class limits
the maximum number of students to 30 per instructor. The maximum ratio for lab instruction is set at 15 students per
instructor/ lab assistant. If more than 15 Students per lab class, additional help will be assigned.
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For students enrolled in the Massage Therapy program, no more than three students can work from one table during lab time.
For students enrolled in the Physical Therapist Assistant Program, the maximum ratio for lab instruction is set at 12 students
per Instructor.
For students enrolled in the Massage Therapy Program, the maximum ratio for lab instruction is set at 24 students per
For students enrolled in the Medical/Clinical Assisting Program, the maximum ratio for lab/shop instruction is set at 15
students per instructor.
Program directors are required to ensure that student surveys are conducted after every course, or at minimum at the end of
every quarter. At least one week before the end of the course, the instructor and program director will set a date and time for
the student survey to be conducted. The program director will select someone other than the instructor to oversee the survey
activity. Once the survey is completed, the results will be reviewed by the program director, who will share the outcome of the
survey with the instructor within 48 hours and determine whether action is needed. Both will sign the summary sheet. The
program director will forward the survey results electronically to the academic dean, who will study the results and forward
them to the appropriate recipients. The academic dean will present summary pages to campus director for signature and file
the pages for future reference.
Note: Program directors should arrange for student surveys for newly hired instructors within the first 90 days of their
assignments, regardless of the time within a phase.
Program directors and instructors are to use only the books, e-Books, lab simulators or tools that are authorized on the
approved book and tool list. If changes are required on the approved list that the students are receiving, they must have
this approved BEFORE they use this in the classroom.
Instructors must report “at risk” students to the program director, academic dean, and registrar, when any of the following
Attendance- When the student accumulates three consecutive absences
Academic- When the student’s GPA falls below 2.0
Conduct-When the student violates a rule in the student handbook
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One who is consistently scheduled, and works 30 hours or more per week (employee is eligible for
all benefits after the introductory period).
One who consistently works less than 30 hours per week (employee is eligible for partial benefits
only after the introductory period).
One who is hired to work in a temporary job regardless of whether it is full-time or part-time.
Temporary employees must complete all required pre-employment documentation and testing but
are not eligible for employee benefits.
Exempt employees are paid on a salary basis but are not eligible for overtime pay.
All Employees not classified as Exempt are deemed Non-Exempt employees. Non-exempt
employees will be paid overtime (1.5 times the regular rate of hourly pay) for all hours
worked above forty (40) hours in each work week.
WTC students working at WTC, whether full time, or part time are considered temporary employees, therefore they are not
eligible for any benefits.
WTC is required to have official transcripts of all post-secondary training for all faculty and other positions. Transcripts may
not be submitted manually. Official transcripts will be requested by WTC, and must be received through regular mail, before
the faculty member can instruct in the classroom.
Employment at WTC is at-will. An at-will employment relationship can be terminated at any time, with or without
reason or notice by either the employer or the employee. This at-will employment relationship exists regardless of any
statements by any other personnel to the contrary. Only the CEO of this College is authorized to modify the at-will nature
of the employment relationship, and the modification must be in writing.
The College provides equal opportunity in all its employment practices to all qualified employees and applicants without
regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, military or veteran status sexual orientation,
or gender identity, or any other category protected by federal, state and local laws. This policy applies to all aspects of the
employment relationship, including recruitment, hiring, compensation, promotion, transfer, disciplinary action, layoff,
return from layoff and training. All such employment decisions will be made without unlawfully discriminating on any
prohibited basis. There will be no retaliation against employees for the exercise of rights under any state or federal statute,
including the workers’ compensation laws.
If a new/active employee has any medical condition that may affect their job performance and for which the employee
believes an accommodation is required, the employee may be required to provide a medical certificate issued by their
physician to their supervisor and Human Resources. An employee or applicant may request an accommodation at any time.
Whenever possible, the College makes reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent
required by law. Employees who would like to request a reasonable accommodation should contact the Human Resources
The College strives to maintain an environment free from discrimination and harassment, where employees treat each other
with respect, dignity and courtesy. The College does not and will not tolerate any type of harassment of our employees,
applicants for employment, or our students, prospect students, and/or customers. Discriminatory conduct or conduct
characterized as harassment as defined below is prohibited.
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Consistent with its workplace policy of equal employment opportunity, the College prohibits and will not tolerate harassment
based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, military or veteran status, sexual
orientation, gender identity, or any other status protected by applicable law. This policy also applies to all phases of
employment, including but not limited to recruiting, testing, hiring, promoting, demoting, transferring, layoffs, terminating,
paying, granting benefits and training. Violations of this policy will not be tolerated.
Discrimination includes, but is not limited to: making any employment decision or employment related action based on
race, color, religion, creed, age, sex, disability, national origin, marital or veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or
any other status protected by applicable law.
Harassment is generally defined as unwelcome verbal or non-verbal conduct, based upon a persons protected characteristic,
that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward the person because of the characteristic, and which affects the persons
employment opportunities or benefits, has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the persons work
performance, or has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment. Harassing
conduct includes, but is not limited to: slurs, jokes, and other verbal or physical conduct relating to a persons gender,
ethnicity, race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, marital status, military service status
or any other protected classification that unreasonably interferes with a persons work performance or creates an
intimidating, hostile work environment.
Sexual harassment may also take the form of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, visual
or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when:
1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individuals employment;
2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such
individual; or
3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individuals work performance or creating an
intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.
Examples of sexual harassment include: unwelcome or unsolicited sexual advances; displaying sexually suggestive material;
unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances or propositions; suggestive comments; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; sexually
oriented jokes; crude or vulgar language or gestures; graphic or verbal commentaries about an individuals body; display or
distribution of obscene materials; physical contact such as patting, pinching, or physical assault of a sexual nature.
Such conduct may constitute sexual harassment, regardless of gender or sexual orientation and regardless of whether the
conduct is between members of management, between management and employees, between employees, or directed at
employees by non-employees conducting business with the College.
Harassment by Non-Employees
The College will also endeavor to protect employees, to the extent possible, from reported harassment by non-employees in
the workplace, including students, clients and suppliers.
Title IX
Title IX protects students, employees, applicants for admission and employment, forms of sex discrimination, including
discrimination based on gender identity. Everyone is protected by Title IXregardless of their sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity, disability, race, or national origin.
The Title IX Coordinator’s role is to coordinate the institution’s efforts to review and appropriately respond to all complaints
of sex discrimination and to work with other school employees and the campus community to prevent sex-based and
gender-based harassment.
Who should report the incident?
Students or employees who believe they may be a victim of sexual harassment or sexual violence.
Students and employees who believe they may have witnessed sexual violence involving a student or employee.
Students and employees should also report to the Title IX Coordinator any retaliation against them by any school
employee for reporting a Title IX violation or for cooperating with or being involved in a Title IX disciplinary proceeding.
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Any employee who is subjected to or witnesses a possible incident of sexual harassment or other unlawful harassment or
discrimination or has witnessed or become aware of discrimination or harassment in violation of these policies, should
promptly report the matter to one of the following: his/her supervisor, the Human Resources Director/Title IX Coordinator
or next higher authority. If an employee feels it is not appropriate to report any issue or incident to his or her supervisor, the
employee may contact any other member of management, including the CEO of WTC.
The College will promptly investigate all allegations of discrimination and harassment, and act as appropriate based on the
outcome of the investigation. An investigation and its results will be treated as confidential to the extent feasible. Employees
who raise concerns and make reports in good faith can do so without fear of reprisal; at the same time, employees have an
obligation to cooperate with the College enforcing this policy and investigating and remedying complaints.
Anyone found to have engaged in such wrongful behavior will be subject to appropriate discipline, which may include
immediate termination of employment. The severity of any such discipline imposed is left to the sole discretion of the
Any employee who files a complaint of sexual harassment or other discrimination in good faith will not be adversely affected
in terms and conditions of employment and will not be retaliated against because of the complaint.
In addition, we will not tolerate retaliation against any employee who, in good faith, cooperates in the investigation of a
complaint. Anyone who engages in such retaliatory behavior will be subject to appropriate discipline, up to and including
termination of employment.
However, if after investigating any complaint of harassment or unlawful discrimination, the College determines that the
complainant or a witness has provided false information regarding the complaint, disciplinary action will be taken, up to and
including discharge.
It is the Colleges policy that it will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities regarding any aspect of
their employment. The College is committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The College recognizes that
some individuals with disabilities may require accommodations at work. If you are currently disabled or become disabled
during your employment, you should contact the Human Resources department to discuss reasonable
accommodations that may enable you to perform the essential functions of your job.
A regular lunch break is provided for all employees. Employee lunch breaks are normally one hour in length. To provide
continuous and prompt service to our students, employees within each department should stagger their lunch breaks to avoid
leaving their areas of responsibility unattended. It is expected that designated lunch breaks be adhered to.
All departments must work with employee’s lunch schedules to ensure service coverage always.
Eating in offices, classrooms and/or shops is prohibited. Drinks are allowed provided they are in a container with a lid.
Because of the nature of work, employees may be asked to work on weekends or holidays or additional hours during the
regular workday and are expected to comply with such requests.
Overtime compensation will be paid to all non-exempt employees at one and one-half times their straight time pay rate for
all hours worked more than 40 hours per week.
If you are non-exempt, you must receive authorization from your manager before working overtime. Management expects
non-exempt workers to strictly adhere to their break and lunch schedules. If you refuse to work overtime when requested,
you may be disciplined up to and including termination. If you work unauthorized overtime, you will be paid for the worked
overtime but will be disciplined up to and including termination.
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Nonexempt employees should not access job-related e-mails or conduct other business outside of work hours, which can
trigger pay issues.
Overtime pay is based on actual hours worked. Time taken for lunch or any unpaid breaks is not included as time worked
for purposes of computing overtime. Time off on vacations, holidays, personal leave, or any leave of absence will not be
factored in as hours worked when calculating overtime.
Western Technical College (WTC) attempts to hire the best person for each position. However, it is to both WTCs and the
employees advantage to establish an initial period of employment in which the employee and WTC may become
acquainted. Each new employee must satisfactorily complete an introductory period of 60 days, measured from his or her
initial date of employment. During this introductory period, WTC will appraise the new employees job performance. At
the same time, the employee can evaluate whether his or her new position meets personal and career expectations.
The employee will not be eligible for or earn any benefits during the introductory period.
At the end of the introductory period, the employees supervisor will discuss job performance with the employee in a
review like the regular employees’ performance review. WTC may extend the introductory period, one more period up
to sixty (60) days, at its sole discretion. If the introductory period is extended, the extended period must be documented in
the sixty (60) day evaluation, in the comments section. If at the end of the extended introductory period the evaluation
continues to be below “Meets Expectations”, the employee may be discharged.
When the sixty (60) day evaluation of the introductory period is not at a Meets Expectations” level, and the introductory
period is extended, WTC’s benefits will also be postponed until employee reaches a “Meets Expectations” rated evaluation.
Health Insurance & Supplemental Benefits will be offered after completion of the first sixty (60) days of employment.
WTC or the employee may terminate the employment relationship during the introductory period with or without cause and
with or without prior notice. Successful completion of the introductory period however, does NOT mean that the employee is
guaranteed employment for any specific period, and does not change the at-will employment status of WTC employees.
At any working period, during the introductory period (while they are supervised more closely at the beginning), or after
the introductory period, the employment status continues to be at-will.
Former employees who are rehired after a separation of one (1) year or less, if the employee worked for a minimum of one
year, they will be eligible for previous benefits upon reinstatement, but will be required to complete a drug screening and
background check. If the separation was for more than one (1) year, or the employee originally worked less than a year, the
rehired employee will be treated as a new hire.
Federal and State Laws require the reporting of basic information about new employees, including your name, address, and
social security number to a state agency designated as the State Directory of new hires. The state collects this to enforce child
support orders. Please be advised that if the state determines that you owe child support, it will send us an order requiring us
to withhold money from your paycheck to pay your child support obligations. The College is required to comply with such
orders as a matter of federal and state laws.
The federal government requires that within three business days of your first day of work, you must complete an
employment eligibility verification form (I-9), and provide us documentation proving your identity and your eligibility to work
in the United States.
If you have worked for this College previously, you need only provide this information if it has been more than three years
since you last completed an I-9 form for us or if your current I-9 form is no longer valid.
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You will be paid biweekly; every other Friday, with one week in arrears. Each work week begins on a Monday and ends on
the following Sunday. Two work weeks comprise each biweekly pay period.
Payroll will be paid via "direct deposit". Employee will have access to view and print the electronic paystub, and will have
access to it if you are an active employee at WTC. If you have problems accessing your electronic paystub, you should
contact the Human Resources department immediately.
a. Non-exempt employees are required to clock in and out, electronically, at the beginning of the schedule, when out
to lunch, when returning from lunch, and at the end of the working schedule. If a punch is missed, notify your
b. Certain designated non-exempt positions have “open access to clock in/out from their mobile device and/or
laptops when working off site (i.e. events or online delivery). Clocking in/out from mobile device when working on
site is not permitted.
c. Employees are expected to clock in/out when present at their work station.
d. Supervisors must electronically approve their employee’s timecards every other Monday, according to payroll
schedule, before noon time.
The College does not make personal loans or pay advances to employees at any time. Employees are discouraged from
requesting or making loans among coworkers.
Although the College takes every precaution to avoid paycheck errors, at times errors can occur. Employees should review
each paystub to verify its accuracy. If you believe a mistake has been made, either by an overpayment or underpayment, you
must immediately notify the Payroll department.
The Payroll department will appropriately investigate all claims and respond to the employee as soon as possible. Corrective
action will be taken as soon as possible to resolve any mistakes, including reimbursement of improper deductions.
Retaliation against those making complaints or those involved in investigations will not be tolerated.
Certain deductions will be made in accordance with Federal and State Laws.
Federal Income Tax
Social Security Tax (FICA)
Any State Tax where applicable
You must fill out and sign a federal withholding allowance certificate on your hiring date. This form must be completed in
accordance with federal regulations. You may fill out a new W-4 form anytime of the year or when you need to update a change
(i.e. address change).
The College makes available certain voluntary deductions as part of the benefits program. If an employee elects coverage
under one of the benefit plans, which require employee contributions, the employees share of the cost will be deducted from
his or her check each pay period. If the employee is not receiving a payroll check due to illness, injury, or leave of absence,
the employee will be required to pay upfront the monthly cost directly to the College.
You will receive an annual wage and Tax Statement (IRS Form W-2) for the preceding year on or before January 31 each year.
WTC will make good-faith efforts to correct mistakes when alerted to them.
The College may be required by law to recognize certain court orders, liens, and wage assignments. When the College
receives a notice of a pending garnishment or wage assignment, the Payroll department will notify you.
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When a garnishment is received:
You will be notified of the garnishment
You must complete all forms within the allotted time frame and return them to the Payroll department.
The Payroll department will process the garnishment and begin to deduct the funds from your paycheck when the
appropriate agency serves notice to do so.
Personnel files are College property and maintained for the benefit of the College. It contains your employment application,
payroll information forms, performance related documentation, etc. Other documents such as those for benefit or medical
information or confidential information are kept on file; however, these are included in the personnel file, but on a separate
folder. Current employees may request an appointment to review their personnel file by contacting the Human Resources
It is the employees responsibility to notify the Human Resources department of any changes in name, address, telephone
numbers, and beneficiaries or person to notify in case of an emergency.
Misrepresentation of any fact, which you have provided information for on your application, in your personnel file, or any
other documents, is sufficient reason for termination. Personnel records are not available for review by non-employees,
including former employees, at any time.
Employee files are secured in the HR department, on locked fire proof filing cabinets. There is also an electronic version
which is password protected, and available only for the HR department, and Campus Directors.
In response to inquiries from creditors or prospective employers about current or former employees, only the individuals
name, date of employment and job title are provided. Upon receipt of a written request or authorization from the
employee, wage information shall be supplied. Any employee receiving requests for employment verification must direct them
to the Human Resources department only. Employees are not to give personal references on WTC’s letterhead to current or
former employees.
The College requires that all applicants for employment submit to a test for drugs prior to employment. Failure or refusal to
submit to a test will result in withdrawal of a conditional offer of employment and/or termination of employment if
employment is pending receipt of a drug test. No applicant will be asked to take a test unless an offer of employment has been
made. All offers of employment are conditional upon a satisfactory test result.
The College conducts reference and background checks on all new employees. New employees working with financial
transactions will also undergo financial background or credit check. Employees who have falsified information on their
employment application may be terminated. No applicant will be asked to sign consent for background/reference verification
unless an offer of employment has been made. All offers of employment are conditional upon a satisfactory
background/reference check.
An employee who discloses a felony, misdemeanor or deferred adjudication on their job application will be required to
complete a written statement and provide documentation of the case regardless of the status, i.e. pending, disposed,
dismissed, or discharged, etc.
Unless expressly prescribed by statute or contract, employment with the College is on an “at will” basis and may be
terminated with or without cause or notice. Similarly, employees are free to resign their employment at any time.
Employment with the College is normally terminated through one of the following actions:
Resignation-Voluntary termination by the employee.
Discharge- Involuntary termination by the College for any reason at any time.
Layoff - Involuntary termination for reasons such as downsizing, reorganization, or elimination of a position,
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function or department.
Processing procedures for employees who are leaving:
a) On the final day of employment, the Human Resources department or your immediate supervisor must receive all
keys and College property from you.
b) For employees resigning, Human Resources will conduct an exit interview.
c) Should you be discharged, your check will be issued within six (6) calendar days. Should you resign, you will be paid
no later than the next regularly scheduled payday.
d) You will receive your final paycheck through direct deposit. If you do not turn in all uniforms, cell phones, computers,
keys, and any other College issued property, their cost may be deducted from your final paycheck.
Any employee who is discharged, resigns, or is laid off, shall be paid only wages accrued to the effective date of the
separation. Vacation, holiday or sick leave shall not be paid.
Because Texas is a right to work” state, employment at Western Technical College is on an “at will” basis and as such, may
be terminated at any time by either the employee or the College, with or without cause.
Should your employment be terminated, you have the right to appeal this decision in writing to the College CEO. This must
be done within 10 days of the date of termination. After an appropriate investigation, the decision will be
communicated in writing within ten working days.
You can expect your first performance evaluation after the completion of the introductory period. Supervisors and employees
are strongly encouraged to discuss job performance and goals informally any time. WTC conducts annual Performance
Reviews for all employees once a year (for the period of Nov.1 through October 31), or whenever your supervisor
thinks there should be one done for other reasons connected with your job performance. You will receive annual
updates on your job performance via performance evaluations. These evaluations are intended to:
Provide employees with feedback regarding job performance.
Identify training and development needs and plans.
Set periodic performance goals.
Provide a basis for pay increase considerations. A favorable review does not guarantee an increase in pay.
If an employee receives a rating of a (U) unsatisfactory (which is the lowest rating scale), in any category of their
performance review, the employee will not be eligible for a salary increase, if any are given.
An employee who wants to appeal his/her performance review has five working days to submit his/her appeal after the
Performance Review has been discussed between the supervisor and employee. The employee must send a written
statement to the Human Resources department, stating the facts and reasons for the appeal. The Human Resources
department will conduct an appropriate review and analysis of the situation, and respond to the appeal within ten working
Employees may request a transfer from one department to another if any open position is available. Each request will be
given consideration when the employee’s following general requirements are met:
WTC encourages employees to assume higher-level positions or lateral transfers for which they qualify. Toward this end,
WTC has a job posting program that offers employees the opportunity to apply for certain positions within the company.
Before applying, the employee must comply with the following requirements:
1. Has good attendance and punctuality.
2. Has not had written warnings in the last 6 months, prior to the transfer request (unless approved by College CEO).
3. Last evaluation must be at a satisfactory level, at minimum, and with no given ratings of one (1).
Each employee requesting a transfer will be considered for the new position along with all other applicants.
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Each transfer is judged on an individual basis, depending on the needs of both departments involved.
All final decisions regarding transfers will be made by Management, in conjunction with the Human Resources department.
Employees who wish to apply for a transfer should discuss it first with their Supervisor/Manager and the Human Resources
Department so that it may be determined if their skills fit the requirements of the desired job. Employees should also feel
free to discuss their career aspirations with their supervisor/manager or the Human Resources Department at any time.
Except for part time employees, working at another job while employed at WTC is strongly discouraged since students
require and deserve your best efforts. However, it is the policy of the College to permit employees to hold second jobs,
subject to certain restrictions as outlined below. This policy applies to all exempt and non-exempt salaried and hourly
employees. Because of the Colleges obligation to its students, we must be aware of any concurrent employment. The College
will determine whether it presents a potential conflict.
Employees, who accept outside employment, including self-employment, must notify their immediate supervisor. The
notification should state the name and address of the outside employer, the nature of the job, and the hours and days of
employment. WTC will not permit its employees (including instructors) to work for other educational institutions or
businesses that compete with WTC. WTC reserves the right to make the determination as to whether a business or
educational institution is “in competition” with WTC and any such decision is final. In that event, the employee will have to
make the determination to continue employment at WTC or resign.
Before beginning or continuing outside employment, employees are required to disclose in detail involvement with the
other employers and obtain written approval of their supervisor. Failing to obtain prior approval as described may be cause
for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Employees are cautioned to consider carefully the demands that
additional work activity will create before seeking or accepting outside employment.
Outside employment will not be considered an excuse for poor job performance, absenteeism, tardiness, leaving early, refusal
to travel, or refusal to work overtime or different hours. If outside work activity does cause or contribute to job-related
problems, such employment must be discontinued; and if necessary, normal disciplinary procedures will be followed to deal
with the specific problem.
All employees are prohibited from engaging in any activity that compromises the Colleges image. This prohibition includes
the unauthorized use of any Colleges tools, equipment, or resources. Employees are not to conduct any outside business
during paid working time. Employees who have accepted outside employment are not eligible for paid or unpaid excused
absence leave (except FMLA or military leave) as the result of an injury or illness sustained during outside employment.
Employees who are on leave of absence for any reason, including but not limited to leaves for work related injuries, are
prohibited from having outside employment during their leave.
Employees who violate the terms of this policy are subject to discipline, up to and including termination.
The College may hire relatives of employees where there are no potential problems of supervision, safety, security, morale
or potential conflict of interest. To avoid any conflict of interest, an employee may not work under the direct or indirect
supervision of a relative and it is preferred that they do not work in the same department. “Relative” is defined as an individual
who is related by blood, marriage, or law to the employee as a spouse, parent, child, brother/sister, grandparent,
grandchild, cousin, niece/ nephew or uncle/aunt, including current in-law and step relations. Although a transfer of one or
both employees may be required, employees who marry or become related will be permitted to continue to work if there
are no substantial conflicts. Reasonable accommodations will be made when possible in the event a conflict arises. You are
required to notify the Human Resources department if a relative is employed at the College.
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Under normal conditions, if you have a job-related problem, question or complaint, you should discuss it with your
supervisor. The simplest, quickest and most satisfactory solution will often be reached at this level. This approach is preferred
over discussing the matter with coworkers as it allows the supervisor the opportunity to find a solution before the problem
becomes a widespread issue.
If the discussion with your supervisor does not answer your question or resolve the matter to your satisfaction, you may
then present your complaint, orally or in writing, to the next higher level of management. If the matter is still not resolved
satisfactorily, you may present your complaint in writing to the Human Resources department who will render a final
decision on the matter after appropriate investigation.
When the issue personally involves the supervisor or manager with whom you would ordinarily discuss a problem, you may
bypass the individual and proceed directly with the Human Resources department to the next person in authority without
fear of retaliation.
If the issue personally involves a member of the Human Resources you should discuss it with your supervisor or you may
bypass the individual and proceed directly with the CEO, without fear of retaliation.
Please remember that WTC decision makers cannot correct or change a problem if we are not aware the problem exists.
1. When a student approaches any employee with a concern/complaint, listen carefully. Treat the student with respect
and communicate in a caring and helpful attitude.
2. Depending on the nature of the concern or complaint, determine who the appropriate person is (Career Services,
Student Services, Financial Services, Instructor, Program Director, Campus Director, etc.) that the student needs to talk
to. If you are uncertain about who to approach, then contact the Campus Director and inform him/her of the situation.
Encourage the student to bring the concern or complaint to the appropriate persons attention. Also, inform the student
that you will discuss the issue with the appropriate person.
3. Do not discuss the issue with anyone other than the appropriate individual, particularly if the issue is of a confidential
nature and the student has asked that you not discuss it with others. Discussing issues of a confidential nature with
anyone beyond the scope of those who need to be informed, such as fellow employees and/or other students, is a serious
matter and will be dealt with appropriately. Again, if you are uncertain as to how to handle a student-related issue,
contact the Campus Director and bring it to his/her immediate attention.
4. Meet with the appropriate individual (Career Services, Student Services, Financial Services, Instructor, Program
Director, Campus Director, etc.) in a private setting to discuss the students concern or complaint. Determine who it is that
will contact the student (within one business day) to further discuss and resolve the issue with the student
5. Follow up with the student to let them know who will be assisting them, then follow up to see how things transpired.
Each campus has a bulletin board which is used to communicate important College information. All posted items must
be approved in advance by the campus director. You are responsible for regularly reading the information posted on the
bulletin board.
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*Benefits are subject to change, modification or elimination at the discretion of WTC Management with or without previous
notice to any Employees.
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Social Security is very beneficial to you and your family. Western Technical College matches every dollar of your contribution to
Social Security up to a cap established by law. Please be sure the Payroll department has your correct Social Security number
so that you will receive credit for the full amount of your contributions.
Western Technical College employees are covered by Unemployment Insurance and the school contributes to both state
and federal funds to provide this protection for you.
If you are injured while at work, you need to notify your Supervisor immediately. Failure to immediately report an injury
may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. First aid will be administered and/or you may be taken for
medical treatment, if needed.
When an employee is unable to work due to work-related injury or illness, the employee may be eligible for compensation
for lost earnings in accordance with applicable State workers compensation regulations. Payments for all medical attention
due to work-related injury or illness will be made in accordance with State laws.
Employees must immediately notify their supervisor of all injuries or illnesses that occur on the job. Failure to follow
proper reporting procedure may delay or otherwise jeopardize any benefits related to the injury or illness. Employees
will not be retaliated for their good faith exercise of any rights under the workers compensation laws.
The OMBUDSMAN Program is a free service of the Texas Workers Compensation Commission, the state agency which monitors
workers’ compensation claims. The OMBUDSMAN is a person who helps individuals understand how the system works. The
Assists injured workers in getting benefits under the Texas Workers Compensation Act.
Assists persons in getting death benefits under the Texas Workers Compensation Act.
Provides general information on the workers compensation system.
Explains benefits and responsibilities in making a claim, communicates with employers, insurance carriers and health care
providers on behalf of injured workers as needed.
Investigates complaints.
Helps protect the rights of injured workers, employers and other parties in the workers’ compensation insurance
If you have any questions or need assistance from the Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission OMBUDSMAN Program,
please contact the OMBUDSMAN at the field office nearest you or call this toll-free number: 1-800-252-7031.
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Following is the summary for benefits eligibility, based on employee classification (all benefits are detailed following the
After 60 Days of Introductory Period
Full Time
Part Time
Health Insurance
Could enroll at the completion of the
Introductory Period, or at Open Enrollment.
Supplemental Benefits
Could enroll at the completion of the
introductory period, or at Open Enrollment
(December): Dental, Vision, Voluntary Life
Insurance, Disability, Cancer, Accident, Medical Bridge
Could enroll at the completion of the
introductory period, or at Open Enrollment
(December). Working a minimum of 16
hours per week: Vision, Voluntary Life Insurance,
Disability, Cancer, Accident, Medical Bridge
*PTO/Sick Time
Three (3) days
Five (5) days throughout the year.
Five (5) days throughout the year
*Bereavement Leave
Three (3) days direct Family member
One (1) day indirect Family member
Three (3) days direct Family member
One (1) day indirect Family member
*Life Insurance
*Jury Duty
*Time to Vote
Note: * Eligibility for WTC’s benefits after 60 days of employment is conditioned, at minimum, to a Satisfactory 60-day evaluation. If
Introductory Period is extended, the eligibility on marked benefits will also be extended.
After completing 6 months of employment
Full Time
Part Time
Five weeks of paid vacations: Spring break,
Summer break, Thanksgiving and December (2 weeks).
Five weeks of paid vacations: Spring break,
Summer break, Thanksgiving and December (2 weeks).
After completing 1 year of employment
Full Time
Part Time
401(K) Retirement Plan
Be at least 21 years of age; must have worked
for the College for a minimum of one year
and must work at least 500 hours per year.
The process is through an automatic enrollment
(for new hires).
Be at least 21 years of age; must have
worked for the College for a minimum of
one year and must work at least 500 hours
per year. The process is through an
automatic enrollment (for new hires).
Family and Medical
Leave Absence (FMLA)
Up to 12 weeks, after 12 months of effective
work weeks and a minimum of 1,250
effective worked hours.
Up to 12 weeks, after 12 months of
effective work weeks and a minimum of
1,250 effective worked hours.
Military Leave
Covered-up to 26 weeks
Covered-up to 26 weeks
Military-Related Exigency
Covered-up to 12 weeks
Covered-up to 12 weeks
College Tuition Awards
After one year of employment
After one year of employment
Other Benefits
Full Time
Part Time
Continuing Education
Training Seminars
Service Awards
For employees reaching three (3) years, and
then at five (5) year intervals.
For employees reaching three (3) years, and
then at five (5) year intervals.
Mileage Reimbursement
Covered since hired, according to policy.
Covered since hired according to policy.
Cell Phone
Covered since hired according to policy.
Covered since hired according to policy.
Temporary employees: Not eligible for any College benefits, except for mileage and cellular phone reimbursement (when
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All full-time employees will become eligible for coverage commencing on the 1st day of the month following the completion
of sixty (60) days of employment. Western Technical College pays most of the premium for you. Employees who wish to
have their dependents covered must pay ONE hundred percent for that coverage.
Our medical insurance plan provides that after three months of coverage as an employee, should your employment terminate
for any reason, you may convert your group coverage to COBRA and full premiums are to be paid by you. Should you choose to
do so, WTC must receive your first months premium at the time of conversion and by the 25th of each month thereafter. If this
premium is not received on time, your coverage will be cancelled. Full details on coverage, claims and conversion of
coverage will be in the insurance packet which you should obtain from the Human Resources department.
Full time employees are eligible for up to three (3) days of paid PTO/ Sick leave per evaluation period (Nov-Oct). This is paid
time away from work that can be used for personal time, personal illness or time off to care for dependents. PTO must be
scheduled in advance and have supervisory approval, except in the case of illness or emergency. Partial days of absence,
tardiness or leaving early will be accumulated and count toward the three (3) days limit. Anytime missed beyond the
three (3) days will be unpaid (exceptions due to employee classification may apply).
Exempt employees may take PTO in blocks of 4 hours as minimum, anything below will not be accounted as PTO.
One PTO day may be attached to a holiday, with a two-week notice in advance, and only one time per year, if there is no
conflict with any other schedule. It is at the discretion of the immediate supervisor to approve it.
Any unused PTO/Sick leave does not accrue to the next period, and any unused PTO/Sick time is not subject to being paid
upon termination or separation of employment.
Part time and temporary employees are not eligible for paid PTO/Sick leave.
Employees who exceed the allotted number of absences or who are excessively tardy or leaving early may be subject to
disciplinary action up to and including termination.
After completion of their Introductory Period, ELIGIBLE employees will be paid for the following holidays:
1. Martin Luther King Day
2. Good Friday- This Holiday might eventually fall under a vacation week.
3. Memorial Day
4. Labor Day
5. Veterans Day
* Note: Any holiday that falls on a Saturday, the previous Friday will be granted off; any holiday falling on a Sunday, the
following Monday will be granted off.
There are several other holidays which fall within the vacation weeks, so they are considered as vacation days. They are
part of the vacations and employees are NOT paid additional compensation for those days.
Holidays considered as vacations:
1. July 4
2. Thanksgiving Day and following Friday
3. December 24
4. December 25
5. December 31
6. January 1
The exact dates of the holidays differ from year to year and are available in the College Catalog Addendum, on the
westerntech.edu website, or you may check with the Human Resources department.
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Employees are eligible for holiday pay in accordance with the policies of WTC subject to the following conditions:
a. To qualify for and receive holiday pay, an employee must be present at work on the work day immediately
preceding and the work day immediately following a designated paid holiday, unless the employee requested a
PTO day according to the PTO policy. Any employee who fails to satisfy this condition will NOT receive holiday pay
for that day.
Any exceptions must be granted by your supervisor in writing and in advance of the time off.
b. To qualify for and receive Holiday pay, your supervisor must sign off that you are current on your work, for
example: grades, attendance, reports, accounts receivable billings, accounts payable, or any other important tasks and
that you do not have any past due work or assignments.
Upon terminating your employment with WTC, there is no accrued holiday pay and no payment is made for unused or
unpaid holiday pay.
The Bereavement leave policy establishes uniform guidelines for providing paid time off to employees for absences related to
the death of immediate family members.
All full time and part time employees are eligible for benefits under this policy, after a satisfactory completion of their sixty
(60) days of Introductory Period.
An employee who wishes to take time off due to the death of an immediate family member should notify his or her
supervisor immediately.
Bereavement pay is calculated based on the base pay rate at the time of absence and will not include any special forms of
compensation, such as incentives, commissions, bonuses, overtime or shift differentials. Bereavement leave will normally
be granted unless there are unusual business needs or staffing requirements.
Employees are allowed up to three (3) days off from regularly scheduled duty with regular pay in the event of the death of
the employees spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-
law, stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, stepsister, stepson or stepdaughter. To be eligible for paid bereavement leave, the
employee must attend the funeral of the deceased relative.
Employees are allowed one day off from regular scheduled duty with regular pay in the event of death of the employees
brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, or spouses grandparent. To be eligible for paid bereavement leave, the employee
must attend the funeral of the deceased relative.
Employees are allowed up to four hours of bereavement leave to attend the funeral of a fellow regular employee or retiree of
the College, provided such absence from duty will not interfere with normal operations of the College. To be eligible for pay
under this provision, the employee must attend the funeral of the deceased regular employee or retiree.
Faculty employees who attend services are responsible to ensure their class is supervised by a qualified Instructor.
Employees are to provide documentation for the bereavement absence to get paid.
The College supports employees in fulfilling their civic responsibilities by serving jury duty when required. You must inform
your supervisor and provide a copy of the summons the next working day after receiving a jury summons so that
arrangements can be made to accommodate your absence. You will be expected to report for work during your jury service
whenever the court schedule permits. After your jury duty service is completed, you must return to work immediately.
For each day of jury or court service, you will receive your regular rate of pay with no overtime compensation subject to
you providing your manager valid proof of your jury or court service and you turn over the check which you receive from the
court. Insurance benefits will ordinarily remain in effect and unchanged for the full term of your jury duty absence.
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Employees eligible to vote in an election and who do not have two consecutive hours outside working time while the polls
are open may request sufficient time off to vote. If you plan to take such time off, notify your supervisor before election
Eligible employees will be required to complete a beneficiary designation form, in which if a casualty would to happen to
the employee, the designated beneficiary would receive the amount of $15,000.00 on behalf of the insurance company.
To enhance our professional image and for easy identification by students and guests, uniforms will be provided as follows:
Faculty Uniforms as pertained to each respective department, with WTC logo.
Staff- Front button shirts and/or Polo shirts with WTC logo.
Uniforms for faculty will be provided within one month of employment, and for Administrative Staff after the sixty (60) days of
introductory period.
For more detailed information, review the Dress Code Policy on Section IV Standards of Conduct
After completing six full months of employment, ELIGIBLE employees will be paid for vacation periods when WTC is closed.
Non-eligible employees will be expected to work. On an annual basis, WTC provides five weeks of vacation as follows:
Spring Break
1 week
Summer Break
1 week
Thanksgiving Break
1 week
Christmas Break
2 weeks
The exact dates of the vacation periods change from year to year and are available in the College Catalog Addendum, on the
westerntech.edu website, or you may check with your supervisor or campus director.
Please remember that since we are a customer service business, employees need to honor this vacation schedule and not
request vacations at times different from the established schedule unless they are working during a regularly scheduled
vacation period and advance arrangements have been made with their supervisor and Campus Director.
When an employee is required to work during a vacation week, as part of the skeleton crew, the employee will 1) be given
days off, either the week before, or the week after the scheduled vacation week, or 2) be paid for the worked week in
addition to the vacation pay. The day(s) that the College is closed due to a Holiday falling in a vacation week must be
considered when giving the employee days off.
When working during a vacation week, all salaried employees are required to sign in and out, each time including lunch
time, on the daily attendance sheet, at the front desk. The omission of signing-in will be considered as a no show to work.
Non-exempt employees should electronically clock in and out.
One PTO can be attached to vacations with a two-week notice in advance, and only one time per year, if there is no conflict
with any other schedule. It is at the discretion of the immediate supervisor to approve it.
Employees are eligible for vacation pay in accordance with the policies of WTC subject to the following conditions:
To qualify for and receive vacation pay, an employee must be present at work on the work day immediately preceding
and the work day immediately following a designated paid vacation unless the employee requested a PTO day according to
the PTO policy. Any employee who fails to satisfy this condition will NOT receive holiday pay for that day, and a vacation day
pay will also be deducted. Any exceptions must be granted by your supervisor in writing. The employee will be required to
present documentation acceptable to the College to the Human Resources department upon returning to work. The final
decision, on any exceptions to this policy, is within the discretion of WTC.
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To qualify for and receive vacation pay, your supervisor must sign off that you are current on your work, for example:
grades, attendance, reports, accounts receivable billings, accounts payable, or any other important tasks and that you do not
have any past due work or assignments.
Exceptions for vacation pay: 1) Employees on FMLA are not eligible for vacation pay, 2) Upon employment termination
with WTC, there is no payment for vacation made to departing employees.
Vacation will not be counted as hours worked for the purposes of calculating overtime compensation.
Western Technical College offers a 401(K) Retirement plan for those employees who qualify and are interested in
participating. To qualify for participation, you must be at least 21 years of age; you must have worked for the College for a
minimum of one year and you must work at least 500 hours per year. Temporary employees are not eligible to participate.
The plan that we offer is a 401(K). This type of plan enables you to make monthly contributions to your account which is
deducted from your pay before taxes. This means that your gross pay is reduced by the amount you choose to contribute to
your own account, thus reducing the amount of pay used to calculate the amount of federal taxes deducted from your
paycheck. This is referred to as “tax deferment” on the amount you have contributed to your 401K account. When you
withdraw the money from your account, income tax is calculated and deducted from the withdrawal amount.
Automatic Deferral- The Plan includes an automatic deferral feature. Accordingly, the employer will automatically withhold
a portion of your compensation from your pay each payroll period and contribute that amount to the Plan as a pre-tax
401(K) deferrals unless you decide not to participate (“opt out”).
Application to new Participants- The automatic deferral provisions apply to Employees whose entry date is on or following
the automatic deferral effective date.
Automatic deferral provisions- The following provisions apply as to automatic deferrals:
You may complete a salary reduction agreement at any time to select an alternative deferral amount, or
Elect not to defer under the Plan in accordance with the deferral procedures of the Plan.
If the employer automatically enrolled you and you did not want to participate in the Plan, then the employer can refund
your deferrals to you within 30 days of the first payroll in which money was deferred provided you notify the employer
within a reasonable period prior to the end of the 30-day period.
The amount to be automatically withheld from your pay each payroll period will be equal to:
Service year/s:
% of gross income
1 year
2 years
3 years
And that amount will continue to be automatically withheld from your pay in succeeding Plan Years unless the employer
amends the Plan or you enter a Salary Reduction Agreement.
Contact the Plan Administrator if you have any questions concerning the application of the automatic deferral provisions.
We strongly encourage you to participate in a 401(K) Plan as this is an excellent way to save for retirement.
Leave of Absence
Leaves of absence are unpaid, but employees are required to use their unused sick leave and PTO when on leave of absence
and will be paid for that time until paid leave is exhausted. WTC only grants leaves of absence for military obligation or
family medical leave circumstances. Leave of Absence is time off in a non-pay status. You may submit a request for leave of
absence in writing to your supervisor, which includes the beginning and ending dates of the leave. You are expected to
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request the leave of absence with as much notice as possible. Leave will be granted automatically for employees reporting for
military service and jury duty and for leaves coming under Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). In all other situations, the
College will review the validity of the need for leave, your past and potential future job performance, in considering whether
to grant a request for leave of absence.
If you are on leave of absence and you do not return by the end of the leave, the College will consider that you have
abandoned your job and have voluntarily resigned effective the last day you worked. The same will apply if you take other
employment during your leave of absence. Failure to provide required or requested certifications during the time you are
on leave may also be considered job abandonment.
Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)
You are eligible for family and medical leave if you have worked for the College for at least 12 months and have worked at
least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period immediately before the leave is to begin. This 12-month period is also the
period used to determine the number of weeks of leave under FMLA to which you are entitled at that time.
Employees will be required to use any unused PTO/Sick Days concurrently with FMLA. WTC has as policy a “rolling” 12-
month period measured backward from the date of any FMLA leave usage.
If you are on leave of absence and you do not return by the end of the leave, the employer will consider that you have
abandoned your job and have voluntarily quitted effective the last day of your leave period or the maximum leave period. The
same will apply if you take other employment during your leave of absence. Failure to provide required or requested
certifications during the time you are on leave may also be considered job abandonment.
A person might qualify for leave under the ADA as a reasonable accommodation, when an employee’s own medical condition
requires an accommodation. WTC will perform a thorough individual assessment of each employee who takes federally
protected leave, and that practice should be emphasized in writing. Employees will not be punished for legitimate absences
from work.
Military Leave
The College grants military leave and prohibits discrimination under the terms of the Uniformed Services Employment and
Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). If you have military obligations, are called to active duty, or are considering enlisting
please see the Payroll Department for an explanation of your rights.
You must submit a copy of your orders to your supervisor and the Payroll department.
Reasons for the Leave
You are entitled to take up to 12 work weeks of unpaid leave in the 12-month period described above:
To attend to the birth, adoption or foster care placement of your child
To attend to the serious health condition of your child, spouse or parent, or
To receive care for your own serious health condition.
A serious health condition means an illness, injury (including work related injuries covered by workers compensation),
impairment, or physical or mental condition during which you are incapable of working that involves either:
Treatment requiring inpatient care in a hospital, hospice or residential care facility, or
Continuing treatment by a health care provider for a condition that lasts more than three consecutive days, or for
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pregnancy or prenatal care or for a chronic health condition which continues over an extended period, requires
periodic visits to a health care provider and may involve occasional episodes of incapacity, such as serious asthma or
You may take leave due to your own or a family members serious health condition in:
One continuous 12-week segment
An intermittent schedule, such as one day off each week, or
A reduced schedule, such as beginning two hours late, twice a week.
Leaves taken on an intermittent basis may result in transfer to another position to accommodate the time off needed for the
Notice of Leave
If your need for leave is foreseeable, you must give 30 days prior notice if possible. If you do not give such notice, the leave
may be delayed for up to 30 days.
If your need for leave is due to a planned medical treatment, make every attempt to schedule the treatment so as not to
unduly disrupt the work of your department. If your need for leave is not foreseeable, you must request it as soon as
practicable, no later than two business days after the need for leave arises.
Medical Certification
If leave is requested due to your own or a family members serious health condition, you must provide medical certification
from a licensed health care provider. The medical certification must include the date on which the condition began and its
probable duration. You may be denied leave if you do not provide satisfactory certification. The College may also require a
second opinion or third opinion regarding certification of a serious health condition, at the Colleges expense.
Outside Employment during Leave
You may not work for outside employers while on FMLA leave with the College.
Service Member Medical Leave
An eligible employee who is the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of a covered service member may take a total
of twenty-six (26) weeks of service member family leave under FMLA during any consecutive twelve (12) month period to care
for the service member for an injury or illness incurred by the service member in the line of duty on active duty in the armed
forces. A covered service member is a member of the armed forces, including members of the National Guard or Reserve,
who is undergoing outpatient treatment, recuperation, or therapy, or is on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious
injury or illness that may render the service member unfit to perform the duties of the service members office, grade, rank,
or rating. “Outpatient treatment” means the service member is assigned to a military medical treatment facility as an
outpatient or is assigned to a military unit established for the purpose to providing command and control of members of the
armed forces who are receiving medical care as outpatients. “Next of kin” for purposes of this policy means the nearest blood
relative of that individual.
Military-Related Exigency Leave
An eligible Employee whose spouse, son, daughter, or parent is on active duty, or is notified of an Impending call or order to
active duty, in the armed forces in support of a contingency operation may take a total of twelve (12) weeks of FMLA leave
to attend to related needs. A contingency operation is defined as a military operation that:
Is designated by the Secretary of Defense as an operation in which members of the armed forces are or may become
involved in military actions, operations, or hostilities against an enemy of the United States or against an opposing
military force; or
Results in the call or order to, or retention on, active duty of members of the uniformed services under other
provisions of law during a war or during a national emergency declared by the President or Congress.
For an activity to qualify as an exigency, it must fall within one of the seven (7) following categories of activities or be mutually
agreed upon between the College and employee: 1) short-notice deployment (leave permitted up to seven (7) days if the
military member receives seven (7) or less days’ notice of a call to active duty); 2) military events and related activities; 3)
certain temporary childcare arrangements and school activities (but not ongoing childcare); 4) financial and legal
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arrangements; 5) counseling by a non-medical counselor (such as a member of clergy); 6) rest and recuperation (leave
permitted up to five (5) days when the military member is on temporary rest and recuperation leave); or 7) post-deployment
military activities.
Combined Total Military Leave Entitlement under FMLA
Eligible employees are entitled to an aggregate total of twenty-six (26) weeks of FMLA Service Member and Military-Related
Exigency leave during a twelve-month period. The leave limits under paragraphs FMLA leave and Call to Duty Military-Related
Exigency leave, however, remain limited to twelve (12) weeks of the aggregated twenty-six (26) weeks each.
Returning to Work
If your leave is due to your own medical condition, you are required to provide medical certification that you can resume
work before returning. Both you and your health care provider must complete a Return to Work Medical Certification.
Upon returning to work, you will ordinarily be entitled to be restored to your former position or to an equivalent position with
the same employment benefits and pay if possible. If you do not return to work at the end of the leave and do not notify the
College of your status, you may be considered to have resigned your employment.
Benefits during Leave
Taking family and medical leave will not cause you to lose any employment benefits accrued prior to the first day of leave.
The leave period will be treated as continued service for purposes of determining vesting and eligibility to participate in any
retirement plan in effect. However, employees on FMLA leave normally will not accrue any other additional benefits during
the leave period, unless it is paid leave under which benefits would otherwise accrue.
The College will maintain your insurance benefits while you are on leave, although you may be required to pay your portion
of the premium. However, if you do not return to work after the leave, you may be asked to reimburse the College for the
cost of maintaining insurance coverage during the leave. This provision will not apply in cases where your inability to return is
through no fault of your own for example, at the end of leave you remain physically unable to return due to your serious
health condition.
When an FT or PT employee has been employed by WTC for a minimum of one year, the employee and/or their immediate
family members will become eligible to attend a WTC program under the following guidelines:
1. The applicant makes an application at the school through a personal interview with an admissions representative.
2. The applicant meets the same entry requirements as all other Students.
3. The student is expected to set a good example to other Students in attendance and conduct. Disciplinary problems will
not be tolerated.
4. The student is responsible for all incidental costs such as books, tools, fees, etc.
5. The student will receive the institutional tuition award as follows:
100% Tuition reimbursement for employee enrolling in a related field WTC program.
25% Tuition discount for an employee enrolling in a non-related field WTC program.
10%-50% Tuition discount for an employee’s direct family member enrolling in any WTC program.
GPA, attendance and other eligibility requirements must be met.
6. The student will be responsible for the full amount of tuition if they drop or fail to complete the program.
7. Such students will be accepted on a space available basis only.
8. The employee attending a WTC program will have to sign and comply with the training agreement.
9. If the employee separates from WTC and wishes to continue the program, the employee and/or the immediate family
member will have to pay the normal tuition rate without the discount from that date forward.
10. Requests for work schedule accommodation for an employee to attend one of WTC programs will be reviewed on each
individual case.
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Western Technical College understands that some programs require instructors to obtain and maintain valid and up-to-
date licenses, certifications, and continuing education units (CEUs) and relevant certifications within their respective
profession. These programs (i.e. PTA and Massage Therapy), may have to meet regulatory requirements set forth by the
State of Texas and/or national programmatic accrediting bodies, that require the instructor to obtain and maintain a
prescribed number of CEs annually. WTC will pay for these, provided that the instructor is in good standing, based on the
following factors:
1. Review of student course evaluations the program director reviews each Instructors course evaluation after completion
of each course. If there are any notable deficits or areas of weakness academically or clinically, recommendations
may be made as to the guidance of CE courses. The Academic Dean will review course evaluation of the program
director (PD).
2. Laboratory performance Any notable deficits (knowledge or skill) while conducting laboratory sessions may also
be a source of recommendation by the PD for CE courses.
3. Departmental meetings needs of the program will also play a role in determination of specific CE for all eligible
staff. During departmental meetings, there is at least one time per year that we, as a department, discuss the needs
of CE units. This may include weaknesses among the staff in certain areas of practice or specialties that may benefit
the program.
4. Annual employee evaluations - the program director reviews each instructors annual performance. If there are any
notable deficits or areas of weakness academically or clinically, recommendations may be made as to the guidance of
CE courses.
5. All CEs must be approved by Program Director and Campus director (no exception).
6. Employees will be required to sign a training agreement to receive this benefit.
Any employee who fails to take prescribed coursework or exam will be required to reimburse WTC.
Any employee who fails the required certification or any prescribed job-related exam paid for by WTC, will be responsible
for the cost of any subsequent exam.
Western Technical College sponsors both in-house and outside seminars for many employees. These seminars are provided
to enhance your skill level on your job. The campus director or academic dean will be responsible for coordination and
approving all such training. All training expenses for seminar type training are paid by WTC.
Any employee who fails to take any scheduled and paid training will be required to reimburse WTC for it.
Training employees is an investment therefore WTC will require that the employee to sign a training agreement in which
they commit to specific conditions regarding the payments for the training the employee’s work status and work
obligations going forward once the trainings/certifications are completed. Conditions of each agreement can vary
depending on the invested amount for the training/certification.
It is mandatory that all new hired employees take the following courses offered by WTC, during their Introductory Period:
Healthy Practices
Code of Conduct & Ethics
Sexual Harassment
Dealing with Discrimination
Manage Stress to Get Great Results
Supervisors will be held accountable to ensure that these online mandatory courses have been completed by their new
employees, within the first sixty (60) days of introductory period.
Competencies require demonstration of related knowledge, skills, abilities, and attributes that form a person’s job.
Training & Development: Development of individual learning plans based on measurable job competencies or competency
proficiency levels, required to perform duties timely and successfully.
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Competency training will involve:
Focused training and development plans to address missing competencies or raise level of proficiency
Enable employees to focus on the skills, knowledge and characteristics that have the most impact on job effectiveness
A competency framework for ongoing coaching and feedback.
Department supervisors are responsible to develop, implement and ensure all prescribed competencies are met and/or
Western Technical College values the loyalty and dedication of its staff. We are pleased to present service awards to
employees in recognition of their service to the College.
At three (3) years an employee receives a certificate, at five-year special recognition is given, and then at five-year intervals
Employees who use their vehicles for school business will be reimbursed at a predetermined rate per mile. Mileage will be
reimbursed when an employee travels between campuses or travels from a campus to another site. Mileage will not
be reimbursed when traveling from home to a campus or vice-versa, or from home to a site. The employee must fill
out and complete the Mileage Reimbursement Form to claim reimbursement. Your Supervisor must approve each
request for mileage reimbursement in advance. The College reserves the right to verify mileage on employee’s vehicle
Mileage forms must be submitted to the Accounts Payable Coordinator for reimbursement according to policy (see SOP for
Travel Policy).
All employees who drive College or personal vehicles as part of their duties with WTC must provide the Accounts Payable
Coordinator with a copy of a current proof of insurance policy that provides at least the minimum amounts of liability
insurance required by the Texas Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act”. You must provide this information at every
renewal time. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in termination of your employment. WTC will conduct
periodic reviews of employee driving records for employees who drive a College owned or personal vehicle to conduct
Eligible employees who use their cellular phone for school business will be reimbursed at a predetermined amount
determined by WTC.
The front page of the cell phone invoice must be approved by department director, and then submitted to the Accounts
Payable Coordinator for reimbursement by specified deadline.
Parking is on a first come/first serve basis. Please be sure not to park in areas designated for Visitor Parking” or
“Handicapped Parking” unless you are legally permitted.
Speeding and reckless driving on College property (parking lot) or adjacent streets will not be tolerated. THE SPEED LIMIT
IS FIVE (5) MILES PER HOUR. Any employee who fails to comply with this standard may be subject to verbal or written
reprimand, suspension or up to termination from WTC, depending on the nature and severity of the violation (examples:
speeding, recklessness, double parked, parked in visitor or handicapped, fire lanes, driveways, etc.).
WTC does not assume any responsibility for any vandalism, damage or theft that may occur to vehicles.
An employee that refers a candidate for an open position is eligible for a reward. Exceptions to this policy:
a. Supervisors that referred and hired a candidate for their department.
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Professional Conduct
The College expects its employees to adhere to an exemplary standard of professional conduct, integrity and appearance.
This ensures that the work environment is safe, comfortable and productive. Employees should be professional, respectful,
courteous, and mindful of others’ feelings and needs. General cooperation between management/supervision, coworkers,
students, customers and vendors is expected. Individuals who act in an unprofessional manner may be subject to
disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Conduct and Discipline
The College expects the highest standard of ethical conduct and fair dealing from each employee, officer, director, volunteer
and all others associated with the College. The Colleges reputation is an asset, and we must continually earn the trust,
confidence and respect of our fellow employees, suppliers, customers and community.
This policy provides general guidance on the ethical principles that we all must follow, but no guideline can anticipate all
situations. You should also be guided by basic honesty and good judgment, and be sensitive to others perceptions and
If you have any questions about this policy, consult your supervisor or next higher authority.
You are expected to promptly disclose to the management of the College anything that may violate this policy. We will not
tolerate retaliation or retribution against anyone who brings violations to managements attention. The College expects
every employee to adhere to the highest standards of job performance and of personal conduct, including individual
involvement with College personnel and outside business contacts.
Violations of our standards will result in one of the following forms of corrective action; oral or written warning, suspension,
or termination. In arriving at a decision for proper action, the following will be considered:
The seriousness of the infraction.
The past record of the Employee.
The circumstances surrounding the matter.
The College reserves the right to discipline or discharge any employee for violating any College policy, practice or rule of
conduct. The following list is intended to give you notice of our expectations and standards. However, it does not include
every type of unacceptable behavior that can or will result in disciplinary action. Be aware that the College retains the
discretion to determine the nature and extent of any discipline based upon the circumstances of each individual case.
Employees may also be disciplined or terminated without prior notification for misconduct. The following is a list of non-
inclusive items that may lead to immediate adverse personnel actions up to and including termination:
a. Unsatisfactory quality or quantity of work.
b. Failure to follow instructions or College procedures.
c. Failure to follow established fire, security, or safety policies.
d. Falsifying an employment application or any other College or student records or documents.
e. Theft, unauthorized or unexplained possession of, or unauthorized or unexplained disappearance of, funds or
property belonging to the College, fellow employees, students or others.
f. Instructors not starting class on time and/or allowing students to leave early.
g. Excessive and/or repeated absences or tardiness.
h. Failure to adhere to the scheduled or approved work hours.
i. Sleeping during work time, neglecting duties, or disrupting the performance of other employees.
j. Gambling, including playing lotto and lottery or scratch off tickets during work.
k. Making social contacts (dates) with guests or suppliers while on work time.
l. Making social contacts (dates) with students at any time.
m. Failure to record working time accurately. Clocking in/out before being present at their working area. Consistently
missing time punches.
n. Employees, with open access, clocking in/out from mobile device when working at site or
o. Insubordination or other refusal to perform reasonable duties.
p. Using vulgar, profane or obscene language, including any communication or action that violates our policy against
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harassment and other unlawful forms of discrimination.
q. Disorderly conduct, fighting or other acts of violence.
r. Misusing, destroying or damaging College property or another persons property.
s. Possessing, entering with or using weapons on College property.
t. Possessing, selling, using or being under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances or illegal drugs, on College
premises or on College time; a positive test is considered conclusive evidence of being under the influence of alcohol,
controlled substances or illegal drugs at the time.
u. Violating conflict of interest rules.
v. Disclosing or using confidential or proprietary information without authorization.
w. Violating the College computer or software use policies.
x. Being convicted of a crime that indicates unfitness for a job or presents a threat to the College or its employees in any
y. Leaving students unattended in class, lab or shop.
z. Engaging in acts of dishonesty, fraud or sabotage.
aa. Being arrested or indicted on criminal charges or any other conduct which the CEO determines may damage the
reputation of the College.
bb. Gossip in the workplace/ Being disrespectful of a coworker, student, customer, vendor, etc.
Be aware that the College retains the discretion to determine the nature and extent of any discipline based upon the
circumstances of each individual case.
The College is committed to providing a safe working environment for all its employees and students. We observe the safety
laws of both the Federal Government and the State of Texas. Safety is also every employees responsibility. The College recognizes
that Texas and other states have enacted a concealed and open carry handgun law. However, the rights to carry a concealed and/or
open carry handgun DOES NOT apply to the College premises or vehicles. Any firearms or weapons of any type, concealed or
unconcealed, are prohibited on the Colleges business premises or in College vehicles. Any violation of this policy will be
grounds for immediate termination.
Attendance and punctuality are very important elements in our efforts to maintain high levels of productivity and achieve our
goals. Reassigning staff or revising schedules to accommodate absences/tardiness puts a burden on all team members.
Every employee is expected to be at their working area according to their schedule, at the beginning of the shift, and when
returning from lunch/break periods. Dependability, attendance, punctuality, and a commitment to do the job right are
essential always. To the extent permitted by law, absenteeism and lateness lessen an Employee's chances for advancement
and may result in dismissal.
In the event of unforeseen delays, or if you must leave early, give your supervisor as much notice as possible. You must
contact your immediate supervisor, by a phone call, if your Supervisor was unable to answer the call, a text message or email
may be sent. If you texted or emailed a message, you must receive written/text confirmation from your supervisor,
acknowledging the recipient of your message within a reasonable timeframe. If you do not receive a response from your
immediate supervisor, you must contact the next higher authority (you are responsible to know their contact information).
Once back to the College, you must report to your supervisor in person, or to the next level of authority.
You must contact your supervisor each day you are absent, unless under FMLA. Failure to do so will subject you to
disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Employees are expected to explain the reason for their delay or absence and the time or date they expect to report to work.
If there is a change in the expected date of return, the supervisor should be notified.
If you do not communicate directly with your supervisor or next higher authority, you will be considered a “no call/no show”.
If you are a “no call/no show” for three consecutive work days, you will be considered to have voluntarily resigned your
employment with the College.
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Walking off shift, failing to report for a scheduled shift and leaving early without supervisor permission are also grounds for
immediate termination.
It is the responsibility of the employees supervisor to inform their senior manager and the Human Resources department
of any absences that occur the day of.
Each employees working hours are subject to change according to the needs of the College and the student population.
If it becomes necessary to shut down the College due to weather or other emergency, every effort will be made to notify
employees via email, text or phone call. It is your responsibility to check for messages and be reachable. If there is a question
as to whether the College will be open, call your supervisor or next higher authority.
Solicitation by an employee for any cause or organization is prohibited during the employees working time or during the
working time of the employee(s) being solicited. Working time is any time an employee is on WTC premises or working for
WTC, except before and after work, meal periods, and break times.
The distribution of advertising materials, handbills, or any other literature on WTC property or via any electronic form of
communication by employees is prohibited during their working time.
Solicitation and distribution of advertising material, handbills, or any other literature by non-employees is prohibited
anywhere on WTC property.
All media inquiries in relation to the College regardless of the form of media, must immediately be directed to your
campus director or higher College officer. Only personnel authorized by the College may give any response to a media inquiry.
This policy covers all forms of responses to the media, including off-the-record and anonymous statements. Unauthorized
provision of information or responses to the media may result in discipline, up to and including termination.
The company strives to anticipate and manage crisis situations to reduce disruption to our employees and to maintain our
reputation as a high-quality company. To best serve these objectives, the company will respond to the news media in a
timely and professional manner only through the designated spokespersons.
Events may occur at our College that will draw immediate attention from the news media. It is imperative that one person
speaks for the company to deliver an appropriate message and to avoid giving misinformation in any media inquiry. While
reporters frequently shop as customers and may ask questions about a matter, good reporters identify themselves prior to
asking questions.
Every employee is expected to adhere to the following media policy and answer all media/reporter questions like this: “I am
not authorized to comment for WTC, or I do not have the information you want. Let me have our spokesperson contact
For promotion of activities and programs, WTC may take pictures, video and statements of employees during working hours
or on WTC events.
The media sources may be used by WTC in press releases and advertisements, including, but not limited to newspaper,
newsletter, printed material, testimonials, web sites, graduation videos, catalogs and other media.
WTC makes no promises or offer of compensation, express or implied, verbal or contractual, to employees who are
highlighted, depicted or otherwise included in any of the media.
All school personnel are prohibited from accepting gifts individually or cumulatively valued more than $20.00 from students,
vendors, suppliers or others.
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It is prohibited for employees of Western Technical College to become involved with, associate or socialize with students/
prospective students in any way other than on a professional basis. Disregard of this policy will result in employee
For the safety of WTC employees and students, employees should not have discussions with students on a personal level.
Business discussions that relate to his/her education are acceptable.
Under no circumstance, are employees to touch students unless it is related to their training.
All employee associations with one another will be of a professional nature during business hours and at College functions on
or off College premises.
Supervisors and employees under their supervision are prohibited from forming romantic or sexual relationships. Such
relationships can create the impression of impropriety in terms and conditions of employment and can interfere with
productivity and the overall work environment. The College also strongly discourages any employees from forming
romantic relationships with or dating coworkers or employees of suppliers or vendors of the College.
If you are involved in any of these relationships, you are required to notify their supervisor and the Human Resources
department. While the College has no interest in prying into the personal lives of employees, it needs to determine if any such
relationships create negative consequences in the workplace. The College will generally attempt to accommodate
relationships via transfer of one employee to another department. If a transfer is not available, one of the employees
involved in a relationship may be asked to resign. Employees who do not report such relationships are subject to termination
upon discovery of the relationship.
If you are unsure of the appropriateness of an interaction with another employee of the College contact your immediate
supervisor or next higher authority for guidance. If you are encouraged or pressured to become involved with a student,
supplier, or employee in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable and is unwelcome, you should also notify your supervisor
or next higher authority immediately. No student, supplier or employee of this College has the right to subject any employee
to sexual or other unlawful harassment, including requests for sexual favors, sexual advances, offensive touching, and any
other unwanted verbal, graphic, conduct or communications of a sexual nature.
You should also be aware of and are expected to comply with the Colleges policy against sexual and other forms of illegal
harassment in the workplace.
Employees must avoid any interest, influence or relationship which might conflict or appear to conflict with the best interests
of the College. You must avoid any situation in which your loyalty may be divided and promptly disclose any situation where
an actual or potential conflict may exist.
Examples of potential conflict situations include:
1. Having a financial interest in any business transaction with the College.
2. Owning or having a significant financial interest in, or other relationship with a College competitor, student or supplier,
3. Accepting gifts, entertainment or other benefit of more than a nominal value ($20.00) from a College competitor,
student or supplier.
Anyone with a conflict of interest must disclose it to management and remove themselves from negotiations, deliberations
or votes involving the conflict. You may, however, state your position and answer questions when your knowledge may be
of assistance.
During the course of your employment here you will be working with our student’s information, curricula and other
information that we consider confidential. Maintaining this confidentiality is important to our competitive position in the
industry and ultimately, to our ability to achieve financial success and provide employment stability. Protect this information
by safeguarding it when in use, filing it properly or discarding it when not in use, and discussing it only with those who have a
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legitimate business need to know. Careless handling or public discussion of student files, financial aid disbursement checks,
or other confidential records is grounds for termination.
As a condition of WTCs agreement to continue the employment in this position, WTC requires that employees read and agree
to the terms of their Confidentiality Policies. The continued employment of employee is conditioned on employees consent
to all terms of this Policy. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to nor shall it alter the at-will status of the employment
offered to employee.
Non-Disclosure of an Agreement Not to Use Confidential Information
All confidential information (which is defined to include, among other things, student, employee or customer information,
pricing and tuition information, business plans, practices, employee and student handbooks, information on current or
potential new training programs,services and charges for services, vendor and supplier information, lesson plans and
curriculum information and materials, business and financial data, future plans, programs and research and development
data, recruiting/training/employment information or methods, employers of graduates, or any other proprietary
information), including all physical embodiments thereof, are confidential to and shall be and remain the sole and exclusive
property of Western Technical College. Upon request by WTC, and in any event upon termination of employees
employment with WTC for any reason, employee shall promptly deliver to WTC all property belonging to WTC including,
without limitation, all confidential information and embodiments thereof then in employees possession, custody or
control. Employee further agrees that during the entire term of his or her employment with WTC or any time thereafter,
employee shall not divulge, disclose or make available any such confidential information to any person, form, corporation, or
other entity except during the proper performance of his duties for WTC or upon the direct written authorization of WTC.
Failure to Return Materials
Employees are required to immediately reimburse WTC for the cost of any of WTCs confidential information, materials or
equipment that employee uses in the course and scope of his or her performance of duties as an employee of WTC that
employee fails or refuses to return to WTC after the equipment is so used.
Your cooperation is particularly important because of our obligation to protect the security of our students, employees and
our own confidential information. Use your own sound judgment and good common sense, but if at any time you are
uncertain as to whether you can properly divulge information or answer questions, please consult your supervisor or next
higher authority.
Any property of a personal nature, which is brought on College premises is the sole responsibility of the employee, the
College will not be responsible for, or reimburse the employee for loss of any personal property brought on College
All property provided by the College to employees regarding the performance of their duties at the College are, and shall
always remain the property of the College. Employees should have no expectation of privacy in any such property and
understand that the College reserves the right to search such property as provided herein. This includes without limitations
all merchandise, equipment, duplicating and facsimile transmitting equipment, software and files, all registers, all security
systems, all electronic and telephonic communication systems and all communication and information transmitted, received
or stored in these systems.
Employees may not remove property that does not belong to them from the Colleges premises without written permission
from the campus director.
College property must be returned to the College when your employment ends for any reason. If you do not return College
property which has been issued to you or which you otherwise have in your possession, the cost of such property will be
deducted from your last paycheck.
Please keep your work area neat and clean and use normal care in handling College property. Report any broken or
damaged equipment to your supervisor at once so that proper repairs can be made.
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If an employee loses College property due to theft, the employee must immediately present to the Human Resources
department a copy of the Police Report to eliminate negligence on behalf of the employee.
The College may conduct searches for weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol or missing items on College premises or worksites
without prior notice to employees. Such searches may be conducted at any time. Employees are expected to cooperate
In addition, the College retains the right to search employee desks, planners, computers, software, mobile phones,
computer equipment storage areas, storage devices or other personal property brought on College property, including
parking lots, in the conduct of its business (i.e. to locate work product) and/or when the College has a reasonable suspicion
that there has been a violation of College rules such as those against dishonesty, drug, alcohol or inhalant abuse, or weapons
possession. Employees should understand that they should have no expectation of privacy in their desks, planners,
computers, software, computer equipment, storage areas, or other personal property brought on College property including
the parking lots, and that such areas may be accessed or searched at any time by persons or dogs in either the absence or
presence of the employee. Likewise, the College may inspect the personal property of employees on College premises such
as automobiles, computers, personal data assistants, planners, handbags, and briefcases when the College has a reasonable
suspicion that a threat to employee safety exists or that there has been a violation of College rules. An employees consent to
a search is required as a condition of employment and the employees refusal to consent may result in disciplinary action up
to and including termination.
Any employees assigned with a Key for WTC building(s) are responsible for the following:
Read and sign the Key policy prior to receiving any key(s).
Maintain, secure, and be responsible for any key(s) and access code issued.
Return key(s) to the Human Resources department upon leaving employment at WTC for any reason, to include end of
contracts (GE/AGE Instructors).
Ensure that returned keys are registered on the Key log sheet and initialized by the HR representative.
Duplication of assigned or unassigned key(s) is strictly prohibited.
Report the loss or theft of keys to supervisor, and Human Resources department immediately upon discovery of such
In case of loss of key(s), internal or external, as a result, employee will be responsible to pay WTC the total amount that
results to rekey the required doors, and for duplicates of keys needed.
If an employee separates from WTC for any reason, any owed balance may be deducted from final check.
Any violation of this policy is subject to administrative disciplinary action by WTC. Disciplinary action may include, but not be
limited to, a monetary fine and/or written reprimand, or up to termination.
The College has a zero-tolerance policy concerning threats, intimidation and violence of any kind in the workplace either
committed by or directed to our employees or students. Employees who engage in such conduct will be disciplined, up to
and including immediate termination of employment.
If an unsafe situation should arise, it must be reported to your supervisor or next higher authority immediately. Failure to
follow this policy may be cause for disciplinary action and/or termination.
Employees are not permitted to bring weapons of any kind onto College premises or to College functions. Any employee who
is suspected of possessing a weapon will be subject to a search at the discretion of the College. Such searches may include,
but not be limited to, the employees personal effects, desk and workspace or vehicle.
If an employee feels he or she has been subjected to threats or threatening conduct by a coworker, vendor or student, the
employee should notify his or her supervisor or another member of management immediately. Employees will not be
penalized for reporting such concerns.
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Western Technical College intends to help provide a safe and drug-free work environment for our students and our
employees. With this goal in mind, and because of the serious drug abuse problem in today society, we are establishing the
following policy for existing and future employees of Western Technical College.
The College explicitly prohibits:
The use, possession, solicitation for, or sale of narcotics or other illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription medication
without a prescription on College premises or while performing an assignment. College “premises” are defined, as all
school property, including building interiors, and exteriors, sidewalks, parking lots, privately owned vehicles parked on
school premises, as well as desks, lockers, and storage areas. This prohibition applies to employees performing any school
related tasks or attending any school-sponsored functions, including field trips, regardless of locations, on or off school
Being impaired or under the influence of legal or illegal drugs or alcohol away from the College or customer premises, if
such impairment or influence adversely affects the employee's work performance, the safety of the employee or of
others, or puts at risk the College's reputation.
Possession, use, solicitation for, or sale of legal or illegal drugs or alcohol away from the College premises, if such
activity or involvement adversely affects the employee's work performance, the safety of the employee or of others, or
puts at risk the company's reputation.
The presence of any detectable amount of prohibited substances in the employee's system while at work, while on the
premises of the College, or while on College business. "Prohibited substances" include illegal drugs, alcohol, or
prescription drugs not taken in accordance with a prescription given to the employee.
The company will conduct drug and/or alcohol testing under any of the following circumstances:
RANDOM TESTING: Employees may be selected at random for drug and/or alcohol testing at any interval determined
by the Company.
FOR-CAUSE TESTING: The College may ask an employee to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test at any time it feels that
the employee may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, including, but not limited to, the following
circumstances: evidence of drugs or alcohol on or about the employee's person or in the employee's vicinity, unusual
conduct on the employee's part that suggests impairment or influence of drugs or alcohol, negative performance
patterns, or excessive and unexplained absenteeism or tardiness.
POST-ACCIDENT TESTING: Any employee involved in an on-the-job accident or injury may be asked to submit to a drug
and/or alcohol test. "Involved in an on-the-job accident or injury" means not only the one who was or could have been
injured, but also any employee who potentially contributed to the accident or injury event in any way.
If an employee is tested for drugs or alcohol outside of the employment context and the results indicate a violation of this
policy, or if an employee refuses a request to submit to testing under this policy, the employee may be subject to
appropriate disciplinary action, up to and possibly including discharge from employment. In such a case, the employee will
be given an opportunity to explain the circumstances prior to any final employment action becoming effective.
A negative drug screen test result and the employee’s agreement to submit such test is a condition of continued employment.
Pursuant to its Drug/Alcohol free program, WTC may conduct a reasonable search (by any means) of an employee and/or
his/her work area, locker, vehicle (if driven or parked on school property), and other personal items. Continued employment is
contingent upon the employee’s submission to a reasonable search which may also include testing of my hair, blood, or urine.
For reasons of safety, public relations, and other health concerns, smoking cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or use of any other
tobacco products is prohibited in the College’s buildings. Smoking cigarettes, e-cigarettes and/or tobacco use is only
permitted in designated smoking areas, but never inside or at the front of the building.
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It is a requirement of Western Technical College to have all personnel dressed in an appropriate and professional manner
while at the work site or while representing the College anywhere or anytime. It is important to remember that we are the
role models that our students look to emulate in the workplace.
Definitions for employee dress code:
a) Business Casual: Long/Short Sleeve front button shirt with collar, Polo shirt or “V”/round neck blouse with WTC logo
and Slacks, Khakis or skirts (for women).
b) Business Professional:
Business Professional Attire for Men: Business suit with buttoned shirt and tie.
Business Professional Attire for Women: Business suits or skirt-and-blouse combinations. Slacks, shirts and other
formal combinations. Women should try to be conservative. Revealing clothing must be avoided.
The dress code policy for employees representing WTC (meetings, conferences, events, etc.) should be business
The following guidelines should be followed:
1. All administrative employees will be required to dress business casual attire. When an employee is hired, after
completing the introductory period, they will be given an allowance of up to $150.00 dollars to purchase shirts with
the WTC logo. The purchase must be through the College’s approved supplier. If amount not fully used, employee
cannot claim to be paid the difference. The subsequent years, the allowance will be $100.00.
2. Employees may choose to purchase shirts on their own, and send them to be embroidered. WTC will not reimburse
for the purchase of the shirts, but will pay for the embroidery of the WTC logo if the employee has not exhausted the
3. Program directors can to dress business casual, business professional or uniforms, as needed.
4. Faculty employees are allowed to wear T-Shirts that were designed by and for the Programs, as permitted by the Program
5. Administrative employees are not allowed to wear T-Shirts, unless approved by WTC (i.e. Breast Cancer Awarness T-Shirts
to be worn on Fridays during the month of October).
6. Employees might be required to dress business professional during special events at or outside of WTC.
7. Employees may wear a non-WT logo shirt if they are wearing a top (sweater/cardigan/suit jacket), with the WT logo.
The jacket/cardigan must be worn always. If a WT logo shirt is being worn, the jacket/cardigan does not have to have
the WT logo.
8. Faculty employees will use uniforms (with WTC logo) pertaining to each program. Faculty employees will be given an
allowance determined by each Program Director.
9. Maintenance and upkeep of the uniforms and shirts is the responsibility of each employee.
10. Button down shirts must be tucked in always. Women’s shirts may be un-tucked if shirt is women’s tailored cut.
11. Proper undergarments should always be worn and should not be visible to others.
12. Female fingernails should be of a functional length.
13. Hair should be neatly combed to reflect a professional appearance, being tied back if safety is an issue in the work
14. The heels of shoes should not exceed three (3) inches in height.
15. Tennis shoes are acceptable as determined by each program.
16. The length of skirts and dresses should be no shorter than one (1) inch above the knee. Slits in skirts and dresses should
not exceed three (3) inches above the knee.
17. All clothing should be clean, pressed and in good repair every day.
18. Personal Hygiene: Professional Hygiene habits must be maintained.
19. If the employee resigns within 6 months of employment, used uniforms may be returned if deemed “like new”
condition. If not returned, uniforms may be deducted from final paycheck.
WTC reserves the right to modify the employee dress code as needed, without previous notification.
Any Employee who requires reasonable accommodation to this dress code should contact the Human Resources
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Casual Fridays:
1. Jeans will be allowed to be worn by administrative staff on Fridays WITH a WT logo shirt (no exceptions). T-Shirts are
not allowed, unless authorized by WTC.
2. At the discretion of the program director, the following programs will adhere to the following:
a. EET and ISS may wear jeans daily except on Wednesdays where they should wear their “Professional Dress Day”
b. PTA may wear jeans on special events.
c. All other programs may wear jeans on Fridays WITH the uniform shirt or a WT logo shirt (no exceptions).
3. Tennis shoes may be worn with jeans, though they may be restricted within certain programs, due to safety issues, at
the discretion of the program director.
Acceptable jeans:
May be any solid color. Free of excessive manufactured fading or bleaching.
Shall be free of design and hemmed.
Must be fitted in the crotch and legs, not baggy or excessively tight (no jeggings).
Must be of proper length and must not touch the floor.
Must be free of slits, holes or tears.
Undergarments must not be visible through jeans.
If an employee opts not to wear jeans, business casual attire should be worn.
Not allowed to wear/use at work or while representing WTC anywhere:
1. Accessories: Piercings in eyebrows, lips, nose, tongue and all visible body piercings are not appropriate or acceptable.
Male employees are not allowed to wear any earrings, plugs, etc.
2. Males should not have long pinky fingernails.
3. Hair/Head: No hats or caps are to be worn in the classroom or in the school building.
4. Clothing: Stretch pants, spandex, leggings, overalls, sweatshirts, sweat pants, jogging suits, undershirts as outerwear,
plunging necklines to divulge cleavage, visible mid- riffs, blouses revealing the midsection, skorts, shorts, and culottes.
5. Shoes: Platform shoes above ¼”, Zoris (Roman type sandals), flip-flops, thongs, house slippers.
6. Sunglasses: Welding shaded safety glasses are not to be worn anywhere inside the building except in the Welding
Employees may be sent home to change, without pay, if the dress code violation is severe enough to warrant this action. It is
the responsibility of the immediate supervisor to follow up on this policy. The human resource director and senior
management also have jurisdiction to enforce this policy at any time. Violations will result in oral and/or written
reprimand. If the violations persist after reprimand, it may result in additional disciplinary action, up to including
termination of employment.
Any Employee who requires reasonable accommodation to this dress code should contact the Human Resources
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as amended, is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of a
students education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds from the U.S. Department of Education. WTC
is committed to insuring that the provisions of FERPA are followed, including:
1. Right to inspect and review education records.
2. Right to seek to amend education records.
3. Right to have some control over the disclosure of information from education records.
4. File a complaint regarding failure to comply with FERPA.
Under the authority of FERPA, Students have the right to examine certain files, records, or documents maintained by the
school, which pertain to them. The school will permit Students to examine such records within forty-five (45) days after
submission of a written request, and to obtain copies of such records upon payment of a reproduction fee.
Students may request that the school amend their education records based they are inaccurate, misleading, or in violation
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of their right to privacy. If the school refuses to so amend the records, Students may request a hearing. If the outcome of a
hearing is unsatisfactory, the student may submit an explanatory statement for inclusion in the education record.
Education records are files, records, or documents maintained by the school, which contain information directly related to
the Students. Examples of education records are student education files, placement files, and financial aid files. The only
persons permitted access to such records are those who have legitimate administrative or educational interest.
The following items are exempt from the Act:
1. Parents’ Confidential Statements and the Financial Need Analysis Report.
2. Confidential letters of recommendation received by the school prior to January 1, 1975. The Act permits students to
waive their right of access to letters received after 1974 if the letters are related to admissions, employment, or honors.
3. Records about students made by teachers or administrators which are maintained by and accessible only to teachers or
4. School security records.
5. Employment records for school employees who are also current or former students.
6. Records compiled or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or
paraprofessional acting or assisting in such capacities, for treatment purposes, which are available only to persons
providing the treatment.
7. Certain disciplinary records.
8. Certain health and safety emergencies.
The school monitors educational records to ensure that they do not contain information that is inaccurate, misleading, or
otherwise inappropriate. WTC may destroy records that are no longer useful or pertinent to the students’ circumstances.
Should a student wish to inspect, review or amend an Educational Record, such request should be submitted in writing to
the campus director of Western Technical College.
Directory information is that information which may be unconditionally released without the consent of the students unless
the students have specifically requested that the information not be released. The school requires that such requests
(which must specify what categories of information are to be withheld) be made in writing to the campus director within
fifteen (15) days after students start class. Such requests must be renewed annually.
Directory information includes: students name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, course of study,
degrees and awards received, last school attended, and dates of attendance.
Due to the sensitive nature of our records it is necessary that employees be responsible for the proper destruction of any
sensitive document that is being disposed of. This is to prevent and protect students/employees from the possibility of
Identity Theft.
Each campus has a locked shedding bin located in each copy room. These bins are to be used to shred ALL sensitive
documents. Sensitive documents would contain the students or employees: name, address, phone number, social security
number, etc. need to be put in the bin daily prior to leaving for the day.
Any employee who is subjected to or becomes aware of possible violations of any laws, regulations, unethical behavior or
safety concerns, should immediately report the matter to his/her supervisor or next higher authority (see organizational
chart). If an employee feels it is not appropriate to report any such issues to his or her supervisor, the employee may contact
any other member of management, including the CEO of WTC.
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The College will investigate all allegations of illegal, unethical, or unsafe activities and take actions as appropriate based on
the outcome of the investigation. An investigation and its results will be treated as confidential to the extent feasible.
Employees who raise concerns and make reports in good faith can do so without fear of reprisal. However, if after
investigation of any report of illegal or unethical activity, the College determines that the complainant or a witness has provided
false information, disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including discharge. Employees also have an obligation to
cooperate with the Colleges efforts to enforce this policy and investigate and remedy violations.
Anyone found to have engaged in wrongful behavior will be subject to appropriate discipline, which may include immediate
termination of employment. The severity of any such discipline imposed is left to the sole discretion of the College.
In addition, we will not tolerate retaliation against any employee who, in good faith, reports illegal or unethical activity.
Anyone who engages in such retaliatory behavior will be subject to appropriate discipline, up to and including termination of
WTC supports sustaining and promoting a procurement environment based on the understanding that departments are in
the best position to determine what they need to run their programs, they are the experts. Policies, procedures, and
processes are meant to reflect an environment that puts them in the best possible position to get the products and services
they need in a timely and cost-effective manner to effectively run their programs, while also making sure appropriate
business processes are followed.
The College’s goal for every purchasing transaction is to obtain the best value possible. Best value is determined by
evaluating many factors (such as price, delivery capabilities, quality, past performance, training, financial stability, service
capabilities, ease of ordering, payment, etc.) and selecting a vendor that offers the best combination of those factors.
The College strives to procure most goods and services using contracts with appropriate terms and conditions to properly
protect the department/College, and vendor.
When bids are required by policy, they are to be conducted on an open and competitive basis and without favoritism to
maximize the best value to the department and College. Interested suppliers will receive fair and impartial consideration.
Employees involved in the purchasing process take full responsibility for understanding the College’s policies and
procedures regarding purchasing and vendor relations. Purchasing decisions are business decisions made on behalf of the
College and therefore should be made with the utmost consideration for what is in the best interest of the College.
Ethical business standards shall govern all procurement transactions. Infractions of College procurement policy are to be
reported to the CEO. Disciplinary action for those violating ethical business standards will be taken in accordance with
applicable College policy, up to and including the termination of employment.
WTC employees shall not solicit a gift or accept a significant gift from any supplier or prospective supplier. A ‘significant gift’
is defined as any item, service, favor, monies, credits, or discounts not available to others which could influence purchasing
decisions. WTC employees may accept trivial items as a matter of courtesy, valued in less than $20.00, but may not solicit
them. Acceptance of social invitations to occasional business meals, entertainment, and hospitality will be subject to
prudent judgment as to whether the invitation places or appears to place the recipient under any obligation, the
appropriateness of the occasion, frequency, and choice of facilities. Questions about the value of a gift or the
appropriateness of an invitation should be referred to your supervisor to ensure compliance with the Colleges conflict of
interest policy.
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Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by
speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior.
Business communication- A business can flourish when all objectives of the organization are achieved effectively. For efficiency
in an organization, all the people of the organization must be able to convey their message properly.
a) All means of communication (verbal: face to face, phone, voice mails; written: e-mails, texts, handwritten notes,
etc.) should be addressed in a professional and cordial manner.
b) When all employees receive an email from a recipient, employees that wish to respond are required to reply ONLY
to the sender, and not to all employees on the thread, unless required to notify all.
c) Employees are encouraged to do more face to face, or phone communication, rather than just email
communication. The message can be better transmitted and received.
Computer use is often a valuable and necessary component of an employees work. In addition, varying work
responsibilities result in access to information sources such as software, programs, the Internet, WTC network, etc.
Although employees may have access to these information sources, their use must be specially authorized. Access and
authorization to information and equipment carry a corresponding responsibility for their appropriate use. WTC equipment
and access are intended to be used for educational and professional or career development activities. The following guidelines
reflect WTCs policy for responsible use of services and resources.
This policy should be used relating with WTCs other existing policies, including those regarding discrimination, harassment and
equal opportunity. Those policies can be found in this handbook and the Student Handbook. Expectations of employees
include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Student Personal Safety
a) Employees who supervise students with access to computer equipment shall be familiar with the WTC student handbook
and its provisions.
b) All student computer use must be supervised.
2. Student Information and Records
a) Much of the student data registered on the College’s software system, other databases, or simply gathered by educators
are considered educational records for the purposes of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and are
b) Employees are responsible to meet the requirements of FERPA prior to the release or dissemination of any educational
records, including student data, whether aggregated or disaggregated.
c) Employees are responsible to prevent disclosure of information or data in their control on portable devices (e.g.: laptops,
flash drives, etc.)
3. Illegal or Destructive Activities
a) Employees shall not go beyond their authorized access to the WTC network or other computer equipment or software
including the files or accounts of others.
b) Employees shall not disrupt or attempt to damage or disrupt any computer, system, system performance or data.
c) Employees shall not use WTC equipment to engage in illegal acts.
4. System Security
a) Employees are responsible for security against theft or misuse of the computer equipment, files and passwords.
b) Employees shall promptly notify the Information Technology (IT) department of security problems or potential security
c) Employees with access to student records may not use, release, or share these records except as authorized by Federal
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and State law.
d) Students may not have access to computer equipment other than workstations or printers provided for student use.
e) Staff will not leave their workstations unattended while logged into the network. Employees are responsible for locking
their workstation if they step away, whether this is for 30 seconds or the rest of the day.
f) Passwords are to be protected and not shared with anyone. This includes students who are teacher aides and lab
g) Personal Computers (PC) of any kind are not authorized at WTC without prior approval from the WTC IT
department. A request must be submitted (in writing or by e-mail) by the employee and his or her supervisor explaining
why the PC is required by employee to perform his or her work. The PC must meet WTC software license requirements.
i) An employee may have personal information or files on his or her PC which should not be brought to a
business environment. As soon as that PC is brought within WTC property, it is subject to WTC policy. This means
that all information, documents, pictures, etc. are subject to search and are deemed WTC property. The employee
must use his or her common sense when bringing his or her PC for classroom or business use.
ii) All PCs are susceptible to damage, whether it be hardware or software related. This damage can happen at any time
under any circumstances. WTC is not liable to any damage that may occur to an Employees PC if they so choose to
bring one.
iii) Most software license agreements on personally purchased laptops or PCs state that the software is for home use
only. This means that use within a business environment is not permitted with the current license agreement.
Violation of software license policy can lead to penalties from the manufacture of the software against the school
and the person(s) violating the policy. This can include but is not limited to fines against the school and the
individual. Employees found violating the software license agreements will be subject to disciplinary action up to
and including termination from employment.
5. Inappropriate Conductthe following are prohibited in public, private or posted messages or files:
a) Obscene, profane, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening or disrespectful language.
b) Potentially damaging, dangerous or disruptive material.
c) Personal or generalized attacks or harassment; and false or defamatory information.
d) Chain messages and executable graphics and/or programs should be deleted. Any employee engaging in the transmission
of inappropriate e-mails, as determined by management, will be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge.
6. Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement
a) Works may not be plagiarized.
b) The rights of copyright owners are to be respected. Copyright infringement occurs when an individual inappropriately
reproduces a work that is protected by copyright. If a work contains language that is protected by copyright, the expressed
requirements should be followed. If an employee is unsure whether a work can be used, the copyright owner should
be contacted for permission using e-mail and an approved copy must be submitted to IT department.
c) Software copyrights must be strictly respected.
7. Inappropriate Access to Material
a) WTC equipment shall not be used with material that is profane, obscene (pornographic) or advocates illegal acts,
violence or discrimination. Employees who receive pornographic material through e-mail MUST delete it immediately.
This type of material MUST never be forwarded to a personal e-mail address or any other internal or external person
b) The non-educational use of single or multi-player games is not allowed.
c) WTC equipment shall not be used to stream non-educational related media across the network. This includes but is not
limited to music streaming sites, video streaming sites, online games, or other non-educational related sites as determined
by management.
d) Inadvertent inappropriate access shall be reported immediately to the program director or supervisor.
Employees have no expectation of privacy in files, disks, documents, etc., which have been created in, entered in, stored in,
downloaded from, or used on WTC equipment. All documents or material created on WTC equipment is property of WTC
and must not be removed or damaged upon changing positions within WTC or dismissal.
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WTC uses video and audio surveillance system at both campuses. The primary purpose of the system is security cameras are
not a guarantee of safety but are a tool that assists WTC personnel in the protection of campus community members from
dangers by serving as deterrents. The cameras and audio is also used for work place surveillance. WTC reserves the right to
monitor and record public areas to enforce customer service and WTC policy compliance. Access to surveillance system is
restricted to authorize personnel only. IT personnel may monitor system for quality of service. Monitors displaying common
areas are used for awareness and advertisement.
a) All electronic mail (“e-mail”) accounts and the contents thereof are the property of WTC. All employees must check
their Westerntech email account at least twice daily. Emails must not be deleted without reading.
b) E-mail messages should not be regarded as private, and WTC cannot guarantee the confidentiality of e-mail messages
for many reasons, including the following: e-mail messages may be saved indefinitely on the receiving computer, e-mail
messages can be intentionally or accidentally forwarded to non-intended recipients, and e-mail messages may be
improperly delivered by an e-mail system.
c) All information created, sent, or received via the WTC emails system, network, Internet, or Intranet, including all email
messages and electronic files, is the property of WTC. Employees should have no expectation of privacy regarding this
information. WTC reserves the right to access, read, review, monitors and/or copy all messages and files on its computer
system at any time and without notice. When deemed necessary, WTC reserves the rights to disclose text or images to
law enforcement agencies or other third parties without the employees consent.
d) WTC e-mail services may not be used for: unlawful activities; commercial purposes (whether under the auspices of WTC);
personal financial gain; or any other use that violates any other WTC policy or guideline, including any policy regarding
intellectual property or regarding sexual or other forms of harassment.
e) Each user must properly identify themselves as the originator of all e-mail messages he or she sends and shall not
employ any false identity on e-mail messages. Users shall also not give the impression that they are representing or
otherwise making statements on behalf of WTC unless appropriately authorized to do so.
f) User shall not be permitted to send unsolicited junk” e-mail or mass electronic mailings or chain letters without a
legitimate educational or business purpose.
g) WTC e-mail systems are intended for purposes related to WTCs educational or business purposes. Incidental personal
uses of the e-mail system may be made, however, provided such use does not: (1) burden WTC with incremental cost;
(2) violate any provision of this policy; or (3) otherwise interfere with the operation of WTCs computing and network
services. Users should be aware that such personal communications are not private and are subject to the same conditions
as all other e-mail, as described above.
h) To help reduce problems with your WTC email account, check email at least twice a day and delete useless emails,
including old and/or junk advertisements. To save emails, create a folder and transfer emails from the main inbox.
Under no circumstances should a student or non-employee be on the computer of any WTC employee.
WTC makes a variety of software programs and applications available to the authorized users. Misuse of such licenses can
subject violators to legal action and can jeopardize WTCs ability to procure such software for its users. Users of WTCs
computing systems must adhere to the following guidelines:
a) Users should ensure that they are covered by the appropriate site-license for each software program or application they
use. To determine whether you are an authorized user contact the Campus Director and IT Director.
b) Unauthorized copying of software is illegal and strictly prohibited, even when such software is not protected against
copying. There is generally a no fair use” provision for copying software. If you wish to obtain a copy of software for
installation on any computer (including home computers), contact the College IT Director to obtain the appropriate
c) Software must not be removed or copied from any WTC hardware or system without written authorization from the
d) Campus director and IT director.
e) Personal software must not be installed or downloaded from the Internet onto any WTC hardware or system without
written authorization from the campus director and IT director.
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According to U.S. Copyright Law; illegal reproduction of software can be subject to civil damages of as much as $100,000 per
copyright violated and criminal penalties including fines and imprisonment. WTC employees who make, acquire or use
unauthorized copies of computer software shall be disciplined as appropriate to the circumstances, up to and including
discharge. WTC considers the act of installing improperly licensed software a violation of copyright laws and appropriate
disciplinary action will be taken. WTC does not condone the illegal duplication or use of software.
Since much of our business is conducted over the phone, it is necessary that personal phone calls be kept to a minimum.
The College has 800 toll-free numbers, which are to be used for business purposes only. In addition, the regular long-distance
service shall be reserved for official business purposes only. Unnecessary interoffice or outside personal calls are not
acceptable and may result in written reprimand, and if continued, discharge from employment.
The telephone system at the College is the property of Western Technical College and is provided for business purposes.
Employees are expected to inform friends and family members of this policy and will be held accountable for their actions
under WTC disciplinary procedures. WTC phones should not be used by non-employees or students except for business
purposes or in emergency situations. WTC may periodically monitor the usage of the telephone systems to ensure
compliance with this policy. Therefore, Employees should not consider their conversation on the WTC telephone system as
Excessive personal calls and text messages during the workday, regardless of the phone used, can be distracting and
interfere with employees productivity. WTC encourages limiting personal phone calls during work time to what is strictly
needed. WTC also discourages the use of text messaging for personal use during business hours. Employees are therefore
asked to make any other personal calls or text messages on non-work time where possible and to ensure that friends and
family members are aware of this policy. WTC will not be liable for the loss of personal cellular phone or other personal
electronic devices brought into the workplace.
The College provides cellular telephones to some employees as a business tool. They are provided to assist employees
in communicating with management and other employees, their clients, associates, and others. Cell phone invoices may be
regularly monitored. Users of WTC cell phones are required to have a password to protect all information in their device.
Employees may have access to a cell phone while in their cars and should remember their primary responsibility is driving
safely and obeying the rules of the road. Employees are prohibited from using cell phones (calling and/or texting) to conduct
business while driving and should safely pull off the road and come to a complete stop before dialing or talking on the
phone. As a representative of the College, cell phone users are reminded that the regular business etiquette employed
when speaking from office phones or in meetings applies to conversations conducted over a cell phone.
WTCs voice mail system is generally to be used for business purposes only. Messages may be monitored to ensure
compliance with this policy. All relevant company policies apply to the use of the voice mail system. For example, you
may not leave a message that you are going to be absent or late on the voice mail system. You must speak with your
immediate supervisor or next higher authority. Similarly, no abusive or harassing voice messages can be left. Confidential
information is not to be left on voice mail. Do not use the voice mail system to “hide” from coworkers or customers. If you
are at your desk, you are generally expected to answer your telephone.
Your greetings should normally be in the following format:
“Hello, this is _______I am not available right now. Please leave your message at the tone and I will return your call as soon
as possible.
If you are away for an extended period, you can alter your message to indicate the length of time you are out of the office.
You are expected to check your messages and clear them from the system as soon as possible. Because of the limits on the
number of messages that can be maintained on the system, messages may be automatically deleted after five (5) days.
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All use and access of the Internet from WTCs computing systems is subject to the following guidelines:
a) Access to pornographic, gambling, “hate speech” or similar web sites are strictly prohibited. Web sites accessed by
WTC computing systems users may be monitored.
b) Any web page created must be authorized, in writing, by the CEO, executive vice president, and IT director of WTC. Each
such web page must include contact information, including an e-mail address of the writer or publisher on each page.
c) Creation of any web page must comply with copyright laws for all content, including photographs, illustrations and
other graphic images that were created by others. Downloading an image from any web site without permission usually
violates copyright law.
d) Any personal, club or organization web page created must be clearly marked with a legend indicating that such page is
personal in nature and does not represent the views or opinions of WTC.
e) While WTC does not typically provide editorial review of web pages, WTC reserves the right to edit or terminate such
pages at any time to comply with third-party complaints, any applicable law or regulation, or computer and network
management concerns.
f) Personal Responsibility. By accepting an account password, related information, and accessing the WTC Network or
Internet system, an employee agrees to adhere to WTC policies regarding their use. You must agree to report any misuse
or policy violation(s) to your supervisor.
g) Permitted Use and Term. Use of the network and the internet is a privilege, not a right. Use of network and internet
access extends throughout an employees term of employment, providing the employee does not violate the WTC
policies regarding network, internet or intranet use.
h) Availability and access. WTC reserves the right to suspend access to its network or internet at any time, without notice, for
technical reasons, possible policy violations, security or other concerns.
i) Content and communications. WTC, at its sole discretion, will determine what materials, files, information, software,
communications, and other content and/or activity will be permitted or prohibited.
j) Privacy. Network and Internet access is provided as a tool for our organizations business. WTC reserves the right to
monitor, inspect, copy review, and store at any time and without prior notice all usage of the network and the internet,
as well as all materials, files, information, software, communications, and other content transmitted, received, or stored
regarding this usage.
k) Company Property. All such information, content, and files are the property of Western Technical College. An employee
should have no expectation of privacy regarding them. Network administrators may review files and intercept
communications for any reason, including but not limited to maintaining system integrity and ensuring Employees are
using the system consistently with this policy.
l) Downloaded Files. Files are not to be downloaded from the Internet without the prior authorization of management.
Any files authorized for download from the Internet must be scanned with virus detection software before being opened.
Employees are reminded that information obtained from the Internet is not always reliable and should be verified for
accuracy before use.
m) Prohibited Activities. Employees are prohibited from using WTC email system, network, or internet/intranet access for
the following activities:
1. Downloading software without the prior written approval of campus director and IT director.
2. Printing or distributing copyrighted materials. This includes, but is not limited to: software, articles and graphics
protected by copyright.
3. Using software that is not licensed by the manufacturer or approved by campus director and IT director.
4. Sending, printing or otherwise disseminating the WTC property data or any other information deemed
confidential by WTC, to unauthorized persons.
5. Operating a business, soliciting money for personal gain or otherwise engaging in commercial activity outside the
scope of employment.
6. Searching for outside employment.
7. Making offensive or harassing statements based on race, color, religion, national origin, veteran status, ancestry,
disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, or any other status.
8. Sending or forwarding message containing defamatory, obscene, offensive, or harassing statements. An employee
should notify their supervisor immediately upon receiving such a message. This type of message should not be
9. Sending or forwarding message that discloses personal information without WTC authorization. This shall also
include accessing, transmitting, receiving or seeking confidential information about fellow Employees without
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10. Sending ethnic, sexual-preference or gender-related slurs and/or jokes via email. “Jokes”, which often contain
objectionable material, are easily misconstrued when communicated electronically.
11. Sending or soliciting sexual oriented message or images.
All physical mail delivered to WTC is presumed to be related to company business. Mail sent to you at WTC will be opened by
the office and routed to your department. Please have all personal mail delivered to your home.
Social networking has become a popular means of communication in today society. As such, sites such as (but not limited to)
MySpace, Facebook and Twitter as well as instant messaging such as MSN Messenger and Google Talk can become a problem
and reduce an employees productivity and WTCs network performance. WTC restricts the use of these social networking
activities during business hours. Employees are therefore asked to refrain from using these social networking sites during business
hours except for business use.
Western Technical College’s policy on social media includes Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, and any other similar
internet or related site. These all are online social utilities that allow individuals, or group of individuals, to create a place for a
group of people to come together online to post information, news and events. Western Technical College’s social media
presence is intended to provide the College community with a venue to share thoughts, ideas, and experiences through
discussions, postings, photos, and videos. Publication guidelines will be like any other media.
The Western Technical College pages will provide students and others with College information and the opportunity to
communicate with page administrators and other page users. This policy is intended to outline proper use guidelines to ensure
the most effective use of the pages.
This policy addresses the College’s official presence on social media sites and its employees who represent the College in any
online social network page. The College does not take any responsibility for pages developed by others.
Contributors (Administrators and Fans) of the Western Technical College pages will follow the generally established employee
and student guidelines. Oversight of all Western Technical College-affiliated pages is the responsibility of the designated social
media contributor, who will periodically review pages to ensure College policies are followed and that the pages are being
produced in accordance with the best interests of the College.
Because the technology that drives web communication changes rapidly, this policy may be adjusted to reflect issues that may
arise in the management and implementation of the page or for any other reason that supports the College’s priorities for the
Responsible parties
The designated social media contributor is the primary administrator for the College’s Official main pages on any social media
site. Under no circumstances, should an employee or student group at the College create a page affiliated with the College
without written consent. A department or student group at the College wishing to create a page affiliated with the College
should provide the request in writing to the CEO of WTC. The request should include a proposed social network management
plan in accordance with policy and procedure.
Content Contribution
Employees who wish to contribute information on the Western Technical College pages and audience can do so by obtaining
approval from his or her supervisor and through written request by emailing info@westerntech.edu . The written request
should include the five “w’s” of who, what, when, where, and why. These are the most important elements of a social media
post and will likely cover everything needed. In addition, photo contributions can be attached to the request with a thorough
description to include name and title of individuals in photos. Provide the request in writing as soon as possible for social media
contributions to be posted in a timely manner. Photo and video content contributions must be accompanied with a media
release form on file and should adhere to College policies.
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Western Technical College has created several accounts on social networking sites to engage with an audience while
encouraging a dynamic conversation about news, events, and topics of interest to the Western Technical College community.
For these reasons, the contents of the Western Technical College Wall, discussion board, fan photos, and other areas available
for posts are a combination of content submitted by individual administrators of the Western Technical College page(s) and
individual Facebook members (Western Technical College students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members). Content
submitted by individuals does not in any way reflect the opinions or policies of the College.
All content and posts are bound by the Facebook Terms of Use, Code of Conduct and the Western Technical College computer
use policy. In addition, Western Technical College reserves the right to block or remove the content of any post that violates
campus policies, including but not limited to harassing, threatening, or profane language aimed at creating a hostile or
intimidating environment. Content may be removed at any time without prior notice for any reason deemed to be in the
College’s best interest.
All content posted on any official College page by an employee must relate directly to College business, programs, and/or
services. Content placed by administrators or employees cannot promote individual opinions or causes which are not directly
related to College purposes.
Existing policies governing student and employee behavior apply to the College’s Facebook page. The College takes no
responsibility for content developed by non-employees.
Developing “friendships” with official College pages is encouraged.
Because the Western Technical College pages on social media sites are interactive tools, employees interacting on the pages
should assist by monitoring user conduct or negative behavior/comments and report in writing immediately to the CEO.
Facebook terms and conditions, found at http://www.facebook.com/terms.php , must also be followed strictly.
Western Technical College also observes the following policies:
Comments/Wall postings: Any comment or post deemed inappropriate by Western Technical College administrators will be
removed from the wall without prior notice. Western Technical College reserves the right to block posts deemed inappropriate.
Reporting violations: Abusive content should be reported according to Facebook procedures:
“Facebook encourages all users to utilize the “Report” links when they find abusive content. In most cases, you will find a
“Report” link below the piece of content. Selecting this link takes you to a form where you can specify the type of abuse and
make a detailed report. Facebook investigates these reports and decides as to whether the content should stay up. All abuse
reports on Facebook are confidential. “
Consult the Western Technical College Student Handbook to report violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
WTC makes no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, for services provided and is not responsible for any
damages suffered while on the system to include loss of data and inaccurate or poor-quality information obtained from the
For coordination, licensure, compatibility and expense purposes, all computers, computer peripherals, copy machines, fax
machines, sympodiums, clickers, audio visual equipment, phones, all software, repair parts for such equipment and related
equipment purchases to include budget approved purchases must be approved in writing and in advance by the
Information Technology (IT) director. In the event the IT director is unavailable, IT staff will be available to assist with the
request. For all purchase requests, submit a purchase order (P.O.) form. For software purchases, it is required to provide
computer specifications where software is intended to be used, as well as the suppliers point of contact information,
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provided a P.O. form is completed properly. Purchase requests will be processed within 24 business hours from the time the
IT Department receives them.
Any employee that has the need, for business purpose, will be issued one (1) USB Flash Drive on their first day of work at
Western Technical College. It is the employees’ responsibility to safeguard and protect their USB Flash Drive. In the event the
flash drive gets lost or stolen, it is the employees’ responsibility to replace this item at their cost. In the event the flash drive is
corrupted, or is not functioning properly, (as determined by the IT director only), WTC will replace the flash drive at no cost to
the employee.
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You as an employee of the College have a responsibility and personal stake in doing everything possible to safeguard
yourself and others from injury and the facility from damage by fire or accident. It is important that you familiarize yourself with
the safety rules on your job. Most hazards are caused by the careless individual who doesnt clean up after himself or the
individual who is too lazy to pick up after another. The following is part of our safety program. Ask your supervisor for more
information. Safety is always a high priority. You should become familiar with and properly use any Personal Protective
Equipment (“PPE”) that is provided for your work.
All appliances brought into WTC’s facilities must be approved by the IT/Facilities director prior to use. The purpose is to
ensure safety by avoiding overcharge of electrical connections and excessive electrical bills (i.e. heaters, fans, compact
refrigerators, coffee pots, etc.)
ALWAYS immediately report to your supervisor an accident or injury no matter how minor it may seem. If your supervisor is not
available, then immediately report the accident to the next higher authority (see organizational chart in addendum), and/or to
the Human Resources department. The supervisor will fill out the Western Technical College accident report form and
immediately notify the campus director, CEO, and Human Resources department. A similar form is used for unusual incidents
occurring on school premises. Examples of these forms are located at the back of this handbook.
*If the injury is serious or if you are not sure, call 911 and request assistance.
Defibrillators are to be used for emergency care only, which are available for use on individuals suffering from a cardiac arrest.
They are in designated locations at each campus clearly marked and hanging on the wall.
o Plaza Campus: One is in the Medical Assisting hallway and the other is in the Copy Room behind the reception desk.
o Diana Campus: One is in the Main Hallway next to the Administration Office. The other is in the Physical Therapist
Assistant program hallway.
Safety awareness means being able to recognize unsafe practices and conditions. It requires following safety procedures. It
means getting to know all you can about the conditions that promote safety, including emergency response procedures.
Safety awareness signifies your willingness to take time to prevent accidents.
Most of all, safety awareness means having the right attitude about safety - both your own and your coworkers safety.
Safety awareness can help prevent injury, illness and accidental damage to College property.
Safety awareness means being on the lookout for unsafe practices and conditions in your work area.
Are all machine guards in place?
Does any equipment not designed to do so, turn on or off by itself?
Have you or your coworkers received a shock while using any equipment? If so, report this to your supervisor.
Perhaps you work with substances labeled “Flammable,” “Corrosives,” “Poison” or “Acids”. If so, do you follow the
material handling rules spelled out on the Safety Data Sheet (SDS)?
Are hazardous or toxic substances stored correctly? For example, flammable liquids should be stored in an approved
flammable liquids cabinet and/or container.
Are cylinders of compressed gas secured with a chain or a clamp?
Are hand tools kept in good condition?
Are electric tools double-insulated with no frayed cords?
Are portable ground fault circuit interrupters used in wet or outdoor locations?
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Are fire exits, fire extinguishers clearly marked and free of obstructions?
Are ladders kept in good repair, with no damaged rungs or side-rails?
Is temporary storage kept off floors and out of aisles and work areas?
Are spills and leaks wiped up promptly?
Are classroom chairs in working condition?
Safe work habits are an important part of total safety awareness. Use this safety checklist as your guide.
If you use equipment, are you correctly dressed to avoid injury?
Are you using correct body mechanics when lifting?
Are you lifting with your safety limits?
Are classroom chairs in working condition?
For Example:
Do not wear neckties, shirt tails out, gauntlet gloves or loose-fitting clothing around moving equipment.
Do not wear rings or other jewelry which could get caught in moving equipment.
Use hand and portable power tools only for the job they were designed for.
Use the right size tool for the job.
Do not smoke except in designated smoking areas.
Do not use improper electrical cords, receptacles or grounding.
Wear personal protective equipment whenever it is necessary for your work.
What Safety Awareness Means:
Looking out for unsafe conditions in your work area.
Learning how to work safely.
Working safely every day and in every part of your work.
Knowing how to handle emergencies quickly and effectively.
Safety awareness requires foresight and sound judgment. Workers who are safety conscious are alert and practice good
safety habits. Safety awareness is one way you can control your own safety on the job.
Nature has given us a world of beauty to enjoy. We also have the gift of sight to see that beauty. To protect that precious
eyesight, the eyelids close automatically when threatened by heat, strong light irritation or possible impact.
This natural blink defense will not protect your eyes against hazards such as flying particles. Therefore, anyone who works in
or visits a hazardous area needs eye protection,
Do not take chances with your eyes. You cannot replace them. To preserve and protect your eyesight, remember and use what
you learn here about eye safety.
In case of an Emergency: Chemical Splash
Do not squeeze eyes shut. Hold them open with thumb and index finger.
Flood eyes with cool water for 15-20 minutes.
Get medical help as soon as possible. If you can, have the chemical container and its label available for evaluation.
Do not use another chemical to neutralize the spilled chemical.
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Flying Particles
Do not try to remove anything imbedded in the eye. You could add to the damage. Do not pull or squeeze the eye.
Cover the eye, and get medical help as soon as possible.
Burns, Radiation Injuries
If the eyes are exposed to intense heat, flames, lasers or arc welding radiation, apply ice packs to relieve the pain.
Get medical attention as soon as possible.
Blows to the Eyes
Apply ice packs to control swelling and relieve pain.
Get medical attention as soon as possible.
Eye Strain
Glare, poor lighting and long periods spent at video display terminals (VDT) can cause eye fatigue, soreness and
Make sure you have adequate job-site lighting and give eyes adequate rest.
Eye Wash Equipment
Many work areas have eye wash stations and eye wash bottles. These provide a controlled flow of cool, clean water so
workers can flush their eyes in case of irritation or injury.
Contact Lenses on the Job
Contact lenses alone do not provide protection from on-the-job eye hazards. If you wear contact lenses, be extra cautious
around gases, vapors, fumes and dust which may get into or behind the lenses. Wear eye protection equipment in addition
to contact tenses.
Four out of ten accidents that cause blindness happen at home. Off-the-job eye injuries happen because of:
Do-it-yourself work on cars and homes.
Cooking accidents.
Chemical splashes from pesticides, fertilizers, drain cleaners and cleaning sprays.
Sports injuries while playing tennis, racquetball, baseball, etc.
Prevention, Not Repair
Choose sunglasses that offer protection from the suns ultra violet rays.
Wear eye protection while doing repair jobs and working with chemicals at home.
Wear eye protection when playing ball sports.
Wear eye protection over contact lenses and prescription eyeglasses.
Remember: We get only one set of eyes. Take care of your precious eyesight, both on and off the job.
Wear the right eye protection for your work.
Get medical help as soon as possible in case of an accident.
Contact lenses alone will not protect your eyes. Add whatever protection you need.
Wear eye protection when you work on hazardous jobs at home.
Wear eye protection when you play games and racquet sports.
You may work with many different hazardous chemicals. Each has its own risk. You need to know about such risks so you can
protect yourself and your coworkers from sickness or injury. Western Technical College has set up a Hazard Communication
Program to give Employees the information they need to protect themselves. This describes how a hazard communication
program can help you stay safe.
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The Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) lists information on chemical substances or mixtures. Your supervisor has available the necessary
SDS information. SDS are also posted in areas using these substances. This information will describe the following key areas:
Manufacturers name and address including phone numbers for information and emergency use.
Chemical identification including the chemical name and trade name.
Hazardous ingredients specifying what can cause harm.
Physical and chemical characteristics, including the appearance, odor, boiling point, evaporation rate and melting
point of the chemical.
Fire and explosion hazards, such as degree of risk or potential for fire and explosion.
Reactivity tells whether the chemical is stable or reactive.
Health hazards, both acute and chronic, plus symptoms of overexposure and instructions for first aid and emergencies.
Precautions for safe handling and use. Also includes waste disposal instructions.
Control measures including what engineering controls should be used and what personal protective equipment should be
Be sure to read the SDS before you start a job involving hazardous materials.
Warning Labels
The container label for hazardous chemicals has information that can help you protect yourself. Report any torn or missing
labels to your supervisor. If you transfer substances from one container to another, the new container should also have a label.
Government regulations require that labels for hazardous substances must include the following:
Basic Warnings
The identity of the substance.
The substance name and brand or trade name (if any).
The manufacturers name and address, or the name and address of some other responsible party.
Physical hazards (from explosion, corrosion, spills, fire, etc.) are a Health Hazard. These may be in the form of target
organ warnings (“Causes skin irritation”, “Causes lung cancer”, and “Causes kidney damage”).
Other Information
Some labels may also list signal words, first aid instructions and other information. Go to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) or ask
your supervisor if you do not find the information you need on the label.
Hazardous Chemical Safety Tips
Your Colleges hazard communication program is designated to help keep you safe. It can be effective only with your help.
Here is how you can do your part.
Practice good personal hygiene to reduce your exposure to hazardous substances.
Wear the proper protective equipment when you work with chemicals.
Read and understand product warning labels and the Material Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
Check with your supervisor if you have any questions about working safely with hazardous substances.
You manage your own safety when you protect yourself and your coworkers from chemical hazards.
Handling Emergencies
No matter how careful you may be, emergencies sometimes happen. When they do, knowledge is the best way to stay safe.
See Section 7.1 for procedures. If the injury is serious or if you are not sure, call 911 and request assistance.
Get to know Western Technical Colleges fire emergency response plan. Your facility has an audible alarm, get to know what it
sounds like.
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Get to know the medical emergency response plan for your work area. Take advantage of first aid and/or CPR classes that
your employer may offer.
All of us tend to neglect our backs until one day, when we are least expecting it, we cry, “Oh, my aching back! Why me?”
Back injuries due to improper lifting techniques are fast becoming the number one injury taking place in the work place.
The following was written to assist you (the Employee), with some insight on safe lifting techniques, along with some dos and
donts on proper lifting.
Safe Lifting.
Eight out of ten Americans injure their backs at some point during their lifetime. Lifting improperly is the most common cause
for many of those injuries. Let us go “back” now to learn the proper way to lift.
Stretch the muscles in your neck, arms, shoulders, back and legs before lifting.
Size up the load. How much does it weigh? What is the best way to move it?
Watch what you are doing. Clear a path and move things that are in your way.
Push, Do Not Pull.
It is easier, with less strain.
Share the Load.
Get someone to help you. If you can, split whatever you are lifting into two or more loads. It may be advisable to use a
wagon, wheelbarrow or hand truck.
PROPER TECHNIQUE Is the key to safe lifting.
Follow these seven steps to safety:
1. Get a firm footing, with feet apart.
2. Bend at the knees - not the waist.
3. Your back should be straight. Your body should never reach over the load.
4. Keep the load close to your body.
5. Tighten your stomach muscles. This supports your spine.
6. Lift with your legs, not your back.
7. If an object is too heavy for you to lift alone, or if you are not sure, ALWAYS get someone to help you lift it. If no one is
available, contact your supervisor or next higher authority in the event the supervisor is absent.
1. DO lift with your legs - not your back - you can do this by squatting and bending your knees. Hold object close to your
body. Lift objects only chest-high. When the load is heavy, get help and plan to avoid sudden bad shifts. Always be
sure of your footing.
2. DO sit in chairs low enough to place both feet on the floor. You may cross your legs or put your feet up on a stool. Sit
firmly against back of chair.
3. DO walk with good posture keeping head high, chin tucked in, pelvis forward, toes straight ahead. Wear comfortable
4. DO Consider staying fit and trim. Exercise regularly. Note: Exercise can be dangerous if your body is not accustomed to
activity. Check with your Healthcare provider before beginning an exercise routine.
5. DO consider getting a good nights sleep on a firm mattress; it is good for you and your back. Sleep on your side with
knees bent, or on your back with a pillow under knees.
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1. DO NOT bend straight over. DO NOT Turn or twist to pick up something, even if it is a light object. DO NOT lift or carry
anything heavier than you can manage with ease. These positions may cause injury.
2. DO NOT stand in one position too long. DO NOT bend forward with straight legs, or walk with poor posture.
3. DO NOT slump. DO NOT sit in a chair that is too high or too far from your work - avoid leaning forward and arching
your back.
There is no simple solution to back pain. Although your healthcare practitioner can guide you on the road to recovery, a
healthy, pain free back is always up to you. Only YOU can improve your posture and learn ways to prevent back strain in
your daily activities. Most important, only YOU (with your healthcare practitioners advice) can follow a daily exercise
program to build strong supporting stomach and back muscles. You only have one back, so take care of it.
Western Technical College makes a serious effort to maintain safe working conditions, but the help of each Employee is
needed on this effort. Employees are expected to comply with all safety laws and codes. Remember, accidents do not
happen; they are caused.
All accidents or injuries, no matter how seemingly minor, must always be reported to your supervisor immediately. If your
supervisor is not available, then immediately report the accident to the next higher authority (see organizational chart in
the addendum of this Handbook). The supervisor will fill out the WTC incident or injury report form and immediately notify
the Human resources department, Campus director and CEO.
If the injury is serious or if you are not sure, call 911 and report the injury.
This form is to be filled out by the immediate supervisor or next higher authority. A copy needs to be turned in to the
campus director. An incident is an occurrence or event that interrupts normal procedures or precipitates a crisis but does not
involve an injury.
This form needs to be filled out by the immediate supervisor or next higher authority. A copy needs to be turned in to the
campus director. An injury report is defined as a person (i.e. student, customer, or employee) that is injured, no matter how
minor it may seem.
To obtain an incident or injury report, please visit WTC’s website on the employee portal.
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Notification: Ringing Bells
When you find fire or smoke:
1. Evacuate any persons from the immediate area
to a place of safety.
2. Go to the nearest phone and inform the front desk
of the emergency.
3. Evacuate the building, pulling the alarm as you
exit (pull stations are located throughout the
Please review posted evacuation plans.
4. Upon exiting the building, proceed to designated
off site safety area.
a) Proceed to safe areas. MOVE STUDENTS to
designated areas.
b) CROUCH LOW to avoid smoke and heat.
c) AVOID INHALING smoke and fire gases.
Severe Weather
Notification: By Directors
Weather emergencies will be monitored using a
weather radio by the front desk. When the National
Weather Service issues a warning the following steps
should be taken:
1. If the weather broadcast indicates severe weather
near the office, immediately notify the Campus
2. The Campus Director will decide the appropriate
course of action.
a) Release Students and Employees, or
b) Proceed with sheltering the
building occupants
3. In the event of sheltering; Students, visitors and
Employees, will proceed to the first-floor center
of the building.
Please review the posted sheltering plans.
4. Instructors will assist in directing Students to the
closest area.
5. Remain in the shelter area until the weather
emergency is subsided.
External Gas or Chemical Spills
Notification: by directors
In the event of an external gas or chemical spill:
1. Students and staff are to be cleared from the halls
immediately and report to the nearest available
classroom or other designated location.
2. Close and tape all windows and doors and seal
the gap between bottom of the door and the floor.
(Use the Emergency Kit in your classroom.)
3. Do not allow anyone to leave the classroom.
4. Stay away from all doors and windows
5. Wait for further instructions.
Notification: Alarm (different from fire)
If you witness an armed individual on campus at any
time or if an individual is acting in a hostile or belligerent
manner, immediately contact your campus director
and/or the human resources department.
If the subject is inside the building:
a. You will receive a text message on behalf of WT
Alert System
b. If it is possible to flee the area safely and avoid
danger, do so.
c. If flight is impossible, lock all doors and secure
yourself in your space or at another safer place.
d. If you are in a classroom, immediately hang the
tablecloth from the emergency kit over the
classroom window to limit visibility into the
e. Get Students on the floor and out of the line of
f. Get down on the floor or under a desk and
remain silent.
g. Wait for the “all clear instruction from an
authorized person, i.e., campus director or law
enforcement personnel.
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Since crime can occur anywhere and at any time, it is our sincere hope that you will read and follow these guidelines. If you
suspect a crime has been committed or if you witness a crime in progress, notify the campus director, or other College
administrator and, if necessary, call the local law enforcement agency or call 911.
There is no such thing as a fail-safe security system. Even the most elaborate security precautions (such as alarm systems,
courtesy guards, patrol cars and electronic gates) are not a guarantee against crime. You should proceed as if such
security precautions did not exist. All systems are subject to mechanical malfunctions, tampering, human error and personnel
absenteeism. The best safety measures are the ones you perform using common sense.
To comply with the Students Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act Western Technical College has established the
following policies and procedures.
1. Western Technical Colleges policies regarding procedures and facilities for Employees, Students and others to report
criminal actions or other emergencies occurring on campus and policies concerning the institutions response to such
a) Any staff faculty member or student observing or having knowledge of a criminal act should immediately notify the
Campus director or next higher authority. Upon being notified of a criminal act, the Campus director or next higher
authority will make the decision to handle the problem or notify a local law enforcement agency. If it is an emergency,
call 911 and then notify a College official immediately.
b) Any staff, faculty member, or student involved in or observing an emergency on campus should immediately notify
the Campus director or any staffer faculty member or next higher authority (if time allows). If the emergency is such
that a life is endangered or severe harm could result, the person witnessing the emergency should immediately dial
911 and notify the campus director or any staff member as soon as possible. Upon being notified of an emergency,
the Director or next higher authority will determine the type of emergency and will handle it or notify the
appropriate agencies for necessary action.
2. Western Technical Colleges policies concerning security and access to campus facilities, and security considerations.
a) Western Technical Colleges Main Campus (9624 Plaza Circle) is open from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday
through Thursday, and from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Friday. The building is secured by a security alarm and a
separate fire alarm system. All classes conducted at the main campus are in one building with an adjoining parking
b) Western Technical Colleges branch campus (9451 Diana Drive) is open from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday
through Thursday and from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Friday. The building is secured by a security alarm and a
separate fire alarm system. All classes conducted at the Diana campus are in one building with an adjoining parking
c) Students should only be in the building during their scheduled classes, unless arrangements have been made with an
instructor to use the classrooms, stay for tutoring, or use the library.
d) Security of the building is an ongoing project by all staff and faculty members. Each staff and faculty member must
be security conscious always. All security violations should immediately be reported to the campus director.
3. Current policies concerning campus law enforcement, including the enforcement authority of security personnel and
their relationship with state and local agencies:
a) Western Technical College does not employ security personnel. All requests for security assistance are handled by
law enforcement agencies.
b) The campus director is responsible for reporting all crimes to the appropriate local law enforcement agency.
4. The type and frequency of programs designed to inform students and employees about campus security procedures
and practices and to encourage students and employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of
a) Security procedures for each campus are reviewed during new student and new employee orientations. Students
and employees are told about securing their autos and other personal property and how to report any crime or
emergency. All students are provided a Student Handbook” that includes school security policies and procedures.
b) All employees are provided with access to the electronic version of the Employee Handbook which also includes
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these school security policies and procedures.
c) To provide a safe and secure environment for all employees and students, the following procedures should be
1. Lock and secure vehicles.
2. Do not bring large sums of money to school or show to other people monies in your possession.
3. Do not leave valuables unattended.
4. Fighting or gambling on school property is forbidden.
5. Unauthorized drugs or alcohol of any type are not allowed on school property.
6. Possession of a handgun under the authority of the Texas concealed handgun license law is prohibited on school
premises. Possession of ammunition, long blade knives (blades over 3" long), or any other type of weapon is not
allowed on school property.
5. Western Technical College does not provide counseling for sexual assault. Counseling is available at, but not limited to,
the following location:
Sexual Trauma and Assault Response Services
710 N. Campbell El Paso, TX 79901
If a sexual assault occurs on campus, please notify your department program director or the campus director. Upon being
notified of the emergency the department program director or campus director will assist you in contacting the appropriate
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Employee Handbook Receipt
and Acknowledgement
I acknowledge that I have been provided with access to the electronic version of the WTC Employee Handbook containing
policies and procedures with which I am responsible to be familiar and comply with.
I understand that this Handbook represents only current policies and benefits, and that it does not create an express or
implied contract of employment between the College and me. The College retains the right to change these policies and
benefits, as it deems advisable.
This Employee Handbook cannot possibly address every contingency; therefore, it is neither all-inclusive nor intended to
provide strict interpretations of our policies; rather it offers an overview of the work environment. This handbook is not a
contract, expressed or implied, guaranteeing employment of any length of time and is not intended to induce an employee
to accept employment with the College.
Unless expressly proscribed by statute or contract, my employment is “at will.” I understand that I have the right to terminate
my employment at any time, with or without cause or notice, and that the College has the same right. I further understand
that my status as an “at will” employee may not be changed except in writing and signed by the CEO of the College.
I understand that the information I encounter during my employment is proprietary to the College and accordingly, I agree
to keep it confidential, which means I will not use it other than in the performance of my duties nor disclose it to any
person or entity outside the College. I understand that I must comply with all the provisions of the handbook to have access
to and use College resources. I also understand that if I do not comply with all provisions of the Handbook, my access to
College resources may be revoked, and I may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
I further understand that I am obligated to familiarize myself with and adhere to all the Colleges policies and procedures,
and emergency procedures as outlined in this handbook or in other documents.
I authorize the College to deduct from my final paycheck the cost of any College property which I fail to return at the end of
my employment.
Employee Printed Name: _____________________________ Date: _______________________________
Employee Signature: ________________________________