Make-Up & Late Work
Makeup Work Because of Absence / Late Work Penalty
For any class missed, the teacher may assign the student makeup work based on the instructional objectives for the
subject or course and the needs of the individual student in mastering the essential knowledge and skills or in
meeting subject or course requirements. A student shall be expected to make up assignments within a period of
time equal to the number of days the student was absent unless special arrangements are made with the
classroom teacher(s). Teachers shall inform their students of the time allotted for completing makeup work after
an absence; however, the student shall be responsible for finding out about the assignments and making up the
work in a satisfactory manner within the time specified by the teacher. A student who does not make up assigned
work within the time allotted by the teacher will receive a grade of zero for the assignment.
A student will be permitted to make up tests and to turn in projects due in any class missed because of absence.
Teachers may assign a late penalty to long-term project in accordance with time lines approved by the principal
and previously communicated to students. Teachers may also assign a late penalty to any daily assignments.
Willowridge High School late work penalty guidelines are as follows:
1 day late: maximum penalty of 15 points
2 days late: maximum penalty of 30 points
3 days late: maximum penalty of 50 points
4+ days late: At the teacher’s discretion
At the teacher’s discretion, late work can be accepted through the end of the 7
week of the nine weeks grading
period. It is up to the teacher to accept any late work thereafter (prior to the end of the nine weeks grading
Retest Policy
In the event a student earns a grade below 75% in a regular academic class (Dual Credit) on a major exam (does not
apply to semester exams, benchmarks, essays, class projects, quizzes or daily work), a classroom teacher may permit
one chance of retesting under the following guidelines:
1. The student must attend the retest on the date provided by the teacher. The teacher must notify the student in
advance about the retesting opportunity.
2. The student must attend a tutorial session in the subject area of the test (not necessarily same teacher) prior to
the re-test.
3. Student must make corrections on the failed test prior to retesting.
4. The student must take the re-test before the next major assessment.
5. The student must take the re-test either before school or after school and not during the regular school day
(unless Progressive testing is taking place). Testing arrangements will be made between the student and
6. If the student does not arrive on the scheduled day of re-test, the teacher has the option to disallow the
student to retest.
7. The student can receive a maximum grade of 75% on the assignment after the successful re-test. The final grade
recorded will be the higher of the two grades, the original test grade or the retest (not to exceed 75%).
8. Students may retest on the original assignment one time only.
Progressive Testing is another option for retesting. This option allows students to re-test non-mastered concepts by
including the material in the next comprehensive examination. The grade made on this exam (if higher) will substitute
the previous exam grade. If the grade is lower the student keeps the grade as is. There must be a minimum of two
major exam grades each nine week period in order for progressive testing to take place.
Note: The above campus policies are in accordance with FBISD Policy under EIA-R Academic Achievement.