Oak Ridge High School
Late Work Policy
At Oak Ridge High School, our goal is to foster curious and independent students that are
confident and capable learners. In order to assess student performance and progress in a given
discipline or course, it is paramount that we are able to offer feedback on student performance
through graded assignments, products, and performances.
As a staff, we will clearly and plainly determine and share due dates for all assignments for a
specific course. Students are expected to turn their work in on time, in order for meaningful
feedback to be offered to a student as a means of assisting in the growth around an area or skill.
Therefore, Oak Ridge High School has adopted the following late work policy for all
Students will submit assignments on the due date determined by the teacher.
Students who do not turn in assignments on the due date, because of an excused absence
registered with the attendance office, are expected to submit the assignment on the next
day they are present at school.
Students who do not turn in an assignment on the due date will lose 15 points for each
successive school day that the assignment is late. For example, if an assignment is due on
Monday, and is turned in on Tuesday, the highest score the assignment could receive is
an 85.
If an assignment is not turned in within two school days of the due date, the assignment
will be scored as a zero.
Teachers have the ability to make exceptions that benefit a student on a case-by-case
basis as the need arises, with regard to the late work policy.
This late work policy will help to create a consistent expectation for students and teachers when
dealing with turning in late work, and adhering to deadlines.