Impact Circle Legacy recognizes
individuals who have lovingly created
gifts to The Trevor Project in their estate
plans or as a bequest. By joining Impact Circle
Legacy you are automatically granted membership
in Trevors leading membership society, Impact Circle.
To learn about the benefits of Impact Circle membership,
If you are interested in naming The Trevor Project in your will, you can use the preferred bequest
language for tax-deductible charitable testamentary gifts in this document.
To qualify for tax benefits of a gift of life insurance, The Trevor Project must be named as the owner and
beneficiary of the policy. No incidents of ownership should be retained by you as the donor. If the policy
is paid out, your charitable gift is generally the replacement value or cost basis of the policy, whichever
is less. Ongoing premiums paid on a gifted life insurance policy also qualify for charitable deductions.
A CRT allows you to retain an interest in contributed property for a fixed number of years or for life
expectancy, and only have the property pass to charity at the end of the term. You, the donor, receive
an up-front income tax deduction for the present value of the property passing to charity at the end of
the term. More importantly, the CRT can sell appreciated property without incurring an immediate
capital gains tax. This can create tremendous opportunities for income tax deferral. A CRT can be
arranged through a local community foundation or financial planning firm.
In contrast with the CRT, the CLT pays charity an up-front interest, usually for a fixed number of years. At
the end of the period, the property passes to your heirs. Gift and estate taxes are reduced because the
present value of the remainder interest to your heirs is reduced by the charitable income interest.
By signing this form, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to the following statement:
I hereby notify you that I have included The Trevor Project as a beneficiary of my estate plan, by
making a provision for The Trevor Project.
I hereby give consent to The Trevor Project to recognize my commitment in its efforts to promote
acceptance and aid in suicide prevention among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth and am
pleased to participate in and be listed as a member of The Trevor Project Impact Circle Legacy I understand that
recognition shall include my/our name being published in The Trevor Project’s Annual Report, as well as in
materials produced in connection with events presented for members of The Trevor Project - Impact Circle Legacy.
I understand that I must notify the Trevor Project in writing to have my name listed anonymously, removed, or
changed in donor listings and that Trevor may publish my name in additional materials for related recognition or
promotional purposes. As a recognized member of Impact Circle Legacy, I understand that I shall receive periodic
communications as a donor, and invitations to the organization’s special events.
This consent to have my commitment recognized does not relieve The Trevor Project of its responsibility
to maintain the confidentiality of my personal commitment and any documentation related to that commitment.
Nor does this indication of intent prevent my amending in the future an otherwise revocable provision I have made
for The Trevor Project.
Approximate Value: $
Method of Contribution:
Charitable Bequest (eg. Last Will & Testament) Insurance
Charitable Remainder Trust Charitable Lead Trust
Other: __
DONOR INFORMATION (Your name(s) will appear in donor listings as written below)
Name 1
Name 2
Signature(s) Date
Address City State Zip
Jason Daniel Fair, Senior Major Gifts Officer PO Box 69232, West Hollywood, CA 90069 Phone 212.695.8650 ext 331 * Fax 310.271.8846