Rev. November 2023
Rev. November 2023
Rev. November 2023
Application Fees....................................................................2
Rent Receipts........................................................................5
Security Deposits..................................................................6
Right to Take Possession at Beginning of Lease....................11
Lease Renewals....................................................................12
Breaking a Lease.................................................................13
Rent Escrow: When the Landlord Fails to Make Repairs....14
Landlord Retaliation Against Tenants.................................18
Lead-Based Paint Hazards...................................................18
Assistance With Rental Problems/Resources.......................26
Relevant Laws.....................................................................29
Frequently Asked Questions...............................................30
Maryland Oce of the Attorney General
Consumer Protection Division
Tips on Avoiding Disputes
Rev. November 2023
Application Fees
Q. Karen paid a $25 application fee to apply for an apartment.
e next day, she found another apartment she liked better. She
asked the rst landlord if he would refund her application fee, but
he said the fee was nonrefundable. Did the landlord have the right
to keep the fee?
A: Yes. A landlord may keep an application fee of $25 or less.
If a landlord rents ve or more units at one location, the lease applica-
tion must explain what your obligations and rights are if an applica-
tion fee is collected.
An application fee is any fee other than a security deposit paid to a
landlord before a lease is signed. You should never sign a lease until
your application has been accepted.
Landlords use application fees to cover the costs of processing an
application, such as running a credit check. A landlord is entitled to
keep an application fee of $25 or less. If the fee is more than $25, the
landlord must refund any amount that was not used to process your
application. e excess amount must be returned to you within 15
days after youve moved in or after you or the landlord has given writ-
ten notication that the rental wont take place.
If the landlord withholds more than $25 of an application fee, you
should ask the landlord to provide a written explanation of exactly
what expenses were incurred, and what the cost of each item was. If
you are not satised with the explanation, you may want to pursue
the matter further.
If, when lling out an application, a landlord asks for money to
hold an apartment, it may not be clear that you are being asked for
a security deposit. It’s not wise to pay a security deposit until your
application has been accepted and you are signing a lease. Before you
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pay any money, you should conrm with the landlord whether it will
be refunded if you decide not to rent or if the landlord decides not to
rent to you. Ask the landlord to write that information on a receipt.
is could save you from having to ght to get the money refunded
Q. Steve made an oral agreement with a landlord that he would
rent an apartment on a month-to-month basis for $600 a month,
that he would pay the utilities, and move in on the 15th of the fol-
lowing month. Is this a legal contract?
A. Yes. Oral leases are legal for lease terms of less than one year.
However, a written lease is strongly recommended to help land-
lords and tenants avoid disputes.
A landlord is
required to use
a written lease
if the tenancy is
going to be for
a year or longer,
or if the landlord
owns ve or more
rental units in the
state. Otherwise,
the landlord and
tenant may orally
agree on what the rent and other terms of the rental will be. If you
enter into an oral contract, it’s very important that you know your
and your landlords legal rights and responsibilities. You should also
have a clear understanding with your landlord about all terms in the
agreement. However, it would be to your advantage to clarify things
by having a written lease.
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Many landlords use a standard lease for all their tenants. However,
you may want to negotiate your own terms with the landlord. Ad-
ditional terms can be written on the agreement, and terms that are
unacceptable to you can be crossed out. Of course, the landlord has
to agree to these terms as well. Be sure that all changes are dated and
initialed by both you and the landlord.
State law requires that a landlord who oers ve or more dwelling units
for rent in Maryland must include in each lease a statement that the
premises will be available in a reasonably safe, habitable condition; or,
if that is not the agreement, a statement concerning the condition of
the premises. e lease must also specify the landlord’s and the tenant’s
obligations as to heat, gas, electricity, water, and repair of the premises.
A lease may not contain any provision that denies rights
granted to tenants under Maryland law. e lease may
Authorize a confessed judgment, whereby you
waive all rights to defend yourself;
Impose a late rent penalty higher than 5 percent
of the amount owed;
Impose a late rent penalty higher than $3 a week
where rent is paid weekly (not to exceed $12 a
Give the landlord the right to evict or take any of
your personal possessions without a court judg-
ment; or
Provide for less than 30 days’ notice to terminate
your lease.
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Advance Copy of the Lease
If you request it in writing, a landlord must give you a copy of a lease
before you decide whether to rent. It must include all agreed upon
terms, but it does not have to state your name and address, the date
you are moving
in, or identica-
tion and rental
rate of your unit.
It’s a very good
idea to get a copy
of the lease to
read in advance.
Before you sign a
lease, you should
be aware of all the
terms it includes, including when rent is due, late fees, procedures for
giving notice at the end of the lease, automatic renewal provisions,
and return of the security deposit. You should also read and make
sure you can live with the rules regarding pets, parking, storage areas,
noise, carpeting requirements, trash, maximum number of occupants,
and move-out procedures.
Rent Receipts
A landlord is required to give a tenant a receipt for a rent payment
upon request or one that is paid in cash. (In Anne Arundel County,
a landlord is required to give a receipt unless the payment is made by
check or unless the tenant rents the property for commercial or busi-
ness purposes.)
Rev. November 2023
Security Deposits
A security deposit is any money a tenant pays to a landlord that
protects the landlord against damage to the rented property, failure to
pay rent, or expenses incurred due to a breach of the lease.
e security
deposit may not
be more than
two months
rent. If you are
overcharged, you
have the right to
recover up to three
times the extra
amount charged,
plus reasonable
attorneys fees.
e landlord must give you a receipt for the security deposit. e
receipt can be included in the written lease. ere is a $25 penalty if
the landlord fails to give you a receipt.
e receipt or lease should state your right to receive from the land-
lord a written list of all existing damages in the rental property, if you
make a written request for it within 15 days of taking occupancy. If a
list of the existing damages is not provided, the landlord may be liable
for three times the security deposit, less any damages or unpaid rent.
e landlord must put the security deposit in an escrow account.
When returning security deposits of $50 or more, the landlord must
include simple interest of 3 percent per year, accrued at monthly
intervals from the date the security deposit was paid for all tenancies
that were initiated prior to January 1, 2015. For tenancies that began
on or after January 1, 2015, the interest rate is payable at 1.5 percent
a year OR the simple interest rate accrued at the daily U.S. Treasury
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yield curve rate for one year, as of the rst business day of each year,
whichever is greater. e Maryland Department of Housing and
Community Development has a Rental Security Deposit Calculator
on its website at http://www.dhcd.maryland.gov to help you calcu-
late this interest rate. A landlord must pay 4 percent on deposits held
before October 1, 2004.
Return of the Security Deposit
Q. Daniel broke his lease when he bought a house. e landlord
was able to rent to a new tenant three days after Daniel moved
out. However, he said he was keeping Daniels security deposit
because he had broken the lease. Was the landlord entitled to keep
the money?
A. Not the entire amount. A landlord may only withhold from the
security deposit an amount equal to actual damages suered. e
landlord didnt incur any expenses in re-renting, and there was no
damage to the apartment, so his only loss was the three days of
lost rent.
Q. Tiany lived in an apartment for ve years. When she moved
out, the landlord kept her security deposit to repaint the apart-
ment and replace the living room carpet. Was the landlord en-
titled to keep the money?
A. Unless Tiany damaged the carpet or the walls beyond ordi-
nary wear, the landlord could not keep any money from the secu-
rity deposit. A landlord may not keep a tenants security deposit
to pay for touch-ups and replacements needed due to normal wear
and tear.
Security deposit disputes often involve misunderstandings about
when the landlord is entitled to keep the security deposit, and dis-
agreements about whether the tenant caused damage to the rental
Rev. November 2023
e landlord must return a tenant’s
security deposit plus interest, less
any damages rightfully withheld,
within 45 days after the tenancy
ends. If the landlord fails to do
this without a good reason, you
may sue for up to three times the
withheld amount, plus reasonable
attorneys fees.
If the landlord withholds any part
of your security deposit, they must
send you a written list of damages,
with a statement of what it cost to
repair the damages, by rst-class
mail to your last known address
within 45 days after you move out.
If the landlord fails to do this, they lose the right to withhold any part
of the security deposit.
You have the right to be present when the landlord inspects your rent-
al unit for damages at the end of your lease, if you notify the landlord
by certied mail at least 15 days prior to moving of your intention to
move, the date of moving, and your new address. e landlord must
then notify you by certied mail of the time and date of the inspec-
tion. e inspection must be within ve days before or ve days after
your move-out date. e landlord must disclose these rights to you in
writing when you pay the security deposit. If not, the landlord forfeits
the right to withhold any part of the security deposit for damages.
Your rights and duties are dierent if you have been evicted for breach
of the lease, or have left the rented property before the lease expired.
Under these circumstances, you should send a written notice to the
landlord by rst-class mail within 45 days of being evicted or leav-
ing the property. is notice must advise the landlord of your new
address and request the return of your deposit. Once the landlord
Rev. November 2023
receives the written request, they must take certain steps.
e landlord must send a list of damages to the rental unit and
costs incurred to repair them to you by rst-class mail within
45 days. If the landlord fails to send you a list of damages, they
forfeit the right to withhold the security deposit.
e security deposit, plus interest, less any damages rightfully
withheld, must be returned within 45 days of your notice.
Rental Property Surety Bonds
Q. Richard paid a $200 premium for a surety bond when he
moved into his apartment. After he moved out, the landlord
performed an inspection of his unit and sent a letter stating that
Richard owed $150 for damage done to the bathroom and re-
quested payment for the damages. Is Richard still responsible for
paying these damages even though he paid for a surety bond?
A. Yes. When renting an apartment, a landlord may accept a surety
bond as an alternative to the ten-
ant providing a security deposit.
While both protect the landlord
against damage to the rented
property, failure to pay rent, or
expenses incurred due to a breach
of lease, there are underlying dif-
A surety bond is a bond that a
tenant can purchase to protect a
landlord from damages to the rental
premises in excess of ordinary wear
and tear, lost rent, or damages due
to breach of lease. Richard may
choose to pay the landlord directly
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for the damage or have the damages paid from the surety bond.
However, if the damages are paid from the surety bond, Richard will
eventually be asked to reimburse the surety for the amount it paid the
You cannot be required to purchase a surety bond; instead, you can give
your landlord a security deposit. e amount of the surety bond can-
not, on its own or combined with any security deposit, exceed two
months’ rent.
Tenants who purchase surety bonds have many of the same protec-
tions they have when they pay a security deposit. For example, ten-
ants who purchase surety bonds have the right to:
Inspect the rental premises with their landlord before and after
they occupy the property;
Receive a list of damages the landlord claims the tenant is
responsible for; and
Receive a receipt explaining their rights when they are asked to
purchase a surety bond.
ere are major dierences between a security deposit and surety
bond. Surety bonds do not relieve the tenant from having to pay for
such damages at the end of the tenancy. Unlike a security deposit, the
premium paid for a surety bond is not refundable at the end of the ten-
ancy and the amount the tenant paid for the surety bond premium is not
credited toward the payment of any damages.
“Damage” or Normal Wear and Tear?
is is often the point on which landlords and tenants disagree.
Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules that t every situation.
Common sense suggests that carpeting will need to be replaced peri-
odically, and walls will need repainting, due to normal wear and tear.
A landlord must expect to bear these costs as part of doing business.
If, however, a tenant scorched a large area of the carpeting or dragged
an appliance over it and ripped it, that could reasonably be considered
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damage. Leaving small holes from picture hooks in the wall would be
wear and tear, while knocking a hole in the wall that would require
drywall or plaster repair could be considered damage.
Right to Take Possession at Beginning
of Lease
Q. Jason was supposed to move into his new apartment on March
1st, but the previous tenant did not move out on time and the
landlord said the apartment would not be ready until the 6th.
What could Jason do?
A: Jason has the
right to cancel his
lease and get back
any prepaid rent
or security deposit
he had paid to the
landlord. If he
chooses to wait for
the apartment, he
could nd tempo-
rary lodging, put
his furniture into storage, and have the landlord pay for those ex-
penses, as well as additional moving expenses. He would not owe
rent for the days he was not able to occupy the apartment.
If a landlord doesnt allow you to take possession of your rental unit at
the beginning of your lease, you have the right to cancel the lease with
written notice to the landlord. Also, the landlord is liable to you for any
damages you suer as a result of not being able to move in at the begin-
ning of the lease, whether or not you decide to cancel the lease. Unfor-
tunately, while the landlord may be legally responsible for your expenses
in this situation, it may not be easy to obtain payment. You may have
to take the landlord to court, and then undertake collection eorts.
Rev. November 2023
Lease Renewals
Q. Allison knew she had to give her landlord 30 days’ notice
before moving out. Six weeks before the end of her lease, Allison
told a rental oce employee that she would move out at the end
of the lease. Later, the rental oce notied her that her lease had
automatically renewed, because she hadnt given the notice in
writing, as required by the lease. Why should she have given writ-
ten notice?
A: To protect yourself, always give the landlord written notice of
your intention to move out, and keep a copy for yourself.
Many leases contain a provision that allows the lease to automatically
renew for another
term, or to renew
on a month-to-
month basis,
unless either the
landlord or the
tenant gives prior
notice that they
will not renew.
Note how many
days in advance
you will have to
notify the landlord
if you dont wish to renew the lease. If you fail to give this notice in
time, your lease could be automatically renewed.
You should submit the notice in writing and be sure that the landlord
receives it on time. Send the notice by certied mail if you want to
have proof that it was received on time.
An automatic renewal provision in a lease must provide space for the
tenant to give written acknowledgment agreeing to the provision.
Rev. November 2023
If the landlord cant show your signature, initials, or another mark
acknowledging that provision, the landlord cant enforce an automatic
renewal of the lease.
Some leases dont have automatic renewal provisions, so you must
sign a new lease if you wish to continue renting.
Rent Increases or Other Changes in Terms
Landlords must provide at least 90-days’ written notice of a rent
increase for tenancies longer than one month, 60-days’ written notice
of a rent increase for tenancy longer than a week, 21-days’ written
notice of a rent increase for week-to-week tenancies if there is no writ-
ten lease agreement, and 7-days’ written notice of a rent increase for
week-to-week tenancies if there is a written lease agreement. If you
wish to continue renting, be sure you know whether any of the terms
of the lease will change. If your lease does not automatically renew, be
sure to thoroughly read the new lease you will sign. Its a new contract
between you and the landlord, and any of the terms may be dierent
from the terms in your prior lease.
Breaking a Lease
Q. Candace notied her landlord that she had to break her lease,
as she was getting married. e landlord said Candace would be
responsible for the rent for the remaining four months of the lease
if a new tenant could not be found. Was the landlord correct?
A. Yes. You are obligated to pay rent through the end of the lease.
However, the landlord may only collect for the period during
which the property remained vacant.
If you break your lease, the landlord can hold you responsible for the
rent due through the remainder of the lease. However, a landlord is
required to make a reasonable eort to re-rent the apartment to limit
losses. If the landlord is able to re-rent the unit, you are only respon-
Rev. November 2023
sible for the rent until the date the new tenant moves in.
A landlord with multiple vacant units is not required to put a new
tenant into the unit you have vacated. Also, a landlord can hold you
responsible for costs of re-renting, such as advertising.
Some leases have a clause that allows the tenant to cancel the lease
with a certain amount of notice, and perhaps oer you the option to
leave early and not be responsible for the remainder of the lease in
exchange for the payment of a fee. Other leases may contain a clause
that allows a tenant to cancel the lease if the tenant is transferred by
an employer to a location a certain number of miles away. Under
Maryland law, military personnel who have received orders for a
permanent change of station (or temporary duty for more than three
months) may end a lease with proper notice.
It’s wise to think ahead
before signing a long-term
lease. If you anticipate
buying a house, get-
ting married, or having
to move for some other
reason in the near future,
ask the landlord to give
you a six-month lease or
a month-to-month lease.
If you anticipate a job transfer, ask the landlord to add a job transfer
clause to the contract that would allow you to end the lease early,
with appropriate notice.
Rent Escrow: When the Landlord Fails
to Make Repairs
Q. During the winter months, there was very little heat in Lisas
Rev. November 2023
apartment. After calling the landlord several times about the
problem, she sent a written complaint that the landlord ignored.
Lisa then reported this condition to the city housing inspector,
who issued a notice of violation to the landlord. Can Lisa stop
paying rent until the landlord xes the problem?
A. No. If she stopped paying rent, the landlord could evict her.
But Lisa does
have the right to
have adequate
heat in her apart-
ment. By follow-
ing certain steps,
she can deposit
her rent money
into an escrow ac-
count established
at the District
Court instead of
paying rent to her landlord.
Under Maryland law, if a landlord fails to repair serious or dangerous
defects in a rental unit, you have the right to pay your rent into an
escrow account established at the local District Court. But the law is
very specic about the conditions under which rent may be placed in
escrow. You must give the landlord proper notice and adequate time
to make the repairs before you have the right to place rent in escrow.
e escrow account can only be set up by the Court.
e serious or dangerous conditions include, but are not limited to:
Lack of heat, light, electricity, or water, unless you are respon-
sible for the utilities and the utilities were shut o because you
didnt pay the bill (lack of air conditioning is not considered a
serious or dangerous situation that would permit rent escrow);
Lack of adequate sewage disposal;
Rev. November 2023
Rodent infestation in two or more units;
Lead-based paint hazards that the landlord has failed to reduce;
e existence of any structural defect that presents a serious
threat to your physical safety; and
e existence of any condition that presents a serious re or
health hazard.
Rent escrow is not provided for defects that just make the apartment
or home less attractive or comfortable, such as small cracks in the
oors, walls, or ceiling.
In order to withhold rent for conditions that constitute a threat to
life, health, or safety, you must provide actual notice of the defects.
Besides rent escrow, what else can
a tenant do if a landlord does not
make repairs?
A tenant can report the landlord to local authorities. Under a
law that the Maryland General Assembly passed in 1986, every
county must adopt a housing code that meets minimum state-
wide standards. Some counties and Baltimore City have com-
prehensive housing and building codes
that are enforced by local authorities.
e local authorities will investigate
your complaint and, if the land-
lord is cited for violations, repairs
have to be made.
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You can notify the landlord by certied mail, or they may be notied
of the violations from an appropriate government agency, such as the
local housing department.
e landlord then has a reasonable amount of time after receiving
notice to correct the conditions. If the landlord fails to do this, you
may go to court to le a rent escrow action.
Before an escrow account can be established, the Court will hold
a hearing to listen to both sides of the story. If the facts call for a
rent escrow account to be set up, the judge can take several actions,
including returning all or part of the money to you as compensation,
returning all or part of the money to you or the landlord in order to
make repairs, or appointing a special administrator to ensure that the
repairs are made. Once the escrow account is established, you must
continue to regularly pay rent into this account.
Baltimore City has a rent escrow law that is very similar to state law.
erefore, Baltimore residents must exercise their rent escrow rights
under city law. If you reside in a county where a rent escrow law has
been adopted, you must follow procedures required under local law
for setting up an escrow account.
If you opt to withhold rent without establishing an escrow account,
you still must notify the landlord by certied mail of the problems
in the unit and of your refusal to pay the rent. However, the landlord
could take you to court and try to evict you. You may then defend
yourself by telling the Court your reasons for withholding rent. If
the Court agrees that the condition of your home or apartment poses
a serious threat to your life, health or safety, you will be required at
that time to put your rent payments into an escrow account until the
dispute is resolved.
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Landlord Retaliation Against Tenants
Q. Maria and two other tenants in her apartment complex cir-
culated a petition to form a tenants’ group to deal with the land-
lords failure to make repairs. e landlord’s nephew, who is also a
tenant in the complex, reported this activity to the landlord. e
landlord notied Maria that her rent would increase by $100 a
month. Does Maria have to pay the higher rent or face eviction?
A. No.
A landlord cannot evict you, increase your rent,
or fail to provide services because you organize or
join a tenants’ organization. The landlord also cant
take any of these actions if you complain to them,
file a good-faith complaint against them with
the housing inspection department
or other agency, or file a
Lead-based Paint Hazards
Q. Tyrone and Sarah rented an older rowhome. Because they had
young children, they asked the landlord if the home had lead-
based paint. e landlord said she had recently painted the walls
and woodwork and there was no chipping paint, so they didnt
need to worry. Should Tyrone and Sarah be satised with that
A. No. Both federal and Maryland law require a landlord renting
an older home (built before 1978) to, at the very least, give the
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tenant a specic pamphlet about lead-based paint hazards. More
importantly, Maryland law requires landlords renting homes built
before 1978 to give the tenant a Risk Reduction Certicate prov-
ing that the property has had lead risk reduction measures taken.
Lead-based paint found in older homes is extremely dangerous to
young children and preg-
nant women. Lead poi-
soning can cause learning
disabilities, hearing loss,
attention decit disorder,
loss of IQ, speech develop-
ment delays, hyperactivity,
and aggressive behavior in
children. It can cause ab-
normal fetal development
and miscarriage in pregnant
What Maryland Law Provides:
A landlord renting a property built before 1978 in Maryland must
meet three requirements before renting to you.
1. Register the property and pay a $30 fee annually to the Mary-
land Department of the Environment.
2. Give you the pamphlets “Lead Poisoning Prevention Program:
Notice of Tenant’s Rights” and “Protect Your Family from Lead
in Your Home.
3. Perform Full Risk Reduction Measures (lead hazard treatments)
in the property and get a Risk Reduction Certicate, and give
you a copy of the certicate before you move in.
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If a landlord receives a written “Notice of Defect” that there is chip-
ping or peeling paint, or a notice of a child with elevated blood lead
level in the property, the landlord must respond by performing Modi-
ed Risk Reduction Measures within 30 days of receiving the notice.
All tenants must be relocated while Risk Reduction Treatments are
being performed. If you are required to leave your house for more
than 24 hours while treatments are performed, the property owner
must pay reasonable expenses for overnight housing and possibly
meals for your family.
It’s illegal in Maryland for a landlord to retaliate and evict a tenant
primarily because the tenant or a housing inspector sends a notice to
the landlord informing them that there are lead hazards in the prop-
erty or that there is a child with an elevated blood lead level living in
the property.
Requirements of Federal Law
Federal law (Title X - e Federal Residential Lead-Based Paint Haz-
ard Reduction Act of 1992) requires that a landlord renting a prop-
erty built before 1978 disclose to the tenant any known lead-based
paint hazards on the property before the lease is nal. e landlord
must also give the tenant a “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your
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Home” pamphlet, which explains the dangers of lead-based paint
Fair Housing Reminder
It may be illegal for a landlord to require that a family disclose the
blood lead levels of their children prior to the approval of their rental
application, or to discriminate by refusing to rent to families with
children or families with lead-poisoned children. Some landlords have
been sued for these actions.
Q. Kevin and two fellow college students rented a house. e lease
stated that only three non-related adults could occupy the house,
but Kevin invited two more students to move in to share costs.
More Information
For more information on the dangers associated with
lead-based paint and how to deal with it in your home,
contact the Green & Healthy Homes Initiative at 410-
534-6447 or the Maryland Department of the Environ-
ment at 410-776-2706. Helpful information for tenants
and landlords can also be found in a pamphlet produced
by the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Consum-
er Product Safety Commission, and U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (http://www.epa.gov/
lead/protect-your-family-lead-your-home). If you suspect
your child has been exposed to lead-based paint, call
your child’s doctor immediately to request a blood test.
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After neighbors complained about loud parties, the landlord dis-
covered the extra tenants. He told the students he was evicting all
of them for breach of lease and they had to be out of the house by
the weekend. Could the landlord do that?
A. No. e land-
lord can evict
the students, but
must follow the
process set forth
by Maryland law.
Eviction is a legal
procedure. e
landlord cant just
tell you that you
have to move or
throw out your
belongings. To evict you, a landlord must go to District Court to get a
judgment against you. If a landlord moves your belongings out of the
home, changes the locks, or cuts o utilities without a court order, you
should call the police and an attorney or a legal services organization.
A landlord cannot evict you simply because you have led a complaint
or a lawsuit against them or because you have joined a tenants’ associa-
tion. is is called a “retaliatory eviction,” and you may be able to stop
an eviction by showing the Court that your landlord is evicting you for
one of these reasons.
e statewide Access to Counsel in Evictions Program, which is
funded through Fiscal Year 2027, provides low-income Marylanders
with counsel in eviction cases. For legal assistance, renters can call 211
or visit www.legalhelpmd.org.
A landlord can evict you for:
Nonpayment of rent. Your landlord can begin the eviction pro-
cess as soon as your rent due date has passed and you have not
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paid the rent. e landlord must provide you a written notice
of the landlords intent to le a failure to pay rent action against
you 10 days prior to ling it. In most instances, you can stop
the eviction any time before the sheri actually comes to evict
you by paying the rent that is owed.
“Holding over.” If you dont move out when your lease has
ended, your landlord may evict you for “holding over.” e
landlord must prove that they gave you proper written notice
(at least one month) of the ending of your lease.
Breach of lease. A landlord may evict you for breaking some
part of your lease (for example, by having more people living
in the home than the lease permits). Before going to court, the
landlord must give you one months advance written notice
ending the
lease (only
14 days
notice is
when the
tenant has
that con-
stitutes a
threat to
safety). e landlord will have to prove that you violated your
lease and that the violation was a serious one.
In addition, the states attorney, the county attorney, or a com-
munity association may bring an eviction action against tenants
involved in illegal drug activities.
If your landlord begins an eviction proceeding, you will receive
an official summons to attend a hearing. The summons may be
served on you in person, but it’s usually mailed and/or posted on
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the rental property. Dont ignore it. Go to the hearing and be on
time. If you dont show up, the landlord will probably win.
The hearing gives you the chance to tell your side of the story.
For example, you may be able to prove that you did pay the rent,
or that you tried to pay the rent but the landlord wouldnt accept
it, or that the landlord didnt give you a months written notice
that you had violated your lease and had to move out.
If the judge rules in favor of the landlord, within ve working days
the landlord can le a court order for the eviction—called a “warrant
of restitution”—and arrange for a sheri to oversee the eviction.
You may appeal an eviction judgment. e appeal must be made
within four days of the date of judgment in nonpayment of rent cases
and 10 days in breach of lease or holding over cases. You may have to
post a bond to cover the rent while waiting for the Circuit Court to
decide the appeal.
On the date of an eviction, the sheri will come to the rental unit
to order the tenant and everyone inside to leave. e landlord or the
landlords employees can then remove all property from the unit and
put it on the public right-of-way while the sheri supervises. Once
the property is moved from the unit, it’s the tenants responsibility.
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Help for Tenants Facing Eviction
If an eviction would leave you homeless, you may be eligible
for help from an eviction prevention program oered by a
nonprot housing assistance group or your local Depart-
ment of Social Services.
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Assistance with Rental Problems/Resources
Maryland Office of the Attorney General
e Consumer Protection Division has a Mediation Unit that can
help you try to resolve a dispute with a landlord.
Downtown Baltimore Oce
200 St. Paul Place, 16th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202-2021
Consumer Hotline: 410-528-8662 or toll-free 888-743-0023
9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
TDD for hearing impaired persons: 410-576-6372
Consumers can download or print a consumer complaint form or le
a complaint online.
Branch Oces
Cumberland Telephone Assistance
301-722-2000 • 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., 3rd Tuesday of each month
Frederick Telephone Assistance
301-600-1071 • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., 2nd and 4th ursday of each month
Prince Georges County Oce
9200 Basil Ct., Suite 301, Largo, MD 20774
301-386-6200 • 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
Western Maryland Oce
44 North Potomac St., Suite 104, Hagerstown, MD 21740
301-791-4780 • 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
Eastern Shore Oce
201 Baptist St., Salisbury, MD 21801
410-713-3620 • 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
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Southern Maryland Oce
15045 Burnt Store Rd., Hughesville, MD 20637
301-274-4620 or toll-free 866-366-8343 • Call for appointment.
County Consumer Offices
Although the Consumer Protection Division covers the entire state,
Montgomery and Howard Counties also have their own consumer
protection oces that could help you with rental problems. Contact
the oce to nd out if the county has its own landlord-tenant laws
that might oer you extra protection.
Howard County Oce of Consumer Protection
6751 Columbia Gateway Dr.
Columbia, MD 21046 • 410-313-6420
Montgomery County Oce of Consumer Protection
100 Maryland Ave.
Rockville, MD 20850 • 240-777-3636
Other Resources
You may also get help from these groups:
Public Justice Center (a nonprot legal advocacy organization that
focuses on systemic change for people living in poverty)
1 N. Charles St. Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21201
410-625-9409 • http://www.publicjustice.org/
Local Code Enforcement Agencies (check your local directory)
Maryland Legal Aid
Maryland Legal Aid is a private, nonprot law rm that oers free
legal services to people with limited incomes. If you require legal help
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to resolve a landlord-tenant dispute, and are nancially eligible for its
services, you can go to one of the Legal Aid oces located throughout
the state.
Central Legal Aid 500 E. Lexington St., Baltimore, MD 21202 •
410-951-7777, 800-999-8904
Anne Arundel County Oce 229 Hanover St., Annapolis, MD
21401 • 410-972-2700, 800-666-8330
Baltimore County Oce 215 Washington Ave., Suite 305, Towson,
MD 21204 • 410-427-1800, 877-878-5920
Howard County Oce District Court, 2nd Floor, 3451 Court
House Dr., Ellicott City, MD 21043 • 410-480-1057
Lower Eastern Shore Oce 111 High St., Salisbury, MD 21801 •
410-546-5511, 800-444-4099
Midwestern Maryland Oce (Carroll, Frederick, and Washington
Counties) 22 South Market St., Suite 11, Frederick, MD 21701 •
301-694-7414, 800-679-8813
Montgomery County Oce 600 Jeerson Plaza, Suite 430,
Rockville, MD 20852 • 240-314-0373, 855-880-9487
Northeastern Maryland Oce (Harford and Cecil Counties)
103 S. Hickory Ave., Bel Air, MD 21014 • 410-836-8202,
Prince Georges County Oce 8401 Corporate Drive, Suite 200
Landover, MD 20785 • 301-560-2101, 888-215-5316
Southern Maryland Oce P.O. Box 249, 15045 Burnt Store Rd.,
3rd Floor, Hughesville, MD 20637 • 301-932-6661, 877-310-1810
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Upper Eastern Shore Oce 106 N. Washington St., Suite 101,
Easton MD 21601 • 410-763-9676, 800-477-2543
Western Maryland Oce 110 Greene St.,
Cumberland, MD 21502 • 301-777-7474, 866-389-5243
Relevant Laws Concerning Landlord-
Tenant Issues in Maryland
You can access these laws at many county libraries or look up specic
sections of Maryland laws at http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/ (click on
the “Statutes” tab).
Maryland law
Annotated Code of Maryland
Real Property, Title 8: Landlord and Tenant
8-203 Security Deposits and Surety Bonds
8-203.1 Security deposit receipt
8-204 Right of tenant to possession at beginning of lease
8-205 Requirement of landlord to give tenant receipt
8-208 Automatic renewal provisions
8-208.1 Retaliatory evictions
8-208.2 Retaliatory actions for informing landlord of
lead poisoning hazards
8-211-211.1 Repair of dangerous defects; rent escrow
8-212.1 Liability of military personnel receiving certain orders
8-213 Applications for leases; deposits
8-401-403 Eviction
Real Property, Title 8A: Mobile Home Parks
Environment 6-801-852, Lead paint hazard reduction
Federal law
Title X - e Federal Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction
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Act of 1992
Frequently Asked Questions
My landlord has not repaired my dishwasher. Can I hold back part
of my rent until he does?
Not paying your full rent may put you at risk of being evicted. See page
14 for situations that might qualify for rent escrow.
e landlord says I damaged the carpet, but the stains were there
when I moved in. What can I do?
If you noted the stains on a move-in inspection form or a list of dam-
ages (see page 6), you have proof that you didnt cause the stains. If you
didnt note the stains as preexisting, it will be hard to prove and the
landlord may have a right to hold back part of your security deposit.
Do I have a grace period for late rent payments?
Your lease or local laws may give you a certain period of time (for
example, ve days) before a late fee is assessed. However, generally a
landlord may legally begin eviction proceedings as soon as your rent is
late. See page 22.
Can a landlord evict me just by telling me to leave or else they will
put my things on the street?
No, a landlord must go to court to get a judgment against you rst. See
page 22.
I was supposed to move in on the rst of the month. e other ten-
ant hasnt moved out. What are my rights?
You have the right to cancel the lease with written notice, and the land-
lord is liable to you for damages you suer as a result of not being able
to move in at the beginning of the lease. See page 11.
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My roommate or another tenant stops payment or moves out before
their lease is up. Who is responsible for paying their share of the
Even if your roommate/other tenant is listed on the lease, you may be
held liable for the full rent payment.
A landlord wouldnt rent to me, and I think its a case of discrimina-
tion. Who can I le a complaint with?
e Maryland Commission on Civil Rights investigates complaints of
housing discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin,
sex, age, familial status, or physical or mental handicap. Call 410-767-
8600 in Baltimore, 410-713-3611 around Salisbury, 301-790-4972
around Hagerstown, 301-880-2740 around Leonardtown, or 800-637-
6247 toll-free anywhere in Maryland.
Do I have to pay the last months rent? I thought that was what the
security deposit was for.
You are obligated to pay rent through the end of the lease, including
the last month. If you paid all your rent and didnt cause any damages,
the landlord will return your security deposit. See page 7.
Is there any limit to how much my landlord can increase the rent
for a new lease term?
Maryland state law has no rent control provisions, although local juris-
dictions may have rent control laws. See page 12 for more about lease
Can a landlord refuse to rent to me because I have a Section 8
Maryland’s Housing Opportunities Made Equal Act, known as the
HOME Act, took eect October 1, 2020, and prohibits housing
discrimination based on the source of a persons income. is means a
landlord cannot refuse to rent to you solely on the basis that you receive
some form of government assistance, such as a housing voucher.
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