MOH Design
August 10, 2022
City of Boston
Mayor Martin J. Walsh
Mayor's Office of Housing (MOH)
Sheila Dillon - Chief of Housing and Director of the Mayor's Office of Housing
Jessica Boatright - Deputy Director, Neighborhood Housing Development
Jay Lee, AIA, NOMA - Assistant Director of Design Construction Openspace
John Feuerbach - Senior Development Officer
Eva Jermyn - Staff Architect
Carl Hedman - Fellow
Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA)
Michael A. Cannizzo, Deputy Director for Urban Design
John Dalzell, AIA, LEED Fellow - Senior Architect for Sustainable Development
Boston Environment Department
Alison Brizius - Director of Climate and Environmental Planning
Zero Emissions Buildings Primary Consultants
Travis Anderson, CPHC - Director of Design Studio, Placetailor
Colin Booth - Strategic Director, Placetailor
Michelangelo Latona, AIA - Architect, Placetailor
Colin Schless, CPHC, LEED AP BD+C - Vice President, Thornton Tomasetti
Boston Disabilities Commission
Kristen McCosh, MA - Commissioner
Patricia Mendez, AIA, LEED AP BD+C - Director of Architectural Access
Sarah Leung - Architectural Access Specialist
Boston AgeStrong Commission
Emily K. Shea - Commissioner
Andrea Burns - Director, Age-Friendly Boston
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 3
Introduction & Purpose 7
Design Review Process 8
Funding Round Design Submission Requirements 8
Rehabilitation & Preservation 10
Capital Needs Assessment 10
Replacement Reserves 10
Green Building & Energy Performance 11
Rehabilitation Strategy Summary Chart 11
Unit Modification / Reconfiguration 11
Accessibility and Relocation 11
Adaptive Reuse and Gut Renovation 12
New Construction - Sustainability 13
Zero Emissions Building (ZEB) 13
Co2 Target Budget Requirements 14
Window U-value Performance, Window To Wall Ratio & Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 14
Air Tightness (ACH50/sf2 of gross envelope area) 15
Domestic Hot Water System Efficiency (COP) 15
Ventilation 15
Heat Recovery Ventilation 15
Heating System 15
Cooling System 15
Application of Heating, Cooling and Ventilation Requirements (Small Buildings; where
applicable) 15
Roof, Wall, Floor and Slab R-Value - Thermal Bridge Free Shell & Optimized Insulation 16
On-site Photovoltaics 16
Lighting, Appliances and Metering 16
Application Of ZEB Requirements 16
Small Buildings - 6 units or less 16
6 to 40 units 17
Large buildings - 40+ units. (Alternative ZEB Compliance) 17
Site & Building Planning 18
Neighborhood Relations 18
Neighborhood Context 18
Building Placement & Orientation 18
Parking and Mechanicals 18
Building Composition 18
Character and Materials 18
Foundation Wall Height 19
Site Work 19
Demolition 19
Soil Remediation – 21 E’s 19
PPT Lumber 19
Foundation 19
Basement Slabs 19
Moisture Content 19
Building Enclosure 19
Fenestration and Doors 20
Rough Carpentry and Roofs 20
Open Space 21
Fencing and Buffers 21
Trees and Landscaping 21
Stormwater Management 22
Curb Ramps 22
Interior Building & Unit Layouts 23
Universal Design 23
Accessibility 23
Townhouses in Multifamily dwellings 23
Broadband Access 24
Artist Live Work Considerations 24
Artist Live Work Housing Preference - Tenant Selection and Home Buying Eligibility 24
Unit Dimensional & Use Requirements 24
Amenity Space 24
In Unit Workspace 25
Unit Layout Best Practices 25
MOH Unit Size - Targets 25
Unit Layout Best Practices 26
Unit Dimensional & Use Requirements 26
Bedrooms 26
Application of Bedroom requirements 26
Living Areas 26
Application of Living Area requirements 27
Kitchens 27
Application of Kitchen requirements 27
Closets and Pantries 27
Bathrooms 27
Application of Bathroom requirements 27
Laundry 28
Interior Unit Diagrams 29
Example Unit Layouts 30
Single Person Occupancy Types 35
Interior Unit Specifications 36
Rough Carpentry - Wood Blocking 36
Finish Carpentry and Millwork 36
Cabinetry 36
Sealants 36
Interior Door & Window Casing 36
Baseboard Trim 36
Doors 36
Unit Entry Doors 36
Door Hardware 36
Finishes 37
Ceramic Tile 37
Engineered Wood & Hardwood Flooring 37
Linoleum 37
Vinyl Plank and Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT) 37
Carpet 37
Painting 37
Safety & Security 38
Plumbing 38
Water Supply 38
Electrical and Fire Protection 39
Appendix 40
Other MOH Resources & Policies 40
Federal 40
State 40
Local Municipal 40
Existing Buildings/ Structures 41
Universal Design Resources 41
Zero Emissions, Building Enclosure & Other References 41
Introduction & Purpose
The following DESIGN STANDARDS are intended to promote the construction of affordable residential
dwellings of high quality, which are cost-effective to build and operate, use reliable materials and systems, and
support the activities of renters and buyers. A major goal of these requirements and guidelines is to encourage
the creation of multifamily residential dwellings which:
Result in prudent and economical construction.
Are sensitive to existing residential building types, existing massing, setbacks, siting, and open space
elements of the neighborhood.
Make intelligent use of the interior and exterior space to enhance the quality of life of residents and
Maximize accessible, welcoming, and safe spaces, with the understanding that people have different
needs and abilities that can change over time.
Encourage sustainability strategies which result in low maintenance costs, energy efficiency, and
minimal environmental impact on public infrastructure.
Design Review Process
MOH Design pursues design excellence with a focus on improving life for the people of the city of Boston,
particularly those with the greatest need. Through the Design Review Process, MOH partners with
development teams to: 1. create affordable, equitable, and sustainable housing for residents and newcomers
using design principles that contribute to a high quality of life; 2. preserve and enhance the urban fabric of the
neighborhoods by building and supporting thriving communities; and 3. ensure that public resources are used
to help as many people as possible.
MOH reviews each project’s design and pricing progress at key milestones in the architectural process. These
checkpoints serve to ensure that a project is meeting MOH’s goals and to provide a framework for open
communication about project challenges and changes. In order to assist development teams with the Design
Review Process, MOH provides Design Review checklists for each review milestone listed below. The checklists
are intended to make MOH’s expectations at each design phase transparent and straightforward. Development
teams must review their submission materials, fill out the appropriate checklist, and then submit it along with
the past checklists (for reference) and the current design submission. Refer to MOH’s Design Review checklists
for more information. The key milestones with checklists are:
Funding Application (if applying for funding) & Schematic Design
Design Development
Construction Documents & Bid Package
Bidding & Contractor Selection
Draft Construction Contract
Closing (for materials needed for MOH’s construction staff’s use as the project transitions into
The flowchart below illustrates MOH’s Design Review Process and should be used in planning the development
schedule. A more detailed description of the MOH Design Review Process can be found on the MOH Housing
Policies webpage (see Appendix).
Funding Round Design Submission Requirements
At the time of application for funding, the Design Submission is to consist of the following, to be submitted in
digital format on a physical device such as a memory stick, as described in the funding RFP:
Completed Funding Application & Schematic Design checklist
Drawings with content described in the Funding Application & Schematic Design checklist
Renderings of the proposed design
Outline specifications with content described in the Funding Application & Schematic Design checklist
Preliminary description of the Net Zero Emissions and Energy strategy
Capital Needs Assessment if the project involves any existing structures
The design submission is to focus on the best description of the physical design of the proposed project. The
set is to illustrate the site planning for the development and the building(s)’ proposed relationship to contextual
features and existing buildings. Documentation should focus on illustrating the massing, how the building will
meet the streetscape and provide an overall context in which to understand the scale of the building(s) and
their exterior finish. The set is also to include the interior spatial layout of each floor, dimensioned unit layouts,
and all building elevations. See Design Review checklists for specifics.
Rehabilitation & Preservation
Preservation project development teams are to provide a comprehensive rehabilitation strategy, which
combines the established 20-year Capital Needs Assessment (C.N.A.) with practical green building and energy
performance recommendations. Applicants are to provide a C.N.A. and the replacement reserve analysis which
focuses on improving the quality of life of residents, ensuring the long-term stabilization of the building and
protecting the health and safety of building occupants. Green building recommendations are to use LEED for
Homes, Healthy Homes, and Energy star as a basis and pay particular attention to improving poor indoor air
quality, inadequate ventilation and other unhealthy interior conditions for residents. The energy performance
assessment is to evaluate where improvements can be made to reduce operating costs by improving the energy
and water efficiency of the building(s). Considerable improvements can be obtained by providing workshops to
introduce conservation strategies and healthy homes measures to residents. Where unit layout or
reconfiguration is proposed, the rehabilitation strategy is to address these modifications.
Capital Needs Assessment
The C.N.A. is to project the potential capital costs over a 20-year period using a quantity inventory of building
components (including the age and expected life of these components), data on their current cost, assumed
rates of inflation and a schedule of replacement. The C.N.A. must have been conducted by a qualified
professional less than 2 years prior to the submission to this application for funding. Projects with multiple
buildings must complete a C.N.A. for each building.
A complete C.N.A. will include a detailed 20-year capital needs worksheet. A report summarizing the existing
property conditions with color photos, a description of projected needs as reflected in the C.N.A. and final
replacement recommendations are to accompany the worksheet. In addition applicants are to provide the
A chart or (bar) graph to summarize costs in each building system or major work category between
years 1-20 as recommended by the C.N.A.
A narrative summary of the following priority areas as reflected by the immediate replacement
recommendations in the C.N.A. This narrative is also to focus on life safety upgrades required by code:
Building Stabilization – exterior envelope, structure, egress
Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing & Fire Protection Systems
Hazardous Materials & De-leading
Ventilation, Indoor Air Quality – bath, kitchen, common area
Interior Quality & Finish – including healthy homes
Replacement Reserves
The replacement reserve analysis is to project the funds required for capital improvements over a 20-year
period. The analysis should include the prior 3 to 5 years reserves. Each of the following documents is to
include a chart or (bar) graph to illustrate the analysis. Also include capital costs with the chart or graph for
A replacement reserve projection based on existing reserves.
A replacement reserve projection based on the reserves proposed in the rehabilitation strategy.
Green Building & Energy Performance
Operating expenses are to specifically include utility costs for gas, electricity and water. Maintenance costs are
to be included as an operating expense, if repairs to fixtures, heating equipment, appliances, lighting, etc. can
be quantified. An analysis of existing operating costs should include historical trends 3 to 5 years prior and an
energy audit conducted by a qualified energy auditor or home energy rater. More extensive thermal imaging
and deconstructive exploration is to be conducted when known deficiencies exist in the building envelope (roof,
floors, exterior walls, etc.) Operating savings are to be determined from identifying where “energy”
improvements have the greatest cost benefit (life cycle cost compared to payback period.) These operating
savings are to be projected over a 20-year period based on the rehabilitation strategy.
Use LEED for Homes, Healthy Homes and Energy star as a basis for Green building and pay particular attention
to improving poor indoor air quality, inadequate ventilation and other unhealthy interior conditions for
residents. A complete assessment will include a summary of the “green” and “energy” improvements with a
description of expected resident benefits, operating cost reductions including utility savings. Thermal imaging,
investigative photos & reports from the energy audit and detailed spreadsheets analyzing existing operating
expenses and proposed operating savings (cost benefits) are to be provided. In addition applicants are to
provide the following:
A 20-year projection of operating cost savings based on the rehabilitation strategy.
Rehabilitation Strategy Summary Chart
Please include a chart or (bar) graph, which combines operational savings, replacement reserves and capital
needs over a 20-year period in a single illustration. Capital needs improvements are to be broken into
categories based on the rehabilitation strategy. This graph is to reflect an understanding of the fund allocation
within the capital improvements in comparison to the funds/savings allocated to replacement reserves.
Unit Modification / Reconfiguration
Compliance with MOH’s unit size and room dimensions is not required for Moderate Rehabilitation
Preservation projects where the interior layout of residential units remains unchanged and systems upgrades
are the focus of the proposed project.
Rehabilitation strategies that minimize the reconfiguration of existing units are highly preferred and
encouraged by MOH. However, MOH understands that there are cases where the existing residence serves a
program or serves a particular target population and the existing accommodations are no longer adequate for
the program. In addition, the characteristics of the building (dimensions, window locations, square footage,
interior layout, circulation, etc.) provide specific constraints on the configuration of units. In these cases, the
development teams are not required to meet the Target Unit Sizes listed in these Design Standards. However,
the development team is encouraged to strive to meet the Target Unit Sizes and room dimensional
requirements described in these Design Standards in areas that are being reconfigured where it does not
greatly increase the scope of work to do so. The team is to schedule a site visit and meet with MOH design staff
to explain the need for reconfiguration and discuss the approach to reconfiguration prior to submission to a
funding round. The development team should reference these Design Standards and local code to assess
whether proposed interior rooms are adequately sized.
Accessibility and Relocation
Applicants are to clearly explain any need to modify the existing configuration of units for any reason including
accessibility and life safety. Applicants are to determine whether the renovation scope of work (when
compared to the building value) triggers compliance with accessibility regulations. A unit inventory listing the
unit, unit square footage and number of bedrooms is to be provided in order to assess the impact of
reconfiguration on the existing unit mix. Applicants are also required to summarize temporary or permanent
displacement caused by the reconfiguration of units (Note URA requirements in the Application Process).
Provide the following in addition to the narrative explanation described above:
A unit inventory is to be provided, organized per building listing each unit’s major rooms, their
dimensions and square footage.
Adaptive Reuse and Gut Renovation
New construction requirements and guidelines described throughout these Design Standards are to be used
where an existing building is being adapted from a nonresidential use to a residential use and when residential
units are proposed to be completely gutted.
When residential units are proposed to be completely gutted, the development team must substantiate the
need for this approach. The Rehabilitation Strategy narrative is the place to explain how the development team
has verified that the Capital Needs and Useful life of systems and building components have reached the point
of complete overhaul.
New Construction - Sustainability
MOH has led the way with sustainability in affordable housing. Since 2008, MOH, working with the Boston
Planning & Development Agency, Environment Department, energy providers, architects and affordable
housing developers, has successfully facilitated a number of activities in pursuit of the City’s Green Building
Initiatives Program. We have long recognized that building performance, material durability, operating savings,
resident comfort and resident health can be significantly improved when appropriate energy conservation and
sustainability measures are integrated into the building design.
All projects must be designed to beLEED “certifiable” at the Silver level at minimum. Certification by LEED in
any way is not required. Compliance with an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Energy Star residential
program is required as a prerequisite of LEED. Commissioning is required by MOH and in-field verification
(except where required by LEED or Engerystar) is strongly recommended. Projects complying with Enterprise
Green Communities must demonstrate equivalence with LEED sustainability measures. Incentives and rebates
through agencies such as the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (CEC) and MassSave are to be integrated into
the sustainability strategy for the project.
Zero Emissions Building (ZEB)
We have expanded the sustainable design and green building practices embodied within the Design Standards
to reflect strategies to address climate change and the City of Boston’s goals to reduce building carbon
emissions to zero by 2050. The Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) sets
requirements for large buildings to reduce their energy and water use data. The goal is to reduce their
emissions gradually to net zero by 2050. BERDO applies to the following buildings:
Non-residential buildings that are 20,000 square feet or larger.
Residential buildings that have 15 or more units.
Any parcel with multiple buildings that sum to at least 20,000 square feet or 15 units.
Buildings between 20,000 and 35,000 square feet or residential buildings with 15 to 35 units will need to begin
reporting their energy use in 2022. While these buildings will not be subject to the emissions standards until
2031, reporting for 2030 emissions, MOH’s ZEB requirements work to ensure new affordable housing funded by
the City of Boston is prepared to meet these emissions goals upon their completion.
MOH’s ZEB requirements are based on the recommendations contained with the 2020 guidebook for Zero
Emission Buildings. The guidebook makes specific recommendations which provide a prescriptive path to a
ZEB without extensive need for consulting and energy modeling. The following building assembly components
were studied because they have the greatest impact on a building’s EUI:
Window U-valueWindow to wall ratio & Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
Air Tightness (ACH50/sf2 of gross envelope area)
Heat recovery ventilation efficiency
Domestic Hot Water System Efficiency (COP)
Heating + Cooling System Efficiency (COP & SEER/EER)
Roof, Wall, Floor and Slab R-Value
Photovoltaic system capacity (KW) and Roof Area percentage
The study team discovered that there is a total construction cost increase in the range of 2.5%. Incentives are
available to offset engineering soft costs and utility rebates exist to lower total construction costs per unit. The
long term operational savings means lower rents for residents and more sustainable hoa fees (repair &
maintenance reserves) for homeowners. We see these requirements as an investment to make housing more
economically sustainable for the future and address issues of equity in society. In the field, educational and
training opportunities, partnering with Boston based apprenticeship, high school workforce training programs
and simply engaging the immediate stakeholders of the project through social media and dedicated project
websites are effective ways to address Equity in the development process. We want projects to build
momentum toward the Mayor’s 2050 Zero Carbon Vision and adoption of ZEB principles widely.
Co2 Target Budget Requirements
All new MOH construction must be designed based on a Co2 target budget of 0.7-1.1 tons/person/year, or
1800kWh per person annually (SITE energy, 5,040 KWH per person SOURCE energy (using a 2.8x multiplier for
electricity)* based on an occupancy of 2 occupants per bedroom) and must use electricity and on-site
photovoltaics as the sole (or primary) fuel source. This target relates to the residential portion of a mixed use
project. Commercial and significant areas of amenity space within a mixed-use or multifamily project must use
electricity and on-site photovoltaics as the sole (or primary) fuel source.
*projects must use MOH’s occupancy for calculation of occupants and miscellaneous electric loads (MELS) , which
is equivalent to 2 persons per bedroom. Note this will be an increase in occupancy from PHIUS’ “number of
bedrooms+1” per unit calculation.
Projects must simply implement the following prescriptive measures to meet the ZEB Requirement.
A checklist, drawings and specifications documenting these elements
A HERS checklist from a HERS rater
Or a Passive House report submitted by a Certified Passive House Consultant
This is all that is required to comply with the Co2 Target Budget requirements. MOH has phased the
implementation of this prescriptive path based on feedback received during the study phase for Large projects.
Refer to Application of ZEB Requirements for more information on ZEB compliance paths.
Window U-value Performance, Window To Wall Ratio & Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
All windows are to have a National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) rating (and be Energy Star rated.) Wood,
wood-clad, aluminum, fiberglass and uPVC windows which meet the performance standards are acceptable for
new construction.
Where window to wall ratios exceed these percentages, the window u-value must be determined by energy
modeling. Window to Wall Ratio (%) of total surface area and the required u-value & window performance is
shown below.
15 to 20% requires a window with a u-value of .22 or less
> 20% requires a (triple glazed) window with a u-value of 0.18 or less
All windows must have an Energy Star Air Leakage of <0.3 cfm/ft2 @ 75 pascals.
And a Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) of .3 or less
Note: MOH prioritizes the composition of buildings fitting into their context. The building’s composition is an
important element of the design review process. MOH will work with architects to be certain that the window
to wall ratio does not negatively impact the building design.
All windows should be sealed and receive pan flashing including pan flashing at sills, side flashing. Install pan
flashing over building paper at sills using an industry approved water management system. For installation
using other construction methods refer to the appendix. Caulk all window (and door) units with ethylene
copolymer caulk, using backer rod, closed cell polyethylene and fill window shim spaces with a low-expanding
foam sealer as required. The warranty period is to be a minimum of 10 years and be transferable to subsequent
owners. For insulating glass, the warranty period should be 5 years after the seal date permanently imprinted on
the unit, but not less than 5 years after the date of substantial completion.
Air Tightness (ACH50/sf2 of gross envelope area)
Airtightness plays an essential role in terms of overall building and insulation performance. MA CMR requires
all new construction to have air barriers and weather resistant barriers.
Projects are required to provide third party Quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) (at the
Project Management level) to ensure an air tightness of 0.06 ACH cfm/sf2 of gross envelope area @ 50
pascals is achieved.
Domestic Hot Water System Efficiency (COP)
Domestic Hot Water systems with a Coefficient of Performance (COP) of 1 or greater are required. Domestic
Hot Water systems may be centralized or unique to individual units. Options include:
Instant-electric resistance hot water heaters (COP 1), or
Heat-pump hot water heaters (COP 2+).
Compartmentalized unit ventilation in conjunction with hrv or erv with direct venting to the exterior is
preferred. In the unit erv/hrv may be connected to bathroom and kitchen area ventilation (non-combustion
appliance required).
Semi centralized ventilation per floor may be an acceptable alternative.
Bathroom ventilation must be continuous and allow for variable control for odors unless the system
can be shown to operate in a way to accommodate these conditions.
Ductless range hoods with charcoal filters are to be Energy Star rated.
Heat Recovery Ventilation
Small multifamily (6+ units) 57% + 0.77 watts per CFM
3 story multifamily (14+ units) 57% + 0.77 watts per CFM
4-5 story multifamily (40+ units) 80% + 0.77 watts per CFM(see large buildings)
6 story multifamily (50+ units) 80% + 0.77 watts per CFM(see large buildings)
Heating System
Small multifamily (6+ units) Heat pump 1 ton system/unit - ductless (prefered) - 3.0 COP (or more)
3 story multifamily (14+ units) Heat pump 1 ton system/unit - 3.0 COP (or more)
4-5 story multifamily (40+ units) see large buildings
6 story multifamily (50+ units) see large buildings
Ducts should be located entirely within the building thermal envelope. The tested duct leakage rate must meet
MA Residential IECC Energy Performance Testing requirements verified by a BPI or HERS Rater. Tested duct
leakage should be less than or equal to 4.0 cfm at 25 Pascals per 100 square feet of conditioned floor area (for
each installed system).
Cooling System
Energy star rated - ≥15 SEER/ ≥12.5 EER for split systems
Energy star rated - ≥15 SEER/ ≥12 EER for single package equipment including electric package units.
Application of Heating, Cooling and Ventilation Requirements (Small Buildings; where applicable)
Ducting shall run straight to the exterior, pulled tight without kinks or bends, with insulated duct
discharging through a galvanized steel or aluminum wall or roof cap with a back draft damper, insect
screen and wind hood.
Range hoods shall be vented to the outdoors
Bathroom exhaust systems should operate continuously at low speed and include switching to boost
discharge ventilation following occupant use by at least 50%
All bathroom doors shall be undercut 1/2" to promote required air changes throughout the unit. (as
applicable per building code.)
Exterior wall caps are to be detailed and located to be as inconspicuous as possible.
Where central AC is not provided, place 20 amp circuits under windows for AC units in the living room
and bedrooms. Through-wall AC units are forbidden.
If baseboard heating is used, piping must be offset below the floor so that wall space can be kept clear
of dummy trim for furniture placement. Heating element locations must be coordinated with
functional furniture layouts. In bedrooms, there must be space to place beds against walls without
baseboard heating.
Note: Thermostat Controls - Heat pump thermostat control is to be based on manufacturer
requirements. Where wired thermostats are used in multi-unit building systems, building level remote
control is recommended. Programmable thermostats (in unit control) are to be used per Energy Star
Roof, Wall, Floor and Slab R-Value - Thermal Bridge Free Shell & Optimized Insulation
Teams must examine the selected insulation products with low global warming potential (GWP). Many XPS
products and high GWP closed-cell spray foam insulations are of concern. Excellent alternatives exist on the
market that use low global warming potential blowing agents. One example includes closed cell spray insulation
that uses HFOs as a blowing agent (see appendix). Cellulose (recycled newsprint), cotton, wool, low-density
open-cell polyurethane foam, and recycled-content glass fiberglass are to be fully explored.
Drawings must contain a whole building and wall section diagrams illustrating a continuous insulation and
air/vapor barrier without thermal bridges. Insulation values are to be as follows:
Roof R60
Walls R36 (R30 - Large Buildings)
Slab R21
On-site Photovoltaics
Buildings must be placed considering the optimal solar orientation (in addition to wind direction for natural
ventilation and wind buffering). “Solar ready” buildings must indicate the clear roof area free of any
obstructions that would hinder future PV installation. This area typically represents at least 75% of the roof
area. Where buildings can only implement a portion of the required photovoltaics to reach zero emissions, the
remaining percentage must be kept clear in order to increase on-site renewables over time. Solar-ready
measures such as chases for conduit runs, structural provisions, space allocation for converters and other
equipment, etc. must be included into the construction. Methods for providing summer shading for
south-facing walls are to be considered.
The size of the Solar PV system must be indicated in kW to produce a ZEB. At minimum, the project must
submit a PV Watts report (see appendix) showing the system capacity (monthly and annual Kwh production).
Lighting, Appliances and Metering
Lighting and equipment requirements are to be consistent with the PHIUS multifamily calculator. All applicable
appliances shall be Energy Star rated and meet Watersense Requirements. Individual electric metering shall be
provided for units. Switched ceiling-mounted lighting fixtures are required in all interior unit rooms and in
building common areas including stairwells.
Application Of ZEB Requirements
Small Buildings - 6 units or less
ZEB Small buildings will most easily meet the Carbon Neutral targets outlined in these requirements (and
underscore the “portfolio concept” described within the study). Buildings in this category have the ability to
produce energy to return to the grid, meaning the residents will have low electric utility bills. At a small %
increase in overall construction cost, these measures can be added within typical MOH subsidy limits. The PV
system may be the only challenge to development teams. Therefore Buildings with 6 or fewer units (including 1
& 2 Family Dwellings) must factor in solar orientation and PV KW capacity in the conceptual design but are only
required to be “ZEB ready.
However, where MOH Standards are referenced in a request for proposals (RFP) , full compliance with ZEB
requirements is mandatory. Projects in this category may demonstrate alternative compliance in the following
areas, subject to MOH Design Review and Approval:
Roof, Wall, Floor and Slab R-Value
Window U-value Performance, Window To Wall Ratio & Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
6 to 40 units
Projects between 6 and 40 units must simply implement the prescriptive measures to meet the ZEB
Requirement (that’s it.) If any requirement is not met, modeling must be provided to demonstrate that an
alternative approach to the requirement complies with the Co2 Target Budget Requirements.
Large buildings - 40+ units. (Alternative ZEB Compliance)
A multifamily building 4 stories or more and 40+ units (and other applicable projects) may demonstrate
alternative ZEB compliance with the ZEB Co2 target budget of 0.7-1.1 tons/person/year, or 1800kWh per person
annually (SITE energy, 5,040 KWH per person SOURCE energy (using a 2.8x multiplier for electricity)* ) by using
a performance path. Such building projects must comply with the following:
Assume 2 occupants per bedroom (not the standard 2+1 approach).
Modeled results must be produced using WUFI+WUFI Passive or PHPP, or any simulation tool capable
of simulating all 8760 hours of building performance such as EnergyPlus, DOE-2, IES-VE or Trane
Trace .
Lighting and equipment requirements are to be consistent with the PHIUS multifamily calculator (see
Appendix) .
Where electric DHW systems are not integrated into large buildings, the project team is to consider
systems which can be adapted in the future for electrification.
Must submit verified energy model data and a summary (PHIUS or PHI feedback forms. see appendix)
based on the general requirements above and the building assembly elements composing the building’s
Energy Use Intensity (EUI, the building’s annual energy use relative to its gross square footage).
Are required to provide in the field educational and training opportunities by partnering with Boston
based apprenticeship and high school workforce training programs (Equity and Inclusion). These
programs and the ZEB principles being used within the project are to be documented on a publicly
accessible website and via social media in order to promote ZEBs.
Passive house certification/precertification complying with the above criteria may be submitted to
demonstrate performance within the ZEB Co2 target budget at application. Projects pursuing the passive house
method of demonstrating compliance must certify their projects using Passive House Institute U.S. (PHIUS) or
Passive House International (PHI).
Project teams at application and during the design review process must submit energy model data and
a summary using PHIUS or PHI feedback forms with the LOI from the PHIUS verifier.
Site & Building Planning
The following section outlines commonly understood principles for the building planning and site design of
residential buildings. These principles are not applicable to every context, however they provide specific
guidance intended to shape a development team’s proposal early in the development process.
Neighborhood Relations
Development teams should be aware of the condition of the buildings surrounding the site and strategize how
to protect existing structures and communicate with neighbors. Community notifications, seismic testing, and
other measures should be considered as applicable.
Neighborhood Context
It is a primary concern that all housing developments fit into and enhance existing neighborhoods. In general,
sites available for development in Boston are infill and set within the context of an existing neighborhood which
has developed a unique character over time. Architects will be asked to demonstrate that they have analyzed
the typology and composition of other buildings in the immediate vicinity of the site. The design concept
should respond to the unique characteristics of this neighborhood analysis. Development proposals are to knit
together the residential fabric through the project design. (see Appendix for Design Principles
Illustrations-future add)
Building Placement & Orientation
New buildings are to align with existing buildings and face primary and secondary streets. Buildings placed at
corners are to consider how the building placement and the location of building or open space uses can enliven
the street, both during the day and the evening.
Parking and Mechanicals
Parking and mechanical areas are to be placed at the side or rear of the site away from and concealed from the
street. Landscape buffers are to be used to maintain separation and privacy between neighboring properties.
Parking layouts are to minimize the area of impervious pavement and curb cuts.
The location of transformers are subject to BPDA and MOH review. Transformers are located away from
primary entries and building frontage.
Building Composition
Architects must present a parti or a generative concept diagram for the building design.
Character and Materials
The building’s characteristics and materials are to focus on high quality detailing and material rather than the
use of many different materials for the exterior envelope. A single material should compose the majority of the
building envelope. Building materials on residential buildings must employ a level of detail that conveys a
human scale and residential feel. The character of the building is to be consistent on all sides of the building
and offer the same engagement to the pedestrian at the front and the rear where appropriate. Blank,
unfenestrated elevations will not be allowed. Materials at the ground floor are to be durable (typically
composed of masonry for longevity). Pitched rooflines are to extend eaves 18 inches to 2 feet and keep water
away from the building. Whether contemporary or historical in nature, cornices, parapets and trim detailing
must function to terminate the top of the building. All exterior dwelling entrances must have
weather-protected entries such as canopies, covered porches, or recessed alcoves.
Foundation Wall Height
Wall heights should mirror the foundation wall height of residential buildings within the neighborhood context.
Use 1 to 20 grading to lift the first floor elevation to 18” to 24” where accessibility is required.
Site Work
The removal of all hazardous materials such as asbestos-containing materials (ACM’s) and lead-based paint
must be carried out according to all applicable State and Federal regulations, including but not limited to the
Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, and U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency.
The Developer should have a complete understanding of the scope of shoring or other site or building
stabilization should it be required.
Soil Remediation – 21 E’s
A summary and an accurate estimate of the 21-E soil remediation plan is to be provided including grading plans
and soil tests. The demolition and excavation scope is to include strategies which divert usable soils and debris
from landfills through recycling or reuse where acceptable.
PPT Lumber
Preservative pressure treated wood (PPT) should be used at all locations where framing joins exterior concrete.
Where PPT lumber is used, this lumber is to be arsenic free. The use of chromated copper arsenate treated
wood (CCA) is prohibited.
Concrete and soil compaction tests should be performed by a qualified testing lab for all buildings where
applicable. Water leakage and/or masonry tests may be required in certain buildings. Provide damp-proofed
foundations resting on proper footings on undisturbed or properly compacted soil. Install exterior insulation at
foundation wall from the footing to grade level, after damp proofing has dried and prior to backfill.
Basement Slabs
Install basement concrete slab on a 4” bed of 0.5” diameter or greater clean or washed gravel, covered with a
minimum 6 mil polyethylene sheeting lapped a minimum of 12” at joints; or alternately a minimum of 4” uniform
layer of sand, overlain with a layer or strips of geo-textile drainage matting, covered with polyethylene sheeting
lapped a minimum of 12” at joints. Two inch or greater thickness of expanded polystyrene rigid insulation (EPS)
or extruded polystyrene insulation (XPS) that complies with ZEB requirements is to be installed under the
entire slab to inhibit heat loss and moisture problems.
Control/isolation joints should be provided in basement slabs. A thermal break must be provided between the
vertical slab edge and the foundation wall.
Moisture Content
Where flooring is to be installed above concrete or other poured installations (for example to control sound or
provide fire protection), the moisture content should meet flooring manufacturers’ installation and warranty
requirements. Adhesives used in the installation of flooring are subject to failure where concrete moisture
content is present. Therefore, high performance concrete admixtures and/or spray moisture barriers free of all
volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) and mold and bacteria growth inhibitors should be used to ensure a
moisture content acceptable for all flooring applications anticipated for the project.
Building Enclosure
A drainage plane between exterior cladding and air/vapor membrane is maintained in all conventional
rainscreen construction techniques.
Masonry rainscreen walls must be designed and constructed in conformance with conventional construction
techniques including among other items: 9 gauge corrosion resistant wire ties spaced a minimum of 24” on
center vertically and horizontally securely attached to a backup wall (typically wood or metal stud). All
penetrations and joints into the air/vapor barriers must be sealed with a membrane or coating. A 2” air space is
recommended (1” min.) to be kept clear of mortar droppings. Flashing must be placed at all locations where the
air space is interrupted and must be waterproof, durable and protected against corrosion or degradation.
All exterior siding materials are to be back primed as required. All cladding materials are to be installed
according to manufacturer’s specifications. 5/4” trim must be used with cementitious siding and panels. The
use of vinyl siding is forbidden.
Vent locations on exterior walls must be limited and eliminated from street-facing elevations where possible.
Where vents do occur, their layouts must be organized and coordinated with the exterior design of the
Fenestration and Doors
Windows are to have architecturally appropriate exterior detailing based on casings at head and jamb (on 3
sides) and a protruding sill to push water away from the window opening. Windows must be set into the wall
assembly to provide depth in the facade.
Aluminum windows, wood windows, wood windows clad in aluminum or vinyl, fiberglass windows, and uPVC
windows with a low u value (and excellent thermal performance) may be used, based on context and building
Steel Doors
Provide 18 gauge interior door frame minimum and 16 gauge exterior door frame when set in exterior and
interior masonry door sets. Do not use applied decorative molding to exterior doors.
Storm/Screen Combination Exterior Doors
The use of combination storm and screen doors at any exterior entries, front and rear, is required for rental
units (Boston Sanitary code), including rental units in one-to-three-family owner-occupied houses. Frames are
to be caulked (color to match) according to manufacturer instructions.
Garage Doors
Garage doors must be provided at any garage entrances; open entrances are not permitted.
Rough Carpentry and Roofs
Wood product sheathing is to be installed in strict accordance with manufacturers’ exposure, spacing, and span
ratings and is to be stamped by a recognized agency to show those ratings.
Pitched Roofs
A self-adhered bituthene product should be used on the first 3'-0" of the roof sheathing on all pitched roof
applications as well as 3’-0” to both sides of valleys and cheek walls prior to installing the metal drip edge, felt
paper and shingles. Roof pitches less than 5 in 12 should be completely covered with the modified bitumen
Provide step flashing at intersections of roof and walls with the exception of continuous flashing at metal and
rubber membrane roofs. Use metal kick out flashing at the end of roof/wall intersections to direct water away
from the wall. The use of exposed anodized aluminum flashing anywhere other than step flashing at dormer
and cheek walls is strongly discouraged. Provide continuous roll flashing at shed roofs. Flashing should be
factory painted – no mill finish.
Gutters are to be sized per code requirements and made of seamless 0.032 Ga., factory-painted aluminum (not
vinyl) securely fastened with straps of the same material and color as the gutters and sealed per manufacturer’s
recommendations. Do not discharge water from a gutter directly to the ground nor into another gutter nor
onto a lower roof below. Size downspouts based on the required roof surface area. Downspouts are to be .027
Ga. minimum aluminum. Downspouts with type 'A' and 'B' elbows should be securely fastened to the sidewall
with straps of the same material and color as the downspouts. Downspouts must divert water away from the
building by connecting to the stormwater drainage system. Splash blocks, dry wells and other methods to divert
water away from entryways or sidewalks may be required by MOH where appropriate.
At minimum, fiberglass/asphalt roof shingles or equivalent, with a minimum 25 year warranty, are to be used.
Flat Roofing
Flat roof applications should receive light colored, fully adhered compounded rubber sheet elastomeric (EPDM)
single membrane 0.060" thick sheets installed by the manufacturer’s certified installer, and applied per
manufacturer’s warranted specifications. Large roof areas may consist of mechanically fastened and ballasted
EPDM. Roof parapet cap flashing should be .050 Ga. factory-painted aluminum min.
Sealing Materials
All plumbing, electrical and other penetrations of walls and floors should be sealed with polyurethane caulk. All
sealants should consist of low or no VOC’s.
Open Space
Open space areas for active and passive outdoor activities such as play space, sitting areas, and areas dedicated
for gardening are to be designed into the site planning. These spaces are to be accessible, attractive and
inviting to residents, particularly for families and children. Patios, front yards, porches, or balconies are smaller
open spaces that assist in creating the community interaction of larger open spaces.
Fencing and Buffers
Fencing, walls, hedges, lines of trees, or other landscaping can assist with defining the street edge and
perimeter of the site. Fencing and buffering material and height should complement similar elements in the
If any fencing is used at the street edge and other areas visible from the street, multifamily projects are to use
decorative metal fencing and gates at these locations. Heavy-duty vinyl-covered chain link fencing or wood
stockade fencing should be restricted to property edges that do not face a public street. Fencing should be at
least 48" high. Chain link fencing with 2" diameter, black, hot-dipped galvanized posts no more than 10'-0"
apart and set in concrete footings 8" in diameter and at least 30" below finish grade. Provide top and bottom
rails according to manufacturer's requirements. Gates are required at accessways and walkways.
Walkways should be 4" thick 4,000 psi (air-entrained) w/ broom finish, set on a 6" base of 3/4" crushed stone at
all front entrances.
Retaining Walls
Cast-in-place concrete, concrete interlocking concrete masonry units or fieldstone may be considered. The
use of pressure-treated timbers is not allowed.
Trees and Landscaping
A landscaping plan must be provided. Fencing, planting beds, trees and shrubs (with species and sizes noted) to
be retained and removed, play areas, lighting, seating, and all features adding to the aesthetic quality of the site
are to be shown. Development teams are to survey the condition of existing trees on (or adjacent to) the site
and make every effort to design around existing mature trees. The city places great value on maintaining
Boston’s tree canopy. Therefore, existing street trees are to be protected and missing trees replaced according
to Parks Department and Complete Streets requirements. Typically this is one tree per 25 lineal feet of street
frontage and the caliper width is 3" in diameter or greater. Existing mature trees are to be maintained. New
trees are to be provided for every tree removed from the site. These new trees are to provide shaded areas and
be spaced appropriately based on the species.
Graded areas must consist of a 6” minimum deep planting bed of clean loam/topsoil. Loam and topsoil is to be
clean, screened and raked free of 1" or larger stones, building debris and other non-organic materials. All lawns
(including the 6” plant cover) must be maintained by the general contractor to establish planting. Terracing
and retaining walls are required where there is evidence of washout and erosion.
Stormwater Management
Areas around the building must be graded away from foundations and compacted to ensure proper surface
drainage. Swales and drains may be designed to carry water away from the foundation and abutting properties.
Landscape strategies designed to reduce the heat island effect, assist in stormwater management, reduce the
overall irrigation water demand such as rain gardens, bioswales, and permeable paving are encouraged.
Subsurface drainage systems must comply with BWSC requirements. Perimeter drainage is to be surrounded
with washed or clean gravel that is fully wrapped with fabric cloth. Sump pumps, if required, should have
mechanically attached covers with full gasket seals.
Curb Ramps
Any existing curb ramps adjacent to the project site must be inspected for accessibility compliance and updated
if not compliant. Missing curb ramps must also be constructed. Use the city’s ADA Curb Ramp Inspection
Manual to inspect the existing curb ramps and check for missing curb ramps. Notify the city of the inspection
results through the Third Party Ramp Submission form after construction is complete. (see Appendix).
Interior Building & Unit Layouts
This section sets forth principles for the interior common spaces and layout of units in new construction. They
are also applicable, to the extent possible within the existing constraints, to major renovation projects where
the common areas or unit layouts are being modified (refer to the Rehabilitation and Preservation section). We
have provided interior layout diagrams demonstrating the application of the dimensional and use requirements
toward the goal of creating livable, cost effective, quality housing. Furniture plans are required to ensure rooms
can be reasonably furnished with clear space to maneuver.
Universal Design
Universal design and accessibility requirements have been incorporated in cooperation with Age + Strong and
the Disabilities Commission. These requirements are expressly intended to normalize Universal Design
principles in all projects funded by MOH over time in order to plan for the long term livability of dwelling units
and common areas over the lifetime of residents. (Refer to the Enterprise Aging in Place guidelines in the
Accessible units provide essential housing to people with a range of disabilities, not solely those who use
wheeled mobility. In order to increase the number of accessible dwelling units in the City of Boston, MOH
requires a minimum of 10% of units, rounded up, to be fully accessible. This requirement is applicable to new
construction rental projects and home ownership projects consisting of 4 or more units. MOH requirements are
more stringent than MAAB 521 CMR. These project dwelling units similarly must comply with 521 CMR 9.4
Group 2 Dwelling Units. In buildings without elevators, all units (not just ground floor units) are required to
provide blocking required by Group 1 Bathrooms MAAB for future installation of grab bars and shower seats.
Accessible units sometimes lack storage when compared with non-accessible units due to efforts to meet the
accessibility requirements, so it is important to increase storage in other locations within accessible units.
Consider including additional features that will increase the functionality of accessible units, such as lazy
susans, cabinets, faucet motion sensors, and technology interventions that allow control of unit appliances,
window treatments, and switches from a central device.
To facilitate aging-in-place and accommodate life events that may present physical and mental challenges to
residents of MOH-funded projects, MOH encourages all projects to exceed the minimum accessibility
requirements outlined in this document. MOH encourages adding features of Group 2 Dwelling Units into all
units in consultation with MOH design staff.
The percentage of dwelling units required by 521 CMR 9.7 Sleeping Accommodations for Persons who are Deaf
or Hard of Hearing remains unchanged at 2% of the project dwelling units. These “sensory” units should be
distinct from the “mobility” units in order to best match residents with units; it is less common to find a
resident who needs both types of modifications. However, all units must be capable of being adapted (through
future modification of the unit) for those with hearing and visual impairments.
In addition to the accessibility of the dwelling units, accessibility should be incorporated into the entirety of the
project design. (Refer to the Article 80 Accessibility Checklist for specific guidance.)
Townhouses in Multifamily dwellings
MAAB 521 CMR has clarified that townhouses are defined for 1 and 2 family residential uses. Townhouses in
multifamily dwellings may need to provide an accessible route to all levels of the townhouse within the unit.
Development teams should look to clarify the required accessibility for a townhouse in a multiple dwelling
during the conceptual design of the project.
Broadband Access
All buildings are required to provide broadband (high-speed data network) access in addition to appropriate
technology for telephone, data, and other communications within individual units to residents. Residents
should be provided choice in terms of the broadband service provider. In response to the challenges
experienced with COVID, MOH sees that providing whole-building broadband/wifi access for seniors,
individuals who have lost jobs, and families & students who may need additional bandwidth to work from home
or attend school from home is critical building infrastructure. Where the number of units (typically 4-10)
require the project to utilize an intercom and closed circuit security camera system to allow unit occupants to
observe who is seeking entrance to the building (780 CMR 1010.1.9.12) the project should consider systems that
also provide overall building broadband/wifi access to residents within common areas. Projects may also
consider providing hotspots within the building. These “hotspots” must be indicated on the floor plans or the
specification narrative must describe the system/method being used to satisfy the broadband access
Artist Live Work Considerations
Artist Live-Work housing addresses the core functions of contemporary artistic practices, providing artists the
opportunity to work, live, convene, and present. These core functions are interrelated and often integrated.
They are present in buildings dedicated entirely to artists, and also in buildings where only a portion of the
development is dedicated to artist work-live units.
Projects must follow unit layout standards described elsewhere in this document in addition to the specific
Artist Live-Work principles outlined here.
Artist Live Work Housing Preference - Tenant Selection and Home
Buying Eligibility
In order to prioritize one population over another for tenant selection or eligibility, there needs to be
something that serves that particular population. In this way, housing with a preference or requirement for
artists is similar to accessible units delivered for residents with mobility disabilities - there has to be a
demonstration of a specific design or operational provision to allow for a population to be prioritized in the
allocation of units.
MOH Artist Live-Work units must provide appropriate, useful live work and presenting space for artists on-site
in-unit and/or elsewhere within the same development. This includes specific design, fit out and operational
considerations as set out in the Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture’s (MOAC) Artist Housing Guidelines.
Units without space and specific provisions unique to artists on-site in-unit and/or elsewhere within the same
development artists cannot be a prioritized group for housing allocations. While MOH will not consider these
Artist Live Work Projects, these projects can however use targeted marketing and outreach to ensure that
artists are better represented in the general pool of applicants.
Unit Dimensional & Use Requirements
The dimensions and square footage indicated are required as minimums. Other applications of use and unit
layout principles indicated within this section are also requirements.
Amenity Space
Arts amenity spaces must be provided, either through enhanced common spaces or distinct arts amenity
spaces. Arts amenity spaces are to enable artists to convene, collaborate, create specialized work, and present
their work to one another and to the public. These spaces are also to address shared production needs that
cannot be accommodated by individual studios and provide specialized space or tools, equipment, etc. which
are cost prohibitive for individuals to acquire.
In Unit Workspace
Units are to be sized based on the number of bedrooms and the work space needs. At least 150 sq.ft of
workspace must be provided in addition to the living and sleeping areas, for the use of the artist. Artist units
are to be distinct from other residential units not intended for artist use.
Unit Layout Best Practices
The considerations below are intended to guide the design of buildings that incorporate artists. They may not
be applicable to every building type or artist community but distinct provisions for artists must be included in
some combination. Artist Live-Work Housing development teams should reference and follow design and
operational guidelines as set out in the Artist Housing Guidelines issued by the Mayor’s Office of Arts & Culture.
See Appendix for more information .
A range of bedroom types (and unit sizes) should be provided.
Studio doorways, and hallways shall be oversized in width to accommodate shipping of large works (at
least 8ft wide corridors and 4ft wide entry doors).
Loading bays shall be located directly adjacent to a direct route to elevators.
Freight elevators shall be provided to carry oversize/overweight objects; and allow for noise, weekend
and late night deliveries.
Ceiling heights shall allow for the creation of large works and large equipment, including machinery
and lighting (at least 9ft).
Wall and floor construction shall have adequate sound insulation to prevent the transmission of sound
from machinery, equipment, or repetitive tasks.
Floors must be composed of very durable finishes such as concrete floors and/or structured to
provide extra weight-bearing capacity.
Service sinks are to be located close to other wet areas.
Fire protection systems shall include the ability to address industrial accidents.
Fire insulation shall be adequate for open flames.
Special ventilation and air handling techniques shall be tailored to ensure the safety and health of
residents, visitors, and neighbors. All workspaces shall be vented to the exterior. Oversized dumpster
capacity shall be provided.
Containers shall be provided for the disposal of toxic/hazardous materials (turpentine, paints, etc.)
Access to outdoor work areas shall be provided to all tenants.
Security systems and entry video systems shall reflect the needs of artists who may have on-site sales,
employees, and customers.
MOH Unit Size - Targets
The square footage below represents target sizes. Units significantly larger or smaller than these targets will be
questioned in terms of livability or excess cost. The goal of indicating target sizes is to provide guidance
without imposing fixed minimum and maximum sizes.
Unit square footage is measured from the inside face of the units’ bounding walls and includes usable storage
space, stairwells and hallways inside the unit, as well as space occupied by interior walls within the unit. Fifty
percent of the area under sloped ceilings with greater than 5’-0” clearance and less than 7’-6” clearance should
be included in the unit square footage when considering the following size guidelines:
Studio 500 square feet
One bedroom 600 square feet
Two bedroom 750 square feet
Three bedroom 1,000 square feet
Four bedroom 1,100 square feet
Unit Layout Best Practices
Circulation spaces are to be designed efficiently. Access to bedrooms and bathrooms is only to be from
circulation spaces.
Living, dining, and kitchen areas should be proportional to the number of bedrooms. For example, 3
bedroom units should have larger common living spaces than 2 bedroom units. In family units, the
living and dining areas must be distinct spaces.
Bedrooms and living/dining areas must have direct access to natural light. Kitchens should also have
direct access to natural light where possible, but if necessary can receive indirect natural light.
Bathrooms and closets/mech. spaces are the best elements to locate farthest from natural light.
Layout of buildings and units should optimize the use of space, provide spacious, furnishable main
living areas, and provide adequate storage. Development teams must provide furniture plans and
demonstrate compliance with general principles for efficient layout of furniture commensurate with
the probable number of occupants.
Unit Dimensional & Use Requirements
The dimensions and square footage indicated are required as minimums. Other applications of use and unit
layout principles indicated within this section are also requirements.
Primary Bedroom
12’ x 10’ clear dimension minimum with no obstructions (120 square feet minimum)
2 occupants
Secondary Bedrooms
10’ x 10’ clear dimension minimum with no obstructions (100 square feet minimum)
2 occupants
Bedroom Closets
2’ x 4’ clear dimension minimum (8 square feet minimum)
Closet shelving shall allow for a full-bearing, white, vinyl coated steel shelf or similar with an integral
clothes rod.
Application of Bedroom requirements
Bedrooms may not be located at the street facing corners of multifamily units. Locate bedrooms away
from noisy conditions such as driveways and parking areas in 1 to 2 Family dwellings.
The entry door to a bedroom must be oriented to provide privacy and may not open directly into a
living area.
Switched control of one receptacle in a duplex receptacle box must be provided for connection to an
occupant-furnished lamp.
Living Areas
Living Room
12’ dimension minimum along exterior window wall. (150 square feet minimum)
Accommodates a 6 foot couch, 2 easy chairs, coffee table, 2 side tables and a place for a television in a
location viewable from the seating without blocking windows.
Dining Room
10’ x 10’ clear dimension minimum (100 square feet minimum)
Accommodates an 8 person table in a 3 bedroom, 6 person table in 2 bedroom, 4 person table in 1
Entry “coat” Closets
2’ deep dimension minimum (6 square feet minimum)
Configured for coats and storage. (see bedroom closets)
Application of Living Area requirements
Locate living and dining areas in the street facing corners of multifamily units.
In studios, 1 and 2 bedroom units, only the dining room may overlap with the living room as long as
functional furniture layouts (and circulation) can be maintained and the following conditions are met.
The total living and dining square footage must exceed 200 square feet and maintain a 12’ clear width.
In the Living room specifically, the 12’ clear dimension must exist along an exterior wall with access to
natural light. Obstructions such as HVAC may protrude into the required living area as long as a
functional furniture layout can be maintained.
Switched control of one receptacle in a duplex receptacle box must be provided for connection to an
occupant-furnished lamp.
Provide 18” (15” minimum cabinet size) to 24” minimum linear counter space on both sides of the range and sink.
Avoid dead corner cabinet locations and Lazy susans should be located at corner base cabinets to provide
accessible storage. Task lighting accessories should be considered post occupancy to address low light
A dishwasher is required in three and four bedroom units. Double bowl sinks are required where dishwashers
are not provided. A 30” minimum range is required in a 1 to 3+ bedroom unit. Garbage disposals and
rangehoods are required. The cabinet for the sink must be 30” minimum (36” recommended), and a 20 gauge
stainless steel sink size (roughly 22” x 30” x 6”) with a single handle faucet with spray attachment must be
maximized within that cabinet size. A 18 to 20 Cu ft frost-free refrigerator with a separate freezer door is the
minimum required. Finish flooring shall continue under refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, and base cabinets in
kitchens. Countertops should be one-piece square-edged, .050” thick minimum high pressure laminate, with 4"
integral “post-formed”, coved backsplash. Adhesives should be water-based.
Application of Kitchen requirements
The type and configuration of kitchens in a development are to be standardized to the greatest extent
possible in order to create efficiencies for purchasing cabinetry, appliances, equipment, and finishes.
Unit circulation can not pass through the kitchen work area (except as shown in studio unit diagrams).
The work area (triangle) within the kitchen may not be obstructed by furniture.
Closets and Pantries
A dedicated linen closet is no longer required. Linen storage is to be provided as cabinetry or organized within
shelving in another closet. Linen storage of towels is acceptable within a full bathroom. Residents may be
reluctant to store other linens there due to moisture concerns even if the bathroom is well-ventilated, so
primary linen storage should be outside of bathrooms. Walk in Closets are to have lighting.
Pantries are not required. When used, a vertical cabinet instead of a closet is recommended as a more cost
effective option.
No more and no fewer than one full bathroom can be provided in 0, 1, or 2-bedroom units.
One full-bathroom and one half-bathroom are required in 3-bedroom units. If cost effective, a 3-bedroom unit
may provide a shower in the half bathroom.
Two full bathrooms are required in 4-bedroom units.
All half and full bathrooms shall receive a vanity cabinet and sink, two 24" towel bars, one robe hook, a shower
curtain rod (in a full bath), a toilet paper holder, and a mirror-front medicine cabinet with lighting over the
Application of Bathroom requirements
A shower stall may be substituted for one bathtub where 2 full bathrooms are provided.
All bathrooms must be entered from a common hallway. Entry to the bathroom (full or half) may also
be accessed from the bedroom (en suite) if an entry from a common hallway is also provided.
All bathrooms must comply with Group 1 MAAB.
Townhouse style units in multifamily buildings and 1 & 2 Family dwellings are subject to and must apply
these requirements. In a 2 bedroom townhouse a half bath is to be placed on the ground floor and a
full bathroom placed on the upper floor.
Laundry facilities or services should be provided in all buildings. In-unit Washers and Dryers are permitted in
Homeownership units and discouraged in rental units. Connections must have stainless steel braided lines to
prevent potential overflow and leaking and plumbed drain pans to prevent damage to the unit and other units
below. In common laundry rooms, consider providing seating or space for seating to make it easier for
residents to use the laundry facilities. Water heating required for laundries should be integrated into the Zero
Emissions Strategy for the project.
Interior Unit Diagrams
Unit Layout Considerations
Minimum clearances in bedrooms
Minimum clearances in living and dining
Access to natural light
Storage space
Example Unit (3 Bedroom Corner Unit)
1. DO locate bedroom and bathroom doors off of hallways for privacy
DO NOT locate bedroom and bathroom doors off of the living area
2. DO provide bedroom closets with minimum dimensions 4’ x 2’
3. DO provide larger living and dining areas in
larger units
4. DO orient the 12’ min. clearance for the living
area parallel to an exterior wall
5. DO locate living and dining areas at the corner in
corner units
6. DO provide furniture plans showing functional
spaces and appropriate clearances
7. DO provide a distinct dining area, especially in
family units
DO provide larger living and dining areas in larger
8. DO provide access to natural light in living
rooms, dining areas, and bedrooms
9. DO create a defined area for the kitchen
DO provide a line of sight from the kitchen to
natural light where possible
10. DO create a defined area for the kitchen
DO NOT require unit circulation to pass through
the kitchen work area
11. DO provide coat closets near the entry with minimum dimensions 3’ x 2’
12. DO provide linen storage as a utility cabinet or as shelving built into a closet. A separate linen closet is not required.
DO NOT locate linen storage in full bathrooms due to moisture concerns
Example Unit Layouts
3 Bedroom
Typical Unit
2 Bedroom
Corner Unit
2 Bedroom
Typical Unit
1 Bedroom
Corner Unit
1 Bedroom
Typical Unit
Typical Unit
Kitchen Design Considerations
Accessible maneuvering space
Clearances for appliances
Example Kitchen Layout
DO provide counter seating
DO provide a tall pantry cabinet
DO provide 18” – 24” linear counter space
on both sides of the sink and cooktop
The cabinet below the sink must be
removed to ensure maneuvering
A wall oven must be installed. Note: the
location of the wall oven on this elevation
is for representational purposes only; its
actual height should comply with
accessibility requirements.
Universal Design
The range must be replaced by a cooktop
with clearance below.
Provide drawers instead of below counter
cabinets for more accessible storage.
Note: microwaves, if provided, must be at
or below counter height.
Galley Kitchen
DO consider opening the kitchen with a half wall or
extending the counter
L Shaped Kitchen
DO place the refrigerator away from the corner
DO provide a corner lazy Susan base cabinet for more
accessible use of below counter space
DO NOT require unit circulation to pass through the
kitchen work area. If the dining table is placed within the
“L” area, the primary circulation path must not require
passing between the dining table and kitchen.
Island Kitchen
DO provide counter height seating at island
DO NOT consider island seating as a replacement for a
distinct dining area
DO NOT require unit circulation to pass between the
kitchen and island.
U Shaped Kitchen
DO consider opening kitchen with a half wall or extending
the counter
DO provide lazy Susan base cabinets in the corners for
more accessible use of below counter space
DO place the refrigerator away from the corners
DO NOT block natural light with the refrigerator.
Single Person Occupancy Types
This section sets forth the minimum Design Requirements for SPO Units. SPO Housing is defined as a residential
property that includes single room dwelling units. Each unit is for occupancy by a single eligible individual.
SPO Types 1, 2 and 3 must contain 150 sf of basic living/sleeping area and are to be furnished with a single bed space,
dresser, mirror, nightstand, writing desk, 2 chairs, small table and a shelf with space for tv/radio.
SPO Type 4 must contain 240 sf of basic living/sleeping area and is to be furnished with a single bed space, dresser,
mirror, nightstand, writing desk, 2 chairs, a dining table, 4 chairs and a shelf with space for tv/radio.
The four (4) SPO types are described below:
SPO Type 1
SPO Type 1 must contain a closet (15sf), small sink, under counter refrigerator, and microwave oven (may be permitted)
within the unit.
Cooking facilities and a private bath are not contained within the unit.
Congregate cooking, bath (or shared), dining and support facilities such as TV rooms, reading areas,
community living rooms, etc. must be located on-site.
SPO Type 2
SPO Type 2 must contain a private bath with shower (40sf), a closet (15sf), small sink, under counter refrigerator, and
microwave oven (may be permitted) within the unit.
Cooking facilities are not contained within the unit.
Congregate cooking, dining and support facilities such as TV room, reading areas, community living rooms,
etc. must be located on-site.
SPO Type 3
SPO Type 3 must contain a private bath with shower (40sf) , a closet (15sf) and 35 sf of cooking facilities with a sink, 2
linear feet counter, 2 burner stove and an under-counter refrigerator. The square footage of the cooking area includes
a 3' clearance in front of the counter.
Congregate dining and support facilities such as TV rooms, reading areas, community living rooms, etc. are
not required to be located on-site. Some support facilities are, however, recommended.
SPO Type 4
SPO Type 4 must contain a full kitchen and a private bath with shower (40sf) and closet (15sf) within the unit. This SPO
type may require on-site and/or off-site special needs services.
35 sf of cooking facilities with a sink, 2 linear feet counter, a small 4 burner stove and a 12 cu. ft. upright
refrigerator. The square footage of the cooking area includes a 3' clearance in front of the counter.
Congregate dining and support facilities such as TV rooms, reading areas, community living rooms, etc. are
not required to be located on-site. Some support facilities are, however, recommended.
Interior Unit Specifications
Rough Carpentry - Wood Blocking
Prior to insulating and finishing walls, solid 2” nominal blocking should be installed where accessories such as grab
bars, towel bars, soap dishes and toilet paper holders are to be located. Insulation materials should be cut to fit around
such blocking. Solid blocking should also be installed for future access accommodations such as installation of grab
bars, adjustable counters, and hardware in conformance with FFHAA and MAAB.
Finish Carpentry and Millwork
Cabinets shall have high pressure laminate or solid wood formaldehyde-free doors and drawers with pulls and frames
complying with ANSI/KCMA A161.1 cabinetry specifications. Thermofoil and particle board cabinets are not allowed.
All medium-density fiberboard (MDF) used in cabinetry and countertops shall be formaldehyde free. All cabinet
interiors should be treated with a water resistant substance
Cabinet drawers should be full-length (minimum of 18”) and designed with a durable, full length,
side-mounted, double runner suspension system with manual positive stops. A full-length steel system with
nylon wheels is preferred. Monorail systems are not recommended.
Drawer bottoms should have a minimum thickness of: 1/8” tempered hardboard or plywood, or 1/4" inch
hardboard or high-density particle board. Drawer sides should have a minimum thickness of 7/16”.
Cabinet bottoms should have a minimum thickness of: 1/4” tempered hardboard or plywood, or 3/8" if
hardboard or high-density particle board. Cabinet sides should have a minimum thickness of ½”. Toe kicks
should be totally enclosed.
Wall cabinets should have a minimum of two wood nailing strips (top and bottom). Minimum dimensions for
nailers should be ¾” x ½”.
All sealants should consist of low or no VOC’s. Seal all wall, floor, and joint penetrations with rodent-proof materials.
All visible pipe penetrations through walls, floors, and cabinets (including interiors) should be sealed and covered with
Interior Door & Window Casing
Window aprons and casings should be painted softwood such as pine. Head and jamb trim should have a minimum
dim of 11/16"x2-1/2". All window trim is to be back primed.
Baseboard Trim
One piece softwood such as pine molding, finger-jointed and primed, is preferred for baseboard trim. Wood base
should be used within units and is acceptable in all areas. “Speed-Base” or approved equal medium-density fiberboard
(MDF) is also acceptable for painted applications.
Unit Entry Doors
Steel or Solid Wood Unit Entry Doors are acceptable if they are rated to code and are durable. A peep hole
shall be provided.
Interior unit doors are to be solid core wooden doors.
Doors opening onto patios or decks should swing in and have flush thresholds for accessibility. Drainage is to
be provided at decks to prevent water and snow build-up. Sliding doors accessing the exterior are
discouraged at ground floor conditions where they pose a security concern.
Door Hardware
Lever door handles are to be provided throughout for universal design. Peep holes shall be provided.
Exterior and Interior unit entry doors should be provided with 2-3/4" backset, lever handle hardware
locksets, keyed-alike deadbolts; aluminum and hardwood adjustable thresholds and weather-stripping, as
Bathrooms and Primary bedrooms should be provided with privacy sets. Exterior and interior doors should
have a baseboard-mounted stop to prevent damage to wall finishes. Stop finish should match door hardware
All finishes should be durable, easy to maintain, provide a long useful life, and eventually be recyclable. In addition,
finishes should not contribute to respiratory ailments due to off-gassing over time. All adhesives should consist of low
or no VOC’s. Flooring must extend under any cabinets.
Ceramic Tile
Bathroom floors are to be ceramic tile, non-slip glazed or unglazed, and include a ceramic sanitary base (tile trim
piece or cap) at all wall and floor junctures.
Ceramic wall tile is to be installed in a thin-set mortar on a cement backer board of 1/2" thick glass fiber-reinforced
cement tile backer substrate installed per manufacturer’s recommendations. Tiles should be at least 4 1/4" square.
Moisture resistant drywall (MR board or 'green board') is to be used in areas without wall tile. At bathtubs, the tile
should extend a minimum of 6'-0" above the finish floor, complete with all necessary trim pieces and caps, including a
soap dish without a grip bar. Seal all openings behind tub and shower enclosures to minimize airflow.
Engineered Wood & Hardwood Flooring
Engineered wood/hardwood floors are allowed throughout the dwelling unit except for in bathrooms. It is required in
homeownership units and is acceptable in rental units. Materials which place a laminated imitation wood or laminated
wood veneer (which is not able to be refinished) over a thin material backup are not allowed.
Within multifamily buildings, linoleum flooring is allowed in common stairs and hallways, the kitchen area, the
bathroom, and entry vestibules within dwelling units.
Vinyl Plank and Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT)
High quality vinyl composition planks are allowed in rental units. VCT is only approved for high traffic areas or where
VCT is being replaced. Vinyl plank and VCT products should be composed primarily of recycled materials that are
easily recycled.
Water based adhesives should be used. VCT adhesives should have VOC content less than or equal to 50 g/L less
water. Vinyl composition flooring where provided is recommended to be a minimum 1/8 inch thick in conformance
with “high traffic” recommendations of HUD Minimum Property Standards.
The use and location of carpeting should be limited sharply due to asthma, respiratory, maintenance, and life cycle
concerns. All carpeting and padding should meet the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) indoor air quality guidelines and
“Green Label Plus Program, refer to the appendix.
All paint or stains or varnishes should be limited to low (50g/L) or no VOC except as noted below. Paint products
should be applied at the rate specified by the manufacturer with the following minimum applications.
Gypsum Drywall – Ceilings – 1 coat of latex-base primer and 1 coat latex-base interior flat (ceiling white) paint.
Kitchens and bathrooms should receive 1 coat primer and 2 coats semi gloss odorless Alkyd enamel. Existing
ceilings should receive stain/mold kill primer. Sand finish ceilings should not be applied in kitchens or
Gypsum Drywall – Walls – 1 coat latex-base primer and 2 coats interior latex-base eggshell paint. Kitchens
and bathrooms should receive 1 coat primer and 2 coats semi gloss odorless Alkyd enamel. Existing ceilings
should receive stain/mold kill primer.
Plaster Ceilings – 1 coat latex-base primer and 2 coats latex-based interior flat (ceiling white) paint. Kitchens
and bathrooms should receive 1 coat primer and 2 coat semi gloss odorless Alkyd enamel.
Plaster Walls – 1 coat latex-base primer and 2 coats latex-based eggshell paint.
Stained Woodwork – 1 coat oil-based interior wood stain and 2 coats satin or semi gloss polyurethane varnish.
VOC content less than or equal to 250 g/L. All stains should be low or no VOC.
Natural Finish Woodwork – 1 coat sanding sealer and 2 coats satin or semi gloss polyurethane varnish. Clear
wood finishes should contain VOC content less than or equal to 350 g/L (varnish) and 550 g/L (lacquer). All
varnish should be low or no VOC.
Painted Woodwork – 1 coat interior enamel undercoat and 2 coats interior semi gloss odorless alkyd enamel.
Ferrous Metal – 1 coat rust-inhibiting (such as by Rust-o-leum or equal) primer, 1 coat interior enamel
undercoat and 1 coat interior semi gloss odorless alkyd enamel. Anti Corrosive and anti rust paints applied to
interior ferrous metal substrates should contain VOC contents less than or equal to 250 g/L.
Painted Wood Finish (Exterior) – 1 coat exterior primer and 2 coats semi gloss alkyd enamel. All new exterior
trim and siding should be back primed.
Transparent Wood Finish (Exterior) – 1 coat oil-based sealer and 2 coats spar varnish.
Zinc Coated Metal – Whenever using galvanized metal, the surfaces should be cleaned with a
non-petroleum-based solvent, removing pre-treatment, oil and contaminants from the surface prior to
applying 1 coat galvanized metal primer, 1 coat interior enamel undercoat and 1 coat interior semi-gloss
odorless alkyd enamel.
Safety & Security
Window treatments must be provided in all units, regardless of affordability. All window treatments must be cordless
for child safety. All windows should receive properly-sized window shades: fiberglass-coated, vinyl plastic,
fire-retardant, fade-resistant roller shades with large diameter cotton cord attached to slat. Mini-blinds are
discouraged since the blinds themselves may pose a choking risk, but if used, it must be verified that the selected
product is safe for children.
Exterior security bars and grills are not permitted. Where safety is of concern, provide door and window contacts for
security alarm systems at ground floors and easily accessed lower floors.
Window guards must be incorporated. Window limiters may not take the place of window guards except as described
below. In the City of Boston, special concern must be paid to window guards where children age 6 or under will be
living or visiting, which may be any unit. Guards should be operable-type interior aluminum or steel bars, clear
window opening should be fully protected with no openings greater than 4 inches, tested to withstand 150 pounds
pressure; with quick-release mechanism for emergency exiting without use of tools or force. Guardian Angel Window
Guards meet the requirements of the “Kids Can’t Fly” standard and are preferred by some fire departments. Guards
should be located where the sill height is accessible to children (either from the ground or from furniture placed
against the exterior wall) and is more than 10 Ft. above the finish grade at the window. Heavy gauge “safety” screens
do not meet guidelines for fall protection as suggested above. Window limiters that cannot be removed by residents
and that limit the openings to less than 4" are acceptable in lieu of guards.
All sanitary lines below floor slabs should be cast iron bell and spigot or equal. PVC is not recommended. Spaces with
appliances and equipment that may leak substantial amounts of water such as water heaters and clothes washers
should be provided with a floor drain or floor pan and drain. Air cushions should be provided at every set of fixtures to
prevent water hammer.
Bath lavatory and faucet: 'cultured marble' integral bowl with front overflow and backsplash. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WaterSense labeled single lever chrome washerless faucet with
aerator, flow restrictor, lift rod, and pop-up drain. 0.5 gpm is recommended.
Kitchen faucet: Single handle faucet with spray attachment, 1.75 gpm is recommended.
Toilet: two piece close-coupled siphon jet vitreous china (white), EPA WaterSense labeled, round bowl toilet,
12" rough, solid plastic closed seat and cover, chrome supply and flexible riser. 750 minimum solid gram
removal is recommended.
Bathtub and fittings: white porcelain finish steel with sound-deadening polymer backing, non-slip bottom,
chrome plated drain/waste/overflow with strainer. Enameled steel tubs and fiberglass tubs with integral
surrounds are discouraged. EPA WaterSense labeled chrome, pressure-balancing, anti-scald bath/shower
valve and diverter, spout, and shower head.
Water Supply
Underground water service: Type K copper ¾" minimum diameter
Hot and cold water piping: Type L
Drain, waste, and vent piping: Type DWV.
Hose bibs should be of the freeze-proof type and lockable for water conservation
Electrical and Fire Protection
Meters and Type “T” gang boxes at exterior walls should be mounted on backer boards such as molding-trimmed MDO
fastened to the sheathing.
Fire Sprinkler Systems drawings are to be fully engineered based upon recent hydrant flow tests and bear the stamp of
a licensed fire protection engineer. Standpipes and sprinkler piping are best when not exposed below finished
ceilings. Use concealed pendent type sprinkler heads and trim plates.
This section contains other relevant codes and standards which may be associated with a project. Projects must
comply with the design and construction requirements of the most recent prevailing Federal, State and local codes
and regulations, as applicable without limitation to the following list. Where there is conflict, the more stringent
requirement should be applied.
Other MOH Resources & Policies
The following MOH resources, in addition to others, can be found on MOH’s Housing Policies webpage
Contract Proviso
Design Review Checklists
Design Review
Section 3
Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act
Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act
Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards
Americans With Disabilities Act
U. S. Department of Energy
Federal HUD Section 8 Housing Quality Standards
Federal Environmental Protection Agency Regulations
MA State Building Codes
MA Department of Environmental Protection
MA Department of Public Health/ State Sanitary Code
State HOME, HSF, FCF, and LIHTC Programs
Local Municipal
Municipal Zoning Ordinances
Inspectional Service Department among other Departments required for permitting.
Zoning Board of Appeals, Article 80 Project Review and Article 37 U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Certification
Historic and Parks Commision Reviews and Approvals
Mayor’s Office of Arts & Culture
Artist Housing Guidelines:
Curb Ramps:
ADA Curb Ramp Inspection Manual
Third Party Ramp Submission Form:
Existing Buildings/ Structures
Where projects incorporate existing structures, the following also may apply:
Federal Department of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation
Federal HUD Cost Effective Energy Standards in Rehabilitation Projects
MA Historic Commission, Local Historical Commissions
Universal Design Resources
Boston’s Disabilities Commission
Boston’s Age Strong Commission
Enterprise’s Aging in Place Guidelines - refer to the Example Unit Layout Diagrams and reference the Enterprise Aging
in Place guidelines 2016
Institute for Human Centered Design (Refer to Data on Disability in States, Cities and Sub-Groups in New England
from the Institute of Human Centered Design for more information.)
MA Senior Housing Aging in Place Guidelines
Zero Emissions, Building Enclosure & Other References
2020 Guidebook for Zero Emission Buildings
PHIUS and PHI feedback forms - refer to the guidebooks. The feedback forms are generated per project as part of the
PHIUS multifamily calculator
This is intended to make the inputs equal between all models and is also based on Energy Star requirements.
PV Watts Calculator report
For Reference: Average PV panel generates 250 watts. 4 hours of sunlight (for example) during a day. 1 panel
will generate a 1000 watts or 1kwh of electricity. Over 30 days in a month, 1 panel would generate 30kwh of
electricity. A 4 panel system would be a 1 KW system.
Windows Installation
For installation using other construction methods, such as remodeling, replacement, and recessed openings refer to
ASTM E2112-19c, Standard Practice for Installation of Exterior Windows, Doors and Skylights,” for installation
suggestions. Information for ASTM E2112 can be found on the ASTM website,
Air Source Heat Pumps
Refer to NEEP's guidelines for ASHP.
Duct Air Leakage
Refer to Resnet standards or ASTM E1554 for air leakage.
Closed cell spray insulation that uses HFOs as a blowing agent
Please refer to http:/ and resource within the guidebook for residential wall
Thermal Bypass Checklist Guide
Masonry veneer walls
See the Brick Institute of American Technical Note 28 and 28B.
“Green Label Plus Program” and conform with with HUD Bulletin, UM 44-D