Theological Seminary
Since 1981
“Teach with Wisdom. Preach with Power.”
CHRISTIAN COLLEGES AND SEMINARIES. (See Accreditation Section below).
Andersonville Theological Seminary
Academic Catalog
Summer 2023
Summer 2024
Notice of Non-discriminatory Policy to Students
Andersonville Theological Seminary admits students of any race, color, sex, national and ethnic
origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to
students at the school. The Seminary does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex,
national or ethnic origin in the administration of any of its policies or programs.
Terms of Catalog Use
This catalog is effective for the 2023-2024 academic years. The information in this catalog
accurately represents Andersonville Theological Seminary at the time of publication. However,
ATS reserves the right to make changes in policies, procedures, faculty, curriculum, and costs. As
a prospective student, you are encouraged to review this catalog prior to enrollment.
Contact Information
Toll-free: 1-800-525-1611
Fax: 229-336-7000
54 S. Butler Street
P.O. Box 545
Camilla, Georgia 31730
Visit us online at: www.andersonvilleseminary.com
or e-mail us at
Copyright ©2023
Table of Contents
Accreditation ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT.......................................................................................................................... 9
Faculty Highlights 2022 ....................................................................................................................................... 10
A Brief History of Andersonville Theological Seminary ...................................................................................... 12
Andersonville Mission Statement & Core Values ............................................................................................... 13
ATS Mission Statement ................................................................................................................................... 13
ATS Core Values .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Biblically Centered ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Great Commission Focused ........................................................................................................................ 13
Kingdom Ready ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Doctrinal Statement of Andersonville Theological Seminary ............................................................................. 14
Article IThe Scriptures ................................................................................................................................. 14
Article IIThe Triune God .............................................................................................................................. 14
The Trinity ................................................................................................................................................... 14
God the Father ............................................................................................................................................ 14
God the Son ................................................................................................................................................ 15
God the Holy Spirit ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Article IIIMan ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Article IVSalvation ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Article VEternal Security.............................................................................................................................. 16
Article VIThe Church .................................................................................................................................... 17
Article VIIThe Ordinances ............................................................................................................................ 17
Article VIIILast Things .................................................................................................................................. 17
Article IXThe Family ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Article XThe Great Commission ................................................................................................................... 18
STUDENT RIGHTS ................................................................................................................................................ 19
STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT ............................................................................................................................ 19
Diligence ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Assignments .................................................................................................................................................... 19
Personal or Financial Difficulties ..................................................................................................................... 20
Dismissal ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Differences ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
Questions ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
ADMISSIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
Admission Policies & Procedures .................................................................................................................... 21
How to Take Your Courses .............................................................................................................................. 21
Student Communications ............................................................................................................................... 21
Course Assessment ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Faculty ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Transfer Students ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Lifetime Experience Award ............................................................................................................................. 22
Grading ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
Grade Point Average ................................................................................................................................... 22
ATS Grading Scale ....................................................................................................................................... 23
Student Records .............................................................................................................................................. 23
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 24
BENEFITS OF ATS PROGRAMS ............................................................................................................................. 24
NON-TRADITIONAL EDUCATION - THE NEW TRADITION .................................................................................... 25
ACCREDITATION .................................................................................................................................................. 26
DEGREE PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................. 27
School of Theology ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Undergraduate Programs ............................................................................................................................... 28
Graduate Programs ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Doctoral Programs .......................................................................................................................................... 28
Associate of Biblical Studies ................................................................................................................................ 29
Program Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Associate Degree Curriculum .............................................................................................................................. 29
Bachelor of Ministry............................................................................................................................................ 31
Program Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Bachelor of Ministry Coursework ....................................................................................................................... 31
Core Curriculum .............................................................................................................................................. 31
Bachelor of Theology .......................................................................................................................................... 33
Program Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 33
Bachelor of Theology Coursework ...................................................................................................................... 33
Required Curriculum ....................................................................................................................................... 33
Master of Ministry (BE) Program Overview ........................................................................................................ 35
Biblical Exposition ........................................................................................................................................... 35
Master of Ministry in Biblical Exposition Curriculum ..................................................................................... 35
Master of Ministry (PL) Program Overview ........................................................................................................ 36
Pastoral Leadership......................................................................................................................................... 36
Master of Ministry in Pastoral Leadership Curriculum ................................................................................... 36
Master of Ministry (BC) Program Overview ........................................................................................................ 37
Biblical Counseling .......................................................................................................................................... 37
Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling Curriculum..................................................................................... 37
Master of Ministry (CC) Program Overview ........................................................................................................ 39
Christian Counseling ....................................................................................................................................... 39
Master of Ministry in Christian Counseling Curriculum .................................................................................. 39
Master of Theology (BE) Program Overview ...................................................................................................... 41
Biblical Exposition ........................................................................................................................................... 41
Master of Theology in Biblical Exposition Curriculum .................................................................................... 41
Master of Biblical Studies (NT) Program Overview ............................................................................................. 42
New Testament Studies .................................................................................................................................. 42
Master of Biblical Studies in New Testament Studies Curriculum .................................................................. 42
Master of Divinity (PL) Program Overview ......................................................................................................... 44
Pastoral Leadership......................................................................................................................................... 44
Master of Divinity in Pastoral Leadership Curriculum .................................................................................... 44
Doctor of Ministry (PL) Program Overview ......................................................................................................... 46
Pastoral Leadership......................................................................................................................................... 46
Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Leadership Curriculum ................................................................................... 46
Doctor of Ministry (BC) Program Overview ........................................................................................................ 47
Biblical Counseling .......................................................................................................................................... 47
Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling Curriculum ..................................................................................... 47
Doctor of Ministry (CC) Program Overview ........................................................................................................ 48
Christian Counseling ....................................................................................................................................... 48
Option 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 48
Option 2 ...................................................................................................................................................... 48
Doctor of Ministry (CE) Program Overview ........................................................................................................ 49
Christian Education ......................................................................................................................................... 49
Doctor of Ministry in Christian Education Curriculum .................................................................................... 49
Doctor of Theology (PL) Program Overview ....................................................................................................... 50
Pastoral Leadership......................................................................................................................................... 50
Doctor of Theology in Pastoral Leadership Curriculum .................................................................................. 50
School of Practical Ministry ............................................................................................................................... 51
Degree Programs ............................................................................................................................................ 51
Associate of Biblical Exposition ........................................................................................................................... 52
Associate of Biblical Studies Curriculum ......................................................................................................... 52
Bachelor of Biblical Exposition ............................................................................................................................ 53
Bachelor of Biblical Studies Curriculum .......................................................................................................... 53
Master of Biblical Exposition .............................................................................................................................. 54
Master of Biblical Exposition Curriculum ........................................................................................................ 54
Doctor of Biblical Exposition ............................................................................................................................... 55
Doctor of Biblical Exposition Curriculum ........................................................................................................ 55
Financial Policies ................................................................................................................................................. 56
Tuition ............................................................................................................................................................. 57
Additional Fees ........................................................................................................................................... 58
Academic Policies................................................................................................................................................ 60
Arabic Department of Graduate Studies ............................................................................................................ 62
Overview of the Arabic Department ............................................................................................................... 62
Director of the Arabic Department ................................................................................................................. 62
Current Status of the Arabic Department ....................................................................................................... 62
Cost of Study ................................................................................................................................................... 62
Dear Fellow Christian Worker,
ver four decades ago, Andersonville was founded with one tape duplicator and a typewriter with the
purpose of offering Christian workers in the field of service the opportunity to study God’s word in a
systematic and thorough manner. God has truly blessed ATS, for ATS has grown from a handful of
students to over 3,000 students actively working to earn a degree from Andersonville. They represent all
50 states and 24 foreign countries, including many students from the foreign mission fields. These students all seek
to improve their Bible knowledge, and they have found that ATS is a strong Bible school with an outstanding
reputation in the Christian community.
ATS has a wonderful faculty, and the seminary courses have been prepared by professors from Dallas Theological
Seminary, Liberty University, Luther Rice, and other well-known schools. These courses offer the student the
opportunity to learn God’s Word as inspired and inerrant. The courses prepare the pastor, counselor, and other
Christian leaders for the ministry and to be an asset to God’s kingdom.
Our curriculum carries a student through the Bible, focusing on teaching not only the contents of each book, but
also the proper method for exegeting and expositing these sacred passages. With courses from New Testament
Survey to Greek Exegesis, the ATS curriculum is very thorough, giving the Christian servant the opportunity to
study not only academic topics, such as Koine Greek, but also immediately practical courses for the ministry, such
as Pastoral Counseling and Expository Preaching. And many new courses are in the works for the upcoming
semesters, courses which will only add greater depth and value to an ATS education.
I personally hope that you will consider enrolling with Andersonville so that we might challenge you in your faith,
Bible knowledge, and spiritual formation. There is no better place to learn God’s Word.
In Christ’s service,
Jimmy L. Hayes, Th.D.
Faculty Highlights 2022
Doctor of Ministry: Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Doctor of Theology: Andersonville Theological Seminary
Doctor of Philosophy: Dallas Theological Seminary
Doctor of Theology: Andersonville Theological Seminary
Doctor of Theology: Andersonville Theological Seminary
Doctor of Theology: Andersonville Theological Seminary
Doctor of Ministry: Faith Baptist Seminary
Doctor of Ministry (Christian Counseling): Andersonville
Theological Seminary; Master of Arts (Liberty University)
Doctor of Ministry: Luther Rice College & Seminary
Doctor of Theology: Great Plains Seminary; Master of Arts:
Liberty University
Doctor of Philosophy: Baptist Bible Seminary
Doctor of Philosophy: Andersonville Theological Seminary
Doctor of Theology: Andersonville Theological Seminary
Doctor of Ministry: Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Master of Theology: Southeastern Baptist Theological
Seminary; Doctor of Theology: (CandidateAndersonville
Theological Seminary)
Doctor of Philosophy: Andersonville Theological Seminary
Doctor of Theology: Andersonville Theological Seminary
Master of Theology: Liberty University
Master of Divinity: Talbot School of Theology
Doctor of Ministry: Luther Rice College & Seminary
Doctor of Theology: Andersonville Theological Seminary
Doctor of Theology: Andersonville Theological Seminary
Doctor of Philosophy: Dallas Theological Seminary
Doctor of Theology: Andersonville Theological Seminary;
M.A.B.S.: Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary; B.A.:
Beirut Arab University.
Bold Print indicates degree(s) earned from CHEA recognized Regionally or Nationally
accredited seminaries. All bold print professors teach in the Master and Doctoral
programs, except for Dr. J.L. Hayes, who also teaches at the undergraduate level.
A Brief History of Andersonville Theological Seminary
In the early 1980’s, Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes recognized a calling from God to establish a cost-
effective Bible-honoring seminary for Christians who were already serving in the field. This
seminary was to be a completely distance-based education, delivering audio lectures by
qualified Bible teachers on cassette tapes. With a small tape duplicator and his calling from
God, Dr. Hayes began Andersonville Baptist Seminary in 1981. Though a new seminary without
name or reputation in the Christian community, God blessed ABS and its stances on the Bible
and on low tuition prices for active pastors. Students began to enroll in surprising numbers as
ABS’s name and reputation spread slowly across the United States.
By the early 1990’s, ABS had students in almost all 50 states and had built a strong reputation in
the Christian community. Students from regionally accredited schools began to transfer into
ABS, and upon graduating from Andersonville they stated that they had received a quality Bible
education of equal or greater value than at other established schools. The seminary’s
reputation began to spread by word of mouth, from student to potential student, and the
student body of ABS grew by leaps and bounds.
In the 2000’s, Andersonville changed its name from Andersonville Baptist Seminary to
Andersonville Theological Seminary. ATS maintained its Baptist doctrine as strongly as ever, as
our doctrinal statement so clearly proves. Students continued to enroll at a record pace, until
the school had over 3,000 students actively enrolled, representing all 50 states and many
foreign countries. ATS degrees had been accepted by accredited schools, testifying to the
strong reputation of ATS in the Christian community, and literally thousands of ATS pastors and
Christian workers were proclaiming the Bible and the gospel to churches across the world.
By 2015, ATS had become a strong seminary, with over 7,300 students actively enrolled. These
students represent all 50 states and over 24 foreign countries, with students ranging from Asia
to Africa to North and South America. In 2017, ATS began hiring professors from regionally
accredited seminaries to teach at the Master’s and Doctorate levels. And in 2022, after
partnering with the Association of Biblical Counselors and after receiving Accredited Member
status from the Association of Independent Christian Colleges and Seminaries, the ATS degree is
stronger than ever.
Andersonville Mission Statement
& Core Values
ATS Mission Statement
The mission of Andersonville Theological Seminary is to provide a quality Bible education to
pastors and Christian workers serving in the ministry and in the field of service so that they may
be equipped to build up the Body of Christ, His Church, through sound biblical proclamation.
ATS Core Values
Biblically Centered
Knowing the Bible to be the Holy and Inspired Word of God, Andersonville strives to teach
never to correctthe Bible as it stands in the King James Version. ATS believes in, teaches, and
promotes sound biblical exposition and study of God’s Word. Our full doctrinal position is listed
under the Doctrinal Statement in this catalog and on-line at our website under “About Us.”
Great Commission Focused
Andersonville strives constantly to remind its student body that Biblical Education is not for the
purpose of gaining knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but for the purpose of building up the
Body of Christ so that she feels compelled to reach out to the lost world around her with the
gospel of Jesus Christ. The world without Christ is doomed to eternal Hell, and ATS instills
within its students to do the work of the Kingdom while there is still time, time which may
cease to be at any moment with the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Kingdom Ready
Andersonville believes in and teaches the eternal security of the Christian, who is indwelt by the
presence and power of the Holy Spirit. But Christians will be strictly judged (1Cor 3.11-15) at
the Judgment Seat of Christ to see whether they have earned any rewards as they prepare to
enter the Millennial Kingdom of Christ. For those who have been slothful stewards, the
judgment will be severe. But for those who have readied themselves as workmen rightly
dividing the Word of truth and who have done the work of a faithful steward of the Gospel,
rewards will be granted, and they will co-rule with Christ in the Kingdom. Andersonville seeks to
instill a deep desire for preparing for this judgment and for earning the rewards of the
Doctrinal Statement of Andersonville Theological
Article IThe Scriptures
ATS holds that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Tim 3.16).
ATS understands “by inspiration of God” to mean that the whole Bible is inspired in the sense
that God’s Holy Spirit moved holy men of God to pen the very words of Scripture. The words
are fully God’s words, though He used human penmen to achieve the writing of the Bible.
ATS further understands that God’s inspiration extends equally and fully to all parts of the
Biblehistorical, poetical, doctrinal, and prophetical.
ATS understands that the Scriptures are centered upon the King, Jesus Christ, and His kingdom.
ATS further understands that the no passage of Scripture is properly understood until it leads to
Jesus Christ.
ATS holds that all Scripture is given were given for practical instruction in our daily Christian
walk with God.
Article IIThe Triune God
The Trinity
ATS believes that there is only one true and living God, revealed in both the Old and New
Testament of the Holy Bible. He alone is the Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer God. He is
omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
ATS holds that God eternally exists in three personsGod the Father, God the Son, and God the
Holy Spirit. These three persons are one God, having exactly the same nature and essence. Each
person is worthy of identical praise and obedience.
God the Father
ATS holds that God as Father personally rules over His universe and all its inhabitants.
ATS believes that God the Father has preordained the outcome of human history according to
the purposes of His grace as revealed by the Holy Bible.
ATS further holds God is Father to all who come to personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and
God the Son
ATS holds that Christ is the eternal Son of God, uncreated and identical to the Father in essence
and nature.
ATS holds that Christ was active in the creation of the universe, and He is the Sustainer of all the
ATS holds firmly to the fact that Christ was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin
Mary. As such, He was born without the sin nature that has tainted mankind since the Fall of
ATS further holds that Jesus perfectly revealed and performed the will of the Father. Though
fully God, He took upon Himself human nature with its accompanying demands and necessities
so that He was fully man, yet He remained without sin.
ATS believes that by His substitutionary death on the cross Jesus Christ made provision for the
redemption of all men from sin.
ATS further holds that after three days and nights, Jesus Christ was raised from the dead with a
glorified physical body, in which He appeared to His disciples. Forty days following His
resurrection, Christ ascended into heaven and is now exalted at the right hand of God.
ATS believes that currently Christ serves as the only Mediator between God and mankind.
ATS holds that at His bodily second coming, Jesus Christ will return in power and glory to judge
the world and to consummate His redemptive mission.
ATS further hold that all people owe their allegiance and obedience to Christ as Savior and Lord.
God the Holy Spirit
ATS holds that the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of God, is the third member of the Trinity and that
He is fully God.
ATS believes that as God He inspired holy men of old to write the Scriptures and that through
illumination, He enables men to understand truth.
ATS holds that He calls men to the Savior, and effects regeneration. At the moment of
regeneration, He baptizes every believer into the Body of Christ. Following the Day of
Pentecost, He came into the world in a special sense so that He is present within each believer.
Once He has taken up residence within the believer, He will never abandon that believer,
regardless of the believer’s merit or worth.
ATS holds that He works within each Christian in manifold ways.
ATS holds that the Spirit seals the believer unto the day of final redemption.
Article IIIMan
ATS holds that man originally was created in Adam in the image and likeness of God.
ATS holds that man fell in Adam fell through sin, and as a result of his fall, man lost his spiritual
life, and became dead in trespasses and in sin. This fallen nature has been communicated to
every person, excepting Christ Jesus, who was born of a virgin. As a fallen and sinful creature,
man is devoid of spiritual life, needing Divine grace to secure his restoration to fellowship with
Article IVSalvation
ATS holds that man is saved by God’s grace alone, with man’s works and efforts being
completely excluded. Neither baptism nor any other ordinance affects salvation to any degree
ATS holds that salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone.
ATS holds that salvation is available to all but is effective only for those who by faith accept the
completed work of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross. Man’s redemption is achieved solely by the
blood of Jesus Christ, who served as man’s Divine Substitute, being made a curse and sin for us
so that He might die in our place.
ATS holds that no person can enter into the Kingdom of God unless he is born again of the Spirit
of God.
Article VEternal Security
ATS holds that due to nature of God’s saving grace, that all believers are kept saved until the
day of redemption and even forever.
ATS further holds that God will not overlook sin in the believer but will chasten them with
Divine correction in love. At no time during this chastening process is a believer’s secure
position in jeopardy, but his fellowship with God is broken. Upon repentance from sin and upon
asking for forgiveness of sin, Christ will restore the believer to fellowship with God.
ATS holds that ultimately Jesus Christ will present the believer faultless before the throne of
God. No believer shall be lost from the grasp of the Persons of the Trinity.
ATS believes that a believer can have full assurance of their salvation and security in Christ from
the moment that he places his trust in Jesus Christ as Savior.
Article VIThe Church
ATS holds that all believers from the Day of Pentecost until the Rapture of the Church prior to
the Tribulation of the last days are members of the Church, the Body of Christ and the Bride of
Christ. Having begun at Pentecost and not before, the Church is wholly separate from and
distinct from Israel.
ATS holds all believers of this present age, whether Jew or Gentile, are baptized by the Spirit
into the Body of Christ.
Article VIIThe Ordinances
ATS holds that there are two and only two ordinances for the Church, these being water
baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper. Baptism serves as a sign that a person who is
already saved through the blood of Christ alone is identifying himself with the death, burial, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ and the new life which He alone can grant. The Lord’s Supper is a
memorial, looking back to the cross of Jesus Christ and the blood which He shed upon that
cross, and is anticipatory, looking forward to the return of Jesus at His coming again.
Article VIIILast Things
ATS holds that the Rapture of the Church prior to the coming Tribulation is the next great event
in the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. This rapture will be due to the Lord Jesus Christ coming in
the air to call out all members of His Church, both living and dead, to meet Him in the air. He
will then immediately remove these saints to Heaven, where He has prepared a home for them.
They will be judged at the Bema Judgment, the Judgment Seat of Christ, for eternal rewards,
salvation already having been secured.
ATS holds that following the Rapture of the Church, the world will undergo the most severe of
judgments, fulfilling Daniel’s Seventieth Week, a time known as the Tribulation and a time of
Israel’s trouble. The Tribulation will end with the Second Coming of Christ, who will fight the
Battle of Armageddon and who will defeat the Antichrist and the False Prophet.
ATS holds that at the Second Coming of Christ, following the Battle of Armageddon and the
Judgment of Israel and the Judgment of the Nations, the Lord Jesus Christ will introduce the
Kingdom of God upon earth. This Kingdom will endure throughout the Millennium, the literal
one-thousand-year reign of Christ upon earth, and will bring about a lifting of the curse which
now rests upon all creation. Israel, having been purged and judged, will dwell safely within the
Promised Land, and the Church, having been judged, will rule with Christ over the nations of the
earth. Satan shall be bound for the thousand years, being released at the end of the period to
raise an army to resist and attack God and His holy saints. Satan and his army shall be destroyed
immediately, and the final judgment of lost souls, the Great White Throne Judgment, shall
ATS holds that following the Great White Throne Judgment, Christ shall yield up the Kingdom to
the Father, that God might be all in all. All believers from all ages shall dwell with Christ in glory
throughout all eternity. All unsaved sinners shall be cast into the Lake of Fire, where they shall
be tormented day and night for all eternity.
Article IXThe Family
ATS affirms and values God’s gift of marriage between man and woman that God created in His
own image. Genesis 1.27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created
he him: male and female created he them.” As ATS is committed to providing our students with
a biblical worldview, ATS believes and practices what the Bible says about marriage and
operates by faith according to that faith commitment. ATS abides by Jesus’ teaching on
marriage when he said in Matthew 19.4b-6, “…Have ye not read, that he which made them at
the beginning made them male and female, And said, for this cause shall a man leave his father
and mother and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are
no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put
asunder.” The definition of marriage provided by Jesus includes several important truths that
ATS expects all board members, faculty members, students, and staff to value and abide by.
Firstly, marriage is a covenant designed by God (Matthew 19.4b). Secondly, His biblical
definition of marriage is not conditioned by cultural or personal perspective but decided by God
from the beginning and expected to continue until eternity (Matthew 19.4b-6). Thirdly,
marriage is intended to be between one man and one woman as God biologically created them
male and female at birth (Matthew 19.4b). Hence, any other proposals for marriage are outside
of God’s intended design (see Leviticus 18.22; 20:13-16; Romans 1.26-27; 1Corinthians 6.9-11;
and 1Timothy 1.9-10). Fourthly, the marriage covenant is sealed through sexual intercourse
which should be reserved for one husband and one wife after they have entered the holy
covenant of marriage (Matthew 19.5). Fifthly, God’s design is for marriage to last until the
death of one of the spouses (Matthew 19.6; 22.30).
Therefore, ATS defines marriage as a divinely designed biblical covenant between one man and
one woman and God that is intended to represent the relationship of Christ and the Church.
This view of marriage is affirmed by the authorized King James Bible in both its Old and New
Testaments. (See Genesis 1.27; 2.23-24; Malachi 2.14; Song of Solomon 2.7, 16; 1 Corinthians
7.1-16; Ephesians 5.22-33; Hebrews 13.4).
Article XThe Great Commission
ATS holds that it is the explicit commandment of Jesus Christ to all believers to go forth into the
world to spread the Gospel message of the Person and Work of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross.
While enrolled as a student at Andersonville Theological Seminary, students shall have the
following rights:
1) To receive quality instruction provided by the faculty meeting the educational
requirements as described in the Seminary’s publications, within a climate that is
conducive to thinking and learning, that is distinguished by courtesy and respect.
2) To receive advising from ATS’s faculty or other qualified personnel regarding students’
academic, financial or placement concerns.
3) To require a review of their own educational records during the designated hours and, if
errors are detected, request correction thereof.
4) To be given reasonable notice of course requirements, criteria, and methods of
evaluation, and that these evaluations be given without prejudice or favoritism.
5) Subject to the rules and regulations of the Seminary and of the United States, students
have a right to confidentiality of their personally identifiable information and records,
and to the confidentiality of other information including student’s personal history,
evaluation documents, and disability information.
Students are expected to listen to all lectures and/or to complete all required assignments for
each course. Students who attempt to skip over or through lectures or lessons will have their
Student Dashboard flagged for inappropriate activity and such activity will affect the
student’s final grade for that course. If a student repeatedly engages in inappropriate
academic behavior, the student may be dismissed from the Seminary after review by the Vice
President of Academic Affairs.
Various assignments will be given to students, depending on the course in which the student is
enrolled. Assignments may take the form of essays, questions to be answered, multiple-choice
tests, field work, local church activities, etc. These will be delineated by the course syllabi and
faculty mentor relationship. Some assignments may be mandatory. Failure to complete
satisfactorily any of those assignments may forfeit all credits for that subject. Other
assignments may be optional or may affect only a stated percentage of the grade.
A response will be e-mailed to the student upon receipt of all assignments within 3-5 business
Personal or Financial Difficulties
If a student comes into personal or financial difficulty, or if a problem develops concerning
policies, procedures or other aspects of the College, the student should consult with the
Seminary immediately. Problems should not be allowed to grow until they become
insurmountable. The Seminary staff is ready and anxious to do everything possible to ensure
that students succeed in their preparation for the ministry.
The student may be recommended for dismissal in the event of a violation of the Student Code
of Conduct, remaining in severe financial delinquency, or failing to conduct themselves in a
manner becoming of a Christian disciple of Christ Jesus.
Students are not expected to agree with everything that will be taught within the various
courses. Students are, however, expected to treat the views of the faculty members and fellow
students with respect. If a disagreement arises about something that is being taught, the
student should listen as openly as possible, giving due attention to anything that the Holy Spirit
may be saying.
The student should not expect the Holy Spirit to speak to everyone in the same way or lead
everyone in the same direction. The Holy Spirit has a multifaceted plan to suit the extraordinary
diversity that exists in the Church. There is much that one can learn from others.
In assignments, the student will be free to express his or her own views, but the student will be
required to show an understanding of the viewpoints of the professor(s) and be able to express
that differing opinion, even if it conflicts with the student’s personal beliefs. It is important for
the student to always follow the instructions in the preparation of assignments.
Students are encouraged to ask questions. The Seminary faculty and staff are here to assist the
student as he or she progresses through the academic requirements of ATS. Although the ATS
educational programs are administered by distance learning, ATS wants each student to know
that they have access to assistance during all regular business hours.
Admission Policies & Procedures
Undergraduate candidates must have a high school diploma or GED. Applicants into a Master’s
program are required to have a four-year bachelor’s degree or equivalent with a GPA of 2.00 or
higher. Doctoral candidates must have a master’s degree or equivalent with a GPA of 3.00 or
higher. ATS’s unique curriculum provides practical lessons that will challenge the student to
think both academically and spiritually. Lessons are individually graded with personal attention
given to all. User-friendly for distance learning, each undergraduate course is offered in
semester credits. Graduate and doctoral courses offer one to three credits, depending upon the
course requirements. These courses have been effective in equipping men and women with the
knowledge they need to become efficient in the field of labor to which God has called them.
How to Take Your Courses
Course lectures are delivered directly to the student, who studies independently and at his/her
own pace. Each course in the School of Theology consists of lectures administered in the
following formats: audio, video, writing, or multi-media. These lectures are coupled with the
KJV Bible. Most courses are lecture-based, not textbook-only based. Each course in the School
of Practical Ministry is text-based from the KJV Life Application Study Bible. Students love the
courses in both programs! No mandatory or fixed class times requiring your presence. Self-
paced, self-directed!
Student Communications
We excel in our student communications by phone and e-mail. Emails normally are answered
within no more than a few business hours.
Course Assessment
Students’ grades are based upon a variety of requirements for each course, depending upon
the course topic and the faculty member(s) administrating the course. Most courses will assess
the student’s progress through Midterm and/or Final Exams. Other requirements may include
Thought Journals, Research Papers, Reading Logs, Discussion Board Posts, Critical Book
Reviews, and other assessments.
Andersonville’s courses are developed and taught by outstanding faculty from seminaries such
as Dallas Theological Seminary and Liberty University. The ATS faculty provides these courses as
a ministry to the ATS student, teaching for minimal fees so that they might be a blessing to the
ATS student in the field of service. These are men dedicated to God’s service of training up
Christian workers for the Kingdom of God.
Transfer Students
Evaluation of transfer credits will be made from official transcripts after the student has been
accepted for admission. Students from schools of higher learning will receive full credit for
equivalent courses in which he/she made “C” or better if the content of the courses meet
requirements for the student’s program.
Lifetime Experience Award
An ATS Student Advisor will inform all undergraduate students upon application of potential
lifetime credit for which the student may be eligible. Students who have extensive practical
ministry experience may be eligible to receive up to 30 Semester Credits of lifetime credit.
Students may apply for Lifetime Credit only once upon initial enrollment.
Grade Point Average
A student's grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the sum of all grade points
earned by the sum of all credit hours attempted. Note that only ATS courses are counted in the
GPA and not transfer courses earned elsewhere.
ATS Grading Scale
Student Records
ATS shall not release student information to any party unless it is requested in writing with
approval from the student. Public information that cannot be restricted includes a student
name, enrollment status, certificates and/or degrees, and dates of attendance.
To qualify for graduation with an Associate or Bachelor’s degree, the student must successfully
fulfill all of the following requirements:
1) Complete each undergraduate course requirement, including courses transferred in as
part of the degree program
2) Maintain an overall GPA of “C” (2.00) or better
3) Earn a minimum of one half of the hours in the program at Andersonville Theological
4) Pay all Seminary accounts in full
5) Apply for graduation in the Registrar’s Office at least 30 days prior to the date desired to
6) Receive approval from the faculty and administration.
To qualify for graduation with M.Min., Th.M., M.Div., Th.D., or D.Min., the student must
successfully fulfill all of the following requirements:
1) Complete all graduate course requirements
2) Maintain an overall GPA of 2.50 or better
3) Pay all Seminary accounts in full
4) Apply for graduation in the Registrar’s office at least 30 days prior to the date desired to
5) Receive approval from the faculty and administration.
1. Self-paced study permits flexibility in your schedule, allowing you to continue your
education without interrupting your present responsibilities.
2. Helps you to be more effective in the Lord’s work by equipping you with knowledge and
3. ATS makes a Christian education affordable: No student loans or grants are required to
get your degree!
4. Measurable progress is seen as you study only God’s truth.
5. Credit for ministry experience is available at the undergraduate degree level.
6. The student is given step-by-step, achievable objectives leading toward a well-rounded
and relevant study of the Bible applied to our lives in today’s world.
7. Students from other schools may transfer in and finish their degrees or earn advanced
8. Each ATS course promotes spiritual growth, builds character, strengthens your home
and church, and offers preparation for a Christian ministry.
You can earn your quality seminary degree, without quitting your job or attending on-campus
classes! Those who have the luxury of plenty of extra time and a wealth of financial resources,
which are both required to attend a traditional college or university, may decide to do so, even
after reading this seminary catalog. But for those of you who are already involved in earning a
living, raising a family, and trying to better your position, genuine concerns about the expenses
and time required to complete a traditional education may be preventing you from achieving
the education and success that you deserve. The great news is that you can now earn your
valuable degree in a reasonable amount of time and for a reasonable price.
Andersonville Theological Seminary, like many similar nontraditional educational institutions
throughout the United States, is not concerned as much with time in the classroom as with
demonstrable knowledge through evaluation of both coursework and prior experience and
learning. We will combine the results of your study in our programs as well as our evaluation of
your experience and learning to determine what you know and understand. We then grant
degrees based on our assessment of your completed coursework and research projects at
Andersonville Theological Seminary.
Andersonville Theological Seminary currently is an ACCREDITED MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF
strong within the Christian world.
Several fully accredited schools have accepted students with credits and/or degrees from
Andersonville Theological Seminary. Transfer of credit cannot be guaranteed as all credit
transfers are at the discretion of the accepting institution. ATS currently is not seeking
accreditation from any regional accrediting agency.
Reasons for Not Seeking Regional Accreditation
Regional Accreditation is a "Voluntary Process" that is not required of Religious Schools.
Ministers and Christian workers rarely need a degree from a Regionally Accredited School.
Regional Accrediting Associations:
1) Do not require Regionally Accredited Schools to accept transfer students from other
Regionally Accredited Schools
2) Do not require Regionally Accredited Schools to accept transfer credits from other
Regionally Accredited Schools
3) Do not require all classes to be taught by full Professors instead of Teaching Assistants
or Graduate Students
4) Do not require all grading to be done by full Professors instead of Teaching Assistants or
Graduate Students
5) Try to dictate hiring practices & attempt to influence guidelines for faculty selection and
interfere with Academic Freedom on many levels.
As a Religious Institution, Andersonville Theological Seminary does not wish to give any group
power over its Curriculum, Faculty, Tuition, or other Policies.
Reasons for Seeking Private Accreditation
Although seeking accreditation is a voluntary process not required of religious schools, ATS
desires its students to have confidence in the quality of the Andersonville curriculum and
degree programs. AICCS lends such confidence to the ATS programs.
Associate Degree: A High School Diploma, or GED, is required to receive a degree and should be
completed before beginning college courses. A total of sixty (60) credit hours are required to
earn an Associate Degree.
Bachelor Degree: An Associate Degree or the equivalent number of credit hours (minimum of
sixty (60) credit hours) is required, plus additional courses are required for a total of one
hundred twenty (120) credit hours to earn a Bachelor Degree.
Master Degree: A Bachelor Degree is required to enter the ATS Graduate degree program. A
transcript from college/colleges where Undergraduate Degree/Degrees were conferred are
Doctorate Degree: A Master’s Degree is required to enter the Doctorate program. A transcript
from college/colleges where the Master’s Degree was granted is required. Only degrees that
are religious in nature are awarded from ATS.
School of Theology
Undergraduate Programs
Associate of Biblical Studies
Bachelor of Ministry
Bachelor of Theology
Graduate Programs
Master of Ministry
o Pastoral Leadership
o Biblical Exposition
o Biblical Counseling with ABC Certification (Level 2)
o Christian Counseling with NCCA Certification
o Christian Education
Master of Theology in Biblical Exposition
Master of Biblical Studies in New Testament
Master of Divinity in Pastoral Leadership
Doctoral Programs
Doctor of Ministry
o Pastoral Leadership
o Biblical Counseling
o Christian Counseling
o Christian Education
Doctor of Theology in Pastoral Leadership
Associate of Biblical Studies
Program Overview
The Associate of Biblical Studies is the beginning of Bible training at Andersonville. Students
who previously have not completed at least 60 semester hours of college level work will begin
at this level. Students may receive advanced standing in the program through transfer credits
and, in instances where the student is well-qualified, through lifetime credits. The program
gives the student solid preparation for the Bachelor programs at ATS.
The Associate of Biblical Studies program primarily consists of training in key books of the Bible.
The program offers insightful, practical, and systematic training in each of these books. Key
theology courses are also presented. By the end of the program, students will have a working
knowledge of books from both Testaments and of critical doctrines of the Bible.
The Associate of Biblical Studies program is an advance-at-your-own-pace program. Most
students will complete the program in less than two years. Students are required to maintain a
2.00 GPA to advance into the Bachelor programs at ATS. Upon completion of the Associate of
Biblical Studies program, the student is eligible to enroll directly into an ATS Bachelor’s
Associate Degree Curriculum
1. OTBB2413 Judges Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
2. OTBB1136 Genesis Guided Research
3. NTBB1200 Mark Guided Research
4. NTBB1204 Galatians Guided Research
5. NTBB2508 Ephesians Guided Research
6. THEO2000 Bible Doctrines Dr. James Gibson
7. THEO2775 I & II Thessalonians Guided Research
8. OTBB1377 Introduction to Zechariah Dr. Gino Cascieri
9. BSNT2500 New Testament Theology Dr. William Seay
10. NTBB1104 Survey of I & II Timothy Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
11. NTBB1102 Introduction to Hebrews Dr. Harley Howard
12. THEO1107 Doctrine of Satan & Demons Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
13. THEO2365 Old Testament Theology Dr. William Seay
14. THEO2340 Doctrine of Christ Dr. Gino Cascieri
15. MNPM1000 Life Principles I Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
16. MNPM1110 Christian Ethics Dr. James Gibson
17. BSHS2250 Patriarch Stage Dr. James Gibson
18. BSHS2575 Life of David Dr. William Seay
19. BSHS2585 Life of Paul Dr. William Seay
20. BSHS2000 How We Got Our Bible Dr. James Gibson
Courses Subject to Change Without Notice / Delivery Format Subject to Change Without Notice
Bachelor of Ministry
Program Overview
Prerequisite: An approved Associate Degree or minimum of 60 semester hours of college
The Bachelor of Ministry is the final two years of the student’s undergraduate study. Students
may receive advanced standing in the program through transfer credits, and in instances where
the student is well-qualified, through lifetime credits. The program prepares the student for all
ATS master’s programs.
The Bachelor of Ministry program consists of training in a diverse core curriculum that focuses
upon developing the student’s general Bible knowledge and upon developing the student’s
training in key areas of ministry. The major courses center upon developing the student’s skill in
specialized areas of ministry service. Students who earn a B.Min. degree also will earn a Level
1 Certification in Biblical Counseling from the Association of Biblical Counselors.
The Bachelor of Ministry program is an advance-at-your-own-pace program. Most students will
complete the program in less than two years. Students are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA to
advance into the ATS graduate programs. Upon completion of the B.Min. program, the student
is eligible to enroll directly into the ATS graduate program.
Bachelor of Ministry Coursework
Core Curriculum
1) BSOT3000 Old Testament Survey Dr. James Gibson
2) OTBB3412 Survey of Joshua Dr. Harley Howard
3) OTBB4414 I Samuel Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
4) OTBB4415 II Samuel Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
5) OTBB4987 Job Dr. Harley Howard
6) OTBB4426 Ecclesiastes Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
7) BSNT3000 NT Survey Dr. Edgar Simpson
8) NTBB3406 Survey of Mark Dr. James Gibson
9) NTBB3407 Survey of Luke Dr. James Gibson
10) NTBB4429 Philippians & Colossians Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
11) NTBB4869 I JohnJude Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
12) BSHS3500 Life of Christ Dr. James Gibson
13) MNPM4000 Personal Evangelism Dr. Randy Edwards
14) MNPM4075 Introduction to Youth Ministry Dr. Michael Reynolds
15) MNPM4900 Bi-Vocational Pastor Dr. Larry Hendrickson
16) THEO4000 Systematic Theology Dr. James Gibson
17) THEO4950 Eschatology Dr. Randy Edwards
18) BBCN4100 Level 1: Association of Biblical Counselors Certification
19) BBCN4150 Level 1: Association of Biblical Counselors Certification
20) BBCN4900 Biblical Counseling Capstone Project
Courses Subject to Change Without Notice / Delivery Format Subject to Change Without Notice
At time of catalog printing, all Bachelor Level Courses are in Online Format and are Lecture-based.
Level 1 Certification Fees through the Association of Biblical Counselors
ABC Membership Dues $ 99.00
ABC Tuition & Fees $475.00
Bachelor of Theology
Program Overview
Prerequisite: An approved Associate Degree or at least 60 semester hours of college credits
The Bachelor of Theology is the final two years of the student’s undergraduate study. Students
may receive advanced standing in the program through transfer credits, and in instances where
the student is well-qualified, through lifetime credits. The program prepares the student for all
ATS master’s programs.
The Th.B. program consists of training in a diverse core curriculum that focuses upon
developing the student’s general Bible knowledge and upon developing the student’s training in
key areas of ministry. The major courses center upon developing the student’s skill in
specialized areas of ministry service.
The Bachelor of Theology program is an advance-at-your-own-pace program. Most students will
complete the program in less than two years. Students are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA to
advance into the ATS graduate programs. Upon completion of the Th.B. program, the student is
eligible to enroll directly into the ATS graduate programs.
Bachelor of Theology Coursework
Required Curriculum
1) BSOT3000 Old Testament Survey Dr. James Gibson
2) OTBB3412 Survey of Joshua Dr. Harley Howard
3) OTBB4414 I Samuel Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
4) OTBB4115 II Samuel Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
5) OTBB4987 Job Dr. Harley Howard
6) OTBB4426 Ecclesiastes Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
7) BSNT3000 New Testament Survey Dr. Edgar Simpson
8) NTBB3406 Survey of Mark Dr. James Gibson
9) NTBB3407 Survey of Luke Dr. James Gibson
10) NTBB3408 Gospel of John Prof. Andrew Carr, Th.M.
11) NTBB4427 Philippians & Colossians Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
12) NTBB4869 I JohnJude Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
13) MNPM4000 Personal Evangelism Dr. Randy Edwards
14) NTBS4000 Parables of Jesus Prof. Andrew Carr, Th.M.
15) THEO4000 Systematic Theology Dr. James Gibson
16) THEO4010 Doctrine of Sin Dr. William Seay
17) THEO4500 Free Grace Soteriology Dr. J.B. Hixson
18) THEO4950 Eschatology Dr. Randy Edwards
19) THEO4890 Doctrine of God Dr. Gino Cascieri
20) THEO4700 Practical Theology Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes
Courses Subject to Change Without Notice / Delivery Format Subject to Change Without Notice
Master of Ministry (BE) Program Overview
Biblical Exposition
The Master of Ministry in Biblical Exposition is a thirty (30) semester hour program. The
program focuses upon the teaching of important doctrines through the study of key Bible books
from both the Old and New Testaments. The program is a great option for those who are
seeking to preach or teach in the local church and desire to enhance their knowledge of the
The Master of Ministry in Biblical Exposition does not require language work or a Master’s
Thesis. All the coursework is lecture-based, with a variety of professors presenting practical
exposition courses for the Christian teacher. Students will be challenged to think more deeply
about the Word of God than ever before. Upon completion of the course, students should have
a large collection of practical expository notes that they can easily transform into sermons for
the pulpit or lessons for the church classroom.
The Master of Ministry (Biblical Exposition) program is an advance-at-your-own-pace program.
Students are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA. Up to 30 hours may transfer into the Master of
Divinity degree program.
Master of Ministry in Biblical Exposition Curriculum
HERM6000 Dispensational Hermeneutics Dr. J.B. Hixson 3 Credits
BSOT5000 Old Testament Introduction Dr. James Gibson 3
BSOT6010 The Pentateuch Dr. Scott Osattin 3
OTBB6855 Isaiah Dr. John Nocera 3
BSNT5000 New Testament Introduction Mr. Stephen Rost, Th.M. 3
NTBB6510 Romans Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes 3
NTBB6516 I Corinthians Dr. Andrew Spurgeon 3
NTBS6500 Paul & James: The Gospel Dr. J.B. Hixson 3
NTBB6525 Prison Epistles Dr. Bryan Anderson 3
EXPO5000 Expository Preaching Dr. Soloman Patrick 3
Master of Ministry (PL) Program Overview
Pastoral Leadership
The Master of Ministry in Pastoral Leadership is a thirty (30) semester hour program. The
program focuses upon the teaching of important doctrines through the study of key Bible books
from both the Old and New Testaments. The program is a great option for those who are
seeking to minister in the local church and desire to enhance their knowledge of the Bible.
The Master of Ministry in Pastoral Leadership does not require language work or a Master’s
Thesis. All the coursework is lecture-based, with a variety of professors presenting practical
exposition courses for the Christian teacher. Students will be challenged to think more deeply
about the Word of God than ever before. Upon completion of the course, students should have
a large collection of practical notes that they immediately can apply to their present ministry.
The Master of Ministry (Pastoral Leadership) program is an advance-at-your-own-pace
program. Students are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA. Up to 30 hours may transfer into the
Master of Divinity degree program.
Master of Ministry in Pastoral Leadership Curriculum
BSOT5000 OT Introduction Dr. James Gibson 3 Credits
BSNT5000 NT Introduction Mr. Stephen Rost, Th.M. 3
NTBB6516 I Corinthians Dr. Andrew Spurgeon 3
NTBB6525 Prison Epistles Dr. Bryan Anderson 3
NTBB6515 Romans Dr. Jimmy Hayes 3
MNEP5000 Expository Preaching Dr. Soloman Patrick 3
MNCN5100 Pastoral Counseling Dr. Ed Fleming 3
MNCN6100 Premarital Counseling Dr. Daniel Moore 3
MNEP5300 Evangelism in the Church Dr. Richard Fulton 3
THEO6370 Doctrine of Salvation Dr. Gino Cascieri 3
Master of Ministry (BC) Program Overview
Biblical Counseling
The Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling is a thirty-six (36) semester hour program. (Course
load may be reduced if students have completed ABC Level 1 Certification prior to enrolling into
the program). The program offers Level 1 (if necessary) and Level 2 Certification through the
Association of Biblical Counselors. Practical experience in biblical counseling is emphasized
through Biblical Counseling Practicums. Also, through the study of key Bible books from the
New Testament, the program focuses upon biblical concepts necessary for successful pastoral
and lay counseling within the church. The program is a great option for those who are seeking
to offer faith-based counseling in the local church and desire to enhance their knowledge of the
The Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling does not require language work or a Master’s
Thesis. Students will be challenged to think more deeply about the Word of God than ever
The Master of Ministry (Biblical Counseling) program is an advance-at-your-own-pace program.
Students are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA to graduate.
Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling Curriculum
NTBB6510 Romans Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes 3 Credits
NTBB6516 I Corinthians Dr. Andrew Spurgeon 3
NTBS6500 Paul & James: The Gospel Dr. J.B. Hixson 3
THEO6370 Doctrine of Salvation Dr. Gino Cascieri 3
MNCN5100 Pastoral Counseling Dr. Ed Fleming 3
MNCN6100 Premarital Counseling Dr. Daniel Moore 3
MNCN6330 Marriage Conflicts Dr. Cherry Hayes 3
*BBCN5100 Level I: ABC Certification Counseling Advisor 3
*BBCN5150 Level I: ABC Certification Counseling Advisor 3
BBCN6000 Level II: ABC Certification Counseling Advisor 3
BBCN6800 Biblical CN Practicum I Counseling Advisor 3
BBCN6900 Biblical CN Practicum II Counseling Advisor 3
* Denotes required course if not completed prior to enrolling into the Biblical Counseling
program. If previously completed, the course is not required pending verification of completion
by ATS.
ABC Certification is not a state license. It is recognition by a quality faith-based organization
that certifies that the student has successfully completed the requirements set forth by ABC for
competent biblical counseling.
Additional Fees are required for Certification. Please see the Financial Requirements section for
more information.
Master of Ministry (CC) Program Overview
Christian Counseling
The Master of Ministry in Christian Counseling is a thirty-six (36) semester hour program that
blends Bible teaching from ATS and Christian counseling courses from the National Christian
Counselors Association. The program requires 27 hours of faith-based counseling courses from
the NCCA through ATS. The program offers training and courses in Biblical Studies, Pastoral
Ministries, Theology, and Christian Counseling.
Upon completion of the program, the student earns both a Master of Ministry in Christian
Counseling degree from ATS and faith-based licensure through the NCCA as a Licensed Clinical
Pastoral Counselor. This faith-based licensure is not to be confused with state-based licensure.
The NCCA faith-based licensure, however, does allow students to counsel professionally under
the umbrella of the local church. For more information on the benefits of the NCCA licensure,
please call the head of the ATS Christian Counseling Department.
The NCCA courses offered through ATS must be completed in the order presented in the
following Degree Requirements listings. Further, each NCCA course must be completed and
passed before the student is allowed to move onto the next NCCA course. The student may
continue to work on ATS courses while working on the NCCA courses.
The M.Min. (Christian Counseling) program is an advance-at-your-own-pace program, with a
maximum of two years being allowed for the completion of the program. Most students will
finish the program within two years. Upon completion of this program, a student may apply
directly to the D.Min. (Christian Counseling) doctoral degree program.
Master of Ministry in Christian Counseling Curriculum
NCCA6100 Basic Christian Counseling 3 Credits
NCCA6010 Temperament Theory 3
NCCA6020 Testing & Measurements 3
NCCA6030 Temperament Therapy 3
NCCA6500 Christian CN: Integrating Psych & CN 3
NCCA6510 Mastering Pastoral Counseling 3
NCCA6575 Temperament Case Studies 3
NCCA6580 Quality, Ethics, & Legal Issues 3
NCCA6590 Codependency 3
See Following Page for Required Curriculum
NTBS6500 Paul & James: The Gospel Dr. J.B. Hixson 3
MNCN5100 Pastoral Counseling Dr. Ed Fleming 3
THEO6370 Doctrine of Salvation Dr. Gino Cascieri 3
NCCA courses must be completed in the order presented with each course being fully completed before moving
onto the next NCCA course. You have only two years to complete the degree program without penalty. An
additional year may be granted for an additional fee.
Additional Fees are required for NCCA licensure. Please see the Financial Requirements section
for more information.
Master of Theology (BE) Program Overview
Biblical Exposition
The Master of Theology in Biblical Exposition is a thirty (30) semester hour program. The
program focuses upon the teaching of important doctrines through the study of key Bible books
from both the Old and New Testaments. The program is a great option for those who are
seeking to preach or teach in the local church and desire to enhance their knowledge of the
The Master of Theology in Biblical Exposition does not require language work or a Master’s
Thesis. All the coursework is lecture-based, with a variety of professors presenting practical
exposition courses for the Christian teacher. Students will be challenged to think more deeply
about the Word of God than ever before. Upon completion of the course, students should have
a large collection of practical expository notes that they can easily transform into sermons for
the pulpit or lessons for the church classroom.
The Master of Theology (Biblical Exposition) program is an advance-at-your-own-pace program.
Students are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA. Up to 30 hours may transfer into the Master of
Divinity degree program.
Master of Theology in Biblical Exposition Curriculum
HERM6000 Dispensational Hermeneutics Dr. J.B. Hixson 3 Credits
BSOT5000 Old Testament Introduction Dr. James Gibson 3
BSOT6010 The Pentateuch Dr. Scott Osattin 3
OTBB6855 Isaiah Dr. John Nocera 3
BSNT5000 New Testament Introduction Mr. Stephen Rost, Th.M. 3
NTBB6510 Romans Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes 3
NTBB6516 I Corinthians Dr. Andrew Spurgeon 3
NTBS6500 Paul & James: The Gospel Dr. J.B. Hixson 3
NTBB6525 Prison Epistles Dr. Bryan Anderson 3
EXPO5000 Expository Preaching Dr. Soloman Patrick 3
Master of Biblical Studies (NT) Program Overview
New Testament Studies
The Master of Biblical Studies in New Testament is a fifty-six (56) semester hour program. The
MBS (New Testament) requires twenty (20) semester hours of language work in New
Testament Greek. The program is an exciting program, challenging the student to grasp a
thorough working knowledge of the Greek language. As the practical ministry aspects have
been removed, this program is designed primarily for those who are seeking to enhance their
teaching and writing skills under the umbrella of the church. Students will receive training in
key New Testament books, New Testament Greek, key theological doctrines, and research.
The basic language work consists of four core courses in New Testament Greek. The courses
progress from basic grammar to syntax to intermediate translation. After completing the four
core NT Greek courses, the student is required to pass the NT Greek Exit Exam. (See “Degree
Requirements” below). Once the Exit Exams have been passed, students will progress to
advanced directed translation courses in NT Greek and Septuagint Greek, with each course
requiring translation of over 600 lines of text per course.
The MBS (New Testament) degree does not require a Master’s Thesis. Instead, students’
critical thinking and writing skills will be developed through assignments throughout the
required curriculum.
The MBS (New Testament) program is an advance-at-your-own-pace program. Students are
required to maintain a 2.50 GPA to graduate.
Master of Biblical Studies in New Testament Studies Curriculum
BSOT5000 Old Testament Introduction Dr. James Gibson 3 Credits
BSNT5000 New Testament Introduction Mr. Stephen Rost, Th.M. 3
NTBB6515 Romans Dr. Jimmy Hayes 3
NTBB6516 I Corinthians Dr. Andrew Spurgeon 3
NTBB6527 Ephesians Dr. Jimmy Hayes 3
NTBB6525 Prison Epistles Dr. Bryan Anderson 3
NTBB6450 Revelation Dr. John Nocera 3
THEO6370 Doctrine of Salvation Dr. Gino Cascieri 3
BSIN5000 Dispensational Hermeneutics Dr. J.B. Hixson 3
THEO6850 Olivet Discourse Dr. J.B. Hixson 3
NTGR5000 NT Greek I: Grammar Prof. Chris McCallister 3
NTGR5010 NT Greek II: Grammar Prof. Chris McCallister 3
NTGR5100 NT Greek III: Syntax Dr. Andrew Carr 3
NTGR5110 NT Greek IV: Exegesis Dr. Andrew Carr 3
GREX6000 NT Greek Exit Exam* Program Advisor 0
NTGR6000 Greek Readings: Gospels Advisor 2
NTGR6010 Greek Readings: Epistles Advisor 2
NTGR6100 Greek Readings: Acts Advisor 2
NTGR6500 Greek Readings: LXX Advisor 2
THRS6000 Master Thesis Proposal Program Advisor 3
THRS6900 Master Thesis Program Advisor 3
NT Greek Exit Exam: All candidates for the MBS (New Testament) degree must successfully pass NT Greek Exit
Exam. Students are allowed up to three hours to complete the exam. The NGEE consists of reading four NT
passages in Greek, each approximately 35 lines long (Textus Receptus: Trinitarian Bible Society). The student will
translate each passage and answer a variety of questions concerning the grammar, syntax, and content of each
passage. The student will complete the exam within one semester of successfully completing Greek IV with a grade
of “C” or better.
Master of Divinity (PL) Program Overview
Pastoral Leadership
The Master of Divinity in Pastoral Leadership is an (80) semester hour program. The program
provides the essentials for students desiring to enhance their practical ministry skills. The
program provides preparation for the Doctor of Ministry program. The M.Div. in Pastoral
Leadership provides training in Biblical Studies, Theology, Biblical Counseling, Pastoral Ministry
and Theological Research.
The Master of Divinity in Pastoral Leadership does not require a Master’s Thesis. Instead,
students will receive extensive practical ministry experience through six ministry practicum
courses. Further, students who graduate from the M.Div. program will also earn Level 2
Certification from the Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC) . The M.Div. program is highly
practical, preparing the minister for the great variety of challenges that he will face in the
ministry, from counseling to preaching.
No biblical language work is required for the M.Div. (Pastoral Leadership) degree program.
Emphasis is placed upon the English text of the Bible. Students will receive expositional training
in the text of the English Bible from both the Old and New Testaments. Special emphasis is
placed upon key books and groups of books that expound the history of Israel and the doctrine
of the Church. Students will find that they have a grasp of the essentials of the Bible upon
completing this program.
The M.Div. (Pastoral Leadership) program is an advance-at-your-own-pace program. Students
are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA. Upon completion of the program, the student will be
eligible to apply for the ATS Doctoral programs.
Master of Divinity in Pastoral Leadership Curriculum
BSIN6000 Dispensational Hermeneutics Dr. J.B. Hixson 3 Credits
BSOT5000 OT Introduction Dr. James Gibson 3
BSOT5500 The Pentateuch Dr. Scott Osattin 3
OTBB6855 Isaiah Dr. John Nocera 3
OTBB6865 Daniel Dr. John Nocera 3
BSNT5000 NT Introduction Mr. Stephen Rost, Th.M. 3
NTBB6515 Romans Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes 3
NTBB6516 I Corinthians Dr. Andrew Spurgeon 3
NTBB6525 Prison Epistles Dr. Bryan Anderson 3
BSNT6500 Paul & James: The Gospel Defined Dr. J.B. Hixson 3
BBCN6100 Pastoral Counseling Dr. Ed Fleming 3
BBCN6150 Premarital Counseling Dr. Daniel Moore 3
BBCN6200 Bereavement Counseling Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes 3
BBCN5100 Level I: ABC Certification Counseling Advisor 3
BBCN5150 Level I: ABC Certification Counseling Advisor 3
BBCN6000 Level II: ABC Certification Counseling Advisor 3
BBCN6800 Biblical CN Practicum I Counseling Advisor 3
BBCN6900 Biblical CN Practicum II Counseling Advisor 3
PCPM6100 Evangelism in the Local Church Dr. Richard Fulton 3
EXPO5000 Expositional Preaching Dr. Soloman Patrick 3
EXPO5100 Sermon Preparation Practicum I Faculty Advisor 2
EXPO5150 Sermon Preparation Practicum II Faculty Advisor 2
MNEP5000 Ministry Practicum I Faculty Advisor 2
MNEP5100 Ministry Practicum II Faculty Advisor 2
THEO6370 Doctrine of Salvation Dr. Gino Cascieri 3
THRS6000 Theological Research I Faculty Advisor 3
THRS6100 Theological Research II Faculty Advisor 3
† ABC Certification is not a state license. It is recognition by a quality faith-based organization that certifies that the
student has successfully completed the requirements set forth by ABC for competent biblical counseling.
Additional ABC Certification Fees
ABC Membership Annual Dues $99.00
ABC Tuition & Fees (Level 1) $475.00
ABC Tuition & Fees (Level 2) $245.00
Doctor of Ministry (PL) Program Overview
Pastoral Leadership
The Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Leadership is a thirty (30) semester hour program. The
program focuses upon the teaching of important doctrines through the study of key Bible books
from both the Old and New Testaments. The program also instructs the student in key
theological issues and topics, giving the student a well-rounded biblical and theological
education, and in biblical counseling, preparing the pastor for real-world ministry. The program
is a great option for those who are seeking to pastor, lead, or teach in the local church.
The Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Leadership does not require language work or a doctoral
dissertation. All coursework is primarily lecture-based, with a variety of professors presenting
practical exposition courses, biblical counseling, and theological courses for the Christian
leader. Students will be challenged to think more deeply about the Word of God than ever
The Doctor of Ministry (Pastoral Leadership) program is an advance-at-your-own-pace program.
Students are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA to graduate.
Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Leadership Curriculum
NTBB8870 Epistles of John Dr. James Hayes 3 Credits
NTBB8538 I & II Thessalonians Dr. Jimmy Hayes 3
NTBB7450 Revelation Dr. John Nocera 3
THEO7330 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Dr. Gino Cascieri 3
THEO7340 Christology Dr. Robert Lungren 3
BBCN7100 Premarital Counseling Dr. Daniel Moore 3
BBCN7300 Ministering to Terminally Ill Dr. Larry Hendrickson 3
*BSIN7000 Dispensational Hermeneutics Dr. J.B. Hixson 3 Credits
*EXPO7000 Expository Preaching Dr. Soloman Patrick 3
*BBCN7000 Pastoral Counseling Dr. Ed Fleming 3
†OTBB8947 Song of Solomon Dr. John Klink 3 Credits
NTBB8100 Matthew I Dr. John Nocera 3
†BBCN7200 Counseling the Depressed Dr. Cherry Hayes 3
An * denotes courses that will be required if not completed through the ATS Master’s program.
They will replace the courses preceded by †. If * courses have been completed previously
through ATS, courses preceded by the † will be completed. The initial seven courses are all
Doctor of Ministry (BC) Program Overview
Biblical Counseling
The Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling requires a minimum of thirty (30) semester hours
and a maximum of forty-two (42) semester hours, depending upon the student’s previous
certifications through the Association of Biblical Counselors. If not completed prior to enrolling
in the ATS D.Min. in Biblical Counseling program, the student will be required to complete Level
I and II through ATS at the D.Min. level.
The program concentrates heavily upon practical biblical counseling courses that prepare the
Christian leader to conduct practical and helpful counseling sessions under the umbrella of the
local church. Key theological doctrines are also presented to aid the student in understanding
the doctrinal implications of proper biblical counseling, and a small collection of Bible books are
included that are relevant to the Christian’s relationship to the return of Christ and fellowship
with a Holy God.
Upon completion of the Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling program, students will receive
Level III ABC Certification. Additional fees required: see Financial Policies below.
Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling Curriculum
NTBB8870 Epistles of John Dr. James Hayes 3 Credits
THEO7330 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Dr. Gino Cascieri 3
THEO7340 Christology Dr. Robert Lungren 3
* BBCN7100 Level I: ABC Certification Counseling Advisor 3
* BBCN7150 Level I: ABC Certification Counseling Advisor 3
* BBCN7200 Level II: ABC Certification Counseling Advisor 3
* BBCN7800 Biblical CN Practicum I Counseling Advisor 3
* BBCN7900 Biblical CN Practicum II Counseling Advisor 3
BBCN8000 Level III: ABC Certification Counseling Advisor 3
BBCN8100 Specialization Research Counseling Advisor 3
BBCN8500 Biblical CN Advanced Practicum Counseling Advisor 3
DMIN9000 D.Min. Project Proposal Faculty Advisor 3
DMIN9500 D.Min. Project Faculty Advisor 6
Courses preceded by an * denote courses that must be completed if not completed prior to enrollment into the
D.Min. program. Level I & II ABC Certifications must be completed prior to completing Level III ABC Certification,
which is required to graduate with the D.Min. in Biblical Counseling degree. † ABC Certification is not a state
license. It is recognition by a quality faith-based organization that certifies that the student has successfully
completed the requirements set forth by ABC for competent biblical counseling. Additional Fees are required for
Certification. Please see the Financial Requirements section for more information.
Doctor of Ministry (CC) Program Overview
Christian Counseling
The Doctor of Ministry in Christian Counseling program offers students advanced training in
faith-based Christian Counseling. The program is offered in conjunction with the National
Christian Counselor’s Association. The program will lead to earning the Doctor of Ministry
degree and advanced certification by the NCCA. Depending upon the option selected, the
D.Min. (Christian Counseling) program will require between 33 and 45 semester hours.
Option 1
This option is for students who have a master’s degree and already have obtained the NCCA
faith-based license. The program consists of two areas of concentration from the list below.
The seminary will add other classes to round out your program as needed to bring your total
semester hours to 33 semester hours. This option will lead to earning your degree and up to 3
areas of advanced certification by the NCCA.
Marriage & Family Therapy
Child & Adolescence Therapy
Substance Abuse & Addiction Therapy
Sexual Therapy
Death & Grief Therapy
Cognitive Therapy & Ethics
Crisis & Abuse Therapy
Temperament Therapy
Domestic Violence & Abuse (must be coupled with Crisis & Abuse Therapy)
D.Min. Project (6 Semester Hours) required at the conclusion of the program.
Option 2
This option is for students who already have an approved master’s degree and do NOT have the
NCCA license but wish to enroll directly into the D.Min. in Christian Counseling program. The
required curriculum is listed below:
1) Epistles of John
2) Doctrine of Christ
3) Basic Christian Counseling
4) Temperament Theory
5) Testing & Measurements
6) Temperament Therapy
7) Christian Counseling: Integrating
Psychology & Counseling
8) Mastering Pastoral Counseling
9) Temperament Case Studies
10) Codependency
11) Quality, Ethics, & Legal Issues
12) Marriage & Family Therapy
13) Integrated Temperament Couple
14) Premarital Counseling with
15) FatherDaughter Connection
Doctor of Ministry (CE) Program Overview
Christian Education
The Doctor of Ministry in Christian Education program is a thirty (30) semester hour
program that trains students in key Bible concepts and in critical faith-based education. The
program is research and writing intensive. Students in the program will learn how to
evaluate and design reliable faith-based curriculum and teaching methods.
The Doctor of Ministry in Christian Education requires a Doctor of Ministry Project. The
Project requires a minimum research project of 35,000 words. The Project will be conducted
through qualitative research in the student’s current ministry, with the student designing a
critical intervention in the student’s ministry.
The Doctor of Ministry (Christian Education) program is an advance-at-your-own-pace
program. Students are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA. All coursework must be completed
through ATS.
Doctor of Ministry in Christian Education Curriculum
NTBS7500 Paul & James: The Gospel Defined Dr. J.B. Hixson
HERM7000 Dispensational Hermeneutics Dr. J.B. Hixson
MNCE7000 Christian Education Foundations Guided Research
MNCE7200 Christian Education Philosophy Guided Research
MNCE8100 Christian Education Design Guided Research
MNCE8300 Christian Education Integrated Teaching Guided Research
MNRS9000 Writing and Research for D.Min. Project Independent Study
MNRS9200 D.Min. Project Proposal Faculty Advisor
PROJ9000 D.Min. Project (6 Semester Hours) Faculty Advisor
Doctor of Theology (PL) Program Overview
Pastoral Leadership
The Doctor of Theology in Pastoral Leadership is a thirty (30) semester hour program. The
program focuses upon the teaching of important doctrines through the study of key Bible
books from both the Old and New Testaments. The program also instructs the student in
key theological issues and topics, giving the student a well-rounded biblical and theological
education. The program is a great option for those who are seeking to pastor, lead, or teach
in the local church.
The Doctor of Theology in Pastoral Leadership does not require language work or a doctoral
dissertation. All coursework is primarily lecture-based, with a variety of professors
presenting practical exposition courses and theological courses for the Christian leader.
Students will be challenged to think more deeply about the Word of God than ever before.
Upon completion of the course, students should have a large collection of practical
expository notes that they can transform easily into lessons for the church or classroom.
The Doctor of Theology in Pastoral Leadership program is an advance-at-your-own-pace
program. Students are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA in order to graduate.
Doctor of Theology in Pastoral Leadership Curriculum
NTBB8870 Epistles of John Dr. James Hayes 3
NTBB8538 I & II Thessalonians Dr. Jimmy Hayes 3
NTBB7450 Revelation Dr. John Nocera 3
THEO7330 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Dr. Gino Cascieri 3
THEO7340 Christology Dr. Robert Lungren 3
BBCN7100 Premarital Counseling Dr. Daniel Moore 3
BBCN7300 Ministering to Terminally Ill Dr. Larry Hendrickson 3
*BSIN7000 Dispensational Hermeneutics Dr. J.B. Hixson 3 Credits
*EXPO7000 Expository Preaching Dr. Soloman Patrick 3
*BBCN7000 Pastoral Counseling Dr. Ed Fleming 3
†OTBB8947 Song of Solomon Dr. John Klink 3
†NTBB8100 Matthew I Dr. John Nocera 3
†BBCN7200 Counseling the Depressed Dr. Cherry Hayes 3
School of Practical Ministry
Degree Programs
Established Summer 2023
The School of Practical Ministry was created to assist students who desire a deeper
understanding of Gods word by actually delving into the word and nothing else. With
programs ranging from the Associate of Biblical Exposition to the Doctor of Biblical
Exposition, the program meets a growing need for students who find traditional distance
education methods too challenging. Not every student can learn by listening to lectures and
completing in-depth research papers. The School of Practical Ministry, therefore, is
designed to be completed by researching the Bible directly through guided readings and
Includes Associate through Doctorate degree programs
All degrees are in Biblical Exposition
The only required textbook is the KJV Life Application Study Bible
Same payment options and prices as the Ministry programs
Bible-basednot lecture based
Work at your own pace
No research papers
Most students will complete the program more quickly than School of Theology
degree programs
4 Credit Hours per course
If you are seeking to know Gods word more deeply and are seeking a program that will give
your studies structure, the School of Practical Ministry is an excellent option. By studying
key Bible books, the student will not only learn the content of those key books, but they will
learn a method for studying all of the books of the Bible in a deeper and more thorough
The School of Ministrys motto is The Bible for Everyone! We hope this option will meet
your needs as you seek to learn Gods word better than ever before.
Associate of Biblical Exposition
The Associate of Biblical Exposition is a practical program that guides students through key
Bible books, biblical history, key doctrines, and practical ministry courses. Each course is
four semester credits. Students will work through each verse of the key books, identifying
what the text says, what the text means, and what the text means to today’s Christian. The
program is a great option for students who are uncomfortable with lecture-based programs
and traditional final exams. It is also a great option for those who may be challenged by
listening to American lecturers with their various accents.
The Associate of Biblical Exposition does not require lecture-based coursework. All
coursework is text-based. A faculty advisor will assist students as they progress through the
program. Students will be challenged to think more deeply about the Word of God than
ever before. Upon completion of the program, students should have a large collection of
practical notes that they can immediately apply to their own personal ministry.
The Associate of Biblical Exposition program is an advance-at-your-own-pace program.
Students are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA. Up to thirty hours of Lifetime Credit may be
awarded to well-qualified students.
Associate of Biblical Studies Curriculum
SPM1000 Exposition of Genesis Guided Research 4 Credits
SPM1010 Patriarch Stage Guided Research 4
SPM1050 Doctrine of Creation Guided Research 4
SPM1500 Exposition of Mark Guided Research 4
SPM1510 Biblical Servanthood Guided Research 4
SPM1550 Life of Christ Guided Research 4
SPM1800 Exposition of 1 Timothy Guided Research 4
SPM1810 Pastoral Theology Guided Research 4
SPM1850 Church Administration Guided Research 4
SPM2000 Exposition of Galatians Guided Research 4
SPM2010 Bible Doctrines Guided Research 4
SPM2500 Exposition of Ephesians Guided Research 4
SPM2700 Exposition of Philippians Guided Research 4
SPM2800 Exposition of Colossians Guided Research 4
SPM2900 Exposition of 1 & 2 Thessalonians Guided Research 4
Bachelor of Biblical Exposition
The Bachelor of Biblical Exposition is a practical program that guides students through key
Bible books, biblical history, key doctrines, and practical ministry courses. Each course is
four semester credits. Students will work through each verse of the key books, identifying
what the text says, what the text means, and what the text means to today’s Christian. The
program is a great option for students who are uncomfortable with lecture-based programs
and traditional final exams. It is also a great option for those who may be challenged by
listening to American lecturers with their various accents.
The Bachelor of Biblical Exposition does not require lecture-based coursework. All
coursework is text-based. A faculty advisor will assist students as they progress through the
program. Students will be challenged to think more deeply about the Word of God than
ever before. Upon completion of the program, students should have a large collection of
practical notes that they can immediately apply to their own personal ministry.
The Bachelor of Biblical Exposition program is an advance-at-your-own-pace program.
Students are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA. Up to thirty hours of Lifetime Credit may be
awarded to well-qualified students.
Bachelor of Biblical Studies Curriculum
SPM3000 Exposition of James Guided Research 4 Credits
SPM3100 Exposition of Exodus Guided Research 4
SPM3500 Exposition of 1 JohnJude Guided Research 4
SPM3550 Exposition of Ezra Guided Research 4
SPM3700 Exposition of Nehemiah Guided Research 4
SPM4000 Exposition of 1 & 2 Peter Guided Research 4
SPM4010 Doctrine of Angels Guided Research 4
SPM4050 Eschatology Guided Research 4
SPM4500 Exposition of John Guided Research 4
SPM4510 Doctrine of Christ Guided Research 4
SPM4550 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Guided Research 4
SPM4700 Exposition of 1 Corinthians Guided Research 4
SPM4710 Church Discipline Guided Research 4
SPM4800 Exposition of Esther Guided Research 4
Master of Biblical Exposition
The Master of Biblical Exposition is a practical program that guides students through key
Bible books. Each course is four semester credits. Students will work through each verse of
the key books, identifying what the text says, what the text means, and what the text
means to today’s Christian. The program is a great option for students who are
uncomfortable with lecture-based programs and traditional final exams. It is also a great
option for those who may be challenged by listening to American lecturers with their
various accents.
The Master of Biblical Exposition does not require lecture-based coursework. All
coursework is text-based. A faculty advisor will assist students as they progress through the
program. Students will be challenged to think more deeply about the Word of God than
ever before. Upon completion of the program, students should have a large collection of
practical notes that they can immediately apply to their own personal ministry.
The Master of Biblical Exposition program is an advance-at-your-own-pace program.
Students are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA. Students will be required to complete a
Ministry Project. The Project is the practical application of the principles taught during the
program. The Project should help to serve the current membership of your church or help
to reach out to the community in order to draw others into your fellowship or demonstrate
the love of Christ to those who are unable to participate in a local ministry.
Master of Biblical Exposition Curriculum
SPM5000 Exposition of Revelation Guided Research 4 Credits
SPM5100 Exposition of Amos Guided Research 4
SPM5200 Exposition of Micah Guided Research 4
SPM5300 Exposition of Romans Guided Research 4
SPM5500 Exposition of Hebrews Guided Research 4
SPRP6000 Project Proposal Faculty Advisor 4
SPRP6900 Ministry Project Faculty Advisor 6 Credits
Doctor of Biblical Exposition
The Doctor of Biblical Exposition is a practical program that guides students through key
Bible books. Each course is four semester credits. Students will work through each verse of
the key books, identifying what the text says, what the text means, and what the text
means to today’s Christian. The program is a great option for students who are
uncomfortable with lecture-based programs and traditional final exams. It is also a great
option for those who may be challenged by listening to American lecturers with their
various accents.
The Doctor of Biblical Exposition does not require lecture-based coursework. All coursework
is text-based. A faculty advisor will assist students as they progress through the program.
Students will be challenged to think more deeply about the Word of God than ever before.
Upon completion of the program, students should have a large collection of practical notes
that they can immediately apply to their own personal ministry.
The Doctor of Biblical Studies program is an advance-at-your-own-pace program. Students
are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA. Students will be required to complete a Ministry
Project. The Project is the practical application of the principles taught during the program.
The Project should help to serve the current membership of your church or help to reach
out to the community in order to draw others into your fellowship or demonstrate the love
of Christ to those who are unable to participate in a local ministry.
Doctor of Biblical Exposition Curriculum
SPM7000 Exposition of Zechariah Guided Research 4 Credits
SPM7100 Exposition of Malachi Guided Research 4
SPM7200 Exposition of Ecclesiastes Guided Research 4
SPM8000 Exposition of Acts Guided Research 4
SPM8200 Exposition of 2 Corinthians Guided Research 4
SPRP6000 Project Proposal Faculty Advisor 4
SPRP6900 Ministry Project Faculty Advisor 6 Credits
Financial Policies
All monies paid into the seminary are non-refundable.
Application Fee: The initial payment serves as the Application Fee and is deducted
from the total tuition.
Program Withdrawal Fees: All monies previously paid to ATS are non-refundable for
any student who wishes to withdraw from a program. Upon withdrawal, no
additional payments are owed to the Seminary, and the student is dropped from the
Re-enrollment Fees: Students who re-enroll into a program after withdrawing from
a program or after being removed from a program due to non-payment or other
causes will be subject to current tuition fees upon re-enrollment. All monies
previously paid to ATS will be forfeited. The re-enrollment fee is currently $200.00,
which will be deducted from the student’s tuition balance.
Transcript Fees: $10.00 for the first copy of a transcript. Tuition must be paid in full
to be eligible to receive an official transcript. ATS does not offer unofficial
transcripts. Call the Registrar’s Office at 1-800-525-1611 for more information.
Repeating a Course Fee: Retaking a course requires a fee of $50.00.
Spouse Plan: Spouses may attend ATS together by enrolling into the same program
at the same time (if eligible). Under the spouse plan, the spouse may enroll into the
same program for one-half original tuition for that program. Each spouse must pay
separate Graduation & Administrative Fees. Some programs are excluded.
Graduation & Administrative Fees: Rather than charging an administrative fee each
semester, ATS charges a single Graduation & Administrative fee at the end of the
program. The current fee is $200.00. If a student desires to participate in the on-site
graduation, there may be additional fees. (Fees subject to change; call the
Registrar’s Office at 1-800-525-1611 for updated fee).
Poor or Inactive Status: No information will be released for accounts that are in
poor standing or for students who are on inactive status. To remain in good
standing, a student must be current on his tuition payments. Those not in good
standing are not eligible for transcripts, degrees, grade reports, etc.
Change of Program: Any student who wishes to change their major after enrollment
into an ATS program will be required to pay $200.00. Forms for application to
change majors are located under the “FORMS” tab located on the ATS web site
Change of Class: A student may apply for a change of class with ATS. If the reason
for the change is deemed reasonable and valid, the student will be eligible to
substitute approved courses. The charge for change of class is $100.00 after initial
courses have been shipped.
Course Replacement Fee: Replacement courses are a minimum of $50.00 per
Monthly Payments: Students must pay each month if using a payment plan,
regardless of whether any work is completed during a given month. Failure to pay in
consecutive months will cause the student to be dropped from the roles as an ATS
All tuition subject to change. ATS offers special tuition rates at various times. Please call 1-
800-525-1611 to verify current tuition rates.
Associate of Biblical Studies $1,500.00 Total Tuition
Bachelor of Ministry $1,500.00 Tuition
Bachelor of Theology $1,500.00 Tuition
Master of Ministry in Biblical Exposition $1,800.00 Tuition
Master of Ministry in Pastoral Studies $1,800.00 Tuition
Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling $1,800.00 Tuition & Additional Fees (see below)
Master of Ministry in Christian Counseling $3,000.00 Tuition & Additional Fees (see below)
Master of Ministry in Christian Education $1,800.00 Tuition
Master of Biblical Studies in NT $2,000.00 Tuition
Master of Theology in Biblical Exposition $1,800.00 Tuition
Master of Divinity in Pastoral Leadership $2,500.00 Tuition
Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Leadership $1,800.00 Tuition
Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling $1,800.00 Tuition & Additional Fees (see below)
Doctor of Ministry in Christian Education $1,800.00 Tuition
Doctor of Ministry in Christian Counseling
Option 1 $3,000.00 Tuition
Option 2 $4,500.00 Tuition & Additional Fees (see below)
Doctor of Theology in Pastoral Leadership $1,800.00 Tuition
Additional Fees
All Programs
Textbooks not included. ATS strives to maintain low textbook fees.
Students will be required to access theological journals through www.galaxie.com for a nominal
Biblical Counseling
Bachelor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling with ABC Level 1 Certification
o ABC Membership Annual Dues $99.00
o ABC Tuition & Fees $475.00
Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling with ABC Level 1 & 2 Certification
o ABC Membership Annual Dues $99.00
o ABC Tuition & Fees (Level 1) $475.00
o ABC Tuition & Fees (Level 2) $245.00
Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling with ABC Level 2 Certification Only
o ABC Membership Annual Dues $99.00
o ABC Tuition & Fees $245.00
Master of Divinity in Pastoral Leadership
o ABC Membership Annual Dues $99.00
o ABC Tuition & Fees (Level 1) $475.00
o ABC Tuition & Fees (Level 2) $245.00
Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling with ABC Level 1, 2, & 3 Certification
o ABC Membership Annual Dues $99.00
o ABC Tuition & Fees (Level 1) $475.00
o ABC Tuition & Fees (Level 2) $245.00
o ABC Tuition & Fees (Level 3) TBD
Christian Counseling
Master of Ministry in Christian Counseling with NCCA Licensure
o NCCA Membership Fee $ 50.00
o Background Check $ 100.00
o Supervision & Administrative Fee $ 300.00
o APS $ 30.00 per APS (26 APS tests required)
Processing Fees may be added to payments.
These are nominal fees for invoice processing.
Doctor of Ministry in Christian Counseling with Advanced Certification (OPTION 1)
o No additional fees
Doctor of Ministry in Christian Counseling (OPTION 2)
o NCCA Membership Fee $50.00
o Background Check $100.00
o Supervision & Administrative Fee $300.00
o APS $30.00 per APS (26 required)
Processing Fees may be added to payments.
These are nominal fees for invoice processing.
Academic Policies
Credit System: ATS operates under a semester system. The unit for counting credit is the
semester hour. Each semester credit reflects 40 clock hours of student work.
Course Completion: Each student is allowed to complete each course at his or her own rate
of progress. (Some majors, such as Christian Counseling, may have time limits for portions
of the program). If a student withdraws from a program or is dropped from a program,
upon re-enrollment, his previously completed courses shall remain valid for up to five years.
The student, however, may be subject to a new curriculum upon re-enrollment.
ATS Grading Scale
Grade Appeal Process: If a student feels that there is an error on his grade report, he must
begin the appeal process within thirty (30) days of receiving the grade report. All appeals
should be made to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. After thirty days, the grade is
considered final and is not subject to appeal by the student or any third party. ATS is not
responsible for lost tests, projects, etc. PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF ALL MATERIAL PRIOR TO
Undergraduate Honors
3.954.00 Summa Cum Laude
3.753.94 Magna Cum Laude
3.503.74 Cum Laude
All honors (if applicable) will appear on official transcript and will be printed on the degree if applicable.
Graduate Honors
3.954.00 Highest Distinction
3.753.94 Distinction
All honors (if applicable) will appear on official transcript and will be printed
on the degree if applicable.
Arabic Department of Graduate Studies
Established 2013
Overview of the Arabic Department
The ATS Arabic Department began in 2013 through the vision of Dr. Fayez Narooz, who had
the idea of converting the Th.D. program from English to Arabic. The ATS Board approved
Dr. Narooz’s idea of establishing the Arabic Department of Graduate Studies under the
supervision of Dr. Narooz. He was officially commissioned by the Seminary in 2013 to begin
converting the Th.D. program into Arabic. The program began accepting students in 2014,
with many Arab countries enrolling students. These countries include Egypt, Jordan,
Lebanon, Sudan, Syria, Dubai, and Arabic students residing in the U.S.
Director of the Arabic Department
B.A. in Business Administration, Beirut Arab University, 1986.
M.A.B.S., Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary, 1996, under the supervision of Dr. Imad
Th.D. in Pastoral Theology, Andersonville Theological Seminary (Highest Distinction), 2013.
He was commissioned for the ministry in Jordan as a pastor in 1985, with the Lord using him
to start 5 churches in different countries.
Current Status of the Arabic Department
Since 2014 more than fifty students have joined the program, with eighteen graduating in
2021 with a Th.D. degree. The remaining students are continuing their studies.
The Arabic Department is still enrolling students interested in the Master or Doctorate
programs in Pastoral Theology.
Cost of Study
Advanced Payment in Full $1,800.00
Payment Plan $2,000.00
Down Payment $400.00
Monthly Payment $200.00