AI Watch
Defining Artificial Intelligence
Towards an operational
definition and taxonomy
of artificial intelligence
EUR 30117 EN
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EUR 30117 EN
ISBN 978-92-76-17045-7
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How to cite this report: Samoili, S., López Cobo, M., Gómez, E., De Prato, G., Martínez-Plumed, F., and Delipetrev, B., AI Watch. Defining
Artificial Intelligence. Towards an operational definition and taxonomy of artificial intelligence, EUR 30117 EN, Publications Office of the
European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-17045-7, doi:10.2760/382730, JRC118163.
Foreword ................................................................................................................ 1
Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................... 2
Abstract ................................................................................................................. 3
Executive summary ..................................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 6
2 Proposal for a common definition on Artificial intelligence ..................................................... 7
2.1 AI definitions .................................................................................................. 7
2.2 AI Watch operational definition of AI ........................................................................ 8
2.2.1 AI taxonomy ........................................................................................... 9 Sources .......................................................................................... 9 AI Watch taxonomy ........................................................................... 11
2.2.2 AI keywords ......................................................................................... 14 Construction process .......................................................................... 14 Keyword list ................................................................................... 15
2.3 Collection of AI definitions and subdomains .............................................................. 17
3 AI definitions and subdomains in: policy documents, research and market reports ......................... 29
3.1 Policy and institutional perspective: Commission Services; National; International .................... 29
3.1.1 European Commission level ........................................................................ 29 High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (HLEG), 2019 .......................... 29 EC Coordinated Plan on AI, 2018 ............................................................ 30 European AI Strategy: EC Communication - Artificial Intelligence for Europe, 2018..... 31 EC JRC Flagship report on AI: Artificial Intelligence. A European Perspective, 2018 ..... 32
3.1.2 National level: European Union .................................................................... 33 AI 4 Belgium Report, 2019 ................................................................... 33 AI National Strategy: Denmark, 2019 ....................................................... 34 AI National Strategy: France. Monitoring report, 2019 ..................................... 35 Spanish RDI Strategy in Artificial Intelligence, 2019 ....................................... 37 AI National Strategy: France (Villani Mission), 2018 ....................................... 38 AI National Strategy: Germany, 2018 ....................................................... 39 AI National Strategy: Sweden, 2018 ......................................................... 40 Report of the Steering Group of the AI Programme: Finland, 2017 ....................... 41
3.1.3 National level: non-EU .............................................................................. 42 Australia’s Ethic Framework, 2019 .......................................................... 42 US Congressional Research Service, 2019 .................................................. 43 Working Paper for AI National Strategy: India, 2018 ....................................... 44
ii US National Defense Authorization Act, 2018 .............................................. 45 US Department of Defense, 2018 ........................................................... 46 National Industrial Strategy: United Kingdom, 2018; 2017 ............................... 47 AI National Strategy: Japan, 2017 ........................................................... 48 AI National Strategy: China, 2017 ........................................................... 49 AI National Strategy: Canada, 2017 ......................................................... 50
3.1.4 International Organisations ........................................................................ 51 OECD, 2019 ................................................................................... 51 UNESCO, 2019 ................................................................................ 52 StandICT.eu project, 2019 .................................................................... 53 OECD, 2018 ................................................................................... 54 ETSI, 2018 ..................................................................................... 55 OECD, 2017 ................................................................................... 56 World Economic Forum, 2017 ............................................................... 57 ISO, 1993; 1995; 2015 ....................................................................... 58
3.2 Research perspective ....................................................................................... 59
3.2.1 Tsinghua University, 2018 ......................................................................... 59
3.2.2 Kaplan and Haenlein, 2018 ........................................................................ 60
3.2.3 Poole et al., 2017; 2010; 1998 .................................................................... 61
3.2.4 Kaplan, 2016 ........................................................................................ 63
3.2.5 Stone et al.: AI100, 2016 ........................................................................... 64
3.2.6 Russel and Norvig, 2010 (3rd edition); 1995 ..................................................... 65
3.2.7 Bruner, 2009 ........................................................................................ 66
3.2.8 McCarthy, 2007 ..................................................................................... 67
3.2.9 Gardner, 1999 ....................................................................................... 68
3.2.10 Nakashima, 1999 ................................................................................... 69
3.2.11 Nilsson, 1998 ....................................................................................... 70
3.2.12 Neisser et al., 1996 ................................................................................. 71
3.2.13 Fogel, 1995 ......................................................................................... 72
3.2.14 Wang, 1995 ......................................................................................... 73
3.2.15 Albus, 1991 ......................................................................................... 74
3.2.16 Schank, 1991; 1987 ................................................................................ 75
3.2.17 McCarthy, 1988 ..................................................................................... 76
3.2.18 Gardner, 1987 ....................................................................................... 77
3.2.19 Gardner, 1983 ....................................................................................... 78
3.2.20 Newell and Simon, 1976 ........................................................................... 79
3.2.21 Minsky, 1969 ........................................................................................ 80
3.2.22 McCarthy, 1959 ..................................................................................... 81
3.2.23 McCarthy et al., 1955 ............................................................................... 82
3.3 Market perspective ......................................................................................... 83
3.3.1 CB Insights, 2019 ................................................................................... 83
3.3.2 Statista, 2017 ....................................................................................... 84
3.3.3 McKinsey, 2017 ..................................................................................... 85
4 Conclusions........................................................................................................ 86
References ............................................................................................................ 87
List of tables .......................................................................................................... 90
This report is published in the context of AI Watch, the European Commission knowledge service to monitor
the development, uptake and impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Europe, launched in December 2018.
AI has become an area of strategic importance with potential to be a key driver of economic development. AI
also has a wide range of potential social implications. As part of its Digital Single Market Strategy, the
European Commission put forward in April 2018 a European strategy on AI in its Communication "Artificial
Intelligence for Europe" COM(2018)237. The aims of the European AI strategy announced in the
communication are:
To boost the EU's technological and industrial capacity and AI uptake across the economy, both by
the private and public sectors
To prepare for socio-economic changes brought about by AI
To ensure an appropriate ethical and legal framework.
Subsequently, in December 2018, the European Commission and the Member States published a “Coordinated
Plan on Artificial Intelligence”, COM(2018)795, on the development of AI in the EU. The Coordinated Plan
mentions the role of AI Watch to monitor its implementation.
AI Watch monitors European Union’s industrial, technological and research capacity in AI; AI-related policy
initiatives in the Member States; uptake and technical developments of AI; and AI impact. AI Watch has a
European focus within the global landscape. In the context of AI Watch, the Commission works in coordination
with Member States. AI Watch results and analyses are published on the AI Watch Portal
From AI Watch in-depth analyses we will be able to understand better European Union’s areas of strength and
areas where investment is needed. AI Watch will provide an independent assessment of the impacts and
benefits of AI on growth, jobs, education, and society.
AI Watch is developed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission in collaboration with
the DirectorateGeneral for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT). This report
addresses the following objectives of AI Watch: Developing an overview and analysis of the European AI
The following researchers constitute the panel of experts that provided valuable comments and useful
critiques for this work (in alphabetical order): Virginia Dignum (Umeå University and High Level Expert Group
on AI), Anders Jonsson (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Henrik Junklewitz (Joint Research Centre's Cyber & Digital
Citizens' Security Unit), Ramón López de Mántaras (Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC)), Jo
Orallo (Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Universitat Politècnica de València)), Ignacio
Sánchez (Joint Research Centre's Cyber & Digital Citizens' Security Unit). The authors would also like to
acknowledge the contributions from several colleagues. The authors are grateful to Antonio Puente and
Mariana Popova (DG CNECT) for their comments. In addition, the authors are plenty grateful to Alessandro
Annoni, Paul Desruelle, Gianluca Misuraca, Stefano Nativi and Miguel Vázquez-Prada Baillet (JRC-Digital
Economy Unit) for their useful suggestions and support during the whole process.
Samoili, Sofia
López-Cobo, Montserrat
Gómez, Emilia
De Prato, Giuditta
Martínez-Plumed, Fernando
Delipetrev, Blagoj
This report proposes an operational definition of artificial intelligence to be adopted in the context of AI
Watch, the Commission knowledge service to monitor the development, uptake and impact of artificial
intelligence for Europe. The definition, which will be used as a basis for the AI Watch monitoring activity, is
established by means of a flexible scientific methodology that allows regular revision. The operational
definition is constituted by a concise taxonomy and a list of keywords that characterise the core domains of
the AI research field, and transversal topics such as applications of the former or ethical and philosophical
considerations, in line with the wider monitoring objective of AI Watch. The AI taxonomy is designed to inform
the AI landscape analysis and will expectedly detect AI applications in neighbour technological domains such
as robotics (in a broader sense), neuroscience or internet of things. The starting point to develop the
operational definition is the definition of AI adopted by the High Level Expert Group on artificial intelligence.
To derive this operational definition we have followed a mixed methodology. On one hand, we apply natural
language processing methods to a large set of AI literature. On the other hand, we carry out a qualitative
analysis on 55 key documents including artificial intelligence definitions from three complementary
perspectives: policy, research and industry.
A valuable contribution of this work is the collection of definitions developed between 1955 and 2019, and
the summarisation of the main features of the concept of artificial intelligence as reflected in the relevant
Executive summary
This report proposes a taxonomy for artificial intelligence (AI) and a list of related keywords, as an operational
definition for AI in the framework of the AI Watch, the Commission’s knowledge service to monitor the
development, uptake and impact of artificial intelligence for Europe. AI Watch aims to monitor the industrial,
technological and research capacity, as well as policy initiatives in the Member States, uptake and technical
developments of AI and its impact. AI Watch has a European focus within the global landscape and covers all
Member States. The established operational definition will be used as a basis for the AI Watch monitoring
activity. The AI taxonomy will assist in the mapping of the AI landscape, and it is expected to detect AI
applications in other technological domains such as robotics (in a wider sense), big data, web technologies,
high performance computing, embedded systems, internet of things, etc.
The need to establish an operational definition proceeds from the absence of a mutually agreed definition
and taxonomy of AI, which would impede the attainment of the wide monitoring objective of AI Watch. It is in
this basis that we propose a multi-perspective analysis to structure the AI taxonomy. In particular we provide
a unique taxonomy that represents and interconnects all the AI subdomains from political, research and
industrial perspective. In this scope, the taxonomy reflects these perspectives and aims to cover the entire AI
landscape, which consists of economic agents with R&D or industrial AI activities. Moreover, considering that
AI is a dynamic field, we propose an iterative method that can be updated over time to capture the rapid AI
evolution, and that provides a taxonomy and a set of keywords. The method consists of the following steps: (i)
qualitative analysis of AI definitions and subdomains emanating from reports with academic, industrial and
policy perspectives, (ii) selection of definition, identification of representative keywords in AI with a natural
language processing method, and taxonomy formation, and (iii) taxonomy and keywords validation.
In the first part of the method, the objective is to collect and analyse the existing definitions and identify the
main subdomains covering all aspects in the AI field. In this scope, we conduct a qualitative analysis in a
selected set of 29 AI policy and institutional reports (including standardisation efforts, national strategies, and
international organisations reports), 23 relevant research publications and 3 market reports, from the
beginning of AI in 1955 until today. AI has been usually described in relation to human intelligence, or
intelligence in general, with many definitions referring to machines that behave like humans or are capable of
actions that require intelligence. Since human intelligence is also difficult to define and measure, and
although there have been different attempts of quantification, the objective definition of something as
subjective and abstract as intelligence, falsely gives the impression of a precision that cannot be obtained. As
a consequence, most definitions found in research, policy or market reports are vague and propose an ideal
target rather than a measurable research concept. The study of the definitions found in literature leads us to
identify four characteristics that are commonly mentioned in AI: i) perception of the environment and real-
world complexity, ii) information processing: collecting and interpreting inputs, iii) decision making, including
reasoning, learning and taking actions; and iv) achievement of pre-defined goals. Taking into consideration
these features, we consider the definition proposed by the HLEG on AI as the starting point in developing the
operational definition in AI Watch: "Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are software (and possibly also
hardware) systems designed by humans that, given a complex goal, act in the physical or digital dimension by
perceiving their environment through data acquisition, interpreting the collected structured or unstructured
data, reasoning on the knowledge, or processing the information, derived from this data and deciding the best
action(s) to take to achieve the given goal. AI systems can either use symbolic rules or learn a numeric model,
and they can also adapt their behaviour by analysing how the environment is affected by their previous
actions." (HLEG, 2019).
Although it may be considered highly technical for different audiences and objectives, it is a very
comprehensive definition, which incorporates the aspects of perception, understanding, interpretation,
interaction, decision making, adaptation to behaviour and achievement of goals, whereas other definitions do
not address them in their entirety. Considering that the HLEG definition is comprehensive, hence highly
technical and detailed, less specialised definitions can be adopted for studies of different objective, such as
enterprise surveys. In this scope, the definitions provided by the EC JRC Flagship report on AI (2018) and the
European AI Strategy (COM(2018) 237 final), or the one to be used in the AI module of the Community survey
on ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises 2021, are suitable alternatives.
Regarding the AI subdomains, we found that despite the multiple facets of AI, and consequently the lack of a
common definition and taxonomy among research communities, literature or reports, there are a number of
common topics in the definitions and taxonomies analysed for this study. In particular, in order to establish
the taxonomy, in addition to the assessment of the aforementioned set of documents, we explored the
information provided by the official publication of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI) (aitopics.org), and several top AI conferences. The proposed AI taxonomy, as a list of
representative core and transversal AI domains and subdomains, will assist us to classify R&D and industrial
agents and their activities. Therefore, it encompasses main theoretical AI scientific areas, and AI related non-
technological issues from industrial and R&D AI activities, as well as ethical and philosophical issues. It
remains linked to the HLEG definition of AI in the context of AI Watch. The proposed taxonomy follows:
AI taxonomy
AI domain
AI subdomain
Knowledge representation
Automated reasoning
Common sense reasoning
Planning and Scheduling
Machine learning
Natural language processing
Computer vision
Audio processing
Integration and
Multi-agent systems
Robotics and Automation
Connected and Automated vehicles
AI Services
Ethics and Philosophy
AI Ethics
Philosophy of AI
Source: Authors' elaboration
To complete the operational definition of AI, a list of keywords representative of the AI subdomains is
established based on a part of the techno-economic segments (TES) analytical approach that will provide at a
later stage an overview of the AI landscape worldwide. The keywords are used in text queries to identify
activities and economic agents relevant to AI, for their further analysis. The list of keywords is the result of a
multi-step process combining a semi-automatic text mining approach, desk research and domain experts'
involvement. More specifically, the top keywords from a vast collection of journals in AI are identified though
text mining in the Scopus database in three different years, from which the most frequent author’s keywords
per year are selected. Similarly, the industrial aspect is addressed by extracting keywords from firms’
descriptions. Subsequently, the initial list of keywords is reviewed by AI experts and a short selection is made.
A topic modelling is then performed, so as to detect the most representative topics and terms without the
involvement of any expert that might induce unintentional bias. The initial list and the list resulting from the
topic modelling step are merged and any redundancies are removed. External domain experts from several AI
subdomains review the list and advise on synonyms that need to be grouped and on targeting subdomains
that may not be sufficiently captured by the initial sources. The taxonomy and list of keywords is then
validated and finalised.
Valuable contributions of this work are: the collection of definitions developed between 1955 and 2019; the
summarisation of the main features of the concept of artificial intelligence as reflected in the relevant
literature; and the development of a replicable process that can provide a dynamic definition and taxonomy of
the AI.
1 Introduction
AI has become an area of strategic importance and been identified as a potential key driver of economic
development as underlined in the European strategy on AI (COM (2018) 237 on Artificial Intelligence for
Europe) and in the related Coordinated Plan (COM(2018)795). Similarly, AI has become a clear target for
national governments resulting in the formulation of national AI strategies. AI Watch is the Commission
knowledge service to monitor the development, uptake and impact of artificial intelligence (AI) for Europe,
launched in December 2018. It will monitor industrial, technological and research capacity, policy initiatives in
the Member States, uptake and technical developments of AI and its impact. AI Watch has a European focus
within the global landscape and covers all Member States.
The aim of this document is to establish an operational definition of AI formed by a concise taxonomy and a
set of keywords that characterise the core and transversal domains of AI. The operational definition is based
on a concrete and inclusive definition of AI. Such a taxonomy and keywords will assist the mapping of the AI
ecosystem of interrelated economic agents, and will allow to describe their technological areas of
specialisation. Also, it will expectedly overlap with other technological domains such as robotics (in a broader
sense), big data, web technologies, high performance computing, embedded systems, internet of things, etc.
The operational definition will be used as a basis for the monitoring activity and will serve as a reference for
the other AI Watch outputs. This objective results from the need to monitor the implementation of the EC
Coordinated Plan on AI on an annual basis, as reflected in the communication
This work has been organised in a three step strategy as follows:
Review of existing definitions. We review AI definitions found in a selected set of 55 documents: 29 AI
policy and institutional reports, 23 relevant research publications and 3 market reports, in order to
incorporate academic, industrial and corporate perspectives.
Definition selection, taxonomy formation and representative keywords selection: We then
adopt, based on this review, a general definition of AI and we complement this with a taxonomy and
keywords that characterise the AI domain. The keywords are extracted based on automatic text analysis
of a corpus of AI scientific references, firm-level databases, and industrial activity documents,
complemented by desk research and domain experts' involvement.
Definition and taxonomy validation: We validate our approach with a small number of AI experts.
Since AI is a dynamic field, the described process is planned to be dynamic. This taxonomy and keywords
building process will be reviewed and iterated in the future to capture the rapid evolution of AI.
The rest of the report is organised as follows: section 2 presents the AI definition, together with its
operationalisation in the form of a taxonomy and list of keywords, as well as a description of the process.
section 3 provides detailed information about the 55 documents analysed, including the source, the text of
the definition and AI subdomains -when available-, contextual information about the source and the
document itself, and the date of publication. Finally, section 4 presents the conclusions drawn from this study.
Footnote 19 of the Annex: "AI Watch developed by the Joint Research Centre will contribute to monitoring AI-related development
and will provide a number of analyses necessary to support the implementation of the European AI initiative. Among others it will
develop AI indexes addressing all dimensions relevant for policy making. Such information will be made available at the AI Watch
portal https://ec.europa.eu/knowledge4policy/ai-watch_en".
2 Proposal for a common definition on Artificial intelligence
To establish an operational AI definition to be adopted in AI Watch, composed by a taxonomy and
representative keywords, we propose a 3-layer approach that allows the dynamic update of all the
aforementioned. This approach consists of the following layers:
i. AI definition selection,
ii. taxonomy formation with core and transversal AI subdomains,
iii. pertinent keyword selection for each subdomain of the taxonomy.
In this scope, we consider 55 documents that address the AI domain from different perspectives,
acknowledging three complementary approaches under which AI is considered:
the policy and institutional perspective, which is especially relevant for the objective of this work given
the scope in which the AI definition is to be used, focuses on the development of the industry, the
research capacity, and the impact on society of advanced technologies. This approach considers AI as an
instrument for growth and technological development. We have collected and analysed documents from
the European Commission, national strategies and policy documents (European and non-European), as
well as other international institutions such as the OECD, UNESCO, World Economic Forum, ISO, etc.;
the research perspective, which is the understanding of AI as a research field and its development as a
general purpose technology;
the market perspective, which has a strong focus on industrial development and assessment of the
economic value and future market prospects.
The simultaneous consideration of the three approaches provides an overview of the past and current
perceptions of AI and how the concept evolves over time. All the collected documents provide an AI definition,
or identify or describe core and transversal AI subdomains, most of the documents present both types of
information. These were analysed in order to identify the main aspects specified as AI features, as well as the
core and transversal AI subdomains, so as to propose an operational definition and taxonomy that is useful
for the objectives of AI Watch. The thorough investigation of the concept from an ontological perspective and
the analysis of the evolution of AI as a concept and research field remain out of the scope of this study. The
details of the explored definitions can be found in section 3. Table 3 offers a collection of the definitions and
AI subdomains covered, as provided in the original documents.
2.1 AI definitions
Despite the increased interest in AI by the academia, industry and public institutions, there is no standard
definition of what AI actually involves. AI has been described by certain approaches in relation to human
intelligence, or intelligence in general. Many definitions refer to machines that behave like humans or are
capable of actions that require intelligence (US NDAA, 2019; Russel and Norvig, 1955; McCarthy, 2007;
Nilsson, 1998; Fogel, 1995; Albus, 1991; Luger and Stubblefield, 1993; Winston, 1992; McCarthy, 1988;
Gardner, 1987; 1983; Newell and Simon, 1976; Bellman, 1978; Minsky, 1969; McCarthy et al., 1955). Since
human intelligence is also difficult to define and measure, and although there have been different attempts
of quantification (Gardner, 1983; 1987; Neisser et al., 1996), the objective definition of something as
subjective and abstract as intelligence (Kaplan, 2016) falsely gives the impression of a precision that cannot
be obtained. As a consequence, most definitions found in research, policy or market reports are vague and
propose an ideal target rather than a measurable research concept.
The oversimplification of the concept of intelligence that is needed in order to define, or even develop, AI is
illustrated by Russel and Norvig (1985; 2010) and emphasised by the High Level Expert Group on Artificial
Intelligence (HLEG, 2019) when focusing on rational AI and hence considering benchmark against an ideal
performance. "A system is rational if it does the “right thing”, given what it knows" (Russel and Norvig, 1985;
Two activities are especially considered in this study when analysing AI definitions: existing standardisation
efforts, and the contribution of the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence.
Standardisation efforts
In order to collect information on the standardisation of AI and its applications, the International Organization
for Standardization (ISO) is included in the analysis. Currently the available AI definitions are found in the
ISO/IEC 2382 of 2015, established in 1993 and 1995. In 2018, in an effort to update these definitions, two
sub committees with six working groups and one study group are formed with the goal to develop 10 AI
standards for ISO/IEC. The ISO/IEC JTC1/SC42 is the first international standards committee identifying the
entire AI ecosystem. JTC1’s scope for SC42 is to become “a systems integration entity to work with other ISO,
IEC and JTC 1 committees looking at AI applications”. Until May 2019, three standards are published with a
different objective; hence an AI definition is not included.
The High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence
The High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) on Artificial Intelligence has been appointed by the European Commission
with the main aim to support the implementation of the European AI Strategy. This includes the elaboration of
recommendations on future-related policy developments and on ethical, legal and societal issues related to
AI, including socio-economic challenges. The HLEG on AI is composed by 52 representatives from academia,
civil society and industry. The first two outputs of the HLEG on AI are the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy
Artificial Intelligence
, and a definition of AI
developed to describe a common understanding of the domain
and its capabilities, and serving as a supporting document for the HLEG's deliverables. The HLEG definition is
considered together with the remaining documents analysed in this study.
Common features in AI definitions
Despite the multiple facets of AI, and consequently the lack of a common definition, there are a number of
commonalities that we observe in the analysed definitions. This expression of common aspects suggests that
they may be considered as the main features of AI:
Perception of the environment, including the consideration of the real world complexity (HLEG, 2019;
European AI Strategy, 2018; EC JRC Flagship report on AI, 2018; Tsinghua University, 2018; Nakashima,
1999; Nilsson, 1998; Poole et al., 1998; Fogel, 1995; Wang, 1995; Albus, 1991; Newell and Simon, 1976).
Information processing: collecting and interpreting inputs (in form of data) (HLEG, 2019; European AI
Strategy, 2018; EC JRC Flagship report on AI, 2018; Kaplan and Haenlein, 2018; Tsinghua University,
2018; Nakashima, 1999; Nilsson, 1998; Poole et al., 1998; Wang, 1995).
Decision making (including reasoning and learning): taking actions, performance of tasks (including
adaptation, reaction to changes in the environment) with certain level of autonomy (HLEG, 2019; OECD,
2019; European AI Strategy 2018; EC JRC Flagship report on AI 2018; Kaplan and Haenlein 2018;
Tsinghua University, 2018; Nilsson, 1998; Poole Mackworth and Goebel, 1998; Fogel, 1995; ISO/IEC 2382-
28, 1995; Wang, 1995; Albus, 1991; Newell and Simon, 1976).
Achievement of specific goals: this is considered as the ultimate reason of AI systems (HLEG 2019; OECD,
2019; European AI Strategy, 2018; Kaplan and Haenlein, 2018; Poole at al., 1998; Fogel, 1995; Albus,
1991; Newell and Simon, 1976).
2.2 AI Watch operational definition of AI
The proposed AI Watch operational definition is based on a concrete definition taken as a starting point, and is
composed by a concise taxonomy and a set of keywords that characterise the core and transversal domains
of AI. To reach a common understanding on the concept of AI in the framework of AI Watch, it is important
that the starting point is an inclusive definition, hence covering all technological developments and activities
carried out by all types actors that make up the AI ecosystem, whether industrial, research, government
initiatives. Taking into consideration the features that many of the explored definitions share (see Table 3), as
well as the aforementioned objectives, we consider the definition proposed by the HLEG on AI as the
starting point for the development of the operational definition. Although it may be considered highly
technical for different audiences and objectives, it is a very comprehensive definition which incorporates the
aspects of perception, understanding, interpretation, interaction, decision making, adaptation to behaviour and
achievement of goals, whereas other definitions do not address them in their entirety:
HLEG definition of AI
"Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are software (and possibly also hardware) systems designed by humans(2)
that, given a complex goal, act in the physical or digital dimension by perceiving their environment through
data acquisition, interpreting the collected structured or unstructured data, reasoning on the knowledge, or
processing the information, derived from this data and deciding the best action(s) to take to achieve the given
goal. AI systems can either use symbolic rules or learn a numeric model, and they can also adapt their
behaviour by analysing how the environment is affected by their previous actions."
Other suitable definitions targeted to alternative uses
Considering that the HLEG definition is comprehensive, hence highly technical and detailed, less specialised
definitions can be adopted for studies of different objective, such as enterprise surveys. In this scope, the
definitions provided by the EC JRC Flagship report on AI (2018) (see detailed reference in subsection
and the European AI Strategy (COM(2018) 237 final, see subsection are suitable alternatives:
EC JRC Flagship report on AI
“AI is a generic term that refers to any machine or algorithm that is capable of observing its environment,
learning, and based on the knowledge and experience gained, taking intelligent action or proposing decisions.
There are many different technologies that fall under this broad AI definition. At the moment, ML
are the most widely used.”
European AI Strategy
"Artificial Intelligence refers to systems that display intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and
taking action with some degree of autonomy to achieve specific goals."
The latter has been considered by Eurostat as the starting point for the development of a definition that will
be included in the AI module of the Community Survey on ICT Usage and e-Commerce in Enterprises 2021
upon approval.
Community survey on ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises 2021
“Artificial intelligence refers to systems that use technologies such as: text mining, computer vision, speech
recognition, natural language generation, machine learning, deep learning to gather and/or use data to predict,
recommend or decide, with varying levels of autonomy, the best action to achieve specific goals.”
2.2.1 AI taxonomy
The proposed taxonomy addresses political, research and industrial perspectives and aims to cover and
classify the AI landscape, which consists of economic agents with R&D or industrial AI related activities.
Therefore, this taxonomy is able to detect correspondingly a wide range of core AI related scientific
subdomains (e.g. knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning) and transversal topics such as
applications of the former (e.g. robots, automated vehicles, etc.) or ethical and philosophical considerations.
The taxonomy is presented as a reduced list of abstract high level domains and their related subdomains.
These are meant to encompass the main theoretical AI branches, as well as AI related non-technological
issues. The AI subdomains are represented by a list of keywords (see subsection 2.2.2), these will enable us to
capture the AI activities carried out by economic agents, for further analysis of the AI landscape from a
techno-economic perspective. Sources
The AI field allows several classification approaches and corresponding divisions in specific subdomains or
topics. It should be noted again that there is no commonly agreed AI taxonomy among research communities,
literature or reports, given the rapid evolution of this knowledge domain and varied perspectives from which
AI is considered. For this part of the study, we have analysed existing taxonomies and attempts to disentangle
the AI knowledge domain. We have explored the following sources:
Machine Learning
: this website is an official publication of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI), presenting in ordered way information about AI. The information gathered covers
different dimensions: research (through journals and conferences), AI applications, authors; and different
types of sources: papers, news, tweets, etc. The documents analysed are tagged -combining machine
learning with subject matter expert knowledge- and classified according to two main dimensions:
technological and industrial, that is considering the economic sector in which AI is developed and/or used.
We focus on the technology break down provided by this source. The following AI related fields are
considered by AITopics under AI: Assistive technologies, Cognitive science, Games, Human-centered
computing, Machine learning, Natural language, Representation & reasoning, Robots, Speech, Systems &
languages, Vision, together with other less technology related : Challenges,. Issues, History, Science
fiction, The future
Specialised conferences: we explore the top AI conferences in order to identify submission groups as
proxies of the main current in research sub-fields. The following conference submission groups have been
: AI and the Web, Applications, Cognitive Modeling, Cognitive Systems, Computational
Sustainability and AI, Game Theory and Economic Paradigms, Game Playing and Interactive
Entertainment, Heuristic Search and Optimization, Human-AI Collaboration, Human-Computation
and Crowd Sourcing, Humans and AI, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Machine
Learning Applications, Machine Learning Methods, Multiagent Systems, Natural Language
Processing (NLP) and Knowledge Representation, NLP and Machine Learning, NLP and Text
Mining, Planning and Scheduling, Reasoning under Uncertainty, Robotics, Search and Constraint
Satisfaction, Vision.
o International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI):
2009: Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems, Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications,
Robotics and Vision, Natural-Language Processing, Knowledge Representation,
Reasoning and Logic, Constraints, Satisfiability, and Search, Planning and Scheduling,
Uncertainty in AI, Machine Learning, Web and Knowledge-based Information Systems.
2018: Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems, Computer Vision, Constraints and SAT,
Heuristic Search and Game Playing, Humans and AI, Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning, Machine Learning, Machine Learning Applications, Multidisciplinary Topics
and Applications, Natural Language Processing, Planning and Scheduling, Robotics,
Uncertainty in AI.
Documents analysed for this study (section 3): We also acknowledge the AI subdomains mentioned in the
policy, research and market reports. A summary of the main AI subdomains listed in all the documents
follow (subsection 2.3). Additionally, we analysed the taxonomy and keywords developed by the Working
Group drafting the Spanish strategy on AI
: Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer
Vision and Perception, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Multiagent Systems, Data Science,
Moreover, this top-down approach is complemented with a bottom-up approach that converges with the
taxonomy. In the early results of this approach we used a natural language processing method (topic
modelling) to unbiasedly identify thematic subdomains in a collection of more than 64 thousand
industrial and R&D AI activities. This resulted in the identification of six thematic subdomains (machine
learning, computer vision, natural language processing, connected and automated vehicles, robotics, and
AI services), which have a correspondence in the proposed taxonomy.
Additionally, some of the documents collected are classified under other main technological fields such as Architecture, Enterprise
Application, Information Management, Sensing and signal processing, among others.
AAAI 2018
Coordinated by Professor Ramón López de Mántaras (IIIA-CSIC), who acted also as advisor in this study.
11 AI Watch taxonomy
In accordance to the HLEG, AI techniques and sub-disciplines can be grouped under two big strands regarding
the systems' capabilities: (i) reasoning and decision making, (ii) and learning and perception. The first group of
capabilities includes the transformation of data into knowledge, by transforming real world information into
something understandable and usable by machines, and making decisions following an organised path of
planning, solution searching and optimisation. This strand covers the AI subdomains of Knowledge
representation and reasoning (usually making use of symbolic rules to represent and infer knowledge) and
Planning (including Planning & Scheduling, Searching, and Optimisation). The second group of capabilities
develops in absence of symbolic rules, and involves learning -meaning the extraction of information, and
problem solving based on structured or unstructured perceived data (written and oral language, image, sound,
etc.)-, adaptation and reaction to changes, behavioural prediction, etc. This second strand covers AI sub-fields
related to learning, communication and perception, such as Machine learning, Natural language processing,
and Computer vision.
The academic approach followed by the HLEG is to be complemented by considering the wider monitoring
objective of AI Watch, namely to capture and measure the AI landscape that involves multifarious economic
agents and complementary approaches, considering also the impact on society. Consequently, the taxonomy
proposed is based on the main AI domains identified by the HLEG and is expanded to cover additional
the concept of rational agents, as entities that make decisions and act in relation to its environment,
including interaction with other agents;
research and industrial developments, and other AI applications such as cloud service models offered by
service companies to accelerate AI uptake;
other noteworthy aspects related to AI, but not necessarily technology related, arise as important subjects
in policy documents and the social debate: ethical considerations such as transparency, explainability,
accountability, fairness and safety, as well philosophical matters involving the deepest nature of AI and
its evolution.
Taking into consideration the above, we propose the following AI domains and subdomains as characterising
the AI field. They are divided into core and transversal domains, the former referring to the fundamental
goals of AI, the latter not specifically related to a particular academic discipline or area of knowledge, but as
issues common to all the core domains.
Table 1. AI domains and subdomains constituting one part of the operational definition of AI
AI taxonomy
AI domain
AI subdomain
Knowledge representation
Automated reasoning
Common sense reasoning
Planning and Scheduling
Machine learning
Natural language processing
Computer vision
Audio processing
Integration and
Multi-agent systems
Robotics and Automation
Connected and Automated vehicles
AI Services
Ethics and Philosophy
AI Ethics
Philosophy of AI
Source: Authors' elaboration
It is noteworthy that the suggested domains and subdomains are related, and not disjoint, subsets of AI. This
ensues from the nature of the AI field that embraces intertwined applications and theoretical advancements,
with fuzzy boundaries. For instance, the fact that machine learning is exploited in either computer vision,
audio processing or natural language processing does not prevent them from being separate research fields,
considered by top AI conferences topics and related literature (see subsection At the same time,
computer vision and natural language processing are in turn embedded in more complex applications, such as
virtual personal assistants or robotic platforms. Following this continuum, we consider theoretical
advancements in one end of the taxonomy and industrial applications in the other one. We should also stress
that the defined subdomains may not be fully AI-driven. For instance, while mechanical robots do not always
incorporate AI techniques, robotics is considered as a relevant domain impacted by recent developments in AI
In conclusion, the AI Watch taxonomy is not meant to constitute a rigid classification, but a comprehensive
collection of areas that represents AI from our three target perspectives: policy, research and industry.
In the following, we succinctly describe the above domains and subdomains, highlighting their identification in
different AI national strategies and reports.
Domain: Reasoning
Subdomains: Knowledge representation; Automated reasoning; Common sense reasoning
The domain of reasoning tackles the way machines transform data into knowledge, or infer facts from data.
Several classifications address knowledge representation and automated reasoning as a field of AI, to
describe the process of justifying (reasoning) the available data and information, provide solutions and
represent them efficiently, based on a set of symbolic rules (HLEG, 2019; Spanish RDI Strategy in Artificial
Intelligence, 2019; National Strategy: France Monitoring Report, 2019; CB Insights, 2019; AI National Strategy:
Germany, 2018; Working Paper for National Strategy: India, 2018; ETSI, 2018; National Strategy: France
(Villani Mission), 2018; AI National Strategy: China, 2017; McCarthy, 2007; Nilsson, 1998).
Domain: Planning
Subdomains: Planning and Scheduling; Searching; Optimisation
The main purpose of automated planning concerns the design and execution of strategies (e.g., an organised
set of actions) to carry out some activity, and typically performed by intelligent agents, autonomous robots
and unmanned vehicles. Unlike classical control and classification problems, the solutions are complex and
must be discovered and optimised in the multidimensional space. (HLEG, 2019; Spanish RDI Strategy in
Artificial Intelligence, 2019; National Strategy: France Monitoring Report, 2019; CB Insights, 2019; AI National
Strategy: Germany, 2018; McCarthy, 2007).
Domain: Learning
Subdomains: Machine Learning (ML)
By learning, we refer to the ability of systems to automatically learn, decide, predict, adapt and react to
changes, improving from experience, without being explicitly programmed. ML is widely included in the vast
majority of efforts to identify AI categories, as the basic algorithmic approach to achieve AI regardless the
type of learning, namely reinforcement, supervised, semi-supervised, unsupervised (HLEG, 2019; Spanish RDI
Strategy in Artificial Intelligence, 2019; StandICT.eu project, 2019; National Strategy: Denmark, 2019; National
Strategy: France Monitoring report, 2019; Australia’s Ethic Framework Dawson et al., 2019; US Congressional
Research Service, 2019; CB Insights, 2019; EC JRC Flagship report on AI, 2018; AI National Strategy: Germany,
2018; OECD, 2018; Tsinghua University, 2018; Working Paper for AI National Strategy: India, 2018; National
Industrial Strategy: UK, 2018; 2017; AI National Strategy: France (Villani Mission), 2018; US Department of
Defense, 2018; OECD, 2017; McKinsey, 2017; Stone et al.: AI100, 2016; McCarthy, 2007).
Domain: Communication
Subdomains: Natural Language Processing (NLP)
NLP, as the main task of communication, refers to the machine’s ability to identify, process, understand
and/or generate information in written and spoken human communications. It is considered as an AI
subdomain from several national strategies and AI experts, encompassing applications such as text
generation, text mining, classification, and machine translation (HLEG, 2019; Spanish RDI Strategy in Artificial
Intelligence, 2019; National Strategy: Denmark, 2019; National Strategy: France Monitoring report, 2019; CB
Insights, 2019; EC JRC Flagship report on AI, 2018; OECD, 2018; Tsinghua University, 2018; Working Paper for
AI National Strategy: India, 2018; National Strategy: France (Villani Mission), 2018; US Department of
Defense, 2018; AI National Strategy: Japan, 2017; AI National Strategy: China, 2017; McKinsey, 2017; Stone
et al.: AI100, 2016; McCarthy, 2007)
Domain: Perception
Subdomains: Computer vision; Audio processing
Perception refers to systems ability to become aware of their environment through the senses: vision,
hearing, manipulation. etc., being vision and hearing the most developed areas in AI. Computer vision (CV)
refers to activities that identify human faces and objects in digital images, as part of object-class detection. It
is identified as one of the essential scientific fields with parts belonging to machine perception and, thus, AI. It
is usually referred to as image pattern recognition for specific tasks, or as in a broader sense as machine
vision, with applications on face and body recognition, video content recognition, 3D reconstruction, public
safety and security, health etc. (HLEG, 2019; Spanish RDI Strategy in Artificial Intelligence, 2019; National
Strategy: Denmark, 2019; Australia’s Ethic Framework Dawson et al., 2019; US Congressional Research
Service, 2019; CB Insights, 2019; EC JRC Flagship report on AI, 2018; AI National Strategy: Germany, 2018;
Tsinghua University, 2018; Working Paper for AI National Strategy: India, 2018; OECD, 2018; US Department
of Defense, 2018; AI National Strategy: Japan, 2017; OECD, 2017; McKinsey, 2017; Stone et al.: AI100, 2016;
McCarthy, 2007). Audio processing refers to AI systems allowing the perception or generation (synthesis) of
audio signals, including speech, but also other sound material (e.g. environmental sounds, music). Speech or
voice recognition, audio processing or sound technologies are also often proposed to be archived as an AI
subdivision (AI4Belgium Report, 2019; COM(2018) 237 final; EC JRC Flagship report on AI, 2018; OECD, 2017,
2018; Tsinghua University, 2018; Working Paper for AI National Strategy: India, 2018; AI National Strategy:
Japan, 2017; McCarthy, 2007).
Domain: Integration and Interaction
Subdomains: Multi-agent systems; Robotics and Automation; Connected and Automated vehicles
The transversal domain of Integration and Interaction addresses the combination of perception, reasoning,
action, learning and interaction with the environment, as well as characteristics such as distribution,
coordination, cooperation, autonomy, interaction and integration.. Robotics and Automation refers to activities
related to application and research of the technological intelligent tools to assist or substitute human activity,
or to enable actions that are not humanly possible (e.g. medical robots), to optimize technical limitations,
labour or production costs. The CAVs subdomain regards technologies of autonomous vehicles, connected
vehicles and driver assistance systems, considering all automation levels and all communication technologies
(V2X). Multi-agent systems, Unmanned systems (CAVs, drones), as well as robotics and process automation
(Application programming interface (API), robotic process automation for industrial, social and other uses) are
also mentioned as separate intrinsic subdivisions of AI (HLEG, 2019; Spanish RDI Strategy in Artificial
Intelligence, 2019; UNESCO, 2019; Australia’s Ethic Framework, 2019; National Strategy: Denmark, 2019;
National Strategy: France Monitoring report, 2019; US Congressional Research Service, 2019; CB Insights,
2019; EC JRC Flagship report on AI, 2018; COM(2018) 237 final; AI National Strategy: Germany, 2018;
Tsinghua University, 2018; Working Paper for AI National Strategy: India, 2018; National Industrial Strategy:
UK, 2018; 2017; National Strategy: France (Villani Mission), 2018; Statista 2017; McKinsey, 2017; AI National
Strategy: Japan, 2017; AI National Strategy: China, 2017; Stone et al.: AI100, 2016).
Domain: Services
Subdomains: AI Services
The transversal domain of AI services refers to any infrastructure, software and platform (e.g., cognitive
computing, ML frameworks, bots and virtual assistants, etc.) provided as (serverless) services or applications,
possibly in the cloud, which are available off the shelf and executed on demand, reducing the management of
complex infrastructures. In this regard, cloud computing services are often presented when describing the AI
landscape(US NDAA, 2019; Chinese National Strategy, 2017). Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the basis of
cloud computing, providing access and management of virtual resources such as servers, storage, operating
systems and networking. Subsequently, cloud platforms (or Platform as a Service (PaaS)) are service products
of cloud applications, and can be used within Software as a Service (SaaS) architectures, which are cloud
applications and adaptive intelligence software (HLEG, 2019; Spanish RDI Strategy in Artificial Intelligence,
2019; US Department of Defense, 2018; Tsinghua University, 2018; Working Paper for AI National Strategy:
India, 2018; AI National Strategy: China, 2017; Statista, 2017; McKinsey, 2017).
Domain: Ethics & Philosophy
Subdomains: AI Ethics; Philosophy of AI
Philosophical and ethical issues associated with AI are proliferating and rising citizens’ attention and
governments’ policy interest as intelligent systems become widespread. The ethics of AI is considered as a
transversal subdomain, as AI advances and applications in different areas should ensure compliance with
ethical principles and values, including applicable regulation. Given the impact on human beings and society,
establishing trust in AI is the focus of several frameworks and initiatives by policy bodies and institutions
(HLEG, 2019; OECD, 2019; StandICT.eu project, 2019; National Strategy: France Monitoring report, 2019;
Australia’s Ethic Framework Dawson et al., 2019; EC Coordinated Action Plan on AI, 2018; European AI
Strategy: EC Communication; National Strategy: France (Villani Mission), 2018; Artificial Intelligence for
Europe, 2018).
2.2.2 AI keywords
In order to fulfil its objective as a monitoring tool, one of the outputs of AI Watch will be to provide an
overview of the worldwide landscape of AI. This effort will be conducted by applying the Techno-economic
segments (TES) analytical approach developed by the EC JRC to the AI field (Samoili S., Righi R., Cardona M.,
López Cobo M., Vázquez-Prada Baillet M., and De Prato G., 2020). This methodology is developed to map
technological (and non-technological) domains that do not correspond to standard classifications (e.g.
industries, products), and that are pervasive and cross-sectoral. It is conceived as an analytical framework and
replicable methodology to analyse and describe the dynamics of specific TES ecosystems, by exploiting
different types of factual data including non-official heterogeneous sources. The initial stages of the TES
analytical approach are presented in Samoili S., Righi R., Lopez-Cobo M., Cardona M., and De Prato G. (2019),
and a first application to the AI domain is shown in De Prato G., López Cobo., M., Samoili S., Righi R., Vázquez-
Prada Baillet, M., and Cardona M. (2019) and Samoili et al. (2019). The first step of the TES methodology
addresses the definition of a techno-economic segment, e.g. AI, followed by its operationalisation through a
list of keywords. The keywords are used in text queries to identify activities and economic agents relevant to
the technology under study, AI in this case, for further analysis. Construction process
The domains and subdomains that are selected as characterising AI are represented by a list of keywords.
These, as the AI subdomains, cover different aspects, such as methods, algorithmic approaches, applications,
products, research areas, etc., but also address aspects such as ethics and philosophy, not as an intrinsic part
of AI, but rather as an application of ethical principles and philosophical concerns to AI. The list of keywords is
built in a multi-step process combining a semi-automatic text mining approach, desk research and domain
experts' involvement:
1. Identification of top keywords in the research domain
(a) Seed articles: First we conduct a selection of a seed subset of scientific articles where the term
"artificial intelligence" is present in the title, keywords or abstract of the publication. This first step is
run on all articles available in the Scopus Database in three different years (2005, 2009 and 2017).
The consideration of the time dimensions allows capturing recently coined terms, as well as others
that are consolidated, or even some that fell into disuse but that were important terms in the past.
(b) Expansion to cover articles not triggered by the technology term: In view of expanding the set of
investigated documents, and not limiting the analysis to the papers containing the keyword "artificial
intelligence", we consider all articles published in the journals in which the articles identified in step
1.(a) are found. In this step, 137 specialised journals are considered, while generalist journals and the
ones centred in other scientific fields are ignored. For instance, the journal “Engineering Applications
of Artificial Intelligence” would be selected, while “Physics of Life Reviews” would not, even if the
latter has published some AI related articles.
(c) First draft list of keywords: We consider all papers published in the journals selected in step 1.(b)
during the three referred years. The selected AI related articles amount to 25 600: 2 907 published
in 2005, 12 706 in 2009 and 9 987 in 2017. The number of different keywords included in these
papers totals 57 850. The first draft list of keywords is composed by a selection from the 300 most
frequent author's keywords per year, from which generic terms are removed.
2. Identification of keywords in the industrial dimension of the technology
In order to cover terms reflecting the recent industrial developments and AI applications, we also take into
consideration sources of industrial activity. To that end, we have analysed and extracted relevant terms from
companies’ activities descriptions. Since an equivalent to author's keywords is not available from firms'
descriptions, we obtain the most frequent terms (unigrams, bigrams and trigrams) and manually inspect their
relevancy in order to incorporate them to the draft list built in step 1.
3. Initial keyword selection
The list of candidate terms, sorted by relevance based on their frequency of occurrence, is then reviewed by
in-house researchers and a short selection is made. Terms are grouped when synonyms, very similar terms
and different spellings are found, then the groups are reduced to a single term per groups. Terms appearing in
both sub-lists are prioritised.
4. Selection of keywords through topic modelling
We consider the most representative terms from the six AI subdomains identified from topic modelling on a
corpus of 64 thousand documents of R&D and industrial activity. The subdomains are identified by applying
semantic clustering with the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model, a generative hierarchical mixed-
membership model for discrete data (Blei & Laerty, 2009; Blei et al., 2003; Papadimitriou et al., 2000). The
model returns the most probable topics that best represent the corpus, without the involvement of any expert
to avoid unintentional bias. Only the labelling of topics is done manually. The most relevant keywords of each
of the six topics are also considered, and redundancies with terms already included in the list, removed.
5. Validation by a panel of experts in several AI subdomains
An in-house pool of researchers made a selection that was reviewed by external domain experts in several AI
areas. The advice for improvement targeted the expansion of the frontiers considered, namely the inclusion of
domains and related terms not so well captured by the research and industrial sources analysed so far.
6. Final review and selection of list of keywords per domain
As a consequence of the review in step 5, areas such as Knowledge representation and reasoning or AI ethics
and their corresponding related terms were introduced. The final taxonomy was then depicted and the final
keyword list defined. Valuable inputs in this process were: the terms describing the submission groups in top
AI conferences, the term frequencies observed in AITopics, and the terms produced by the Spanish Working
Group on AI responsible for the drafting of the Spanish strategy. Keyword list
Table 2 presents the keywords identified as most relevant within each AI subdomain comprising the
taxonomy. This list of keywords is designed to map and model AI activities in a broad sense. The keywords are
presented grouped in the broad categories identified in the taxonomy, which, as explained in detail in
subsection 2.2.1, are not mutually exclusive. This keyword list is intended to be dynamically updated according
to new technological developments in core and transversal domains, and to agree with alternative proposals.
The rationale for building the list of keywords is to determine, in a practical way, the boundaries of the
ecosystem of economic agents active in AI. In practical terms, the list of keywords will be used taking into
account additional considerations. For instance, in order to avoid as much as possible the occurrence of false
positives, i.e., the incorrect identification as AI of activities that are not AI related, a reduced list of intrinsic-AI
keywords is used to query the data sources to identify the relevant active agents in the TES ecosystem.
Furthermore, some of the remaining keywords are considered only after conditioning its co-occurrence with
some of the core AI terms (these are the non-intrinsic AI keywords). Examples of intrinsic-AI terms used as
standalone terms to identify activities are: deep learning, face recognition, swarm intelligence and
unsupervised learning. Terms that are only used in combination with intrinsic-AI terms include, for instance:
accountability, classification, clustering, cognitive system, industrial robot, service robot and social robot, since
these non-intrinsic terms could be used in a non-AI context.
Table 2. Most relevant keywords within each AI domain
AI domain
AI subdomain
Automated reasoning;
Common sense
case-based reasoning
inductive programming
causal inference
information theory
causal models
knowledge representation & reasoning
common-sense reasoning
latent variable models
expert system
semantic web
fuzzy logic
uncertainty in artificial intelligence
graphical models
Planning and
bayesian optimisation
hierarchical task network
constraint satisfaction
metaheuristic optimisation
evolutionary algorithm
planning graph
genetic algorithm
stochastic optimisation
gradient descent
Machine learning
active learning
feature extraction
adaptive learning
generative adversarial network
adversarial machine learning
generative model
adversarial network
multi-task learning
anomaly detection
neural network
artificial neural network
pattern recognition
automated machine learning
probabilistic learning
automatic classification
probabilistic model
automatic recognition
recommender system
recurrent neural network
bayesian modelling
recursive neural network
reinforcement learning
semi-supervised learning
statistical learning
collaborative filtering
statistical relational learning
content-based filtering
supervised learning
convolutional neural network
support vector machine
data mining
transfer learning
deep learning
unstructured data
deep neural network
unsupervised learning
ensemble method
Natural language
natural language generation
computational linguistics
machine translation
conversation model
question answering
coreference resolution
sentiment analysis
information extraction
text classification
information retrieval
text mining
natural language understanding
Computer vision
action recognition
object recognition
face recognition
recognition technology
gesture recognition
sensor network
image processing
visual search
image retrieval
Audio processing
computational auditory scene
sound synthesis
music information retrieval
speaker identification
sound description
speech processing
sound event recognition
speech recognition
sound source separation
speech synthesis
AI domain
AI subdomain
and Interaction
Multi-agent systems
agent-based modelling
negotiation algorithm
agreement technologies
network intelligence
computational economics
game theory
swarm intelligence
intelligent agent
Robotics and
cognitive system
robot system
control theory
service robot
human-ai interaction
social robot
industrial robot
Connected and
Automated vehicles
autonomous driving
self-driving car
autonomous system
unmanned vehicle
autonomous vehicle
AI Services
ai application
intelligence software
ai benchmark
intelligent control
ai competition
intelligent control system
ai software toolkit
intelligent hardware development
analytics platform
intelligent software development
big data
intelligent user interface
business intelligence
internet of things
central processing unit
machine learning framework
computational creativity
machine learning library
computational neuroscience
machine learning platform
data analytics
personal assistant
decision analytics
platform as a service
decision support
tensor processing unit
distributed computing
virtual environment
graphics processing unit
virtual reality
AI Ethics and
AI Ethics
Philosophy of AI
artificial general intelligence
weak artificial intelligence
strong artificial intelligence
narrow artificial intelligence
Source: Authors' elaboration
2.3 Collection of AI definitions and subdomains
Table 3 presents the keywords identified as most relevant within each AI subdomains comprising the
operational definition. The domains included in the summary table are mentioned in the collected documents
as categories or applications. The documents are ordered in descending chronological order and then by
alphabetical order within each section of: policy and institutional (European Commission level, national level
and international organisations), research and market. For longer descriptions of the AI definitions,
explanations, context, etc., see the individual subsections of section 3.
Table 3. Summary of definitions and subdomains or applications referred to in the collected documents.
AI Definition
Other/ NA
AI reference definition for AI Watch
HLEG, 2019
“Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are software (and possibly also hardware)
systems designed by humans
that, given a complex goal, act in the physical or
digital dimension by perceiving their environment through data acquisition,
interpreting the collected structured or unstructured data, reasoning on the
knowledge, or processing the information, derived from this data and deciding the
best action(s) to take to achieve the given goal. AI systems can either use symbolic
rules or learn a numeric model, and they can also adapt their behaviour by
analysing how the environment is affected by their previous actions.”
Policy and institutional approaches
European Commission Level
EC Coordinated Action
Plan on AI, 2018
“Artificial Intelligence refers to systems that display intelligent behaviour by
analysing their environment and taking action with some degree of autonomy
to achieve specific goals.”
European AI Strategy: EC
Communication, Artificial
Intelligence for Europe,
“Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to systems that display intelligent behaviour by
analysing their environment and taking actions with some degree of autonomy
to achieve specific goals.”
EC JRC Flagship report on
AI: Artificial Intelligence.
A European Perspective,
“AI is a generic term that refers to any machine or algorithm that is capable of
observing its environment, learning, and based on the knowledge and experience
gained, taking intelligent action or proposing decisions. There are many different
technologies that fall under this broad AI definition. At the moment, ML techniques
are the most widely used.”
National level: European Union
AI Definition
Other/ NA
AI4Belgium Report, 2019
Reference to the European AI Strategy definition (section
'According to the European Commission: “AI refers to systems that display
intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and taking actions with
some degree of autonomy to achieve specific goals. AI-based systems can be
purely software-based, acting in the virtual world (e.g. voice assistants, image
analysis software, search engines, speech and face recognition systems) or AI can
be embedded in hardware devices (e.g. advanced robots, autonomous cars, drones
or Internet of Things applications).” '
AI National Strategy:
Denmark, 2019
"Artificial intelligence is systems based on algorithms (mathematical formulae)
that, by analysing and identifying patterns in data, can identify the most
appropriate solution. The vast majority of these systems perform specific tasks in
limited areas, e.g. control, prediction and guidance. The technology can be designed
to adapt its behaviour by observing how the environment is influenced by previous
AI National Strategy:
France. Monitoring report,
Unofficial translation:
A theoretical and practical interdisciplinary field, with objective the understanding
of the cognitive and thinking mechanisms, and their imitation by a material and
software device, for assistance or substitution purposes of human activities.
The AI definition used is reported to be the one of Russel and Norvig, 1995.
Spanish RDI Strategy in
Artificial Intelligence,
“AI can be defined as the Science and Engineering that allows the design and
programming of machines capable of carrying out tasks that require intelligence.
Rather than achieving general intelligence, current AI focuses on what is known as
specific AI, which is producing very important results in many fields of application
such as natural language processing or artificial vision; however, from a scientific
and basic and applied research point of view, general AI remains the major
objective to be achieved, that is, creating an ecosystem with intelligent
multitasking systems.”
AI National Strategy:
France (Villani Mission),
"AI has always been envisioned as an evolving boundary, rather than a settled
research field. Fundamentally, it refers to a programme whose ambitious objective
is to understand and reproduce human cognition; creating cognitive processes
comparable to those found in human beings. Therefore, we are naturally dealing
with a wide scope here, both in terms of the technical procedures that can be
employed and the various disciplines that can be called upon: mathematics,
information technology, cognitive sciences, etc. There is a great variety of
approaches when it comes to AI: ontological, reinforcement learning, adversarial
AI Definition
Other/ NA
learning and neural networks, to name just a few."
AI National Strategy:
Germany, 2018
"In highly abstract terms, AI researchers can be assigned to two groups: “strong”
and “weak” AI. “Strong” AI means that AI systems have the same intellectual
capabilities as humans, or even exceed them. “Weak” AI is focused on the solution
of specific problems using methods from mathematics and computer science,
whereby the systems developed are capable of self-optimisation. To this end,
aspects of human intelligence are mapped and formally described, and systems
are designed to simulate and support human thinking."
National Industrial
Strategy: UK, 2018; 2017
AI National Strategy:
Sweden, 2018
"There is no one single, clear-cut or generally accepted definition of artificial
intelligence, but many definitions. In general, however, AI refers to intelligence
demonstrated by machines."
Report of the Steering
Group of the AI
Programme: Finland,
"Artificial intelligence refers to devices, software and systems that are able to
learn and to make decisions in almost the same manner as people. Artificial
intelligence allows machines, devices, software, systems and services to function
in a sensible way according to the task and situation at hand."
National level: non-EU
Australia’s Ethic
Framework, 2019
"A collection of interrelated technologies used to solve problems autonomously
and perform tasks to achieve defined objectives without explicit guidance from a
human being "
US Congressional
Research Service, 2019
AI Definition
Other/ NA
Working Paper for AI
National Strategy: India,
“AI refers to the ability of machines to perform cognitive tasks like thinking,
perceiving, learning, problem solving and decision making. Initially conceived as a
technology that could mimic human intelligence, AI has evolved in ways that far
exceed its original conception. With incredible advances made in data collection,
processing and computation power, intelligent systems can now be deployed to
take over a variety of tasks, enable connectivity and enhance productivity.”
US National Defense
Authorization Act, 2018
“1. Any artificial system that performs tasks under varying and unpredictable
circumstances without significant human oversight, or that can learn from
experience and improve performance when exposed to data sets.
2. An artificial system developed in computer software, physical hardware, or other
context that solves tasks requiring human-like perception, cognition, planning,
learning, communication, or physical action.
3. An artificial system designed to think or act like a human, including cognitive
architectures and neural networks.
4. A set of techniques, including machine learning that is designed to approximate
a cognitive task.
5. An artificial system designed to act rationally, including an intelligent software
agent or embodied robot that achieves goals using perception, planning, reasoning,
learning, communicating, decision-making, and acting.”
US Department of
Defense, 2018
AI National Strategy:
Japan, 2017
AI National Strategy:
China, 2017
AI Definition
Other/ NA
AI National Strategy:
Canada, 2017
International Organisations
OECD, 2019
"An AI system is a machine-based system that can, for a given set of human-
defined objectives, make predictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing
real or virtual environments. AI systems are designed to operate with varying
levels of autonomy."
UNESCO, 2019
StandICT.eu project,
OECD, 2018
“AI can make business more productive, improve government efficiency and relieve
workers of mundane tasks. It can also address many of our most pressing global
problems, such as climate change and wider access to quality education and
healthcare…This combination of interdisciplinary origins, wavering trajectories, and
recent commercial success make "artificial intelligence" a difficult concept to
define and measure…The term itself is used interchangeably both as the still-
faraway goal of true machine intelligence and as the currently available
technology powering today’s hottest startups”
ETSI, 2018
“Computerized system that uses cognition to understand information and solve
NOTE 1: ISO/IEC 2382-28 "Information technology -- Vocabulary" defines AI as "an
interdisciplinary field, usually regarded as a branch of computer science, dealing
with models and systems for the performance of functions generally associated
with human intelligence, such as reasoning and learning".
NOTE 2: In computer science AI research is defined as the study of "intelligent
agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions to achieve its
AI Definition
Other/ NA
NOTE 3: This includes pattern recognition and the application of machine learning
and related techniques.
NOTE 4: Artificial Intelligence is the whole idea and concepts of machines being
able to carry out tasks in a way that mimics the human intelligence and would be
considered "smart".
OECD, 2017
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term used to describe machines performing human-
like cognitive functions (e.g. learning, understanding, reasoning or interacting). It
has the potential to revolutionise production as well as contribute to tackling
global challenges related to health, transport and the environment.”
World Economic Forum,
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the software engine that drives the Fourth Industrial
Revolution. Its impact can already be seen in homes, businesses and political
processes. In its embodied form of robots, it will soon be driving cars, stocking
warehouses and caring for the young and elderly. It holds the promise of solving
some of the most pressing issues facing society, but also presents challenges such
as inscrutable “black box” algorithms, unethical use of data and potential job
displacement. As rapid advances in machine learning (ML) increase the scope and
scale of AI’s deployment across all aspects of daily life, and as the technology
itself can learn and change on its own, multistakeholder collaboration is required
to optimize accountability, transparency, privacy and impartiality to create trust.”
“Artificial intelligence (AI) or self-learning systems is the collective term for
machines that replicate the cognitive abilities of human beings. Within the broader
technological landscape, predictive maintenance in the cognitive era has the
potential to transform global production systems.”
ISO, 1993; 1995; 2015
“Branch of computer science devoted to developing data processing systems that
perform functions normally associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning,
learning, and self-improvement (2121393: ISO, Al: term, abbreviation and
definition standardized by ISO/IEC [ISO/IEC 2382-1:1993])
“Interdisciplinary field, usually regarded as a branch of computer science, dealing
with models and systems for the performance of functions generally associated
with human intelligence, such as reasoning and learning” (2123769: term,
abbreviation and definition standardized by ISO/IEC [ISO/IEC 2382-28:1995])
“Capability of a functional unit to perform functions that are generally associated
with human intelligence such as reasoning and learning” (2123770: term,
abbreviation and definition standardized by ISO/IEC [ISO/IEC 2382-28:1995])
AI Definition
Other/ NA
Research approach
Tsinghua University,
“AI machines do not necessarily have to obtain intelligence by thinking like a
human and that it is important to make AI solve problems that can be solved by a
human brain. Brain science and brainlike intelligence research and machine-
learning represented by deep neural networks represent the two main
development directions of core AI technologies, with the latter referring to the use
of specific algorithms to direct computer systems to arrive at an appropriate
model based on existing data and use the model to make judgment on new
situations, thus completing a behavior mechanism…In general, the artificial
intelligence we know today is based on modern algorithms, supported by historical
data, and forms artificial programs or systems capable of perception, cognition,
decision making and implementation like humans.”
Kaplan and Haenlein,
“Artificial intelligence (AI)—defined as a system’s ability to correctly interpret
external data, to learn from such data, and to use those learnings to achieve
specific goals and tasks through flexible adaptation.”
Poole et al., 2017; 2010;
“Artificial intelligence (AI) is the established name for the field we have defined as
computational intelligence (CI), Computational intelligence is the study of the
design of intelligent agents. An agent is something that acts in an environmentit
does something. Agents include worms, dogs, thermostats, airplanes, humans,
organizations, and society. An intelligent agent is a system that acts intelligently:
What it does is appropriate for its circumstances and its goal, it is flexible to
changing environments and changing goals, it learns from experience, and it
makes appropriate choices given perceptual limitations and finite computation.”
“Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the field that studies the synthesis and analysis of
computational agents that act intelligently.
An agent is something that acts in an environment; it does something. Agents
include worms, dogs, thermostats, airplanes, robots, humans, companies, and
AI Definition
Other/ NA
Kaplan, 2016
“There is little agreement about what intelligence is. …there is scant reason to
believe that machine intelligence bears much relationship to human intelligence, at
least so far.”
“There are many proposed definitions on AI …most are roughly aligned around the
concept of creating computer programs or machines capable of behavior we would
regard as intelligent if exhibited by humans.”
Stone et al.: AI100, 2016
““Intelligence” remains a complex phenomenon whose varied aspects have
attracted the attention of several different fields of study, including psychology,
economics, neuroscience, biology, engineering, statistics, and linguistics. Naturally,
the field of AI has benefited from the progress made by all of these allied fields.
For example, the artificial neural network, which has been at the heart of several
AI-based solutions was originally inspired by thoughts about the flow of
information in biological neurons.”
Russel and Norvig, 2010
(3rd edition); 1995
Four categories of AI are presented and eight definitions of earlier literature.
The categories are regarding thought processes, reasoning, human and rational
behaviour. For more detailed information please refer to subsection 3.2.6.
Bruner, 2009
“…any and all systems that process information must be governed by specifiable
"rules" or procedures that govern what to do with inputs. It matters not whether it
is a nervous system, or the genetic apparatus that takes instruction from DNA and
then reproduces later generations, or whatever. This is the ideal of artificial
intelligence (AI), so-called.”
McCarthy, 2007
“It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially
intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers
to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to
methods that are biologically observable.”
“Intelligence is the computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world.
Varying kinds and degrees of intelligence occur in people, many animals and some
Gardner, 1999
“A biopsychological potential to process information that can be activated in a
cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture.”
AI Definition
Other/ NA
Nakashima, 1999
“Intelligence is the ability to process information properly in a complex
environment. The criteria of properness are not predefined and hence not available
beforehand. They are acquired as a result of the information processing.”
Nilsson, 1998
“Artificial Intelligence (AI), broadly (and somewhat circularly) defined, is concerned
with intelligent behavior in artefacts. Intelligent behavior, in turn, involves
perception, reasoning, learning, communicating, and acting in complex
Neisser et al., 1996
The article introduces in the AI definition the notions of adapting to the
environment, reasoning, learning etc. through a human intelligence definition, with
multiple dimensions, due to biologically inspired processes.
“Individuals differ from one another in their ability to understand complex ideas, to
adapt effectively to the environment, to learn from experience, to engage in
various forms of reasoning, to overcome obstacles by taking thought.
Concepts of intelligence are attempts to clarify and organise this complex set of
Fogel, 1995
“Any system…that generates adaptive behaviour to meet goals in a range of
environments can be said to be intelligent.”
Wang, 1995
Intelligence is “the ability for an information processing system to adapt to its
environment with insufficient knowledge and resources.”
Albus, 1991
“…the ability of a system to act appropriately in an uncertain environment, where
appropriate action is that which increases the probability of success, and success
is the achievement of behavioral subgoals that support the system’s ultimate
Schank, 1991; 1987
“AI suffers from a lack of definition of its scope. One way to attack this problem is
to attempt to list some features that we would expect an intelligent entity to have.
None of these features would define intelligence, indeed a being could lack any
one of them and still be considered intelligent. Nevertheless each attribute would
be an integral part of intelligence in its way. ...They are communication, internal
knowledge, world knowledge, intentionality, and creativity.”
“AI's primary goal is to build an intelligent machine. The second goal is to find out
about the nature of intelligence.”
“Intelligence means getting better over time.”
AI Definition
Other/ NA
McCarthy, 1988
“The goal of artificial intelligence (A.I.) is machines more capable than humans at
solving problems and achieving goals requiring intelligence. There has been some
useful success, but the ultimate goal still requires major conceptual advances and
is probably far off.
There are three ways of attacking the goal. The first is to imitate the human
nervous system. The second is to study the psychology of human intelligence. The
third is to understand the common sense world in which people achieve their goals
and develop intelligent computer programs. This last one is the computer science
Gardner, 1987
AI “seeks to produce, on a computer, a pattern of output that would be considered
intelligent if displayed by a human being”.
Schlinger (1992) mentions that this book also refers that “AI is viewed as a way of
testing a particular theory of how cognitive processes might work. That theory is
the popular information-processing model of cognition. Where AI researchers
disagree, according to Gardner, is how literally to interpret the thinking metaphor.
For example, some take what John Searle calls the "weak view" of AI, wherein
computer programs are simply a means for testing theories of how humans might
carry out cognitive operations. The weak view of AI is synonymous with modern
cognitive psychology.”
Gardner, 1983
“Artificial intelligence is commonly defined by referencing definitions of human
intelligence, as in Minsky’s definition.
In contrast to the standard approach of measuring one kind of intelligence (as in
standard IQ tests), Gardner (cognitive scientist) offers an eight-dimensional
definition to disentangle the oversimplification of intelligence's measurement.
In particular, he proposed multiple conceptions of intelligence, not only logical-
mathematical, linguistic, but also spatial, musical, bodily-kinaesthetic, personal.”
Newell and Simon, 1976
“By “general intelligent action” we wish to indicate the same scope if intelligence
as we see in human action: that in any real situation behavior appropriate to the
ends of the system and adaptive to the demands of the environment can occur,
within some limits of speed and complexity.”
Minsky, 1969
AI is “the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if
done by men”.
AI Definition
Other/ NA
McCarthy, 1959
The author, one of the founding father of AI, proposes that common sense
reasoning ability is key to AI.
“A program has common sense if it automatically deduces for itself a sufficiently
wide class of immediate consequences of anything it is told and what it already
McCarthy et al., 1955
“..every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so
precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it. An attempt will be
made to find how to make machines use language, form abstractions and
concepts, solve kinds of problems now reserved for humans, and improve
…the artificial intelligence problem is taken to be that of making a machine behave
in ways that would be called intelligent if a human were so behaving.”
Market approach
CB Insights, 2019
Statista, 2017
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) essentially refers to computing technologies that are
inspired by the ways people use their brains and nervous systems to reason and
make decisions, but typically operate quite differently.”
McKinsey, 2017
Source: Authors’ elaboration.
3 AI definitions and subdomains in: policy documents, research and
market reports
3.1 Policy and institutional perspective: Commission Services; National;
3.1.1 European Commission level High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (HLEG), 2019
HLEG Definition of AI
Text of the
“Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are software (and possibly also hardware) systems
designed by humans
that, given a complex goal, act in the physical or digital
dimension by perceiving their environment through data acquisition, interpreting the
collected structured or unstructured data, reasoning on the knowledge, or processing
the information, derived from this data and deciding the best action(s) to take to
achieve the given goal. AI systems can either use symbolic rules or learn a numeric
model, and they can also adapt their behaviour by analysing how the environment is
affected by their previous actions.”
Humans design AI systems directly, but they may also use AI techniques to optimise
their design.
As a scientific discipline, AI includes several approaches and techniques, such as
machine learning (of which deep learning and reinforcement learning are specific
examples), machine reasoning (which includes planning, scheduling, knowledge
representation and reasoning, search, and optimization), and robotics (which includes
control, perception, sensors and actuators, as well as the integration of all other
techniques into cyber-physical systems).
The High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) on Artificial Intelligence has been appointed by
the European Commission, with main aim to support the implementation of the
European AI Strategy. This includes the elaboration of recommendations on future-
related policy development and on ethical, legal and societal issues related to AI,
including socio-economic challenges.
The HLEG on AI is composed by 52 representatives from academia, civil society and
The first two outputs of the HLEG on AI are the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy
Artificial Intelligence, and the definition on AI presented here, developed as a
supporting document for the HLEG's deliverables.
Date of
8 April 2019
This definition builds on the definition used in the EC Communication 'Artificial
Intelligence for Europe'.
A disclaimer warns about the oversimplification undergone for the development of
the definition and the consideration of AI capabilities and research areas.
30 EC Coordinated Plan on AI, 2018
EC. Coordinated Plan on AI. COM(2018) 795 final and Annex
Text of the
“Artificial Intelligence refers to systems that display intelligent behaviour by analysing
their environment and taking action with some degree of autonomy to achieve
specific goals. We are using AI on a daily basis, for example to block email spam or
speak with digital assistants.
Growth in computing power, availability of data and progress in algorithms have
turned AI into one of the most important technologies of the 21st century.”
“Medicine (...improve diagnoses and develop therapies for diseases for which none
exist yet)
Environment (...reduce energy consumption by optimising resources; it can contribute
to a cleaner environment by lessening the need for pesticides; it can help improve
weather prediction and anticipate disasters)
Finance & employment (AI will be the main driver of economic and productivity
growth and will contribute to the sustainability and viability of the industrial base in
After the adoption of the European AI Strategy in April 2018, the Coordinated Action
Plan proposes joint actions for closer and more efficient cooperation between
Member States, Norway, Switzerland and the Commission in four key areas:
increasing investment, making more data available, fostering talent and ensuring
trust. Its main aim is to foster the development and use of AI in Europe.
Date of
07 December 2018
“The Commission is increasing investments in AI under the research and innovation
framework programme Horizon 2020 to EUR 1.5 billion in the period 2018-2020,
constituting a 70% increase compared to 2014-2017.”
“For the next MFF, the Commission has proposed to dedicate at least EUR 1 billion per
year from Horizon Europe and the Digital Europe Programme to AI.”
The definition is the same as in the European AI Strategy.
31 European AI Strategy: EC Communication - Artificial Intelligence for Europe, 2018
EC Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European
Council, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the
Committee of the Regions. Artificial Intelligence for Europe. COM(2018) 237 final
{SWD(2018) 137 final}.
Text of the
“Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to systems that display intelligent behaviour by
analysing their environment and taking actions with some degree of autonomy to
achieve specific goals.
AI-based systems can be purely software-based, acting in the virtual world (e.g. voice
assistants, image analysis software, search engines, speech and face recognition
systems) or AI can be embedded in hardware devices (e.g. advanced robots,
autonomous cars, drones or Internet of Things applications).We are using AI on a
daily basis, e.g. to translate languages, generate subtitles in videos or to block email
Many AI technologies require data to improve their performance. Once they perform
well, they can help improve and automate decision making in the same domain. For
example, an AI system will be trained and then used to spot cyber-attacks on the
basis of data from the concerned network or system.”
EC AI COMM is prepared in order to set a European initiative on AI. In particular the
aims are (i) to promote EU’s technological and industrial capacity and AI uptake
across the economy, (ii) anticipate socio-economic changes driven by AI and adapt
accordingly, (iii) form a suitable ethical and legal framework
Date of
25 April 2018
32 EC JRC Flagship report on AI: Artificial Intelligence. A European Perspective, 2018
Craglia M. (Ed.), Annoni A., Benczur P., Bertoldi P., Delipetrev P., De Prato G., Feijoo C.,
Fernandez Macias E., Gomez E., Iglesias M., Junklewitz H, López Cobo M., Martens B.,
Nascimento S., Nativi S., Polvora A., Sanchez I., Tolan S., Tuomi I., Vesnic Alujevic L.,
Artificial Intelligence - A European Perspective, EUR 29425 EN, Publications Office,
Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-97217-1, doi:10.2760/11251, JRC113826
Text of the
“AI is a generic term that refers to any machine or algorithm that is capable of
observing its environment, learning, and based on the knowledge and experience
gained, taking intelligent action or proposing decisions. There are many different
technologies that fall under this broad AI definition. At the moment, ML techniques
are the most widely used.”
Machine learning methods; Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs); Speech
recognition & NLP; Face recognition
Date of
3.1.2 National level: European Union AI 4 Belgium Report, 2019
AI 4 Belgium Coalition, AI 4 Belgium Report
Text of the
Reference to the European AI Strategy definition (section
'According to the European Commission: “AI refers to systems that display intelligent
behaviour by analysing their environment and taking actions with some degree of
autonomy to achieve specific goals. AI-based systems can be purely software-
based, acting in the virtual world (e.g. voice assistants, image analysis software,
search engines, speech and face recognition systems) or AI can be embedded in
hardware devices (e.g. advanced robots, autonomous cars, drones or Internet of
Things applications).” '
A structured taxonomy is not presented, although some AI subdomains are
mentioned: machine learning, NLP, chatbots, automation.
Identification of application domains: healthcare, environment, mobility, autonomous
driving, smart cities, fraud detection,
The report is drafted with manifold objectives: bringing AI to the top of the political
agenda and public debate, stimulate a human-centred approach to AI, and providing
a first version of an overarching Belgian AI Strategy.
It provides a number of recommendations covering areas such as: education and
skills, innovation, data strategy, boost AI adoption by the private and public sectors.
Date of
The report declares the need of an investment of at least EUR 1 billion by 2030.
34 AI National Strategy: Denmark, 2019
Danish Government: Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Industry, Business and
Financial Affairs. Strategy for Denmark’s Digital Growth.
Larosse J. (Vanguard Initiatives Consult&Creation) for DG CNECT. Analysis of National
Initiatives on Digitising European Industry. Denmark: Towards a Digital Growth
Strategy - MADE.
Text of the
“Artificial intelligence is systems based on algorithms (mathematical formulae) that,
by analysing and identifying patterns in data, can identify the most appropriate
solution. The vast majority of these systems perform specific tasks in limited areas,
e.g. control, prediction and guidance. The technology can be designed to adapt its
behaviour by observing how the environment is influenced by previous actions.
Artificial intelligence is used in a number of areas, e.g. search engines, voice and
image recognition, or to support drones and self-driving cars. Artificial intelligence
can be a crucial element to increase productivity growth and to raise the standard of
living in the years to come.”
Danish center for artificial intelligence (DCKAI), part of the Alexandra Institute-Center
for artificial intelligence:
“Artificial intelligence is an experimental science: You use your customer data to build
a model, but you test the model continuously to see if there are alternative and
better algorithms. It will be improved, the more it is being used and the larger the
database it has.
Artificial intelligence requires that you have access to large datasets, which will be
provided by the centre. Since Denmark consists of mainly small and medium-sized
companies, you could fear that they will lose the race, as they do not have the same
opportunities for developing new solutions. Lack of data does not pose the same
problem for large organisations such as IBM, Google and Amazon.”
Priority areas of AI use are reported on: healthcare, energy and utilities, agriculture,
transport, with focus also on big data, cybersecurity, cloud technologies.
AI applications are mentioned as language understanding, voice and image
recognition, machine learning methods, ethics, cybersecurity, robotics, drones, self-
driving cars.
National Strategy: Denmark
The strategy’s objectives are: (i) to introduce common ethical and human-based
principles for AI, (ii) to promote Denmark’s AI attractiveness through research and
development on AI, (iii) to increase Danish businesses growth with AI use and
development, and (iv) improve significantly public services through AI use.
Date of
March 2019
Three AI institutes in DK:
- The Alexandra Institute Center for artificial intelligence.
- DELTA (part of FORCE Technology from 01.01.2017)
- Danish Technological Institute (Ibiz-center)
1 billion DKK from 2018 to 2025, and afterwards 75 million DKK per year. More
Investment numbers available in the report.
35 AI National Strategy: France. Monitoring report, 2019
Commission des affaires européennes. Gattolin A., Kern C., Pellevat C., Ouzoulias P.
Rapport d'information sur la stratégie européenne pour l'intelligence artificielle.
Intelligence artificielle : l'urgence d'une ambition européenne.
Text of the
Unofficial translations follow:
- Annexe 3:
"Champ interdisciplinaire théorique et pratique qui a pour objet la compréhension de
mécanismes de la cognition et de la réflexion, et leur imitation par un dispositif
matériel et logiciel, à des fins d’assistance ou de substitution à des activités
Attention : Cette publication annule et remplace celle du Journal officiel du 22
septembre 2000."
A theoretical and practical interdisciplinary field, with the objective of understanding
the cognitive and thinking mechanisms, and their imitation by a material and
software device, for assistance or substitution purposes of human activities.
Attention: This publication cancels and replaces this of the Journal officiel of
September 22nd 2000.
- Première Partie I.A.:
The AI definition used is reported to be one of Russel and Norvig, 1995:
"…l’étude des méthodes permettant aux ordinateurs de se comporter intelligemment…
l’IA inclut des tâches telles que l’apprentissage, le raisonnement, la planification, la
perception, la compréhension du langage et la robotique… ces technologies visent à
réaliser par l’informatique des tâches cognitives réalisées traditionnellement par les
êtres humains."
…the study of methods allowing to the computer to behave intelligently…AI includes
tasks as learning, reasoning, planning, perception, language comprehension and
robotics…these technologies aim to achieve with computer science cognitive tasks
that are traditionally achieved by human beings.
" Ce qu’on appelle intelligence artificielle est donc plus aujourd’hui un prolongement
de l’intelligence humaine qu’une forme autonome d’intelligence. C’est pourquoi
Charles-Édouard Bouée, PDG du cabinet Roland Berger, préfère parler d’intelligence
humaine augmentée plutôt que d’intelligence artificielle."
What it is called AI today is more an extension of human intelligence than an
autonomous form of intelligence.
This is why Charles-Édouard Bouée, CEO of Roland Berger consultancy firm, prefers to
talk about augmented human intelligence than AI.
The subdomains defined by Russel and Norvig, 1995:
learning, reasoning, planning, perception, understanding, language comprehension,
Monitoring technical report of the French Senate to follow the objective set by the
national plan “AI for Humanity”.
Date of
31 January 2019
Annexe 2 (budget) from La stratégie nationale de recherche en intelligence
artificielle, 28.11.2018
- From EU: 1’5 billion in the framework of the H2020 programme until 2020, and
for the next MFF 1 billion per year are proposed in research on AI, as part of the
H2020, with objective to release 20 billion of investments each year over 2020-
- From France: 1’5 billion € in AI, from which 700 million for research.
- 5’000 researchers in AI, 250 research groups, 35 master degrees specialised in AI,
300 start-ups specialised in AI [Ministère de lʼEnseignement supérieur, de la
Recherche et de lʼInnovation, date accessed 07.03.2019]
Six axis of the AI strategy:
1. Interdisciplinary AI institutes
2. Attract and keep talents
3. Support AI projects (100 million until 2022. Since 2018 22 million to 61
4. Reinforce the computation means (HPC) (170 million € until 2022)
5. Reinforce private-public research partnerships (65 million will be invested by the
state by 2022 to bring the total volume of projects to at least 130 million €, 65
millions € additional to other programs and institutes.)
6. Reinforce bilateral, European, international collaborations with Germany, Europe,
and the world.
37 Spanish RDI Strategy in Artificial Intelligence, 2019
Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spanish RDI Strategy in
Artificial Intelligence
Text of the
“AI can be defined as the Science and Engineering that allows the design and
programming of machines capable of carrying out tasks that require intelligence.
Rather than achieving general intelligence, current AI focuses on what is known as
specific AI, which is producing very important results in many fields of application
such as natural language processing or artificial vision; however, from a scientific and
basic and applied research point of view, general AI remains the major objective to be
achieved, that is, creating an ecosystem with intelligent multitasking systems.”
Listing the areas that the Spanish academic and scientific communities are active,
the following AI areas are mentioned:
machine learning, heuristic optimization, planning, automatic deduction, ontologies,
logic and reasoning, big data, natural language processing, artificial vision, robotics,
multi-agent systems, recommender systems, man-machine cooperation, agent-based
Moreover the following applications are mentioned in the strategic sectors of:
health, agriculture, creative industry, industry based on experience, services, energy
and environmental sustainability, as part of the AI for society.
AI ethics are also among the strategy’s priorities, in order to avoid discrimination.
AI RDI Strategy: Spain
The priorities of the strategy are to: (i) achieve organisational structure, (ii) establish
strategic areas, (iii) facilitate knowledge transfer, (iv) plan actions in AI
education/training, (v), develop a digital data ecosystem, (vi) analyse AI ethics.
Date of
38 AI National Strategy: France (Villani Mission), 2018
Parliamentary Mission (Villani Mission): Villani C., Schoenauer M., Bonnet Y., Berthet C.,
Cornut A.-C., Levin F., Rondepierre B. For A Meaningful Artificial Intelligence Towards A
French And European Strategy (Donner un sens à l'intelligence artificielle : pour une
stratégie nationale et européenne).
Text of the
“AI has always been envisioned as an evolving boundary, rather than a settled
research field. Fundamentally, it refers to a programme whose ambitious objective is
to understand and reproduce human cognition; creating cognitive processes
comparable to those found in human beings. Therefore, we are naturally dealing with
a wide scope here, both in terms of the technical procedures that can be employed
and the various disciplines that can be called upon: mathematics, information
technology, cognitive sciences, etc. There is a great variety of approaches when it
comes to AI: ontological, reinforcement learning, adversarial learning and neural
networks, to name just a few.”
“...this technology [AI] represents much more than a research field: it determines our
capacity to organize knowledge and give it meaning, it increases our decision-making
capabilities and our control over these systems and, most notably, it enables us to
capitilize on the value of data.”
“A meaningful AI finally implies that AI should be explainable: explaining this
technology to the public so as to demystify itand the role of the media is vital from
this point of viewbut also explaining artificial intelligence by extending research into
explicability itself. AI specialists themselves frequently maintain that significant
advances could be made on this subject.”
APIs; Text Data Mining (including computer processes that “involve extracting
knowledge from texts or databases according to criteria of novelty or similarity”);
CAVs; Health (pre-diagnosis); Robotics; Components Industry Adapted to AI
This report was assigned as a parliamentary mission by the Prime Minister É. Philippe,
and led by C. Villani, with aim to create a national strategy that, among other aims,
will make France a leader in AI. The report analyses different AI aspects: political,
economic, research, employment, ethics, social cohesion. There are separate annexes
for each of the domains of particular interest for France: education, health,
agriculture, transport, defense and security.
The AI definition presented in this fiche is used for the national strategy.
Date of
29 March 2018
The French Strategy for AI is also called as the AI for Humanityplan. The world AI
leaders are mentioned:
“The current colossi of artificial intelligencethe United States and Chinaand the
emerging economies in that field (Israel, Canada and the United Kingdom in
particular) have sometimes developed or are still developing in radically different
ways. France and Europe will notnecessarily need to launch their own ‘European style
Google’ to secure a place on the international stage.
The United States and China are at the forefront of this technology and their
investments far exceed those made in Europe. Canada, the United Kingdom and,
especially, Israel hold key positions in this emerging ecosystem. Considering that
France and Europe can already be regarded as “cybercolonies” in many aspects, it is
essential that they resist all forms of determinism by proposing a coordinated
response at European level.”
The role of Europe in robotics is discussed as having all the necessary to lead in this
subdomain, “whether in terms of industrial robotics, for example, or agricultural
Budget: 1.5 billion euros on AI during the next 5 years. More funding details are
mentioned in the report.
39 AI National Strategy: Germany, 2018
Federal Government. Artificial Intelligence Strategy.
Text of the
It is stated that a generally valid or consistently used by all stakeholders AI definition
does not exist. The AI definition used for the Federal Government’s AI Strategy is
based on the following understanding of AI:
“In highly abstract terms, AI researchers can be assigned to two groups: “strong” and
“weak” AI. “Strong” AI means that AI systems have the same intellectual capabilities
as humans, or even exceed them. “Weak” AI is focused on the solution of specific
problems using methods from mathematics and computer science, whereby the
systems developed are capable of self-optimisation. To this end, aspects of human
intelligence are mapped and formally described, and systems are designed to
simulate and support human thinking.”
“Weak” AI approach:
deductive reasoning systems; knowledge-based systems methods and software;
pattern analysis and recognition; robotics (autonomous systems); multimodal human-
machine interaction
National Strategy: Germany
The aims of the strategy are: (i) to promote Germany’s and Europe’s leading role in
AI, (ii) ensure a responsible AI development and use, (iii) integrate AI in society. In the
framework of science and innovation promotion, an organisation specialised in AI is
established (German Research Center of Artificial Intelligence - DFKI).
Date of
November 2018
It is mentioned that Germany’s Government will use AI to solve specific problems,
namely the “weak” approach will be adopted. (For examples of weak”/ “narrow”,
“strong”/ “general” AI see OECD, 2018; McCarty, 2007; Gardner, 1987)
500 million € in the AI strategy for 2019 and the following years, up to 3 billion by
100 additional professorships in AI.
In the last 30 years, the German government has provided just €500 million in state
aid for AI-related research. [Handelsblatt, 07.2018, date accessed 07.03.2019]
40 AI National Strategy: Sweden, 2018
Government Offices of Sweden: Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation. National
Approach to AI (N2018.36).
Text of the
Sweden’s innovation strategy approach to the AI definition is used:
There is no one single, clear-cut or generally accepted definition of artificial
intelligence, but many definitions. In general, however, AI refers to intelligence
demonstrated by machines. Vinnova (Sweden’s innovation agency) (2018) (Artificiell
intelligens i svenskt näringsliv och samhälle. (Artificial intelligence in Swedish
business and society). Interim report 12 February 2018, Reg. no 2017-05616.”
Moreover the breadth of the field is recognised, which “encompasses many
technologies, not least machine learning and deep learning.”
National Strategy: Sweden
The strategy’s goal is promote the Sweden’s role as an AI leader using AI, in order to
strengthen the country’s welfare and competitiveness.
Date of
41 Report of the Steering Group of the AI Programme: Finland, 2017
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. Finland’s Age of Artificial Intelligence.
Text of the
“Artificial intelligence refers to devices, software and systems that are able to learn
and to make decisions in almost the same manner as people. Artificial intelligence
allows machines, devices, software, systems and services to function in a sensible
way according to the task and situation at hand.”
The absence of a widely accepted definition is stated.
Second interim report of the Steering Group of the Artificial Intelligence Programme
appointed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
The Finnish government is expected to implement the recommendations as
government policy.
Eight key actions are mentioned that are expected to promote Finland to leader in AI:
“1. Enhancement of business competitiveness through the use of AI
2. Effective utilisation of data in all sectors
3. Ensure AI can be adopted more quickly and easily
4. Ensure top-level expertise and attract top experts
5. Make bold decisions and investments
6. Build the world’s best public services
7. Establish new models for collaboration
8. Make Finland a frontrunner in the age of AI”
Date of
18 December 2017
US companies and innovation hubs are found to be leading in AI applications.
Chinese government is promoting AI development.
A SWOT analysis for Finland is provided. It is found that in Finland the use of AI: will
improve public sector’s efficiency, society and education will be significantly affected,
as well as other sectors. Moreover enterprise-driven ecosystems are promoted to
improve AI implementation.
3.1.3 National level: non-EU Australia’s Ethic Framework, 2019
Dawson, D. and Schleiger, E., Horton, J., McLaughlin, J., Robinson, C., Quezada, G.,
Scowcroft, J., Hajkowicz S. Artificial Intelligence: Australia’s Ethics Framework. Data61
CSIRO, Australia.
Text of the
“A collection of interrelated technologies used to solve problems autonomously and
perform tasks to achieve defined objectives without explicit guidance from a human
“This definition of AI encompasses both recent, powerful advances in AI such as
neural nets and deep learning, as well as less sophisticated but still important
applications with significant impacts on people, such as automated decision systems.”
The categorisation between “narrow” and general” AI is mentioned. The “narrow AI”
performs specific functions. The “general AI” “is comparable to human intelligence
across a range of fields”.
In the country’s plan on innovation and science (Innovation and Science Australia
2017, Australia 2030: prosperity through innovation, Australian Government,
Canberra), AI is defined as follows in the acronyms, abbreviations and glossary part:
“Computer systems that are able to perform tasks normally requiring human
Algorithms; mechanical systems (robots, autonomous vehicles, etc.)
The following ethical principles that should be applied in AI are mentioned:
1. The benefits of any AI systems are greater that its costs.
2. Minimise negative harmful and deceitful outcomes to humans.
3. Regulatory and legal compliance to all relevant obligations, regulations and laws
national and international.
4. Peoples’ private data protection.
5. Ensure fair treatment of human individuals, communities or groups.
6. For transparency reasons, people will be informed when an algorithm is applied,
and which information it uses for decision-making.
7. In the case that an algorithm affects a person, an efficient process should be
ensured, so that the person can “challenge the use or output of the algorithm”.
8. People and organisations that create and implement an AI algorithm are
accountable for its impact.
These could be considered as potential subdivisions of the AI ethics subdomain.
Governmental discussion paper on AI ethics to ensure a responsible development and
application of AI in Australia. The focus is set on narrow AI”, as general AI” is not
seen as a likely prospect by 2030.
Date of
4 March 2019
Australia does not presently have an AI national strategy. A Technology Roadmap, a
Standards Framework, and a national Ethics Framework are planned. An AU$29.9
million investment was announced to promote AI development in Australia. Currently
AI and automation are included in the national Innovation Strategy (Australia 2030:
Prosperity Through Innovation, 2017), in the Victorian All-Party Parliamentary Group
on Artificial Intelligence (VAPPGAI, March 2018), and the Digital Economy Strategy
(September 2017).
43 US Congressional Research Service, 2019
US Congressional Research Service. Artificial Intelligence and National Security.
Text of the
The absence of a commonly accepted definition is again stated. Among the reasons
are the numerous and diverse approaches of research in AI. The report is using NDAA,
2018 definition of AI.
Narrow AI notion is used, with all current AI systems being assigned to this category.
This includes:
machine learning, image recognition, IoT, autonomous/ human-supervises/semi-
autonomous weapon system, robot.
Automated systems are defined as the superset that includes AI, robots and
autonomous systems, which intersect each other.
Report prepared for the US Congress.
Date of
30 January 2019
A US AI national strategy is not yet signed, but on February 2019 an executive order
was signed to establish the American AI Initiative.
This is expected to include aims to promote to AI research, R&D and workforce
development, while proposing an international engagement.
Older reports are the following:
- Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence. October 2016: Recommendations
on AI regulations, automation, ethics, fairness, security and publicly funded R&D.
- National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan. October
2016: Strategic plan outline for publicly funded R&D in AI.
- Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and the Economy. December 2016: The impact of
automation, the benefits and the costs of AI were studied, in order to provide policy
44 Working Paper for AI National Strategy: India, 2018
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence #AIFORALL
Text of the
“AI refers to the ability of machines to perform cognitive tasks like thinking,
perceiving, learning, problem solving and decision making. Initially conceived as a
technology that could mimic human intelligence, AI has evolved in ways that far
exceed its original conception. With incredible advances made in data collection,
processing and computation power, intelligent systems can now be deployed to take
over a variety of tasks, enable connectivity and enhance productivity.”
Three different ways of categorising AI are also offered:
(a) weak vs. strong AI: “weak AI describes “simulated” thinking”, namely a system
which appears to behave intelligently, but doesn't have any kind of consciousness
about what it's doing”,
(b) narrow vs. general AI: “narrow AI describes an AI that is limited to a single task or
a set number of tasks”
(c) superintelligence: “often used to refer to general and strong AI at the point at
which it surpasses human intelligence, if it ever does”.
Three main categories of AI technologies are identified:
(i) sense: computer vision; audio processing;
(ii) comprehend: natural language processing; knowledge representation
(iii) act: machine learning; expert systems
Virtual agents, cognitive robotics, speech and identity analytics, recommendation
systems, and data visualisation are presented as AI solutions.
National strategy: India, Discussion Paper
Healthcare, agriculture, education, smart cities and infrastructure, smart mobility and
transportation, are identified as the areas that AI would be beneficial in covering
societal needs. The report is intended as an initiator of an evolving AI national
Date of
June 2018
45 US National Defense Authorization Act, 2018
US National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019.
Text of the
In section 238 it is mentioned:
“1. Any artificial system that performs tasks under varying and unpredictable
circumstances without significant human oversight, or that can learn from experience
and improve performance when exposed to data sets.
2. An artificial system developed in computer software, physical hardware, or other
context that solves tasks requiring human-like perception, cognition, planning,
learning, communication, or physical action.
3. An artificial system designed to think or act like a human, including cognitive
architectures and neural networks.
4. A set of techniques, including machine learning that is designed to approximate a
cognitive task.
5. An artificial system designed to act rationally, including an intelligent software
agent or embodied robot that achieves goals using perception, planning, reasoning,
learning, communicating, decision-making, and acting.”
Federal Law that specifies the policies, budget and expenditure of the US Department
of Defense for 2019.
Date of
3 January 2018
46 US Department of Defense, 2018
US Department of Defense, Govini. Artificial intelligence, big data and cloud
Text of the
Learning and Intelligence: modeling and simulation, DL, ML, NLP, data mining;
Advanced Computing: super-computing, neuromorphic engineering, quantum
AI systems: virtual reality, computer vision, virtual agents
Cloud service models are also mentioned (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).
US Department of Defense (DoD) report to analyse the critical to AI technologies
critical, and the vendor landscape and performance within the 25 sub-segments that
are found.
Date of
Govini is a US big data and analytics firm contracted by the DoD. DoD considers AI as
a “technological cornerstone” for its Third Offset Strategy.
47 National Industrial Strategy: United Kingdom, 2018; 2017
HM Government: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Department
for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport. Industrial Strategy. Artificial Intelligence Sector
HM Government: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. Industrial
Strategy. Building a Britain fit for the future.
Text of the
Machine learning and robotics are mentioned as parts of examples for the uses that
the strategy aims to achieve, without further indications of AI subdomains.
National Strategy: UK
The strategy’s aims are to position UK as global leader in AI based on ideas, people,
infrastructure, business environment, communities across the UK.
Date of
April 2018
November 2017
- £20 million in AI applications for the services sector
- £93 million for robotics with multiple uses
- £20 million to stimulate among other ways the AI uptake
- £300 million for AI research funding, £83 million for AI grants, £42 million for the
expansion of the Alan Turing Institute, with £30 million from private funding.
48 AI National Strategy: Japan, 2017
Strategic Council for AI Technology. Artificial Intelligence Technology Strategy.
Text of the
Vision; virtual reality (VR); autonomous driving; robots; natural language processing;
image recognition; voice recognition/synthesis; prediction
National Strategy: Japan
AI is seen a set of valuable services with a roadmap for its development in three
phases: (i) the use and application of data-driven AI, (ii) the public use of AI and data,
(iii) the creation of ecosystems through multi-domains connections.
A strong focus is set on the data management, the academia-industry collaborations,
the technological and system development and system development for AI start-ups
and their matching with large corporations or financial institutions
Date of
31 March 2017
Japan was among the first countries that developed a national AI strategy. The
strategy presents AI’s development phases for Japan. The strategy combines US and
Chinese aims.
49 AI National Strategy: China, 2017
China’s State Council. Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan (AIDP).
Original report. Translated report.
Text of the
Knowledge computing engines and knowledge service technology;
Cross-medium analytical reasoning technology;
Swarm intelligence technology;
Autonomous unmanned systems;
Intelligent virtual reality modelling technology;
Intelligent computing chips and systems;
Natural language processing technology;
Support platforms of the aforementioned (Autonomous Unmanned System Support
Platforms, AI Basic Data and Security Detection Platforms, etc.)
National Strategy: China
Date of
20 July 2017
China shows a significant interest in the foreign AI developments and among the
conclusions of the strategy is the focus that is set on achieving world-leading levels
in AI and reduce foreign dependence [China State Council. Made in China 2025].
“AI has become a new focus of international competition. AI is a strategic technology
that will lead in the future; the world’s major developed countries are taking the
development of AI as a major strategy to enhance national competitiveness and
protect national security…”
“…by 2030, China’s AI theories, technologies, and applications should achieve
worldleading levels, making China the world’s primary AI innovation center…”
“…the intelligent application of a complete industrial chain and high-end industrial
clusters, with AI core industry scale exceeding 1 trillion RMB, and with the scale of
related industries exceeding 10 trillion RMB.”
50 AI National Strategy: Canada, 2017
Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy
Text of the
National strategy: Canada.
It has four goals:
1. to increase the number of AI researchers and graduates in Canada,
2. to form three AI centres of scientific excellence (Alberta Machine Intelligence
Institute (AMII, Edmonton), Vector Institute (Toronto), Mila (Montreal)),
3. to develop thought leadership on the economic, ethical, policy, and legal
implications of AI,
4. to support Canada’s AI research community.
Part of the strategy is the collaboration of the Canadian Institute for Advanced
Research (CIFAR), which leads the strategy, with the Canadian government and the
three new AI centres of scientific excellence.
Date of
Canada was the first country that released an AI national strategy.
Budget: $125-million investment in AI research and innovation in Canada.
On 7
of June 2018 Canada and France published a joint statement on AI. The
announcement included their common aim, namely to encourage the development of
AI while anticipating any impacts with coordinated efforts. The materialisation of this
aim would be an international study group consisted of internationally recognised
experts in science, industry and civil society, together with policymakers. It is set to
identify opportunities and challenges ensuing from AI, and provide an inclusive
mechanism “for sharing multidisciplinary analysis, foresight and coordination
capabilities in the area of artificial intelligence”.
3.1.4 International Organisations OECD, 2019
OECD, Recommendation of the Council on Artificial Intelligence, OECD/LEGAL/0449
Text of the
"An AI system is a machine-based system that can, for a given set of human-defined
objectives, make predictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing real or virtual
environments. AI systems are designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy."
Ethics: inclusive growth, sustainable development and well-being; human-centered
values and fairness; transparency and explainability; robustness, security and safety;
Under the OECD Legal instruments, this document presents a number of
recommendations to promote innovation on AI based on ethical principles and
respecting human rights and democratic values.
Date of
22 May 2019
52 UNESCO, 2019
UNESCO. Principles for AI: Towards a Humanistic Approach? A Global Conference
Text of the
Rapid technological advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) as well as other
evolving technologies such as robotics, big data analytics, and the Internet of Things
are changing the way we learn, work and live together.
Conference on AI principles
Date of
04 March 2019
Presently no definition is found reported by UNESCO.
53 StandICT.eu project, 2019
Supporting European Experts Presence in International Standardisation Activities in
ICT (StandICT.eu). ICT standards and ongoing work at International level in the AI field
a Landscape analysis
Text of the
personalised AI; trustworthiness; ethics; AI security; transparency of autonomous
systems; AI usage; wellbeing metrics; big data; AI foundational standards; AI
governance; computational approaches; health; transparency of data processing;
conceptualisation and specification of domain knowledge
Project funded by H2020 for ICT standardisation, ICT Technical specifications, cloud
computing, 5G communications, IoT, cybersecurity, data technologies.
Aim: description of the ICT standards, ongoing work at international level and
landscape analysis.
Date of
24 February 2019
End of 2018 two sub committees” (JTC1 SC42, JTC1 SC27 WG4) “with 6 working
groups” (JTC1 SC42 JWG1, JTC1 SC42 WG1, JTC1 SC42 WG2, JTC1 SC42 WG3, JTC1
SC42 WG4, JTC1 SC42 WG5) “and 1 study group” (JTC1 SC42 Study Group 1) “with
the goal to develop 10 AI standards are active in ISO/IEC.”
More details on each expected standard: p. 39.
3 standards are published (2 are stated in the report):
1. ISO/IEC 20546:2019 Information technology -- Big data -- Overview and
vocabulary. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC42 working groups for standardisation in the area of AI
published on 28.02.2019 the ISO/IEC 20546:2019. It requires a fee to be
downloaded, however from the preview it can be seen that it is an overview and
vocabulary only on Information technology Big data”, without any mention to AI
2. ISO/IEC TR 20547-2:2018 Information technology -- Big data reference
architecture -- Part 2: Use cases and derived requirements
Until 03.05.2019 the ISO/IEC WD 22989 on Artificial Intelligence -- Concepts and
terminology Standard and/or project under the direct responsibility of ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC42 is reported under development”, and more specifically in the
“Preparatory” phase.
3. ISO/IEC TR 20547-5:2018 Information technology -- Big data reference
architecture -- Part 5: Standards roadmap
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC42 is the first international standards committee looking at the entire
AI ecosystem. JTC1’s scope for SC42 is to become a systems integration entity to
work with other ISO, IEC and JTC 1 committees looking at AI applications.
Among the reported community and industrial activities are mentioned (some
involved in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC42):
- the multi-stakeholder platform on ICT standardisation (MSP)
- European AI Alliance steered by High-Level Expert Group on AI (AI HLEG)
- Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence “Cognitive Internet Technologies” (CCIT)
- Big Fata Value Association (BDVA)
More projects are mentioned for the development of standards on other aspects of AI
(e.g. P7006 - Standard for Personal Data Artificial Intelligence (AI) Agent, P7008
Standard for Ethically Driven Nudging for Robotic, Intelligent and Autonomous
Systems, P7010 - Wellbeing Metrics Standard for Ethical Artificial Intelligence and
Autonomous Systems, IEEE Ethically Aligned Design version 2, et. al.)
54 OECD, 2018
OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, Committee on Industry,
Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Identifying and Measuring Developments in Artificial
Intelligence. DSTI/CIIE/ WPIA(2018)4
Text of the
“AI is neither science fiction nor a science project. There was universal agreement that
artificial intelligence already provides beneficial applications that are used every day
by people worldwide. Going forward, conference participants suggested that the
development and uses of AI systems should be guided by principles that will promote
well-being and prosperity while protecting individual rights and democracy.
A consensus emerged that the fast-paced and far-reaching changes from AI offer
dynamic opportunities for improving the economic and social sectors. AI can make
business more productive, improve government efficiency and relieve workers of
mundane tasks. It can also address many of our most pressing global problems, such
as climate change and wider access to quality education and healthcare.
This combination of interdisciplinary origins, wavering trajectories, and recent
commercial success make "artificial intelligence" a difficult concept to define and
The term itself is used interchangeably both as the still-faraway goal of true machine
intelligence and as the currently available technology powering today’s hottest
startups” (p.5)
Machine learning (including deep learning); statistics, mathematics and computational
methods; specific fields and applications such as: text mining; image recognition;
biology machine vision; speech recognition; machine translation (weak AI or Artificial
Narrow Intelligence) (pp.4-5)
Policy Document that proposes an approach to identify and measure AI developments
in science, technological developments, and software.
Date of
12 October 2018
Methods used: topic modelling to subdivide AI-codes, and find key development fields
and applications.
Among other sources used: GitHub, patents, Scopus.
55 ETSI, 2018
ETSI GR ENI 004 v.1.1.1. Experiential Network Intelligence (ENI); Terminology for Main
Concepts in ENI
Text of the
“Computerized system that uses cognition to understand information and solve
NOTE 1: ISO/IEC 2382-28 "Information technology -- Vocabulary" defines AI as "an
interdisciplinary field, usually regarded as a branch of computer science, dealing with
models and systems for the performance of functions generally associated with
human intelligence, such as reasoning and learning".
NOTE 2: In computer science AI research is defined as the study of "intelligent
agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions to achieve its
NOTE 3: This includes pattern recognition and the application of machine learning and
related techniques.
NOTE 4: Artificial Intelligence is the whole idea and concepts of machines being able
to carry out tasks in a way that mimics the human intelligence and would be
considered "smart".
Mention of only two fields:
“Knowledge reasoning: field of artificial intelligence that uses a set of knowledge
bases and a given knowledge representation to reason about the information
NOTE: Typically, this is used to validate data as well as predict or infer new
information from existing information.
Knowledge representation: field of artificial intelligence that represents data and
information in a form that a computerized system can use.”
The Experiential Networked Intelligence (ENI) ETSI Industry Specification Group (ISG)
of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) published a document
on the main concepts in ENI.
Date of
June 2018
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) is the recognized regional
standards body addressing telecommunications, broadcasting and other electronic
communications networks and services. It is a not-for-profit organization, part of the
European Standards Organization (ESO).
It uses the ISO/IEC 2382-28 AI definitions, and works on the standardised use of AI
56 OECD, 2017
OECD. Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2017. The Digital
Text of the
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term used to describe machines performing human-like
cognitive functions (e.g. learning, understanding, reasoning or interacting). It has the
potential to revolutionise production as well as contribute to tackling global
challenges related to health, transport and the environment.”
Technologies that embed AI; large capacity analysis and storage; information
communication devices; mobile communication; imaging and sound technology; ICT
security; measurement; high-speed computing and network; medical technology
Policy document with indicators regarding the impact of digital transformation on
science, innovation, the economy, work and society.
Date of
Global rankings and technological map are available in the report.
57 World Economic Forum, 2017
World Economic Forum
WEF. 2017. Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Supply Chains.
Text of the
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the software engine that drives the Fourth Industrial
Revolution. Its impact can already be seen in homes, businesses and political
processes. In its embodied form of robots, it will soon be driving cars, stocking
warehouses and caring for the young and elderly. It holds the promise of solving
some of the most pressing issues facing society, but also presents challenges such as
inscrutable black box” algorithms, unethical use of data and potential job
displacement. As rapid advances in machine learning (ML) increase the scope and
scale of AI’s deployment across all aspects of daily life, and as the technology itself
can learn and change on its own, multistakeholder collaboration is required to
optimize accountability, transparency, privacy and impartiality to create trust.”
“Artificial intelligence (AI) or self-learning systems is the collective term for machines
that replicate the cognitive abilities of human beings. Within the broader
technological landscape, predictive maintenance in the cognitive era has the potential
to transform global production systems.”
Policy conference and white paper on how production and supply chain will be
affected by new technological developments, including AI.
Date of
Prepared in collaboration with the German logistics association BVL International.
58 ISO, 1993; 1995; 2015
ISO/IEC 2382:2015
Text of the
“Branch of computer science devoted to developing data processing systems that
perform functions normally associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning,
learning, and self-improvement” (2121393: ISO, Al: term, abbreviation and definition
standardized by ISO/IEC [ISO/IEC 2382-1:1993])
“Interdisciplinary field, usually regarded as a branch of computer science, dealing with
models and systems for the performance of functions generally associated with
human intelligence, such as reasoning and learning” (2123769: term, abbreviation
and definition standardized by ISO/IEC [ISO/IEC 2382-28:1995])
“Capability of a functional unit to perform functions that are generally associated
with human intelligence such as reasoning and learning” (2123770: term,
abbreviation and definition standardized by ISO/IEC [ISO/IEC 2382-28:1995])
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Date of
The definitions imply the “general” AI classification; they refer to performance of
human functions: reasoning, learning etc.
3.2 Research perspective
3.2.1 Tsinghua University, 2018
China Institute for Science and Technology Policy at Tsinghua University. AI
Development Report.
Text of the
“AI machines do not necessarily have to obtain intelligence by thinking like a human
and that it is important to make AI solve problems that can be solved by a human
brain. Brain science and brainlike intelligence research and machine-learning
represented by deep neural networks represent the two main development directions
of core AI technologies, with the latter referring to the use of specific algorithms to
direct computer systems to arrive at an appropriate model based on existing data
and use the model to make judgment on new situations, thus completing a behavior
While only limited progress has been made in the first direction, tremendous strides
have been taken in the second direction so much that machine learning has not only
become the main paradigm of AI technology but been equated by some with AI
itself. In general, the artificial intelligence we know today is based on modern
algorithms, supported by historical data, and forms artificial programs or systems
capable of perception, cognition, decision making and implementation like humans.”
Technical Dimensions of AI Enterprise Identification:
- Speech: speech recognition, speech synthesis, speech interaction, speech
evaluation, human-machine dialogue, voiceprint recognition
- Vision: biometrics (face recognition, iris recognition, fingerprint recognition, vein
recognition, etc.) affective computing, emotion recognition, expression recognition,
behavior recognition, gesture recognition, body recognition, video content recognition,
object and scene recognition, mobile vision, optical character recognition (OCR),
handwriting recognition, SLAM, spatial recognition, 3D reconstruction etc.
- Natural Language Processing: natural language interaction, natural language
understanding, semantic understanding, machine translation, text mining (semantic
analysis, semantic computing, classification, clustering), information extraction,
human-machine interaction
- Basic algorithm and platform: machine learning, deep learning, open source
framework, open platform
- Basic hardware: chips, lidars, sensors, etc.
- Basic enabling technology: cloud computing, big data
Product and Industry Dimensions:
- Intelligent robotics: industrial robotics, service robotics, personal/ home robotics
- Smart driving: Intelligent driving, driverless driving, autonomous driving, assisted
driving, advanced driver assistance system (ADAS), laser radar, ultrasonic radar,
millimetre wave radar, GPS positioning, high-precision map, vehicle chip, human-car
interaction, etc.
- Drone: consumer drones, professional drones
- AI+: Finance, insurance, judiciary administration, entertainment, tourism, healthcare,
education, logistics and warehousing, smart home, smart city, network security, video
surveillance, commerce, human resources, corporate services
The report captures in multiple dimensions the Chinese and worldwide AI ecosystem.
It was firstly presented during the World Peace Forum.
Date of
publication/ release
July 2018
150 billion dollars by 2030, more than 50 billion euros in AI research by 2025
3.2.2 Kaplan and Haenlein, 2018
Kaplan, A. and Haenlein, M. Siri, Siri, in my hand: Who’s the fairest in the land? On the
interpretations, illustrations, and implications of artificial intelligence
Text of the
“Artificial intelligence (AI)—defined as a system’s ability to correctly interpret external
data, to learn from such data, and to use those learnings to achieve specific goals
and tasks through flexible adaptation.”
The article states that AI is different from concepts as IoT and big data.
It introduces in the definition the notions of interpretation of the environment
(external data), learning, achievement of goals/tasks etc.
Refers to AI through stages: artificial narrow/general/super intelligence.
Date of
3.2.3 Poole et al., 2017; 2010; 1998
Poole, D., Mackworth, A., and Goebel, R. (1998). Computational Intelligence: A Logical
Approach. Oxford University Press, New York.
Poole, D., Mackworth. A. (2010). Artificial Intelligence Foundations of Computer Agents
Poole, D., Mackworth A. (2017). Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational
Agents, second edition
Text of the
1998: “Artificial intelligence (AI) is the established name for the field we have defined
as computational intelligence (CI), Computational intelligence is the study of the
design of intelligent agents. An agent is something that acts in an environmentit
does something. Agents include worms, dogs, thermostats, airplanes, humans,
organizations, and society. An intelligent agent is a system that acts intelligently:
What it does is appropriate for its circumstances and its goal, it is flexible to changing
environments and changing goals, it learns from experience, and it makes appropriate
choices given perceptual limitations and finite computation.”
2010, 2017: “Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the field that studies the synthesis and
analysis of computational agents that act intelligently.
An agent is something that acts in an environment; it does something. Agents include
worms, dogs, thermostats, airplanes, robots, humans, companies, and countries.”
“We are interested in what an agent does; that is, how it acts. We judge an agent by
its actions…
An agent acts intelligently when:
what it does is appropriate for its circumstances and its goals, taking into account
the short-term and long-term consequences of its actions
• it is flexible to changing environments and changing goals
• it learns from experience
• it makes appropriate choices given its perceptual and computational limitations”
“A computational agent is an agent whose decisions about its actions can be
explained in terms of computation. That is, the decision can be broken down into
primitive operations that can be implemented in a physical device. This computation
can take many forms. In humans this computation is carried out in “wetware”; in
computers it is carried out in “hardware.” Although there are some agents that are
arguably not computational, such as the wind and rain eroding a landscape, it is an
open question whether all intelligent agents are computational.
All agents are limited. No agents are omniscient or omnipotent. Agents can only
observe everything about the world in very specialized domains, where “the world” is
very constrained. Agents have finite memory. Agents in the real world do not have
unlimited time to act.”
The central scientific goal of AI “is to understand the principles that make intelligent
behavior possible in natural or artificial systems. This is done by:
• the analysis of natural and artificial agents
formulating and testing hypotheses about what it takes to construct intelligent
agents and
designing, building, and experimenting with computational systems that perform
tasks commonly viewed as requiring intelligence.
As part of science, researchers build empirical systems to test hypotheses or to
explore the space of possible designs. These are quite distinct from applications that
are built to be useful for an application domain.”
“The definition is not for intelligent thought alone. We are only interested in thinking
intelligently insofar as it leads to more intelligent behavior. The role of thought is to
affect action.”
“The central engineering goal of AI is the design and synthesis of useful, intelligent
artifacts. We actually want to build agents that act intelligently. Such agents are
useful in many applications.”
Date of
2017; 2010; 1998
Endorsed by McCarthy (among the founders of AI in McCarthy, J. What is Artificial
Intelligence. (2007))
It equals AI to computational intelligence, and it is focused on the definitions of
agents, actions, reaction to the environment, learning....
3.2.4 Kaplan, 2016
Kaplan, J. Artificial Intelligence What everyone needs to know.
Text of the
“There is little agreement about what intelligence is. …there is scant reason to believe
that machine intelligence bears much relationship to human intelligence, at least so
“There are many proposed definitions on AI …most are roughly aligned around the
concept of creating computer programs or machines capable of behavior we would
regard as intelligent if exhibited by humans.”
He suggests that McCarthy's definition, although sensible, is deeply flawed [section 1
Defining AI, p.1], as it is difficult to define and/or measure human intelligence.
“Our cultural predilection for reducing things to numeric measurements that facilitate
direct comparison often creates a false patina of objectivity and precision.”
The book offers a definition of AI based on the juxtaposition between human and
computer intelligence. It is highlighted that the mono-dimensional quantification of
human intelligence and other simplified approaches to define AI are inadequate.
Date of
The author is a Lecturer and Research Affiliate at Stanford University.
To disentangle the oversimplification of intelligence's quantification, a proposal was
made by a cognitive scientist [Gardner H., 1999] to approach intelligence in eight
3.2.5 Stone et al.: AI100, 2016
Stone, P., Brooks, R., Brynjolfsson, E., Calo, R., Etzioni, O., Hager, G., Hirschberg, J.,
Kalyanakrishnan, S., Kamar, E., Kraus, S., Leyton-Brown, K., Parkes, D., Press, W.,
Saxenian, A.L, Shah, J., Tambe, M., and Teller, A. Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030.
One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence: Report of the 2015-2016 Study
Panel, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Text of the
“Intelligence” remains a complex phenomenon whose varied aspects have attracted
the attention of several different fields of study, including psychology, economics,
neuroscience, biology, engineering, statistics, and linguistics. Naturally, the field of AI
has benefited from the progress made by all of these allied fields. For example, the
artificial neural network, which has been at the heart of several AI-based solutions
was originally inspired by thoughts about the flow of information in biological
[1] Gerald Tesauro, “Practical Issues in Temporal Difference Learning,” Machine
Learning, no. 8 (1992): 25777.
[2] David Silver, Aja Huang, Chris J. Maddison, Arthur Guez, Laurent Sifre, George van
den Driessche, Julian Schrittwieser, Ioannis Antonoglou, Veda Panneershelvam, Marc
Lanctot, Sander Dieleman, Dominik Grewe, John Nham, Nal Kalchbrenner, Ilya
Sutskever, Timothy Lillicrap, Madeleine Leach, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Thore Graepel, and
Demis Hassabis, Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree
search,” Nature 529 (2016): 484—489.
[3] W. McCulloch and W. Pitts, W., “A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous
activity,” Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics, 5 (1943): 115—133.
Trends: large scale machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, robotics,
computer vision, natural language processing, collaborative systems, crowdsourcing
and human computation, algorithmic game theory and computational social choice,
IoT, neuromorphic computing.
Applications in domains: transportation, home service robots, healthcare, education,
low-resource communities, public safety and security, employment and workplace,
Investigation of the AI field, started publishing periodic reports in 2014. Analysis of AI
impact on “people, their communities and society”, in view of other fields that can
affect the AI evolution (science, engineering, computing systems).
Date of
September 2016
Policy projections in the report available.
There is not a definition per se, but a reference to different disciplines interested in
and interrelated with AI.
3.2.6 Russel and Norvig, 2010 (3rd edition); 1995
Russel, S. and Norvig, P. Artificial Intelligence. A Modern Approach.
Text of the
In Figure 1.1 of the book eight definitions are mentioned:
“Eight definitions of AI, laid out along two dimensions. The definitions on top are
concerned with thought processes and reasoning, whereas the ones on the bottom
address behavior. The definitions on the left measure success in terms of fidelity to
human performance, whereas the ones on the right measure against an ideal
performance measure, called rationality. A system is rational if it does the “right
thing,” given what it knows.
Historically, all four approaches to AI have been followed, each by different people
with different methods. A human-centered approach must be in part an empirical
science, involving observations and hypotheses about human behavior. A rationalist
approach involves a combination of mathematics and engineering. The various
groups have both disparaged and helped each other. Let us look at the four
approaches in more detail.”
Leading book in the AI field. Introduces the idea of a human-centered approach to AI
versus a pragmatic computational approach.
Date of
2010 (3rd edition http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/)
Endorsed by McCarthy (among the founders of AI in McCarthy, J. What is Artificial
Intelligence. (2007))
Norvig is an AI leading researcher, Director of Research at Google Inc. He is also an
AAAI Fellow and councillor of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence. He was head of the Computational Sciences Division (now the Intelligent
Systems Division) at NASA Ames Research Center, for research and development in
the areas of autonomy and robotics, automated software engineering and data
analysis, neuro-engineering, collaborative systems research, and simulation-based
3.2.7 Bruner, 2009
Bruner J. Culture, Mind and Education. Contemporary theories of learning.
Text of the
“…any and all systems that process information must be governed by specifiable
"rules" or procedures that govern what to do with inputs. It matters not whether it is a
nervous system, or the genetic apparatus that takes instruction from DNA and then
reproduces later generations, or whatever. This is the ideal of artificial intelligence
(AI), so-called.”
The book chapter offers an AI definition relating it to human intelligence. This
definition includes the notion of having rules or procedures leading to decisions.
Date of
3.2.8 McCarthy, 2007
McCarthy, J. What is Artificial Intelligence.
Text of the
“It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent
computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand
human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are
biologically observable.”
“Intelligence is the computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world.
Varying kinds and degrees of intelligence occur in people, many animals and some
logical AI; search; pattern recognition; representation; inference; common sense
knowledge and reasoning; learning from experience; planning; epistemology; ontology;
heuristics; genetic programming
Applications: game playing; speech recognition; understanding natural language;
expert systems; heuristic classification
The article uses the notion of the achievement of goals. Refers to different kinds of
intelligence. Implicit reference to general AI / strong AI.
Date of
McCarthy is among the founding fathers of AI.
3.2.9 Gardner, 1999
Gardner H. Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century, pp.33-
Text of the
“A biopsychological potential to process information that can be activated in a
cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture.”
Book revisiting the multiple human intelligences.
Date of
This book is the revision of the 1983 book.
3.2.10 Nakashima, 1999
H. Nakashima. AI as complex information processing. Minds and machines, 9:5780.
Text of the
“Intelligence is the ability to process information properly in a complex environment.
The criteria of properness are not predefined and hence not available beforehand.
They are acquired as a result of the information processing.”
The article presents a definition that includes the notions of information processing
and complex environment.
Date of
3.2.11 Nilsson, 1998
Nilsson, N.J. Artificial intelligence: a new synthesis. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
Text of the
“Artificial Intelligence (AI), broadly (and somewhat circularly) defined, is concerned
with intelligent behavior in artifacts. Intelligent behavior, in turn, involves perception,
reasoning, learning, communicating, and acting in complex environments.”
The book introduces in the definition the notions of complex environment, reasoning,
learning, communicating etc.
Date of
“AI has as one of its long-term goals the development of machines that can do these
things as well as humans can, or possibly, even better. Another goal of AI is to
understand this kind of behavior whether it occurs in machines or in humans or other
Endorsed by McCarthy (among the founders of AI in McCarthy, J. What is Artificial
Intelligence. (2007)).
3.2.12 Neisser et al., 1996
Neisser U., Boodoo G., Bouchard T.J., Boykin A.W., Brody N., Ceci S.J., Halpern D.F.,
Loehlin J.C., Perloff R., Sternberg R.J., and Urbina S. Intelligence: Knows and Unknowns
Text of the
On human Intelligence:
“Individuals differ from one another in their ability to understand complex ideas, to
adapt effectively to the environment, to learn from experience, to engage in various
forms of reasoning, to overcome obstacles by taking thought.
Concepts of intelligence are attempts to clarify and organise this complex set of
The article introduces in the AI definition the notions of adapting to the environment,
reasoning, learning etc. A human intelligence definition is used to approach AI, due to
biologically inspired processes. Multiple intelligences approach.
Date of
Cited among others by Yang, 2013
3.2.13 Fogel, 1995
D. B. Fogel. Review of computational intelligence: Imitating life. Proc. of the IEEE,
Evolutionary Computation: Toward a New Philosophy of Machine Intelligence.
Text of the
“Any system…that generates adaptive behaviour to meet goals in a range of
environments can be said to be intelligent.”
The article includes the notions of adaptive behaviour, environment, and achieving
Date of
He is a pioneer in evolutionary computation.
He is currently Chief Scientist at Trials.ai, and holds other founding positions at
Natural Selection, Inc., Color Butler, Inc., and Effect Technologies, Inc., the maker of
the patented EffectCheck sentiment analysis software tool. Advisor for several AI
companies in the areas of B2B lead generation, logistics, and employee retention, as
well as other areas.
3.2.14 Wang, 1995
Wang P. On the working definition of intelligence. Center for Research on Concepts
and Cognition, Indiana University.
Text of the
Intelligence is “the ability for an information processing system to adapt to its
environment with insufficient knowledge and resources.”
Technical Report.
The definition includes the notions of information processing, adaptation to the
environment, and insufficiency of knowledge/resources.
Date of
3.2.15 Albus, 1991
J. S. Albus. Outline for a theory of intelligence. IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, 21(3):473509.
Text of the
“…the ability of a system to act appropriately in an uncertain environment, where
appropriate action is that which increases the probability of success, and success is
the achievement of behavioral subgoals that support the system’s ultimate goal.”
Date of
From Wikipedia:
He was an American engineer, Senior NIST Fellow and founder and former chief of
the Intelligent Systems Division of the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Albus made contributions to
cerebellar robotics, developed a two-handed manipulator system known as the
Robocrane (a crane-like variation on the Stewart platform idea), among other
The definition includes the notions of environment, actions and achieving goals.
3.2.16 Schank, 1991; 1987
Schank R.C. What is AI, Anyway? AI Magazine, 8 (4), aaai.org
R. Schank. Where’s the AI? AI magazine, 12(4):38–49, 1991
Text of the
AI suffers from a lack of definition of its scope. One way to attack this problem is to
attempt to list some features that we would expect an intelligent entity to have. None
of these features would define intelligence, indeed a being could lack any one of
them and still be considered intelligent. Nevertheless each attribute would be an
integral part of intelligence in its way. ...They are communication, internal knowledge,
world knowledge, intentionality, and creativity.”
AI's primary goal is to build an intelligent machine. The second goal is to find out
about the nature of intelligence.”
“Intelligence means getting better over time.”
Date of
Roger Carl Schank is an American artificial intelligence theorist, cognitive
psychologist, learning scientist, educational reformer, and entrepreneur. Beginning in
the late 1960s, he pioneered conceptual dependency theory and case-based
reasoning, both of which challenged cognitivist views of memory and reasoning.
3.2.17 McCarthy, 1988
McCarthy, J. The Logic and Philosophy of Artificial intelligence
Text of the
“The goal of artificial intelligence (A.I.) is machines more capable than humans at
solving problems and achieving goals requiring intelligence. There has been some
useful success, but the ultimate goal still requires major conceptual advances and is
probably far off.
There are three ways of attacking the goal. The first is to imitate the human nervous
system. The second is to study the psychology of human intelligence. The third is to
understand the common sense world in which people achieve their goals and develop
intelligent computer programs. This last one is the computer science approach.”
Date of
McCarthy is among the founding fathers of AI.
3.2.18 Gardner, 1987
Gardner, H. The mind's new science: A history of the cognitive revolution. Basic books.
Text of the
AI “seeks to produce, on a computer, a pattern of output that would be considered
intelligent if displayed by a human being”.
Schlinger (1992) mentions that this book also refers that AI is viewed as a way of
testing a particular theory of how cognitive processes might work. That theory is the
popular information-processing model of cognition. Where AI researchers disagree,
according to Gardner, is how literally to interpret the thinking metaphor. For example,
some take what John Searle calls the "weak view" of AI, wherein computer programs
are simply a means for testing theories of how humans might carry out cognitive
operations. The weak view of AI is synonymous with modern cognitive psychology.”
Date of
3.2.19 Gardner, 1983
Gardner, H. Frames of Mind; The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York, NY: basic
Text of the
Artificial intelligence is commonly defined by referencing definitions of human
intelligence, as in Minsky’s definition.
In contrast to the standard approach of measuring one kind of intelligence (as in
standard IQ tests), Gardner (cognitive scientist) offers an eight-dimensional definition
to disentangle the oversimplification of intelligence's measurement.
In particular, he proposed multiple conceptions of intelligence, not only logical-
mathematical, linguistic, but also spatial, musical, bodily-kinaesthetic, personal.
Date of
This definition of intelligence is more used to approximate the definition of AI in
terms of aim and processes.
Gardner is a cognitive developmental psychologist, among the pioneers trying to
quantify human intelligence in more than one dimension (another is Robert
Sternberg), introducing the notion of multiple intelligences.
Before his study, human intelligence was mono-semantic and was quantified as such
in intelligence quotient (IQ) points.
The multiple intelligences approach is a better fit to the oversimplification of one
intelligence, and is used to describe why the definition of AI is not easy. (see J. Kaplan
2016, Artificial Intelligence What everyone needs to know, section 1 Defining AI)
3.2.20 Newell and Simon, 1976
Newell, A., Simon, H. A. Computer science as empirical enquiry: Symbols and search.
Communications of the ACM 19, 3:113126.
Text of the
“By “general intelligent action” we wish to indicate the same scope if intelligence as
we see in human action: that in any real situation behavior appropriate to the ends of
the system and adaptive to the demands of the environment can occur, within some
limits of speed and complexity.”
Date of
Simon was a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence, creating with A. Newell the
Logic Theory Machine (1956) and the General Problem Solver (GPS) (1959) systems.
The GPS system is considered as the first knowledge representation approach [Newell
and Simon, 1961].
Newell was a researcher in computer science and cognitive psychology at the RAND
Corporation and at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science, Tepper
School of Business, and Department of Psychology.
They founded an artificial intelligence laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University and
produced a series of important programs and theoretical insights throughout the late
fifties and sixties.
The definition includes the notions of real situation, goal (ends of the system),
adaptation to the environment, and complexity.
3.2.21 Minsky, 1969
Minsky, M. L. Semantic information processing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Text of the
AI is “the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if
done by men”.
PhD Thesis of one of the first cognitive scientists approaching AI as human
Date of
Marvin Minsky was Toshiba Professor of Media Arts and Sciences and Donner
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT.
He was a cofounder of the MIT Media Lab and a consultant for the One Laptop Per
Child project.
Definition based on general intelligence.
3.2.22 McCarthy, 1959
McCarthy, J. Programs with Common Sense.
Text of the
Proposes that common sense reasoning ability is key to AI.
A program has common sense if it automatically deduces for itself a sufficiently
wide class of immediate consequences of anything it is told and what it already
Date of
Probably the first paper on logical AI, i.e. AI in which logic is the method of
representing information in computer memory and not just the subject matter of the
program. It may also be the first paper to propose common sense reasoning ability as
the key to AI.
McCarthy is among the founding fathers of AI and it is cited as the one who coined
the term “artificial intelligence”.
AI used for deductive reasoning.
3.2.23 McCarthy et al., 1955
McCarthy, J., Minsky, M. L., Rochester, N., Shannon, C.E. A Proposal For The Dartmouth
Summer Research Project On Artificial Intelligence
Text of the
“..every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so
precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it. An attempt will be
made to find how to make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts,
solve kinds of problems now reserved for humans, and improve themselves.
…the artificial intelligence problem is taken to be that of making a machine behave in
ways that would be called intelligent if a human were so behaving.”
Founding proposal and conference for initiation of AI studies
Date of
31 August 1955
Founding fathers and conference of AI.
AI as a machine that does what humans do (strong AI concept)
3.3 Market perspective
3.3.1 CB Insights, 2019
CB Insights. Artificial Intelligence Trends
Text of the
AI trends are reported:
conversational agents, cyber threat hunting, drug discovery, predictive maintenance,
e-commerce search, medical imaging & diagnostics, edge computing, facial
recognition, open source frameworks, synthetic training data, back office automation,
language translation, anti-counterfeit, check-out free retail, auto claims processing,
advanced healthcare biometrics, clinical trial enrolment, next-gen prosthetics, capsule
networks, GANs, federated learning, network optimization, reinforcement learning,
autonomous navigation, crop monitoring,
with the following applications:
computer vision, natural language processing/synthesis, predictive intelligence,
architecture, infrastructure
market report
Date of
Clustering method for figure p.3 is not extensively presented.
The trends are reported using the CB Insights NexTT framework, which is explained
INDUSTRY ADOPTION (y-axis): Signals include momentum of startups in the space,
media attention, customer adoption (partnerships, customer, licensing deals).
MARKET STRENGTH (x-axis): Signals include market sizing forecasts, quality and
number of investors and capital, investments in R&D, earnings transcript
commentary, competitive intensity, incumbent deal making (M&A, strategic
3.3.2 Statista, 2017
Statista Report. Artificial Intelligence
Text of the
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) essentially refers to computing technologies that are
inspired by the ways people use their brains and nervous systems to reason and
make decisions, but typically operate quite differently.”
Automotive (autonomous driving, cloud computing).
Healthcare (early diagnosis and preventing healthcare, surgical assistance, recovery
and rehabilitation, drug discovery, precision medicine and personal genetics,
healthcare robotics: direct patient care robots(surgical robots, exoskeletons,
prosthetics), indirect patient care robots(pharmacy, delivery, disinfection), home
healthcare robots).
Education (intelligent tutoring, science simulation, personalised learning,
resources/courses, educational games).
Finance (Wealth Management, Insurance, Fraud Detection, Banking, Personal Finance
Entertainment (Movies, Games, Advertising, Personalised Content, Music).
Market report with definitions for machine learning, robotics (including
subcategories), artificial neural networks.
Date of
3.3.3 McKinsey, 2017
McKinsey Global Institute. Artificial Intelligence. The next digital Frontier?
Text of the
Computer vision; natural language; machine learning; autonomous vehicles; smart
robotics; virtual agents
Discussion Paper on AI landscape, investment and expenditures in AI
Date of
June 2017
The global AI landscape, expenditure and investment are discussed, with analysis by
technological subcategories, affected sectors in the value chain (leaders, followers,
adopters etc.). More detailed information is provided for leading countries.
4 Conclusions
The absence of a formal commonly agreed AI definition demanded the development of a process to establish
a reference AI definition, and its subsequent operationalisation into a taxonomy and representative keywords,
which can be adopted in the AI Watch framework and used in mapping and monitoring activities. The
proposed iterative process includes three perspectives: policy and institutional, research, and market, in order
to acquire a comprehensive overview about the AI domain. The AI definition adopted by the High Level Expert
Group on AI is used as a baseline definition. It is selected based on the review of 55 relevant documents
covering AI policy and institutional reports (including standardisation efforts, national strategies, and
international organisations reports), research publications and market reports. An exhaustive list of the
collected documents can be found in the report. The proposed operational definition is composed by a concise
taxonomy characterising the core domains of the AI research field and transversal topics; and a list of
keywords representative of such taxonomy. As AI is a dynamic field, we propose an iterative method that can
be updated over time to capture the rapid AI evolution.
While the baseline definition will be used as the general AI Watch definition of AI, the operational definition
has a more functional use. Both the taxonomy and the list of keywords are essential to identify, map and
characterise the worldwide AI landscape, one of the monitoring goals of AI Watch. The keywords are used in
the initial phase to capture the relevant AI activities and the economic agents behind them. The main utility of
the taxonomy is to classify AI activities, and will assist in the mapping of the AI landscape and the
classification of economic agents’ areas of specialisation. Different uses of the keyword list are possible. A
narrow use of the list, i.e. selecting only intrinsic-AI terms, allows to identify relevant AI activities, with an
expected low proportion of false positives. When the objective is the categorisation of AI-related activities, a
more comprehensive list is more suitable, in order to classify activities in their corresponding taxonomy
Valuable contributions of this work are: the collection of definitions developed between 1955 and 2019; the
summarisation of the main features of the concept of artificial intelligence as reflected in the relevant
literature; and the development of a replicable process that can provide a dynamic definition and taxonomy of
the AI.
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List of tables
Table 1. AI domains and subdomains constituting one part of the operational definition of AI .................11
Table 2. Most relevant keywords within each AI domain ...........................................................16
Table 3. Summary of definitions and subdomains or applications referred to in the collected documents. ...18
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