Take a KAPLAN SAT or ACT Practice Test at Chantilly HS!
Practice tests are run just like the real thing, except you get your
scores the same day and they do not count!
Sponsored by the Chantilly PTSA
Payment Form
Please return payment form to the school office with a check for $20 per practice test, made out to ‘CHS
PTSA’ (write “Practice Test” in the memo field). Cash is also accepted (please place in a sealed envelope
with payment form). Contact, Jeremy Plotnick, PTSA, at jeremy[email protected] with any questions.
No refunds available – rescheduling of a missed practice test can be accommodated when space permits.
*Register for the test at the Kaplan website referenced above.
Student Name: _________________________________________Grade:_______________
Parent Name: _______________________________________________________________
Parent Email Address:_________________________________________________________
Parent phone #:______________________________________________________________
Date of test (check): September 16 January 20 February 24
*Students must be registered via the Kaplan websites in order to be able to get their scores
on the day of the test.
For many students, test familiarization leads to decreased anxiety and increased confidence. It also
helps them understand where they are strong and where they may need more work.
"...All students (100%) reported that the timed practice tests were the most helpful activity for preparing for the
examination. One student stated, "I experienced the types of questions that will be on the exam and found out
how much preparation I needed," while another reported that the practice tests were "very helpful to me; they
gave me a 'sneak preview'."..."
From a report on test preparation methods for the Arizona teacher licensure examination.
Fierros, E.G. (2002) Improving Performance? A Model for Examining the Impact of the AEPA Preparation Center in
Arizona. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (New Orleans, LA,
April1-5, 2002) .
“….some special test preparation (or familiarization) may enhance general test-taking skills and reduce test
anxiety, thereby increasing test scores that may otherwise have been inaccurately low indicators of test takers'
true abilities. Insofar as this kind of preparation reduces or eliminates unwanted sources of test difficulty, it
should serve only to improve score validity."
Powers, D.E. (2012) Understanding the Impact of Special Preparation for Admissions Tests. ETS Research Report No.
Why Take Practice Tests?
ACT/SAT Practice Tests
Time: 9:00am – 1:00 pm
Date: Sat. Sept. 16, 2017 Date: Sat. Jan. 20, 2018 Date: Feb. 24, 2018
Registration URL: http://kaplan.formstack.com/forms/chs2017_18