Summer 2014
Without a Vote, Norton Leads Democrats in Bills Passed in 113
First Statehood Hearing in Two Decades
President Obama speaking at White House
* Norton working with Senate on upcoming hearing
* Sixteen Senators, including Senate leadership, cosponsor
companion of Norton’s D.C. statehood bill
Three More Big Norton Projects…
…with Jobs for D.C. Residents!... Page 2
Norton gets first House racial profiling
amendmentPage 5
D.C. residents can go on House floor…Page 8
Obama Endorses Statehood!
D.C. residents “contribute to the overall well-being of the country like everybody else. They
should be represented like everybody else.”- President Barack Obama
Annual Norton Job Fair
Thursday, August 21, 2014
10:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.
Workshops to help you prepare for a job 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.
JOB FAIR 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.
Employers Hiring! Washington Convention Center
Federal, State, and Local Jobs 801 Mount Vernon Place NW
Private-Sector Jobs Between 7
and 9
Jobs for Recent College Graduates D.C. Residents Only!
Norton Advances Statehood in White House and Senate and
Fights to Save D.C. Gun Safety and Marijuana Decriminalization Laws
Must Bring Proof
That You Are A
D.C. Resident
(Photo ID, Voter
Registration Card,
Pay Stub, Utility
Bill, or Lease)
Norton’s jobs and revenue bills on next page
Top Jobs Available
in D.C. Region
Resume Tips
Fashion Show -
Dress for Success
Health screenings
Jobs and Funding for D.C.
New Norton Projects Yield Jobs for Residents
Old Post Office Groundbreaking Downtown
Norton bill gets city its first D.C. luxury hotel,
yielding $100 million in D.C. tax revenue over ten years
700 construction jobs, 300 permanent jobs
Rehab of historic building expected in three years will
lead needed mixed use of Penn. Avenue
Right: Norton with developer Ivanka Trump
Awaiting 2015 Appropriations with Full Funding for Norton’s D.C. Priorities
President’s Budget endorses both budget and legislative autonomy
Senate Subcommittee fully funds DC TAG. President’s Budget increases DC TAG by $10 million, now
at $40 million!
$323,534,000 for St. Elizabeths DHS headquarters
$20 million each for DCPS and Charter Schools$5 million for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment
$16 million for D.C. water and sewer construction
Groundbreaking for Norton’s SW Waterfront Bill
Norton bill turns over 27 acres of land and 50 acres of water to D.C.
Matches Norton’s SE Waterfront Act for the new Capitol Riverfront, where construction is well
1,100 construction jobs and 2,100 permanent jobs for D.C. residents
Norton Introduces Administration’s
Surface Transportation Bill
Norton, Ranking Member, sponsors bill with chair of
Subcommittee, at request of the Administration
Four-year funding
Norton will use Administration’s bill to try for a six-
year bill with more funding
Norton Fight for National
Women’s History Museum Advances
New tourist attraction in D.C.
Norton on bill to create commission to study museum
First Women’s History Museum in U.S. 210 statues
in the U.S Capitol, only nine of female leaders and less
than five percent of 2,400 national historic landmarks
chronicle women's achievements
House GOP to DC: ‘Guns
OK, but Pot Dangerous’
U.S. News & World Report 7/18/2014
House Republicans Pile on D.C., but Norton is Ahead
Working with Senate and Administration
....the White House is on D.C.’s side!
Supports “the principle of States’ rights and of District home rule
Norton Keeps Anti-Home-Rule Bills from Passage
o Senate bill to eliminate D.C.’s gun laws
o Ban on abortions after 20 weeks in D.C.
o Making permanent the annual appropriations rider barring D.C. from spending local funds on
abortions for low-income women
o Sense of Senate Resolution that Congress should ban abortions in D.C. after 20 weeks
Dangerous Gun Rider Tries to Eliminate All D.C. Gun Laws
“I’m fairly confident that it will get killed by Harry Reid.”
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) on his gun amendment, Washington Post, 7/17/2014
Ineptly written House amendment restricts some D.C. gun laws, relaxes others confusion should help Norton
eliminate it in Senate
Massie, a Kentucky cattle farmer, who lives in a county of 14,000 residents, wants gun laws in nation’s capital
stricter than his at home
Massie on fringes of American values called 16-day federal government shutdown “not a big deal”
Norton Fights Anti-Union, Anti-Home-Rule Bill in House and Senate
Norton opposes prohibitions on both federal and D.C. governments from deducting union dues from worker paychecks
Sees possibility of eliminating anti-home-rule D.C. provision after speaking with Members
Norton Still Succeeding in Protecting Budget Autonomy from
Overturn in Congress
Norton got Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Whip Steny Hoyer
to oppose the filing of an amicus brief seeking to overturn budget
autonomy referendum by top Republican and Democratic Leadership
Council has appealed U.S. District Court decision overturning budget
autonomy referendum to U.S. Court of Appeals
Norton Supports “D.C. No Taxation
Without Representation Way”
Norton thanks D.C. Council for new bill
designating street fronting Capitol
Portion of First Street NE/SE between
Constitution Avenue NE and Independence
Avenue SE. City has jurisdiction over
First Street NE/SE
House Relaxes Federal Marijuana Laws, But Blocks
Reform in D.C.
Maryland Rep. Andy Harris could not stop decriminalization in
Maryland, so tries here, where he is unaccountable to voters
Norton says racial impact in D.C. demands change 90 percent
arrested are Black, but both Whites and Blacks use marijuana
at same rate
Harris claims concern for youth, but D.C. has health safe guards
House relaxes marijuana laws for U.S., but not for D.C.
Prohibits the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) from
targeting medical marijuana operations in U.S. where they are legal
Allows marijuana businesses access to financial services in U.S.
President’s LGBT Job Discrimination Executive Order (EO) is Like President Roosevelt’s
Job Anti-Discrimination Executive Order
Only federal contract workers covered
First federal prohibition on LGBT discrimination sexual orientation and gender identity job
discrimination barred
Similar to FDR’s 1941 EO 8802
o FDR EO barred race and national origin discrimination in federal government and defense industries
o Like Obama’s EO, FDR’s EO came before Congress passed legislation
LGBT job anti-discrimination legislation for all U.S. sectors would be enforced by the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Norton once led
Norton Gets Attorney General Holder to Speak on Historic Sentence Reductions
at House Congressional Caucus on Black Men and Boys Forum
Norton and Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL) Co-Chair the New Caucus
New sentence guidelines could reduce sentences of 50,000 non-violent drug offenders
New prosecutor policy: No blanket mandatory minimums for low level drug crimes
Norton Seeks Resident Input for More Reform of Inmate Phone Call Rates
Email your experience
Visit www.norton.house.gov/contact/email-me to email your experience
with the new inmate phone call reforms and suggestions for improvements!
Norton chaired Congressional Black Caucus Working Group that helped get cost of inmate prison
calls significantly reduced last year
Spoke at Federal Communications Commission (FCC) forum on further inmate call reform in July
Norton Bill to Update Authority of Three Agencies Passes House: D.C. Courts, Public Defenders, and
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA)…Makes local justice process more efficient
Obama July EO issued includes
key components of Norton’s ROSIE Act for Federal Contract Workers
Norton bill provides first comprehensive workplace protections for federal contract
Employers seeking federal contracts must demonstrate compliance with workplace protection
laws including laws governing labor relations, wages and hours, and health and safety
Washington Football Team Name Found to be Racial Slur
D.C. loves team, not name
Norton early leader to change name cosponsor of
Non-Disparagement of Native American Persons or
Peoples in Trademark Registration Act of 2013
Norton predicted victory because U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office had earlier refused new patents for name
as “derogatory”
Norton Bill to Restore Federal Employee Due Process Rights Gets
Senate Companion Bill and Bipartisan House and Senate Support
Norton bill to overturn court decision that could strip most federal employees of
right to an appeal after removal from jobs
At least 200,000 Defense Department employees now affected by court decision
Any position can be designated “non-critical sensitive” by agency head or designee
Norton Gets First Racial Profiling Bill Ever Passed by House
Amendment bars racial profiling by recipients of federal transportation funding
No funds to stop, investigate, detain or arrest people on highways based on physical background
U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Justice: Blacks and Hispanics stopped at rates two to three times rate of Whites
regardless of region or state
After Norton remarks on House floor, amendment accepted unanimously by voice vote
Norton Gets Republican Co-Sponsor for Bill
on Sexual Assaults on Airplanes
Norton filed bill in March following reports of sexual assaults on planes landing at Dulles and elsewhere
Bill would require FBI to collect statistics, as it does for other crimes
Norton, First Woman Chair of EEOC, a leader in Commemorating 50
Anniversary of 1964 Civil Rights Act
Norton Enforced Title VII of 1964 Act barring job discrimination
Moderates Plenary Panel of House Members on legislative and enforcement challenges at Mississippi Freedom
Summer Commemoration
Pillar of Justice Award from Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law for work in civil rights in
Congress and at Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Takes this serious subject to Colbert Reportwatch at www.norton.house.gov
New Pay Discrimination E.O. Brings Enforceable Strategy for Federal Contractors
For first time, federal contractors and subcontractors must submit race and gender pay data on all employees
Comprehensive data will allow effective targeting of resources by enforcement agencies
Also forbids employer retaliation if employee discusses pay information with colleagues or applicants
Norton Gets Results for the Community
Norton meets with D.C. Latino
community leaders as almost 200
children come to D.C. from Central
America. Wants pro bono help from D.C.
Norton Gets Extension and an Extra Public Meeting
on Virginia Avenue Tunnel
Review period for Environment Impact Statement (EIS) extended
from 30 to 60 days with a second community meeting
Norton remains concerned about proximity of proposed construction
to homes and senior housing
Asks for further delay to permit Council hearings
Norton Tries New Way to Get Rachel Carson Trail
named for Epic Environmental Pioneer
Norton asks National Park Service’s Jonathan Jarvis to use his administrative authority to rename park from Canal
Road to Van Ness Street as the “Rachel Carson Nature Trail
Norton says Wesley Heights, Foxhall Village, ANC 3D and Foxhall Community Citizens Association more than met
the standard submitted documents that Carson did some work in Glover Park.
Many communities not involved in NPS parks, but this community attends to the trail they want named for Carson
Spring Valley Park Saved
Norton told Army Corps of Engineers that park created and
maintained by the community, must be preserved
Gets Corps to put groundwater testing well in roadway, not
in Spring Valley community park
Norton Hosts National Park Service (NPS) Town Hall
Norton NPS town halls have spurred public-private
partnerships for playgrounds and community events
Town Hall gets D.C. residents more involved in tailoring NPS
parks to neighborhood needs and activities
Norton Brings D.C. Postmaster, Unions, and Residents Together at Postal Service Roundtable
Email [email protected] with “Post Office Improvement” in the subject line, and your local
postal service suggestions will be forwarded directly to the D.C. Postmaster
Norton roundtable served as a problem-solving session to help improve postal service in D.C.
Recommendations: Quarterly Postmaster meetings with ANCs and residents. Automated phone system for residents
who need only routine information, such as operating hours, freeing up customer service representatives to handle substantive
issues. Creating Postal Ombudsman to focus on recurring customer reports in order to detect patterns of service problems
District residents discussed experiencing local postal services issues with customer service, after-dark mail delivery,
lost and stolen mail, letter carrier safety, and responsiveness to customers’ concerns
Norton Prods Action for Long Delayed Rock Creek
Park Trail
Norton letter warned NPS that federal funds could be
lost if not obligated by end of 2015
Final environmental assessment announced in June
Washington area bicyclists’ petition signed by 2,400
Norton Priority on WMATA Paying Off
Sixth straight $150 million funding four more federal payments to reach $1.5 billion
Norton bill to restore Mass Transit Commuter Tax Break is in Senate tax bill
In March, Norton Metro Roundtable with WMATA CEO, unions, residents, and Tri-State Oversight
Committee focused on long-term funding of capital improvements, rider stability, and future financing of
Metrobus and MetroAccess, including the Circulator
Norton Asks Administration for Remedies to Anti-Contraception Court Decision
If Congress Refuses to Act
Supreme Court: Closely-held corporations owned by fewer than five people with more than 50 percent of
the outstanding stock can refuse to fund some forms of contraception
Supreme Court said government could fund
Insurance companies instead of government also could absorb costs, as with nonprofit religious
Norton Gets Increased Police at Sherman
Trio of crimes near Circle in July
Norton got increased frequency of U.S.
Park Police at Circle and intersection of
Crittenden Street NW
Lights added to Sherman Circle after
Catholic University student killed in 2010
Norton Goes After
Union Station Traffic Mess
Congested auto lines make residents miss trains and buses
Norton asks for new traffic pattern study and personnel
at Columbus Circle
Union Station planning new traffic management staff,
reconfiguration of vehicle traffice, a short term (cell
phone) parking area, and improved signage
Residents Pay Highest Federal Taxes,
But Get Stopped Using D.C. Driver’s License
Some TSA Agents Still Don’t Recognize D.C. Driver’s License as Valid Identification
Norton got TSA to send agency-wide directive and ID briefing
Norton to hold problem-solving session with TSA officials during the August Recess
Trouble in the States?
D.C. Resident could not buy alcohol in New Hampshire (NH) under NH state liquor laws because D.C. not listed among States
NH Governor Maggie Hassan updated list to include D.C.
Norton calls for long-term funding of the
Highway Trust Fund at the 3
annual Rally
for Roads press conference in front of the
U.S. Capitol in June
Norton Small Business Fair Gets Record Registrants
Norton Small Business Fair Sets New Record
The June fair had 230
registrants, a new record.
Annual Norton event at
Convention Center offered
free small business one-
on-one advice from private
and public sector experts
and access to business-
growing resources
Pictured left: Harry
Wingo, President of the
D.C. Chamber of
Commerce, Christopher
Murphy of Murphy’s Auto
Body Shop, recipient of
Norton’s 2014 D.C. Small
Business of the Year
award, and Norton
Norton Bill Sparks Resident Interest in D.C.’s Frederick Douglass Statue,
Including D.C. Visits to House Floor
Norton with students from Richard Wright Public Charter School in front of Sojourner Truth statue
Jobs! Help Census Bureau Count D.C.
Testing for 2020 Census
until September 2014
Temporary jobs at 1-888-480-1630
D.C. Residents Can Sit on House Floor!
Email Norton at
Norton arranges for schools and
community group visits to Douglass,
Sojourner Truth, MLK and other statues
D.C. residents also go to House floor
where bills are passed for discussion on
House proceedings
Norton helps demonstrate an exercise with William Yates, Associate Coordinator of Older Adults, YMCA
Norton Helps D.C. Seniors Keep Healthy at Annual Senior Legislative Day
Seniors get briefing on congressional issues
and enjoy exercise, lunch, and music, and a
tour of the newly remodeled Dunbar High
School, Nortons alma mater, in July.
Seniors meet at a new location each year.
Last year at African American Civil War
Norton Lunchtime Music on the Mall, Tuesdays and Thursdays Throughout the Summer
Norton’s Lunchtime Music on the Mall uses local musicians
and offers fun during lunch break! Part of her efforts to
enliven the Mall. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 12:00
p.m. to 1:00 p.m. near Smithsonian Station Metro
Local musician, Jeff Cramer, performing with
his bandmate at Lunchtime Music on the Mall
Has your organization brought Norton to YOUR neighborhood?
Recent “Norton in Your Neighborhood” events featured conversations and latest
information and analysis on what is happening in Congress affecting D.C. and the U.S.
Norton Gets Resident Feedback
Brightwood Park Citizens Association
Friends of Kingman Park Community Association
Pleasant Plains Civic Association
Bates Area Civic Association
Have your ANC or community organization sponsor a Norton in Your Neighborhood.
To learn more, visit www.norton.house.gov or call Raven Reeder at (202) 408-9041
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