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Date: February 18, 2020
1. Certification
A Does CASP hold a Transport Canada AMO certificate? X
B Record certificate number: #327-91 X
C Does CASP hold an EASA Part 145 certificate? X
D Record certificate number: #145.7150 X
E Obtain copies of certificates and limitations (see attached) X
F Are certificates clearly displayed in an area accessible to the public? X
2. Anti-drug & Alcohol Misuse Prevention Plan
A Does CASP have an FAA approved and active anti-drug & alcohol misuse testing plan? X X
3. General
A Does CASP only perform work for which it is authorized on it’s operation specifications? X
B If CASP deals in non-aircraft parts, materials and/or maintenance activities, are they adequately
segregated from aircraft functions?
C Does CASP maintain files of audit findings and corrective action for a minimum of three years? X
D Are these files accessible to auditors? X
E Are back up persons identified for all programs that require it? X
F Does CASP observe duty time limitations? X
4. Quality Control
A Is there an established quality program? X
B Does CASP have an up to date QC/QC manual that covers all the Maintenance Policy manual
requirements of Chapter 573 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations and EASA requirements?
C Does the manual detail the duties, responsibilities and reporting relationships of the QA/QC
D Are the QA/QC manuals current and available to employees? X
E Does CASP have an internal audit and surveillance function? X
F Does the internal audit and surveillance function ensure compliance with customer
G Does the audit program assure appropriate corrective action? X
H Does CASP have an organization adequate to perform the work intended? X
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I Does CASP have an established procedure to provide corrective action for discrepancies noted
during repair/overhaul?
J Does CASP maintain a list of sub-contracted maintenance actions and approved vendors for
those functions?
K Does CASP ensure that sub-contractor quality meets customer specifications and regulatory
L Does CASP maintain certification on subcontracted work? X
M Does CASP have a procedure for reporting defects or unairworthy conditions to the customer
and Transport Canada?
5. Inspection
A Are inspectors properly trained and certified? X
B Is there a proper separation of maintenance and inspection responsibilities? X
C Does CASP maintain a list of all items each inspector is authorized to inspect? X
D Does CASP maintain a roster that identifies all supervisory and inspection personnel? X
E Does the roster identify all personnel that have been granted Shop Certification Authority? X
F Does CASP have an employment summary for all personnel listed on the roster? X
G Does CASP have an acceptable receiving system? X
H Are all parts inspected for physical damage and preservation? X
I Are all purchased parts inspected for condition, presence of certifications and test reports? X
J Are standard parts verified as meeting technical specifications? X
K Does CASP have an acceptable procedure to identify customer supplied parts? X
L Does CASP maintain traceability certification on all parts and raw materials? X
M Are acceptable sampling procedures used to ensure quality? (100% inspection) X
N Does CASP have an acceptable system for controlling stamps for both inspection and production
O Are inspection stamps retired for at least two years after an inspector leaves? X
6. Technical Data Control
A Does CASP have the required shop manuals and specifications to perform the repair/overhaul in
accordance with regulatory requirements and customer specifications?
B Are there established approved procedures controlling revisions in manuals deviating for OEM
C Does CASP have a documented system for obtaining technical data to ensure that the data is
D Does CASP have records of manual revisions? X
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E Are manual revisions up to date? X
F Are component overhaul manuals properly identified and available to production personnel? X
G Does CASP have a system to control working copies of manuals to ensure they are revised with
the masters?
H Is technical data stored in a manner that will protect it from dirt and damage? X
I Are adequate viewing devices in good condition and available for viewing technical data? X
J Is a specific individual, by title, responsible for the technical data program? X
7. Shelf Life Program
A Does CASP have a documented shelf life program? X
B Does the program list parts and materials that have shelf life limits? X
C Does the program assign program responsibility to a specific person, by title? X
D Does each shelf life item have the shelf life expiration limit clearly identified? X
E Is there an adequate system to assure that no item will be issued or used past it’s expiration
8. Tools and Test Equipment Calibration
A Does CASP have a tool calibration program? X
B Does CASP have a person, by title, identified as responsible for the tool calibration program? X
C Is all inspection and test equipment in use listed on a master tool calibration list? X
D Are standards used to calibrate tools traceable to the controlling government agency (EG NIST)? X
E Is there a system to identify each tool in the program, its calibration frequency and it’s
calibration due date?
F Does CASP have a procedure for controlling and/or preventing out-of-service and due-for-
calibration tools and equipment from being used?
G Does CASP have a procedure to control the calibration of personal tools? X
H Are the tools and test equipment in serviceable condition? X
I Do calibration records:
1) show date calibrated? X
2) identify the individual or vendor that performed the calibration or check? X
3) show calibration due date? X
4) contain a calibration certificate for each item calibrated by an outside agency? X
5) record details of adjustments and repairs? X
6) show the part and serial number, and the standard used to perform the calibration? X
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9. Training
A Does CASP have a documented training program? X
B Is Human Factors training part of the training program? X
C Does the training program include all personnel who perform supervisory, inspection, record
keeping, parts handling, shipping and receiving functions?
D Is the training documented? X
E Are training records for mechanics, inspectors and other technical personnel retained for a
minimum of two years after the person leaves the company?
10. Housing and Facilities
A Is CASP’s facility of adequate size to house all necessary tooling, equipment, material and parts
to perform the work?
B Does CASP adequately protect parts, material and customer units from damage, theft and
C Is the environment appropriate to protect workers so that the quality of workmanship is not
impaired by physical inefficiency>
D Does the facility have adequate lighting? X
E Are storage areas separate from shop and work areas? X
F Do shipping and receiving areas have adequate space, lighting, shelving and fire protection? X
G Is there adequate and appropriate storage space to safely store customer’s shipping containers
and protect them from damage?
H Are work areas, including supervisor’s offices clean? X
11. Safety/Security/Fire Protection
A Does CASP provide adequate security for customer parts in its possession? X
B Is the security system reviewed periodically by management or an outside vendor? X
C Are fire protection devices inspected regularly? X
D Are fire stations identified and extinguishers in serviceable condition? X
E Are fire lanes, doors and fire extinguishers clear of obstruction? X
F Are safety guards in place on power equipment? X
G Are CASP’s shop operations conducted in a safe manner and environment? X
12. Storage
A Are parts and materials properly identified and properly stored? X
B Does CASP have a quarantine area for rejected parts and materials awaiting disposition? X
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C Do parts in bins match the part numbers on the bins? X
D Are parts and materials properly protected from damage and deterioration? X
E Are sensitive parts and equipment (oxygen parts, o-rings, electrostatic sensitive devices, etc)
properly packaged, identified and stored to protect them from damage and contamination?
F Are flammable, toxic or volatile materials properly identified and stored? X
G Are oxygen and other high pressure supply cylinders correctly identified and stored? X
13. Work Processing
A Does CASP have adequate tooling and test equipment to perform the work? X
B When CASP uses specified OEM test equipment and/or test equipment other than that specified
by the OEM, does CASP:
1) have an operating manual and maintenance manual for the equipment? X
2) perform maintenance and servicing per the manual? X
3) maintain maintenance and servicing records for the equipment? X
4) when applicable, is the equipment listed in the calibration program? X
C Are technicians, inspectors and supervisors properly trained, authorized and certificated, if
required, for the work they perform?
D Are adequate tools and manuals available at work stations? X
E Are customer’s parts properly identified throughout the maintenance actions and in storage? X
F Is there a work turnover procedure used? X
G Are serviceable and unserviceable components in the shop adequately segregated? X
H Does the facility provide adequate protection of parts in process? X
I Are smoking, eating and drinking forbidden in the work area? X
J Are fluid dispensing containers and servicing units properly identified? X
K Are work records complete, in order and legible? X
L Do the records contain:
1) a description of the work performed or reference to data acceptable to Transport Canada? X
2) the date of completion of the work performed? X
3) the name of the person performing the work? X
4) the name of the person inspecting the work? X
5) the signature of the person returning the article to service? X
M Are all test and inspection records included in the work package or readily retrievable? X
N Does CASP’s record keeping and retention time meet Transport Canada’s requirements? X
O Does CASP’s return to service document meet customer and Transport Canada requirements? X
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14 Shipping
A Are components shipped in an appropriate shipping container or as specified by the customer? X
B Does CASP verify that identifying data (P/N, S/N, nomenclature, mod number etc) on documents
in the shipment match those on the component data plate?
15. Scrapped Parts
A Does CASP have a documented procedure to assure that scrapped parts are either returned to
the customer or mutilated beyond repair?
B Does the scrap program identify an individual, by title, responsible for verifying that mutilation is
C Does CASP maintain records of all parts scrapped for a minimum of 2 years? X
I hereby certify that the information contained in this checklist is current and accurately reflects the methods and procedures used
by CASP Aerospace Inc in the performance of all work carried out by the company.
Survey completed by: _____________________________________ Date: February 18, 2020