Oracle® Communications Billing and
Revenue Management
Designing and Generating Invoices
Release 12.0
January 2022
Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Designing and Generating Invoices, Release 12.0
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Audience ix
Documentation Accessibility ix
Diversity and Inclusion ix
About Invoicing
About Invoices 1-1
About the Invoicing Process 1-2
Understanding Invoice Layout 1-3
Standard Details 1-3
Adjustment, Payment, Promotion, and Other Charges and Credits Details 1-3
Charge Details 1-4
About Localized Invoices 1-5
Designing Invoices
About Designing Invoice Templates 2-1
Designing XSLT Invoice Templates 2-1
Turning on XSLT Style Sheet Processing 2-2
Designing HTML Invoice Templates 2-2
Designing Hyperlinked Invoice Templates 2-2
Loading Stored Procedures for Hyperlinked Invoice Templates Reports 2-3
Setting Up the Data Model for Hyperlinked Invoice Templates 2-3
Setting Up the Hyperlinked Invoice Templates 2-4
Modifying the Hyperlink Path Prefix 2-5
Loading Invoice Templates 2-6
Switching between XSLT and HTML Templates 2-7
Customizing Invoice Content
Grouping Items By Service Type 3-1
Including Payment, A/R, and Tax Details in Invoices 3-2
A/R Events That Can Be In Invoices 3-2
Including Shadow Event Adjustment Details in Invoices 3-4
Including Soft Descriptors in Invoices 3-4
Aggregating Taxes on Invoices 3-4
Using Invoice Templates That Display Promotion Names 3-5
Defining Multiple Invoices for One Customer 3-5
Using an /invoice Subclass 3-6
Invoicing for Hierarchical Bill Units
About Invoicing for Hierarchical Bill Units 4-1
About Viewing Invoices for Accounts That Have Nonpaying Bill Units 4-2
Setting Defaults for Hierarchical Bill Unit Invoices 4-2
Sending Child Account Invoices to the Parent Account's Email Address 4-3
Adding Siebel CRM Promotion Names to Invoices
Adding Siebel CRM Promotion Names to Invoices 5-1
How BRM Adds Siebel CRM Promotion Names 5-2
Setting Up BRM Invoices to Display Siebel CRM Promotion Names 5-2
Specifying Whether BRM Displays Promotion Details on Invoices 5-3
Including Invoice Data from Custom Applications
Including Invoice Data from Custom Applications 6-1
Using Data Map Templates 6-1
Loading the Invoice Data Map Templates 6-2
Generating Invoices
Generating Invoices Automatically 7-1
Generating Invoices Manually 7-1
Generating Detailed Invoices from an External File 7-2
Generating Invoices for Non-Invoice Payment Methods 7-2
Exporting Invoices 7-3
Sending Invoices to Customers
Sending Invoices to Customers 8-1
Setting the Maximum Invoice Size for Email 8-1
Sending Invoices to Accounts That Use the Invoice Payment Method 8-1
Sending Invoices to Accounts That Do Not Use the Invoice Payment Method 8-2
Configuring the Email Data Manager for Printing 8-3
Displaying Invoices
About Displaying Invoices 9-1
Using Web Pages to Display Invoices 9-1
Using the XML Sample Invoice Viewing Utility 9-2
Storing Invoices
About Formats for Storing Invoices 10-1
Specifying the Default Format in Which to Store Invoices in BRM 10-2
Storing Invoices in a Separate Database Schema 10-3
Installing the Invoice Data Manager 10-3
Configuring BRM to Use a Separate Invoice Database Schema 10-4
Configuring Invoice Applications to Use a Separate Invoice Database Schema 10-5
Starting the Invoice Data Manager 10-5
Configuring the Invoice pin.conf for Multiple Database Schemas 10-5
Designing and Generating Invoices in Oracle Business Intelligence
About Using BI Publisher for Invoicing 11-1
Designing Invoices 11-3
About Invoice Layout Templates for Invoice Document Generation 11-3
About BI Publisher Reports for Invoice Document Generation 11-4
Including Late Payment Fees in Invoices 11-4
Including Finance Charges in Invoices 11-5
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher 11-6
Creating an Invoicing Configuration Business Profile 11-6
Enabling the BRM-BI Publisher Integration 11-7
Loading Invoicing Business Profiles into the Database 11-8
Associating Pre-Existing Bill Units with Business Profiles 11-8
Viewing Invoices Individually on the BI Publisher Console 11-9
Enabling the Display of Customer Details on the Web 11-9
Installing the BRM-BI Publisher Invoicing Integration Package 11-9
Pre-Installation Requirements 11-10
Removing Older BRM-BI Publisher Invoicing Integration Layout Template Files 11-10
Install Billing and Invoicing Utilities 11-11
Installed Files 11-11
Upgrading Existing Reports from BI Publisher 11g to BI Publisher 12c 11-13
Configuring the pin_inv_doc_gen Utility 11-13
Configuring the File for pin_inv_doc_gen with BI Publisher 11-14
Configuring the Batch Script 11-16
Changing Command-Line Parameters for pin_inv_doc_gen 11-16
Setting Scheduler Configuration 11-17
Configuring the Email Server 11-17
Configuring HTTPS for Secure Communication 11-17
Creating the XMLP_INVOICE_JOB Table in the Scheduler Database 11-18
Configuring the BRM-BI Publisher Invoicing Integration to Support Multischema
Systems 11-19
Loading Stored Procedures 11-19
Creating New JDBC Data Sources 11-19
Generating BI Publisher Invoice Documents in BI Publisher 11-21
Generating BI Publisher Invoice Documents for a List of Accounts 11-21
Generating BI Publisher Invoice Documents Based on the Account Type 11-22
Generating Duplicate Invoice Documents with BI Publisher 11-23
Generating Invoice Documents for Non-Invoice Accounts 11-23
Generating Invoices for Hierarchical Bill Units with BI Publisher 11-24
Setting Up Invoicing for Hierarchical Bill Units with BI Publisher 11-24
Invoice Template for Hierarchical Bill Units 11-25
Setting Nonpaying Child Bill Unit Processing in BI Publisher and BRM 11-25
Creating Hierarchical Bill Unit Trial Invoices with BI Publisher 11-26
Creating Hierarchical Bill Unit Regular Invoices with BI Publisher 11-27
Regenerating Failed Invoices for Hierarchical Bill Units 11-27
Purging Trial Invoices 11-28
Deferred Taxation Limitations for Hierarchical Bill Units 11-28
Troubleshooting Issues with Hierarchical Bill Unit Invoice Generation 11-29
Storing the Invoice Document 11-31
Sending Invoice Documents to the Customers 11-31
Customizing Invoices 11-31
Customizing Invoice Layout Templates 11-31
Enriching Invoice Data 11-32
Corrective Invoicing
About Corrective Invoices 12-1
About Content of Corrective Invoices 12-1
About Invoices and Billing Periods 12-2
About Deferred Corrective Invoices 12-2
Configuring to Defer Corrective Invoices 12-3
About Replacement Invoices for Hierarchical Bill Units 12-3
Detailed Replacement Invoice for a Parent Bill 12-3
Summary Replacement Invoice for a Parent Bill 12-4
Detailed Replacement Invoice for a Nonpaying Child Bill 12-4
Summary Replacement Invoice for a Nonpaying Child Bill 12-4
About Invoice Correction Letters for Hierarchical Bill Units 12-5
Detailed Invoice Correction Letter for a Parent Bill 12-5
Summary Invoice Correction Letter for a Parent Bill 12-5
Detailed Invoice Correction Letter for Nonpaying Child Bills 12-5
Summary Invoice Correction Letter for Nonpaying Child Bills 12-6
How BRM Displays Manual Adjustments 12-6
About Generating Corrective Invoices 12-6
About the pin_inv_accts Utility Parameters 12-6
About Corrective Invoice Templates 12-7
Configuring Corrective Invoice Templates Based on Business Profiles 12-8
Providing Custom Templates for Corrective Invoices 12-8
About Corrective Invoices and Collections 12-9
Corrective Invoices and General Ledger Posts 12-9
Setting Up Corrective Invoicing in BRM 12-9
Specifying the Type of Corrective Invoice 12-10
Providing Custom Templates for Corrective Invoices 12-10
Generating Corrective Invoices 12-10
Post-Processing Actions 12-11
Viewing Corrective Invoices 12-11
Adjustments and Corrective Invoicing 12-11
Improving Invoicing Performance
Improving Performance by Customizing Search Results 13-1
Improving Performance by Customizing Event Caching 13-1
Improving Performance by Removing Invoice Details You Do Not Need 13-2
Setting Up Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas
Setting Up Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas 14-1
Running Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas One at a Time 14-1
Running Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas Simultaneously 14-2
Invoice Utilities
load_pin_invoice_data_map 15-1
pin_inv_accts 15-2
pin_inv_doc_gen 15-6
pin_inv_export 15-8
pin_inv_send 15-10
pin_load_invoice_events 15-12
pin_load_invoice_template 15-13
pin_upd_assoc_bus_profile 15-15
This guide provides an overview of the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management (BRM) invoicing software, including designing and generating invoices,
correcting invoicing, and so on.
This guide is intended for system administrators and developers.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at
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Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My
Oracle Support. For information, visit
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Diversity and Inclusion
Oracle is fully committed to diversity and inclusion. Oracle respects and values having a
diverse workforce that increases thought leadership and innovation. As part of our initiative to
build a more inclusive culture that positively impacts our employees, customers, and
partners, we are working to remove insensitive terms from our products and documentation.
We are also mindful of the necessity to maintain compatibility with our customers' existing
technologies and the need to ensure continuity of service as Oracle's offerings and industry
standards evolve. Because of these technical constraints, our effort to remove insensitive
terms is ongoing and will take time and external cooperation.
About Invoicing
In Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM), an invoice lists the
balance information for a customer's bill, and the amount due.
Topics in this document:
About Invoices
Understanding Invoice Layout
About Localized Invoices
About Invoices
An invoice lists the balance information for a customer's bill.
When billing runs, a bill is produced for every bill unit (/billinfo object) in an account, and
invoices are generated for each bill. You can use two invoice types: detailed and summary.
A detailed invoice lists the bill items and the events. The detailed invoice mode is the
Generating detailed invoices requires more system processing and may slow
A summary invoice lists only the bill items and not the events.
For bill units in hierarchies, the billing data for each nonpaying bill unit is rolled up to the
invoice for the paying bill unit. This invoice is referred to as a consolidated invoice because it
contains the billing data for the nonpaying bill units in addition to the billing data for the paying
bill unit.
If you use detailed invoices, generating the consolidated invoice can be system
intensive, and the consolidated invoice can be extremely large. Therefore, you can
set invoicing thresholds to control the size of the consolidated invoice and the
nonpaying data contained in it. See "Invoicing for Hierarchical Bill Units".
A typical invoice includes this information:
Charge summary and usage details. The breakdown of usage charges includes the gross
usage charges and applicable discounts and taxes. For example, if the net usage charge
is $355.08, the invoice document displays the breakdown as: Gross Charge: 348,
Discount: (25.20), and Tax: 32.28.
Service usage details.
Past due amount details from the previous bill.
Hierarchical account details.
Promotion names.
A/R actions having currency or noncurrency impact, such as adjustment, dispute,
settlement, and write-off details.
You can customize the content of invoices; for example, include a customer service
phone number. You can also use templates to customize the appearance of the
You can also customize, enrich, and present BRM invoices by using the capabilities of
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher. See "Designing and Generating Invoices in
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher".
About the Invoicing Process
Use the pin_inv_accts utility to generate regular invoices for regular bills and
corrective invoices for corrective bills.
For regular bills, run invoicing each day for accounts that had a regular bill created by
the pin_bill_accts utility.
If you miss any billing days, the pin_inv_accts utility still generates invoices for
accounts whose billing day was missed. This is because the pin_bill_accts utility
creates bills for the missed billing days, and the pin_inv_accts utility generates
invoices for those bills as shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1 Invoices Created when Running pin_inv_accts
For corrective bills, you run generate a corrective invoice when you create the
corrective bill using the pin_make_corrective_bill utility.
BRM performs the following operations to generate invoices:
1. BRM creates a bill for each account bill unit when it runs the pin_bill_accts utility
as part of the daily billing script. BRM needs a bill before generating an invoice.
2. BRM generates an invoice for each bill.
3. BRM stores all invoices either in the BRM database schema that contains the
invoiced accounts or in a separate invoice-only schema that you set up.
Chapter 1
About Invoices
After an invoice is generated:
You can display the invoice in Billing Care, Customer Center, and Self-Care Manager.
The invoice's format is based on a template you create and load.
You can send the invoice to your customer in email, or as a printed invoice.
You can export the invoice as an XML, HTML, or DOC1 file.
Understanding Invoice Layout
The invoice examples used here are based on the invoice template for individual accounts
provided in the BRM-BI Publisher integration package.
By default, the invoice document presents charges in primary currency. However, all
the relevant charges details are available in secondary currency in the /invoice
object. You can customize the RTF files associated with the layout templates to
display the charges details in secondary currency.
The layout of a typical invoice generated using BRM-Business Intelligence Publisher
integration application displays details in the following sections:
Standard Details
This section of the invoice includes the following information:
Basic bill information, such as invoice date, invoice number, account number, due date,
and bill period. The invoice displays this bill-related information on all the pages.
Customer information, such as name and billing address. For hierarchical accounts, the
invoice displays parent account information in this section.
Amount due, which is a sum of past amount due, current charges, payments, and
Summary of current charges, which is a sum of different types of service usage charges,
other charges and credits, and taxes and surcharges. If a customer has used different
types of services, such as GSM and ADSL, this section displays the summary of current
charges for GSM and ADSL services separately.
A URL for online payments and a support phone number to resolve customer queries.
Payment slip, which the customer needs to detach from the invoice and returns when
making the payment.
Adjustment, Payment, Promotion, and Other Charges and Credits Details
This section of the invoice includes the following details:
Adjustment details: This section displays the adjustments that the customer service
representative (CSR) performs on the customer account. The invoice displays the type of
adjustment, date on which the adjustment was done, amount adjusted, and the reason
for adjustment.
Chapter 1
Understanding Invoice Layout
Payment details: This section displays the payment type, date on which payment
is made, payment amount, and the reason for the payment. For example, if the
customer has made a cash payment of $15, the Amount column displays (15).
Promotion details: This section displays a list of promotions offered by the
service provider. It displays promotion-related details, such as promotion name,
promotion validity period, and current status of promotion. For more information on
promotions, see "Adding Siebel CRM Promotion Names to Invoices".
Other charges and credits details: This section displays information related to
dispute, refund, settlement, write-off, and write-off reversal.
Charge Details
For consumer accounts, this section of the invoice displays the usage charge details
for a particular phone number. If the user has multiple phone numbers, different
sections for each phone number display the charge details corresponding to that
number. For an account that has a paying parent bill unit, the invoice displays the total
charges for each nonpaying child bill unit.
This section of the invoice also displays package, service, bundle, and charge offer
details used by the customer.
If no device (phone number) is associated with a service, the charge details
are displayed under Non Device details section.
Balance Details: Includes the details of noncurrency balances available for a
service type. For example, it can display the number of free seconds available for
the GSM telephony service type.
Charge Summary: Displays total charges, which is a sum of recurring charges,
one-time charge, taxes and surcharges, and total discounts.
Usage Summary: Displays the service usage for different services.
After the summary information section, the invoice displays itemized usage details
based on service type. For example, for telephony and SMS services used, the
invoice displays two sections for telephony and SMS usage. By default, the invoice
displays the rounded-off value of event usage. To display the exact usage duration
in the invoice, you can customize the charge offer so that the usage event is
populated with the exact net quantity.
The discount and tax break up details are available in the invoice data
generated in XML format. However, the invoice document in PDF does
not display these details in the Usage Summary section.
Chapter 1
Understanding Invoice Layout
About Localized Invoices
You can create localized invoices in BRM, as follows:
Use UTF8 encoding for hard-coded text strings in XSLT or HTML invoice templates, such
as table titles.
Specify the BRM locale when loading your invoice template. See "Loading Invoice
You can also use DOC1 from Group 1 Software, Inc., to create localized invoices. For
information, see the DOC1 documentation.
Chapter 1
About Localized Invoices
Designing Invoices
In Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM), you design the
appearance of an invoice by creating templates.
Topics in this document:
About Designing Invoice Templates
Designing XSLT Invoice Templates
Designing HTML Invoice Templates
Designing Hyperlinked Invoice Templates
Loading Invoice Templates
Switching between XSLT and HTML Templates
About Designing Invoice Templates
To design the appearance of an invoice, you create a template.
By default, BRM uses a HTML template (BRM_home/sys/data/config/
pin_invoice_template.html). You can define your own template in one of these formats:
XSLT style sheets: This is the most flexible and powerful option for designing invoices.
HTML files: You can create your own HTML template or modify an HTML template that
BRM provides.
Hyperlinked Invoice Templates: Use hyperlinked invoice templates to display invoices
for large bill unit hierarchies with better memory efficiency.
If you use a third-party invoice application, you do not need to create an invoice template.
You export the invoice data to the external tool. See "Exporting Invoices".
After you create or modify a style sheet, you load it into the BRM database by using the
"pin_load_invoice_template" utility. See "Loading Invoice Templates".
Designing XSLT Invoice Templates
BRM uses XSLT style sheets and an XSLT processor to generate HTML invoices that can be
displayed in Billing Care, Customer Center, or a Web browser.
By default, BRM supports the Xalan XSLT processor. If you want to use a different
XSLT processor, you need to write the implementation for that processor and
configure it for BRM. For more information on using custom processors, contact
BRM provides two sample style sheets, located in BRM_home/sys/data/config/
sample1.xsl: This is the default BRM invoice template.
You can use or edit these style sheets or create your own XSLT style sheet with a
third-party XSLT editor.
You can use an XML version of an invoice as the basis for creating the style sheet. To
export an invoice to XML, see "Exporting Invoices".
Use the PCM_OP_INV_POL_FORMAT_INVOICE_XSLT opcode to customize XSLT
invoices. See BRM Opcode Guide.
Turning on XSLT Style Sheet Processing
If you use XSLT style sheet templates, you need to run the BRM invoice formatter to
enable invoices to display. The formatter is a Java process that takes XML data and an
XSLT style sheet and generates an HTML invoice.
To run the invoice formatter, enter the following command at the command prompt:
Designing HTML Invoice Templates
You design HTML invoice templates by using an HTML editor. You can use the HTML
template provided with BRM as a starting point (BRM_home/sys/data/config/
An HTML template needs to include these variables, which are in the default template:
When invoices are generated, data replaces the variables. To add variables, modify
the PCM_OP_INV_POL_FORMAT_INVOICE_HTML policy opcode. See BRM Opcode
Guide for more information.
Designing Hyperlinked Invoice Templates
BRM uses hyperlinked invoice templates to display invoices for large bill unit
hierarchies with better memory efficiency. With hyperlinked invoice templates, you can
easily navigate the invoice using a hyperlinked table of contents.
Chapter 2
Designing HTML Invoice Templates
Hyperlinked-invoice-template mode uses FTP delivery to create hyperlink text within
PDF files for invoices, because hyperlink text must point to local files and not to
links within the BI Publisher server.
To configure hyperlinked invoice templates:
1. Back up the BI Publisher repository, which has a defaulted location of BIP_Home/
2. Load the stored procedures. See "Loading Stored Procedures for Hyperlinked Invoice
Templates Reports".
3. Configure the bursting data source and query by setting up the data model configuration
for hyperlinked invoice templates. See "Setting Up the Data Model for Hyperlinked
Invoice Templates".
4. Set up the hyperlinked invoice templates. See "Setting Up the Hyperlinked Invoice
5. Add the hyperlink path prefix to repository/Reports/BRM_Invoices/
BRM_Bursting_Invoice_Report.xdo/xdo.cfg. See "Modifying the Hyperlink Path
Loading Stored Procedures for Hyperlinked Invoice Templates Reports
To load the stored procedures:
1. Go to BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen directory.
2. Run the following command, which starts SQL*Plus:
sqlplus login@database_alias
Enter password: password
login is the login name to use for connecting to the BRM database.
database_alias is the BRM database alias.
password is the encrypted password for login.
3. Run the following command:
The stored procedure is loaded.
4. Type exit to exit SQL*Plus.
Setting Up the Data Model for Hyperlinked Invoice Templates
To set up the hyperlinked invoice template data model:
Chapter 2
Designing Hyperlinked Invoice Templates
1. Go to BIP_home/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/config/
bipublisher/repository/ directory.
where BIP_home is the directory in which BI Publisher is installed.
If you do not use BIP_home/user_projects/domains/
bifoundation_domain/config/bipublisher/repository/ as your
repository, navigate to your new repository at this time.
2. Search for the following:
Rename it to the following:
3. Search for the following:
Rename it to the following:
4. Open the _datamodel.xdm file and edit the following:
is your FTP server name
is your FTP destination directory
5. Save and close the file.
Setting Up the Hyperlinked Invoice Templates
To set up the hyperlinked invoice templates:
1. Go to the BIP_home/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/config/
BRM_Bursting_Invoice_Report.xdo directory.
2. Search for the following:
Rename it to the following:
3. Search for the following:
Rename it to the following:
Chapter 2
Designing Hyperlinked Invoice Templates
4. Search for the following:
Rename it to the following:
5. Search for the following:
Rename it to the following:
6. Search for the following:
Rename it to the following:
7. Search for the following:
Rename it to the following:
You can also load HIT.rtf templates within the BI Publisher server.
8. In the xdo.cfg file, edit the following:
<property name="fo-external-link-base-url">file
is your FTP remote destination directory.
9. Save and close the file.
10. Restart the BI Publisher server.
Modifying the Hyperlink Path Prefix
BI Publisher creates hyperlinks within PDF files. The defaulted directory is in the BI Publisher
hierarchy, inaccessible to other users wishing to access the hyperlink. To make these
hyperlinks accessible, modify the hyperlink path prefix.
To modify the hyperlink path prefix:
1. Open the repository/Reports/BRM_Invoices/
BRM_Bursting_Invoice_Report.xdo/xdo.cfg file in a text editor.
2. In the xdo.cfg file, add your desired hyperlink path prefix. For example:
Chapter 2
Designing Hyperlinked Invoice Templates
ftpinvoices is the prefix for the hyperlink path.
filename is the name of the PDF file.
3. Save and close the file.
4. Copy PDF files that are intended for viewing on another machine in the same
directory structure as the source. Alternatively, edit the xdo.cfg file so that the final
directory path matches the machine intended for viewing.
5. To allow hyperlinked invoice templates to split PDFs and hyperlinks, set thresholds
in /config/business_param and do the following:
For normal invoicing, run pin_inv_accts with the -hierarchy flag. For
- pin_inv_accts -verbose -hierarchy
- pin_inv_accts -verbose -pay_type 10001
For trial invoicing, run pin_trial_bill_accts with the -paytype parameter. For
- pin_trial_bill_accts -start xxx -end yyy -pay_type 10007
- pin_trial_bill_accts -start xxx -end yyy -pay_type 10001
Loading Invoice Templates
After creating your template, you need to load it into the BRM database by using the
pin_load_invoice_template utility.
To load an invoice template:
1. Go to a directory that contains a valid configuration file.
pin_load_invoice_template uses information in the configuration file to connect
to the BRM database. See "Connecting BRM Utilities" in BRM System
Administrator's Guide.
2. To load an XSLT style sheet, enter:
pin_load_invoice_template -brand " 1"-type text/html -locale
locale_name -template filename -usexsl
locale_name is the BRM locale of the template. See "Locale Names" in BRM
Developer's Guide.
filename is the name and full path of the template file.
For example, this is the command to load the English template sample1.xsl for
the root account:
pin_load_invoice_template -brand " 1" -type text/html -locale
en_US -template /opt/portal/sys/data/config/sample1.xsl -usexsl
3. To load an HTML template, enter:
pin_load_invoice_template -brand " 1"-type HTML -locale
locale_name -template filename
Chapter 2
Loading Invoice Templates
locale_name is the BRM locale of the template. See "Locale Names" in BRM
Developer's Guide.
filename is the name and full path of the template file.
For example, this is the command to load the English template
pin_invoice_template.html for the root account:
pin_load_invoice_template -brand " 1" -type HTML -locale en_US -
template /opt/portal/sys/data/config/pin_invoice_template.html
Switching between XSLT and HTML Templates
You can switch between using an XSLT template and using an HTML template without
loading a new template.
To switch to an XSLT template, enter:
pin_load_invoice_template -brand " 1"-usexsl
To switch to an HTML template, enter:
pin_load_invoice_template -brand " 1"
Chapter 2
Switching between XSLT and HTML Templates
Customizing Invoice Content
In Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM), you can customize the
content that is included in your customers' invoices.
Topics in this document:
Grouping Items By Service Type
Including Payment, A/R, and Tax Details in Invoices
Including Shadow Event Adjustment Details in Invoices
Including Soft Descriptors in Invoices
Aggregating Taxes on Invoices
Using Invoice Templates That Display Promotion Names
Defining Multiple Invoices for One Customer
Using an /invoice Subclass
To customize the data displayed in invoices, use the PCM_OP_INV_POL_PREP_INVOICE
policy opcode. See "Including Custom Data in Invoices" in BRM Opcode Guide.
Grouping Items By Service Type
You can group items by service on invoices. To enable this feature:
1. Open the CM configuration file (BRM_home/sys/cm/pin.conf).
2. To enable service-centric invoicing, set the value of service_centric_invoice to 1, as
- fm_inv_pol service_centric_invoice 1
To disable service-centric invoicing, enter 0.
3. Save and close the file.
4. Stop and restart the CM.
In the invoicing business profile, if the EnableInvoicingIntegration config business
parameter is enabled, ensure that in BRM_home/sys/cm/pin.conf, the
service_centric_invoice entry is commented. By default, the
service_centric_invoice entry is commented. If this entry is not commented, you
can view the invoice document in Billing Care or Customer Center only, and not in
the BI Publisher client.
Including Payment, A/R, and Tax Details in Invoices
You can specify details about customer's payments, A/R, and tax details. To do so,
create a list of the events you want to include, and then use the
pin_load_invoice_events utility to load that list of event types. See
"pin_load_invoice_events" for details.
To include details in the invoice:
1. Open the events.file file (BRM_home/sys/data/config/events.file).
2. Edit the file to add the event details you want to include in the invoice. See "A/R
Events That Can Be In Invoices".
3. Load events.file by using the following command:
pin_load_invoice_events -brand " 1"-eventfile file
where file is the name of the events.file file.
4. To verify that the event types were loaded, you can display the /config/
invoice_events object by using Object Browser, or use the robj command with
the testnap utility. See "Reading an Object and Writing Its Contents to a File" in
BRM Developer's Guide.
A/R Events That Can Be In Invoices
To include adjustment details in the invoice, include these events in the events.file file
(if not already present):
To include payment details in the invoice, include these events in the events.file file (if
not already present):
To include payment reversal details in the invoice, include these events in the
events.file file (if not already present):
Chapter 3
Including Payment, A/R, and Tax Details in Invoices
To include write-off-related events, include these events in the events.file file (if not already
To include refund-related events, include these events in the events.file file (if not already
To include write-off reversal events, include these events in the events.file file (if not already
To include dispute and settlement details in the invoice, include these events in the
events.file file (if not already present):
Chapter 3
Including Payment, A/R, and Tax Details in Invoices
To include tax-related information for the summary invoice, include /event/billing/
cycle/tax in the events.file file.
To include any custom event, include the custom event in the events.file. For
example, you can include /event/billing/cycle/tax/federal event to the events.files.
Including Shadow Event Adjustment Details in Invoices
Shadow events show the results of an adjustment. When recording a shadow event,
you can customize your invoice to either show the adjustment details or show only the
result of shadow event adjustments in the end balance.
Shadow events are also created by the BRM rerating process. You use the same
configuration entry to show shadow event details for both adjustments and rerating.
Therefore, to display adjustment details, you must also display rerating details, and
vice versa.
To set the shadow event invoice details entry:
1. Open the CM configuration file (BRM_home/sys/cm/pin.conf).
2. Set the following entry to 1.
- fm_inv_pol show_rerate_details 0
The default is 0.
3. Save and close the file.
4. Stop and restart the CM.
Including Soft Descriptors in Invoices
You can add soft descriptors, which contain information to help customers recognize
charges to credit card and checking account statements. Soft descriptors are available
for Paymentech direct debit and credit card processing. The following soft descriptors
can be added to customer statements:
Your DBA (doing business as) name
Your product name
Your customer service phone number (instead of your headquarters city)
There are two ways to add soft descriptor information:
Configure the BRM_home/sys/dm_fusa/pin.conf configuration file. See "Adding
Soft Descriptor Information to Customer Statements" in BRM Configuring and
Collecting Payments.
Modify the policy source file for the PCM_OP_PYMT_POL_PRE_COLLECT policy
opcode. See "Adding Soft Descriptors to Invoices" in BRM Opcode Guide.
Aggregating Taxes on Invoices
You can create invoices that aggregate taxes for each tax supplier and, within each tax
supplier, for each tax code. By default, taxes are not aggregated on invoices.
Chapter 3
Including Shadow Event Adjustment Details in Invoices
To enable this feature, run the pin_bus_params utility to change the ADSTTaxHandle
business parameter. For information about this utility, see BRM Developer's Guide.
To aggregate taxes on your invoices:
1. Go to BRM_home/sys/data/config.
2. Create an XML file from the /config/business_params object:
pin_bus_params -r BusParamsInvoicing bus_params_Invoicing.xml
3. In the file, change disabled to enabled:
4. Save the file as bus_params_Invoicing.xml.
5. Load the XML file into the BRM database:
pin_bus_params bus_params_Invoicing.xml
6. Stop and restart the CM.
7. (Multischema systems only) Run the pin_multidb script with the -R CONFIG parameter.
For more information, see BRM System Administrator's Guide.
Using Invoice Templates That Display Promotion Names
To display promotion names and details, your invoices must use a template that includes a
space holder for promotion details. The default sample1.xsl template is preconfigured to
display promotion names and details. You can use this XSL template or create your own
To view promotion details on invoices, perform one of the following:
Use the default sample1.xsl invoice template. If your system uses multiple invoice
templates, you can switch to the XSL template by using the pin_load_invoice_template
utility. See "Switching between XSLT and HTML Templates".
Modify your custom XSL invoice template to display promotion name details, and then
load the template into the database. See "Designing XSLT Invoice Templates".
Customize the pin_invoice_template.html template by using the
Defining Multiple Invoices for One Customer
You can define multiple invoices for one customer by identifying each invoice with a unique
invoice name. This enables you to assign a specific invoice to a specific bill unit in a
customer's account.
For example, a customer wants the invoice for one bill sent to a home address and the
invoice for another bill sent to a business address. You can set up two invoices: one with an
invoice name of "Home" that contains the customer's home address information, and one
with an invoice name of "Work" that contains the customer's work address information.
Chapter 3
Using Invoice Templates That Display Promotion Names
At any time, you can have only one invoice assigned to a customer account.
You can select the invoice type from a list of invoices defined for a customer.
To assign an invoice ID to an invoice, do either of the following:
Use Billing Care or Customer Center to set the Invoice payment method ID value
of an invoice. You access this field from the Payment Options dialog box when
setting up a new payment method for an account during account creation or
account maintenance.
Use a custom CRM system to pass the invoice name in the input flist of
Using an /invoice Subclass
If you add a subclass to the /invoice object and want to use the subclass for invoicing,
you must specify the subclass type. You can do this in either of the following ways:
Specify the invoice object database number and type in the
PIN_FLD_INVOICE_OBJ field in the /payinfo storable class. Then, using testnap,
change the invoice_obj_type in the payinfo_t table to the subclass type.
Edit the CM configuration file (BRM_home/sys/cm/pin.conf) by doing the
1. In the Invoice_db entry, add the subclass extension name to /invoice.
This entry is read during account creation time. Changing it has no
effect on existing accounts. If you want the /invoice storable
subclass to apply to existing accounts, you must use the previous
method instead.
2. Change the following line:
-fm_cust_pol invoice_db /invoice 0
To this:
-fm_cust_pol invoice_db /invoice/extension_name -1
This entry is not in the CM pin.conf file by default unless you install
the Invoice Data Manager (dm_invoice). You can, however, add the
entry yourself.
Chapter 3
Using an /invoice Subclass
Invoicing for Hierarchical Bill Units
Learn how to use invoicing with hierarchical bill units in Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management (BRM).
Topics in this document:
About Invoicing for Hierarchical Bill Units
About Viewing Invoices for Accounts That Have Nonpaying Bill Units
Setting Defaults for Hierarchical Bill Unit Invoices
Sending Child Account Invoices to the Parent Account's Email Address
About Invoicing for Hierarchical Bill Units
When the pin_inv_accts utility processes bills for a bill unit hierarchy, it searches the BRM
database for the nonpaying child bill units whose paying parent bill units are members of the
hierarchy and generates their invoices automatically.
You can set threshold values to ensure system performance is not decreased while
processing invoices for large bill unit hierarchies. The threshold values set the maximum
number of nonpaying child bill units that can be rolled up to the paying parent bill unit and
processed for invoicing.
If the value of the /bill object's PIN_FLD_AR_HIERARCHY_SIZE field is greater than the
threshold value, the parent account's invoice includes information from only the paying parent
bill unit.
If the number of nonpaying bill units is less than or equal to the threshold, the parent bill unit's
invoice includes nonpaying child bill unit information.
If bill suppression is enabled on an account that contains paying parent bill units
and the nonpaying child bill units threshold is exceeded, invoicing fails. This occurs
because nonpaying bill units, which use the bill number of the account that owns
their paying parent bill unit, are generated even when billing for the parent account
is suppressed. In such cases, they do not contain bill numbers, which invoices
require. To exclude invoicing for these bills, run pin_inv_accts with the -
skip_blank_billnos parameter. (Nonpaying child bill units contain bill numbers only
when the account that owns their paying parent bill unit is billed.)
For information on setting the threshold values, see "Setting Defaults for Hierarchical Bill Unit
About Viewing Invoices for Accounts That Have Nonpaying
Bill Units
If you open an account that has a nonpaying bill unit in Billing Care or Customer
Center and then run Bill Now, the account's bill and invoice for the nonpaying child bill
unit can be viewed only in the information page of the account that owns the paying
parent bill unit.
When pin_inv_accts runs, it generates invoices for accounts with nonpaying bill units.
You can view these invoices in Billing Care, Customer Center, and Self-Care Manager.
In Self-Care Manager, invoices can be viewed only for the account that is logged in.
Setting Defaults for Hierarchical Bill Unit Invoices
BRM automatically generates invoices for each paying parent bill unit and each
nonpaying child bill unit in a bill unit hierarchy. For example, if a bill unit hierarchy
contains a paying parent bill unit that has two nonpaying child bill units, BRM
generates three invoices: one for the parent bill unit and one for each nonpaying child
bill unit.
You can configure whether invoices for paying parent bill units also include information
from nonpaying child bill units by running the pin_bus_params utility to change the
SubARItemsIncluded business parameter. For information about this utility, see BRM
Developer's Guide. Specifically, you can configure the following:
Whether nonpaying A/R items are displayed on a paying parent bill unit's invoice.
The maximum number of nonpaying child bill units that can be included in a paying
parent bill unit's summary invoice.
When the number of nonpaying child bill units is less than the maximum, all
nonpaying bill units are included on the parent's summary invoice. When the
number of nonpaying child bill units exceeds the maximum, none of the nonpaying
bill units is included on the paying parent's invoice.
The maximum number of nonpaying bill units that can be included in a paying
parent bill unit's detailed invoice.
When the number of nonpaying child bill units is less than the maximum, the
parent's detailed invoice lists the items and events for all nonpaying bill units.
When the number of nonpaying child bill units exceeds the maximum, the paying
parent's detailed invoice does not include nonpaying bill unit data.
To specify whether nonpaying details are displayed on paying parent invoices:
1. Go to BRM_home/sys/data/config.
2. Create an XML file from the /config/business_params object:
pin_bus_params -r BusParamsInvoicing bus_params_Invoicing.xml
3. Specify whether to display A/R items for each nonpaying bill unit on paying parent
Set the SubArItemsIncluded entry to enabled to display nonpaying A/R items on
paying parent invoices and to disabled to display only parent A/R items on parent
Chapter 4
About Viewing Invoices for Accounts That Have Nonpaying Bill Units
4. Set the threshold for summary invoices:
Change 0 to the number of nonpaying child bill units allowed in a paying parent's
summary invoice:
If the threshold value is exceeded, the paying parent summary invoice does not contain
the nonpaying bill unit data.
A value of 0 means that BRM does not check the size of the account hierarchy,
and the paying parent's summary invoice automatically includes all nonpaying
bill unit data.
5. Set the threshold for detailed invoices:
Change 0 to the number of nonpaying child bill units allowed in a paying parent's detailed
If the number of nonpaying bill units exceeds the threshold value, the paying parent's
detailed invoice includes only the parent bill unit's details.
A value of 0 means that BRM does not check the size of the account hierarchy,
and the paying parent's account summary invoice automatically includes all
nonpaying bill unit data.
6. Save the file as bus_params_Invoicing.xml.
7. Load the XML file into the BRM database:
pin_bus_params bus_params_Invoicing.xml
8. Stop and restart the CM.
9. (Multischema systems only) Run the pin_multidb script with the -R CONFIG parameter.
For more information, see BRM System Administrator's Guide.
You do not need to restart the CM to enable these entries.
For more information on invoicing thresholds, see "About Invoicing for Hierarchical Bill Units".
Sending Child Account Invoices to the Parent Account's Email
By default, invoices for nonpaying child bill units are consolidated into the invoice for their
paying parent bill unit and sent to the email address of the parent bill unit's account. To
handle cases where the parent invoice is not consolidated and individual invoices exist for
Chapter 4
Sending Child Account Invoices to the Parent Account's Email Address
each nonpaying bill unit, you can configure pin_inv_send to send all nonpaying bill
unit invoices to the email address of the parent invoice's account:
1. Open the invoice configuration file (BRM_home/apps/pin_inv/pin.conf).
2. Change the value of the send_sub_inv_2_parent entry to 1 and make sure it is
not commented.
3. Save and close the file.
Chapter 4
Sending Child Account Invoices to the Parent Account's Email Address
Adding Siebel CRM Promotion Names to
Learn how to add Siebel promotion names to your customers' invoices in Oracle
Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).
Topics in this document:
Adding Siebel CRM Promotion Names to Invoices
How BRM Adds Siebel CRM Promotion Names
Setting Up BRM Invoices to Display Siebel CRM Promotion Names
Specifying Whether BRM Displays Promotion Details on Invoices
Adding Siebel CRM Promotion Names to Invoices
Promotions are marketing bundles that contain multiple Siebel products and services, often at
reduced prices. When customers order promotions, their invoices, by default, display the
Siebel products and services that come with the promotion, but the invoice does not display
the promotion name itself. This could be confusing to customers and make them wonder if
they are being billed correctly. If your BRM system uses Siebel CRM and the Application
Integration Architecture (AIA), you can set up your system to display Siebel CRM promotion
names on customer invoices.
When your system is configured to display promotion names, customer invoices display all
promotions that are active, were inactivated, or were canceled during the billing cycle in
which the invoice is generated. For example, if a customer switched from promotion A to
promotion B in January, the customer's January invoice would display both promotion A and
promotion B.
To manage promotions, your customer service representatives (CSRs) must be able to
perform the following tasks in Siebel CRM:
Add a promotion to a customer's account.
Modify a customer's existing promotion.
Transfer an existing promotion from one account to another.
Inactivate a customer's existing promotion.
Cancel a customer's existing promotion.
Apply promotions to child accounts in an account hierarchy.
Parent accounts can share their promotions with a child account only if
the child account owns the charge offers and discount offers associated
with the parent's promotion.
You implement this functionality by customizing Siebel CRM to send data through AIA
to the PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_BUNDLE opcode. See BRM Opcode Guide.
How BRM Adds Siebel CRM Promotion Names
When a customer orders a promotion, CSRs enter information about the order in
Siebel CRM, which passes the information through AIA to BRM. For each promotion
ordered by an account, BRM:
Creates a /purchased_bundle object, which stores information about the
promotion, such as the promotion's name, validity dates, and status.
Associates the promotion with the charge offers and discount offers it is bundled
with by setting the PIN_FLD_PLAN_OBJ field of the account's /
purchased_product and /purchased_discount objects to the /
purchased_bundle POID.
When BRM generates invoices, it retrieves all of the account's purchased charge
offers and discount offers (/purchased_product and /purchased_discount objects)
and, if they are associated with a promotion that is active, was inactivated, or was
canceled during the current billing cycle, the /purchased_bundle object as well.
Setting Up BRM Invoices to Display Siebel CRM Promotion
To include Siebel CRM promotion names on BRM invoices, perform these tasks:
Make sure BRM is configured to display promotion details on invoices. It is
configured to display promotion details by default. See "Specifying Whether BRM
Displays Promotion Details on Invoices".
Customize Siebel CRM to pass information to the
Use an invoice template that displays promotion names and details. See "Using
Invoice Templates That Display Promotion Names".
If you configure BRM to exclude package, bundle, and charge offer
pricing details from invoices, the invoice will not display Siebel CRM
promotion names. See "Improving Performance by Removing Invoice
Details You Do Not Need".
Chapter 5
How BRM Adds Siebel CRM Promotion Names
Specifying Whether BRM Displays Promotion Details on
When BRM generates invoices, it performs, by default, an additional search for any
promotion details associated with each account. All promotion details that are found are
stored in the account's /invoice object and displayed on the invoice.
You can enable and disable this search:
When the search for promotion details is enabled, BRM searches for and displays on
invoices details about the account's current promotions.
When the search for promotion details is disabled, promotion details are not displayed on
To configure this feature, run the pin_bus_params utility to change the
PromotionDetailDisplay business parameter. For information about this utility, see BRM
Developer's Guide.
To specify whether BRM invoices displays promotion names:
1. Go to BRM_home/sys/data/config.
2. Create an XML file from the /config/business_params object:
pin_bus_params -r BusParamsInvoicing bus_params_Invoicing.xml
3. In the file, change disabled to enabled:
4. Save the file as bus_params_Invoicing.xml.
5. Load the XML file into the BRM database:
pin_bus_params bus_params_Invoicing.xml
6. Stop and restart the CM.
7. (Multischema systems only) Run the pin_multidb script with the -R CONFIG parameter.
For more information, see BRM System Administrator's Guide.
To add, modify, inactivate, or cancel promotions, you must customize Siebel CRM to accept
the following information and pass it to the PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_BUNDLE
opcode. See BRM Opcode Guide for more information.
Chapter 5
Specifying Whether BRM Displays Promotion Details on Invoices
Including Invoice Data from Custom
Learn how to include invoice data from custom applications in your customers' invoices in
Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).
Topics in this document:
Including Invoice Data from Custom Applications
Using Data Map Templates
Loading the Invoice Data Map Templates
See also:
Customizing Invoice Content
Adding Siebel CRM Promotion Names to Invoices
Including Invoice Data from Custom Applications
If you process events that originate in a custom application, you can create a template to
specify the event invoice data so that it can be included in your invoices.
BRM provides a default template file (pin_invoice_data_map) located in BRM_home/sys/
data/config. This file includes a default template for invoice data. You can modify the
template or add new templates to the file.
To use this feature, you must do the following:
Load the new invoice data template. See "Loading the Invoice Data Map Templates".
Enable event caching in the CM configuration file. See "Improving Performance by
Customizing Event Caching" for information.
Using Data Map Templates
Templates in the pin_invoice_data_map file define the fields in invoice data records. If you
use different invoice record formats, you can create a template for each record format. The
data map file can include any number of templates.
When you define templates, you specify the BRM flist fields that map to the invoice record
fields. When the invoice data is processed, the fields are passed in an flist to the invoicing
opcodes for processing.
The default template defines the invoice data. You can modify the template or create new
To create or modify templates in the pin_invoice_data_map file:
1. Open the BRM_home/data/config/pin_invoice_data_map file.
2. Change the template or add a new template to the end of the file. Use the
following syntax:
ID template_name
field_level field_name
field_level field_name
field_level field_name
template_name is the name of the template.
field_level is the level of the field in the flist.
field_name is the associated BRM field.
For example:
. . .
3. Save and close the file.
The order of the fields in the template must correspond to the order of the fields in the
invoice record. Any custom invoice data records that you process must follow these
Fields must be separated by a pound symbol: #
Arrays and substructs must be enclosed in angle brackets: < >
Each balance impact element must end with a pipe symbol: |
The pipe is optional after the last element.
The first field in the record must be the name of the corresponding invoice data
template and be preceded by the @ symbol.
For example: @INTEGRATE
The template name in the record must match the template name in the
load_pin_invoice_data_map file.
Loading the Invoice Data Map Templates
After defining invoice data map templates, you load them into the BRM database by
running the load_pin_invoice_data_map utility.
Chapter 6
Loading the Invoice Data Map Templates
When you run load_pin_invoice_data_map, it overwrites the existing invoice
data templates. If you are updating a set of templates, you cannot load new
templates only. You must load complete sets of invoice data templates each
time you run the utility.
To connect to the BRM database, load_pin_invoice_data_map needs a
configuration file in the directory from which you run the utility. See "Connecting
BRM Utilities" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.
If you defined a custom field for invoicing, you must add the full path name of
the mapping file to the load_pin_invoice_data_map utility's pin.conf file. For
more information, see "Making Custom Fields Available to Your Applications" in
BRM Developer's Guide.
To load the data map templates:
1. Go to the directory that contains the utility's configuration file.
2. Run load_pin_invoice_data_map to load the data map template by using this syntax:
load_pin_invoice_data_map -d -v pin_invoice_data_map
Chapter 6
Loading the Invoice Data Map Templates
Generating Invoices
Learn how to generate invoices in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management
Topics in this document:
Generating Invoices Automatically
Generating Invoices Manually
Generating Detailed Invoices from an External File
Generating Invoices for Non-Invoice Payment Methods
Exporting Invoices
To customize how invoices are generated, use the
opcodes. See "Invoice Opcode Workflows" in BRM Opcode Guide.
Generating Invoices Automatically
Typically, you generate invoices automatically as part of running the pin_bill_day billing
script. This script runs several utilities, including pin_inv_accts, the invoicing utility. For more
information on pin_bill_day, see BRM Configuring and Running Billing.
If you configured BRM to use a separate database schema for invoices, pin_inv_accts uses
dm_invoice to store invoices in the separate schema. See "Storing Invoices in a Separate
Database Schema".
Generating Invoices Manually
To generate invoices manually:
1. Run the other billing utilities.
For information about the other utilities, see "About the Billing Utilities" in BRM
Configuring and Running Billing.
2. (Optional) To store invoices in their own database schema, follow the procedures in
"Storing Invoices in a Separate Database Schema".
3. Go to a directory with a valid invoicing configuration file. See "Connecting BRM Utilities"
in BRM System Administrator's Guide.
4. Run pin_inv_accts and specify any necessary parameters. For example, to generate
detailed invoices for bills that have the summary flag set, use the -detail parameter.
If bill suppression is enabled on an account that has a paying parent bill
unit and the nonpaying bill unit threshold of an account that owns the
corresponding nonpaying child bill unit is exceeded, invoicing fails. This
occurs because nonpaying child bill units, which use the bill number of
their paying parent bill unit, are generated even when billing for the
parent bill unit is suppressed. In such cases, they do not contain bill
numbers, which invoices require. To exclude invoicing for these bills, run
pin_inv_accts with the -skip_blank_billnos parameter. (Nonpaying
child bill units contain bill numbers only when their paying parent bill unit
is billed.) See "Invoicing for Hierarchical Bill Units".
For more information on the syntax and parameters for pin_inv_accts, see
Generating Detailed Invoices from an External File
To generate detailed invoices from bills contained in an external file, run
pin_inv_accts with the -file parameter:
pin_inv_accts -file filename
The file contents must be in pin_flist format. For example:
1 PIN_FLD_POID POID [0] /bill 26011 0
1 PIN_FLD_POID POID [0] /bill 26091 0
For more information, see "About Formats for Storing Invoices".
This operation overwrites the PIN_FLD_INVOICE_OBJ value in the /bill object.
When pin_inv_accts processes bills for parent accounts in account
hierarchies, it searches BRM for the nonpaying child bill units whose paying
parent bill units are owned by the parent accounts and generates their
invoices automatically. In general, the file should not contain the bills for
nonpaying bill units; however, if they are present, invoices for the nonpaying
bill units are generated.
Generating Invoices for Non-Invoice Payment Methods
To generate invoices for non-invoice payment methods, run pin_inv_accts with the -
pay_type parameter:
pin_inv_accts -pay_type payment_method_ID
where payment_method_ID is the element ID of the payment method.
Chapter 7
Generating Detailed Invoices from an External File
For a list of payment methods and their element IDs, see "Default Payment Methods" in BRM
Configuring and Collecting Payments.
For example, to generate invoices for credit cards, run the utility with the following command:
pin_inv_accts -pay_type 10003
This generates detailed invoices. To generate summary invoices, customize the
PCM_OP_INV_POL_SELECT policy opcode to pass the summary value in the
PIN_FLD_FLAGS field on its input flist (PIN_FLD_FLAGS = 0x0002). You can also
run pin_inv_accts with -summary parameter to generate summary invoices. See
"Invoice Opcode Workflows" in BRM Opcode Guide for more information.
Exporting Invoices
You can export the invoices in your database to files in any of these formats: pin_flist, XML,
HTML, or DOC1.
In addition, you can export detailed invoices for accounts that are set up to receive summary
invoices, and you can export invoices for a list of bills in an external file.
If you use DOC1 invoice software, you can export BRM invoices in DOC1 format
and then open them in the DOC1 program.
To export invoices to files:
1. Open the invoicing configuration file (BRM_home/apps/pin_inv/pin.conf) and find the
pin_inv_export entries.
2. If you are exporting to a format other than pin_flist, edit the invoice_fmt entry. Enter one
of the following that corresponds to the format you want to use for the invoice files:
For example, to create HTML invoice files, enter:
- pin_inv_export invoice_fmt text/html
If you do not edit this entry, pin_inv_export creates files in pin_flist format.
Chapter 7
Exporting Invoices
3. In the export_dir entry, enter the directory in which to store the files. You can
enter a complete path or a path relative to the directory where you run
- pin_inv_export export_dir ./invoice_dir
4. Change to a directory with a valid invoicing configuration file. See "Connecting
BRM Utilities" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.
5. Run the pin_inv_export utility:
Running pin_inv_export with no parameters creates a separate file for each
invoice in the database.
You can specify a date range to export only invoices created on certain
To generate trial invoices, run the following command:
pin_inv_export -verbose -trial
To generate detailed invoices, run the following command:
pin_inv_export -verbose -detail filename
where filename is the name of the file that specifies the bills for which invoices are
to be generated.
When invoices for parent paying accounts are exported, and the
invoices for the nonpaying bills were not consolidated into the paying
account's invoice, a separate invoice file for each nonpaying bill unit
and the paying bill unit is exported.
The file-naming convention is accountPOID_billPOID_date.ext.
If a nonpaying invoice or parent invoice fails during generation,
nonpaying invoices are not exported.
To determine which invoice file is the parent account invoice,
customize the appropriate invoice format policy opcode to generate
another file containing the parent invoice file name for a given bill.
For a description of this utility's syntax and parameters, see "pin_inv_export".
Chapter 7
Exporting Invoices
Sending Invoices to Customers
Learn how to send invoices to customers by using Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management (BRM).
Topics in this document:
Sending Invoices to Customers
Setting the Maximum Invoice Size for Email
Sending Invoices to Accounts That Use the Invoice Payment Method
Sending Invoices to Accounts That Do Not Use the Invoice Payment Method
Configuring the Email Data Manager for Printing
Sending Invoices to Customers
After generating invoices, you can email them to your customers or print them for postal
mailing by using the pin_inv_send utility. The utility determines whether to email or print an
account's invoice by reading the account's delivery preference, which is set by a CSR during
account creation.
By default, the utility emails invoices in HTML format, but you can change the format to
DOC1. For more information, see "pin_inv_send".
Setting the Maximum Invoice Size for Email
To set the maximum size of invoices that can be sent by email:
1. Open the invoice configuration file (BRM_home/apps/pin_inv/pin.conf).
2. Set the value of the inv_send_size entry in kilobytes and make sure it is not commented.
3. Save and close the file.
Sending Invoices to Accounts That Use the Invoice Payment
To email or print invoices for bills that use the Invoice payment method:
1. If you store invoices in a separate database schema, enter the database schema number
in the invoicing configuration file (BRM_home/apps/pin_inv/pin.conf). For example:
- pin_inv_send invoice_db /invoice 0
Then follow the procedures in "Storing Invoices in a Separate Database Schema".
2. Start the Email Data Manager. See "Sending Email to Customers Automatically" in BRM
Managing Customers.
3. Go to a directory with a valid invoicing configuration file. See "Connecting BRM
Utilities" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.
4. Run the pin_inv_send utility by entering this command:
For a detailed description of this utility's syntax and parameters, see
Sending Invoices to Accounts That Do Not Use the Invoice
Payment Method
To email or print invoices for non-invoice bill units, run the pin_inv_send utility with the
pay_type parameter:
pin_inv_send -pay_type id
For id, enter one payment method ID as shown in Table 8-1:
Table 8-1 Payment Method IDs
Payment method ID
Undefined 0
Prepaid 10000
Invoice 10001
Debit 10002
Credit card 10003
Direct debit 10005
Smart card 10006
Nonpaying 10007
Beta 10008
Internal 10009
Guest 10010
Cash 10011
Check 10012
Wire transfer 10013
Payorder 10014
Postal order 10015
Voucher 10016
SEPA 10018
Chapter 8
Sending Invoices to Accounts That Do Not Use the Invoice Payment Method
Configuring the Email Data Manager for Printing
You can use the third-party tool, HTML to PostScript converter (html2ps), to print invoices.
Follow these instructions to download the html2ps tool and to configure the Email Data
Manager (dm_email) for printing invoices:
1. Download from the Internet and install the html2ps converter tool.
2. Open the dm_email configuration file (BRM_home/sys/dm_email/pin.conf).
3. In the html2ps entry, enter the path to the html2ps tool.
For example:
- dm_email html2ps path_to_html2ps_tool
4. In the printer entry, enter the name of your printer:
- dm_email printer printer_name
5. In the tmp_dir entry, enter the name of the directory where BRM saves temporary HTML
and PostScript files when the send utility runs. For example:
- dm_email tmp_dir /tmp
6. Save and close the file.
7. Stop and restart the Email Data Manager.
Chapter 8
Configuring the Email Data Manager for Printing
Displaying Invoices
Learn how to display your customers' invoices in Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management (BRM).
Topics in this document:
About Displaying Invoices
Using Web Pages to Display Invoices
Using the XML Sample Invoice Viewing Utility
About Displaying Invoices
BRM provides these options for displaying invoices:
The Invoice Viewer in Billing Care or Customer Center.
Self-Care Manager customer self-care Web pages.
Sample XML invoice viewing utility (
BI Publisher client, if you use the BRM-Business Intelligence Publisher Integration
framework to generate invoice documents.
You can also use a third-party viewer to display invoices. For information on how to format
and view invoices, refer to the viewer's documentation.
To customize how invoices are displayed, use the
PCM_OP_INV_POL_FORMAT_VIEW_INVOICE policy opcode. See "Invoice Opcode
Workflows" in BRM Opcode Guide.
You cannot change invoice information in the Invoice Viewer.
A physical invoice is generated to request payment from each account that has
a payment method of Invoice. If your BRM system is properly configured, you
can see the invoice files that are stored in the BRM database for accounts with
other payment methods.
Using Web Pages to Display Invoices
If you use Self-Care Manager, your customers can display their invoices on your customer
self-care Web site. See "Setting Up Customer Self Care with Self-Care Manager" in BRM
Managing Customers.
Using the XML Sample Invoice Viewing Utility
You can use the utility to view your invoices in XML by using the BRM
sample style sheet or any other style sheet you specify. This utility uses Perl and CGI
to display invoices you select in any XML-capable browser, such as Internet Explorer.
To use this utility, go to the BRM_home/source/apps/sampleviewer directory. You
need to run make to build
Chapter 9
Using the XML Sample Invoice Viewing Utility
Storing Invoices
You can configure the format in which invoices are stored and the schema in which they are
stored in the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) database.
Topics in this document:
About Formats for Storing Invoices
Specifying the Default Format in Which to Store Invoices in BRM
Storing Invoices in a Separate Database Schema
About Formats for Storing Invoices
BRM stores each invoice as an object in the database. By default, invoices are stored in the
same database schema as the accounts you are invoicing, but you can configure BRM to
store invoices in a separate schema. For more information, see "Storing Invoices in a
Separate Database Schema".
Invoices are stored in at least one of these formats:
pin_flist: The internal BRM data structure. By default, BRM stores invoice data in this
format and then reformats it into HTML format to display in the Invoice Viewer.
This is the most useful format for these reasons:
Self-Care Manager requires pin_flist storage format to display HTML invoices.
All the available display options work with invoices stored in pin_flist format.
You can write a program that saves the pin_flist invoices in any other format. This is
useful when providing invoice data to third-party invoice viewers. For information
about the pin_flist format, see "Understanding Flists and Storable Classes" in BRM
Developer's Guide.
XML: You must use XML format if you are generating the final invoice document by using
the BRM-BI Publisher Invoicing Integration package. In addition, you might use this
storage format if you are using XML to design and display invoices. See "Designing and
Generating Invoices in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher".
To use XML as an alternative or additional storage format, modify the
PCM_OP_INV_POL_FORMAT_INVOICE_XML opcodes. See "Customizing the Format
for Printed Invoices" and "Customizing the Format for XML Invoices" in BRM Opcode
You can store invoice data in both pin_flist and XML formats at the same time.
To do so, modify the PCM_OP_INV_POL_FORMAT_INVOICE policy opcode.
You have the option of also storing invoices in HTML or DOC1 format. These are
primarily display formats and, in most cases, storing invoices in these formats is not
useful. However, you might need to store invoices in the same format you use to
display them.
Storing invoices in HTML or DOC1 format requires extensive programming. Use the
PCM_OP_INV_POL_FORMAT_INVOICE_DOC1 policy opcodes. See "Customizing
the Format for HTML Invoices" and "Customizing the Format for DOC1 Invoices" in
BRM Opcode Guide.
Specifying the Default Format in Which to Store Invoices in
By default, BRM stores invoices in flist format. You can configure BRM to store
invoices in XML format by modifying a field in the invoicing instance of the /config/
business_params object.
To enable this feature, run the pin_bus_params utility to change the
InvoiceStorageType business parameter. For information about this utility, see
"pin_bus_params" in BRM Developer's Guide.
To specify the default format in which to store invoices:
1. Go to BRM_home/sys/data/config.
2. Create an XML file from the /config/business_params object:
pin_bus_params -r BusParamsInvoicing bus_params_Invoicing.xml
3. Do one of the following:
To specify flist as the output format, set InvoiceStorageType to 0. This is the
To specify XML as the output format, set InvoiceStorageType to 1.
For example, to specify XML format:
4. Save the file as bus_params_Invoicing.xml.
5. Load the XML file into the BRM database:
pin_bus_params bus_params_Invoicing.xml
6. Stop and restart the CM.
7. (Multischema systems only) Run the pin_multidb script with the -R CONFIG
parameter. For more information, see BRM System Administrator's Guide.
Chapter 10
Specifying the Default Format in Which to Store Invoices in BRM
Storing Invoices in a Separate Database Schema
Storing invoices in a separate database schema is supported only on Oracle
By default, your invoices are stored in the same database schema that contains the invoiced
accounts. However, using a separate schema to store invoices provides the following
Speeds up the invoicing process.
Potentially stores a large number of invoices.
Enables you to view, email, and print invoices without affecting performance of the main
The procedures for storing invoices in a separate schema include the following:
1. Installing the Invoice Data Manager
2. Configuring BRM to Use a Separate Invoice Database Schema
3. Configuring Invoice Applications to Use a Separate Invoice Database Schema
4. Starting the Invoice Data Manager
Installing the Invoice Data Manager
The Invoice Data Manager (DM) is supported only on Oracle databases.
The Invoice DM is not installed by default when you install BRM. To install the Invoice DM:
1. Make sure you have a separate database schema installed and available to use for
storing invoices.
See "Installing a Multischema System" in BRM Installation Guide and "Adding Database
Schemas to a Multischema System" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.
2. On the machine containing BRM, open the BRM_home/setup/pin_setup.values file in a
text editor.
3. Add "dm_invoice" to the @COMPONENT_LIST line:
@COMPONENT_LIST = ("dm_oracle", "dm_invoice", "cm");
Chapter 10
Storing Invoices in a Separate Database Schema
Make sure "dm_invoice" appears after "dm_oracle".
4. Modify the entries in the pin_setup.values file shown in Table 10-1:
Table 10-1 Entries to be Modified in pin_setup File
Entry Description
$INVOICE_DB{'user'} Must contain the user name to log in to your invoice
schema. This user name must be different from the
one used for any other schema in the database.
$INVOICE_DB{'password'} Must contain the password to log in to your invoice
$INVOICE_DB{'alias'} Must contain the database alias of the invoice
$INVOICE_DB{'Host'} Must contain the host name of the machine running
the invoice schema.
$INVOICE_DB{'tables_group'} Must contain the name of the data tablespace.
$INVOICE_DB{'indexes_group'} Must contain the name of the index tablespace.
$DM_INVOICE{'port'} Must contain the port number of the Invoice DM.
$DM_INVOICE{'db_num'} Must contain the database schema number of the
invoice database.
5. Install dm_invoice by using one of these methods:
To install all BRM components, run this script:
To install only the Invoice DM, run this script:
For the complete installation procedure, see "Installing BRM" in BRM Installation
Configuring BRM to Use a Separate Invoice Database Schema
You must configure the CM to use the invoice DM and separate invoice database
schema. To configure the CM, perform the following procedure on the machine
containing the CM:
1. Open the Connection Manager (CM) configuration file (BRM_home/sys/cm/
For information about configuration files, see "Using Configuration Files to
Connect and Configure Components" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.
2. In the invoice_db entry, enter the invoice database schema number.
For example:
- fm_cust_pol invoice_db /invoice 0
Chapter 10
Storing Invoices in a Separate Database Schema
10-4 is the BRM default database schema number for the invoice schema.
The customer Facilities Module (FM) uses this entry to store the invoice database
schema numbers for new customers. BRM uses that information to store the invoices
each time you generate invoices.
The invoicing utilities do not use this entry.
3. Make sure you have a dm_pointer entry for the invoice schema referenced in the
invoice_db entry. The pin_inv_accts utility uses this entry.
For more information, see the documentation in the CM configuration file.
4. Make sure you have a dm_attributes entry for the invoice schema:
- cm dm_attributes assign_account_obj,searchable
For more information, see the documentation in the CM configuration file.
5. Save and close the file.
6. Stop and restart the CM.
Configuring Invoice Applications to Use a Separate Invoice Database
To use a separate database schema for storing invoices:
1. Open the invoice configuration file (BRM_home/apps/pin_inv/pin.conf) in a text editor.
2. In the Invoice DB number section for the pin_inv_send and pin_inv_export
applications, change the invoice_db parameter value to your invoice database schema
number. The following examples use the BRM default invoice database schema number,
# - pin_inv_send invoice_db /invoice 0
# - pin_inv_export invoice_db /invoice 0
3. Save and close the file.
Starting the Invoice Data Manager
To start the Invoice DM, enter the pin_ctl start dm_invoice command.
For more information, see "Starting and Stopping the BRM System" in BRM System
Administrator's Guide.
Configuring the Invoice pin.conf for Multiple Database Schemas
In a multischema environment, to store invoices in the database schema
1. Open the invoice configuration file (BRM_home/apps/pin_inv/pin.conf).
2. Change the login name in the following entry to your login name:
- nap login_name name
Chapter 10
Storing Invoices in a Separate Database Schema
3. Change the database parameter value to in the following entries:
- pin_inv_accts database /search 0
- pin_inv_send database /search 0
- pin_inv_export database /search 0
4. Save and close the file.
For information on running invoice utilities in a multischema environment, see "Setting
Up Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas".
Chapter 10
Storing Invoices in a Separate Database Schema
Designing and Generating Invoices in Oracle
Business Intelligence Publisher
You can design, generate, and customize Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management (BRM) invoice documents using Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher.
Topics in this document:
About Using BI Publisher for Invoicing
Designing Invoices
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
Generating BI Publisher Invoice Documents in BI Publisher
Generating Invoices for Hierarchical Bill Units with BI Publisher
Storing the Invoice Document
Sending Invoice Documents to the Customers
Customizing Invoices
About Using BI Publisher for Invoicing
BI Publisher enables you to create more stylized and detailed invoices in PDF format. BRM
also includes sample RTF templates. You can configure and extend these templates for your
specific business needs.
BI Publisher allows you to choose from a variety of desktop tools, such as Microsoft Word
and Adobe Acrobat, to create document templates. While BI Publisher supports data sources
such as database, Web services, and files, the BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration only
uses SQL queries directly on the database as the data source for better performance. By
default, the BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration supports PDF as an output format and
delivery options such as email, FTP, and SFTP.
With BI Publisher, you use an SQL bursting query, which is the process of splitting data into
blocks and generating documents for those blocks. Bursting increases throughput
performance in BI Publisher.
To use this feature, you must install BI Publisher and BI Publisher Desktop.
When you use the BRM-BI Publisher integration:
BRM generates the invoicing data in XML format and then passes the data to BI
BI Publisher formats the invoice, delivers it, and then stores it in the BI Publisher
Figure 11-1 shows the BRM and BI Publisher invoice generation process:
Figure 11-1 BRM and BI Publisher Invoice Generation Process
The BRM-BI Publisher integration generates invoice documents as follows:
The BRM-BI Publisher integration must be enabled. See "Enabling the BRM-
BI Publisher Integration".
1. BRM associates bill units with a BI Publisher invoice and report. When
accounts are created, BRM associates each bill unit (/billinfo object) with a BI
Publisher invoice report and layout template.
2. BRM generates a bill. BRM creates a bill for each account bill unit when it runs
the pin_bill_accts utility as part of the daily billing script. BRM needs a bill before
generating an invoice. See "Running Billing Utilities" in BRM Configuring and
Running Billing.
3. BRM generates the invoice and stores it in the BRM database. When the
pin_inv_accts utility is run, it stores the invoice data in an /invoice object in the
BRM database. See "Generating Invoices".
Chapter 11
About Using BI Publisher for Invoicing
To generate invoice documents in BI Publisher, you must store the invoice data
in XML format. See "About Formats for Storing Invoices".
4. The pin_inv_doc_gen utility:
Runs BI Publisher reports. This utility, based on the input parameters, starts and
runs appropriate BI Publisher reports for invoice documents. It starts a BI Publisher
invoicing report, with the SQL bursting data query, through a scheduled job. See
"Generating BI Publisher Invoice Documents in BI Publisher".
Calls the SQL bursting data query to pull the invoice data from the BRM
database. The SQL bursting data query pulls the invoice data in XML format from the
BRM database and returns the XML data necessary to generate invoice documents
by the pin_inv_doc_gen utility.
Generates the invoice in the preferred format and sends it using the configured
information. The delivery information is stored in the /payinfo/invoice object of the
account /billinfo object.
Stores the invoice document in the BI Publisher database. The utility stores the
generated invoice documents in the BI Publisher Scheduler database. See "Storing
the Invoice Document".
The BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration package contains:
The SQL bursting query.
BI Publisher reports for generating invoice documents for consumer and corporate
accounts. See "About BI Publisher Reports for Invoice Document Generation".
Sample layout templates in rich text format (RTF) for consumer and corporate accounts.
See "About Invoice Layout Templates for Invoice Document Generation".
Designing Invoices
To help you design invoices, you can use the BI Publisher layout templates or the reports
provided with the BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration package. You can also modify the
templates to include late payment fees and finance charges.
About Invoice Layout Templates for Invoice Document Generation
The BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration package contains six layout templates in RTF for
the consumer and corporate accounts which can be customized.
If the BRM-BI Publisher integration framework is enabled, when you create an account, the
bill units of the account are associated with an /associated_bus_profile object. The /
associated_bus_profile object contains the report and template names that are used for
generating invoice documents for this account on the BI Publisher server. See "Creating an
Invoicing Configuration Business Profile".
BRM provides the following default templates for regular invoices:
Chapter 11
Designing Invoices
BRM provides the following default Replacement Invoice templates:
When you use the default template for a replacement invoice, the resulting document
contains all the line items and information from the previous bill or invoice. In addition,
it lists the previous bill number, the previous bill date, the previous bill totals and the
corrections totals. The item summary section lists the previous totals, the correction
totals and the current totals for each item. The events details section lists the previous
total, correction amount and current total for each event.
BRM provides the following default Invoice Correction Letter templates:
The invoice correction letter is in a letter format. When you use the default template for
an invoice correction letter, the resulting document contains a brief explanation of the
correction, a bill summary section and the details of only the corrections made to the
previous bill or invoice. The invoice correction letter displays the previous bill number,
the previous bill date, the previous bill total, the total correction amount and the current
The report file that BI Publisher associates with each of the previously listed default
templates for invoices is:
About BI Publisher Reports for Invoice Document Generation
The BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration package contains two reports for
consumer and corporate accounts. Details of the construction of these reports are:
The data source of the sample BI Publisher reports is the SQL bursting query.
Each report has a layout template in RTF associated with it that decides the look
and feel of the invoice document.
The output formats supported for the invoice document are PDF, XML, RTF, PPT,
Excel and HTML. The default output format specified in the reports is PDF.
For the invoice documents to support data from various data sources,
you need to configure additional data sources in the sample reports and
customize the sample layout template.
Including Late Payment Fees in Invoices
If you are generating the final invoice document by using the BRM-BI Publisher
Invoicing Integration framework, you can customize the invoice data to include the late
payment fee.
To include late payment fees in the invoice data generated in XML format:
Chapter 11
Designing Invoices
1. Extend the /item storable class to include /item/late_fee. See "Creating Custom Fields
and Storable Classes" in BRM Developer's Guide.
2. Open the BRM_home/sys/data/pricing/example/config_item_types.xml file and define
a type for the item. For example:
<ItemType precreate="false" type="cumulative">/item/late_fee</
3. Save the file.
4. Load the configuration item types by using the load_config_item_types utility:
load_config_item_types config_item_types.xml
5. Open the BRM_home/sys/data/pricing/example/config_item_tags.xml and define a
tag for the new service. For example:
6. Save the file.
7. Load the configuration item tags by using the load_config_item_tags utility:
load_config_item_tags config_item_tags.xml
Including Finance Charges in Invoices
If you are generating the final invoice document by using the BRM-BI Publisher Invoicing
Integration framework, you can customize the invoice data generated in XML format to
include the finance charges.
To include finance charges in the invoice data generated in XML format:
1. Extend the /item storable class to include /item/finance_charges. See "Creating Custom
Fields and Storable Classes" in BRM Developer's Guide.
2. Open the BRM_home/sys/data/pricing/example/config_item_types.xml file and define
a type for the item. For example:
<ItemType precreate="false" type="cumulative">/item/finance_charges</
3. Save the file.
Chapter 11
Designing Invoices
4. Load the configuration item types by using the load_config_item_types utility:
load_config_item_types config_item_types.xml
5. Open the BRM_home/sys/data/pricing/example/config_item_tags.xml and
define a tag for the new service. For example:
6. Save the file.
7. Load the configuration item tags by using the load_config_item_tags utility.
load_config_item_tags config_item_tags.xml
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents
Using BI Publisher
To use the BRM-BI Publisher integration framework to generate invoice documents:
1. Install BI Publisher. To install BI Publisher, follow the instructions in the BI
Publisher documentation.
2. In BRM, specify the BI Publisher invoice report and layout templates names. See
"Creating an Invoicing Configuration Business Profile".
3. In BRM, specify the events that you want included in your invoices by editing the
events.file file and then loading it into the BRM database with the
pin_load_invoice_events utility. See "Including Payment, A/R, and Tax Details in
4. Install the BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration package on the BI Publisher
server. See "Installing the BRM-BI Publisher Invoicing Integration Package".
5. Configure the pin_inv_doc_gen utility. See "Configuring the pin_inv_doc_gen
6. Configure the data source and data model.
7. Configure for multischema. Store and modify copies of the report in each schema.
Creating an Invoicing Configuration Business Profile
When the BRM-BI Publisher integration is enabled, BRM automatically performs the
following during the bill unit creation process:
Reads the invoicing configuration business profile (/config/business_profile
object) to determine which BI Publisher invoice report and layout template the bill
unit should be associated with.
Creates an /associated_bus_profile object for the bill unit. This object specifies
the names of the BI Publisher invoice report and layout template to use.
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
Links the bill unit to the /associated_bus_profile object it created.
To create an invoicing configuration business profile:
1. Enable the BRM-BI Publisher integration. See "Enabling the BRM-BI Publisher
2. Specify the requirements for a bill unit to be associated with an invoicing configuration
business profile by creating a validation template.
3. Specify the validation template, invoice report, and layout template to be associated with
the bill unit.
4. Load the business profile information into the BRM database by using the
load_pin_business_profile utility. See "Loading Invoicing Business Profiles into the
5. If your system includes accounts that were created before you integrated BRM invoicing
with BI Publisher, associate your existing /billinfo objects with /associated_bus_profile
objects. See "Associating Pre-Existing Bill Units with Business Profiles".
Enabling the BRM-BI Publisher Integration
By default, BRM-BI Integration is disabled and invoices are stored in flist format. To use the
BRM-BI integration, you must enable BRM-BI Integration and configure BRM to store
invoices in XML format.
To enable the BRM-BI Publisher integration for invoices:
1. Go to BRM_home/sys/data/config.
2. Create an XML file from the /config/business_params object:
pin_bus_params -r BusParamsInvoicing bus_params_Invoicing.xml
3. Enable integration by setting EnableInvoicingIntegration to enabled:
4. Store invoices in XML format by setting InvoiceStorageType to 1:
5. Save the file as bus_params_Invoicing.xml.
6. Load the XML file into the BRM database:
pin_bus_params bus_params_Invoicing.xml
7. Stop and restart the CM.
8. (Multischema systems only) Run the pin_multidb script with the -R CONFIG parameter.
For more information, see "pin_multidb" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.
For more information about pin_bus_params, see "pin_bus_params" in BRM Developer's
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
Loading Invoicing Business Profiles into the Database
After editing the pin_business_profile.xml file, use the load_pin_business_profile
utility to load the contents of the file into /config/business_profile objects in the BRM
database. For more information, see "Managing Business Profiles" in BRM Managing
Associating Pre-Existing Bill Units with Business Profiles
All /billinfo objects created before your BRM-BI Publisher integration are not linked to
an /associated_business_profile object, which prevents you from creating BI
Publisher invoices for those /billinfo objects. For example, this occurs if you upgraded
to BRM 12.0 from a prior release.
To generate BI Publisher invoice documents for /billinfo objects created before the
BRM-BI Publisher integration, you must run the pin_upd_assoc_bus_profile utility.
The pin_upd_assoc_bus_profile utility is a standalone multithreaded application
(MTA) that performs the following operations:
Searches for /billinfo objects in the BRM database that have an empty
Creates an /associated_bus_profile object for each /billinfo object with an
empty field.
Links the /billinfo object to its /associated_bus_profile object by populating the /
billinfo object's PIN_FLD_ASSOC_BUS_PROFILE_OBJ_LIST field.
To associate pre-existing bill units with business profiles:
1. Make sure that the BRM-BI Publisher integration is enabled. See "Enabling the
BRM-BI Publisher Integration".
The utility fails if you attempt to run it when the BRM-BI Publisher
integration is disabled.
2. (Optional) To associate only a subset of your pre-existing bill units with business
profiles, create a text file that specifies the /billinfo objects to update. The file
must use the following format:
0 PIN_FLD_RESULTS ARRAY [0] allocated 20, used 1
1 PIN_FLD_POID POID [0] /billinfo 37395 1
0 PIN_FLD_RESULTS ARRAY [1] allocated 20, used 1
1 PIN_FLD_POID POID [0] /billinfo 37488 3
3. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_billd directory.
4. Enter the following command:
pin_upd_assoc_bus_profile [-file filename]
where filename specifies the name and location of the file that lists the /billinfo
objects to update.
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
pin_upd_assoc_bus_profile requires a configuration file in the directory from
which you run the utility. The configuration file requires the standard CM
connection and MTA entries. See "Configuring Your Multithreaded Application"
in BRM Developer's Guide.
If you run the utility without any parameters, the utility searches all /billinfo objects in the
BRM database. If you run the utility with the -file parameter, the utility searches only those /
billinfo objects specified in the file.
Viewing Invoices Individually on the BI Publisher Console
In the BRM_Invoices reports directory (BIP_home/user_projects/domains/
bifoundation_domain/config/bipublisher/repository/Reports/BRM_Invoices/0.0.0n), the
ViewInvoiceReport report is generated to view individually each invoice on the BI Publisher
Configure ViewInvoiceReport to point to the data source by editing the data model,
configuring the data source, saving changes, and restarting BI Publisher. Enter the invoice
POID for the input parameter and click Submit to see the report.
View the invoice on the console, by choosing the applicable template, such as Consumer
Invoice, Corporate Invoice, Consumer Correction Invoice, Corporate Correction Invoice,
Consumer Replacement Invoice, or Corporate Replacement Invoice.
Enabling the Display of Customer Details on the Web
By default, displaying contact details, account and bill numbers when using the Web is
disabled in BI Publisher.
To enable the display of customer details on the Web:
1. Go to the BIP_home/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/config/
schema_number.xdm directory.
2. Open the _datamodel.xdm file in a text editor.
3. Search for the following entry:
<property name="include_rowsettag" value="false"/>
4. Change false to true.
5. Save and close the file.
Installing the BRM-BI Publisher Invoicing Integration Package
This section describes how to install the BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration package.
This package is set up on the BI Publisher server.
To install the BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration package:
Ensure that the pre-installation requirements are satisfied. See "Pre-Installation
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
Manually remove previously installed versions of the BRM-BI Publisher invoicing
integration layout template files. See "Removing Older BRM-BI Publisher Invoicing
Integration Layout Template Files".
Run the BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration package. See "Install Billing and
Invoicing Utilities".
Install the BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration package on the system on
which BRM Reports is installed. If the BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration
package and BRM Reports are not installed on the same system, you cannot
view an invoice in BI Publisher 12c.
Pre-Installation Requirements
The following must be completed before you run the BRM-BI Publisher invoicing
integration package application:
BI Publisher 12c is installed.
BI Publisher home environment variable has been successfully set.
BRM 12.0 is installed. The patch set contains the pin_inv_doc_gen utility updates
that are required for BI Publisher integration.
For more information on these requirements, see BRM Reports.
Removing Older BRM-BI Publisher Invoicing Integration Layout Template Files
When you install the BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration package, the older
versions of BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration layout template files are not
automatically overwritten. Before installing the BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration
package, you must manually remove all previous versions of BRM-BI Publisher
invoicing integration layout template files.
To remove older BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration layout template files:
1. Go to BIP_home/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/config/
where SchemaNumber is the directory for the BRM schema number to process
BRM invoices; for example,
2. Manually remove the following layout template files:
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
3. Go to BIP_home/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/config/bipublisher/
4. Manually remove the following layout template files:
Install Billing and Invoicing Utilities
To install Billing and Invoicing Utilities, see "Installing Individual BRM Components" in BRM
Installation Guide.
Installed Files
The BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration program copies the following files listed in
Table 11-1 to your computer during installation:
Table 11-1 BI Publisher-Related Files Placed on Your Computer
File Install Path Description BRM_home/apps/
Batch script for setting environment
variables and launching the
pin_inv_doc_gen utility.
BRM_Consumer_Correction_Invoice.rtf BIP_home/user_projects/
RTF file associated with layout
template for consumer corrective
invoice letter document.
BRM_Consumer_Invoice.rtf BIP_home/user_projects/
RTF file associated with layout
template for consumer invoice
RTF file associated with layout
template for consumer replacement
invoice document.
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
Table 11-1 (Cont.) BI Publisher-Related Files Placed on Your Computer
File Install Path Description
BRM_Corporate_Correction_Invoice.rtf BIP_home/user_projects/
RTF file associated with layout
template for corporate corrective
invoice letter document.
BRM_Corporate_Invoice.rtf BIP_home/user_projects/
RTF file associated with layout
template for corporate invoice.
RTF file associated with layout
template for corporate replacement
invoice document.
Create_Xmlp_Invoice_Job.sql BRM_home/apps/
Script for creating
Publisher Scheduler database.
invoice_bursting.plb BRM_home/apps/
Invoice bursting stored procedure. BRM_home/apps/
pin_inv_doc_gen file for
pin_inv_doc_gen.jar. Contains the
configuration entries for the
pin_inv_doc_gen utility.
Important: Before running the
pin_inv_doc_gen utility, save the file as
InvoiceList.xml BRM_home/apps/
XML file containing the details of
accounts and bill units. The
InvoiceList.xml file is passed along
with –accts_list as an input
parameter to pin_inv_doc_gen.
InvoiceList.xsd BRM_home/apps/
XSD file that validates the
pin_inv_doc_gen.jar BRM_home/apps/
JAR file for pin_inv_doc_gen
lib/ library BRM_home/apps/
Directory containing dependent
pin_inv_doc_gen libraries.
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
Upgrading Existing Reports from BI Publisher 11g to BI Publisher 12c
To use BI Publisher 11g templates in BI Publisher 12c, make the following BI Publisher
modifications listed in Table 11-2:
Table 11-2 BI Publisher Template Modifications for BI Publisher 12c
Modification BI Publisher 11g BI Publisher 12c
XML Structure
[data source = web
<POID> /bill
151665 3</POID>
[data source = sql query for
<POID> /bill
151665 3</POID>
Referencing fields from the root
‘Contains' function
‘Doesn't contain' function
Configuring the pin_inv_doc_gen Utility
The pin_inv_doc_gen utility creates, delivers, and stores your invoice documents in the BI
Publisher Scheduler database.
Configuring pin_inv_doc_gen involves:
Configuring the File for pin_inv_doc_gen with BI Publisher
Configuring the Batch Script
Changing Command-Line Parameters for pin_inv_doc_gen
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
Setting Scheduler Configuration
Configuring the Email Server
Configuring HTTPS for Secure Communication
Creating the XMLP_INVOICE_JOB Table in the Scheduler Database
Loading Stored Procedures
Configuring the File for pin_inv_doc_gen with BI Publisher
The file stores your network configuration entries for the
pin_inv_doc_gen utility.
To configure the file for pin_inv_doc_gen:
1. Go to BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen.
2. Save the file as
The file for the pin_inv_doc_gen utility includes the
standard configuration entries. See "Using Configuration Files to Connect and
Configure Components" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.
You must have read-write permissions to access the /invoice object.
Your invoice data is stored in the /invoice object. The BRM system
administrator creates this user and grants the required permissions.
3. Open the file in a text editor, and add your network entries
and their values, as listed in Table 11-3.
Table 11-3 File Entries
Entry Description
infranet.bip.password Specifies the password.
Note: The password can be encrypted with Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES) for security.
infranet.bip.username Specifies the name of the BI Publisher server.
infranet.bip.url Specifies the URL of BI Publisher in the following format
Note: Enable HTTPS and the SSL port for secure communication.
See: "Configuring HTTPS for Secure Communication".
infranet.burst.threadpool.chunksize Specifies the maximum number of BRM invoices per BI Publishing
bursting query.
infranet.burst.threadpool.maxsize Specifies the maximum number of concurrent threads in the pool.
infranet.burst.threadpool.size Specifies the number of core threads in the pool.
infranet.connection Specifies the URL to the BRM service.
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
Table 11-3 (Cont.) File Entries
Entry Description
infranet.dmsearchargs.size Specifies the number of account and bill unit pairs the utility should
process at one time.
The maximum value is 14.
infranet.dupinvdir.path Specifies the directory path for storing duplicate invoice documents.
infranet.dupinvoice.watermark.angle Specifies the angle of the watermark text.The default value is 45
(angle of text is 45 degrees).
See the BI Publisher Java API documentation.
infranet.dupinvoice.watermark.colorr Specifies the red component of the watermark text color.
The default value is 0.7f.
infranet.dupinvoice.watermark.colorg Specifies the green component of the watermark text color.
The default value is 0.7f.
infranet.dupinvoice.watermark.colorb Specifies the blue component of the watermark text color.
The default value is 0.7f.
infranet.dupinvoice.watermark.coordx Specifies the x-coordinate of the start of the watermark text.
The default value is 200f (starting coordinate lower left x).
infranet.dupinvoice.watermark.coordy Specifies the y-coordinate of the start of the watermark text.
The default value is 250f (starting coordinate lower left y).
infranet.dupinvoice.watermark.font Specifies the font of the watermark text.
The default value is Arial.
infranet.dupinvoice.watermark.fontsize Specifies the size of the watermark text.
The default value is 48.
infranet.dupinvoice.watermark.text Specifies the text to be displayed as the background watermark in
the duplicate invoice.
The default value is DUPLICATE.
infranet.schedulerdb.url Specifies the scheduler database URL in the following format:
where hostname is the hostname of the scheduler database, port is
the port number for the scheduler database, and service is the
service name of the scheduler database.
infranet.schedulerdb.user Specifies the user name for the scheduler database.
infranet.schedulerdb.credentials Specifies the security credentials for connecting to the scheduler
infranet.jdbcpool.size Specifies the initial number of connections maintained in the pool.
The default is set to the same as burst.threadpool.size.
infranet.jdbcpool.maxsize Specifies the maximum number of connections that can be created.
The default is set to the same as burst.threadpool.maxsize.
infranet.http.notification.server Specifies the name of the HTTP server used for notifications.
Important: Enable HTTP notifications in BI Publisher. See the BI
Publisher documentation for details.
infranet.http.notification.userName Specifies the HTTP server login name.
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
Table 11-3 (Cont.) File Entries
Entry Description
infranet.http.notification.password Specifies the HTTP server login password.
infranet.log.file Specifies the log file name for the pin_inv_doc_gen utility.
infranet.log.level Specifies the level of log for the pin_inv_doc_gen utility.
infranet.login.type Specifies the type of login. A type 1 login requires the application to
provide a user name and password. A type 0 login is a trusted login
that comes through a Connection Manager (CM) proxy. It doesn't
require a user name or password. Use 1 or 0.
infranet.notify.http.when.success Specifies whether to receive HTTP notification when a BI Publisher
job is successful. By default, HTTP notification is enabled and set to
true. To disable HTTP notification, set this entry to false.
infranet.notify.http.when.warning Specifies whether to receive HTTP notification when a BI Publisher
job contains warnings. By default, HTTP notification is enabled and
set to true. To disable HTTP notification, set this entry to false.
infranet.polling.sleeptime Specifies the sleep time (in milliseconds) between polling calls while
waiting for the BI Publisher schedule to complete. The default value
is 5000 (5 seconds).
infranet.threadpool.fetchsize Specifies the number of records that can be fetched by the thread.
The default value is 5.
infranet.threadpool.maxsize Specifies the maximum number of threads. The default value is 5.
infranet.threadpool.size Specifies the number of threads. The default value is 3.
4. Save and close the file.
Configuring the Batch Script
The batch script is used for setting environment variables and launching
the pin_inv_doc_gen utility.
To configure the batch script:
1. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen directory.
2. Open the batch script in a text editor.
3. Edit the default values available in the file to the values specific to your system
The pin_inv_doc_gen utility runs only in the 32-bit mode. Set the Java
executable in the file to the 32-bit Java version.
4. Save and close the file.
Changing Command-Line Parameters for pin_inv_doc_gen
To change the command-line parameters for pin_inv_doc_gen utility, you update the batch script:
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
1. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen directory.
2. Open the batch script in a text editor.
3. Search for the following line:
invoicedocgen.pin_inv_doc_gen -status pending
4. Add or replace the pin_inv_doc_gen command-line parameter with the required
parameter. For syntax and parameter usage, see "pin_inv_doc_gen".
5. Save and close the file.
6. In the command prompt, navigate to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen directory.
7. Enter the following command which runs the batch script:
The pin_inv_doc_gen utility runs with the updated command-line parameter.
Setting Scheduler Configuration
To set scheduler configuration, see the discussion of setting scheduler configuration options
in the BI Publisher documentation.
Configuring the Email Server
To configure the email server in BI Publisher, see the discussion of setting up delivery options
in the BI Publisher documentation.
Configuring HTTPS for Secure Communication
BI Publisher can be configured to support HTTPS for secure communication. In addition to
setting up HTTPS in BI Publisher, you also configure the file and
pin_inv_doc_gen utility.
To configure HTTPS for secure communication:
1. Enable HTTPS in BI Publisher. For more information, see the BI Publisher
2. Open the file in a text editor.
3. Add the following line:
BIP_Hostname is the host name on which the BI Publisher server is installed.
SSL_port is your secure sockets layer port number.
4. Save and close the file.
5. In the command prompt, navigate to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen directory.
6. Enter the following command which runs the batch script:
The pin_inv_doc_gen utility runs with the updated URLs.
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
7. Enter yes for:
Is it a trusted certificate?
Creating the XMLP_INVOICE_JOB Table in the Scheduler Database
The XMLP_INVOICE_JOB table stores the mapping of the job ID to the Invoice_POID
for which an invoice document is generated.
To create the XMLP_INVOICE_JOB table in the Scheduler database:
1. Go to BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen.
2. Open the Create_Xmlp_Invoice_Job.sql file.
3. Search for <tablespacename>.
4. Replace <tablespacename> with the tablespace name where all the BI Publisher
Scheduler tables in the BI Publisher Scheduler database are created.
5. Save and close the file.
6. In a terminal, enter the following command to open SQL*Plus:
sqlplus user_name@Database_Name
Enter password: password
user_name is the user name for the Scheduler database.
password is the password for the Scheduler database.
Database_Name is the SID of the Scheduler database.
7. At the SQL prompt, enter the following command:
SQL> @Create_Xmlp_Invoice_Job.sql
8. Configure the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) for invoiceXREF to
allow the pin_inv_doc_gen utility to connect to the Scheduler database:
a. Log on to the Oracle WebLogic Console.
b. Click Services.
c. Click Data Sources.
d. Click the Lock and Edit button.
e. Create a new data source.
f. Enter JNDI details:
JNDI name= jdbc/OracleBRM/invoiceXREF
g. Click Next.
h. Enter the Scheduler database details that you used when you installed the
i. Click Next.
j. Select the server on which the BI Publisher software is installed.
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
k. Click Finish.
l. Click Activate Changes.
m. Stop and restart the BI Publisher server.
Configuring the BRM-BI Publisher Invoicing Integration to Support
Multischema Systems
To configure the BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration to support multischema systems, do
the following:
Configure the bursting data source and query by loading stored procedures. See
"Loading Stored Procedures".
Create new JDBC data sources. See "Creating New JDBC Data Sources".
Loading Stored Procedures
To load stored procedures, do the following:
1. Go to BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen
2. Open SQL*Plus at the command line:
sqlplus user_name@Database_Name
Enter password: password
3. Enter the following command:
4. Type exit to quit SQL*Plus.
Creating New JDBC Data Sources
The BRM-BI Publisher invoicing integration packages invoicing reports and the data model
for BRM primary schema. To create new JDBC sources to support BRM multischema, you
follow these procedures. For more information, refer to the BI Publisher documentation.
Creating Data Source for Each BRM Schema
To create a data source for each BRM schema:
1. In a Web browser, enter the following URL:
BI_Publisher_host is the host name on which the BI Publisher server is installed.
port is the console port. The default port is 9704.
The BI Publisher Enterprise client opens.
2. On the global header, click Administration.
3. Under Data Sources, click JDBC Connection.
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
4. On the JDBC page, click the Add Data Source button.
5. Enter the following database connection details for the BRM schema:
In the Data Source Name field, enter the schema number in 0.0.0.n format.
For example, for the primary schema or for the secondary
In the Driver Type field, enter Oracle 12c.
In the Database Driver Class field, enter oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver.
In the Connection String field, enter your database connection details. For
where Hostname is the host name for the database that contains the
secondary schema.
6. Click Test Connection, which verifies the connection to BRM schema.
A confirmation message is displayed.
7. Click Apply, which saves your changes.
8. Repeat the previous steps for each schema.
Setting Up the Data Model Configuration for Multischema
To configure invoices for multischema:
1. In the BRM_Invoices reports directory, copy reports directory to 0.0.0.n.
2. Rename the data model directory within 0.0.0.n. For example, to set up the data
model configuration for, do the following:
cd BIP_home/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/config/bipublisher/
cp -r
3. Edit the data source name specified in "Creating Data Source for Each BRM
For example, in _datamodel.xdm, enter the data source
name in defaultDataSourceRef and the BRM schema number in CDATA.
4. Set the URL of the BRM bursting report data model to the secondary schema by
modifying dataModel URL in
5. To configure pin_inv_doc_gen for multischema changes, edit the
batch script. For example, you add -schema 0.0.0.n where n is the schema
number after the -status pending flag of each schema.
The -schema 0.0.0.n parameter is optional. If it is not specified, schema
information comes from the infranet.connection value in the configuration file; the default is
Chapter 11
Setting Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher
Generating BI Publisher Invoice Documents in BI Publisher
You use the pin_inv_doc_gen utility to generate invoice documents by integrating the
capabilities of BRM and BI Publisher. This utility takes a set of input parameters, generates
the invoice document, and stores the instance of the invoice document generated in the BI
Publisher Scheduler database. Based on the input parameters you pass to
pin_inv_doc_gen, the utility fetches the corresponding invoice POID, BI Publisher report
name, and layout template name of an /invoice object.
To configure pin_inv_doc_gen utility with the file, see "Configuring the File for pin_inv_doc_gen with BI Publisher".
To run the pin_inv_doc_gen utility:
1. Configure the batch script to run the appropriate pin_inv_doc_gen
command. To view the utility's syntax and parameters, see "pin_inv_doc_gen".
2. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen directory.
3. Enter the following command which runs the batch script:
Generating BI Publisher Invoice Documents for a List of Accounts
You can generate BI Publisher invoice documents for a list of accounts by using the
pin_inv_doc_gen utility -accts_list InvoiceList.xml parameter. The number of data units
(accounts and bill units) in the InvoiceList.xml file should be within the permissible range for
the Data Manager (DM) to search the /invoice objects from the BRM database.
You can specify the number of account and bill unit pairs the pin_inv_doc_gen utility should
process at one time by using the infranet.dmsearchargs.size parameter in the file. The maximum value is 14. For example, if the InvoiceList.xml file
lists 20 account and bill unit pairs and the infranet.dmsearchargs.size value is set to 6, the
pin_inv_doc_gen utility processes six account and bill unit pairs at a time.
In the InvoiceList.xml file, if you specify the account and bill unit pair of a corporate account,
the invoice document is generated only for the specified account and bill unit. If the specified
corporate account has child accounts that own only nonpaying bill units, the /invoice objects
of those child accounts are not selected for generating the invoice document.
To generate invoice documents for a list of accounts and their bill units:
1. Create an XML file that lists all of the accounts and bill units for which to create BI
Publisher invoices. The XML file must be in the following format:
You can use the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen/InvoiceList.xml file as
an example.
Chapter 11
Generating BI Publisher Invoice Documents in BI Publisher
2. Save and close the file.
3. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen directory.
4. Open the batch script in a text editor.
5. Search for the following line:
invoicedocgen.pin_inv_doc_gen -status pending
6. Replace with:
invoicedocgen.pin_inv_doc_gen -accts_list InvoiceList
where InvoiceList specifies the name and location of the file that includes a list of
accounts and bill units for which to create invoice documents. This is the file you
created in step1.
7. Save and close the file.
8. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen directory.
9. Enter the following command which runs the batch script:
Generating BI Publisher Invoice Documents Based on the Account
To generate invoices based on the account type:
1. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen directory.
2. Open the batch script in a text editor.
3. Search for the following line:
invoicedocgen.pin_inv_doc_gen -status pending
4. Do one of the following:
To generate invoice document for consumer account types, replace with:
invoicedocgen.pin_inv_doc_gen -type consumer
To generate invoice document for corporate account types, replace with:
invoicedocgen.pin_inv_doc_gen -type corporate
5. Save and close the file.
6. In the command prompt, navigate to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen
7. Enter the following command which runs the batch script:
Chapter 11
Generating BI Publisher Invoice Documents in BI Publisher
Generating Duplicate Invoice Documents with BI Publisher
You can generate duplicate BI Publisher invoice documents for invoices that you have
already generated by using the pin_inv_doc_gen utility -status generated parameter.
To generate duplicate BI Publisher invoice documents:
1. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen directory.
2. Make sure the infranet.dupinvdir.path entry in the utility's file
specifies the directory in which to write the file. See "Configuring the
File for pin_inv_doc_gen with BI Publisher".
3. Open the batch script in a text editor.
4. Search for the following line:
invoicedocgen.pin_inv_doc_gen -status pending
5. Replace with:
invoicedocgen.pin_inv_doc_gen -status generated
6. Save and close the file.
7. In the command prompt, navigate to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen directory.
8. Enter the following command to run the batch script:
Oracle recommends DocMerger as the utility to generate a duplicate invoice
with a DUPLICATE watermark. However, you can use this utility only for PDF
documents. Hence, you can generate an invoice document with a DUPLICATE
watermark only if the original invoice document was generated in PDF.
Generating Invoice Documents for Non-Invoice Accounts
Regardless of the payment type or delivery method, any invoice in pending status can be
printed. Therefore, you can generate invoice documents for non-invoice accounts such as
credit cards. BI Publisher generates PDFs for any invoice with a non-invoice payment type
and stores them in the BI Publisher database.
To deliver invoice documents for non-invoice accounts, configure the delivery method of the
bursting query by adding a delivery type (such as FTP) to the DEL_CHANNEL parameter and
by adding the appropriate values to PARAMETER 1 through PARAMETER 8 as described in
the Oracle Fusion Middleware Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
Chapter 11
Generating BI Publisher Invoice Documents in BI Publisher
Generating Invoices for Hierarchical Bill Units with BI
Bill unit hierarchies enable customers to pay other customers' bills. For more
information, see discussions about account and bill unit hierarchies in BRM Managing
Accounts Receivable and BRM Configuring and Running Billing.
Generating trial and regular invoices with BI Publisher is suited for large bill unit
hierarchies for the following reasons:
Each bill unit is processed within its own transaction, which is later used in the
processing cycle.
Each bill unit is not loaded into RAM, which reduces RAM utilization.
Collation is run after the generation of each bill unit within the hierarchy. Each bill
unit is arranged in a predetermined sequence and by default is rendered in PDF.
By default, if any bill unit in the hierarchy fails to generate, collation is
halted, and an invoice is not produced.
Setting Up Invoicing for Hierarchical Bill Units with BI Publisher
To set up invoicing for hierarchical bill units with BI Publisher:
1. Ensure that all the preliminary configurations required for billing are completed.
See BRM Configuring and Running Billing.
2. Enable the BI Publisher integration. See "Enabling the BRM-BI Publisher
3. Set your system to generate invoice documents using BI Publisher. See "Setting
Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher".
4. Verify that BRM is set up with the required templates to generate hierarchical
invoices. See "Invoice Template for Hierarchical Bill Units".
5. Associate bill units with a BI Publisher invoice and report.
6. Load the business profile information into the BRM database. See "Loading
Invoicing Business Profiles into the Database".
7. Configure the pin_inv_doc_gen utility. See "Configuring the pin_inv_doc_gen
8. Verify that both BI Publisher and BRM are set to generate the final invoice either
with or without nonpaying child bill unit details. See "Setting Nonpaying Child Bill
Unit Processing in BI Publisher and BRM".
9. Verify that the BRM_home/apps/pin_trial_bill/pin.conf file's Threshold entry is
commented out. Setting thresholds limits the number of nonpaying child bill units
that are invoiced, which leads to errors when the parent account is trial billed.
Chapter 11
Generating Invoices for Hierarchical Bill Units with BI Publisher
Invoice Template for Hierarchical Bill Units
Use the BRM_Corporate_Invoice.rtf template for generating hierarchical bill unit invoices.
The BRM_Corporate_Invoice.rtf template includes the following layout and formatting:
Depending on how the hierarchical bill unit tax is calculated, the template adds one of the
following labels:
If the tax is calculated at the nonpaying child bill unit level, a Subord Total (Tax
Included) label is added on the first page of the invoice.
If the tax is calculated at the paying parent bill unit level, a Subord Total (Tax Not
Included) label is added on the first page of the invoice.
To distinguish the trial invoice from the regular invoice, a Trial Invoice watermark is
added to all the pages after the first page. You can change the watermark text by
customizing the PCM_OP_INV_POL_PREP_INVOICE policy opcode. See BRM Opcode
Setting Nonpaying Child Bill Unit Processing in BI Publisher and BRM
When generating invoices for hierarchies, both BI Publisher and BRM must be set
to process the final invoice either with or without nonpaying child bill units:
If you require an invoice that includes nonpaying details, set BRM to process
nonpaying child bill units and BI Publisher to generate a single invoice from a
group of invoices.
If you require an invoice that does not include nonpaying details, set BRM not
to process nonpaying child bill units and BI Publisher to generate individual
In BRM and BI Publisher, you can choose whether to include the full nonpaying bill unit
details in the parent bill unit's invoice.
When you include the full nonpaying bill unit details, a separate invoice is generated for
each nonpaying child bill unit and the totals rolled up into the paying parent's invoice.
When the final invoice is generated, each nonpaying invoice is collated and merged into
the final invoice.
When you do not include the full nonpaying details for hierarchical bill units, only one
parent invoice is created, which contains totals from the nonpaying bill units.
To set nonpaying bill unit processing in BI Publisher and BRM for hierarchies:
1. In BRM, set the threshold for the maximum number of nonpaying child bill units allowed
in the parent invoice with the ThresholdSubordsSummary and
ThresholdSubordsDetail business parameters.
To generate an invoice for each nonpaying child bill unit and include all of them in the
final invoice, set the threshold value higher than the number of nonpaying child bill
Chapter 11
Generating Invoices for Hierarchical Bill Units with BI Publisher
To generate an invoice without nonpaying child bill unit details, set the
threshold value to less than or equal to the number of nonpaying child bill
For more information on how to set the ThresholdSubordsSummary and
ThresholdSubordsDetail business parameters, see "Invoicing for Hierarchical Bill
A value of 0 disables the threshold parameter. BRM does not create
separate invoices for nonpaying child bill units.
If nonpaying details are not captured in the final invoice, they are still
available in the /invoice object of the nonpaying child bill unit.
2. In BI Publisher, set the BRM_Bursting_Invoice_Report to generate individual
invoices or a single invoice from a group of invoices as follows:
a. Log in to BI Publisher.
b. From the menu select Catalog, and then select BRM-Invoices.
c. From the BRM-Invoices section, click the data model link.
The page appears.
d. In the Data Model section, expand the Bursting list and select
e. From the Split By list in the
BRM_Bursting_Invoice_Report_Bursting_Query section, select one of the
To generate a single invoice from a group of invoices, select /ROW_SET/
To generate individual invoices, select /ROW_SET/LIST_ROW/ROW/
f. Save the data model
g. Exit BI Publisher.
By default the BRM report BRM_Bursting_Invoice_Report is set to create the
final invoice from a group of invoices for hierarchical accounts. Invoices with the
same bill number are generated and then collated and merged into the parent
invoice as a single PDF.
Creating Hierarchical Bill Unit Trial Invoices with BI Publisher
To create hierarchical bill unit trial invoices with BI Publisher:
1. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_trial_bill directory.
2. Run the following command, which creates trial invoices for nonpaying child bill
pin_trial_bill_accts -pay_type 10007
Chapter 11
Generating Invoices for Hierarchical Bill Units with BI Publisher
3. Run the following command, which creates trial invoices for the paying parent bill units:
pin_trial_bill_accts -pay_type ID
where ID is the element ID of the payment method for the parent bill unit. For more
information, see "Default Payment Methods" in BRM Configuring and Collecting
4. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen directory.
5. Enter the following command to run the batch script:
Creating Hierarchical Bill Unit Regular Invoices with BI Publisher
To create hierarchical bill unt invoices with BI Publisher:
1. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_billd directory.
2. Run the following command, which runs billing for nonpaying child bill units:
pin_bill_accts -pay_type 10007
3. Run the following command, which runs billing for the paying parent bill units:
pin_bill_accts -pay_type ID
where ID is the element ID of the payment method for the parent bill unit. For more
information, see "Understanding Payment Methods" in BRM Managing Customers.
4. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_accts directory.
5. Run the following command, which creates regular invoices for nonpaying child bill units:
pin_inv_accts -hierarchy
6. Run the following command, which creates regular invoices for the paying parent bill
pin_inv_accts -pay_type ID
7. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen directory.
8. Enter the following command to run the batch script:
Regenerating Failed Invoices for Hierarchical Bill Units
When an error occurs in trial billing, generation of the bill unit's invoice stops. You must rerun
trial billing on the nonpaying child bill units before rerunning trial billing on the paying parent
bill units. You must also regenerate trial invoices on the paying parent bill units that did not
contain an error.
To regenerate invoices for hierarchical bill units that failed the last trial billing run:
1. Fix the errors.
2. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_trial_bill directory.
3. Run the following command, which reruns trial billing on nonpaying child bill units that
contained errors in the last billing run:
Chapter 11
Generating Invoices for Hierarchical Bill Units with BI Publisher
pin_trial_bill_accts -pay_type 10007 -retry
4. Run the following command, which reruns trial billing on the paying parent bill units
that contained an error in the last billing run:
pin_trial_bill_accts -pay_type ID -retry
where ID is the element ID of the payment method for the parent account. For
more information, see "Understanding Payment Methods" in BRM Managing
5. Run the following command, which generates trial invoicing for the paying parent
bill units that did not contain an error in the last billing run:
pin_trial_bill_accts -pay_type ID
6. Go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv_doc_gen directory.
7. Enter the following command to run the batch script:
Purging Trial Invoices
To purge trial invoices, run the pin_trial_bill_purge utility.
By default, pin_trial_bill_purge purges invoices with the /invoice/trial POID type. If a
custom /invoice subclass exists, invoices with /invoice/custom_subclass/trial POID
type are purged.
If the /invoice class is partitioned, running the purge utility (partition_utils -
o) on /invoice purges both regular invoices and trial invoices.
For a description of the syntax and parameters of this utility, see "pin_trial_bill_purge"
in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.
For more information about partitioning and purging database tables, see the following
in BRM System Administrator's Guide:
Partitioning Database Tables
About Purging Data
Deferred Taxation Limitations for Hierarchical Bill Units
BRM offers two options for deferred taxation: taxes can be consolidated into a single
item for both the paying parent and nonpaying child bill units, or taxes can be
calculated for each individual nonpaying child bill unit, which are listed as separate
items on the parent bill:
When taxes are consolidated into a single item for both the paying parent and
nonpaying child bill unit, the total tax is calculated at the parent level for the entire
hierarchy using an aggregated total due as its basis. In this instance, the
cycle_tax_interval entry in BRM_home/sys/cm/pin.conf configuration file is set
as follows:
Chapter 11
Generating Invoices for Hierarchical Bill Units with BI Publisher
-fm_bill cycle_tax_interval billing
This option is not supported when using trial billing or trial invoicing with BI
Publisher for hierarchical bill units.
When taxes are calculated for each individual nonpaying child bill unit, the total tax is a
summation of taxes that were calculated for each bill unit. In this instance the
cycle_tax_interval entry in BRM Home/sys/cm/pin.conf configuration file is set as
-fm_bill cycle_tax_interval accounting
This option is supported when you use trial billing or trial invoicing with BI Publisher
for hierarchical bill units, with the following limitations.
The total tax value can contain small rounding errors caused by the system
calculating taxes on smaller totals of each bill unit rather than the grand total.
The basis for determining the tax rate is with the individual nonpaying child's bill
unit rather than the parent. To avoid tax rate discrepancies between trial and
production runs, all tax-affecting attributes (for example, address information
and tax exemptions) for all bill units within the hierarchy must be synchronized
to those of the parent bill unit.
Troubleshooting Issues with Hierarchical Bill Unit Invoice Generation
This section lists problems you might encounter while trying to generate hierarchical bill unit
invoices and provides information on how to fix them.
Nonpaying child invoices not generated
Scenario: A parent account has a paying parent bill unit. Each of the parent account's two
child accounts has a nonpaying child bill unit whose paying parent bill unit is owned by the
parent account. The ThresholdSubordsSummary and ThresholdSubordsDetail business
parameters are set to 1. The following command is run:
pin_inv_accts -pay_type 10018 -verbose
Solution: To create nonpaying child invoices, the pin_inv_accts utility requires the -
hierarchy parameter. Run the following commands:
pin_inv_accts –hierarchy -verbose
pin_inv_accts –pay_type 10018 -verbose
Invoice generation is successful, but the billing amounts for the parent bill unit in the
final invoice are incorrect
Scenario: One parent account has a paying parent bill unit. Each of the parent account's two
child accounts has a nonpaying child bill unit whose paying parent bill unit is owned by the
Chapter 11
Generating Invoices for Hierarchical Bill Units with BI Publisher
parent account. The ThresholdSubordsSummary and ThresholdSubordsDetail
business parameters are set to 1. The following commands are run:
pin_inv_accts -pay_type 10007 -verbose
pin_inv_accts -pay_type 10018 -verbose
Solution: The BI Publisher template is configured with a bursting option, which is using
the same invoice details twice. Change the BI Publisher template to a nonbursting
See "Setting Nonpaying Child Bill Unit Processing in BI Publisher and BRM".
Multiple /invoice objects are created instead of one, and after running the script, the invoice is generated, but the amounts are incorrect
Scenario: One parent account has a paying parent bill unit. Each of the parent
account's two child accounts has a nonpaying child bill unit whose paying parent bill
unit is owned by the parent account. The ThresholdSubordsSummary and
ThresholdSubordsDetail business parameters are set to 0. The following commands
are run:
pin_inv_accts -pay_type 10007 -verbose
pin_inv_accts -pay_type 10018 -verbose
Solution: BI Publisher is set to create invoices for nonpaying child bill units. Whereas
the threshold business parameters setting in BRM is set not to create invoices for
nonpaying child bill units. BI Publisher and BRM are in conflict. To solve the conflict,
change the BI Publisher template to a nonbursting option.
See "Setting Nonpaying Child Bill Unit Processing in BI Publisher and BRM".
Error when running multiple trial invoicing runs for standalone accounts
Scenario: Unable to run multiple instances of trial billing on a standalone account.
Invoices are not created for the second run. The following commands are run:
pin_trial_bill_accts -pay_type 10001 -verbose
pin_trial_bill_accts -pay_type 10001 -verbose
Solution: As the trial bill number is the same for both trial invoices, BI Publisher is
attempting to collate each generated invoice for the final invoice. Include the script after each run to create a final invoice for each instance as follows:
pin_trial_bill_accts -pay_type 10001 -verbose
pin_trial_bill_accts -pay_type 10001 -verbose
The trial bill number is used to collate invoices in BI Publisher.
Chapter 11
Generating Invoices for Hierarchical Bill Units with BI Publisher
Storing the Invoice Document
You can store invoice documents in the BI Publisher Scheduler database. Oracle
recommends configuring a separate database, other than the BRM database, to store invoice
documents. See "Setting Scheduler Configuration".
Sending Invoice Documents to the Customers
After generating the invoice document, you can email it to the customers. To send the invoice
document through email, you must:
Configure the Scheduler database in BI Publisher. See "Setting Scheduler Configuration".
Configure the email server and FTP in BI Publisher. See "Configuring the Email Server".
Configure the delivery option that is retrieved from the /payinfo object. For more
information, see BRM Managing Customers.
Customizing Invoices
To customize the invoice layout, you should have template-designing experience.
See the BI Publisher documentation for instructions on how to create and design
layout templates.
You can use the following capabilities of BI Publisher to customize invoice documents:
Customizing invoice format: You can format the sample invoice layout templates or
create new invoice templates. See "Customizing Invoice Layout Templates".
Enriching invoice data: You can enrich the data that is displayed in the invoice by
getting data from various sources. See "Enriching Invoice Data".
Customizing Invoice Layout Templates
You can customize the invoice layout template by:
Updating the existing layout template file by using BI Publisher Desktop (Template
Builder) and Microsoft Word. For more information about updating the layout template in
RTF, see the discussion about creating an RTF template in the BI Publisher
Adding a new layout template file. To do so:
1. Create a new layout template in BI Publisher.
2. Create a new invoicing /config/business_profile object in BRM to reflect the
addition of the new layout template. See "Creating an Invoicing Configuration
Business Profile".
Chapter 11
Storing the Invoice Document
Enriching Invoice Data
After receiving invoice data from the BRM database, you might want to enrich the
invoice data with marketing messages, customer information available in a customer
relationship management (CRM) application, and special messages from the
accounting department. BI Publisher provides this functionality by retrieving data from
additional data sources.
The sample layout templates that are available with BRM-BI Publisher
invoicing integration package display data fetched from only the BRM
database. If you want to enrich your invoice document with additional data
sources, you need to customize the sample layout templates. See
"Customizing Invoice Layout Templates".
To enrich BRM invoice data:
The /invoice objects containing data in XML format should be present in the BRM
The additional data source must be configured in BI Publisher to enrich the invoice
data. See the discussion of setting up data sources in the BI Publisher
Configure data and bursting queries to fetch data from custom data source.
For detailed instructions on creating or updating BI Publisher reports based on
multiple data sources, see the discussion of creating BI Publisher reports based
on various data sources in the BI Publisher documentation.
Chapter 11
Customizing Invoices
Corrective Invoicing
Learn how to create corrective invoices and bills in Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management (BRM).
Topics in this document:
About Corrective Invoices
About Generating Corrective Invoices
Setting Up Corrective Invoicing in BRM
Generating Corrective Invoices
Adjustments and Corrective Invoicing
See also:
About Invoicing
"About Corrective Billing" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing
About Corrective Invoices
A corrective invoice is the invoice associated with a corrective bill. You generate a corrective
invoice after you make corrections to a bill.
Corrective invoices can be the result of simple corrections or corrections to charges.
Simple corrections to a bill consist of changes that do not affect the amount owed by the
customer, such as changes to the invoice address or to the language in the customer
Corrections to the charges result from corrections to product offerings and accounts
receivable (A/R) actions.
About Content of Corrective Invoices
Corrective invoices include the following:
Customer information, such as a name and address.
Previous bill information, such as the previous bill number, billing period, and previous
billing date.
Corrective bill information, such as the corrective bill number and the new payment due
Bill totals.
BRM supports the following types of corrective invoices:
Replacement invoices, which show the regular (unchanged) portion of a regular invoice
and all the corrections made to the invoice. The replacement invoice includes all bill items
and events from the previous invoice and any corrections to those bill items and events.
Additionally, it supports regenerate invoices (also known as duplicate invoices),
which are previously generated replacement invoices with no changes to the data
on that invoice.
Invoice correction letters, which list only the corrections as a letter for the customer
whose bill you corrected.
BRM can generate summary and detailed versions of replacement invoices and
invoice correction letters.
About Invoices and Billing Periods
You can issue multiple corrective invoices for a billing period. After BRM issues the
corrective invoice for a corrective bill, it cancels the original invoice for the bill and
processes subsequent payments against the corrective bills for that billed period.
Payments become due on the new due dates associated with the corrective invoice for
the corrected bill.
BRM does not carry over A/R actions that were included in a corrective invoice to the
next regular invoice. For example, an adjustment of $10 allocated to the November bill
period results in a corrective bill for November. BRM does not re-list the $10
adjustment details in the regular bill for December. BRM would list the adjustment
details in the regular bill for December only if the corrective bill for November did not
include the adjustment.
It is recommended that, when you generate a corrective bill, you should also generate
the corrective invoice for that corrective bill. A/R actions that occur between the time a
corrective bill and its corrective invoice are generated may lead to incorrect invoices.
If a payment is allocated to specific bill items on the original invoice, BRM processes
that payment against the latest corrected balance for the bill items. Any payment that
is in excess is automatically credited to the balance on the account.
When BRM processes payments for a bill before it issues the corrective invoice for the
bill, the corrective bill includes all the payment details for payments already processed
against that bill.
About Deferred Corrective Invoices
Whenever you make an adjustment to a bill, you also generate a corrective bill and a
corrective invoice. However, you can defer generating the corrective bill and corrective
invoice after the next regular billing and invoicing period. In this case, if you enable the
ARItemsInCorrectiveInvoice business parameter, adjustments are allocated to the
corrective bill and displayed only in the corrective invoice whenever it is generated.
You can generate the corrective bill and invoice in any billing period.
Chapter 12
About Corrective Invoices
Regular invoices do not display any adjustments allocated to other bills.
If you make an adjustment and if you have not generated the corrective bill and
corrective invoice for the bills, the adjustment will appear in the PREV_TOTAL
field of the next regular invoice.
Deferring corrective invoices is applicable only for accounts of open item
account type.
Configuring to Defer Corrective Invoices
To configure deferring corrective invoices:
1. Go to BRM_home/sys/data/config.
2. Create an XML file from the /config/business_params object:
pin_bus_params -r BusParamsInvoicing bus_params_Invoicing.xml
3. In the file, change disabled to enabled:
4. Save the file as bus_params_Invoicing.xml.
5. Load the XML file into the BRM database:
pin_bus_params bus_params_Invoicing.xml
6. Stop and restart the CM.
7. (Multischema systems only) Run the pin_multidb script with the -R CONFIG parameter.
For more information, see BRM System Administrator's Guide.
About Replacement Invoices for Hierarchical Bill Units
You can configure the replacement invoices for parent bills to include information from
nonpaying bill units (/billinfo objects) by setting the SubARItemsIncluded business
parameter. For information on SubARItemsIncluded, see the description for pricing and
rating business parameter entries in BRM System Administrator's Guide.
Detailed Replacement Invoice for a Parent Bill
If you include information from nonpaying child bill units, the detailed replacement invoice for
the parent bill contains the following:
The bill total and the bill due amount (or the balance) on the parent bill updated for
corrections made to the parent bill or to any nonpaying child bill.
Adjustment details of the parent and nonpaying child bills.
For corrected bill items associated with a nonpaying child bill, the corrected fields such as
previous amount and corrected amount.
A list of all events for the parent bill and the nonpaying child bills.
Chapter 12
About Corrective Invoices
If you do not include information from nonpaying child bill units, the detailed
replacement invoice for the parent bill contains the following:
The bill total and the bill due amount (or the balance) on the parent bill updated for
corrections made to the parent bill or any nonpaying child bill.
All bill items for the parent bill only.
Adjustment details for the parent bill only.
A list of all events for the parent bill only.
Summary Replacement Invoice for a Parent Bill
If you include information from nonpaying bill units, the summary replacement invoice
for the parent bill contains the following:
The bill total and the bill due amount (or the balance) on the parent bill updated for
corrections made to the parent bill or to any nonpaying child bill.
Adjustment items.
If you do not include information from nonpaying bill units, the summary replacement
invoice for the parent bill contains the following:
All bill items for the parent bill only.
Adjustment items for the parent bill only.
Detailed Replacement Invoice for a Nonpaying Child Bill
Whether you include or exclude items from the nonpaying child bill in the parent bill's
invoice, the detailed replacement invoice for the nonpaying child bill contains the
The adjustment details, if a nonpaying child bill had a correction.
For the corrected bill items associated with a nonpaying child bill, the correction
fields such as the previous amount and the corrected amount.
Content identical to the original invoice, if a nonpaying child bill had no charge
All the events for the nonpaying child bill.
Summary Replacement Invoice for a Nonpaying Child Bill
Whether you include or exclude items from the nonpaying child bill in the parent bill's
invoice, the summary replacement invoice for the nonpaying child bill contains the
All bill items for the nonpaying child bill, whether or not the nonpaying child bill had
a correction.
The adjustment details, if a nonpaying child bill had a correction.
For the corrected bill items associated with a nonpaying child bill, the correction
fields such as the previous amount and corrected amount.
Content identical to the original invoice, if a nonpaying child bill had no charge
Chapter 12
About Corrective Invoices
About Invoice Correction Letters for Hierarchical Bill Units
You can configure the invoice correction letters for parent bills to include information from
nonpaying child bill units by setting the SubARItemsIncluded business parameter. For
information on SubARItemsIncluded, see the description for pricing and rating business
parameter entries in BRM System Administrator's Guide.
Detailed Invoice Correction Letter for a Parent Bill
If you include information from nonpaying bill units, the detailed invoice correction letter for
the parent bill contains the following:
The bill total and the bill due amount (or the balance) on the parent bill updated for
corrections made to the parent bill or to any nonpaying child bill.
For event-level adjustments only, the corrected events showing the original and corrected
If you do not include information from nonpaying bill units, the detailed invoice correction
letter for the parent bill contains the following:
The bill total and the bill due amount or the balance on the parent bill updated for
corrections made to any nonpaying child bill.
Adjustment details for the parent bill only.
Summary Invoice Correction Letter for a Parent Bill
If you include information from nonpaying bill units, the summary invoice correction letter for
the parent bill contains the following:
The bill total and the bill due amount (or the balance) on the parent bill updated for
corrections made to the parent bill or to any nonpaying child bill.
Adjustment items.
Only the corrected bill items associated with a nonpaying child bill that has a correction.
For each correction, the invoice correction letter displays the previous amount and
corrected amount.
If you do not include information from nonpaying bill units, the summary invoice correction
letter for the parent bill contains the following:
The bill total and the bill due amount (or the balance) on the parent bill updated for
corrections made to the parent bill or to any nonpaying child bill.
Adjustment items for the parent bill only.
No bill items if no adjustment was made to the parent bill.
Detailed Invoice Correction Letter for Nonpaying Child Bills
If a nonpaying child bill does not have any corrections, BRM does not generate an invoice
correction letter.
Whether you include or exclude items from the nonpaying child bill in the parent bill's invoice,
the detailed invoice correction letter for the nonpaying child bill contains only the corrected bill
items. For each correction, the invoice correction letter displays the previous amount and
corrected amount. All adjusted events are shown.
Chapter 12
About Corrective Invoices
Summary Invoice Correction Letter for Nonpaying Child Bills
If a nonpaying child bill does not have any correction, BRM does not generate an
invoice correction letter.
For each nonpaying child bill with a correction, whether you include or exclude items
from the nonpaying child bill in the parent bill's invoice, the summary invoice correction
letter for the nonpaying child bill contains the following:
Adjustment items.
Only the corrected bill item associated with a nonpaying child bill that has a
correction. Each such corrected bill item displays the correction fields, such as the
previous amount and corrected amount.
How BRM Displays Manual Adjustments
BRM displays the adjustment details and corrected bill items for the manual
adjustments that you enter at the account, service, bill, item, and event level. For
adjustments at the event level, BRM displays the corrected events.
About Generating Corrective Invoices
To generate corrective invoices, you include corrective bills when you run the
pin_inv_accts utility. In addition, the pin_inv_accts utility automatically runs and
generates corrective invoices when you run the pin_bill_day script. The
pin_inv_accts utility can generate summary and detailed invoices for regular bills and
summary and detailed corrective invoices for corrective bills.
When creating a corrective invoice, the pin_inv_accts utility does the following:
1. Validates the input parameters to ensure that a corrective invoice can be
generated for the corrective bill. For example, it checks that there is a corrective
2. Generates the corrective invoice with all the invoice data from the bill, with the
account attributes and any additional data elements (for example new
aggregations) required to be displayed on the customer invoice.
For a complete description of how invoices are generated in BRM, see BRM Opcode
About the pin_inv_accts Utility Parameters
The pin_inv_accts utility is used to generate regular and corrective invoices. For a
complete description of the parameters associated with the pin_inv_accts utility, see
To generate corrective invoices, run the pin_inv_accts utility, provide values for the
parameters that are common to both regular and corrective invoices, and provide
values for parameters that are specific to corrective invoices.
Use the following input parameters when you generate corrective invoices:
-corr_bills. The -corr_bills parameter creates corrective invoices.
Chapter 12
About Generating Corrective Invoices
-corr_type type. The -corr_type parameter indicates the type of corrective invoice you
replacement generates a replacement invoice.
correction generates an invoice correction letter.
The pin_inv_accts utility uses the value input for -corr_type as the required type of
corrective invoice for the corrective bill. This value overrides any previous value for the
corrective invoice type.
-summary | -detail. BRM generates a summary corrective invoice if -summary
parameter is set. It generates a detailed invoice if the -detail parameter is set.
For both regular and corrective invoices, use -summary or -detail to generate the
respective summary or detailed versions of the invoice. If you do not specify either of
these parameters, pin_inv_accts creates a detailed corrective invoice.
For example:
pin_inv_accts -corr_bills -corr_type replacement -summary
The pin_inv_accts utility calls the PCM_OP_INV_MAKE_INVOICE opcode to generate the
invoice. For more information on the PCM_OP_INV_MAKE_INVOICE opcode, see BRM
Opcode Guide.
About Corrective Invoice Templates
BRM uses Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher templates to format corrective
invoices. If you plan to use BI Publisher to generate corrective invoices, ensure that you have
set up your system appropriately. See "Designing and Generating Invoices in Oracle
Business Intelligence Publisher".
BRM does not support versioning for corrective invoice templates. If you modify the
template for replacement invoices or invoice correction letters, BRM uses the
modified template.
Table 12-1 lists the default corrective invoice templates for corporate customers.
Table 12-1 Default Corrective Invoice Templates for Corporate Customers
Invoice Type
Default Template Report File
BRM_Corporate_Replacement_Invoice.rtf BRM_Corporate_Replacement_Invoice_Report.xdo
BRM_Corporate_Correction_Invoice.rtf BRM_Corporate_Correction_Invoice_Report.xdo
Table 12-2 lists the default corrective invoice templates for noncorporate customers.
Chapter 12
About Generating Corrective Invoices
Table 12-2 Default Corrective Invoice Templates for Noncorporate Customers
Invoice Type
Default Template Report File
BRM_Consumer_Replacement_Invoice.rtf BRM_Consumer_Replacement_Invoice_Report.xdo
BRM_Consumer_Correction_Invoice.rtf BRM_Consumer_Correction_Invoice_Report.xdo
Configuring Corrective Invoice Templates Based on Business Profiles
You specify the corrective invoice templates in the /associated_bus_profile object for
each bill unit. BRM determines the corrective invoice template type for each bill by
using the following fields in the /associated_bus_profile object.
PIN_FLD_TEMPLATE_NAME specifies the template name.
PIN_FLD_REPORT_NAME specifies the report name.
PIN_INV_TYPE specifies whether the invoice is for a regular bill or a corrective
After you enable the BRM-BI Publisher invoice integration, BRM associates each bill
with an invoice template. When you create a customer account, BRM creates one /
associated_bus_profile object for each bill unit.
Providing Custom Templates for Corrective Invoices
You can create custom templates in BI Publisher to suit your requirements. For
information, see the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher documentation.
To be able to generate a corrective invoice using a custom template for an account's
corrective invoices, specify the custom template name in the business profile for the
account in the pin_business_profile.xml file. If you use both replacement invoices
and invoice correction letters for an account, you need to define both sets of templates
for the business profile associated with that account.
Consumer Invoices: Specify the custom corrective invoice templates for
consumer invoices in place of the following default entries in the
pin_business_profile.xml file:
<InvoiceType type="RepInvoice" />
<NameValue key="RepInvoiceReport_Name"
<NameValue key="RepInvoiceTemplate_Name"
<InvoiceType type="InvoiceCorrLetter" />
<NameValue key="InvCorrLetterReport_Name"
<NameValue key="InvCorrLetterTemplate_Name"
Corporate Invoices: Specify the custom corrective invoice templates for
corporate invoices in place of the following default entries in the
pin_business_profile.xml file:
Chapter 12
About Generating Corrective Invoices
<InvoiceType type="RepInvoice" />
<NameValue key="RepInvoiceReport_Name"
<NameValue key="RepInvoiceTemplate_Name"
<InvoiceType type="InvoiceCorrLetter" />
<NameValue key="InvCorrLetterReport_Name"
<NameValue key="InvCorrLetterTemplate_Name"
About Corrective Invoices and Collections
Collections Manager processes bills by the POID value in the /bill object and not the bill
number, which differs for the regular bill and its corrective bill. Collections Manager uses the
POID value to keep track of the payments and the resulting effect on a bill (that is, whether
the bill enters, stays in, or exits collections).
When a corrective bill has been created for a regular bill not in collections, Collections
Manager checks the new bill balance against the threshold you defined for collection
eligibility. If the bill balance after adjustments goes above that threshold, BRM automatically
moves the corrected bill into collections.
When a prior bill is already in collections, BRM suspends actions on that prior invoice until the
corrections are entered and processed. After the corrections are processed, BRM generates
the corrective invoice and checks the new bill balance against the threshold you defined for
collection eligibility. If the new bill balance goes below that threshold, BRM automatically
moves the corrected bill out of collections.
For more information on Collections Manager and its pin_collections_process utility, see
the discussion on how Collections Manager processes bill units in BRM Collections Manager.
Corrective Invoices and General Ledger Posts
BRM posts the difference between the original and corrected amounts to the open general
ledger (G/L) period only. It does not post such adjustment amounts to the prior G/L period to
which the original amounts were posted.
For more information on general ledger, see BRM Collecting General Ledger Data.
Setting Up Corrective Invoicing in BRM
To set up the corrective invoicing process in BRM:
1. Ensure that all the preliminary configurations required for regular and corrective billing
are completed. See BRM Configuring and Running Billing.
2. Ensure that BRM is set up according to your requirements:
To use the default templates for corrective invoices, verify that BRM is set up with the
required templates to generate the required type of corrective invoice. See "Setting
Up Your System to Generate Invoice Documents Using BI Publisher".
To use custom templates for corrective invoices, verify that BRM is set up with the
required templates to generate the required type of corrective invoice. See "Providing
Custom Templates for Corrective Invoices".
Chapter 12
Setting Up Corrective Invoicing in BRM
3. Specify the required type of corrective invoice, if necessary. See "Specifying the
Type of Corrective Invoice".
Specifying the Type of Corrective Invoice
The /event/billing/corrective_bill object created by BRM contains the settings for the
corrective invoice type (replacement invoice or invoice correction letter) and the format
for the invoice (summary or detail). See BRM Configuring and Running Billing for more
You can override these settings when you run the pin_inv_accts utility. See "About
the pin_inv_accts Utility Parameters" and "pin_inv_accts".
Providing Custom Templates for Corrective Invoices
The default BI Publisher templates for replacement invoices or invoice correction
letters have been described in "About Corrective Invoice Templates". You can select
an appropriate corrective invoice template for customer accounts from the default
corrective invoice layout templates that BRM provides.
Alternatively, you can design a corrective invoice template to suit your business
requirements and associate that template with specific accounts.
If you plan to use custom templates for corrective invoices, do the following:
1. Create the required corrective invoice template. See the Oracle Business
Intelligence Publisher documentation for instructions on how to create and design
layout templates.
2. Load the custom invoice template into BI Publisher. See "Designing and
Generating Invoices in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher".
3. Modify the pin_business_profile.xml file to associate the name of this custom
invoice template with the default replacement invoice or invoice correction letter
template. See "Providing Custom Templates for Corrective Invoices".
For more information on pin_business_profile.xml, see "Designing and
Generating Invoices in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher".
4. Load the pin_business_profile.xml file into /config/business_profile objects in
the BRM database by using the load_pin_business_profile utility. See "Creating
and Managing Business Profiles " and "load_pin_business_profile" in BRM
Managing Customers.
5. Update the /associated_bus_profile objects for the modified /config/
business_profile objects by using the
Flist Reference for more information about this opcode.
6. Complete the steps listed under "Generating Corrective Invoices". When you
submit the corrective bill, set the corrective invoice type to the required type.
For information on designing and generating invoices in BI Publisher, see "Designing
and Generating Invoices in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher".
Generating Corrective Invoices
To generate corrective invoices:
Chapter 12
Generating Corrective Invoices
1. Verify that the required corrective bills have been generated:
a. Open Billing Care.
b. Review the contents of the corrective bills.
2. The required templates should be available. Verify that the templates are successfully
stored in the business profiles. See "Providing Custom Templates for Corrective
3. Run pin_inv_accts with the required input parameters to generate the corrective invoice
either automatically as part of daily billing or separately. See "About the pin_inv_accts
Utility Parameters". For a description of the pin_inv_accts utility, see "pin_inv_accts".
4. Use pin_inv_doc_gen to generate the corrective invoice documents through BI
Publisher. See "Designing and Generating Invoices in Oracle Business Intelligence
5. (Optional) If you plan to use custom programs (such as DOC1) to generate and publish
corrective invoice documents, run pin_inv_export with the required input parameters
and export corrective invoices to a file in a format you can use with other programs. See
pin_inv_export in BRM Developer's Reference.
Post-Processing Actions
After the corrective invoice is generated:
View the Corrective Invoice. See "Viewing Corrective Invoices".
Send the corrective invoices to your customer. See "Sending Invoices to Customers".
Viewing Corrective Invoices
BRM supports the BI Publisher client of the BRM-Business Intelligence Publisher Integration
framework for displaying corrective invoices.
For more information, see the description for displaying invoices in "Displaying Invoices".
Adjustments and Corrective Invoicing
Any account adjustments or service adjustments for a past bill must be allocated to the prior
bill before BRM generates the corrective bill for that bill. To ensure that the totals and
balances for the bill item and the bill correctly reflect the corrections, enter all adjustments
either manually or automatically through the rerating process before you generate the
corrective invoice for such a bill.
When it generates the corrective bill for such a prior bill, BRM includes all the A/R actions
applied or allocated to that bill. It does not enable you to select some allocated A/R items and
exclude others to be included in the next bill or the bill in progress.
The AllocateReratingAdjustments business parameter is used to specify whether BRM
should allocate automatic adjustments from rerating to original bills. When you enable
AllocateReratingAdjustments business parameter, BRM allocates adjustments to the
corrected bill items in the following manner:
For open item accounting, the adjustment items are allocated to each bill that was
corrected. And allocation is made to each of the original bills which included events or
items that were corrected by these adjustments.
Chapter 12
Adjustments and Corrective Invoicing
For balance forward accounting, corrections are posted to the last bill only.
Therefore, the rerating allocation is made to the final bill only. This final bill carries
over the balances for all prior bill periods.
The value of the subARItemsIncluded business parameter determines how BRM
displays the adjustments in the summary and detailed versions of a Replacement
Invoice or an Invoice Correction Letter.
Chapter 12
Adjustments and Corrective Invoicing
Improving Invoicing Performance
Learn how to improve invoicing performance in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management (BRM).
Topics in this document:
Improving Performance by Customizing Search Results
Improving Performance by Customizing Event Caching
Improving Performance by Removing Invoice Details You Do Not Need
Improving Performance by Customizing Search Results
By default, when generating invoices, BRM searches for all items and events in the database,
regardless of whether they are included in the invoice. BRM performs the following search
operations in steps, which means that it returns search results in blocks instead of returning
all search results at one time:
Searches for the /bill object to retrieve the account summary information such as the bill
number, billing cycle details, payment due date, and amount due.
Searches for items and events associated with the /bill object to retrieve billing
information such as purchase fees, cycle fees, and usage fees.
Searches for all A/R items and events associated with the /billinfo object to retrieve A/R
information such as adjustments, disputes, and refunds.
After the search operations are complete, BRM then categorizes the results and displays only
the specified events and items on the invoice.
You can improve performance by using the CM configuration file entries inv_item_fetch_size
and inv_event_fetch_size to change the number of items and events returned in a block of
search results.
1. Open the CM configuration file (BRM_home/sys/cm/pin.conf).
2. Change the value of the inv_item_fetch_size entry.
The default is 10000.
3. Change the value of the inv_event_fetch_size entry.
The default is 10000.
4. Stop and restart the CM.
To customize the search operation (for example, to search for specific items or to omit a
step), use the PCM_OP_INV_POL_SELECT policy opcode. See BRM Opcode Guide.
Improving Performance by Customizing Event Caching
You can improve performance by limiting the amount of information cached. However, when
retrieving information, it is quicker to read from a cached field than from the event table. To
customize event caching, you can change the fields that are cached, or disable event
By default, BRM caches the fields shown in Table 13-1. To change the fields that are
cached, use the PCM_OP_ACT_POL_SPEC_EVENT_CACHE policy opcode. See
BRM Opcode Guide.
Table 13-1 Cached Invoicing Fields
Field Description
PIN_FLD_AMOUNT The account balance impact. The value can be positive or
PIN_FLD_DISCOUNT The discount applied to the balance impact.
PIN_FLD_IMPACT_TYPE Balance impact type - rated by BRM rated-engine (0x1), pre-
rated (0x2), taxed (0x4), purchase order (0x8), re-rated(0x20),
and reverse_rated(0x40).
PIN_FLD_ITEM_OBJ Link to the item object affected by this event. Applies only to the
balance array element that impacts currency balances. (This
may be different from the PIN_FLD_ITEM_OBJ field in the
base /event object.)
PIN_FLD_QUANTITY The quantity applied. The number of units actually applied using
this charge.
PIN_FLD_RATE_TAG Description of the charge used. Same as PIN_FLD_DESCR in
the /rate object.
PIN_FLD_RESOURCE_ID Numeric value of the balance element that is impacted.
PIN_FLD_TAX_CODE Tax code for the charge used. When taxes do not apply, this
field is set to 0.
You can also disable event caching. To do so:
1. Open the CM configuration file (BRM_home/sys/cm/pin.conf).
2. Set the event_cache entry to 0:
- fm_inv event_cache 0
If this entry is set to any other value or is not present in the file, invoicing
assumes there is data in the event cache and produces invoices without
event details.
3. Save and close the file.
4. Stop and restart the CM.
Improving Performance by Removing Invoice Details You Do
Not Need
By default, BRM invoices include billing details, such as usage items, device details,
and tax totals, which helps customers understand the charges on their invoices. If your
Chapter 13
Improving Performance by Removing Invoice Details You Do Not Need
company does not offer telephony services or if your company does not want to publish
certain details on invoices, you can improve invoicing performance by configuring BRM to
retrieve only the invoice details needed.
To do so, you use a CM configuration file entry to specify the details to exclude from your
Exclude device details from invoices. Improves performance by configuring BRM to
skip the device search and the totaling of balance impacts per device.
Do not exclude device details if any of the accounts in your system contain
devices; otherwise, accounts with devices will have incorrect invoices.
Exclude tax totals from invoices. Improves performance by configuring BRM to skip
the aggregation of tax totals. Exclude tax totals only if you do not have tax in the entire
system and you will not perform A/R actions with taxes.
When you exclude tax totals from invoices, the Taxes and Surcharges line in
the invoice Summary of Current Charges section is set to 0.00.
Exclude package, bundle, and charge offer pricing details from invoices. Improves
performance by configuring BRM to skip the retrieval of package, bundle, and charge
offer pricing details from the BRM database. When you exclude that information, invoices
do not include package names, detail names, or Siebel CRM promotion names.
Exclude balance group details. Improves performance by configuring BRM to skip the
search for balance group details.
When you exclude balance group details, invoices do not include noncurrency
To improve invoicing performance:
1. Open the CM configuration file (BRM_home/sys/cm/pin.conf).
2. Set the inv_perf_features entry to the appropriate value:
- fm_inv inv_perf_features FlagValue
where FlagValue is a bitmap flag that specifies the details to exclude from your invoices.
Each bit position controls a specific feature. To use multiple features, you must OR the
bitmaps. For example, to exclude balance impact details, device details, and tax total
details from your invoices, set FlagValue to 0x00003010.
0x00000010 includes balance impact details from invoices.
0x00000800 improves search performance.
Chapter 13
Improving Performance by Removing Invoice Details You Do Not Need
0x00001000 excludes device details from invoices.
0x00002000 excludes tax totals from invoices.
0x00004000 excludes package, bundle, charge offer pricing details from
0x00008000 excludes balance group details from invoices.
3. Save and close the file.
4. Stop and restart the CM.
Chapter 13
Improving Performance by Removing Invoice Details You Do Not Need
Setting Up Invoicing on Multiple Database
Learn how to set up invoicing on multiple database schemas in Oracle Communications
Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).
Topics in this document:
Setting Up Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas
Running Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas One at a Time
Running Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas Simultaneously
Setting Up Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas
You can run invoicing in a multischema system in either of the following ways:
Run invoicing on one schema at a time by using one instance of the invoicing utilities.
See "Running Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas One at a Time".
Run invoicing on multiple schemas simultaneously by using multiple instances of the
invoicing utilities. See "Running Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas
Running Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas One at a
Running invoicing utilities on multiple database schemas one at a time requires that you edit
the invoicing configuration file each time you run the invoicing utilities. Perform the following
procedure before you run invoicing:
1. Open the invoicing configuration file (BRM_home/apps/pin_inv/pin.conf).
2. Change the value of the login_name entry to a database account in the schema against
which you want to run invoicing.
For example, to run invoicing using the account root., change the login_name
entry as follows:
- nap login_name root.
3. Save and close the file.
4. Run the invoicing utilities.
Running Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas
Running invoicing on multiple database schemas simultaneously requires that you
create parallel instances of the invoicing configuration files, each of which is
configured for a particular schema. Then, you run all instances of your invoicing
1. For each schema you want to run invoicing on, create a subdirectory under
For example, BRM_home/apps/pin_inv/db1 for schema 1, BRM_home/apps/
pin_inv/db2 for schema 2, and so forth.
2. Copy the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv/pin.conf file into each new subdirectory.
3. In each invoicing subdirectory, do the following:
a. Open the pin.conf file.
b. Change the database number in the login_name entry to a database account
that resides in the schema against which you want to run invoicing.
For example, to run invoicing using the account root., change the
login_name entry as follows:
- nap login_name root.
c. Save and close the file.
4. Run the invoicing utilities from the new subdirectories.
Chapter 14
Running Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas Simultaneously
Invoice Utilities
Learn about the invoice utilities provided with Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management (BRM).
Topics in this document:
Use this utility to load invoice data templates into the /config/invoice_data_map object in
the BRM database. You define the invoice data template in the BRM_home/data/config/
pin_invoice_data_map file.
For more information, see "Including Invoice Data from Custom Applications".
load_pin_invoice_data_map [-d] [-v] [-h] invoice_data_map_file
Creates a log file for debugging purposes. Use this parameter when the utility appears to
have run with no errors but the invoice data templates have not been loaded into the
Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.
To redirect the output to a log file, use the following command. Replace filename.log with the
name of the log file:
load_pin_invoice_data_map -v > filename.log
If a file with the same name exists, it is overwritten.
Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.
The name and location of the file that defines invoice data templates. The default
pin_invoice_data_map file is in the BRM_home/sys/data/config directory.
If you copy the pin_invoice_data_map file to the same directory from which you run
the load_pin_invoice_data_map utility, you do not need to specify the path or the file
If you use the default pin_invoice_data_map file name, you do not need to specify it
on the command line when it is located in the same directory as this utility.
The load_pin_invoice_data_map utility notifies you only if it encounters errors.
You must restart the Connection Manager (CM) to make new invoice data
templates available. See "Starting and Stopping the BRM System" in BRM
System Administrator's Guide.
Use this utility to generate regular invoices and corrective invoices. For regular
invoices, run this utility as part of your daily billing to create an invoice for each
account that is billed on that day.
For regular invoices, you typically run pin_inv_accts as part of
pin_bill_day, the daily billing script. If you run invoicing separately from
pin_bill_day, you must run pin_bill_accts before you run
pin_inv_accts. For more information on generating regular invoices, see
"About Invoicing".
For corrective invoices, run this utility after you have generated the
necessary corrective bills. For more information, see "About Corrective
For information on pin_bill_day, see "About Running the Billing Scripts" in BRM
Configuring and Running Billing.
Chapter 15
pin_inv_accts [-test] [-start startDate] [-end endDate] [-regen]
[-corr_bills -reg_bills -corr_type replacement|correction]
[-summary|-detail] [-pay_type id|-hierarchy|-file filename]
[-skip_blank_billnos] [-verbose] [-help]
Runs a test to find out how many accounts meet the criteria without performing the action.
The test has no effect on the accounts. This is most useful when run with the -verbose
-start startDate
-end endDate
Generates invoices for accounts whose billing cycle ended during the time period defined by
startDate and endDate, including the endDate.
If you do not specify an endDate, pin_inv_accts uses the current date. If you do not specify
a startDate, pin_inv_accts searches for all invoices that you have not already sent.
You can specify the date in either of two formats:
-N, where N is the number of days before the current date.
Regenerates previously created invoices in a different format.
To regenerate invoices within a specified date range, use the -start and ‐end parameters. If
you do not include start and end dates, pin_inv_accts regenerates all invoices in the
database that are not already stored in the specified format.
To regenerate invoices for nonpaying child bills in a bill unit hierarchy, run the pin_inv_accts
utility with the -regen and -hierarchy parameters. By default, invoices are regenerated only
for parent bills in a bill unit hierarchy and for paying nonhierarchical bills.
You can regenerate invoices only if you still have all the original /event and /bill
objects for the months you want to regenerate. If the balances are maintained
correctly in the /bill objects and are not updated, you can regenerate invoices.
Generates corrective invoices for corrective bills. The type of corrective invoice it generates
depends on the input for -corr_type. Additionally, whether the utility generates a summary or
detailed corrective invoice document depends on whether -summary or -detail parameter is
set in the input.
Chapter 15
If the -summary parameter is set, the pin_inv_acctsutility generates a summary
Replacement Invoice when the input parameter is -corr_type replacement and
a summary Invoice Correction Letter when the input parameter is -corr_type
correction. (As stated earlier, if you did not provide any input for the -corr_type
parameter, the pin_inv_accts utility uses the current value for the corrective
invoice type stored with the corrective bill.)
If the -detail parameter is set, the pin_inv_acctsutility generates a detailed
Replacement Invoice when the input parameter is -corr_type replacement and
a detailed Invoice Correction Letter when the input parameter is -corr_type
correction. (As stated earlier, if you did not provide any input for the -corr_type
parameter, the pin_inv_accts utility uses the current value for the corrective
invoice type stored with the corrective bill.)
Generates regular invoices for regular bills (that is, bills that have no corrections).
Generates summary invoice if -summary parameter is set; generates detailed invoice
if -detail parameter is set. If you do not specify any of these parameters,
pin_inv_accts uses -detail parameter.
-corr_type replacement|correction
Generates replacement invoices if the -corr_type replacement parameter is set, and
generates invoice correction letters if the -corr_type correction parameter is set.
If you do not specify any of these parameters, pin_inv_accts uses the current value
for the corrective invoice type stored with the corrective bill.
Generates summary invoices if the -summary parameter is set; generates detailed
invoices if the -detail parameter is set.
For regular invoices, if you do not specify any of these parameters,
pin_inv_accts uses -detail parameter.
For corrective invoices, if you do not specify any of these parameters,
pin_inv_accts uses the current value for the corrective invoice type stored with
the corrective bill.
If you generate both regular and corrective invoices in the same run, BRM
generates the same type of invoices (summary or detailed).
If you need to generate one set of invoices as summaries and another set of
invoices in detail, run pin_inv_accts twice, once for regular invoices and
once for corrective invoices.
-pay_type id
Generates invoices only for accounts with the specified payment method ID. If you do
not specify this parameter, pin_inv_accts generates invoices for all payment
Use one payment method ID from Table 15-1.
Payment Method ID
undefined 0
prepaid 10000
Chapter 15
Payment Method ID
invoice 10001
debit 10002
credit card 10003
direct debit 10005
smart card 10006
nonpaying 10007
beta 10008
internal 10009
guest 10010
cash 10011
check 10012
wire transfer 10013
payorder 10014
postal order 10015
voucher 10016
SEPA 10018
For example, to generate invoices for all bills paid by the check payment method, use this
pin_inv_accts -paytype 10012
For more information, see "About Payment Methods" in BRM Configuring and Collecting
Retrieves bills for paying bill units in which the bill's PIN_FLD_AR_HIERARCHY_SIZE value
exceeds the invoicing threshold and generates a separate invoice for each nonpaying bill
unit (/billinfo object).
See "Invoicing for Hierarchical Bill Units".
-file filename
Generates an invoice for each bill in the specified file. For example:
pin_inv_accts -file bills_020207
The file must be in pin_flist format, which is the internal BRM data structure. For
1 PIN_FLD_POID POID [0] /bill 26011 0
Chapter 15
1 PIN_FLD_POID POID [0] /bill 26091 0
For more information on the pin_flist format, see "About Formats for Storing
Excludes invoicing for nonpaying bill units that do not contain bill numbers.
Nonpaying bill units, which use the bill number of their paying parent bill unit, are
generated even when billing for the parent bill unit is suppressed. In such cases, they
will not contain bill numbers, which invoices require. Therefore, when bill suppression
is enabled on an account that owns a paying parent bill unit, and the nonpaying bill
unit threshold is exceeded (multiple threads are used to process the invoices),
invoicing fails because the parent bill number is not available. This parameter enables
pin_inv_accts to proceed without processing those bill units.
(Nonpaying bill units contain bill numbers only when their paying parent bill unit is
Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.
This parameter is always used in conjunction with other parameters and
commands. It is not position dependent. For example, you can enter -
verbose at the beginning or end of a command to initiate the verbose
parameter. To redirect the output to a log file, use the following syntax with
the verbose parameter. Replace filename.log with the name of the log file:
pin_inv_accts any_other_parameter -verbose > filename.log
Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.
When it is called internally by the pin_bill_day script, the pin_inv_accts utility logs
error information in the pin_inv.pinlog file.
Use this utility to create, deliver, and store invoice documents in the Oracle Business
Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher) Scheduler database.
After /invoice objects are created by running the pin_inv_accts utility, run the
pin_inv_doc_gen utility on the BI Publisher server to generate the invoice document.
Start the pin_inv_doc_gen utility by running the script on the server
running Oracle WebLogic Server. For information on the script, see
"Generating BI Publisher Invoice Documents in BI Publisher".
Set the infranet.dmsearchargs.size parameter in the
configuration file to the number of account and bill unit pairs the utility processes at
one time. The maximum value for infranet.dmsearchargs.size is 14.
Chapter 15
For example, if the InvoiceList.xml file lists 20 account and bill unit pairs, and
infranet.dmsearchargs.size is set to 6, the pin_inv_doc_gen utility processes six account
and bill unit pairs at a time.
For more information on generating invoices with BI Publisher, see "Designing and
Generating Invoices in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher".
Before running the pin_inv_doc_gen utility, save the BRM_home/apps/
pin_inv_doc_gen/ configuration file as
To connect to the BRM database, run pin_inv_doc_gen from the directory that
contains the configuration file.
BI Publisher supports multischema systems.
For more information, see "Configuring the File for
pin_inv_doc_gen with BI Publisher".
pin_inv_doc_gen [-accts_list InvoiceList.xml|-type [-consumer|-corporate]
[-schema SchemaNumber][-status pending|generated]
[-start startDate][-end endDate][-help]
You must specify at least one parameter. The parameters -accts_list and -type are mutually
exclusive. The parameters -status and -start, -end are valid only if included along with other
parameters. The parameter -schema is valid only with BI Publisher.
-accts_list InvoiceList.xml
InvoiceList.xml specifies the list of all the account and bill unit pairs for which an /invoice
object is generated and stored in the BRM database, and for which an invoice document is
not yet generated.
Specifies the type of account for which the invoice document is to be generated:
-type consumer generates a consumer account.
-type corporate generates a corporate account. For a corporate account, all the /
invoice objects of its child accounts that have nonpaying bill units (if they have a
separate /invoice POID) are selected for generating the invoice document. See
"Invoicing for Hierarchical Bill Units". However, the /invoice object of the child account
that has a paying bill unit is not selected for generating invoice documents of a corporate
Chapter 15
The -type parameter maps to the PIN_FLD_PARENT_FLAGS field of the /billinfo
object of the /invoice object. For consumer accounts, the
PIN_FLD_PARENT_FLAGS field value is 0. For corporate accounts, which own the
paying parent bill unit in the bill unit hierarchy, the PIN_FLD_PARENT_FLAGS field
value is greater than zero.
-schema SchemaNumber
(Valid only for BI Publisher 11g and 12c) Generates the BRM schema number, in the
format 0.0.0.n, for processing BRM invoices. For example,
processes the BRM invoices in schema
If the schema number is not specified, it defaults to
For more information, see "Configuring the BRM-BI Publisher Invoicing Integration to
Support Multischema Systems".
Specifies the status of the /invoice object for which the invoice is to be generated:
-status pending selects the /invoice objects for a document that has not been
generated. It selects /invoice objects with a status of 0 and generates documents
for them.
-status generated generates duplicate documents for invoices for a document
that has been generated. The duplicate document displays a Duplicate
watermark on the document. For more information, see "Generating Duplicate
Invoice Documents with BI Publisher".
-start startDate
-end endDate
Generates invoice documents for accounts or bill units whose /invoice objects were
created during the time period defined by startDate and endDate.
If you do not specify a start date, pin_inv_doc_gen fetches all /invoice objects with a
If you do not specify an end date, pin_inv_doc_gen uses the current date. The end
date cannot be greater than the current date. The end date specified is inclusive,
which means all /invoice objects created until 23:59:59 of the end date are selected
by the search query.
Specify the date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.
Use this utility to export invoices to a format you can use with other programs, such as
DOC1. This command-line utility retrieves invoices from the BRM database and saves
them as files.
You specify the format and directory for the invoice files in the invoice utility
configuration file. For more information, see "Exporting Invoices" and the instructions
in the invoicing configuration file.
The pin_inv_export utility generates file names automatically with an inv prefix.
Chapter 15
For nonpaying child bill invoices that are not consolidated into the parent invoice,
pin_inv_export creates a separate invoice file for each nonpaying child bill. The file
naming convention is:
For nonpaying child bill invoices that are consolidated into the parent invoice and
are exported as an individual invoice, the file name will not contain the parent
account POID. Instead, it will be in the format:
pin_inv_export [-start startDate] [-end endDate] [ -trial | -detail
filename] [-verbose] [-help]
-start startDate
-end endDate
Retrieves invoices for accounts whose billing cycle ended during the time period defined by
startDate and endDate, including the endDate.
If you do not specify an end date, pin_inv_export uses the current date. If you do not
specify a start date and an end date, pin_inv_export creates a file for every invoice in the
You can specify the date in either of two formats:
-N, where N is the number of days before the current date.
For example:
pin_inv_export -verbose -start 01/01/09 -end 01/10/09
pin_inv_export -verbose -start -10, sets the start date to 10 days before the current date
and the end date to the current date.
Exports trial invoices (/invoice/trial).
If a custom /invoice storable subclass exits, invoices of type /invoice/.../trial are
Chapter 15
-detail filename
Exports detailed invoices for the bills listed in the specified file. This parameter
overrides the PIN_FLD_INV_TYPE value specified in the /payinfo object associated
with the bill.
The file must be in pin_flist format and can contain any number of bills. For example:
1 PIN_FLD_POID POID [0] /bill 26011 0
1 PIN_FLD_POID POID [0] /bill 26091 0
For more information on generating a pin_flist file of bills, see "pin_inv_accts".
Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.
This parameter is always used in conjunction with other parameters and
commands. It is not position dependent. For example, you can enter -
verbose at the beginning or end of a command to initiate the verbose
parameter. To redirect the output to a log file, use the following syntax with
the verbose parameter.
pin_inv_export any_other_parameter –verbose > filename.log
where filename is the name of the log file.
Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.
Use this utility to email or print invoices depending on the delivery method specified in
a customer's account (Email or Postal).
You can configure the following behavior by editing the pin_inv_send utility's
configuration file (BRM_home/apps/pin_inv/pin.conf).
To set the maximum size in kilobytes of invoices that can be sent by email, set the
inv_send_size entry. This entry is used to restrict sending large invoices to the
Email Data Manager (dm_email).
To send individual nonpaying child bill invoices to the email address of the parent
A/R bill, set the send_sub_inv_2_parent entry.
The Email Data Manager must be running when you run this utility, even for printing.
For information, see "Sending Email to Customers Automatically" in BRM Managing
Customers and "Configuring the Email Data Manager for Printing".
For more information about sending invoices, see "Sending Invoices to Customers".
Chapter 15
pin_inv_send [-start startDate] [-end endDate] [pay_type id]
[-format_id id] [-v] [-h]
-start startDate
-end endDate
Emails or prints invoices for accounts with invoices whose billing cycle ended during the time
period defined by the startDate and endDate, including the endDate.
If you do not specify an end date, pin_inv_send uses the current date. If you do not specify
a start date, pin_inv_send searches for all invoices that you have not already sent.
You can specify the date in either of two ways:
-N, where N is the number of days before the current date.
-pay_type id
Emails or prints invoices only for accounts with the specified payment method. If you do not
specify this parameter, pin_inv_send emails or prints invoices for invoice payment methods
Use one payment method ID from Table 15-2.
Payment Method ID
undefined 0
prepaid 10000
invoice 10001
debit 10002
credit card 10003
direct debit 10005
smart card 10006
nonpaying 10007
beta 10008
internal 10009
guest 10010
cash 10011
check 10012
wire transfer 10013
payorder 10014
postal order 10015
voucher 10016
SEPA 10018
Chapter 15
For example, to email or print invoices for all bills paid by the check payment method,
enter this command:
pin_inv_send -pay_type 10012
For more information on payment methods, see "About Payment Methods" in BRM
Configuring and Collecting Payments.
-format_id id
Specifies the invoice's format. By default, pin_inv_send mails invoices in HTML
format. Use this parameter to use DOC1 format instead. The format ID can have the
values shown in Table 15-3.
Format ID
DOC1 3
Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.
This parameter is always used in conjunction with other parameters and
commands. It is not position dependent. For example, you can enter -v at
the beginning or end of a command to initiate the verbose parameter. To
redirect the output to a log file, use the following syntax with the verbose
parameter. Replace filename.log with the name of the log file:
pin_inv_send any_other_parameter –v > filename.log
Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.
Use this utility to load a list of the events that you want to include on invoices into a /
config/invoice_events object.
pin_load_invoice_events [-brand " 1"] [-eventfile
[-logfile logfile] [-reload] [-debug] [-help]
-brand " 1"
Specifies the root POID.
Chapter 15
The quotation marks are required.
-eventfile file
Specifies the path name of the event file. The events in the file should be listed one per line.
For example:
-logfile logfile
Specifies the full path name of the log file.
Reloads an existing /config object.
Logs the flist and detailed messages in the log file.
Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.
The pin_load_invoice_events utility should notify you that it was successful. If errors are
returned, look in the utility log file (default.pinlog) for detailed error messages. The log file is
located either in the directory from which the utility was started or in a directory specified in
the configuration file.
Use this utility to load the invoice template into the BRM database or to change the flag that
specifies whether to use an HTML template or an XSL style sheet for an existing template
For information about creating invoice templates, see "Designing Invoices".
pin_load_invoice_template [-brand " 1"] [-type template_type]
[-locale locale_string] [-template template_file]
[-usexsl] [-debug] [-logfile logfile] [-help]
Chapter 15
-brand " 1"
Specifies the root POID.
The quotation marks are required.
-type template_type
Specifies the template type. To use an HTML template, specify "HTML". To use an
XSL style sheet, specify a mime type, for example, "text/html".
The -template option must specify a file containing a template of the same
type you specify in this option.
-locale locale_string
Specifies the locale such as, en_US.
-template template_file
Specifies the full pathname of the template file.
Uses the XSL invoice formatting opcode. This option sets the PIN_FLD_FLAG field in
the /config/invoice_templates object to XSL style sheets.
Logs the flist and detailed messages in the log file.
-logfile logfile
Specifies the full path name of the log file.
Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.
Changing the Template Flag
To change the flag that specifies whether to use an HTML template or an XSL style
sheet, set the PIN_FLD_FLAGS field in the /config/invoice_templates object by
using this syntax:
For an HTML template:
pin_load_invoice_template -brand " 1"
For an XSL style sheet:
pin_load_invoice_template -brand " 1" [-usexsl]
Chapter 15
When the -usexsl option is not specified, an HTML template will be used.
The pin_load_invoice_template utility should notify you that it was successful. If errors are
returned, look in the utility log file (default.pinlog) for detailed error messages. The log file is
located either in the directory from which the utility was started or in a directory specified in
the configuration file.
Use this utility to associate bill units with an invoicing business profile. It searches the BRM
database for /billinfo objects with an empty PIN_FLD_ASSOC_BUS_PROFILE_OBJ_LIST
field and populates the field with an /associated_bus_profile object. See "Associating Pre-
Existing Bill Units with Business Profiles".
Before running pin_upd_assoc_bus_profile, you must:
Load invoicing business profiles into the database. See "Loading Invoicing Business
Profiles into the Database".
Enable the BRM-BI Publisher integration framework. This utility fails if you attempt to run
it when the BRM-BI Publisher integration framework is disabled. See "Enabling the BRM-
BI Publisher Integration".
The pin_upd_assoc_bus_profile utility needs the configuration file in BRM_home/
apps/pin_billd. This configuration file must be present in the directory from which
you run the utility.
Because pin_upd_assoc_bus_profile is based on the BRM multithreaded
application (MTA) framework, the configuration file also requires some
performance-related configuration entries. For more information, see "Configuring
Your Multithreaded Application" in BRM Developer's Guide.
pin_upd_assoc_bus_profile [-file filename] [–verbose] [–help]
-file filename
Specifies the name and location of the input file that lists the /billinfo objects to update. This
is an optional parameter.
Chapter 15
The input file should be in the following format:
0 PIN_FLD_RESULTS ARRAY [0] allocated 20, used 1
1 PIN_FLD_POID POID [0] /billinfo 37395 1
0 PIN_FLD_RESULTS ARRAY [1] allocated 20, used 1
1 PIN_FLD_POID POID [0] /billinfo 37488 3
Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.
Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.
Chapter 15